NJLES DECEMBER 3, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS A FAMILY AFFAIR The drama "Brothers" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE B2 t,, FOOD COOKBOOKS TO TREASURE 2009 releases make noteworthy gift giving. SEE PAGE 22 Inside! todays homes Look for it in the center of SenrchCl:icago-Antos STEPS SISTERS Sisters Lynn Arnold and Glorianne Halicki, both of Nues, dance Nov. 22 to the traditional Polish music of the White and Red Band at the annual International Taste of Nues, hosted by the village at White Eagle Banquets. PAGE 5. (Ruthie Hauge/Staff Photographer) Visit Oakton. 9T T 00000 9Z0C-'TL09 lI S311N LS N0..L>ItSO .LsI0 .LSIO P' 0959 Al8I1 OIlBfld S31IN AèIBI1 3118fld siN T000000 6003 5QQ-Q.L01 5i'T9 Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place to begin or continue your college education. Tuesday, December 8, at 5:30 p.m. s Room 1506, Des Plaines Campus (I)alton. Community College Reserve your seat at www.oakton.edu. 1600 East Golf Road, Dts Plaines www.pioneerlocal.com 2 N . T(IURSIJI¼Y, OECEMBER 3. 2009 n CONIACT Matt Sch mitz, Assistant Managing Editor p: 708.524.4433 e: mschmitz@pioneerloCal.COm 'VV S I PAGE 3 LETTER TO THE EDITOR responsibility, Milwaukee Avenue revitalization and the Niles Teen Center. While there has been to serve the residents of some progress on these Niles, and I am grateful for tise oppprtunity to work matters, its clear that there towards improving our com- is much more work to be munit)'. After serving the done. I urge the Village to Village for oves' a decade as continue pursuing solutions a Trustee and a Commisto these issues that are so sioner oso the Nibs Plan important to the residents Commission and Zoning We 5e5'\O. Mose importantly, Boas-d ofAppoals, I have I hope more oesidents vill decided to pursue new become involved in village opportunities for me and my government to niake sure family. their voice is heard on these I'm very proud of what critical issues. Svevo accomplished I would like to thank the together during my tenure On Nov. 24, I resigned as à Trustee for the Village of Niles. It has been an honor Go Mobile! Baird & Warner's New Mobi'e Search appIicaton will forever change the way you search for homes. You can now download our Mobile Search Application to your phone for FREE* by visiting mobile.bairdwarner.com, or by texting BAIRD to 87778. *Thjs service ¡s typicaII? free for most mobile phones. For some devices/carriers, a nominal monthly carrier charge may apply, billed directly to your carrier statement. LEADiNG REAL ESTATE and am grateful to tise many residents, employees and businesses that have been out. pastners. Wo have made a positive impact on many .lICOMFANCSo/THE WORLO critical issues - ethics reform/government trans- s-esidents of Nibs for allowing mo the great rosponsibility to serve them ors the Village Boas-d, and the employees that work on behalf of our Niles con- stituents. Kim S. Biedennan pasesscy, flooding, fiscal Message to readers Morton Grove S795,000 New corut.4br 4 bath btkk home.Chefs kitthenmstt bt tuilehwd tio,rectm GeorgeNlcotja P184408270 773778-t805 L(nconwood $599,000 Pneotilncolnwoodtowenol6rnanchanamazlngpa,hIJke Siotsotnecord 15194409574 TesnySlilo 775-775-1855 Evanston Skokie $579,00ó Coot 3 31V 388 2285 04 Row 600un quIet w upgradesl 19193509303 Joilellaumlab 847-491-1855 $485,000 DtohabltlaireInwnuIghbothooi Dxpetlnuuethe4leveio - 0994409485 oltotaiiloing. . lieheccaPeai 773-775-1855 Skoke $484,900 Spadous 2 stony elonlai lu desirable nkohIe towersfaltviewdlstrkt. 9894409653 GeotgeHirooia ; Kim Biederman, at the time a candidate for mayor of tilles, takes pant in a debate in March at the Hiles Oasis Clubhouse. (Stacia Tiioonere/For STM) 773-175-0855 VILLAGE GOVERNMENT r Lincolnwood $440,000 Wekoin hoaI Wwtt tawnhomt w/soaitng c10üg t, cometfireplacetnthelt tyonPulpal 10194409347 773775-1855 Skokie $389,000 thainnlng459bttkGeorglanw!npaclounrmu, sep 08. lounuatLR.Sold'aoIÇ 10193109148 JulJeNaumla1 847-491-1855 Skokle Des Plaines $374,900 Soajteaioomuchnewiklichw/ranite,2newbothonew gar,media&morel lulIe#uijmlak 15198109328 847-491-0855 $350,000 his huge over 2,000 foot ranoh home bao so much peronaiiiy&poltniiall 15193109237 teneklopler 847-491-t095 Morton Grove $349,000 3tdrm. 2.1Ra, totfirim Fm. metosulte, [geatln kit, hdwd Sri/carpet 15194409414 773-775-1855 Pauline Dneoih REDUCED PRICE ,Ço -L- Skokie $320,000 Newet ondo. 2bnIeat.ln kit & Indrytm Mttrw/2 cIoa- tsbaw/spdiwer Maureen Dunn 101989090Th 847-446-1805 Skokie $315,000 Wonderful 4bd/lba brIck ,anuh'Hrdwd flu on main loi, nndidrniinplownivl. 19193109000 Rayihompoon 847-491-1855 NUes Morton Grove $299,000 Loto ofilring Spateln this bl-tuonI leaiutlng cash cOiIlngS lnliyfdìnnm 19194409505 DlaneStaion 713-770-1855 $275,000 Newer consinuotion, 288 2518 condo. bakor In-unit taundrygarparklng 10893109326 Deilaloyre 847-491-1855 Trustèè quits board NUes $269,000 Well-maIntained Zbtranchlniowtanateao(Nilns tldwd flo,hugeyatd. MatlhaI.lnton 10184408371 773-775-1855 Biedernian is Niles trustee to resign in the in tise mayoral campaign did she hoped to be remem- Iast yeas along with Bart bored as a strotsg advocate third trustee to Murphy, who left in May for resign this year Alpogianis, svIso stepped down in June because he was ineligible to serve as a not factor into her decision Io step down. "It really load nothing to do with il," she said. "I ran for mayor because I want- ed certain issues tobe ad- proud ofher role in lobbying for the new 'roen Conter and better services for lsealth leasons, and George By TONY BERTUCA tberluca@pioneerloCalCom convicted felon. "I didn't take tisis decision Nibs Trustee Kim Biederman, a formes- candidate for mayor, announced Nov. 24 that. she was resigning from honor to sinrve the residents of Nibs and I'm grateful for lightly," siso said. "lt's an the opportunity to improve our community. Alter gory- ing tise village for over a her seat on the Village Board, a tiecision that Chicago $250,000 (mph tehab '07. 2bdf2ba. Granite.Glasu backtplauh3s appcherrycabt. 1DI92359113 RutemadeHoffmann 310-945-9515 t4Iks $239,900 The renaIssance space galore In this 2 65 2 Mend unii. Sun Illedonit 1DI94409377 CluulotlneDiteh 173-775-1855 NUes Chicago $235,000 lauge2bt ìhaZnd8uult ht unii W&D,hdwdlits&wslh In clooets,Spackli. Shanp 1 br - 9mai location W/ balcony, toot top deck S deededpkglncluded 2893509091 JohnCrelghion 847-491-0955 10194409001 847-823-1855 Sharonturtlo - ', t' .- -,,. $228,000 i .;, t makes her the third Irustee decade, lins ready to pursue new opportunities. I'm look- year. chapter." to step down in the past ing forward to the next Evanston $180,000 She second flu. 28918111 Condo, parkln reauttanoponta- tlon&ohopt. 5895099301 847-495-1855 Dellaloyce Biederman, wIs000 resignation was made official at the end oftho Village Board meeting Nov. 24, was vague u::: Learn more about ars of the homes sIown above by stmply enteYIn the ID Number in our homepage FAST FIND bo AIsoon our website find complete införmatiön on all ourOpen Houses this ieekend n, . ; -r (9 ,, ' .. : ' -L ! about her reasons for leaving, except Lo say she was "ready to pursue new opportunities." Biederman is the third - Biedernsan, nvlso sV1s appointed to tise Village Board in July 2003, ran an unsuc- cessful campaign against Mayor Robes-t Cnllero in April, publicly clasisingwitls Caliero on several issues, including etisics reform. Biedorman said her defeat (iSeSSed, like ethics reform, and I'm glad tlsey as-e being addressed." While on tise Village Board, Bioderman also served as chairman of the Milwaukee Avenue Redovelopmont Committee and as a Commissioner on tise Community Youtls Task Force Council, where she heil)C(i SOCUIf? tise Toots Con- tor's new GolfMill location. Before serving on tise Villugo Board, Biederman WaS also a member of the Nitos Plan Commission and Zon- ing Board ofAppeals frons 1999 to 2003. With regard to lies political legacy Bioderman said As part at improvements to serve cur readers, lncludinq providing more color, cleaner print and easier numberIng st pages, we have moved our pro' ductico to new presses. . As part st the transition, your paper will teniporanily be delivnred to yea without any staples. Vie expect the paper to return to its original stapled ¶ntmut by tIne middle eit January. s A foì transparency in local government and fiscal responsibility with tax doilars. Sise said she was also residents impacted by flooding. "I hope I've beets able to be a voice for tise residents," sise said. Biederman said she had no itsimediate plans, but did not rule 01st movissg awisy from Nibs to pursue otiset' opportunities. "For now, I look forward to spending nieve time with my family," she said. "After tisat, the sky's the limit," By law Cailero has GO days to appoint a repincement for Biederman. Consnsc,s(:pioisecrlocssl.coiis The GRAND FINALE SALES EVENT... ADDITIONAL MARKDOWNS .. . FINAL DAYS! 'BRIEN & SONS FU RS 180 Soutls Eighth Sdrccd (lit. 31) West Decidete, iL 600 P8 847- 428 - 4900 Fh;ry In! EVEtYTH1NG MUST BE SOLD! Cciii for ExtcndedFlotiday SALE Hours. 4 mews LAST WEEK TOP FIVE STORIES Skeletal remains found ¡N north suburban woods Forest preserve workers in Siles dis covered human remains Nun. 21 In a wnoded area of the north suburb. In the early afternoon, workers at Bunker Hill Woods, near Harts Road and Touhy Avenue, found a sleeping bagthat cnntained "badly docom' posed" skeletal remains, Cook County Fomst Preserve District police spokesman Steve Mayberry said. www.pioneerlocal.com Nl . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 WEAREYOUR NILES NILES 1-IRAI)si EC"1'ATOR herald-spectator Snap a photo. Tell a story. Send ¡t Ifl. Be a part of the story and the storytelling? There are photos and stories we want to publish In our new section, Your Hiles HerladSpectator. But we need your help. Email Assistant Managing Editor Matt Schmitz at mschmltz®pioneerlocal.com. B3 YOURPAGE for unveiled app ointments 24 u M 17051 5244433 mschmitzRplonerelocaicom (04?) 4067495 By TONY BERTUCA tbertuca®pioneerlocal.corn °406-74Ol, nnartlnpIuneerlocal com News tipo Sports tlpu We want to help local Charities ¡n their.eft&ts to help the needy during the holidays. li your organization is Collecting goods or funds to distribute to the needy during the holidays, send your information (name of group, address, phone number, what the group is collecting, how to donate, etc.) to us and We'll publish a list for readers weekly through the holidays beginning DeC. 3. 10471 406-7259 (047) 486-746a parkridgepioneerlocalcom E-mail: í- EturkiEiNf Jeff HIsser 1547) 406-6a4 jwlsserploneerloca1cum° E-mail: MAIL Blies Herald-Spectalor I 370f w. Lake Ave, Glenview, 1160026 cUsToMER SERVICE AND DEUVERY IssuEs Are you running, shooting hoops, or other sports this holiday season 5.nd your hofliy chartty InformatIon to Mon-Fd, 6.35 a rs.-4 p.m saL6nans.-l2pmsun,oa.rn.'I2nm. Phono for a good cause? Send us your stats. yournewu@pfon.erlocaLcom flours: , 1047) 4d6-9300 'rosuescrean Phone: 16471 406-9300 E-mail clrcolallonVploneerfocalcnes ADVERTISING Upload stories, photos to Community page You can upload your stories and photos directly to us. The Information will be posted on the Community page on the paper's Web site, www.ploneerlocal.com. Selections from the page will appear each Thursday In the print edition. .., a4;- -.- -. -.,. 'R PIONEERJJJCAL HO ,-- -' ,__;;--------- is the company of Afeo Trebek, the 3 Open tise page and fill out the form, starting with the paper in which you want the information to appear. - ----- favor of her. Trustee Andrew Przybylo abstained trustees Weel, Joe LoVorde and James Hynes voting in from tise vote. "In deference to the and Kim Biederman both voted against the appoint- mayor and Isis leadership ment because they said I'm going to abstain," he Callero bypassed a public vetting system and did not advertise that the position said, "(But) I have not met was oPen. the woman - I'm concerned." In other business the Hanusiak was ultimately board approved a change to confirmed 4-2, but a second the village zoning code, which will now require lot appointment also caused conflict when Caliere re- cual International Taste of Nues, hosted by the village at White Eagle Banquets in Nues. (Ruthie lauge/Stoff Photographer) al-can to have 60 percent im- ANALYSIS Hanusiak: From a1so-ran to man on move because it has historically By TONY BERTUCA tbertuca@pioneeriocal.com Despite his defeat in April's mayoral race, Chris Hanusiak appears poised become something ofa ris- ing political star in Nibs. been a breeding ground for future trustees. "I'm finally starting to get busy," Hanusiak said after his confirmation. "I really just want to serve the community." When Callero asked the Village Board to confirm isis advertising the opening in local newspapers. °°I'm very concerned that thin time we did not follow what I consider transparont government," she said. Cablero defended his decinion, saying he consulted with LoVerde, who has chaired such vetting committees in the past. Ho also said about 20 resumes remained on file from the last time the planning and zening panel had an opening. "I did not feel we had to sink in the election, appointed him to the Plan Commis- necessary to control floodwater runoff. sien and Zoning Board of "Thin came out of the Hanusiak, a local business Callero said he clsose Grcic because sise was Stormwater Committee so that there will be more area owner, was also appointed to the Citizens Compliance Cohen's assistant prosecu- to accept \vatel" Callero Plan Committee several 000nrntaeTljïs aim nimøs,s tor. Trustee Alan Wool said. months ago and has taken aeom&e,a dtdeseotIott,iangI,yy,,,,,ft,-' backed Callero, saying that promoting the assistant The boaid also approved three Class D liquor licens- on a supporting I-ole atouAsuwd600,epusosft-vw,thes-eeu Ms,yii,eyo,,sihat wbvheII,iyinooOu,tu prosecutor to tise $25,000- en for local Walgreens code. a-year position of village píosecutor was a natural stores to be able to nell beer 1-lanusiak also has been and \vine, A Clans C liquor license was also granted to tise new Meijer store corning to Golf Glen shopping center. The boald also appioved active at tise iocal library, where he recently helped speaiisead an effort to levive the Friends ofthe Li- spending $93,720 for a maintenance-contract ex- Trustee Andrew Ptzybybo. Hanusiak's appointment siak. "We ail know he's highly qualified," LoVerde said. "I have no problem witis this gentleman otanding in front vetting committee to advine him on his choice. tension, as well as $608,850 to Ilse Plais Commission nod of us." for the renewal of property with Hanusiak, liability, claims management Zoning Board of Appeals filled the vacancy left by ston did Isave a problem. Callero defended hin choice, and worker compensation James Flynen after he was saying it was his prorogative to choose someone to coverages. appointed to tise Village She said she wan concerned that Callero clsose Hanusi- The Village Board is not Board. His appointment to ak without forming a vet- psesent to the Village Board schedule to meet again until January. the planning and zoning ting committee to interview anyway. "I know Chris; I tisink ise a qualified person," Przybylo said. Preston said she also feels panel is also worth noting him and without fornsally Hanusiak is qualified but Jo items will then be sent to the Commueity Update page on that paper's Web site. Submissions will be monitored for libel, hate speech, profanity and other inappropriate content. ofAppeals, replacing James Hynes. Trustees Louella Preston 1Taste' kitchen Kuppy's Restaurant employee "Uncle Mike" Alpogianas serves Greek chicken to Mildred Bender, of NUes, Nov. 22 at the an- from 135 percent. Village officials said the measure was David T. Sherman (541) 406-1320 (547) 466-7317 aNte. : with the bright yellow plus pointment, but Grcic wan eventually confirmed with his choice of attorney (6411406-7253 PRESIDENT AND PSIBUSHER 4 k Robert Callero. The first was that of Chris Hanusiak to the Plan Cornmission and Zoning Board On Nov. 24, Mayor Robert Cablero, who defeated Hanu- ' Here you can upload photos and press releases. The Both Preston and Biederman voted against the ap- permeable surface, down nr Dä*cter of Athid1aàs u , Nues," Callero said of Grcic. Nov. 24 over two appoint- quested the board confirm Rick Ded nituUnis Clussloed ads (8471 998-3400 E-mail dassifieds@ploneedocal corn w,D us you, ncot Send Us Your News button, Send Us mspeeling@ploneerlocal corn SO410 RIt5lStatJTSS' Vie. Pris4tsst of AMrtlsksu L Scroll down to and click the sign- E-mail Michael spading , Go to www.pioneerlocal.com, Display ads'' The Village Board clashed monts made by Mayor Got niws? Send us your holiday chaiãjiiiormation 'She has represented us in the past and she has a his- tory with the village of 1541) 303-3670 E&thnuu e-ureA sparher@pioneecfocaLcom for all of the opportunities it offered to view naturel wildlife, but Grsohnn got to take the journey for free and www.pionecr1oca1.com. SHOWTIMES M Jennifer Thomas (0411 406-7350 Email: jthoinas@ploneerlocol corn rorgo calendar listings orquostions, 2 Tofindsioriesgo to 18 E'malL Fau i host uf TV's Jeopardyl" Greshos was one of 25 winners in a nationwide csntest who got the chance to take the trip with Irebek aboard the National Geographic Endeavour. The contest received 2.5 million entries. 13 SCHOOLS Rich Mart"' Islands Barbara Groshon, a financial planner from Hiles, recently returned from a 1O'day cruise around the Galapagos lsland The trip woCild be remarhable enough 14 POLICE BLOTTER rau On Nov. f6 the Nibs Police Department held its second annual awards luncheon at Lone Tree Manor to henor officers and citiaens who had performed meritorious servica returns from 'Jeopardy' trek with 1ebek to Galapagos B2 OPINION Au Nues trustee Biederman announces she's quitting Nifes Woman B24 FILM CLIPS Matt Schmitz E-mail: The Rev. Stanley John Gruchot, 89, ro' tired priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, died Nov. 12 at St, Andrew Life Center in Hiles, where he was a resident, Nues Police officers honored for service 15 CROSSWORD 5 Callero draws trustees' fire SERVING READERS SINCE1951 INSIDE THIS WEEK CALENDAR newsI www.pioneerlocal.com Nl VILLAGE BOARD ED TURf AL Priest was longtime Niles resident Nibs Trustee Kim Biederman, a former candidate for mayor, announced Nov. 24 that she would resign from her seat no the Village Board, a deci' Sinn that makes her the third trustee to step down in the past year. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION any Et. omission, failurelo Rubias, or ello, In Ike ei any ed noi esoned the poid lop look ed Ondee top thonotanoes soit P066th,, eneehetoiblebopenyindeeelnoo.qsentabopyo,d.J donhOgel,o, efly ottopnOoots e,ioin out o, y,Oledto any cot, omloslolo 111101e to pabilos, onions, intO, pnintin5fleoO06kqotaned it sty. sole ne500nolOt11001 theMne,tln,y 006,0k th,con,eotn,ss 01 Ud, inoontiolo P0515t,eeas,on,es nooesçso005iiltv Ion tine time on tine same day the ernonoccunned. Publish,, tesennes the n lhI to t,lt t he unopopt et edneni misO to edile, 1,01 OOYCOP9.aOOI to nouent ene edventising alit, eoteOnuoellopnsuthoot entise Mnentie,n ognens to Indemnity end Seid Pobliohen heumies, taon, end ngomhstnoquebibtyJossop,ep,nopOn,koayy,,oyoo etieetto,neys teentoumslnq ttomanyetalmn,inokodlng tout not iOndledtutOetontoineompelltionplaqli,t,n mnttmnOeunent 01 tuodenorbs000opynlohteopviotaoopn oltlqhtnotpoisanyanwueItyopsul6j, Innon opis.- tisnbyPusl,otoenolthn Adnenthonin ade Danielle Grcic as the new village prosecutor. She will replace Kenneth Cohen, who resigned. progression. But Preston did not see it that way. Again, she said she felt Callero was being less- than-transparent when he chose not to advertise tise opening and did not form a Like NtcAno'uwewnni elles Itendd spesiate, tU505390-ddOt Oo& 60J1ou50 Published weedy by eannen Nen,spaens Inc. 3101 topo LekeAne, Gtmoviemtt6OOZ&sis0leonpv52. Pentodisais restage paid al raenome, IL tOOtS Ud OddliOnsOt ottiene. One-Sean subnooiptloo 5505e. In county Onty colt tenit 4069566 to ,0050nlbn. Postonasleni 5nn.1 athens dnanqe to 5,1,5 Itennl& 00000toc e/o Plomeen Ileospapeen Inn, 3701 W,ol LW Aoe,Glennnlemtb 60026. s i for approval. Appeals. C rewriting Ilse village ethics bi-al-y organization with Adam Przybybo, son of appointment of Hanusiak at the Nov. 24 meeting, he said he was confident that his former political opponent was the right person for the job. "Chris has been active in OUI- community events; I have interviewed Isins in great detail, and I'm very pleased wiLls him," Caliere said. Hanusiosk also seceived tise suppost ofTlustee Joe LoVerde, wlsom Calles-o con- suIted when Ise chose Halsu- But Trustee Loucha Pie- go out again and advertine," he said. "I sat down with Joe LoVerde, who chaired the last committee and it did not take three months to do it." Cablero also noted that hin actions were well within the bounds of his authority an mayor to make political appointments with the consent ofthe Village Board. Przybybo said he too was concerned about Cablero sidestepping the vetting committee, but voted for Hanusiak's confirmation Chris Hagusiak still thinks Cablero should have handled the appointment differently. "I know Mr. Hanusiak per- sonally; that in not the point," she said. "I ran on a platform of transparency and good government and I don't see that Isere?' Preston voted against Hanusiak's confirmation and was joined by Trustee Kim Biederman, who echoed Preston's cencos-ns. Hanusiak was ultimately confirmed by a vote of 4-2 and said he had no immediate goals other than learning the ropes as a village officiab. "I have no agenda," he said. "I'm here to help the people of the village." www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION - NI 6 www.pioneerlocal.com mews BANKER D Furnace Sale! Police charge Niles 80% Efficient starting at $1850 95% Efficient starting at $2790 Goodman Air Conditioning & Heating Qualifies for Federal Tax Credit 30% Goodman i O Years All Parts Warranty BBB A+ rated company 24 Hour Service 847.966.5950 Limited Time Offer Call Today for FREE Estimate 9138 Waukegan, Morton Grove MORTGAGE RATES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS Starting as low us tbertuCa@pioneerloCal.Com local burglaries and any Mn,rg. Sptl.t.% D.vkt they have found a cache of 847-244-5100 Mufldelifl Gurnee $00 North!eUt. 83,; 5O3.Wc.ihIngton Str. h caqe e 205 W.itWack.r« 1.3127$1-067Q:. www.nscombank.com toad aura ci mayb quirsri:t er, of 8945 Washington St., Nibs, with a Class 2 felony various tools, golf clubs, of burglary for a garage vest and u car stereo, Cooper's bond was set at burglary investigators mid he committed sometime on o!. about Nov. 8 or Nov. i) on the 8800 block of Elmore Street. Coop:o' was also charged By TONY BERTUCA Nibs police have charged a 17-year-old in a string of . CoidweliBankerOnline. coin RESIDENTIAL 95000800E teen with burglary Also suspected in Park Ridge, Glenview and other suburbs stolen goods at his home, including ammunition, a ballistic vest and about 70 bicycles. On Nov. 17, police charged Kenneth J. Coop- rO. PA coi.Dweu. ARREST In Season ArLs. 7 Nl - THURSDAY, DECEMRER 3, 2009 in Cleui iew and may be charged in Park Ridge and Harwood 1-leights, according to Nues police. ammunition, a ballistic $10,000. He was being held at the Cook County Jail WIles $895,000 NIles $875,000 Disonado 4 br, 3.5 ha oplrt-iovel hamo. 2.5-story entry. Giacious rooms. Screened-In balcony off moie sIc. Concrele.wutled tenace & padre. Spectacular 4 br, 5.5 ba ttw cooslauclion. Opon floor plan. Euch br has both. Moplolcherry kIt with 9ramto, utalnleos, hardwood DebbIe Domlck CR5, SF11 Victoria Alanos 847-724-5805 pending a preliminary Morion Grove $669,000 Morion Grove wfjacuzzi. Sep irA & din reo. Gando ht w/atulnleoo appl. Fam rm w/wbt, pudo. fluors. 847-384-7599 647-865-0250 Sauao C000ey $599,900 000ulifui 4 br, 2.5 ba newer homo. Mstr br w/2 wulkIns, bi tdew cenulructionw/4,bOOsqtL Homodbrs 4+ baGo. 64w/Gardo counters, SS uppi, FR w/fplc. Mndia 5m O ba. AU 2+ cur gar. 773-035-446$ Bill TuIiyu court hearing scheduled te have taken place Tuesday. Should more property be identified as stolen, mere charges could fellow, police say. Police said officers recov- Nitos police said a prop- cred a cache of stolen goods from Cooper's home, erty showing is pending and ask anyone who lias including 60 to 70 bicy- been a victim ofgarage ef cIes, varied bicycle parts, four wheels und tires from a cal, multiple GPS units, vehicle burglary in Nues to several radar detectors, Corlil000lot: piencerlocal.com Hitan $509,008 4 be. 2 5bahomrwThugrIrncedydabeuedswsEd. le Ureter tot wThuwd ten, so appt. corny cabo G 'ro. Fplc, luI bornt2.5.conattar. lahr ieaptaruttanlrt Servos Morion Gravo $480,900 Nitos $459,000 Remedded 4 br, 3 b: home Liv E Orn rina wArded. TeenefCs br,3babrtokCtionlat Freedotoem onpolordns trw tut w/no :54, 42Ineh cab A ararla curAca ren lae0r nat-In M w/pantay MaIn S be, lum on. An Spacious Ian no Huge 2nd-Or moto oie auman Roel dock. 047-673.0060 Diii Tripa Morton Giovo $449,900 3 bt.3 5 bi tomeyTH Oounrrtt kutwins appt. slanCi cocHeen, 42 Etch cols SparIre layout, sied Ss, notti decbsp000, 2car oar 773-935-44GO Jalon Gnarteurwotst Hakoplan 047-922.0533 J500 Lucas Olevelru 773-OOu-5050 Morton Grows $446,009 Morton Grows $429,000 Walk to Sonoro Piole horn Orlo rehubbed 300, 00H Woodloras 300, 30A olIno guurnet kOchen ir wflroodwond tools, kltchrr w/MeriIIat cabInets b cherry A granos w/teorchoo#Jd allIances, opocetus araron cauSen, Gorgeous baths, 6 none Oeoru'd000n ana, laurIers mattel A neon 547-724-5800 Marlo Ochneldrr contact Detective Nick Marts Schrrlder 047-724-5000 Beyer, (847) 588-6576. MARINO REALTORS 5800 Dempster - Morton Grove (847) 967-5500 RVìIW (OUTSIDE ILLINOIS CALL 1-800 253.0021) www.cenlury21martno.com rheGoId Standard RFf/1 Oarucan,tinraAg.,nca Owanaudana IO,rdar, Morton Groe: $344,000 ba i luIt A 2 lealI la updated sp4 bane w/newer ndowo. Hemadelrd trchrn tided fies Attached anon, tnuhnd boument w/rpIc cdli Gotand NIlo: $330,000 Morton Grown $274,000 Niioo $259,900 3 be, 2.5 bi 2rd raunew,largrbotctacetg cou,tyaed Rick spiH level in Morton Grove 3 br, 2 boUes, spa- 2 br, 2 ho corner prnrhuuol SkCght. ho/don nor 200aoters,haeneoüba.Widincrdt Eat hiFmtwiluu 01 clous berla room, demW aria. Mastrr br Lo,rnr leoni w/nes carpet A bolcery Mon 1150k-1 A la tOld cabs G oppt Hia gar. rectoran 2.5-cor gongs. sor spoon. Io-ArwtaurdrywinewwIH. 047.780-5520 htrgtnia Mallory 630-300-0629 Lawrence Lynch 773-407-5300 hacIa Grayrneuta $250,000 Morton Gross $240,000 3 bi, 2 On blIck ranch on lr let Great Parheew O EaOtntrart2br,2baaemedow/irdwdflrs.lirw dho ht eat-hi lt 000 by ternA prennent in-orarI M size Notes West 99-nA Dot Hdwd 5, naHe tjg Nr hArp OcchI Heitndar space borrow/dot u 2nd Erl O bu. Nitos 047-609-0105 Suo Otokoy/coos Ornosn 773-230-4143 JOtai Gourhar4HtoteO Hahaptan 047-922-8533 The #1 Selling R5I1t( Ottica in Skokie Since 1906 Senang rho Entun Nodh Shore Thinking of SELLING Your Home? . Furt. nItro tedprndnrtt O.ned & Operant ti°-;64(8FíANC lOCO -f ecoraled 9a $accowt taS IA w'ed-fta-et Uwd tu order newer carpet Nane andan I altto rel Isoler trashed bari wfpossdle 3rd Aya h0rdaa frpet tart ottaOn b3rrr roe Roc ira Dry bat. cedar G«e doseL nawewed *1 Cl ruTes &eatCoedd ID3Idi4IUOt $279,900 durQ ilJçe yard toe 11mar40 tre IS aSp Mier ayant rareo ohmA 00711 had lery Im A i 'ae natA cAnt 18 hart anO back tardo 2t Cal ax (tena Dan n3.Daa.sgla ONE PREAM NO MOREl Sknldo..New i.istingl Beauloluty rehabbed 2 br Condo dorio In 2006! HaOIWOOd 110m A recensai iights. 17' eal-4n lIchen with 42 CaHOOtS & SS ipphancea. Bath rn-done w/cersnC WaDSIScI, 10001E Start Sued Sablent tu burl 5s4cbhmo0AOww7rthdaorentr teoI rçutaa bdc rsu rurdr boerWuta rt nwe-ed Î, Fainew Dot Eat-il tcten kdk0. carda r anar Rnçerl pat çou7 lAce torre 3 bedroom Holerecdoorrlctotmaytalr 3 Itani tmd 0f tsQ Opaco MddaUA apt w/rwer çds. SS otre tower tlrelaX3iaOeSthTo&13671 Ida 2 103085 trend cerauc lt baOr Nru . . t c: _3_5aMgg.Q___ CHICAGO .1r0-. C35. Ore.-nl Call for a Free Market Analysis 847-674-9797 CRE PLUSI Morton Grovn..,Raoe $xflei EotaIcs Oiled bISSe nl ostuonn an Acre! Erdshng 7 on bdck Areich lias 3 boa S 2 1/2 bades, Main floor latirdy mom. 2 cao attathed garagn. Swite ownersHp otnee 1950. tOOW bathtub, var-dy & tIet Norton windows, ecb1ca1, umig. HseioeanbaddaSd Vdwiisintds0arc,Excepboo&BeauIu1ui Each ural has own iaundrp batet i'arldn9 rend storage iruded. PUocoi 01 Lutti. Ideal for building an udebbon, an on up, or tare down n the Altre sole nolente acceso ret lthnr mOod appiourcrr liu7r OOIOrded roaster 08 Otee pntir3cnthr SA hann Update ados Olnishord bastnerrt 2 Cae Abookde Morve-in Condmhoo° 5çeo bevcshncn4l ...........$209,000 and buId new. Lioo'Imios 000 groal oç9torburIly!i.......Ordy $355,000 Morton Grove $224,000 Morton Grows $209,000 Nilo: $199.500 Morton Groat $105,000 Nltoa $179,900 Morton Groat $167,000 tauritul 2 br, 2 bi corde Opon plan. Lowoty lut Oeautoluttyrenowated200.20hceodowolrhaeúwood 3 br, 2 bu traceur ranch Wa parquet Wa thauoour. Obr,Obaerrdun&Uonercprnsonbulcrry Opacolus Obr,2 baby-trust. SoraryE nwp.09wldrbdceiry 2 br, 2 Sa ureA wdratceny Custom bInds, carper hr /5ranito cuenten apeno lu side em e/sidra ta Wors,orjflnrIiurcIrerwTetamrd,optAeuotorsrgroee Malibu. Fair 0rrtt45 br/oIc EatH has/ample cabs dona Eat.Iohrropenstokgtomnn Mst000rwhwasu Piqu4 lis Laundry hr rout. COO, to shops, Oars etemrgroranVdurromncornbo,epdatedorasIerbaHi, orustrtwtwhhlpoA tub and moro ala. lo-une laundry VodnUend pIlO. Jackie Hughos 047.724-5000 Marta Schneider Wort Is choppIng A motauoonts. 044.724-5005 UdIi Chod100-Syrwld Roatedgar, poet u lerdos ko chrono & bath Rid poh 047-222.8704 PhyllIs Hollunder 047-945-7100 Erl Oaaheld carey kurchee winoS el cabrita. 047-465-3022 MaAr Hlrschio 312-799-2803 asIc A wonderful p1aon to caO paleQ il row lePO lid $307,900 hones. Jahn Dia: Din Florins Harria Ali 847.409.2382 $47.543.3502 847.322-9277 \VC suport \\'C give back ttandsome4bdnnl 5Bath0001an wird Garata ai one of Skrdan' 0et3est t 7e010geas daentt °°°.,D83i'MOODY MOtION 09048 WoO flambard A et orase et Tantiro ecu custren classic brark 2 Oat we hdan malrSrned nrtrA loftS nia O ceediton Brand new rout Nose 4+ bedlrfl.3+ btnoc000nhalw/mn Iun&att25Car0ar FO(Od drnrQ fin BIO Cal-In edchnn unadowS. 0-dard PAS Grosor co orar shape dem lara A dejen mr renoace hr tarir 0- 1Jul19 orn a 3 arpe berris A 2 tuI bonis A Incoad kff O dra nil Ear-etlrr weatdasl reo& c#ulonkS yard each art. Sep heatrO, 0trPliI at 4 traira up. rr.3red bant IMaca & water bruine Fut Inched borrot rem. lotir-Et i er/sky habt noir rnvcoreoprotee nncoonrctstalane4a um Sidos ro yard Master bIrlen bus walk-be-cloonts A niaS ba3o $729,900 FAr Btersirwlrncrrn Doakinnan $47.974,9797 ley MOO David Braun 007.913.3770 847409.2000 $47-030-3791 I I I tm MrStrSy&tulbuUl.000naS I tomabaS the WIchen botht I waren w/t bthir A 1/2 bath 2 Car bdck Fhiohrd boorrot er/2nd lit t a E Our porch ao4o Gas tiPet Ir iw penae O 1 partar3 space Great tarro erre Great ochnt A coroidtffl na Now loot, udiig O yaWs $435,022 $405,000 rection MUOIS8°!! $234,000 locada Etizabath Undaay I I I I "DEVONSHIRE" BRICK BI- EVM Skokie...Juol EStetA Looe i re BkoneIroutstaetiergioCaten! Hugo kemig nro, 00421318 tbIr0 nr 1190 et-ki iutthon apeos Io yatri etthi 2 palos. 3 opacado ben & I IQ ballon. Lower nnl tany orn Hardwood floors uer capot e lvir$ litt, t8rdng ron & bCd000m$. tocalod Clase to tiiopptig, ideada & hBOrSpOIIaIrOe 140mo has beat vbeyooaitratd by od oWflti Attached garage......$344,900 "EDGEBROOK TOWERS" OC TIONI Chicago...BcoiibiuI beck Bl4enci in Sonrd-AIter Incuben of $139,950 Morton Cr050 $130,000 Morton $5000 Hilos $104,905 Morton Grows $99,000 br corner unI spacious balcony 10w roe w/nnw rol tomr bLAirs Raient Jambo ounry A updated heAdy pamoled 2 br. 2 ba une wines carpet ihruuut Rnight,mirl csnditlon, t BO Condo Treetop oed ornAraIs tIr. Soot-Or lordly O stooge fibel, inuno dry, Ironie O strage llugr 00 U balcony llenen opera to brink powrrbatcory Mstobrwflro O wiew,balceoy,pool trw Corpel,updalrd hrtoheo,woti tubhOasn, causo, rwnrcloe na O sauna Hw000emn 51d2 across toton lito 00h school hens clarets O ha corolec nl clonris Low assets Heohçablr hoctudod EdgobeooWSuuguiuoh! 3 bIs, 2 bulbs S 2 car attsthed garagel Updatcol goorrenci orafo 6tthn wlnewon updth000a. 1aro AlegatO Inbig nrhfi8nthg en coetho Beaidrful oak iroedseod Ils Usnughoot w/oato raring S oho M gewiwus roots shot. Record hegovoonenI Furnacc'080CenhrdAir'07....................................../O3h...$465M00 even Kelly 312-397.7029 Beth RuIty 02509 Celdwmeti 847-120-9700 Tara Fuenswerth 047-301-310G Calleen Rornabreo 047-784-7330 Eankor Rest Estala LtG. CoIdwelt BunIons a roGluteod POdeOOmOIh Iceated to Coniwel Oaoizor Real Estate LIC. An EonS Opoerrourdry Company. EuaI Haustos Oppertoaraty. t Romureod und Operated by NOT, tiC, gFttmA, YrflOb- ¶I&II/T °hoOT- j _._ttur.c-47r, :oUsec( dam, 8 mews A PIONEER PRESS PURLICATION www.pioneerlocal.com Nl . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 GLEIIVIEW VILLAGE BOARD North Maine water bills to go up in 2010 By LYNNE STIEFEL Istiefel@pioneerlocal.com Customers of the Glenview-owned North Maine Ulilities can expect to see higher bills for water and sewer service in 2010, for a fourth consecutive yeai up from $2.14, and $9.21 p' 1,000 gallons used, up from $8.70 per 1,000 gallons used. That compares vitli the ayerage Glenview resident, who will pay a $6.87 quarterly fixed charge, up from $6.42, and will also pay $5 901 1,000 The Glenview Village gallons used, up from $4.66 per 1,000 gallons. Board voted 6-O on No 17 to The new 2010 rates also re- hike va1cr and sewer rates near!)' G percent for North Maine Utilities customers, flect the annual price hikes and moro than 7 Percent for The water North Maine Glenview residents served by the separate, municipal vater system. It's the fourth offlve annual hikes planned since 2007, intended lo make the systoms self-supporting and Glenview bought North crating $688,000 in the red, Maine Utilities in 1997 for \VitIl Glenview paying about $6.95 million. It provides vater and sewer service to $775,000 annually to retiro the general obligation bond it sold to finance the utility purchase. Beginning in 2007, Glen- 5,000 customers ofunincorporated Cook Count) priiily south and west of Glenview. At the time, Glenview offi- customers use comes from ciels expected the village to uso the return on its investment to speed up repairs and upgrade ofGlenview's streets and pipelines. And they intended the utility to serve as leverage for future iiegotia- Nibs, which in turn buys the lions with Wilmetto for Lake ¿md sewer improvements lake vater from Chicago, which raised the purchase Michigan vatei; because il price by 9 percent. Glenview buys the vater Glenview mu- Nues as an alternate water and raise revenue sufficient to allow re-investment in the systems' infrastructure. Up- l)lOVidel grades to the North Maine C,lenview pays for the Lake Michigan water it buys. gave Glenview easy access to allow GIenviev to fund cap- nicipal customers use from Wilmette, which raised the contract with Wilmette cx- ital improvements without purchase price by 15 percent. 1)iIeS in 2020, the same year borrowing. Starting Jan. 1, the average residential North Maine Util- The vater and sewer rates are designed to keep a 30- the utility's vater purchase contract with Nibs eXpileS. ities customer will pay a hand, down from the current $2.20 monthly fixed charge, year's 60-day reservo peri- day operating reserve on od. Glenviows water purchase But the utility purchase has never paid offfor Glenview. A 2005 financial analysis indicated Nolth Maine was op- Utilities alone \Vel'O pegged at $5 million. Glenview trustees have de- bated whether to sell North Maille, but a consultant in 2006 advised waiting until Co,ninent:pioneerlocal.coin The fourth of five planned rate hikes is to take effect in January for Glenview residents and customers of North Maine Utilities Itere are estimates of how high the bills will go, based on the average Glenview residential consumer using 32,000 gallons of water per quarter and North Maine Utilities customer using 16,000 gallons of water per month. total char e GLENVIEW flESIDENTS ï Water $123.22 Sewer $38.74 tota' char e . ' $129.43 $44.31 c Increase . $6.21 per quarter $5.57 per quarter $1 i .78 per quarter $47.1 2 pur year (7.27%) NORTHMAINE UTILITIES CUSTO MERS Water $127.42 $135.00 Sewer $16.06 $16.85 TOTAL ,; : :: doing a full production, a district for this trip and 1.5-hour slot to perform without intermission. "What I hope they get students will not be miss- The Niles West High ing school for the trip School Theater Depart- which is at the beginning ment is this year's winner ofa prestigious high school theater festival, allowing S them to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland in August. "We vore invited to of the month. For the next nine $8.46 per monlh $1 01 .52 per year (5.90%) Source Village 01 Gienview Pioneer Press months, the theater department, thespian troupe, parents and teachers are fundraising to help offset the financial cost, about $6,000 per student, The fee is for alt the activities at the festival, which in- or cons ofperforming llore locally is you pretty much know who your audience is. It's a loi of people who apply to the American are there to support you. High School Theater FesThe kind of cool oxperitival which you have to be ence is ve already know nominated by a school or a university that has at- eludes sightseeing in Lon- we'le going there as winners to be chosen but also tended or worked with don and Scotland. The students will per- we have audiences of peothem before. We were one ofabout 30 schools nation- form four times at the in- pIe who have no idea who wide who were chosen as ternational festival. 'I got we are," Sinclair said. He's excited for the stua winner," Andy Sinclair, to go this past summer to preview the trip and I was dents to visit a pari of the Nues West theater direcamazed. It's so much the- world most haven't expetor, said. NOes Township District ater and dance and music rienced. The trip to Britain 219 board recently ap- going on in that time," Sin- will start in London where proved the trip to 5dm- clair said. the students will get to see burgh at the Nov. 16 meetThe students will be shows in the famed West " Whatlhope theyget out oft/ifs is the &- Andy Sinclair, Nibs West theater director Scotland they'll llave scveral day or half-day trips to the Highlands, a few castIes and William Wallace's dents involved in tise the- alci' program are very it," Belim said. According to llehm each performance the the de- ment. For the last show 7:30 p.m., April 30 at 7:30 and May I at 7:30 p.m. The 10 n.m. community students were at rehearsai until D p.m. just getting to see so much within a time period. It's a lot ofart and artistic peoplo around which is a pret- ty cool experience," Sinclair said. Nues West theater parcnt Audrey Behm said stu- at 10 n.m., Fob. 19 and Feb. 20 at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. "I hopo they have the same experience I did, excitement and shock of 2009-10 mainstage schedule is The Sparrow" Dec. 10 at 10 n.m., Dec. Ii and Dec. 12 at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., "Lysistrata" Feb. 18 committed because it is a time-consuming commit- birthplace. which was the puro kind of , .7, . . - .. The legend. And legends are, as they nay down South, the stuff of lie-tellers. One chain of local taco joints famously claims bur- ritos the size of footballs. They are not. They are tise size ofclutch purses. The Lamas family, owners ofthe 10 Chicago-area Taco Burrito King stores, makes no outlandish assertions about the size oftheir Super They don't have to. When you sell something tisis big, you do not have to talk about Other people will, unless their mouths are full. Each Super King Burrito, available in steak, ground beef, chicken and chorizo versions, is a foot long and almost 3 inches thick - com- and nearly as solid. How much meat goes into a Super King Burrito? End theater district. In ..._ , parable in size to one of those easy-light fake fireplace logs, perience and opportunity tope,formfor an partment through the school year will include a out ofthis is the experience international audience." fundraising activity. The and opportunity to perform for an international audience. One of the pros .......................................................................- .................... ileavitt@pioneerlocal.com it. $7.67 per monIli $0.70 pur month Theater dept. earns top award, Scotland trip ing. There is no cost to the n.. UT Intl fly I raisin nvuu I ICing Burritos. IDTAL NILES WEST By JENHA HASKITT jhaskitt@pioneerlocal.com Super Burrito: 'Big but not bad for you' size ofa burrito the village had repaid the purchase debt. 9 is often the stuff of view adopted a new rate structure and committed to five YearS of incremental water and sewer tate hikes for both its own system and Nolill Maine Utilities. The fllla VZlS to rfliSe lilI lIdditi011lIl $50 million over l decade to pay for aggressive street newsl www.pioneerlocal.com Nl "When they put these shows together they're phenomenal. They have very high standards. The kids are very dedicated and they put in an enormous amount oftime into working with illese shows and they do have some very talented kids and they work with them to develop and "Fame" April 29 at performances are free. Regular admission is $10 for adults and $7 for senior citizens, Niles West stu- dents and children under 12. For more information ¿r to purchase tickets call the box office at (847) 6262633. Comrnent:pioizeerlocaL corn "We don't know it by weight," said Sergio Lamas, vlo has been helping run the restaurants since 1993. '1Cv two spatulas full." 'Fvo Taco Burrito King spatulas are big enough to hold up the front end of a snowmobile. The beef Super Kings weigh about 29 ounces. Tise chicken ones, about 23. Why does chicken weigh less? Chicken meat is lighter, and will continue as suds until cows start flapping their wings and flying across the barnyards. Tlsree montiss ago, the Lamas family opened tise newest of their eateries, in the food court of HarleessIrving Plaza in Norridge. We Pioneer Press' lrv Leavitt helts the massive Super King Burrito at Ihe new Taco Burrito King in the Harlem Irving Plaza food court. (Suzanne Tennant/Stalf Photographer) Tell us your Mega Bite What and where Mega Bites is hungry to bring WHAT: Super Kinq Burrito HOW MUCH: $6.95 HOW BIG: tip to 29 ounces and a foot long WHERE: At Harlem-Irving you the best of the biggest restaurant food. Viere look- ing for other big eats to Plaza, 4104 N. Harlem Ave., Nor- ridge, and nine other locations Super King Burritos or anything else, for that matter. EATIN BIG IN THE 'BURBS burritos, because at that extra cheese, making their and a little hot sauce, or decìdod. "You sisould put in tisere that this is actually Isealthy," made to order. It did not take much of all tisat to fill tise belly-dancers' bellies. About a halfofa half ofa burl-ito did tise trick for each. Tisey then geive our piso- Tisey wore so old tlsat some size, clsicken seemed less own humongous burritos. So of tisera were reading daily newspapers. hazardous to isealtis. Wisen Norridge nobility caed and Jalsal laugised. we thought, 'Wisy not do it ourselves?" Tise burritos al-e big but not bad for you, Stecisman I invited the coolest Nor- feature. Contact us with your suggestions. (847) 486-7389 or ileavitt@ploneerlocal.com, and we'll check it out. they were delivered to our tnsbles,Stechman'seyeswid- cream, white cheese, lettuce ridge person I know of to try "People eat tisis?" Stechman asked. out thebigburritos: Jnsmin Jahal, belly dancer extraordinaire and owner of Tise accordingtocoinpanyfoundel Caries Lamas. Ho added sise advised, after eating tOgflspiser 015e oftlse remain- some ofher breakfast log. "I that tise $6.95 Super King expected some greasy, heavy ing halves, and packed up the other two halves. They Burrito has beols around stuff tisai would get me said tisey were going to put since 2001, vIsen customers startedaskiisgforsomething more. - sick?' out one half at the school, and give the other to some- "chicken is boiled first, wisich body named Mike. "I thought tise regular King Size Burrito ($5.65) was big gets rid of isiost of tise fat," then is heated on the flattop which was akin to a cisopped "withjustenoughoiltoget the onions going?' Tise meat chicken dinner with beans and salad on the side. Tise is tossed with beans, sour restwent On top ofono of the Jasmin Jalsal School of visited at 10 n.m., vlsen the court was quiet. Quiet, but not empty. At 9:45 a.m., I counted 66 peo- Dance and Dance Company. She brought along a member of the Clsicago troupe, Julie plo sitting at tables. Of tlsose, Jahal isad asked a few otis- 62 appeared to be well over 60 years ofage. Most were chatting softly and drinking ers, but tisey demurred. We're dancers," she said. "We don't do mornings' coffee, but none were eating We nil ordered chicken Stechman. About 125,000 times a year, enough," he said. "But we noticed some customers were requesting extra meat, Sergio Lamas said tise I ate half of my burrito, file cabinets at work, cut into cisunks for the delectation of reporters who like beans for breakfast. Tisat was the same place where T left a steak version a few mornings before. That one was good, too. I had bought it - at the Nues branch - because the only way I could teli if the Super King Burrito was obscenely big enough to qualify for this feature was to see one, assd the quickest way to do that was to buy one. It fed sLx. And at seven bucks, that's amazing. Of more than a score of Mega Bites Ober edibles, the only one that cost less was the one-pound double burger at the Little Island in Evanston, and that would be a mess and a half to share. "People are looking for a bargains," Carlos Lamas said. "And it's even better if it's good." Coni,ne,lt:pio,zeerlocaLcorn mews lo www.pioneerlocal.com Morton Grove F1WES Park District's Complete dnG.IL 847.965.12 Fitness Facility coi,, DECEMBER SPECIAL i Month of Fitness $29.95' Offering vou state-of-the-art equipment. spacious. modem iocier sooms. a clean family atmosphere. in-and-out Illness, helpful staTh fantastic hours. guaranteed lowest prices in the area and much morel No initiation Fee. i MO'IFH OF FITNESS BEGINS ON THE DATE OF PURCNASE.$ALES BEGIN DECEMBER 1STAND END ON DECEMBER 3L 2009.11-lis SPECL.L MAY BE APPUED TOWAPD AN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP BETTER BUILT GARAGES & REMODEUNG We Make Your Gatage Look New $':e ur-t14PLp. inflicting blunt trauma P rosecutors to her," said Cook County ProsecutorRickCenar,who tell of victim's tragic life of abuse, neglect 16'x7' In court Cenar said to put on her tongue for life during the Nov. 1? hearing. gators that another doughter, whojust turned 10 that day, had beaten Melanie. (Pctrov) said at the time told police that Melanie began to scream so she inside her family's apart- beaten daughter, Melanie, lay dying in a hospital, Mila Petrov blamed the child's ment, at 8892 Kennedy Drive, in unincorporated Maine Township, when 10-year-old sister for her in- paramedics responded to a of the boating, she was downstairs doing laundry and her 10-year-old must have done it andjumped on her," Cenar said, Petrov later admitted it wusshewhoslruckMelanie in the head, causing the ii call the evening of child's forehead to hit the On Nov. 17, two-and-a-half March 13, 2007. Melanie was wall, after Melanie vomited ycarsafterMelani&sdeath, revived, but she died the next morning at Advocate onablanket used asawindow curtain, Cenar said. Petrov allegedly told authoritics she became angry be- delivered the fatal blows to the 5-year-old, a child au- thorities say lived a life of Melanie to stand against the 708-799-9393 timony at Petrov's plea hearing, Melanie had auffered multiple head injuries wall of the room while she napped, Melanie threw up OakLawn (708)638-4444 abuse and neglect. Petrov, 31, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and due to blunt-force trauma and then told Petrov that Jabot (815)886-2444 .. WestSuburtss to intentionally and knew- caused by child abuse. She was also malnourished, ac- she had not. ChIcago Northern Suburbs (841 812-6456 BB8 Hammond IN (713)933-1111 (630)333-5025 (219) 044-7717 ingly killing her daughter going to get the hot sauce dran, initially told investi- 299 Family owned since 1956 . www.betterbuiltgarages.com room and said she was Petrov, who had nine chi)- While her bruised and Petrov formally admitted in Melanie to go into the living the last hours ofMclanie's Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. According to the medical examiner's tes- mm Nues CK&rtor COeIt(t e%Dii,asrsr cause, after ordering lying," Cenar said. Petrov struck her again, knocking Melanie down and causing Cenar said. Petrov said she then left the room, and when she re- turned she told police her 10-year-old daughter was punching and jumping on Melanie, Cenar said. After Petrov realized her daugh- tci EXP. 12.07-09 I RoMn, I nd NoTerei Charge nddO Vonl. flore Mús. (VaJu6 Of$25&05) .o Pçod Serstet i -800-409-7178 ,/r to AiR DUCT CLEANING Is OUR SUSINESS _\ -. - - -(847) 268-8180 www.nileschamber.com Visit us at our new location 8060 Oakton Street (Inside the NorthSide Community Bank) :;e,t :5tj r VIRnUAL TOUe v'- Skakie Skokle SÇOlWMadisonSt.com Morton Grove 81 l5NKonlnerAve,catn L,g updoied 4.ioaol hun,o in greet u,eu Romod. Spacious ei.iouol home wit1, linished basement and lota ei stur000 Corno, lut with huga yard hceied ide lIeu, Movy eeb,nei, Nage lowly en a/dune ipic 3 brf3 ho $499,005 oled ii w/hvo loin rio. Hdwd fir, O.cur mrren. Near poik, pool, noii course, school, Mot,a A shop, 3 br/2 be. $459,900 Sharp, ,ehokbed bungalow Croon molding and hardwood hoots kitchen boosts rnopla Chirleo Ehiocs 847.623.4144 Deroihy Wedztna Christopher Stephens 773.435.4300 Marion Greco Skotcie R3SOSkokioDtnd6O9.com buely op floor conde. rdaoo ai geli causse Ol54FarnsworthDr.com HIlos Cim,e,vg ll beck 2400 sq ii homo, Updated ka a/GE uppie, eider doofe io h000 deck A 9256NLaeorgneAvo.com 773.435.4300 and patia oli remodelad nat io kitchen cabinets, stainless appia Attic renovotod nia a pnvn,iO manen 4 br/3 ko $309,900 t $424,900 br/2.5 ha, Jennifer Piace 847.729.0330 Skokle Ç33OKainaorAve.com F,nsh, updated all hrivh ranch Flew hrtvhnn and both,, hardwood liver,, new roof, iumeco, air Lorge lull basement Detoched garage, lencnd $369,900 yard 3 br/2 ha 847.492.9660 Morta Franks ORi wasn't moving or breathing, she claimed she put water and milk in the child's mouth and began pusising on Iser stomach, he said. Petrov then reported- called the child's father at work and waited until her other children had cleaned up the apartment before she After striking Melanie, Murder, PAGE 12 - lS2OArcadIeSt corn Superb lagt ved ichal, n podevi Partodo loca. tics Hdwd il,,, opon Ire Im, cu,ium cob,, buon dock, hound yard Gordon Rain opens io Oriole Sub 3 br/i 5 bu 5369,900 Rose Thomac ORI 847.492.9660 Upgraded kitchen. Plenty oiclasoi opaca Privato balcony t .cor oaraoo porting space r, iaclud' $355,000 od. 2 br/2 Ira, 847.272,0330 Lily Hemoini Skokie 7432NICedvatoAvt.com Completely updated haare All nn« lumaca, etc, water beaten, windows A doors Hdwd Ors throughout. Updated alnvtric 2'car Rarogo, 5339,000 fred Haaren reni 3 br(2 ha. Cathy Fonodmon 773.435.4300 WaIId Mt,hcs Taupe Skokie 8$2SStLouln.com Besot/ui and aolid oil bricb space Large living room, separato dining mom with hnuuiilui wood flours, larga nat.rn kitchen with sewer appii. 5349,900 oncea. 3 br/2.5 Ira. 841.729.0330 SlolWßlrnhwoadAree.com Skokte b,igtri A spacious br.inuei miaU 2 Scar garage an 49al23 lot WatI rnraintoinvd, alt.brich, in Shokie Poiroow School Distnct asno. i4at2 5205,005 Florida en 3 hr/2 ha 773.435.4300 Wnitd Miaba 1etiy RUSH DERMATOLOGY in Skokie State-of-the-art dermatology, otferin9 comprehensive skin services from infancy through adulthood. Sourd Certifuni Dermatologist The Nues Chamber of Commerce Reminds you to Shop Locally Call the Chamber..ofltcelor referra's-on businesses in the area - lier lacad to hit the floor, Vinaria H. Barbosa, M.D., M.P.H. lrô,doe, to l5ona, 11 s g iii a C c o ru Petrov "said she told released more details about Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 10 at Cook County Circuit Court in Skokie. Melanie was found bruised and without a pulse By JENNIFER JOHNSON jjohnson@pioneerlocal.com cord)rig to the medical examinoro findings. court that it was she who s 149 www.pioneeriocaI.com Nl VIEW OVER 100,000 LISTINGS Mother pleads guilty in daughter's murder SthdGarag.Poor .. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION MAINE TOWNSHIP juries, authorities allege. C.H.I.!E NI . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 6400NCtcorotaye4tl.com Ltncolnwood 4920CaroÌ.com Corner unit. 2 bedrooms + den, 2 baths, newor eppliancea, a/c A lumaca Priced In elli 2 br/2 $270,000 ho Rncanily rodano corner unit townhouse. Newer eet.ifl ht w/eppl. Freshly decorated intanor. Pise shed lainer level w/dq bac Near Skebio Swift & Lone Bonder 847.129.0330 Oberen Kotber/Marilyn Olead 173.433.4300 hair and nail diseases Cosmetic services $299.900 - 82llNMeogaAna.cam Salid brick stop ranch 3 twIt ha. 471 1 West Colt lid., Suite 71 t, StoLte, ill. Hours by appointment, Conveniently located near old Orchard Shopping Mali. Most insurance plant accepted. Additional appointment locations for Rush Oerrnratoiogy i3t2) 942-2195 Rush Dermatology 53t9 S, Fairview Ave. Suite 102 Westmont, ill (6301 9554S00 Rush Dermatology 610 5. Maple Ase. Suite 3900 Oak Park, li i312) 942-2195 P'-.' ttusi t 1jNt'liitSiTV MEI)iI:AL cIT5it $200,000 - 3l48Motn.cem $429,000 - 722ONKartoeAve.cøm Brick split level 3 br/2 5 ha 647.492.9660 Susie McMonote David Macerfhur $329,900 - 3802 WDoeenAno.corn Spectacular iuwaha,no 3 br/2.5 ha 713.435.4300 Irla Perea Mark BoasqanS Cl,arnning updaind irama, 3 bn/2 be. Coach km. Mint ceoditian. 2 br/S be. $255,000 . 6400NCiceroAve3ll,cOsss inn 6 Jerry Paetach MarIna Jacobsen Sisaren Kalber 773.435.4300 Updated brick iri.teuui 3 hn/2 ha. Etleon Hoban 847.212.0330 $324,900 - RlS4NewcosIieAao.cam Fsicnn odacoctt Orb ranch. 3 hr/I ka. EodaaieeAfflliE f 841.823.4144 $259.000 . l528EmernenSt.00m Splri.loaet no big loi. 3 br/2 ha 847.874.6800 847.510.5000 $214,900 - 9127NewcenleAee.Cern Woll.rrraintoiaed renoir. 2 br/S be 847.510.5000 847.729.0330 ::1c.HRISTLFS $179,900 . 5$OONLSsscoInAge408.cam Spocioos end unii cnnda. 2 br/2 be. 773.435.4300 ParsIe 3180 $106,900 - 5SOOLlncolflAvoSOlW.com Spacious nnd unit. t br/i be 713.435.4300 lane Kyriacos :.,.i,; r,,. .,' $214,900 . 8O5lLowell$t.carn $299,000 - 101ZAndaaLn.casss Classic brick ranch home 3 br/2 ka, 847.272,0330 EmOte Setaoikan Brich ranch home Pin LL, 2 br/She 847.492.9660 Sacan Task y,' .... Updated catin kitchen 3 hr/S be 847.510.5000 Hastie, Appel $1 89,900 - Ç24OGraagPoSnteRdAOÇ.cam Spacrous corneo unit. 2 br/2 ha, Ron Bernomon Ben)ansin 847.492.9660 ' 2OO9 Holiday Toy Drive $194.500 - l4S2ElmherotRd.corn $249,913 - 8546CaItieAve.cem Peter Tolere Moronróve . 5324,900 . RlO3HMansllatdAne.00m 647.272.0330 Eileen Heben Maese w/lre bsmt, back yol 2 hr/t ha 847.729.0330 Jason Plotrucho more. $439.000 - 4O24WrlghtTer.com Postino 2.iiatl Appt 6 bs/2 ba 847.510.5000 TommIe Ramena $345,000 . SDobbieDr.com leuiooiy mareteinod 3 br/2 5 be. $289,000 - gl2OMasanAve,oam .ari 312.642.1400 Mount Pros.ect. GroO Viti Debra HatclsetC www.wsh.edu 312.642.1400 649,9O0 - 3333WCatumbta corn Unrquo 2 lIai en dbl lot 7 br/3 loll, 2 hIt be. 173,435.4300 Poroto GIgs' Spacious unii wfganago. 2 brf2 be. Rush Dermatology t7ZS W. Harrisoe St Suite 254 Chicago, Iii. Great starter unit Said osi,, bus n groat shape. $154,900 ShvC salo. 2 br/2 ha, perly web. address for deft iIsiofos Skin cancer treatmest TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. PLEASE CALL (847) 568-9911. 863OWaakegonSl5.com Marion Grace Ivola Uebonskl 847.295.6400 Nancy G. Heiner Skokie Bright iounhama Lore eutin kitchen has newan applionves, pantry closet Ewt loyer with closet, spacious living room ltardwnad floors shrougir. $579,000 oui 3 bn/t.5 ha 1 Oo33FrontogeRdD.com $255,000 ehep, 3 br/lS be. 5274,000 trrPba Teatment ei skin, Skekle Hitos 2 vary borne w/lreaind porch motores good sao kuchen and a dining Dom, sunny living room plus spacious family room and leaved yard. 4 7llOWManroeSt oem 047.510.5000 Niles $269,000 - Ol05EiisabethAve.cem Specious opors lloo pien. 2 br/S be. Please ohs Koenig & Sire>' GMAC, and the U.S. Marines, in 847.212.0330 Cmeile Lechlenberg bringing Haliday giFts to those who are less fortunale.Donalions al unwrapped new toys (no battery operated or war-type please) will be accepled at any office unIi) December 14. $189,900 - BSllHEImereSI.com Quint tocwlheooyard. 2 ho/t ha. Phoebe Ca 041.729.0330 .'. ' .' .. : ,.:......... ':.' . 's . .. . . . ,,.',,55 Foça complete list of open houses visit ksgmacOpenHouses corn View photos descriptions and virtual tours 12 mews www.pioneeriocal.com Superintendent Nl . TNURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 ' A PIOIOER PRESS PUBLICATION . Nl Murder would tie her legs togeth- \, Continued tram PAGE 10 Cenar said. 'Aftc, doing tisis Park Ridge-Niles School District 64, II> This K-8 Disirid serves 4300 students and is )ocaied 15 milos northwest of Chicago's Loop. The District operates 5 K5 schools, 2 middle schools and i early childhood center. District 64 has earned many prestigious awards end hes o history of academic excellence. Nearly 76% of the teaching staff hold an advanced degree. Over 93% o! the students meet or exceed state educational standards. The District has a lang histary of cooperotian and collaboration with the community with all working for the benefit of the students. A highly competitivo compensation package for the Park Ridge-Nibs School District will be offered. Screening begins in early January. p i i called 911. Cenar said Melanie body showed signs of numerous injuries, including n black eye; lacerations lo her fore- head; burns on her shoutclers, back and feet; and bruises on her face, abdomèn, hands and lower ex- tremities. 'i Potrov allegedty admitted to authorities that she hit ail of her children, but struck Melanie harder and "Step back intime to a night 2,000 years ago...." * Come to 7ethlehem * See the Christmas story come to life \VaIk the road t) Bcthlehem rnd sec the events preccdrng Christs brt1i. linjoy the busy Betlikliem rnarketplucc....pet the camels and other anbuats. Followjoseph und Mary to tise stnbk sisen marvel at the Celebration Concert honoring the baby Jcstis Friday, December 11 Doors open at 6:30 p.m Concert only us 8:00 pus. * Saturday, December 12 - Two Performances Doors opera at 2:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Concerts only ut 3:30 p.m. und 7:00 p.m. FREE ADMiSSION - Reservations Required at www.satvationarniynothdge.org The Salvation Army Church 8354 W. Foster Ave., Norridge (708) 45&.6220 (tm« & C,estmtmd Ase,) er with a rope or belt," she'd put her in a closet when she had to pick up the other kids from school." Carlos Beltrtsn, Melanie's father and Petrov's longtime companion, pleaded guilty. in July to aggravated batr, tery ofn child and was sen. tenced to 20 years in prison in exchange for his testinio ny against Petrov. Cenar said Beltran knes Melanie was being abused but did not. do anything W stop it. According to statement Òff-duty Officer bags shoplifter By JENNIFER JHNS0N jjohnson)ltpioneelocal.com ! ' ' An off-duty Nues police officer helped capture a man who allegedly stole items fo-orn a Park Ridge storeandpunchedtheempioyee who confrented him. On the afternoon ofNov. 18 a 29-year-old employee ofWalgreens, 901 W. Touhy Ave., was attempting to stop a man from leaving the Our rehctb programs are famous for positíve results. being punched in the head and face and the suspect runningaway,Jogrnensaid. The suspect, identified as Charles Deberry, 40, ofthe 3200 block ofWest Fulton Avenue, Chicago, reportedly ran west through the Wal- green'sparkingiotjustas in a bag, said Park Ridge Po- employee who tried to stop him from leaving with the allegedly stolen merchan- Deberryissettoappear in court on Dec. 13. Cernment:pioneerloeal.cont "he would come home and pulling off pieces of the chitd's skin when she re- he didn't do anything to ptó.,,' Thefollowing incidents were moved bandages that em'cred the burns, forcing her tect Melanie," Cenar said. tion of alcohol by a minor listed in the official reports The couple's surviving, and violation of curfew. oftite Nibs Police Depart- They were identified as a jeans pocket; n glass pipe used for smoking the drug was found inside his sock. to eat hot sauce, placing her head in n toilet and tying her up. eight children, including a. ment. Readers are reminded that an arrest does not constitute afindingefguilt. Only a court oflaw can make that determination. 15-year-old girl and a 113year-old girl, both of unin- Bond was set at $1,000. He has a Dec. 7 court date. She said that because see the injuries and Mom would blame the kids and, baby born while Petrov was in police custody the day, Melanie died, are ali in fos Melanie would run around ter care, Cenar said. apartment so much, she Coînmen:pioneer1oeal.com,; ON SALE NOW! POLICE BLOTTER corporated Maine Township, and a 17-year-old girl from Glenview. Two other maie passengers in the vehiele, ages 18 and 24, were released without charges, Joe Mondragon, 20, oC 5107 W. Eddy St., Chicago, was charged with eonsump- tion of alcohol by a minol and driving without headlights Nov. 25. Police arrest- ed Mondragon after re- police said. Gems and Jewelry, 9101 Mii- waukee Ave. Alberto Espino, 21, of 8417 N. Shermer Road, Nues, was charged with posses- OUI police said. Thiee of Mon- dragon's passengers were sion of a plastic bag conWining 1.7 grams of sus- at 12:18 a.m. for allegedly speeding on the 7900 block of Dempster Street. Bond was set at $1,000. He has also charged with eonsump- pected marijuana inside his st Dec. 21 court date. Freè Gas Log nstalation S! Store for Details of Gtenview Jeffrey Sobala, 52, of 009 ton Street. According to po. lice, Espino was in posses. . 8PM stolen Nov. 24 from Lucky POSSESSION The Cross Timbers SAT DC 19TH $10,000 were repotted of the vehicle were also seen flashing gang signs, n.m. on northbound Mil- THE OAK RIDGE BoYs Six gold and diamond rings valued at about waukee Avenue. Occupants hide driving recklessly and without headlights at 1:37 AN EVENING WITH THEFT sien ofmarijuana and possession ofdrug paraphernalia Nov. 22 following a accident at minor Waukegan Road and Oak- sponding to a report oCa ve- knuary 11fb. At The Abington of Glenview, we help people regain, to the greatest extent possible, any functionality lost because of surgery, illness, or accident. Our one-on-one therapy programs work because they're customized to fit youx needs and goals. As one patient's daughter says, "When I asked friends arid neighbors to recommend a rehab facility, The Abington kept coming up, every single time. Now I know why." The Abington's got it all - skilled therapists, working together; state-of-the-art facilities; and evidence-based, proven treatment protocols you get it all: a better outcome, as fast as possible. dise. a belt, as well as burning roups formmnr now. Classes I Debcrrywaschargedwith retailtheft,batteryandrobbery because he was accused of fighting with the suiting in the employee idence, Beltran admitted oriarty here. Come Here. Get Better. Go Home. whicit wete entered into cv MS. ¡n Written Comniunicoflon U I cof ìf him until Park Ridge police officers arrived to take him into custody. Petrov admitted to striking Melanie with her hands and become a professIonal wrìter.» sfarf the week of gte ensued between the coiployee and the suspect, re- an elf-duty Nues police of(leer was entering the lot in his vehicle. Jogmen said the accrdìfation I nedd to - Barbara officer got out of his car, caught Deberry and held store with several unpaid items he was seen placing UNDERAGE DRINKING Nafìoncif-Louìs Unìvrîfy tcIve me fh confidenc and lice Cmdr. Lou Jogmen. Outside the store a strug- he made lo au1horitie,' Melanie in n hot bath, 13 ARREST 'tite worst." Cenar said tnot.e often because she was news t www.pioneerlocal.com S. Western Ave., Park Ridge, was charged with 3901 Glenview Road Glenview, Illinois 847-729-0000 F: 847-7294552 www.theabington.com driving under the influence Nov. 21 after he was stopped Christmas is almost here! Get ready for the holidays. 'fie D65 Sdectlsn of Gio Logo', GI. Door. and Scrteno, bOICt, Au&rono, Wood Holders, Coal Grate. and Much More. Toolset, Struusbourg'tWougIt trots Andirons 1.., "Wood llohlcrs - Seville I Io,I Ce,sftrdToo) Ses F REPLACESPLUS www.firoiJcJoc.IIocIIan.com . 700 NOSh MiWaskoO Aso. Voseo,, '5,115. linoS Q065 *47.549.6700 ao0 w Ohio St. -COCO NOW OPEN!). . Fuoploc. Equipo,.nI Only "iDcbussyScrecn Glossy Doors ,' Scrolls, Leases & BallsScrccn 45 evMpuoNvwAy . ELGN. ti. 60520 t im '__' I Scccens 1° .e._.,. Stoss Hours Moni & ThurstlOAM.IjM Tuso., Wsd. FrL, Sat..1OAM.6PM kIÑD¡PAGE 14 Submissionsfor Community Calendarare requiredl4 days precedingthe date ofpublica- 1000 WORDS ¿ion, Sendto: Niiez Managing Editor, PioneerPress, 3701 W Hawks victory is a triumph for us all tive shte championship and even breaking a few records in the process. Yeah, we thought you might have caught wind of it. By "wind," ofcourse, we mean a gale-force gridiron gust. While many fans vere taking nothing for granted, the ostensibly unstoppable Hawks barreled their way to the title, going undofeated for the season and logging their 28th straight win. It was Maine South fourth state title and second under head coach Dave Inserra, who was assistant coach for the first pair of championship victories. And while no one player evol wins a football game, senior Matt Perez sure as heck paid his freight. Perez set a title-game record by running for 316 yards and scoring five touchdowns (and that was running at. a self-described capacity of'SO to 85 percent"). He finished vitli 2,246 yards on the season and 34 touchdowns. Named Sun-Times player ofthe yeas Perez plans to take his game to Indiana. Excitement surrounding the run-up to Fridays contest electrified Maine South, District 207, Park Ridge and surrounding towns, generating interest far beyond normal sportsfan circles. A victory l)arade was in the works for the weekend, and an assembly planned for Tuesday in the Maine South gymnasium was no doubt a feeding frenzy of school spirit and hometown pride. As well it should be. History-making inonients like our local sports heroes' statewide triumph have a peculiar way ofsweeping us all up in the wave of fervor and appreciation, and carrying us vitlt it, together, to its end. So whilo congratulations are certainly in order for our football Hawks, that sentiment must also extend to every family, friend, fan, school, village, citizen and casual observer who felt uplifted - evenjust a little bit -. by this team's success on the field. LakeAve., Gienview IL 60 026. Information may befaxed to (847) 486-74115er c-mailed to ,nbo(tari@pionecrlocol.com. Benefits The Polish National AllIance is spot' string itt annual arios of new toys, games and monetary donations lar o cal needy chiidres at Christmas There Paolo Ottico, AlDO N. Cicero Ave. Chica' their minds are like sponges; they imitate a lot ofwhat their parents do. Family First Aid reports that, "Only 2 percent of people who smoke were brought up in a nonsmoking household." The majority of people who smoke were greatly influenced by their parents growing up. Smoking is a ruthless killer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The advcrse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated 438,000 deaths, or nearly i of every S deaths, each year in the United States?' Imagine if people didn't smoke. Thousands of lives a year could be spared; I míght still have 1he11L)THWNG Holiday recovery spa husband with a remote. °There, there. Afteryour Won/ca chocolate facial, rising tide raises all ships. Thanks for the lift, fellas. CHERYL O'DONOVAN Maijode McPartlln Park Ridge Tuesday, Dec. 8 - Annual Holiday Party, elderly and other adults in need in the north and northwest city and suburbs, will hnld its annusI holiday party tor clients, volunteers and community supporters at 7.30 p rs. Dec. 8 ut Ihn Park Ridge Senior Center, 00 S Western 130 p so. Park Ridge Senior Ceder, 100 Ave, Park Ridge. highlights will include S. Western Ave., Park Ridge. Wednesdays, Duc. 16 ard 30 - Grief und relreshments and rallie prizes genor' eunly donated by local merchants and loss support group (call tirst), Saturday, Dec. (9 - Legal counseling, by holiday entertainment providod by the Demonaires, a student group (rom Hume cast High Scheol. Area colon' teert will be honored by the Center's leadership. The public is welcome. Bring a non'peristiuble leod item lar Monday, Dec. 14 - Aluheimer's care- givsrs seppsrt group, IO am. Tuesday, Inc. 15 - Modicum ceonsnling. by appointment appnintment Sot , lac. 19 - Blond pressure und blood segur testing, IO u m:s050 mo appointmeet neededi. Center of Concern The Center of Concern. 1580 8. 3t The Center of Concern, an ledepend' est social service agency serving the VAN MOM STRK[S AGALN Most moms do the shopping, the cooking, the baking and mailing the holiday presents. We circle in a desperate holding pattern three miles from the mall until a guy from valet parking sends up a distress flare that can be seen in Des Moines. Post-holidays, what moms really need is a Holiday Recovery Spa. Imagine the possibilities. At the welcome desk might be spa director, Evelyn de Moodring, in a white lab coat. One woman staggers in, clutching a broken meat timer. "Ah;' Evelyn says. 'Had to chisel the innards from a half-frozen turkey?" The woman nods. 'There, there," Evelyn croons. After your Wonka chocolate facial, you'll be fine." The next woman holds a "Returns" bag and useless receipts from tite past decade. She has been ambushed so many times by cosmetic counter clerks, that she been declared a walking biohazard. She snarls and twitches uncontrollably. "First, head over to our Acupuncture Studio, where you'll puncture the simulated faces oft-udo sales clerks." Next, Evelyn pages via the intercom system. "Nasal Passage Renewal your two-o'clock is here." Another woman wears earmuffs and claims to have bludgeoned her "Deafening football games and reruns of loud guy movies," Evelyn directs her down the corridoi "Third door to the right. Ear drum rejuvenation." Another woman limps to the reception area, her bare feet strung to tiles from the factory outlet. "The podiatrist and pedicure package," Evelyn says. "My feet were the size of Hindenburgs," tite woman says wearily. "I dragged ail over Woodfield, looking for ti Bail-Me-Out-Elmo," I amble up to the desk, tap on tite bell for sel-vice. Evelyn approaches, her eyes widening in surprise. "I just came from a salon," I explain. "Instead of a sophisticated bob, I got titis Wang Chung mullet." The hairstylist standing behind Evelyn screams. "It's Rod Biagojevich meets Chetvbacca!" Readers: Any crazy holiday shopping stories to share? What tips doyou have for shopping? Write me at ClleTylOdO,l000@ conzcast,net. Conznzont:pioneerlocal.cosn The Maine Township Food Pantry is in desperate need ot nonperishable items, including: canned vegetables, conned trait, letup, peunut buttor, baosburgerlctsicken helper, cookies. cruck ers, spaghetti, rice and snack bars. Items muy be dropped nIt between 9 Chamber The Hiles Chamber will toast the houday season on Dec. 16 at the St John Brebeul Ministry Center, 8308. Harlem Ave. Wiles. Enjoy appetizers und drinks 1mm Catered By Design, am. and 430 p.m. at the Oiles Chaos' ber et Commerce ol(ice, 8060 W. Oak' too St., inside the North Side Cemmucity Bunk building und visit with tricots and colleagues. There will tse silent auction prises and the Champagne Itiumand rutile spoe' ocred by Candlelight Jewelers. Installation at the 2010 Board et Directors wilt be at 6 p.m. This event is tree te all Chamber members and their employ' Clubs The Twenty-first Star Chapter of the National Society el the Daughters st the American Revolution will meet ut oes; however. bring a new, unwrapped toy for Toys tor Tots or canned goods fer the Nilns rond Pantry. Call 1847) Calendar, : ' PACE 16 anuae ù'á'(ith' purpose at hearing written or ural comments tram the public concerning the proposed annual budget loi the calendar year ending December 31, 2010, as contained in the proposed budget thisyear's team. lt has been said that a a grandfather. Parental influence on children is a key factor in the development of bad habits, especially smoking. I know how strong parental influence is, as it is exemplifled in the smoking habits of my two older siblings. Congruently, smoking should be banned from household settings, at least until all ofthe kids are within legal age ofthe activit No good can come from it; there is no upside. Why do people smoke when they know that its side effects are deadly? Why do parents choose to smoke in front oftheir kids ifit is killing them? ment 2688180. thn Moine Township Food Puntry. Call (0411 8230453 it yes need transporta' tion. The Village al Morton Grove will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm on Monday, December 14, 2009, at the Richard T. Flickingen Municipal Center, 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, Illinois for the howevci; solely belongs to Smoking's deadly cycle starts at home Note: The Center will be closed Bec. 24 and 25 and will close at I p.m. Doc. LEGAL NOTICE - PUBLIC HEAHINO VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PROPOSED BUDGET flEQIJEST - 2010 CALENDAR YEAR Our gratitude for this post-Thanksgiving gift, You SAY Northwest Highway, Suite 310, Park Ridge, 1847) 823-0453, calendar at events Includes: Tuesdays, Wednesdays (every week) - Employment counseling, by appoint- go; the PIA Bank, 7810 N Milwaukee Ass. Nibs; antI the Alliance Printers and Publishers Boildìng, Sill N. Milwau' ken /ive. Chicago, tar the toy donalions until Doc. li. ilring enwrapped legs loi hoyo and girls op to age 16. After the deadline, the donoled toys will he delivered te the Shriser's tiospitul in Chicago. in time for Christmas. Monetary donations will be collected train Vice President Paul C. Odrebina's Oltice, where the money will go to purchase addilional toys und gills for the children io the sama ol the donor. Call ths Polish National Alliance, (7731 2860500, tot. 316, er visit wivwpna¿np org will be a collection box in the tient lobby e! the Pelish National Alliance you'll befine." The faint red glow of four cigarettes was barely visible among the swirls of smoke in the car. I am not claustrophobic but the smoke was suffocating me; I felt like I was in a gas chamber. That awful taste was stuck in the back of my throat and the stench was embedded in my clothing. This scone had become a familiar one for me, for smoking is somewhat of a family activity for my parents and two siblings. Fortunately, I resisted their influence, but why can't other people resist parental influence as well? When children grow up in smoking households they see no consequences for that action. Unfortunately, 15 COMMUNITY CALENDAR WE SAY So .., anybody hear about a high school football game last weekend? You know, thaL one Saturday night in Champaign where Maine South defeated Marist 41-17, taking its second consecu- news i www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NI 'i .: ''r' U_s-:,'. ' 'v" ' INTERNATIONAL MARKET DELI BAKERY MEATS SEAFOOD summarized below. s Management Information Systems Police Fire & Paramedic Services Civil Preparedness Public Works - Streets & Sidewalks Public Works - Vehicle Maintenance Public Works - Engineering Solid Waste Collection Family & Senior Services Civic Center Building & Inspectional Services Municlpat Services Reserves Total Generai Corporate Fund s E-91 i Emergency Telephone System Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Enterprise-Water/Sewer Fund C.N.A. Pension Fund Fireligliters' Pension Fund Police Pension Fund Total Alt Non-General Funds TOTAL ALL FUNDS 104,800 378,575 407,700 i i i 550 2,307,030 479,313 8,410,809 6,997,903 I 1,942 2,081,175 728,253 343,675 70,000 186,753 170,700 374,150 154,975 333,000 23.652,303 575,500 2,955,944 9,511,638 312,625 2,020,866 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Public Library Fund Lehigh/Ferris-Tax Increment Financing Fund Economic Development Fund Waukegan Road-Tax Increment Financing Fund Commuter Parking Facility Fund 127,70D s $ Produce Baby Carrots Revenue Expense Legislative Administrative Legal Community & Economic Development Finance 232,000 1,552,818 2,258,848 6,502,468 564,000 2,238,930 2,590,836 31,444,172 55,096,475 Farm Fresh Zucchini 79c 49'Lb. Avocados Rib Lamb Chopo : . Swift Lnd-O-Lakes liard Salami American Cheese 99 Lb. lb. A copy of the entire budget is also available at the Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 LIncoln Ave, -. Browned s 99 1Lb. Lb. Pack Turkey Bread 575,500 2,680,689 4,480,000 315,000 727,500 136,000 234,350 1,545,643 2,183,097 5,064,500 928,268 2,924,274 2,745,174 s 24,539,995 Lean Graced Chsek Familt79l . DEU s 22,421,907 A copy of this Information, the entire budget and additional background materials are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, 6101 CapulIna, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 or on the Village's website www.mortongrovell.org. 69Ea. Grado A Frech Chicken Drumstick USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roast 2'? s 46,961,901 Lb. Seedless Cucumbers 98'E. u USDA choice Lois or Apples 494 Ea. t Lb. Pomegranates 00 2for Mìchìan Goleen Delicious Healthy One Black Forest Ham s 99 99 Lb. Lb. DAIRY Borden 2% Milk Dean's Skim Milk Dea n's Dean'n Cottage Cheese Half & Half '9 s u h00 59 I 99 Ea. Gal. Land-OLakes Butter Salted & Uncalled Eu.w. u Ei.'Z4oz 2 for 1 Ea. i Lb. . GROCERIES Nanninu Pasta Sauce 2 for 200 Ii. 24 0:. Campbell's Chunky Soups 2OO 2 for J Ei. 13.0 0:. Swanson Chicken KeIIO9Q's & Beef Broth Special K Cereals 99c Ei.l50z. 4 for iA00 V U Sole from Luca ltalf Extr Virgin Olive Oil Golden Chick Peas i 59 i699 I I E. 3 Lt. Et.100c. Gold Dei Frattelli Metal Flour Tomato Sauce s 99 Ei. S Eh. 3for I 00 I 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. CORNER OF WAUKEGAN & DEMPSTER HOURS: MON-FRI 8-9 SAT 8'8 SUN 8-7 Morton Grove, Illinois 60053. SIncerely, Ryan J. Home, Finance Director/Treasurer 847-581-1029 AD#1738473 32 Pub; 12/3/09 SALEDATES: DECEMBER 3"- DECEMBER 9" T 16 mews www.pioneerlocal.com Calendar Continued from PAGE 15 11:30 a m. Dec. 9 at the Park Ridge Country Cub, 636 N. Prospect Ave. background, who can prono lineal doscent tram a patriot of the Americas Revolution, is eligiblo for DAR menrber ship. DAR recogrfiees "Patriots" est only as soldiers. but anyone who con' trilsuted to the cause of American tree' darn. Contact Second Vice Regent, Bot' ty Borman, (847) 818-900L Park Ridge. A luncheon will be served at noon with a meeting and pcograin North Amedcan Martyrs, Knights of to follow. Hostesses tor the day are: Nancy Gutreuter. Nancy Moyer. Carol al adult Christmas Party en Bec, I at Pauly Mary tÇ. Rodnsaou, Choirrous. The Conter, 8305 N. Harlem free. Sncial Celumhos Council 4338 slates its anno- the Si John Preheat Parish Ministry Maine Sooth Jazz Essoniblo will pres- hoar starts at 6 p m. and dinner is ont Christmas Music Past, Present, and Foture' The ensemble srns music from the Renaissance to the present day. Bring canned goods to the meet' ing tor the Maine Township Food Pantry. Any woman 18 years or oidor, regardless of race, religion, er ethnic scheduled for 7 p.m. Ticket includes dinner, classic Christmas music with Jodi Moohan and surprion visitor with gitt5 Tickets are SO per person; reidowe/widowers, SIR. Reservations and money must ho received by Dec.?. Contact Bob Salassi, 1847) 965-0920, The Waukeqan Swedtstt Olee Cluh avilI celebrate its annual Julmiddag Dec. 6 at the Chevy Chase Country Cluh, 1000 tI. Milwaukee Road in Whneling. The program will begin at 3 p.m. with a Christmas srnnrgasbnrd following. TIre pnogram holds a mlxtare of best-loved hvliday songs in English and Swedish. "Route 66," a te' malo quartet will perform holiday songs during the Grand Buffet. mn Chicags Swedish Malo Chorus and the flaukegas Swedish Women's Chorus will join the Swedish Glee Club 01 Waokogan in song. Tickets for Julmiddug are S40 for adults and SI?, chit' dnen 12 und under. Reservations cus be mudo by calling Jim Maurice at monthly meeting Doc, lO at the (3121 670-9570. Women's Shelter will be collected. Call The Morton Grove Woman's Club will hnld a Holiday Bazaar at ils 1047) 2051900 er e'mail: Chateau Ritz, en Milwaukee Ave. in Advocate l.uthtran General Hospital Nitos Cocktails at Il a m. and lunch at noun, Arrive early tar heme made baked gonds and gitts fer all the fumi' and Advocate Lutheran General Chil' dies's Hospital will hold a 50th an' nivensary celebration at 3 p.m. Dcc, 6 ly. Lunch and musical entertainment in Olson Auditorium at the hospital, 1775 Rempoter St. Park Ridge. The $20. Reservations required. Call Gail, event will feature a service et celebra' tiens highlighting physicians, hospital stall and volunteers Involved with the hospital throughout the decades, musi' cal performances, a historic photographic presentation, a 'Itenitage Walk" display capturing Lutheran General milestones, exhibits. a reception and refreshments. Patients will see the eveoL which will be broadcast live no (0471 470-9040. All ladies are wel' came, The Henrietta Szoid Croup et tiadassati North Share Chupten will celebrate Chanukah Dec. 8 at a mem' bers home in Long Greve at 7:30pm. A tun evening is planned with tradi' tissai treats and a $10 grab bag game, Mitzvah donations at toiletries for a northshore@hadassah.org. Apubtic hearingto approve aproposed property tax levy for Community Consolidated School District No. 64 for 2009 will be held on Monday, December 14, 2009, at7:20 pm. atthe George Washington School, '1 500 Stewart Avenue, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Rebecca J. Allard, Business Manager, 164 S. ProspectAvenue, Park Ridge, IL at (847) 318-4324. Il. Shø«ùbig Piictioin presents a hospital noons telovisions. Commomo- rative gills will include a "Living in the Light nl Music" CD capturing the musical talents nf stell associates she en' tenas Church, 4950 W. Pratt Oso, Skek' le, is presenting "Handvrs Messiah", Part I, at 3 p.m. Dec. 13, Carter West' minsten's Choncel Choir will pertorm with featured guest soloists from the Lyric Opera'Chicago Including Angela Mannes, soprano; Kathryn Leemhuis, mezza soprano; Bavid Portilln, tensg and Paul Corona, baritone and the Me' tropolio Chamber Orchestra. Tire perfornxonce will he conducted by Patricia Radasavijeeic, There is no charge but a free'will offering will be taken. Call the church ollice, 1647) 673'4441. NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FOR NuES TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 219 COOK COUNTY STATE OF ILLINOIS i. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for Nues Township High School District No. 219 Cook County, illinois for 2009, will be held December 14, 2oO9 at 8:00 p.m. at Nues Township High Schools District 219 Administrative Offices, 7700 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois 60077. Any person desirin9 to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Paul O'Malleyr Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, at Nues Township High School District No, 219 Administrative Offices, 7700 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois, 60077, telephone 847-626-3967. $2,697,385. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service for 2009 are $2,639,272. This represents a 2.15% decrease overthe previous year. The total progerty taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $113,938,804, over the previous year. IV, tertainvd daring the opening 01 the hospitals' patient tower earlier this year, Reservations may be made by calling 1047) 723'05l0. Free parking lar tire event will ho available in the bss' pitul's main parking garage, The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $109,320,701. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2009 are $1 28,300,000. This represents a i 7.36% increase over the previous year. Property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2008 were $4,61 6,1 03. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2009 are $5,784,631. This represents a 25,26% increase over the previous year, The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the year 2008 were $54,253,381. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2009, are $56,922,926. This represents a 4.92% increase Ill. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . Nl The property taxes extended for debt service for 2008 were The total property taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $56,950,766. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2009, are $59,562,198. This represents a 4.59% increase over the previous year's total levy. AD#1736985 32, 36 Pub: i 213/09 The estimated total propertytaxes to be levied for2009 are $134,084,631, This represents a 1 7.68% increase over the previous year, The taxing district has estimated its equalized assessed valuation to secure new growth revenue and must adhere to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL or 'tax cap" law). PTELL limits the increase over the prior year in the property tax extension of the taxing district to the lesser of 5% orthe percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is 0.1%. AD#1736989 31, 32 Pub: 12/3/09 J . setting at Stage One, 620 Lee St,, Bes Ptalnes. Perfonanaoces are ut i p.m. Sundays and 7:30 pm, Mondays . through Dec. 20 (no performance Dec. 13), lickets $10 whIch Inclsdos admis' sloe, dessert aod beverage. ree pork' lo Call (847) 657'768& The iøis lloiocaut Mvaiin & www.ploneerlocal.com their photos taken with him for free, As a special lreaL Bragoncella Theater Will present an original, am-hoar per' formance featuring the myths of an' dent Ireland With lino traditisnal Irish music, pappeln, and eye-popping ceo' tames, The performance Is at 2 p.m. and tickets are $5 for children and adulls, Visit www.irioh'american,orq, ety will hold its annual Victoria's Cralt Boutique on Dec. 3, 4, 5 and 6 at Nohle'Soymoor'Cnïppen Haase, 5624 N. Newark Ave. Chicago, Admission is St. Boutique hears are; Il am.'? p.m Dec. 3 and Bec, 4; tO a.m,'5 p.m. Dec. 5; and 10 am,'3 pro, Dec. 6, The Norwood Tuesday, Wednesday and rnìda ' 8 pin, Thamda 10am. and li am, ' 4 p.m. Saturday'and Sunday. The story el Anne Frank and her family Is Juntaposed against world events before, daring and alter Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party's rise to power, Included are dozens et photographs et the Frank family and other occopants el the Secent Aoven, The exhibition depicts those who chose to join the Nani party, those who were hyotanders and those who were willing to resist Nazi tyranny. lt enplores how racism, persecution and genocide were facilitated by politi' cal decisions as well as the actions of individuals, Call 1041) 967-4000. The clii Group nl Itadassah North Shore Chapter invites yoa and your friends to join thorn in a lun day ol Zamba and Lunch at 1130 am. Doc, 0 at the Northbrooh YMCA Gym, 2705 Techny Road. A light lunch and conver' nation wilt follow, The cost Is $20. Contact the Nnnth Shore ottico, 1047) 2051900, er e-mail northshsrel000dassah.nrg. ment, 8360 W, Dempster St.' Hiles Po' lice Department, 7000 W, Touhy Avec Nues Pablic Works, 6849 Taohy Ave CitibanK 8400 W. Bompster SL' PNA Seek. 7840 H Milwaukee Ave, The Field Schon PTO will huid a fund-raiser en Bec. 6 at Barnes and Noble at Village Crasslag, 5405 N. Toufay Ave, in Skokie, Ten percent al each purchase made between IO ans. and 9 p m. will be donated ta the Field PTO when the perchaser mentions Field School at the checkout The mon' ey raised will be used far various stadent pragrama sponsored by the PTO. Thmughsut the day, Field School teachers will act as quest readers at Barnes and Noble, and at 430 pan. Park Ridge Mayer David Schmidt will read for the audience, There will also be a crait table far kids, free gift-wrapping and a performance by (ho Field Scheel Choras at 6 p.m. Contact Beth Park Historical Society erras this hand' made-items-enly raIe as a way te celebrate the holidays and to raise fardo to sopport Noble-Seymoor-Cnippen House, This year crafts Include music bones, soaps and latioos, stained glass, American Giri dolt dsthes, wreaths, quilts, ereamento, ceramica, and a vari ely of bahery items and foods, New this Year Is the nursery, whore visitors can buy handmade Infant toys, clothes and accessories for their yoang chu' dren. Visitors may also enjoy Holly Bane Cate, which serves homemade snaps, sandwiches, desserts and ether light fare. Boutique attendees may also purchase holiday ceokies, Tickets are available at wwwoorwondparkhistericalsocioty,nrg Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N. Seso Ave. Chicago, from 9 a.m.'3 pm. Bec, 6 Maso will be celebrated in the aoditorium at 1030 am. with music provided by the Irish Heritage Singers; a traditional Irish breakfast follows. Coot for the breakfast is $0 for adults and $4 1er childven. Reservations are required4 call 1773) 202-7035, Cot, IO. Holiday shoppers can browse the bauar, where there will be a clati raie frvm Chicago artisans and as Irish' Americao guilt will be rallied off. There will be rallies and local Irish import stones, The J0110 Holly Bake Shvp will CareFREE Personal Express FREE Business Checking Account Checking Account . FREE Debit Card . FREE ATM tranoactions at Inland Bank and any STAR',ATM location . No Monthly ServIce Feo and no minimum balance requirect . FREE Online Banking for online viewing and transfers . FREE Online Bill-Pay . $100 Minimum Opening IDepoors . First 50 Chocks Free '- each decorated with their own stylent holiday tradition. Tickets are S20 lo ad' vance or 525 porctsased on day of event, Each ticket-holder will receive a Baked by Detsy cookie. Raftie tickets *flPSWtmW. . Optional Cash Management services avarluble flM d7ß*bSiflW SbY*« VisO us at any of our ten locations or www.inianclbnnk.com Countrysida 7ae-s7s--anvo Park Ridge Christmas Hoasewalk from 5-9 pm. Den, 4, Four residences are Food Drive S, . $100 Minimum Opening Deposit . No Monthly 5ervice Fee and no minimum balance required . Includes 150 FREE items' per months_50 per item over i 50 . FREE Buelnens Debit Cord ' . FREE ATM trensaclions at Inland Bonk and any STAR" ATM localion . FREE Online Banking For online viewing and transfers . FREE Online Bill-Pay . Remole Capture available INLAFxJD BANK Mallo Center is hasting its annual chickens, canned sweet potatoes, Crutts Get hato the ii0day ophit with the Best Wishes for A Happy Holiday Season From Your Friends at Inland Bank O'Driocall at BethOOJFieldPTOerg er Elaine Fosse at ElaineF0iFtetdPlO org. MUon Townslp Food Pantry needs turkeys to make the holidays special for those in need, Donations of the fol' leering holiday items are also soaghh ,-.- -- ter Brine; Nues rutnoss Cbeter, 987 Civic Canter Drive: Niles Fire Depart' The Noewood Puk ltøticM Soci- Skokie, will welcome its secnnd travel' isg eshibitlon, "Anne Frank A History for TodayS moo (rein Bec, 3Feb. aB. Hours are: TO am. ' 5 p m. Monday,- news I tians by ihe public are deeply apprecl' afed, Donations of nonperishable feed items may be dropped all at any at the following lncatlons Village Hall, 1000 CIvic Center Drive; ramily Ser vices and Senior Ceoter, 999 CIvic Can' Company and Shepeshifters Theatre Eàicatkn Ceitm 9603 Woods Orino, sell homemade pies, bread, scones, cakes and cookies. Santa Claus will vis' it tram l-3 pin., and childreo can have vJ irj J .iI1@W7... @EPUItU holiday musical review, "Celebrato the Season," lo an lntirndte cabaret'style Gaiter Westminster United Presby' will tallow a short meeting. The cost is *NOTICE FOR NEWSPAPER PtJBLICATION* NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FOR COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 64 Community Nl-Tl-IURSDAY,DECEMBER32009 esxnhamt rnoeue Glus Buyo 630-034-area e30a58-5ss5 erMO,C,noe Hawthorn Woods 647'726-2265 630-620-52x2 M CMB ER Hiaside LaknZudth ire-soo-nco n47-72o-2265 FDI Lombaed 630-953-0600 Mo,toeGanee 95IaPaIh 630-530-5000 047-sea-mor t,. are $2 each or ois far-$10, rickets may be purchased at the lellowing Park beets, olives, cranberry sauces, rice or noodle side dishes, canned soaps, mixed vegetables, stalling mix, dinner rollo, gravy fdry or liquidI and cake mines. All tond donations can be brought to the Township at 5255 Main Ridge locationm Maine Center, 819 Hasse Highway, MO Financial banK 1014 Busse Highwa New Prospects, 1105, Pmspect Aoe Park Ridge Community flanc 626 Talcatt Ave4 Pads Ridge Park District, 2101 Sibley Avec RaSa Guts, 29 S. Prespect Ave. Proceeds will benefit community behavioral health pro' St_ Skokie, between .30-1l 30 am. and I-4 pm. Monday thmugh Friday. For questions, contact Cynthia Carranza at 1047) 673-9300, Monotary donations to the Nibs Township Fand Pantry Foun' dation are welcome, V'ittaqe of Nea employees, Citibank grams. Call Ronane Fuoco, 1047) 696 1570, Ext 309, It la not tao lute ta donate money to the annual Knights of Columbus Candy and PilA Bank are partnering together for a food drive to ensure no person io Niles geas hangry this Thanksgiving and holiday season, Demand far assis' tance in rising due to unemployment, high food prices and utilities and a troubled economy. This cemmanity ettort will he hold thrnagh (sec. 10. Dona' Drive fo help mentally handicapped children. To donate, send tax-tree donations to; OC Council 4338, c/a Ken len, 830? N. Harlem Ave. Hiles IL 60714. Cate,adar, PAGE 23 PARKE WIen your.doctor prescribes physica ,, th'èrcipy,you have a choice. .,' .,. ii . afair adtòi, : . , ChooseATI Physical TIràp . Special hand therapy clinic . Hands-On, individualized Treatment . Research Based Workers' Compensation Servce . Convenient Transportation to all Locations... Edended 7 a m to 7 p m Hours" 8 Chicagoland Locations, i i in the Will County Area . eiipp. :951 W.'uhy Pk Ridge 'l. -.mak,ui4ft .. ' -.., '' .:;i'u;0,' «'/DlIOIûIlI ppw, .c, ;,--,ai.e-ks,, . . Cali renee . ' . ' , . ': ' :;r .t'/ ' . . . ' . s. o.. ' :rì'y\c.tn' .':;perfo ci-,, ,i g J?rs- - .7 At iu,. PRICES FROM $25 ExperIencea1lve. tO' .- . . . PAN DO RATM c;'of ' . UNFORCEnABLE MOMENTS Tvdmton vqe v"' Armcances4t p -- *'f,S,tscs.'xs....'-'.2JI WESTFIELD OLD ORCHARD CENTER 847.673.2300 10% "%O '.. ..'"., Wr'-" ..s,._ em PAN DO RA-J E WEL Ry. COM (NEXT TO THE SERPENT PLAY AREA) R,. 'balhandmadehope com, t! usfl&,.,,awjo, . C PANDORA.JEwELRY COM 17 sch si MERIT SEMIFINALISTS The Kalional Merit Sehoar- ship Corporation announced the names of sWdents who vere named Scmifinalists in the annual scholarship program. These academically talcatad high school seniois have an opportunity to continue in the conipetilion for scholarships worth nion than $3G million, which viIl be offered next spring. Named from Mamo South High School were Matthew R. Ammcntorp, Joseph F. AndeDsn, Stephanie M. Bein KaThleen Hw1ey Ryan A. MurP1W Chattes F. SthuItz Brian M. Siwek. MESSIAH LUTHERAN Messiah Luthecan Child Caro Center has openings in its Tuesdayul'hursday (younger) 3-year-old classes. This class is designed for children who turned 3 years old since Sept. 1, 2009 and parents arc looking for a pro-school progrorn without having to wait until nOxt fall:This class is in sesSian from 9-11:80 am. Jan. 5 through the second week of June. Extended hours, including lunch, or full-day child care are available to ail culdron. Messiah Child Care is open from 6:30 am, to 5:20 p.m. , Parent-Tot - Messiah also has Monday and Thursday Parent-Tot class openings, be. gamin g Monday, Jan. II and Thursday, Jan. 14, for children age 18-86 months Clasass are held on 10 consecutive Mondays or Thursdays for onehour sessions, 9:10-10:10 a.m. or 10:30-11:30 n.m. Messiah Child Care siso has part-time or fed-time 0_nils in its 3- and 4-yeai-old pro-school classes. Morning cls-sas are from 9-11:30 aaL, but extended care is availabloforallchildrenbetween 6:30 3flL and 520 pm. Messiah Lutheren Child Care Contar is a Christian pro-schooL/kindergarten locatad at 1635 Vernon Ave. in Park Ridge. lb receive further informatIon and/or registhalon materIals or to sehedule a school visit, call (S47) 825-3767 and ask foc Karen; or visit wwwmessiahchildCaranorn. Summer 2010 and school year 2010-2011 application forms may be picked up as weil as applications for the SCHOOLS DIGEST current yean NORTHRIDGE The follawkig North Prep High School students made the Dean's List by achieving all As: Bartoss Bak, Peter Knapp, PIedp Krupowicz, Timothy Madigan, Daniel McDermott, Bartlomioj Radzik, David Rahimi, .Jolm Romano, and Brian Thylor from the 12th gmde; GeoIW Adams, Matthew l3adyna, Brett Balnsa, L'ìrty huello, John Birreingham, Tikku Goon Donovan Kcll; John Sander, James Snitzer, Benjamin Sturgeon, and David Zdunek from the 11th grade; William Cheel Brian Leahy, and Antlìony Wojnar from the 10th grade; and Cliristepher Dunaway, John Radlinski, Noah Repel, Vmcent Rinaolo, and William Stienk from the 9th grade. The following Middle School students also attained all Ak: Paul DiFrenco, Mielmel Habisohn, Michael Kurkowski, Thjus Mathew, Jack Wernet, and John Zaris from the sisth Grade; Alec Brennan, Joseph Daly, John Paul DielTenthaller, Dylan Flaig and John Raliimi from the seventh grade; and Thomas Carden, Daniel Curria, Thomas Dieffent.haller, Jorge Guajardo, Alexander Lopez, Andy Lui, Saimdor Valdes, and Mitchell Wernet from the eighth grade. First Honors were achieved by students with an A average and no C's and included 12th grade students: Mohammad Abdel Rittah, Joseph Brochu, Daniel Dias, Samuel Fernandex, John Bauli, Peter -Hinderer, James Holohan, fld Huntington, Joseph Klatt, Michael Psomas, Robert Rey, Dean Rinnen, Diego Roman, and Connor Schickel; 11th grade sbidents: Nicholas Galloway, Mnilc Gi- gante, Thn Marsch, David Nuccio, Michael Oswald, Mareo Rossi, David Streak, and Mark Williams; 10th grade students: Marke Culjak, Peter Kane, Andrew Knapp, Michael Leazer, Peter Madigan, Michael Stangel, and Daniel mi-chain; and 9th grade students: Timothy Birmingham, Paul Brown, Isaac Holterman, Daniel Jolis, Michael Romano, William Sander, Connor Tobin, and John Zurewakk Middle School First Honors awards: First place, GirIelle Onyema, F\srnsworth; second place, Valede Spytha, St. achievers included 6thgraders: Patrick Hang and Patrick liant; seventhgraders: Matthew Brown, Joseph Hindemi; Jacob Jaeckel, Jacob Krupowicz, Gregory Mendez-Weeks, Connor Sterlln William Thornton, Brennan Thbin, and Michael Vidovic; and 8thgraders: Pedro Acosth, Lucas Blatter, Anibal Cox, John l'alco, Matthcv Galloway, Robert Harig. Matthew Kaiset; Thomas Lucas, John Penner, and Arturo Pons. Tarcis.sus; third place, Riley Deli St. Giles. Honorable aO mentions were awarded to the foilowing S!witha Udzielak, St. Eugene; Ani'e dom; and Cailine Hermi, St. I/ body. On Hall Festival Da3; students wero docked out in their Hall colors, symbolic crests emblazoned on the backs of their shirts. In a school- wide draft at the start of the year, four elected Heads of the Halls were eliosen by their Knights." The school is now divided into four unique Halls: Cavalier Hall, Vytis Hall, Riddervon Hall, and Paladin Hall, each one taking its name from a different rendering of the word "Knight." The students at Northridgo Prep have alvays been referred to as 1(nights, but now with the Halls, this name has taken on n new meaning. The Halls add the spark of healthy competition. Instead of one prchident, there are four leaders who act as ambawadors to the faculty and work together with various representatives to plan variotra types of events for the student body. One of the most important aspects to the Halls is the cross-grade cooperation that occurs. From each Hail, tutors can volutileer ta help younger students or host an athletic competition where upper classmen are the coaches for the younger ones. NOTRE DAME COLLEGE PREP Notre Dine College Prep AIutami Association and ND Wrestling are collecting suppiles for ND alumni in the millhiuy overseas or stateside. From now until Dee. 3, personni grooming items, non- Ghisa. Students were asked to develop a story using their imagination, based on a photegraph as the writing prompt Student contestants wrote for 30 minutes and nieribs were evaluated by their eighth-grade teachers and the faculty from tie Resurrection High School English Department. The inauguration ofthe FlaIls ofNorthridge Prep took l)Iace on the Eve of All HalIons this yeal: The Halls are a fresh new approach to student go'.'ernment and n vital iristrument for cultivating corarennit leadership, enthusiasm, and service in the student ior level religions ntudies class, organised the food drive this year and brought the food to New Hopo Methodist Church on Nec 2 More than 2,000 food items were collected, delivered and sorted by Resurrection stodents. Spagnolo, Mary Seat of Wis- 00 The ReswectIon College New sign lilies School District 71 Superintendent Amy Kruppe, School Board President Patrick Byrne and PTA President Leali Steinfeld dedicated a new electronic sign last month outside Culver School. The Culver School PTA und local businesses spent the past several months raising $15,000 for a new electronic sign to replace an old wooden sign in front of the building, at 6901 W. Oakton St. Donors could also buy commeev orative bricks at the site with their names inscribed on them. (Photo courtesy of Culver School) perishable candy, sunglasses, socks, reading materials and ND clothing will be collected. Drop the items ot1 at 71155 W. Denipster St, in NIes. Cheeks will also be accepted and used for the shipping costs. Call (847) 779-8649 for details. Ntrti Dame College Prep in Nileà offers Shadow Day opportunities for eighth grade boys to experience a typical day at Notre Dante. lt's a great way to learn more about Notre Dame. Call (847) fl9.8615 or visit www.nddons.org and click admissions for moro details. All grade school boys are invited to Notre Dame College Prep's Sports Night on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 7:00 p.m.. Meet ND candies and participate in fun sporting events in the ND gym at 7655 W. Dempster St. in Niles. Call (847) 779-8650 for details. All seventh and eighth grade beys are invited to test their math knowledge at Notai Dame College Prepk Math Contest on Saturday, Dee. 5 at li am at 7655 W. Demspter St. in Nues. Call (847) 779-Stilli for details, The Jugglei Theater e will perform "Peter Pan" from Wednesday, Dee. 2 through Sunday, Dec. 6 at Notre Dame College Prep's Little Theater at 7655 W. Dempster SL in Nitos. The Notre Dame production features a rock and roil twist on the children'u classic. The east features 30 performera, including students from Notre Dame, Resurrectien, Regina and Trinity. Thept mu also 25 students from Notre Dame and Resuerection involved willi tise produchen crow. Some students even got involved with the creation of the show. Visit www.nddons.org for a list of the east and crew. 'rIte show times aro: Wednesday, Dec. 2 (7 p.m.); Thursday, Dec. 3 (7 p.m.); Priday, Dee. 4 (7 and 9 p.m.); Saturday, Dee. 5 (2 and 7 p.m.); Sunday, Dcc. 6 (2 and 7 p.m.). Tickets prices are $10 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. Th order tickets, contact Theater Di- rector '1'ler Beattie at tbenttie®nddons.org or (847) 7798704. RESURRECTION JunIoi high students and their families are invited to attend the Resurrection College Prep High School Open House on Dee. 6 from 2-4 p.m. Prospective students and familles can see the school facilities, meet and talk with the ntaff faculty and stodents. Visitera will also learn about the curriculum and pregnims at Resurrection, ineluding block scheduling, tise Practicum Program, the Strategies for Academic Sucross Program, and Pi-op High School Campus Ministry conducted a Food Drive in preparation for Thanksgiving by collecting canned and boxed foods and monetary contributions in support ofthe food pantry at New Hopo Methodist Church in Norwood Park. The food pantry screen local families living in the neighborhoods surrounding Norwood and Edison Park. The Prayer and Liturgy class, which is a sen- ST. FRANCIS BORGIA St. Borgia School has announced its first-quarter honor roll. Eighth Grade High honors: Ali Abu-Serrich, Coleto Chucherko, Anna DAlessandro, John Donovan, Rachel Elidas, Erik Hetman, Anthony Marra, Alexis Mc. Govern, Michael Nowak, Ryan Nyborg Lauren Prochska, Jamie Riley, Nicole 'l'area, Lois Thman, Amanda Waldera, Nicole Zlotnicki. Honors: Samantha Bates, Biagio Greco, Lauren breis, Rebecca Jasch, Mark Lukaszewicz, Mairead McLoughhin, Haley Mulcrone, Daniel Podyma, Christopher Rieger, Shannon Schmidt, Aaron Zipparro. Seventh Gnde High Honors; Annie Lee, Jena Lucas, 'I,ier Thais'., DyIan Tosi. Honors: Ashley Adrian, Francesca Chiodo, Stephanie Gillespie, Christina Kefley, Jenifer Mmml, Laura Prout, Brade High honora: Alberto' Aguilar, Matthew Camila, KaIrisa Gillespie, Leonardo Gusman, Joseph Salin, Joseph McGovern, Charles Precisoska, Emily Sclafani, Kiersten Woodail, Brittany Zanazaro. Honors: Angelica Chrzaseis, Francisco Foley, Sam Guth, Michelle Habetier, William Hethert, Tobin Jacob, Joseph Jaskowiak, Michael Johnston, Michael 1.esnponam, Robert Malelç Sean Mollets, Gregory Smith, Krystian Zietara. Film Grade High honors: Nathan Bannon, Richard Eberwein, Patrick Fejldel, Erik Jachym, Patrick McCarty, Lucas Pasiewicz, Natalia Podntawskss, Natalie Schmaus, Pesche! Schneebelen, Athena The English Department of Artificial Christmas Trees oi Too! WEEKLY SPECIAL! eáutifuI71/2' (In'otoroonly) -- J Luminarc Melcano Collection 4-pc. ail-purpove glasses I / Mad. In Fran,. ç-' ' "-, ,. Honors: Bryanna Bourde, Patrick Byrne, Max Donovan, Andrew Edgar, Natalie Fiadowsid, Halley Koval, Thomas Krupa, Mary Kate McDonugh, Nicholas Sabatino. KeguI.rPniceSiS" - , fr,'r, ',sh- ' ' Gra.t...;':r;;;'.n.Ia..! - .-:: ,; , / : -.;:'r;::, . Ç 4 ntYI::;: .,.'.. Our,beads will fit:). visit our new \. '?' - Ehamilia'W,' Jewelry department featuring ÇbeIets ele fhiplass t - . JLvl\1.c& beads Analeece jewelry.with J vn.- a-r .' 't ' Swarovski rystals!' New Longer Store Hours For Your Convenience! $2000 Coupon :ì ' Thundays 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Fridays lOa.m.-5p.ns. Saturduys lOam-S p.m. -: Minimum purchase $10000 . ' a I .I At DomInican University's School ofteadership and Continuing Studies, Murgaretwus able to earn her bachelors und master's degrees while maintaining her career. With multiple start dates, several locatIons, flexible five and eight week sessions, and an accelerated format, our adult-focused programs will allow you to live your hile while making It a better one. DOMINICÍN UNIVERSITY Inwod www.dom.edu po(bIt(U. School of Leadership and Continuing Studtes For more Information cati (708) 7549125 or go to www.ieadershlp.dom.edu Valid only at our store Good through Dec. 6th, 2009 i; If (, , , - SU,kbI. Vabakon. vised to shadow a current Resurrection student to exporience the school first-hand. Resurrection College Prop High School hosted its annual Young Womeak Writing Postival on Nov. 10. FornaIo stodent.v from area grammar schools participated in the writing competition and the following students received The World's FINEST Anthony Riplow, Michael Sabatino, Kathleen Schmidt. '.vorlcAtudy tuition assistance opportunities. Seventh- and eighth-grade girls are also in- Ibe Entrance Exam for Resurrection College Prep High School will be held on Jan. 9. Pro-registration is not required. On the test date, eights-grade students enter the main entrance with tise following items: two No. 2 pencils, a calculator and a testing fee of$25. Students must arrive by 7:45 a.m.; testing will end at approximately 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided to students immediately following the exam. For information about Resurreetion, the upcoming Open House or to schedule a shadow experience, contact Debbie Gillespie at (778) 7756616, Ext 129, or dgiilespie@resha.org. schools i www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBlICATION . Ill PAGE 18 11i - .. ,. Sundays lOa.m.-5p.m. Weareclosed Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays ij"it (F1ICLASSICS .COM \-::,-' The Wend's Finest ArtifIcial Chrtstmas Trees 38 yours in business, 14 years on the web Open Thursday through Sunday only. Handicapped-Accessible. Hours:Thurs. 12pm - 8pm; Frl., Sat. & Sun. lOam - 5pm. Located In Baerington, u. at 22102 Pepper Road, 3 mlles west of Route 59 and Route 14 on Pepper Road. Phone: 1-800-71 1.2816 or visit us on the web at www.TreeClasslcs.com and www.FourSeasonCiassics.com see us onthfacebook twww.facebook.com/treeclassics) and Ls*witter (twitter.com/tree_dassics). 19 NI THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.pioneerIocat.com 20 ff s 4 For Your Consideration ierijowire!ess A quartet ofaclivities for the coming week e A guide to the season's holiday entertainment Dance "The Nutcracker" will be presented by Th Civic Ballet ofChicago at 3 p.m. Dec. 12-13 at Centre East in the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, 9501 vatioris required. Half of the ticket price will be donated to The Campus Kitchen Project. (847) 8641679 or visit www.celticknotpub.com. Skokie Blvd., Skokie. $35. (847) 673-6300 or www.cen- "Celebrate the Season," a holiday cabaret, will be prosenteci by Shoestring Productions at 7 p.m. Sundays and 7:30 p.m. Mondays, through Dec. 28, at Stage One, 620 Lee St., downtown Des Plaines. No performance Dec. 13. Admission is $10, which includes dessert and a beverage, (847) 6577688 or www.shoestringproductions.org. treeoast.org. LG enVtm 3 Verizots Wireless 3G Exclusive Newalimmerdesign The best gifts come with America's Best Network. $4999 Benjamin Lash $99.99 2-yr. price - $50 mall-in rebate debit card. Requires a NationwldeCalling Plan. Samsung Intensity" Skokle Valley Symphony Orchestra will present "A Season ofSwect Sunday Treats: Story I1me" at 3 p.m. Dec. 6 at dio North Shore Center for the Performing fi Slick messaging slider Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd., Skolcie. The concert features the winners ofthe 29th . YoungArtist Competition, Meredith Crawford, viola, and cellist Benjamin Lash. $69.992yr. price.- $50 mail-In rebate debit cardAddi phone: $50 2yr. price $50 mail-In rebate debit card. $22-$30; $9 for children. Call(847) 673-6300 or visit www.svso.org. Ron Hawking presents "Impressions of Chrintmaa" at 8 p.m. Dec. 4 and 2 p.m. Dec. 20 at the Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ava, Skokie. $35 in advance; $44 at the doon Call (847) 6777761 or visit wwwskokiethe- LG enV® TOUCH Verizon Wireless 3G ExcIusve Multitalented messaging machine atracom. Samsung Iiasu2 $199992-yr. price$100 maiI4n rebate Verlzon Wiret debit caed. Requires a HaitunwideCailing SS 3G Exclusive Unique dual lip design Planwithdata pak$9.99 or higher. $49 ... 9 $99,992-yr. price $50 maii-n rebate debit card. at tite Music Institute of Chicctgo, Nichols Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Tice performance features Dance Chicago and guest soloists from the Moscow Ballet in a side-byside comparison of the cIassical and jazz versions of the holiday favorite. (847) 905-1500, Ext. 10, or visit www.musicinstituteofchicago.org. Theatre "HolIday Cabaret" will be d$3 GiveAmerucastar ". i Click verizonwireless.com/holiday Activationfeelllne:$35 i$ZslorsecondarypamtlyShareptanilner w/2.yr.Agmts). V sit any Communications Store IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION; Subject ta Customer Agmt Calling Pian, rebato formR credit approval. Up ta $175 early termination fee $350 tor advanced devicea) or other charges. Revi capabilities: Addi charges R conditions apply. Offert & coverage, varying by nemico, nor available everywhere. Whitenupplies last. Shlppirg charges may apply. Rebate debit card aakes up ta 6 weeks & eapires in 12 months. Ali company names, rrademaskt, loges and copyrights st the property ofVecizon Wireless are the property ofthelr rerpecniveowners. Downing Theatre cit 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at the John Waldron Arts Centet; - Call (773) 283-7071 or visit Chicago. The show feafures live performaruces of holiday music, comedy skits and a silent auction. Tickets: $20; $15 for seniors and students. (224) 72-JDOWN or e-mail jamesdowningtheatre@gmail.com. An openIng reception for "Curt Frankenstein: Dream World and Real World" will be held from 5-8 p.m. Dea 10 at Oakton Community iTvtr. .. ©2009VerlzonWiretess. "Family Nutcracker Duke It Out: Ellington vs. Tchaikovsky," 10 a.m. Dec.12 "Summer People," through Dee. 13 atThe Gift Theatre, 4802 N. Milwaukee, Chicago. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sundays. $20-$25. wwwthegiftthoatre.oi e Best Destination For Holiday GaO. - Ñleheoanddvtcarequfrenrw2-yr.actIYAtion.WhiIesuppIItsIaSt. Call 1.877.2BUY.VZW "The Nutcracker," featuring the Ballet Chicago Studio Company and tice Park Ridge Civic Orchestra, 7 p.m. Dec. 12 at the Pickwick Theatre, 5 S. Prospect, Park Ridge. Tickets are $30; $25 for students and seniors; $15 for children. (847) 692-PRCO or (847) 823-8861 or visit www.parkridgecivicorchestta.otg. presented by The James $9999 T housed at Edison Park United Methodist Churcis, 6740 N. Oliphant Ave., Coilege'Koehnline Museum òfArt, 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines. Works by surreti1istarttst Curt Pmnlrenstein (1922-2009) will be on displaythrough Jan. 29. Call (847) 635-2633 or visit www.oakton.edu/museum. CoirrAci: Jennifer Thomas, Managing Editor p: 847.486.7358 e: jthomas@pioneerIocal.com i PAGE Dl "A Christmas Carol" storytelling benefit, 2:30 p.m. Dec. 5 al The Celtic Knot Public House, 626 Church St., Evanston, with afternoon tea served at inthrmission. $20 per person, reser- Concerts "In the Rosty AIr," the Lakeside Singers' Christmas concert, will be presented at 8 p.m. pec. 4 at thin Moasic Institute ofChicago, 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston. The program includes classical music, carols from around the world, music from the movie "Polar Express" and holiday favorites in blues, jazz, pop and gospel arrangements, alorag with an audience sing-niong $30; $20 students and seniors. f847) 382-5085 or www. iakesidesingers.com. "Holiday Classics," a col- lection ofgreat operatic moments that capturo the holiday season, starring Jeanne Scherkenbach and Carolyn Wehner with special guest John Trybus, 2 p.m. Dec. 6 in the Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Skokie. Tickets: $20 ¡n advance; $25 at the door. (847) 677-7761 visit www.skokietheatre.com. Dec. 5, 12 and 19, 10:30 am.: Jodi Koplins Jigglejam presenta "A Holiday Jigglejam" with special guests The Fire Mts. $15; $10 for children. Dcc. 6, 2 p.m.: "Classical Tidings" with Jeanne Scherkenbach, Rachel Renee, Jeremy Hill and Matt Richardson. Songs include "Snow' "Most Wonderful Time oftheYear," "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel" and "Carol certa in the Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ava, Skokia Call (847) 677-7761 or visit www.okokietheatre.com. Concert tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door, unless noted otherwise. Dec. 4, 8 p.m., and Dec. 20, 2 p.m.: Ron Hawking "Impressions ofChrislmas." $35 in advance; $44 at the door. p.m. Dec. 12 at the Park Ridge Presbyterian Church, 300 W. Crescent Ave., Park tidge. Tickets in advance sre $14, $12 for seniors. ', ickets at the door are $16, .'l4 for seniors. Free admis4ion for children and students. (847) 825-5499 or (847) 825-2216. of the Bells," as well as cIassical works from "La Boheme," "Gianni Schicci" and "Candida" Dec. 13,7 p.m.: The Latino Opera Hour presents "Horno for the Holidays with Luis and Roy," featuring tenors Roy Cornelius Smith and Luis Antonio Galvez. r ornmonded for ail ages. 'lckets are $7; $5 for chil- Buffalo Grove Symphonic goups o115 or mora (847) Family entertainer Dave udolf bikes the stage for his i teractive holiday show at 3 .m. Dec. 12 at Oakton Cornunity College's Footlik heater, 1600 E. Golf Road, es Plaines. The show is ciron 12 and under; $4 for Band will present free holiday concerts at 4 p.m. Dec. 6 at Lutheran Church ofthe Good Shepherd, 1111 N. Elmhw-st Road, Prospect Heights and 7 p.m. Dec. 16 at Northwest Assembly of God, 900 N. Wolf Road, Mount Prospect. Tice program includes "Sleigh Ride," "Waltz of the Flowers" from "The Nutcracker," and Handel's "Hallelujab Chorus." Handel's "Messiah" will be performed as part of Northwestern University Chorale's 70th annual Christmas concert at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5 and 3 p.m. Dec. 6 in Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston. Tickets: $12; $9 senior citizens; $6 students. (847) 467-4000 or www.pickstaiger.org. "Holiday Divas," 8 p.m. Skokle Theatre Music Foundation presents con- "Rejoice," the Park Ridge chorale's annual Christmas r oncert, will be presented at Dec. 7-8 in Northwestern University's Ethel M. Barber Theater, 30 Atts Circle Drive, Evanston. Tice cabaret vill feature Chicago music theatre performers, including Ross Lehntan, Susan Moniz and Hollis Resnik, performing holiday classics. Tickets: $30; $22 for seniors. Call (847) 4917282 or visit wwwtic.northwestern.edu. &35-IIJOO. Robert Applebaum. Tickets are $35 for preferred seating, $28 for general admission, $22 for seniors, and $12 for students. (773) 755-1628 or www.chicagoacappehla.org. "Chants de Noël: A French Christmas" will be presented by the Chicago Chamber Choir at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 15 in the Music Institute of Chicago's Nichols Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ava, Evanston. The concert features holiday music by Frdnch composers and arrangements of French carols sung in French, Latin and English. Tickets: $18 in advance; $20 at the door; $15 for students or groups of 10 or more. (312) 409-6890 or www.chicagochamberchoir.org. Hanukkah Celebration, fea- turing the Robyn Helzner 'lirio, will be held at 4 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Jewish Reconsçructionist Congregation, 3Ç)3 Dodge Ava, Evanston. JTtC'S adult and youth choirs wiiljoin the trio in the holiday concert for all ages. F ee. www.jrc-evanston.org. The Jamie O'Reilly & Anne Hlls Christmas Show with Pul Amandes, 7-10 p.m. Dec. 1at S.P.A.C.E., 1245 Csicago Ava, Evanston. The psogram includes "The Gift othe Magi," performed as a radio musical, plus Yuletide songs and carols, $20 ¡n acvance; $25 at the dor. (847) 492-8860 or vvw.evanstonspacacom. 'Holldays a Cappella" will b presented by Chicago a capdlla at 7:30 p.m. Dec.13 inthe Nichols Concert Hall attico Music Institute of Cl ¡cago, 1490 Chicago Ava, Evanston. The ensemble \vil perform carols such as "Deck the Hall," "Coventry Cqrol" and "Joy to the Wrld" in arrangements by Strphen Paulus, Ralph Vaùghan Williams, Gene Pterhng and others, as well as the world premiere of a nev work for Hanukkah by The Dlftersweet Christmas Band performs at 8 p.m. Dea 19 at the Ethical Humanist Society Coffeehouse, 7574 N. Lincoln Ava, Skokia Folk singers Phil Cooper, Kate Early, Margaret Nelson and Susan Urban will present songs ofthe season, including solstice and Hanukkah. $7 includes refreshments. www.ethicalhuman.org or (847) 6773334. "Woody Guthrle's Happy Joyous Hanukkah," prosented by The Klezmatics at 8 p.m. Dea 19 at Centre East in the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd., Skokia $48. (847) 673-6300 or www.centreeast.org. Evanston Children's Choir Holiday Concert 2009 will be presented at 4 p.m. Dec. 20 at Northwestern Ijniversity's Alice Millar Chapel, 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, featuring music of Christncas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, with guest artist Soul Creations. Free-will donation. www.evanstonchildrenschoir.org. BZ I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION www.pioneerlocaicom DC FILM CLIPS (Ill min.) Rated R for language and sorne disturbing violent content OPENING ARMORED company conspire to steal $42 miI *** Robert De Niro stars in a remake st the 1990 Martello Mastroianni drama Rated P613 for sequences of intense about a retired father who discovers violence, some disturbing images the lives of his children are notas and brief strong language. ideal as he had imagined. Written and directed by Aliti Jones (Waking Ned BROTHERS Divine. (lOO mie.) Rated P13-13 for bey Magoire) clash after one takes thematic elements and brief strong language. s lenbrand National Lampoons Dono and sexual contenL nudity, drug use, language and some violence. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS UP IN THE AIR Arlington Theaters The happy evistence of a frequent' 53 S. Evergreen st. (847) 483'0l23 flying corporate hit-man (George Clooney) Is threatened by technulo- OLD DOGS (PG) gy. Jason Reitman (Juno' "Thank Fri-Sun: ll:3O'l:3u'33n'5:3n 7:30'9:3n Mon, Tuno, ¡hum: ll:30'l:3n-3:30- You fur Smoking") directed the corn' care of the others family while hes TRANSYLMANIA missing in Afghanistan. Jim Sheridan (In America directed the drama. ropted by vampires. The horror spoof Meule timos are effective Friday and are complied from Information available en Tuesday, Please ente that the' afer schedules aresubject fe change. If ne tisfiegs are previded, please call the theater fur information, Daze). (92 min.) Rated R for crude lion from an armored car. (82 min.> Two brothers (Jake Gyllenhaal, To SHOWTIMES in Rumania have their partying interwas directed by David and Scott >lii- EVERYBODYS FINE A group of guards for a security College kids on a semester abroad edy. (>09 min.) Rated R for language 5:3n'7:3n and some sexual content Wed: 1:30-3:30-5:30-7,30 STILL PLAYING NINJA ASSASSIN A yoong ninja (Suuth Korean Ic- LET US CATER YOUR GATIIERiNq WcDclivcr 3727 West Dcmpstcr, Skokic For Fast Carsy-Out Service Call (847) 673-9409 or 677-7695 FAX: (847) 677-7701 4610 -". North Harlem Avenue Harwood Rlelghts Phone: 708-867-4072 for the death of a friend. James Mclelgue ('V for Vendetta"> directed the martial-arts acfioner, (99 min.> 5 Crispy Corn Shell Tacos Rated R for strong, bloody, stylized Choice of beef, chicken or pork sunday 11am. mpm .p.daimmon N mad on any hotday Jvs.l F n,,, Ir ii vissa Iiirv Qutiv viii! Cals $i,v 19Th his job turns his back on the clan that raised him and plots revenge 5 TACOS FOR $5.00 Ilour:Mon..Thur. I1m . 11pm Vrl.&Sat.Ilam- 12Midnight wwwhubs-rcstaurant.com tsr/dancer Rain) who's very good at CaOY.OutO&y.Nau.1aWth nyonaom,,, LkMon.caopnnp p.aonn madonoynonloN.Isalanam ,TonoGi.00fl Thanot kdudad OffGaodFao. Lann.d Than. "A FUNNY AND INVENTIVE COMEDY." F0090000. KOUNIABOITOmOO . DWAYM JESSICA JUSTIN GUT SEANN WIWII HIFI LONG OIDMAN SCOTT . ' ,. : JOHNSON quest for survival and more as a quest for humanity. (BI) (119 min.) Rated R for some violence, disturbing images and language. BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS' P>lltl>>ll I ii i5l )ttll r!' ftf Ill> >fit> a.ioJ>Ul>Ifll 1T5 1iii 1lijfll, fi','t ltit lIA fElIItRRf >lfIl>lfilieJtli> >llil'Jl ¡5r, hll II j ii. t 11(I A!>IitrVl>lff b>iIlt'i ii II t li') b ck... ru.............'n .t%vIO !l! PIanot5l corn : .. 1 i SPECIAL ANIMATED fiVE SHORT IN SELECT THEATERS NOW PLAYING CHECK LOCAL USTINGS FOR THEATERS AND SHOWTIMES of '505 American suburbia) panic at the arrival of an alien invader a (130 min.) Rated PG'13 for sume vie- Wed: 12u-32n5 2072u lence and action, 7:20 THE BLIND SIDE (PC-13) 2012 Wed: 2.00'43u-7,nO This epic disaster movie depicts a son). The one-joke premise that only pays off, meagerly, with numerous featuring John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Wed: 240-5.uu720 references te sci'fi movies ranging from "LT." to "Star Wars" to "2001: A Space Odyssey" - the most amusing Woody Harrelson, Danny Gluver, Olin' NINJA ASSASSIN (R) sequences and some language. little interest in the moral issues of being an aci&peeing puppy that looks like the munster from "Alien:' the originaL rs basically a straight' Despite a fair amount o! action, furward, hard'boiled detectioe story slapstick and generai silliness, "Plan' that wurks equally well as a tongue- et 51" is still unrelievedly tedious. Becker >"Wild Hogs") directed the Lieutenant' which charted the dewu' comedy. (88 min.) Rated PG for ward spiral of a corrupt Now Yurk de' some mild rode humer. fective played by Harvey Keitel, has er Platt and Thandie Newton, (15B min.) Rated PG'13 for intense disaster BROTHERS (R) Fni'Sue: 12:lO'2,4n'5nO'720'9:45 Mon'Tues-Thurs: 12:lO'24n-5.nu720 Fnl'Ssn: 12:l5'245'5,l5'7:45 Mon-Thurs: 2:45-5:15'7:45 Frl. Muolhurs: llO'3,50'6:151.00 8,00'l0:304.00 Sun: 9:40'12:l0'2:40'5:IO'8uo-lO:30 Monlhurs: 12.10-2.40 1:101.0010:30 THE MAID (NR) Sat, Son: l0.45-l:l0-3.50'6:151,O0 Fri-Sun: l2,OO-23o1,lO'7:40 GLENN BECWS Mnn'Thuru: 240'5:lO'7.40 °THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER' (NR) A SERIOUS MAN (R) Fri'Sue: 1220'2.5u'5:30'O,lu Muelhurs: 2.50-5:3n0.lO ¡hors: 7.00 SKIN (PC-13) NORRIDGE Fri-Sac: 12J0'520 Mun'Thurs: 520 THE MESSENGER (R) EVANSTON * * /2 Sos? Check, Drugs? Check. Rock 'n' Evanston Century! Cinearts roll? Check, Degenerate behavior? action and some suggestive humor. Check But all in disappointingly safe casionally sospensefol incidents in appalling: sometieres it's surprisingly "The Road" (directed by Australian funny in an exceedingly onwholo' THE TWILIGHT SAGA: filmmaker John Hilicoat, who also some sort of way. In other words, NEW MOON made the ultra-bleak 'The Proposi' there's not much substance here, tiun"), but they're all of a type aud but if you like your detective more or less leading nowhere. Which dramas served up with a generous After barely surviving the first in' stailment of the "Twilight" trilugy, is perfectly logical considering that this deadly serious adaptation of side-order of weird, you won't be dis' awkward, repressed young Bella (Kris' appointed. Nicolas Cage, in one of the tee Stewart, unaccountably alluring to Cermac McCarthy's Pulitzer-winning most elf'the-wall perforrnances of his teenage monsters) finds herself in an (and Oprah-approved) novel is an career (and that's saying sornethingl, end'of'the'world movie that really is about the end of the world. Enter' plays the drug'addicted detective even mure alarming siteatiun: a love triangle with a vampire >Robert Pattin- rock music 24/1 during a period of government censorship - is a generally entertaining ensemble comedy featuring colorful perfurrnances by a son) and a werewolf (Taylor lautner). group of A'list actors lieciuding Highland Park tainment was not a consideration. investigates a brutal morder case. After tomiented, tragic brooding, per' Philip Seymour Hoffman and Kenneth There are no zombies, no vampires, (811 Rated R for drug use and Ian' haps clinically depressed 109'year'old Branaghi playing two-dimensional 445 Centrai Ave. (p47) 432'3300 no car chases; there's no snappy guage throughout, some violeoce and vampire boy Edward dumps her for characters with little to recommend them aside from some clever repar' EVERYBODYS FINE (PC-13) tee from writer/director Richard Curfis ("rour Weddings and a lacerai," Suo-Thom: 2i5-4:45'7:l5 ger and emutional whipsawing, "New Moon" offers a little niere action and "Love, Actually:' the great "Black a little less remaoce than the first installinent, but it's still laboratory- Adder" BBC comedy series), "Pirate and relatively wholesunse doses, in, setting the sceoe for mucho dan' shaled in the service of baby-boomer nostalgia. This love letter tu the re' belliuuu spirit of the '605 - and, specifically, the floating pirate radio stations that supplied England with ed, ash-strewn terrain after an so- A well'fo-do family led by a feisty named apocalyptic event, utterly matriarch (Sandra Bullock) takes in a hopeless yet determined to protect his young son. ft's only natural that (Quinton Aaron), who becomes an grade catnip for girls - a welcome change from the usual testosterone' people will try to get through the All-American football player and a drenched teen fare. Directer Chris Curtis's vision of the era has all the horror and hopelessness by placing first-round draft choice. John lee Weitz ("Ihn Golden Compass"), taking grit and substance of a Disney sorne faith in a happy ending, but it Hancock ("The Rookie") wrote and over from "Twilight" beUrrer Katherine theme-park ride, (Bi) (135 mie.) Rated seems only fair to point out that, fer the most part, that's a misplaced faith. Unless you think of the jour- directed the sports drama, Rated PG- Harriwiche, places an emphasis on 13 fer one scene involving brief vio- mood and even achieves something homeless, uneducated teenager lence, drug and seooal references, akin to eeriness from time te time 301 Golf Mill Center 10001 326'3264, 111643 PARK RIDGE wwwpickwlcktheafrecurn PICKWICK MUSIC FESTIVAL . Fn: 0:00 THE BLIND SIDE (PC-13) Ini: 3:15-8:30 Radio" is a lut of fun at times, but this is a story that could have profit' ed from a mere realistic approach, R fer language and some seeual cnntent iecluding brief nudity, - Reviews by Onice Ingram TWILICHT SAGA: NEW MOON (PC-13) lei: l.001.00'8.00 7.50'lO:40 Sat, Son: 1:15-5.008:00 Sat, Sun: 1120'2,30'5,l0'7:50'lO'40 Men'Thurs: 5:00-8,00 EVERYRODYS FINE (PC-13) Fri. Men-Thurs. 2.00-4.40' Fr1, Men-Taos: 1215-2.45- 5.00'7:l5-9:40 Sat, Son: 9.50'215'2.45- 5.007:151:40 Wed: 12.ls-2.45-5:o0'7,l5-,40 ROSEMONT Rosemont 18 9701 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1847) 4471030 Rosemont 18 Premfer 9701 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1047)447-1030 Eri, Sat: 2.15-4:45-7,151.l5 PIRATE RADIO (R) Fn, Sut: 2.no430-7.009.l5 Sun'Thurs: 200'4:30'7.00 AMELIA (PG) Mon, Tues: 12.50'320'6'lO'9.00'll,l5 Wed, Thorn' 12.5O-3206 101.00'lI:lS PLANET 51 (PG) 6'45'9.15'll:40 Son: lI 30'L5e'4:l51:451.15 Muo'nhurs: 1.504 l5'6:451:l5 Fri. Moo, Tuns: l:40'4:15' 6'45'9.lO Sat, Sun: ll:O0'l40'4,l5'6:45-9.lO Wed Thom: l:40'4:15'6'451.lO OLD DOGS (PG) Fri. Men, lues: l2.40'3.00520-7,40'9.55 Sat, Sun: lO.10'12.40'3.00. 520'7:4O'9.55 Wed, ¡hum: 12:40'3.00-520-7.401.55 THE BOONDOCK SAINTS II: ALL SAINTS DAY (R) Frl - Sun: lI20'530'l0 50 Mon'Tkurs: 53010.50 220 OId Orchard Center (0081262-4306 www.arnctheatres.com FREE Buy Any 1.8" PIa got o 14" Cheese Pla FRE 115 Old Orchard Center ruy2/ASihta's . SPECIAL PRE-SALE NOW! ON SOLE îO.GEER-L PUBLiC y1roNaTy DEC 7 .T THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS (R) Fri'Thurs: 220'8 5 PRECIOUS (R) Fri. Sal l0201.l0-3.Se7.15'lO,1512,55 WILMETTE Wilmette (0081 262'43e6 www.arnctheatres.com Village Crossing 7000 Carpenter Read 1847) 6738406 saluda Kerasutos.cern 1847) 251'74l1 CHANEL (PC-13) Fni'Tkurs' 2.10 4:40-7:10 TWILIGHT SACk NEW MOON (PC-13) Fr1, Tueo'Thurs: l.45-420-7.00 Sat, Sun: 7.00 COCO BEFORE Fri. Mun-Tkurs: l.50'4:lO'6.50'9.15 Sot, Sue. ll.lO'l.50'4:lO'6 501,15 Fri. Sat: l0,40'120'3:45-6:O5' 820'lO:35-l.00 Sun: lu.40120'3:45-6:05-820-lO,35 ALICE IN WONDERLAND - LIVE Mon'Thsrs: 120'3:45-605'82O10:35 BROTHERS (R) Sat: 10 00 a ra GYPSY - Frl. Sat: ILOO'2.00'4.5O' PERFORMED BY THE ACTORS TRAINING CENTER 7:30'lO.l0'12.50 Sun: 12.00 p ra. Sun: llO0-2.00-4:5O-7.3010.l0 Men: 7.00 p.m. : ", COCO BEFORE 'r" ' ' , ri'-! i Mstmtntn, nao ssnn alegrO ere i ca'm, perndor PSI upndr*.vrs (,5 2/2,00 Sun. ll.lO'l.45'4:IO'6'4O1.rO Mun'Tksrs: 145-4 lu'6.40'9,l0 CHANEL (PC-13) Suelhurs: 2,15'4'45-7,l5 Pick.up or doiInn,y. tap. 12/31109. Fri. Sat: il lO'l.45'4.lO6:40'9.lull 50 Mon: 1.45 In, Sat: 215-4:45'7,l5'9.l5 Must nannuan this coupon wt,on catering. Ono Coupon r andar Dino in, 1122 Ceulnal Ave. Gardens 7-13 THE BLIND SIDE (PC-13) Fri. MuwThurs l2.30'l:30'3:304:30'6:30230'9:30'lO:30 Sat. Sun: lO2O'l2.30'l0'3:30' 4:306:30-7:301:3010.30 your check of $25 or more DISNEYS A CHRISTMAS CAROL 3-D (PG) . ARMORED (PC-13) THE MEN WHO STARE AT COATS (R) - Mnn'Tkars: l:lO-3:50-7,15'lO l5 Gardens 1-6 Fri. Moo'Thurs' l2042e72ulO20 Sat, Sun: 1020'l20-420220'lu20 TWIUGHT SACA: HEW MOON (PC-13) Gift Certificatés Look for upóoming special events atww.nonnasfIvias.corn 420'620'7.5O1.50 PLANET 51 (PG) Sun'Thurs: 4:30 '' Cätering Mon'Thurs: 1245'2.3n-42062O'7.50'9.50 Fri-Thurs: aou7.00 Fn, Sal 4301.15 . i iti'IL : -. l.ut'i'Ji Holiday Parties Sun: 102O'1.lO'3.50'7,15'l0:15 ¡hors: l2.l5'2.45 NINJA ASSASSIN (R) HIGHLÄNÚPARK 6I0'9.00'll:15 Fri. Sal lO30'12,45'2:30'420' 62O'7.501.5u'll,30 Sue' lO,3n'l2.45'2.3u 2012 (PC-13) I I'll i Fri'Suo: 10.5012.50-3:20- Sat, Sun: 1.004.006:30845 Meo'Tkurs: 4.00'6:30'845 . NONNA SILVIA'S 5201208 IO'9.55'lO:45 2012 (PG-13) BROTHERS (R) Tobey Magoire and Jake Gylleehaal in "Brothers." 52u'7201.lnl.55-lo:45 Fn: l,O0'3.00'6:30 Sat, Sun: 1,004:00-7,30 Mon'Thurs: 4:007:30 FANTASTIC MR. FOX (PG) 1850 lower Drive (84717291600 www.Kerasuteo cera Mun'Thsrs: 430-7,00 lei, Men'Thurs: 2.15'4.5n' Sat, Sue' 1l.40'100'4:40-7:0O'9,40 Glen 10 520120e I01.55'lO:45 Men, Tues: l2.20'2:lO'2.50'4:45' Fri. Sut: Il 30'1.50'4:15' ARMORED (PG-13) 1847) 491'9751 GLENVIEW NINJA ASSASSIN (R) lei, Sat: lI:l5-lZlO-21O-2.504:45- OLD DOGS (PG) 5 S. Pruspect 10471 K04'2234 wwwKerasotes cura 7.001.40 . Wed, ¡hors: 12.l5'2.45-5'l5-7,45-lO,n5 OLD BOGS (P6-131 l7l5 Maple Ave, bueyed by upbeat comedy and mar- 7.45'l0.05-l220 Mon, Tues: 12.15-2.45'5:15'7:45'lO,05 Wed, Thun: 1220'2.1O'2.SO'4:45- . Show Place 12 Fri. Mnn'Thurs: 2.305:10' PIRATE RADIO (Bi) (91 mie,) Rated PG fer mild sci'fí THE BLIND SIDE wwwamcfheatres cern Fri'Sun: 2.00-430'7.0012n 7.10920 seodup of the genre. Sometimes it's seeuality, 10801 262-4306 NILES Sat, Sun: 11:302154 5O'7:lO'920 in'chook/cucaino-up'the-nostdl her own safety, wolf boy Jacob moves rol Euclid Ave, 10001 262-4306 www,amcthoatres,cem Fri-Sun: 1 oO'3:l0'520-7:30-920 monotonoss. There are plenty of whose life starts to unravel while he Randhurst Fri. Sat: 9.50'12:15'2.45'5:l5' Suo: 9.5u'l2:l5'2.45-5:l5'7:45'lO:O5 Sun: li l5'122n-2,102,50-4:45' 4520 Harlem Ave. Pickwick MOUNT PROSPECT FANTASTIC MR. FOX (PC) 5201200 lu9.55'lu:45-l2:4s Norridge PRECIOUS (R) Mnn-Tues'Thsrs: 1 uu3.iu52o-7.3n Wed: 3.lu5207.30 desperate, despairing and even oc- haggard, stumbling across the blast- Frl. Sah 9:4012.10-2.40-5:10- AN EDUCATION (PG-13) FriSan: ll:30'2.u0-4:3n'7,009,3o Mon, Tues, ¡hors: ll.30'2.nO'4:30'7.uO morrow") directed the adventure, Mortensen, looking haunted and IA1ILf planet of little green beings (whose civilization has evolved to the level Mon, Tues, Thurs: 1120'12o'3 2n52o- Roland Emmerich ("The Day after To' Werner Iferoog's offbeat redo of repartee. Instead we have Viggo MlS)lff$lfilfortr a rriri 11uhr ** A medest only intermittently en' tertaining animated comedy about a PLANET 51 (PG) Fri-Sun: ll2Oi20'32o52u72Q92n global cataclysm and its survivors, Abel Ferreras 1992 cult classic "Bad Devastating, but also strangely Sat Sun: ll.50'3:l0-6:40'l0:iO DISNEY'S A CHRISTMAS CAROL 3-D (PG) 1047) 258'7202 Fri'Sun: 1230-3.00'5:40'8,l5 Mon'Thurs: 3.005:408.15 (played by Dwayne "The Rock" John- * ** caretakers of 7-year-old twins. Walt THE ROAD EVERYBODY'S FINE (PC-13) lri'Sun: ll:l5-l.5u'4:30-7,r5-9,50 Mon, Tues, ¡hors: lLl5-l.5n4,3o7,ls and the audience only burst out in' to unintended laughter once: When Edward and Bolla romp in slow metino through a sylvan glade. (BI) Men ¡hors: 2,On'4.50-7:3010,ln - Fri. Men'Thurs: 3:l0'6:4010.l0 Fri'Tksrs: 240'8:0O lantern'jawed, obnooious, egotistical and cowardly American astronaut volta) uneupectedly find themselves Jal, C,stg. SIXTY SCCOND PREVICW "Thé perfed holidayàiufflated coinedy' edly not family-friendly less as a PLANET 51 2012 (PC-13) lOSO 2nd St. Wed: l:50'4:30'7:l5 ney in this family story that's decid- ners (Robin Williams and John ¡ra- Renaissance PIace TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON (PC-13) "Armored" violence throughout, and language. OLD DOGS two old friends and business part- diversions 1B3 . .w -ç'- ' LVC O4 MARCH 12-14 ROSEMONTThEATRE s ON SALE NOW caiillthss,atiw as sun-745.3oee. shit ihn RotnsnontTheaun boa eifue_ to 50 onïn to www.Roanmc.,tnlan.rua,com - M I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3. 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DC diversions 185 www.pioneedocal.com ON SALE NO W! /4 'A MOVfNG.IECEOF HOMEGROWN .,.. . .CHlGAGOJHEATERTHAT NEVER FAftS e'.:TOTOlJCHOÑE'S SOUL" Cnic..-o rbLl7e .' '':,' '4 ' U 4' .0" 3 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2009 ; 7:30PM The Osmond Brothers have been performing in front of world-wide audiences for 50 years. The Osmonds perform all styles of music from barbershop, pop, rock, country, and jazz! They have sold millions of albums and have several gold and platinum records to their credit. The Osmonds are celebrating their 50th year in entertainment and they just keep getting better and better! The Osmond Brothers Christmas Show includes Wayne, Jay, Jimmy & Merrill Osmond. b )OOOSq WJree7AdmIssiofl - ri , Pu . ivéEtrtäînment PIuM : aU Ac1nc i !w'r Qol] .' Áèii on Any iwo 4-packs o! Frappucclno or Starbucks DublsShor(Any flavor) £CN*Uffi:Ooni cuponp,p(r. Yøupayei uand/Qr&jos4thvgI. LOn iUyr be aned.bfelTed ¶(l REAn&wTTrT*Muyou fOrlet1ce2bJI otNi n.pke be Md N ea,eitbecorn,,er . hasicopbed J1rCoopoe RedimoøPaaeatt. eeu Mtcouo.,sto N0mHMLERIcm EFEPAflh14EfiSbI icc.cs De I Fwt D,Dd ¡Lo, iX 7S34 date 102 N.Chicago St., Jouet, IIinbis ,pc A E! a:vvii 0-k . ' '«falto 5jiii fl' 815-726-6600 'Thea t n-' o, e,dor o,Ie ,t www.rialtosquare.com API Tcket,,1a1ter LocaIon rrrerbI 10771034 You can a'so find us on MsjwlaoIw$?e Coopco E1pbfl2411fl0 i s III 2000 IIJ1JHiI I I 70033 I liii 1IIIllI 5 I 1119 (8100)0 58953 . Tickets start at just NOW THROUGH DECEMBER 31! HURRY. Great Seats Still Available! ticketmas ter e In The Know" and TEXT the word RJALTO to 71297. j ,. : EII01LLIA!I1 BROWNY s1b2á 8953 LoflCtoePt Iror tkOt. ,,,II the R,nito Bo,, Olf,co ,t CREAMER' facebook ¡myspacC cam D You Tubi Singlo tickets 312 443 3800 GoodmaoTheatre org Discounted tickets for groups of 15 or more 312 443 3820 S25! rB6 I www.ch)c000hldSCompanY.COm. Chdstinas Bazaar, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 6 What to do. This week and beyond. at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N. Knox AveS Chicago. Mass Is cel- ebrated In the aaditorioni at 10:30 am. and a traditional Irish breahlast Is)lows. The Irish Heritage Singers will provide the maslclvr the mass. Cost (or the breaklast Is $8, $4 lar children, and reservations are reqaired.Tho J5) ly Holly Bake shop will sell homemade pIes, bread, scones, cakes and cookies, and Santa Claus will visit tram 1-3 p.m. Dragoncello Theater Company and shapeshi(ters Theatre will present a You WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. » Submit go. events one week prior to the date of publication. )) Entries must be typed. Were sorry, but we can't take it over the telephone. We prefer e-mail submissions, please. one-hear perlermance leaturing live traditional Irish manic and puppets at )) IJO. listings are free. Include brief description of the event, 'A MidwInter Garland,' multicaltaral maslc of Chrlstnas presented by Della Voce at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at Immanuel toSieran Church, 616 rake St., Evanston, Ihn a cappella choral easemkle will slog works by Brahms, BrAlen, Holst, Vaughan Williams and ath ïutcracker ori Ice. at 73O p m. Dec. Mrs. C)aast A HolIday MusIcaI. pre- sonted by Chicas tids Company at p.m. Dec.13 at the Rebell Crown Ceo- 10.30 am. Dec.16-18 at the Copernicus rue. Tickets: $23; $10 lar children, Call (847) 864-8804 or visit www.evanstnn- ter, i10 Malo St. Evarrston.Oeneral ad- center, 5716W. tawrence Ave. chlcuo. symphany.org. tunas, 1200 W. Algonquin Road, Pala- dian and writer Mike Haukhan will join irish'Amenican talk and rock groap The tine. Tickets, $15-$22, are available at the dear or In advance by e-mailing shaw. $10. Cali 773282-7035 er visit I Julia Struck, ¡vlieastrucklVyahno corn, or calling (847) 496-4245. Actintutmasconcert mill be presented by the combined choirs ei Lake Street Charch und Ihn North Shore Hurrnvvin- (113) 283-1071 or visit www.thegilttho ers at 10:30 a m. Doc, 20 at Lake Street p m. Dec.19 at St. Lake's Episcopal Church, 601 Lake St., Evanston, The Church, 939 Hinman Ave Evanston. pragrarn inclodes live selectinnu trun "The Messiah" by Handel ieaturing solvists lIen Batanan, tener, Doniiniqua rriga, alto, Carol Watkins, soprana, and Ran Watkins, baritone, with choras, plus a variety 01 carols and anthems lar miaed choir, women's choir and men's chair, rreewill uttering. Call 1047) 864-2181 Icr iniermation. $10. Call (713) 205-9600 or visit mission tickets are $8.50; reserved Tony Keonys Christmas lime in Ireland,' 7 p.m. DecO at the Irish Amencan Heritage Center, 4626 N. Knoe, LEHAR S h esric Chicago. The peniormonce celebrates the Christmas tradition with lrinh song, dance and music by vocalist Tony Ken0y, singer und dancer Victoria Kenny, camedian Joe Cuddy and the Dublia City Dancers. $25. Far tickets, call 1773) 282-7035, est 10, er visit iyww.irish- nes eaut u. american.org. And she's looking for a husband! "The ChrIstmas Sweater - A Retors to Redonnptian, based an Gleno Beck's HO LID AYiH O P best-selling book, will be screened at 7 p.m. Dec.3 andlo at the Nibs Show- featuring Cornell Gùnters Coasters, TIre Platters DECEMBER 5JANUARY 16 Visit the White House Without Leawflg chicago! shorts and commercials. Tickets are available at the theater ben oltice and online at www.FatknmEvents cern. p.m. Dec. 19 In the Harper College audi- atre.org. Corlolls, av a cappella chamber chvlr, will present a holiday concert at 7:30 n; 230 andl:30 pnr. Dec.12 arid 230 tien, call 1847) 869'0223. doy show) AmerIca," Ieataring sketch camedy and Impron, 10 p.m. reidays and satardays, 5:30 p.m. sundays, throagh Dec.13 atihe Gilt Theatre, www.lrish-american.nrq. An Lvanston Symphony Chr)utnras. 3 p.m. Dec.6 in the auditorium at Evanslva Township High School. 1600 Cadge, Evanston. reaturing the Evanston symphony Festival Choras, Christmas carolers, an aadionce singalang and Handels "Hallelujah" cbs- 448-8258. available at the doer ooly. rar infvrma tau Great American Depressian Halk 2 p.m. Tichuts are SS. For Inlormatlon, call (113) 202-7035, exIlO, or visit availabTe. For information, call (847) Al" Yankavic will apply their wisecrackIng comedy commentary to the animated "Rudolph the RedNosed Reinduer" and other clasnic Christmas 1096 or visit www.bollavoce.org. 'Santa's Great Amedcan DepressIon HolldayShow! America 2; Son el San )) fly mall: go. do Pioneer Press, 3701 W. lake Ave., Glenview seats are $9.50. Group discounts are Theater 3000 and special quest "Weird Holst, Davies and others, as well as arrangements el holiday lavonites by Chrlstmas Aroond the World' will be pmsenled by the Sweet Adulines charos, Choral-Aires Choras, and tire Bratherhoad el Harmony at 3 and? time, date, address, price and phone number. HOLIDAY Nues. The stars at Mystery Science by Willcncks, Tavener, Applobaurn, $15; $10 (or stodnots sndeç 19. Tickets ers. Tickuts: $38 premium; $28 general admission; $15 students. Call (312) 479- 4802 N. Milwaukee, Chicago. $10. Call li 60026. E-maif: golWpioneerlocal.cOm. FAX: (841) 486-7451. The pragram Includes seasonal pieces Parker/Shaw, Maddun and Humpkris. nd The Mrvelettes Tickets available at the theater bon sttice and www.rathonnEvents com. 8pm Sat., Dec "Hoall-Dooley Christmas,' 8 p m. Dec. 19 at the Irish American Heritage Cester, 4626 N. Knno Ave. Chicago, Come- Booby Brothers br a holiday variety www.ìrish'american.vrg. "A Night In VIenna' New Year's Eve gala, 6:30 p.m. Dec.31 at Atlantis Rangsets, 1273 Rand Road, Arlington Heights, Ieotvring the Viennese Symphony nl Chicago, David Crane, conductvr, The evening includes an open bar, hors d'oeuvres, seneocaurse din- ver, chanpugne toast, party lavons and European sweet table. Entertainment by strolling violinist Anthony Kawaikowski daring cocktails and dinnor, inlloived by an hour-long concert by the 35-member Viennese Symphony with gnest artist Rebecca Caliendo, soprano. Dancing to the eight-piece Anthaey Kawalkvwski Orchestra. Black tie optivnul. Sl25 per person, all-inclusive, Reservationu required; call (847) 6931119 er visit www.atlantishunqvets.com. Dick's River Roadhouse, 702 N. River Rvad, Mount Prospect. 18471 298-1200. www,DicksRiverRoadhouse.com. Dec. 31; "Introducing 20l0' with party lavors, video countdown to midnight, and champagne toast; no cover. VIP Package, $35 per person, includes open bar Iren 8 p.m-midnight, bullet Iran 9'll p.m. and guaranteed admisnion helare midnight with access to the VIP bIt, place, 301 GolI Mill Center, Kilos. $20. . 'RiltlraxUvmCMstmas ShortsstravaganzaL 7 p.m. Dec. 1K-17 at the MATINEES L EVENINGS Nues Shvwplace, 301 Goit Mili Center, diversions IBT www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION - DC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 DC www.pianeerocaLcom diversions Dec. 4-5 In the Nibs North High School auditorium, 9800 Lawler, skokle, Tickets are $10. Call (847) 626-2122. 'Perseus & Medusa: Or Its All Greek to Hei' will be presented by Piccolo Theatre ttsroughDec.19 at the Evanston Arts Depot, 600 Main SL, Evanston, In the Main Street METRA station. The theatre's seventtr annual Holiday Pasto is a story st monsters, gads and true love, in a world of slightly skewed Greek mythology, Show times are 7 p m. rridays; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturdays; and 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets: $25; $20 lorseniors; $10 lar studeots and children ander 12. Family ticket Itwo adults and two children) is $5g. For reservations, call (847) 424R089 or Visit mmm piccolotheatre.cem. "The Pirates of Penzance will be prenested by Light Opera Works Dec.26Jan. 3 at Cohn Auditorium, 600 Emerson St, Evanston. Pertormances ere at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Bec, 26; 2 p m. Dec. 27-28 and 30 and Jon. 3; and 8 p.m. Dec. 31 and Jan. 2. Tickets; $88, $67 and $46 lar the main Ibooc $67, 546 and $30 lar the balceny and $90, $69 and p.m. and 8 p.m and Sundays at 230 p n. and 7 p m. lencept Dec. 6 and 13). Tickets; $35-$50. Young adult tickets loar villains. Jaseph Calleja stars in the title role al Hohmann. Music Institute olChlcago. Nichols (25 and ander) are $10. Call (847) 673- Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ave. 6300 or visit www.narthbight.org. SummerPeople. through Dec. 13 at The Gilt Theatre, 4802 N, Milwaukee, Chicugo. Show timos arel:30 p.m. Thersday-Saturday 2:30 p.m. Sundays. Tickets: $20-$25. Cult 1773)283-7011er vint www.thegilttheatre.org. Evanston, (847) 905-1500, mmm mu- CLASSICAL Canzonetta Ysath Orchestra plays at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Wilmette Commanity Recreation Center, 3000 Glenview Road, Wilmette. The string orchestra, under thu direction al Hilel Kagan, will perlorm works by Cepeland, Dragaeet- ti, Siren and Purcell. Tickets will be sold at the door br $5 per person. Center, Nues; and Evansten IO, 1715 the comedic and musical true story el Florence Foster-Jenkins, a New York online at w'ww.FathomEvontsconn. Dec. socialite whose tin ear coulds't keep her nIl the stage at Carnegie HalL Perlormancea os Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. 19 and Jan. & Otlevbach'n les Conten d'Hotlmann' cenducted by Jumes Levine, leaturing Anna Netrebko as Antenia, Ekaterina Gobanova as Giulietta, Kate Lindsey as Nicklausse, Kathleen Kim as Olympia, and Alan Held as the and 7;30 p.m Thursdays at 7:30 p m Fridays at 8 p.m Saturdays at flO $ Saclety will present the neat in its continuing series al Family Concerts, leataring cellist Wendy Warner, at 3pm. Dec.13 in Northwestern University's Alice Millar Chapel, 870 sheridan Road, Evanston. The program includes The Fingal's Cavo Overture by in G minor and Tchaikovsky's Varialions on u Rococo Theme br Cello und Orchestra. Tickets are $20 it purchased by Dec. II, $25 alter that date, with proceeds ta beselit the Narth Shore Chamber Orchestra. Admission is Iree lar youth 18 and under and Northwasters University students with ID. Call lormance will be transmitted live at noon Saturdaya, lallowed by a prerecorded encore presrntatian at 6:30 p.m. the tkird Wednesday alter the live perlormance, Tickets are available at participating theater bon sIlices and (eacept Dec. 15); Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Brahms; Romancera Gitano by Mario Cantelnuovo Tedesca; and Spanisches Liedernpiel by Robert Schumann. Tire North Shore Chamber Orchestra Mendelssohn; Mozart's Symphony 1140 Maple Ave., Evanston Each live per- light Theatre, 9501 Skohie Blvd., Skokie, Kvtlyar, duo pianists, and Mark Maxwell, guitar, The program includes Liebeslieder Walzer by Johannes The et Uve In lib sertes, leatuning younger are hall-price at lamily mati- Sauvenlr, threagh Dec. 20 at North- with guests Gregory Shilrin and rina Metropaiitan Opera performances transmitted in high dolinitisv to movie theaters throughout the United Staten, including Nibs Showplace, 301 Goil Mill $18 on New Year's Eve, Ages 21 and noes. Call 1847) 869-6300 er niait www.lightoperaworks cam. sicinsLerq. Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m The Music lantitute Chorale presents "Romance," 'ATRULY REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE FORANYONE LUCKY ENOUGH TO EXPERIENCE IT." 18471 864-2288. Oaktas Commsn'dy College. 1600 E. Goll Road, Des Plaines. (847) 635-1900. Dec. 5, 7 p.m Under the direction sI Eileen Barman, sols vocalists and duets will present "Winter Recital" at Studio One. Admission is free, Dec.10, B p.m Oahtes Community Chair pres' enta selections Irom Rent" Misu Ah,V4ildecnessl, a comedy by Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright Eugene O'Neill, will ho presented ut I pm. structor Tern Clippert and the Qakton Guitar Ensemble present an alteranon oh stringed music in Stadio One, Adrnlssiss is free. Rembrandt ChamberPlayers pertorm in Nichais Hall ut the Music Institute s? Chicago, 1490 Chicago Ave. Evanslan, Tickets: $30-$40; $10-SIs br students. (312) 360'3l45. www.rembrandtcham' berplayero.orq Dec. 6,7 p.rn "The End al '09," Works include Messiaena Ouartot br the End et Time; Telemann's Ouartet in D Minor and Cvncerto lar viola, liuto, and oboe d'amore; and Bach's Concerta in D lar harpsichord und strings. RCP members Yuan-lUng Ya, violin; Barbara Halber, cello; Robert Hanford, oielirg Saedra Margan. hule; Rabert Margan, oboe; J. Luwrie Blaom, clarinet Collins trier, bass; and David Schrader, piano and harpsichord; will be joined by guest artist Catherine Brubaker, viola. Skukle ValleySyrnphsny Orchestra pvrlarms at 3 p rn. Sundays at the North Share Center lar the Performing Arts, 9501 Skohie Blvd. skakìe, Tickets are $22-$30; $9 far children. Free preconcert lectures begin ut 1:45 p m. For tickets, call (847) 673-6300 nr visit www.sosnorg. Dec.6: A Season of Sweet Sunday Treats; Story Time," Britleo's 'Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra$ with Tharnas Roneowein ear- rating, will be perfarmed. Also leutenIng the winners oh the 29th Young Artist Cempetition - Meredith Craw- go., PAGE B8 with this Sail into the boflda s bolidag famil9 vort&.. NOV. 12:DEÇ.9.2p9',1 HERSHEY FELDER . sinn Is Iree, Dec.13, 2 p.m. Guitar in- Saigon" and sther Broadway shown, as well as campasitisns by Schubert and ,- .-., ./ STAGE Rvnrak, In the Feetlikmoutor, Admis- : -- Book by John Reeg Mu!c & Lyrks by Juh'e Shannon Ow&e46y chuck a«a GREAT SEATS ,. FROM $33 ' ç_ '-.-- Tì -'-' WHITE HOUSE -' T- , .. '4 ¡- " ;:: A_,T ,c ISESERVE 312.332 2244 ' . LYRICOPERA ORG 13 Ioo rpiC5 complete Mt1I woridn televisIonS ond glowing thnndoUO LkSfSkk rits rls taß inrr, rrd *riV rkkot ;)urthsn t Sn mo rM Theworid's favorite operetta in a glittering new holiday production by Gary Griffin! Will Hanna, the merry widow, marry that handsome playboy Danilo and save her country from financial ruin? "Vilja," "The Merry Widow Waltz," the cancan - enjoy this glorious music you'll remember forever! Starring gorgeous Elizabeth Futrat and dashing Roger Honeywell. gen.rrn,lymadepoiblo by Donor. the H,w.ntA, St,tI.r i:,-' x.7y----- 9 , -1 - i' ÏiNdTCACK C1f't i I,, Englid, ,4thp,oj.cted title,. EXP I2O7-09 No Travel , .4.Sugar ¿at''pm Pfim'Party Charge I J. 'indodotuptoiSvtttO . - . (m'aie. of$259.95) centertickets.net fir, Pilo rinìi cl lit. C ioç,,,.çI inu i,.S oli i SI , lw ii,iii 0,11 FIlO i),lIkPII(J s wr4'w'-4 -.. r OOiu,fl, t MO. t, coo,vwit,v,tott-.ptGn. udo Silnts. litOtes, Mon,, t', p,icndooponte9 i -800-409-7178 DRURY LANEWATERTOWER PLACE AIR DUCT CLEANING Plus GEORGE GERSHWIN ALONE RETURNS ONE WEEK ONLY DEC 23 . 3 I! 708.235.2222 LYRIC OPERA oF CHICAGO f SALT CREEK BALLET E.t.t.,Donn.V.nE.knn, nd D.kofAn,.I. MUsWMSCIENCEINDUSI RY t tT C, . I NwLyric Oper. prodoction JImandVkkI MIll./jon.nd LoI.MIll., .n 1)irn di17ç44 $ ,w 3)inside DlscOv& (ho hStOI, poapk and stories b&rìrrd 600 pnns4vsr1s Avenue fl And Tht? VIThÌt House: A Look inside. exploro the spetncr.rat MrtO HOuSO In rnInIstUro-1 qorjoousIr detailed 60-bY- (U is oun BUSINESS NOVEMBER 13 - DECEMBER 20 .I 2642-2000 www.ticketmaster.com ljfrJ: enur< .' t.c' '¿5g pt.tu,s.,,I -r. r I. h.,.,r 040 Ridge Road, Monster, IN ., r'219j ' ' . ThestreAtThe(BnIe,.00m - B8 I diversions , www.pioneerlocal.com go. EDELWEISS CHRISTMAS DINNER AMKJ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6TH OJINNY WAGNER PERFORMS CHRISTMAS CAROLS 3:30-7:30 CHILDREN'S DANCE PERFORMANCE 4:00-5:00 SPECIAL HOLIDAY MENU THROUGHOUT U) MAKE YOUR NEW YEARS EVE DECEMBER F DC . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 nrs. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS Live Entertainment RESERVATIONS EDELWEISS BAND s LUNCH Mon.