SCHOOL INFORMATION SCHOOL NAME: Francis Libermann Catholic High School ADDRESS: 4640 Finch Ave E PRINCIPAL: Tracey Parish Toronto ON M1S 4G2 SUPERINTENDENT: Gerry Dagenais TRUSTEE: Oliver Carroll NO OF STUDENTS: 800 Kevin Kobus Director of Education Oliver Carroll Chair of the Board PRIORITY: NURTURING OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY GOALS: FAITH DEVELOPMENT To create and celebrate Catholic Community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience. SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND HEALTHY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive health and respectful relationships. INCREASING ENROLMENT AND RETENTION IN GRADES JK-12 To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education. PRIORITY: GOALS: OUR MISSION IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING and ACHIEVEMENT LITERACY To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach. NUMERACY To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics. IN A SCHOOL COMMUNITY FORMED BY CATHOLIC BELIEFS AND TRADITIONS, OUR MISSION IS TO EDUCATE STUDENTS TO THEIR FULL POTENTIAL. SUCCESS FOR ALL To improve opportunities for all our students to achieve their desired destinations through a variety of programs, supports, assessment strategies and pathways (apprenticeship, college, community living, university and the workplace). PRIORITY: GOALS: BUILDING CAPACITY TO LEAD and LEARN EMPOWERING CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP To develop and support Catholic Educational Leaders who are energizing, caring, visionary, student-focused and collaborative role models in building a Catholic professional learning community. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPEMENT To provide job-embedded professional development that focuses on broadening the range of skills, practices and attitudes needed to create sustainable improvement and better results. Kevin Kobus, Director of Education TORONTO CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES 2005-2006 Wards 1. Joseph Martino 2. Ann Andrachuk 3. Sal Piccininni 4. Mary Cicogna 5. Maria Rizzo 6. Christine Nunziata 7. John Del Grande, Honorary Treasurer 8. Oliver Carroll, Chair 9. Catherine LeBlanc-Miller, Vice-Chair 10. Barbara Poplawski 11. Angela Kennedy 12. Paul John Crawford Ashley Pereira, Student Trustee 416-512-3401 416-512-3402 416-512-3403 416-512-3404 416-512-3405 416-512-3406 416-512-3407 416-512-3408 416-512-3409 416-512-3410 416-512-3411 416-512-3412 416-512-3413 Oliver Carroll, Chair of the Board Page 2 of 14 Priority: Nurturing Our Catholic Community Goal: Faith Development To create and celebrate Catholic Community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience. Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Provide opportunity for all in community to attend a retreat program. Grade level retreats for all students in both elementary and secondary school . a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Improved attendance at student retreats. Retreat programs "frame" the curricular classes that follow. Academic Year Responsibility: Chaplaincy 2) Resource: Board-wide resources Status: Ongoing Strategy: Staff Retreat program. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Provide a framework to the year and an opportunity for staff to reflect on their calling to Catholic Education. Provides focus for staff for the year in all liturgical celebrations. Increased participation and commitment to this staff celebration. Academic Year Responsibility: Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal 3) Resource: Father Paul Abbass, former member of the TCDSB Catholic teacher Centre faciiates. Retreat Centre in Niagara Falls. Status: Completed October 2006 Strategy: School and class Liturgies a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Calendar of celebrations for the 2006-2007 school year established. Attendance and participation. Academic Year Responsibility: Chapliancy team, teachers and student leaders. Resource: School and parishes - Prince of Peace and St. Bartholomew. Status: Ongoing Page 3 of 14 4) Strategy: Provide students with opportunities to act in manner that puts the Good News of the Gospels into action . a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Increased number of opportunities and number of students involved: CSLIT, Stop Hunger Now, service at Good Sheppard Refuge, 30 Hour Famine, fundraising to build a school in Sierra Leone, Pennies from Heaven charitable donations and sponsorship, MTCEF fundraiser, etc... Academic Year Responsibility: Teachers, student leaders and the administration. Resource: partnership of school and community with assistance of many agency partners. Status: Ongoing Page 4 of 14 Priority: Nurturing Our Catholic Community Goal: Safe, Inclusive and Healthy Learning Environment To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive healthy and respectful relationships. Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Creating a safe community a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Complete a school survey to identify successes and needs. Expand understanding of the "Eye of the Falcon" and explore opporutnities to join ESP Semester 2 Responsibility: Committee of the staff and students lead by vice principal 2) Resource: School and community resources. Status: In progress Strategy: Healthy Dietary Choices a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Addition of new school cafeteria with a broaden menu selection has seen rise to students choosing healthful foods. Ongoing Responsibility: Prinicpal in conjunction with the CSAC and cafeteria vendor. 3) Resource: Board-wide resources Status: Ongoing Strategy: Intramural program for students in secondary and elementary schools a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Increased participation in a variety of events. Ongoing Responsibility: Teacher Resource: School resources Status: Ongoing Page 5 of 14 Priority: Nurturing Our Catholic Community Goal: Increasing Enrolment and Retention in Grades JK-12 To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education. Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Grade Eight visits, Open House for Elementary and Secondary School students. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Increased attendance at Open House events. Nominal roll Academic Year Responsibility: Student Services 2) Resource: School resources Status: Ongoing Strategy: Share resources (personnel and facilities) with schools in the professional learning network and local feeder schools including labs and gymnasium. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: More perspective students see the functioning of a secondary school and see students at work in both curricular and co-curricular activities. Positive interactions and feedback. Ongoing Responsibility: School staff in conjunction with PLN facilatator. Princiapl 3) Resource: School resources Status: Ongoing Strategy: Credit Recovery program for senior students a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Senior strudents "recovering" junior credits and remaining in school. Negative student behaviours including skipping reduced. Academic Year Responsibility: LOG teacher, Success for all Team, and administration Resource: School resouces and ILC material Status: Ongoing Page 6 of 14 4) Strategy: Maximize facility to create space for curricular and cocurricular opportunities. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Re-arrange rooms to create more teaching areas. Changes: Art room, Special education rooms, health room and weight room (construction date TBD) Better use of space. Andecdotal evidence suggests that students are using new areas with greater efficieincy. Semester 2 Responsibility: Principal Resource: Board-wide resources Status: Action to be taken Page 7 of 14 Priority: Improving Student Learning and Achievement Goal: Literacy To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach. Division: Intermediate (9 - 10) EQAO Grade 10 OSSLT-20042005-All Students Gap Analysis: 1) Unsuccessful students and Deferred students to participate in after-school program. Boys' Literacy initiatives to address concern of young men in our community accessing written material. All deferred students have opportunity to write OSSLT pre-test. Strategy: Build capacity of all content area teachers in the realm of Literacy instruction. In particular: department teams will dialogue regarding the incorporation of explicit reading and writing strategy instruction in each of their specific disciplines. ( Where possible) This professional dialogue will be followed by collegial modeling and coaching of the instructional strategies. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Success for All Literacy intimate in English, Social Science and Science areas. Cross - curricular OSSLT preparation - school designed activities. Semester 2 Responsibility: Teaching staff under the direction of the Literacy team lead. Department heads. Principal. PLN Fac Resource: Language Arts Coordinator and staff. Professional reading located in our local library. Various Think Literacy documents. Status: In progress Page 8 of 14 2) Strategy: OSSLT Preparation in class and after school programming. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Increased participation in after school program Increased access to preparation material in class and on-line. Semester 2 Responsibility: Teacher, Principal Resource: Board-wide resources Status: In progress Page 9 of 14 Priority: Improving Student Learning and Achievement Goal: Literacy To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach. Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Cross-curricular literacy initiatives. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Particpation by all classes - sample and exemplary material shared. Semester 2 Responsibility: Teacher Resource: Classroom resources Status: In progress Page 10 of 14 Priority: Improving Student Learning and Achievement Goal: Numeracy To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics. Division: Intermediate (9 - 10) 1) Strategy: Review assessment and evaluation practices in Grades 9 and 10 particularly in the Applied and LDCC courses. Facilitate dialogue within the Math department about A & E practices a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: LQVFKRRODVVHVVPHQWSUDFWLFHVDUHFOHDUO\OLQNHGWRWKHFXUULFXOXP H[SHFWDWLRQVDQGWKHQHZ$FKLHYHPHQW&KDUW DOOVHYHQ³PDWKHPDWLFDOSURFHVVHV´DUHDVVHVVHGLQDEDODQFHGZD\ DVVHVVPHQWLVXVHGWRLQIRUPLQVWUXFWLRQ DVVHVVPHQWWDVNVDFFRPPRGDWHVWXGHQWV¶OHDUQLQJVW\OHVDQGDELOLW\ OHYHOV ULFKYDULHGDQGHIIHFWLYHDVVHVVPHQWVWUDWHJLHVDUHXVHGIRUVWXGHQWV DWULVN Ongoing Responsibility: Department Head and matematics teachers 2) Resource: 0DWKHPDWLFV7KH2QWDULR&XUULFXOXP*UDGHVDQGSS /HDGLQJ0DWK6XFFHVV0DWKHPDWLFDO/LWHUDF\*UDGHVSSSDQGS 7DUJHWHG,PSOHPHQWDWLRQDQG3ODQQLQJ6XSSRUWV±7,36 Status: Ongoing Strategy: Particiation in the LIFT initiative a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Greater facility with technology in the classroom. Increased dialogue with the intermediate division teachers. Ongoing Responsibility: Mathematics co-ordinator and department head, and mathematics teachers. Resource: Board-wide resources Status: In progress Page 11 of 14 Priority: Improving Student Learning and Achievement Goal: Success for All To improve opportunities for all our students to achieve their desired destinations through a variety of programs, supports, assessment strategies and pathways (apprenticeship, college, community living, university and the workplace). Division: Senior (11 - 12) 1) Strategy: Provide alternate scheduling opportunity for students to achieve unsuccessful credit opportunities. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Students recovering credits in a variety of program areas. Students self-report success in program and improved attitude towards school in general. Academic Year Responsibility: LOG teacher, Students Services, Administration Resource: School, board and ILC materials Status: Ongoing Page 12 of 14 Priority: Improving Student Learning and Achievement Goal: Success for All To improve opportunities for all our students to achieve their desired destinations through a variety of programs, supports, assessment strategies and pathways (apprenticeship, college, community living, university and the workplace). Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Increase the number of locally developed and work place course opportunities. Review class loadings in applied level classes. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Student success in programs. create opportunites in scheduling cycle Responsibility: Administration, LSSAC, Student Services and Special Education staff. Resource: Board wide and teacher designed tools Status: In progress Page 13 of 14 Priority: Building Capacity to Lead and Learn Goal: Empowering Catholic Leadership To develop and support Catholic Educational Leaders who are energizing, caring, visionary, student-focused and collaborative role models in building a Catholic professional learning community. Division: 9 - 12 1) Strategy: Participation in the local Professional Development network a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Increased dialogue with colleagues in elementary panel. PLN in its third year. Responsibility: PLN facilitator and PLN principals. Staff members of PLN schools 2) Resource: Board-wide resources Status: Ongoing Strategy: Develop and empower students to carry the mantle of Catholic Education forward. a) Evidence of Improvement: Timeline: Student participation and student lead partnerships. Ongoing Responsibility: All staff in the school Resource: Local community,school, board and partner resources. Status: Page 14 of 14