AP BIOLOGY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2013 -2014 Text Book: Biology by Campbell, Reece, Mitchell ©2002 or 2008 by Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Stefanie.barkanic@timberlane.net and Colette.awad@timberlane.net Purpose: This assignment will allow students to become familiar in utilizing a college-level text to begin their study of Advanced Placement Biology. By completing this unit, we will be able to move forward quickly in order to complete the necessary curriculum by the May 2014 testing date. What the students need do: Read chapters 51 – 56 (8th edition) in the Ecology Unit portion of: Biology by Campbell and Reece, and do all of the following for each of the six chapters: 1. Preview the chapter and focus on: a. Key Concept:s (noted at the beginning of the chapter) b. Objective questions: Concisely answer the questions below. Get to the main point and don’t copy every sentence as you will use these as a study aid in preparation for the AP Exam. c. Vocabulary Term: Define the key terms below so that you understand their meaning.. Correctly use as many as possible while answering the objective questions. (You might want to make some type of vocabulary list or flashcards to use when you review for the AP Exam in May) d. Graphic:s (read the captions and see if you understand the figure) 2. Read thoroughly the Summary of Key Concepts at the end of each chapter. Remember no late work is accepted after the due date which is August 30th , 2013 Evaluation: These questions will be evaluated; and a -test on the material and key terms will be given within the first two weeks of school. The following is a list of required assignments to do over the summer. Be note which edition of the text you have been issued. Unit 8: Basic Ecology and Behaviors Title of Chapter An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere Behavioral Biology Population Ecology Community Ecology Ecosystems Conservation Biology 8th edition Chapter 52 6th Edition Chapter 50 Chapter 51 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Chapter 56 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 AP Biology Summer Assignment – Answer all on separate sheets of paper or in a composition book. PART ONE: This is due on August 30th. Answer the following questions as concisely as possible using key vocabulary terms. An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere: Chapter 52/50 Objectives 1. Define ecology and identify the two features of organisms that ecologists try to explain. Discuss examples of experiments that examine these features. 2. Distinguish between the abiotic and biotic components of the environment. 3. Describe the relationship between ecology and evolutionary biology. 4. Distinguish among organismal ecology, population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, and landscape ecology. 5. Define the precautionary principle and illustrate its usefulness with regard to the ecological issues facing society. 6. Describe the flowchart of inquiry used to determine what limits the geographic distribution of a particular species. 7. Describe the problem of introduced species and the specific problems posed by the introduction of African bees and zebra mussels. 8. Explain the "tens rule." 9. Explain how habitat selection can limit the range of otherwise suitable habitats. 10. Describe and illustrate biotic and abiotic factors that affect the distribution of organisms. 11. Explain how climate affects the geographic distribution of organisms. 12. Define and illustrate the concept of a microclimate. 13. Explain how the retreat of North American glaciers 16,000 years ago influenced the distribution of trees. 14. Distinguish among the various zones found in aquatic biomes. 15. Define and compare the many types of freshwater and marine biomes. 16. Describe the characteristics of the major terrestrial biomes: tropical forest, savanna, desert, chaparral, temperate grassland, temperate forest, taiga, and tundra. 17. Explain why the distribution of a species is often not easily accounted for. Chapter 52 key terms: Define so you understand their meaning abiotic components abyssal zone aphotic zone benthos biogeography biome biotic components canopy climate community coral reefs deep–sea hydrothermal vents detritus dispersal ecosystem ecology eutrophic intertidal zone landscape ecology limnetic zone littoral zone mesotrophic neritic zone oceanic pelagic biome oceanic zone organismal ecology pelagic zone permafrost population ecology population precautionary principle seascape thermocline tropics wetland benthic zone biosphere community ecology estuary landscape microclimate oligotrophic lake photic zone profundal zone turnover Behavioral Biology: Chapter 51 Objectives: 1. Define behavior. 2. Distinguish between proximate and ultimate questions about behavior. 3. Explain how genes and the environment contribute to behavior. Explain what is unique about innate behavior. 4. Define fixed action patterns and give examples in fish and humans. 5. Explain how mayflies are threatened by an inappropriate response to an environmental stimulus. 6. Describe the evolutionary basis for behavioral ecology. Explain why these adaptations may result in suboptimal behavior. 