2. MOLECULAR MASS DISTRIBUTION (MMDs) FOR LINEAR CHAINS 2.1 2.2 2.3 The importance of MMDs Experimental measurement of MM and MMDs Mathematical description of MMD 2.3.1 Number distribution 2.3.2 Weight distribution 2.3.3 Distributions in Chemical Engineering 2.3.4 Moments of distribution 2.3.5 Continuous distributions 2.3.6 Analytic expression for MMDs 2.3.7 Useful mathematical tips 2. Molecular Mass Distributions MMDs for linear chains This section briefly describes why polymer MMDs are important. It then describes how MMDs can be measured and finally develops the mathematics used to describe both discreet and continuous MMDs. 2.1 The importance of MMDs Nearly all, but not recent Metallecene catalysed, commercial polymers have abroad MMD and many physical properties are sensitive to the molecular mass (or equivalently molecular length) of chain. a repeat unit of mm= m 0 r repeat units. r repeat units each repeat unit with molecular mass mo. Molecular mass of chain m = m0 r. mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 1 Chain needs to have r > ~ 100 before you can safely call it a polymer. You often need to have r > 100 before useful different properties develop. “ toughness” Polymer Polyol 20 100 repeat uni ts r What r do you choose? A classic Chemical Engineering compromise. Product Product quali ty increases with increasing r repeat uni ts r Process Ease of processing decreases with increasing r repeat uni ts r So you usually end up with a compromise. mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 2 M ~ 103 - 105 fast processing. Fibres, injection moulding. M ~ 104 - 106 slow processing. Extrusion. The fact that you have a MMD means that you can often tailor a particular MMD for a particular process and product function. A major manufacturer of bulk polymers such as BP Amoco might have ~ 100 different grades of polyethylene, each one having a different MMD. 2 . 2 The experimental measurement of molecular mass and molecular mass distribution There are a number of absolute methods of determining MMs (see Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemistry, if you are really interested). These methods include:a) Osmotic Vapour Pressure Depression b) Light Scattering c) Intrinsic Viscosity d) Electrophoresis The most common method used by the major commodity chemical manufacturers is Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). The principle of operation of GPC inject polymer soln at t=0 reference gel column Di fferential detector. IR,UV,Opti cal differential detector signal The Gel Gel column Short molecules pass slowly through gel due to Brownian motion Mass fraction with certain m long molecules pass quickly through gel polymer mmd calibration Elution volume mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk molecular mass m 3 2.3 Mathematical description Molecular mass of r mer m= mo r, where r = number of repeat units = degree of polymerisation of chain. Initially let us consider a discreet contribution of chain lengths. Let Nm = number of chains with a molecular mass of m (or equivalent Let Nr = number of chain with r repeat units). There are two (essentially) equivalent forms of presenting data. 2.3.1 Number distribution Plot Nm as ftn of m (or equivalently Plot Nr as ftn of r) monodisperse Nm addition Stepwise Molecular mass m Define number fraction xm = Nm ∑ Nm xr = Nr ∑ Nr If distribution is continuous. Nm = Nos fraction between m and m + dm Nmdm xm = ∞ ∫ Nmdm o strictly this should be mo, but integration from o easier. mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 4 We can also define a cumulative number fraction. m X= ∑ xm mo ≈ m ∫0 x m dm 2 . 3 . 