This months Title cover is fully dominated by Bhoja Airs recent unfortunate aircraft crash in Islamabad. Air World investigated and found certain technical facts about the tragedy. Also an exclusive report from For Digital Issue, you may visit; Wg Cdr. Syed Naseem Ahmed President Society of Air Safety Investigators Pakistan MEMBER: Council of Pakistans Newspapers Editors(C.P.N.E.) VOL:21- May 2012 Issue# 5 Registration No. SS-813-55 Publisher & Chief Editor Farrukh Majeed This Month.. EDITORIAL/COMMENT 2-3 Bhoja Air unfortunate aircraft crashes in Islamabad Criminalization in the aviation The investigated truth! (RWP/Islamabad) Shazia Khatak Faizan Ghulam Hussain COVER STORY Why Airline Crashes Aren't Criminal? AVIATION NEWS 5-6 8--51 * Emirates Announces Codeshare with JetBlue *Embraer increases jet deliveries in 1st quarter 2012 * Boeing, ANA Celebrate First 787 Biofuel Flight Zarqa Javed * CAE MPL AirAsia cadets enter Advanced training phase * Boeing Makes 737 MAX Design Decisions * Bombardier Delivers First Vision Flight Deck on a Global 6000 Aircraft * Turkish Airlines sales revenue for 2011 grew by 40%,reaching to 11.8 billion TL. * Garuda Indonesia orders 11 more A330s * SWISS opens new Arrival Lounge at Zurich Airport * Etihad Airways adds 500,000 passengers -28% higher revenues in Q1 * JAL?signs an agreement to add a new Embraer 170 jet to its fleet Website: * First in Middle East to Fly Global 5000 Jet with Vision Flight Deck * SriLankan IAA among IATA top ten Cover title picture courtesy Bhoja Air *EVENTS Air World is published by FARRUKH MAJEED from the office of Air World and is being printed by Mohammad Fareed Noorani at Noorani Printing & Packages Industry, Plot E41, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. Air World May 2012-1 From the desk of Editor Bhoja Air unfortunate aircraft crashes in Islamabad Does criminalization in the aviation in general be appreciated? “TRUE LIES” I was really shocked and grieved to observe the Bhoja Air’s crash resulting in the loss of 127 lives. Firstly, on behalf of Air World, I convey my deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved families of those who lost their lives in this plane crash and my thoughts & prayers are with all the members of the crash victim families. I was further shocked to see that there is a process to make it a criminal event. Let me convey to all our valued readers and affected crash victims that; criminalization in the aviation in general and accident investigation in particular, was not appreciated world around. It is an obsolete idea of the previous century when regulatory compliance by force used to be taken as the most effective tool to control accident in aviation. Moreover, it was never accepted by the aviation community and was termed as absurd by the philosophers. International civil Aviation Organization and other regional bodies have no place for it in their safety programs. Having said that; whatever m ay be the circum stances of an accident, it is not appropriate to crim inalize it. W hatever error, violation of set rules on the ground or error of judgm ent in the air by the crew; as long as it is not deliberate or intentional with an intent to cause dam age, it cannot treated as a crim inal act on part of aircrew, air traffic controller or an operator. In m y opinion, crim inalization is out rightly against the philosophy of aircraft accident and prevention. One m ust understand that norm ally inquiry is aim ed to identify; what happened, how happened, where happened and by whom and why? T he last part why is so im portant that if investigators continue to question why again and again after each answer during investigation process; they will ultim ately conclude that the accident did not happen due to an intentional violation. T hey will discover that the crash is a result of an earlier m anagerial decision. T he safety m anagem ent system failed to identify latent conditions, reinforce defenses, im prove work place conditions and contain active failures. Com ing back , it was a hazardous situation which resulted in an accident when norm al actions were tak en in a risk y environm ent. In Bhoja’s case it may be the marginal weather during landing, seemingly coupled with decision under organizational pressures. The decision proved to be disastrous. It will now possibly be termed as error of judgment, a typical decisional error. The aircraft was airworthy. The aircrew was fit to perform their duties. However once the investigation is complete and the media, judiciary or public on reading the enquiry, will have an impression that Air Traffic Controller (ATC), the Pilot or the engineer have been blamed and are responsible for the accident. It will be a perception error on part of readers. Whatever may be the results but at this stage, terming it a criminal act would be disastrous for the entire investigation process, may it be a technical or judiciary investigation. It’s worth m entioning here that the aircraft accident investigation procedures as per International Civil A viation Organization (ICA O) standards in A nnex 13 and Civil aviation R ules 283 & 284; clearly states that if a board of Inquiry is constituted in public interest; the board of inquiry will only identify what went wrong for the im provem ent purposes and it will not be the responsibility of such board of inquiry to apportion blam e. T he analysis A ir W orld planned to bring here for our valued readers and well wishers can be supplem ented if the authorities have m ade public the findings and recom m endations of all the investigations conducted by the CA A since 1982, including the last into A ir Blue crash. Ironically, all the hum an errors, violations and m istak es detected during all these investigations are already k nown and pointed out in previous investigations. T he problem is with the im plem entation of the recom m endations. M oreover, during last decades, crash investigations conducted by CA A , as per the prevalent culture; it was considered a success when the investigators are able to fix the cause on pilot, an engineer or technician. T hose blam