BOWDOIN COLLEGE Colleges and Universities

Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Academy of Fine Arts-Warsaw, POL
Acadia University
Addis Ababa University
Adelphi University
Adirondack Community College
Agnes Scott College
AGRA University
Albany Medical College
Albany School of Law
Albert Einstein Medical College
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Alfred University
Allegheny College
Alliance Franc
Alliant International University
Alma College
Althouse College
American Academy of Dramatic Art
American College
American College of Switzerland
American Grad School
American International College
American School of International Mgmt
American University
American University of Guadalajara
American University-Beirut, LEB
American University-EGY
Amherst College
Andhra University-IND
Andover Institute
Andover Newton Theological Seminary
Andrews University
Ankara University
Anna Maria College for Women
Annhurst College-Connecticut
Antioch College
Antioch New England Graduate School
Antioch-School of Law
Aoyama Gakuin University
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College
Arcadia University-Pennsylvania
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Armstrong College
Asbury College
Asia Institute Management
Assumption College-Massachusetts
Ateneode Manila University
Atlantic University
Auburn University
Augsburg College
Augustana College
Australian National University
Babson College
Babson College-Grad School of Mgmt
Baldwin-Wallace College
Ball State University
Bandra College
Bangor Theological Seminary
Bangor University of North Wales-UK
Bank Street College-School of Education
Barat College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barozi Gustav Technical-HUN
Barry College
Baruch College
Bates College
Bates University-York UK
Bay Path College
Bay State Junior College-Business
Baylor University
Beacon College
Beal College
Becker College-Massachusetts
Beckley College
Beijing Foreign Language Institute
Beijing Medical University
Beijing University-CHI
Beirut University
Belknap College
Beloit College
Bemidji State College
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley College
Berea College
Bergen Community College
Bergen University-NOR
Berkeley Div
Berkeley School of Business
Berklee College of Music
Berkshire Christian College
Berkshire Community College
Berlin Technical College
Bethany College
Bethel College
Bihar University
Birmingham University-UK
Bishop's University
Bloomfield College
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bob Jones University
Bohal Provincial College of Nursing
Boise State University
Bombay University-IND
Boston Architecture Center
Boston City Hospital-School of Nursing
Boston College
Boston College Graduate School of
Boston College-School of Law
Boston State College
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Boston University
Boston University Metropolitan College
Boston University-Medical School
Boston University-Public Health
Boston University-School of Education
Boston University-School of Law
Boston University-School of Management
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University
Bradford Junior College
Brandeis University
Breadloaf School of English
Briarcliffe College
Bridgeport College
Bridgewater State College
Brigham Young University
Bristol Community College
Bristol University-UK
Bronx Community College
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College School of Law
Brooks Institute of Photography
Broome Community College
Brown University
Brown University-Medical School
Bryant & Stratton-Massachusetts
Bryant & Stratton-Ohio
Bryant College
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Budapest School of Fine Art-HUN
Buffalo State College
Bunker Hill Community College
Burdett College
Butler University
BVVS Engineering Sch-IND
C W Post College
Cairo University-EGY
Calcutta University
Caldwell College
California College - Podiatry
California Institute of Arts
California Institute Technology
California Polytechnic State University
California School of Psychology
California State Polytechnic University
California State University
California State University - Fullerton
California State University-Dominguez Hills
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Hayward
California State University-Humboldt
California State University-Long Beach
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University-Northridge
California State University-San Francisco
California State University-San Jose
California State University-Stanislaus
California West School of Law
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Calvin Bible Seminary-KOR
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cambridge University-UK
Canisius College
Cantro EsCollegear University
Cape Cod Community College
Capital University
Capital University-Ohio
Cardinal Cushing College
Cardozo School of Law
Caribbean Center for Advanced Study-PR
Caribe University-Medical School-PR
Carleton College
Carlow College
Carnegie Institute Medical Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Carroll College
Casco Bay College
Case Western Reserve Univ-Weatherhead
Schl of Mgmt
Castleton State
Catherine Booth School of Nursing
Catholic Medical College-KOR
Catholic University of America
Catholic University-Argentina
Cedar Crest College
Cegep de Chicoutimi - Quebec
Centenary College
Center for Creative Studies
Central Bible College
Central College-Iowa
Central Connecticut State University
Central Maine Technical College
Central Michigan University
Central NE College
Central State University
Central Washington State College
Centre College-KY
Chamberlayne Junior College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chandlers School for Women
Chapman University
Chase College of Law
Chatham College
Chattanooga State Technical CC
Cheng Kung University
Chestnut Hill College
Chiao Tung University-CHI
Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Chicago Medical School
Chicago State University
Chicago Theological Seminary
Children's Hospital Medical Center Nursing