2 Weight (mass) distribution Plot molecular mass, m Nm as a ftn of m (or equivalently, r Nr as a ftn of m) monodisperse M = Nm m m addition Stepwise Molecular mass m define weight (mass) fraction wm = Nm m ∑ Nm m wr = Nr r ∑ Nr r Weight fraction curve will be same form as above. Note Neither the number fraction or weight fraction curves are necessarily symmetric about a mean. Second Note We can present data in a number of ways. Number fraction xm as a function of mol mass m " " xr " " " of degree of polymerisation Weight fraction wm as a function of mol mass m " " wr as a " of degree of polymerisation mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 5 All are essentially equivalent! We can define a cumulative weight fraction W m W= ∑ wm ≈ mo m ∫0 w m dm 2 . 3 . 3 Distributions in Chemical Engineering. A slight digression Example 1. Exam results x Number of students σ Ni Marks We usually characterise the distribution by the mean and standard deviation. x = ∑ N i xi ∑ Ni mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk , σ = ( ∑ (x i - x) 2 ) 1 2 6 Example 2. Residence time distributions q E (t) V t =q / V q q q V V distribution not symmetric E (t) V t =q / V Example 3 Particle size distribution (PSD) Number of particles with size D - D + dD N (D) D Example 4 Polymers Number fraction weight fraction Xm Wm m m Distribution not always symmetric; so define moments µ i . µo µ1 µ2 = = = ∑ Nm ∑ Nm m 2 ∑ Nm m mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk DPo = DP1 = DP2 = ∑ Nr ∑ Nr r 2 ∑ Nrr 7 each moment has a different dimension 2.3.3 so define normalised moments Molecular mass averages Degree of polymerisation averages ∑ Nm m j ∑ Nm m j-1 ∑ Nr r j ∑ Nr r j-1 Mj = kg kmol Note simple linking DP j = M j = M o DP j The 1st moment j = 1. M1 = M n = Mn DP n ∑ Nm m ∑ Nm DP1 = DP n = ∑ Nr r ∑ Nr = Number average molecular mass = Nnumber average degree of polymerisation The 2nd Moment j = 2 N m m2 ∑ M2 = Mw = ∑ Nm m Nr r 2 ∑ DP 2 = DP w = ∑ Nr r Mw DP w = Weight average molecular mass = Weight average degree of polymerisation The z moment z > 2 Mz = ∑ N m mz ∑ Nm mz-1 So instead of "talking", about the whole distribution we often "talk about" M n and M w as a two parameter description of the distribution. mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 8 M M n M w Number fraction n M w weight fraction Xm Wm m m For example a commercial Polyethylene = = = Mn Mw M3 150,000 600,000 1,500,000 kg/mol 2 . 3 . 5 Analytic descriptions of MMDs Strictly MMD is discreet, but often assume continuous. ∞ ∫ Nm Then ex o Mn = m dm ∞ ∫ Nmdm o ∞ ∫ wm Mw = m dm see Ex sheet. o where wm is wt frac from m → m + dm. 2.3.6 Two "popular" distributions (a) "Most probable" w( m ) = m exp 2 mn mn m Many Stepwise Polymers model using this. (b) "Log normal" ( ln ( m / m' ))2 w( m ) = exp 1 β 2 ' 2 βπ m 1 mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 9 m’ β = = Mw = location of maximum Breadth β 2 ' m exp 4 ( Mw M z+1 = = exp β 2 2 Mz Mn ) Many additional polymerisations model using this. Stepwise Most probable is often good fit M M n M w Number fraction n M w weight fraction Xm Wm m m Addition log normal is often good fit M M n M w Number fraction n M w weight fraction Xm Wm m m M 3 > Mw > Mv > Mn Viscosity Ave Ratio Mw = Mn mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk Polydispersity index 10 if Mw = 1 Mn Mw ≈ 2 Mn Mw ~ 5 Mn Monodisperse typical for stepwise typical for addition 2.3.7 Useful notes for Tripos manipulation Worked example. Express M n in terms of the number fraction xm . Mn = ∑Nm m ∑Nm xm = Nm ∑ Nm Definition Definition manipulate xm to get xm in form of M n define. So Nm m ∑ Nm xm m = Take sum of both sides ∑ xm m = ∑ Nm m ∑ Nm This is a number and can be taken outside 1st ∑ ∑Nm m ∑ xm m = = M n QED ∑Nm Mn = ∑ xm m Now you show, Mn = 1 w ∑ mm mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 11 Summary. Why are MMD important? Can you define the number and weight average molecular mass without looking at notes? Can you express the above averages in terms of weight fractions? Can you define cumulative number and weight fraction in terms of r? Why do we use normalised moments? What other areas of Chem Eng, other than the ones already given, utilise/ need to be described by moments? mrm1@cheng.cam.ac.uk 12