ed were norm ally tak en away from active duties and would either resign from service as a shown of som e resentm ent to the findings or find them selves at som e non operational place such as accident investigation or training unit in the organization; with a stigm a; that they had som e contribution in the destruction of an aircraft due to their negligence or a deliberate violation. However, if one is a professional qualified investigator like we do have Wing Cdr (R) Syed Naseem Ahmed, then it is possible to find from the burnt aircraft the most probable cause if not the exact cause. To understand this one has to be very clear about the objectives of the investigations. A ir W orld M ay 2012-2 From the desk of Editor To confirm my analysis and hypothesis, I called Wing Cdr (R) Syed Naseem Ahmed, a former General Manager, Safety Investigation Board of the CAA of Pakistan. He was of the opinion that the wreckage footage on local TV channels did not indicate any fire due to weather electrocution. He is also of the opinion that the aircraft was airworthy. He further explained that there exist sound processes to ensure the airworthiness of the Boeing 737-200; South African CCA, Pakistan CAA, Boeing an Bhoja Air all collectively are involved in the process. The presence of large aircraft parts in a relatively confined area indicates a low impact with the ground. Engines are visible as intact (no telescopic effects), which shows low RPM, low angle of impact during crash. All these evidence leading to a possibility of aircraft “STALLING” due to a combination of wind shear and power selection by the aircrew at that stage. When aircraft Stalled. There was no time left for recovery due to altitude. For our readers’ interest, since 2006, W ing Cdr(R ) Naseem had been work ing for the establishm ent of an independent aircraft accident investigation organization in Pak istan. He sacrificed his position as m em ber of safety Investigation board CA A and has organized a sem inar in M ultan on 10th July 2009 where he de-publically presented a paper before international and local aviation experts for independence of investigation in Pak istan as A ir W orld also pointed out in its past issues. He also dem anded it from the parliam ent. He represented Pak istan at the A IG 2009 M eeting hold by ICA O in M ontreal, at his own expense, where he advocated for m ak ing it a m ust to publish accident investigation reports by the states. His efforts for an independent accident investigation board in Pak istan are successful and the idea has been approved by M oD and Cabinet. Com ing back to the issue, if we now analyze the probable error of judgm ent by the air crew in a weather for which two warnings were issued just before crash; it will turn out to be a purely “an error of judgm ent/ decision”. Every one now can say the best course of action for the air crew would have been to avoid the weather and divert to near airport. However, had this accident not occurred? W ho could say that he (the Pilot) m ade a fatal Error? T o understand the environm ents in which aircrew is always confronted with tak ing risk s; im agine that even at this point of tim e there are thousands of flights which are either originating or reaching at the respective destinations in the presence of such weather warning. It the difficult job of aircrew to navigate aircraft through bad weather despite of the warnings; tak ing assistance from ground radars as well as through air borne radars. No doubt, A viation is full of hazards & risk or one can say A viation safety is on risk not by individuals but by system s. In this case, if the investigators found weak nesses and blam e the air crew, it should be the last option. However if one considers the cum ulative findings and recom m endations of last 10 to 12 accidents; it can be stated with conviction that it is, apparently, the failure of CA A safety oversight; and that too particularly of pilot’s trainings for em ergency landings. Perform ance of CA A Flight Standards rem ains the question. A ir W orld believes this is the area of responsibility to investigate. Air World continues to report. Our readers aware that in all these years mostly outsiders who are sent to CAA with expansive experience, seniority and honest levels and for only a few years have an can mostly only come into perhaps take advantage and mar potentials of the CAA within these few years. It takes them a few years to fully understand the operations of the CAA, after all they have no experience of CAA or sometimes even civil aviation organization; after all they are not from within the CAA or worked and climbed the professional ladders of the CAA organization. After all they come for a few years and after all what can be expected from them in such situations. Perhaps the real CAA people really do understand the workings of CAA and can prove more loyal and beneficial to the CAA and the country. Perhaps it is a time for a right change. Perhaps, CAA will shed the “SUB ACHHA HAI” approach and be honest. However, the responsibility of the events lies with the entire top management of the CAA lead by the DG. As we have written in the past, possibly to cover up the follies one has to know the follies; and to know is to be involved, if no action taken against them??? A ir W orld m aintains its hum ble position on all issues that has risen by us, and lik e the 180 m illion people of Pak istan, desires that m erit is respected and fairness is m aintained not only in the CA A but all institutions/ organizations of Governm ent of Pak istan. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-3 COVER STORY Why Airline Crashes Aren't Criminal? By Wg Cdr (R) Syed Naseem Ahmed, President Society of Air Safety Investigators Pakistan have been confronted with m ore than 30 m ajor air crashes in Pak istan, Iran, A fghanistan and Saudi A rabia. T hese include a Pak A rm y L am a Helicopter in R awalpindi, Pak istan Navy’s P3C Orion in A rabian Sea, C 130 carrying Gen Z ia Ul Haque, Fok k er at M ultan and K ohat, C-130 at T ehran, an IL 76 near K abul , a PIA 310 at Jeddah and A ir Blue crash at M argala Hills and tens of fighter and transport aircraft of PA F. In all investigations it was easy to blam e aircrew alone; who was already dead in alm ost all cases. T here was little effort to look into factors outside the cock pit responsible for the tragedies. It was done in the nam e of Hum an Factors or m ore precisely “Pilot Error”. However the investigation philosophies in aviation world have gone through great changes and the trend is to detect a “System Failure” through investigation by treating it an “Organizational A ccident” rather than individual act of negligence. I was shock ed to listen that soon after the air Bhoja Crash on 20th A pril, there was a process of crim inalization the accident and FIR s were registered. It m ay be rem em bered that, the fam ous Pan A m 103 triggered a m assive crim inal investigation, which everyone hoped would result in the culprits being brought to justice. Unfortunately, the crim inal investigation that was so warranted in the terrorist I attack on Pan A m has becom e all too com m onplace in today’s investigation of airline accidents. Crim inal investigations and sanctions in the wak e of a m ajor aircraft accident should be reserved for deliberate acts of sabotage such as that of Gen Z ia C130. T he current crim inalization of aviation accidents is not in anyone’s best interest and Bhoja’s crash near Islam abad is no exception. T he FIR lodged by police, citing Sections 302 (intentional M urder), 286 (Negligent conduct with respect to explosive substance), 427 (M ischief causing dam age), 2890 (R ash Navigation of vessel) and 120 (Crim inal conspiracy) is totally out of place at this stage. T he judicial com m ission, too, is of no use considering the term s of reference, it would have been better to order a Board of Inquiry under rule 282 of CA A R ules 1994. I fully reject the notion that crim inalizing accidents is necessary for deterrence. A viation com panies and individuals already have abundant ways to deter bad acts. T hey are in the safety business. Flight crews risk their own lives every day in the flight deck . W hile they ordinarily exercise great judgm ent, one lapse of judgm ent, lik e failing to declare an em ergency or failing to get the airplane down when lights go off or sm ok e appears in the cock pit, or through bad weather can lead to tragedy. Obviously, m ost of us do not want to harm another person. A nd m ost of us want to stay in business, rem ain Wg Cdr (R) Syed Naseem Ahmed -" Winner of second time the "Australian Endeqavour Executive Award" Picture shows; (Right) Martin Dolon, Chairman (ATSB) is presenting Australian Endeqavour Executive Award to Wg Cdr (R) Syed Naseem Ahmed, President Society of Air Safety Investigators Pakistan in recognition of his services in aviation safety. em ployed, avoid large civil fines, and retain the certificates granted by CA A to operate in this industry. Except deliberate sabotage, that to be discovered during a technical or judicial inquiry; an aircraft accident should not be crim inalized because crim inalization of aviation serves no useful purpose. T raditionally, crim inal punishm ent is m eant to both deter and punish. In the case of an aviation accident, however, the accident itself is its own punishm ent to the individuals and com panies involved. Based on m y experience with USA NT SB, UK A A IB, Italian A NSV , R ussian IA C and Iranian CA A , guilty pleas and convictions are not victories for prosecutors or the traveling public. In this highly com petitive industry, where a good safety record is crucial to success, no com pany wants to be branded in the news as potentially unsafe. T he situation is that Pak istanis have no confidence in the investigations conducted by CA A ; the previous investigations have not been able to go beyond identifying aircrew weak nesses to handle em ergency situations. T he nation wants and independent investigation to finds rem edial actions outside the cock pit in the governm ent policies, in the safety m anagem ent system s and with the m anagem ent of CA A by federal governm ent. Govt now will try to divert the attention from the real issue by crim inalization of accident, putting blam e on the owner, m anagem ent and aircraft. It has also ordered a judicial com m ission with non issues as term of reference. I tak e it m y duty to caution that one should not fall prey to the notion that A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-5 COVER STORY Crim inal investigations will bring any im provem ents in the aviation safety. T he world had tried it and in vain. A t this stage the only rem edial course could be to have a “Safety Investigation” as per ICA O A nnex 13, under the chairm anship of serving Judge. Otherwise witnesses, participants, and corporate representatives who possess k ey inform ation m ay turn reticent in the face of a perceived threat of crim inal prosecution. By crim inalizing the Bhoja accident, the adm inistration is playing with the sentim ents of the public and the victim s' fam ilies. It is to create a feeling of revenge am ongst public and fam ily m em bers of the victim s; and divert attention of m edia; public and victim s’ fam ilies from the fact that it had not acted on the Sindh High Court Orders in the CP NO D 2473 of 2010 dated 25 Oct 2010 and CP No D 3544 dated 2 Feb 2011. T he first order directed Federal Governm ent to hold an independent investigation into A ir Blue crash by independent experts under as per ICA O standards. T he second required for the justification of Captain Nadeem Y ousuf Z ai to hold the appointm ent of DGCA A Pak istan. I would now draw your attention to A nnex 13 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil A viation. It m andates that states conduct an independent safety investigation with the sole objective of preventing accidents. It also stresses, on one hand, the need to coordinate the investigation with the judicial authorities, but on the other hand it ensures full independence in the conduct of the investigation by the investigation authority. In addition, A nnex 13 recom m ends that ‘any judicial