-Frl. Continued from PAGE 87 Rococo Theme. Rouge to Broadway:' Dec. 31, B p.m.: POP/FOLK/JAZZ 7650 W. Irving Park Rd. Norridge Dinner 7 days n week Great Food, Great Service, Greot People 708-452-6040 (847) 967-0606 1212: the ticket prices listed below do not include service fees. The inForma- 7020 N. MILWAUKEE , NILES 2 nIock South of Oskion ' snnnsomIcIEood.com tion line Is (847) 635-6501. Dec.11,? p.m.: 93XRT/Bud Li9ht BIG Holiday Con- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK RESERVE Now FOR YOUR HOUDAY PARTIES at www.ticketmaster.com or 13121 559- cert leataring The Flaming lips, Phsenio and Pete Yoro. $40. Dec. 26,2 p.m. and 7 p m.: Trans-Siberian Orchostra. Tickets: $50, $40, $38, $26. American l.eçlon MusIc Hall, 1030 Cen- Irai SL Evanston. 18471 5130443. wwwchicaobIaegrass corn. Blaegrass legends Concerts .. doors opon at? p.m , show at O p m. Admission: $20; sis (oroenior citizens and children. . - s .5 - ) .v ......... s I support both growing minds and growing bodies, Many of these have been healthy eating a habit with children: Make games out of healthy eating. www.irish-arnerlcan org. Entertainment at 9 p m. Fridays and Saturdays in the Fifth Province Lounge, na cover - lIez, 4: Coili Dancing with Ceoltoiri Chicago. Dec. 5: Paddy Homan CD release party. Dec.11: Matt Stedman Band. Dez,12 Dnsley Brothers. Dec.18 Joe McShane. Dec.19 Mulligan Stew. Dez,2& Boxing Day party with Brondan Loaghrey fsm BlaeStack. Dec.31, B p m New Year's Eve with Joe McShano and Jon Culleo. $25 includes champagne toast, live ton Jazz Band, directed by Bobert Evans, presents music by Duke Ellingten, George Gershwin, and Horace Silver daring "Jazz Invasion." General admission is $5. and senior and student tickets are $3. Rosemant Theatre, 5400 N. River Road, Rosemont, Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com or (3121 559 1212; the ticket prices listed below de not include service tees. For more isFormation ahoat the theater, call 18471 671-5100. Dec.17-l9, B p.m Barry Manilow. $261.62, $235 65, $156.73, A f41 26, $73 65, $12.37. o The Museum can also offer tips about healthy hal (reck/jazzl. S15/$20. Dec.17, B p m.: Amy G the Rhinos. 510/512/SIB. Dec. lB, (8471 6351900. Dec.11, 8 p.rn The Oak- .4 The Museum's exhibits and programming include a number of im- p m.: Leon Hassell (reck, bloss, coon' Theater, 1600 E, Goll Bead, Bes Plaines. R teins," Blues Imperium. music, party lacera and appetizers Oakton Community College, Footlik 7 G the Catapult with The Right Now (in' dix rock/soull. $8/510. Dez, IO, B pm: "A Love Supreme" performed by Brian stimulate the brain and build the mind. At Kohl Children's Museum, however, using your noggin ¡s just the start! foods" like cookies or sweets, while consistently choosing "always foods" like vegetables and pro- trick to making N. linos Ace., Chicago. 1773)282-7835. s Adams. $8/512. Dec. 9, B p m : Elizabeth Almost everyone can agree that Visiting a museum is agFeat way to eating. Thecpltic Knut Public House. 626 a Golan, Luke Brindloy and Peter Dradley HeaIth Minds Benin with HeaIth Bodies nutrition, and physical education to wwwceltichnotpub corn. No cover unless noted otherwise. Mondays, 8p.m.midnight: Bluegrass and roots music with the Mudllapps. Tuesdays, 1-10 p.m : Irish music session. Thursdays, Blo p m Irish manic session. Bec. 12. lO p.m.: Bluegrass Advocates. DeC.1, 58 p.m Eric Lagosch. Irish AmerIcas Heritage Center, 4626 - the Nighthawks (blues/rock). $24/528. Bec, 5, B p.m.: Susan Werner Itnlkljazz>. $18/S22/S34.50. Doc,?, B p m.: Boul (847) 832-6600 I www.kohlchlldrensmuseum.org 60026 portant initiatives that focus on health, Church St., Evanston (8471 864-1619. -- - categories: in advance; at the daoT and reserved table seating. Dec,3, 8 p.m.: luna (formerly Jane Siherry). $20/524. Dec.4, 8 p.m tiabert Sumlin G 21 00 PATRIOT BOULEVARD, GLENVIEW, IL Gephart Groap (lazzi. $10/515. Dec.11, B Blues Bar, 2 W. Basse Ave., Mount p. with Marcas Gentry. $25 in advance; $30 at the door, S,PA,CL. 1245 Chicago Ave. Eeanoten. wwwevanstnnspace.csm. 1847) 492' 8060. Most ticket prices listed in three ('NLCIIL»pi'3 Prospect. 18471 7881971. rvww.blunsbar.com. Dec. 31, 9.30 p rn Lii' Ed 6 the Dec.11: Mnuntais Heart. .. ..........I- "Stand Dy Me," manic st the 'SOs with Marcan Gentry. $25 in advance; $30 at the door. Dec.31, 10:30 p.m : 'Tarn Back the Hands of Time," hits nf the '60s Shukle Theatre MusIc Foundation presents concerts in the Skokie The' atre, 7924 Linculn Ave., Shokie, Call (841) 6Th7161 or visit wwwskokietho' atre.com. Concert tickets $20 in ad' nance, $25 at the door, noioso noted otherwise, Dec,4, 1:30 p.m An Amen- try). S3O/$35. Dec. 12. B p.m.: Garaj Ma- B p m.: Josh Huge and Matt Duke with Amber Rubarth. $12/515 Dec.20, 8 p.m.: Hugo G Shanta becker (piano rock). $0/512. Dec.21, B p.m : Foiled Again' Holiday Wish list and CD release party (cabaret/holiday). $15/S20/$25. Dec.31, 6 p.m.: Jill G Julia Show (cemedyímu' oid. $17/Sb. Dec. 31, 10 p m: Beaa Soleil avec Michael Doacet. $451$50.Jan.7, B p.m : Songwriters Circle with Cathy Richardson, Ingrid Graudins, ham Davis and Korby Leaker. $12/515. Jan, 8, B p.m.: An Evening with Otis Clay G his Band IR&B/ssull. S15/S20. Jan.13, B p.m : Dave Specters Adventures in Gaitar with Jolt Parker el Tortvise lbluestlazz). $12/515 Jan.15, H pm: An Evening with Megan Mcoonough. 515/520. ART GALLERIES AmerIcan Legion Memnrial Civic Cen' ter, 6140 Demputer, Marten Greve. Dec. 5-6, nonic5 pm: "Childhood Mema' ries," paintings by Bussianborn artist Leon Okn The silon-canvas works are depictions nl the landscapes that nur' rounded him while he was growing up in the fermer Soviet Union, as well as the figurative dream neqaences that he associates with nostalgia, memery and imaginativo, personal history. All work will bn available fer purchase and visitors will have a chance to meet the artist who will be present during gallery hours. ivww.Ieonnks corn. flInch Museum nf Art at Northwestern University, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston. 1847) 491-4000. www black' museum.northwestern eda. Open IO am-S p.m. Tuesdays; 10 am-B p.m. Wednesday'Friday; 10 am'S p.m. Saturdays and Ssndays. The museum will be closed Dec. 14 thrnagh Jan.14. Ad' mission tu the moneam Is free; unless noted, admission to all programs is go., PAGE 815 PIoiiiER Piuss YOUR LOCAL SOURCE tais el Spain. Dec 16, 1:30 p.m.: "Silver ford playing Martines Rhapsody concerto for Viola and Renjamin Lash perterming Tchaikovsky's Variations on a EANQUET ROOM L AUTHENTiC GERMAN CAuSING MENU AVAILASC FOR AUtOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY EVENTS For lUnch, D,nnor. And loto NihI FUnI Dec.12, B p.m., and Dec.13, 2 p.m.: Gui' Screen Creonern" with singer Tony Bernard. $10. Dec.17, 7:30 p.m "Mostly Jewish Music," presented by Ovadya and Ml Ysdea. Dec.20, 2 p m Lesley Goodman presents "Free the Moulin Allstate Arena, 6920 N. Mannheim Road, Rosernont. Tickets are available 8:3OPM-1 2:30AM Quarterly Newsletter of Kohl Children's Museum of Greater Chicago canTrilogy, Dec.9, 2 p.m Frank Sinatra Birthday Tribute with Jack Miuccia. $10, developed in conjunction with the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chica- go Children and their 5-4-3-2-1-Gol initiative, and 'are integrated right into the play experiences in exhibits that guests know and love. One For example, try to eat a rainbow each day and check off each color as you eat it. Fruits and vegetables that supply the greens, yellows, and blues increase needed servings of fruits and vegetables 5 a day servings of water a day vitamins. 4 servings of low-fat dairy 3 a day orless hours 2 of screen time a day 1 Healthy learning can be assimple as promoting healthy food choices in the Museum's Dominick's Supermarket. As part of their shopping experience, children can take shopping lists with words and pictures of items in the supermarket that meet the 5 food groups of the USDA Food Pyramid, which is prominently displayed on the wall, 'The Museum has also developed a focused field trip lesson on Health and Nutrition that also encourages children to make good choices abouttheir diet," says Museum president & CEO Sheridan Turner. 'Students learn to make healthy choices between "sometimes a day or more hours of physical activity courses and kick croquet that reinforce the importance of keeping active. (Scheduled outdoor activities are put on winter hiatus from November through March with park opening when weather permits.) Being active is an easy lesson to take home from the Museum as well. You and your children can reap the benefits of health from aT everyday tasks like loadIEIII 'iiIUR ng and unloading the . ;5v4j1IIlt car, pushing a grocery ,. ID cart, washing the car, and simple gardening. To build good family habits, select a few activities that everyone can do regardless of age, such as walking or playing in the Museum exhibits, and pick a regular day to do them. Even infants and toddlers should be taken along in bike carts and strollers so they literally grow up with fitness as a natural part of their lives. "Parents are the best role models children can have when it comes to healthy lifestyles," says Turner. "Young- sters will instinctively watch what their caregivers do and mimic them. The more active you are, the more your chitdren will be," Sot(iht on Learning In this and upcoming issues of Learning fo Grow, we'll show how elements are built into each exhibit to encourage learning at multiple age levels. Below are activities in the Dominick's Supermarketexhibitthat promote learning at each age level. BIRTH TO 2 YEARS: Senso,y explorers . Take store items on an off shelves and in and out of carts . Push buttons on cash register and pass items over scanner to hear the beep . Notice colors and textures of the different products 3 TO 5 YEARS: Problem solvers . Stock shelves and sort items . Pretend to use cash register and make change . Take on roles of shopper, cashier, and stocker Partners ¡n Healthy Change Recent studies have shown students are spending less time on physi- cal education and more on academics. While the emphasis on studying is laudable, it often results in children spending even more time in front of computers instead of going outside to play. The Museum's outdoor Habitat Park exhibit, offers plenty of physical play activitl,es'that help combat childhood obesity Cand develop gross motor skills. This summer, we introduced special climbing structures that mimic animal movement, and began daily outdoor programming like obstacle Kraft Foods has been a regular partner in helping us develop these initia- tives for guests, as well as bringing them to those who otherwise might not have a chance to visit the Museum. The Kraft Connections for Kids program brings children from underserved neighborhoods like Chicago's Garfield Park to the Museum, while their Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness for All program 6 TO 8 YEARS Inquirers and experimenters . Take on and assign more. complex roles in the market . Count and make change as cashier . Re-stock shelves based on item categorization helped create a focused field trip on Health and Nutrition that hundreds of schoolchildren have benefitted from. Join us as we make meaningful differences in children's lives to create healthy habits that will last a lifetime! Home for the Holidays please note.the Museum will be closed on December 24 & 25 for the Christmás holidays, and on January 1 for New Year's Day, PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS Museum Counts Down to Pizza Delivery delivering the pizza, how about a stop atthe Pizza Pit, a giant pizza-shaped couch with pull out wedges to lounge on and read pizza-related children's books? "This exhibit provides a great new venue for complex play," says Turner, President Sheridan Museum & CEO. giant pizza, all while skills up picking in mathematics and basic math w__l_ Guests may have noticed a few highflying changes coming down the tracks the With holiday season upon us, Kohl Children's Museum offers a great way to give gifts that your loved ones Act now to purchase gift cards and lock in membership at this y?ar's ratesl In addition, the Museum's Village Toy Shop offers a world of fun, educational learning toys for holiday giving, and can even wrap your presents ready for you to take awayl Members Only New Year's Eve Bash: Children can also try several interactive pizza-based activities, like exploring fractions by putting together We've saved the biggest party of the year for last! Our New Year's Eve Bash is available for $7 a person, and tickets are on sale for Kohl Children's Museum members only. Choose different-sized pizza slices to create a whole. After 3 p.m. session andgetreadytocelebrate 20101 Activities include either the 9 -1 1 :30 am. or 1 2:30 CosI® Opens New Café at Museum while launching an expanded children's recently Museum Children's welcomed Così® as its new cafe provider. Kohl The restaurant chain is proud to open its first cafe with a menu tailored primarily for a children's audience. C O S 1. Guests may recognize Coal® for their delicious made-to-order salads, sandwiches and flatbread pizzas, all made with fresh and flavorful ingredients and complemented by their famous crackly crust flatbread. At their newest location, Cosi® offers many of their best-loved adult fares, like the Grilled Chicken T.B.M. sandwich and the Cosi® Signature Salad menu, featuring kid-friendly items such as grilled cheese sandwiches, flatbread pizza, macaroni and cheese and mini hot dogs. The café also offers breakfast items and select coffee beverages and desserts as well as a catering menu which features a pizza party package for guests hosting parties at the Museum. Call (847) 832-6926 to place your catering orders. Don't forget, Museum members receive 10% off all purchases made at the Co&i® cafe on site at Kohl Children's Museum (offer not valid at other Cosi® 50,70W. t0t.ntAat io children's concerts by Mindy Hester and the Time Outs, party hat making, and a countdown and confetti drop at "midnightl" Tickets available at www.kohlchildrensmuseum.org/nye. Call (847) 832-6915 for more Information. The Bugs Are Back! Ever wanted to meet a millipede, greet a to the Museum's permanent exhibit collection this fall, One very noticeable addition has already pulled into the City on the Move station. As part of the Museum's ongoing train safety programming, a childsized train engine has been installed, with working whistle sounds, railroad- exhibit elements will be "all aboard" by Another addition is soaring high above Habitat Park: a wind turbine and solar panel. Situated on the Museum's high- All of these Art Adventures and Daily Discovery activities will be held in the Adventures in Art exhibit. Activities are open 4 p.m. during regular Museum operating hours (12 4 p.m. on Sundays). » DECEMBER: Patterns in Nature Natural Mural: Discover the shapes of natural materials by using them to create prolected shapes onto a collaborative mural. Museum Open Late on Monday School Hoildays! The Museum will observe extended hours horn 9:30 5 p.m. on December 21 &28, January18, and February 15. zu PUILICATIONS T9AA,Te7STAtPTAAA Powered by NatUre will replace the recently rstired Discovwy Maze exhibit in the east wing of I/ia Museam. The exhibit lias been pad/ally underwritten by Sy,Aot,yD&pTa, SLAy TIAN tQRA1iCN w50,.S.hjd,itd,7nonoalo.o,9/I,T. ICONLCHIIDRDNSMUSEVMOFGREATEO CHICA6000,Noe,AeooIo,y.I.,o,u.,o, HOURS A.t,AtOU M-Ui AIosy O?* EMMTAAM1ANM Ta-MO 0MO iNSNW.KOULCHuLDRENSMUSEUM.ORO,oTAA.,.oMO.00.00ra SUNDAY - January 2010 TUESDAY MONDAY Lejyi -1;. THURSDAY f.v - Ç 2 e4b' MUSEUM cLOSED 5 4 == he007Cd9 WUh,qCoflO,. ANOh750IpMA Math Water Play: Fill, pour, dunk, and play with measuring cups, rain gauges and other liquid measuring devices. tOtNWP5.y 24 25 : 31 DOWWdoPIA -""' FEBRUARY: Dimensions In Art GeorgIa O'Keefe PaIntIng: Make a chalk pastel drawing influenced by the work of Georgia O'Keefe, MONDAY Tt.qTIA. 500T070L07. - O*l '& 23 MsWWMnPIA7 .,,, A,O.U._ 27 28 fOA,Pfi 29 30 %fi IAno,t.nd5ao, Gb,n-Oniylttçht IIA0W.,AlDe :=50 February 2U FRIDAY THURSDAY 4 3 -'°f 5 .OM1 SSyTI. 50.0WWa50 SaTTIAN 8 SaoÑoJS.Ta MAAyINTIXTAMDA. ii io 9 .12 A,i- 'L 6 IA13 0AyM50NAODO. CeoTh.øo.at,, TMqTIA, SNTANOo.IOAO, IA- S0,yOW. 16 17 19 18 20 OA4ACNMO IMOD AA.OMO 5050,0, AMdACMAM,Nk. UAA.NAC.tdMALNO 0W...4o5.50, AJnA.ánCMd«MoNl., AO-M*I i-,,. AA.-UTI-,. AMU_ $O.,A GO1At PANA SIA,yTt. , 0WDOA.00 L1ll- 22 23 IA,OJNTAAS.AA. 24 25 26 UTAAAMA MAà,thekMMNA 0,OONA0,NAMA AMA.NACOMAAKNA &oth.'D,NTk, 50,yTIA. S,A.NOAA.IIAAO, Every TUOd hS beeT mae io eos,e L"T ACLROY TI ST h,IanpaLon L, Cs scn The PLbL,he,s CNI UL,Ne5e the ,O,,eCth,TS of Nil T,e CaeeahQn AVOAAtNT to theo ar,J hOrn ATTN L «r.,too. COrTATTOTS ,tO 0,iDOqCdtNy. 22 MITCOWI0,PIIT WOATJOANJSA.A. WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 2 from the work of Alexander Calder. ATLLTT T A0bh00 hhoi FATS, New000pe,T, NIChT 16 tOOWATOPiC STOTTLAN MO WWW.KOHLCHILDR(NOMUSEUM.ORGaoa,o,e SUNDAY Alexander Calder Mobiles: Work together to build a large scale mobile inspired Lisa Pratt Tammy Matthews JennIfer WIlliams 14 XOALOIIEDRDNS MUSEUM OFGREA1tRCtitCAGOa'oA.A,e,o', CHASE O Please note that our outdoor Habitat Park activities will resume in April 2010. Habitat Park will remain open throughout the winter months, but will close on days when the wind chill reaches 20 degrees Fahrenheit. 9 -0 ° 21 O ',A oE.:o WA000TatIOA COA7TIA, i 00005a. ...',' I'NM' ANO T> '" TTAOG-NI000A fT 26 M.ThW.00PS4 'O..'. '°' 20 DOawftt., CO.MheOnTakA tOoT5o .00,.,.,_ 2-,A 13 19 18 1:.tNM_ a 000W.50050 0,OffiAIA0T, ' DIAqTNA. TaTIAWNoTADO Ta*a = ;;0W.O,oO-,a 8,* 7 0,IftioqCNtO9. OoOtnçC.O,e 12 D7TIA. » JANUARY: Parts Vs. Who'e 6 0,20,q ftOo9 11 shapes to create a quilt-pattern-inspired collage. SATURDAY FRIDAY . "-', . QuiltIng Collage: Use simple geometric cr.rRATloN HWAR E tVE NcW TIAN the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation. Niche Publications Manager Special Sections Editor Special Sections Designer I Layout YOUR LOCAL SOURCE MOSCHe 31 eustxTAuCrcoRele'LTUJtSOP&o'eY aosaTopuouc STI,MIOyS,AIPtArIA 21 PIONEER Pmss 29 MTATAATpTAL,t,28 You'll soon be able to find outl from 10 am. 12 p.m. and again troni i rary sculptures with tree rings, leaves and shells. you see some exoticand extra largecreepy guests can go inside to view prototypes of the brand-new Powered by Nature exhibit. This new permanent exhibit wilt let children interact with facsimiles of wind harvesting and solar panel positioning, as well as power exhibit elements with 27 -- Winter Programs 2 22 MUSEUM CLOSED MUSEUM CLOSED After seeing the energy get collected, heAdo7C.tOçN Pest Solutions will bring their popular Insect Zoo to the Museum from 9:30 am. to noon on December 22, January 1 9, and February 1 5 to let 20 3 early winter, grasshopper, or pet a praying mantis? Anderson crawlers up close and personal. 17 Spmn,uySoiIp,,,ts &otTADnA.tkA /J_, est point of land, each element collects energy naturally from the wind and sun and converts it into electricity. themed puzzles, and interactives to the actual electricity collected by the help avoid dangerous situations around functioning turbine and solar cells outrailroad tracks. Sponsored by Museum side. How does a breezy overcast day partner CN, the completed train safety compare with a sunny windless day? Symmetry Sculptures: Learn about symmetry by exploring and creating tempo- locations). is 14 11TA,AtNA.t will use all year long. Check an entire family off your holiday shopping list by giving a Museum membership, starting at only $80 for the yearl put on each order, and the chefs can select tiles that look like cheese, veggies, and meats to arrange on the pizza dough. N,t.otMot Cfl,thtOT,A.IU Tr,AOqSTAtpCO,.A Great Gift Ideas: Family Foundation. exhibit lets children operate a child-sized pizza parlor, role-playing as pizza chefs, order takers, delivery carriers, or hungry patrons. Specialized order tickets indicate what ingredients should be td.TA,.tAA.t CO O , he DO A Pizza: Any Way You Slice lt was created by the Omaha Children's Museum and will be on exhibit until May 24. The exhibit has been generously sponsored locally by (he Gantz January 18, delivering tumbo slices of interactive learning with extra fun. The centerpiece of the GiFt Cards 13 experience." Pizza: Any Way You Slice It, our :thibits on track ThURSDAY 2 1 HUNO U C tOTaL M ANt skills. By utilizing a familiar and literacy favorite food, children can immediately relate to the latest traveling exhibit, will debut at the Museum on WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 8 xhibit and literacy. MONDAY N.flO,tA.At the pizzeria, and other elements of the ih-PowereØ: News and noies on happenings ¡n and around the museum community and negotiation, problem-solving within support A AT WW.KOHIOIIL080ISMUSEIJM.ORO O, TA "There are so many for opportunities children to learn skills in cooperation, as well as they liked, say, pizza? This winter, visitors to ' Kohl Children's ,1 can Museum December 2009 HOURS o,o&..q,ai,e-w I%Lk.flL AnJ4S%wOAfl-nÎ OW) SHORT CUTS 3 KOHLCIIILDR[N'SMUSCUM OFGREATIR CHICAGO :: What f (dds liked math makecreate pizzas, believe take orders in child-sized a even pizzeria, pretend to be a toppings on PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS DECEMBER 3, 2009 LEARNING TO GROW ) KOHL CHILDREN'S MUSEUM KOHL CHILDREN'S MUSEUM LEARNING TO GROW 2 DECEMBER 3,2009 be ATOL to P,Oflee ti 60026 ,.mol to ,heCA-N 3701 W IaL,, OheWONhOT@p«TT'bLNO'T Coryhonto 2009 P,TOTT'Ft,S' AI tthts ttosved l-1 SBC 4X NJ4AC.M..IMN1A aAANdAG-AM.bao DATLAI F. MorgaStanIey FeondolloN u B12 I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com - DC '': ' u «. ;Uflfl. Richly, I . :. : . : ---------- diversions i B13 Swinging variation on classic tale in 'Nut Tapper' ': 'You must head to 'Souvenir' a most winning Northlight : www.pioneerlocal.com DC FAMILY FRIENDLY ,. -CHICAGOTRIBUNE : A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 By MYRNA PETLICU Contributor I CHICAGO SUNTIMES ' Reggio The Floofer" McLaughlin thought his playful, tap-centered version ofThe Nutcracker," would be a onetime thing. Instead, by popular demand, he has presented 'rhe Nut Tapper" at various venues by FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS' UPROARIOUS JOURNEY FROM LAUGHINGSTOCK TO MUSICAL LEGEND ', Stéphen Temper1ey for 11 years. Families can see the amaing dancer as . the Nut Tapper Prince foi free, 4-5:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Skokie Public Librar3 5215 Oakton St. The cast includes l)tOfeSsional dancers as \vell OS McLaughlin's students from the Old Town School of Folk directed by Steve Scótt Music. Cast members range inagefrom8to89. McLaughlin said the storylino is similai to the eriginal tale but iVs a swinging variation. I have a naimtor who's like a funky poet. Ours takes placo hero in Chicago and our storylino is more like a fiesta - a tapjam kind of a thing." Dance styles include tap, Mexican zapateado, liameneo, hip-hol) and clog. The dancer noted that people love the spontaneity Groovin'Jroddlers, 10-11 5711. 7774. In the groove am. Saturday, Dec. 5, at Morton Giove Public . cm Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave. They will also play para- D D o -o - . . o I I S o o . . chute games and engage in creative nioven)eflt. Registration is required but drop-ins aie welcome if space is available. Des Plaines. We're talking about family entertainer Dave Rudolf not the redThe Christmas Spirit(s) Ebenezer Scrooge learns Tots will dance, march and play musical instrumonts at Moovin' and don't make my show scriptperfect," McLaughlin reported. "I leave a little opon oncl foi a whatever happons, happens,' kind of thing. People know, when they come to that slims', anything can happen." For details, call (847) 673- p For details, call (847) 965-4220. to love Christmas in 'Scrooge: 'l'ho Musical," 7 pm. Fridays, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays, through Dee. 12, at Prairie Lakes Tlieatei; 515 5. Thacker St., Des Plaines. Leslie Bricusse's song-filled retelling of Charles Dickens' classic tale, "A Christmas Carol," is by Footlighters 'I'healre Company. Tickets are $13 for adults, $11 for students and seniors. For details, call (847) 391- of the The Nut Tappoi"'I f Regqio 'The Hoofer" McLauRhIin will perform in 'The Nut Tapper" at Skokie Public Library Dec. 12. Rudolf's not a reindeer You can spend "Christmas with Rudolf," 3 pin. Saturday, Dec. 12, al. Oakton Community Colleg&s Performing Arts Center, 1600 E. Golf Rd., nosed sleigh leader Rudolph. You'll hear parodies like "Candy Cane Tvist" and "Frosty the Slosv Man" at this lively, interactive all-ages show. are $7, $5 for cliiidren under 12. For details, call (847) 635-1900. .. WINTER BREAK! Sat., Dec. 26, 7 p.m., Sun., Dec. 27, 1 & 5 p.m., Mon., Dec. 28, 3 p.m. Legend has it Father Christmas will tell his story at "Legend of St. Nicholas," 2-3 p.m. Satur- COMING SOONI day, Dec. 12, al Park Ridge Public Library, 20 S. Afterasell.oui run ¡ri 2009, the CpiioI Steps are back with moro hiIrious musical political and current event Satire. CAPITÔL STEPS Jan.21-24 Prospect Ave. 'nie presentditiOfl for all ages will be by costumed historian and actor Terry Lynch. He will explain the influence this '11h centuiy bishop had on secular and religious traditions of the holiday season. Registration is required. For details, call (847) 825.3123. Coni,nent:pioneerloccil.com 847.673630 Not o.Iid n p,wt000iv po,ct,o,od tlokiO o, In coojuocilon Witt, lflV 0U.r cito,. Hondliog 10cc OPlY. Contoct boo aliSo io, toit dataiS. northshorecenter.c*g FREE PARKING- NORTh SHORE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS N SKOKIE 9501 Skckio Olod, I'toNvCit Piit Groups ot1 5ä niere sav.Ol Call 877.4477849' B14 I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DCTHURSDAY,D CEMER3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION go. h1Mn1çrsaiy Season www.pioneerlocal.com DC for the perIfollo, along with its rare arlginak'aailum caver, Dlttmor MemorIal Gallery at Narth' western University's Norris Center, Continued from PAGE B8 ence, und the Love nf Natore," photo' graphs by Rich Fisher, An opening reception far the artist will be hold from CIVIC BALLEr OF CHICAGO S II' s s- THE NUTCRACkER e Sat, Dec. 1 2 & Sun., Dec. 1 3, 3 p. IA NORTH SHORE HOLIDAY TRA' ITION! jJoin us after the show for a Sugar PI m Party complete with festive treats and acti ties. Bring your camera for photos with th cast and Santa. Party tickets only $101 : I also lree.Through Dec. & Robert Motherwell: An Attitude Toward Reality, Mitchell Museum ofthe American ln flan, 3001 Central St., Evanston, (641) 4151030. www.mitchellmuseum.org. Admission to events Is Included with an entrance donation in the Mitchell Museum. Soggested donation io SS for adults: $2.50 for seniar citizenn, st u- php. 1847) 491-2348. Gallery boors are Io a m-ID p.m. daily. The gallery will be closed from Dec. lthrough Jan. 5. Admission is free. Thruagh Dec. & '5+ Genres of Chinese Art: Traditional and From the Collection o? the Walker Art Center' allers an overview and latro' duction to tho artist, spanning moon than four decades of his career with Cantemporary," featuring Chinese fraditional painting, ink painting, falb art, photography and contemporary art by master artists in China. The enhibit celebrates the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic nf China und the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations batanen the more than 40 drawings, collaRes, prints and paintings. Through Dec.13: Henry Moore: Elephant Skull:' In the museom's Alsdorf Gallery. Moore may be best known for his monomental bronze scolptures, but his creative output incloded drawing and print making as well. In the 2960s the artist became Intrigued by the skull of an African elephant kept in a friend's London garden, U S. and China. Uncolnwood Village Hall, 6900 N:Lincoin Ave., Lincoinweod. Gallery hours: 9 am-S p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact Shirley Engelstein, fine arts coordina- examining the object's Internal and eutorcal spaces in a serins nf etchings printed as an album in 970. The exhibit ocIados all 28 prints Moore produced tar, 1847) 674-3806. Through Dec. 31: 'The Magic nf Art, the Discipline nf Sci' by students in grades sin throogh 12. Through Dec,30 '7 Artists, 7 Teach' lngs: Contemporary Great Lakes Native Art." 5.7 p.m. Dec. 3. 999 Campus Drive, Evanston. www.norris northwestorn.eda(dittmar diversions 1B15 dents and children. Manimom admissloe per family in $10.Thrnogh Dec.22 An enhibit of award'winnlng works Irom a national Native American stodeaf art campetitlun will be on display, "Tradition is My Life, Education is My Fufare" was the theme far this year's fifth annual Native American Student Artist Competition, organized by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Indian Education. The traveling en' hibit of award'winnlng entries consists of 21 matted and framed art pieces by students in pro-kindergarten through grade ¡2 and a bank of personal essays Morton Crune Poblic LIbrary, 6140 Lin' cula Ave., Morton Grove. 1641)965' 4220, Through Jan. 2: "New Works," featuring paintings, drawings and digF tal photography by Rilas North High School students, will be an display in the Banter Room. Oakfan Community Colloe, foehn' line Museum al Art, 1600 E. Golf Road, Dos Plaines. 1841) 635-2633, www.00k- ton.edu/eioseum. Gallery hours: IO a.m.'6 p m. Monday-Friday; il am.'4 p.m. Saturdays. Through Dec. 4: "IDShaw 2009," works by members of the art faculty at Oukton Community Callege, including paintings, photography, ceramics and digital art Dec. 10-Jun. 2 "Curt Frankenstein: Dream World and Real World." Works by surrealist artist Curt Frankenstein (1922-2009), who lived and worked In suburban Wil' mette fer more than three decades, THE KLEZMATICS 0.1 !ji NEws I www.SeniorsActineService.erg. Throagh Jun. 22. 201 'Celebrating Enperience: A Gallery a! Art by Older Adults," featuring works by photagrapher Josephine Strong and painter Carol Reagan. AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIES MUSICIANS Skakle Parts DIstrIct-sponsored senior performance troupe aeeks a pianist ta serve as accompanist. No pay, Re- iii Reservations Limited i.sIN;LE TIÚTSÌPRWATh ptin'y sui ': Call Mon. - Fri. (773) 26764OO www.mysteryltd.com . - GENESEE 'r THEATRE . s MURDER ONÑEW YEÄR'SEVETRIN A WWGtNFSEOTHEA1RC h EVERY: SHOW,,200h'OFI ': with code CEGIJT. now t)notighi2/3i/O9. PAULA POUNDSTONE FRANK SINATRA, JR. : u$5ßflIIIpEe1V31Iße.Mu5tus. NOtV.Udon WHÔSELIVEANYWÀY?:. de cEG%F1t OUIty PUhIdUdSt* orSuga,PEum P.ity. Umit a EIdetspero,d COfltEtbøDffICIfO,MIdIEIII. I' ' :. I SuN IIMLS '10IrH SHORE T!SFOM I THE PEAFOSMING Allis IN SKOKIE I osdi SI«)k, . Opêñ Bar and Prime Rib Dinr ° to ne.res* doItr. Othenestdctlasa my.ppE. s s . I- S I I ' . ¡II ' 847.673.6300 102 N. Chicago St., Joliot Rjafat, northshorecenter.org Sqsair '7lie:uu' FREE PIRKING ,aII. 00. ro, I,Ck.t,CSIIt t 815-726-6600 o. ..O,'. Groups of i 5 ü more save 10%' Call 877.447.7849 You can also wiEer fucebook find usen . D YOR , . 'LiveBand. : . AudienceParticipatioñ s . Overnight Acóornmodations f:re. as . . SALE TODAY AT 9AM! SivaIad Pjne John airjprag ticketmster )I A s . __, Order your tickets today! A . . ÄNDMORE! WITH HIS 8-PIECE BAND : . THE SECOND CITY 50TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR CAPITOL STEPS . go., PAGE Bu t C KFAR s t Suite 200, Evanston, 1647) 864-7274. The Northwest Choral Society invites enperienced singers to audition far its 44th anniversary cnncert neason. Audi' tiens are held any Tuesday evening, through March 16, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 855 Lee St, Des Plaines, The ensemble ollera a varied repertoire and strong vocal sections in a friendly, supportive atmosphere, The group presents three concerts each seassn, including an anneal holiday concert of carols, spirituals and hymne, a winter concert that is more classical in na' ture, and a June concert nf light classi' cal music as well as folk songs, ¡azz, a, s. . SeolarsActlsn ServIce, 1123 Emerson, Mansion MysteryTM Sat, Dec. 1 9, 8 p.m. YouII be dancing in your seat as these latke-loving Grammy winners perform Guthnes long-lost lyrics about Jewish life. Bring the whole family I . SINGERS p.m. Doc, 10. IN WOODY GUTHRIE'S HAPPY JOYOUS HANUKKAH! s hearsals are held os Tuesday after' noons, some Thursdays at the Oaktnn Community Center, Shokie, Portarmances and rehearsals hold year around, encopt for January and July. Sight-reading a plus, Call f847) 9988894. x; -OL GRAMMYAWARDWINNERS ,4., will be as display. Produced with sop' part from the American Jewish Artists Cleb, where Frankeostein was a meeber, the exhibition features paintings and etchings that range from land' scupes and purely Rgurative efforts to more complicated und cerebral images. A reception will be held from 5'8 k" SAT., FEB. 13 araUEraagoniaXIV - Laughter AliDiIThI'(etebralton in 3looni .:AiitIED. Starring Eddie Carroll as - -:4 Jack Benny 'r TUES.MAR. 16 - .-. FRl,,APRlL3O S B16 i diversions Ñorthlight's 'Souvenir' explores musical anomaly %IT\ CÁ? :o (, MilwaukccAt'e., ' Nues, ¡L 06 Ï1ahinienL Reserve Your Fcattiring: The Renditions 1IJollday party ¿2 :'. 50s - 60's - 70s Oldies Souvenlr through Dec. 20 at NsrthIiht Theatre. ut North Shore Center tor the Perterming Arts, 9501 Shokie Blvd. Skekie. $35S50, $10 age 25 and younger. (841) 6736300 or www.northliqhterq Nowl o (f By TOM WITOM Contributor PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY NOW GREAT DATES STILL AVAILABLE . At L0Q4':í. : Prtv Room Avuilubic ILRICN DlNNG. .M7-o64-UEÁT(o32o) .. I5O2:Sherticiii A\'c.. EVuuFon. IL LISi\ 6O2Oi www.pralrlemoonresta.urant.còm . . . Pàrklni avallableacross streot at BestWóslern .a .. 8 bad soprano vlio became widely popular in the 1930v end '40s despite her lack of forms the basis of playwright Stephen TeIovl)e1ley fascinating "Souvenu;" now at Norlhlight Theatre. This imagined biography, viewed through the eyes of her long-time piano accompapist Cosme MeMoon, looks at Foster-Jenkins' unflagging self-confidence and resilience. No matter hov others perceived her abilities, she always said, "What makes a difference is the music you hear in Foster-Jenkins, born in Philadelphia in 1868, vas discourageci from singing 01st by her patents and later by her former husband. Moving to New York City, she give her first recital a age of 44 at the ballroom or the Ritz Canton. A flimily inlìerithnce in 1928 provided additional finances for the socialite to pursue a 'oeal Cilice!. in earnest. MeMoon, a young unpub- A tantly agrees to take on the 1)Ositiofl ofher accompanist, which he soon realized was something of a "Mission Impossible" tole. Fier screechy, discordant lind oftbeat intonations ale painful. It's immediately apparent that she is no coloratuta soprano. But even though hie charge insists that he be "bi'utally honest," McMoon patiently softsoaps his critiques either because ho vants to be diplomatic about her feelings or he's afraid of losing his meal licket. 1-Io points out to her how some of her notes are not "quite secure." Laici; at the pinnacle of her caleer fotlowing a sold-out recital at Carnegie 1-Ball in 1944 one month before her your lveacl." charity fundraiser - at the s A 'rite remarkable yet unlikely ical-life story of Florence Foster-Jenkins - rhythm, pitch and tone - OD Call for Details: 847-647-8282 4Es DC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.pioneerlocal.com lislied songwriter struggling to l)ay his tent, reluc- death, McMoon tactfully observes, "You gave those PeoPle something they vill ne\'er forget." Foster.Jenkins pooh-poohs the "modern taenia" for accuracy, insisting that notes the merely signposts left by the composer as guides. Nevertheless, the more she sang, the more people would come seeking more e\'on if many snickered and regnded her performance as a curiosity. One recital levi to another,just as one record spiraled to others, As tune passes, MeMoon, whose own musical composuions never met with success, develops a apprecivilian for Foster-Jenkins' work and how she nover letid to adjust her style or fend off doubts. 'I\vo terrific perroimors, Nova Rae Powers and Mark Anders, have teamed up to make this "Souvenir" a keepsake. Powers, who has macto her mark in a number ofBrondway musicals, rises to the challenge, purposely singing offkoy, while Anders' easygoing manner and Oscile finget's on the key- board never let him down. But ii would have been an even more effective produclion had director Steve Scott, making his Northlight debut, pushed for less oxaggerated, less cartoonish vocal effects from Powers something more in keeping with visat came through on the soundtrack briefly played frein one of FosterJenkins' recordings. We have no quibbles, though, over costume designer Theresa 1-lam's impressive multiple wa,'clrobe choices for - f A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION www.pioneerlocal.com DC cy Gustalsen, Sylvia McNair, Denyce 'Jo. ChIcago PublIc Ubrary, Rodeo Branch, 6083 N. Northwest Highway, ChIcago. 1312) 744'1478. Dec14, 7 pm Teen f/eleme, a book discussion group (or youth ages 14-19, will discuss The Dis' Graves, Richard Leech, Sam Ramey and Continued korn PAGE B15 contemporary hollods and music trom Broadway. To schedule an audition, call (713) 5043426 or visit www nwchoralsociety.nrq. others will perfnrm classical, contemporary and holiday music. Proceeds will provide affordable, accessible housing and employment npportonities ter adults with physical disabili- repulabte llístoryefFraokie Landau' Raeksby E. Luckhart. Creative KIds Corner. (047) 933-0672 or www.creatisekislscorner.org. Jan.4March 9 "Cooking For lite," tor ages 413 years, meets Irom 3:45'5 p.m. and 5' 6:15 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays al Winnetka Covenant Church, 1200 Hib' bard Road, Wilmette, Children will pre' ties. $75, SISO, $250; $25 tor students and children. For tickets and lnlorma lion, call 1847) 328-1607. MISCELUHEOUS BOOKS & POETRY Skohle Festival of Cultures Plannin9 Committee 015515 at tire Oakton Cern' munity Center at least one Monday per meeth leadinl up to the 20th annual Festival et Cultures en May 2223, 2010. To participate or tar inlormatinn, call Pamela Zeid, (047) 674'l500, eeL 2010. BENEFITS IllinoIs Holecaust Museum S EducolIon Center, 9603 Woods Brise, Skokie. wwwilholocaustmuseum orq. Dec. 3,1 pm.: Holocaust survivor Rita brie and her daughter, leslie Gilbert-Lurie, will discuss their new book, Seed/eq Te' wardihe Sun-A Mot/seraedOauyhter Emply Bowls at Oakton7 10:30 a m-2 p.m. Dec. 5 at Oaklss Community Col- Memo/c A dessert reception and book signing will lollow the discussion. 530 for museum members; $35 br non' members. Reservations reqoired; call loge, 1600 E. Gull Road, Des Plaines. 18171 967-4505. Professional and student pollen have centributed hundreds et howls fur the annual fund-raiser sponsored by the "And TIme Runs On, a musical jourcoy throuqh Celtic mythology, will be presented with live traditional Irish music and puppets by Dragoncello Theater Company and Shapeshifters Theatre Bec. 5-13 at the Irish American Heritoe Center Theatre, 4626 N. Keen Ave., Chicago. Performances are at 2 participants seloct a handcrafted bowl that is theirs to keep, and receive a simple meal nl soup and bread. mv event includes a rattle drawing lar ceramic art werks and a silent auction el sculpture and lewvlry. All proceeds benvht local lood charities. Fer more information, e-mail omptybowlsAsak- pm and6pm. Saturdays and2pm. tnnedu or call 1847) 635-1699. OvertheRalnbowAssnciatlon bvnelit concert will be held Irom 430-6 pm. Dec.13 at Northwestern University's Pick Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Cir de Brise, Evansten. Opora singers Nan- Sundays. Tickets are $5 for children and adults. Interactive cralt activities will be available for children 20 mm' oIes bolore each perlormance. Call p,oø.tsrse, ,(cft NOWOPEN lay pare complete meals and learn cultur' al and historical stories oboot the recipes. The program was created under the auspices el Kendall Cnllege. Step into the boots of a firefighter and discover a whole new way to Play lt Safe! Take charge in the fire station, hook up the hoses, steer the truck, and more in a new exhibit that explores fire safety through play. 5250 1er the 10-week sessIon. Mitchell Museum of the AmerIcan Indiari. 3001 Central St, Evanston. 1847) 475-1030. sees mitchollmuseum.org. Play lt Safo was developed In partnership with the Chicago Fire Department, with generosas funding from The Allstate Foundation, It *- Suggested donation is SS adults; 52.50 senIor citizens, students and children. Maoimum suggested admission per lamily is $10. Kids Craft Mornings ore oflered Irom 10:30 a m.'noen. Museum CHILDS PLAY Ceramics Club. For a donation nl 512, diversions 1817 CHICAGO r. staflers and volunteers lead informal workshops where children learn to constroct simple versions of tradition' al Native American objects and engage in other hands-on activities related to native cultore. Admission is included with an entrance donation to the mu' fLpp.y t' MUSEUM Chicago Children's Museum seurn. Kids CroIt Workshops are roc' emmended for children ages 5 and up, but there is no minimum age require' mont. Participants most be accernpa' nied by an adult. Ne pre'registration is necessary. Dec,1 Loom beading. Dec. 2& Breamcotchers. Located at Navy Pier (312) 527-1000 www.chicagochildrensmuseum.org (1131 282-7035, est. 10, or visit go., PAGE B18 wwwir/nh-americanvrg. The Skokie -Valley Symphony Orchestra CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO Chamber pera Chicago a seaso,a ofszvea't Ow,,: Oper,:, At,,,ir ztff,,ni,thle! presents Gian,Carlo Menotti's treasured Chicago holiday tradition for all agesl rea7 48th Concert Season Francesco Mi/jeto. Music Director Powers. Com,nent:pionecrlocal.com WHEN: Decenber 6, 2009 at 3 p.m. WHAT: Verdi: Overture roNabucco Britten: Youeag Person's Guide to the Orchestra A .- II.: Tersi Rosc,tiVeiet. narrator o- A Martinis: Rhapsody Concertofor Vio/ii and Orchestra I: s* us s.l ' Meredith Crasvfo,n/ viola Jstplace SVSO YoungArtiat Competition Tclaikovoky Variations on a Rococo Theme Benjamin Lash. cello 2ndplace. SVSO youngllrtistcompetitio't .5. s Directed by Francis Menotti, son ofGian Carlo. Sung in English with Orchestra, featuring dancers from Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater and a Children's Chorus. Saturday, December 5 at 3:OOpm "First nue..., '. '.. "it 4kvT t' ,, Mark Anders and Neya Rae Powers in "Souvenir" at Northlight Theatre. For tichas please call tite North Siiorc Center for tue I'crforming Arts llo OlOce ut 847.673,6300. icor ¡store information call tite svsO 0(11cc at 847,679.9501 ext. 3014. Prc-ConccrtLecturcat l:45p.isa. Sunday, December 6 at 3:O0t,, Pcrlonssassce Location: Cindy Pi-iszk- erAudisorium as she Chicago Public Library, llurotd Wastsington Libnuy Center, 400 South State Street par:ug ,,fn,,'il,er andson at the ,,-orEs close -es n,oving mdcc,!," Rkh,rnJ Co,-cII,,, NIB tSn,sdre(s,, Tickets ON SALE NOW! .- ,-/.. www.charnberoperachlcago.org 312.951.7944 ' ' Adults: $25, Seniors/Students: $20, Children: $10 -' : : BiS I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com '. :pioneer DC go. tickets, call (847) 9051500, eot, 108, or Cont)nued Frani PAGE 817 gO.cOm. visit wow.musicinstituteo1chicao.org. For lnlsrmation, visit www,dancechica GROUPS A LESSONS Take Two Children's Theater, 6401 N. Crawford Ave., Skokie. (847) 674-2216. al www.skokjechjIdrenstheater.com. Dec. 28-30, 9:30 a.m.1230 p.rn MinI Winter Theater Arts Camp, featuring qames, acting, dance and crafts. SlOO for three u-.-.-. - THE ORIGINAL PLUSH IUP days. COMEDY SPECIALIZING IN: . Baby Back BBQ Ribs . Rotisserie Chicken Salads Homemade Italian Beef Shakes Gyros Hamburgers and more Ceñtre East in the North Shore Center tor the PerForming Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd. Skokie. (847) 673-6300. www.ceotreeast.org. Jan. 21. 7:30 p.m Jan. 22.8 p.m Jan.23, 5 p m. and 8 p m and HOMEMADE SOUP & CHILI DAILY! GREAT FOOD! FAST SERVICE! Jan. 24, 3 p.m The Capitol Steps prosents political and current events satire. $44-S48. Skokleltieatre,7924 Lincoln Ave.. Sknkie. Call (847) 6Th7761 or visit roww.skokletheatre.cum. Dec.19, 8 p.m "Nuns4íun,' featuring Vicki Coude, cocreator nl the Late Nito Catechism 5344 N. Cumberland Chicago, IL 60656 (Catherine Cts. Shopping Conter) PHONE AHEAD - (773) 693.431 1 or 4313 WELL HAVE YOUR ORDER READY Wo P1do Ourselv8 On Quality and Fresh Food 0ouy comedies. Tickets are $30 in advance; $3S at the door. DANCE PERFORMANCES f. s 2009 Dance ChIcago Festivals 15th Anniversary Grand Finale, teaturing ballet, tap, Jazz, urban and contemporary dance, 8 p.m. Dec.12 at the Music Institute of Chicagn, Nichols Concert Hull, 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston. $25; $20 students and senior citirens. For -. Chicago Dance Club, 18471 622-4466. Dance to DJ music 1mm the 'SOs to today trum 7.3011:30 p.m. Saturdays yt American Legion Hall, 9757 Pacilic Ave. Franklin Park. Mostly swing dancing, some ballroom, Latin and line dancing. Open Is ages 21 and older. $5 mombers: $10 nonmembers. Membership tee $25. Upcoming datos include Dec. 2 (Christmas party, starting at 7 p.m.). Chicago Dance Chapter ut USA Dunce. the national organization representing amateur ballroom dancers. Lesson begins at 1:30 p.m dancing Irem 0.15-Il p.m. Admission: SU members; $10 nonmembers; 56 college students with IO Dance music for all swing, Latin and ballroom dances. Partners not roquired - singles welcome. Deqioning dancers encouraged. Fur inlormation, call (041) 577-9014 or visit www.usadancechïcago.org. Dec. 5: Social dance at Oupage Dance Center, 1163 Ogden Ave.. Naperville. Doc. 12 Holly G Ivy Hop, teaturing a jive lesson, at The Centre at North Park, 10040 Addison, Franklin Park. Happylwirtors Dance Club provides round and square dancing at 7.30pm. the second Saturday of the month, through Muy 8, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Thackvr and Lee streets, Des Plaines. $6 per guest. For inFormation, call (04?) 698-5501 vr (173) 685-8407, IrIsh AmerIcan Hodtagn Ceoter, 4626 N. 6nov Ave , Chicago. (773) 202-7035. wrvw irish-american.org. Doc_5, U-il ** p.m.: The Morris Ardnin Creole Ooartet will play tIte December monthly dance sponsored by The Midway Ramblers Cajun Dand. $10. Dance Instruction from 7:45-8:15 p.m. No partner needed, Erlstlne's Dance Party, 7:3011 p.m. Thursdays ut the Park Ridge VFW, 10 W. Higgins Road, Park Ridge, Open to sin- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 55 cover cash bar. 17731 402-06.12 or 392-5512 or 1847) 253-3206. Dec.27: No dance. Dec.3t Now Year's Eve ticket Leiharrtngon Helmhog dancers wolcome those age 16 and older Interested in Scandinavian Folk danco tojoìn them From 8-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the First United Methodist Church oF Des Plaints, 666 Graceland Ave. On prior dance eoperiovce or partner nocessary. Fur inFormation, call 1847) 8237596 or 1047) 692-6616. Spares Sunday Evening Club holds ballroom dancen From 7.30-i0:3U p.m. at the American Legion 9757 Pacitic Ave , Franklin Park. Admission is SU ter members: $9 guests. Dec. & Christmas dance, with music by Chuck and Friends. Dec.20: Early New Year's Evo dance, with music by The Music Meo. FAIRS & FESTIVALS Native Arts Holiday Bazaar, lo 0m-5 p.m. Dec. 5 and IO 0m-4 p.m. Dec.6 at the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, 3001 ContraI St, Evanston More than 20 Native American onhibitors from throughout the Chicago area and beyond will offer authentic, handmade, traditional and contemporary art and craft items, Including paintings, ceram- Jan, 3: MusIc by Chuck and Friends. Jas]?: MusicbyThe Music Men. known for her traditional floral-pattern Square Spares S Pairs Square Dance Club, a club for couples and singles, beadwurk, Resides oehibiting her work, Mclotire will give presentations about Ojibwe culture at 2 p.m. bnth days. Ac' cess to the bazaar is included wills museem admission, which is SS for adults: $2.50 for seniors, students, teachers Iwith valid school IDI, and children, Mavimum admission per family group Park Uidge Senior Center, 100 5. West- orn Ann., Park Ridgo. Rounds start at 7:30 p.m., with oqaares 1mm 8-10 p.m. $5 For members: 56 tor guests. Fur ioFormation, call (7731 775-9427 or 11001 442-8646. Dec.14: 'Holidays and Happiness:' is 510. Visitors cao also view the mase- ums temporary exhibits, :y Artists,? Teachings:: and ::Uaskets at Work," as L Dcluxe Ovcrnígist Accommodations Ful) Use ofFitncs. Center, Indoos' Pool, . Whirlpool & Sauna Latç Check-Out of 2pm Holiday party and gitt eechange at ditorium at the Block Museum of Art, Hackney's on Lake, 1514 E. Lake Ave., Northwestern University, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston (8471 49l4UUU. Glooview. $30. Dring a Sil wrapped, gender-neutral giFt, wtvw.blackmaneum northwestern edel block-cinema. Admission is $6: $4 for Ulock Museum nirmbers, senior citi- Single Gourmet Dining Club. (173)7723535. www.singlognurmotchicago,com, zens, and students with Il, or as noted Dec. & 5 p.m.: Singles holiday party at The Forge Club, 634 S.Milwaukee Ave., below. All Films shown at U p.m., unless Ootedntherwise, Film Noir (mro (955 Vernon (lillo, including live entertain' ment at the piano bar, professional fo!97OIiImser/ea_Dç,3: "The holiday carolers, and dinner, 569, Bec, LECTURES I 740 Milwaukee Avenue (at Lake Ave.) Glenview o. .011441( /49h - 2009 6eiiettt etsten4s 3!tec owidation Mon.,Dec.lth .5..9 pm i at Midniglst and Party Fiats & Favors, includes Overnight Accommodations $199 PER COUPLE INCLUDINGTAX & GRATUITY CALL OUR NYE HOTUNE 047-509-7072 2855 North Milwaukee Ave, Northbrook, IL 600G2 www.norshbrookallgauers.coi .LLGAUERS ,. -.. ;6h;0t ON T!-tE RtVERFvo,fl \ , Hiltffi Clticago/NorIlnbrtik thi* 81bu d*LMeM5'9 600k GIFT CERTIFICATE SPECIAL Buy $ I 00 Worth & Receive BONUS $25 n GJFT u. *Cannot be used until Jan. I , 20 IO i : - Snowbird markets DESTINATION Edemrterikcbcondnron IhrGcIl t-50v broth. at the American Legion hall, 9757 Pa' Ima,y,tidmnieo15ii 5m:di3O.O rfs cilic, Franklin Park, with music by ¡he American Legion Hall, 9757 PaciFic, Franklin Parlc with music provided by 8es Jandos. kwh any in WISOn! O ru omnew Otfltintnr. ladri ulo,ttrijor oui nucheb. si:. :o«nhy5nbi,J,jom Inuayas F41ew.nri Sound bun nato On, Knworm. 800-822-4929 www.edgewatcrbeach.com Timeshare Resales Wwwcelticknotputs.cons. Nu cover un- Centre East lo the North Shnre Center Save 60 ro 00% otFltetail! Worldwide Lanolinas! Call far Free htsgasine! 1-880-354-1346 www.hofldaygroup.comfcan 2BR Condo. Minutes from Disney. for the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie Sleeps 6.Kilcbeo & Laundry Facilities. Bled., Skokie. 1047) 673-6380. www.con- %S'eckly nennt. Fri-Fri ursas-Sar treeaslorg Dec.2& 7 p.m Dec,27,i Cull 847-B85-4715 p.m. and 5 p.m Dec. 28, 3 pm; "Ago' forAvssialnility and Barnum G Bailey, $37, MUSEUMS Illinois Holocaust Museum S EducoHon Ceoter. 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie, www.ilhotocaustmuseuni orq. Heurs: IO 0m-5 p m. Mondays, Tuesdays, 9.1.c;:;" &1tDA M!KbGTJ6 Boom," featuring performers from The Great Moscow Circus, Cirque du Soleil SOUTNTOWNSp,R roo snarer Ivswrerests Greenbriar Country Inn & Suites, Galena Step back in time celso in botana lodgings FrpI, whirlpool tubs,TV's, bond delivered -SUN PostTnbune l3C;-lCon\IT breokfost bosteO to tour door,Wutk ta Hãntk]News 1-815-777-3153 %vnvwgreenbdargulena,com NapetvilleStm ltr lnjne ONE WEEK ONLY! Sundays. Admission: SU; $5 for children ages 512.56 forntudonts ages Z-22 and senior citizens. Special exhibitions 3'feb2& "Anno Frank: A History fur Today," a traveling exhibition spon- Road, Park Ridge. Guest fee is $3. Call Frank Center USA, Inc. ¡he story nf Dorothy DaSnId, (847) 825-3505, Anno Frank and her family Is justa' Skohle PhotographIc SocIety meets at 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each posvd against wurld events before, sored by the New Yark-busod Anno during and after the Nazi party's rise te power, The exhibit Includes dozens of photographs of the Frank family and other occupuots of the Secret Anneo. THE BRAND NEW PRODUCTIOÑ PloN-Eg PRESS Thursdays: il 0m-4 p m. Saturdays and are free with museum admission, Dec. Ail srstaur.unt,, shops. blidwenk special. Wednesdays, Fridays; IO am-U p.m. Partt Ridge Art Leaoe meets at 7:30 p.m. the third Friday uf the month io the South Park Fieldhouse, 833 Talcott welcome. Call 18471 677-8324. w For discounta cosll 888-267-2121 Dec. 4: Dance at the American Legion RaIL Oaktun St. All levels of photographers BeautifulBeach. corn Vacation RcntaJs Ssywbircts, nyread your seing! and fly our way lu tkc Roches olSeoth IVoIres where roister brings the world's most beautiful sunsets and lcmprrasorcs io tIle 60n. Visit Dune/Alex Reultyat sewxo, Dcaulifulseach,com where you will discos-cr NIV Florida's brousifiil sod affordsble Snowbird Vacation Rentals, music by The Music Men. Dec. it Dance General admission tickets are $5. Call month at ShoNe Village Hall, 5127 W. , for guests. Hollino is 1630) 41S-3449, less noted otherwise. Doc. 6, U pm: Storytelling in the Snug with Patrick visit www.dpag.org. 800-216-7165 or wwwJloridaleisurc,cons Hall, 9757 Pacilic, Franklin Park, with Uangladoshi-Muslirn family in Chicago. Margaret Newman, 18471 924-8952, or s nyu:: 1)99 219-861-0880 p.m. Admission is $7 far mornbern: $9 his enpnnieocos growing up in a bnrs are welcome. Far information, call (aiea i-iz) -mo now York TOnos rri,r:e mmant,u bunptono, firpiuc,king bai,. vhvip,v/, ioncçarrugeride,Siuiing5umo shoes. All dances are from 8:30-11:38 Church St., Evanston. 18471 864-1679, 515 Thacker St , Des Plaines. New 010m- "TiseAduft Escape" WWwserenitysprings.com jackets for men. Nojeans or gym at Oakton. Choudhury, a stan&up corn¡C, storyteller and tilmmaker, will share Des Plaines Art GuIld meets at 7 p.m. no the socond.Tnosday of the month at the Prairie Lakes Community Center, An,riQ'S (as'oriteVacaiion Homes by Florida t.ei.are! 3 to 7l1R,luaury pool homes, claro to all wtrocrioos, 1m $09/nt, last I-Call, 2-Dook, 3-Stay io k. tIr.: Vwarinn Home ix Kinrimmee, We Cuaranire It! "AN ELATING PIECE op FAMILY THEATER!" ballroom dancing for all ages. Semidressy to dressy attiro for women: The Celtic Knot Public House, 626 Members alsn participate in salon dis' cassions and art critiques, plein air painting sessisos, and other activities. For intnrmation, visit www.xmericanjzivishartistsclab.erg. 1B19 NETworkS presenta Yosng at Heart Singles Club spoolers mon Than You Think" will be presented by Arif Choudhury, artist-in-residence The AmerlcanJewlolt M'tlots Club in now accepting applications tor new artist members. The club exhibits widely in the Chicago area in musoums. public vevues and institutions, synagogues and community centers. 1-2-3-We That Easy! 2117 Mannheim Road, Des Plaines. $56, ET CETERA ORGANIZATIONS $299 PER COUI'LE INCLUDINGTAX & GRM1JflY FOR MORE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 15, 6:15 p.m Dinner at Café la Cave, "Storytellers: We Have More in Cons- 1047) 635-1980. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY ONLY PACKAGE IOOO pm.' 0:00 am 3 Flour Open Bar, Dancing. Cisampagne Toast - Block CInema, in the Pick-Landau Au- Ed Clark Trio. Doc, 18 Dance at the - Non-Sto1, Dancing & Entertainment wish New Groove B Piece Cand & DJ STARTS FRIDA DECEMBER 4 FILM Socializers who cannot or pretor not to bowl are welcome tojoin the qrnup for a SII cover charge. Dec.20, 6:30pm.: Onktun Community College, 1610 E. Colt Road, Des Plaines. Dec. 6. 2 p m.: 7:3opmto I:OOans Dinnei-und Dancing Decadent 4. Course Dinner llar and a 5 Flours Champagne Toast at Midnight & Party Hats & Favors CHECK LOCAL USTINGS FOR ThEATERS AND SHOWTÌMES $ofp PIO 3IU *COIPTID POR 1$ ENOAOIT league members: $25 for nnnmembers. visit Www.oaktvo.edu/emeritus Dec.15, 9 0m-1:30 p.m.: Doe Lunch with Scarloti and Rholt: Celebrating the 11th Anniversary sí Gone with the Wind IHUM 863-611 otlers a tribute to the 1939 classic film starring Clark Gable. The session includes a screening ut the movie and commontary by Doug Douchler el Chicago's Facets Multimedia Film School. Fee is $50. NEWYEAR'S EVE PACKAGE: \ visit WWW.000flstOnartcester,org, For informntioo, call (047) 635-1414 or NewYear's Eve 2009 / Wavkogan Road, Bowling Is $20 fur campus, 7101 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie. ATThErnLTON CHICAGO NORT 4ROOK 0 p m Bowling at Brunswick Zone-Deerfield behind the Doorbrook Mall, IO S. p m. Dec. 21-22. Call (847) 475-5300 or Killers." Dec. 4: "Le Cercle Rouge." inns & Resorts 1299 or 1847) 331-1066. Dec.13, 6:30 Sundays. SpecIal hears from IO 0m-8 Oakten Community College Emeritus Program offers courses at its Skokie Destinations are ssbject to change, Call 1847) 757- 2603 Sheridan Road, Hours aro lU am.4 p m. Msnday-Sutunday; 0000-4 p.m. cIiversion SINGLES Jewish SocIal SIngles, for ages 21plus. Cash payments 001g activities WlnterArts + Crafts Eopo, through Dec. 22 at the Evanston Art Conter, dance with Wally Smslsonaod Howard Hoffman, Ics, baskets, Inlaid sliver jvwelry, bead' work, clothing, feather work and more. The featured artist is Marcie Mctnlire (Ojibwol oF Grand Portage, Minn , best dances the secoodand fourth Mondays of the month oli year long al the 1847) 475-1030 or visit Www.mitcholtmuseum org. Round dancing begins at 7:30 p m. with Howard and Anna Hoffman, and square dancing starts at 8 p.m. with guest callers, Refreshments served and baoeeravailahle thmugh April 24. Admislion: $6. For information, call 1847) www.pioneerlocal.com well as its permanent galleries and other attractions For inlormation call month, September through May, at Our Redeemer Lutheran Chsrch, 304 W. Palatine Road, Praopect Heights. glen and couples. Nightclub, swing, jiltorbug, salsa, hustle, cha cha, fon trot and and other music provided by aDJ. www krïstlnosdancoparty.cvrn. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . DC Square Wheels Square Dance Club dances the fourth Saturday of each BEGINS HERE! ¡ir:m aigri Renom forevepy budges! lens &r,-ao,ts tøplareyourlisting in lhenewDtinatior,a Inns d'Resortjseaion Pleaoe Contacta msfoherix9uteg,com ¡'boom 630-978-5444 January 19-24 AurwriuurUNiVtursm' Tnmij OfP.I-n:O9FNEI:r www.BROADWAYIN CHICACOcom 800-775-2000 TICkU1 AVAILaBLE OT ALL BADADWAY IN CAICADD BRU OFFICES OR IIcOETMflrEs REmit [860110Mo CROUPS 15+: 312-017-tilo www.AnteOnTos.r.00m u BZO I diversions oc THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.poneerIocaI.tom A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION diversions lazi www.pioneerlocaL.com DC Must purchaso ty 12I6/O OffervUd to 3MG Chicago shows only Not valid on prevlouyiy pUrchased ticken Rentvlclinnn apply Thu Dec3 EXPANDED HOLIDAY SCHEDULE &OOpm Fri Dec4 7:00pm, 10:00pm SatDec5 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm Sun Dec6 1:00pm, 4:00pm Tue Dec 8 Wed Dec 9 Thu Dec 10 Fri Déc 11 NO SHOW NO SHOW NO SHOW 8:00pm 7:00pm, 10:00pm Sat Dec 12 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm Sun Dec13 1:00pm, 4:00pm MonDecl4 TueDecl5 WedDecl6 ThuDecl7 FriDecl8 SatDecl9 8:00pm 7:00pm, 10:00pm 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm SunDec2O 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm Thu Dec 24 2:00pm, Fri Dec 25 Christmas Sat Dec 26 i :OOpm, 4:00pm, Sun Dec 27 1 :OOpm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm NO SHOW 7:00pm, 10:00pm 7:00pm, 10:00pm Sat Jan 2 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm Sun Jan 3 1:00pm, Mon Dec 7 NO SHOW 8:00pm 8:00pm Mon Dec 21 Tue Dec 22 Wed Dec 23 5:00pm, 8:00pm 5:00pm, 8:00pm 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm Mon Dec 28 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm Tue Dec 29 Wed Dec 30 Thu Dec 31 Fri Jan 1 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm New Year's Eve 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm 4:00pm ;.. . Group Sales 773.348.3300 ticketmaster 800.982.2787 t800.BLUEMAN BLUEMAN.COM .. . .: . .. . NtW SHPEÉL BE F InST TO EXP [RItNC[A WHOLttiiììily ¿Lu&ing aíil tiltHii1iï ';hpt3I tttìiìi (lsqii ídii SiIei1 k oft liphu, lItai tiúItl l(Iu1.Il tJ(ÌtII rtid 1ítipelÍCe1 by a ítI*i tt,ter flux ot ouirageus like tuiìt yìtít, rier lìIrtjvtlit circus arts, nin ølul tii1iii hinnr mnd dìiÌhig il&ieograliy, ÜIÌIJflfl'I .1iìceI i Iìii lu riIIriIali$iiit1I. Ai íIií: CiUCAGO THEAi]F NOW TFIIûLJGFl J/NU/ÍV 3 V'it Ilt(tii agti1tt 3133 North Hasted ; (1$ TICKETS ON SMF N(iVV t()U /'I' tl.lU( clrqLletIuoIeiI.coIÌ1 p i'ì' : A NICHE PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Happy home buying DECEMBER 3. 2009 Extension of tax credit nice gift for first-time buyers SearchChucago corn/autos Northbrook living Meadow Ridge lifestyle attracting emptynesterS autolUX 2010 JAGUAR XFR This potent cat. has sharp claws BY IRA SIEG EL SrshCh)u-AuincCosnspondnt One year after unveiling its all-new and delightfully satisfying XF sport-luxury seelan,Jaguar has upped the ante with more standard features and a new Premium trins level as well as supplanting the 4.2-liter supercharged engine in the Supercharged model with a larger, more posverful 5.0-Iitcr supercharged V-8. And, oh yeah, the much-anticipated high-performance XPlt model debuts for the 2010 model year. 'Ilse XPIt, Jaguar's first XF to carry the "R" hadge, is a remarkably potent cat witlt gobs tsf power and e\tremcly sharp claws. XFR's poner comes from a specially tuned version of the SO-liter supercharged direct-injected v-8 engine to tttakc SII) horsepower and 410 prntnd-fcet of earths.pouitclíng torque. 'lhs beast goes from 0-60 mplt in LIst 4.7 seconds. ENGINE: 510-ix epa er5.litersupettharged V-8 TRANSMISSION: set-speed automatic And tltanks to a stattilasel electronically coittisilled stts,tslots system, standard electronically controlled rear dtfferetstial, beefy powerful brakes ansI sticky 21).ittclt perfrttetttce tires, tl,i.s felitte is cptite agile wheti cornering at tight speed and it stops on DRI VETRAIP4: rear-wheel drive a cisme (and pises cltaoge3. Jagstar's engineers slid a masterful joli s,f blending XPR's ride characteristics so that tisis car remains taut when pushed Isard, yet tame astrI well-beltaved svhett driveti gently. rlte 201 OJagu:tr XPR is (Jetite appealitig tu look st. Its extertuur styling atts-,scted many interested onlookers, Isoth selten stopped in traffic and wIsest stopping for fuel or groceries. 'rhe XPle's awcsonte nose features a distinctively large FUEL ECONOMY: l5city,'21 highway BASE PRICE: $80,000 WEB SITE: www.jaguarusacom continued on pnge 4 p t iO + .. sis A 4 5 5 STAR NISSAN Tite Midwest's ZEO DOWN IF YOU CAN AFFORD... z E o o o .67 . IvIlilbi. 2° YEAR-ENDISALES EVENT . ,, ILLINOIS TAXES MEW 2010 SUDARU FORESTER 2.5K INCLUDED! t0 NISSANRI.,I IMA Mv]ítEI 4*TIEE 17499 :21. ' ' . I &x ,495r $13 ZERO DOWN! TAXES INCLUDED! . MGI ISIS MAXIMA 4r,, . . ' MUSTANG. Stk #S555 BETTER II1IIIA8E. BloSfi CARIlI lEASE $290PERMD. FOL.. .,wliIII.bIo a :. .- A NEW FORD F-150 22.35O 'On SUHIIU ImrnizAp72423, 97,995 . 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MEW 2009 SUBARU IPREZA 2.5 01 NISSAN ,,.,, .,..- pJ3t& . $15,939. 200982010, NEW2OIO 4*EvEfl SIS &sM'In . i HIS 111CL ILLS lILLO '.. Available Now: $6000 Ford Factory Re ate or 0% APR x 12 Months! MollY iiocv Y AI . (I O > o voIDS000ljii, 01 th Yo, l2gITtF)Y, ThC/lT5Ef. NEW 2010 NISSAN i NEW 2010 $wJ th..atsIçri '[g f MIDC1TY . . HEW 2010 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.51 ¿!s1 . NEW 2008 FOR NEW 2009 FORD $13;989* : 5 YEARS IN A ROWI Avallablel r FUSION Stk, #R511 FORD DEALERS ,_4 Hybrids NEW 2008 FORD ,. . INTHECOUNTRY , , '=,, i ,. vo S TOP 100 »121 . ' i,vi.IIobI. Avollablel HEW 2010 SUBARU LEOACY 2.51 NEW 2010 A I '- 2LO5.rI?OIO l2Hybrlda o (I) FORT VOTEDONEOFTHE IUINOIS!S LARGEST SEL 11F NEW FORDS MEW 2010 SWIARU III1PREZA 2.51 A NEW NISSAN CI Currie Motors FOR to ...YOu CAN AFFORD o S&mEXth keÑthSt US1]N I' 866 SO SEd ft .9 3 7 . 3 6 7 3 SS& . fl Msst ___Jì., ;u -809 St25.rgIItES.SOUTH'OFf rON,R0UTE 30 WNCOLNHWYS o o 04 z r auNEws: Survey shows that drivers don't know theìr coverage Does yottr auto policy cover you if your laptop is stolen out of your ear? I-low about if you leave yoitr car running witile you run into a store and it gets stolen? Or you hit a potltole and it causes tite frame of yottr knew timey aren't covered if tile)' arc involved in an acchient while racing timeir ear. Only 37 percent knesv they z car ttt bend? Of drivers surveyed in illinois, 51 percent believed their auto policy covers them if E personai items ame stolen from smooth they svere coverech if their car, shen in fact that is covered under a homeosvtiers or' renters policg Only 31 percent of respondents thttuglit they were covered if tltc' left their car a friend borrows their car - o o o o A A . . Sixty.fmmur percemit imehieve auto insurance provides coseragc for a laptop stolen from a car scheut ii ddesn'm. se svere covered if tlme' totmk thmeir velmichc off-road. Sitcty-eighmt percent under- jmnd ;vrecks it, bum 23 percent i 'thought it svas a comprehmenaivc ciaim sviten it svouhmi be (n o, P A A o P o i, covered under collision. o u To help gain a better under- z ntnning anti their ear ssas stolen. C) t, c . Jaguar ups the ante with 2010 XFR continued from pagel upper nicsli grille and lovcr black mesi, grille flanked by esco chrome outboard air intakes. Ail that's nsissing up front is a leaping Cat hood ornament. Still, the XFIt is undoubtedlyjaguar. i especially like tite hood Ioitvers entliossed 5s'itl, "Sitpercharged,'' tite sport)' front fender louvers, the 20-inch Nes'is-styie nain seven-spoke alitty wheels and tite brightly finished quad tailpipes. 'rite xFR is offered witit a select palette t,1 eight colors. My tester's Botanical Green ftnisit looked flawless anti deep. Litoking at tite front, XPR appears to he sniirking at its competition, which will best lic viewed in XPR's rearvicw mirror. Slip inside tIte XFR and you'll be svtappcd cotofortalily in suppttrtive attd luxurious heated and cooled ieatlter seats. ilte driver's seat featttres i 8'sva' pincer ( i 6-ai' poseer for tite frtntt passetiger) adittstn,cnts and therek an aitundance of dark oak ssood trito. Tite wondcrfui aroma is further augntetmted titanks to tite surde on time headliner, sunroof cover atid pillar tritt,. 'l'ue Xi'it's keyless operation is greatly appreciated. Upon entry, XitR's start/stop button begins beating, nate titat ulashing, and tite rtttary sitift knttb rises into time palm of tite itand once tite doser brings titis beast to life. 'ilte XFit also features a remark-able ijtns'ers & Wilkins 410-watt 13-speaker sound system and a remote antpliiier witit i)ttlby i' logic i i surrostnd soutid and an i il) radio receiver, 'lite full list mtf ineiitded att,rnities is hing and pleasingly luxurious. At Sill),000, tite XPR is worth every penti)' anti pitt as gitod as cars titat cost significantly n,mtre. l'or thttsr ss'i,t dmtn't require ail of XFR'S eatrcmely satisfying perfortitance attributes, tite Xi' is offered in three tither trim lesels: Xi', Xi i'rett,iun, tinti XF Sitpercitarged. \Vitlt a startitig price of about S52,000, tite Xi' iticludes a 31)0.ltorseposser 4.2-liter naturally aspirated v-8 engine; sntoitthsltifting six-speed automatic transn,issimtn; 320-watt premium sound system; ntinsensing WipCrs automatic tival-i'one climate While 62 percent of drivers knew tlte svouid h,c covered if a pothole raines the fmme of their car to bend, 43.percent thought it wouhil be covered smiler ommprehiensive sviten it would i,c a collision claim, 1 nos' survey citmmissioncd by Allstate itisurance Co, atleti "Don't i lope So, Know So," asked rincera a series of questions about sshticlt cttvetuges they curtenil' have and if those cosemges \svsulii protect them in various acciuhettt scenathn, 'lime survey fitund thtat titani cumnsutnems in illinois ss'crc coitfitseth aixiut tite covetage time1 liad, time type isf insurance tlme' carried attui lmosv luigI, their thetiuebles wem. "himese survey resuthis utiderscoce tite need fur ilhinois consumers tut he better edue,tted abm,itt their policies and svitat tite1 nivatu,'' aid ,\lice iiyrnc, held vice imresithett fuir tite uiitiwest Regmoti uf Allstate insucmnce. "\X'e litige these results svili gec people thinking about just Imow protected turi' stanthing of svimat an auto insurance policy covers, Allstate offers time following tips fuir consunicrs: Reati thmrmmughi your polie1. h-higimhigimt svitai you don't . I; t bum dut you k-nosy scham mime1 mean? Comprehensive imelps prumiect )our car in situations thmat don't necessarily s . ': invoive a collision. Collision helps protect you if you're , insolsed in a eohiision svitlm another olmject, stmcim as a car, tree or buikiing. Pacii may carry a diffeFent deductible. i)etcrnmine appropriate . t ii a thetlacmihles ihr emchm coser- . t .. t t age. Your deductible is tite anmuiani of nmotiey you agree to pay oat-of-pocket svhen you make a claim covered by percent said titci read thirotighu titeir auto pohic yet ottly 24 percent stere very conitilent tite1 leur. 1_ife changes such as Most drivers (51 percent) . to res'ieW thiose items. Coinpreimensive versus colhision, You ntay have both cmiverages on your pohic1 your pmthicg . t understand anti comitact your agent or insutramice company are if tite unforeseen occurs." Of tite drivers polled, 90 kurse their dcmluctii,lc hmnmits. Additional illinmmis dama: . . .- st.. t-S . . iteview your policy every buying a hiomt', moving apitrttitents, getting married or htavittg a child can affect 1mhiJ.Jrmian,, control with air filtration; a 7-iticli toucit screen for controlling tite auditi, telrphttne, cliniate, nasigation atid personalization; anti muclt more. I J agUar't XP sedan sitould defittitely be on yttur list of must drives, especially those of hou considering a Blii\V or kiercedes-i3ctiz. Niche Publications Director Karen Hueisman 312 321 2775 khuelsman@suntimes corn SearchChlcago-Autos Editor John Slein 708 6334845 istein@mwspl corn i . . s . .. I . s . s T H E N E W J J\ Ç U A R THI ytiur immsurance neeths. : t . . i It s I CG: W :OYER ' O) : ; AN -#1Oo194 r E . MAILABLE FOR EVERY BUDGET! AUTOMÁIICTRANSMISSION, AJR CONDITIONING W W Q >. YEAR! QIJAUTY VEHICLES :' o o OC 400 100000 MILE WRRANTV ON ALL CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! CIA AA LO SPECIAL FINA NC/NG AVA lIABLE PRE-OWNED VEHICLES ONLYAT GOLF MILL FORD! ,ON ,,;,.: ,,: oNLYII I E FORD') E CC o 3 a CG Q C.) ro o ALL PAVMIWTOINCIVQE rAClAnt 1/CENSE L ûOCFWt 2008 FORO E-250 CA 11GO VA N PCCCLOCKSC%OHDOWS. : , (Y7iXA.t" ., . litT, C011i SC. RUNNING B0EDS.AULOOSJ.ocG MGL$ONSTT 2008 JEEP COMMANDER 4X4 RaST REEDS, STD RGWSEAI,CO,lUiTtD StASTIRCE 1X2025 IN o .0 ai.CuoFFAC1GRYwMO*JnT 8,00K HILES UNITI DEA.R o o -J 9 89 ° : & TIlE .lmonlnWuiDmIut9 RUNNINGP SPECIAL DEALS &1NCENTIVES :: ON FACTORY ORDERS!tt , TORD '10 ORD NE tQ' FOCUS 1100115, FUIt 1O ORD NE :::::::. . ,: ESCAPE 41 . FACTORY EOUIPPED! - :% #100455AC, WASIOCKSA .-.. --=. . N1NDOWSAILOYS 76 o AYAüALU Tw ,?_Ctk O, . 16 389 PER MONTH W/$500 DOWN SCCCGC b'CGOO * OR 279 CGCCCGCGOOCGCC,Có: ,TCSC3C NEW 2009 FORD UHOITIUNI 0% C 77 MOCItOS AVAILABLEO* SCI .M O NTHS" :C NEW 2009 FORD '!!I - ' C : .. #90678, 5.4L Ve CRUISE. POWEI LOCKS & WINDOWS, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY RACKS & PIGS PKG O SG l.COCl1HSAVflCCflOLC* "At' RATED BY THE C FRI 7AM-7PM, SAT R AM-5PM ACCOftOITLIC O USNE S S SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN LATE! 9 . 2 YEARS RUNNING! CHRYSLER PACIECA IOU RIN O 11 IITUNOAI SONATA CES P0*1101502111 02 CHEVY SILVERADO PICKUP LIGNAIt IIAISIIIGGI* -o * lUolwIRflOr.oLilwNW. 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ExcfudeoIrie.MW3 exectmalelmodil On nslockuníI only. SeieIirIor deIaII3. With.appsed credlilIn sIect node!s. In lieu olmeTulacIuIer!IAs2O!O Ford Focus lsO% e lo3O muñlht X. 521.78 sr SiOUX linaeA with SO doen IIRTO lhie FMCC.fepiruT C. 11/30/OX "Withapptoad o.fllt Vn selCcl nAes. lu liee el menuleclurer ,ebeles. 0X4 apre 6V Lt $!O Biper SIOUX linY ed elA $Oowa 0% apu12 Eu. Sl329 pe 51000 liTaaeÒ with SXowo.FluanClTU Alu FMCO. Expiis I /3D/X9. tPluu !u. fAlli. Xceri, & do lee. Payments bSe on 12 manAs @ 1.99% pr finaTcln with 8500 ueo Ex. $87V pefSl000 Iinanct pith SODO does: financifil Iblu MXC (eFilts 11130109. tIDe silectmodels. li lieu el specill linancIn.+Oas,d on 2008 VMXG , . ,tolal flEleIis YWii,eali report E?MesAmated hlhay MEEt flealer wiIInotbQnoranFprlclnX CItRIC l thldvrIls,menL PrIces r* eod2 days troV'deIitpuhlicUn.Picleru ars lue liIusllnpNrXoues et Se! Drive one.: a w ro TOYOTA FOR nn'ew-. ,.'C (TaeMe . ON EVERY TOYOTA THROUGH TOYOTA MOTOR CORP* . . L' ,, 4utomatc. o o o 11% 60 MONThS o w '_u Power Windows/Loks & Morel StkP7lO2 C More! SIktPlt69 _ $11,995 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 60 MONTHS $13,995 At Evanston Subaru in Skokie vent TaeMe $pei1iaI SUBAR In suppOrt C A R E for the Evanston Animal Shelter l c; . U1kc P'4-. t r !°'r Saturday December 12th 2009TOYOTA SIENNA LE Go MONTHS ... EVANSTON SUBARU in SKOKIE AutomaUc, Air, Automatic. Air, Power Wwdows/Locks, 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA LE E . r, Pow&Mndows/Locks, &Morel StkP71O4 ,y,. WHENA GREAT DEAL MATTERS, SHOP ROB PADDOR'S... EQUIPPED! NOT STRIPPED! EQUIPPED! NOT STRIPPED! EQWPPEDI NOT STRIPPED! ........ -s . - _\ -:1 -:ì llam-3pm $15,995 W2a9&Jnn, FL5LS Dog&catexpertsonliand . Meet adoptable pets! e -C o .0 700 VEHICLES INDOORS FREE VALET PARKING Ya Gotta Go To. . CITY TOYOTA SCION grossingercitytoyota.com !x la ltEIeI1Aiitteptzas leo tOtkttIpt!aItItIfl!t fobiW i 561 N. Fremont, Chicago Just west at North Ave. & Clybourn 888346-3830 CITY TOYOTA SCION . cEEdujtt pubto .' - The Subaru Outback Motor Trend's 2010 Sport/UtIlity of the Year New Design 'More Room .Better Gas Mi'eage 'Improved Safety Features 'AU Wheel Drive %FOR7_ NEW 2010 SUBARU FORESTER 215X 1r' I 1 ON NEW CADILLMS THROUGH GMAC CREDIT*. A. \ . : . ,, .. ;:.: \ All-Wheel-Orive Side Curtain Airbags FutI ; NEW 2010 SUBARU LEGACY 2.51 sAlt-Wheel-Drive S(de Curtain Airbags : Full Power MP3 ABS . NEW DESIGN 'ABS È 50 9007005E .IvIr,n I _ a MIl' n NEW 2010 CADILLAC CTS O% 72 MONThS E*bU S349. PiSl1! 2009 CADILLAC ESCALADE tl% 72 MONTHS NEW 2010 CADILLAC SRX $39,995 f1% 72 Motmls $379 1Mo. 48mo. lease !SII '06 NIssen Mastina 3.5 SL ........1eaOrr.Saueo?,iwin,Sms3a.36K.P34Oi 'al Mini Coop« w! Navi ...............5-Speed, Full Power, i2 0010e, 53170 '09 Toyota Mutilo S .................Auismnllc.Air, Foil Pnwer Omne, OK P3499 09 Nissan AlEma S ...................Ootomatic.AJ,, MInt cerdOsO, erO, £3514 '07 Toyota Camey LE................Mitsmalic,Mr, Pws Seel.00S,Tni.44K 34590 '0g -myota Corotia LE ...............Ae1omatiAiçNlo,,4-Ooer, Bleck, P3515 OseEloys, P3573 '08 Mazda 5 Toudeg ....... '08 Nissan Seelen ......................Aelomatic 4-Door, 70057 See. elocli. £3517 'O7HisunSenti2.DSE........................towmaHvAOEackau!ç £3490 O5HondaCMcLX .............. Ñdanv90O*E0iPoww,5i09,39K.P35300 '06 NtSsan Seritre 1.Bs SE..vulomalic0yn, Spolle 0adm, 301Ç £3405 05 Nissan Senba 8X8...................Aulsmnllc,PJr, Full Power. Olacic. P3434 02 Toyota Cernita LE . 700 VEHICLES INDOORS FREE VALET PARKING Va Gotta Go To... CITY CHEVY CADILLAC 1530 N Dayton, Chicago Just west et North Ave. & Clybourn CITY CADILLAC - Mlrl101at. !SI1 65 tC 888-863-6592 grossingercitycadillac.com !ooituni!sSlfl,OUl NO SECIJR)1Y DEPOSIT! AM, #5248 36 month lease. $3,180 due at sIgntn. JIFA, #5098 Automelle. Suben. Full Power. 92424 $17,495 '09 Subani Forwatee 04mm..............0ulomaU Suwoel, ero, ire £3547 .... ..22,995 $16,995 '09 Sobare Forester a Bean Ltd. Leather, Sunruol,loaded, SiWer, £3540 .........520,995 SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAI. PURCHASE $16,495 £15,995 '09 Suborn Forester X !womaflc, 3-to-Pick P3560/62/69 19A95 $14,995 '08 Siibam Forester X-Pensa ,. ........4idam5IiMr, Surwool, CuE, P3510 $19,495 4O7 £3559 ......$17,995 '04 Subaru FemotwrXTThibo...5ulomuUc,9wrweLeatheç6ladi.O427A ........$11,995 '05 Subers Forester l.L Bean Leather, Sun,OOi, Leaied, O0O $13,995 $11,995 $10,995 $10,995 $9,495 SUBARU TRIBECAS 09 Impresa Poem. 5-Door ..4090,siusetAnosavaln orJiedP3S4S4l .._ $17,995 '07 Impensa Outback Sport ........._.4utnrra0e,7J'.5Owr,2OV £3520 .....$16,995 '09 Impruza PmnL 4-Door .._4ido.&owue0E0w 259(Gi2y. £3526 .S16,495 '08 impewia PTwti. 4.000( .... edsir,abM, Fr01 Power, 19K.Giy. £3501 ......$14,595 £3357198.90 ..... $12,995 .........J.utueuliO 3-io-O,o '09 Subani impBezl 4-000r SUBARU LEGACY I OUTBACKS 09 Subeos OUtback Ltd .. .ieathevSimwel,240-slock. P353VP3546 '09 Subanl Outback Ltd................ijal90r, sunrnel,vlloys, tiny £3531 .$23,995 '09 Subweu Outback 2.51 SEOOIO., Heated SeuO, Grey or Bioruw P3524137 .. ....$19,495 o9 Sisbarsi Tilbeca UstIMAVI .. Lenther, surmoi, ewez OnIyO P3553 .........$29,995 09 Sobnos Thbeca SE .......7 Pasuer99r, LesSer. Blue or Black, £3545150 _.6,495 '05 Subaru Outback U. Bean .. ecealeuLuaOwe siarnon OeeiP3s38 . .... $16,995 05 Subaru Outback Ltd. ._.... LeaUweS,u*luale,041Y,5347A .......$16,995 '07 Subaru BSThbeca Ltif/NAWEVD .. 7 Puns., lesSor, Srurrue P3577 ...$2O,995 '09 SuhanI Legacy 2.51 SE4etoma90Air Full Power. BluC 230 P3511 .$16,995 .07 Subaru 69 Titbeca Ltd/NAVI .... 