China Medical University
Chinese Culture College
Chinese University-HKNG
Chong-Shin University-KOR
Christ’s College Cambridge
Christian Brothers University
Christian Medical College-IND
Chulalongkorn U-THAI
Chung Yuan College of Science & Tech
Chung-Hsin University - Taiwan
Citrus Community College
City College of New York
City College of San Francisco
City of London College
City University of New York
City University of New York-Baruch
City University of New York-Brooklyn
City University of New York-City College
City University of New York-Grad Ctr
City University of New York-Hunter Coll
City University of New York-Mt Sinai
City University of New York-Queens Coll
Claremont College
Claremont University
Claremont University-Graduate School
Clarion University
Clark University
Clarke College
Clemson University
Cleveland Chiropractic College
Cleveland StateUniversity
Colby College
Colby-Sawyer College
Colgate University
College Misericordia
College Notre Dame
College of Applied Science and Tech
College of Charleston-SC
College of Holy Cross-Massachusetts
College of Home Economics-Karachi
College of Law
College of Lifelong Learning-NH
College of Misericordia
College of Mt St Vincent
College of New Rochelle
College of NJ-Ewing
College of Notre Dame-Maryland
College of Osteopathic Medicine
College of San Marco
College of San Mateo
College of St Francis
College of St Rose
College of St Teresa
College of Technology-Dublin-IRE
College of the Atlantic-Maine
College of the Holy Cross-MA
College of the Holy Spirit-Philippines
College of the Redwoods
College of William & Mary
College of Wooster
Colorado College
Colorado Christian University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Colorado Womens College
Columbia College
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Columbia Junior College
Columbia Union College
Columbia University
Columbia University Teachers College
Columbia University-Arts
Columbia University-Barnard
Columbia University-General Studies
Columbia University-Grad Sch Arts & Sci
Columbia University-Graduate School
Columbia University-International Affairs
Columbia University-Journlism
Columbia University-P&S
Columbia University-School of Architecture
Columbia University-School of Business
Columbia University-School of Dentistry
Columbia University-School of Eng & Sci
Columbia University-School of Law
Columbia University-School of Library Sci
Columbia University-School of Medicine
Columbia University-School of Nursing
Columbia University-School of OccTherapy
Columbia University-School of Public Health
Columbia University-School of Social Work
Concordia University-CAN
Connecticut College
Converse College
Cooper School of Art-Ohio
Cooper Union
Copenhagen School
Corcoran School Art
Cornell College
Cornell Johnson School
Cornell University
Cornell University-Medical School
Cornell University-School of Law
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Creighton University
D’Youville College
Daemen College-NY
Dalhousie University
Dallas Theological Seminary
Danbury State College
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College-Med/Bus
Dartmouth College-Tuck School of Business
David Lipscomb College
Davidson College
Davis and Elkins College
De Anza College
Dean College
Defense Service Staff College
Defiance College
Delhi College
Denison University
Denver University
DePaul University
DePauw University
Dhaka Government College
Dhaka University Medical College-BANGL
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Dhaka University-BANGL
Dickinson College
Dickinson School of Law
DJ Science College-PAK
Doane College
Dominican College
Dong-Guk University-KOR
Douglas College
Dow Medical College-Karachi
Dowling College
Drake University
Drew University
Drexel University
Duke University
Duke University - Fuqua School of Business
Duke University-Medical School
Dundee University-SCOT
Dunwoody Institute of Technology
Duquesne University
Durban Institute of Technology
Durban University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Coast Aerotech
East Stroudsburg University
East Tennessee State University
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Eastern College
Eastern Connecticut State College
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Maine Technical College
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Montana College of Education
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon State College
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Eastern Washington University
Eastman Dental
Eastman School of Music
Eckerd College
Ecole de Commerce-FRANCE
Ecole de Travaux Publiques (Paris)
Ecole des Cadres
Ecole Normale
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Edinboro State College
Edinburgh University-CAN
Ege University-TUR
Ehwa Women's University
Ein Shams University
Elizabethtown College
Ellis Hospital School of Nursing
Elmhurst College
Elmira College
Elms College
Elon College
Elphinstone College-India
Embry-Riddle University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emory University
Emory University-Goizueta Bus
Emory University-School of Medicine
Empire State College
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Episcopal Divinity School
Episcopal Theological Seminary
Erasmus University-Netherlands
Evansville University
Evergreen State College
Ewna Womens University – South Korea
Fac Libre Med
Faculte de Droit-FRA
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fairleigh Dickinson-Madison
Fairleigh Dickinson-Rutherford
Fairmont College
Far Eastern University
Farmington State Teachers College
Fashion Institute of Technology
Fayeteville State University
Fenchia University-TAI
Fergusson College
Ferris Womens College
Finch College
First Medical College of Canton-China
Fisher Jr College
Fisk University
Fitchburg State College
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Institute Technology
Florida International University
Florida State University
Fontbonne College
Fordham University
Forsyth School of Dentistry
Fort Lewis College
Framingham State College