or adm inistrative proceedings to apportion blam e or liability should be separated from any investigation under the provisions of this A nnex’, the sole purpose of an accident or incident investigation within the m eaning of A nnex 13 is the prevention of future accidents and incidents but not to apportion blam e or liability. I would also draw the attention towards a very im portant ICA O Standard 5.12 of A nnex 13, which is always m isused by CA A to devoid public of their right of inform ation. It refers to the non-disclosure of certain types of records which are collected by safety investigation authorities. T he m ain objective of this Standard is to prevent the m isuse of the safety-related data by parties conducting concurrent investigations serving a purpose other than aviation safety. However, the protection offered is apparently not absolute. T he disclosure of safety inform ation m ay be allowed when ‘the appropriate authority for the adm inistration of justice in that State determ ines that the disclosure outweighs the adverse dom estic and international im pact such action m ay have on that or any future investigation’. T he best course of action for the governm ent should be to order a Judicial com m ission im m ediately with a serving judge. A sim ilar com m ission in Canada was form ed in 1989. T he Governm ent of Canada called on M r. Justice V irgil P M oshansk y of the Court of Queen’s Bench of A lberta, a licensed pilot, to conduct the inquiry. His m andate was to inquire into and report on the contributing factors and causes of the crash, and to m ak e such recom m endations as he m ay deem appropriate in the interests of aviation safety. It Provided an exceptional opportunity for an in depth review of System . T he Pilot Error or Incorrect decision becam e a starting point for the Inquiry. It deducted faults not only in the Cock pit but also with operator , regulator and governm ent policies. I wish it happens in Pak istan. Karachi: The Travel Festival was held at a local Mall. Picture shows Chief Guest Mr.Sohail Bin Matar Al-Ketbi, Consul General of UAE, Mr.Arif Suleman, and country managers of Thai and Emirates Airlines with other guests. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-6 AVIATION NEWS Etihad Airways President & Chief Executive Officer named WTTC Vice Chairman for Middle East and Africa K arachi:– T he President and Chief Executive Officer of Etihad A irways, Jam es Hogan, has been nam ed W orld T ourism and T ravel Council’s (W T T C) V ice Chairm an for the M iddle East and A frica. T he announcem ent was m ade at the 12th W T T C Global Sum m it being held at the Pam ir Convention Centre in T ok yo, Japan this week . Speak ing from T ok yo, M r Hogan said he was delighted to accept the position of W T T C V ice Chairm an for the M iddle East and A frica and look ed forward to playing a m ajor role in planning the 13th W T T C Global Sum m it to be held in A bu Dhabi in A pril/M ay 2013. M r Hogan said it was an honour for A bu Dhabi to host the 13th W T T C Global Sum m it in 2013 and I’m confident that next year’s Global Sum m it will provide further stim ulus for travel and tourism growth to the UA E capital. “T he W T T C Global Sum m it in A bu Dhabi next year will not only build on this m om entum but also showcase the Em irate’s abundance of world class tourism infrastructure and attractions, which are the product of m illions of dollars of investm ent by the A bu Dhabi Governm ent. Amadeus and Expedia sign multi-year agreement in North America Partnership strengthens A m adeus’ footprint in U.S. and Canada M adrid, Spain– A m adeus, a leading travel technology provider and transaction processor for the global travel and tourism industry, and Expedia, Inc., the world’s largest online travel com pany, today announced they have signed a m ulti-year content and technology agreem ent for North A m erica. T he agreem ent provides Expedia with A m adeus’ fare search technologies for air travel am ong other products, as well as access to global travel supplier content through the A m adeus system . Expedia, Inc. is the largest travel enterprise in the world in term s of air volum es, offering airfare search and reservation capabilities to travellers in over 25 countries through its portfolio of international brands that provide full service and corporate travel offerings, including Expedia®, Egencia® and Hotwire®. Expedia’s proprietary Best Fare Search airfare shopping technology com bined with A m adeus’ airline connectivity and robust functionality enrich the traveller’s experience by enhancing Expedia’s overall selection and ensuring fast, efficient, and accurate realtim e search results. Since 2005, when its initial long-term global agreem ent with Expedia was established, A m adeus has been providing its services to Expedia in over 15 countries. Services include but are not lim ited to, content distribution, A pplication Program m ing Interface (A PI) and W eb Services, A m adeus Selling Platform agent desk top software, and A m adeus M aster Pricer low-fare search technology. Greg Schulze, SV P Global T our & T ransport, Expedia, Inc., said, “A m adeus brings a global footprint, efficient technology, and a level of scalability that is absolutely critical in today’s travel m ark etplace. A m adeus shares our com m itm ent to providing travellers and travel suppliers with value, service and proven results. A nd, building on our existing global relationship with A m adeus allows us to further diversify our GDS relationships as we continue to grow around the world.” HolgerT aubm ann, SV P Distribution, A m adeus, stated, “W e are delighted to strengthen our relationship with an industry leader such as Expedia. T his relationship has grown because both com panies share an im portant strategic alignm ent, where bringing greater value through innovative services to both custom ers and suppliers is a shared objective.” Scott Gutz, President & CEO, A m adeus North A m erica, com m ented, “A m adeus has built a solid and successful relationship with Expedia over the last seven years, so it is a