7 Pasrenger,l.euther, Siirroe0 £3576 ........S19,995 '08 SubanI t.egacy 25l SE..Jetu.,F0l Pow9r.Geld or Blue £349313943 ......$19,995 ô EVANSTON SUBARU in -BBB 3340 OAKTON STREET - SKOKIE, L 60076 yA+ RATED DEALERSHIP SUBARU IMPREZAS EvanstonSubaru1com SKOKIE i -888-269-9359 L.TELLA P ER £ORME R . Add tax, title license and $l5l.5 doc too, rebatos applied. Gas mileage s EpkEstirnatos, leasy vn approved credIt score. baso, 10k rollos peo year, 15 cents alter. Lessee responsible tor "Flnanco vn approved credit score, sebject to vehicle Insurance excess wear and early termiflatlox et lease. Optiox to pUrchase; Forester $12,384, Legacy S12,20( ansi availability. fBased ox New Subaru retail saies troto SUA, 0 111901$, tar all of 2008 & thru Nov. 2009. PIt otters exd 9 3 days, unless noted. RECREATION S.5 s-w AIRPLANES flOATS POWER ROArS SAIL S-12 BOATS SUPPUES s-ii S-20 SEASONAL SPORTS S-22 RECREATIONAL Q) o o VEHICLES S-25 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS CM S-jo BOATS POWER ItJde otStoge, Glut at't . PIe'te CIII (7 g Q 0't 7O1ß3 S-25 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS HONDA 'OSdccord WoUon ES moo, look15S8ns great, oil Options, nronnrool. hen), veril rrralolalnod. 5)8.53. 0308't02767 HSNSA'92ACCORSLX 2l milo,, CO, A/C. oil love, 52265050, 773407 7348 SONSA 'DO *000cl, 1069 ecoJlnol. 006e good, novo pnv)), OW 011o), 55772v, bet) otter 773557-87W 8)0 '04 OPTIMA Clean, Ihr, svvnrno!, CO, ron) 'rent. 07572080 788-362-8U6 PIO3)T 019,995 Counlry LXI, V6rnrnovulonlnrerl engine, i 0056er, 00 rust 55950. PIcono voll 58084014740 DODGE 'OS Oened CnorOOe Opoet . 7 potsongnn, groen. lu i pon, trins Tree , elusi senI 92037. 770O7.22G5 0000E '89 Corlee slnedng 31505es, 6Cl, 1.540 erl, 010)01 tiros tend botte . nican, $123 OdO. 312-8885397 DODGE '06 COe400n Spott 7 pasS, onto mont Son must drlerl $1705 doo. 773-4Ii777 gol L 00318886597313 $523, 773537.2270 FORO '98 MedIda, Cargo RAn - 272v ml 0000liont enroll. Cot US 9915504$ $8,995 SAIL 00)91 888.69573)3 lion $1729 733lT 2161 FORS '95 Aceostol 'Co N1188n Moolmo 5385/Mo, MOIO:CyCS/SJIOWThSWIeS WANTED CASH PAIDII Will P10k Up) Any Condition z Call 630660.0571 E o o $lSSdN 'DGMd$IMd 'OIr nl. Well kopI, runs oscollonl. $2455000 7317703mW NISSAN '96 Otello 4 door, nulo, p-ion WIndow,, ow. cnn-4 . $CO, 773075-052$ NISSAN '95 Moolera Citan torn 7dinlj4A, treo JIto, ron, good, 02 77355) 2372 7732530.188 'OS Sorod SAR Hototrbnoh 5234/MS 889407.2805 Q AUTOMOTIVE .030, DESUSO '99 LEGACY MERCEDES '900120 Wagon, Cor kept. 1201 rn. 3d ranI seat ing. orli mainloined, laokO/rnvn ornI 04 322 77388395)9 Paul NISSAN '06 Pattrnodoe 4e4, groen, 4410, OuaIS, nuns Fr001, gorgneus. must seni sisro 773.9573261 Plyereaullr '53 Voyngo TTT- CI) T- 5 FOR SALE IMPORTS R CUSTOM MSØIF1ED 7 SERVICE 9 ANT1QUE CARS T- IO VANS T-1.). SUA T- 3.2 TRUCKS T- 13 TRAILERS T-14 RENT l-15 LEASE T- 16 FiNDERS SERVICE T- ).7 SERVICE REPAIR T-18 TOWING T- is PARTS ANO ACCESS 1- 21 LOANS T-22 INSURANCE T- 23 AUTOS WANTED T-25 FOIl SALEDOMESOC T- 26 LIMOUSINES T-S FOR.SALE IMPORTS - ACUSA 'Q) RL Gold edIOn. )UMOO(. Or 52V. A,V. IM o)), CItO) $5957, 77)563 SCURA 'DGZSTL 0,00)0) 4 5,, )iIwO), ICh,, M)fl 0. CIIßvCI, fIll Pt). 'tfl)1700k) Urtati 52 773M772262 '07 5MW 3 Loadod 0P15314 723955 n3460-5 'Otloyoth Conr5 LE TOYOTA 'OOSlonno 6. InrI, oIl prov, 40151. 000. tond. Call 7730994928. 120. '86101010 PrIAS il9brId 0P2O247A 04,995 VAI L 8.031 608.0557313 CHEVY '99 Oboe , LT grnnn, r, TOYOTA '9SP8E104 bE/SC Aulo. 484, 7 voLo, Alt. lIlo, 93565J05O. 7730511505 VOLKSWAGEN '99 BEETLE SII duro, loorror, gar 1010. 891 vIril, O dice Od, 0311e,. loOk) and lOw owl 03950 773IT9O737Jon v-W '97 PASSAS . VO, 5 SlId. tally loaded, 2.OIr. 01781007. 780-7051867 VW '9551118. . nulo, 123v erl. looks E evo) good. 02203 0X0. 706.105-lUG? 111$ 55 i:ió VANS 02110, lull 7 paon, r, CD. 81100. TT37?l74$ CHEVY '99 VontareClean, Ihr, TY/rOtho, tint, tono and )303QVO 773 20 coco-y 'SSCORGO VAN 001560466. CULL NQWT 888.6537313 '87 5MW 335o1 APIO IloW htO9dutr. SIer.eanlsorlv 07dec01 rMnl, 13m 15557050 231540724 H'15315 571955 CALI NOW) 8888.9373)3 0000lsvnovule we) r,iaotoned, lOIr CKIVY38CARSOVAN 'UT 8MW 530 Sport Roo) #Pi5313 $23995 CALL 9031 895.6957313 '06 8MW 328 #7295375 $99,995 CALL NOWI 8886957313 '06 8MW 32.6 toadod 83291.10$ 571995 CALL NOW) 888.8.957313 BMW '94 328. AltO, )88t tond. CD, A/C, )Ufl) 0CC. Ut) 52453 5156.1881 nL Ilt00_ 231505324 '57 6MW 335o1 AWS 8P15377 O71885/$895'to cati Nowi 888.6997313 FORD '99 EepIolo, Spott 404, greCo, 5-il power, oiloys. roep000s, 01772 773725-8434 'UT Hondo Pilot EX-L 4o4 071905 8884812531 VA, HONDA '90Po.spoet, 404, NiIonS 4019, onod, tuil '03 Jeop Ubody 4.4 0225223$ 05,955 Col4 NOWI 888695.73.12 JEEP '08 Oeoed Chookeo lull por. hipo miles. ienlhoe. sun roof, $2410 773.407-6474 lIlA '09 SPOOTAOE EX 4.4, blouk, 4 dr, fr/i r, CO. aiio)5, 01071 55003 773.2757246 PONTIAC '01 AZTEC . aule, loor. cd, On, heat. 4otrs, $3565 ODO. 312.7084184 TOYOTA '94 4 Ru000e 505 96, 4r4, blun, 4 dorn lIli poe, olio77. CD. groat 1472. 773.9073270 Aulo Loon Wolirnaint, New tires, brak 5750.17733504677 '01 Ilonü ACcord 8729545$ $3995 CULL t$W 888.695'7313 'O1Ho)dnA000rd 786er) 82253456 s795 llAVE YOU BEEN TURNED BYA BANKS. t DOWN CAR DEALER OR FINANCE P COMPANY? o Bad Credit, Slow Credit5 RCP0W, WHY BUY ALEMON garage kept. fusi JOadod, tilo) WJJ 5345$ $5$ Ask (or Sunny, 7738151210 sIns/lookS groat S Cnli 779463034V FORO '04 F.1SO OLT pIck op cotta Cab, biuo 00911e, lull pror, Oiloys eonS litent $1 f739074679 '07 Hondo Rldgolleo RTL S2398S 088467.2801 W/Lo.ttroe A & B PAYS HOLIDAY CASH $500-$25.000 FOR GOOD RUNNING CARS. 708-566-0195 COLLEC7IOLE 6-VINTAGE 9005 Sun. Don. 0h, l05nr-2eor, 9mb Pnrhyipjr Sulrooi, 0155)6 1951 GET 51 lln7oyPimS23ooltero& 0k 145601 VIS, gi000st Cam, OnIiefl PlIures O MollI GiornI 515195 2622437171 22" FIve lu7s nero in tIre boo, 6 CASH NOW! bors,lonikcEl& 57" chromo eimR,irns. f-ont. coed cand. T-23 AUTOS WANTED Get cIì NOW! TODJIY! ALW1 Før Ke'viu 630-832-9894 Howard Need 0x110 hailday gash??? Forget the Rot Pay tho Boot !rOT ail Cals ATrOChO RunnIng or oUt 7 Days 706-975-0035 s h)u'I.%h' 10(i !0(n,.srt'ISE IJ.jiji CASH loe dONO VEHICLES TOP 01 PAiDI 515693.0678 055 MoolCash Guoronleed rar YooeVolrlclell 700959156K 0865 OLD LAST REEDS CUR Must eon, With lilio 000301022. Call 773J9t.7265 700 - 22,000 Cash in I hr! T-25 VOR SALE DOMESTIC '90 SubA Contury 9513215-h 03.095 COIL NOWI 888495.7313 '90 flolok Looabes elderly driven, loo. Eeeat $075 oe offre 7736750014 bArr StICK '96 Pock Alloue 4 drs, ilhr, toil p000e, oli runt great, must one St? 77327)-7246 001go '86 Regal .OcCoiltot 52377070. 7732972320 'XHDohhteooloo eaU 24/7 708-248-4500 '9OCI4IOOCIOnO $1.28 '56164go OlivAn $1856 't011 tI. EIOI0T Ayo. 7734103252 doll .Orrolctwhlc.ng000n SUlCO '95 FaA Avenu) leeks S rido b000tilul, 0911. 52402 7809237055 'roIdIr, 001go 'OSI1EU6L sunroof, fuil r mn 'real 7256434 $123. CAUILI.00 '94 0001110 110%, Polo glenn 51e, 1lIre. croon 012301ro. fF34640292 CADILLAC '93 000lilo Solle Grey. low miles, ElES. 4111, Coli 3526596750 'Os Chooy CobO LT 0915146 522.999 Call swi ordIssai 'ITCIroM M.lihulS 2to chao,. TOP DOUARS PAID W/ GO 0915210 004,895 COLI. NOWI 8806957313 W/SST 117)6-SI QUICK CASHlI Altas Towing 7710084527 5)23, 273.' '41v CHEVY '9OLIIMINA rod, flint Pleut, must 500. $922, 173271.7230 CHEVY '95 Moeto Corlo lSO34milo, cod, woo 'leal, $17090X0,773.495X221 CHOnSLER 'CS Dobeleg LS New well n Ivi 39 milo,. j3T54dio24 blue, 515. '02 Chryclee Sobrlog Coot Ltd CALL OOWl 0886957312 Chty.lol '96 LAO, 4X000 Leathee, Ouoeoal 013.50 Ash Ieojerey 773-047.151$ 4030 S Arohoe 8.00, Chlcogo '00 0011go Cleargee 0ff 310765 514.959 CALL 00)01088455723 'XSDndge Noon SOT 0P152U?6 $0.095 COLI. NVWI 080695.7353 0005E'OINeonSXT oilurnr 'f-dr. CD, grIal, wIllI 500, Asoco 773.270.7230 $1795 luwo5eoclonugO For Good Cars! $2202, 7315330140 CHEVY 'O9CAVAUER 4 dl, 190/ lkn7't, Olriiry'lihe000', auto. 01.053773.3385917 CHEVY 'H7Olollbo , 4-de, cod, . real. . oil sunreol. lviii ono owner, becco!, toni vow 51150 773-691.7265 ME0CURO '90 Coogae . 8.31 InI, , ail , eons We'll 1 , 773. 0.8434 MERCURY '94 Orood Mae - Itoitonlon Edltloe olluon toll gol., low mis Ostro tin ovos looks ecc. $915 7956T1!I'57 'SlNloo.t9Jllmi 510GO '$$Patheder 51400 '$9Ca48acDyyOlo $280' -5031 N. Elston Ano, 013.4102502 CIIEVY '00 IMPALA LT 'Second Chance 610000e" 000g Job? Rad Credit? 24IlR. LOAN 0V P009E' Die(773)3480252 E.Z Crellr '03 Dodge Oteotos SOT 071917371 50,480 CVII OTWI 000-6557323 DODGE '01 R000 block, 4 door, wns groat, beouly. Must CT-o. $5702 7735377776 DODGE '05 IntrepId 2.7. AIt, tuil one, eons Out' stundi54.9. $23.0) DXOOE '57 Noon . .2.11e pink, tun) groat, must seo, O4, SKDodgoIoO-opld $1148 'OsoodgoHeao 55148 '%P6eUacCranlPdo $1756 3377 9. Mihnaohno 713-9015% Clean, 7251 miles, conI heal eons groat, red, 4 loor, toil power, coil I/C, CO, coo,., wo, vIno., 0123,773.725-6434 OSOS '03 Colla,. Cerr000i. bin, low miles, rod, leolhoe, lIli 07110.12 071960 CALL 00161 0056997313 Pontlon 'OOOOLwo MII "Sncoed Chonoa Floonce" 00ml 105,7 '04 Ford lomos LX 305196$ 18,495 gc431 23.0711099 JOE RIZZA FORD OF NORTH RIVERSIDE Napoivilie, IL 1866.516-8015 www.hllljaCobsbmw.Com 2100 S. Harlem, 7O&44270OO rlzzacors.Com BMW OF ORLAND PARK 8470 159th St. JOE RIZZA FORD OF ORLANO PARK 8100W. 159th St., 708-403-0300 )(ZZSC$r1,Com 2876555 vAhW.olmhorSthmw.coio MCCARTHY FORD, INC LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT PONTIAC '02559510E dean 21.00,, iuieoriloe, go, noen,. $223090, 708-2628316 PONTIAC 'XOoeood PtIo 0E, rod, 4 door, toll power, Must See $1333 773.7)53934 'GOCOCoySIMee 1yJ PATRICK BMW 700 E. Golf Rood, Schssnibsrg 888.768.9770 wmo.patrickbmw.com ;w: h CHICAGO 773274.7777 www.carrshonda.Com ,.:7 /-// Bill Jacobs Cadillac 2001 W. 101107500 St,, iGliet 8009216507 www.bIiIjscobs.colnn HERITAGE CADILLAC 303W. RSGSOVeIS rd., 110V mrr,adaohlt010 tool Galore '97 511 4 ORSO Look. nlce,Rone good 11595 AsIt IorJe73 713847.1153 4010 S Aeohoe Ave, Chlvogo SATUON '97 SIl Clnao, 4 ge, good heal 1 DeIner. Funs genol, $56_as ÓRO, 7733657579 SATURN '94 51,2 Gmat ca,, 5w Sonor, $1375 000. 773255434 Lombard 88881895728 s'#.hotlSogeCadIIlaC,coW HONDA ON GRAND PATRICK CADILLAC 526 MolI Dr., Schaumburg ElWhurSt e88-4697il3 uwcw.hoodaoogrand,com 877-749-9921. www.pa1riCkCadIIlac.com 1411 E. Main St, 630443-8400 mCgtallrhooda.nol Park, 708-429-8600 wygoirlzzagorS.com OHARE HONDA River Rd&Oakton, Des Plaines, l'or The Lowest Prices. Call 8889274.0425 STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 100 N. Skokle ENd. Need it quick SCHAUMBURG HONDA NEED Find it fast Coil 7794103235 - ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET 155 & Rosse 53, Bollngbraok 888-859.5359 Y0.Av.adoanlageChov.com VALLEY HONDA in Napervllle/Aurora 4173 Ogden Ave. (RI. 34) 63O-85157OO Voileyhooda.cOW HYUflORI ASH (D95e 6541510110e R4Vulred o/A 9h01. 1071 pIck up f00601 7089289.8490 LOREN HYUNDAI l6lOWaukegan Road (708j 429-3000 8585 W. 159th INSVW.UppieCheW,Cotll Bill Jacobs Chevrolet 2001 W. Jefferson St., JoilgI 8005076841 spow.BIIIJSC0bsAUI0.com NOW? in the O'HARE HYUNDAI River Rd A Oakton, Des Plaines, For The Lowest Prices CSII Dirgcl 888.419.9567 7901 °Yoo Gotta See JSCR Mike Andersen Chevrolet 5333W,ltvITgPk PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 868925133769 WE WILL GET You APPROVED! WEBB CHEVROLET 8889549.0275 c: u-i GOOD CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? No CREDIT? JAGUAR - JAGUAR ELMHURST 490 W, LOkA St, Elmhurst w6Wv.j$guarelmhurst.com 888287.62.1.1. ¡ EI LIBERTY DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 1000 E. Parlo Ave. (RI. 3.76) LibertylIIe, 8011.836.5401 SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE 7601N,Cice' 811-4381366 1000 E. PotrA Ave. (RS. 1761 Libertdyiile, 800-8365313 SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 7601 N. Cicero AYO., Slnokie f8881 7389744 v.ww.ShermaoFial.coni KIA MOTORS LIBERTY DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP EVERGREEN KIA 9205 S. Western Avo.,Chicsgo 10033 E. Pork Ave. (Ht. 1.76) LIbertyIIio, 8008365401 (866) EVER4SIA, v0.wv.OVergreenkla.cOm SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7601N.Clcoro Ave,, JOE RIZZA KIA lSSth&OOth AYO. SKOkIO (1':':) 73899744 wsw,SIrermanF1dt.Corn OrlanO ParO, 7O8-403-O oizzacars.com o 'D 32 no Ea rd oo IO (n D, es 72. C) o Ir C t, o JOE RIZZA LINCOLNIMERCURY 2065 West Ogden, NaperNile. IL 6303558140 rIzz$curs.com 10 JACK PHELAN SUZUKI VGS GolIa See Jack 5859 s Leorange, C009lryoidn 708A84'lloOjachphelan.com LIBERTY SUZUKI MAZDA SUBARU AUTOBARN MAZDA 000nttyslde 606OS. 1000 E, Pork Ave. (RI. 1761 LibeHy'lIIe, 800203-41.84 LaGrange Rd. 7083042790 va w.rnazda$1y,çp, vysiw.rnozds$fchlcogplund.cem LIBERTY MAZDA SUBARU SUZUKI BREDEMANN TOYOTA 1201W, Dempster, 1000 E. Park Ave. (HI. 1761 Libnrtdyiile, 8008406897 Pork Ridge 847.6551416 iweW.brodomann.com Wilkins Mazda In Elmhurst 750N,YorkRd CHICAGO NORTHSIDE TOYOTA Elmhorsl 630'279'3XJ yo4Vi,wllkinscars.ceroi Mercedes-Benz 5625 N. Broudwuy 773728.500O chicagotoyota.cotto Ciasoic Toyota/Scion 515 N. 0700O Bay Rd. Waekegan/Gsmen 5143-CLASSIC I253-7742i wloW.ciossiCdealergroup.com AUTOHAUS ON EDENS l600rrentagnRd Northbreok 600-716-6517 autohausonecteTs,cons Mercedes-Benz Naperville 1569W. Ogden Ave 888769.5484 . mbofoapervllle.com ELMHURST TOYOTA 'The Low Poco Leader 8882O9.834O. http://evav.elmhuroItoyota.com Llbertysrillo Toyota Scion 1180 5. Miiwaokee MERCEDES-BENZ Of ORLAND Pl< 8410W. 159th St., 866-259-8000 vavw.mercedesoforland,com Ave. 8663681522 mbofweSlment.Corn Av. Libertycoile 87T.3il3817 vaiw.lJbeltyAllIetoyoSa.com NORTHBROOK TOYOTA 1530 Fronlage Rd. 80073432O5 www.nortttbrooktoyota.com OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320W 95th St. 800-NEW TOYOTA 1831-639-8696 sn.eaklawnIoy$ta.corn Orland Toyota/Scion 8506 W. 159th St. Naperville, IL 1.8665168015 www.bllljaclblnilni,coni 4,t MITSUBISHI. - GRAND MITSUBISHI 303 W, Grand Ave. BenseoYiiio 6108603103 GrandMisto,gom Downers trOVe 630%O50-lO, Aursra 630-8986000 www.ManMadseo,cUW - NIS.SAN BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN 4.444W. Iwlog Ph. Rd. Chgo. 6885008669 mldcltynlSsan.conl BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN Tinley Park, IL 70033897286 oa'w.OdoTdloyota.cotn www.OrlandScion.com PAULY TOYOTA 1035 S. RS, 31 00e Mile Sooth of RI. 14. 005lal Lake 815.4597100 8476589660 TOYOTA SCION ON WESTERN 6941 S. Western AYe, ChiCogo 173-884720-D www,toyotaonwestetrr.Colo - Volkswa.en Autobarn Volkswagen Coursttyside 6191 Jouet Rd. 708.354.6600 iOnly 15 mInutes fools Downtown Chicago) www.mWofchicagplaod.csrn Eyanston 1033 Chicago Ave, 847.mWlo.7600 Mt, Prospect 333 W, Raod Rd. 847-392-6300 www.theautobarn.com BILL JACOBS VOLKSWAGEN 22il Aurora 5757 W. Touhy, NIel (8881 6012789 w6erv.starolSsan.colnt AYO, Nuiservlile, IL 1-8689516.8005 wsw.blillacobsow,Corn KELLY NISSAN 4360W. 95th St. CITY VOLKSWAGEN 5330 W. Irving Park Rd., Oak Lawn 708.49g1®3 www.kgllynlssan.cotn ChiCago 8.689717.6611. ver'iw.clt'/wchicago,cons MARTIN NISSAN 5240Goll Road, Skohin NORTH SHORE VOLKSWAGEN 1350 PatA 866-838230O www.mur1lonissSn.com Ave. Highland PA 847-433-71820 Not'thshorecars,corn NORTHSHORE NISSAN 1350 Park AYO, West, Highland Park Northshorecars.com 847433.7900 VW OF ORLAND PARK 8920W. 159th St. JOE RIZZA PORSCHE 8130W. 15955 Streeel, PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. HIgJns Rd., Bill Jacobs NIa 2525 W. Jefferson SI., Jouet 800-6107607 www.StiIJacobsAuto,coni o- o Jeep LIBERTY JEEP CHRYSLER DODGE WaukegsnfGurnee 847CL/iSSIO 1253-7742f wYrw.claSsicdealergl009.coro 312-321-2911 NORTH SHORE SUBARU l35OPark Ave. PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPERVILLE 2889W. lie's Mad He's Bad, He's at 2 SALE locatioos io Ogden Ave. 630-3005000 www.patrickJaguer.com on 11X51 E. Park AYO. IRt. 176f LibortmIlie. 803-7095729 W, Highlaod PA 847433.79OO NOrthshorecars corn Classic Klo 425 N. Oteen Boy 611, Apply OMLINE Al': 801 Kaylnnl MIdIothIaN 14833 S. Wcero Ave, Division 277.866.3887 voovw.mCgralisleoos.coin LIBERTY SUARU MAZDA SUZUKI MAX MADSEN MITSUBISHI ro Ave., SkOkie 18881 73899744 www.StierniaoFlat.CXni ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED! MCGRATH LEXUS OF CHICAGO Kennedy at Rd., Elmhurst 63027893000 www.wilkinscors.cons RIZZA CHEVROLET 8200S,HSIIGm, RTidgeniVw, 7089594-64W vwsw.rIz2aChOW.Cgm 9440 S. CICerO Ave,. Oak Lawn ooliw.webbChesy,Coni Classifieds 8300 W. 1591k 708.342-6474 ver,leouSOforlond.Com BILL JACOBS Mini 1564 W. Ogden AYe, Rd 773-4652000 hwcw.mlln008derSonchilago.Com IllInois' Largest ChU?? 0900loty RIes, 30 & 45 Chicago Sun-Times LEXUS OF ORLAND Scheumburg 34w.patrlckcars.com 8689314-4539 w-oiw.phililpSChody.coni NEi1VORÄ WE OWN THE FINANCE COMPANY EVANSTON SUBARU In SKOKIE 3340 Oablon St. Skokie, IL 60076 9.688281-6182 1020 E. 0011' Rd. WILKINS HYUNDAI in Eimhurst 750 N. York C Irving Ph. Chgo 888-5987467 Sobaruchilago.com N, Waukegos Rd. 847-729.6000 nNA5-bledemann.conl W. RooSoneit Rd., 888-29-1-3409 I4h4W.CllrrleCheky.Com JACK PHELAN CHEVY Countrsitfe (15 minutoS from Downtown ChiCagof 7O8-4973999 www.theautobarn.com BREDEMANN LEXUS IN GLENVIEW 2000 Mercedes-Benz of Westmont 200 E. Ogden PATRICK HYIJNDAI Downers Gro/LIsIe 6309682900 b(ilkaychOvroiel,Com Currle Motors ChevY Forest Park AUTOBARN SUBARU 6070 S. LaGrange Rd., BERMAN'S MID CITY SUBARU 4300W, Glonview 84773003 v000w.IoreTAstoGrsup.com APPLE CHEVROLET IN TINLEY PARK 4000 S. Harlem, lyons 7O8-4424O00 Jsckyheian.cem I boy IrreS Cors 0/ teR/oc tAloc 63o3005000 www.landrovorofnapetville.com 'AuleWobiles A Sob Rohíman Deelership 750 E. Golf Rd. 847'88.IIONDA BILL KAY CHEVROLET 601 Ogden A l355 700-8509831/7317984635 PATRICK SAND ROVER 1559 W, Ogden Avo.Naperville Norlltbpoek 866-372-3854 www,Slooefoley.com s-Avw.advaotagechnv.com Wo pap 5h) bes) br Junk Coro &Toicbsl rren Sown Soy P/ill 300W.GrUntl MCGRATH HONDA OF ST. CHARLES RIZZA CADILLAC 8425w. 1291k St,, Tiolny 7CHEVRDLET SUBARU Evanston 1015 ChiCago Ano, 847-8663.16406 $1195 57295 4950 S. PulaskI. Chicago 773582500O owm.hondscityChlcugo.Com Park Ridge 1847) 6983700 vwnw.bredernann,corn 1051 W. Higgins Rd. 60169 86651898035 IeOdlovers,corn Grove f847) 9657070 vwsw.castlehon0agars,com' HONDA CITY BREDEMANN SCION 1301 W. Dempster, Bill Jacobs Land Rover Hoff Est. CASTLE HONDA 6500W. Dempsler, Morton Roads, CXUTIIyS6IC Auto Mall 800961.7609 loe your 00e, 0 CARR'S HONDA 6600N WESTERN AVE ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET LaGraogn A JolieS OSFJUNII CARS, lop dahu, Ion 900e look cor.. same day plok t1400 S. PulaskI, . 430 E. Ogdon Ave. 8663859527 bmwofweslmofll,CXm 24 AR. LOAN BY PHONE" Dl, 177313406203 E'Z C,edlt" AYO HlnsdaIe, IL 60521 866.516-8045 Iandrovers.cons MIdwest Rt.30&45 fordsitrOnkforI.Colo 866.YESFORD BILL JACOBS BMW 15891 W. Ogden Aoe,, Oal Etolil7 Bill Jacobs Land Rover Hinodale 300 E Ogden CURRIE MOTORS FORD-FRANKFORT 111111 ChIcago 773.239.7900 wssw.mcCartlry'fordlhC.not '06 F001100 St Sedan 3377 f1. Milioaubne 7733)215% CAlL 11931 080-69107313 JAGUAR 'co S-TYPE . 0541 ml, end ton InI, good oondition BMW '00 Tot000do, 3-Ir, alle, 711v, bOche) onoto, 'GB FollI Fou, OSI lone, Low Mi COOL N0Wl 800.695-7313 3.4633 S. CICero Ave. www.bilikayford.com ELMHURST BMW 466 W. Lake SO., EImhorst 8889 '%Chrprheloer4Ceuohy $170V 315123 514,959 BILL KAY FORD MIDLOTHIAN 800.8043558 Abo. 86893833044 yerw,.IsuroIaudl.Com OrlATA PaIA, 88895OO.2369 bluwop.Com OLOSMODILE wvoo.ahÍord.com 801w, Dundee Ad, Arlington HeIghts (847) 346-3042 pnrr,oiiO,1ot tee. 'O7PoeAicGraod6or CALL N7Wl 008.055.7353 '06 Ford F000. ARLINGTON HTS. FORD LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT 276 E. Ogden eons gloat, good hoot $050 771875.5814 DODUE 'Oslnteopld Cieun in A out. gond hoot, elos treat, #15134 512.999 70897957900 23w.Ander500BrosFord.com $1070000. 7(%2013C6 0611 caoauboohIta$o tare $970X00, 7312618366 ANDERSON FORD 8539W. Ogden, Betvn, IL OEcD AuÒi i l=lE=J I /A4eD Orlood Park 708-403.7710 rlzzagolS,com '96 OIls Cotloss Clora OLDS 'SSCotlOto Sopleme New Car Buyers Guide -DVII JOE RIZZA ACURA 6150W. 3.59th Slreot 401e, 8410m. COG cono groat, 01.110 '97 Aoroea . QACURA oI,IIorrr,.dooyIc.gouoe OLD'S IO lst,lgoe , bino, 773.771.236 'o 8 Authorized Dealers 9TUecoIn Town Cor 65153 86.995 CHEVROLET 'OS MolIbu, $400 for seaters CHEVV'Ol.CaaoVee .5461 ml, olean In 6- 0lit. runs 0001. , CADILLAC '90 Solon colIlla Eooeilent 50095 nseroil. 304V bloO, eons grout. 0523, 731965-3695 OS COIL Ous 24 Houp Hotuyoo.,, EsIl,t.51'(fl CARS PICK liP SAME DAY 7339384213 CELL 7 DAYS 708-84109253 www.GetApprbvedNetwork.com Auto Grou. WE PAY BIO CASH FOFO JUNK Condition, I nonce, 851v. At .v,Ø(I(ZIj OWN ¡12010 Iluick Pontiac . GtVIC ç DODOE '99 DAhato , t pass, goroger) kept, eso Cand, 700 ml. 53_505 3)2.0556754 FORO '56 F150, 110v org nit, lillo too COnO, O/o. outo. mosl See. 09500001m 7085555537 FORO '03 F350 SL 6101100, gmnn/wtrito, lull p00001 nilo0., S1S1 Judgements OKAY! I)ONDA'D2ACC080LX 7W 5229)_051 08.O9S CALL NOWI 099.7312 op. ChIc &Subnrb., CullI poll, '87 Honda dolo SI 3770 ChQOn Forni 8884672881 GET CASH NOW! '02 004go behob Sport Cob paw51olilOn0at WE CAN HELP YOU! '86- '09 HON DA ASCOS OS Junk Moslem 78975 ISUZU 'OOTrooper LS , 4c4 edit, sunroof, 11W, 1 nonne, gor. 845131 7730295345 bVO 312'7198th9 '59 Hondo Fit Only 768 'tIle.l 5995/MO 8SS467.1 serins, Ost cob, lIlly lead. 0497097054 F054173311 '02 C600y Teoohoe 4WO '08 Toyota SOlon nO ron'oYlv) S 1 gar loOt, nc Cool. 1655 mi, 54503 Cali 352.6556750 Co.torrr Wheel. 0235/Mo. CHEVY '81 Mt,o LS W/er IN/O 321(00 CHEVROLET '04 OlIo,eodo, CATTY 'OES BLAZER 404, 4 Ir, 6,500 Milo. 680.467.2881 TOYOTA '59 AvoIne XII maroon, 4.drs, lonlhor, lull 011099. CO. 0,00000, S 1-3.1 SU V 'SSCdilI.o Esoolade AWlS 8015317 023995/0225 mo CAlL hOWl 0880957313 517.405 8884079901 loorlog Wo Pay Cash fol Junk Cors LOvooeod Reee neenoejlort toe wheel choie ose, Only 325v ml Asly Hnjetiy 7736-173.515 good 000dillon. 52965 't 112 TRUCAS 7.19 PARTS ND ACCESS NISSAN '93 611100 OCIE . 1846 mIlos, novellen) Condition, body doitrogo, US2QSoIov. Picote Coli o o . AC. por Cassetto, gorgeous, eons Erna), 800-46125611 All Makes & Modalsl C.) lIto 1881 07e't55605610 Nn8In46anod 1510 r), $IIWOLIQ. 7890144324 CHRYSLER 1989 Torvo lInd FORD '99 9510051.1 LO S VOSS., red. toil Vorace CX, '87 Meroedec-Onro C 'US Mlt10bIdrl Eollp CHEVY'6O$O65504N 8774449167 wyorland.corn Sat Sorosce 8-2 VOLVO Orland Park 7083642400 rlzzacarS.Corn Sctiaurnburg 8476O5-4005 viww.p8tncksNo,com HE NEW o1 o oi o i-icr'.iE,.&- c:r..IIA CIVICLX SEDAN LX ACCORD SIDAN Automatic Model # CP2F3AEW, Stk# H23627 Automatic Model # FAi F5AEW, Stk# H23537 40 CIVICS IN STOCK ij o ' . ¶ NTIj U. 1cix ..rliOü'4r ils ;MONTH b9'r1 ßI*L e,ae .atndrlscfein,»'. QO1 O IIIJA oi c 4 WHEEL DRIVE /_' Automatic 'L. Model # IRE3I- V4AEW, Stk# H23 rol Q?'. Model # IR E4H5AJ W, Stk# H23681 crii.Ls .25 OI3VS.SEVS IN STOCK .L?. r r Used Cars CHOOSE' PIICxS pisa lax hile liasse and doc lees, ali reLeles oeil lrrerlives apylied, Ihcloreactr sibilant reile lDOdyssey:2Oc lar cab addiionalrnile). lleanclsy so oeleclyesre, males and models. Based ox appreeed madri Is qealiled trryers. Rttased on closed end leases. b qsalihed bayera mila appireed asediL lO6Oailyralle miles per ee ileasevxhicles require las hil lirarise &Sl5l.65 doc lee dei altease slqnint.'lO Cinc :Rlsldeal:S12807, lùAsssrd : Reslduai:S14693, lO Odyssey: Residual:$1tr015, IO CRY: Resldosl:Ol7013. Mdiiloral opilare exija. Lessee lo reopossidle lar excess maclibel maintoranra and lrsurence, Subject lo early lannilsaion penally Valid bree days train !ubliesilon. Dealer mlii rol hasse errera le this adrerboement Noi available mila airy prexioso oVens. Shop On-Line Ar www..muller-honda.com 847-831-4200: 550 SkIgi Vihy i «ii cid Your new neighbors todays homes A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION I NEAR NORTH EDITION Local real estafe transactions on PAGE3 DECEMBER 3, 2009 INSIDE, Happy home buying KZF DEVELOPMENT Meadow Ridge lifestyle attracting empty-nesters to Northbrook Extension of tax credit a nice gift for first-time buyers. PAGE2 by quiet waterways, lavish landscaping and a leisurely, maintenance free lifestyle, empty-nester homebuyera are moving to Meadow Ridge development in north suburban Northbrook. Developed by KZF Development, Ltired I Now that Olympic plans have gone by the wayside, we should rehab and reuse buildings on Chicago's Near South Meadow Ridge is a gated 164-unit community of attached single-family townhomes and duplexes on 40 acres atWaukegan and Founders roads in Side. Norilibrook. "Meadow Ridge is a private community targeted to people moving from large single-family homes on DON DEBAT, PAGE 2 the North Shore," said Suzann Fried- man, presidentofKZFDevetopinent. "Meadow Ridge's unique features include Ute lavish landscaping, wills ac- Fireplaces help make home tive waterways, rocky outcroppings cozy, PAGE 2 and two man-made lakes." Sixty luxury Meadow Ridge townhomes are closed and occupied. An- other 40 units are sold and 'in the pipeline," Friedman said. Base prices range front $495,000 to $895,000. "People buy at Meadow Ridge because they want tIte lifestyle," Friedman said. "Even in today's ONLINE Meadow RIdge buyers may choose from a selection of all brIck duplex homes and towohomes. All hose water stews. The duplexes are bollt side-by-side In two-unIt bulldlogn. The towohomen are buIlt In clusters of four unIts per buIldIng. Meadosv Ridge has successfully slower housing market, that doesn't averaged five home closings a month change. It might take them longer to sell their existing home, but they still intend to make Meadow Ridge their Itsmo." since October of 2008," said Fried. man, wits noted that several build- year and in 2010. feature a first-floor master suite, and every residence includes a large unfinished bonus room. TIse two-bedroom and three-bedroom, 2½-batti, all-brick residences are extremely spacious, wills 2,236 to 3,133 square feet of living area. More titan 60 percent of the homes ings are under construction and nsorc closings are scheduled this For market news, expert advice, neighborhood profiles and more, visit: The residences are being built in SEARCHA CHICAGO»' .comy Turn to MEADOW RIDGE, 3 To find out more about this community, visit www.meadowridgenorthhrookcom searchchicago.com/homes ASK Mou"r Oui SPECIAL OImR! T AIq'(11ove.ke prio FROM sauIlJul,'tabIlshed commnunl $11 779© MIlls O4Lc n If 4$OFOÇIMEBUV $8,0 .--.- -- OREPEATBE $6,500 , ke OperI AMliY 500M 16-0" IO-ri LA1N1COMMONTS i New Condominiums for those 55. and better from the $190s Maintenance-free Living SpacÏous Floor Plans s Balconies or Patios on Sélect Units Fitness Center Community Parks with Fountains Convenient Location Near Transportation One-of-a-kind Opportunity C9me see how valuable we really are at Belle Plaine Commonsl 53-? Q IdJ 2335 West Belle Plaine 773.442.6995 (IL,(IU'lOUJ ,'eh'estI'. Model open for wIk-ins or call Judy Westerberg for an appointment O BeHePlaineCommons.Com SaJes center Opon Saturday-Wednesday i Oom-5pm. Just east of Western, i block north of IrvIng Pork. Brokers welcome, Devuloped bys North Center Au.00lotou LLC co - '-" -''" Developer lIcense #1847104 o Chj,,iu,w iìvrnh.as (kx&suu:ira, o - SU- - s.I .v9w'w '310 '"10LTt U 2 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 I todaYs homes NEAR NORTH.0 todays homes Curions about home sales in your iseighuborisood? Below Barrington credit for first-time buyers for lionies purchased by April 30 and closed by June 30, 2010. To broaden the impari, the income limita to qualify for the credit were raised io $125,000 for singlen and $225,000 for couples. More than 51,000 first-time buyers in Illinois and 1.4 million nahionally 244 CoolIdge Am: Brogsszor, Mntlhnw C & Mora L; $506,500 635 DMslon SI: Nails, W Scull & Heise, Assa M; $985,000 The $8,000 tax credit matly did push mo to get sedeas obont makIng a housing First-tIme buyer lorry Perkins Is happy with his cosilo at the 55-and-older Belle Plaine Commons deselnpmoet lii Chlcago'n North Center nelghbnrtiood. decIsIon, salit Natasha Mowatcuyk about buyIng a ronda at the Heritage of Palatino. The development fealures one. Ihr cuy und lire suburbs for Iwo years, bedrooni, two-berlrooni and two-bedKowalczyk finally purchased a one- roons-plus-den residences wilh 1½ or bedrooiir, 1½-balli, Fairhiehcl design two baths. They range in size from al 10. Pranczak & Associnles' develop- 1,126 lo 1,716 square feet of living ment in Palahine. space. Prices range from $226,900 to "I hail seen a loi of unils during $359,900. my search and these were the nicest. The Herilage of Palatine sales cenThey really juol stood out. There was ter, 50 S. Greeley, is open from 10 ans. definilely a 'wow' faclor hiere," she lo 5 p.m. daily. For more informahion said. or a hour of flic models, call 847-705"The residences at Ihie Herilage of fi238 or visit svsvw.rfranczakcom. Palahine are very luxurious sud very First-lime home buyers don't have already have haken advarihage of the well built. R Franczak lias a great tax credit. The $8,000 lax credit really did repnlahion." Kowalczyk said. "Also it push lue lo get serions about making a is very pr!vale residence with a large housing decision," said Nalasha Kow- balcony. And it is really nice having alczyk, 28, who recently closed on her tIraI extra half bath. h found it lo be sew condominium at the Herilage of really rare in Ilse one-bedrooms in niy Palatine, a new 48-unit luxury devel- price range." Kowalczyk ivas also altracted by opment at 50 S. Greeley in dowolown tire nearness lo lire Metra and piana northwest suburban Palatine. dozen frst-linie buyers reomnhing at tIne development. "h huarl beeuu a reuter for 40 years," Perkiuus sairl. "For lIne past 10 yearn we rented his Norih Raveumnwood. I guess bedroom condonsinisnmswith 1,134to 1,268 sqslare feel of living space. All prices include one osuldoor park- ing space. Heated garage parking is we liad been thinking ubouml buying available for anm addihional $15,900. While sales at Belle Plaine Consfor a nunuiner of years, then we got a lhyer froua Alderuiman IGeusel Schnuller 11711m Wardh willi information on Belle to be young to lake advanlage of lire Plaine Comnnons." $8,000 lax credil. Several first-limo and $249,990 Io $298,990 for two- mark, there still is a wide selechion of resirlencea. Que menisber of tIre hsotusehnoirl lias Perkins anrh Coulson really hiked Belle Plaine Conmmouus' canspuslihre lo be 55 years ofage or belIer, bui! lIne 0115er niember ursay be as young as 48 enviromrmenl. "We liked the idea blunt it ryan for years. Time Belle Plauso Consumons constreople aged 55 or betler. Threre gels to be a point when you just vant lo live munily snclsora Ilse five-acre Norhis buyers 55 or older are discovering the joys of homoownorsisip at Belle Plaine Commons, 2335 W. Belle Plaine iii the North Cenlerneighiborhrood on Chiicago's North Sidle. "Regardless of age, ah! imeiv first- ryilhu people your omm age. We hike tIne Ceunler Senior Canupus, bounded by time buyers al Belle Plaine Cons- quid. When you're reunling sonrelimuues Irving I'ark Roan, Weslern Avenue, "I already have plans for Ihie lax lo take the train downtown on the nsons may qualify for Uncle Saris's tax it rami be loud. We also thought it was credit refund. I plan lo pay off debt, weekends. credit," said Rena Appel, developinenl a good rheal for tIne nroney," Perkins "In addition to hie first-time buyer coordinalor for Norlh Cooler Associ- said. buy a few things for my new condo and I'rices at Belle Plaine Comnions prit tire resi in an emergency savings lax crerhit, purchasers at Ihe Herilage ales LLC, the developer of Ihre 92-iibrit range from $194,000 Io $212,990 for fund," said Kowalczyk, who for hie of Palahino also niay obtain Federal condonsiniuns development. condominiums with one-bedroom Housing Adiiiin!etration-insured fipasl four years has rented an apartFirst-time buyers Jerry Perkins, ment with a roomniale in Ihr West nancing, which allows down paynlenls 62, and Ann Couhoon, 59, tiurchiascrl a 848 lo 900 square feel of living space, Ukrainian Village neighborhood in as low as ½ percent to qualified buy- nerv condo at Belle Plaine Conmnisns $204,990 lo $249,990 for one-beders," said Katie Campbell, Franczak's about a year ago, before the tax credrt ronun-imhus-den conchouruinmiunrs wills Aller shopping for a coiido iii both sales nianager. was in effect. They are among a half 944 Io 1,011 square feel ofhivinug space Chicago. The luxury of the firepf ace blonds with the Ioxur of the decor to this sample from Oakley Avenue mind Belle Pirsine Avcone. TIne canupsus Iras treo parks and mm senior center. TIse Belie Plaine Commuons sales cenleranud unnodel are localed at2335 W. Belle Plaine. Hoursare lOans. Io 515.ns. Salurchaythurosuglu Wednesriay.Tlse cciiter us closed 'l'hsrursday and Frinbay. Call 773-442-13995 or visit www.belleplaine conmnsons,cons, Future of Chicago's Near South Side still bright without Olympics inleresting and affordrrble weave ansié Ilse neighuborhoorl's urban tapestry," L-rvicka sairl. More liman a dozen privale Ihial hie dream fsr building a $1.1-billion Olympic Village neighborhrood ou the NearSoulhi Side has evaporaled, it's time far Chicago li, park ils bulldozer mentality and start lo appreciale sonic of the Windy Cily's fue reusable older buildings. architect Chartes Page. Now limpiares symbolize tOo ennth, safety and comfort of home, Page An aggressive adaphive-resuse program could liare a huisloric inspact on bulls tire econonuy of Ihr city and Ilse future ofhousiusg on Ilse 37-acre site ofMtchuaeh fleese Hospilal on thur Near Souilhu Sirle, SOYL Cozy nests heat up with fireplaces I 'flic second-floor art slu'flic fireplace lias relamed level hiving with bonus space ils place as flic most enduring mr enlerlaining and overnight dio: a fine arhist who exhibils hiswork at North Share shows, symbol of the cozy comforts of guests. Fabulous fireplace features Page Iras planned au art stuhome. dis sv!lhi a wood-burning shove "The more luxurious and will be included in: archilecluruhly significant Ihr I The two-story library: a and chimney as cchl as a w-.rll honre, the more fireplaces hand-carved munlie and cut of French doors opeiiing lo a are included in the plan," said linreslone surround aun hearlhr balcoiiy and skyhighils for abunCharles Page, distinguished Set a quiehly elegant Ihieme for dant nalurah highil. North Shore archilect of muhhi. a sInking rosin willi carved u The lookout lower level: million dollar homes. The walnut walls and hoar, beamed amsng the amenities of Ihiis depth of the fireplace's endur- ceiling and balcony overlook- area is a recreahion room ivilhi a fireplace and a bar. A working popularity io due lo ils ap- lag the room. u Tire dramatic great room: out area, children's game roam peal to our most elemental sense of home as a place of Ihie French carved limestone willi arcade games and pool misty and conlenimenl. WaIcli- fireplace is a Page signalure and ping-pong hables ris well as ing a crackling fire is one of the feature. The fireplace is a focal bedrooms and a balli also ocgreatest siress-reducers ever t)oiiit in Ibis inviting room willi cirpy lirio space. "OIlier areas where chienls discovered." ils volume ceiling rind high Though al! of his opulent arched window capping a wahl recuesE fireplaces are in master homes feature multiple fire- ofwindows overlooking a pond bedrooms or master bedroom places, Page himself is one of and waterfall. the biggesl enihinsiasis of Ihr K!lclienandgalhieringarea: fireplace. a cozy Couniry French motif "flic home thatihiave recent- fealures a large brick fireplace hy designed as my dream home and a high beanied ceiling willi hncludes ohr fireplaces, an !n large skylights. Maple deaigner crease oflhree over my present cabinets with a light stain, a (orhome," Page said. "The variety col green island, stucco hood ofroalerials Ihatcan be used for over the range, French headed fireplace desígn lias never been glass doors and a wino closet as great as it is today, and Ihre willi leaded glass French door fireplace is a key component of add lo tIre chariiring effecl. a TIre screened trorchi: areshie décor ofany room." A rushic vhrile brick Freiichi- lic Stone fireplace is the ideal style residence, Page's new accent for hie spacious room borne will be buill in a seclsded willi ils clereslory cupola wineslale area of Winnelka. 'Flic dory and views ola terrace and hirer-level home will offer one- fountain. preservationisis say. Architeclural critics noie thaI Bauhaus founderWahter Gropius - eue of Ihie 2ülhu Cenhuury's most influential nmodernisis - designes! Ihre best contemporary buildings at Michael Beese. However, demolition conlractora, hired at a cost of$20 uniilion, are still huard atwork razing moro than two dozen buihrhings al Ihre shuttered hiospilal conspisa, dropping down trees rind deslroyinggarrleuus. hfyouu arid Ihue $89 nuilhiouu Ihue cily speuul lo acquire thur aile, Ciricago alre;rdy Iras invesled $100 million mb the neighborhood duriuug Ihue deepest real estale recession since tIse Great Depressions. Plans rire 5h11 alive lo maialI infraslruclure murmproveunenta into tisis no-nmaui's land between 281m and 3mb shreds along nilhing areas, nmaslerbathis, diii- Collage Grove Avenue. AFax lug rooms and guest rooms," Page said. "The slyhes and nia- Iuucreunenl Finauucing Dislrict already is in place, annI bug-range tenaIs are virtually unlimiled, plana include ronstruchion ola so lhiey can reflect any degree light-rail comnmnler system fronu offormahity amid any décor." McCormick Place lo 93rd SIred slung Cottage Grove Avenue. Charles Page has designed and buill honies ici hie Chicagoland mirra for 40 years and Preaervahionisls reami tIne cily could be squanderiung an impur- Don DeBat ON THE HOME FRONT relaining only lIne 102-year-old Prairie Style main bumbling at Michael Reese and one of lire GraIllas buihdmungs svluile brulldozmug Ilse rest. What's line big hurry? A ferv weeks ago, tIme old Cook County developers were inslereslert ins developing siles in Ihre usury defunct Oiyrusisic Viliruge. Ouuce tise recession earls the nreighsbormood la a logical place for fulsure resirlenhial expansioum. fiastgate Village, a 300-nuit A Sanshl; $849,000 Gerald; $300,000 Inverness Des Plaines 384 AnImare 6dm Slalpa, Donald J & Diano P; $520,000 590 N 3id Am: Grochowshi, Romualda & Chrzannwskl, Lou; $370,000 & Linda R; $590,000 84 Westfield Lom Erlckaon, Krislin & PatrIck & Cuariney Ocsnrmell; 1920 Ittdgewned In Em Nlmrod, Evanston 2727 Bmssle D Zumbulev, FOrti V; $301,000 2735 Langley CIa Gligur, Aleo A Alma; $490,000 1315 WashIngton St: Greenwold, Simon & Lewin, Jnssllsr; $535,000 1628 Seward St: Croskey, Loren E & AsSise S; $305,000 2760 Commons Dr 201m Schneider, 1651 Church St: Nordslrosm, Lars Frsdrik & Nordstrom, Leni P; Sinphen J; $352,000 2750 CemmoesDr4l0: Lee, Jnyce A Meianio C; $539,000 $100,000 1653 Chnrclu Str Hailay, Keith A & Kahlmsrine; $310,000 1817 Grant St: Pucker lii, William & sod Michuigaus Avemme. Jasoph A Geints; $310,000 Morton Grove L-sviclra says that rehuabbing coolly usew conolruclion ummaleri- Mirfana; $320,000 Phiiiip; $309,500 127 ColumbIa Am: Manning, Brin L; Carol N A Lawrence D; $640,000 2S49Vlrglala Lo: Newman, Brian A Renana; $355,500 1410 CarrIon St: Colley, Jamen P A 2512 Woodland Du Stern, Brandys A Mnghan; $350,000 Mulchar, Lisa; $425,000 1606WTalcett Ré: Kelly, Ducid A Pamela M; $395,000 2001 Manar Lii: Hartwig, Christian A A Malts, Amanda; $780,000 6819 PlaIda St: Kasineddy, & Kathryn; $355,000 ll460lunrrySt: Cenanco, Genrgene A; $680,000 801 Conriland Am: Lionwaki, Moira A Paal;$517,500 Chau Ling; $480,000 Ramsshwar Reddy A Peddamail, Deeps; $306,500 Oak Park 332 WisconsIn Ayo: Whyle, Knvin & L; $313,500 1652 Moudereju Dii Mcahann, Daniel 9 N Waneufy Pi: Friedrichs, Hunry W; Mahoma), Mary Anne; S375,000 625 N Tailor Awn Mccousille, Jnhn & Terri: $700,000 2949 HamIzell SI: Smilh, Kenneth & P & Laura A; $1,200,000 $310000 629 S HamphreyAee: Mcnally, Olino Zar, Hnlly; $482,000 2300 Chestnut Aye 205: Lochnsr, 1208 W Lennqulst Bird: Ailnndnrph, 3940 Enromen 51m Marshall, Mark & Anne Marin; $385,000 Sandra P; $651,500 A Peler; $410,000 828 S Oak i'arh Am: Vlahas, Jahn; Amy; $643,500 2505 Creeumaod 11dm Thang, VI & Xu, 1822 N Andsa Lo: Nelson, Loins A $325,900 732 SherIdan Od: Whibslsy, Michael Yingyirr9; $427,000 3202 Dell Pt: Li, Shulan A Wel, Gang; $617,000 333 Washlnaban St: Crowe, Michael T & Maureen P; $150,000 Hwang, Helen; $305,000 836 WisconsIn Aven Kirchur, Patrick 4e3 S Dusse 8dm Lldsky, Nslhan M & K; $350,000 Aleela; $410,000 945 Falrüaks Ano: Dosis, Kyle & 417 S Wilnarn St: Omnehlti, Vilo; Katherine; $700,000 $400,000 1125 DMslen St: SimIa, Jared K A 4520 Church St: Zaheer, Shazia; Jnnnifnr M; $350,000 $338,500 4934 PtatlAve: Han, Kenny K; Mount Prospect $418,000 3850 Unurernan St: Fong, Rita Sah Ling A Roger; $555,000 eu Milwaukee Snot: Jnseph, Mathew M A Mercy M; $340,000 Wiles 154 N Lemhaud Aye: Nnvnlny, Blake 1217 W Conrad Aye: Gnihalde, Helms 910 Celfylow 6dm Maraganore, 7657 N Olcelt Ave: Namby, Raben & S A Melinda P; $545,000 223 turnst Ace: Benin, Eric A Laura; $970,000 Demetrizs M & Frlgenlo, Robnrla; Nancy; $380,000 344 H Guess Asen Quinn, Matthew Meadow Ridge, now is Ilse hinre Oilier starrilarni features inscharle: 'J.foot.lniglr hirsl-lboor cell- D A Mcnally, Teresa; $300,000 lodoil." TIre demirand for homes at iogs anni flrsl-hboorlaumsdry ruons FROM PAGE 1 mm salte, 2½ balhrs serI security of a gaterl conrmusmrmmity smmrl mm choice ofceramic hboor hile "\Ve also Isave suisse fmnmslaslic or oak plausk flooring. Earls sunsil fanuily lionnes, lownhmonures, cors- murent are Ssmzaumuu Kogen-Frien!i55iii5, Damsirl B. Zivius,Joel Kogems inulerior sprinkler anunh Sieve Frienlursamu. Tire KZF inucliudes run Royko Park" Io Irosor blue birth of "ue.f" y amid devebopmneust begmuss agaius Don Doßal's weekly reni on lIne Near South SuIe, an enlate column Is syndicated scape architect bilden Srrsahti inlerwoven mix of reabored vintage Imostrital Iruildings arid by DoSaI Media Services. mmciv high-rises, parks surI green space would eresIe a nsuclu more mallos, visil his Web alle at www.dondebal.net. 621 Pautrhse:Whisnanl, Bnigelts A Smïlh, Timothy; $677,500 722 BernIe Bore Pt: Nollesiad, Ryan J A Michelin; $767,500 1420 Lalhrep Am: Nnziek, GeorgeS Source: Infurmalion provided by Record lnformalisn Services Inc., sUnning public record dala br greater Chicago including lorectosurea, new homnowmers lists, new businessea, bankmplcien, mortgage recordings, buildIng permita and las liens. Accens available at www.public-record.com, consumer. 1842 Karla, Am: Roberta, Christopher G A Heidi K; $377,500 8625 i.awndale Am: Garcia, Lady public-recoud.com and watch public-record rom, or cali 630-557-1000. i.i';1"1 'r : i: . .r Interest Is Still High At MEADOW RiDGE The time to buy is now, the place to buy is Meadow Ridge North brook. Private Attached Residences starting from just $495,000. Ask about our incentives by calling 847-559-9800 or e-maì:'ifo@meadowridgenorthbrook.com SEAn 5051Fb EDITION is pubiislurd by Sue-Times Medir I.LC EDITOR IA L TAMMY MATTHEWS Suri-liais Mmdim; 1474817312, rnhOpinnrmiiacai crin KZF ..;.- AD VE ttTiSt NG HITA WALKER On site saies center located in Ndrthbrook at the corner of Techny and Founders Drive. '-- Blurs: Wed. i 1-6pm, Sal. & Sun. 12-Spm or by appt. Salir Msnmur 7058334924; nwaiknrlanwspl cmi www.MeadowlUdgeNorthbrook.com Vol lUn 10 Chicago Area Residential & Commercial s ' SATUBDAY, IIECEMBEB 19, 2009 Bank-Owned, Bank-Directed /I-1' 5 PROPERTIES to be SOLD ItBSO[UTE IIECflRQLESS OF PRICE December 1.2 8 a.m. to 3 !.IìL. , 1044 Cherry St: Robinson, James M & Katherine Q; $1,180,500 561 ChenySt: Camprteiii, Richard A Virginia, Shannon; $1,275,000 S450,OOlt today's homes 8 a.m.t 6 .m. For rumore home-buying flor- 1910 Oak St: Gneenow, Pryce A Skokie lo 5 p.m. er by alrpoinlmuremul, For December 11 ,; A Anne B; $1,000,000 A Luba, l(atntazlna M; S540,000 746 lomslAm: Meyer, Jsnniten; $575,000 TlneMeadowRidgesalesremrler 16-inch soIhl)all amurl lime nnensory "Aller lime recessiouu is over 1487 Tower Ré: Tan, Sidimartha A l,ruilrlers inn 1987. I' NearSusuhim Sirle tslrmnnera Winnetka Jenniler; $565,000 River Forest alWammkegauuasnh Fotmnrlersroanlo teaums starlenh ris cirslom Ironmue- sairl. "ifyosu're lookiuug Io buy al systens for fire proleclioum, sinauld pencil in a ureiv sofibahi comsiplex ausd naisse it "Mike uuotervorlluy buildiuugs and serene courtyards designed by haurd- M A Julie M; $324,000 sund a chroice of ceraunsic lite or more iurfornnahionm, call 847-55119800, ervisit www,uneantowrinlge "Psublicsclsooisllsatareauuong oak lrhisnk lloerimsg. 'lIme resideurces also corne norllnbreok.coums. TIse two-alory daphnxes liare tIne lop in lime nailon, the North llmree beriroonus, 2½ baths aund Shore's losv crime raie suini lise wills fully soddeil yards willi irri2,334 lo 3,133 square feet of liv- site's trroxinmsity to traussporirr- galion syslemu, lamsdscapimrg, rlrying apace 'Flue duplex Isonses, Ilari, shnopininug annI enuploymenl wail linisirerl garages, comrcrele ryhsich coure ivilhu an ssnfmntslrerh conceniralions all make this sirhewaiks, asistiall driveway aun bosrms resus, fealture a privale en- such mm desirable locahionu," said bical riminI air-courdiliousing sysheuss aussI pre-ivire security sysiry, soaring ceilings anud ru Iwo- Friednssnu. "Meadow Ridge is designed lens lines. car allaclreul garage. bionic KZF Develspumnemil, Time Iwo.slory toivuiliomes for a nsaimulenamuce-free hifeslyle deals on iuuvemubory bionics," sIre esl promusolers. Prospect Heights 229 Ceanby Cmb Da Flahurly, James Meadow Ringe is a renull of tIme willi waslrer/rhuyer huookrrtrs. in Northsbrook is eInen Wedusesnlevehspnreumls waler-orieurted Tire nurusler balli includes a 5- nbay from il ans. In 6 pius. ann! Iwo-unit duplex aisdl 4-unit towus- design, tise ussaintensausce-free foui soakerlurb, separate shower S:mlunrnlay rund! Smmunlay fromm noon are mvrmilahle willi two or three snitch spseals lo emnply-mmesler binilnler llrrrl Iras nievehopeni insure bedroomrss inclrmthinsg a firsl-hiour couples 1h51 are seekinsg lire tiran 600 Isigls-qimality siusgle- 539 112 RIdge 5dm Levin, Rachel; 653 SherIdan Ré: Mcnemey, Pelar H Samanlha L; $317,500 Meadow Ridge Esteva, Jorge; $810,000 745 CostAno: Dicrinlstamo, Aiphanso 1526 Esecuuitno Le: Guiana, Ashoar; Siuptmsn R & Zamblna, Tatyana; $330,000 2626 IroquoIs Ré: Brice, Susan E A 251 Riserslde Dur Cicclonu, Richard 2040 Orsfngten Ace: Donovan, Edward A & Slmsrrl L; $675,000 210G Asbnry Am: Swrlzer, Shanrins 1580 Shemmae Ave 706: Dann, Allan A Susan Venanica; $870,000 Marion; $425,000 A Hamdy; $330,000 Katherino R; $425,000 9225 (taulIer Ayo: Solite, Ronald & Lsbsda, Linda; $426,500 1216 lIult Ton Daim, Harvey 5 Adi; $440,000 511 CreenleafAen: Ovenhnll, Robert P A Leticia A; $1,285,000 2445 iteslirenrth Ave: Thompson, $300,500 Hrayr A Mnnagiiun, Diana; $350,000 819 Greenleaf St: Vineyard, $320,000 $345,000 331 S Ridgeland Ave D: Allanan, inidoors in 1887 wills players using a broom for a bal and a boxing glove for a ball iii a gyns at Chicago's old Farragul Bosh Club. preserve imporlant nlruclures. 1441 CarrIon Si: Cnimrnïna, Catin A 6837 BeCKWITh 8dm lnsksep, fasi, menial and social suslaiuuabihily by not preserving umore of tIme Linda S; $300,000 $320,000 Cbuicago-alyle 16-tordu slosv pitch soflball. Tine gausse was barns oboe oftire city's greatest news- $380,000 1145 HerItage Oaka Dci Pasmas, Heu P; $559,500 2035 Gresowned Am: Chou, Chan Lin A Sanan S; $1,084,000 2537 Leon En: Jam, Ashish A lila; $1,060,000 417 3rd St: Dnnunndy, George W; 6815 l'valute St: Patel, Rai A & Prita; Speaking ofparks, Michael and rousing exisbing builrlings will greahly reduce blue neerl for 1122 N Clifton Am: Bailey, Ken 8 3982 Dundee Ré: Neuman, David 2016 Birctuweed Am: Jaason, Erik J A Thomas M A Janina; $335,000 presc-rvahionisls prevailed. "Why uuot save $100 nil!lion and recycle several of tise Michael Reese buildings?" asks cal offices wouhd be Ilse sulhiunsale in green developuureunl." A Roil, Carol M; $331,000 Annelle S; $945,000 1855 Old Willow Rd 324m Slricklsnd, lurishiume nalural habitat for birds sud fisls. anyhluing that could be built new. Recycling liseur for residential uses, chuarler aclioslo und medi- 617 S KnIght Am: Marmita, Joseph /r Wilmette 1814 PontIac Ré: Beitnl, Gregnry J A 2012 LInden Am: Malinnwaki, 1913, luis Beaux-An beauly was nearly raced a few years ago, but unuiquue amid inlereshimug Ihuanu Racheile D; $362,500 850 Ash Lo: PoIlik, Robert A Janel; $370,000 Julia C; $720,000 600 Wîaahy Suo: Miller, Timnlhy J; $309,000 A Jane; $300,000 2,236 lo 2,617 square feet of liv- and like lo snober in Arizomna suini donminniamuss mmmd :rbrartnrent nunils on Ihre NorIIr Shore, Iras a simple imsg space. Towusisousres feature Florida," she said. Alloftlrerhuplexandbownlromune fsrmrmla for business success. grauml Iwo-slory living rooms, 9"We let tIre umsarket tell srs foot-hmigls first hloor ceilings and floor plans come willi lmighu.emunl nlandard kitciseus finishes incluh- wIsst we should be constrenctaim allnched two-car garage. Frierluumrmn said every nusoriel- ing granibe counterlops, 42-irrchu lag, rehiere, rind al what prices," hype is shill available at Meadow ussatsle or oak cabinelry, slaimu- Frienlunuamu sainl, h'rinciirabs of KZF DevelopRidge, bust goon! locations do go less-steel GE-appliance trackage solid aurd Ilse facades aro more 84 Cedhen Xtngm Minus, Bradley S A Haylee M; $405,000 nusasler 31st Sireel-llme birthplace of 1900 Uodnm, Ann: Waiier, Patrick E A Maureen; $480,000 tisis lakefront aile sosslbs of 12115 resloration specialist'sVilhiam Lavicka of Ihisloric Bouhevard Services. "Flue slrsctuures are 1713 VIne Aye: Swinlan, Kim M & Marlin, Linda M; $729,000 263 Orbstnl St: Odonoghue, Thomas facility for lIne Olympics, usw site at Lake Park Avemsue near J A Melissa C; $434,000 Lynn; $700,000 $349,000 t1408 PresentI Lo: Kelata, Kimberly A; $300,000 6503 Elderade Da Thomas, Paul M A proposed $107.7 ummillion adaplive-reuse progrmmm. BulbI in Reese caumspuls adjoins mr huisloric Westchester 6821 PrairIe St: Claveria, Cynthia; & Charla Metzter; $1,050,000 South Barrington 37 lakesIde Du Vanacora, Joseph A a Debra K; $1,080,000 16910 RaleIgh St: Kubiak, Loyd; 3037 WestfIeld La: Shabeiman, Douglas A A Elizabeth F; $900,000 100sjanlporTorm Elhadary, Phuang Packer, Anna; $409,000 9725 Weeds Dr 918: Chang, Ragar Ansia J; $310,000 hmeallhi care workers following a Sired could be reborn ass Fung Ming; $319,000 Noum; $434,500 Danlelie; $439,000 Park Ridge Northf leid counly anhuuuiumislrative slaff and as a future offre building for 125 CaumonterAne: Stalls, Dana A 1531 S Omplee Kalinowski, Michael 2636 Chesapeake In: Andrewa Jr, Robert Joseph & Anutrews, Amy 5707 CaprI Le: Chiado, Daniel & Failure of lIne Oiynmpic bin also appears Io have given a boost to tIse redevelopment ofline 91-acre Northerly ishunrh. Onice envisionenl au a cauioe and hrayaking Hospilal, emply since 2002, iras sudrlenly been rediscovered 9715 Wnnrhs Dr 1211: Dror, Bruchs A Silver S; $325,000 James K; $655,000 East Norhiubrook locahioms, Street between Dearborn Street $320,000 $380,000 72lThnunasSt: lirsini, Michaei; $610,000 Nimistia; $800,000 804 FurostAyn: Daruiol, Jeremy C & 1h15 Dosegal [min Colpi, Sally J A 3320 W North Shore Aye: Kncev, Sssanna; $550,000 2331 Deem St: Palaky, Alex & Ens; $355,000 Losase; $660,000 234 Lelcester Sd: Sloan, Andrew & Robin; $1,255,000 George A Vaaiiihl; $655,000 2230 Janet Dr: Sit, Jaaon F & 7447 E Prolijo Ré: Fracks, Oamar; 508 5 SeevIlle Ree: Fermi, Maria E; 7023 Lanorgne Am: Palet, Ssnjsy & Melinda L; $1,200,000 Dana; $500,000 7141 N MeelerAen: Bumbauis, $872,500 $350,000 1239 Country Len Levar, Adam F A 3230 Old Mill Od: EtlislI, Foster A Kenilworth 6828 N Cherry tri: Cherchi, Marcello & Weinstein, Joanna; $720,000 Kiicharoen, Keszio; $453,000 117 KedzleSt: Oorry, Matthew & a Suzanne M; $650,000 $385,000 1126 iSnerside Ct Ya, Yono Pos & Alisos; $305,000 1991 Plueasastîd: Esder, Kenneth L & Catherine E; $596,000 753 Orsebum 0dm Dowull, RichardE 6721 N KeelIng Ayo: Pry, JessIca Teresa & Harry Chnistapher; 13t9 Osonle Woo [mu: HIsil, David N Ariane L & Estrella L; $325,000 1818 Oak See: Gupinshi, Michual A Lincoinwood Glenview A A Scheuuing, Mary Kslhryn; $515,000 455 Leonn St: Jackson, Karen; Dnwar, Sharon; $432,000 Heidi; $525,000 3 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2000 i 800 Highland Am: Yates, Alen 8 Northbrook lifeslyle surI properly's premier willi glass rlour, double vanity of Ihre most dishimictive luxury haines ou Ihie North Shore. He Iras designed and boul amore h'reliunmsary plans cmiii for 41133 H Olcoht Ave 217m Hsjnscki, connunurunily, wInds feahsures a guardhouse arid private streels. isapercolrmnnnists,aHall of Panse islayer, anni one ofsollball's great- LoIre Bluff. 8056 W Clddluugs St: Mora, Salvador homme bmuildings iii Ihme srpscale Drive, is unrherway near lime Michael Reese sile. Just to tIre weal stands lise 93-umsit Opera Lofts and lIne emerging 2611u Street Lofla District oui 261hn als, lessen landfihh waste amI campus, Lina; $312,000 SIred and Marlin Luhluer King tant opportunity for environ- on tIne Michael Reese huospilah Patrick A Anonhea Martinez; $455,900 rosinlential coumsissuunity al 26th is knowii for designing saine than 300 of Ihr mosl nmenroroble homes in Winirelku, IÇeniiworlhi, Wilnielle, Norlhifreld, Riverwoods, Luire Forest ais! Magnas, Chrisliana M; $300,000 usons are nearing lIse 80 percent 5126 N Momtmsd Ano: Mohr, Gary A 1109 Itnhtfelder Bd: Rymsza, Rebecca; $412,500 566 Deute. Od: Scheilenborg, Jason & Wobboklnd, Susan L; $415,000 137 Eiderct: Kathikar, Madhas & Ramdasl, Aarli; $675,000 575 Patton Dem Henrilessn, Jahrs A & The Heritage of Palatine features one-bedroom, twa-bedroom and two.bodronm'pins-des reoldonces with 1.5 or two baths. PrIces ruego from $226,900 te $359,900. 4648 H NauragassettAve: Blake, Wladyslaw & Alias; $455,000 416 MadIson Ave: Weber, Chrloliaru & Buffalo Grove Norridge Harwood Heights 4833 N Olcott See Sot: Rsbustes, NorIa P; $482,500 258 Donnl Le: Ssmael, Samar & Malok, Ornad A; $610,000 Carol H; $735,000 art quickly can buy that first home or condominium just ho time for hie Shslley; $770,000 229 Sylnas 6dm Allen, Bonnoll & 1002 Oakland Dem Roan, Dancan R & Filou & Nguyen, Thnnh muy Thi; $320,000 Kenneth E & Karen A; $359,000 Glencoe or year of sale, Savvy Chicago area residents who holidays and trave h gift wrapped willi a government incentive, houaing experla cay. Thin expanded home-buying shimu lus package gives novice trame buyers a real Christmas preseni, Up lo an S8,000 tax credil hhiat does noi liare ho he paid back. Congress recenhly exhendeci the tax & Lance R; $37Z500 county, ZIP code, price range 7828 W Parti Ase: Van Nguyen, 11 Dorer Lam Rslsenbl9lnr, ErIc & 80? DasisSt 2010: Paterson, Karl E www.searclscisicago.com/ humen. Search by adrlrean, Duong, Has T; $310,000 Golf are nome of tine homes sold 2427 HastIngs Am: Robsrls, Dnsald recently for $300,000 and up. A & Kelly W; $735,000 For more Chicago area trans- 800 SherIdan Od: Mcsamsra, acharna, see "recent sales" at Suzanne M & Robert R; $1,000,000 Extension of tax credit a nice gif t for first-time buyers 8315 N Oleander Aye: Lens, Kink Q & $1,500,000 1675 Church St: Naik, Hiwansha & Ruiwa; $400,000 2328 ProspectAse: Bosan, mamas C & Kerl L; $775,000 TRANSACTIONS Happy home buying NEAR NORTh-U sIngle-family huotunes, lownhnounea, flats, commercinti and vacausi parcels Burbank I Chicago I Chicago Ridge I Glen Clips I Ilnirvey Knenkakee .IoIn um forour two-dayoponhoUs;e . lÑlth our now .ohvo, watch tunasen Call your local Mortòn,office today. : you! buildIng comoto life . Consultante avullable . Rofroshmonta provided 1'1258S.Rt.59 .1 . . caucaso 630-9041 22 '. . . Naperville, IL 60564 -, ..., ... -. -nit ,, ' ',' " en ' Sirute.Family Hums 61511 StInti 22Wt2l Cien Saiiey Dr. SlnZio.Eanity Hirne usai s. Green il, lits u. Escavaba iso. 1445 5. limaI Blvd. 6125 S.Slsnsul ten. 2-Flat Z-lialwtcuartr Hnuun 2-Fist saloon 15123 Myrtle Aun. Sirgts-Frnily Hune 15423 ttr6e ion. 2-Flab 15246 Particular len. Sirule.Farnsy Hmrne iingle.Fsisily Hans kielirne Ills Tatlunars Turs 6Fhal Sirete-Famiin Oree 5439-41 1. Elides Ave. 1511-11 W. usiné su, 1524 W. Osrifeld hail. 9220 5. Arhlsud Ave. 9228-9239 5. Ashland 5es, 1932 lasgrsss 1dm Slnele-Fanito Herne 1942 Tmltgraas Turn airgte.Ferniiy limes rnm W. Oath Pt ciAo souci 10140 nirinla Aye. ra,i' tamiserclal i4lal dummer. Vacant Parcel Cmnmerclal OlIn Slonuhofos cl, 051dB Tacchino milo slunehedun CL. Orti C lovelies lits tlsnuhsdus Et, Osit 8 Toenhime Maunlac/rtamnhmuulnn 2mb Stmnehedn Cl., Omit E Tuveherni '"4Gierds:'" ....... ' ' lIImlhummmuusYut .ww Alp u, =--- .-, !er..:il il 800 447 7436 ext OPENDAILY1O5 FRI i LÑl..r e ., IiIyuti S y tus ,Ibi, , M1i büSst I mwliwltl.owt1 t r dipie t. Iii Ne t ut S .. :=:=.. ..LI "' i I i I t . ' un:- ' 94/ I- «'Y11d .c';.. .,.,, . , C-t -.--- "1...S-'',ii: inpj',v i.i,,j_ 'r, .,ivti en,, r,,, , '.. ; . ! " ' ' -' .3)o544d.fl23IlqO.OuSi' : ' ktçtouLt*l =:-=r'--i"":._,..-,,'.. ..r,," :5isher ClS 'I. CHECK rick(ev(a.com for Property Details! jEwN leiter us oir Teiller, Fnebmak flJ I:=,rJ.a-'r '-- AsSOciATES,. IRE Onokerl subjecllm temis il sale '-'" -m I 4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 20Q9 EAR NORTHU 9 Commut r-Friendly Communities Across Chicagoland! .SHOWPLÄCEIOCATJONLÍ' SHOWPLACE LOCATIONL. .SHOWPI.ACUOCATIONI SJP1. itu .t. ?] OPENH.USSA1&SUN24 r.OPENHOV5SAiSVN124! L - ARLINGTON RESERVE IRIDGEVIEW PLACE BRIDGEVIEW PLACE Bridgeview Bridgeview CONCORD COMMONS Des Plaines GREYWALL CLUB Arlington Heights Villas, 2 Bed, 2 Bath Townhomas, 2-3 Bed, 2½ Bath Ranch Duplex Homes, 2 Bed, 2 Bath Rowhomes, 2-3 Bed, 2Y2 Bath To Joliet Was 38O,99O Was 242,99O Was 182,99O Was 323,99O Was 164,99O NOW 53M,990 NOW 222,99O NOW 69,990 NOW 254,990 NOW 149,990 Close to everythingl Unique Iloorplansi December Deliveries Availabiel Gmat for First-time Homebuyersl Steps from the Metro Stationl Ploinfield Schools Onsite & Clubhouse with Pooh 877-202-9941 877-202-9586 877-202-9059 877-202-9856 77-202-9941 o I L i SHOWPLACE[OCA1ON ? opEN:HoosEs4T:suN124 LIBRARY TOWER Chicago SINGER LANDING Lemont TRAFALGAR WOODS Chicago Ricge Townhomes, 2-3 Bed, ½ - 3 Bath Tower Residences, 1-3 Bed, 2V2 Bath Townhomen, 2-3 Bed, 2V2 -3 Bath Townhomes, 2-3 Bed, 2½ -3 Both Was 352 990 NOW $339,99Ø KERRY RIDGE Was 236,99O Was 27O,2OO Was 269,99O NOW 19999O NOW 229,99O NOW 249,990 Morton Grove Close to Metr Best Location & Value in Downtown Lemontl and Shoppinti in the South ioopl SellirsD Fosti Forrest Preserve Homesitesl 877203- 572 888-214-7650 877-202-8707 877-495-3105 a SHOWPLACE LOCATIONS ARE OPEN Find us on MONDA - SATURDAY i OAM-ÓPM SUNDAY i 2PM-ÓPM Facebook MUST ACT N W CALL Oli VISIT TOD Mopo noi io ,00t0. Pko bjnoi io ,t,on5n wat,00i oi,o.. Copyigt,iC 2009 t.vnrcorporoiioi,.t.nnon nnd h. i.nnor toge o,o ,9iii.,nd on,oi,. ,no,t, of tonno, Copon5jon ond/or io ooboioho,ioo. It/OP iL U B22 I diversions www.poneerlocaLcom DC THURSDAYS DECEMBER 3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION r OEÑ1RÈ ti\$TE MUSIL (OODISALACK MAt 1 cke:7OS.23522fl centertkkets.net CtiitdteliS tickiIu Iiqìn at StO! dorthshórocdnter.arg Es INRI 0111511111115 Liiru SHORE CENtER an cii cci &ii ßcii 5 uptor . SNOW UUEEN ;: F THE FtRFOIIMIIIÇ ARTS Ill 5115111E 0551 .. . NAMEORICKY) RUFININC FtIdcl ¿ Soliirdoy al ii 150 I'' .. a ici»ui1111ì73M CREAMER "AN-ECSTATIC EXPERIENCE!" :.lh1111El11lwÀMBfowN - ¿ISA TODAY OW'ThROÙGH DECEMBER31 Sunday UI OsOO P"' ticketrnas.tster 800.982.2787 v, y.icî Ils-o oodinanTlinafro aig 312.443:3BO0 :. .. lIIn'5.Wr.l11k.Ms 11,. . AIulUfldSOfl 7,Ivs(er (III Nctv 'etIl's Evt" ' OvcriiigIil I Ivstery IrslirI 31 33 North Halsted 773.348.4000 :. nANANA t l(,f APl,O'll !IJAT i I .' , . ;i;.. . . Z0Upi 11*b,ti(i.flRi)t, .11lm'II11IViVs.l.y11i LII \ ist,,iL' luisis NOVENILI11 i i DECILMISER 20 ,'slliIIElllL' l'nrIIcipsIlIilus PLAYING AT CIVIC OALth OF CHICAGO'S northstIorobener org NOV12-DEC2O siÇIlL.l%'1tTh CIÌICACIC) C11IILOfUiN' CUOIO EIaussst hII, tt,jI Is IlKss,.&lsnt. thu sisslishlu Nuu,Or, ii aus,,, kur ill. SIlOS .t / lii 15555.5 O5 n s 114, s.s LLiu 555 'ss,hs SLIS- ' ,,., ON SAIE NOW cirquedusoleiLcom sI UW,I KAflILLIU udS no.od Ear . t'uS usE., 4.5 OlIlis 0LL i,A.sl,TnTh11lim,Lnm. .lLTH!rERFORMINOAflnS IN 5110111E sins y Now Through January 3 Visit TheChlcagolheatrc.com un cali tkk,lmasterat 1Rßu745-3S05 ThEATER a : ::(773)935.6loa @: 'TXCICCTMIRSTER.COM Fon groups 20+: i-8666CIRQUE !wIThI, .; CHICAGO AMERICA'S #1 =1 Abbott NUTCRACKER PROGRAM SPONSOR BankofAmerjca LIVE MUSIC SPONSOR *UBS NIB Ii FOUNDATION L__J Fund , NUTCRAKCER Q1f Theatre Company 2009 - 2010 SEASON SPONSOFS u. OFFICIAL S EXCLUSIVE AIRLINE lID' U Pl IT E D ii * macy NUTCRACKER PRODUCTION SPONSOR NUTCRACKER STUDENT MATINEE SPONSOR PTWArEÑ1ousECwPERs Music und lyrics byd11icuSo OFFICIAL PROVIDER OF REHABILITATION, FITNESS AND PERFORMANCE - . ATHLETICO The - Siso ut 7:30, Sat & Suis at 3:00 tuikisgund AMERiCAN BUFFALO Michuol Smith ,i 5,u,ussThrmEIuiu',kuuj'I.uy ihut SNOW IIUEEN Werner hurn,,rand menace thraugi auf an ematianally charged u:nsgglefar Identity and dominance. BYBA1S RIS1lA1 ANDERSEN Ynath tickRtslust Ibi r, 'viclosygardensoig .- 773.871.3000 JOFFREY BALLET 847.673.6300 NORTHLIGHT.ORG '-' ¡r1 . Written by: David Mamet TheafreCenter Tkkets: 800.51'I.1552 TheatreAtThoCenter.com Dcc. 3, 2009 - Feb. 7, 2010 Call 31.335-1650 or www.steppenwolf.org S I CH Déi2 13 c a Z1 .'L . I I 2642.2000 nwn.Ssikctsisaster.çn,is NUTCRACKER Osmoid Bjothors e d S WATEBTOWER PLACE 773267.(,4(IIl usivsirvIItI.ci,is1 A )c lIERS11$ITrtLt)Lfl. 5nunv LANE I iisdr SIvste, Opeis lisiE t; BUJE fo i MiHl 1,45 5 II tnI.LHIIH( . HPOEk CIRQJE DUSOLEIL. pODhttsr 1.800.BLUEMAN BLUEMAN.COM L tOE u, 1P1 .555.55 Iriiisc Rus l)Inuser. liretikitisi LLAR Group Sales 773.348.3300 n lesos! Kfllnu,.onLL . ON SALE ThRUMAR 28L a il ,..- ß1M/t11 't sr il Io Call 773-769-4451 Fon ReservatIons I InformatIon 1111fs11lJt 1?3.B71.3080 victo nf sr m y. (kof. 'THE . MESSABEI IN 1111 , a7& astor fl rms;n*uc . IIèt's :' THENUTCRA CKER 'l » V11 ,. I i 823 11IAd. 1 uI3E X:saIt creek . dversions www.pioneerlocal.com DC WIDÖW DEC S-JAN 16 LYRIC OPE }A \, C: -i C \i d12 3112 2244 LY RI CO P E RA.O R G DEC11 -27,2009 ,-\L1)Ili!!MUL :i L i ii:ci ii: .Rsci5Ii5 I \III)LSII5 800.982.2787 J OFFR EY. ORG foundation :Taid.j.:@ ii ti I i i pheMntwn corn 630-584+6342 i B24 I diversions www.pioneerlocal.com Super Crossword MOVING PICTURES ACROSS I Korean car 4 Colt 64 Conslruc- 103 Unforgetlion material Iable name 65 Stubbs or 104 Bogosian or 8 No. Cruncher Strauss Stoitz 11 Pecs 66 Certain cyst 106 Geotoglcsl partners 67 Reject feature 14 Monk's filie 68 Humorist 108 Sherpa site 17TV'sGaorge 112 Meager Uving' 69 Marner or 116 Explorer .. ? . i - . i ' I ., i s Part o? NATO 6 Gelatin substitute 7 Yoga position 8 Uncouth 40 Ntcoias Cage film 47 Colorado resort 49 Entry point I 93 Head 17 set?. 96 Keen a Bannen or 50say 23 Ballantine 99 Puppy morar bark 51 Baseball's 102 Smoothly, to tent Hammerin' Schubert 19 Therefore Lapham Tasmsn 1D.Gmy HenlÇ . 105 Spolunker's 20 Whats left 70 Vano letters 117 Piatoon matter? 52 Torn of spot 22 Actor Ayres 71 ACquire extras 11 SingIng Stale FeIr 106 Beyond 23 Meyi 73 Joe Don --. 120 NeIghbor o? Mt 54 Worth or zealous Streep film Baker film Can. 12 Diner Dusse 107 Stsmach 26 Indeed 77 Prepare 122 Felsetlo employee 55 Extend a 109 Manhandled 27 DrivIng prunes Eranhle 13 Where the subscription 110 Campbell of hazard 78 Stocking 124 gulls are 5? --- offensive . . -- -- dea!r UB.4o 28 Lamented misnap 125 Sean Penn 14 FrodAstalre BßArthurlan 111 Gate feature 29 UN rtgure 79 Contradict Wm film Island 113 Interstate 30 ExploIt 80 Anaconda, 130 Mrs. 15 Staggers 63 Mrs. oeil 31 Ho'y or one Morgen 16 VigIlant Ivanhoe 114 Cutter kin 34 Peels 81 Conduc!or stem 18 Served 69 In a reliable 115 Rush to the partner Klemperer 131 Repeat weil manner judge 37 DanIsh port 83 - too yung 132 BanIsh 21 - nutshell 71 Midas' sin 118 WIth 41 39 - UsaS ß4 CaIn's bacterIa 24 Article 72 BorIng Across, 41 See 116 nephew 133 The Rape 25 Permit thing summer Down 85 Diva Nellie of the LocI 30 Word form 74 - Comes quencher 43 Safecracker 87 Uke some poet forgmar Mary' 119 Officer's 44 Kedrova of escapes 134 - Peros, 32 Mythicaf ('68 song) appellation 'Tom 90 SushI . MO bird 75 HeavyweIght 121 Andrew of Curtain carrdicete 135 DeIty 33 Chilly Sonny Melrose 48 Jane Fonda 91 Be 136 Pea holder powder? 76 YiddIsh Plac& film bombastic 137 Enjoy 35 Alcohol automaton 123 Don Juana 53 ZenIth's 92 Threat EMs baso 77 'L_ Dogs mom opposite words 138 DIspenser a6 volento ('71 film) 125 Fis a fight 56 What I.e. 94 Augustas contents 38 He's a , 79 Cabaret 126 Velvet stands for state menace setting feature 50 Napa 95 Texas talk DOWN 40 Author 82 ScottIsh 121 Former business 97 Bing Crosby i Baby Martin cap Pontiac 59 Actor film butters 42 AvIatrix 85 - Carlo model McGregor 100 Norwegian 2 WrIter Eerhart 86 - forgive 128 - -ia-la 61 Srneltory Calvino 44 Cover those . ." 129 "Teli stuff songj 3 Ed of JFK 45 PalindromIc 88 YOko About it' 82 Seat cover? 101 JIb, e.g. 4 Marsh dictator 89 TIe the knot ('83 song) 27 9 lighten the - (65 2 56 02 I UR32 39 140 Ui UIU 4e 71 78l 83 84 90 91 116 lUI 130 UI 41 42 42 RUU Cahill, John Patrick R 65 John Patrick,CahilI, age 56, passed away after o courageous nine year battle with cancer. Beloved husband of Maureen (flee McCann); dearest father of Ruari and Tara; loving brother of Michael CEna), Marlin, Aidan (Catherine), Eithna, Bernie, Patricia (Alden) Walsh and the late Frances; dear son-in-law of Maura McCann; loving brother-inlaw of Francis, Cyril (Lisa) and Gerrard McCann and Collette (Doug) Tworek; fand uncle and great friend to many. Funeral Mass was held Wednesday, November 25 at Mary Seat of Wisdom Mausoleum. Entombment Maryhill Church. Visitation was Tuesday, November 24. Jahn was a native of Braher, Curry, Co. Sligo, Ireland and an avid supporter of the Sligo football team. He was owner and president of Tek-Cast Inc. Jahn was a dedicated member of the Silgo Association and the Padraig Pearce Club. He was active in fund raising for many benefits and causes in . the Irish community. He will be sadly missed by all who Info 456-8300 or For (708) knew him. 68 ° lU .IU 8789 II. 1111° UI.. 111111 II 818211 85 92 188 103 100 io4 III 111111 120 127 13511 iii 112 11113 UIt 122 lu wwwJrishfuneralhOme.COm Si5ii (;i,,'.iI,,ir,k ut 114 115 125 I1 lIU Cjyj4 4it Dóin Enston :Sio'te4,pc in ARIES (March 21 to April19) That change in hs)iday travel plans might be more vexing than you'd expected. But try to take it in stride. Also, it couldn't hurt to use that Aries charm to coax out some helplul cooperation. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your Bovine determination helps you deal with an unforesuen complication. And, as usual, you prove that when it comes to u challenge, you have whet lt takes to take it on. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Downtown Evanston offers a Unique blend of one-of-a-kind local merchants and national retailers, Extend your day and make it an evening getaway enjoying our fabulous restaurants and hotels. z.' EVA NSTO N take care 01. PARK FREE from November 26th thru CANCER (June 21 to July 22) January 2nd. Weekdays from 5PM to Midnight and Saturday and Sunday all day in our three maini self-park garages: Sherman Plaza, Maple Avenue, and Church Street, Or take convenient Best not to ignore those doubts about an upcoming decisiun. Metra and CTA. ì Although a romantic theme dominates much of the week, all those warm and fuzy feelings don't interfere with the more pragmatic matters you need to EVANSTON DOWNTOWN.COM Instead, recheck the facts you were given to make sure nothing important was left out. A weekend surprise awaits you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) No time for a catnap - yet. You might still have to straighten out one or two factors so that you can finally assure yourself of the truth about a troubling workplace situation. Stay with it. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) News from un old friend could lead to an unexpected (hut nonetheless welcome) reunion with someone who had once been very special in your life. Be open to the possibilities. LIBRA (September 23 to October 2.2) lt might be time for a family council. The sooner those problems are resolved, the Sooner you can move ahead with your holiday preparations. Don't let the opportunity pass you by. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Take some time out to give more attention to a personal relationship that seems to be suffering from a sense of emotional neglect. Provide that muchneeded reassurance. SAGITTARIUS (November22 to December 21) Cheer up. That unusual circumstance that might faze most people can be handled pretty well by the savvy Sagittarian. Look at it asan and Winnetka, IL He was 80 years old. Dr. Nora was born in Chicago, August 14, 1929, He attended Loras College in Dubuque, IA, graduated from Loyola Medical School in Maywood, IL and later received his PhD from Northwestern University. He was married for 40 years to the late Valerie Norton, whom he met while statíoned as a U. S. Naval lieutenant at the U.S. Marine Carps base in El Taro, CA. One of six children himself, Dr. Nora came from on accomplished medical family. His father Ernest was an internist and assisted many foreign physicians in Chicago. Dr. Nora worked as chief of surgery at Columbus Hospital and in private practice alongside his three, physician brothers. Among his patients was Jahn Patrick Nora served far more than four decades at the management for the ACS. In 2008, the Nora Institute for Surgical Patient Safety at the ACS was established. The Institute's aim is to be the premier resource for ensuring safe and effective care for surgical patients through education, dissemination, advocacy and research initiatives. "My father insisted the Nora Institute be aligned HOROSCOPES For the week ofDec. 7 - Dec. Safety Advocate. Beloved father devoted husband from and Distinguished Medical FamIly. Dr. Paul FrancIs Nora, a and surgeon renowned pattent surgical respected, safety advocate died November 22, 2009 at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jallo, CA. He was a longtime resident of La Jolla, CA American College of Surgeons as a fellow, committee chairman and as the director of professional liability. During that time, he edited many manuals on patient care and risk 133 Answers: Inside today s classified section Amea Remembrances Cody, Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Today, Dr. Nora's son, and numerous nieces and nephews are physicians around the country. Dr. 111123 lUI IUUU 111112 . Nora, Paul Francis M.D. Renowned Surgeon & Patient 35 69 117 118 119 131 37 , tos U 125 36 75 1176 74 107 'Il 124 35 68 95 lU U ° 101 1b02 los 34 Ìmembrances 30 29 B4 73 72 EMEMBERING J BZ Sr,td obiltutries to dcuIItrtotices@piorteerIocaI.com; orfax to (847) 48ó.Ó836 22 2l Thursday, December 3, 200 wwwpioneerlocal.com 141516 1213 51 II52 UlUli 59 U60 U 67 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) iiuui 25 25 28 47 ii io an u 46 a 8 7 ia UIl 45 6 5 4 3 u 31 44 DC ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 with the ACS because of his belief in the College to 13 opportunity rather than an obstacle. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Someone you believe has hurt you in the past might now need your help. Reaching out could he dillicult. But the generous Goat will be able to tío the right thing, as always, AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Prioritizing is an important part of your pre- Share your 'with io,n eeì kind thoughts with the family and loved ones of those holiday scheduling. Try to give time both to your workday responsibilities and those personal matters you might have neglected. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) With the vestiges of your anger about that painful mcident fading, you can noix focus all your energy on the more positive aspects of your life, including that personal situation. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of bringing your own strong sense of reassurance to others who have passed away by signing the online guest book: www.legacif.piofleerlOcal.co na PIONEER Piuss voie Loc.t. stirucs make a difference and improve surgical patients' lives," said hIs daughter, Stephanie Nora White. Dr. Nora was also the editor of the textbopk, Operative Surgery, for many years considered the definitive resource for surgical residents and medical students. He also served as professor of clinical surgery at Northwestern University. "Despite my Dad's many accomplishments, he was known for his common touch and helping people, one life at a time. He believed we are all instruments in improving one another's lives no matter how small the gesture," said his daughter. "He had great faith in Gad and others. His ability to give maximum attention to his family and his patients made him an extraordinary father and husband." Paul Francis Nora, M.D. age 80 of Winnetkci, IL & La Jolla, CA. Beloved husband of the late Valerie (nee Norton); loving father of Suzanne Nora (David) Johnson of Los Angeles, CA, Stephanie Nora (Raymond J., Jr.) White of Winnetka, IL, Paul (Martha) of Hillsborough, CA, Peter, MD. (Tricia) Nora of Seattle, WA and Michelle Nora (Sascha) Mornell of Hillsborou0h, CA; fond grandfather of ten, Peter O'Meara, Christen and Lauren White, Cannot, Peyton, Erin, Braden, and Holden Nora, Ronon and Aidan Mornell; dear brother of Grace A. (the late Edward) Dannellan, Joseph R., M.D. (the late Dorothea), the late Mariorie (the late Robert) Martinez, the late Ernest G., M.D. (the lote Carol), the lote Gerald E,, M.D. (Patricia) Nora; 31 nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass Monday, December 21, 2009 10:00 a.m. at Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic Church, 7669 Girard Avenue, Lo Jolla, CA 92037. The,Chtcago Memorial is planned far January 2010. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Nora lnstttute for Surgical Patient Safety at the American College of Surgeons, 633 North Saint Clair Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Info: www.donnel lanfuneraLcom or (847) 675-1990. Sign Guestliiioh at f,'ii,',1,ii,ii,'i'rI,,i'i,l.,,iii and encouraging them to hope. (cl 2009 Kbiq Feab*u Synd, kin. I 2009 / www.pioneerlocai.com Thursday, December 3, 2009 JB A Pioneer Press Publication (pc) www,piofleerlOeatCOm Thursday, December 3, 2009 B A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) PI0NEERPRESS monster Now working with Monster! ploneetlocal.tom/menster Funeral Directors AD VnT1lli und Assüciuted Seices AVAILABLE ADVERTISING CATEGORIES RYAN-PARKE home fu,,eral "Our family serving yours for over 73 years" . . floñsts Ccmcten anqurmo C,emIork C,orimmr Estate Planning ria(Coananling Funeni Honmna Suburban (847) 823-1171 Support Ornais Monaments Contact: Sor More Zack Sutton Chicago (773) 792-1811 847a4867239 zuttonsmg.00m '120 S. Northwest Hwy. Park Ridge SUN-Ì1MES NEWS wwv.ryan.parke.00m Share your kind thoughts with the family and loved ones Payment - Wc accept /tmgrican E,prcst, Diners Cuit, Discover, Mastcward and VISA. 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CALL 841-486-9300 Death Notices and In Memo CLASSIFIED AVENUE Ctassltled Avnane pravldes Planear Prati with advnrtl%. Ins nl a nnllnausl appeal. Tn advartlse In this entesar)'. please call ClasSifIed Asa000 directly st (B(S) 486-2440. PlO- PIONEERfRESS noun LOCAL bunco HOME SERVICES Fax: 847 4864456 APPLIANCE REPAIR FLOORS LIGHT HAULING SNOW REMOVAL A Floors By Tom chiaagasbe,tunhr.mayal.cam Basements, AIlles. Anta. ate. 24-7 SVC 847-338-0588 DIRT CHEAP Sandlnn StaInle9 Inslall 847-255-6500 AR S K Hnrdwaad Flaarinn Sandlns.Instatlatlnn, RepaIrs 70E-650-0079 773.777.5533 . sOn-406-1606 DANIELS FLOORING Ca BUILDERS/CONTRACTORS SnodIno . RepaIrs . FInIshIng InstallatIon . Gond reterence Insured . Fron EstImules APPLE APPLIANCES REFRIGERATOR REPAIR i -847-679-7860 NEIHAIJS Conslrucllan CO. General Contractors . 24 Vra. . 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Ta learn more . ,;J_=L. eti1a1iI: IegallJpionCor1oeaI.coln 7'o ¡6118CC 10 Dent/I Notice Call '' ¿k 2417 . lax 847-486-7417 ADOPTIONS WANTED I,, . 1h111 847-998-3400 -- optioIn 5 Call: 847 998-3400 ¿k www.pioneerlocal.com. To ¡tiare (I Legal (It! Canecllstions: No classiflal ad can be catucelled alter deadline. Display ads and ads containing arrsyork may incur a charge ilcancelled prior to futat insertion. ANNOUNCE4ENTS click the Place ad Ad 1ink and follow a few simple steps for placing your classified ad. 1111: 847-998-3400 -- ()1ItiOfl 3 fax BI 7-486-7456 IlIllIlik (ilnsvjljtld@IIioIlCCrJtIC0ll.COIH to edit or re3ect any ads-rttccnucuu. ANNOUNCEMENTS 'l'o place ai RycruiinueII ad 11111 847-998-3400 -- opticai 4 Aeccptability:lluc nesuspaper reserves the right -t, 24-7 Go to http://www.ploneerlocal.com; To ¡910CC (0 Celebrate ad responsible los more tuso amie incorrect insertion. Pioneer Itmress Classified isst be justified before time second insertion. PIONEER PRESS l'o placo u Servire or Real Estati' nul 111l 847-998-3400 -- Ol)EiOfl 2 lax 847-4116-7456 ebnIllik elassifledpioneerlocn1.c000t elIlail: reeruitlllent@pioneerlocal.eoIn Plcaseclueckyournd:Tlue puiblisherwill not be wwwlegacy 17 Self-Service Classifleds lax 81.7-456.7210 Tcrms ,_.