Franconia College
Franklin & Marshall College
Franklin College
Franklin Inst
Franklin Pierce College
Franklin Pierce Law Center
Free University-GER
Free University-HOL
Freie University-Berlin-GER
Friends University-KS
Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Frostberg State University
Fudan University
Fu-Jen University
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Fuller Theological Seminary
Gae-Myung University-KOR
Gallaudet College
Galt School of Nursing
Gannon College
Garland College
Gauhati University
Gen Theological Seminary
Geneva College
George Mason University
George Washington University
George Washington University-Sch of Law
Georgetown University
Georgetown University-Medical School
Georgetown University-School of Dentistry
Georgetown University-School of Law
Georgia Institute Technology
Georgia State University
Georgian Court College
Gettysburg College
Glassboro College
Goddard College
Golden Gate University
Gonzaga University
Good Counsel College
Gordon College
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Gorham State College
Gorham State Teacher's College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Government College
Government College for Women-Indiana
Government College Islamabad University
Governors State University-Illinois
Green Mountain College
Grinnell College
Grossmont College
Grove City College
Grummer School of International Bus/Fin
Guiling Medical College
Guiyang Teachers College
Gujarat University (IND)
Guntur Medical College-Indiana
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy College
Hahnemann Medical School
Hamilton College
Hamline School of Law
Hampden-Sydney College-Virginia
Hampshire College
Hampton University-Virginia
Hanyang University
Harper Adams Agricultural College-UK
Hart School of Music
Hartford Art School
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Hartford Jr College
Hartford Seminary Foundation
Hartford Technical Institute
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvard University-Divinity School
Harvard University-Graduate Sch of Design
Harvard University-Graduate School
Harvard University-Grd Sch-Arts & Sciences
Harvard University-Kennedy Sch of Govt
Harvard University-Medical School
Harvard University-School of Business
Harvard University-School of Education
Harvard University-School of Law
Harvard University-School of Medicine
Harvard University-School of Public Health
Harvey Mudd College
Hastings College
Hastings College of the Law
Haverford College
Hebrew Union College
Hebrew University-Jerus-ISR
HEC Lausanne
Heidelberg University
Helene Fuld School of Nursing
Helsinki University
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
Henry Abbott Technology
Heriot-Watt University
Heritage College
High Point University-North Carolina
Higher Institute of Economics
Higher Institute of Mechan & Electr Eng
Hiram College-Ohio
Hirorsubashi University
Ho Chi Minh University
Hobart College
Hofstra University
Holland College-Community College
Hollins University
Holy Cross College-IN
Holy Family College
Holy Names
Holyoke Community College
Hong Kong University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton College
Houston Baptist University-Texas
Houston Community College
Howard University
Howard University-Medical School
HuaZhong Institute of Technology
HuaZhong Teachers College
HuaZhong Normal University
Humber College
Humbolt University
Hunan Medical Scholle
Hunan Normal University-CHINA
Hungarian Acad of Industrial & Applied Arts
Hunter College
Husson College
Hyo Sung Women’s University
IADE Madrid
Ibadan College
Ibadan Medical School
Iliff School of Theology
Illinois College
Illinois College of Optometry
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Immaculata College
Incarnate Word College
India Institute ofTechnology-IND
Indian Institute of Management-Ammed
Indian Institute of Technology-India
Indian Statistical Institute
Indiana University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University- School of Medicine
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-Gary
Indiana University-New Albany
Indiana University-School of Law
Indiana University-South Bend
Ind-u.Handelskammer Han
Ind-u.Handelskammer Kobl
Institute d'Etud Polit-FR
Institute of IT-Riyadh
Institute of Paper Chemistry
Institute of Technology Monterrey-MEX
International Academy of Design and
International Christian University
International Trade Institute
International University-SWI
Iona College
Iowa State University
ISB University Rawaldindi
ISEGI-University Nova Lisboa
Ithaca College
Jacksonville State University
James Madison University
Jamestown College
Jeanne Mance
Jefferson College
Jefferson Medical College
Jersey City State College
Jewish Theological Seminary
John Carroll University
John Jay College
John Marshall College
John Marshall School of Law
Johns Hopkins University
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Johns Hopkins University-Intnl
Johns Hopkins University-School of Medicine
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson State College
Johnston College
Jordan Conservatory
Juilliard School of Music
Juniata College
Kagawa University
Kalamazoo College
Kaluga Music School
Kanas University
Kansas City College of Osteopathy and
Kansas State University
Karachi University
Kean University
Keene State College
Keio Gijuku University
Kennebec Valley Technical-Maine
Kent State University
Kenyon College
Keuka College
Kiev Polytechnic
King College
King Edward Medical College
Kingsborough Community College
Kingston Polytechnical Institute-UK
Kinnaird College-Pakistan
Kirksville College
Knox College
Kohnah Women's School-JPN
Korea University
Korea University Graduate School of
Kun-Guk University-Korea
Kunitachi Music College
Kutztown University-PA
Kye Myeng University
Kyonghee University
Kyung Pook National University-Med
L M College of Pharmacy (IND)
Laboure College
Lady Hardinge Medical College
Ladycliffe College
Lafayette College
Lake Erie College
Lake Forest College
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Lancaster University-U.K.