natural next step to grow our partnership. In North A m erica, we have m ade a strategic com m itm ent to assure we best serve the needs of Expedia and online travel com panies in the U.S. and Canada.” Emirates Announces Codeshare with JetBlue Seam less connections available at JFK to a dozen U.S. cities K arachi – : Em irates custom ers travelling from Pak istan to the United States will soon enjoy seam less connections to a dozen U.S. cities, after the airline announced the start of a oneway codeshare with JetBlue. T he codeshare will further strengthen the relationship between Em irates and JetBlue. T he two airlines have been interline partners since 2010, enabling custom ers to enjoy the convenience of a single com bined tick et for Em irates and JetBlue-operated flights, plus other benefits including one-stop check -in and baggage transfer. “Em irates’ network within the United States will soon extend to alm ost 20 cities through our partner JetBlue, m ak ing flying to the U.S sm oother and m ore convenient than ever before,” said T hierry A ntinori, Executive V ice President of Passenger Sales W orldwide. “JetBlue shares our passion for innovation and best-in-class A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-7 AVIATION NEWS services, and we look forward to continuing to grow the relationship as we seek new ways to build our presence within the United States,” continued M r A ntinori. “W e are pleased to expand upon our successful relationship with Em irates through this new codeshare at JFK , where JetBlue is the num ber one airline,” said Scott L aurence, JetBlue’s V ice President of Network Planning and Partnerships. “Em irates has been a terrific travel partner for JetBlue, affording our custom ers easy access to all corners of the globe in com fort and style.” Em irates custom ers can connect to JetBlue services at New Y ork ’s JFK A irport. A s a one-way codeshare, an Em irates’ flight num ber will be placed on JetBlue services to the following cities: Boston (BOS), Burlington (BT V ), Buffalo (BUF), Charlotte (CL T ), Chicago (OR D), Fort L auderdale (FL L ), Jack sonville (JA X ), Orlando (M CO), Portland, M aine (PW M ), R aleigh/Durham (R DU), T am pa (T PA ) and W ashington Dulles (IA D). ‘T his is exciting news for all Pak istani’s traveling to the United States as their itineraries usually consist of visits to m ultiple cities within the country. T hrough this partnership, they can easily book flights to popular destinations such as Boston, Chicago, Orlando etc when book ing through Em irates,” said Badr A bbas, V ice President Pak istan & A fghanistan. T his codeshare m ak es it m ore convenient for them to book their entire trip at once along with m ak ing popular destinations in the US easily accessible to them . A t JFK A irport, Em irates operates from T erm inal 4 while JetBlue operates from the adjacent, 26-gate T erm inal 5, allowing for easy connections between flights. In addition, the Quick Connect service available at JFK m ak es transfers even m ore hasslefree. A vailable to all custom ers with a confirm ed onward flight departing within three hours of their Em irates’ flight arrival, Quick Connect enables custom ers to advance to the head of a specially designated passenger security check point lane at their connecting term inals. T he service also extends to baggage, with Em irates arranging the transfer of baggage on to the connecting flights. Em irates currently offers two daily non-stop flights to JFK – including service aboard its flagship A irbus A 380 and its ultra-long range Boeing 777300ER . W inner of over 500 international awards, Em irates’ unique service offering includes com plim entary chauffeurdriven airport transfers for prem ium custom ers, privacy suites in First Class, and an inflight entertainm ent system featuring over 1,200 channels of new release Hollywood m ovies, T V , m usic and gam es. T he Em irates L ounge at JFK A irport was nam ed one of the T op A irport L ounges in North A m erica by From m er’s T ravel Guides in 2011. T he lounge, which is available to First Class and Business Class custom ers as well as Sk ywards Gold m em bers, offers a spacious and luxurious seating area, a selection of fine food and beverages to suit any palate, shower facilities, com plim entary m assages and a fully-equipped Business Centre with independent work stations and com plim entary broadband and wireless internet access. JetBlue is the leading carrier at JFK A irport, where it offers prem ium , low-fare service to dozens of cities throughout the A m ericas. K nown for its award-winning custom er service, JetBlue will offer transfer custom ers from Em irates’ network of global destinations a prem ium experience that includes allleather seating, unlim ited free snack s and drink s, plus the m ost legroom in econom y class (based on average fleet-wide seat pitch) and the m ost free live entertainm ent of any U.S. airline. Em irates’ network now encom passes 123 cities globally, served by a fleet of 171 aircraft which are am ong the youngest in the sk ies. Em irates’ flights to the U.S. now serve six gateways, with daily services to Dallas/Fort W orth (DFW ) and Seattle-T acom a (SEA ) having launched in February and M arch this year. T he airline will start non-stop daily flights to its seventh U.S. destination W ashington, DC on Septem ber 12th 2012. FAA selects Rockwell Collins’ Head-up Guidance Systems with synthetic and enhanced vision to support NextGen efforts POR T L A ND, Ore. – T he Federal A viation A dm inistration (FA A ) has selected R ock well Collins’ Head-up Guidance System s (HGS ) with synthetic and enhanced vision to support its NextGen im plem entation and applied research efforts. T he technology, which is being installed on the Boeing 737 flight sim ulator in the FA A ’s Flight Operations Sim ulation L aboratory (FOSL ) in Ok lahom a City, will be used to study how operators can safely achieve benefits such as lower landing m inim a by using headup displays with synthetic and enhanced vision during different phases of flight in low visibility conditions. T he technology