7. Explain why it is useful to use evolutionary principles as a guide to behavioral research. 8. Explain the optimal foraging theory and illustrate it with examples. 9. Explain how learning, maturation, and habituation influence behavior. 10. Define imprinting and explain the importance of the sensitive period. Illustrate these concepts using examples from bird song. 11. Distinguish between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. 12. Define play and describe several possible adaptive advantages of this behavior. 13. Describe the ultimate bases of learning. 14. Describe and illustrate with examples kinesis, taxis, landmarks, cognitive maps, and migration. 15. Explain the problems of defining and studying consciousness. 16. Define sociobiology and describe the development of this field of behavior. 17. Define agonistic behavior, dominance hierarchy, and territories; give examples of each. 18. Describe the typical circumstances associated with the defense of territories. 19. Describe the advantages of courtship. 20. Explain how parental investment influences the different mating behaviors of males and females. 21. Define and distinguish between monogamous and polygamous mating relationships and between polygyny and polyandry. 22. Describe how the certainty of paternity influences the development of mating systems. 23. Describe the various modes of communication. 24. Relate an animal's mode of communication to its lifestyle. 25. Explain how honeybees communicate information about the location of sources of food. 26. Discuss why altruistic behavior might evolve. 27. Relate the coefficient of relatedness to the concept of altruism. 28. Define Hamilton's rule and the concept of kin selection. 29. Define reciprocal altruism. 30. Describe the premise of sociobiology. Chapter 51 Key terms: agonistic behavior behavioral ecology cognitive ethology ethology Hamilton's rule kinesis operant conditioning play promiscuous sensitive period sociobiology altruism classical conditioning cognitive map fixed action pattern (FAP) imprinting landmark optimal foraging theory polyandry reciprocal altruism sign stimulus taxis associative learning coefficient of relatedness courtship foraging inclusive fitness learning parental investment polygamous reconciliation behavior signal territory behavior cognition dominance hierarchy habituation kin selection monogamous pheromone polygyny ritual social behavior AP Biology Weblab http://www.uccp.org/courses/APBioLabs/course/index.html Got to the above website and do lab 12. Please, make your observations and answer the questions on the printed lab sheets that are included in this packet. ******************************* Population Ecology: Chapter 53/52 Objectives: 1. Define the scope of population ecology 2. Define and distinguish between density and dispersion. 3. Explain how ecologists measure the density of a species. 4. Describe conditions that may result in the clumped dispersion, uniform dispersion, and random dispersion of populations. 5. Describe the characteristics of populations that exhibit Type I, Type II, and Type III survivorship curves. 6. Describe the characteristics of populations that exhibit Type I, Type II, and Type III survivorship curves. 7. Define and distinguish between semelparity and iteroparity. 8. Explain how limited resources affect life histories. 9. Give examples of the trade-off between reproduction and survival. 10. Compare the geometric model of population growth with the logistic model. 11. Explain how an environment's carrying capacity affects the intrinsic rate of increase of a population. 12. Distinguish between r-selected populations and K-selected populations. 13. Explain how a "stressful" environment may alter the standard r-selection and K-selection characteristics. 14. Explain how density-dependent factors affect population growth. 15. Explain how density-dependent and density-independent factors may work together to control a population's growth. 16. Explain how predation can affect life history through natural selection. 17. Describe several boom-and-bust population cycles, noting possible causes and consequences of the fluctuations. 18. Describe the history of human population growth. 19. Define the demographic transition. 20. Compare the age structures of Italy, Kenya, and the United States. Describe the possible consequences for each country. 21. Describe the problems associated with estimating Earth's carrying capacity. Chapter 53 key terms: big–bang reproduction demographic transition density intrinsic rate of increase life table negative feedback repeated reproduction uniform carrying capacity demography dispersion iteroparity logistic population growth population reproductive table zero population growth clumped cohort density dependent density–independent factor ecological footprint geometric population growth K–selection life history mark–recapture method r–selection random semelparity survivorship curve Calculating population Growth (Exercises) Using Chapter 53 on Population ecology and the equations for population growth for exponential and logistic models Do the following exercises: 1. Distinguish between exponential and logistic population growth. Give the equations for each. 2. What is carrying