Lasalle College
Lasell Junior College
Laval University-CAN
LaVerne College
Lawrence University
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Lebanon Valley College
Lehigh University
Lehman College
Leiden University
LeMoyne College
Leningrad University
Lesley College
Lesley University-Massachusetts
Lewis & Clark College-Oregon
Lexington Theological Seminary
Life Chiropractic College West-California
Limestone College
Lincoln School of Law
Lindenwood College
Linfield College-Ohio
Linfield College-Oregon
Linkoping University-SWE
Lock Haven State University
Logan College of Chiropractic
Loma Linda University
London Academy Music/Dramatic Arts
London Business School
London School of Economics-UK
Long Beach City College
Long Island College
Long Island University
Longwood College-Virginia
Longy School of Music-Massachusetts
Loras College-Iowa
Loretta Heights College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles City College-Nursing
Los Angeles Pierce College
Louisburg College
Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University-Medical School
Lowell General Hospital School of Nursing
Lowell State College
Lowell Technological Institute
Loyola College
Loyola College Maryland
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University
Loyola University-Chicago Sch of Dentistry
Loyola University-Chicago- School of Law
Loyola University-School of Business
Lu Wan University
Luther College
Luther Theological Seminary
Lutheran School of Theology-Chi
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
M.R.M College - India
Macalester College
Macomb Community College
Madras University
Maharani Women's College-IND
Maine College of Art
Maine Maritime Academy
Maine School of Practical Nursing
Manatee Community College
Manchester Community College
Manchester University-UK
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Manila Central University
Mankato State University
Mannes College
Mansfield State
Marburg University-GER
Maria College-NY
Marietta College
Marist College
Mark Hopkins College
Marlboro College-VT
Marquette University
Mars Hill College-North Carolina
Marshall University
Mary Baldwin College
Mary Crest College
Mary Immaculate College-School of
Mary Washington College
Marycrest International University-Iowa
Marygrove College-Michigan
Maryknoll College
Maryknoll College-PHIL
Maryknoll Seminary
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marylhurst College
Marymount College
Maryville College
Marywood College
Massachusetts Bay Community College
Massachusetts College at Boston
Massachusetts College of Art
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Massachusetts General Institute of Health
Massachusetts General School of Nursing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Professionnal Psychology
Massasoit Community College-MA
Maxwell School of Syracuse University
McGill University
McMaster University
Medical College of Georgia
Medical College of Pennsylvania
Medical College of Virginia
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical University of South Carolina
Meerut University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Memphis State University
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy School of Nursing
Meredith College
Merrimack College
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Metropolitan College of New York
Miami University
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Middlebury College
Middlesex Community College
Military College of Engineering-PAK
Millersville University
Mills College-CA
Mills College-NY
Milsaps College
Mindanao State University-PHIL
Minneapolis Community College
Minsk Pedagogical
Mississippi State University
Missouri Institute of Technology
Missouri Valley College-Missouri
Mitchell College
Monmouth College
Monroe Communityy College
Montana State University
Montclair State College
Monterey Pn College
Montreal General School of Nursing
Moore College of Art
Moorehead State University
Moravian College
Morgan State College
Morningside College
Morris Harvey
Moscow Civil Engineering Institute
Moscow Institute of Physics and Tech
Moscow Institute of Steel/Al-RU
Moscow Institute of Transportation-RU
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Moscow State University
Mount Allison University
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Ida College
Mount Saint Josephs College
Mount Saint Mary College-NH
Mount Saint Mary College-NY
Mount Saint Vincents University-CAN
Mount Sinai School of Medicine-NY
Mount Union College
Mount Vernon College
MS University – Gujrat India
Muhlenburg College
Murray State University
Muskingum College
Mysore Medical College-IND
Myungji University
Nanjing University
Nanning Normal College
Nassau Community College
Nasson College
National Central University-TAIWAN
National College of Chiropractic
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
National College of Education
National College of Naturopathic Medicine
National Defense Academy
National Defense Academy-IND
National Devence College-PAK
National Film School
National Louis University
National Taiwan University
National University of Rosario-Argentina
Nation's University-MEX
Nazareth College Rochester
New Brunswick Theological Seminary
New England College
New England College of Optometry
New England Conservatory of Music
New England School of Acupuncture
New England School of Law
New Hampshire College
New Hampshire Technical Institute
New Hampshire Vocational Technical Coll
New Jersey Dental College
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Jersey Medical College
New Mexico Instit of Mining & Technology
New Mexico State University
New School for Social Research
New York Chiropractic College
New York City Community College
New York Institute of Technology
New York Medical College
New York School of Interior Design
New York Theological Seminary
New York University
New York University-Graduate School
New York University-School of Dentistry
New York University-School of Education
New York University-School of Law
New York University-School of Medicine
New York University-University Hts
New York University-Wash Sq-Sch of Law
Newbury College
Newcomb College of Tulane
Newhouse School of Communication
Newton College of the Sacred Heart
Newton-Wellesley Hospital-Nursing