__A -_--.- k Lincoinwood Rosemont LogosorArtworlc 5:00 pm Mon CommcrclalAds: Maytary - consuultyosr rep a p Park Classified Disp!ayAdn: 5:00 pm Mou toto i.,,, ai. sill KCh '' Skoklo Ridge 2:3Opm Tuesday 3pm Tuesday 4pm Tuesday 5pm Tuesday Legal atils: 5:00 pin Monday pioneerlocalCOlfl The Doings Central Dcadjjncs of those who have passed away by signing the online guest book: rivt' te 1ll: 847-998-3400 -- option i lax 847.486-7497 tittiiiij: clllssifìalIspio1ICerlOCIlI.eoIII Cali-lu I louis: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Mon - Fr VaIk-1n flaums: 9:30 orn 4:30 pm, Mon - Fri Addrcsm: - 3701 \V. Laic Ave., Giciwiew G RO U P PIONEER PRESS 7o ¡SilIce tO ¡'riVuIy l'orly nul Hours/Locations COIL 81799&3400 I LIne 166068. Cerlilied and Sanded B HELP WANTED feUIL TIME Answers to Super Crossword Io1iU! B' A Aflfl DI1Y1 muLi niinri flRO RflflUDL!113 I!fl A DflmwDmc1rrnr1 1211 D DØ11OI o 1 E1111D A INI!III 1JB . D OIfl DUUII D OmA O D IIWD11 luID f1111111 I!NI!Yi 11oDflDDWoIJfl DDfl11 UDII11II HD111112 11I'1JD 11fl?i P 1111 11i1111II 11111Q 01111 2111D flDfl DIIØFiO 111111 1111flD11WiIfl flfI11L1 flflflD 1111m flflIll11Do11 oflj o 111111 1111011 IZI11I!Bfl I1oI 11111! 11i1112 oQflI11fl 11iU1111 I2tlUo D 11II DoflDDDf112 ooD cIrig. AB A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) www.pioneerlocal.com Thursday, December 3, 2009 I Drivers Owner Oeorotors Waatod Gonceo latermodal and OIR werk available. Work with ouperioacod dispalch and slabliIoe your careor as a drIver. . Weekly Seltiemenfa . Greol Rates . Fuel Surchareo . Direct Deposit . Cumdota Fool Cord . Floto Proorom Ant . 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Shoppers needed to luder miau h dining osi. Cup. ruf CALL 16301242-3792 RENTALS Apartment Restai Opon EDISON PARK iRR, 208 fIr. Nauso 500,08v 124pm i,td, crptd, 09915, 000610g 005 1911-19 W. buRy Pd, 00 PelI. $7W, 773-774-1911 Well malninined buildings EDISON PARK AREA newly decaralod. Healed, Dim sied/Overh III Walk io CTA. Shops, dc, 1 BR, h BA. Na pol,, Neon Immedialo occupancy, Meiro S Sl,oiming. SIPS/ma. i eedroom 0775 McLnnna,, 547.025.Wtl AP TO VIEW A PT, EDISON PK OPEN Sun tCALL AL 773.416-5292 3pm. 2nD, krdwd 11m. 5gW/mo. Hallmark S Johns00 10cl ullIs, os sonokMpvis, qui77 . nl kids. 1.17-228-300.1 fl000lIlal VIawO o o FOREST PARK 001800. 1051.1055 W. PRATT 1BR, newwindaws, klbch EXTRA SPECIAL LOCA. cablnnis, empio, loamy TION. FIRST BLDG OFF fach, AC,tile, heat k aoo. THE LAKE & BEACH. 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Heauihcore.Soclal Snrnloe 2 * years Oupnrieocn We are seeking a PRSD for o Loods provided. full-lime poslflon al our 74 menvimed Rivor Grove locolian. bed 10,1111v. PIcone oppiy in B15.d76-4t04. pvmsoo Hickory NursIng Punillon, 0246 5, Robons Ed, wwwpioneerlocal,com mThvlro eemi'uerc-sno TAX PREPARER 550,000 Pos Valuo + 6008505 Fell TImO, 1010mo, P0001115 Are you worth 52Ml-fr? A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) 24/7 Coli 10-171 990-3-400 Email ciasslliods@ HWD FLRS. IMMEDIATE plonnnnlocal,COm OCCUPANCY. 1B 001100 https:V,amders. pl0000miacal.Com AIM CHICAGO Cumhorlantpßrno Mawr Lrg. 2BR. d000rotod, hi. NC, oppls, Crol, lodry, Fox '1Jie 2nd Floor. 2BR, iBA. 00W PER FECI APARTMENT ironsp, Na pots, $915mo McLcnneo g47.92a.4ll ION Des pigIons. laR, 5723 thn ibdrms. 2 5 3 b. rms W foil bolnsond lndxor yorkion. 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This is YOUR opportunity to work wIth tho #1 Home 1merovement Center Contad, MENARDS (720/mo + 61115, SOC dep req. 147-lis-1822 or 173-631.0801 tOR. 01000, solaI , s000ra. a.s rms, 000. lac. Namk. Sfnsnmn, CB47II1S-72Bh 573$S5.4410 173-420-0h23 No pol,. 01050 fo froos 1765. smk, 773.90g.oihe 771-6.11.10121 ADVERTISING SALES, INTERACTIVE MEDIA NATIONAL ONLINE SALES SPECIALIST 715.876-40W Have You... Exceeded revenue goats by selling advertising and sponsorship programs to national and local advertisers? MENARDS Or vors ATTENTION: TANKERDRIVERS OIR Pasitlass Now AvatlahIol Do You... Ayo. St000.gtO5O nrasn/wk. #54, Phormacy Unitorms provided. Ano. 2 wks. out, hometlmo requosls 46: Printlsa Protoctivo ServIces 035, QualIty Control #4W Real Catato #37, Restaurant d3B: Rotoli #39, Solos #St,.SklIIed Trades: Boudina Genorat $471 Skilled Trados: l-lave tour years experience in Media Sates acid two years experience in Online Sates? Consfmuctlon 't SklliedTrados: Building Coil Tone ToWel i www.hvlt.com Manutaclurina Is avollahio 24 hours a day.7days a week end Is presented by The Pioneer Proas. Dxn't Walt, Da It Tndas'l J IT SENIOR pR-GRAMMER/AN'F I CH TO DwOtWo, ShPPg L Pk. No Poll, $490. (47-476-2h24 Pork. CoIl Gobby 047-933.0727 or 1-lailmork A Johnson 6165 Proporly. Coofral air A hoot. Parkiog A laundry ovali. Claso IO 506ml 6 parks. Call Vaieniln 7051243-0149 on appl:cehoa in be eccepind pal Equal Oppaciunily Enp!oyou and support experience relating to COBOL, C, PERL, along with HARWOOD HIS Newly decomoled 4 BR. 30A, 2 con gor w/ 010404, Sbrano room and trans, 773.775.2354 700-407-lBS? Hoot & wolor Iocixded. Closo fo fraosporlollao and shopp10g. Louodry an promises. Ta seo Cali TORY 755-417-5591 SKOK1E-4fanChurch laR 5065 - 213E 5965. Heat, wotor or Irons. CbI 004 aol aecoss. 0450/MO, loo ufll. 041.271.0186 COU) lhl1 envoneo field Il mooLA LeoInlon,jmu èog .: cen1h&p/--1 u, ,but'1itIl,ftg jhniqlvldvaIs yeeì .' : a Sedal soMce Program Dlrectss . Memo.y Coon MosaIci . 5od5eMcoD . AcAstly Obsuctais (Oaustcalanlloto . OssIa! seo*e IrsedSiSals . AcM . ': ' She al.'ays aotel to help people. She fnun her echanLexFngton, Us lL jtcg,1ia- ' 1111 STORES/OFFICES CHICAGO - 5h51 N. Horlom 011100, dOO.1240 50 Fl. 00.511v ForkIng. Some xlii. 10cl. ßn,:ce 772491-lili Des PlaiOOs000wOlOWn 0. Opportunities currently available Includo: . ROOMS FOR RENT SKOKIE. F prol losharoopl Siitierb,eppodunlves IlE P!enUFul not eelyTn to other tocations wilt be required as needed. . 51650/mo. DavId 147-054.1438 Kennl', 7, Sloan PARK RIDGE-6WDonog Hoof. To 50e ColI NoroIs Nvaohcuro !/c'vlih (,Ire This position ¡s primarily lucated In our Plalntield facility but travel I t'anO Rldgo-3flR Raoch, 2 car sor, updoted kil. 65ml. Wood Iban. Coofrol AIr bd 1)asówhoWo'ltf loIheIa (j 3h2-2h7-SOf9an 312-211-5005 Lovely SOR House lar Roof. iocludod. Close ho transporta- Anailgblo 00w Ian 01,200. fias and shappiog. ToSOo call Ronuvoted Kitchen 0048011,. Tony 705141 7.3097 r000,. Flropiaco and Hon LEXINGTON development of documentation, I NILES SER. 4BA Coolpi Remad, SKOKIE-4006 Coorod. Spoelaus laR 0063 -2ER 0970. 2.SCG. F10 Bsmt, Pioygrouod i . Attach a gif orJpeg photo of your vehicleand e-mali with ad copy and contact Information to: classifieds rsiorneerIocaL corn On the Subject Line of the e-mail, supply the make year and model of the vehicle Submissions received before 5 p.m. Monday will be processed for that week's issue. 108-417-5659 This position will support and troubestiout applications and I Ing abrogo apoce, by shops 5 hronsp. No smkvg. 11300/mu Now. Close la hraosPortafloo lin 1,5ml. W/D, cool oIr, ml. Hoof, Wofor dod parking Io- cro. shave S tridge. Nr schis A www.dlyofelgla.org operating system experience with VMS and OS. I lins. priv lenced yord, prkng, SKO1cIE-4901 Cr010 Lonolyll 1ER B065 A 2BR SPIS Anoli Chicago Sun-Times Is looking for an IT Senior Programmer/Anatyst with in depth experience in AlEX GEAC applications, programming 30R, h.SIA, 110 bsmoh w/ indny mm Iw/d noiI, hdwd * SOC. C011O 120-12(0 Anoiloslo. Forking included Resources Oepeilmoai, 150 Dearer Coud, (1gb, ft end oui wobsiia. /di rasvn,cs mash ho accompanied by One ofthe 10 most-read daily newspapers In the United States, the 6011810g, WOii-Iaodscopod laundry. Must 500111 Taay Doeomboi 10, 2009 lqrplieehoos evailablo ei (iV oF 01gm llunian HOUSES polmont/Harlom clean 20R, 2BA. Appi'S 1105104 hsmnt, ¿IE-4615 DoviS Fro0 WIG, ynrd, 01090 773-21510367 dod piavorwllh 12 moolh 10050 SigOlOO 1BR 5945 AnalI EdiSao Pork - NOW. Madera coarlyard SAlARI_RAFIQEa 554 00/ - 572,403; volk an eolhns:ua bvnoni packan. GARAG8S/PARIONOSPAcS SlIm Your SpecIal Car colilogs Ions, Gar000 avaIl. Hont.d, s.oura. Moosh arAonuol Ails Storage 173-480-0454 Heat inClvded . Janllor on oopniilaeo io Iha l,vmaa lesos/les tieN. Cend:doies need la hava nenelol knawledna et p::ne:plos end /ippl:ioox mml pool a background ¡nvesngai:av, eliminai hisiory check and hag loll 51230/mo. heat meld Call 541.877.1299 8P9R11iU6lwi1frne'rn 181981E 01300. Call Jaho 773-814-0510 ou uonnrsiIy wib mai01 eeciso woik n peisonnel m050gemvnl ci elated held, end eooi:dv,ablo pistossionol end Pointais etfeehvo woihing ielanaosfvpa wA Oiy ofliejalo, sape,uneus, employees and ihn genelal public. West Rogers Fork .21101 SOR. iBA. Ioaoodcoodliloo SKOKIE2 Bedroom, h Both. h SKOKIE 3 BR hamo lo shono Porklna Spoco. 2nd floor, oil 01115 100f, own kif. lomolo Iheai A Woier iocludcdish.lOO only N/S. 5550m818471679-4230 MONTHLY. 15471766-0197 Jxllsqisavaol.cam SkokIO-2 +BR. NoW Wiodows. all lusI rem000hod $875/mo. -o DES PLAINES Tawohamo hoal/oloc, Immed p05500510g. 3BR. 1.5 BA, Full Basomool, promises, wolk lo Devonshire hr. Acttvtly Director dass) ArIlnolon His. EucilotIRt. 53 Otlico apoco irom 430-73005f. Close lo Memo, aIrport, AH roce irack 0. liolels. Aggres5160 dvols wiih Fr00 Rent. GRE prep 047-250-2600 on 847-971-1093 Li000iOw000-SkOklo-NIlO5 i 14-23,0W SF Top Naich Olfico Solios Imponfol 773.726.4100 PARK RIDGE OFFICE SUITES 800 1-figoins eapect from en unggnlzuUoo Cut opprecl es Ú'IIl centnlbIRSj'nUinaic dsy.lntIlRY Pnimecomoer. 7000m 1450SF. 0000-81400/Wv. 041-090.1028 dey Out Apply anImo et Joalngluohoalth corn Skakie- Touhv neor Edens 4Wlh.lOOii-h20011 will combinn . Equal Opportunity Employer n lIno. No prIg. 17721777-n325 inailvoied end enuliusiasiic iode/duI IntoiesInd in woiking 5 e Foal paced onviuonmcnl, who is eomm,ilad io Upilald:nx dio Oepialmcal's visiva avd mission APLICATIOF1 P(APSIN (Please nulo Online Sales In the uubject line) FAST. CALL 847-99&14OO Your local news leader. Reburn, Rededicated, Reenergized hv nil Crdh. 847-679-3224 mS:ninins monthly ivpcuu 5151,5155 0511 plopains spociol iopolis OS icqci:nd. Ihn idoal eand:daio voll ho o ' uno al the 10 moSI-read daily nowopapero in the UnSed siales, Ihn Chicago 5Sn-Totues IS løoAng tor on AdverSsinn soleo, InleracIivo Media NaYouual Oolune sales Spccial:sL The pos/ion Is based in our dowiulown Chicano sOlco sad Is responsible lar blusa adverbslng and sponsorship ptxgranus is naUonal and local odverIlsers en the Sen-Teces Media netwoik al websdes. DON'T NEED ff1 SElL SUN-TIMES MEDIA - bills, C-Ion, lodry. ht 10cl, 1950 Outst000ina BuIlding Spociaus5 RWm-2 Bedroom Llnht, alm5lnomodoled. Candidatos nasi ho ohio la piolen? ideas elfoetnoly, bath oioiiy end in wvring, posioss dio ebiliry io xsiablish including assisting In the implementation of new systems and the Please send your resume to hr@suntimes,com f5g.7f,f..4Q34 g.lt :' Skilled Trodea: ¡a o lepidV 9uew:ng niun:uipal:iy located an lijo edge of lue chuioga !ivi:opal:isn cree. Ihn prochiol et publie pvrsvnonl adniinisluauion, ihoroh knawlvdgo at aiucpind methods end piacheoa oF clatsifcauian a:vt pay, enlpinyov ,clnuincs, icS1,vx cad solcal:on, Paining and appi:od oseeteh; gvnaual software tor all Internat customers throughout Sun-Times Media - EOE s/IF/ON tin Cuy el (1gm mdli lEvo any eombinahon cf eduiahoo and eopvr:oneo cqun,nulenu io graduahan horn en aeeiediied collega Are You... Then We Want To Hear From You! ÔHICAGO SUÑ-TIMES 1P If fGHWICfT9A1'SatItT Reseuno Mmin,iiraino Aas,,ioni Efiobl:lhvd in 1035 and Inconipessinn O IliveiSO popclailon et 100,000, NARR ADA N S ETT/ IRVING PARK Loran 3BR. well muiniaiend OkokIe i, 2, 3BR, 5865 5 up. 2 mo. sec req. 5240 W Gallia. Eloy, 51mo, p60. 00 hI. Must SKOKhE, 1ER. Cl000, 0010f. Cal. NC. P60g. LodrY. No PollISmOhlOO, MJNlMUM_REQUlEEM.CHTSo ideol eand,dalo urlI hoyo ai louai liven OO5 of inuieoainnly iesponbbio human iowatco poytolloopeilence, w:if:livoyce,s cl lacelgoveren,enrpuoyraUcxeu:naco icqu:tod.Candvtetos Highly motivated and get excited about building a new client base? aro priarifyl MusI Hoyo: TWIC Card, CDL-Aw/Tankor A Haamat Endorsements, 18 mo, current TI osa. Coil 547-495-1h37 HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT knawlndgo of governn:coial crganieohva end eda,innural:on Fluency in lie uso end appliiohvn atlAS OIf:io - Pork Rl000-63h-6SI Busso aBR, leA, avoll Immeal Pork 1. Moolnuse oreo closs:Iiceuion cod pay pion, eoa,d:nou:nx ihn plepolahon end maintenance si tilos end ,eeo,dl; compiloi nod 700 E. I 20th Street Chicago, IL REBORN, REDEDICATED, REENERGIZED SCOTT, NICK, OR STEVE Personal Caro #50, Speciolty SorviCos #42, TOIOphane/Cabio *49, Travol and Recreation #43:' Trucklna This FREE sornlco - Your local news Iéader. - 600.0636 W00ThV0cL6B*ttoii.oicio doio:led ooalyhenl evaluations end studios, end lu puvpera ielaiod lopoils end icacmnocndahons es requited -- 5001 i To 010W coli 5100eS 773- 0754/MoWith Hoof, C0oí Belmont Harlem Aroo. quid sidestroel, 2BRhsi lIr. a. ¡lus Poilai is icipens:blo for p:cponng end mo:nia:c:ng pnoonevl and Apply at: SUN'Su MEDIA SKOKIE.9B12 Loman Spa- Hoot A wotor included. LOUpdry S sfamano roam io promlaos. 00 sito M000gor. Mosf or 1001mo S shp, 1745/mo. 55:10 and elvclionic mail systems is reqcuiod. Cnnd:daivs minI limo ho eb:fiiy la sondad nvd pta5001 to, 847.251.4603 or omall Ing. 1,1001 mcl. Tony 17081 4173897 NARW000 HTS. 1BR. 00k ilayisli iououds; essSls in iba odni:ni,heu:on of claai:Iieehan, compcnioi:vn end benelils progioma; eoolyzinn, Equal Opportunity Employer CYCIO of Accfs Poyoblo, Pay. roll procosslag and 5000101 Bankino Cati Centor/Costomer '$830. Avallakle now Longe, modern kllehens 1. SoiRs. NC, slonoue, loundry S pork- Sbrano A Lodrn. 302-636-2h12 end o pasivo work chur ta niako a ditivionco n Iho tom el Ihn Ilumnn Reivuico f4m,v:suintne AsS,aloni. Boasso America (Please note T System in the subject line) NILES-7910 N. Caidmoll 1 BR & SlodloAvoll Nowi Affordabia A moli molo- M7.MO732 or (41.320.3157. civ cf ligia Is laokin5 te, Sem1000 who is a skilled, lvlI-looinatvd lndrdduol will: 511000 ooalyriuol copeb:hhea and Weekends Please send your resume to hr@sufltimes.com Accts. Payab'e I Payroll Clerk lob Codes to enferyoor Intormatlon: I; Good Pay ). Home Most Nights Chicago Sun-Times iougdryMosf 50011 Voleolin oar. 00 poIs. wolk ha Dee Rd ieecmnlvod:nn and :mplcinvnann hymen iosoalco polvios and pioixdwcs, alliais in vdm:vlsinnng iba Ciii locations will be required as needed. ClOsled. Storogo room ond 10cl. ht, pkog, NC. No Imkog, 00 Pots, avail. Immed. Ihn V el [lain, Illinois, us cuocnily 00107Mg 155551W IISB qliOl:lIOd rvndntoies tor ihn pss:uicn et Osunan IIazmat and Tank Endorsements required This posAon Is pdmadly located at our Chicagn taciluty but travel ta other Www.etrvtoc.com HELPWANTED FIJLL11ME u,; - Clean MVR, Must have TWIC Card, Cali EFMOI 63O466.2OtO farm, Monster Match can .: COMPANY DRIVERS by COvtOcllng Iho Illinois SOC. Hoof, Water 004 porking lo7011242.1145 PARK RIDGE spOc brlohf Chicaqo/Narwood Fork 1BR. hI loe, newerpf. NC. delu000ing mm, 3BR ant bc nr coil Idos. POI P60, sfarg. dry. irons. 01W, NC. no p015/ Ttheiw.. SUN-TIMES MEDIA These employers will never 000f. Protect yourself and 1ER 5010, 2ER 5051. Avail NOW. Close fa lmoosonrtallxo porfofioo, Isdwd fIrs, ioundry, clous 2BR Shale. Big closets FIND YOUR PERFECT PET JOBS. JOBS ond MORE fir, lIcol A woher 10Cl. 1050. Sec mod. llOgi2-fO-41l1 MORTON GROVE 000KIE-492l Cr010 Lavoiyil Ave Anali 12/1 (7080456-4211 HIckory HIlls, IL. IN TIlE CIASSIFIEDS HARWOOD HTS. 2ER. HId Honinoy Lowre000 aroo. 1900, Ici Hoof 047-404-0207 Na Peli Cali 841-032-1652 IN THE CLASSIFIEDS lodry,prko. immed. nccp IB Immed, 0cc. 2BR, 2BA, olee. SKGKIE, 4937 CHURCH bldg. h hooted lodr, prka. sp. Lmg. h k 2 odres. Cenirol NC, kuchen, ln.xnit w/d. Lrg Out. All oppics. 10cl. W/d in uniI. heal 10,1, prkg. avoil. NexI to door pool, tennis clubOiS allowed. Neor iroin york, Close lo Oid Orchord. NO hauso. I-fi Speed Internet. slollvn, 2 yr.iease. 51450.51550 Coil Oorboro f.1l-673l3hlor 00-silo mami, 24 hr. emer04 7-4 70-B h 00 HolImork&Johnsaol73.545. aency molot. Dog or Cal 0k. Nibs- 2 5 3BR opts tar root, Near Momo, i-94 A i-294. 200 lIr, prkg IndO, one maolh 61((OKIE 7020 N. f(000oih Sboril000f lBRat2SO,20R Ireo rent Clone la Irons. (4500W) 2nd FIr, 4 Esos, 1ER. 52030. 39R 52260. Vere Rensongblo. 773-951-1015 VoilBy Lobowors II SKOXIE.l255.MNILE5 5910 Choslouf Ano. FIrS. AP'Pls. p'lwg. Ño 1Z15. CENTER RD. Lovely teR ColI 1847)900-15400004 ist tir. Harlom&Lowrevco NARW000 HEIGHTS tflR FIND YOUR erkq, Na pots 173-Il-3-2073 Des P101005. 1651 Thackor F1O14EERfBESS nov. LOCAL 000000 LUXURY RESIDENCES 2 ma. FToe 0g 2 ho - roams h mo. Prao on 3 bodmoams 00 f2 Month LoOSOS Closed Salurdoys www.nailoylalawors,Com HARW000 HEIGHTS IRR. 7?31I5+o25 HalImo rk&J oh nsao 773.5.15. 15471 4x6-74g? Gl000lew- 5000mb IchOols Moo - Frl 9,30 - 5Pm 51,055.00 Ta View ApI, Call Zialko Thursday, December 3, 2009 otThviTh wceywøo.uMg it:TL1yk------cm/UdIe . -4te . 0g oxlras, 0101,11V cIego-op Coli 547.002.6622 Sfww qøu ih4/ with a pAotcL c&z4iect act in inee4 'eo% Photos may also ho mgliod to: Cloaglllod Photo: 3701 W. Lako Anonuo, Gionnlaw. IL 60025. A ocaonlog tOO may apply. PIONEER PIEss I fI I Ii i. Il e .'. I. - i' h' i I J Thursday, December 3, 2009 RE JUDICIAL SALES REALESTAIEFORSAIE PAR1M(1BWGS,/RA1S HARDWOOD HEIGHTS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, Advedise ILLINOISCOUNTY DE. PARTMENT . CHANCERY DIVISION NATIONAL CITY SANK SUCCESSOR BY MERGER 24/7 F50; PIointItt, vs. 1<1RO DODEVSKI; NATIONAL CITY BANK SUCCESSOR Colt 1847) 9983400 Emoll clossIflodsOl piOnoOrlocol.com OnlIno hltp\\ordors. ploneoriocol.com Fon TO MIDAMERICA BANK, BY MERGER TO MIDAMERICA BANK, FSB; PUBLIC NOTICE IS hereby The Soie Clerk, CODILIS & Binen 1h01 pOrnuooI to o Jodo- ASSOCIATES, P C. , 1SW93) mont RI Foreclosure colored NORTH PRONTAGE ROAD, lo tho 0600e Cfltltlod coose on SUITE 109, BURR RIDGE, PIONEERFRESS YOUR I OCAl. 'nOnCE Street, Sulle ibA, Chlc000, CONDOMINIUMS RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES Solos IllinoIs, noII to Iho hiohont bld. der tor cosh, the tollowlng do. Scrlhed property; PIN. 13. 18.406.015.0000. known os 4423 Commonly NORTH NEENAH AVENUE, HARDWOOD HE1OHIS, IL 60706. B31 RE JUDICIAL SALES D wllh ea express or Implied Mortgoone's olturooy. Upon chaser at Ihn unIt BI Ihn lome- plerce.com. Ihn aOalnst SaId real estate and Is worroetles 096 wIthout one payment In toll nl the am000t closoro gale, 0150m Ihan a hours al 3 and Shnlwnno pm. PIERCE ottered tom sale wltlloot any mepreseolgtlon as Io the quail' bid, Ihn porchoser wIll rn- morMonen 511011 poy 111V os' & ASSOCIATES, Plalntltto representatIon os Io qualIty te ut tillo or recourse to Plain- celve o Cemllticalo at Sole sessmeots and the legni fees Altornoys, One North Dear. or quantity at tItle and ssith- till. Prospecllue bidders ore that will enhIle Ilse purchoser requIred by The CondominI. boro SIred Sulle 1300, odmonlshed IO meuiew Ihn Io a deed ta tIle meal estate 01. um Property Ad, 765 ILCS CHICAGO, IL 65602, Tel No. coort tilo tu verity ail Inlor' lcr contimmollon 01 the sole 61d/OlgIIlI ond 101141, IP 13121 476.5550. PInoso roter Io motion For Inlommotion: The properly will NOT be YOU ARE THE MORTGA' 111e number PA0031906. THE Sole Clerk, FIsher oed open tar Inspecllon 006 plaIn- GOB IHOMEOWNERI, YOU JUDICIAL SALES CORPO. 42111 Lokn Conk Rd., litt mohn, ou ropresenlollon HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- RATION One Sooth Wocker OICIAL SALES CORPORA. Porchoser al the saie shall ko Shonimo, rdorlhbrook, Illinois os Io lhecondltlon 01 Ihe prop. MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR OrMe, 24lh Floor, Clllc000, IL lION One South Wacher eotltiedoely IBa retoreot the Ist 1100m, 18471 498 WOO, bet,n000 Orli'. Proopecllee bidders are 20 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF 60006.4655 (3121 23d.5ALE Drive, 24th P1mm, ChIcano, IL epeslt paid. The Porchoser 00002, 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. week- odmonlshed Io chcck the AN ORDER OF FOSSES. You coo 0150 elslt The Jodi00650.4650 13121 236.SALE s hall hove no lorthor ro- 600s only. 1215415 coud tIlo Io VerIty all Intor. SION, IN ACCORDANCE dal Solos Corpnmnlioo al You con also vIsit The JodI. eomse ogglost the MorIlla- Fob: 1213, 12/10, 12/17/2009 malloS. It Ibis proporty Is a WITH SECTION lb'1751ICI www,tlsc.com br a 7 day sIa' Soles dol Comporotion Ut oor, Ihn MortnOoee or the 117205461 C condomInIum 0011, Ihn pur. Op THE ILLINOIS MORT. tus meporl 01 pendlog sales. Www.tlsc.com tor a 7 day sto. Mort0000e's ottomney. Upon chaser 01 the unit at Ihe lomo. GAGE FORECLOSURE PIERCE & ASSOCIATES Don tos r000fl 07 pendIng soles. eaymeot In toll nl the amount LIN COL N WOOD cl050ro sole, olher than a LAW. For Intor,natloo, conNorth 000rbnmo Stmnet Sullo CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, b Id, the pomchgser will re' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT moml00000 shall poy the os. 10cl FloIntIll's oltom000: Thn 1355 CHICAGO, IL 60652 13121 P.0 tSWSSO NORTH FRONT' IL 00527, 16301 794.9076 he' ont mocoumso to PlaIntlIt onO Corporallon will no tweOn the hoors at i and 3 PM In 'AS Ib. conditIon. The sole Mondoy, DeCeWbor 14, 2009, only and 05k tor the soles do- i s torthem soblect to cootimma. 01 the hour Ot lt 0m. In their portment.. Picoso meter to tile t Ion be the conrt. It the sole Is Ottico RI 120 West Modlsoo number 14-09.04126. THE JU. sel asIde tar any maR00, the 9/ltVoOo9, InterCounly JodIclol ñn RE JUDICIAL.SALES tIle to nonIO olI letormotlon, The .1005-lot Sales Coreero- known 05 0644 NorIb Droke duo within Iwenly-lour 1241 deposIt p016. The Forchosor the purchaser 01 Ihn unII al lt this properly Is a condo- tIno, Don Sooth Wocknm Drive Avenue, LIncolowoed, I L hours. Ihn sublect property Is sholl haue oo torther re' Ilse foreclosore Sole, other minIUm 0011, tile eurchosnr 01 . 24th FImm CHICAGO, IL, 60712 Form0000l In600 Ne.: sobloct Io 000emal meal nsIolo course 0001051 the Morbo- 1h00 O mort000ee shall poe ihn 0011 at tIle toreclesore 60600, ColI at public oucliun to tO.25.406.020 The moml0000d 100es, special assessments, nom, the Mortogone or the the ossessmeels aed the cool Soie, other than a morteggee the hIghest bidder, as set real eslole is Imernued will, a or speclol toues leuled MomI00000's atloreny. Upon tens required by The Condo. shall pay the assessmonts torth below Ihn tollowing de- dwelllno. TIlo property will oglnsI sold mol estaln and Is poymnol In lull ot tho am000l mInIum Properly Act, 763 ond the legal tees meRuired by scribed meolestate: Common. NOT be open 1er InspectIon. otlored tom salo wIthout ooy bid, 111e numchoser wIll ro- ILCS 605-91o1111 and InlI4l, The Condominium Property ly known os 6706 N. DRAKE Tho lndnmnnl omount was meproseelalion as IO qnallty celne o Cnrtlticaln at Sole IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA. Act, 765 ILCS 606/P(ot(tl 006 AVENUE, LINCOLNWOOD, 5447,205.15. Sole leems: 10% or Ruontlty of tItle and wlIh. thaI wlII entitle Ilse purchoser GOR (H0MEOWNER), YOU 10114), IP YOU ARE THE IL 65712 Properly Indon No. at successlul bid Immedlalely oUI mncoomso to P10101111 and Io a dned Io Ilse mol esloln at- HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE' MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN. 10-3540O.006The mol estate Is at conclusion 01 ouclion, bol- In 'AS IS condItIon. The solo ter conllrmollon of the sole MAIN IN FOSSESSION FOR ERl, YOU HAVE THE Impround wIth a residence. oece ko 12:20 Orn. Ihn neut Is lurthersubiccl to cootlrmo. TI,o property will NOT ko 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POS- Sale lomms: 25% dawn 01 the buslvess doy, bolh by cosh- tino by lye courl. Il Ilse sole Is open 10m InSpectIon and pIolo- AN ORDER OP POSSES. SESSION FOR 30 DAYS AP- hlohnst hid by certltlnd tonds ier'schecks; and no melunds. set 0516e tor any mnosoo, ISo lItt makes no representatIon SION, IN ACCORDANCE TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER HEIRS AND al the doso at the aoctleel the The noIe 51,011 be nublect lo Porchoser al the sale ol,alI be as Io Ilse conditloe 01 the prop- WITH SECTION 15-1701 IC) OF 1<1RO OP POSSESSION, IN AC' balance, Io Certllled tonds, Io reoleotote toues, ope. entllledanly ta a rotore at Ilse erty, FrospecIlue bidders ore OF THE ILLINOIS MORT. DODEV5KI, IF ANY; UN- CORDANCE WITH SECTION doe within Iwenty.toor 12d1 0000rOl taue,, special assess- deposit pold. The Porchoser admonIshed Io chock the GAGE FORECLOSURE KNOWN OWNERS ANO 15-17911Cl OFTHE ILLINOIS hoors. The 50610cl properly Is dol speclol loues Inuind, sholl hoyo no brIller me. court tIle la semite all lotor- LAW. For Intormatlon; VIsIt NON RECORD FORECLO. subiect to anoemal mol estote monIs, CLAIM. MORTGAGE superior lIons, It one. The course 000lnst the MorIllo. motion. lt 1h15 properly Is a our wobslto 01 ANTS; Detendonts, SURE LAW. For Intormotlon, taons, special ossessments, and pmoperle Is oltemnd 'as Is, Ber, Ihn Mortgagne or 19e condumInlum oeIl, the pur' h I t P i \\se r n I e n , o t I y' 09 CII 4012 contact PlaIntItI's attorney: or speclol taons levied UNKNOWN LEGATEES 8471 486-7497 tie RE JUDICIAL SALES J A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) www,pioneerlocal.com RE JUDICIAL SALES Thursday, December 3, 2009 www.pioneerlocal.com A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) B3O The loiprounmoot on the Proporty c005isIs ot o single clue o Certlticale 01 SoIn OF COOK COUNTY, snssmoots and 19e 10001 tees Sole Clerk, CODILIS & ASSO- 476.55119 AIlomony FIle No,: Pork Ridgo- Colo & 01009 tornliy resldonCn. Solo terms: AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 t hat wIll cotIllo the purchaser ILLINOIS COUNTY meqolred by The CondominI- dATES, F.C. , 1SWO3O PA0031906 AtlOmOee Codo. i BR, ist tir- luit poInted $725. 25% down by Cortltled tonds, bURR RIDGE, 1L60527 16351 t a o deco to he mol estate atDEPARTMENT. um Properly Act, 765 ILCS NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, 0122)Cns05PCHt22O 2nd fIr. now nppls $775 bolonce within 24 hoUrs, by 794.9070 Attomony File No.: 14- t er COntimmation 01 the sole CHANCERY DIVISION Century 21 Elm 847-509-8286 Certitied tonds. No retonds. 59.04126 ARDCO 00460092 At- i he property wIll NOT be DEUTSCHE BANK NATION- 605/9101111 006 101141. IF SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, 1224104 ARE THE MORTGA. IL 60527, 16351 704.9876 be- Fob: 12/3,12/10,12/17/2009 Cloodlo The property Will NOT be tarney Code. 21762 CoSO O 09 n pen tor Inspection and ploin- AL TRUST COMPANY, NOT YOU 11730189) C Opon tor Inspection Upon CHOP6St7NOTE: Pomsoont to I Ite makes na mepresnololian IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CA' GOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU tw000 the hours 01 1 and 2 FM HOUSES-SUBURBAN Poymeut io toll Ot the nmOuoI the FaIr Debt CollectIon n s to the condItIon ot Ihn prow PACITY, RUT SOLELY AS HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE. only ond 05k for the sales 6e' bid, the purchgeer will re' Practices Act, 000 ore od- n rIn. Fmnspecllue biddors are TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR pomlmnel,, Ficase roter to tile MorIon Grovn INTHECIRCUITCOURT Colee o CertiliCote of Sole nlged that Ploletltt'oaltoroey odmooished Io check the 059 LOAN TRUST 2007- 300AYSAFTER ENTRYOP number 1450.3225). THE JU. ORDER OF FOSSES- DICIAL SALES CORPORA. OFCOOKCOUNTY, Wi;lch will entitle the Por- Is dnemnd to be o dnbt Coilec- cOOrl lilo to verIty ail 1010m. AR2: P10151111, VS. EHUD AN SION, IN ACCORDANCE TION 0ev Souls Wockor ILLINOIS chaser to a Deed to the prom- tom oltempllng Io collect o m01100. lt this property is a MENAI-IEM; WELLS WITH SECTION 15'l700lCl Drive, 24th Plmr, Chlcaoo, IL COUNTY DEPARTMENT, istS otter contirmolion ot the dnbt and any lotormotion ob- ondominiom Onu, Ihn por- FARGO BANK, NA; UN- OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- 60006.4055 13121 230-SALE CHANCERY DIVISION tUbed will lee used tor tt:ol e haler 01 the unIt at the toreKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGAGAGE teo FORECLOSURE Ton con oIgo 01011 The JudIU.S. BANK NATIONAL AS' 1221529 intormotlon: VISit oAr PurpoSe. 1050mo sole, other 1h00 O TEES OF EHUD Pub: lt/19, 11/20, 153/SP wnbslte 01 http://seruice.otto. n: ort000no shall poe the os- MENAHEM IF ANY; UN- LAW. For Intormalion, con. dol Soles Corporotlon 01 SOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FlaintIlt's atlamony: The www.11sc.com for o 7 dOy 510- ON BEHALF OF THE HOLD. 117360921 C Pinrce.com. Between 3 p.m. ossmnuts and the legal tees KNOWN OWNERS AND 10cl tOUAI. HOUSINO Sole Clnrk, CODILIS & ASSO. lus report 01 p006108 soIns. ERS OP THE CITIGROUP OnU 5 p.m. only. Pierce 8, Asoqolmed by The CondomIni. OPPORTUNITY NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; CIATES, P.C. , HeInhIs 15WS3O CODILlO A ASSOCIATES, MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST m Propnrty Ad, 765 ILCS Deten000ts, OP CH 7070 All root 051010 odOOrIisin In lOCloles, FloIntIlt's Attor- Horw000 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FRONTAGE ROAD, F.C. 1SWO3S NORTH FRONT. INC. ASSET-BACKED PASS2519101111 and 101141. IF PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby NORTH IbIs nnwspopnr IS Subject lo Ochs, t North 000rborn SUITE 109, BURR RIDGE, AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 THROUGH CERTIFICATES, OF COOK COUNTY, Street, Chic000, Illinois 60002. OU ARE THE MORTGA. Ihn FoIr I-lousing dcl, which Toledo, 13121 476.5500. Retor Oleen 1h01 porsuont ta a Judn 60527, 16351 794.9070 ho. BURR RIDGE, 1L65S27 1630) SERlES 2007-OPX1, F10101111 ILLINOIS G 000605 lt Ilnool lo odoerilse IHOMEOWNERI, YOU menI 01 Foreclosure eetnrnd IL Wenn Ihe hoors nl 1 and 3 FM 794.0076 Allomony File No : 14. V. ADAUCO D. RIVERA; COUNTY DEPARTMENT- H OR File Numbor 0900359. AVE THE RIGHT TO RE' In the ob000 entllled coose on Only on? prolerooco, limlIotlon Or InINTERCOUNTY CHANCERY DIVISION onO 05k tOr the sales Un. cu.23230 ARDCO 50460002 At- ROSA RIVERA 0/K/A ROSA JUDICIAL AIN IN POSSESSION FOR 15-50099, Iotnmcously Judicial Portmnol.. discrimInollon boOed On ono, THE BANK OF NEW YORK Pinoso meIer Io tile torney Codo. 21762 Coso a 08 I. DIAZ NK/A ROSA I. SALES CORPORATION S DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF Soles Corporation will en number 14.00.25637. roce, color, religion, Seo, THE JU. CH 046408 NOTE: Fur500ol Io RIVERA: TRAFALGAR 13121 444-1122 AS TRUSTEE FOR THE N ORDER OF POSSES. Thomsdgy, J0000my 7, 2010, 01 DICIAL SALES CORPORA. hnodlcop, lo,nIlJol 510100 Or SellIng 011lcer, tile Foir Debt CollodIon SQUARE TOWNHOME CON' CE RT IP ICATE HOLDE RS 1219906 1016, IN ACCORDANCE Ihn heur 01 11 am. lo tholm 01- TION One OSllOfloI origin, or iflIenlion to CWABS, INC. ASSET South Wocknm Froctices Act, you aro od. DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; Pub: 1h19, tt/26, 12/3'09 W ITH SECTION 1S'I7O1ICI lice at 120 WesI Modlsoe shako oov Roch proloroncon, RACKED Orbe, 241h Floor, Chlc000, IL vised thaI PIointltI'saltomney PORTFOLIO CERTIFICATES RECOVERY (17350601 C OF THE ILLINOIS MORT. Street, Suite 710A, ChIc000, Ilmitotlons or dlscrholoollon 60400.40)0 13121 SERIES2006.13; Plaintitt, Vs. AGE 236SALE is deemed to be o debt collec. ASSOC1ATES, LLC, Detono' FORECLOSURE I Illonis, sell to Ihn 9109051 bid. Yon can also AARON VIsIt The JodI- 10m allemotlno to collect a ants 09 CH 9487 ALVARADO; AW. Por Inlormatlon, The Illinois Nomon niohts HARWOOD HEIGHTS con- Ocr tor cosh, Ihe tollowino de- dol Sales CorporatIon IN THECIRCUIT COURT MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Rl dnbl aed ony inlermgliun obNOTICEOF Ct Plaintltl's attomehy: Thy scmibed pronerly: FIN. 10- Www.tlsc.com tom a 7 day sto. lobed wIll be used tom 11,01 Act prohIbits discrimination REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, ole OF COOK COUNTY, FORECLOSURE SALE Clerk, COOILIS & ASSO- 35-414-OIS. Commonly known tos report 01 pendIno sales. pomeose. In the sole, mental nr adoortlsINC.; UNKNOWN HEIRS 1220730 ILLINOIS COUNTY CONDOMINIUM lATES, P.C. , Ion ot roUI nstate based on tac t5W03S as 6525 NORTH ST, LOUIS CODILIS o, ASSOCIATES, AND LEGATEES Pub: 11/10, Il/'SU, 12/3/Up OP N ORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, FlshnrandShgplro DEPARTMENT. LINCOLNWOOD, P.C. 1SWO3O NORTH FRONT. tors In addition to those nro. AARON ALVARADO, 117360201 C tIle # 09.17270 CHANCERY DIVISION IF UITE 100, BURR RIDGE, STREET, IL 65712. The improuemonl on AGE ROAD, SUITE tocInO Under tedomal low. 150 US BANK NATIONAL ASSO. ANY: UNKNOWN OWNERS L 00527, 16301 794.0076 be- Ihn uropode coosisls 01 0 sInlIt Is odelsod 1h01 Inlemested BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 16301 MORTON GROVE CIATION, AS TRUSTEE AND NONRECORD CLAIM. 1w partIes consolI wills Ihnlr eon the booms 01 1 ono s FM sie lomily mnsldeoce. Sole 794-OOn6AItomoey FIle No.: 14' IN THE CIRCUITCOURT own atlamnoys 6010m kiddivo This newspopor will not FOR BEAR STEARNS ARM ANTS; Detendoots. 010 and 05k tor the solos determs: 25% down ho certltied OFCOOKCOUNTY. 00.25637 ARDC# 00600092 At. 08 CH 41369 at knowlflgly ncCnpt Ony Oduor. TRUST 200-4.12 Plointltt, -V.mortgage lomeclosoro orimeol.. Please retnr to lilo tunos, bobeen wilhIn 24 tomnoy Code. 21762 Case W SO ILLINOIS COUNTY tisino tor mol estolo which is ANNA T. CYOZIK NKIA NOTICE OP SALE soios.I PUBLIC NOTICE Is 14-090569g. THE JU. hours, by certltled tonds. No CH 535933 NOTE: Fors000t Io DEPARTMENT. In vioiolion 01 the low. All ANNA CYDZIK, et Rl Dotond- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. Domher hereby given 1h01 pursuant to ICIAL SALES CORPORA. retunds. The PrOpnrly wIll Ihn FoIm Debt Collodion CHANCERY DIVISION tRrson, ore hereby Intorsoed ROI o Judomeel 01 Foreclosomo 09 CH 6317 BY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant too T ION Ovo South Mocker NOT be open tor leseection. Ihot 03 dwolllnos oduertised NOTICE OP SALE PUBLIC Judgment of Foreclosoro and DrIve, 24th Floor, ChIcago, IL Upon poyment le tAll al the l°rncticeg Ad, roo ore od. CHASE HOME FINANCE enterco on October 6 7009, Ornouoilobioonooe900lop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV' Sole colored In the ab000 entI. 5006.4655 13121 236.SALE Om000t hid, the purchoser ulsnd 1h01 Plolnlitt'sotlomnny LLC 90010111f, -e,' YURIY Kollen ScUlly Services, lee., Portonity bosis. EN thot porsuont to o Jodo tied cause On September 23, _oo con 0100 nlsit The JodI' WIll mecelun a Cerliticoto nl is Unemed to ho o debt colInC. KOLODIYCHUK, et al Do- os Selling Otticlol wIll at 12:30 ment ot Forecl000re ond Sole 2009 P.m. on Jonuary 7, 2510, at 205 lotercouoty Jodiclol RI Soles CorporatIon at Sale whIch wIll cotIllo Ihe 5-m ottomplinn to collect a leodool OnbI and any Intormation ob. 09 CH 1229 To com loin 01 discrimino. entered in the Obovo Couse on Soles Corporotlon wIll on www.IIsc.com W. R0000lph Strent, Solle tor o 7 doe sto- purchaser to a Oned to Ihn Ioinnd wIll be osnd tom toot NOTICE OF SALE tino, Coli HUD toll tren RI: t. September 15, 2009, oo 000nt Tuesday, Janoary 5, 2010 at to s report ot pending 1020, ChIcano, IllInoIs, sell at soles. oremlses aller contirmollan Purpose. 805-649.9777, 1222136 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. public auction to Ihn highost 01 Too Jodiciol Soins Corpo- tIlo boor ot ii a ,n. in theIr at' ODILIS & ASSOCIATES, 01 the saie. For intarmatlon: Pub: 10/26, 12/2, 1090/2569 BY GIVEN thaI pursuont ta a kidder br cosh, as sel torlh rollen will RI 10:30 AM 00 00- tice at 920 WoRt Madison P. C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- VIsit our webslle RI 1)7374831 C J069meot nl Forocl000ro ood below, 19e lollowleg descrl' comber 17, 2009, ot the The Stmeot, SOIE, 7t8A, ChIcano, A GE ROAD, SUITE 1M h t t p : 7/ 5 e r u I E e . a t I eSalo eetnmnd In Ihn Oboue bed reol pmopnrly: Commonly Judiciol Soles Corporotloo, Illinois, Sell 01 publIc auctIon a URR RIDGE, 1L60S27 16301 Oiomco.com. getw000 3 P.m. MORTON GROVE 4rJ1e couse on Senlnmber 17, 2909, knowe os 0300 Avalon DrIve. One Sooth Wocker Drive - to Ihn highest biddnr tor cosh, 79 4.0076 Attorney Plie No.; 14- Oed S p m. only. Pinrce & As114 THE CIRCUIT COURT on 00001 01 The JudIciol Solos MorIon Grove, IL 600)3 Per2410 Floor CHICAGO, IL, os set tOrth below, the tollow- 09 .00090 ARDC# 00465002 At' soclolns, Fioletltt's Atlor- OF COOK COUNTY, ILLI. Compomollso will UI 1035 AM moneot lodno No.: 10-25.35560604, seIl Rl Public onction Io Inn described mort0000d real to rene Code. 21762 Case w 09 ones, 1 Narlh 000mbere 14015 COUNTY DEPART. on January 4, 2510, 01 Ihn The 018-1073 I1U2S305017'1573 un' the hiohest biddor, os set estate: PIN. i3-tO.4St-n32. NOTE: Forsogot to Slrent, Chicago, Illinois 65652. MENT - CHANCERY DIVI- Judlciol Soies Corporolion, dnrlylog PINI noun LOCAL nnuncc torth below, Ihn lollowing de. Commonly known as 6724 CIlsHe 05903g FaIr Debt CollectIon TeIl«,. 12121 406.55)0. Roter SION GMAC MORTGAGE, Ono South Mocker DrIve - 10e murloaged real nstale Is Scribod rOUI estate: Common. West POrOSI Preserve Ano- Fr actices Act, yoo ore od. Io FIle Number 095160.1. INLLC F10151111, 'e.- SUNG JIN 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, Improved wIth a dwelling. The Dalons and ly known os 7500 W. ARGYLE eue, Harwond Heights, IL sed 1h01 Pioletllt'g attorney TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL CHO1, el 01 Deteedoot PIoneer Press NnWspapnrs STREET, Oodud, soll 01 public ouclion Io Tho Properly wIll NOT be HARWOOD 60706. The mertnagnd real esdonmnd to ho a debt col inc. CORPORATION SellBl CH 040408 the hlghesl bidder, as set open br iespnclion. The purHEIGHTS, IL 60706 Property tote Is Improved wIth o single to r otlnmptloa ta CoIled a SALES Olticer, 13121 444.1122 NOTICE OF SALE Indeo No. t2-t2.415.0.I0 The tamlly resIdence. Saie terms: de bt OVO one letormation ob. Ing torlh below, the tollowlog de- Chosem 01 the volt other thon o 1222616 PUOLIC NOTICE IS HERE. scribed reol estate: Common- morl000ne nhall pay Ihn osSkokle. Lamnl Pork Charmer reni estote is Improved with o 10% down by cortliled tonds, tomcd wIll be Osed 10m 1h01 Pub: 12)3.12110,1097/2009 BY GIVEN that pumsuont Io a le known os nico OLEANDER sessmento and the Inool tons 43 BR, 2.1RA, walk to town. residnoce. Sale terms: 25% bnignce, by cnrtitind tunos, pu mpose. 12234es 117350471 C Judgment 01 Forociosure and AVENUE, MORTON moquirnol S247Browo.com 0399K down 01 Ihe hinhest bOl br withIn 24 hours. No retundo. Fus: 11/25, 12/3, 0315-2009 765 by ILCS Sole entered In the ahnen GROVE, IL 60053 Property 603/PInIllO 00610)141. EIIY,VPro/Roblott 047-217-SOtS Certitind tonds 01 the Close Rl The properly will NOT be MORTON GROVE 117375431 C Couse an Sopinmher ti, 2009, Indeu No. 59.13.411.020 The l060ment amount was the ooction; the holance, in open tor lnspectioo For Intor. IN THECIRCUIT COURT 0e 000nl 01 The JudIcial Soles mai eslote Is Improved with oThe 5377,035.95. BUSINESS FOR SALE Certitind tonds, is dun withlo motion colI the Sales Clock at LINCOLNW000 Sale terms: 10% OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLI- Corpomolion will at 10:35 AM one slum, twenty-tour 124i hours. The Piaiolitt's Attorney, The single.Iomlly, RI succnsstol bid Immndlaleiy INTHECIRCUITCOURT NOIS COUNTY DEPART. Oncnmber 15, 2099, 01 Ihe brown brIck 0005e wIlls de- 01 conclusIon 01 oucllon, bal' Cook C000ly . 0010k Morts sublnct properly is subject to WIrbIcki Law Group, 33 West OF COOK COUNTY, MENT-CHANCERY DIVI' On The JudIcial Sales Corporo- toched gor000. Solo lorms: oeco by 12:30 p.m. the oeot . With nos solns/cor wash. Rorlorol cool estRIo 10005, ope- Monroe Street, Chicago lIli. ILLINOIS COUNTY SION CHASE HOME FIlino, One Soulh Wacker Orbe 25% down 01 Ihn highest bid business day, both by cashCml os505smonts, or seeclol Cois 60003. 13121 360-9455 WOO' Call BIlI, 097488.5831 DEPARTMENT, NANCE LLC 0795. ' 24th FImm CHICAGO, I L, by comtitind tonds at the close Inc's checks; and oo rotonds. toues bAled ooginst said mol CHANCERY DIVISION PlolotlIt, -e.- JASON L. seil at public ouction Io 01 leo auctlov; the balooco, In The saie sholl be suhioct to , ÇEMETERYLOTS nsloto and Is ottemed tor sale INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL JFMORGAN CHASE BANK, GOODMAN, el RI Delendonl 65606, thy hIghest bidder, os set Certltled tonds, Is due wilhln general mool 05101e tanes, spo' Withoot ano represnotalion as SALESCORPORATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, O5CH 035934 Arcado Pork Cemetery, to stoollty or 000ntlIr ot tillo Selling Otticor, 13121 444-1122 Ploletltt V, EDUARDO NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC lorth below, Ihn tollowlno do. Iwenty-tour 1241 hours. The dol boos, snodaI assess. ano without 1221086 recourse lo Verbena Sec,4 loIs, 04000 PRATS; AMERICAN CHAR- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV' scmlbrd mol 05101e: Common- sobloct properly is sublect to monIs, special 100es levIed, lo known os 0400 CALLI E 0000mol roal estate loues. spo- and superIor lIons, it ony. PlOintitt Rod o 'AS IS condiPub: 10126, iSO. 1211000W tor nil I700)4?6592.5 TERED BANK, Dotondonts EN 1h51 pursuant ta o Jodg AVENUE UNIT tlon. The solo is torther sub. #111, dal assossmonts, 0m speciol The pr000rly is Oltomod os Is, 117374641 C MnmorIo Pork Cemotery 09 CH 14809 menI of Foreclosome and Soie 10cl to contirmotion by the i Ptatânoll In Block 27W. NOTICE OF ontered Io Ihe above couse on MORTON GROVE, IL 60953 loues IonicO anolesl sold real wIlls en oopmnss or ImplIed Property 1060e lOo. 10.20.121. oRIole and Is utlorod br salo worrootlos and without any 1)2-4, #4, Best Oir 015-479.9224 Court. It the solo is set asIde LINCOLNWOOD FORECLOSURE SALE October 21, 2509, on ogeol 01 THE CIRCUIT COURT 042-loti The monI nstote Is Im- wIthout uno roprosontaliun os mcpmesenlotion os Io the quail' FIsher and Shoplro RII3GEWOOD CEMETERY tor one meoson, the Purchoser IN Oto The Judicial Soles Corpora. COOK COUNTY, the W 09.19522 5 Plots In Sect. 8. Encli Plat at Ihn solo 56011 be noliticd lion will RI 15:3) AM on 00- Pround with a residence. Sole Io swgllty or qoontile 01 lillo le 01 lIllo or recoomso to PIolo' ILLINOISCOUNTY III Is advIsed that intemoslnd cnmhom 22, 2059, 01 Iho The lorms: 25% down 01 the high- ond wllhool mocoumso ta tIlt. ProspectIve bidders ame 5300 Lnss Thon Thn Cnmetnry only to a retomo At Ihn dnposil DEPARTMENT . pold. Thn Purchaser shall Portino consult with their own JudIclol Soles Camporollnn, est bid by certltlod tonds 01 F10101111 ond in 'AS IM cnodl- odmunlshed to revIew the PrIce, Coli 719-429.2309 CHANCERY DIVISION doso 01 the ouctiun; Iho lion. The sole is turthor sub- court 111e to verIty olI blur. no torlhnr eecourse attorneys betore bidding al One South Wacker Orino - Ilse SKOKIE.Momorlal Pork hove the Mortoonor, Iho JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, morl0000 toreclesome sales.) 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, boloncy, in corlllind beds, Is 10cl to contlrmolion by Ihn Wallon. For Inlummallon: 'Cemetnry side by sIdo plots, 0801001 Mortoggon or the Morl005co', NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby 6560v, sell al public ouctioo Io duo wilbIn Iwevtr-loor 124) Coud. Ulme poymeot In tell 01 Solo Clerk, Floher 006 Rection so. 56000 tor both. Ottoreey. Upoo paymnot Io PlolelItt, 'V.. HUGO A. Oleen that pors000t to a Jodn- the hlghesl biddnm, as sel boums. The sublect property Is Ilse omoonl bld, Ihn pumchgser ShapIro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., restlull Wcomcost net to onenmal mol 051010 will encolun a Comliticolo 01 ist Iloor, Nnrlhbmouk, IllinoIs loll ot Ihn amount bid, the ESTEVANE RAMIREZ moot at Foreclosure entered torth below, the tollowiog do- shbinct special lO.47i805-3S67 ossns,mnnts, Soie 1h01 wIll entitle the Pum60062, 10471 490.9990, bolwone Purchoser will rocelue o Cer- NElA HUGO E. RAMIREZ, 000ctobera,2599, KollenRe. scmibnd meol nstole: Common- IRnos, IIIICaIn 01 Sole that will entI- et 01 Oetendoet 09 CH 9830 alte SerVices, Inc., os SoIlIng le known os 030e CONCORD Or spociol loves bobO chosor to o doed tu Ilse mol 1 :00 pen. ond 3:00 p.m. week' NOTICE OF SALE tIe Ihn purchoser to o deed to 0145-ial wIll 01 12:30 P.m. on DRIVE UNIT 1215054 #605, 0001051 sold mol 05101e and Is 05101e 011er contirmollog el doys only. the real estRIo otter contir- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- January 11, 2015, 01 205 W. MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Oltnrod tom salo wllhnul one thy solo The property wIll Fob: il/26, 12)3,10909099 motion ot the salo The proper- BY GIVEN that pursuant la a R0960lph Stroet, Solle 1020, Prupnrlr 10600 No. 10.25.121. reprosonlallon as ta Ruolite NOT be Open tom Inspoctlov 1)7374091 C or quonllty 01 tIllo ond wIlls. and plaintlit makes on mnpre. tO wIll NOT be opon tor loJodgment of Fornclosure and Chlcogo, IllinoIs, sell Rl pub. 028/ 029 The rcol 05101e Is Im' FIND MORE sPectlon ond plalotilt makes Sole enlereU In the above lic auction la Ihe hiohest bid. pronnd wIth a mesideoco. Sole Out recourse lo PloInlilt and 500101100 as to 19e condlIloo Morton Groen AS IS' coedilion. The salo 01 the Properly. Praspectlne IN THE Cl RCUIT COURT no reprosontotlon as to tho cause an October 21, 2009, an dor 10m cash, as Set tOrth be- lerms: 23% down 01 the hIgh- In LOCAL JOBS AT condItIon 01 Ihe property. agnot 01 The Jodiclal SoleS low, the tollnwloa described est bld by cerlllled tonds at Is turther sublect to cunllrmo- bIdders ore odmonlshod to OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS ProspectIvo bidders ore ad- Comeorotlon will 01 10:35 AM mol properly; Coremoely the clase al Ihn ouctlon; Ihn lion by Iho 000rl. It the sole Is chock lOe court tIle ta vnmlty PIONEERLOCALCOWONSCJ set asIde tom any reoson, Ihn all Intommation. Il this prop. mOnished to Chock the court 00 December n, 2009, ot the COUNTY DEPARTMENT, bullonco, in cerlltlod tonds, Is Purchosom at the sole shall ho erle Is a condomInium Unit, CHANCERY DIVISION ovtltionlonlr tao retoroal thy - .ACKLE THE K WORK V PAT IT ON THE BACK. Now Monster works with Pioneer Press, so you can warmly embrace the work week in the suburban Chicago area. Your calling is callingfind it at pioneerlocal.com/monster. thn MONSTER AND PIONEER PRESS NOW WORK TOGETHER. IIONEERpflJSS PIONEER PRESS }i monster® pioneerlocal.com/monster N rB Thursday, December 3, 2009 Foreclosure Sales A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) A PioneerPress Publication WWW,piOneerIocal.COm RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RBS CITIZENS, N.A. F/K/A BANK, NA. S/E/M TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. Ploinhiff V. UN- Morton Greve, IL 60053 Per. mancaI 10600 Ne.; 00.13-400. adt The morlgoned real estate la RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES es. live blddern are odmaniahed AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 soles. R000INS, SALOMON coliector altemplinn to coiled of sUCcessful bid Immediately K/K/A ta revIew the c000 file Io ver. BURR RIDGE, 1L60S27 16251 & PATT, LTD. 35 Boll Wosh. a debt aod any inlommution at conclusion ne auction, bolSVETLANA TUCAKOV; NA' 11v olI Inlermablon. 794.9Sl6AtlOrnOy FIle No.: Id- 10010e Slreot, Sulle 1000 obtaincd wIll be used 1er 1h01 a000 by 12:35 sm. the 0001 Pialntibf, SVETLANA DELIC TIONAL CITY BANK. SUC' For Intarmallan; Saie Clark, 09-05054 ARDC4 00460m2 At- CHICAGO, IL 65602 13121 782- KNOWN HEIRS AND LEGA- Improved wIth e dwellmnn. CESSOR BY MERGER TO TEES OF GERTRUDE The property will NOT be MIDAMERICA BANK, FSB; SMITH A/K/A GERTRUDE Opon fur InspectIon. The ludo. ADRIATIC DREAM. LLC; A. SMITH, DECEASED; Went om000t waS 8303.508.34. UNKNOWN OWNERS AND PHILLIP M. SMITH AS AD- Sale berms; 10% eI sucuonstul NON RECORD CLAIM' MINISTRATOR OF THE ES- bld Immedietely ut conclu. ANTS; DUSAN DELIC; TATE OF GERTRUDE A. sian el auction, balance by SMITH, DECEASED FUR. 12:30 p.m. hp nnal business SUANT TO PROBATE CASE NO. 07F3234 FILED IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS; M. FHILLIP SMITH; ESTELLE SNARSKI; JOHN W. JARVIS; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON. doy, bath by coahler'schecks; end na yebunds. The sole shell be aublect to general re. al osiate toues. special tgues, spociol essessmogts, special toges levied, end superior liens, lb any. The Property is Obbered en ls. with na express tOfldonN wllhaub any reprosenlotien as RECORD CLAIMANTS, Do' Br Impiled worrantios and OD CH 9601 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE FIsher ond Shoplro ta thy qualIty ob tille or ro- Courge lo PlointitI, Prospec. live bIdders ore admanlshnd fIlo W 08-3218 to review the court bile to ver. III IS cdvNod IhM InlorosIod Ile all Iniarmolion. PorIIo conoII wIlE Iholr own allornoyn 6010m bIddIng cl moflgano foroclosuro salos.I PUBLIC NOTICE In horoby Fisher and Shoplrn, 4201 Loke torvey Codo. 21762 Cose e 09 Cook Rd.. ist floor, CII 007444 NOTE: Porsvant bu Northbroak, IllinoIs 60062, Ihn FoIr Debi Coiloction 1047) 490-9990, bnlwoen t;oo Proclices Ad vos are od. p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Weekdoys OIled hot Ple(nlllt'sollorney only. 214411 Is doomed lo ho o debt ceiiecDobeedonls. 09 CC 8951 Pub: 11/26.1012,1555/2009 tor ottomptie9 Io Coiled a PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby 1173730a1 C debt ond any mnlormatlon eholeen that purnuont to a Judolamed will be Used lar 1h01 ment et Foreclosure entered NORRIDGE 1225479 purpose. In the obove enblbled couse on IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Pub: 11/19,11/26.10/0109 9t25'2009, Intorcounty JudicIal OF COOK COUNTY, ILLI' (17359941 C ScIes Corporation will en NOtO COUNTY DEPART. Wedoonday, Januory 6, 2010, MENT ' CHANCERY DIVI' Nom Idso ut the hour 01 11 am. in bhelr SION BAC HOME LOANS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 0111cc ob 120 WesI Modisan SERVICING, LP, F/K/A OF COOK COUNTY, Street, Suibe 7IOA, Chlcoaa. COUNTRYWIDE ILLINOIS COUNTY HOME IllInois, soil to Ihe higheOt bId- LOANSSERVICING, L.P DEPARTMENT' CHANCERY DIVISION der lar cash, lOe bolluwinn de- PlalotlIf, 'y.. PETER suribed property; PIN, 10- NEUMAN, el al Detendanl AUSTIN BANK OF op CH 0074M CHICAGO PlointlIt, -o.- 4551 20-217-032-0000. Commonly known es 5026 LINCOLN NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NORTH CUMBERLAND AVENUE, MORTON NOTICE IS HEREBY DIV- BUILDING PARTNERSHIP 95go ARDCO 05919 Allemney Code. 62037d2 Coso C 09 CH 03244 NOTE; Pum500fll to the Fahr DOSI Coiioctioo Practl. ces Ad, 000 ame advised that FialnIltb'natlorney Is deemed to be O dobl colloclor attOWpt' loo to culloct a debt and pay Intormotlon obialoed will be used br Ihat purpose. 1221237 Poh: 11/19, lt/Od. lZ01V9 117360841 C No mm Idso IN THE CII1CU IT COU ET OP COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT' CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE, INC., PlaIntIll, -n.' ARTYOM TOVMASYAN, et Far inlarmolion; Soie Clerk, GROVE, IL 60053. TOn Im- EN 1h01 pursuant ta a Judy- NOIA 4501 CUMOERLAND cl Delendant 09 CH 9751 Fisher end Shapiro, 4201 Lohn provemenb on the property ment of Foreclosure and Sale PARTNERSHIP K/CIA 4501 NOTICE OF SALE Rd , Cook 151 bloor, consists 01 e mutbi-lomily res- entered In tho ebove cousa en CUMBERLAND BUILDING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERENorlhbrook, IllInois 60062, 1600cc, The successbul pur. September ta, 2009, an agent PARTNERSHIP AN ILLI' BY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant to a givo that purSUnnI to o Judo- 10471 dIt-9990, between 1:50 Chaser Is entitled la pusses' ut Tha Judicial Sains Corpo- NOIS GENERAL PARTNER' Judomeot el Foreclosure onO mant nf Foroclosuro unbred p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdgyn nico et the properly Only, The rallan will at 10:30 AM on De- 5111F, 01 01 Dotendonl Soie entered In Ihe Obuve 'on 509bo,obor 28, 2009, KeIlen unIe, 1213712 purchaser mey only 0510m 09 CH 03244 comber Id, 2000, eI the The cause an Soubember 24, 2509, Really Services. Inc., as SollPub: 11126,153,1555/2009 posseSsion at units within the JudicIal Sales Corporolion, NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC On 000nt 01 The Judlciol Solos Ing OffIciel will al 12;30 p.m. 117373021 C mulli-uolt properly occupied Ono Saulh Wecker DrIve - NOTICE IS HEREBY 01V' Corporation Will ob 10:35 AM on January 4, 2010, nl 205 W. by Individuola nomed In the 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, EN 1h01 pnmsuont Io a Judg- on December 28, 2509, al Iho Randolph SIred, Sullo 020, Morton Greve order al Oaoaenslea.. Sale dSdOd. oeil at public audblaa to menI Dl Foreclosure cad Sole The JudIdlol Saies Corporo. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Chicogn, 111mal,, nell ob publerms; 25% down be certitied the hIghest bidder, ea set eviered In the aboyo couse on tIan, One South Wecker DrIve OF COOK COUNTY, lIc cuelmo In lho highoob bidtonds, bolonce wilhin 24 lorlh below, the following de- Seulember 15. 2009, en egont ' 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, ILLINOIS der bar cash, os Sel borIn behours, by Cerlilied beds. Na scribed real enluto: Common- 01 The Judlciui Soles Corpo' 60606, sell 01 public ooctigq lu law, Iba bollowinO dencribed COUNTY DEPARTMENT, rebunds. The properly ahI ly known as 4155 N. OZARK motion will 01 10:30 AM on De- the hiohesl bidder, as set reel properly: Commonly CHANCERY DIVISION NOT be open fur mnspetbian. AVENUE, NORRIDGE, IL comben 10, 2009, 01 the The below, the lalluwlna do' known on 5610 Theobold EVERHOME MORTGAGE Upon peyment in lull 01 Ike 60706 Property Iodes No. 12- Judicial Soles Corporobion, bomth real estole; Common. Rood, Mnrlun Grove. IL 60033 COMPANY, Pleintitl V. emouvl bid, the purchoser 13-311-032 The real entole Is One Soulh Wacker DrIve scribod ly knowo as 5545 N. OZARK Permonenb Index No.; 10-20 IONUT MATEI, ANGELICA will receive a Corliticale at improved wIth a rnaidovce. 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, AVE., NOrrldao. IL 65706 213-015 end 10.20-213-016 MATEI; FIRST MIDWEST Oele which will entitle Ike Sale terms: 25% doRa ut the 60606, soli 01 pOhiic ouCtion ta Pmoperty Indes No. 12-12-314The morb000ed reel enbobe IS BANK; JPMORGAN CHASE purchaser la a Deed ta the hiahest bid by Cortllied tonds the highest bidder, es set 030-0055 The meoi eShole Is ImImproved wilh a dwelling. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI- promises utter contirmation el the close al hie oudlion; the brIn boba, the lollnwlvg do- proued with a single bomily The properly will NOT be ATION, AS ASSIGNEE OF al the sale. Por Intormetion: holende. In certIfIed bonds. Is scnibed meal 05101e: Common' residence. The lodgmenl FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN. Visit our paon bar inspeclion. el don withIn twonty-lour 1241 le known os wobslte 4501 N. wos 0364,390.72. Sole The ludemenb ornounI was SURANCE CORPORATION h t b p ; ¡I n e r n I c e , a I t y. hours. The subject properly IS CUMBERLAND, Normidne, omoont terms: 23% down ob the blabRECEIVER $63,033.90. Sole lerms- 10% ob AS FOR plerco.com. Between 3 p.m. noblest ta neneral leal 05101e IL 60703 Properly lodea Na. Cal bid br cerlifled tundo 01 MUTUAL end S p.m. aaly. Pierce & As' leves, special OssOssmenls, 12-14-216-001; Successful bid lmrnedlolely al WASHINGTON 12.14-216-003, the close 01 tho aocllon; Ihe cnncluslnn nl oucllon, bolonce BANK, Delendonts sodden, Pleintitl's Albor. ar special tesos levIed Property ladeo Na. 12-14-216- balance. In certllied fondo, Is 09Cc 11014 by 12,30 p.m. Ihe neub buslNorth 000rbarn 000inst sold reol entole onO Is 053; 12.14-216-003, Property due withIn twenty-boor 1241 neys, NOTICE OF ness cloy, boIh by coshier', SIred, Chicago. Illinois 60602, otbered ber sale wIthout any ladeo Na. 12'id-216-005; 12.14- hours, The sohiect properly Is Checks; and no rebunds. The FORECLOSURE SALE Tel.No. 13121 476-5500. Roler represoalollon as te qooiily 216-006. Property Index No. sobloct lo genoral real oblate soIn shall be subiecb Io nenorFlsherond Shopiro to File Number 0903410. or qoonlIty al bIlle end wIth- t2'ld-216-007; 12.14-216-000 toses, spocbol oSaessmonls. bile s 09.10652 ob roel 00101e 100es, speclol INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL out recourse lo PlelnIlt! end The reol estelo Is Improved or special tases lanlod baues, speclol ossessmenls, I It is eduised 1h01 Inlerogled SALES CORPORATION In AS 13/ ConditIon. The soie with a commondiol property, ogolnsl sold real estelo and Is spociol 100es levied, end Su- porliescOngull wilh theIr Selling Otlicor, 13121441-1122 Is lutiner subiecl lo Confirme. Thy lodoment nm000t was oltemvd 10m Sole wIthout ony parlor lIens, ib ovy. The prop- Own ellornoys belore bidding 222406 tian by the court. If thy sole Is O2,n6t,977.2g. Solo terms: 23% mepmesentolinn es ta 900111v orby Is olbored 0s ls, wilh no at mortgage borecinsure Pub: 11126, 12/3. i2/iS,'2509 sel 0S160 lar any reason, the dawn of Ihn hlehest bld by em quantIty al tille end with. express nr implied worron- 6005.1 111375531 C Purchoser et tho loin shall be Certilled fonds et the Clase al out recourse to P10101111 ned bies and wllhnul one reproNOTICE Is hereby entitled only to e return of 1x0 the auction; the bolance, In In AS 10/ condition, The solo Centellen es lo Ihn nuoliby nl Olven 1h01 pursuant Ion Judu. Morion Drove deposit paid. Thn Purchaser corillied funds, Is due wIthin Is funken sobioct Io confirmo. bIble or rpcourse lo PlalelilI. meni ob Foreclosure enlered IN THE CIRCUITCOURT shall houe na turthor re. Iwenby-toor (241 blooms. The lion by the costi, Upon pay. OF COOK COUNTY, Prnspecblee blddnrs uro ed- on October 1, 2509, KeIlen Re. course ogolnsl tho Mongo- sobledt proporby Is subiect lo mont In loll 01 tha omount bid, monlshod Io roview the courl olty Sernlces, Inc., es SellIng ILLINOIS non, Iba Monb00000 er the nenemal meol estelo toges, spo' pumchosnr wIll mecelve a file Is verIly oli inbormebion. Olticiol will el 12.30 p.m. On COUNTY DEPARTMENT, MortOxseo's attorney, Upan ciel ossessmeols, or spodlol the Cemllllcale el Sole that will Fer lnbermnblon: Sole Clerk, January S. 2010, al 255 W. CHANCERY DIVISION poymonl In bull el the amount IOnes levied 000lnst sold reel Iho purchgsom lo o Flshnr end Shapiro, 4201 Lohn Rendolph Slrcol, Sulle 1525, HSBC MORTGAGE 5030V. bld, the parchaser wIll ne- 05101e end Is altered lar soie entllie deed IO the reel 051010 otter Cook Rd., Ist lime, ChIcago, Illinois, Sell at pub. ICES. INC., PlaInlill Ceive a Corbllicole ob Sole withaut onv mepmesontotian os conbimmeblan ob the sale The Nurlhbrook, Illinois 60032, lic auctIon lo lhe highenl bill. V.CIRINIO HERRERA; that wIll entItle the purchaser to 000llly or quantity el tIlle properly wIll NDT be open ley 18-471 498-9030, belween 100 der tor cegh, as sel borlh be- MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC lo a deed te the real 05101e el. and wilhaut recourse IO ond pholnlijl p.m. end 3:00 p m. weekdays low, Ihe lollewing descrIbed REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, tor Canbirmalion nl the saie Pholntlft ond In 'AS IS covdl. InspectIon mokes en represeotollun on lo only, 1214551 real properly: Commonly INC., Dotondonts The property will NOT be lion. The soie Ia torlher sob' the condition 01 the properly, Pub; 1106, 12,5, 1550/2009 known as 8913 North Megdo 09 CH 10346 open tor Inspection Ond plain' 10cl to conblrmotlog by the Peospedtive bidders ero od- 117373131 C NOTICE OF Avenue, MorIon Grove. IL tIlt makes na representatIon court. Upon polmonI In bull ob monlshed to check the cuorI 60053 Permununt loden No.; FORECLOSURE SALE as to the condllion al Ihe prop- thy amount bid, the ponchasor bue Io serlty oIl lotormallon. Marten Grace 10.17.312.030 The moringged FiSher and Sheplre only, ProspeCtIve bidders ere will recelvo a Certlfidobo nl If 1h15 properly Is a condo1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION HSBC BANK USA, N.A, AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF ACE SECURITIES CORP. HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUSTAND FOR THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF ACE SECURITIES CORP. roui 05101e is improved with a lIlo O 09-laths admonished to Cheek Ihe Solo toot wIll 001111e 1ko por- mInium uniI, the purchaser al dwelling The propnrty will Ill is adviSed that interested court file lo verIly all inlor. chosor to a deed lo the roal lIte uoil al the boreclosure NOT be opon br inSpection. Partien canguil wilh their The Iudgment amount was own allereoys balare biddine S250,7d7.33. Suie terms: 10% el morbaage boreclasnre ut succobstul bid immedlolely 50105.5 ut conclusion ab auction, bol- PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby Once by 12:30 p.m. the Opel oleen that pur5000l ta e JodOboUvets dey, both by cash. mont ob Foreclosure entered icr's checks; und no epluodS. on Seplember 2d, 2009, Kahlen Tho soie SIbil be babied to Really Soreices, Inc., as Sell' nenerol reel calote Iones, spe. Ing Olticlal will et 12:35 p.m. dol Iones. specIal essen. on Jonuory 5, 2010. el 205 W. meats. special lanes levIed, Rondolph SIred, Solle 1020, end superloy Ibas, ib aal. Chlc000. Ililnols, Seil al pubThe property IS altered aS ig, lic auction te the highest bid. With na euprnss nr Implied der ber cash, os set terlh ha- HOME LOAN EQUITY TRUST, SERIES 2007'HE2, ASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, PleIntIfI V, JOHN ORAHAM; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC werrontles and wilhuul any REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, rnproSenlolion as tu the quail. INC., 09 CId 6110 Dobondonls NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE FIsher end Shepire bIle O 09.16318 ty ob tItle er recourse ta Plain. litt. Prospecllue bIdders are admonished to rouiew the Court tile ta uerlly elI mIarmalien For Inlarmatlon: Sale Clerk. Fisher end III in edelsed 1h01 Inlerosled Shoplra, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., PartIen cossulb wIth their çwn elteroxyn bebra bIddIng at mnr0000n tereclosure soles.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby glvou Ihat porSoonb te a Jude' ment et Fereciusure entered On September 30, 2009, Keilen Realty ServIces, Inc., an SellIng OttIcial mill at 12I30 p.m. ist 1100e, Northbreuk, Illinois 60062, 16471 dPI-999g, between bem p.m. end 5:00 p.m. week- deygonip 1215344 Pub: 11/26.13/3,155012009 117373481 C MORTON GROVE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT. CHANCERY DIVISION Chlceno, illinels, soli al poblIc aoctlun Io the hlohesb bld' NATIONAL CITY BANK der bar cesh, as not forth be- SUCCESSOR BY MERGER cxi January 7, 2010, et 255 W. Rondnlph Stroeb, Sullo 1020, mallan, If this properly Is o CondominIum oeIl. the por' chosor ob the unIt at the bereclosure sale, ether 1h00 a estole allem contirmotiaa 01 sale. albor than a morinoaee thy sole The emoperly wIll shall pay lIte essessmnnls NOT Sa opon br Inspedlion 1223221 pumpose. Pub: 11/26,12/3.10/10/2009 117375131 C Nammldsa IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION siun ob eudllon, boignce by poliment., Please rotor te fIle 12:35 p.m. the cool busIness number 14.09-05004. THE JUdey, balk by ceshler'ncheckn; DICIAL SALES CORPORA. end no rebonds, Tho sole TION Ove SoulIt Wockor Shall be sublodt la cenereI re. DrIve, 24th Floor, Chlc000, IL cl entole toues, npedlgl toues, 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE special assessments, special You con 0150 vIsit The Jodi' tonen levied, and soperior dol Sales Corparetlon ob lions, lb coy, The property Is www,flsc.cam len a 7 doy stoellorod as 15/ 60th ne eupress tus reDort of pendIng saies. lodI PI01OIIII's ollomooy; R000INS, SALOMON & PATT, LTD. , 25 East Wash' baton Street, Sollo 1000, CHICAGO. 1L60602, 13121 782- nono , THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Sooth Wecker DrIve, Sdlh Pioar, Chicogo, IL 60656.4650 13121 236-SALE You con also vIsIt Or Impilnd worronlios end CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, The Jodicigl Soles Compomalow, Iho fallowlng descrIbed TO MIDAMERICA BANK, without any reprosontotlon es P.c. 15W035 NORTI-I FRONT' lion al www.tlnc.com for a 7 reel properly; Commonly to the quohIty el lIbio nr redey 510105 reporl Of pendIng kOswn as 7228 Lake Street, course lo PlalellIl. Prospec' 0000mal real estate loses, opodol 10x05, npedlol essesa. mento, special 100es leeled, 006 superIor lIens, Il env. The properly Is ulbered as is, wIth nu express or Implied worronlles and wIlhoul env VIsil at h b I p I /1 s e r y I c e , a I t y. pinmce Cow. Bolween 3 p.m. end 5 p.m. only. Pionce & As' sociales, PloIntlIf's Altor. Nomlh Dearbona noes, 1 Strool, ChIcago, IllInoIs 60005. Tel.No. 13121 476.5500. Roter BANK OF AMERICA, NA- repmvsoolotion as la Ihe quail- FORECLOSURE SALE Floltemend Shopina fIlo C 08-9226 III Is odvlsod 1h01 Inlerostod porties consult with 1501m Cook Rd., Northbrmk, ist IllInoIs below, the tollowlno doscribed reoi property: Wehslta INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL 1511789 Fob: 11/26.12/3,12/10/2009 117372811 C PlointIlO, 'o.WILSON NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- MURAD, el al Oetendant BY GIVEN 1h01 pumsoant lo a Jodomenb at Fomedlosore and Sale colored INC AS NOMINEE FOR In the abuse causo on February 10. 2509, - The JudicIal Soleo Corpora- EG; MORTGAGE ELEC- lion, One Sooth Wocker Dm160 ImproveS Wilh e dwellIng. SYSTEMS, INC., UNDER The properly wIll NOT be MORTGAGE RECORDED opon br Inspection. The ludo- AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 60606, seIl al pohllc auction tu the hlahOst bIdden, as aol bonlh below Ihn lollowlng dv- REGISTRATION mont amount was S 361,609.22. 0709602022, NONRECORO Sale lerens: 10% eI soCcensfol CLAIMANTS AND UN- In known os t655 WOODS DRIVE UNIT #609. SKOKIE, IL 60077 Pmvponly ledou Na. tS.09.304.020.104t, Properly sloe 01 aodtboe, balance by ants. 09 CH 121 05 12:35 p.m. Iho 0001 buolvoss NOTICE OF SALE doy, bulb by Cashlem'schocks; PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' and no retonds. The sale BY GIVEN 1h01 pursuant tao shall he Subiedt IO 0000mal re- J000menl 01 Foreclosure and 01 estate lasen, special 100es, Saie entemod In the above enlI' specIal assessmenls, SpoCiol tied cause on Ocluher S, 2009 teuos levied. end superinn Interc000ly JudIcIal Soles lIens. Il gny. The properly Is Compamalion wIll no Wodnes' ellered'as ls,wlIh no express day, Jaauary 6 2010 ab the er ImplIed wormentles ond hour 01 lt am. In thalr 0111cc wlthool any ropreSenlalion os el 120 WosI MadIson Streat, ta the quolity 01 tIlle or re- Solle 718A, ChIcago, IllInois, course lv PlomnlIlI. Prolvee- nell al publIc 0001100 lv the lIve blddoms are edmonlshed highost hiddor for cash, as sel ta revlow the court filo lo ver- forth below, Ike luliowing de- loden Nu. lO.09.304.020.t2p2, Property Indou Na. scmibed mortgaged reol osFor Inlommatian: Sole Clork, lele: FIN. 12.13-451-051, Plshor and Shopiro, 4251 Lake Commonly known os 7357 Conk Rd.. Ist lIvor, WesI Monlrose Av0000, Northbruok, IllinoIs 60062. Normldne, IL 65706. The mort- 10-171 490-9990, belweoa 1:00 caged meal 05181e is improved p.m. antI 3:00 p.m. weekdays wilh o singlo lumlly resIonly, 1210610 600ce. Oele temms: 10% down Pub; 11/26,12/3,1555(2009 by cerlibied funds, holende, DEPARTMENT, by cerllliod lands, withIn 24 hours. No relunds. The pmop- orty wIll NOT be opon tor lonpooblon. Far Inlormotion call Soies Clonk at Low Otllces et Ira T. Novel, 1/S North Franklin Street, Chlc000, IllInoIs 60606. 13121307.1123. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION SellIng Otticer, 13121 444-1122 1222460 117375071 C NOR RIDGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DE' PARTMBNT - CHANCERY DIVISION ONEWEST BANK, FOE; Flointlll, os, JASEM AL-HISNAWI; MAHA ALSUNDANI K/K/A lomney Is doomod to be a debt 1,131.952.31. Saie torms: 10% IL CODILIS k ASSOCIATES, NAZP44I, DrIve, 24th P1mm, ChIcano. IL P(S9S17P6 AbtOroey Code. TAHMDURES NASRIN NICAREN K/K/A 60606-4650 13121 23h-SALE nC2S Casa O 09 Cl-1 14561 SCOTT, 12/4255 NASRE0N HEAVNER, NICAREN. BEYERS k MElLAR, LLC 111 East Mols SImeel, Sullo ProspectIve biddono oro Od. Fnospedliue biddems ore edonovlshed IO Check the Ceorl monlsbied Io check the court tIlo la vemily all Inlommollon. lilo lo vorlly all Inlammetlon. lb this property is o Condo. II this pr000mly Is a c0000. mInium uniI, the purchaser al mInium UnII, Iho punchasen el Iho unit al thy lonedlosone the unit al the loredlosoro sale, othem thon a martoagee sole, elkem Ihon o mortg0000 shall pay Iho ossessmools shall pay Ihe assossmynls motIon. If Ibis pnoperly Is a condominIum unIt, Iho porcondominIum UnII, ISO pun- cheSnr ob 1fb unit et Ihn torechaser ob bbc uniI al lIso lore- closure salo. olbor 1h00 O closure sale, other Ihan o morlgoaen sholl pay Ihn as- 11101 will enhIle the Punch000r Io a deed to Ihe real 05101e at- ter conllrmatlon 01 Ihn sale The prnpemty wIll NOT bo even br Ivspedlhvfl cud clamo- till makes oo mopresonlellon f00; 12/3. 12,10, 12.17(2009 117301309 C I 20000CATUR. 1L62523 12171 422.1719 Ablornoy Cody. 40307 5IG KlO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Cese C 00 CH 40654 NOTE; OF COOK COUNTY, Pomnoanl lo Ihn Fair DOSI ILLINOIS COUNTY CollectIon Fnoetices Aol, you DEPARTMENT. ere odelsed 11101 PlalntltI'sob' CHANCERY DIVISION turaev Is denmod to So o dobb HOME calleobor attempting la collect COIUNTRYWIDE a dOSI ond any lnlommotion LOANS SERVICING LP oblolned will be used tor 1h01 PibinlIll, -n.' CHUYEN O. 9CC. 15W030 NORTH FRONT. AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, 1L60527 16351 794-9076 Allomney File No.; 14' 59-50608 AROCC 00460502 At' lomnoy Codo. 21762 Case I 09 porpasa. 1320123 Cl-1 012466 NOTE: Purs000t lo Fob; 12/3. 12/10. 13/17/2009 Ihe FaIm DebI CollectIon 111301201 C JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 09 CH 12532 Delendanl NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY 01VEN 1h01 pors000t Io o Judomont 01 Foreclosure and Sole colored In Iha ob000 ceOsn on Seplomhnr 11, 2009, on agenl of The JOdidiOl Soins CumpanaIlon wIll el 10:30 AM on Do- Comber 10. 2009, 01 Iho The K/K/A CHUYEN Jodielol Soles Carporalion, TOAN, 01 el Dolenduol One Suulh WoCkor Orion - T6AN 0O CH 33101 NOTICE OF SALE 241h Floor, CHICAGO, IL. 86606, oeil at publIC oscIlan Iv PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' 1kv hlahyol biodnr, as sei BI' GIVEN 1h01 pursuant lo a lorIh below Ihe bollowins doJsktgmonl 01 Foredlnsnme und Odmlbed meolesbaln: CommonSoie ontemed In the oSavo ly known as 9110 N SKOKIE Cause on February 17, 2009, BLVD.. Skokle, IL 60077 OR agent ob The Judiciot SaIns Cdrpamotlon wilh 01 15:30 AM aldJ0000re 5. 2510, et Iho TOO Jsldicial Soins Corporallon, 00e 500111 WoCkor Drive 24/h Floor CHICAGO. IL, 600M, soil al public goction ta th/ hlabest biddom, es set lo/Ib below, Ike lollowing doscrlhvtt real Cable: Commonlyknown os 5035 LUNT AVEN/JO, SKOKIE, IL 60077 Pmaporly mdcl No 10-16-400- 056-0000 The meal 051010 is im- proved with o 51051e lamihy The bodgmeel nenidonce. amounl was 5350,062.74 Sole lomms: The bid omounl shall ho peld In cerlitlod bonds im. medIately by the highesb pnd best blddor 01 lOo conClU.lnn 0e IhO galo. TUO gob/edt proponly Is sublodt Io g000rol rouI cHale 100es, spec/al assessPlopemly index No. 10-33-217- monIs, or spociol leuoo iov:ed 040-0600 TIle real eslole Is Im- 0001051 saId rool cobb 0x11 is TOP GLASS k MIRRORS. en Javoory S, 2010, eI the The pronoS wIIh a slnaio.Iomlly, olbomed Ion solo v;ihhout any INC. CONTRACTORS LIEN Judlditil Salon Corponelion, otle-sbomy, brawn bmlck house reomesenbutlon os Io 900111v SERVICES. INC., Ove Soolh Wacker Drive - a/lb Obbaehed oen000. Sole or q000tlly al 1:11e und w:lhJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, 241h Flmr CHICAGO, IL, Io/ms: 25% doWn al Iho high- 001 recourSe to FloInlill ovd NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 60606, sell et publiC auClion Io est bid by cerllbied tundo at In A5 IS' COediI:on The noie On bendo nl Ihn hlanesl bIdder, as sol Ihe close 01 Ike aOelhon; tIlo is lorthor nohiedt IO coolimme00 CH 40624 barth below, Iho bollawina de- bl/once. in cerbilled sods, Is lion by Ihe dourl. Soon payNOTICE OF SALE scmlbed meal 051010: Common- d/n within twenlv-Ioor 1241 ment in bull al 1fb unrount bld, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. ly known os 9655 WOODS OR hooms. The 50510cl properly is Ihe purchaser will mocn:ue a hY GIVEN 1h01 pumsuanl too UNIT1111.SKOKIE, IL 60071 511510Cl lo geeomal reel 05101e CorlilIcele ob Soin hoI will Judoment 01 Foreclosure ond Properly Indea No. 10-09.303. lenes, special ossnasmonlg, 001111e Iho purch050r la o Soie enlered in Iho oSase 031-1114, l0-09-3S4.O31-1302, 01 levied dood Io Ihe rool 00101e otter speCial laves ceusn on Seplembnm 17, 2059, Fnopnrty Indoo No. 10-09-304- 0401051 saId neol 05101e end is dontimmullon 01 Ihn soie The on 00001 ob Tho Jodlelol Salen 031-1303 The meal osIate Is Im- ohemed Our salo withoul ony Froporty wIll NOT be open br Conponobion will 01 15-35 AM proved wlIh a 12-slony brown n/preSentelion os lo nugllly inspodlhOn and p10:01111 00 Januory S. 2010, eI Ihn TOn brick multi-unIt condominI- od nuonlity 01 tille end with- mekes ou repreSenlullon oslo Judicial Soies Corporollan, 0m buildIng whbb no oeragv. gob recourse lo PhulnIbIb und Ihe condillau 01 Ihe pnOpnrly One SooIh Wacher DrIve - Sole terms; 25% down al Ihe h/ '.45 127 condiblon. Ihn soie Prospedllve b:ddy,s are ed24th Floor, CHICAGO. IL. hiahesl bid by centilled bonds is lorther subledl lo conlirma- monlshed IO Cheek Ihn court 60606, sell at Public auction la at ISO cluse ob the oudllun; lOo II/o by Ihe Count. Upan puy' lIlo ta verIly oli lolorwol:on Ilse hlghost bidder, 05 seI balando, In cerlllled fonds, is menI in loll 00 Ihe am000b bid, Il Ibis properly Is O Cundo bomlh below, Ihn tullowlno do- 600 wIlhIn lwentv-boor 1241 111v Pumchosor wIll receIve a mInium unII, Ihn pumchesorot scrlhod meel 05101e: Common. hours. The sooledl properly Io Cdrtibldolo ob Sain 1h01 whIl Ihn unit 01 the loredlusure ly known es S-lid KEDVALE Sublecl lo general reel enlate ejtitie the purchosem ta a sale, olhom thon a mangasen AVE., Skukie, IL 60076 Prop- loses, spociol oasOssmonls, d/ed lo Ihe meal 05101e alter shall pon Ihn ossossmenls nrly lodeu No. 15-22-215-037- 0m spediol taons lovied ddntirmobhon 01 tho solo TIle and the legal levs renulrd by 0000, PrOporly loden No. 10- 0001051 seid meol 05101e ond Is pdaperly will NOT be open lam The Condominium Frupvrly 32-215-020-0500 Thn real 05101e ollnred br sale witIloul ony inspeclion and Flabt111 Act, 765 ILCS 6055151111 uvd is lmpmouod with a 51001e mepresenlOtlun os lo quality lnflkOs 00 nepmnsenlollon as to 101141. IF YOU ARE /14E fomily mesidnvco. The ludo- 0m q000blly ob lItio ond with- 19/ condlllon at Ihn pmoperly. MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWNmenI om000t wos 5000,559.59. nub recoonso lo P10101111 ond ProspecIlue bidders aro ad- ERI, YOU HAVE THE Sale bermS. The bid omovol in AS IS' condition. Tho solo nholl be paId in eertilind le Iuriheraubiedb ta confIrmalunds immediately by the lion he Ike Count. Upon pay. hiahool end besl bidder 01 the ment in lull ob Ihe om000t bid, ConClusIon ob II/O sale. The the pumcnosyr will receive a sobledt properly Is 50510db lo CyrbiliCely ob Sole 11101 mIll gonomal reel OsIate laxes. 50e- 001111e Ihe punchasen Ciel assnssmOols. or specIal loues levied eooinsb said reel eslole ond is olboned tam soie wiIhoul any nypresontothon es In bullIr or q000llly xl tIllo to o deed Io 1ko rogl estate alIar conlmnmoblon ob Ihn sole The properly will NOT ho open lar and hnSeeebion plalnIltI mohos no moprnsenbobhoO as ta und wilhaub recourse lo the CondlIlon ob Ike Pm070rly, P10101111 and In 'AS 15 candI- Prospodlivo blddors ame od- lIon Tho saie is lurlher sub- monlShed la check the courl ledI lo conllmmublon by lIto tile to uerllv all Inlonmatlon. courl. Upon paymenl Io loll al II IbIs properly Is a ceedothe omsunl bio, Ihn ponchaser minIum uniI, the purchoser al 1h01 will 001111e the punchasen will redoIve O CenlilIcole 01 Ihn unit el 1fb buredlasone to e dmd la the meal cobb al- Salo 1h01 will entllle the pur- soie, 015er 1h00 O mort000ee ter conlirmollon 01 Ihn salo choser to a deed Io Ike mml shell pay Iho essOSsmenls The property will NOT by 05101e aller conllmmelion 00 end Ihn legal boos mequirod by Open tor Inspedllon and plein- Ihn sale The pmoperlv will The Condamlelum Peoporty tIll makes ao rooresenlollon NOT he open Ion inopeclion Adt. 765 ILCS 605/9101 Il) end os to 10e condllion 01 Ihe prop- nod piamntill makes oa repro- 111141. IP YOU ARE THE crIn. Pruspodlive bidders are sentotion 05 Ia Inc condItion MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN' admonIshed Io check II/e nl Ihn property. Prospoebive ERI, YOU HAVE THE count 111e to vemily all Inbar' bidders are odmonlshed lo RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POS. Celva a Cerllllcete ob Sale 151141. gp CH 4454 NORRIDGO, NOTICE OF SALE 0110mev. Upon payment In 0110mev, Upog poymoat In boil 01 the om000t bid, Ihy boil at Ihe omount bid. the purchaser will meceive e Cor- porchosen wIll receIve e Cerlillcole UI Saie that will call- billcato of Sole that will coIl110 the purchaser ta a deed lo lia he purcheser ta a dvvd Io lIly real estelo 011er contin. he real estole otter coollymotion al Iho sole Tho propon- motion el the solo TIlo proponIn will NOT be open Ion In- Ir wIll NOT be open lam in- TIle CondominIum Propyntv The Coodaminlom Properly Act, 163 ILCS 50019101111 0011 Aol, 765 ILCS dOS/YlallIl 006 ANTS; DelondonIN ore odvlsed 1h01 PIalotlti'sat. TOO ludomool amounI was S DRIVE, 07 CH 29613 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERENOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' eV GIVEN thal Pursuant loo BY GIVEN 1h01 punsoant ta a Jodamonl of Foredlosora and PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. Jvdamonl ob Foreclosure ond Sale enlered la the above BY GIVEN that puns000t la a Soie enbened Io the above cause on Oclobnr 20, 2059, an Judoment of Foreclosure ond Couse 00 Febmoary S. 2001,00 agenl ob The Judidiol Soles Selo entered in Ihe 0000e 00001 01 The Judidlal Sales Comporollon wIll ob 10:30 AM couse on October 15. 