capacity? Why do populations fluctuate around some estimated value of K? 3. Using density independent growth do the following: start with an initial population (N0) = 5, K of 500 and r = 0.5, approximately how long does it take to reach K? What if you change r to r = 0.05? show your work. 4. Using continuous logistic growth, A population of deer with the following criteria; N(0) = 5, K=500, and r = 0.2. What will the population be after a year? Vary r to 0.5 and 1; Calculate the population size in a year for each of those values of r. Show your work 5. A population of Daphnia follows a logistic graph, if its N(0) = 5, K=500, r = 0.2, Calculate N at T=2 ? Change r to the following: 0.5, 1, 2, 5. Discuss what changes if any, would occur using T=2. What does this imply? Show your work. 6. A population of Spotted Fritillary butterflies exhibits logistic growth. If the carrying capacity is 500 butterflies and r = 0.1 individuals/(individuals x month), what is the maximum population growth rate for the population? (Hint: maximum population growth rate occurs when N = K/2). ***************************************** Community Ecology : Chapter 54/53 Objectives: 1. Explain the relationship between species richness and relative abundance. 2. Define and compare the individualistic hypothesis of H.A. Gleason and the interactive hypothesis of F.E. Clements with respect to communities. 3. List four possible specific interactions and explain how the relationships affect the population densities of the two species. 4. Explain how interspecific competition may affect community structure. 5. Describe the competitive exclusion principle and explain how competitive exclusion may affect community structure. 6. Define an ecological niche and restate the competitive exclusion principle using the niche concept. 7. Explain how resource partitioning can affect species diversity. 8. Define and compare predation, herbivory, and parasitism. 9. Relate some specific predatory adaptations to the properties of the prey. 10. Describe the defense mechanisms that evolved in plants to reduce predation by herbivores. 11. Explain how cryptic coloration and warning coloration aid an animal in avoiding predators. 12. Distinguish between Batesian mimicry and Müllerian mimicry. 13. Describe how predators use mimicry to obtain prey. 14. Distinguish among endoparasites, ectoparasites, and pathogens. 15. Distinguish among parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. 16. Distinguish between a food chain and a food web. Describe the factors that transform food chains into food webs. 17. Describe two ways to simplify food webs. 18. Summarize two hypotheses that explain why food chains are relatively short. 19. Explain how dominant and keystone species exert strong control on community structure. Give several examples of each. 20. Describe and distinguish between the bottom-up and top-down models of community organization. Also describe some models that are intermediate between those two extremes. 21. Describe how disturbances affect community structure and composition. Illustrate this point with several well-studied examples. 22. Give examples of humans as widespread agents of disturbance. 23. Describe and distinguish between primary and secondary succession. 24. Describe and distinguish among facilitation, inhibition, and toleration. 25. Describe the process and pattern of succession on moraines in Glacier Bay. 26. Describe and distinguish between species richness and relative abundance. 27. Describe the data necessary to measure biodiversity. 28. Describe and explain how species richness varies along the equatorial-polar gradient. 29. Define the species-area curve. 30. Explain how species richness on islands varies according to island size and distance from the mainland. Chapter 54 key terms: Batesian mimicry competitive exclusion principle dominant species endoparasites herbivory interactive hypothesis mutualism primary succession rivet model stability trophic structure bottom–up model ecological niche energetic hypothesis heterogeneity interspecific competition nonequilibrium model redundancy model secondary succession tolerate commensalism cryptic coloration ecological succession facilitate individualistic hypothesis keystone species parasitism relative abundance species richness Top–Down Model community disturbance ectoparasites food chain inhibit Müllerian mimicry predation resource partitioning species–area curve trophic level Ecosystems: Chapter 55/54 Objectives: 1. Describe the relationship between autotrophs and heterotrophs in an ecosystem. 2. Explain how decomposition connects all trophic levels in an ecosystem. 3. Explain how the first and second laws of thermodynamics apply to ecosystems. 4. Explain why the amount of energy used in photosynthesis is so much less than the amount of solar energy that reaches Earth. 5. Define and compare gross primary production and net primary production. 6. Define and compare biomass and standing crop. 7. Compare primary productivity in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. 8. Explain why energy is said to flow rather than cycle within ecosystems. Use the example of insect caterpillars to illustrate energy flow. 9. Define, compare, and illustrate the concepts of production efficiency and trophic efficiency. 