Niagara University
Nichols College
Nicolaus Copernicus Medical Academy
North Adams State College
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University
North Central College-Illinois
Northern Conservatory of Music
North Dakota State University
North Park Seminary
North Shore Community College
North Texas State University
Northampton Community College
Northeastern College
Northeastern Junior College
Northeastern University
Northeastern University-Accounting
Northeastern University-School of Law
Northern Arizona University
Northern Essex Community College
Northern Illinois University
Northern Maine Community College
Northern Maine Vocational Tech Inst
Northern New Mexico Community College
Northern Virginia Community College
Northland College-Wisconsin
Northrop University
Northwest Light Industry College-CHINA
Northwest Nazarene College
Northwestern College
Northwestern University
Northwestern University-Kellogg
Northwestern University-Medical School
Northwestern University-School of Law
Norwich University
Notre Dame University-School of Law
Nova Scotia Teacher's College
Nova Southeastern University
Nowrosjee Wadia
Nursing College-TAI
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Oblate School of Theology
Occidental College
Odessa Institute of Technology
Ohio College-Pediatric Medicine
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University
Ohio State University-Dental School
Ohio State University-Medical School
Ohio University-Athens
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Olivet College
Ontario Veterinary College
Orange County Community College-NY
Oregon Health Sciences
Oregon State University
Osgoode Hall
Otsuma Wom University-JPN
Our Lady of Elms College
Oxford University
Pace University
Pace University-Law
Pacific Graduate Institute
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Oaks College
Pacific Union College
Pacific University-College of Optometry
Packer Jr College
Palmer College
Park College
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Parsons College
Parsons School of Design
Pathein College
Patna College
Patomic School of Law
Peabody School of Law
Penn State University
Penn State University-Medical School
Penn State University-Middletn
Penn State University-University Pk
Penn Valley Community College
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Pennsylvania College of Optometry
Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine
Pennsylvania General Hosp Sch of Nursing
Pepperdine University
Philadelphia College of Art
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Philadelphia School of Divinity
Philippines Women's University
Phillips University
Piedmont College
Pierce School
Pine Manor College
Pittsburgh University
Plymouth State College
Polytech Institute of Brooklyn
Pomona College
Ponstol University - England
Portland State University
Post College
Pratt Institute
Presbyterian College
Presbyterian Seminary
Prescott College
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College
Providence College-TAI
Punjab University
Purdue University
Purdue University-W Layfayte
Pusan National University
Queen Mary’s College-Madras
Queen Marys College
Queen's College
Queen's University
Queensland University of Technology
Quincy University
Quinnipiac College
Quinsigamond Community College
Radcliffe College
Radford College
Ramapo College-NJ
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Randolph-Macon College
Randolph-Macon Women's College
Reed College
Reeswood College
Reformed Theological Seminary
Regent Theological Seminary
Regents College
Regis College
Regis University-CO
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rider University
RI Jr College
RI School of Design
Ricardo Palma-PER
Rice University
Ricker College
Rijks Institut-Kortrijk
Ripon College
Rivier College
Roanoke College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockefeller University
Rockford College
Rockhurst College
Roger Williams College
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rosary College
Rosary Hill College
Rosemont College
Roxbury Comunity College
Royal College of Surgeons
Royal College-IRE
Royal Conservatory-BELG
Royal Institute of Technology
Rush Medical College
Russell Sage College
Rutgers University
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-Camden-Grd
Rutgers University-Douglass
Rutgers University-Grad Bus
Rutgers University-Livingst
Rutgers University-N Brun-Grd
Rutgers University-School of Law
RyksUniversity van Utrecht
Ryukoku University
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Salem State College
Salve Regina
San Beda College-PHIL
San Diego State University
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Ana School of Nursing
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College
Sayaji Rad University
School International Training
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of the Museum of Fine Arts
School of Visual Arts
Scranton University
Scripps College
Scripps Institute Oceanography
Seabury-Western Theological Seminary
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Sendai Shirayuri Junior College
Seoul National Educational College
Seoul National University
Seoul Theological Seminary
Seth Medical College
Seton Hall University
Shanghai College of Education
Shanghai Industrial College
Sheffield University-UK
Shenyang Medical School
Sherman College
Shieh Gien-CHI
Shimer College
SI Newhouse Public Community College
Sienna Heights College
Sierra College
Silesian Polytechnic Institute-POL
Simmons College-MA
Simmons College-School of Social Work
Simmons School of Library Science
Simpson College
Singapore Institute of Management
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock College
Smith College
SNDT University-India
Sofia University
So-Gang Jesuit University
Sonoma State University
Soo Chow University
Sophia University
South Dakota State University
South Texas College of Law
Southampton College
Southeast Oklahoma State University
Southeast Theological Seminary
Southeastern University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University
Southern Maine Technical College
Southern Methodist University
Southern Oregon University
Southern University-Baton Rouge
Southern Wesleyan U-SC
Southwestern College