2009, on CorporatIon wIll al la;3o AM on DeCombnr 35, 2009, aI Ihn 05091 01 The JudiCial Soles ea Jonuory S. 2010, 01 the The The Jodlelol Solos CampanaCorpoeolion will ab 10:35 AM Jodichol Sales Corpaneblon, lion. One South Wacker DrIve - 24ih Fivor CHICAGO, IL, un December 16, 2009. Ob the One South Wecker UnIvo The JudicIal Soles Comporo- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 65600, seIl el publIc oudtiaO IO lion. 000 SOuth Wecker Onive 656M, sell al publIc ouction lo Ihn hlnhesl biddyr, os sob . 54th Floor CHICAGO, IL, tilo highest biddom, es sot borlb below, Ihn lollowleg dv60600, seil 01 publIc aodlian ta lanlh below, Ihn tollowmno de- sceibnd meal eslate: Commonthe 151011051 bidder, es sel scnibed meol estelo: Common- ly known os 3315 CAPITAL orth, below. Ihe lahlowieg 6e- ly known as Sold JARLATO-6 STREET, 500KIE, IL dOO7d scnihed neol 05101e; Common- AVENUE, SKOKIE, IL 60677 Properly Indeu No. 15-33-212lv knowoospo3d NILES CEN- Fnoperly Indon No. 10-28-426- Sup The real osIate Is ImTER ROAD UNIT B, 032 Tho meal enlato is Im- proved wIth o mesldnnce. Solo SKOKIE, Il. 65076 Fnopnrby proved wIth o mesidence. Sole terms: 25% down ob the hIohIndeu No. 10.15.309-OSP The terms: 25% down nl the blab- OSI hid by certified tonds 01 meal 05101e is Improved with a osI bld by cyrlllied funds el tIto close 01 the SadIen; Ihe end Ilse houai lees nequmred by and the louai been requlned by MAHA ABED AL SUNDANI; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIM' properly will NOT be i4-216-076-0000. Commonly Purs000l to the FoIr DehI Thn known es 0337 WEST CORAL Cohiectian Precticos Act, you open tor inapocllon. los meparl nl pendIng sales. SALES CORPORA- 130CHICAGO, 1L60603 13121 BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI. PigintlIf, -o TION One Ssubh Weckyr 474-5000 Altornoy Plie No.: ATION tngnI5hed Io chock Ihe caurI RIGHTTO REMAIN IN P05 lIly lo eerIly all baloroetelion. SESSION FOR 30 DAYS OFlb 1h15 pnopembe Is a condo- TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER minIum uniI, Ihe purchosor 01 OF POSSESSION, IN AC. the unit et Inc Inreelesune CORDANCE WITH SECTION sØle, ulher then o morlg0000 15-17011Cl OP THE ILLINOIS sl/Oil por 1ko esoossmenis MORTGAGE F000CLO0160 Ihe legal lees megulred by SURE LAW. Far :nlurmol:ov, TIlo Condominiom Property conbodl PiOivi:Il's altomnee A/I, 765 ILCU 602/9101111 and HEAVNER, SCOTT. 641141. IF YOU ARE THE BEYERS k MIHLAR, LLC MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN' Ill East Main Street, Suite ERI. YOU HAVE THE 200, DECATUR, IL 62523, RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS- 12171 423.1719 . THE JUDIS SSION FOR 30 DAYS AP- dAL SALES CORPORA T RENTRYOFANORDER TION One South Wocknn POSSESSION, IN AC- Orlee, 24111 Floor, Chlcavu, IL O CIRDANCEWITH SECTION 60606-4650 1312) 230-SALE 10-17011cl OFTHE ILLINOIS HEAVNER, SCOTT. MORTGAGE FORECLO- OEYERS k MIHLAR, LLC SÇIRE LAW. Fon inlurma- i 11 EesI Mo/O 5100cl, SullO liko: VIsIt our wobshle at 200 DECATUR, IL 63523 12171 hi t P i 5h S O r o I c e , o t t y. 422-1710 Atloreny Code 40357 betw000 p:emcn.Com. the Cose C On CH 12552 NOTE h/urn 01 3 and S pm PIERCE Pumsuanl to Ihe Foin Debt 9/ ASSOCIATES. Fhamobilb's CollectIon Prodt:cns Act, veu A/Iomneys, Ono Nonhh Dear- amo 01101506 11101 Ploint;ll'sotlatro Street Sullo 1300, lomen lo deemed Io be a dOSI CHICAGO, IL 60603. Tel Na, collodIon allempling to culled TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER 13/21 470-5500. PIenso refer Io o dOSI and uny mnlormollon OF POSSESSION. IN AC' li/e number PAOOIP136. THE obtoloed will be oled lam 1h01 CORDANCE WITH SECTION JUDICIAL SALES CORPO. puroose. 1220012 15.17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS RATION One Soolh Waçkom Pub: 11/19, I IP/O. 12/3/OP MORTGAGE PORECLO- OlIve. 231h Floor, ChhC000, IL 117360031 C as to Ihn conditIon al 1h11 pmoosPeclIon and p10101111 makes spedtion and p10101111 mokea orle. Fnospedllve bIdders amo na nepn000ntallon os to lise no mepresenlolien as la Iho edmonished to check Ihe Condition of Ihn properly, condItIon nl Ihn pr000rty. court fIle lo vemlty all Intor- mallan. If this pmapombv Is a cheek Iho cuorI bile la nemile SESSION POR 30 DAYS AP' Pub: 11/26, 12/3, 12/1012009 PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby aiven 1h01 pursugnt to a JodoYou con olso vIsIl The Judi. Chlc000, Illinois, sull al pub- mont al Foreclosure entared chal Soles Corparalion el lic codIng to Iho hlahest bld- Io thu obuvo 00111106 causa un Www.11sc.com br a 7 day sta- dom tor cosh, es set 00/1k be' 9/15/2009, Inlercounly Judielol lus repoml al pendIng saies. low the followIng dogcmibed Soles Camporothou wIll on HAUSELMAN, RAFPIN & real proporty: Thursday, December 17, 2009, OLSWANG, LTD. 39 SOuth Commonly known ea 4063 o? the hour al lt 0m, In tholr Redwood OrIne, altice at 120 West Madison LoSche SIred - Suite 1105 North IL 60706 FermaNommldoe, Stront, Salta lisA, Chlc000, CHICAGO, IL 60603 13121 372' 2020 Atlerony FIle No,; On. ocal lodos No. : t2-11-417-005 11110010, neIl la the hloheol bld2222-tlg4oAttomnny Code, 4452 The mor100sed real 00101e Is dor tom cash, Ihn followIng doCase C 00 CH 9751 NOTE; Improved wIllI a dWeiilno. scnibed pm000rty; FIN, 12- 11009- 0g CH 013117 NOTICE OP SALE 354.026 undenlyingl The meal estate Is Impnoved wIllI a dunda'iownhouOo. Saie terms: residence. Sain terms: 25% the clone ut the eudtlon; the holaoee, In certIfied funds, Is 25% down ob Ihn hIghest hid dowu 01 the hIohtIOl bid by holoeco, in cortlbled Iuvds, Is doe withIn twenty-four 1241 by certllied londs el Ihn doso cortllled tonds at thu close of due wllhin twenty-tour 1241 hours. The sohlocl properly is ob the audlionl Ihe balance, In tho oscIlan; the 00100cc, In hours. The subinel property Is suhiocl la g000rol neol entole cvmtilied bonds. Is due within conblthed lunds, Is duo wIlhIn subledt Io geeemal ocal estate 100es, spedlel Ossessments, Iwenly-loor 1241 hours. Thy Iwentv-tuur 1241 hours. Tha Iones. special essessmonln. or opedlol toues levied spodiul 100es 100106 000insl seid meal estelo and is subledl pmopvrby Is sohiedl tu subiedt propomly ho suhlect tu 0m u000mal meal eslalo bones, son- oenerol meal estate laxes, spa. 0501051 Sold reel colate end Is olbered lar sole whIhout any CIel ossnssmenls. 0m special diOl ossessmonls, an special ollomod br sola wllhoot ony moprosevbolbon as Io nuollly toues levied 0001551 said reel toues levied 0001051 sold meal nepmesontation os Io qualiby or quonlily at lillo ond wIlh05101e and Is 011ered lar Salo estelo 006 is ollered br saie or 0000111e ut bIlle ond wIth- out recourse lo F10101111 ond Wllhoul one mopresentatlon es Without ony moprosentotion os OuI mecourse lu P10101111 end In AS 1S condItion. The saie ta nualhlv or Ouanlllv at tIlIn to quelily on quantity ob title in AS IS Condilion. The salo Is lunthom subiect la cootlrmuond wilhout rOdnOmse lu ond wilhout recoumse la Is burlhom 50510cl tO cunllmmo. lIon by the courl. it the saio Is Plaintill and In AS 12/ condi. FlamnbIll 006 In AS IS' dundl- lion by the caurI. II Ihn sale is sel oslde br any meoson, the tIne. The sole Is lurther sub. 1100. The sale in brIber ash- set asido br on? reason, the Purchaser at Inc soie sholl be led lo contlrmation by Ihn mccl IO coelmmmolion by the Forchesor 01 lIlo sole shall 00 enbilled only te e o-40mo al the Courl. II Ihe sale Is Sol asido daunt. Il Ihe soie Is sot esida entItled only ta a nelurn 01 the deposll paId. TOO Punch000r br any reoson, the Purchosem tor ony neason, Iho Porchoson dvposit paid. The Pumuhoser shoil hove no lorthom real the saie 511011 he 00111108 al 1110 soIe shell he enbillod shall hove ea borthom ee' course 0001051 ihe Morbo' only ta e motomn 00 the doposlt only to e nelorn al the deposIt coonso 0001051 Ihe Morbo- nur. Iho Mortaugeo an the paId. TIle Purchaser shell paId. The Purchaser sholl 00m, Ihn Momt00000 0m the Mnrl00000's alloreey. Upon hove no burlher eecoorse have 00 bunlhor recourse Moml00000's attornoy. Upan poymnol In lull al tho am000l aoalnst Iho Mortaagur, Ihn 000lnst the Morloagom, Ihn payment In lull ob Ike om000t bld. bbc purchaser will neMort000ee or Ike Marb00000', Morl000ee 0m Iho Mantoaaee', bld. Ihn punchasen wIll me- Celso o Certilicole el Soie by oil mnbermallon. IN 114E CIRCUITCOURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY 24th Fbmr CHICAGO, IL, scmlhnd meal 05101e: Common- bld ImmedIately el concio' KNOWN OWNERS; Debed- Namrl650 OmIno, 24ih Floam, Chidona, IL 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE 's'oO con elsa 61511 The Judiciel Soles CorporatIon el Www.11se.com br a 7 doy sIe- RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES BURR RIDGE, 1L60S27 16351 704-9816 Abtorooy FIlo No.: 14BURR RIDGE, IL 60121 11301 794-1876 Attorney File No.: 14- 07-MOOS ARDCC 00465002 At. 794-t016 Atlamoov FIle No.: 14- 09-00972 ARDCO 50160503 Al- tonony Code. 21763 COSO O 01 Ou-23522 AROCO 00460552 Al- tornov Code. 21162 Cose I 09 CH 029693 NOTE: ponsoonl to Ivroey Cade. 21762 Caso C 00 CH 0131 17 NOTE: Poms000l to the FaIm DebI Collection CH 053005 NOTE: For500vt la Ihe Foir Debt Coiledllon PractIces Act, you ame od. Frocticos Ad, nos ore adthe Fair DebI CollectIon Froctices Act, you ore ad- vIsed thai PloinlllI'oattonnev vised 11101 FlelntiII'sollomney 0KO CIRCUIT COURT Fradlices Ad, yoa eno ad- vised 11101 PhalnlibI'n oltorooy Is deemod lo 00 e dehl coilec- is deemed lo be o debt collec. INTHE OF COOK COUNTY, vised 1h01 Pielntitl'solloroey Is doemod ta be O dobl collee- tar attempting IO coIled o Ion ellomplino la collect o ILLINOIS COUNTY is deemed lo ho e dOSI colioc' tun ollemplieg to coIled e debl end any Inlommallon ob- dOSI end any lebormalion oh. 100 B83 CIAL 1519721 The mvrt0000d real estate Is TRONIC 117374201 C AGE ROAD, SUITE RE JUDICIAL SALES only and ask for the soles dv' ponlmnnt.. Pleoso moler to lIla numhyr 1409-006tO. THE JU. DICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wecker Pub: 1 I/to, 11(20.10/0159 on osent 01 The .lodldlol Soles Camporatlon wIll ob 10:30 AM on Decembem 14, 2509, at Ihn 12-13-210-020 RE JUDICIAL SALES DEPARTMENTtar attomptlno Io collect o dohl and ooy inlurmollon ob- tamed wIll ho Used tom 1h01 lobed will bn 0506 lar 1h01 CHANCERY DIVISION 1223261 Purpose. dnhl and any Inbormation ob- lamed wIll 1m used tor 11101 pompose. 1204720 CHASE HOME FINANCE Pub: 12/3. 12/10, 12/17/3009 Pub: II/3d, 12/3, 12/5573009 temed will la used br thaI pumposo. 1221200 LLC Flelnllff, .n - SUNG IS 117301571 C 1222121 117375331 C Pub: 11/19, 11126, 1273/59 pompose. ANN K/K/A SUNG CEE 117350511 C Pub: lI/lP, lt/3d. 12/I/09 117365921 C 5KO S KO K lE AHN, el al Delendanb 1173612.51 C 09 CH 14061 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THECIRCUITCOURT SKOKIE SKOKIE OF COOK COUNTY, OP COOK COUNTY, ILLI. NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT SCORIE IN THE CIRCUITCOURT ILLINOIS COUNTY NOIS COUNTY DEPARTPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREOF COOK COUNTY, OF COOK COUNTY. ILLI' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT DEPARTMENT. MENT ' CHANCERY DIVIBY GIVEN that pumsoanb Io a NOIS COUNTY DEPARTOF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY SION JPMORGAN CHASE CHANCERY DIVISION ILLINOIS COUNTY MENT - CHANCERY DIVI' DEPARTMENT. Judamoel 01 Foreclosure ond BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI- JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, Sale ontomed In the oSavo SION CHASE HOME FIDEPARTMENT' CHANCERY DIVISION II4DYMAC CHANCERY DIVISION BANK. FO B. ATION PlointhIl, 'n.- RAFlE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Couse 00 Oclober 2, 2009, on NANCE LLC Plaintill, -n.SORIN P. 00001 eI The JudicIal Soleo JPMDROAN CHASE BANK, PlolnIlIl, -n.- CLEMENTE M. MAJLOUMIAN, el al De- Flalolill, -e.MONIKA M. MICA, el eI MICLEA. ANCA MICLEA. Careorulion wIll al 1O;30 AM 09 CH 012466 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MEZA. el 01 Dolendont Iondnnb Dotoedont 09 CH 033005 SALES CORFORATION INOYMAC BANK, F50; Commonly keowo as 4126 Fbeinblll, vs. ANGIE LEE M. North 000rk Avenne, PANE; EDEN MARIE Normidne, IL 60706 Fermo- ARAr4OIA; MARVYN BAN' 0001 10dM Na.: RE JUDICIAl, SALES J Real Estate 501110g OlIlcem, 13121 444-1123 18471 490-9990, between 1:00 p_m, end 3:00 p.m. weekdays only, gum ra File Nombem 0903250. bloor. 00062, own atlomneys belore bIddIng at mortgage torecl000re Nerrldno 50105.1 PUBLIC NOTICE Is IN THE CIRCUIT COURT horoby aloco 1h01 pursuonl Io OF COOK COUNTY, a Judgment ob Foreclasura ILLINOIS enbomed an October 6, 2009, COUNTY DEPARTMENTKallen Realty Sorvicos, Inc., CHANCERY DIVISION os Selling 011Iclal wIll at 12;35 ONEWEST BANK. F50, p.m. On Ja000ry 7, 2010, et 205 SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST M. Randolph SIred, Solle TO INDYMAC FEDERAL 1020. ChIcana, IllInois, seil el BANK, F50 ASSIGNEE OF public auction to Ihn hlghesb MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC hidden tor cosh, os sol lorth REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, CHANCERY DIVISION and the lesol lees roqohrCd by end piolnIlIf makes na mepme- The CondominIum Property JPM000AN CHASE BANK, morbgogee shell pay Ihe as. senlotiun es lo Ihe condibion Act. 765 ILCS 6059101111 and NAT ION AL ASSOCIAT ION, FlainlilIV. THEODORE sesgmontn end the legal tees of the property. Praspectlue 101141. IP YOU ARE THE required by Tha CondominI. bidders ore odmanishod le MORTGAGOR IHDMEDWN. SARAS K/K/A THODORE ROBERTA W. 0m Properly Act, 765 ILCS chnck the court fIlo lo verIly ERl, YOU HAVE THE SARAS; SARAS NC/A R000RTA óOEOIglltI end 101141. IF all inlormoblon. It this pmop- RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSYOU ARE THE MORTGA' erly Is a condomlalom unit, SESSION FOR 35 DAYS AP' SARAS; HARRIS, N.A. 0g CH 27623 GOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU lIte purchaser 01 1ko Soit al TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER Deteodanls NOTICE OF HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE' Ihn toredlosore solo, aiher OF POSSESSION, IN AC' FORECLOSURE SALE MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR than a mort00000 shall pay CDRDANCE WITH SECTION 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF Iho ossossments end the 10001 15-17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS FlOherovd shapIro tile C 00-9005 AN ORDER OF POSSES. loes menolmed by TOO Condo- MORTGAGE FORECLOlow the taliawing described SION, IN ACCORDANCE miniUm Pmopvrty Act, 765 SURE LAW, For inlommatlon, lIt Is adulsed 1h01 Interested reel property: Communly WITH SECTION 15.17011Cl ILCS 600/PInIllO and 1911db, coated Plointltf's attomnay; parties consult with theIr owo knows es 0810 Mongo Avenue, OF THE ILLINOIS MORT' IF YOU ARETHE MORTGA- IIAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & elloroeys betone bidding at Merlan Grove, IL 60052 Par- GAGE FORECLOSURE GOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU OLSWANG, LTD. . 39 SOolh mort0000 foreclosure Soies.I merlont Indeo No.: 10-17-425- LAW. Fer Intonmalion, con' HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE' LoSolle Slmnot . Sullo 1105, PUBLIC NOTICE IS hereby 030 10cl PIalnlitl's ollorney: The MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR CHICAGO, lL60603, 13121 372' alvea lItaI pur5000l to e JodoThe morlooged real eslate Is Sale Clerk, CODILIS A ASSO- 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF 2520 , Picoso rolen to file 00m. ment of Fomeci050me enlemed improved with o dweillng. dATES, P.C. , 1SWO3S AN ORDER OP POSSES- bor 09-2225-liSIS. THE JUDI- on Seplember 22, 2009, KeIlen The properly wIll NOT be NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SIaN, IN ACCORDANCE CIAL SALES CORPORA- Really Sot-vIces, Inc., as Sellopen tor Inspection. The Ioda- SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, WITH SECTION 15.17011Cl TION OnO Soulh Wucker ing OlfIcIgI will al 12:30 p.m. moat amount mes O 364,091.11. IL 60527, 16351 794-9076 be. OF THE ILLINOIS MORT' DrIve, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL on Jonoamy 4, 2010, at 205 W. Sole terms: 10% al succnsslul twoen the hours ob i and 3PM GAGE FORECLOSURE 60606-4655 236-SALE Rondoiph SIred, Solle 1020, 13121 bid ImmedIately at cundo. only 056 cok for the soleo de' LAW. Far Inbormolion. con- busIness day, hulk by coshlors chndksI and na relonds. Iba sole shell be nohiecl ta TIONAL ASSOCIATION, by 01 tIlle or recourse lo PioloSUCCESSOR BY MERGER 1111, Prespedllve bIdders ere TO COUNTRYWIDE BANK, admonIshed to movlew Ihe V, JUAN F50 P1010151 011o to verIfy oli IntomCARLOS DURAN; MORT' Court molIno. GAGE ELECTRONIC REG' For Inlormellon: Sole Clvrk, ISTRATION SYSTEMS, FIsher and Sheplro, 4201 Lake INC., Dotendants 08 CH 31127 NOTICE OP RE JUDICIAL SALES 60706. The Improvement on IL 0og27, 16351 794-9576 ho- Iween ihn Suora 01 1 ond 3PM only and ask lar Ihn galos doIhn propomly consisls ob a sIn- lacen Ihn kuums at t 000 3PM only and ask tor Iha solos de' pemtmeol,. Please meter to tile Oie tomIly residence, Soie only and ask tom Iho solos do- porlment.. Please meIer Io fIlo number 14.07-MOOS. THE JOlemms; 25% dOwo by cortllied parlment., PIcoso rotem la fIla numbem 14-On-00972, THE JU' DICIAL SALES CORPOOAlends, balance wIthin 24 number 14-00-22222. THE JU' DICIAL SALES CORPORA' TION One South Wecken hours, hy cemlllled beds. No DICIAL SALES CORPORA' TION One Soolh Wooker DrIve, 241h Floor, Chlc000, IL retonds. The Bropomly wIll TION Ono South Wacker OmIne, 24th Floor, Chlcaao, IL 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE NOT be open lam inspeClion. DrIve, 241k Floum, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE Yoa con also 51511 The JudiUpon payment In full ob the 60606-4650 13121 236-SALE You con also villI The JodI- ciel Solos Corporellon 01 om000l bid, the ponchaser You con also vIsit TIto Judi. ciel Soles Comparetion al www,llsc.com br a 1 dee 510will meeolvo a Certllicate ob dIOl Sales Corporation el www.tisc.com tar a 1 doy sta- tos report of pending Sains Salo whIch wIll 001111e the www.bisd.com lar a 7 day sta' bus report nl pendlna sales. CODILIS k ASSOCIATES. purchaser lo o Deed to the lus roporl 01 pondina soles. CODILlO & ASSOCIATES, 1°C, ISWO3O NORTH FRONTpromises otlor cvntirmolinn CODILIS k ASSOCIATES. F.C. 1SWOSO NORTH FRONT. AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 of the sale. Por Intermation: P.C. 1SWS3O NORTH FRONT. AGE ROAD. SUITE 105 BURR RIDGE, 1L60S31 16301 RE JUDICIAL SALES FOB; Thursday, December 3, 2009 Foreclosure Sales Real Estate RE JUDICIAL SALES tITIZENS www.pioneerlocaj.com (Dc) :I. U IF YOU ARE THE 101141, IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 35 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OP AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-17011Cl OPTI-lE ILLI6OIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For inlormallon, contad MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN- ERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHTTOREMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS APTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- C000ANCE WITH SECTION 15.17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE PORECLOSURE LAW. For lntormetloe, FlalellIl's atlorney: conlodt P10160111's altornay: Tho Sole Clerk, CODILIS k The Sole Clork, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES. P.C. . ISWO3S ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 159/030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE. IL 60527, ; 16301 794-9676 ho- oIl inlommotion. If Ibis peup- erlr Is a condominIum ualt, Ihe punuhasnm 01 the uniI al Ihe loredlosune sole, nthem monl005eo shall Pay Iho es- 5055m0nt5 and Iho legal lees thon e mort000ee sholi pay seSsmenls ond Iho 10001 loes reqUlnod kv The CondominI- Ihe ossosst000ts and Inc 10001 moqUineu by The CondominI- um Properly Ad, 163 ILCS lees reaulmed by TIle C0000. um FnOpomtv Ad, 765 ILCS 600/9101111 end 101141. IF minium Properly Act, 705 655/9191111 and 101141. IF YOU ARE THE MDRTGA- 1LCS 60519101111 end 101141. YOU ARE THE MOIOTGA- GOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU IF YOU ARE THE MORTOACOR IHOMEOWNERI. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- GOR IHOMcOWNERI, YOU I-lAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR HAVE THE EIGHT TO RE. MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 3g DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF MAIN IS POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF FOSSES- 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF FOSSES- SION, IN ACCORDANCE AN ORDER OF POSSES5100, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-15511Cl 51014, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 10-17011cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- WITH SECTION 15.17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- GAGE FORECLOSURE OF THE ILLINOIS MORT' GAGE FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE LAW. For lebammallon, can- GAGE LAW. For lnbammulloo. con- ladI FloiolibI's alborney: The LAW. Fam inlormation, coo. tacI FlalolIll's 0110mev: The Sala Clank, CODILIS & ASSO- ladI PlalelIll's allonney: SaIn Clerk, CODILIS k ASSO- CIATES, F.C. . 1500035 HEAVNER, SCOTT, dATES, P.C. , SSWOSS NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, BEYERS k MIl-lLAR. LLC NORTH FRONTAGE UDAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, Ill Eosl Melo SIrovI, Sulle SUITE ISO. BURR RIDGE, 1L 00527, 16551 774-9076 be- 200, DECATUR, IL 62533, SURE LAW. Far Intammo. 60606-4630 13121 234-SALE lion: VisIt our webslle at You Con also nislb The JodI' SKOKIE h b t P : 5h50 ro I ce . a b In' ciel IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Sales Corporation al helween the wi'ow.tlsC.com bum a 7 doy staplerde.dom. OF COOK COUNTY, hours ob 3 ond g pm. PIERCE Is/s roporl Ob pendlne solos. ILLINOIS COUNTY k ASSOCIATES, Flointlll't PIERCE k ASSOCIATES Ono DEPARTMENTAllar0000, One North Dear- Norbh Deanbomo SInool Sollo CHANCERY DIVISION horn StrenI Solle 13m, 10O CHICAGO. IL 60602 13121 US BANK NATIONAL ASSO. CHICAGO. IL 60603. Tel No. 456-5500 Allornoy FIle No.: CIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR 13121 476-55W. F10050 ruler to FF0510130 Atbomnoy Code, WACHOVIA LOAN TRUST, 111e number FAS907796. THE 91225 Cose O 00 CH 33001 SERIES 2006-AMNI, PlaIn. JUDICIAL SALES CORPO' RATION Ovo SooIh Wacker Omlve, 241h Floor, Chlc000, IL 13121 236'SALE You COO 0150 visIt TIlo .Iudh. dol Solos Componction al 65606.4630 www.lIse com lar a 7 doy sta' los report el pondleo Solos. PIERCE OASSOCIATES000 IL 65527, 16351 794-0016 he- Iween the hours at 1 and 3 PM 12171 402.1719 , THE JUOI. Narlb Oenrbarn Street Sulle tween Ihn hours of i ond 3 FM 1324166 Fob: 02.73, 12/lO, 02,57/3009 117301Ml C S ko b lo 111f, os. SAOJON A. ELIAS, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.; COUNTRYWIDE Fi- NANCIAL CORPORATION, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Doleodonlo, On CH 1502 OP COOK COUNTY. ILLI' NOTICE OF SALE NOIS COUNTY DEPART. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREMENT . CHANCERY DIVI. BY GIVEN 1h01 pursuonl lo a SION JFMORGAN CHASE JUdgmonl 01 Foreclosure and Sola enlored in the oM;5'eol:- B4 Thursday, December 3, 2009 RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES tied ouso on Sei,tembor 23 2009 I,flercoonty JudcIoI SaIo Corporation will on Fr1doy Jnoory 8 2010 cl tho hour ot ti o.o. In thotr ottico ot 120 Woot Modison Stroot, Soin that will 001111e ihn pur. SKOKIE Chaser fo a deed to the real IN THE CIRCUIT COURT estate alter contlrmalino nf OP COOK COUNTY, the saio The Properly will ILLINOIS COUNTY NOT be open for Inspection DEPARTMENT and plainhltt makes no more. CHANCERY DIVISION Sotie litA, Chicogo, Illinois, Senlotinn as lu iho Condition AURORA LOAN SERVICES soll St public ouction to tuo at the property. ProspectiVe LLC: PlalnIlIf, es- RANDY RE iUDICIAL SALES forth bolow, ihn folInwiflo do. check the court tilo la verify scribeS mortgaged reni os. oil Information. If this proptoto: PIN. 1542-103-034. OIly Is o condominium unit, Comnionly known os 4740 the purchoser of the unit at Molo st., 550km, IL 60076. ihh torecinsure saie, other ihn mori0000d resi osMio lo 1h00 O morlgaaee shoil pon roslIlenco. Sale terms: 10% down by cortitlod funds, bal- anCo, by cnrlltiod tundo, withIn 24 hours. No rotundo. rho property will NOT be opon tar Inspection For lolormatinn Call (ara Findlay at Plain. liii's Attorney, Freedman AnonIma Lindboro & Rapper, LLC, iOni West blohi Road, Naonryltie, Illinois 05563-1005. (8565 402-5661. For Blddino In. OtroCtinno Call 16301 453-67t3 24 hours prior tu solo. W59520069 INTERCOUNTY .itJOiClAL SALES CORPORATION Olticor, Soiling I3t2I 4M-1122 1fl3154 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTV DEPARTMENT - CHAN. CERF DIVISION US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR WACHOVIA LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2006-AMNi; Plaintiti, eS. SARJON A. ELIAS: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC.: COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION: Do%ndants, 00 CH 7502 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NO- TICE S HEREBY GIVEN thai Bursuani ta o Judgmonl at Foreclosure and Salo en- bred In the abnuo entitled Cause on September 23, 2009 IntorCounty Judicial Sales bidder for cash, os sul torih below, ihe inilewino dyocribed inortoaged reni estate: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, 117305431 C DY FAMACION: SKOKIE EhBblo CENTER CONDOMINIUM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, purchoser ta a Deed la Iho promises eltnr conf irmalion of lue sale. For Intormotlon: Visli non al Wobsile POS: 1213, 12/hO, 12/1762009 117305791 C O m-15945 spection For Information call Kara Flndlos'at PlalntIff'sAt- i li is odulsnd 1h01 iniorested bmop, Freedman Anselmo porlles c500yltui(h their SKOKIE Lindberg a Roppe, LLC, iBO7 own oitsrneys Muore bidding IN THECIRCUIT COURT foreclosure West DieSi Rood, Noporville, 01 marisMo OF COOK COUNTY, tubais 60563-1090, 15665 402ILLINOIS COUNTY llC NOTICE Is hereby Sudi, For Bidding Instructions DEPARTMENT, call (630> 45367l3 24 usuro amen ihat pursuasi to a JodaCHANCERY DIVISION prior to solo. WWO200S9 IN- meni of Foreclosure entered HSBC BANK USA, N.A., AS TERCOIJNTY JUDICIAL en Seplemher 23, 2009, Kalien TRUSTEE FOR THE REG- SALES CORPORATION Sell- Reaily ServIces, InC., 05 Sellloo Officer, t3iSI 444-t122 Ing 011icial will al 12:30 p.m. no January 5, 25i0, at 255 W. f222784 Randolph SIred, Solio 1025, Pub: 12)3, 12/15, l2Jt7flSU9 ChiC000, IllInuls, sell ou pub117300751 C lic 0601100 Io ihn hinhest bidS KO K lE der for cash. Os set 10db beIN THE CIRCUIT COURT lOw, the ColInAbo descrIbed OP COOK COUNTY, ILLt- rouI property: NOIS COUNTY DEPART- Commonly known as MENT - CHANCERY DIVI- finning Avenve, Unit SION 9405 35E, INDYMAC BANK, Skokie, 1L60076 F_S_g. Plainiltt.-e,- SHERON t'ermaneni Indes No.: 10.15PILLAI NK/A S. PILLAI, el 115455-1028 AND tO-iS-ho- Saio which wIll ontilie Ihn purchaser ta o Deod io Iho premIses 011cr conflrmaliso of Iho soie. Far inlarmotlon: VIsli exr websllo al h I t P : II s e r e I C O , o f I y. plorco.com. Eelw000 3 pm, and S p.m. only, PIerce a As- Plo101iff's Allor. 1 North 000nbsrn Street, Chlcooa, Illlnnis 60602, Tel.NO. 13h21 476-5500, Roter lo File Number 5953402. INTEIOCOU76TY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION SellIng DIlicer 13121 444-htfl 50010105, neyS, 2f 1904 PsIs: 11/19,11/26,12/2/09 117301311 C skokle IN Tf4EC1RCUITCOURI' OP COOK COUNTY, FIRST NLC TRUST 2007.1 MORTGAGE-BACKED CER' COUNTYILLINOIS DEPARTMENTTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-h, CHANCERY DIVISION PlalnIlti V. IVAN J. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONMARIJANOVIC A/K/A IVAN AL TRUST COMPANY, AS MARIJANOVIC; MILKA TRUSTEE FOR MORGAN ISTERED HOLDERS DF MARIJANOVIC: CITY DF STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I CHICAGO, Dot00600ts of CH 15003 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisherand Shapiro INC TRUST 2056-HE4 PlaIn- liii, vs. PIOTR PROYBYSS: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.: HSSC MORTGAGE tIle O 59-11315 INC,; NILES Ill Is Oduloed that Interested SERVICES, The mortnaSed real esiote Is porlios CENTER CONDOMINIUM Consoli wiIh Iheir own ASSOCIATION: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- improued wIth o dwelllno, allurnoys UNKNOWN belore biddIng at OWNERS BY GIVEN that Pursuont to a The properly wIll NOT he mort000n loreclosure AND NONsaios.l Judament al Foreclosure and open tor inspnciion. The pur. PUBLIC NOTICE is hnreby RECORD CLAIMANTS1 De' Soie Entered In the obnve chaterot the unit other Iban a alven 09 CN 4472 1h01 pursoani te a Judo- ieedonln, causo on Jonuory S, 2509, an tnortaa000 shoil pay Ihn os- ment 01 NOTICE OF SALE Foreciosuro enlored oaent of The Judicial Saies sessmentS and lee leoal lees on October u, 2559, KoIlen Ro- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERECorporation wilt at iU:30 AM required by 765 ILCS ally Services, Inc, as SoIlIng BY GIVEN 1h01 eur3000i Io o on December 14, 2009, at the 605/Olgllhl snd 101141. Olilciol will ai 12:30 p.m. on Judomenl of Foroclosuro ond ai Detendunt6O CH f9630 NOTICE OF SALE 055.1056 Tho JEdicial Sales Corpora' The ludoment amount was tian, One Sooth Wacher Driuo 5225,445.02. Sole lerms: 10% . 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, st suecosstol bld immedlolely 60655, seil at public nucfIon ta si conclusion nl aucilon, bolthe highest bIddnr, os sei once by 12:30 p.m the nest forth below the falluwina descrihod realestaio: CnmmunIyknowoasEß2S NILESCEN. TER ROAD #200, St(DKIE, IL 65077 Property Indos No. buainess dol', bslh by Cooklors checks: 806 nO relunds, The sole nhoil be subieci to entered In Ihn oSseE onlIJanuary ht, 2510, aI 205 W. Sale couse en Septomber 23, Rondslph SIred, Sulle 1020, lied lnlercsonty Jsdlclal Chicogo, IllinoIs, sell el pub- 2059 Ceroarallon will en lic auction la Iho hlghesl bid- Soies January 6. 2515 der 1er cash, as sol forth be- Wednesday, at ihn hour st ht am. In iholr low Ihe Inliuwlon descrlbed 011100 aI 125 09051 Modlson mol pr000fly: Commonly known as 3221 Jamb Avenue, SIreol, Sullo StIA. ChIco o, Skukie. IL dWll Permaveol Illinois, seil ai pobilc aocI on general renI enlato laxes, spedal tones, specIal 055055Na.: 1S-20-314-OfS The to loo hiohnsl bidder for Cash, 10i6430.523.103u The real es' monIs, special lanes levIed, Index forth beiow, Ihn followreol 05101e is Im- as sol tale Is Improved WlIh a multI ond superior liens, If ove. mortaoaeo described nrorlOaaed real wllh o dwelling. The loo unit brick busso With 011och- The properly is atlered os is, proved Ostato: PIN, hO-31-455.026 properly wlil NOT be open tsr and od 4 car gar000. sote forms: With no cuproso or implied Inspection, 027 101db IS-2I-405.574iodsmonl 25% dOwn 01 the highest bid Worranhies 006 wllhoxl any om000t woo SThe 429,772.51, Soie 1055 Inowl, by certified funds 01 the cluse representation os tu the 0001110% et succ055lul bid Commonly known os 8222 nf the oucilon; iho balance, In t al tille or rocourne to Plain- turms: Hiles Cenlor Read. Unit .416, at ConclusIon of certified tonds, to 50e withIn 91ff, Prospeellvo bidders are lmmndiutoly IL 60577. The moribalonce by 12:30 Skokie, twenty-tour 124t hours, Thn Bdmunished la reulow the ouctiun, real 051010 Is improved Ihn Ceni business doy, 0000d 50510cl progeny Is 50510cl to CaUrI tIle In verily oIl lItton- pm, o CondomInIum with bolh by Canhier'schecks: and 650cc. The pur000sor nlresI0000ral real ostato tases, spo- Oration. Iho retonds. The salo 55011 be dol assessments, nr special Ear intormollon: Sole Clerk, no alher Iban o morloagno sublecl In onneral real estate UnII toues moled oaoinst said real Fisherond Shoplro, 4201 Loke taxes, pat' the osoenoments special 10005, 5000101 ohoil Rd., ostato and Is otfered tor saio Cnnk 151 linar, assessmurlls, and Ihe legal lens requirod by 51*0101 100es SUbdivisIOns withoui any repr055otatlon 05 flnrlhbrsok. Illinois 60052, levied, nod superior and if InI 141 et SectIon(obliI io qunilty or quontity Of title 18471 405-9990, betw000 1:05 any. The properly isliens, 9 el Iho Conotlered domlnixm and wilboul rocsurso to 11.00. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays Properly Ad, Saio .55 ls, wiIh no enpross Or im- tnrms: 10% down by cenllfied PIoIotitf Ond in ,45 IS cendi- unly, 1213760 lion. The saio Is furlhor sub- PUb: 11626.12/3,1230/2009 lect ta coullrmotion by the 117372901 C court. Upon payment In foil of ihn 0000501 bid, Iho purchaser :lIl receive o Cerliticafe of F TOPLACEYOURGARAGESALEAD, I SALES COR PO R AT ID N Soiling OIlicer, 13121 444.1122 f222262 POS: 11/25.12/3,1235/2509 hours, by cerlilled boOs, No iban o morl009en sholl puy relunds. The property wIll ihn ossossmonts nod ihe mogol NOT bot opon fur lnspncllnn, loes roquired by subdIvisions Upon poymool lo lull BI Ike 101111 and 1g1141 01 Soctlon 9 bld, Iho purchosor hI I P :1/se re Ice , ally- omounl will recelen a Corllticgle BI plerce.com, Beiween 3 p.m. CHANCERY DIVISION ond S p.m. only. Plerco L AsPIN. 10-22-153-534. Common- JPMDRGAS CHASE BANK, suClales, PlainlIlt's AlterIv known as 4745 MaIn St., NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, neys, t North Dearborn V. RH000RA SIred, Chlcoon, Illinois 60002, Shokie, IL 60075. The mort- Pluintiff aases real estate is Improved VALERA: KENTON PARK Tel.No. 13121 470-5505. Reler will, o sleale tnmlly resI- CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- te Plie Number 0953033, INdence, Sale terms: tS% dawn TION Detendanlsnf CH 12007 TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL NOTICE DF by Certltled funds, balonce, SALES CORPORATION SollPORECLOSURE SALE. by cErtIfied funds, within 24 loo Otlicer, 13121 444.1122 CONDOMINIUM hours. Na retonds, The prop1222854 Pusher and Shapiro tIlo erly witi NOT be Opero tor In- CALL847-98-34OO RE JUDICIAL SALES Clerk, Fisher ond Llnsberg a bone. LLC, 1007 For Informallos: Solo Ciork, Shaplra, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., West DInIrl ROaS, Noporviiie, FIsher and ShapIro, 4209 LokO f loar, 151 Rd., 151 510er, Rorlhbrnafc, Illinois IllinoIs 65563-1590. /8449 472- Cook Fer BidSIng InslruC' Nsnlhbrook. Illinois 60002, 60062, 15471 495-9990, between 8663, h :00 p.m. and 3:00 pm, weok- lions coIl 16301 432.6713 24 15471 498.9990, belweell iSO P.m. and 3:50 p.m weokdays doysenlv, 1215317 hours prIor IO sole. Wm020040 1216125 Pub: 12/3, 12/hO, 12627/2059 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL Oele, COOK COUNTY. ASSOCIATIONI UNKNOWN DF 117375011 C HEIRS AND LEGTAEES OF ILLINOIS COUNTY DE- CHANCERY S KO K lE RANDY S. FAMACION, IF PARTMENT DIVISION ONEWEST BANK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ANY: UNKNOWN OWNERS the assessments Bed the legal AND NON RECORD CLAIM- FSB; Plnlnliff, es, RICHARD OF COOK COUNTY, GILLETTI fees required bi' The Cundo- ANTS: Detendools, GRENA ILLINOIS COUNTY minium Properly Act, 765 UZZELL; KENTON PARK DEPARTMENT' On CH 10065 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA. ILCS 6oM9lgitit and IguAl. CHANCERY DIVISIGN NOTICE DF SALE IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT TION: MORTGAGE ELEC- U.S BANK NATIONAL ASGOR IHOMEOWNERI, YOU OF FORECLOSURE UNDER TRONIC I REGISTRATION SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMI. FOR CMLTI 2507'ARi : PlaIn' HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE. ILLINOIS MORTGAGE REE FOR MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR AMERICAN 11ff, STANISLAV vo. FORECLOSURE LAW 35 DAYS AFTER ENTRY DF PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby MORTGAGE NETWORK, PO1SDLNY: THE KENTON AN ORDER OF POSSES- aloco thai pursuant Io O Judo- INC., DBA AMNET W011T- PARK CONDOMINIUM ASSIGN, IN ACCORDANCE menI of Forecl050ro entered GAGES UNKNOWN OWN- SOCIATION: MORTGAGE WITH SECTION 15-t7otlCl In Ihn oXee entitled couse on ERS AND NON RECORD ELECTRONIC REGISTRAou: THE ILLINOIS MORT. 109/2009, lnlorCOUnty Judicial CLAIMANTS: Detendonis, INC.: SYSTEMS, TION GAGE FORECLOSURE Soies Cnrpnratlso will so PrI- op CH 4695 PAULINE B. SHANNON: LAW, Fer intormation: Visu doy, Jonuarv 0, 2010, St Iho PUBLIC NOT10E tI hereby UNKNOWN OWNERS AND our websile ot hour 01 tI ans. In their BIlico SInon lhnI eursuont le a JodS- NON RECORD CLAIM' h i lun : h\serelce,o i f y- 01 120 West Modlsun Slneet, mont et Foreclosure entered ANTS: DntnOdanls. pinrce.Cum. beiwenn the Sulle 7184, ChiCO50, IllinoIs, In leo aboso entliled Cosse en 09 CII 12672 hours of 3 and S pm. PIERCE soll to Ihe hiahesl bidder for 9/10/2009, Inlorcounly JudicIal NOTICE OF SALE a ASSOCIATES, Plalnliii't cosh, Ihn lollowina descrIbed Sales Corporation will en PUNLIC NOTICE IS HEREAflorneys, One North Dear. pruperly: PIN. hO-20-lit-045- Monday. Ooconrbor 14, 2009, BY GIVEN thol porsuont Io o burn Sulle t3OU, 1015, 1S.20-Ihh'045.tn34, Corn- at Iho hour et il 0m. In Ihoir Judmnnt et Forociosore and Sired CHICAGO, IL 65552. Toi No. monly known as 5215 GALITO elfico BI 125 West Modison Sain entered In Ihn abo-Je onliI3tSl 476-5500. Picoso rufer lo STREET UNIT AD, SKOKIE, Slreot. Sulle lilA, ChIcago, hod causo on Selslenrber 22, lilo number PAOOtt67S. THE IL 60017, The lmprauomelil 0g Illinois, nell to the hiobest bld' 2009 Inler000nly Judiclol JUDICIAL SALES CORPO- tho property consIsts nl o can- der tor cash, ihn foilowing de- Soies Corporation will on RATION One Sooth Wocker dominium residence. The sCrlhed property: PIN, 10- Thursday, Javuary 7, 2510 BI Once, 24th Flour, Chlcnoo, iL purchaser ut Ihn unIt other h5-hiO-0S5-h03p, hO'hS'hto.OSS- the buon of it orn. In Iheir Of05055.4650 13t21 23h-SALE Ihan a murla0000 shall pay 1075. Commonly known es lico nl 150 Went Madison You can aisn ulsit The JudI. the Ossessmenls and tho leoal 1445 N KENTON AVE UNIT 51ro-st, Sulle 7100, ChIcons, Soles Cnrpurollon at lees requIred by subdivisions .106. SKOK1E, IL 60576, Tho IllinoIs, seil at public oucllon Clou svww.tisc.Cnm tar a 7 dOy sto- (01111 and (01(41 st 50011009 lmpr000menl on Ihn Prepnrty lo the hinhest blddor br Cose, tus report of pendina sales. el Iho Condominium Proponly consIsts ut a CondomInIum as set torIh below, Ihe 10110wPIERCE A ASSOCIATES Dee Ad, Saio lentos: 25% doWn by residonco, The porchoser of lIto described murtoused reol Norlh Dearborn Street 55115 certilled 05065, baianco wilh- the soll ether 1h00 O morbo- Cobb: P.1.16, i5-hS-ltO554 1300 CHICAGO, IL 00602 13t21 In 24 hours, by certllled fonds. ano senIl pan the ossessgionts 10161 tO-tS-ltO-OSS-1S31 leewl, 476-5h50 Attorney Filo No.: No rolunds. The properly will and Ihn lenal loes reqUired by CommonS' known os 9443 PASO1S67O Attorney Code. NOT 55 open for Inspeolion, subdiulslons 101111 and Norih Konlon, UnII 359. Skok' 91225 Cose 4 nu CH ttb3$ Upon poymenl in lull nl ihn Igl 141 ei Sedino n el Iho Con- le, IL 50076. ThO morl0090d Iflt 239 0,00551 bid. the pnrchaser cìomlniurn Properly Act. Sale reol estale Il improved with a Pub: lt/SP, t5P20, 1VTS9 25% down by certified Condominium rosldonce, Tho will receiuo a Certiticale of lorms: li735n07l C Soie which wIll cotillo Iho tonds, bulonce wibhin 24 purchasor sI Ihn unIt olher Corporatlun will on FrIdae, JanoSry B, 2010 al the hour of lt am. In their SIlice at 120 West Madison Street, Suite sknbtO iSBA. Chlcaaa, Illinois, sell at public auction to the hiahest RE JUDICIAL SALES Sote hiohosi bidder for COOS, os sot bidders aro odmonished to S. PAMACION 41K/A RAN. lm&OVd with o sinOlo isliv A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) wwwpioneerlocal.com piled worronties end wil000t Ooionce, by CertIfied one represenlalion os to loe lunds, wilhin 24 hours. No requality el tItle er receurso io lunds, funds, Tho Properly wIll NOT P16001111, Prospeclluo bidders open lar Inspeclion aro Odmonished lo revIew the be For inlormailon Coil Pub: 12/3, 12/15, 12/17/2009 lh7300031 C OKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Cook Cnsnly, IllInoIs, 111374021 W IN THE CIRCUITCOURT lion, LLC, on IllInoIs Ilmitod Pub: 11/76,12/2,923062509 sin 5101e banking corparollon, P15191111, ns, Eollnt Censlnec- liabIlIty compony, 01 ai,, DoOF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS bondonls, COUNTY DEPARTMENT, 09 Ch 12631 CHANCERY DIVISION ShorIll's No. 09034.0019 US, BANK, NATIONAL Pursuant Io a JodOmenf ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE modo and enborod by sold FOR WMALT 2006-ARB, FlaIntlil V, EMELITA WABINGA, Deteedont 0g CH 12516 NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher ond Shapiro fIlo O 59.19159 Ill is 0601104 1h01 inleresled parties consnit wilh iheir awn otiorneys bnloro blddino 01 msrl000y foreclosure www.pioneerlocal.com Thursday, December 3, 2009 BZ RE JUDICIAL SALES Counly Deportment, Chgncony DivisIon, Rldnoslono Bank, o Wiscon. Skahlo A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) Ceurf In ihn above onlltbod Thomas J. Dorl, couse, SherlIl 01 Coak County, bill0015. wilt on J0000ry 5, 2010, al 12 Noon in Ike hollwoy eutsIde Roam 751 01 Iho RIchard J, 0010e Cnntor, SO W. Wash- 156400 Street, Cklc500, IL, soll et publIc auctIon Ihn fol- lowing descrIbed promIses and roui 051010 mentIoned In sold Judomeol: Address: soios.I PUBLIC NOTICE s 0301 N. SkBkle Blvd., Skoklo, hereby 91000 1h51 pursuanl lo IL 00076. imorovemonls: n ,iudomenl El FereCiegore Commorclol Belidieg. SoIn Onlerod un October 6, 2009, shoil be Under bbc Ioiiowlng Kauen Rosily Servlcos, Inc., terms: Ten reol estate shall os Selling 011Iclol will 01 12:30 be sold nl public oscilan lo p.m. on ,i0000ry 7, 2510, al 255 Iho hiohosi bidder lar cash: MARKETPLACE PETS Advertise 24/7 Call 10471991.3400 EmaIl ciosslfledsW piosoorlocal.com On 110e hllps:\Mrdnrs, plonnerl000i.05rn Fao 10471 406-7497 PIONEERPRESS noua LOCAL 300000 gj1 !thtt W, Randolph SIred, Sollo reqolrino payment col loss 1025, Chicopo, IllInoIs, soli BI leon Ion perconi 110%b ob Ihn AN11QUES AND ART GOODS publIc oscilon In tho hlnhost Ilmo et solo and ISO bolgoce bIdder br cash, os sol 10db withIn Iwooly-Isor 1241 hours oath P00435500 below, Ihn lollowIng descrI- pius intonosl al Iho stalubory P401110110904* bed real properly: Commonly ludamont ralo on any unpaId koown 55 8706 NIbs Cenler porllsn BI the soto pnico Irorn *0440000 shawand Safo 610005051's rasoiO 00011.0$ Road, SkOkie, IL 60071 Per- Iho dato of salo Io leo dole of roe coca-coces mayo01 loden Na.: 10-21.207- paymonl, All paymonls ob Ihn 10091*143 1111415100$ 159 Thn mortgaged mol Os. falo Is lmprovnd with a dwellIng. The properly will NOT be Open br lnwecllsn. The lodo- om000l bld shall be lo CortI. day, bolh by Coshior'scbocks: roll a Karobo, Ltd., Plain- CONDUCTED KOUSESALES sholi be subiocl ta general re- SiroEt, Sulle 2310, ChIcago, IL BI 051010 laxes, special toces, 60003.1806. ToI, tAo, 13121 720speeigl OssOssmOnts, specIal 2460. This Is on allompt Io Col. CHICAGO- ESTATE SALE DocemborStb a uue tIed funds payable Io leo -Sole OIflCon",Snlo sholi M schIed WllnkCnn.I l°M 0/S fIÇ. SOL, toper. S 9.6 SUO OrC6,50-0 io nenerel 100es, spoclol os85 09109400, titOs 11H 10091 amOunt wos B 274,002,17, sossmOnls, and any prior firsI Sale lorms: 10% el soccesslul WOrl0000l, PremIsos will WQnsoa'SCkol of W4010l30 970 01000510M. %flmeflO. II bld Ironrodlalely BI conclu- NOT M opes Ion Inspeellon. Ms.l çsit Wlt$Jfe sIso 01 aucllon, bulonce by For informalion: Jetlrey S, 12:30 p.m. lhb neal bOsioosn Boros, Eso, ob Crowloy Ban- and no rolunds. Tho sain lItt's Atlorneyn, 25 5. Clork toom-3pm1 l'saf9om lovied. ond sUperIor 10cl 0 dehl pur550nl Io Ihn ApOrsO2U3O N. KImberly ni Iho Condsrnlnlunr Properly lions, II any, The property is FaIr DebI Coileclion Prodi- mlseoitaniaeslol050ios.com Ad, Sole lerms: 15% down by oltered os ls, wllh nn ospress ces Ad ondony Inlormotlos COnilfiod fonds, balonco, by or implied worronlles ovd Oblalood WIll M 050d Our 1h01 GARAGE/IIOLISE SALES corlilied Iunds, wIlhin 24 wllboul one roprosonialiox os purposo, 1224032 boors. tAo rolunds, The Prop- Io Ike qualIty al lIllo er re' Fob: 12/2. 12/hO, 12/17/7ma DARIEN MOVING SALEI orly will NOT be open tsr In- Courso ta FloinlIfI, Prospec117301331 C Bol 79111 Sl (4203). speclion Far Inturmation call live bIdders ore admonished Frl S Sal, Dec 4.5. gom.2pm, KorB Findiay al PlainIitl'sAt- lo roviow Ihn Court Ills lo vor- Nbokla CONDO LOADEDI Tens Of lotee,', Freedman Anselmo 11v oIl lntormnlloo. For Inlor- IN THECIRCUIT COURT Pers. One) Lihr. 0k, 0/Ieri,, DF COOK COUNTY, Llndbera a Rapen, LLC, hEO7 mallos: Sole Ciork, Fishor Fors, Clocks, KlfchaO, Tans WesI Diehi Read, Noperville, end ShgPIIo, 4201 Lohn Cook ILLINOIS COUNTY Illinois 60563-1890. 18661 402' laxos Rd.. 151 hoar, Norlhbrxsk. il0669. For Blddlna Inslrucllons 11901560062. 15471 490.9990. bn' colI 16301 4526713 24 ksOrs tween 1:00 p.m. and 3:55 p.m. prIor Io soie. W09030023 IN- wcekdoys only, 1214569 TEISCOUNTY JUDICIAl. Pub: lt/3d, 1213. 12/155009 SALES CORPORATION Selli17373271 C lea Otllcor, 13121 444-1122 5KOKIE 1222610 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Pub: 1213, 12/10, h2/h712009 OP COOK COUNTY, 117350551 C ILLINOIS COUNTY Skakle DEPARTMENTInS THECIRCUITCOURT CHANCERY DIVISION OF COOK COUNTY, HSBC BANK USA, N.A., AS ILLINOIS TRUSTEE FOR ECAP 2500COUNTY DEPARTMENT, INI, ASSIGNEE OP MORTCHANCERY DIVISION GAGE ELECTRONIC REGSELECT PORTFOLIO ISTRATION SYSTEMS. SERVICING, INC., Plointill INC., AS NOMINEE FOR V, WILFREDO BORJAS: METROPOLITAN HOME RUBEN BORJAS, Oslond' MORTGAGE. INC., PlalnIlil, ontsBPCH 002 MANOO vs. SUBIN, NOTICE OF PRANOM SU0IN, LESLIE S. FORECLOSURE SALE DECOSTER AND FABIENE Fiseer end Shapiro O. MCGEE, AS INDEPENDIlls e 00-14039 ENT ADMINISTRATOR OF Ill Is advised 1h01 Interosied THE ESTATE JOYCE OscIles e005xll wIth their RICHARDSON. DECEASED. awn atlornoys bnioro bidding UNDER LIEN RECORDED ai morl0000 toreciosuro AS DOCUMENT NUMBER soles.b PUBLIC NOTICE Is 0959947159. NONRECORD hereby oleen thaI purs000i IO CLAIMANTS, UNKNOWN a Judnmeni at ForoClosuro TENANTS AND UNKNOWN enlerod on October 6, 2009, OWNERS, Oolendanls, Kauen Reoiiy Sorvi005. Inc., on CH 17362 as Solilng Otficlal will ai 12:30 NOTICE OP SALE P.m. on J0000ry 1, 2010, at 205 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' W. Randolph SIred, Sollo 15V GIVEN 1h01 pursuoni Ion lOSO, Chi0500, Illinois, sell 01 JkdsmenI el Foreclosure Ond public oucllon to the hiahosl bisder br cash. os soi IsrIh below, ihn tOltuwing desCrlbel real property: ComWnniy known os 0645 Lorarnie Auenon, Skokle. IL 65077 Permonenl ledeu No.: DIMISCI DOfL'Tt.SfS DEPARTMENT Eeanslon Moolnn Sa e CHANCERY DIVISION 2609 LI5COIO, US BANK NATIONAL ASSO. Frl & sat, 10/4-5, 90m-19m AS TRUSTEE sofa Boa, Bullet, TbI S Chrs, FOR WACHOVIA LOAN Dresser& 005k. DIshes, TRUST, SERIES Osdd'AMNI Glastos, 7' xmas Troo, Gndn FIOInIII1, vs. EDDIE ToaN, LP's, Sleamer Trunk. MARKHAY: CITIsomoear S Other Anfqs. MORTGAGE. INC.: MORT. socilonal Gloss Boakeaso, GAGE ELECTRONIC REG- FaldIns Mattress k FrIme ISTRATION SYSTEMS, INGLESIDE 130 Waseinolon INC.: Deleodanla SI., Inaiesldo. OecemMrS O09 CH 4315 3, ARTWORKS Children's NOTICE OF SALE MuseUm, North Inglside MoPUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE' dATION, BY GIVEN 1h01 pUrsuonl IB O Ira station, Losf our build000rylhlng most noi Judamonl of Foreclosure and 1591 Puppets, Arlo/Crol Is/Sewino Soin SobnoS In leo aboco enlI- supplIes: KId's musIcal inlied casse on Seplember 16, 011ico 2009 intercoUnly Judicial stromontsl Saies CorporatIon wlil on I: urnll u re/Accessortos1 MOREl Cxoladt Thvnnday, 0000mbor 17, 2009 Boaks: I lodO.547-2S8-2237 FMI 01 Iho boor el 1h am. In Iholr LINCOLNSHIREs Esfole 011100 al 125 09051 MadIson Slrool, Sullo lIlA, Chicoso, Salo InAH0504BR Hesse. Illinois, sell 01 public Budlion 93 Lfncolootllre Dr Suo 00171 to len hlohesi bIdder br cash, loa-Ap. Pero. Safas, l5od, as nel Isrlb below. Ike 10110w- ThIS, BookshElf. 047-772'20f5 mo descrIbed morl5000d real NORTHI5I000K 3716 0006111f 05101e: PIN. 15-22-217561, DrIve, 95-4-5.6 lUam.4pnr, Commonly known as 1450 Numbers BI 9:30. OlI 01 Rd. Norlh Keysl000 .Ononue, Wolters.Wossiins SkokIe. IL 60070. The mort- Unheilvoblol From VIolase 0050d real 55101e is lmpr000d Io Coniempororyl Costume 310006 with u sInglo lomlIv rosI- Jowl, donce. Soin lermu: 10% down Arl,Sculpl, Depression by Cerlifled fonds, balonce, n loss, S P, SIe n 1105,cryslgi, poll by Cnrlllled tundo, wllhln 24 orv,Rosoville. hours. Na relunds. The prop' PACKEDI ITS A DONT MISS Sole onlerod In leo obove 0011- CrIC will NOT be open br In- DALE I lied Couse on Oclohor 1, 2509 speclion For Inbormallon coil NORTHFIELD Rible salol Inlorcoonly JudIclol Soles Kara Findloyab FialnlllI'sAIEoorylhlog Mxst Gal Corporation wIll on Thsrxdoy. turoer, Freedmon Anselmo Sol/Sun. lam-2pnr, Doc S k 6, January 7, 2010 01 the hour nl LIndberg a Ropprr, LLC, 1007 320 ValleyWoy. 1ml N BI WIl11 0m. In Ihoir ollico al 155 West Oiebi Road. Nopnrvlllo, law Rd 0g faff, last s al Vallo. West Modlson Slrool, Sullo Illinois 65563.1090. (0661 402- Foil CantonI Solo El SO yr old 7MA. ChlCego, Illinois. soll 01 0661, For Bidding Inslroullons cantomponory hamo off sonThe rnortgaaed mai 051010 Is public ouCllns Io the hlohost call 10301 433-6713 24 hours not Ridse Rd. Rasldonbs hava improved wllh g dm011195, bIdder br cosh, as sol torih prior Io sole. 0959015014 905506 aWay or manod ouf, The properly will NOT be boiuW, Ike isiiowina dosen. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL All Canfenfs In M saId, All Open tor Inspecilon. bed morloagod mol 05101e: malnr appls, hiNCare, globe. SALES CORPORATION Tho ludomoni ORMOnI was S P,l,N. l0'26-322.023. Common- Selling 011lcor, 13121 414'h122 glasses B siomwore. csim 265,615.47. Salo lorms: 10% et Iv known as 3035 Janvls AveDR 50f, beds, lamps, desks. 1219722 successtul bid Immedialoly al nno. Skokie, Ililnols 60076. ChOSls, bar labio, LR chrs k Fob: hl/h9. 11/26, h242/'SP conClusion si Ouction, balance The morl055ed real oslale is Couch, sIanO op plano, ntorea 117230011 C by 12:30 p.m. ihe next busi- Improved wills a 510010 fowily alp, wail art & decaraf Ions, ness doy, both by coshior't rosidenco. Sato lerms: 10% ruas, nor osp, fools. Ira lawn Chocks: and no relunds. The down by certilied esodo, bal' mowlon broelor, Bld nbatloa 551e shall be nubiect Is ocner' once, by corlifled funds, wIth090000, PICnIC beochon, sosal rosi OsIate boss, spocial In 24 hours. No rolonds. The us, Ilolck hoacko, Cask 001e. lakes, specIal ossensmenls, roporly will NOT be opero br All procoods wIll ka lar Iba specIal taxes levIed, and 50- Inspecllon. For Intormollon konefll al aun molher, Woody TO PLACE penlor liens, lt any, The prep- coil Sales Clerk 01 Low DIIIYOUR Jano5, flaw la assislod cano. erly is ellerod as is, wllh no coo 01 1ro T, Novel, 1/5 Nonlb 901.419-6547 Or 132-274-7114 000rens or impiled warron- FranklIn SIred Chi0000. lilIParlI Rldse-MBoinn Sale GARAGE SALE AD, lles and wlIhnOI any repre- 0515 60606. 0312$ 357-1125. IN' 1770 Mor000rlln St 505101100 05 iO Ihn 000ilty of TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL Frl 12/4 A Sal 12/3 lom-3pm lillo or recoursn Io f°iointilt. SALES CORPORATION SoIlCALL 847998-3400 l000moancxiiodtfblos.com Prospecllee bidders oro ed- Ing Otlicer, 12121 444-lIn monlshod la roelow the court f222697 tU-21-250.556 end 1U.2t000'OAO Kara court 111e lo verity oil mIar. Flndiuy BI P10101111's AIturmaliOn. For inlormollon: 009, Freedmon Ansolmn fIle to verily oIl Intormollon. ) ,,:,_,-, .Jx rl,:: .1 :1,111: 3 ::,.,,:::-:IÌ : u B Thursday, December 3, 2009 ( GARAGE/HOUSE SALES SKOKtE ESTATE SALEE 7722 kolmor. FrI.5Ufl9.3. turn, bikes, old records, dishes, books, elect oroon. NC's, edult cUbs, much moro misc. All Must Gol ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME Notice lo hereby given pur- ASSUMED NAME Notice in hereby alone pur. suonI to Ao Act le mixtion to suant ta An Act io relation lo tho use of on Assumed Buoi- the use at 00 Assumed Buoi. nesS Nome in the conduct or ness Name io Ihe conduct or tronsectioo of Business in the transoctiae at Business in the Slote, OS omended, thot o SlaIe, 05 amended, Ihat a AUCTIONS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE To BO Held Al: Tho Lock Up Sell Slarosn Conten 2525 West Armiloon Chtcono, 1L60647 Dolo: December 18, 2009 TIme: 10:00 0m. certiticotion woo filed by the certificoliuu Wos filed by the undersigned with ¡he Counly undersloned with the Ceunly CONDIT1DNS: Ali oeIls will Clerk et Cmk County. File Clerk 01 Caulu County. Plie be sold tu tho hiphesl biddur. No. 0091197M on November Na. D09119840 on Nuvemhor Bids token oem tor 000h unit Dec5-l7. Durino Llbrory 05, 2009, under the Assumed 13, 2009, under 19e Assumed In Its enlirety. Poymeht must Heers. 4500 W Pratt ASO. be mode by certified check, Nome et Eye Trovot Chi0000 Nome et 847477-5277 JO WORKS with the business located ot cash or money ardor 051v, No Circle, wilh the business iacoled xl personal checks occepted. Strottord 402 WESTERN SPRINGS StreomWOOd, IL 68107. The 9376 N. Westere Ave.,Des ALL 00065 must be removed Iren eom005I end resideuco Fluions, IL 60016. The true 550m lite unit wilhin 21 hours. ddO Jeknsoo Ave. Frl ¡2/4, 9orff-30m. Sot ¡2/5, 90m-37m oddress of Ihn oweeris) is: namels) and resIdence od- Poyment due immodloteiv EStotoSole. Furnlluro, sume Kehl Woaner, 402 Strottord dress at the ownerisi is: upon occeptonce 01 tOd. UoIt ontiques, collectlblOs, dishes, Circle, Slreomwbed, It. 60107 Jerry J Zabiocki., 9276 N. availabilIty sobiect to prior OIoSSware, lomps, leweiry, & Sherry Loskelt, 371 Wiste. Western Ave., Des Plaines, settlement at occouot. Uall 2005 ria Drive, Streamwuod, IL IL. 60016. Ortwork, much misci 60107. Heme/Demoiiltoo Solet Appiloncos, Furniture, Pub: 11/19,11/26,12/3/09 11736367i C & Moret Sut & Sun, Oom-3pm. 77 Locust Rd WANTED TO BUY WANTED HOME STEREO ERuil'. A Record,. 335455.705 ASSUMED NAME Notice is hereby aiven, Pur- suant lx 'Au Act io reixtioe te the use xl an Assumed 8us1ness Nome in tile cenduct or tronsoction of Business in the StOtn, Os omendod, 1h01 O WtIfpjkup CashJ4d6-dtS certllicoliuu woo tiled by the David Cooper Boues, misc. (17363081 C UniI 3145 ASSUMED NAME Notice is hereby given, pur. Todd Holey Design Assuc. suant IO An Act in rolutton ta Tabla, Iowp, chairs tile use at an Assumed 8h51. Unit 2014 ness Name in the conduct or Julio Frouck tronsactian at Business in Iba Bike, bed trame, bins, beans State, as omended, thaI a UnII 2020 certiticoliun woo tiled br tite Joron Ri Yoro undersigned with the Cavuli' Misc. 60005, mooneauin Pub: 11/in, 11/26, 12/3/09 ondersienyd wlih the Counly Clerk at Cook Ceunty, Pile torms tube. Soild-stote, vintage or Clerk of Couk Ceuuty. File No. D091198l7 en November Pub: 12/3, 12/1509 II7292421C WANTED Stereo Eqoiposeet newer. Cosh pold 847.942-5218 No. 008118922 on November 10, 2089, 608Cr the Assumed 24, 2009, under lite Assumed Nome at Albrisht'u Rood Service Nome 01 FonIos V AUTOMOTIVE ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS i i847i 998-3400 Emoit ciossitiední0 pieneerlocoi.com certiticotlun was tiled by the uednrsioned wiIh Ihn County Cinrk at Couk Ceunty. File Ontino httpsA\orders. pienoeriucOl.00m 24, 2009, coder the Assumed Slate, os omendyd, thol o NO. D0911992-1 on November Nome et MA P Ceosaillns wilh the business iucoted xl F00 n332 Landings Le., #305, Des Plaines, IL. 60016. The true nameisi God residence address of the awnerisi is Msrek Kurek. 9332 Londinos LS , #205, Des Plomes, iL 60016. Fob: 12/3,12110,1097/09 tflie itht 2007Bobco9 T300 Cumpoct Sell Nowi Prico $4700, ¡relier ioctudetl , Cob with Meet/AC, Contact: ocdrp2@msn.cum I 847416-4745 AUTOMOBILES WANTED CASH FOR JUNKCARS Fron Pick.Up. Sume doy Pub: 11/19, II/3d, 1313159 ASSÇJë?iME I/alice is hereby aivee, pursuunl lo 'An Ac? io relation ta the use of un Assumed Business Nome lu the conduct or IronooctIoa ht Business Io Ihn Stote, os amvedod, 1h01 a undersigned WiIh the Caunty No. 1209119913 an November Clerk el Ceok Ceunty. File 20, 2009, under Ihn Assumed No. 009119925 on Navember Nomo of schoumbors Motorcycles 24, 2009, undor the Assumed wIlh the busloess lacolesi 05 Nome ut Road, W. Gait BSS P 5 H C0950illns With the business booted at Schoumburo, IL 68194. Tha 9222 Landinos Ln., Apt 601, lrOO nomoisi ond resldenco Lendinos Ln., API 601, Des PleInes, iL 68016. Fob: 1313,12/10,12/17/09 117392501 C ASSUMED NAME Nalice is hereby aiven, pur- ASSUMED NAME suuel to Ao Ad In reiotiae tu the use at on Assumed Business Nome in the conductor ASSUME Notice Is hereby oiueO, pur- Leqals Clerk at Cook Cuusly. Filo Na. D09119950 un November 23, 2009, uuder the Assumed Nome at Apple Fr101 WiIh the huslenos iacoted at 9386 Landieas Lu., #401, Des .-. 24/7 Coil Ives thereto. Sloruoe citarono continuo lo accruo. Sote may be canlinued from lime to time wilhoot turthor nolice eocept ta parties otloedino such 0/114505 oro redeemed within thlrtV (301 dos's at Ihn pubticotlun al this nutico. NAME OP PERSON(S) Porulos Rionberla Filth Third Bank DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT 87630.00 Pub: 12/3,12/10,1097/09 117389121 D PUBLIC LIEN on 1/11/2010, o solo will suant to A0 Act in mixtion Io That held 01 3:00 p.m. 01: tho 05e Of an Assumed Bust- beParamount Truck Body Ca. ness Nomo in tite conduct or 2I07We5I Follan St. tronsoCtlOa of 000leess in Iba Ckicoxo, Il_60612 SIotO, 05 omended, 1h01 O Ali bids ta be la writing, lo cerlificalian wos Ilied by the sell the laliawina 0/110105 to ondersixeed with lite Cuunty transaction at Business in thu State, Os omonded, that u Clock al Cook County. Filo cerliticatian was tiled by thu Na. D09I19790 os Nov. 9, 2009, undersioved with Ihn Counly under theAssumed Nome of Advertise towlno & other assocloted ARTICLE Des Pleines, IL 60016. The oddress at the awnorisi is: 2005 A0OIS4 true nometsl and residence DvnOid B. Erichnon, 138 5. WAUPL4OEXSAOI33I4 Pien, Genevo, I L 60134. Pub. 11/26,12/3,109509 PruemysioW Chuchoix, 9332 LEGAL NOTICES sIxte ut lilineis br lober, mo. terbio, services, slar000, scheduled 0010 CV those who reauesl hamo, Successlul bidcerliticollun wos Ilied by the der IP pay with carliundersigned wIth the County tiedrequired lunds. Clerk at Cook Caunly, File Ownnr: Steven M, Roo Ne. DOOtlW2u 00 November Lleohoider: Triad Capitol 2009; under the Assumed Carp ' am1p0p05 VehIcle: 2003 Furd Mustaua Roslauronl # 1FAFP42X63F417167 with the busloess localed ot VIN Amouol awed, 09,450.00 2430 W. 47th St., ChlC000, IL Pub: 12/3,15110,1097/09 00632, The true nameis) ond residence address ut Iba owoerisi IS Soul Ricardo That os 1/11/2010. o saie will Gorclo-Domion, 2343 W. SOIb be bald at 3:00 p.m. al: St., ChIcouu, IL 60609. Cuproso Aulo Body Inc. Pub: 12/3, 15110, 1097/09 4116W, Botmasl 117293230 C Chic000, IL 68641 ASSUMED NAME Ali bids ta be io writinu, to address at the awnerlsl is Service. Coil 708.80.1-2228 at Nahen is hereby aluen, purthe totiowloo orlicies to suant lu An Act in retolius la sell ASSUMED NAME entorco o lico 00151108 under Notice Is hereby given, pur ¡he use at tin Assumed Busi. Ihe lawsaf the 5101001 illinoiS suant Io An Act lu relotlen to 51005 Nome la Iba cunduct or 000inut ouch anides tor Io. the use 01 an Assumed Busi. transoctiun of Business In the ber, services, skills Or mote. ness Nome in the cenduct or Stute, 05 amended, 1h01 o rial eupended opon ar staroan trensoctian of Business in the certiticolios wos Iliad by Ihn turolsked lar such articles 01 Stxle, os amended, that o uvderslaned Wilh the Ceuoty the reghest 01 the taliowina cerlilicolian was Ilied by the Clerk at Cook County. Filo dcsianoled persoolsl, ocioso 11739338) C TRAILERS & TRACTORS Emoil Morkel Soy Coosoltlns Group with lite business located 01 agaInst such orliCies for lo. ber. sarvices, skills nr mule. rial eapended upan or slar000 furnished tor such orticios al Iba request et Iba laliawino desianated pnrsonls). unless such adictos oro rodeomad Marias #340, 00k Park, IL 60301. Tho true nomoisi OeIl residesce ad- wilhin thirty 1301 days 01 the dress ut tito awnerls) is: 159 N. dress at the owuerisi is: (17266531 C 9306 Georae VaOBeiatus, ASSUMED NAME Londings Ln., #401, Des Notice is hereby oluen, purS Plaines, 1L60016. suant to AS Act In relation ta Pub: 1313,12/10,1097/09 the uso 01 an Assumed Buoi. 117385911 C iesoi@ piuueeriecoi.cem Fox ¿847)486-7417 ness Nomo io the conduct or troOsuction at BosinosS in tho DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE 1999 InternatI000l 9200 2HSFM.AHR1XCO6762O AMOUNT: 56424.00 Pub: 12/3, 12/10, f097V9 117307501 C2 Stoto, os omended, that o FIND YOUR No. D09119896 on November to, 2009, uudor Ihn Assumed Nomo of I See U Shielos with the busIness 1000106 al 7633 N. Hoynn s IN Chicooa, IL 60645. Tho truo pomo(sl PERFECT PET IN ,, ThEEtASSIYIEDS ond residence oddreSs 01 Ihn Golden Is: aweerlsl Corbblns. 14x3 Fosler. Cyan. Stun, IL 60201. Pub. 11/26,12/3,12/1509 RNO YOUR THE CLASSIFIEDS PEfl000T PET IN I Servicn Sloroge Facility Ad, 5101e al Illinois, Iho under. Sioned, PS Dranavca, Inc. aflWor Shuroord, IRS, Inc. will cunduct public SalaIs) by cn:npeiltIve bidding on DocRm ber II, 200901 10:30 A.M en Ihe premise wharnsaid properIF has 6-vn stored, and which öre located ut Public Sturano 2101 W. Howard, Chicaao, IL 60645. The persunol properly described below, In Ihn mailers el: Contents Space t Occupael Baos, boues, lotes 3022 BennulI Tracy PhiltIp Winheiman Bags boues, toles Purchases must be mode with cash ontyavd paid toral lita Ilma ut soie. Ali Oueds aro sold os is ond musI bu removed (1737500> C NDTICE DF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Mollee Is hereby oben that pursuant In Section 4 al Iba Sell.Service Storoun FacIlity Act, Slate ut ililnuls, Iba ca. dersiannd PS Drouoa Ca. will svii at public solo by cnmpei Ilivu biddina on Decnmbot' 25, 2059 01 1:10 P.M. on Iho premise where sold properly has been stored, and which is booted at Public SloraaeIPS Oronge Ca., 4430 N. Clark, Chi0000, IL. 60640 the persovol property described below. In the malle rs of SPACE C NAME CONTENTS C126 Dumunique, Brown Fornilure A067 Lisa Woiiensleln 000es 0019 Keule Watson aedding, turoituro C0.17 Fitooeraid, Kirslen Bones, lurelture Bu20 Schenk ,Fraocesco 00X05, luruilura Baulor, Eiloabelh Boues, furnilura Clou 0054 1-mOler, Willie Bones, olaclranics Doll Sebaonaio, Shakos Bonos, baos Myors, KhahiIia Baues, olectronics 0159 Purchases moat be moda with Cash 001v and paid toral Ihn lime 01 saie. All 000dS ara sold us Is ond most be ro. moved al the lima al purchase. Sale is 50610cl ta odlouromest. Pub: 12/3, 10/10/09 11739S27iC NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico Is horeby olvos that Pursuant Io SectIon .1 at lite SoIt-ServIce Staraae Facility Act, Stale of illinois, Ihn un. dorsianod PS Omnaeca, Inc and/or Shuroard, TRS, inc will conduct soleisl by COmpalitive biddina as: 0000m. ho, 28. 2009 of Il :45 0m. De the premiso where Said PV0P011v has beco stored ond which are located xl Poulie Star. oso, Properly a 00067, 1711 W. Futiorlon, Chlcaaa, IL 60814, Phune: 793.5225518, Fao: 773.348.375 The perauv property described below, In the moltorpl: Space 1055 1150 2051 2110 2182 3146 4521 Nome Desiree Bora Scott Gelandor lObaI Khan Kennalh Koitus Ellnobeth Nowhall ChrlsCesco RobeD Dllooia Canteats Beddino, b000s,IaloS Boues, lurnilure, Boddina. bu005,totas Books, 600es. turnllure EiaclrnnIcs, furniture B000s,buuks Electronics, lurnIturo DarrenS000hao Bedding, houes, electronics Purchases must ha made wllh cash only OSO paId lar al Iba time al salo. All 000ds aro sold as is und mosl bure. 4119 macad at too time of purchase. Sola is sublecl to Od loo rnmOnl. 117310241 Pub: 1213, 12/10/neC NOTICEOF PUBLICSALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Natica Is hareby aines litaI pursuant to Soctlon 4 of Ihn Snlf-Servlco SlOr000 Focilily Act, Stato of IllinoIs 1h01 PS OrouOeca, nc, acAtar Shuraord TRS, Inc. will can. duct 5010151 by competition biddina on December 20.2009, 01 11:00 AM., on tito promise whom saio properly hos been slated, Ond which oro acolad 01 Publio Staraae/PS Oranaa Ca., 1916 N. 515100, ChiCune, 1L 80642. Ph000 772227.3114, loo 773.337-3353, Space Occupant A202 /0234 354 301 418 465 477 064 095 143 Clerk at Coak County. File uin NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby 010ev that pursuant tu Section 4 of Ihe Seit- /0404 010 cortifICOtiOO woo filed by Ihe ondorsianed wIIh tho County yo-en LOCAL 3oUoco tfl1e Pub: 11/26, 1212/09 ll132k45IC25 ontarce O lien 00151100 andar Ihn lows al Iho SlaIn al Illinois pubilcotiun of 1h15 natica. Plomes, IL 60016. The true Akan EkpO, 625 S Cenlrol Ph. NAME OP PERSON(S) eameisl and residence od. Chicuoa, IL 60624. Gruco&GunnTrnsprl Pr Inc Pub. 11/19,11/36,109/3009 1847> 486-4827 Mononnmenl reserves 1kv rIght to wilhdrow 0ev unIt tram Suie. Registered or mular vehIcles are sold A5 15/ ParIs Oviv. 00 tilleS or realslration. stored Items UnII C Tenont Nome Hi-1G, baues 1041 Rita Cluerbool 1122 HI-1G Nolailo Sorcio 1173 Fora, houes, toys Shoroniuckson 1204 HHG, 600es MIldred Maldonado 123) HUG Groaury Perea 1318 Fare, boues, HUG lames F. Kids ¡he ownertsi is Jomes E. AibriahI, Ir., 7900 IL 60010 Ia nnturco o Tamoso GoSienico, 8823 S. N. Coldweit Ave., AbI,1, Plomes, lien under ¡ho laws al Ihn 117393451 C (8-47> 484-7497 60310. dress ei Fob: 12/2 12/10, 15117/09 Coil NOTICE DF AUCTION Ltle Sturaoo Centers al Wrlolevviiie will hold a publIc Mio to enlarce O lien Imposed on said property, os described beluw porsuanl tu Iba Illinois Sell-Service StOr000 FoCilily Act, tilleuls Cmiv 770 1LCS P3/i Io 95/7, 01 01:00 PM an Thorsday. December 17, 2007, al Lite Storoou Centers at Wrloleyslite, 3323 WeSI Addioee SIreol, ChiC000, Illinois, AM. A soie shall be held IL 60453. The true nomelsl ond residence od- 10:00 gurchosa. Sain Is schied la adlaurnmenl. Nortbwesl Car Company, 01 Ihn lime ut Iha notne(si ond residence ad- dress 09 Ihe awnerisl Is: at 117351691 Pub: t1120,l0/3/OIC Inc. 995 Grocnixnd Ayo. Des 65453. . AUCTIÖNS 3150 Lown, ASSUMED NAME Notice Is hereby olven purSUOnI to An Ad in reiotioo ta the use at an Assumed 8u5i. ness Name in the canduct er transocliun of Business In the Trock Louder Must wiIh the buuluess iucsted at Auslin Ave., 00k Lawn, IL Niles, IL. 60714. Advertise 24/7 LIENS PUBLIC LiEN with Ihn business iocolod xl 7900 N, Coisiweil AVe.,API.1, On JOnuory l4lh, 2510 Dok NIbs, IL 60714. The true 8823 S. Austin Ave., Sy., AUCTIONS USED BOOK SALEI Lincoolewood 1_Ibrory. WINN ET KA. A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) www.pioneerlocal.com 516 SUBSCRIBE TODAY. 521 011 701 742 753 CALL 84N86-9300 RebeCCa Belch DoaneThompsua Polrick CannIng Harry Dukau Anlhooy E. Corner JeremIah Reeves Kevia Vasholl RaChel Ton Jullrey Caburo Jan01 Cavallora Hull Huusu AsSr/Af° Rachel Sierro KovIn Usewicu Joe Garrido VIctor RomIroO I I Roy500nna Saltald Tanesha Tucker Conlents Boues, tales, bedding Baues, lurolturo 000es, furniture Baues, sollecose Oteros, electronics Boues, plcluros Furniture, Oleclranlcs Forniture Purullure, oloclmnics Baues, furollore Baues, lurolturo Baues, baos 00005, fornIlum Cor parts Baues, eloctronics Boos, electronics Boues, turniluro 0000g,oteCtraolcs L000yAlvIn 002 AlloorITarmun Boues, lurnilure urchasos moot bu made sollh taub only ond paId toral I e timo al salo. All 00065 oro sold os Is ond mus? be romooed xl Iba Ilmo of Ihn porchosn. Sato is subloct la udiouromonl. (17387401 Fob: 12/3, 12/1559 C NOTICE OF AUCTION Lila Sbrano Ceulers cl Hormasa wIll hold a publIc Salo la onlOrce O lien Imposed on said property, os doscribed below, pursuant IO Iba IllinoIs Sell.Servlcu Storoao FaclIlly Ad, 11119015 COde 770 ILCS 93/1 to 93/7, Bl 02:80 PM on T005dOy, Decemhor 15, 2001, oS LIlo ObraBa Coolers of Hermosa, 4500 West Grund Avenue, Chlc000 IllInois 00639. Manopemont reserves tito riahl lo wllhdraw ony uni? Iram sala. Roaistered or motor vohIclas ore sold As 15/ Parlo Only, on lilies or realslrallan. Slared 110mo UolI I Teoanl Nomo DayCoruGnads 574 MorlaAGondora 23 Bikes VicIar Radriouaz RubyGSmllhWhlle NokIshB Pilot Allen LWIlilams royo G0000loz Shteayo Biancitard h A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) u AUCTIONS 29, 2009, 01 11 :30 AM,, on Ihn premisa whoro Sold proper. FIND YOUR FIND MORE M20 Boos&T0y5 Banes, HUG, BIkes PERFECT PET IN HUG, Fornilure, Boxes LOCAL JOBS AT Pub: 11,26, 12/309 117367191 C THE CLASSIFIEDS PIONEERLOCALCOI&SIONSTER NOTICE OF AUCTION Lilo Star000 Centers al HombeldI Park will hold o public sola lo onlorce O lien Imposed os said properly, os descrlbed below, purs000l lathe Illinois Sall.SornlcuSloroan Fa. dilly Act, Illinois Coda 770 il_CS 95/I lo 96-7, 01 10:00 AM an T005doy. D000mhar 15, 2009, 01 LIto Oloroso Coelors of Humboldt Pork, 4014 Wesf Groad Avenan, ChIcogo, 1111. 115 145 162 Ana B Logez J050phino Cruthcher 107 210 224 270 200 RondyS009sJr 80x40110 Diaz Anlhuny V Stokes Vomito C Bostic Manual VIlasOntO SIm000 Alles Lotonlo S Toll Jamos E Williams Charlona Cross Coslna DWuns Duna Kino TaW000 AodnrSun Monique Moore Reoca A Crawlait Charles B Alouander Arconla Pareo Marourila V Heroandez to Sol 416 400 452 053 508 517 527 540 SIl 582 661 Baos HUG,beoos HHG, baos, houas Boas, bonus Boas, baues HUG Bass, 60005 HUG, baos HUG, bags HUG HHG, boues Boas, boues Roas, hoces poas, 600es HUG, 6085, boues Baos, boues Baas. be005 HUG, boues BoOs, boues Boos, boxes I,t°lome Space Occupant AsSO Gobrial 0000yl Christina Nolsea A060 8006 Burnlla Vono Bolo Ralph Holmas Jr. BOSS Michael Evans Bl_Od Ryoo Marsh Roban Vondol 8144 C007 Lori Anna Word COS2 Timolhy Br0000r Cord NoNo Brempona Coud Aoran 80db C115 Andrew Molnomoy C122 011eerPrincnjr. Palatin Dwudole 0032 0043 014f 0143 DLII ReOS Nowanna Santolli William BriahI Maroarol Smart David Avlsoda 5060000v Conlents 05005, turollurO 0053 Tim WriohI 000es 0063 GennlsMcGarry 000es, lotos, lurolture 0066 Lakeshore Athletic Club Furollurn unIt ASSaI Osi 00005, electronIcs Otto Myraa Gonzoleo 0x005 0209 Mark Railla Bonos 0223 MorkWoIlo B0005 0227 Doua Ames Boues 0269 Vivian 500chae Buoas, electrodes, fornilore 0321 PatrIcia Fiuwars Boues, lutes, lureltoro 0341 Robert Adams Boues, baos, lotos 0350 Mauricn Hordisue Boues 0300 Anentta Baruos Bones, lays 0414 M000ul Ricura Totes, furailuru Buss, 160005 Boues. bags Beddlea, boues, baos Applloeces Beddino, books, electronics Il000s,baos aeddlnp, boues. furnllure Baues Baues, lorolluro Books, booeo,luralluro Beddina, 6000g, lurelturo Boues Is 117390331 Pub: 12/], 12/lO/SIC stored, and which ore lucoled xl PublIc Sloraan/P5 Or. 00x0 Ca., 342 M. Chicoaa Ave., Chlcaao, IL 60054. Phono 1026 . OCCUPANT AbeSahebl 2849 Mlchoel Locos 2097 2099 3113 Boniamln Gilbert MorshoStewort Dr. PrcdrlckGombrall AlIrod Flschluue 3126 A.J. RObblos 3021 KalhIoan Farrell 0646 JuaonnWliIIoms 0657 Beaiamln JouRs Ovos Charyl MIllar 0730 Scott Obarmayr 0742 Idaho SmIlh 0010 NIki Rolle 0032 Rebecca Barilaut 0000 0043 u NOTICE 0F PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby aloes that purs000t ta Section 4 01 Iho Soil'Sorvlcn StOroaO Facility Act, Stola of Illinois, Iho un. ctarsiaecd, PS Oraagoca, Inc. ond/ar ShOroarct TRS, Inc. will conduct 5010151 by competitivo biddlna un:lVll/3009, al 10:00 AM On Iba premisa where sold property has bons stored, ond which ore lucaled at Public Storaao Properly # 773-786-OIlS Fou # 7737040416 The pers000l Properly i, described 6010w. lu lite mallors 01: Space t Occupant Contents 1017 VOlado Jeremy Boues baos, latos. Sarob P016100 00005, boas moved xl Ihn Ilma uf purchaso, Sala Is 50610cl ta adjournmeet. Pub: 11/20. f2/3151 il73SlISlC doslonaled porsvnlsl, unless Such atIldas oro redeemed wilhIn thirty 1301 days 01 the publicollon 01 thIs 00110e. NAME OP PERSONI5I Rashend A. Adashino Amoricredlt Fleonco Service 2A4GPS4L66R7551I1 AMOUNT, 0509,57 Pub: 11/10,11/20,109/59 PS Oraexe Co., 1129 N. 900110, Chlc000, IL 60610 lita por- 117?4O1I1Ç2 PUBLIC LIEN Board 01 Trustees ut Ihn VIlldae 01 MorIon Croon, Cook County, Illinois, that 500led bids will On recelued lar Iba DEMPSTER STREET. WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS, Bids will ho received up lo lito hour 01 10:00 0m. Locol Time, on Ihn 01h day of January 2010. at Ihn office of the Director 01 PublIc WorkS, al Ihn Public Works Foclilly, 7040 NaMe Avenue, MorIon Grovo, lilleals, Ond Will 60 pubilci opened 006 road al 1h01 Ilma. Tho lIIddIna larms and documents are evallabia xl Iba al' lico nf Iba Director 01 Public Works, VIIIoao 01 Morton Oroya, Illinois, upen payment 01 19e sum at twenty and 06:100 dollars 1120.001, whIch Io noI relundubie. Bids mcul be submitted os the loras provIded. Tito Director 01 PublIc Works reaervea lhe l'lobI la retaso la 15500 Plans, Speclticotlons ond Proposols Io any person, firm, or corporation 1h01 ha considurs Io be onquali- liad. All bIdders must bu oro.qoaIItlad wIIh Iba Depart. mont al Tronspurloliun, 51010 al Illinois. Ail bids altered musi bu occompanled by o bld bond, cash or cR1111106 chock moda payabin la Iba Villaan 01 Morton Grane In tilo OmOOnI al nOI loss Iban tina percent 15%) of Ihn ooareaoln 01 Ihn bld aso auorantea that Il Ihn bld Is occepteof, o contract Will be consummated, rho riahi la e-aloe ony Irreaularily ond ta raiect any or all bids Is resorned to the President and Booed 01 Trustees al Rocsheka Knue turOlturo, lsaddloO 8x005, latos BIPS C206 C250 C2IS Jolies Koiho Ronald Marchant William Lomburl Vincent WIlliams Fornllurn,bcddloa Poreliuro, beddloa Tules, beddina, olaclronlcs Michael Clark Juilun Koiho AurrIa Thomas Murol 50100k C200 Brooko Gre000 4134 5067 lohn Corchroo Yolanda Walker B0005 Boues, bass. 0397 5073 Brouko Raymond Boues, tales 00005, luroltoro oloclronics Iurolture nioctronlos Caray Zimmerman 000es, Rleclronlcs Crystal Beard Boas Marvol Browhow Baos, talos, Albea Corman Boas, lotos Purchosos musI be moda with cash only ucd paid lar 01 Ihn limo 01 SolO. All 00065 oro sold us is ond must be re' 5070 0127 6030 6005 moved 01 Iho timo of Iba purchaso. Solo Is Shbioct la P1/al_IC LIEN Pub: 11/26,12/3,12/10,31009 11736932) C That un 1/4/2010, o sala will ko Brakes br Molliors bald 01 3:W p.m. al: dIOS N, ElsIan Wheels al Chicago Chicoon, IL 5010 N. Weslaro Avanun All bids to be In wrltina, ta 0229 Chlc000, IL 60659 soil Iba loiluwlea articles ta All bids la be Io wrltlea, to entorco o lieu eulsllna under sell the toliowino orticlex to iba laws 01 Ihn Stola of IllinoIs antorce o lien exIstIng undnr ogoinst soch orticies tor io. Iba lawsof tho Sloleat IllInoIs ber, servIces, skIlls or mole- ogalost such articles tor la. rIal outmoded upon or slorooa bor, services, skIlls or male' tureished br 5500 orllcles 01 rial oupeeded unan or olorosa Ihn request 01 the loilawlea lurnlshed lar such 011101es st designated pnrsuoIsl, unicos Iba requost at the loilowina SvCh artIcles ore rodeamod dasionalod personisi, unless wIthin thirty 1301 days 01 Ihn such artIcles aru redeemed puhilcollon 01 thIs notIce. within thirty 1301 days at the NAME OP PERSONISI publicotion 01 Ibis nOtIce, Aybark Hosircl NAME OP FERSONISI Wachonlo Dealer ServIces DESCRIPTION OP ARTICLE 2004 Morcedes.Ovno MLSOO 4JGAB75ES4A4OI4OÇ AMOONT: 812520W Pub: 11/19, 11/20. 