10. Distinguish between energy pyramids and biomass pyramids. Explain why both relationships are in the form of pyramids. Explain the special circumstances of inverted biomass pyramids. 11. Explain why food pyramids usually have only four or five trophic levels 12. Define the pyramid of numbers. 13. Explain why worldwide agriculture could feed more people if all humans consumed only plant material. 14. Explain the green-world hypothesis. Describe six factors that keep herbivores in check. 15. Describe the four nutrient reservoirs and the processes that transfer the elements between reservoirs. 16. Explain why it is difficult to trace elements through biogeochemical cycles. 17. Describe the hydrologic water cycle. 18. Describe the nitrogen cycle and explain the importance of nitrogen fixation to all living organisms. 19. Describe the phosphorus cycle and explain how phosphorus is recycled locally in most ecosystems. 20. Explain how decomposition affects the rate of nutrient cycling in ecosystems. 21. Describe the experiments at Hubbard Brook that revealed the key role that plants play in regulating nutrient cycles. 22. Describe how agricultural practices can interfere with nitrogen cycling. 23. Explain how "cultural eutrophication" can alter freshwater ecosystems. 24. Describe the causes and consequences of acid precipitation. 25. Explain why toxic compounds usually have the greatest effect on top-level carnivores. 26. Describe how increased atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could affect Earth. 27. Describe how human interference might alter the biosphere. Chapter 55 key terms: acid precipitation autotrophs biomass detritus gross primary production (GPP) nitrogen fixation primary production biogeochemical cycles ecosystem heterotrophs trophic level biological magnification greenhouse effect net primary production (NPP) Conservation Biology: Chapter 56/55 Objectives: 1. Describe the three levels of biodiversity. 2. Explain why biodiversity at all levels is vital to human welfare. 3. List the four major threats to biodiversity and give an example of each. 4. Define and compare the small-population approach and the declining-population approach. 5. Describe the basic steps that are common in the declining-population approach. Describe the case of the declining red cockaded woodpecker to illustrate this approach. 6. Describe the conflicting demands that accompany species conservation. 7. Explain how edges and corridors can strongly influence landscape biodiversity. 8. Define biodiversity hot spots and explain why they are important. 9. Explain why natural reserves must be functional parts of landscapes. 10. Define zoned reserves and explain why they are important. 11. Define restoration ecology and describe its goals. Explain the importance of bioremediation and the augmentation of ecosystem processes in restoration efforts. 12. Describe the process of adaptive management. 13. Describe the concept of sustainable development. 14. Explain the goals of the Sustainable Biosphere Initiative. 15. Define biophilia and explain why the concept gives some biologists hope Chapter 56 key terms: biodiversity crisis landscape ecology population viability analysis (PVA) biodiversity hotspot minimum viable population size(MVP) zoned reserve conservation biology movement corridor Helpful Websites These are just a few of the many websites that you may want to use to help in your understanding of the material. Feel free to use any of these and if you find some better ones, please be sure to let me know so that I can add them to this list. 1. Tour of Biomes There are many different kinds of plants and animals on the Earth, but only certain kinds are naturally found in any particular place. URL: www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/biomes.html 2. Biomes The World's Biomes. This is an introduction to the major biomes on Earth. URL: www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/index.html 3. AZ Biomes URL: www.for.nau.edu/azproject/Biozone/biome.html 4. Biomes Major Biomes of the World. http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/intro.html 6. Biomes Scientists have developed the term Biome to describe areas on the earth with similar climate, plants, and animals. URL: ths.sps.lane.edu/biomes/index1.html 7. Sierra Club URL: www.sierraclub.org/ecoregions/ 8. Wetland, Forest & Other Biomes WETLAND, FOREST & OTHER BIOMES. BIOMES: "A major community of Living organisms; a complex of climax communities of plants and animals. URL: www.educationalimages.com/cg040002.htm 9. Biomes A site created as a resource for students taking a college-level geography class. With excellent information on various biomes, including photos and links to other sites. This module is part of the Virtual Geography Department Project and has been prepared for the Physical Geography Working Group of the Project. URL: www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/main.html 10. NatureServe. A database of information on over 50,000 species of plants and animals found in North America. Also included is information on 5,000 ecological communities.URL: www.natureserve.org AP Biology helpful web site: www.course-notes.org