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
Southern Maine Vocational Institute
Southwestern University
Spaulding College
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
Springfield College
Springfield Technical Community College
Sr Bngr Government College-IND
St Ambrose College
St Andrews University-UK
St Anselms College
St Bedes College
St Catherine's
St Clair College-Nursing
St Cloud State College
St Elizabeth School of Nursing
St Francis College-NY
St Francis School of Nursing
St Francis Xavier University
St George's-UK
St John Fisher College-NY
St John's Medical School-IND
St John's Seminary
St John's University
St John's University-Law
St Joseph's College-CT
St Joseph's College-Sri Lanka
St Joseph's School of Nursing
St Joseph's University-Lebanon
St Joseph's University-Pennsylvania
St Joseph's-IND
St Joseph's-Maryland
St Joseph's-ME
St Joseph's-NY
St Lawrence University
St Leos College
St Louis University
St Louis University-Medical School
St Luke's Hospital School of Nursing
St Mary-of-the-Woods College
St Mary's College-CA
St Mary's College-IND
St Mary's College-Michigan
St Mary's School of Nursing
St Mary's University
St Michael's College
St Norbert College
St Olaf College
St Peters College-IND
St Peter's College-NJ
St Raphael's School of Nursing
St Thomas College
St Thomas University-CAN
St Vincent's College
St Vincent's Hospital-NY
St Vincents School of Nursing
St. Bonaventure University
St. Godricks Secretarial College
Stamford Hospital School of Nursing
Stanford University
Stanford University-School of Business
Stanford University-School of Law
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Stanford University-School of Medicine
State University of New York
State University of New York-Albany
State University of New York-Binghamton
State University of New York-Brockport
State University of New York-Buffalo
State University of New York-Buffalo-Law
State University of New York-Cobleskill
State University of New York-Cortland
State University of New York-Downstate
State University of New York-Env Sci,For
State University of New York-Farmingdale
State University of New York-Fredonia
State University of New York-Geneseo
State University of New York-Maritime Col
State University of New York-New Paltz
State University of New York-Oneonta
State University of New York-Oswego
State University of New York-Plattsburgh
State University of New York-Potsdam
State University of New York-Stony Brook
State University of New York-Upstate
Stephens College
Stern School of Business
Stetson University
Stevens Institute
Stockholm University
Stockton State College
Stone Academy
Stonehill College
Stonier Graduate School
Suffolk Community College
Suffolk University
Suffolk University-Law
Suk Miung University
Sungshin Women’s University
SUNY Empire State College
Susquehanna University
Sverdlousk Medical School
SW Missouri State University
Swain School of Design
Swarthmore College
Sweetbriar College
Sydney University-ASTR
Sylhet Government College
Syracuse University
Syracuse University-Grad Ctr
Syracuse University-Law
Syracuse University-Utica
Temple University
Temple University-School of Law
Temple University-School of Medicine
Tennessee State University
Texas A & M University
Texas Christian University
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Texas State University
Texas Technological University-Med
Texas Western College
Texas Woman's University
Thayer School of Engineering
The Citadel
Thomas College
Thomas Edison State College
Thomas Jefferson University
Thunderbird Management
Tianjin University
Tirana University-ALB
Tohoku University
Tokyo University
Tokyo University of the Sacred Heart
Tong-Hai University
Towson State College
Towson University
Toyo Women’s Junior College
Trad Acupucture Institute-MD
Trenton State College
Trinity College - Dublin
Trinity College-CT
Trinity College-DC
Trinity College-IR
Trinity College-VT
Trinity Seminary
Trinity University
Trivandrum Medical College
Truman state University
Troy State University
Tsing Hua University
Tsuda College
Tufts University
Tufts University-Dent Med
Tufts University-Fletcher Sch
Tufts University-Med
Tulane University
Tulane University-School of Business
Tulane University-School of Law
Tulane University-School of Medicine
Tusculum College-TN
Tuskegee University
Taiwan University
Talladega College
Tampa University
Tanshui University
Tartu University
Teachers College
Technology University Poznan-POL
Tecnologico de MEX
Tehran University
UC College-Calcutta
Udaipur Medical College
Union College
Union Jr College
Union Theological Seminary
Union University
Union University, Albany Law School
United States Air Force Academy
United States Coast Guard Academy
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
United States Merchant Marine Academy
United States Military Academy
United States Naval Academy
United States Naval Postgraduate School
United States Sports Academy
United World College of American West
Unity College
Universidad Autonomo de Santo Domingo
Universidad de Antioquia
Universidad de Chile
Universidad de Modellin
Universidad del Norte
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredi
Universidade de Sao Paulo
University Catholique-Louvain
University Catolica de Chile
University Centr de VZ
University Claude-Bernard-FRA
University College-Cork-IRE
University College-London-UK
University de Clermont
University de Grenoble-FRA
University de los Andes
University de Paris-FRA
University de Salamanca
University Feminina Guadalahara
University Iberoamericana
University Jammu/Kashmir
University LaSalle-Columbia, SA
University M San Andres-BOL
University Medical Dental-NJ
University Nacional Auton-MEX
University Nacionl-College
University of Aarhus
University of Aberdeen
University of Adelaide
University of Akron
University of Alabama-Birmhm-Bus
University of Alabama-Genl/Law
University of Alabama-Medical School
University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
University of Alaska
University of Alberta
University of Albuquerque
University of Amsterdam
University of AR
University of Architecture and ConstructionSophia
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas/Fayetteville-Busines
University of Athens
University of Baghdad-IRN
University of Baltimore
University of Bangalore
