MGMT304-940: Intro to Management Syllabus Instructor: Dr. Heath Keller BNAD students: A minimum final grade of ‘C’ is required in this course Contact information for this course (emails should be directed to the following addresses): Program Manager (Ann Pearson): Course Email: See course homepage TA Office Hours: See course homepage for TA office hours See lower left of course homepage for various informational “My Program Links” Required Text Title: Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World Author: Bateman, Thomas & Snell, Scott Publisher: McGraw-Hill Edition/Year: 10th Edition; Year: 2013 ISBN: 978-0-07-802933-2 This textbook is also available as an eTextbook through These books are accessible with various mobile devices. See the “We’re Mobile” section of the coursesmart homepage for the latest information on mobile devices. Other Materials Remote Proctor Refer to the Tutorials if you have questions about viewing the online lectures. Refer to the Student Program Agreement as needed Course Schedule Module Dates 1 Monday, Aug 19 to Sunday, Aug 25 Lecture Introduction Managing and Performing External and Internal Environments Managerial Decision Making Chapter(s) 2 Monday, Aug 26 to Sunday, Sept 1 Planning and Strategic Management Entrepreneurship 1 2 3 4 7 3 Monday, Sept 2 to Sunday, Sept 8 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility International Management 5 6 Organization Structure Organizational Agility 8 9 4 Monday, Sept 9 to Sunday, Sept 15 5 Monday, Sept 16 to Sunday, Sept 22 Exam 1 Human Resource Management Managing the Diverse Workforce 6 Monday, Sept 23 to Sunday, Sept 29 Leadership Motivation for Performance 10 11 12 13 7 Monday, Sept 30 to Sunday, Oct 6 Teamwork Communicating 14 15 8 Monday, Oct 7 to Friday, Oct 11 Managerial Control Creating and Leading Change Exam 2 16 18 Grading Activity Points Day Due* ** *** Introduction of yourself 10 Friday of Module 1 Concept Assessments 160 Sunday There will be 8 concept assessments (1 per Module) and each will be worth 20 points. (8*20 points = 160 points) Application Assessments 150 Sunday There will be 6 application assessments and each will be worth 25 points. (6*25 = 150) Integration Activities (Discussion) 60 As indicated in the module There will be 6 integration activities and each will be worth 10 points. (6*10 = 60) Exam 1 150 Monday of Module 5 Exam 2 150 Friday of Module 8 Total 680 * Assignments can be submitted before the due date within the current module ** Unless otherwise indicated, all activities are due by midnight. *** Exams will be proctored. Concept Assessments – Concept assessments are twenty question multiple-choice quizzes that will cover textbook content from each of the modules. There will be a concept assessment associated with every module, each worth 20 points. As the name indicates, concept assessments will be designed to address the basic concepts covered in lectures and the textbook. These “quizzes” will be timed and openbook and will be composed of questions similar to those that will be on Exam 1 and Exam 2. Application Assessments - There will be 6 application assessments. Application assessments will be completed in the form of an essay and require students to “apply” the knowledge gained from the content components (concept assessments, readings, instructor lectures) of the associated module. All application assessments are to be completed in traditional essay format. A “traditional” essay should include a minimum of 3 paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion); however, most (if not all) of the essays that are written for application assessments will require multiple “body” paragraphs to adequately and thoroughly complete the assignment. Application assessments should be composed in Microsoft Word and be no less than 2 and no more than 3 double spaced pages. Standard margins of 1-inch on all sides and 12-point font should be used. Refer to the grading rubric provided with each application assessment for specific grading criteria. Integration Activities (Discussion) – There will be 6 integration activities. The purpose and intent of integration activities are for students to identify and/or make connections with course concepts and their own personal or professional lives and with other courses within the curriculum. For integration activities, students will be asked to reflect and respond to discussion topics from the associated module. Discussion posts should be relevant and substantive as indicated in the Student-Program Agreement. Exams – There will be 2 exams. They will be closed-notes/closed book. The first exam will cover content covered in Modules 1-4, and the second exam will cover content covered in Modules 5-8. The exams will be multiple-choice and be composed of questions similar to (not necessarily the same) items in the concept assessments. Lectures and the textbook should be primary sources of preparation for the exams. Feedback - You can expect feedback on your course activities within 48 hours. Grades will be posted to the grade book (Grades menu item). If an issue arises that requires individual attention, an