Info Sheet X2001 - Langara Students' Union

Langara Students' Union
Advocating for Students' Rights Since 1969
The title “Secretary” can be confusing because many people associate it with someone who answers phones,
books appointments and assists ‘the boss.’ In this case, Secretary means something else. A Secretary to Council is
a leader who ensures that the governance and administrative processes follow ‘the rules,’ (bylaws, policy,
procedures, legislation) and are interpreted and implemented in a fair, reasonable, ethical, prudent and legal
manner. For example, just think of the “Secretary of State” in the USA!
If you enjoy the challenge of making sure things run smoothly and follow an order within the system, this role
could be right for you.
This is an Officer position on Council. Officers have a high degree of responsibility and the workload can be intense
at certain times of the year. Officers must agree to work all year, even when Council is not in session (Council is
normally in session October – April). If you have a heavy course load, if you have other commitments outside of
college, or if you will not be available between May – September, you should consider running for a Councillor
position instead.
The ‘functional areas’ for Secretary to Council include:
Business administration: including organizing work and business, but also team building, collaboration,
human resources, financial management, marketing, sales, and/or similar
Records Management: record keeping, privacy and confidentiality compliance, filing, and other records
management systems such as retention, retrieval, archiving and destruction
Project Management: planning, developing, organizing, evaluating and closing projects. This area also
includes resourcing projects, bringing the right people in, assigning tasks, tracking progress, reporting on
progress, making adjustments, and managing change
Governance: bylaws, policies, procedures, Roberts’ Rules of Order, board participation, representation,
advocacy for change, elections, succession planning, board development, working on or with committees,
understanding the difference between governance and operations, strategic planning, etc
Langara Students’ Union, SUB Bldg
100 West 49th Ave.,
Vancouver, B.C., V5Y 2Z6
(604) 324-3881
Langara Students' Union
Advocating for Students' Rights Since 1969
Don’t think you qualify? Think again!
If you have ever worked in an office environment or with an organized club or group, chances are you have dealt
with the many issues that surround administration and governance. Likewise, if you are a parent, a small business
operator, or a client service representative you have already had to be organized and manage records. Use those
areas of your life to draw upon to draft your list of skills and experience! We don’t want to imply anyone who has
organized something or can follow the rules can be a good Secretary to Council. The Secretary to Council is
someone who pays attention to structure and details, while keeping the ‘big picture’ in mind. He or she is largely
concerned with ensuring that the right process takes place.
Other Information
Note: the screening committee will simply ensure that the applicant has an adequate grasp of business
administration concepts. This section simply identifies additional job functions to help you decide if this role
would be right for you.
The Secretary to Council is also the Spokesperson for LSU and works closely with the staff responsible for records
management. Therefore, skills in public relations, communications, media relati ons, organizational skills, and
records management will help you succeed in this role.
Langara Students’ Union, SUB Bldg
100 West 49th Ave.,
Vancouver, B.C., V5Y 2Z6
(604) 324-3881