University of Basel
University of Bath
University of Belgrade-YU
University of Berne
University of Birmingham-UK
University of Bologna-ITA
Page 8 of 11
Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
University of Bonn-GER
University of Bremen
University of Bridgeport
University of Brighton
University of British Columbia
University of Brussels
University of Buenos Aires
University of Calgary-CAN
University of California
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Davis
University of California-Davis-Law
University of California-Davis-Med
University of California-Dental School
University of California-Hastings-Law
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Irvine-Med
University of California-Los Angeles
University of California-Los Angeles-Med
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Sacramento
University of California-San Diego
University of California-San Fran
University of California-San Fran-Med
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz
University of Cape Town
University of Catania-ITA
University of Central Florida
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Chicago
University of Chicago-Law
University of Chicago-Med/Pritzker
University of Chile
University of Chittagong
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati-Med
University of CO
University of CO-Boulder
University of CO-Boulder-Law
University of CO-Cape Breton
University of CO-Denver
University of Cologne
University of Colombo-Sri Lanka
University of ColoradoHealth Sciences
University of Colorado-Law School
University of Colorado-Medical Center
University of Copenhagen
University of CT
University of CT-Med
University of CT-School of Social Work
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Delaware-School of Law
University of Denver
University of Detroit
University of Detroit-Mercy
University of Dijon-FRA
University of Edinburgh
University of El Salvador
University of English and Tech-PAKISTAN
University of Essen-GER
University of Essex-UK
University of Florida
University of Florida-School of Medicine
University of Fluminense
University of Forestry-HNG
University of Frankfurt
University of Freiburg
University of Fribourg-SWI
University of Geneva
University of Georgia
University of Goteborg-SWEDEN
University of Gottingen
University of Grenoble
University of Groningen
University of Guanajuato
University of Guelph
University of Hamburg
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii-Manoa
University of Heidelberg
University of Houston
University of Iceland
University of Idaho
University of Illinois
University of Illinois-Chicago
University of Illinois-Med Sci/Psych
University of Illinois-Medical School
University of Illinois-Urbana School of Law
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
University of Indonesia
University of Innsbruck
University of Iowa
University of Kabul-AFGN
University of Kansa-Medical School
University of Kansas
University of Kent
University of Kentucky
University of Kerala-IND
University of Lancaster-UK
University of Lisbon-POR
University of Ljublana
University of London-UK
University of Louisville
University of Louisville-Med
University of Lund
University of Madras-IND
University of Madrid
University of Madrid-SPN
University of Maine
University of Maine- Fort Kent
University of Maine-Augusta
University of Maine-Bangor
University of Maine-Farmington
University of Maine-Graduate College
University of Maine-Machias
University of Maine-Portland
University of Maine-Presque Isle
University of Maine-School of Law
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
University of Maryland
University of Maryland-Baltimore Cy
University of Maryland-Berlin
University of Maryland-College Pk
University of Maryland-Dental
University of Maryland-Eastern Shr
University of Maryland-Medical School
University of Maryland-School of Law
University of Maryland-Smith Bus
University of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Massachusetts-Med Sch
University of Massachusetts-Stockbridge
University of Medallyn-College
University of Melbourne
University of Memphis
University of Mexico
University of Miami-Florida
University of Miami-Law
University of Michigan
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Medical School
University of Michigan-School of Law
University of Milan
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Medical School
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis
University of Mississippi
University of Mississippi-Jackson Med Sch
University of Missouri
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Missouri-Columbia-Med
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-Kansas Cy-Med
University of Moncton-FRA
University of Montana
University of Monterrey-MEX
University of Montreal
University of Munich
University of Nairobi
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska-Medical School
University of Nebraska-Omaha
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
University of Nevada-Reno
University of New Brunswick
University of New England
University of New England-Medical School
University of New England-Westbrook Campus
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of New Mexico - Med School
University of New Orleans
University of New South Wales
University of New York-UK
University of Newcastle-UK
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
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Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
University of North Carolina-Greensboro
University of North Carolina-Med School
University of North Dakota
University of North Texas
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Illinois
University of Northern Iowa
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma - Arts and Sciences
University of Oklahoma-Norman
University of Oregon
University of Oregon-Eugene
University of Oregon-Portland-Dentistry
University of Oregon-Portland-Med School
University of Oslo
University of Otago-NZ
University of Ottawa
University of Pacific
University of Paris
University of Pavia
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania-Annenberg Com
University of Pennsylvania-Dent Med
University of Pennsylvania-Education
University of Pennsylvania-Medical School