will also support the approvals and developm ent of the guidance m aterial necessary to im plem ent those new operations. “Every day, airlines and corporate fleets using our HGS save tim e and m oney by k eeping aircraft on an optim al flight path,” said Craig Olson, senior director, Head-up Guidance System s for R ock well Collins. “W e’ll be work ing closely with the FA A to dem onstrate how the addition of synthetic vision on the HGS can save even m ore tim e and m oney by k eeping aircraft safely flying when the weather tries to interfere.” T he selection of R ock well Collins’ HGS for this research is part of a larger FA A effort to evaluate currently available technology to determ ine how it can be im plem ented and A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-8 AVIATION NEWS utilized to im prove access to U.S. airports − resulting in fewer delays, less diversions and fuel savings. In 2011, R ock well Collins becam e the first to certify synthetic vision on a head-up display to enhance situational awareness and rem ains the only com pany to offer this capability. M anagem ent System for prim ary display, system s m anagem ent, and flight m anagem ent operations. T he new Eclipse EFB iPad solution provides for a robust and paperless secondary back up device for flight m anagem ent and navigation guidance, in addition to saving over 35 pounds of paper per aircraft. was received by Dy. A irport M anager, M r. M ansoob A hm ed Buk hari and M r. Faiz A k htar, Chief Fire and R escue Officer (CFR O), Pak istan Civil A viation A uthority. A water salute by CA A Fire Safety vehicles was arranged at the arrival of aircraft at JIA P, K arachi. Embraer Eclipse Operator Receives Part increases jet 135 Paperless Cockpit deliveries in 1st Approval Charleston, SC, — Eclipse " Full utilization and quarter 2012 A erospace recently announced that North A m erican Jet Charter Group (NA J), the largest operator of the Eclipse Jet in North A m erica, has recently been approved for a paperless cock pit on Part 135 flights. T he iPad will now becom e an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) for all NA J operated Eclipse Jets. T his approval gives pilots the option to use Foreflight or Jeppesen en route and approach charts as well as paperless versions of General Operating M anuals and M inim um Equipm ent L ists — all stored and referenced through the iPad interface. A lready certified for single pilot Part 135 operations, NA J tak es m axim um advantage of the advanced technology provided by the Eclipse T winEngine Jet. Pilots utilize the Eclipse Integrated Flight appreciation of the technology provided by the Eclipse Jet results in im proving situational awareness in all aspects of flight, which in turn reduces pilot work load, creates additional layers of safety, and increases efficiency," states M ason Holland, Eclipse CEO and Chairm an. Largest cargo aircraft Boeing 747-8 lands at JIAP Jinnah International A irport, K arachi witnessed landing of Europe’s largest cargo aircraft B-747-8 at the early hours recently. T his huge wide bodied aircraft • Back log on M arch 31, 2012: 14.7 billion • E-Jets ordered by 60 com panies in 42 countries • 300 jets of the Phenom now in operation • 100th executive jet delivered to the Brazilian m ark et São José dos Cam pos, Brazil, – T hroughout the first quarter of 2012 (1Q12), Em braer delivered 21 jets to the com m ercial aviation m ark et and 13 to business aviation. T his result surpassed the 20 com m ercial and eight executive jets recorded in the sam e period of 2011. On M arch 31, 2012, the firm order back log totaled USD 14.7 billion. Bombardier Inaugurates Engineering Service Office in Bangalore, India BA NGA L OR E, INDIA -(M ark etwire - - R ecently, at a special ribbon-cutting cerem ony, Bom bardier A erospace announced the official inauguration of its Engineering Service Office located in Bangalore, India. T he Bom bardier Engineering Service Office began operation in Decem ber 2011 and currently em ploys approxim ately 20 people. T he new Engineering Service Office, which will house approxim ately 50 aerospace engineers by the end of 2013, will support Bom bardier A erospace's in-production and in-developm ent aircraft program s by providing assistance to both the com pany and the m ore than 400 engineers at its partners' offices in the areas of com plex engineering structure design, advanced stress analysis and project m anagem ent services. " Bom bardier A erospace is a truly global com pany with custom ers, partners and A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-9 AVIAITON NEWS (NY SE: BA ) and A ll Nippon A irways (A NA ) m ade aviation history recently as a 787 Dream liner flew for the first tim e powered in part by sustainable biofuels. suppliers the world over, and it is essential to the success of our business that we grow our presence in the international m ark ets," said Jean Seguin, V ice President, Quality, A chieving Excellence System , Engineering and M anufacturing, Bom bardier A erospace. " T his group of highly sk illed engineers will support projects related to our in-developm ent and current aircraft program s while strengthening our already successful relationships with our partners at M ahindraSatyam , T ata Consultancy Services and Capgem ini. T his continued investm ent in the region will allow us to tak e advantage of local expertise in a m ark et that is becom ing increasingly im portant to Bom bardier." Bom bardier predicts that over the next 20 years, a total of 1,330 business jet deliveries are destined for India, and that the A sia-Pacific region (including China) will tak e delivery of approxim ately 4,000 aircraft in the 20- to 149-seat com m ercial aircraft category. In recent years, Bom bardier has developed a solid base of custom ers in the region, and m any of its industry-leading products, including L earjet, Challenger and Global business jets, CR J700 regional jets and Q400 NextGen turboprops, are already in service in India. A dditionally, to offer its custom ers the highest level of support as close as possible to their