Certlftcate No. M.o125 Blood teolod In NABL Accredll8d 'oborelory sdmh th8 hospItal that CQ..., ... . ... .- - ........ .fithlR~~~ I~- BLttD BANK SANTOKBA DURLABHJI MEMORIALHOSPITAL cum MEDICALRESEARCH INSTITUTE BhawanlSinghMarg, Jalpur - QJk ~ ~ ~ (J/)qjJa4 ~J ~ @k rff~ o/~. PlJnmyh«m o/Y~ Q9/~ cdPJJ#~ From 1973 to 2008, from a basic, blood bank facilityto a state-of-the art multi component blood bank and transfusion service, from 8% voluntary donations to 70% voluntary donations, from 10 units/day to 150 components/day, it has been a long journey, driven by zeal, compassion and a never-ending desire to be the best. Initially designed to meet the needs of in-house SDMH patients, the Blood Bank has, today, emerged as a multi-disciplinary speciality, catering to the entire state of Rajasthan. It has been a colossal team effort, inspired by the late Shri Rashmikant Durlabhji, who always dreamt of making this Blood Bank, a not-for-profit organisation, the best in the country. PJ>ad;. PJ>~ dIJ.. P/ladtmd:ant cfkY€UM<!I'oYlpntokk PlJw<laUit. PlJtI#laUit. dTnd (1.958-2007) My brother, Bhai (I never dared to call him Rashmi) had one trait I always admired -whenever he obsessed after something, he would not rest until it was achieved. This applied to the ICA (International Colored Gemstones Association which was his brainchild), the GJEPC (Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council, of which he was Chairman), the JJS (the Jaipur Jewellery Show which he dreamt up) and the Blood Bank (where he overcame every possible hurdle). He applied the same principle to taming a stubborn horse. But for this, SDMH would never have been built - he gave formto my father's dream, shape to my father's vision, cement to my father's concept. When it came to the Blood Bank, he wanted the best in the world - a state-of-the-art unit that had the best infrastructure and the best possible team. Second bestfor Bhal was never an option I In Dr. Sangal and his team, Bhai discovered people who not only shared his dream but were also willing to put it into practice. This shared vision between Bhai and Dr.Sangal, as well as the unqualified and unstinted support of a band of dedicated workers, culminated in the creation of the Blood Bank in 1973. This brochure, then, is a dedication to my brother, and also a tribute to the staff of the Blood Bank. May this spirit endure! Yogi Durlabhji AUHust 2008 and QF~ The Blood Bank was established in 1973, and since its inception, it was destined to reach great heights. Even in the initial days, we were testing for Hepatitis Band C which, only years later, became mandatory by law! The guiding principle has always been to provide quality care. It was Rashmiji's dream to make this Blood Bank a benchmark for all blood banks across the length and breadth of the country. In 2002, it became a public Blood Bank, which functioned round-the-clock to provide transfusion services to all the hospitals in the vicinity of Jaipur. At the same time, the Blood Bank also acquired the ultimate advancement in transfusion-'the component system'. This provides the specific component of blood to the patient which he requires, thereby maximising the utilization of a single, whole blood unit. 1 " From the start, we have kept abreast of all advancements in the functioning of blood banks. We were amongst the first ones to use gel technology to avoid delayed complications of blood transfusion. The Blood Bank is, today, equipped with fully automated, electronic cross-matching equipment which provides complete traceability, blood grouping, cross-matching and antibody screening. In 2002, the Blood Bank was shifted to its new premises in the Avedna Ashram. Besides improvements in techniques, efforts have also been made to enthuse and excite the people working there. The quality assurance and high performance resulted in the Blood Bank laboratory being accredited by NABL, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. This is the first such accreditation of any laboratory in Rajasthan. Earlier, a meagre 8% of all blood donations were voluntary.To improve thissituation,a committeewasformed. The Avedna Ashram also undertook the project of voluntary blood donations. This project was inaugurated by Dr. RA Mashelkar in February 2003. With more than 200 voluntary drives a year, now 70% of all ~'I ~J' ~J In keeping with the National Blood Policy of the government, and with the help of the National AIDS Control Organization, a curriculum was prepared to train technical supervisors in the Blood Bank. This has proved to be a huge success. Most blood banks in the state employ supervisors trained by our Blood Bank. It is no surprise that the Government of Rajasthan has entrusted the SDM Blood Bank with the task of providing training to the blood bank in-charges of all 32 districts of the state. We have started Plasmapheresis / Apheresis / Plateletpheresis. The Blood Bank has worked untiringly to scale enviable heights, This has been rendered possible by a dedicated team of like-minded individuals. WWJl up~ o To make our Blood Bank a 100% voluntary blood donor bank o To organize public awareness and education camps for blood donation and thalassemia o To create a unique platelet donor group o To introduce NAT testing for all blood units collected for the best quality products o Tomake the Blood Bank a quality assurance and training centre blood donated is voluntary. An airconditioned bus, which can accommodate four donors simultaneously, reachesdonorsat theirdoorsteps. 