13,3109 1173.10151C2 Oakwood Cleornars Kim Sano H. LoSollu Book DESCRIPTION OF C316 Boddlno, baues, Baues, boas, latos, ScolI Auanoullo Lannisho Lave Electronics, beddina 0520 MIcitollo L000wskl 0527 M, Marie L000wskl E606 Tosalen Davis E676 ElM Roy Manesell Donna Ashley . buono, bags Boxes, baos, tu reliure BoWs, bags. furniture Boses, boos, turelluro Bonos, boos, latos Baues, baos, totes, Pub: 12/3, 12/10/59 1173M7P1C lita dula of Ihn first Publico. lIas 01 IhIs notice and uny must 60 maIled or delivered to Ihn ropresenlallve onO lu Pub: 1213.12/10,12/17/2009 117395071 C - Stataalllilnais In Tha CIrcolI Court nl CWk County, IllInoIs Fr06010 Division FIND YOUR le the mallerol Ihaostaleol IRIS G. UIPPLE, Deceased 007244 PERFECT PET IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Cose No. 2509 Notice is oben iv the dyoth at IRISO. HIPPLE0I ArI:ng. lun Halohls, Illinois. Lettons of 01110e were bio:-: on ll/30/2oo9 lu Scott C. Hicuiy, Is. Low 011Ica at Cori 11. Moscos, 121 5. Wilke Oood, loot, Anmalen Heioitts, iL NolIco Io Heirs OnO Losamos NaIlon Is oben tu DormiS should be direclod to Mr. Chris Tnmlch, Village Enslaear, HIppla ond unknown hn,rs Public WorkS Department, vio fao lu (6471 965.ySl I, Ail da. tailed questions coecorolna Iho aclool bid specilicali005 Should bu tarwordod In wrlllna vIo fao no less than flou busIness days prior ta Ihn suhaduied bid upenlea dote, Dated xl Morbo Grave, Illinois, Ibis 3rd day 01 Ducember 2009, by Order 01 Mr. Andy DeMonIo, Diroclor of Public Works, Village 01 Morton Grove, TO PLACE YOUR DON1T NEED IT? GARAGE SALE AD, SELL IT FAST. CALL 8479983400 CALL 84799834OO who ore Iba hairs or lOSaiyOs In the obava entItled proceed. Ing to probale o w:ii uno whasa name or Oddr055 is nut 510106. WIthin 42 days 011er the 01. feclive dale 01 the Or,xinoi Or. dor oh odnllssion nr troe loo dote 01 Iha lirsl pYbiicaliun st 1h15 oOticn, nao may lime age. Illiun wIlh Iho court tu r050lro proof ob Ihn wIll by testImony ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK 01 Iba wllness Io lite will in open court or 016-r ov,donco, os provided In 5/021 01 ISv Probate Act 01 1915 jILTS 150,755,3/6.211 ADOP11ON - You also have Ihn rixhl un. don 5/9-1 ob the Fr06010 Act BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNITURE FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE (ILCS 1992, 755, 315.11 lo con. 1051 Iba oolldity ut the w,ii by Illico a petIllos with the cuorI WIlbin 510 lOi months 011er otbmisslon al Ihn will lu ors. ADOPTION: Socole yoxr baby's (0151e In homo rliie( willi ovo and uppotionily. Easy lo tuik lo. Confidonijol. Euwn000 paid. P10050 calI Oluona IoiI.freu 1-866-535-8080 AUTO DONATIONS ALI. CASH VENDINGI Do yoo earn up to $800/day? Your own local candy roula. Inciudex 25 Macllinos and Cundy Ali br $9,995, A1N#80213. 1-800-453.5082 Originaiiy $2500 ONLY s9ml Brown Leather Scia 5 Lovesval Onginalty $4000 ONLY $1200 Brand New In Faclory Boxesl Con Deliver Slaluwidul 030563-9777 PLACEYOUR ADHERE To place regionally. statewide or flatlOflWId5'fOfltaCt bola, Bloch Leather Sola & LOyusual Tha 05101e wiii he odrnmn,s bred wllhoul court Supero,. BECOME A HOMEOWNER 168% Avallablo, Low FIxed Ratos Prior 000knjpicy ok, Government Loan &petL V/SWl.WY1<OFFkIORTGAGE.COM - IPASaU 21 T-241-ITOQ.. - Chony Bedroom SnI Solid Weed ENGLISH DOVETAIL Now in tacloy bonosl NEVER BEEN USED! Odg:noiiy $4500 FOR ONLY $795 Can dellvurl (868) 833-2161 616 5. G08nd W. Springlield, IL 62704 IL Rex. Mig. Licensee EHL - 312-238-8607 HELP WANTED DRIVERS LOTS & ACREAGE sloe, unless 0050r 5/204 01 hO Probate Act i 1LCS 1092. 155. 5/25-dl, Any intnreslod p0050n tormlnates io doe00000 I od. mlnlslnotian al 0ev ilmo ho mollIno or dolivor,ng a poil. lino lo lenminalr ta lOo clyok. Claims 090,051 lite cototo mxv bu flied in the ollicy 01 he clerk In Raunt 1202, Ri. chard J. Delco Cnnior, 55 W. Woshinolon, Chiconu, iL, or WIth Iva neprosonlolloy, or both on or belote Jove 3, 2510 Which dole lo out leos thou sia 61 mootits Inom the dole 01 ha lIrsI pobi,Cotion 01 iba fly. Ice 006 any 0101m not tiiqd wllbin 1h01 poriud is harr90'. Any q005liuns or pniiiions hoold be d,reCled IO Low 01. Ice of Konl H. Monnus, os al. Onnoy br Ihe 05101e Pub: 12/3, lZ'iO,l2/17,2009 117305051 C Donato VehiAo RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON, NOAWS ARC Support No I<:iI Shuilets, R050alcb lo Advance Voierinioy Trealmonls. FREE TOWING, Tos Doductiblo, Non-Ronnem Acceplod. 1-866-012-GIVE. Allot: Flatbed Drlvoro: Groat CLASSICI ANTIQUE CARS mIdwostcIassIcan cam 19 D:((omcl Classic Car Clubs, 80 Classic Car Eyonts and acer 900 diffetogt classic and bald io find Vohiclos (or salo, Chuck out mIdwootcIaosIc00n,cam homo limo, Bonof:Iu, Vocailon, Holiday Pay and Mom Terminois in Grand Island, NE und ReoSsoiaor, IN. Duvticalod Flatbed Camer for Chiof lodusbios, nc. Class A COL / I Yr. OTR Sop + I Yr roceol Iolbed oxp req'd. Call or nlslt I-866.483-5318 WWW.9lCC.Chlofbud,com LAND FORECLOSURE SOUThERN COLORADO 35 Acces - $29,900. Rocky MIS, views, Warrunly Deed Survey, Utilitios. Enjoy 300 days ol sunshIne, Lowdown paynlonL CALL TODAY! 1-866-696-5253 s5359 s.csloradolandbaoins cono lurnituro Purchases Must Ba Mada MIlh Cash Only And Paid For At Tito Time 01 Saio. All Goods Aro Sold As is And Must Ba Rem000d Al Tha Timo 09 Purchase. Sale Is Subiect Ta Adlooremeol, is no? less Iban 6 months from 60805, 10-471 360.0000 lurolluro furniture Beddins, lornilure loro Juno 3, 2510, which dole 2702 St. Jomes Rolling Moud. aws, IL 00000, Whoso altureOv Pub: 1513/09 117389101 D Eteclronics, loro llore Coso NO, 2009 P 007244 Nahen Is olean In Iba dooM Ob IRIS G. HIPPLE of Anm5 tho attarnay wilhIn 15 days 01. ter II hos buen liled. General questions r000rdIna the Cantroct Documents torn lloro B000s, baos, laIes IRIS G. HIPPLE, Dac0050d claIm oat 11106 wIlhIn hot ge. rIad Is barred, Copies oh 00v 0011mo WagoAct 1020 ILCS 13S/l'12I. Bouos,baos,tales, Boddlna, baues, laIes electronics 00005, baos, tolas 000es, boas, tules Boues, baos, tules Coonly, Illinois Probate Dioision PublIcation Notico In lhnmotloroflhaestaleot claIm tIled mllh Iho Cloth ARTICLE 1099 DOdue NM VNI500 200UB11X0XK074342 AMOU NT 51970.10 glrocliun 01 PublIc Wurko ore 50610cl to the Illieulo Pro. lurelturo 8140 electronics oases, lates, poll: 109591)7219025 C be hold 01 SlOOp.m. al: lite Villaun 01 MarIas Gravo, Ali 000tracls br thu con. sanai Properly doscrlbad below, Io the moltors al: SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS AMO DorOmu Ashlord Boues, baOs, lolos, B9005,101e5 CONTENTS 510100f IllInois In Tha CircolI Court ab Cook Inn Ualahts. IllInois. Lehen thu request el the lallowina sold coort proylno br Iba Ob olflco ware Issued o, desianalod parsonisi, unless ch005n al my nomo Irom 11/309509 lo ScolI C. Ulpalo such artIcles oro redeemed Chrlstlona Marlo Loshar la 2702 SI. Jomea Railing Mepo. WIthIn IhIrly 1301 days ut Iho 1h01 01 Chrlslixa Mario aws. IL 60000, Whose atlornvy publication 01 thIs outico. Lushnr, pursuont ta tho stat. Is Low 011Ico ob (ori H NAME OF PERSON(S) 010 In such casa moda and Magnos, 125 S. Wilko Rood, SonOra A Millar provIded. #201, Anllealoo UolOhls, IL Eareestlee Leo Dated 01 Roilina Meadows, 60005, 10471 360.00 Cormao Buslnass Services, IllInois, N000mbarp, 2009, Claims 0901051 Ihe eslole LLC /s/ChrIsllono Mode Loshor may 60 bIled In Iba 0111cv nl Cory Clark Karl H. 80x0005 Iha Clark 01 Ihn CIrcuit Court DESCRIPTION OP Attorney 01 Low in Room 1252, Rlchnrd J. ARTICLE 121 5. Wilko, Sullo 201 Doler Center, ChIcago. lili. 2007 TOyota Corolla Arlington Hniohls, Il_60005 nais 60602 or wIlh Ihe repro. 1 NXBR3)E07Z03S372 10471360.8000 500tollue, or bath, on or be. AMOUNT, 01050.00 ThaI un 1096-sow, o sole Will NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Iba Presidenl and Iba Pronant? NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby 010es that pursoanl la Section 4 01 ihe SalI-ServIto Sturaue InuclilIr Act, Stata 01 Illinois. the ondersianod PS Oronoecu, Inc. and/or Siluraard TOS, Inc. will 00060cl 5x10151 by competItiva biddlea on Dncombnr 29. 2009, at 10:45 0m. on thu Promisu whore said property has buen slated, and whIch aro localed at Public Slaraae/ Cook C000ly Probola ClaIm Rollte 5165 West Groud Ava, In IheMoilorottho Polillas Chlcoga, IL 60659 ChIc000, IL 60639 al Cftrlsllano MarIn Lusher, Ali bids Is be In Writino, la All bids Io be lo wrllino, to For Ch0000 al Nomo sell the loiluwles orticios la sell Iho laliowino orllcies lo Caso No, 09 M3 3727 enIvra, a lion nuistino 006er &'OCRIPTION OP ARTICLE LEOAL NOTICE VILLAGE DF MORTON GROVE Cook County, Illinois DEMPOTER STREETWATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS INVITATION FOR BIDS lureilure VIclor Milchell Pub: 12/3, 12/10/09 117351921 C DorokCIark Electronics Baues, lurolloro Books, furnilure B000s,lornituro JomlO Homblin 000es, baos Donna lowmon Baues, lurollurn Purchases musI ho modo wllh cosh only and paid lar 01 tito Ilmo 01 solo. Ail goods aro sold os Is ond musI be ra. mooed al tho limo al Iba burchose. Sale Is suhiect IO Od. luoremanl, 0421 0010 Purchases most be mada with cosh only aed paid lar al Iba Ilma 01 551e. All aoods aro said as Is and musI ba ro' 010.1 odlauromeel. Losley, ShapIoiah Cheryl Pearson 51010 01 IllInois Coonly el Cook Cook County, IllInois a lIen eoIsIieg undar Nalico BI Pubilcolion Ihn lows al Ihn Slate 01 IllInois entorco lows of the 5101e Rl Illinnis Public Notice is horaby amen against such orlicios lar la- Iba Ouch orllcies lar la5 thaI on Januory 7, 2510, boIna bar, services, skills or molo. 0001551 sorvices, skIlls or malo. oso xl Ihn return days Io Iha rial onpeodad Open or storogo bar, nependod upan or SIoraao CircolI Court al Ihn County ob lornishod lar such orticlos ai ridi the request of Ihn followIng lornlshed lar such orllcies 01 Cook, I will lIla my 00111100 In Canlools ClaIhino, 600es B-° PROBATE le tho CircolI Court br I 23404, 364.0 N Broudway, Chlcaaa ILL 68660, Telephuno C259 4054 4115 Baos, toys B0005 00005, tools Baos Boas, tales Baues 80005, tOtos, loroilore Purchases Most Ba Moda With Cosh Only And Paid For AI The Time 01 SaIe. All Goods Are Sold As Is Aed Must 0e Removed Al Ton Time 01 Purchase. Sole lo Sublect To Adlauromenl, C2S7 DorIs Hill Baues Je000a Ponhlch Rouas, lotes, hoddina Baues, tuais, files B000s,totes, 4014 Beddiog, 1010es, toroilure sublecl la NOTICE OP PUBLIC BALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice Is horeby olvua 1h01 pursuant ta 50x1100 4 al Iho Soil.Servlco Slor000 FacilIly Act, Stato 01 lIllools, that PS Oranaeca, Inc. aniSar Shuroard TOS, Inc. will couduct 5x10151 by compolilivo blddina on Nonembor 30, 2009. 01 10:04 AM., 00 Iba premiso where sold prupeely has buen SPACE 0656 0030 UxraId 000lhlor NAME C HA ROE PUBLIC LIEN PUBLIC LIEN Thol on 1255050, o sale will That on 1/431010, a sole will he ho haidot 3:00 p.m. oIl held 01 3:00 p.m. al: Nopirtos Norlhwostorn J, A P. Aula RepaIr LTD. soso N. Weslorn Ana Pub: 12/S'DI I172OS76IC 000es, lurailure 008, 84000 312.264-0174, Iou 312-2be.0179. 000es, baos, lotes Baues, oleclronlcs, luruilure Forniture 117290191 Pub: 12/3, 12/10/59 C Boues, boos Boas, houas Boas, beoos mooed xl Iha limo 01 purchase. Sole odlouromenl. 0527 Joseph Buroos 0567 Randy Zelo 0604 Robort Sholley Beddino, furniluro Scull Sendorak 00005, electronIcs, layo Bouns,lurnlluro Eroes1000rlOn Essi Colby Mareas 00005, haas Purchases must 60 made wllh cosh only ond paId lar 01 Iho Ilma of sole. All 000ds orn sold os Is and must be roEu33 E052 Conlualo 000es, olactronics 0005 Kandali Slophons 642 Pub: 11/3d, 12,72/09 117376001 C 1ers 01: 0251 Occopool Notare Ross LIENS 2006 Chrysler Tuwn&C000lry NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico Is hereby aloco 1h01 pur500nl lo SodIos 4 al Iha Soli-Sorvico Sloroao Facility /0cl, 51x10 al Illinois, the unslersIpned PS Oronoaco, Inc. and/or Shuroord TOS, Inc. will conduct salelsi By coWpelllIvu biddino 00 0000mbor 20, 200P 01 12:15 p.m. on Ihn premisa Whoro saId property has been stored, and Which orn tocaled 01 PublIc Storage/PS Oronae Ca., 2035 N. Wesleru Ana., Chlcoao, IL tool0 :ia Personal properly described below, in Iba mal- HUG Bogs, boues NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NalIce Is hereby oben 1h01 pursuant lo Section 4 at Ike Salf.Servlce Stur000 Facility Act, Slate el Illinois, Iba underslancd PS Oranneco, Inc. on/nor Shuroard TRS, loo. will contlucl sotelsl by computlllee biddino on Docembar 20, 200? 01 10:00 0m. OO Ihn premiso whoro said properly hos buen stored, und WhIch aro locoled 01 PubliC Slorage, F_S. Dronaa Co. 4072 N. Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 00013, Iba personal properly descrIbed below. In Iho mal- 0125 0606 117379001 Pub: 12/3, 1511559 C oats 00651. Managemenl reserves lito rioht ta wilitdrow any unit tram sola. Reolstered or motor vehIcles aro sold A5 15/ Parts Only; no tilles or realstroltan. Stared 110ml UnII $ T0000t Nomo HHG,huuas MonIqouphililus lOP Tanisha L Rich Chrislonna E Luyo Allison Woosowicc ly boo baan storod, 006 which oro l000lod at Public Star. 000, 947 W. Von Boros St., Chicaan, IL 60607. Phono 312. 421-0049, f00 312-163.1065. Space, Boues 570 596 689 Thursday, December 3, 2009 LIENS NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Nolico is hereby given that pursuant la Section 4 0f the Soif-Sorvico Stor080 Focility Act, 51010 al Ilileols, Iho on. dorsionad PS Oroeaoco, Inc. end/or Shorpard TOS, Inc will 000doct 5x10101 by compelilino bidding as December HHG,FURN 279 279 MfWWpiOflCerlocacuj AUCTIONS ma Illinois Olosoillod Aduorliolna Nolwo,k IICANI providus Pi0000r Pe/so and TI,0 0019015 wllh oduortislog 01 a oollunsl appoal. lb advootiso io this 0001100, plauso cull ICAN diroolly 01 12171 541-1700 PI0050 ,otor q000lioos and oummonto diruuty ta ICAN. Bullo PiOuoor PO 0500n d Tito 001005 e500mn,nnd 61500011 onwt,oniao p006100 FIND YOUR PERFECT APARIMENTIN THE CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, December 3, 2009 I A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) wwwpioneerlocal.com There's a great job out here.. PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. BY GIVEN, PUrSUOnI Io Soc. lion 17.52.170E of tho Horwood HoIBhts Zoning Or. dinonco 01 1988, that Iho VII. lago of Horwood HoIghts Zon. Ing Board at Appeals wIll bo IN THE JUVENILE COURT DFWEAKELYCOUNTY, TENNESSEE STATE OF TENNESSEE - CHILDREN'S SERVICES, PelIlI000r, vs. I-105g AguIrre, Putative ta. conductlog a publIc hearIng thor, Unknown lather ut Vieon January 4, 2010, at 7:00 PM tarin Ann Gross, Respondent. at Village at Harwaod In Ihe malinrot: Victoria Ann Holahls Village Hall 17300 Gruss, 00g: 12-20-1995 Wilson West Avenue, Harwoud HeIght,, IL Ou7uuI ta consIder tha applIcatIon at Hundan Wlecrarek for a ear. talion ta enlame the Size et the garage on thu properly In. cated at 7527 WeSt Carmen ACtsiId Under 10 Years 01 due Docket # C-2029 You will recebe no todhor published eslice at that mo' lion Pognon. lt the Court orants Ihn'motIen, your pg. rental riottIs may be lenmi. ogled, and Coo will never be ohio Io seo the child annie or oblect tu the child's 000pllou. IN OLIVER SALINGER AND them, IT IS, THEREFORE, COMPANY'S LAWRENCE ORDERED ThaI ReMueSAVENUEMANOR bEINGA outs be served by puhllcalIuo SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 IN nl Ihn followina notice tor tour THE CIRCUIT COURT PAR- 141 cunseculIve weeks In PluTITION OF THE EAST ½ OF 00er Press, n newspaper ut THE SOUTHEAST ¼ AND encrai cirCulatlun published PART OF THE WEST ½ OF in Lake and Cmk County, liii. THE SOUTHEAST ¼ DF nuls. MOSA AGUIRRE AND SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 40 UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST FATHER ot VICTORIA ANN GROSS: The Stute uf Tonnes- see, Depurtmenl et Children', Services, has tiled a petition agnlnsl you leeRten Io lermi' MENT 6886267, IN COOK Cale forever your PorenlaI COUNTY, ILLINOIS. niohis Io Victoria Ann Gruss, FIN: 12-12-dOn-nlO-0000 a child burn la Sheila Mono All Inlerested persensare In- Gross on December 20, 1995, MIed to attend ansI be hoard. in Cmk County, Illinois. A tri' All InquirIes renardlng this al on 1h15 caso will occur of public hearina can be dIrect. 9:00 am. un Jonuory 5, 2015, ed In Natalio Mendel at Ihn at Ike Juvenile Coud et Village nl Harweod HeIghts Wenkley Counly, Dresdon, Village Hall. Tennessee. You must appear RespocltaIIy Submitled, heloro Ibis Court on thaI dale . Morda Polloy,,. to delermine whether your Villaae Clerk pnrenlol ninhIs to 1h15 child Pub: 1V3/09 ll7300IllC should be broyer lerminoted. SUBSCRIBE TODAY. CALL 84748&A300 Nahen lt you du noI come ta the Inlal, Ike Slale will 05k Ihe Court lu lind Ihal, by not uppenning tor trial, you have no nioht lo can- NOTICE TO BIDDERS: hereby aloco that Skoklo & Morton Grove Scheel Dlslrict #69 Is aecepllna mied bids tor: Euterlor l Hwy. 22 Dresdon, TN 30225 Fob: 11/26, 1213, 12/10, 15t17i99 117371061 C NotIce of Appllcatlgn Io loins Olticor, al 13121 Pre-qoglltication et all bidders In this bid oroup Is requlned prior to the hid due date. Submit one tally e0000led copy et AIA Document aos Conlractor's 000:IticaIion Stalomony prior Io Submittlno this bid form. Fao copies aro accootable. The competency god renpunsihility of the bidders will ho cunsidored lo making awards. The Saccesstul bidder Shall, upon acceptance ut his bid, be required to precaro ond pay tor a Perlormonco Bund ond Labor ond Malenlal PIONEER Pmss mønser ; Pioneer Press and Monster now work together wwwpioneer1ocaLcom/monster IL. 7325 Jones AO, Woodnldne, IL and 4930 N. River Road, Schlllerpark. IL. ThIn lnuilatlon Is Issuod te the name 01 Skokie & Marlou Gravo School DIstrIcI #60. Pub: 1213itl9 117301931 C . PAULY ACURA P r.zh. AUDI.F. . 49 SKOtdId VAUlT,' AD, . HiGHLAND PARK 1847) 432.5020 8425WES11591tl SI000T, TINLEY PARK (708) 429-6000 OIZZA0AOS.COM FIELDS INFINITi 1 121 S. MILWAUKEE AVE.. LioEtnrnvtLtc a BENTLEV STEVE EOLEY BENTLEY loo S000JC BLVD., NOtlm0000K (847) 564-4090 CADIU ETrLESON CADILLAC-BUICKPONTIAC.GMC 6150 5. LAGlnANGc RD.. cil EVREJ GROSSINGER CHEVROLET (8661 474-4313 1866) 516-8015 GROSSINGER CADILLAC 6900 N MCCORM,0d BLVD. SZn.00M LINCOLrANOOD 1866) 670-1654 ELMHURST BMW 4B6WEST I_now STeEET, ELMHUuST (888) 287.6555 u,,ossINoEucAoILLdc.cuM CALL 847-9983400 RAY CHEVROLET 39 N. U. S. HiGHWAY 12 FOX LAidE, IL 60020 cus, HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 WEST ROOSEVELT RD. LOMBARD KNAUZ BMW KNAUZ AUTOPARK . OR VISIT 16301 629.3300 ROmO 41 @ AT. 176, AN-etOcpl. IL 60002 L.0550 BLUFF (8471 395-3600 (8471 604-5000 1ONEUtOCALCOMW$$TJEOS PATRICK CADILLAC 526 MALL ORNE SOIAUMBOJOG. IL 60173 PATRICK BMW Consider the IoiiowInn cases: 700 EusrGooi' AD. CASE 1523 (8661 614-2277 SpeOAUMzIUfl0, IL 60173 (866) 652-6124 RIZZA CADILLAC DODGET DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 800 EAST ROOSEVELT IONLY 3 MILES SWSTOF 3h51 (865) 388.0387 1000 E. PARK AVE., LinCmcMLLE (8661 474-4313 CASE 1524 IJNCOLNWOOD SWAR.000sEN000iI.00M KNAUZ BUICK KNAUZ AUTOPARK CHEVROJ, SHEPARD CHEVROLET BILL STASEK CHEVROLET TRUCK CENTER 700W. DUNDEE AD, WHEEUNG COsnO,,OO BeNNE Oan,otnn.5fl 18471 537-7000 sruscnc,,EnnoLcr.00M 0011193 41 @ AT. 176, LAitE BLUFI' (847)234.2800 AND MEDIUM DUTY BREDEMANN CHEVROLET RIZZA BUICK 8425 WESt 1539m StiftET, 1401 W. DEMI'SIEO. TINLEYPARK P1500 RIGOlE. IL . (8471 655-1466 ,,,E0EM*NN.coM 2100 SOUtH MouNts, AVENUE. (866) 388-0387 iAGUARG HOWARD ORLOPF PAULY HONDA 1 1 1 1 SOLI-cH MILAUXEE AVE I_IoctntYVtLLE HYUN DAI JAGUAR KENNEDY EXP. AT ¡OJiMITAGE (888) 510-0669 JAGUAR ELMHURST 466 WEST LAIdE STOEET. ELMHURNT (888) 287-6211 GREGORY HYUNDAI 490 50001E VwiJcv RO., HIGHLAND PARK (800) 770-6578 PATRICK JAGUAR 1559 OGEENAW NnpeMile. IL 00640 6747 N UNCOtJ4 AVENUE. LINcOLSEVOOD (866)648-744.2 17008) 442-7000 GURNEE HYUNDAI 6251 GtqANDAvE OPPOSITE GURNEE MILLS 800 EAST ROOSEVELT IONLv 3 MILES WEST OF 3551 INI51Nm o° USLE NOnIOS RrQEnMOE (8471 234-7900 DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP s'Awu.IÑFINITiHOFFMAN COM GROSSINGER HVUNDAI JOE RIZZA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY F1193 43 AT RIE 176, LAOE BLUFF rM i i a IEiWTnllwavi 1630) 852-7200 HIGIILMID Puase. IL 1888) FUNCHEVY 1866) 670-1654 (708) 439.6000 1333 PARK Aft WEST (8881 823.2498 RIE. 53 1 eLK, S. OF l-88 c0M 1877) 263-4927 HOFFMAN ESTATES 1630) 241-300Ö 0W.5I.TEEINFINICISUI'EOSTOnE COM Bo:bGcs,cw GROSSINGER BUICK 6900 N M0C0nM:Ct( BLVD. Roquestina a variatIon tram Section 12-42DO 01 OndIngnce 07.07 IViliage et MorIon Grove UnIlIvd Devolopmont Codel lu allow Iront yard panklno: FranI yard parking Allowed Notront yord parking Requested Front yard parkIng loller the ladrI Vonialinn Necessory Front yard parkIng loller Ike ladi The parcel Is located In Ihn R2 SIngIo Family Resldeoco DisInicy and is commonly known os 9131 Nallnool Avenue. The potlllonen Is Brian Taylor. INFINITi OF HOFFMAN ESTATES SUPERSTORE OF USLE 8200 SoLenni HARLEM AVEUO, (847) 433.7200 BUICK District' end Is commonly known as 9120 NatIonal Ave. nov. The petitioner is Chnlsiophor A. Kaulm000, (966)435-5110 tEItNToIIwnyI ThE HONDA RIZZA CHEVY 1000 E. BELOIDERE ROAD. Glawv-ss..uxe, IL 00030 (706) 429-6000 nIZZACAOS.cOM GLENCOO RIE,S3 i Bud. S. OF I-88 .dw..o ES, ONDA5UPEn5TOOE.00M HIGHLAND PARK PORD! LINCOLN MERCURY TINLEY PARK (8881 750-1134 UBERTY AUTO CITVF DOGE CHRYSLER-JEEP ROCKENBACH CHEVROLET MEGASTORE 8425VM5T 159115 SIRED. (8471 831-4200 1533 RnIOIb RD. Dcs PLAINEn, IL FORD : latler Ihn ladI GLENCOE TOSSiTI RD. & I-94. 550 MooRe Vu.Ey ROAD OHARE HONDA RAYMOND CHEVROLET 118W. ROUiT 173 FIELDS INF1N A Molar Wanton Conespany 1075W. GOLF ROAD 241 WAU000AN RD. GLENVSEW 1564 W. OGDEN AvE.. Nwo'ctnulLic CLASSIFIED AD HIGHLAND PARK. IL JENNINGS CHEVROLET BILL JACOBS BMW To PLACEA MULLER HONDA 1000 E. PARKAVE.. UOCOTYVSLLE CHRYSLER-JEEP cOM HONDA UBERTY AUTO CITY! 151 ELA050 COOK ROAD (708) 579.5000 CTnLEsON.00M p :lt:, r. :_i PAlAtiNE FI00000IN5 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 350, Chicano, 111100100604 Fob. 12/3,93009 11737939> C . (847) 266-7000 2300 Sicallo Valley Rd. Highland Park, It. 60035 svw,4porScho.com Hours: M - Th SAM . 8PM, Fd 9AM ' 6PM, Sa 9AM . 5PM ., THEAUDIEXCHANGE The FOURTH PUBLIC HEARING will be held on Tues' doy, J000gry5tt,, 2010 at 12 noon at the Hauslon Aulhonlly at the C000ly at Cook, Centrai AdmInIstratIvo OlIlco, 175 ooamloe others at Ihe hearIng, must complote and lIlo on gopearancewlth Ike Vili0000l Worten Graue al 6101 Capa1100 AVe., Marlou Grove, IL 60053, by no 101er than three 131 busIness days betone the dote at Iba hearing, HearIng Oppoargeco torms aro Ougliable opon request. Ali tetorested parties ore mulled Io attend and be heard. Ronald Fankos, ChaIrman , RIZZA HUMMER THE''EXC1IANGE day, December luth, 2009 at 10:00 am., al the Housing AnIhorlty nl the County 01 CooK, Golden Tower, 1704-1706 East End Avenue, Chicago Heluhts, IllInois 60426 peor as an Interested party wllh Ihn riohl la cress. .:Lu1II1,' 847-433-8200 The THIRD PUBLIC HEARING will be held no Wodnos' Ali persons In attondoncoat Ike kenning sholl have the nppontuoity lo be heord. Any person who also wIshes la ap. ww.WIcIuNsvAns.00M The new Panamera, now at The Porche Exchange F. 9330 Gross Point Rood, 54041e, Illinois 00076 12:00 PM (CST) an Tharndop, December 15, 2009. (6301 279.300 Luxury Redefined 21099 StdOdic V15tLCY ROAD HIGHLAND PAlIO. IL doy, December 14th, 2009 aI 10:05 g.m., ut tho Housing Au- The parcel Is locoled Io Ihn R2 931001e Family Rostuence WILL ONLY BE RETURNED TO THOSE WHO HAVE PLACED A VALID BID THAT HAS MET ALL BIDDING REQUIREMENTS. (ardors by orlon reservation 0115w 2' 4 haars for pnlntlan) tram BHFX. LLC IMam L000lion ArlIngton Ills. phone, M7S93-3t61, tao: B47-593'3129l al. ter i :00 PM ICSTI on Monday, AprIi 20, 2009 alter 1 PM, (Dlatnlhallan Lgcalloos) SOW. Seegers Rd., Anllnnton HIS.. IL; 19 N. Union St.. BIgla, IL; 4527 PrImo Pkwy. MCHenry, IL; 140.1 21st Street, Racklord, IL, 3SW2SO Bullet-Hold, Rd., Warreoptile, IL, 804 gvrr Oak ørlye, Wealmonl, IL; le So. Wabash, Chicano, IL, 50 LakOulow Parkway. Venoon HIlls, IL. 024 Northpoinl, Wookengn, ,: Tho SECOND PUBLIC HEARING will ho held eq Man' PLEASE TAKE NOTICE . THE MORTON GROVE ZON1MO BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a pobllc hearing on MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. lo Ihn hoard nl Trustees Chambers, Richard T. Flickinger Moolcipal Center, 6101 Copaiba Av0000, Morton Gravo, Illinois Io 750 . YOOK ROAD. SCFIAUMOLInG , . End A00000, Chicoon 1-leiShIs, Illinois 60420 be receIved In wrltlen, nia too lIgo 0 630-823-2195, agIlI 1056051e bld deposIt al approximotely$20,Oe bolease ovni. lo' fInal cosi wlIh prInter). NOTE: BID DEPOSITS WILKENS HYUNDAI OF ELMHURST HOFFMAN ESTAtES, IL ., . 847.519-9580 December l2Ih, 2009at 10:00a.m., at thy 11005100 Aulhani. Jayee Hasomno at 635.969.7000 . EXT 6074. QuestIons wIll The Scttoot District ,enerneslhe naht Io rebel voy nr ail bids, to negotiate conlngct lorms wIIh various Bidders, and la waive all torzealitlos er Irregularities ta any bld whon nach Is deemed by Ihn Owovr to be in 15e Owner's best Intorosln. 1> Plans and apeclllcgtlons may be purchased for o re- ,,.. ACURA Flan, which Is required by MUD under Section 511 ut Ihn Quality Huosinn and Work ResponsibIlity Act IOHWRA) ot 1991, trereatler rolorred In as the Public i-loosing Retonm Act IPHRAI. The FIRST PUBLIC HEARING will be held on Sulurdoy, Fob. 12/3/09 lt73Ul37IC 1020 E. GOLF RD., SCHAUMOUOG (847) 519-9600 ., 1099 WEST HiGGiNS F10150 al Ike C000ly ut Conk IHACCI will hold toar IdI Pabilo Honninas on Ihe Public Housing Authority 2010 Aneocy The 000ln,sigalh4er tor this pnoiecl Is Wioht CunStroc. lion, Inc. All questions concerning this pruiecl or those c0000roieg biddlog roqoironients should he direcled to 1359-121. . PUBLIC NOTICE Public NotIce Is horoby aloco that the HousIng Authority Requesting a variation tram 500110e 12-4-206 aI Drdi. nance 07.07 IViltane nl Morton Onoue Unitled Develop. ment Codel Io allow punklno In the Iront yard: Front yard pankino Allowed No Iront yord panklea Requested Front yard parking laIton the lodi Variation Necessary Front yard parkIng sablect to the Illinois Prevailing Wann Act 1020 ILCS . . PATRICK HYUNDAI .. MULLERS WOODFIELD Fac Payment Bund lo an amount 051001 Io one hundred perceel I100%t at the bid. Bonds shall compie with all laws et Iho State ot Illinois goyerolng eubiic Contracts lot by novernmontai aoits. Bld Security In thn turm ut a Bid Bond, cenni. tied chock or Coshlor'scheck mode payablo Io Skokie & Morton Grove School District ,un In an am000t eqUal to not less Iban ton por000t I1S%l at tho Baso Bid chou be submiltod wllh the Bld. Bld stcunlly is required et oil parties submltlino a proposal. A tally eoeculed and compliOnt Bld Security must be included wIIh Ihe Bld Form. All Contracts tor the ConstructIon nl Public Works ore ': 708.403.7770 Inom 11/149391 E000alivo Direclor 17VAI 00M ;, 1 OOLAND PAflt( You are invited to submit Requestlon a Tool Amend. Comments In writing en this opplicallon to Coldly Fried, Lernl Newson . 15O9RIVERRD,DESPLAINcS,tL , 2055 WonT 159TH SelbEr. Pub. 12/3/2009 117399401 C Colino Inrladina thy record at 0015 Io consider the tollowing pertonmonco nl applicant caso: books In hvlpinO to meet local CASE FCO9-06 IConlinuod A dm11 copy at lhe Plan will be Ovaliablo tor reolow and Inspection by the public slarlien on Monday, November 35, 2009. The draft Finn cgo be 05101006 on HACC's wehslte: www.lhohocc.org and al our Contrai Administra. tIvo Ottico locoted al 175 W. Jackson Blyd., Sallo 350, ChI' Cano, Illinois 60604 durIno regular workino hoorn, Manday Ihnough Friday, 0:30 am. to 4:35 p.m. Section 8 reclpienls, publIc hoasing resIdents, reSldenl councils, ornanilntlons, and the neverol pabllc are cocoon000d ta attend and submit s0000stions, recommendalions, comments and idoas on Ihn Droll 2010 Agency Plan. Pensons roqoinino special occommodatlons ta attend or participate Is the hennion should contad thy Ceutrol Admlnislrgtioe ottico at 13121 542-4720, at least one Ill week prier to the hearino. . i o'HARE HYUNDAI I F;, JOE RIZZA ACURA Av0000, GROVE thanily et the County 01 Cook, Armond King Apartments, Schogi, laW LIncoln Anenne, Skokle, 1L60077. (847) 991.9000 Fcdvral Reseruo Board tor PLAN COMMISSION will permission Io establish a hold g public hearing on branch of 0250 Anlinglon MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, Heiehts Rond, Suite 175, 2009 al 7:35 p.m. In Ike Board llanca, Illinois 60143. The at Trastees Chambers, RlFederul Reservo censidors a chord T. Fticklonvr MuolcI. comber at Iodons In OecldlnO Pal Conter, 61St Capulina whother In gopnoue the oppli. Avenue, Morion Grove, lilicredit needs. (8471 729.0300 :14 Juwrsvcsr or cnr. 53 ON DUNDEE First Bank & Trust, 020 MORTON 1620 WAUKEGAN ROAD. GLENMEW . .2 1275W. DUNDEE Ro, PASA11NO Church Street, E000nlun, IL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 00201 Intends IO appiy la Ihn THE I LOREN HVUNDAI eOWbpvsotaCastlathP.'ne,cz. in. Miche lecanneals seat bel usagn Sed XseVarOeot Myanviwq it zu unes hIwi, Spose .nkdesoenaoleqsv'res al SASSoaS 065 Fl IN PALATINE Federal Rosorve will consld. days botone the date at Ike or your commeuls and any ne- hearina. Heorino appearance quest tar g public moulina or tonals ore avaIlable opon tormol hearIng on the appll. request. Callen it thoy are received in All Interosled partlos are In. wrilina by the Roseruo Bank oiled lo 011006 and be board. 00 or betnre Ihn last doy at Ronald Parkas, Chairmon Establish g Branch at a 51010 the comment period. Momhor BanIf Fob: 103/09 lt730033lN,C B8B IIYUNDAI ACURAFc, rz BOB ROHRMANS ,1 ARLINGTON ACURA Morton appllcalluo, contact Colette Grove, IllInois amsa, by en Fried at 13121 322-502g. The oler Ihas throo 131 business BID GROUP NO. i BID PACKAGES #01, W02 Bld Package toi DemoitloWGenornl Carpentry/PaIntIng Bid Fackogo O2 . Aluminum Slurntront Pro-bld moellon will 10ko place al Lincoln Jr. IIInh Code, Onctions 12-4-3D end 125-SB roaording DnIov. 322. lage et Morton Grove aI 6101 te et the County et Cook, Golden Tudor, 1704.1706 East Grave School DIstrIct #aa at Ihn place. date and limo stat' ed bolawgnd pobticlp apenedand read therM PLACE: DUE DATE, Malnr Ad,olnlslratloa Conter Tuesdoy Decnmber 22, 2009 5050 Madison Strenl Skukie, IL,60077 TIME: 11AM 1CSTI lab Daly/Time stamped by Skukie a, Morton Graue School District #69 . Receptiunlslsl Any bld receIved otter the time and dote Staled 5500e will be retorced 000000ed to Bidder. A eun'mandolory Pro-Bld Meotino hos boon scheduled tor 3,30 PM (COT) on Monday, 0000mbor p, 2009. ThIs Gravo Uoltled 0000iupMont 5910; lu request o copy at an CapulIna Thursday, December 3, 2009 wwW.piOfleerlocal,com Pioneer Press Classified Auto Dealer Directory ment Io Ihn Viliogo et Morton through Facilttlns, The gppllcont is 1ko Village at Morloo Gr060, 6101 CapulIna Aye. eue, Morton Grove, IllInois be bund at 12 C.P.R. ParI 60053. 262. Procedures ton process. All pansues In allehdance al Ing protested appllcotlons Ihn keanino shall have the op. may bu bund at 12 C.F.R. parloolty lo be heard, Any 262.25. lt you need letorma. person who also wIshes la op. lion about how lo submit yoar pear as go Intoresled party commonts or la obtain a copy wIlh Ike night ta cross. 00 Ike releeant procederes, euomlve elkem at the hear. conlact AlIcia WIlliams, Vice log, mont Complote and tIle Fresldool and Communily At- on appearance wIth the VII. Wall Impronemnnts at Llecoin Junior Hioh School. Such proposals as herein Coecernod shall be fur the tollowlne as deacribod: SEALED BIDS Will Ba received by Skoklo A Morsan a PUBLIC NOTICES test ISO case and lo tied that Assistnol Vico Prosldoot, overythlng stated oboal you Federal Reserve Bank at ChI' In the petitIon is tren. A hear. caso, 235 Sauth LaSallo Ing on that motIon will be Street, ChIcago, 1L60604. The scheduled at Ihn trial dnscni- comment period will nul ucd bed obeyO, and Il In your ro. botone December 10, 2009. sponsiblilly to Contad lho The Board's procedures tor Court and learn 01 thaI dale. processIng applications may ORDER et PUBLICATION lt appearing In the Court ENTER this the l6Ih day ot 1mm Ihn sworn ulleonllons ut November2009. H. Brudbvrry, JUDGE the Fotitinn in 1h15 couse Ihal James Avenue, Horwond Hnlahls, the Idenlily and whurcabools PREPARED FOR ENTRY: IL, owned by 7529 W. Carmen. al ihe Respondenls ore un- Kelly K. Rlckmgn 1023347 Reoiunal General C000se LLC, and bauli? described as known and unascerloleable . Doparlmenl ut Ihot ordinary prnceSs et Tennessee Children's Services .0000 ['6r7 AND n IN BLOCK a su law cannot be Served upon OFTHE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERtDIAN, AS PER FLAT THEREOF RECORDED ON APRIL 28, 1925 AS DOCU. .- 0E FA RTME NT OF PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) DuFAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 800 EAST ROOSEVELT tONI-V 3 MILOS WESTOF 3551 (866) 388-0387 OUPAOEJEEP.00M [ft GROSSINGER GMC 69GO N MCCOOMD( BLVD. UNCOLNWOOD 1866) 670-1654 KNAUZ HYUNDAI ROUIR 41 @RT. 176 L.AJ<E BLUFF (847) 234-2800 UBERTV AUTO CIÍY/ CHRYSLER-JEEP 1000 E. PARKAVE.. IJOEtn1"VSLLE (866) 474-4313 LIOERTY*UTOEITV 00M 'd - ; a f Thursday, December 3, 2009 APioneerPress Publication wwwpioneerlocal,com (Dc) Pioneer Press Çlassified Auto Dealer Directory RREDEMANN LEàiS 2000 N, Wuic Ro , Giicw ì MC GRATH LEXUS OF i 1250W DMsON )IIISLEIISHI MERCURY , (800) NEW-LEXUS 60190 I , -I Www MC000rHLexus I CLASSICOEALER0VIOUP COM , .W.V/.MCGRATHLEXU$.COM Memedos-Beriz 'LEXUSOF GROSSINGER TOYOTA I NORTH mazDa I 7225 N CIOERO, IJNCOLNW000 HIGHLAND PARK , ç 3040SC00,E VUEYRo.n HGHLoRo PACk AS?0 i www.shopnapleton LEXUS OF ORLANO 8300 W. 189m ST. (708) 342-6475 BOB ROHRMAN'S , .ARLINGTON LEXUS IN PALATINE 1265W. DuNoE Ro89. PALACNE . (jusrwts, OF IT1. 53 ON DUNDEE) 1233 N. WELLS ST., CHICAGO 1800)873.9315 I PAULY TOYOTA A HOND2. SUBARU 10355. RT. 31, R ONE MILE SOWN OF RT. 14 - (815)459.71001847)6589050 èels! 1} LI N COIN JAG UAR NORTHBROOK TOYOTA 1530 FRONTAGE ROAD NDITFHBROOK. IL 60062 (800) 743.9594 (888510-0669 VSWW.NOHTHBIIOOKTOVOTA.COM Days a Week LANDROVER OP HINSOALE O.AKBROOK TOYOTA SCION IN WESTMON 550 E. OGDEN AVENUE (630) 789-9600 300 E. OGDEN AVE., 1-ONSOALE nN-CoS LANDROVER ,- HOFFMAN ESTATES 1051 W HIOGNS R0AO. Hornwj ESTATES U (555) 516-8035 LAN000VERHOFFM*N.COM MAZDAL UBERTY AUTO CITY! MAZDA 1000 E. PARK AVE, (866) 474-4313 KNAUZ AUTO PARK (847) 604-8100 MULLER MAZDA PATRICK LANDROVER OF NAPER VILLE WILKINS MAZDA . Rouit 41 89 Ri-. 176. LAxE BLUFF 150 SKOKJE VALLEY ROAD, HIGHLAND PARK, JL (847)831-4100 750 N. YORK ROAD (630)300-5000 MERCEDES AUTOHAUS ON EDENS L1NCOUgV lI ERCURY 1600 FRONTAGE RO. NOIHThOHOOK (800) 716-6495 AUTOIIAUSONEOENS.COM KNAUZ MERCEDES BENZ KNAUZ AUTOPARK HIGHLAND PARK ROUTE 41 @ Fr. 176, FIPLM.COM (47) 234-1700 (847) 831-5880 _wE SPEAK YOUR LANGUaGES 915 WEST DUNDEE ROAD BUFLALO GROVE (847) 590-6100 LIBERTY NISSAN (866) 329-22gB MARTIN NISSAN (866) 799-0300 5240 GOLF ROAD, 5890E MERCEDES BENZ HIGHLAND PARK FORD/ LINCOLN MERCURY 1333 PAKAst WEST BOB ROHRMAN'S ARLINGTON NISSAN NAPERV7LLE BILLJACOBS MINI RIZZACARS.COM (866) 516-8015 NAPLETON LINCOLN/MERCURY B26TOUiiyAW., PARK RIDOC (800) 931-6583 1564 W. Odon Ayo. KNAUZ MINI KNAUZ AUTOPARK flou-I-E 41 @ Rl. 176 1.00E BLUFF (847)604-5050 PARKRI000 UN COLN MERCU H V COM PATRICK MINI MAZDA ThE AUTOBARN MAZDA OF COUNTRYSIDE! LaGRANGE 5700 LAGRANGE RO, - f708) 354-2700 "MAZ000UY$.COM BIGGERS MAZDA 1320 E. Cucoo S-r. ELGIN (866) 9-MACHINE :tTHS MAZDA MACHINE ON HT. 19 OIGO ERNM AZOO .COM NORTHBROOK SCION PORSCHE PREMIER DEALER 2300S1(OKjC VALICY Ro. HIOHLooD PARK (847) 266-7000 MOTOR WERKS 153G FRONTAGE ROAD, WOW. NOIITIIOII000SCÌON .COM PAULY SCION ON RIE. 14, Consto. LAXE )815)459-7100 ¿8471658-9080 ROLLSR smart contar LAKE BLUFF KNAUZ AUTOPABK 7O0EAsrGot Ro. SO-EAUMI3URG. IL 60173 (866) 370-6567 'AT R IC EMINICOM I_I u í.-i ii i r.i u I SCAHS 00M ER?SNI.EOM NAPLETON MITSUBISHI E26TOUEIYAVE.. PARK RIDGE (800) 931-6583 ROLlTE 41 & ROWE 176 IA*E BLUFF KNAUZ.COM SAAB SUBARU SAAB EXCHANGE AUTOBARN SUBARU OF COUNTRYSIDE! LaGRANGE I SHEIAR000 'IEn00cE. (866) 924-1111 GROSSINGER PONTIAC 6900 N MCCORMICK BLVD. LJNOOLNW000 (866) 670-1654 PATRICK SAAB 526MAU.DRZAE, SOAUM0URG (888) 350-1599 GROSSINOERPONTIAC.00M MULLER PONTIAC 150 SKO,oE V.4uoy Raso, HIGHLAND PARK, IL (847)831-4100 MULLERCARS.COM SULLIVAN PONTIAC 777 W. OUNDEE ROAD, ARLINGTON HEIGBTS, IL (847) 392-6660 OIL LO U LU VA N . 00M R(ZZA SAAB 8425 WEST 159TH STREET. TIN.oy PARK BREOEMANN SCION 1301 W. DEMI'STER. PARK RIDGE (847) 698-3700 WWW.BREOEMANN.COM 8130W, 159TH STREET. ORLANO PARK (708) 364-2400 RIZZACAHS.COM NORTHSHORE VOLKSWAGEN RIE. 41 & PACKAVE, WEST, (847) 433-7900 TIIEAUTORAHN.COM VOLVO«1t! BARRINGTON VOLVO 300 N HOUGH Im. LOI. BARRINGTON (847) 381-9400 *Liniited Space Available* MORE THAN 5,000 MEN'S & BOY'S SUITS BY CALVIN KLEIN, RALPH LAUREN, JOSEPH ABBOUD, JHANE BARNES, VICTOR CLOTHING & MANY MORE! SUITS 20/20 OFFERS A 30% TO 80% DISCOUNT ON DESIGNER SUITS, SPORTCOATS, TROUSERS, TUXEDOS, SHIRTS, TIES, SHOES, SPORTSWEAR AND MORE! CATERED BY: PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. HIGGINS RD., SCUAUMOURG. IL. (866) 670-1654 (847) 605-4005 CONTINENTAL SCION 9960 JouEr R00o, COUN1IFI'SIDE (708) 354-5800 UBER1Y AliTO CITY SUZUKI VOLVO OF LISLE CONTINEII1*LMO1ORS.00M Where: SUITS 20/20 7651 N. CALDWELL NILEs, IL.' - CLASSIC SCION 425 N. GREEBAY RD., WAuKzoAj (888) 300.0968 CIA SS IC OIR E CT. E O M From: 5:00-8:00 P.M. HOWARD ORLOFF VOLVO KENNEDY EXP. ATARMITAGE (888)510-0669 O R LOF F.COM 6900 N MCCORMIcK BLVD. JOE RIZZA PORSCHE When: THURSDAY DECEMBER 17, 2009 312.751.5531 VATAV.NOHTIISIIOIIECARS.EOM I-1.'}'4'J1 All guests will receive a special 20% discount that evening! PLEASE RSVP BY DECEMBER 14 TO MARGIE KORSHAK INC. HIGHLAND Pg. LIBERTY AUTO CITY! SUBARU 1000 E. PARKAVE.. LI0ERTnMLLC (866) 474-4313 PLEASE JOtN US FOR COMPLIMENTARY HORS D'OEOUVRES, WINE, SHOPPING, FREE GIFTS & MORE. BILL. JACOBS (708) 354-6600 EVANSTON SUBARU IN SKOKIE 3340 OAICrON, SKOKEE (888) 587-6496 E VA N STO NSU RARU.COM Chicago's LargestMen's b Boy's Clothing Store is Now Open in Their New LARGER Location! TIIEAUTOOARN.COM 6191 JOUET RD. GROSSINGER SUZUKI .Po RSCIIEt- (708) 354-6600 VOLKSWAGEN 2211 AUROnAAVE., NAFFguo (866) 516-8025 RILLJ0000SW.I.COM (708) 429-6000 SC ION 6191 JOUET RD. (847) 234-2800 STEVEFOLLY COM ILLINOIS LARGEST HOILSIIOTCE DEALEn LAXE BLUFF LIBERTYVILLE MITSUBISHI 1119 S. MILWAUKEEAVE, LIBERTYS1LLE (847) 664-4090 VOLKSWATG :1 AIJTOBARN VOLKSWAGEN OF COUNTRYSIDE! LaGRANGE (866) 289-6275 100SKOsE BLVD. NDgmoROcg SCION 6505W. 159TH ST., (BOO) 743.9594 BAnRINGrQN & DUNDEE RD., BARRINGToN STEVE FOLEY ROLLS.ROYCE - ORLANO TOYOTA! TINLEY PARK NogmwìooK RTE. 41 8 PARIE AVE. WEST, HIGHLAND Pg. LAXE BLUFF )JNCOLN/MERCURY (630) 355-8140 SCIONI PORSCHE EXCHANGE NORTH SHORE NISSAN .JOE RIZZA 2055 WESFOGDEN AVENUE, Po RSCH 920 S. MILWAUIIEEAST., LJOEIHVYALLE T559 WEST000EN AVE. NAPERVILLE LA N O R O VE R O F NA H VILLE . CO M 1001 CI-1100GO AVE. UBErTrH'ALLE LIbER EVAU TOC IVY . CO M LANDROVER LAKE BLUFF THE AUTOBARN NISSAN OF EVANSTON TilTS 20/20 AFFORDABLE LUXURY RON INOEBTOVOrANORTH COM ROS IN0ERCITVFOVOTA.00M LAN D ROV KENNEDY EXP. Al PJ1MITAGE (866)613-6679 GROSSINGER CITY TOYOTA A. (847)-991-0444 LANDROVER OP CHICAGO AT HOWARD ORLOFF CLASSIC TOYOTA 51BN GREENBAYRO, I WAUKEGAN IL 4 847-CLASIC :: MC GRATIl LEXUS OF WESTMONT 47OE.OGoCNAt. 4 (800) NEW-LEXUS M I OREOEMANN DOM 0W Auòi www.pioneerjocaj.com , , I BREDEMANN TOYOTA 1301 W DEMPSTER. PARK RIDGE I (847) 655-1416 1 (847) 729-6000 - 4 OflEDEMANN COM - CHICAGO A PWNEER PRESS PUBL(CATION LJNCDLNW000 OflOSSIN0CRSUZ.COM 1000E, F.ARXAVE., UOECTYVILEo PATRIES VO LVO . C O M rIEEV.Lil1 Mldwost'o Lolgost Volvo Soporotoro R1'EEa 161k,SoEI.88 (E/WTOLIWAY) t','_ 21 A PIONEER PRESS PIJBLICAIION f:t ® i1 i PAGE 22 Calendar Continued from PAGE 17 The Narwood Padi Heal So n r1i ÁjY n 9r ._1 ety will hold ils 261h annual Holiday House Tour from il a m:4 p.m. Dec. 5. Six private homes, plus the landmark Nsble-Soymourcrippon Hause, will be en (ho tour. tickets are S20 Is advance or $25 at the door. The tour begins at . Ji'L_) Norwsod Park Field (louse, 5801 H. Natoma Ave : chicago. Guests may walk through the neighborhood to enjoy the homes, sr may take lbs Ires shuttle bus tram house to house. Children younger than 12 are not allowed; in tacts may be carried. Each house is decorated 1er lbs holidays, and a brief history o! the home is uttered tor atteodoeo. Tickets may be purchased by going to wwwnorwoodparkhlstoricalsociety.org ei by mailing a check and postagepaid enveinpe lo: Alls: Holiday 2009 releases make n oteworthy gift giving BY TOM WhOM Contributor Publishers unleashed another avalanche of cookbooks in 2009, enough to satisfy food lovers of all Stripes. With that in mind, Highland Park resident Dale Kelley recently put Love Soup through its paces by preparing a number of author Anna Thomas' vegetarinn soups. What made the biggest splash House Tour. 5624 N. Newark Ave. Chicago IL 60631. the Iusdraiser is held Is conjunction with Victoria's Croît Boutique, Dec. 3, 4, 5 and 6, at Noblo-Soymoue-cnlppen House, 55245. Newark Ave., Chicago. Admission to the boutique is St. with his wife Kristine and their Bumper crop Phis year's bumper crop of new re'eases covers a wide spectrum. Titles veer from basic primers on the art of pastry making to narrow-focus, single-topic volumes on cupcakes and cremo brulde. Books on regional and ethnic cookery, from Cajun to the Deep South and Korean, Thai and too- many-to-count Italian, joined those on preparing seafood, pasta and vegetarian dishes. Volumes geared toward health- three sons - Nate, 17; Louis, 13; and ,Joe, 8 - was Green Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Sage. 'That one had a lot offlavor to it, and the kids liked it the best," said Kelley, a microbiology consulthnt in the medical and pharmaceutical device industries. Fresh ingredients make a world ofditTcrence, Kelley pointed out. When Kelley is riot travel- ingon rii and diet-conscious consumers along with culinary secrets from celebrity chefs were vell represented, too. In narrowing the field to a handful of the most notable new cookbooks - always a daunting, subjective task - such criteria as approachabihity, clarity and innovation come into play. Is the subject ;o" Ì t (W) points go for appealing illustrations or photography. business he enjoys his i-ole as family cook; it's an art he was first exposed to at an early age through such televised foodrelated programs as the "Gal- t. loping Gourmet" and Julia Child's 'The French Chef." I l Isp. sea sail, plus niste lo la5le 2 to 3 T chopped lresh sago leaves er 1 to 2 T crumbled dry sage i bunch Russian kale (8 oz.l Additional selections I bunch green chard Il oz.l I cloves garlic, peeled About 3 C vegetable broth (homemade or Peel and dice the sweet pouttoes, combine (loom in a large soup pot with 3 1/2 cups water, a teaspoon ofsalt and (he sage, and bring it to a boil. Lower tise boat and simmei; covered, about 10 minutos. Wash the kale and chard, trim asvay the tough stems and chop the greens coarsely. Add the greens to the soup, along with the garlic cloves and vegetable totable The truest test of a cocbook's worth, however, is ) - Meanwhile, chop theo onions and sauté them gently with a pinch ofsen salt in the olive oil over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until they are soft : and golden brown, 30 to 40 minutes. When the onions are :1 ready, odd them to the soup and i let it cool slightly. . Publishers unleashed anether avalanche of cookbooks in 2009, enough to satisfy food lovers of all stripes on your holiday shopping list. (Photo courtesy of Tom Witom) broth. Continue simmering gently, covered, for another 20 minutes. distributing Tuotsie Roll candy and banks with oil profits glees ta mentally handicapped childres. Tootsie Roll bars are available at 50 baro per package tor S6. The candy books are $2 each, Contact Ken Loe, 1841) 961-6234. Send monetary donations to: KG Council 4338, cío Sss les, R301 N. ltariom Ave. Kilos IL 60714. The Rotary ckib et Skoii$e VahJey will hold a holiday plant-sale fasdmlaer to support local area charities. As In years past the sale teatoreu psiosettias, azaleas, holiday wreaths and bal' sum ropes coming directly from a wholesaler's greenhouse. Plants muy be picked np or dslivered anytime be' tore Dec. II trom an Evannlnn greenhouse. Prices start at 58. For more details call Mark Scheeidorinus, (5471 933.4354. EnIerta1nsnen Books are available lrsm Ihn Knights nl Columbus Council months and 24 years 01 age, people oRos 25 ta 64 wilh underlying medical cnnditl055 (such an asthma or dia' botes) und healthcaro workers aod caregleers 01 childmn usdor 6 mnnths nl age. The clinics hours are 1mm noon to 8 p.m. Dxc, 3 and 9; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Doc. 6 and I?. at Oaktuo Community Center, 4701 Oakton St A total of 5,000 nuccisalioss will be gben at each clinic. Appointmeots can be modo by nisiling wnoe.sliokiesrg. No walk-iso will be accommodated without an appointment To gais entry to lbs clinico, participants must show a printed confirmation nr as ldenlitícatinn code they will receive whon registering for an appoietmoot Those under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent er guardian Open to son Skokis resi' 'lhanoltlen to WeUnesn," a now edo- with a wide selection nl metropolitan areas to choose (rom. All proceeds are donated to area charities. To reserve a cational sedes en positine aging, continues through December al lbs Lieberman Center tor Health and Rehabilitutbon, 9100 Gross Point Road, in Skohle. Sessions begin at 7 p m. and are free and open to the public. Light reheshmests follaw presestatbvoo. For reservations, call Lauren Galusoka at 1847) 929-3229. The CJE Seniortile sponsored four-part Monday snries continues with "Ask the Doctoc Dementia Medications and What to Eo pect" Dec. 7 leaturing Vadim Edelstein, M.D. Concluding the serins will be "Dementia and Family Careginers" Dec. 14 with Deb tselSigsore, creative arto Our Lady of Ransom Parish in Nileu is selling Entertainment 2010 Rooks, $20, The honk oIlers a variety of val' sos, mainly Iwolur-one deals al many reutaumnts sod establishmeflts Discounts also coven travel, car rentals, movie thevleeo, hotel diocousts and more. Proceeds beneFit the parish. To nrder a book call Josephine Ras, 18471 9332550 Health Ttie VWaqe of Skolde Is holding free HiNt Community Vaccinations Clinico is Purée the soup in a blondes; in btehos, and reLui-n it to a clean pot, or use an immersion blondoo Add a little more water oc. broth if tise soup is too thick to potso- easily from a ladle. Taste and correct the seasoning with a bit niere salt, ifneeded, and freshly ground black pepper to taste. lfyou like, add a small amount offresh lomonjuice. When you serve the soup, drizzle a thread offruity green olive oil on top of each steaming bowl - just a teaspoon or so. This last step is essential, as the taste ofthe fresh, unheated olive oil is entirely different from that ofcoolced oil, and itwakes up all the flavors. Serves 5-6. over the orevious year. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Included in the aggregate levy for the Village of Morton Grove is the levy for the Morton Grove Public Library. Property taxes : U i I L Calendari PAGE 25 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY Green Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Sage from the 2009 cookbook ¿ove Soup takes center stage on the dining room table. The recipe is a (a vorite with Dale Kelley's tastily of Highland Park. (Joel Lerner/Stoff Photographer) t, dents, as well. 4338. The 20(0 edition costo $20 each book call Mel lionnlgs, 1847) 966-2293. 23 Decembec The four clinico are eyes nnly to those In priority groups: Includleg pregnant weises, those between 6 A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for the Village of Morton Grove for 2009 will be held on December 14, 2009, at 7:00 pm at the Richard T. Fhickinger Municipal CeItter, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Mr. Joseph Wade, VillaQe Administrator, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Ilitnots 847/663-6101. Il Corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $12,377,739. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied by the Village for 2009 are $12,410,363. This represents a 0.26% increase overthe previous year. Ill Property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2008 were $1 094,71 8. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service andpublic building commission leases for 2009 are $1 040,51 3. This represents a 4 95% decrease from the previous year. IV The total prbperty taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $1 2,377,739. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2009 are $12,410,363. This represents a 0.26% increase 2 r ulive oil rreshly ground black pepper Fresh lemon Iuice (optional) Garnish: Fruity green olive oil The Ki1hft of ChIl11b4is are still I. cannedl 2 large yellow onluos additional selections that would make good additions to any cook's personal library can be found at pioneerlocal.com. Just scroll down __- how well its recipes make the transition from printed page to the table. Hiles IL 60714. 1 1/4 lbs. sweet pololees to Food. From page 4338 is cunducliog a Wheelchairs tor the Needy campaign. the public Is Innited to help others by proeldiog donalioso tor a wheelchair. For as little as sis, the needy cao gain their mobility with a new wheelchair. Donatisno may be send to: Wheelchairs tor Needy, c/s tic Cuuncil 4338, 1307 5. Harlem Ave. Green Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Sage Besides Love Soup, well-documented and are the recipes clear and concise? Extra Ute Knhgite of Columb«s taUncili Dale Kefley of Highland Park prepares Green Soup with Sweet Potatoes and Sage from Anna Thomas' 2009 cookbook on vegetariun soups - Love Soup. (Joel Lerner/Stall Photographer) news I www.pioneerlocaj.com NI extended for the Library for 2005 were $2,728,485. The proposed library property taxes to be levied for 2009 are $2,761 1 1 0 This represents a 1,20% increase over the previous year. The aggregate' levy of the Village of Morton Grove for 2009 for corporate and special purpose taxes Includes abatements totaling $2,317,303. The net increase to the Village's levy for 2009 after the abatement is $32,624 or 0.26%. AD#1738469 32 Pub: 12/3/09 GIVE-HOME DELIVERY OF PIONEER PRESS! EASY Take advantage ofspecial gift prices! From grandparents to college students, Pioneer Press is always a perfect fit. THOUGHTFUL Your gift will be enioyed every week by keeping them in touch with their community. FAST Check names offyour list in a snap, call today! (\ Cati 847-486-9300 and ask to give a gift subscription today' -- PIONEER Pmss YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Hours to call. Mooday through Friday 63Oam-4,OOpm . Saturday 6.3Oam-ouuo, Sunday 8.00am-noos. TERMS ANJg CONOITSONS 011er expires 12/35/09 For sew subscnbcrs Onlyt those who have sot subscribed wdhin the past 30 days. subscrrpiionswill bcgin 5'2weeks uuierorder is renoived. subscripiisn wut cossloueafterjoitial period unless customerearcOes Pioneer Press. Il to, some masos you choose so cuocci, please note shut u rekord procession lee may apply Offer may not be used inconjusciias with aoy other discount subscription otter and isnalid sety within sur huore deirvery areas. GIFTO9 24 Iyour page Nl www.pioneerlocal.com TFWRSUAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION R I Calendar Got a story or photo to submit to this page? Go to www.pioneerlocaf.com and click on COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS t1SELF HELP SUNDAYS" - HEW PROGRAMMING ON WCPT RADIO 820 AM GTdening, Home mprovenìent. Green Living and more Sunday B am. until 12 unan. Listen every Sunday from B a m. until 12 noun on 820 AM an gardening and home improvement exports answer your questions and diucnus ways to improve your surroundings - all brought to gua with their unique brandu ol humor. On The Mike Nowak Show, Sundays lrom 8 n.m. - 10 a m. gardening enpert Mike Nuwak takes on subjects such as urban farming, plant and animal bindiversity, clean river projects. protecting our forests, organic lawn care, recycling and more. Mike has been Ihn Chicngn radio voiçe of gnrdening and the environment (or mure than 10 years - first ai WGN Radio and now at WCPT 820 AM. I-le will make you laugh while he makes yuú think. On Mighty House. trois lO am. to J? soon on 820 AM, Ron Cswgill and sidekick Joe Builder discuss every- thing from Inundation leaks tu rosI repairs and everything in between. They also include suggestinnu on deit-ynuruelf projects. Unding a good contractor. and keeping things green. Ron is a Certified Remodeler, Certilied Kitchen G Rath Remodeler, Licensed Electrical Contracter, General Cuntractar, and all around Good Guy who has beenin business over 20 years. As (or Soijihoide nativo and all-around Tough Goy, Jon Builder will be happy to tell yoa at length about his credeoliaIs In both general contracting and marriago. Be sure to tone into Self Help Sundays every Sunday (rom 8 a.m to I? noun on WCPT 820 AM and get help with your gardening and hume needs (r the euperts - Mìke Nowak and the Mighty House team. (Also on 92.5, 92.7 and 99.9 FMI, Submitted by Edn McNeil and Blake Rasmussen: Radio renaissance MattShlmanovslsy wants to get peo- pie excited about radio again. (low in his second yeur at KRNL-FM the student-mn radin station at Cornell College la Mount Vernon, Iowa this graduate of Hiles West High Schnol has been busy retorming, reshaping, and, ha hopes, rejevena(ing the lost art nl the cullege radio staShlmanovsky never particularly intended tu be part el Cornell's own radis renaissance. Baslcally, I walked Into The Cummoos at thu right time," he says. A baseball tearoroote was taking applicatinou (sr the 2008-09 KRNL executive board, and Shlmansnoky was hired as pmgram director, a punition he sold io- Valved a lut el grunt work." Bot his ellorts as a liaison between the enocutivn board end the DJ5, coordinating shows and training activities, prepared him fur a largor mole with tho station. This year, us tho genoral manager nf KRNL Shimaoeesky io shaking thiegs sp and working to create a statiso that's not the same nid song and davre. Shinianovshy saìd his primary quoi for KRNL is Ihn enpansion of its listener hase. "We need to ha constantly expandiog, not just cater to the same, small group:' he said. In years prior, KRNL hod languished under the weight of technology that lagged behìnd the curvo and n lack of mainstream interest (rum thn student yspalation. To help combat those issues, KRNL has increased and expanded its cusemagn al Cornell spurting exento. The combination of sports programming and enlisa broadcasting has allowed the station - which formerly wan masic only with a broadcast range out much lurgor than the booth - ta reach parents and alumei inlerested in live broadcasts of Cornell sports, an audience the station had never previously captured. And on campos, KRNL has increased its visibility by sponsoring concerts, inviting pma(essiooal OJo. and hosting dance parties. "If we want to be successful," said Shimansvsky of thn new endeanurs, we need to restructure the way tho statinu is rsn' This restructuring would involve turning the entire otation eu its head, making it "more like a real statisn and loss like an eutraconeicular act ivity." Din would have tu apply for net of their own. Fren. Call 1847> 82S Ave. Chicago. Guests are asked to 5531 sr visit www.stMatthowCenter.org. p or. Thu PUA will dieplay IB Cliriatmas on-site parking is availablo. OnQolnq psogrnms - Mamo In Mallos,' trees, representing the 17 districts of the Polish National Alliance and one representing the Sauganasfi Neighbor' bond Community. See wwwpna' eoporg. "Events." Golf MItI Shopping Center has a vari' ety of fan, holiday festivities and events to help shoppers and support both local and national ctwmitieo Santa In In Center Court through Christnias Eve. Every Monday through Dec. 21, pot levees and their forry campaninns can take their photo with Old St partment at 7737925022 (er details. Seiler Advocate of Advocate Lutheran General Hospital oIlers free blood' pressure screenings (rom IO a m.'onsn on the first Wvdxv5eiay of evomy month at the hospital's Patient Rosvarce Ces' ter, 8820 W Dernpster 5f. Hiles Iacross from Ihn hospital>. Un appoiolmenf is necessary. Call 18471 7231217. Holiday Resurrection Retiremeot community, 7262 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago will u gather in the lobby of the PHA at 645 envine, by calling l'8?7'73?'4636. Free are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6'730 p.m. and Salurdas, 910 30 a m. at Resurrection Medical Center. Fee: $8/class or $15 for a IO class punch card. Call tho Health Management De- host a Cisrialmas house walk trots l'3 p.m. Dec. 13. pm. Tosideets will deco' rate 1ko common areas and hallways al each floor of liv facility. Holiday cent fall. His dream job would be to secure a pusilion as in-house council (sr a prolasaixoal oports tearia, bot he is also intnresfed in a governmental appointment. His backup plus? Shimanevoky thinks tackling nlhnr mediums as a prof essional philosopher has a certain sort ul appeal tar a (armer radia man. uchsol. little did they know that they were re' As Shimonovuky's college career drnwo ta a close, tie lo prepariog him- epnnaible (or an entire ecesyoteor. Yet, when the fiore came to place the green blucks on a surface, then the yellaw blacks no the green (allowed by the brown, the Mad Science In- "I would write a bssk' he said, 'and got Oprah fu sell it' Submitted by Julie Foai-ty Principal: It's Science As euch Forest Elementary School filth grader selected a yelluw, green, red, or brewo block tram tise plastic tab that was passed around the table, stroctor pointed out that some of the colors could nut be supported by the number sí blncks In the (oundation row. Where did they go? They wore placed in tho expiration (doath) pile. In other words, there was sot ennagh food to sustain the next level of plant or animul life. Every sfudonf, from kindergarten through fifth grade, learned lessens like this when Forest Elementary Schsel, with the support of a $5,000 grant from hOP, brought Mad Science to the school for two weeks of workshops. From "Seeking nur Senses" to "Ecvsystemo,'Mad Scieece enhanced Forest's science program with inquirybased workshops that meet state standards. Structured as in'class (leid trips, Mad Science workshops offer students a hands-on science esperience without leaving the school, With profossioeal lesson plans, unique equipment and animated instructors, Mad Science wsrkshops offer uf adents truly engaging learning enperinoces. The same class that learned thot ecusyutems aro letemdepondent forthor discovered (ood chains as they a; ) L r '- -j, ei stem St,, Park Oidqe. To register, call I_i \('Zr (fP,Ji Y'P '-a, ,- Parks "ÍÑGLE-FAMILYHOES,TOWÑHÖMES, FLATS, VACANT PARCEL & LOT IN BURBANK CHICAGO GLEN ELLYN HARVEY i KANKAKEE recmeation activities MNASR verves Vox . Check rîckIevn.com For Property Details! Calceadar, PAGE 27 /.'I, . .' ì i J -u ." , k rs ( ' .. co.otu a-i-' '.' J j'a1Ieiríe., (773) 465.3300 vww,dircctaticrion,com . -- ¿ *í,. "1 p -" ''- * NEW Vendors WELCOMEI * MARKET SUN. . . lnam'3pm)/$5 Early Usyors: Still Ram-Ram/Sia *DuPage County Fairgrounds* WHEATON IL 115.526.9769 *ANTIQVE FAIR.JJIN. 2&3* DnPAGEEXPO.ST.CRIIBLES,IL www.zueIaoproniotiont.com ,;..' : ' ' 816c1Ave JOLIET "- ,' ' c;- :'AUCTION -. . . ' ', . . ;'t/,g cundo . -Sale to take . CHICAGO 461'1 S. ÇaIusnet Ave. ';':...4?O FOR FREE COLOR BROCHIJ1tE CALL ..........premises 8002299793 .':'Sa1e Date: Sat., Dec 12th www.AuctionSeririces1nt1.com I S - s - t2,I6() sf2 Lilsits 39W Calumet. .\ve. S, .' CHICAGO 'j1âcefroin MAIWETS GZUWSLARE R?,t3flBBPf P ,,- ..........5/2.5,3201) sí Bankøwned 1R]?L ESTATE - pxrom*, 7232 N. Western Ave., Cisgo., IL I ' . , . ON-SITE : UAI1DC1SaR NOOfl-time &vViBsi1 Sun. BaH-3ps$6 Visit our Website for Photos & Results, Upcoming Auction Dales, & Curreni Listing ) . .. DECEMBER 12th & 13th u( . We boy Antiques a Eolnleol 9ízec/ C//ad/a,, j'.' -'. I & COLLECTIBLE Need Holiday Cash? . Aoiq. Isinharo, 000nlal Rugs, Painhingo, P000ry, Figunnus, Lighting, Bmoees & Jewelry . Anliqua b Collocliblo Ascliono Every 2 Weokul . Ounlily Conslgnmenlo Accopled, Ono Piece or Enlire Eslolol i ,,- ANTQUE Estates 'VVanted! FOR UPCOMING AUCTIONS... i-ti '. ,'. THE AUCflON IS .'.' gargstgcom z-::i QualityAntiques and Whi not onU some ofyour . antiques, jewelry or coflcci,bles? We buy gold and silver coins and watches ju ' REGARDLESS OF PRICE Matne-Nites Association of Special Recmealian allers people ieilh physical and mental challenges, behavior and learniog disorders, hearing and visual inipairmanto and emotianal disabilities as opportunity to noisy a variety of I r < .11 BANK-DIRECTED 5 PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD ABSOLUTE, HeallhAdvisor at l'800'322'8622 um ein' it wwwadvecatehealth corn. The reference codo fer this coarse is 8929. --;;ìÑ,:.1u,ao; ... h?arrigan,at 63O-978-2O :.,..,.:, ':L':' ' Veteran's Day ¡n Des Plaines Community, PAGE 29 :eo'e5t5 AUCTION DATE: Saturda DECEMBER 19 _ -:- -. y GOING BANKOWNED ,:, Lutheran General Huspital, 117$ Demp' \ -::: (iTO aaeljtISeIflthlS1SeCtig13jpiaSê$Ofl(aCt -== ' l Suhmlfted by Karen Kozenczak: Veterana day was observed in Veo Plaines at a 10:45 AM ceremony held at the Lake Park Memorial Pueilion, Touhy Ave and Lee St., un Wedxooday, November JI, 2009. Veterans, Des Plaines Mayor Muylan, local officials and guest speaker Major Matthew Tracy, Cemmaoding Officer, United States Marine Corp ISMC), gathered at the ceremony which included the posting of coluro, a rifle salate, the Glengael Pipers, the building of a war memorial, taps, and reflective commentaries. taught by a certitied master coach ohs equips expectant dads to conti' dently interact with their infant. sup' port the new mum and build their fa' therhood skills Tho next class will he elfered from 9 am-noon Dec. 5 at Cokctor's Corner dissected owl pellots, By cvniparing teeny, tiny hones to a chart illoutratIng animal bones belonging tu voles, mice, and shrews, students were able to Identify whut the owl had eaten lar dienec ..; Residential & Commercial Properties Parenflnq local schools at 0.30 and 11:30am. and 1 p in. Dec. 7 through il. Denate a gift fo a Woman io flood Growing Stronger. Gilt tags aro available on the "Giving Tree" to kelp a WINGS (emily celebrate the holidays. Giftu caobo drspped el at customer Soroice near _lC Penney. Venale a gift to Toys (er Tots on Dcc, 12 in Center Coort and re' celeo one free ticket ta Legelund. The Chapel at St. Matthew Center (or Health, lADI N. Wvstiire Ave. Park ''' L REAL ESTATE AUCTION Boot Camp for Expectst Esads is tionu Enjoy holiday performances by rt) Des Plaines was one ol the communities hosting the 5th Annual Heroes Ride on Sunday, November 6, 2009, Over 1000 motorcycles participated in the ride which kicked off (rom the liS Marine Corps Recruiting'Statiora Headquarters, 1100 S. Wolf Road. Members of the American Firefighters Motorcycles Club and many other groups participated. Des Pleines Firefighters and Police were present lending support and traffic central. Des Plaines Mayor Martin J, Moylan joined in the event. CHICAGO AREA RESIDENTIAL 'the Go Club for agos 6 to 12 usually meets the lirut and third Saturdays of each mvnth en a dmop'in basis. am. Dec. 5, busted by Golf Mill Cafe. Cost iv $5 per person, includes hot breakfast buffet and a visit with Santa Claus. Call (8471 635'1SO4 (sr reserva- ' I NSî AUCh Ubrary tiBes PublIc Library, 6960 W. Oak' ton St, (847f 663-1234 or online at www.nileslibrary.org. Nick. Breakfast wIth Santa is at 9 '-.. ---'- shows, and would ho on-air three to ive days a week. as opposed to the one day they are currently. According to Shimanovuky, the of a(ion's biggest challenge io nvercsnsing itsell. Under bio guidance, KRIlL io working to "rebrand" its imago, though ho admits there are often disagreemonts among hin stall about who the station should cater toen and ulf campus. "Through these competing ideas, good things come out of it," Shimansvsky said, adding that tho wide range of viewpoints among the staff allow creative solutions, As much as ho does for the radio olatino, Shlmaoovsky's onn'radio plate is pretty fall too. In addition to playing baseboll, he is a double major in politics and philosophy, colorees Intramuial oporto, and io applying to law sell (or lilo after I(RNL and starting to make plans. fie hopes law school is in his blare, although he Is still figuring out where ho would like to attend lab Natinnal Alliance, 6100 N. Cicero 773'990'5600 for morn inlormatìno, t'eguAli levels are welcome. Classas Des Plaines Hosts Heroes Ride Reo Plaines was one el the communities hooting the 5th Annual Heroes Ride en Sunday, November 8, 2009, Over 1000 motorcycles participated is the ride which kicked of( (mm the US Marine Carpo Recroifing Station Itoadqoarters, 1700 5. Wolf Road. Members of the AmerIcan Firefighters Motorcycles Club and many other groups . participated. Onu Plaines Firefighters and Police were present lending support and traffic coetrol, Des Plaines Mayer Martin J. Maylan joined in Ihn e000t, therapist, and Peggy Rest, MSW, L5W. Res Fitness Center, ree: S5Jciass. Call Submitted by Karen Kozenczak: tisia, (1131 1927930. 'The Polish National Alliance entends an Invitation ta all for its Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony starting at 7 p.m Doc. i 00 tho grounds of the Poi- cookies und hot cider will be provided, and tours will be available. Parking Is free. To arrange a personal toar, call Prenatal and postpartum momo are iosited to participate io this land/wuter enercise program oflered Mondays and Wednesday (rum 4:30'5'30 p.m. at Club Uploaded, e-mailed & otherwise Submitted by: Rouble Ehrhardt Continued (rom PAGE 23 Ridge, will feature an enhihit of more than 325 nativity scenen from around the world, "Rosin at tho rn," from JO a m '4 p.m. Doc. 5 and 6. 7ko scenes are (rom the private collection uf Oak Park resident Susan Greeley. Children will especially enjoy the "please fesch" fable and a chance to win a nativity ReulaTettlon Medical Center, 7435 West Talcott, Chicago, will offer the fol' lowing health programs. Advanced reg' Isfrution is required, unless noted sIb' news i WWw.pioneerlocal.com Nl s S IV . S . . e-. -s - - - WWW.piofleerlocaicom A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION - Nl 2! mews Nl www.pìoneerocaLCOm THURSOY, DECEMBER 3, 2Q09 Calendar Area groups need your help this holiday season We hand local organizations send us Lheir hactidesy needs so we could share this with our readers. We urge everyone who is able to help othee's to consider giving to one or more of these groups. Contact information for alt is included with each item. - laser printers, newer computers equipped for highipeed Internet access, diqital cam era, haavydaty pots and pans, flatware, dishes, blender. leader. crock pot casnetole dishes, bake ware, nacaurn cleaner. new towels, new socks and underwear, new bed' ding for single beds (pillows, sheets, blan' keIn, coselorters), clotlsisg for teenage girls, baby items and clothing. 1841) 2918540 wwwtheharhaurnrg hoeks, DVDs, magazine suhscriplions and spoils eqaipmool. Deadline iv Orc li Oona' lions el wrapping paper, ribbon and hews, gilt tags, and tapo are also heiplul. Call (7731 769-3500 or seo viswlawrencehaii erg. toys, toolhbroshes ood toothpaste plus donations for the Annaal Fund Campaign. mo Annual Fund supports the clinic's mission le proeide quality medical, dental, and social service care to sw -income children from empty Scouting tor Feed bags. On Doc, 12. communities Donations can be dropped ott at the clinic, 320 5. lake St., Oak Park IL 60302; checks or gilt certiticates coo be mailed to the clinic, or cash donations to the Annual Fund can be made online at wwwchildreosclioiciws.org. Call (7081 840- Scouts will retare te the oeightsnrhoodu to pick op the bags that residents fill with denoted tond items. The goal is te collect 100,000 pounds of tood - enough to provido more than 75,000 meals In hungry men, women and children in lho Chicago area. Visit www.chicagoboa.org. Buffalo Grove Community Stood Drive, B a.m.-j rico. Dec. 5, at Alcott Center, 530 Remord. Walk-ins welcome. No appointment oecossary. lt you manId like to schedule an appointment call Lite Source at 184710037943. Ooestioon call (8471 45y-2530. Ouls Park, Chicogo, aocI 50 ConIc County Greater ChIcago Red Cross needs nolanteers to train to respond to local disasters eupenses. See the loor deuigos. http:/Iwww.chicagolights.org/cgi-biolWebOb jectsJcl.woo/l/wa/a?p2l2 Orders cao be plac online. Cards are shipped sanee day, Tise Chlldren'a ClInk io accepting a variety of goods eod tonds for the needy: gilt cortiticats lIon (nod, grocery stores, and toyol, the Leukemia Research Foundation." Sigeiti- cant discounts begin with orders nl (wo or more hones. Custom impriolod envelopes aoailable at additional cost. To assure ontime delivery, all card orders should be Dorothy Pleitter (1081 599-5778. batteries, cell phones, and crayons. Meinbers of corñmonity can deposit these items into canisters found in main lobby et banh, 200 N. Buffalo Grove Road. Old dry cell battories, cell phones collected to keep them out et landtills. Crayons turned into jambe crayons for dinabled children. tional meals, sate transportation. and ether "holiday cards" link. Cards may be purchased io bones et 25, twO Iren lions st personulloativo, plus (allowing bonetil message: "Proceeds (rom the sale at this card benelit Eli Skinner Chapter of NSDAR knittiog 394-1136: e-mail marric36@aol.com. dreo (K-12) each week. Taler age rangos nary from their 2Do to their 70e and are from all ever Chicagolaod (many work downtowo and toter aller werkl- This holiday seasno Chicago Lights is selling culottaI cards with messages Created by students in Chicago Lights Totoring, for $15 tar a pack el 16.xardo, Proceeds pay tor books, soIn- www.leukemia-researcts.org and clicking on placed by Doc, IO. Visit wwiv.leukomia-rosearch.orglPage.aspn?pith4OK or call Buffalo Grove Bank & Thist has implemented a recycling Initiatiee tot old dry cell Chicago Ughts (www.chicagulights.ergi. a non:prolit based in downtown Chicago, pronidos tatering to mure thon 400 local dill- Leukemia Research Foundation annuancus 47th annual yslidoy Card Program. Thin year's catalog includes cards tor many occasions - and all can be persnvaiized and customized. Cards can be ordered oslise as wull as by mail. Samples may he domed at 0528. helmet linera, scarvou, tleoce neck galets (or liS. Treopo stationed io Iraq, Afghanistan, Venoso, South Korea. Velentenis needed to make wool caps, etc., for troops. Patterns at www.geocltiescomfhelmetliner, hohnetner@hotmoil.com or P.O. Boo 236, Aeboro, IL 62615, or Mary Ileitnich (84?) The Uccolowood Police Department and ILS. Marine Onz-po are sponsnring tho Teyo for Tots" holiday pregram. Holy make the holiday season happy for those less tsrt000te by donating new, unwrapped toys tor distribution te needy children. Toys cao be dropped ott throogh Dec 14 at the Lincoinwood Police Department or the Vil' lage Hall, at 6900 9. Lincoln Arr.' Liberty Savings Bank, 6666 N. LioceliC Republic in Cook, llano, Kendall, Will, Mchtenry, Lake, DoPage counties. Visit wwwchicagored' cross org or (3121 7296341. Bank, 4433 Touhy Ave., or the Lincolowood Public Lìhrary, 4000 W. Pratt Ave. Call tho Lincoleweod Police Department, 184?) 673- The Harbeur, Inc., 1440 Renaissance Orlen, Ste. 240, Park Ridge Ill 60068, provides emergency shelter and transitional lining The Maine Township Food Panley is in desperate need st nonperishable items, incloding: Canned vegetables, caoned Irait, nspyert to el-risk in the ootth and north- jelly, peanut button, tsombargvs/chiclion helper, cveklea, crackers, spaghetti, rice and snack bars, Items may be drepped ott betweeo 9 am. and 4.30 p.m. at the tAles Chamber st Cemmerce ollice, 8060 W, Oak- 2167. west suburbs at Chicago. 2009 tras been a particularly dillicuit your for them with a surge in demand tor their services as fami' lies struggle throughout their service area. Meanwhile, keeping their operation alisal is challenged by the dnoble-whammy of a bad economy negatively impacting cemmoelty support and foundation giving, while the political land fiscalI instability Is Illinois has them counting the days between payments ter services they provide to wards ot the state and preparing contingency plans for a potential cash crisis. The center welcomes cash donations sent directly to their ot(ice or mode via Network tor Good (link available on their Web site). In-kind donations are also welcome. The Wish tint Includes: nut St Cash and checks donations are only accepted at the torton Grove Fire Deport ment CaH (847) 41O526. Na'Amat USA, Aviva Gruap, lu selling 2010 tolertoloment 000hs tor $20 each, Proceeds support cecial services lot evomno and chudieu io Israel, Call Susie 1047) 253-4085 Lawnene Hall Youth Snrvices is organi?ing this your's Itnilday VAsti Lisi Gilt Drive. Briog unwrapped gills to the mois cumpas, 4833 N. Fravcìsco Ave., Chicago. lesidenls may donate gilt cardo tor tael load or canaal dining: clothing: pise CIls and videos, The Roy Scouts el America's Chicago Area Cosncil and the Greater Chicago Food Deposltorg have teamed up to collect nonperìshable tond items in Cook County daring the holiday season Scouts teem Pack 3054 will go dnor to deer no Ont. S te distribute enipsteT SL: Morton Grove Village Hall, 6O1 Capulina AVC. Dorni&cks Finer Foods. 693! Deinpster St. and Moose Lodge. 6.419 Chest- too SL loside the North Side Community Bank building. The Morton Grove Efrellghter'o Aseadatien is conducting its annual holiday tond drive to assist area residents in need this holiday season. It requests nen-perishablo toad items with a current espiratiso dato ho dropped olI threegh Dec. 13 at any nl the following Morton Grove loceliooa: Marten Grave Fire Department, 6250 Lincoln Avec Morton Greve Park District, 6834 Oompster St: American Legion Civic Center, 6140 Continued from PAGE 25 Reskient and nonresident registra' Plaines, Colt-Maine, Lincoinwood, Monton Grove, Hiles, Park Ridge and Skoblo. Ta receive a seasanal brochare, er to Pruifefltia StarcK Realtors office, 300 W. Gol( Road, Mount Vrospect, is conducting a Bake Sale 1mm 9 eel-i pin. Dec. 12. Agents ate working with Ilselí families and Irtends to bake homemade mullins browntns cop C0k05, specialty cookies, banano bread, heflieífiode candy and other treats to raise oller soppert tor people with special needs by vslanteoring, call (0471 9665522. Hiles Hites Pauli DistrIct Is accepting registretion Ion its popular Small Shots Bas' hetball Program Ion kinderqartnnrs and tint' and second- grade gino and boys. This sie'woek class beginn Doc. 5 with 9 a m. 10.15 or 1130 a ni. starting limes. Participants will learn dribbling, shoot' log, defense and offense skills and play in gamo situotions. Ail shill levels urn welcome. Fees are $57 fur residents and $7f Ion onnreslderits, and inclade a T'shirt and basketball. Register at money toe pediatric cancer research. Items start at SI and all innney collected is denot' ed te Coobies For Kids' Cancer supporting research for new and improved therapies. Call (847) 255-3900. HIles Tnweahlp Feed Pantry needs tailings to make the holidays special tsr lhasn in need Sonatines el the tolloieing holiday ilums are 015v sought: Chickens, canoed sweet potalons, beets, olives, croo- berry sauces, nico er noodle side dishes, canned soupa, mined vegetables, stalling mie, dinner rolls, gravy idry or liquidi and coke mines. All tuod donations cao ho brought to (lie Township at 5255 Main St., Skohie, beiween 9.30-11.30 am. and l-4 pm. Monday lhrougls Priday. Monetary donations to Ihn Hilos Township Food Pantry Fouedation aro welcome, Cvntoct Cyothia Carranca al 18411 573-9300. Village nl Hiles employees, CItibanK end PUA Bank are partnering loi a toed drive lo ensure no person io Oiles gnon hungry this holiday season. Demand tor assistance is rising due Io soemploymnol, high lood pouces and utilities and a troubled economy. Thìs community ellost mill he held through Dec. 10. Donations by the public are deeply appreciated. Donativos ut eanperishablo food ilems may he dropped all at any el the bussing Siles lecallons: Village Hall, loco Civic Center Drive; Family Services and Senior Center, 999 Civic Center Drive; Siles Fitness Center, 987 Civic Center Drive; Siles Fine Department, 8360 W. Dempster St.; Hiles Police Department, 7800 W. Touhy Aro; Silos Public Works, 6849 Touhy Ave: Cilibank, 8400 W. Oempster St: P50 Sank, 7840 5. Milwaukee Ave, Call (8411 588-8000. Regal CInemas Llecotoahire Stadium 21 and IMAX holds a Donation Driva through Doc. 14, 300 Parkway Drive, Lincnlnshire. Te celebrale the new IMAX msvin, "A Christ- St. MonIca Guild of St. Paul el the Cross hoots a St. Nicholas Party 1mm 9 am-noon The Potih National Alliance is sponsoring its unncuol drive ut new toys, games and monetary donations ton local needy children at Christmas. There will be a collection bou io the Iront lobby eI the Polish National Alliance Some Ottice, 6100 II. Cicero Ave, Chicago; the PSA Bank, 7840 N Milwaukee Ave., Siles; and the Alliance Printers and Publishers Building, 5711 5. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ion the toy donations astil Dec. lI. Bring unwrapped toys tor boys and girls up to age 16. Alter the deadline, the donated toys will be doliverud to the Stirinor's Nospltal io Chicago, in timo Ion Christmas Men' etary donations will go te parchase uddihenal toys and gills lun the children in the name at the deanr. Call the Polish National Alliance, (7731 206-0500, Cnt, 316, or nisit www pna-zop org Mlles Park DistrIct inlrodsceo a new Dec. 6 in the Parish Lite Ceeter, 320 S. Washington St., Park Ridge. Cach child who camp called School's Out Sport Camp, The camp will ho available on five visits with Santa brings an unwrapped gill (tsr ages pro-school through eighth gredal, approxImately SIS io valse. The gilts are then sent to Marihlac House tor needy lam- schoel holidays. The main emphasis of tho camp is to provide sale, lon-lilled days ut playing and learning sports. Campers Should being a sack uncle and beverage. Camp takes place al ilion. Call 10471 825-7605. Sarah's Circle serves hundreds nl women who are homeless. It traditionally pusses est holiday bago and are seeking donalions ut ucarees and hato, socks, boltles el shampoo and hndywash, toothpaste and tooth brushes, large sine candy bars, flash' lights and cosmetics, Items may he dropped oIt at its resalo shop, Full Circle, 942 Harlem Ace., Gleneiew. Store open 9 am-S p w. Tuesdays-Saturdays. Call 18471 901'5322. dren 01 all ages, ethnic backgrounds. 