University of Pennsylvania-Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania-School of Law
University of Pennsylvania-Shippensburg
University of Pennsylvania-Veterinary Sch
University of Pennsylvania-Wharton School
University of Peshawar
University of Phnom Penh-CAMB
University of Phoenix
University of Pittsburgh
University of Portland-Oregon
University of Prince Edward Island
University of Puerto Rico
University of Puget Sound
University of Punjab-Law
University of Queensland
University of Ranchi
University of Reading
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Rochester-Medical School
University of Sabana-Bogota-College
University of Saigon
University of San Francisco
University of Santa Clara
University of Sarajevo-YU
University of Sarajevo-YUG
University of Saskatchewan
University of Science & Tech-Bejing-CHI
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of Southern California
University of Southern California-Andsn
University of Southern California-Dentistry
University of Southern California-Law
University of Southern California-Med
University of Southern Florida
University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Maine-Muskie
University of Southern Mississippi
University of Sri Lanka
University of St Andrews-SCOT
University of St Thomas
University of Stockholm
University of Strasburg
University of Sussex-UK
University of Sydney-ASTR
University of Technology-Vietnam
University of Tel Aviv
University of Tennessee
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
University of Tennessee-Law
University of Texas
University of Texas SW
University of Texas-Austin
University of Texas-Bio Medical Science
University of Texas-Dallas
University of Texas-Dental
University of Texas-El Paso
University of Texas-Galveston
University of Texas-HSCD
University of Texas-Permian Basin
University of Texas-San Antonio Health
University of the Americas
University of the East-PHL
University of the Pacific
University of the Philippines
University of the South
University of the West Indies
University of Tilberg
University of Toledo
University of Toledo-Law
University of Toronto
University of Trondheim
University of Tuebingen
University of Tulsa
University of Tuzla-YU
University of Ulster-UK
University of Uruguay
University of Utah
University of Utah-Medical School
University of Utrecht
University of Vermont
University of Vermont - Medical School
University of Vienna
University of Virginia
University of Virginia-Community College
University of Virginia-Medical School
University of Virginia-School of Law
University of Wales
University of Warwick
University of Washington
University of Washington-Medical School
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
University of Waterloo
University of West Australia
University of West Florida
University of West Ontario
University of West Virginia
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Pt
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Waukesha
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming
University of Zurich
University Salvador-Buenos Aires
University Santo Tomas
Uppsala University
Upstate Medical University
Ursinus College
USAF Community College
USAF Institute Technical
Usmania University
Utah State
Valdosta State University
Valparaiso University
VA-MD Regular College of Veterinary Med
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University-Medical School
Vanderbilt University-Peabody College
Vassar College
Vellore Medical College
Ventura College
Vermilion Community College-Minnesota
Vermont College
Vermont School of Law
Vermont Technical College
Victoria U-Manchtr UK
Vienna Conservatory of Music-AUS
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Technical
Virginia Theological Seminary
VM College-Rajkot
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf Institute
Wang Institute
Waseda University
Washburn University
Page 10 of 11
Colleges and Universities
(In Alpha Order – 4/06)
Washington & Jefferson
Washington & Lee University
Washington College
Washington State University
Washington University
Washington University-Medical School
Wayne State University
Wayne State University-Medical School
Waynesburg College
Webb Institute
Weber State University
Webster University
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesley Theological Seminary
Wesleyan College-Georgia
Wesleyan University
West Heath Nursing School
West Virginia Northern Community Coll
Westchester Community College
Westchester University
Western Carolina University
Western College for Women
Western Connecticut State College
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Maryland College
Western Michigan University
Western New England College
Western Oregon State College
Western State College of Colorado
Western State University-School of Law
Western Washington State
Western Washington University
Westfield State College
Westminster College
Westminster Seminary
Westmont College-California
Wheaton College-Illinois
Wheaton College-Massachusetts
Wheelock College
Wheelock College-Graduate School
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth College-Washington
Wichita State University
Widener College
Wiley College
Wilfred Laurier University
Wilkes College
Willamette University
William Mitchell College-School of Law
William Paterson College
William Smith College
Williams College
Wilson College
Windham College
Winona State University
Winthrop College
Wittenberg University
Wonkwang University-Home Economics
Woodbury College
Worcester Jr. College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester State College
Wright State University
Wuxi Normal College
Wuyi University
Xavier University
Yale University
Yale University-Art/Architecture
Yale University-Divinity School
Yale University-Drama
Yale University-Forestry
Yale University-Medical School
Yale University-Public Health
Yale University-School of Law
Yale University-School of Management
Yale University-School of Music
Yangpu College-CHI
Yerevan Institute of Applied Science
Yerevan State
Yeshiva University-Cardoza Law
Yeshiva University-Wurzweiler School of
Yonsei University
York College
Youngstown State University
If you do not find your school on the list, please enter the school name on the form with an * .
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