2 3 " ~ 1973 Inception of the Blood Bank 1994 Started HBsAg and HCV testing, even before it was made mandatory by law 1997 Started using gel technology (second in India) to avoid delayed transfusion reaction j - 2005 Project"Prayatna" taken up by "Blood the Lifeline" for eradication of, information about and education of thalassemia.Todate, more than 40,000 testshave been conducted, along~ith numerous awareness drives 2005 Awarded Institutional Award by ISBTI 2006 Awarded an Appreciation Award by Rajasthan AIDS Control Society for outstanding contribution 2006 Blood Bank was recognised as "Regional Blood Centre" by RSAC for the regions of Dausa and Alwar 2002 Shiftedinto new premises 2003 Changed from whole Blood Bank to component Blood Bank 2006 Tr~iningwas conducted for ICHAp,a Canadian - funded project for HIVtesting and counselling, and for IHAT 2003 Became a public Blood Bank, catering to several other hospitals of Rajasthan 2006 Established PCR lab in Blood Bank with the initiationof NAT testing I ) - 2003 Launched "Blood the Lifeline", a project undertaken by the Avedna Ashram for increasing voluntary donations 2007 2003 Upgraded ELISAtechnology to fully,automated chemiluminence technology, avoiding all manual errors and making the test more sensitive Entrusted by Government of Rajasthan to conduct training programmes for blood storage centresfor all 32 districtsof the state 2007 Upgraded apheresis facilitiesby adding one more unit and leucoreduction facilities 2004 Started Apheresis facilities 2007 Started HBCtestingof blood units 2004 Conducted RAPCONand integratedthe Blood Bank,Rajasthan 2007 Added Cobas Amplicor, an FDA approved unit for NATtesting in PCR laboratory 2008 Rrst installationof Techno Twin Station, a fully automated cross- Chapter to this conference 2004 2004 2004 Published a special edition of SDMJournal for "Rightblood to rightpatient at righttime" about the use of blood and its components j I I matching and grouping unit in India 2008 Started firsttraining course for technical supervisors in the country with the help of NACO in preparing the curriculum Launched a special, air-conditioned bus for mobile blood donations 4 Laboratory of the BloodBanktestingreceivedaccreditationfrom NABL(Departmentof Scienceand Technology,Government of India) 2008 Established first blood storage facility of our Blood Bank at Kailash Hospital, Behror 5 .' . c$and 6f "Pl3txd- tk~" pjJ~: ~ ~ The trustees of the Santokba Durlabhji Charitable Trust and the Avedna Ashram Trust have decided to ensure easy availability of blood and its components to the needy on a cost recovery basis or even free-of-cost . Names of Components D Whole Blood D Paediatric/Divided RBC Units D Packed Cells As a result, the" Blood - the Lifeline" project was born. D Fresh Frozen Plasma A core committee of like-minded individuals, opinion makers and professionals was founded. D D Platelet Concentrate i Old Frozen Plasma D Single Donor Platelet Concentrate D Cryoprecipitate Concentrate D All Components with Anti - HBc (Total)Tested D AllComponents with NAT (NucleicAcidAmplification Test)Tested l., Tests Performed D Blood Group ABO-Rh D Rh-Antibody Titre D Coombs DIRECT TEST D Coombs INDIRECTTEST D Cold Agglutination D HbA2 (Hemoglobin A2) Electrophoresis D Rh-phenotype and Kell (Antibodies Screening) D Complete Irregular Antibody Identification 6 At the first meeting of the core committee , the National Policy on Blood was discussed. It was resolved that this project would try to realize the aims and objectives of the policy, wherever possible, with the participation of the Blood Bank. Other activities were also identified: A. Voluntary donor motivation by way of lectures, demonstrations, publications etc. On this front, there has been steady progress. In 2002, when the Blood Bank was totally in-house, the total number of donors was 4,000 to 5,000 per year, and the voluntary donor percentage was about 8% to 10%. Over the years, the voluntary donors have grown; a stunning level of 70% voluntary donations has now been reached. B. Organizing blood donation camps. Tremendous work has been done in promoting voluntary blood donations. , "'ij , 'Blood. the lite A ProjectOf 'KSD AVEDNA ASH~Mf~f~i!JsiJ; ACTIVITIES 1. Voluntary Blood Donation Movement 2. "Prayatna"- Eradication of thalassemia -- 7 .. QJk @ecvmthat ~~ The "Blood- the Lifeline" project has launched a mobile blood bank. This has further encouraged voluntarydonations. Pl3hat'/~OJ/~ C. Human resource development for trained manpower in blood banking. The necessary infrastructure is .already available. The hospital is already running a recognized twoyear diploma in medical laboratory technology, and has a component- preparing blood bank. SDM has started recruiting successful DMLT candidates for this course. National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) has been helpful in setting up this course. inW ~ 11 ~ ~.pU.""."'" IIiS!IIIfIE 1'" MEMORIAL HOS OF tlAEUATO\.OGY AND fRAIISFU fOLIJ'IOATION STONE LAVING Smt. VASUN ~'HAR I " A ..,-1t::-=I. · ~;'JL~~j .a CN8fllllilioJ8f. . . Dr. Shubha Gupta D. 'Prayatna'- this project was taken up to eradicate thalassemia from the state; as of now, more than 40,000 persons have been tested and counselled. o ,-. --411II Dr. G.N. Gupta 8 " Team at WOrk ", , Blood Bank Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital cum Medical Research Institute, 1stFloor,AvednaAshram, Bhawani Singh Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur-302 015 (Rajasthan) India ~ ~ 91-141-2566251-258Ext.-407, 406 "'--9 91-141-2574189 -- 91-141-5110209 11"--11 e-mail: sdmhos@sanchar.net.in