e-mail will be sent. Submitted papers will be uploaded to the submissions page with a graded rubric embedded. Please review these. If you need assistance in retrieving a graded submission, review the tutorial video “Navigating the Program Site” or FAQ (accessible via the “My Program Links” on lower left of your course homepage) or contact the Program Manager. Each Sunday evening, you will receive an email from your TA. Please read these and all emails from your TA or program manager. ¹ Southern Illinois University Carbondale. (2013). Pathways to Excellence: A Strategic Plan. The following has been adapted from Fall 2013 R.O’Rourke Syllabus Attachment Fall 2013 IMPORTANT DATES for the online undergraduate programs offered in the College of Business First 8 week courses: Registration: 3/18/13 - 8/13/2013 Full refund through 9/1/2013 Course Withdrawal (with “W” grade): 9/2/2013 - 9/22/2013 Final Exams: 10/11/2013 Second 8 week courses Registration: 3/18/2013 - 10/8/2013 Full refund through 10/27/2013 Course Withdrawal (with “W” grade): 10/28/2013 – 12/8/2013 Final exams: 12/13/2013 Last day to file diploma application (for name to appear in Fall Commencement program) ……………………………………….11/01/2013 Note: For outreach, internet, and short course drop/add dates, visit Registrar’s Academic webpage WITHDRAWAL POLICY ~ Undergraduate only Students who officially register for a session may not withdraw merely by the stopping of attendance. An official withdrawal form needs to be initiated by the student and processed by the University. For the proper procedures to follow when dropping courses and when withdrawing from the University, please visit INCOMPLETE POLICY~ Undergraduate only An INC is assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class assignments. An INC must be changed to a completed grade within one semester following the term in which the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first. Should the student fail to complete the course within the time period designated, that is, by no later than the end of the semester following the term in which the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first, the incomplete will be converted to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the student's grade point average. For more information please visit: REPEAT POLICY An undergraduate student may, for the purpose of raising a grade, enroll in a course for credit no more than two times (two total enrollments) unless otherwise noted in the course description. For students receiving a letter grade of A,B,C,D, or F, the course repetition must occur at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Only the most recent (last) grade will be calculated in the overall GPA and count toward hours earned. See full policy at GRADUATE POLICIES Graduate policies often vary from Undergraduate policies. To view the applicable policies for graduate students, please visit DISABILITY POLICY Disability Support Services provides the required academic and programmatic support services to students with permanent and temporary disabilities. DSS provides centralized coordination and referral services. To utilize DSS services, students must come to the DSS to open cases. The process involves interviews, reviews of student-supplied documentation, and completion of Disability Accommodation Agreements. STUDENT CONDUCT CODE SALUKI CARES The purpose of Saluki Cares is to develop, facilitate and coordinate a university-wide program of care and support for students in any type of distress—physical, emotional, financial, or personal. By working closely with faculty, staff, students and their families, SIU will continue to display a culture of care and demonstrate to our students and their families that they are an important part of the community. For Information on Saluki Cares: (618) 453-5714, or INCLUSIVE EXCELLENCE SIU contains people from all walks of life, from many different cultures and sub-cultures, and representing all strata of society, nationalities, ethnicities, lifestyles, and affiliations. Learning from and working with people who differ is an important part of education as well an essential preparation for any career. For more information please visit: MORRIS LIBRARY HOURS LEARNING AND SUPPORT SERVICES Help is within reach. Learning support services offers free tutoring on campus and math labs. To find more information please visit the Center for Learning and Support Services website: Tutoring : Math Labs WRITING CENTER The Writing Center offers free tutoring services to all SIU students and faculty. To find a Center or Schedule an appointment please visit AFFIRMATIVE ACTION & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Our office's main focus is to ensure that the university complies with federal and state equity policies and handles reporting and investigating of discrimination cases. For more information visit: Additional Resources Available: SALUKINET: ADVISEMENT: PROVOST & VICE CHANCELLOR: SIU ONLINE: “We emphasize student achievement and success because achievement and success are essential if we are to shape future leaders and transform lives.” ¹