operational bases, Bom bardier established a R egional Support Office (R SO) in M um bai in 2010. It was the first R SO in the Bom bardier Custom er Services network to support both business and com m ercial aircraft in one location. Boeing, ANA Celebrate First 787 Biofuel Flight - First sustainable biofuel flight showcases Dream liner's environm ental perform ance - A NA delivery flight also m ark s first ever transpacific flight using biofuel EV ER ET T , W ash., /PR Newswire/ -Boeing " T he 787 is the m ost environm entally progressive jetliner flying today, com bining fuel efficiency and com fort with reduced carbon em issions," said Billy Glover, Com m ercial A irplanes V ice President of Environm ent and A viation Policy. T he delivery flight between Boeing's Delivery Center in Everett, W ash. and T ok yo Haneda A irport is also the first ever transpacific biofuel flight. " Our historic flight using sustainable biofuels across the Pacific Ocean highlights how innovative technology can be used to support our industry's goal of carbon-neutral growth beyond 2020," said Osam u Shinobe, A NA Senior Executive V ice President. T he 787 flew with biofuel m ade m ainly from used cook ing oil and em itted an estim ated 30 percent less CO2 em issions when com pared to today's sim ilarly-sized airplanes. Of the reduction in greenhouse gasses, about 10 percent can be attributed to the use of biofuel and approxim ately 20 percent to the technology and efficiency advancem ents offered by the Dream liner. M ade prim arily from com posite m aterials, the Boeing 787 Dream liner is the first m id-size airplane capable of flying long-range routes and will allow airlines to open new, non-stop routes preferred by the traveling public. Boeing is at the forefront of the global effort to develop sustainable aviation biofuels, as part of the industry's strategy for lowering its carbon em issions. Boeing Chief Pilot: Training Must Transform to Maximize Full Pilot Potential Em phasize com petency-based training for next generation of aviation personnel OR L A NDO, Fla., /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) called recently on the aviation industry to transform aviation training for the next generation of com m ercial airline pilots and m aintenance technicians. A t the W orld A viation T raining Sym posium in Orlando, Fla., M ik e Carrik er, Boeing T est & Evaluation chief pilot for New A irplane Developm ent, focused on training future aviation personnel to their fullest potential to m axim ize the capabilities of today's high technology airplanes. " In m y 25-year flying career – spanning m ilitary and com m ercial aircraft – there has been little change in training. Y et aircraft and teaching technologies have evolved exponentially," Carrik er said. " W e m ust m ak e use of m odern technology and focus our training efforts on equipping pilots and technicians with the k nowledge to m ak e the right decisions for the best, m ost efficient global transportation system ." Carrik er called for reducing classroom training tim es and urged an industry transition from m em orization-style A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-10 AVIATION NEWS training to com petency-based training. He urged representatives of the aviation training industry to leverage the capabilities of today's advanced airplane system s. " W e need to m ak e these changes today to reestablish the aviation industry an attractive career option. W e need to bring back the m agic of flying." In its annual Pilot and T echnician Outlook , Boeing forecasts a need for m ore than one m illion new pilots and technicians over the next twenty years. Boeing offers a com prehensive portfolio of com m ercial aviation services, collectively k nown as the Boeing Edge, bringing value and advantages to custom ers and the industry. Boeing Flight Services provides integrated offerings to drive optim ized perform ance, efficiency and safety through advanced flight and m aintenance training as well as im proved air traffic m anagem ent and 24/7 flight operations support. Flight Services provides digital tools and data to enhance overall operations, airport infrastructure, fuel efficiency, flight planning, navigation and scheduling. Porter Airlines Operates Bombardier Q400 Aircraft in Canada's First BiofuelPowered Revenue Flight - Biofuel test program led by Bom bardier A erospace, Porter A irlines, Pratt & W hitney Canada and T argeted Growth successfully concluded - Program funded by the k ey partners and by Business-L ed Network s of Centres of Excellence (BL -NCE) Program through GA R DN T OR ONT O, ONT A R IO-(M ark etwire - - Porter A irlines successfully conducted the first biofuel-powered revenue flight in Canada. In the successful conclusion to a test program that was launched in 2010, the airline flew one of its Bom bardier Q400 turboprops from its base at Billy Bishop T oronto City A irport to Ottawa using a 50/50 blend of biofuel and Jet A 1 fuel in one of its engines. T he fuel was certified to the new A m erican Society for T esting and M aterials (A ST M ) D7566/D1655 standard and the biofuel used was derived from the oilseed crops, Cam elina sativa(i) (49 per cent) and Brassica carinata(i) (one per cent). T he aircraft's other engine was powered by Jet A 1 fuel. T he flight included passengers m ak ing their way to Ottawa for business and pleasure, representatives from the biofuel test program 's partnering organizations and m edia. T his is the final step in a twoyear project whose k ey m em bers are T argeted Growth, Bom bardier A erospace, Pratt and W hitney Canada, the m anufacturer of the PW 150A engines that power the Q400 aircraft, and Porter A irlines. Funding for the biofuel test program was provided by the k ey partners, as well as by Business-L ed Network s of Centres of Excellence (BL -NCE) through the Green A viation R esearch & Developm ent Network (GA R DN). A dditional support to the program was provided by A grisom a Biosciences Inc., which grew the carinata and produced the carinata bio-oil; Sustainable Oils, which crushed the cam elina to m ak e the cam