Review Cell Cycle Phases, G2 Arrest & Gametogenesis Meiosis, Diploid 2n4c Cell vs. Haploid 1n1c Gamete Hormone Control - Spermatogenesis vs. Oogenesis Fertilization – Blocks to Polyspermy Animal Life Cycle Model Cleavage Stage – Nuclear/Cytoplasmic Ratio Blastula Stage – Hollow Ball of Cells Mid Blastula Transition – Genome Turns On Gastrula – Form 3 Tissue Layers Review Larval Classifications By Food: Lecithotropic vs. Planktotropic By Development: Direct vs. Indirect Ecological: r and K Selected Metamorphosis Change to the Body Plan Radical Rearrangement of Tissues Degree of Transformation Highly Variable Carp Breeding I Existing Strains Removed from Wild Carp Can Breed Throughout the Year Carp Are Seasonal Breeders – Spring Spawn After Dark or Early Morning Segregate Sexes to Prevent Spawning Eggs Laid on Foliage near Water Surface Carp Breeding II Induce Spawn: Transfer to Spawning Ponds Fibrous Materials Substitutes for Foliage Tropical Carp Breed 2 - 4x / yr Temperate Zones –Pituitary Gland Extracts Contains Gonadotrophic Hormones Used to Provoke Natural Spawning or Aid in Stripping Gametes. Move Fertilized Spawn to Hatching Ponds Carp Pituitary Removal Zebrafish Pituitary Hormones From Fish Anterior Pituitary Gonadotropin I (GTH-I) – Sequence Orthologous to FSH – αβ Chains Gonadotropin II (GTH-II) – Sequence Orthologous to LH – αβ Chains Other Hormones Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) – αβ Chains Growth Hormone (GH) Prolactin (PRL) 3 Pro-opiomelanocortin Hormones (POMC) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH Lipotropic Hormone (LPH) β-endorphin Fish Hormonal Control Over Reproduction Gonadotropins GTH-I and GTH-II GTH-I - Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Causes Ovary to Make LH Receptors GTH-II - Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Stimulates Ovary to Make Progesterone (P4) Directs Ovulation & Corpus Luteum Formation Testis to Make Testosterone (T) Progesterone & Testosterone - Steroid Hormones Testosterone –Maturation of Spermatogonia Progesterone – Maturation of Oogonia Pituitary Gland Hormones Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in Both ♂ & ♀ ♀ LH Stimulates Ovary to make Progesterone Directs Ovulation & Corpus Luteum Formation ♂ LH Stimulates Testis to make Testosterone LH is a GlycoProtein Hormone with α and β Chains Gonad Target Tissue Produces Steroid Hormone Comparative Endocrinology Releasing Hormone Location Type Target Releases Starfish GSS CNS Protein Gonads MIS Fish LH or GTH-II CNS Protein Gonads MIS Comparative Endocrinology Starfish Maturation Hormone 1-MA Location Ovary Type Purine Target Oocyte Releases Meiosis Fish Progesterone Ovary Steroid Oocyte Meiosis Commercially Available Pituitary Carp Pituitary Carp Hatching and Rearing Eggs prone to fungal infections, treat with fungicide - or drying out hatching ponds Hatched carp cement themselves to substratum for up to a week while absorbing yolk sac. Hatchlings plus 1 week need to feed – primary foods zooplankton or phytoplankton Most vulnerable from hatching to 3 gms Need to be cautious with density Swimming juveniles moved to nursery ponds Controlled Spawning While Hormones can Trigger Cellular Actions Environmental Cues Regulate Gonad Growth Hormones Induce Gamete Release Needn’t Control Both Photoperiod & Temperature In Tropical Species – Little Photoperiod Effect Put Catfish Through an Artificial ‘Winter’ – And Induce Gonad Development at Odd Time. Fish Reproduction Zygote (Fertilized Egg) Eyed Embryo Hatching Yolk Sac Stage Fry (Metamorphosis if Present) Juvenile In Vitro Carp Fertilization Fertilizing Eggs Fish Egg Micropyle Micropyle is Sperm Entry Point Tour of Reproduction in Aquaculture Similarities and Differences Between Various Aquaculture Species Such As Salmon Eels Halibut & Flatfish Tilapia, Milkfish Crustaceans, Molluscs Frogs Reproduction in Salmon & Trout Eyed Embryos Atlantic Salmon Alevin (Yolk Sac) Chum Salmon Parr Smoltification Process that Changes Salmon Parr into Sea Run Smolt Involves Profound Changes to the Fish Including: Physiological (Change in Osmoregulation) Morphological (Lose Parr Marks, Become Silver) Biochemical (Imprinting Scent of Natal Stream) Behavioral (Becomes Wary, Hides on Bottom) Smoltification: Making the Salmon Anadromous Is Smoltification a Little Metamorphosis? Salmon Smolt Trout Egg Take Trout Spawning Reproduction in Eels Eel Farm Eel Embryos Eel Larva Eel Juveniles Reproduction in Halibut Raising Young Has Been Incredibly Difficult Cold Water Reduces Reaction Rates Q10 Time to Hatching 2-3 months Time to Metamorphosis 4-5 Months If Embryos Touch Anything They Die Price of Healthy Seed Extremely High Costs Foreclosed Option for Halibut Farms Halibut Larva I Halibut Larva II Halibut Larva III Flatfish Larva I Flatfish Larva II Halibut Metamorphosis Halibut Metamorphosis II Newly Metamorphosed Halibut with Adult Body Plan Reproduction in Tilapia Tilapia Spawning Facility Fertilizing Tilapia Fry Ponds Main Objective – Stimulate Primary Productivity Main Inputs: Nitrogen, Carbon & Phosphorus Optimal Ratio: 45-50% C… 8-10% N 1% P Organic Fertilizers: Poultry Manure Domestic Sewage Cattle Manure Green Manure Composted Agricultural Waste Fertilizer Stimulates Green Algae Duckweed Juvenile Fish Feed Volvox Diatoms Adult Fish Feed Melosira Zooplankton eg. Daphnia Rotifers Zooplankton Ciliates Larval Fish Feed - Zooplankton Gravid Copepod Tilapia Fry Pond Emptied Tilapia Fry Pond Mouth Brooding Tilapia Reproduction in Milkfish Chanos chanos Seed – Traditionally Fry from Wild Stocks Problems with Disease and Biosecurity 1970s –Hormonal Spawning Cultured Milkfish Intensive Culture – $27.40 / 1,000 Fry Unreliable – Marginal Quality of Seed 1980s – Cages Milkfish Spawnings Semi-Intensive Culture $6.60 / 1,000 Fry Reliable, High Quality Fry Catching Wild Milkfish Fry Milkfish Fry Intensive Hatchery Milkfish Fry Semi-Intensive Hatchery Milkfish Hatching Milkfish Chanos chanos Fry Milkfish – Feed & Early Growth Tanks Milkfish Feeding - Pond Culture Introduction to Aquaculture Milkfish Penned Adults Milkfish Harvest Philippines Milkfish Processing Milkfish Processing Plant Reproduction in Crustaceans Crawfish King Crab Lobster Shrimp Crawfish In Berry Crawfish Post Hatch Larva King Crab Mating Pod King Crab Clutch Red King Crab Embryos Lobster With Embryos Shrimp Carrying Embryos Shrimp Mysis Larva Molluscs Oyster Spawning Oyster Post Metamorphic Growth Oyster Spat Gastropod Veliger Frogs Pre Ovulation Glass Frog Fertilized Frog Eggs Tree Frog Embryos Developing Frog Embryos Advanced Unhatched Frog Embryos Introduction to Aquaculture Closing the Life Cycle Obtaining the Knowledge and Developing the Technology Required - to Maintain the Entire Life Cycle of the Species in Captivity Knowledge and Technologies Required to Maintain Entire Life Cycle of the Species Allows Initiation of Reproduction Allows Control over Reproduction Allows Selective Breeding Programs Allows Genetic Manipulations Allows Detailing Nutritional Physiology Allows Defining Immune Function Aim is Domestication of Species