1847) 590-6190 ext. 35, or www.sholter-inc.ong. Monetary donations can ho mailed er made in person. Credit card donations accepted over the phone or oo'Iino at www.twp.northtiold.il.00/Paotry.htni ter Sept. 1, 2009, missing the deadline ton the regolar 3-year preschool Classes are held loesiluysl'lhassduys nr Wednesdays/Fridays, 1mm 2.30-2 pm at Howard Leisure Center. Session roen Jan. 5 to May 27. Call (847) 967-6633. 215-2803. Shelter ¡ne., seeks tooter tamules tor chu- am - onon. St. Call (8471 967-1529. Miles Park Dialekt New 3's Preschool is otlornd for children who turned 3 af- in lobby. First 50 donors receive Christmas Carol miei poster, Anno Nokamara iB47l 3801 West Lake Avenoe, Glenview, is accepl- ing perishable and non-perishable food items Monday-Friday 0:30 am - 4:30 p in., Thursdays 8:30 am - B p.m. and the liest and second Saturdays al the month 1mm 9 Howard Leisore Center, 6676 W. Howard mas Carel," Regal Cinumas in accepting dosalions (or Toys for Teto. Tu donate, bring a now, onwrapped toy te the cohechen hoe The Nortkflold Township Food Pantry, SIsterhood of Congregation Beth Judoa io selling 2010 Edition Entertainment Coupon Books tar Chicago North/Northwest Bask for $20, with voluntary $5 donation to Sisterhood, Available ton purchase at synagogue otlice, the Sisterhood Gilt shop at synagogue on Soodays between 9 am-i p.m. hook contains hoodreds at two-lot' one discounts (or fine dining, last food, movies, sparts activities, special attractiens, travel. Il yea need an Entertainment Oeok trem a dilletent Illinois region or from a dilleront state, call synagogue uttice (841) 634-0177 and leave message tor Linda Lipyman. Donate a gilt to Woman In Need Grewlng Stronger at the Gall Mill Shopping Ceoter in Hiles (Golf Rood and Milwaukee Avsnunl, Gilt tags are available us the "Giving Tree" to help a WINGS Iamuly celobrate the hou' days. Gilto cae be droppod el at Customer Service near JCpeneey. Donate a gilt to Toys for Tots on Doc. I? in Center Court and receive one tree ticket to Legoland. Call 1847) 699-9440. Greonan Heights on Veterano flay, Martin Luther King flay, Presidents Day and Palaski Day. roes are: residents, $36; nooresidents, $45 pen day. Call (8471 967-129. mm? für 9 rom tioe Ion Silos Park District Bright Deginningn Preschool tor 2009-lo Is still taking place. Spaces are still available iii the maroleg and afternoon tor 3and 4-year-old classes. Registration la accepind at the Howard Leisure Center, 6676 W. Howard SL until classes are tilled. Call (8471 967-6633 to have olormalien mound. Hites Park Ototnict is still taking reg' schularship pregram allows children the opportunity to attend camp when they may not have the resources to do so on their own. The kiosk will also house the Lights lar Learning teacher tool kits, designed fon educators and organization leaders, to provide informationul materials on the overall Lights tor Learning Program. ENERGY Feldman Park let, 8800 Kathy Lane, near the corner of Western Avenue and Kalhy Lane.Prodacts that cas be recycled in thìs csntainen include: nowsyapers, magazines, sIlice papen Itas and copy), shopping catalogs, mail and envelopes, catalogs, bidons, colored paper and shredded paper (baggedl, ea cardbvard or phone books. All money raised will tond the scholarship program, allowing children to altoad summer camp and other programs. Call 18471 297-3000 or go towwwpapernotrioven.com/. Gott Moine 'the Gott Maine Park District has luk' en a now aed innovative approach in raising much'neodnd lands ter the park and spreading the werd un evergy efliciency. The district eltern a se' lochen el ENERGY STAR gualified com- pact lluorescent light bulbs fon sale ta the public from a Lights for Learning kiesk. Proceeds teem the sale of every hsib will ilisortly lund the scholarship program sponsored by the districL The 'The Golf MaIne Park District otters the community an opportunity to necy' do paper products. A recognizable green'avd'yehluie container supplied by Abitibi Bvwater was dropped oft io the Gott Maine Park District is taking registration toc Molt Bingo ID ara-2 pro., first Wednesday of the month, split' the-pot bingo at the Feldman Calendar, PAGE 28 A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for Morinn Grove Schooi District No. 70 for 2009 will be held on December 1 4, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Park View School, 6200 Lake Street, Morton Grove, Illinois. conservation and electnuoics informa' lion, will alan be available. A recycling hin for asciI CFLS will aleo he aeailabie CFL5 may be purchased al Feldman Park, 8800 Kalhy Lane, Nues, from 830 Hiles Park District is offering private piano lessens (30-45 minutes) loe beginning arid intermediate stadents Wednesdays and Thursdays at Howard Leisare Cenler, 6676 W. Heivurd SL Lessava will tacas no the landameetals et technique, music theory and gond practice habits. Call 18471 9676633 to reserve a lesson time. DISTRICT NO.70 I, well as ENERGY STAR home energy- a m. to 10.30 p m. Call (8471 291-3000 27 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR MORTON GROVE SCHOOL STAR Activity Seeks tor children, as istration for tall Dance classes. Classes include Budding Dallerinas lar ages 2-3, Pre'Ballet tar agna 3-5, Sahel G Tap ter ages 4-9, Jazz (or ages 6-l?, and Hip (top for egos 6-12. Classes for adults are also available. Call (04?) 967-6633. news I Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and li. present testimony to the taxing district may contact Dr. Gary Zabilka (847/965-6200), The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the year 2008 were $9,825,336.00 The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2009 are $1 0,807870,00, This represents a 10.00% increase over the previous year. Ill, The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2008 were $558,877.00 The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2009 are $533,85OE00. This represents a -4.48% increase over the previous year. IV The total property taxes extended or abated for 2008 were $10384213,00, The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2009 are $1 i 341 720,00. This represents a 9.22% increase over the previous year. AD#1739159 32 Pub:12/3/09 I ''O 28 mews Continued from PAGE Z? Recreation Center. Presciroob Early registration is Impartant to ensure child a space lar the tall Women Caring for Women 2009 semester. A tine-day ninrning pmram and a tour-day afternoon propram are altered tor chldcen tucninq 4 years old by Sept. 1. 2009. Cricket: Dee Park now has a cricket e Normal and High-Risk Obstelrics - fees or availability. Visit one O! the Park Disttict offices Fe/dotta RecroatioP Centec 8800 Kathy Lone (ono block sooth of Golf s Infertility . 3-D Ultrasound . Routine and Problem Road oir Western Avenue). NiIos or Gyne Exams Peo Park at the comer ofDee and Emerson Roads, Des Plaines er call . Menopause (847) 297-3800. mt wi 'j., Evening & Saturday Hours Available 847-825-7030 1875 W. Dempster, Suite 360, Park Ridge www.associatesinobyn.net 4 GeneralHospdal Vomteer dilwrs ere needed tor TONY KENNY'S CHRISTMAS TIME IN IRELAND RETURNS TO IAHC how SL John Brebeut made an Impact on their life. Immaculate Conception School on Talcolt Avenue in ChIcago is establishIng an Alumni Association. In preparatian tar its tooth-anniversary celebra tien the school Is searching far its missing alumni. lt yea attended Immaculate Conception School or know someone who did, e-mail lCalumnilAicparislr.net, or call the rectartt (773) 705-3833. Alumni who pretor to reach the aasaclatioa by analI are encour aged to seod their tirst. meiden or last name, phoae number, e-mail address, the 'oar irr which they graduated. along with their tavorite IC memory and tavorite IC teacher, ta: IC Alumni Association, c/a Immaculate Cosceptian Purish,TZII W. Talcatt Ave Chicago st. John Brebut School in tIlles is lookinq for yraduates train Ihn class at Masses on Sunday. Maine Seniors Renten ldnatonjanice®yahnn5m) to place their information os the contact The Hthie TewnoNp MaineStreamers program otters a nariot9 nl opportunities far residents 55 and older. Membership includes a tree subscription ta the MaineStreamers monthly newslet' ter. which details activities tot the upcoming month. Most activities are at lisL Maine Town Hall, 1700 Rallard Road, st. John Brebetrf io looking for all SL Park Ridge, unless othorwioe outed. Contact the MaineStreumors. 1h47) 291- 1910 is plonnisy its 40th reenisrr tot the tall at 2010. Classmates are asked ta email Christinn Thomas Cowan IctcowanlPsbcglobal.fletl nr Janice Ryden All plqjsicians are rroro accepting 17cv) patidflis. Cd Community dropped att at the IC Parinh Rectory during normal hasiness hoots or atter lryderlknjbochool.or Ebriwood Posh High School Class ot . Botox . Latisse Sophia Chin,MD. Ioard Eigmbl& et Hawaii aboard the Pride et America tram Jan. 20-30. The trip will consist st three nights la Honolule and a sevennight HawaiIan croise. The trip Inclados home pickup, raendtrip airtare, all meals aboard the ship, daily entertainment shipboard activitIes and lectores, all trunsters and baggage handling. 1964 Contact Libby Ryder at Light Sheer Rebecca L Wet'ei M.D board CertIfied : ; is Reunions s Laser Hair Removal- floard Eligible : Spend 10 n3its traveling the islonds ed, address, phono number. maiden name (it applicablel and e-mail addreno. and may share a story or tell IL 60631. Submissions may also be Management . Bone Density Scans MttTCCfl H. Cannent, M. Board Cortificd IrisLia L. pdtdavan, Mt pitch that Will be ready (or use this opTing. Call the park skstctct tor rental and submit their name, year gradual- John Brebeot School alsmni. hiamni shoald contact Libby Ryder, 1847) 9683266. nr email lryderl9njbschoatnrg, 2510, er ge te www.mainotownship com. The Irish American Heritago Center is so strong. The concert is Friday. 0e- Hth,e TownsNp is asking tor assIs' tance in locating good, reliable handymeo in the area. lt you know 01 someone and waald like to submit a name, contact Therese lully, (847) 297'2S10, Est. 260, and she will torward a term ta complete, proud ta present the return of the cember il at 7pm l'eny Kenny's Christmas Time in Ireland celebrates the Christmas tradilien with Olida PII na lo' mt w ai Christmas Timo in Ireland br ene night nnly this December. This inspirational concert takes the audience en a fouroey te Ireland at Christmas, whore the finest in Irish song, dance, manic the Cook County Sheritl's OtIice, Is col' lecting used cell phones to be converted tar emergency 911 ose lar seniors. Donate phones at Maine Town Hall Seniors ReauITectIon Reikement Community, 7262 VI. Peterson Ave Chicago will host Paul Hagan. author of Stages of SenforCare. Item 10 a m.-000rr Doc 9. StagesofSeeiorCarelsaguide tar seniors and their family members. The hook noplores care optioss und the decìsioo-making process during tho sers' lar years. Hogan is ca-bonder and CEO nl Heme Instead Senior Care, a leading senior cam pmvider. The Scot lOO guests will receive a tree copy ot the book. Reservations are neceosary; call ' I ' - 4 ' - ,- 5v'8 'r, rony Kenny, who, in the world of Irish tPio:' O,os,." 'S, ' 'e')' i- O.ti ' .;"''"' '' ' ë'Ye ' I :dI Sunday. Dec. 6 Advent II - 8 am. Holy Eucharist- Rite I 11Ii1IiI ): ml io a.tn. Holy Euthatist- Rite li in' : 5 p.m. - Lessons & Carols : : Thusdav. Dec. 17 Sunday. Dec. 20 Blue Christmas - Advent IV - B am. Holy EucharIst - Rile I 10 ara. Holy Eucharist- Rite II 4 p.m. - Christmas Pageant An Advent ServIce of Prayer and Healing 7:30 p.m. . Chrmstmas Eve. Wed. Dec. 24 4 p.rn.Chllstmas Eve celebration- Choral Euchadst- Rite .1 : '- : . Il p.m. Pre-service carols and choir 10:30 p.m. Chdstmas Eve Celebration - Choral Eucharist-Rite Il Chìlstmas Paii Thur. Dee; Z5 10a.m. ' Holy Euchadst - RIte OAK MILL MALL (Nilus. IL Corner of Orakton Ave. & Milwaukee Ave.) Big Cherished Teddy Signing Event evo . , . ' ' « . 'I ' pressway, at 4626 berth linos. tosten the practico, study, and celebration of Irish, Celtic, and lrish'American cultural traditions Mombership in Ihn Center is open to anyone with an interest in those tradiliens The IAHC houses a 650'seat theatre/concert hail, aoditeri' um, a library, an authentic Irish pub, a Social Center, a museum, dance/music studies and meeting reses For more inlormutisn, call 113202-7035, or visit www ,rinh'amerícan org. ij 'r ew 15 yrfixed 5/1 jumbo ARM 7/1 jumbo ARM Jierished Imparts & Gifts 947-967-5253 Il ddies . Minelli Deli - Fresh Sandwiches S, Soup Daily . European ImpurEs & Gifts/Cherished Teddy Boutique Unique - Sizes 4-1 B . Bonjour Madame - Sizes I 4W - 36W . The Golden Shoe - Men's & Women's phbne wflantZALLArntW*tr.COMEI 847.8234126 TT To piace you r .HORday Worship listing here contact Jen Tait at 630-978-8750 or jtad@stng corn . r) * Wig World . Candlolightjewelry - Established 1975 . Country Craft & Cards . State Farm - Bill Schmidt SRUE THE IMTE! . Anthony Fur Studio CoIIctibIes Show . Lucky Nails SBturdV . United Hairlines And en array ofMedica! Health Professionals to servo all our needs . www.ploneerlocal.com. December 12 & 'IS 1O-4p.m. '. Imasas . '' ' , .. . , .-' .'-.,.,'.'',:' . . . -; e :L Risi 'G'.-- 'I td).Li t et (: 'I '_,D e evo ,. coverage of people and places in your community, Check out Pioneer Press' videos at '' r' is Pws Cs .a eve c 847.691-7416 708.660.7038 PILLAR FINANCIAL, LLC hItp://www.cboprf.com http://www.11HLoans.com 30 yr fixed ' - ' se,ti).u) p,O,m \'t"'nhanCed sear Wilsnn Avenue and the Edens Es- 708.531-831 7 COMMUNITY BANK OF OAK PARK RIVER Foeesr UNITED HOME LOANS Call for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.875 0,000 $1110 5% 4.934 30 yr fixed 4.750 0.000 $1200 20% 4,813 0.000 15 yrfixed 4.375 0,000 $1110 5% 4,476 5/1 ARM 3,875 0.000 $800 20% 3.522 4,250 0.000 $1000 20% 4.404 4.250 4.0130 4.375 0,000 0.000 $1195 $1195 20% 20% $1195 20% 4.358 3.280 3.593 MB,H006479 30 yr FHA 4.875 0.000 $1110 4% 5,334 15 yr fixed 5/1 ARM 3.875 0.000 $1110 20% 3.583 20% 4,354 4,250 0.000 $100 10 yr fixed Lower rates available. Alt costs guaranteed. Call for quote, (B) 415 Creekslde, Suite 130, PalatIne, IL 60074 MB.0005030 (C) 1001 Lake Street, Oak Park, ¡L 60301 847-729-1900 PINNACLE HOME MORTGAGE 312-388-2176/63O6649377 GLENVIEW STATE HANK 30 yr fixed 4,750 15 yr fixed 5/1 jumbo ARM 4.250 0.000 0.000 $1 050 $1050 20% 20% 4.830 4.345 hllp://www.gsb.com 20% 5,097 30 yr fixed $1800 30 yr fixed 5/1 ARM 5.000 4.500 0.000 $1800 2O% 3.562 5.000 0.000 $1800 20°/e 4,069 20% 4.539 0.000 5.000 0,000 $1050 20°/o 5.120 7/1 ARM 3.625 0,000 $1050 20% 3.700 4.375 0.000 $1800 15 yr fixed RestrictIons apply, please inquire. (C) 800 Waukegan Rd., Glenview, IL 60025 5/1 ARM Streamline refinance closing in 25 days. Open every day. (C) 2580 Foxilold Road, Sulle 202, Sl. Citallos, IL 60174 With Artist Glenn Hillman Saturday, December 5, 1 - 3pm JIW7 Artist will sign 3 or more Christmas Teddies Chance to Win Many Prizes Come In - Join the Fun For Detaìls Call European : Episcopal Church 4:30 pm.A Candletht Talzé ServIce IO, City Dancers are a renowood troepe et Ireland's tinnut traditional and conlem' pnrary Irish dancers. Oho team io corn' '««' Sights and Soijvids by calling the IAtIC at T73'2a27035, eat Is an Irish and ballet dancer mho combines the worlds of traditional and contemporary Irish dance. The Dublin . ' ' ..' 800.6644414 http://www.PinnacIeHOmeMOr1gage.COm 4.625 0.000 $1400 20% 4.698 15 yr fixed 4,250 0.000 $1400 20% 4.377 5/1 ARM 3.625 0.000 $1400 20°/e 3.213 30 yr fixed refi 4.375 1.000 $1400 20% 4,534 5YR JUMBO ARM 4.250% NO CLOSING COST 70% LTV MIN. (8) 718 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194 MB. 0004189 847.58O-5S55 630.812-2100 THIRD COAST MORTGAGE LLC 847-736-6583 KENILWORTH FINANCIAL, INC. BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS hflp://www.KenüworlhFmnancía(.com hIlp://morlgage.bankofamerica. com/marllnmaatta 20% 4.709 4.625 0.000 $1600 20% 4.809 3oyrfixed 4.750 0.000 $1121 20% 4.923 3oyrfixed 4.875 0.000 $905 3üyrfixed 20% 4.395 $1600 0.000 4.250 15 yr fixed reti 3.218 20% 0.000 $1500 3.625 20% 4.457 5/1 ARM 4.375 0.000 $905 15 yr fixed 20% 3.473 3.625 0.000 $1600 2O% 3.308 5/1 ARM 0.000 $1425 5/1 jumbo ARM reti 4.000 20% 4.368 0.000 4.250 $905 10 yr fixed 20% 3.687 0.000 3.990 $1600 7/1 ARM Call for Rates 20% 3.791 20 yr fixed 3.750 0.000 $905 5/1 ARM Sta Cohen, scohea@3rdcoaslmortgage.com, 511 Jumbu/4,0O%170% LIV FHA and VA ApprovedCall us tor Details marlin.maatta@bankofamerica.COm (8) Ono Oakbrook Terrace, Seite 210, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 (C) 954 Harlem Avenue, Glaejvlew, IL 60025 '?ai M'S ¡ho Irish American Heritage Center, which occupies an 86,800 square feet bailding on the City's rrorthweot side, 29 Dance. For a personal quoto call Mike Dulla, President (713) 7921930. Sundav.Qec.27 8 am. Holy Eucharist - Rite I : io a.rn. Holy Eucharist- Rite li star st tho internationally acclaimed stage musicals, "Jesus Christ Super' star" and '3aeeph and the Amazing Technicelar Dreamcoet". He will be ¡oined by singer and dancer, Victoria Kenny, cnmxdian Joe Coddy and thn lerloca i. o w" ?oiM, Tickets are S25 and can be purchased prisod of dancers straight horn Ireland'u mont prestigious dance shows, end laughter, The show stars vocalist Mthio Tennsuis, In cooperation with including Rivordaoce and lord el the and has thrilled audiences around the world wittr his exceptional talent. Ken' ny began his musical career as the Iitlp://ambankqc.com Ii t It It ne no holiday tamily show, Tony Kenny's AMERICAN BANK & Taust OrsIiIp GUide VIi at ti' music, nerds little introduction. He wan Ireland's 1998 "EntertaIner at the Year," Dublin City Dancers. Victoria Kenny, Teny Kenny's daoghter, Tony Kenny the tradition of tamily at Christmas is (tl)3 WestÓroakCeiorate Center, Suite fUfO, Westctester, IL 80154 Sc te Submitted by Kathy O'NeIll: mento, etc., call Gloria Stepek. 18471 297'2S10, eaL 283. eri Bit Continued tram PAGE 24 FISH. If loterested In prsvldiog trans' portatlon to towoship residents who need local rides to medical appoiot your page I www.pioneerlocal.com THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . Nl Calendar Associates in OB-GYN Po NI www.pioneerlocal.com BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 847-240-5007 PARK RIDGE COMMUNITY BANK 30 yrfixed 4875 0.000 $905 20% 4.923 30 yrfixed Call for Rates 10 yr fixed 4.250 0.000 $905 20% 4,368 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 ARM 3.625 0.000 $905 20% Call for Rates 5.625 $980 20% 3.439 5.646 5/1 ARM 0.000 7/1 jumbo ARM Call for Rates 30 yr jumbo Evening and Weekend Appointrmenls Available. Call us tor more info (C) 1300 EasI Wood//old Road, Stillo JOD, Sclaaumbairg, IL 60173 (C) 626 Talco!! Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 689.6760321 847.3849221 (B) 31011 IJundee Road, Ste 406, NortIel.eraok, IL 60052 60777 LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE A .CO SALES DEPARTMENT .4 36 i Itt) .'C',t O,,,Ln. (Ci O,nt. tui S S r, ii i C,,,iI C u" 'CII 'o 0,1cC ,,,,,,, UMi flC K (,* IOb)i 1 p(''l U,,O ilIrnn M*lpgt U,'n,,cc Mi n,,, o,t q,,t,d im Ont,,,,,, I t (5,NI): ici 'leise' iIa.5, iii t,'' 'u, ,o,,e ,,.,. r neu.. o :I9 ii.knI,. i,c I ,k iX,, '4) et) 5,,,u, i t,, c,eg,,tt' iAI'R p ¿, ha,,.! , 5Wi1 ode,,,! nie, 1« .Jj.tabi, ni, "00* i,\eM.i fl, A}' e,,,',,,' e,, (',tut,,, naß ("ft' " l,,,cd,,, i,,,, on ,,,'rn,, (Sib5.IXO kn,t,,i,o, ojo i,,,.d,,, i,,,no,o,,,fl, ,43435,OE i', ',1 v's" ,n,ik d,,,,mni .nd/,r.x, ,hca,a,uh,l,tyor,,,c, 1 1,c.,,, U,,,u,I' iInk,,te. Ir,. d,.,,mC ulth,iu,,u'. .ao. ,,Ilhc ,ui'ju, p. ..c,u,.i g,,""' ,.i'Sti ,h,ntOq i,, Ai'e ir,un,i,,,iu, moni,, k. itc,,,CcçI,t,,. .1,11,, (,II h, ,,,,,1,l,uud 5,,.flc II,, rIi,cç,,o,pun,c,fl,.u,t,nd ,"I 'leN) 0kO' O,flu,U,, ,h,,uhit iI),u,,.cckug.n1 g,g,rn,sc n,ur54I7O,ov,,Ikv,iu,,'c,u,ycubi,leukt,, ,,u,u,i,.,,,,u, H,,t ho g,,, r ,,.tmo,,e II.uknuo,iuc ,J,,,,u,,uu4ni f,,,'" i ,,,I,,u,,,n. Ai I,.,,. ,i,,nduhnrnI, ,,,u,,,me,,U hj //p)fl(uflOfrfl,Lcm u, fl. lfl,iC ,Iuu,,i, t,,d ,i,,,,,,,cuiu, * flUY '0 s,a,iS,ie h s.,' TøPIW.r i, ' I4t, II 800'$09463& Tu rtI,'rI ,, inscoufl,In, OMI MS'509-*436. .'-.. '--. 'I--- ._,-- , fl u.,. .,.,,_ W ,,-,.,,, ,,j ,,,, www.pioneerlocal.com Nl THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION www.pioneerlocal.com Nl 31 u ekly TV'orship EDISON PARK PARK RIDGE SKOKIE SKOKIE Edison Park Lutheran www.standrowsparkridge.org Church ELCA 8:306M& 101006M. Ezra-Haboniin, the Nibs Township Jewish Congregation Sundoy Warship 10:30, Sunday Summer Sunday Warship: Scptember through Mey Certemparory Wership: Saturday 5:00 PM. Vespere: Mendey 730 PM 0:30 & 11:00 AM, JeneAegust 6626 0. Oliphant Ave,, 773-631-9131 www.edisonparklutheran.org SunQy Morning Worship Schedule. Litutgkal Worship with Ho'y Communion O & 9 45 M Conlnmpo,ory Worship wiih Holy Communion Sunday Sohool 9:45Ml (. Atfondud Nuisuryfor SundoySorvims Hondwapped Atouo hum sculh po,kin Jul NORWOOD PARK ; st. Aihan's Episcopal Church 6240 Uodh Avonduln, Uorwood Po Illinois (773) 763-8845 1, Po iS tt \v -ti pi ii h lo m v1 I Street Level, Air Conditioned By the Lord Jesus Christ and Pitone: (773) 792-3030, F0g (773) 792-3031 Rabbi Dennis Katz, Contoriacob Reiss (773) 631-1100 & (773) 631-1606 Weekly Saturday morning services 9:30AM www.osfcS@sbcgkbal.net Chair DirectarJoseph Paprawskl 9 AH-12 PM. Hebrew Scheel Sunday 12-1 PM. Scheel - Pro.ltladerguniee thre 0th Gnade E-mail: SkokieCeniraI@UMCNlC.org Rabbi Dr. PeaglasGaldhaarer Weekly Shabbot Serviree-Fni O PM A Sat 9,38 AM math Cheir9:lSAMSenday, Aust. RabbI Shari Chan, Cantonal Soloiot Chanlsire Minyan Mon-ihura 7 PM; Sal & Sun 6 PM Early ehildhood semices full 6 helf day. Center Henfemin Warsrhcwski www.tbiskokie.org Senday Wnrship: Rabbi Nail Briol, Emeritus Likrat Shobbot/Kabbalnt Shobbat, Load Postor. Roo. Kristinu C. Wcbar, Asseciole Week cominee as follows: Moendy Thursday Poster. Ray. Dr. Malcalm Minnick, Jr., Pester. Agape Sapper at 6:30 PM fellewed by iherth Emeritus, Anna Erecta Organ, Direstar el Maslo servi(o - St. Richards Geod Friday oeroko et Ministries Malindu Remseth Heiland, 7:00 PM - St. Albano. 8oty Saturday, Great Wrester of Children'c Chaire, Nonay Olson, Member Cere Ceordinoter St. Mary's Episcopal Church 5101 W Devon, Chkago, IL 60646, 306 S. Prespcct Ava., (047) 023.4126 Lakeview Church Herth Shore Center for the Perferming Acts in Skakie Ph : (773) 774.4519. Www.stmarjspr.org St. Alhje'o effere the Coteoheele efthe Gead 9501 Skekie Baulevard, Skekie, IL 60077 Sandey Services, 800 8 10,00 AM 047-480.2900, 047.480.2901 thre Mey. It le o Menteseoni-based program that liturgkal elemente. Veer child le wel(eme ta fein :45 AM end clase et 9:00 AM Church(ELCA) Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM. Sundey Sheel & Nursery during worship, VestIr Fellewhip The Rev. Sarah D. Oddarstel, Rester Leed Pestar. Herb Aho . Warship Pastar WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME! Reso Resano - Kidrlard Pastor, Cheek websíle fer all ectioltics. Handicap Accessible John Chei - Youth Pastor. (_, Park Ridge Presbyterian Church 1300 W. Crescent Ava., (047) 823.4135 Jano Holiday - Small Graups Perler. Multi.ethnic ministry focused on Trenslnrmosian through Making Disciples al AIl Nations. Contemporary semite wish biblical teachiog and spinit-lilled warship, 5917 N. Nino Ave. (at Niakercan( www.parkridgepresby.org Vibrons community with ministries far children, (713(631-2860 Sendey Worship 10:38 AM yaoth, osllngo, singles and families L (Street level ecceunibility tu ernie Church) Nursery care dating service Children's SaodeyWership 10:00AM. llelyCemrnanian.lst, Programming far Agee 3 - High School. 3rd & 5th Sendaye b Festiocls Adult Edacetion Rev. James P. McCracken Service aitha Werd-2rd & 4th Sundaye tChildreo'c Miaietry.Sunday Schual.Suodaye, IAPI (September.May) Coalirmatien Ministry. Sendope, 9 AM (Seplernber-May). Childree'e Sermen-2nd Sunday, 10 AM. Jacaerciee-Taecdaye 4950 W. Pratt, (047( 673-4441 PROSPECT HEIGHTS Catholic Church Rev. Robert C. Johnson, Pautar 41 1 N. Wheeling Rd., (047) 255-7452 Jeyce M. Kiesenger, Minister eI Music Www.saintalphonsus.com Warship Deys & Hears, Macday-Saturday 0,15 AM Mess efAnticipation: 5:00 PM Cnntemporory Sciolse, 10,08 AM. Sunday School (for all ages) i I :00 AM Senior PaaterAlee Wickall, flirectar of Pauth from )2-1PM. Folilowed by games and Sunday 1:00 PM, prizes. Family Flanukah Party Saturday 260 N. Nerthweet Highway Fermatien - Kindergarten thra 8th Greda 0237 Kenton Avenus, (847f 673.131f (047) 823-6656 High Scheel Youth Ministry Program www.skokiecentralumr.org Apostolic doctrine, worship, and structure remain intact. Pre-KGrade 8 SHARING GOD, TOUCHING LIVES, EVERYWHERE St. Eugene Catholic Church 7958 W. Foster Ave., (713) 715-6659 www.sf-eugeno.org Daily Masses: Mua thru N-6:30 & 9:00 AM Weekend Masses: MORTON GROVE, St. Luke's Christian Community Church 9233 Sheimet Rd., (847) 966-9233 NORRIDGE Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 8600 W. Lawrence Ave. Sunday Warship 9:30 AM SundaySchoal 10:35 AM Youth & Adult Bible Class Young Adults Bible Study, Evening December 12, 6PM. Supper, 6:30PMWadnetday Sunday, 12:00 PM Candle Lighting and games spunsored by Sun 7:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM & 4:30 PM Choir Practice: Sundays, 9:30 AM Men's Club and Sisterhood and Hebrew ConFession: 4:00-5:00 PM Sat Susannah Wesley Club (Wgmeg's Group) School Non-members welcome to oIl Baptism: 1:00 PM 1° & 3v Sunday of the Jeff NelsonYouth Pastor Wednesday 10:30 AM. Luther John Meets once a month on activities. Phone Synagogue to be nn our month, Rev. George Kneune, Pastor; Bajus, Pastor Communion service 4th Tuesday of the month. Yoolh mailing list. Honukuh Party Dunotion: Sunday Worship-10:00 AM Rev. Jerome Twarug, Assnciute Postor; Adults $10 Ynunsters $5 Reservations Sunday School, Bible Study-11:30 AM 3eS Sunday of every month Choir Rev. Philip Grib, Si, Resident Korean Ark Covenant St. Mary of the Woods Sunday Worship - 1 PM Shobbat Raton, third Snturduy of each month, Club Meocebau Childrau'e Club fer 16-5th graders 1 PM Wvdnnoday Night Religinus Studieo lar Adult and Yaath Rabbi Kirk Gliebs Devur Emat Monday - Friday 7,30 AM Mes6enlc Synagogue te e community aliews Religious School Prs-K 7th Grade Sundays whn bellaca end teach that Yashaa (Jesus) is the 9:00 AM - 11,00 AM. Hebrew Scheal Gradas u premisedJawish Messiah. 3 -7 Seodays 11:10AM - 12:10 PM Worship Sunday, 773-539.2202 3rd Sunday of every month andWednasdays 4:15 PM-6,0D PM Temple Judea Mizpah Youth Greups Adult Education 8610 Hilas Center Road, Skekie, IL Keleyna - Velanteor Choir High Holiday Services (047) 676-1566 Rabbi Michnel A. Weinberg Conter PescI k' Director of Congregational Learning Noralyn Borujo Senior Exorcise Clous, Fellowship Hall James Downing Theatre Performances. Edison Park United ON TB E NOR 1H SHOR E, 5208 GolAn Street, (041) 613.5030 Weloaming cemmunity el web.mac.com/slpau!skok;e multi-generational families Methodist Church is a church with üpen Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Chair LiftAvailable Parking in Roar. Weakly Erev Shubbot servios including: Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 AM Monthly Cantempetory. Music service- 0:08 PM Saturday Evening Warship 5:00 PM Fellowship Haur, Sundays 8:45 - 9:45 AM Monthly Family semina - 7:80 PM. Sunday Suheol & Bible Study CInse, Menthly Prayer Study service - 8:00. Sundays 9:00 - 9:45 AM Rev. Monthly Choir Enhanced service Norwood Park Lutheran ChurchELCA 5917 N. Nina Avenue (no Nickersun) Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30 AM YOUR REFORMJEWISH HOME St. Paul Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Jerry Miller OrRanist, Ijano Samovo Musical/Youth Director, templejm©aol.com, www. temp(ejm.org Ruytman Lori B. Sogunin The Edgebrook Church (773) 631-2860 Sunday Wurship 10:00 AM ljuly Cotnmunìnn-1',3 & 5° Sundays & Festivals Service al the Word-2'' & 4 Sundays Catholic Church 7033 N. Muselle, (173) 163-0206 www.smow.org Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 PM ManFri 6:30 and 8:00 AM. Children's Migistry, Sunday Canfession Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM. Schaol.Sundays, 9 AM (September.May) Holy Days Vigil 7:30 PM Confirmolian Mioistry.Sundays, 9 AM Holy Days 6:30, 8:00, 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM 6155 W. Touhy Avenue, (113)631-1155 (September-May) Rev. Gregory Sackowicz, Pastar http://edgel,rookchurch.org Children's Sermon.2ndSuoday, 10 AM We have a Preschool (3 yrs. Old) Jazzercise.Tuesdoys & Thursdays through 816 Grade Schnol. And offer Monthly'Tet ShnbbatSnturdays- 10:30AM Cub Scouts & Girl Scouts PlC-8Asadamy Principal wonderful programs of Religious Small Group Ministry Adult Choir & Religieur/Hebrew Schnel Gradas K-12 Handball Chair St. Peter's United Church of Christ Oaktan Street & Laromis Avenue, Congregation Bene Shalom 4435 Oakton, (047) 677-3330 Rev. Robert C.Johnson, Poster ' Pastor Scott Stevens Veuth Group/Youth Chair Bethel Community Church 760) W. Foster Ave., (773) 775-2355 .. Theater antings end an annual www.bethelcommunity.org unique congregational sed community Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 :00 AM Enaunter Gathering: Sunday 6:00 PM Homa Hespisalisy/monthly. Joyce M. Kissenger, Minister of Music "Our Lady Mother of the Church 8701 W. Lawrence Avenue, (173) 625-3369 www.ourladyniotherclwrch.com Education for Children and adults. St. Monica Catholic Church 5)36 N. Nnttingham, (773) 763-1661 www.stmonicachicago.com Daily Moss: Mon - Fri 8:00 AM olmotherchurch@aol.com Weekend Masses: Saturday - 4:00 PM Muss Schedule: Weekduys Moadoy lhruugh Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, and 12:00 PM Sunday Schedule lux (847) 205-9921 Adult Choir practice 9 AM www.tempkboth.el.org Worship Service 10 AM Fellowship 1 1 AM Join us far Shabbat services every Rev. Lolly Daminski, Pastor Friday evening and Saturday morning. Handicapped Accessible EVERYONE IS WELCOME These include musical, family, tot and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 8450 0. Shointes Rd. tiles l 60114 Comfortable with tradition. (June-Sept) 9:30 AM, Ist Sunduy uf Month. 7:30 PM - Jazz Vesper Service (Sept-Juna). Rev. Dr. Bruce T. Anderson - Poster Friday 8:30 AM, Saturday 5:00 PM Polish Liturgy Mass: Suuduy 1:30 PM Sundoy8:00, 9:30 & 11 AM, Sondoy 11:00AM Director Sally Gold Euacutìvo Diovotor Terry Ones Confessigns: Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 PM Senior PostorPastor Paul Jorden Associate PastorPastar Rob Bukowski; Student MinistriesPastor Shown Clark Music & WorshipPastor Andy Clifton Young People's Liturgy of the Word Holy Baptism: )ss Saturday and Days 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM, Teusdoy 9:00 AM 3rd Sunday of the Month Perpetual Help Novena Eucharistic Rev. Ted Schmitt, Pastor St. Michael's Orthodox Church Adoration First Fridays 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Rev. Andrew lzyk, Associate Pastor 1313 N. Woukegan Rood (847) 647-8398 Saturday Confession 4:00-4:30 PM Fr. James O'Brien, In Residence www.stmichaolniles.org Sunday Worship 10:00 AM. Discover the ancient faith Bible Study, Menday 90:00 AM Rev. Erik Woher Birlhday Sunday . 3rd Sunday el each month Acsssihls Building I. Seniors & Women's Bible Studies September thru May. Baptism 2' & 4 Sundays of the Month Fr. William Holbrook, In Residence Call for iRformolion Or see the website, Rev. Richard J. Klnjbor, Pastor cantactparish©stmnnicachicago.cam Beth-El: A Reform Congregation Senior Rabbi Sidney Helbraun Sunday School & Childcare available for all services. website. All are welcome! Temple Sunday (Sept-Joue) 1 0:30 AM Adult Bible Sludy-9:45 AM wv1vw.stlimothyskakio.com , undny Worohip 10:30 AM. more. Call for details or log on to our (841) 965-8210 Cantonal Intera Beryl Belluwo Education I We hold a variety of services each month geared towards specific groups, as well as, people of all ages. NILES Open Shabbet Table Rabbi Amy L Mamis-Folar Childceoe provided. Air Conditioned Sonctaery Wednesday 7:30 PM Adult Edocotian/Adely Chair/Book Club thonier production (047) 673.0166 www.stpeteruccskokie.org Praise, Prayer & Bible Study High Huliday end Festival Services NORTHBROOK Temple Beth-El Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Prek K'tonïm Peegram twice por month Morton Grove Community Church www.zionnonidgoil.org 3610 Dundee Rd., (847) 205-9982 Ensemble Practice, Wednesday 6:30 PM L Fridoy 8:00 PM Youth Group & KACCWnrship Presbyterian Weekly Shabbat manning C> Sunday 9:00 AM Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 PMChoir Reheorsol practice Thursday 7:00 PM 708-453-35)4, Feo 708- 456-8818 6944 Austin Ave., (847) 965-2982 Teteh study minyan -9,08 AM. Variety uf Warship Formats, Robin JanesSeaiur Pastor Sunday 10:45 AM Midweek Bible Study - and noon Weekday Masses, Minister el Music Dala Luksho, TIse Church ir Handicap Acceaeiblv suíntlukosccc@sbcglobaL net w.ew.stlukescrc.org Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM Matthew ConradJahn Schumen, 9000 N. Kildece, (847( 676-1300 Church Saturday Worship 6:00 PM St. Paul Lutheran Christian Day School Saturday 10 AM Shabbat Morning Semitas St. Timothy Lutheran Church Central United Methodist Traditional Honukah. Refreshments served ServicesWednesday at 7:00 PM The New Testament. Today her Shabbot Service Saturdays 10:30 AM Rev. Richard Leoferd. - Before & Aher Scheel Core Ongaing Feith and meeting on Monday, December 7. Wednesday, Advent & Lenten Warship described in the pages of Sunday School & Adult Bible 9:30 AM Sot - 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM, Sunday Schaal 9:00 AM (September thre Mey) Church & School & Nursery Age Bible Study, Sunday Worship 9:00 AM. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM Sunday Warship 8:15 & 10:45 AM Fridays 0:15 PM Ministries 01lire Heurs: Pastor: 11ev. Curtis A. [amberg. Additional lnfarmatieu Scheel: Pro-3 thra 0th Grade Youth (High Scheel) Bible Study, www.dovaremot.org Mon., Tues. & Thera. 8:30 AM 5e 4:30 PM st. Andrew's Lutheran shedule. Sisterhood Hanukah Boutique 7800 Nibs Aoenue, (047) 674-9146 SundsyWorship 10OOAM Satarday Sunday Musses: 0:30 & 11:110 AM io Lincoln Village. Call fur Synagogue Light Hush - 6:15 PM Traditional Servire, 12:00 AM. Fellawship Hear. Mishocl Soest Puntar, at 7PM at What's Cooking Restaurant Poilok, 11:30 AM Kabbalat Shubbat service Shabbet Service, www.cmupc.net Sundoy Morning Worship Schodule, 9:00 AM St. Aiphonsus Liguori & Theredoye. Cub Sceals & Girl Scoute PARK RIDGE Carter-Westminster United Presbyterian Church . Thursdays, 10:30 AM & Fridays, 7:00PM www.ekrkeview.org Sunday 10AM 11:I5AM,Jashua Rang. Ceremony Book Club un Monday Evening first Friday of each month, 5:30 PM, the 09e el five. Marnlrg Minyan olosaea, Mondoy oves. 6,30 PM. Revs. Sundays, 10:30AM, Sunday SchoDi fer Preschoolers 1000 AM for lemilies with childreo under Bill end Eliaebetls Arrutt Spirituel Directors Worship Days & Hours Bar and Bat Mitzvah Tutoring & Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue www.nscl.com Hauling Meditatian 10 AM, Science of Mind St. Riohorde Epiaaopol Chenob tu Isaetod at onIce flendicop Accessible Email:revarron@aol.com, Sunday Celebration 10:30 AM. Followed bycamplele Kidduch Lunch Hebrew School Sunday Only 9AM.) PM All cornices sign language and 3601 W. Dcmpster St., 047-675.0951 Email: offke@sllukespr.org st_ Rkhords Epismpol Church will combino their www.edisonparkumc.com -Emaihpastor@edisonparkumc.com Interfaith Familias Welcume. Temple Beth Israel Rabbi Jonathan H. Ginsburg North Shore Center for Spiritual Living Brooks, Chuir Directer Nene Balk C> Accosrihlv CharM Bailding www.sllukespr.org 8:30 8 10:00 AM (Summcr( L Manthly Shabbat dinners et 630 PM Religious Schaal Wed & Sat; Youth group, fi 20 ' ( at Nickersoo & Hund Avenues) if fi £( n! 773-539-2202 Child Core Prevìdcd Rev. Or. Stephen M. Larsen, Norwood Park Lutheran te ChiCago, II 60631 onrmuniljes of St. Albans Epinoopol (hunch ond es Iormornlngeonger o4 10:30 AM On 2nd Sat. el the mnnlh, Evaootaa Moronic Temple r b' Fellowship i 1 :30 AM - 12:30 PM. 1453 Maple Ava. 047-492.0500 threegh the presentetians el Jetes' porables and L www.sfpaufcanfield.org Your heme ferjawish [caminO, 9:45 AM (Scheel Year) il enniohee year child's knowledge el the Hely Spirit : 5650 N. Canfield, 60631, (708) 861-5044 6099 N. NusthCuff Ave. Sunday - Christian Education Jar all ages. 'i Shepherd Sunday school pregwm, September WI Plorwood-Park LCMS 5600 N. Kimball, Chicago, IL 60659 847-675.4141, Foe: 847.675.0327 jHeJy Eucharist at 930 AM - St. Albano. Si Tikvah B'nai Zion 6740 Nonh O(iphont Avenue Holy Euharist Sundays Ql 930 AM. Thu Vigil et 7:00 PM -. St. AJbane. Easter Sunday, e! United Methodist Church 4500 Dempster St. Skokie, IL 60076 1hursdey Warship (Summen) 7:00 PM NuES on 3rd Frl. al the month. (Sepremberthra May). Christine flay 0:30 8 11 00 AM (Scheel Year), CHICAGO St. Paul Lutheran Church Rebbulistio Prayen/ Meditation Samien Esther Knapp Religious School Sundays 205 N. Prospect Ave., (047) 025-6659 CHICAGO Our Savior Lutheran Church Choir Practice 0:30 AM Sunday, Fridays 7:30 PM. Kabbelet Shebbat 6:30 PM Pastor, Revarand Ducid L Haluy A Reconciling Jo (bust Congregation CHICAGO Congregation Shaure 9:30 AM. Children & Adult Adult, Warship, 0:30 & 10:30 Sunday school Lining and Loving. St. Luke's Lutheran Church (ELCA) CHlciGo Edison Park and rich traditions of the Orthodox Church the first Christian Church - founded. www.sajntajbansrhurch.com r www.beneshalom.org Sunday School 8 Adult 9:45 AM 1 1 :00 WA. Adult Bibis Study 9.45Ml f I Curnlyn N. Snndarsoa - Minister el Music A member wngregation ofthe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Assistant Rabbi Jeffrey Weill Rabbi Emeritus Victor Weissberg Cantor Kim Harris To List Your congregation please call Marsha Garrigan 630-978-8290 email mgarrigan@stng.com I s ortsJPAGE3Z NORTH POLLS FOOTBALL Dons bounce (Final) 1. Maine South (14-O) a. Loyola Ui-2) Glenbrook South (9-3) Notre Dame (6-4) New Trier (5-5) Wallace named Most Valuabile Player By DAN SHALIN Maine South Glenbroak South BOYS BASKETBALL dshalin@pioneerlocal.com BOYS BASKETBALL After an inauspicioun beginning, Notre Dame iebound- od to record a memos-able tirst week, The Donn (4-1) trailed Oak &tenbrook North Maine South - New Trier Evanston St. Patrick ATHLETES OF THE WEEK FOOTBALL Matt Perez, Maine South Senior running back helped Hawks to consecutive Class 8A titles by runninp for 316 yards and scoring five TOs. Both are state playoff records. Luke LenU, Maine South Called up to varsity at start of the playoffs, the sophomore linebacker saved his best for last, recordinQ an interception and sack in win over Murist. Pas-k-River Forest by 26 points at halftime of ND's season opener at. the Lane Tech Tournament, A second-halfrevival helped ND cut the deficit to nine in the fourth quai-ter before falling 138-56 on Nov, 23. Noti-e Dame's comeback tuined out to be significant foi- two reasons: It helped set the tono fos the rest of the five-game event, and the mai-gin of defeat factoi-ed into the tiebreakei- foimula that ultimately allowed the Dons to secure the tournameni title. After the Opening Night jitters, few would have expected ND to compete for the tiophy, But four stiaight victories, including wins over powerful but under- strengthed teams from GIRLS BASKETBALL Jewell Loyd, tilles West Sophomore scored a game-high 24 points as the Wolves closed out Deerfields tournament with a victory to enter the week 5-l. BOYS BASKETBALL Garrett Jones, Evanston Junior scored 51 points in last week's win over Mundelein at Mundelein's Thanksgiving tournament. He added 31 in victory over Carmel on Friday as the Wildkits came into the week undefeated. - WRESTLING Joe Cortese. St. Patrick The 152-pounder won by pin against an Opponent from Oak Perk-River Forest and then helped the Shamrocks go endefeated at Maine East's tournament. MILES NORTH Today Girls qinnastics hosts Maine South, acto 5:3n p.m. n toùrne Filday nays swiason hosts Northuide Prep, 5pn WrestlinO hosts Deerliold, 6 p.m. Girls baskolball hosts Highland Park, 7:30 p.m. GAME BALLS Zion-J3enton and Mount Carmel, put the Dons in a three-way tie for the top spot with OPRF and Mount Carmel. The Dons and the Caravan also shared the Shawn Wallace: Mvp nl Lane Tech Tnurnament, averaged 18 ppg Quinten Chievous: AIl-tnursa- Mount Carmel, who aie highly-regarded, that's huge," ND head coach Tom Les said, "We were picked fifth in our league, so to beat two teams ofthat caliber is huge?' ND senior Shawn Wallace averaged 18 points per game and was named the tournament's Most Valuable Play- load its own City/Subuiban Challonge duiing tise fis-st week of the i'cgulsai season, Girls qyosnastics at Maire West, 530 p.m. Girls basketball at Maine South, 7.30 pm. The 6-foot-5 Chievous 'a D gave his issexpei-ienced teens sass ois- Girls baskntball hosts Oiles North, 6 poi'tuniLy to face quality oppo- p.m. iseists, all of them offeiing a little sometising different. "Oua' tournament io incredible. lt's a gi'cssl Loui'nament and sve'Ie l)lsaying outstanding teanos, and 8 am. Sunday Zion-Benton was without Hockey hosts Fremd, 8:10 p.m. Ohio Stoste-signee Lenzelle Smith, Tuesday Mount Carmel still brought a talented bunch, howevei ND held the Caravan tojust seven points in the decisive thiid quarter eJ 7O Boys basketball at Highland Park, 7:30 p.m. Girls basketball hosts Highland Park, 7:30 p.m. Girls gymnastics at Deerfietd, 5:45 p.m. Boys swimming hosts Mains South, 5 p.m. on Saturday, Wallace paced while Chievouo ripped down NOTRE DAME :8 jn,ty, Çree. $10' Tomkins, Ross Langlois, Matt Mener and Phil Kerber performed. Today Boys Bowling hosts Evanston, 4:30 p.m. Fkiday Boys basketball hosts Morgan Park, 7:30 p.m. - Saturday Boys basketball hosts Marias Catholic, 7:30 p.m. A Boys bowling at Vernon Hills, 11:30 am. Recap: Chievous led the er, Another encouraging performance was that of vous collected 16 points, Wrestling at restos H.S. reite, 9 a.m Days swimming hosts lsi(n, I p.m. Boys swimmioy at Zion-Bentort invite, noon Wrestlinq at Rockford East invite, star Tracy Abramo and it close, The following night Chie- gram aftei many fine yeas's at Saturday van Illinois-bound super- Notre Dame's Shawn Wallace puts up a finger roll durinq the Dons' 58-39 win over TaIt at the Lane Tech tournameni (Shauna Bittle/For SIM) Wallace 13 and Tomkinn nine in the win over Lane, On Nov. 25, Wallace scored 19, Chievous 12 and Piyor seven in a 59-49 win over Zion-Benton. Notre Dame cloned out the tournament with a 58- 39 win over Taft on Saturday, with Wallace leading Williams, who Leek over the pro- am. p.m. The Dons faced Mount Caimel without the Cara- hit three three-pointers in the fourth quarter to make tise north suburbs. Today Girls basketball at Maine West, 1:30 p.m. Friday Hockey at Gaerin, 8:50 p.m. Girls qymnastics at Wheeling invite, 6:30 p.m. Wrestlinq at Gleobrook North, 6 (guarding him), he can get around him," Hirsch added 10 and Rubel teams fiom Cisicago and two fi'oin Wrestling at Maine SeuIls, 6pm MAINE EAST go inside. If Wo a bigger guy Dons with 13 against OPRF, uniment, where they faced two Boys basketball hosts Biles North, 130 p.m. n The Wolves opened the Bob Williams eia by going 2-2 and finishing fifth in tisch' own eight-team Billy Schnui'r 'rlsanksgiving Tour- Friday Soya swimming hosto Invite/Dine, 9 scored 25 points in the win over Mount Carmel and led the team with 16 in a 56-34 victory oves- Lane Tech, "Quinten had a good tourmiment," Les said. "He's a good athlete and at 6-4, 65, is mobile and a mismatch for most people. Ifthey put a smalleigay on him, he can BOYS BASKETBALL Nues West Boys swimming OSA FC, ¡BD Saturday whojoined teammates Walace and Tim Hirsch on the all-touinament teamS 10 rebounds to go with his 25 points. Les also was pleased with how iole players like Mark Rubel, Rodney Pryor, Ryan "When you can beat two teams like Zion-Benton and p.m. Today junioi Quinton Chievous, champion by vii-tue ofits 8161 victory. Williams wins first game as Wolves coach By DAN SHALIN dshalinlTpioneerlocal,com HILES WEST GAME DAY Morgan Park at Notre Dame, 1:30 p m. Friday Marion catholic at Notre Dame, 7:35 p.m. Saturday st Rita y. Notre Dame at Univ. cl Loyola Gentile Center, 4:45 p.m. Sunday the Dons with 28 points., 33 West star-struck at Schnurr tourney Wrestling hosts Super Duals, e am. Girls qymnastics hosts Fenton/Evanston, Il am. Girls haskettrall at Siles West, 6 p.m. Boys baskelball at Silos west, 7:30 vn. Mount Carmel same point differential, so Notre Dame was crowned i Saturday STAR PERFORMANCES ment 25 points, IO rebounds In win GIRLS BASKETBALL New Trier Loyola Nues West THIS WEEK Rich Martin, Managing Editor p: 847486.74Bl e: rmartin®pioneerlocal.com CONTACT: sports www.yourseason.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION - Nl Wrestling hosts quad, 9 am. Sunday Boys basketball vs. St. Rita at Sclsaumbui'g, said tise touinssnsent Lisat helps us. We seo cliffeient styles snsel Learns fi-orn dilfeient aieas," Williams said. As for isis team's l)eiforissaflce, Willianss found several positives, "I was plezssesl with tise effoi't, anni tise execution will coutume to imps-me as we get issoie coissfoi'table with oui' style," lic said. "We'te doing tlsings tls:st aies iscm' to kids and it clefirsitely showed up. But we gave gresìt effort sisci played wills entisus'sasrn." West closed out Ilse event wills a 65-56 win ovei- Corliss in Satssiday's fifth-place game, junioi- Tony Pierce led tise Wolves with 10 points, seisioi Loi'enzo Fiol load 10, senioi Rodney Meteilus scoi-ed 10 susd junioi Bei-is Cosyeinitte cisiplaed in nine, Williams said lue was pleased Nues West's Doofe Logan attacks the basket Friday during the Wolves' 69'SS loss to Glenbrook North at the Billy Schnurr Thanksgiving Tournament. (Orion OMahoney/Staff Photographer) GAME BALLS RESULTS wiLls his Leans's balanced attack duiing tise fiist week, wisicis saw Lisree different plsayeis lead the Wolves in sceiing. A night earlier, itiisg tise opposing teans's top playeis_ 25. Fiol load 20 ancljunioi Launa Hei'th nine in NW's 69-55 loss to eventu- "I am lookiisg for sonso of oui' players to step up and start mak- contest, Metellus caine off the bends to score nine and Berth STAR PERFORMANCES al touinament cisampion BIcis- iisg those defensive siclos," Ise said. added oeveis. loss to GBN brook North. "They hosve to have a mentality Nues West opened the season Nov. 23 witls os 68-43 win ovei Urban Prep. Dente Logan, Rodney Metellus - 10 peints in wie ever Corliss and 9 in loss to Lake Forest Tony Pierce: Team-high Il points in win over Corliss Glenbi'ook Noi'tis's Lop two play- eis, Noire Dame-bound swingrnan Alex Dingicevicls and senior classmate Austin Weber, liad big games, scoring 29 and 28 points, respec- Loyola University, IBA lively. Hockey vs. St. Iqantias at Johnny's Ice House, 5:30 p.m. pioves, it will do a bettes-job of lins- Williams isepes tisaI as NW im- Sathrday Nues West 64, Corliss 56 ' Fktday, Glenbroolc North 69, thies West 55 wlsere they want to take ois aisotisei' leans's nier and make it difficult foi- isim from stait to l'inisis in a gaine." Tise Wolves also had some troubIc guarding Lake Forest's top guis, senior Mitch Hopfinger (32 points), in tIse Scouts' 65-56 win ois Nov. Fiol led tIse hosts with 14 in that Cayernitte and senior Chirlo MeNichoIs esach usad nine points for the Wolves, Pierce collected eiglst and Fiol and Hertis scored 7 apiece. Cennnent:pieonc'erlocel.com Nay. 25: Lake Forest 65, Nues West 56 Nov. 23: Nues West 68, Urban Prep 43 Lorenzo Fiai: Team-high 20 points in GAME DAY Nues North at Nues West, 7:30 p.m. Saturday thewaywith24. Comme,it:pjoneerlocal,com u 4 Isports ut THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.yourseason.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION Urban sprints to head ofthc class oftop-seven finishes during last month's IFiSA State Fi- PIONEER AWARDS COACH OF TIlE YEAR GOLD LIST So Free: Jane Manro l2vd place, forth foi me," Urban said. "I me would be 75 yards." No such event exists in the freestyle, in either high school or college competiPioneer Press North Stars Swimmer ofthe Yeas for her efforts isa the loo freestyle (2nd at State) and 50 -ew Trier senior diver Paige Grant tinished runner-up at State ast month after capturing the championship last year. (Rob Hart/Statt Photographer) Grant named North Stars' top diver By DENNIS MAHONEY dmahoney@pioneerlocai.com GIRLS SWIMMU4G After four years of high school swimming - and more than that in club corn- petition - Maddy Urban still is uncertain what her best event is. But after she scored a pair freestyle (7tls) after leading the Treviano to a second- place finish in the team standings. Joining Urban as the Trier, Sr.): Sarnantha James (3rd, New Trier, Sol; Kelly hlagerty (4th, Glen- New Trier senior Maddy Urban captured four medals at State, including second in the 100-yard freestyle. (Rob Hart/Staff Photographer) career-best 51.50 at tise State Meet. In the 50 free, her state final time of23.83 captured NORT the consolation heat and ALL-AREA GIRLS SWIMMING AND DIVING Diver ofthe Year io her senior classmate, Paige Grant, was actually factor than all but state champion Eliza- surpassed the previous CSL the last day with a big lead, who followed up her state title oflast year by placing betls Bell of Annaa-Jonesboro Souda mark by 20 points so this may even be a bigger tisis fall, and valso won a sec- accomplishment for me. tional title. Next yeas; she'll When you have an off day, you just have to move on." second as a senior Urban skipped the 100 at (23.73) in the championship heat. Urban was also a member Central Suburban ofthe state-champion 400 League South meet as head free relay team, and swam the coach Bruce Woodbury opted to place her in one open race (50 free) and three relays. He took her off the 200 freestyle relay at sectional to maximize New Trier's point potential in the open races. That move paid otTwhen Urban won the sec- tional 100 crown in 52.23, then lowered that time to a FIRST TEAM Sprint Stars Maddy Urban, New Trier senior Samantha James, New Trier sophomore Her postseason surge included a third place Iin inh at State in the 100 freestyle. an event she hrdIy swam during the regular season. Helped all three Trevian relay teams score top live state liniohes. Jane Munro Evanston senior A laine start caused the Wildkit star to be disqualified In an event where she was the defen& ing state champ, the lOO trackotrake, bot her sorprising second place etlurt in the 50 freestyle at State gave ETHS the lilt it needed in the team standings en roste to a barth place floish. Kelly Hagerty. Glenhrook South sonlor eot temale sprinter in school history addod fourth pInce state tinishes In both the 50 and 100 freestyle to her legacy. In diving, Grant fell short in her bid to repeat the state championship she won as a junior, but she will graduate as one of the most dee- orated performers in that specialty in school history. She owns the school's six- dive and Il-dive records, join the diving l)iogsam at Duke University, one tisait already features tisi-co Bruce Kimball said, "She's Olympians on its rostes In the Onals at State, she had a tremendous career ranked just fifth after LIse preliminary dives, but climbed past three other foes to take runner-up honors on the tina! day. "I'm proud that) was able to move up like that," Grant said "Last year, I went into Continuai Wildkits' strong tradilion tar stale success by placing third is a loaded event, less thug a second behind state champ St Charles North. . '. New i-ier ZOO freestyfe (Al- the 50 freestyle and a fifth . . -. ç Distance ace Evanston iueior Has only scratched the serface of her potential and could be a tutore state champion alter finishing fourth in the 200 freestyle and fourth in the 500 freestyle at State as a (aninr. Best on the Board her that she was able to move up against such stiff competition." Corn rnerst:pioneerlocal.corn . SECOÑD TEAM SO freestyle: Megan Marchait New Trier joeicr loo freestyle: Gabrielle Bouncy. Olonbroek Áark Ridgc N;co . oryi«bc . tison Siegel, Megan Marchuls. Ashsigh Stoddart, Sarnantha Jarnesl Owned the state's hastest time in kÌd this event until the tisai day et Evhnnfon the season, when they settled ter second place hehind Resary by 32/hundredths et a second. New Trier 400 freestyle (Madafy Urban, Megan Marchuk, Morgan Scott, Saniantha Jamesi Wan the otate title by almost two fall seconds after dominating the state honor roll during the regalar season. broek Sooth, Sri. 200 free Sarah Thompone 14th, Evanston, Jr.). 200 IM Madeline Klichewshi 112th, Leynla, Jr.). 500 Free: Sarah Thompson 14th, Evanston, Jc): Stephanie Marchak (10th, New Trier, Fr.). uelnr 200 Medley Relar Evansten l3rd. Loyala Academy Maddie Jardoleoa, 500 freestyle: Stephanie Marchuk, New Trier Fr. troshman Divinqa Carrie tInelli, Glenhrooh North seninr ZOO Medley Relay: New Trier (Samantha James, Caroline Costley, Moddy Urban, Megan Marchokf 200 Ftee Relay: tupelo IMunica Fins, Eule Annael, Evan Swenson, Mallory Remich) 400 F'ee Relay: Oloebrnek South IJillian cordes, Kelly Hagesty, Anna Voselovsky, Olivia Smeliga) week. Junior Abdel Nades; a Maine Mites North at Miles West, 7:30 p.m. Sat- enth-place game of tise Billy East transfer who is recovering from a broken wrint, sat out the orda y Maisselsi Nix had Il Poissts. Olsois said tisast isis team cleai-by slsowed improvement oves' tine cousse of tise tousnamsnesst, wisich foastus'ed lopsided losses to talent- Montreal Sykes: Nstched IO points against Rich South. GAME DAY first two gasmee, played a little Fnday and wan back on tise bench fon to our stylo ofplay," Olson saud. much of the Saturday contest. Olson is hoping to have tise 6- "He works ines'ectibly Isard, asssd through that work Isas irnissoved foot-6 Nader back on floor fon Samtunclasy's visit to Nibs West at 7:30 a ton. He's gained tise respect of tise staffand is gottissg gs'cat expenienco out tises-e. I-Ic's doing "Montreal isssv s'osisoncbeci wet p.m. Two other injured Vikings, juniors Artur Froitas and Chsis some wonderful tlsissgs defensive- Mornisey, could anIso seo theis first by for us. b-Ic's plasyect well." asetion oftbse sensors. Juniors Montreasl Sykes and Saros Sisarpies, and frestnmasn Nix, all got tlseir fis-st tasote ofvasssity basil. All looked solitI, asc'eoscliisg to Obsoss. Stssss'pbcrs, known for his exploits 055 tIse football fiotti, impressed enougls to casi-in am starting spot dur- ing tise fisasl two gasncs. Sykes, as 6-t) guasrd, looks to be as segulamr ed Lesionas suds ass Corliss (4 8-25), ntastes; and he impressed at both Rich SeuIls (71-49) and Clsicago ends of tise cous't. Recap: Nos-Ils led Clsicago Vocastionasb ltì-8 on Fa'irlssy befos' tise isighly rated Casvss!ies-.s took tlss.'is' ganse tes asnotises level. 'l'inc Vikings ts'ssiled Rich Soutis by two Points mictwssy tiss-otsgls tise secossd quais-ter befos'e tine astlsbetk Stars closed tise Isaslfwitis as 13- 2 s-un. Senior loti Nos-tin witis iS points, and Sykes asdded 10. Cons;;sent:pioesct'rloccsl.ciares Miles North's Montreal Sykes pulls up ter a shot against Rich South last wink daring the Dilly Schnurr Thanksgiving Tournament. (Joel Lerner/Staft Photographer) Khan off to sizzling start for Blue Demons IGsaan scored as careor-higis 48 points in as 71-6'! swiss over tIse Demons went 2-2. He followed with 42 points in Evergreen Pasrk won on a Vesnon Hills at tise Battle yeasr East concis Buey Crasw- East's 59-50 win over Northridge. He scored 21 in a 5647 loss to Gordon Tech and 20 iss am 63-61 loss to Evergroess Park. "He's not goiesg to be tise isnue," Crawford said. "We need to cosstinue to develop forci. "I would have liked us to be as bit sisore bastssnced, best I am not going to corn- tine othes-s in order to gel better." Tise defeat to Eves-green pissism. That's snot sosaething Park ois Sasturday still stings Nos'tis opessei you ace very often." "l'ise breask will be good fos us," tIse eoacis said, "We lost their next three games isow quickly tise senior Kisamn went on to average 32.7 points per gasssse in the Crawford. 'rise Donsons led by 12 at intesrnission and by as many as 17 in tino second witis as '19-22 Win over Ridgewood on Nov. 16, the Bernons 25 defeast ofVes'snon 11111v. 1niny TIse Deassoiss 'Waukegnsss oss 'l'taesrtas)' usciI will visit liluisse West 'i'lsssrs- will evaluate ourselves by ils a tounisamnsent at Vernon would get going. seasson's opessing week as issilf before falling apart. filsms, asnd we vili Hills to enter tisis week att- day in ttseir CSL NosUi sn'astetsissg East senior piling up points early on By MATT HARNESS mharness@pieneerlocal.com Fr. BOYS BASKETBALL - Maine East Cardine Rasniansen, Fr., Christine Lam, Fr. Ales Gartner, Se. most heralded player during lise ing tlse way witis 22 pssint_s and nine sebousscts. lrsesisnsasn guasid Maine South: Lauren Buozydla, Fr,, Paulino Doren, Fr. Christina Kominsky, New Tnler Elizabeth Good, Se. Caroline Grant, So, Stephanie Marchai', Fr., Morgan Scott, Sn, Hilos West Emily Fang (Diver), Jr. Hiles North: Kenia Kepyleva, Jr. Resurrection: Muddle Nelsen, Jr., Vikinge \vlsen North (l-3) defeated Urban Prep 53-47 in the scv- North senior Mass-loss Senior eon- 2010 WATCH LIST 200 11,4: Madeline lllichawski, Leyola junior The Vikingo kept on eye on tiseir tissued isis solid fis-st week, basti- Diving: Paiqe Grant (2nd, New Trier, Srl: Carrie Dm0111 (7th, Glenhrooh North, Sc) 100 butterfly: Emily Heelken, &lesbrenh Perth iunier senior Marion Senion Led Miles North with 22 points in win over Urtsan Prep Malachi Nix: Scored 1) in victory over Urban Prep picked up his first 'W' with tise poor free-throw slsootissg pseventccl them from pulling aswasy. son Siegel, Megan MarchaIs, Ashleigh Stoddart, Saorantha James): Loyola (5th, Munica Finn, Ellis Ansasi, Evas Swensen, Mollory Remich). 400 Bee Rela New Trier (Ist, Maddy Urban, Megan Marchok, Morgan Scott Samantha James): Glenbrouk South (4th, Jiliiae Cordes, Kelly Hagerty, dona Veselovshy, Olivia Smoligo); Evanston 16th, Sarah Thompson, Amanda Weideer, Kristina Walsh, Jane Meure); Leyala 112th, Mallory Rernich, lilie Ansani, Evan Swenson, Madeline Klichowshij. STAR PERFORMANCES We need expes-ionco sind we're gettissg it agaiinst is group ofbig, quick, sponded, and that bodes well for the futuro." the stretch because tise Vikings' zoo flme Reiar New Trier l2nd, Alti- experienced teams in the state. in for victories early ils tise seamen. But wins are nice, too, and Olson a 13-0 russ h.o clove out the first half. Tise gamme remaissed close down Sarah Thompson, Rooaone capren, Amanda Woidner, Kristiea Walsh): New Trier (5th, Sarnsntha James, Cardine Costley, Muddy Urban, Megan Marchsk): Gleehrosk Seuth (8th, Olivia Smoliga, Hallie flengels, Christine Roenitz, Jillian Cerdesi; Loyola 19th, Madeline Kllchowski, Michelle Garland, Monica Finn, Eean Swenson). Evanston: Madeline Savage. Fr. Glenfirooli Soutic Anne Edwards, Fr., Hallie Hengels, Sn., Kate lida, Fr. Gleebroels North: Stephanie Hvrvsitz, So., Molly Orbon, Fr. Friday: Chicago Vocational 88, Miles North 63 Nov. Z5: Rich South It, Miles North 49 Nov. 23: Corliss 48, Miles North 25 talented teams. lt's ti-ial by fire. But I loved the way the kids re- ment ost Nifes Wewt on Saturday. Early in tise contest, Nifes Nortls aesissed several easy iayups sind seo" trailed 23-7. But after as timoout, tise Vikings s-enponded wills Evanston, Sr.); Michelle Garland (11th, taVela, So.). loo backstroke: Madcline Klichswslçl, Loyela 41 for signs of improvement as ho Schnurr Tlsanksgiving Tourna- loo Back: Olivia Sinoliga (2nd, Glenbrent Seoth, Fr.): Modoline Klíchswskj (5th, Loyola, Jr.). loo Breaotc Kristina Walsh (5th, North senior loo hreaststmke: Kristina Walsh, Evanston place 200 relay state finish .;:,. . Sarah Thompson, lt's very tough to repeat in diving, and it's a tribute to Ronanne Caprors, Amanda Weidnor. Krishna " left must of the competitian in her wake in her lsese, and it was nice to see her hang in there and finish on os positive note like that. Evanston 200 medley ISarah Thompson. WaIshI freshman Ts-evians diving concis Fantastic Foursomes Evan Swenson, Loyola PaIe Grant, New Trier senior Oliela Smoliqa Glonbrook South freshman for the flfth-place medley relay unit. Earned second is State In the ¡00 hockstroke ansi aiss helpod the Titan 400 tree relay team take fourth in State. roohin year, including a ninth place state finish in BOYS BASKETBALL - As a resuIt. ofiisjuries and inexperience, first-year Niles North Isead coach Glenn Olson is looking as much ¶00 free: Maddy Urban (2nd, New tien. Urban was selected as long way to go. It's going in the right direction. We're shorthand- RESULTS Saturday: Nibs North 53, Urban Prep cd and we have one of the most in- Eeaeston, Sc): Kelly Hagerty 14th, Glesabreoh Sooth, Sr.); Evan Swenson 16th, Loyola, Fc); Maddy Urban 17th, New Trier, Sr.); Migan Marchuk 110th, New Trier, Jr.). guess the perfect race for tensity, shooting asad situational basketball, and an imps-ovement in fundamentals. lOut we have a By DAN SHALIN dshalie@pioneorlecal.com State Placers like it switches back and GAME BALLS "I think (We did improve) in some asspects, no doubt," iso said. "Tisere weso irospi-ovesssenls in in- new coach Kevin)agcr, Evanston course (meters), it seems Vocational (88-53). North nabs tourney win for DIVER OF THE YEAR course (yards) or long 35 Olson, Vikings earn first victory of season SWIMMER OF THE YEAR Muddy lfrben, uns Trier Paiqe Grant, New Trier nais, the Now Trier senior sprinter did offer some insight. "Depending on ifit's shoit sports i www.yourseason.com Nl a liveryone assoussned tisait Nuse Khan was going tobe Maine Easst's go-to player tisis season. Fewcould have imagined ast tise Ridge on Nov. 23. TIe made seven tisree-pointes's asnd seass 13-0f-13 from Ilse tree-tisrow lisse. "Outstanding individual pesfoi'mnnce," said first- 3 overall. "Tise execution wasn't work on tisings to got better. You usually don't want to go long bofos-e cosnfer- tisere at tIno enel," Crawford ence, but this presents a and to steals. Sise also said. "Tisat's a tough one to lose. We could very eatsily be 4-O, but wo aro 2-2. But wonderful oppoitunity for scored a toassn-biigts IS bss a us to get more sound. It's ail- 3G-31 loss to Lake Fos'est lasst-secossd tisree-pointes those bosses svose good leanssissg experiences. You iaope you learss frons tisem." Masissi Eassl s'eturns to asetins! Wëdsaesdasy nelsen it vis- its l)eerfíetcl for tise CSL Angela Josses led tise wssy in tise opones vvitts IS Poiasts saust like tise preseason Academy. asgain. It's like we get a Kristen Beies'wssltes nvass cisasnce to go basck to camp asssd tiglsten tlsings up." tops on the tenas wills i;1 points in as '10-24 toss to Girls Basketball Woodstock Nostls, sotsile bc Ocampo seisni'd 1f) ias as 68- Aftei opening tine season Opener. a 36 isports Nl . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.yourseason.com Trio ofveterans leads North into action Khouii, Pazrniño, Ayala sectional-tested A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION compete," Felton said. "He gets out there and goes hard." Fellowjunior Chris Pazmino advanced to sectionals at 135 pounds last season, and is competing at 145. Senior Mike Ayala (189) qualified for sectionals as a WRESTLING - In his second year in sophomore. Felton has high expectations for the charge, Nfles North head coach Morion Felton looks to continue the program's trio this season. "They have some experience," he said, steady progress on the varsity level, while building fer the future at the same time. "Hopefully, the three ofthose guys can Last season, Felton carriedjust six go back to sectionals, and maybe make wrestlers on varsity to allow youngsters it to State." Seniors Thomas Ehrlich (HWT), Todd to get their feet wet on the lower levSchoenberg (112) and Danny Robbins eis. The varsity squad vill have more depth (l1i) also will be counted on to make an this time around. But Felton remains re- impact this season, State team meet within team's grasp ByDAN SHALIN dshalin@pioneerlocal.com highest level. We still have some holes ín the varsity lineup," Felton said. We have some kids who can step up and be on the varsity and have a .500 record. But. if they stay on the Tv; they can have an above- .500 record.' B! DAN SHALIN dshalln@pioneerlocal.com WRESTLING - Notre - Dame coach Augie Genovesi The Vikings do return some solid vet- crans. Leading the way isjunior 125pounder Danny 1(houri, who won more than 30 matches and advanced to sectionals last season. as an alternate. good tenm and a fun year." Genovesi is excited about his team's depth and its ex- tornees expected to play im- perience. He expects to more Tim Donnelly (119), February. "It was disappointing not to get anybody down (last Niles North will host Deerfield in a con- '4 is Matt McNulty, a 140- Bascom (160). plished veterans and a num- be different when the sea- committed to University of Chicago. Junior Matt Sommers (103) earned 26 victories last season and was a re- more Colton Kelly (215); jun- ior Owen Fliriami (215); and (heavyweight). wald (130) andjunior Nick Roman club tournaments over the summer. He has ior Julia Perez (171); sopho- (125), senior Dylan Steiger- basis. Heading that group ajunior and enjoyed success in both freestyle and Greco- Genovese expects results to irn Sean Murow (171);jun- junior Quinn Macham vidual or team State Meets. son reaches its climax in 1-1, i (l30);junior Mike Rice (135); senior Mike Noto (160); sen- senior Kevin Honeghan ty newcomers are sopho- ber oftalented youngsters, matches. Ayala and Ehrlich each went portant roles are: sopho- season. "He's the real deal. He's prettygood," Genovesi said about one of the team captains. Senior Brian Ridge (189 pounds) won 38 matches as With several accom- . the lineup on a regular Among the other re- Heading the list of varsi- last season when his team won 22 duals and had five regional champs but was not represented at the indi- 24. Khouri and Pazmino won both of their Con:rnent:pionecrlocal.corn winter and went Downstate weights,.it's going to be a pounder coming off a 27-win was a little disheartened - ':- -'' Results: The Vikings opened the season with losses to Loyola and Wheeling in a double dual at New Trier Nov. ference dual at G p.m. Friday. At 9 n.m. Saturday, the Vikings will host the Nues North Super Duals, a meet that also will feature Ottawa, Lakes, Lake Forest, Elmwood Park and Morton. gel down to our correct have four or five seniors in luctant to fill out his lineup with wrestlers » feels are not ready to succeed at the sports Dons work hard to reach lofty goals R I- "Khouri was n starter on the football team. He's a hard worker and loves to www.yourseason.com ht mores Conner Gavin (152) and Kevin Stahler (189) and freshman Sean Heneghan (112). Genovesi pointed out that even though some of his wrestlers are new to var- TC All In the Family: Five wrestlers on the current ONE roster have fathers who also WEEK ONLY competed for Genovesi at Notre Dame. Meanwhile, Augie Genovesi's son Anthony is the new wrestling coach at MIes West. Antho- ny came to Skokie from year). We had guys who gional champion and nationwere capable," he said. "I al team member in the offthink potentially we can season. Classmate Jim Wal(reach the state dual team lenberg took 34 matches finals this year). Once we and a regional crown last more Jim Diancansiore I o'')'p ri , at1 n EXR 12-07.09 No Trnei Charge Elgin and will no doubt face sity, they have accumulat- his father's team more reged experience in the offsea- ularly than in the past. The son. elder Genovesi holds a 4-O "We wrestled 750 match- edge. es last spring and summer. "1 want to continue to beat To a lot oftho kids that will him. I love him, but I can't be invaluable," the coach let him beat me ... yet," said. Augie Genovesi said. "BeOther ND wrestlers who tween the lines you do what will contribute to the cause you have to do. I love him this winter are: sophomore before (a meet), and I'll love Scott Smith (112); sopho- him after. But competition i Mw,. nd I 4 (ivof$sJV -o i-800-409-7178 ø AIR DUCT CLEANING IS OUR BUS1NESS is competition." hiles North's Chris Pazm)no (luit) gets the upper leg on Wheeling's Ernesto Ramos last weeb en route to wmnnin their 152'pound match at the New Trier double dual, (Joel Lerner/Staff Photographer) Access aU your favorite advertising circulars, coupons, deals, travel specials and more! lt's online, anytime!' New Wolves coach brings strong track record . op some of the (new) things." Genovesi takes over a team that Genovesi on board after five finished 10-20 last season as it struggled to adequately fill posi- years at Elgn tiens at a few ofthe lower weights. That's still an issue, but the Wolves do feature a solid core of seniors. Leading the wayare seniors Ben (171), Jimmy Rosati (145), Chris Nguyen (152) and tn-captain Eric Ronning (160). it's simple, choose your zip code or city and off you gol You'll be saving shopping time and money! Junior David Shields (189f LOG ON at Zip2Save.com and you couldWIN A CRUISE! GRAND PRIZE is showed promise last season, while Rosen (125 pounds) and Mike WRESTLING - First-year Niles West head coach Anthony Genovesi brings a fine coaching pedigrec, and an impressive résumd, to Skokie. to return to full fitness soon - A former wrestler at Notre and ultimately compete for n spot Dame High School who spent five years in charge at Elgin High, Genovesi describes himselfas a hands- in the IFISA State Meet. One of the team's tn-captains, Rosen has remained a vocal leader when he has been unable to practice. ii,. Bes West's Chris Nguyen (top) battles to turn Maine East's Luis Gomez durino their 152-pound bout at the Maine East tournament on Saturday. (Jerry Daliege/For SIM) Genovesi, whose father Augie is a coaching Hall ofFamer still at the Notre Dame helm, said he's hoping .o add to each wrestler's repertoire while preserving their strengths. expected to be Anthony Sures junior Boyar Saikhan (HWT) is offto a strong start. Bahrmasel (135), both reigning reThe Wolves have been forfeitgional champions. ing at 112 and 119, though Genovesi Rosen, who went 32-8 in 2008- said he hopes some youngsters 09, is nursing some injuries early will soon be varsity-ready at that in the campaign, but is expected weight. If not, the coach said he By DAN SHALIN dshalin@pioneerlocal.com on coach who likes to get on the mat and show his wrestlers some new tricks of the trade. The team's other top seniors are "The kids who are seniors and have been in the program, I don't want to take away what they are good at and what they're used to," said Genovesi, who replaces Bryan Wittersheirn. "But I hope to add a different dimension to their abil- ities and styles they have. I don't want to try and switch them when they wouldn't have time to devel- Bahrmasel (28-9 last. season), is another captain. "(Bahrmasel)just looks like a wrestler," Genovesi said. "He's smooth on the mat. He's a stocky a 7 Night Cruise with Royal Caribbean. L.. ib I Nt R N A'fl O N would explore the possibility of a regular dropping into one of those slots. Featured Advertisers NUes West defeated Proviso West 48-30, St. Ignatius 66-18, kid, whojust looks like a tough kid. Chicago Kelly 35-32 and 42-24, Maine East 48-24 and Loyola 3633, while losing to Willowbrook He's good on his feet and likes to punish people." 42-21, Lake Park 41-19, St. Patrick 48-19 and Glenbrook South 35-30. JCPenñ&."rlkOIUS ,.at e'ct t: FOR EYES save.com NYTE! ADVERTZSJNG CIRCULABS COUPONS DE.LS . TRAVEL SPECThJS OÑLfl Recap: The Wolves stood at 6.6 overall after going 6-4 during the Maine East Dual Invite. ()%lI%Sfl.o. TREASURE ISLAND -.- CREATIVE For advertising InrormtIon pIense contact Mito SperlIng, VIce President. AduiIsIng, at (5471 486-7317 oryour local accounreocutfre. - )flIlaIIe(tL) 'I'' PEORIA PACKJIIG'S BUTCHER SHOP '°"' ROMODILIRS New reu5er ddod wekIy. 37 38 isports NI . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 www.yourseason.com www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NI Loyd, Wolves show mettle in, early going "It was a tough task, but we really came out firing on all cylin- Co. 'firing on all cylinders' by far our best game ofthe tour- games. lt was very encouragiflg' nament as far as the way we played as a collective group." - The Wolves used a box-andone defense to limit Zion's 5-foot11 point guard Juanita Robinson. dshalin@pioneerlocal.com GIRLS BASKETBALL - Nues West passed a major early test with flying colors as it defeated a strong Zion-Benton team GO7 in Deerfield Tournament actian. Wolves head coach Tony Konsewicz, vhose tenni entered this week with a 5-1 record called the Nov. 23 game with Zion-l3enton Nibs West was alsoeffective at breaking the Zee-Bees' pros the coach said. The Wolves open CSL South play at 7:30 p.m. today at Maine South. NUes North visits at (i p.m. Saturday, which vill be the first part of a girls/boys varsity doubleheadci sure defense, with Loyd and sen- lors Kelly Kleppin and Allie. Niles North The shorthanded Vikings Guiang primarily handling the ball. dropped to O-5 with Saturday's "They recognized the double teams and reversed the ball, and GO-3G loss to Johnsbui-g. we hit some layups," Konsewicz Talya Logan led North with nine points in the Nues North said. \Va played with a lot of Somebody's Fiero Thanksgiving poise. We looked like a senioi- Tournament game. In Friday's tournament action, Fonwick defeated North 81-23. West's best performance of the dominated team. lt was fun to coached by former Loyola boss watch." Two days latei the Wolves dc- Tanya Johnson and had \von feated Grant 44-19 behind 22 Alissa Hirsh scored 14 points for the Vikings. their two previous tournament points from Loyd and nine from senior Jackie Gremley. On Sat- win over North on Nov. 24, Knit- season. The Zee-Bees are games handily. But this contest was not even close. Nues West sophomore Jewell Loyd, who initially opted to play for Johnson at Loyola, led the Wolves with 2G points. Michelle Poskrobko added 13. Resurrection posted a GO-2G Konsewicz was glad to see lyn Slauder led the Vikes with eight points. Nibs North opens CSL North Giemlcy contribute a couple of strong performances. "She's our other big compie: play when Highland Park comes to town at 7:80 p.m. Friday. Co,nmei,t:pionccrlocaLco,n urday, Loyd had 24 and Gremley 1G in a 5G-2G win over Waukcgan. .1 Nues North's Jenny Chacho (rilht) and Proviso East's Jaliria Wells get their hands during Ezra-Habonim, the NUes Township Jewish Congregation of Chicagoland if You Are Over 50 Arid Experiencing: DMemory Loss EI Confusion Ei Difficulty Concentrating EHNTJC Our Annual Chanukah Party Your Memory Screened. TIME: LOCATION: Wednesday December 9, 2009 9:00 to 4:00 Comprehensive NeuroScience, Inc 2604 Dempster St., Suite 206 Park Ridge, Illinois Dr Ross and his experienced staff will be able to aflswer your questions about Memory Loss. Refreshments will be served. Jeffrey Ross, M.D Board Certified Psychiatrist Call 847.813.1321 for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcomed 4500 Dempster St. I Skokie, IL 60076 P: (847) 675-4x41 F: (847) 675-0327 www.ebnt.org Your Jewish Home for Learning, Living, Loving I ComeAndHave ri the Somehods lloro tournament. (Jerr' Dalieguffor SlA) FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS DATE: 39 mentary scorer and we were 'looking for her to break out, ders," Konsewics said. "It was which she did those last two Super soph and By DAN SHALIN a Sponsored by The Men's Club Presents: Religious school children, the Gan children, their parents, andparents and pr9speetive Gsa families, aunts, uncles, in-laws, outlaws and all EHNTJC members and our neighbors and friends arc invited. Sunday, December 13, 2009 Program: 10:00 AM Games, Dreydi, Coloring, Chanuka program singing and candle lighting 10:45 Entertainment Magic by Randy 11:30 Hot Dog and Latke free Lunch . Also featured: GanlDay Care Open House 10-12 Come learn about our fabulous daycare/early childhood program with Jewish and secular curriculum seamlessly woven. Talk with the director. Take a tour. - cu4A '' - get to kno your kids' friends, aùd what they did last weekend. coverage from every corner of Nues. share your stories, photos and events at nlleshéraldspectator.com Niiis HERALD-SPECTATOR YOUR LOCAL SOURCE I totiaay T50% OFF ÓU--RHOTTEST PHONES For a ILmited time at US. ettutar, get ha1 ofi etect phoneo, inctuding- ofl the regutar rice BLACKBERRY TOUR 9630 SMARTPHONE NOW ONLY I BLACKBERRY' CURVE 8330 SMARTPHONE 79 a-- Atar 510 irisH, roua los mares as Vsa' Debt Ca Pyxorr new 2 rL ad &Taie Pa'. 530 a loen may opçly. NOW ONLY 29Q5 haue SIR nani-en rebane dan caros as a -r Vsa Debit Lesi Paqsons row 2-yr. aqrs.aeb &id'41U0 Pac 530 act ha Iren! akj. 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