elina bio-oil; Honeywell UOP, which converted the biooils into the bio-derived jet fuel to m eet the D7566 standard; and Sk yNR G who were responsible for logistics and blending m eeting the D1655 specification. " In a fitting tribute to Earth Day 2012, which is now less than a week away, we are delighted that one of our Bom bardier Q400 turboprops has becom e the first aircraft to successfully conduct a biofuelpowered revenue flight in Canada," said R obert Deluce, President and Chief Executive Officer, Porter A irlines. " T he use of biofuels prom ises to significantly reduce the level of em issions produced by com m ercial aircraft worldwide, and Porter is honoured to have contributed to this test program in Canada." " T he success of this biofuel test program , which utilized a Bom bardier Q400 aircraft, speak s volum es about the ability of the aviation and other com m unities to work together towards producing a m ore sustainable aviation industry," said Helene V . Gagnon, V ice President, Public A ffairs, Com m unications and Corporate Social R esponsibility, Bom bardier A erospace. " But that's not the only m ilestone achieved today. T his is the first tim e that a revenue flight in Canada was powered by biofuel, so we've achieved a first for Canada. " " W hen this biofuel project was subm itted in October 2010, the Private Sector A dvisory Board, a strategic body com prised of respected Canadian industry A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-11 AVIATION NEWS leaders, approved it with com plete confidence and praised it very high value added, world-class experts and very good focus," said Sylvain Cofsk y, Executive Director of GA R DN. " Eighteen m onths later, today's flight proves they were right and I am extrem ely proud of GA R DN's contribution to this very prom ising success in the field of aviation." " W e are firm ly com m itted to ensuring that our products are designed, produced and operated while m inim izing environm ental im pacts throughout their life cycle, outperform ing the m ost stringent ICA O standards," said Daniel Breitm an, V ice President, Engine Developm ent Program s, Pratt & W hitney Canada. "We have im plem ented new technologies to significantly reduce fuel consum ption, environm ental em issions and engine noise in our latest generation of engines and we are developing cuttingedge green technologies for the future, to help the aerospace industry reach its com m itm ent of reducing its overall footprint." " T argeted Growth was very pleased to be involved in this project," said R obert W oods, president, T argeted Growth. " Partnerships such as this one help dem onstrate m ark et confidence that spurs the critical research and developm ent required to advance feedstock productivity." On February 9, 2012, in preparation for Porter's revenue flight, Bom bardier flew a Q400 turboprop test aircraft on the A ST M D7566/D1655 bio-derived jet fuel. T his was the first such biofuel-powered test flight in Canada. Universal Avionics Appoints Robert Randall As OEM Sales Manager U.S.” he added. T his announcem ent supports Universal’s continued com m itm ent to prom oting its products in the OEM m ark et, which has seen an increase in com petition over the past several years. T ucson, A Z –– R obert Clare, Director of Sales for Universal A vionics, announced that R obert R andall has been appointed to OEM Sales M anager for Universal A vionics. M r. R andall is affiliated with Universal’s U.S. M idwest Office in W ichita, K ansas with m uch of his work based out of a satellite office in T ulsa, Ok lahom a. M r. R andall’s overall responsibility will be developing and m aintaining existing sales of Universal’s products to U.S. Original Equipm ent M anufacturers (OEM ). M r. R andall began his career with Universal A vionics in Septem ber 2008 in the position of M idwest R egional Sales M anager. Prior to joining Universal, M r. R andall had gained over 30 years of avionics m aintenance, testing, sales and m anagem ent experience. He is a U.S. Naval A viation V eteran, a licensed A &P M echanic and a m em ber of A OPA . “M r. R andall has dem onstrated his effectiveness in growing overall sales in the M idwest region during his tenure at Universal,” said R obert Clare. “His experience here, as well as his previous OEM responsibilities, strategically positions him to develop OEM business in the access to R iga, L atvia. airBaltic serves over 60 destinations from its hom e base in R iga, L atvia. From every one of these, airBaltic offers convenient connections via North Hub R iga to its network spanning Europe, Scandinavia, R ussia, CIS and the M iddle East. Etihad Airways presents airBaltic Links fashion with AirFrance Pakistan’s to Offer More week Destinations K arachi: – Etihad A irways, the national airline of the United Globally A rab Em irates, recently R iga. L atvian national airline airBaltic has concluded a cooperation agreem ent with A irFrance, including codesharing of flights. A irFrance offers convenient connections via its Paris hub to and from destinations worldwide. M artin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “A s we reinforce link s between R iga and other hubs, our custom ers benefit im m ediately from better connectivity with regions where direct flights are unavailable. A strong fam ily of partner airlines with whom we code-share ensures sm ooth and seam less travel for airBaltic custom ers via these points. Current code-share partners include a num ber of world’s m ajor airlines. W e are very pleased to add A irFrance to this growing fam ily, enabling us to offer excellent connections via the Paris hub to destinations worldwide.” T he partnership with A irFrance will enable airBaltic passengers to reach over 150 destinations worldwide. Furtherm ore, A irFrance passengers from any point in the world will have better team ed up with Fashion Pak istan, to present “Pak istan’s M ost Inspiring Designer” award exclusively to the designer who wowed fashion lovers and critics at the third Fashion Pak istan W eek that was held at the Pearl Continental Hotel from 7 to 10 A pril. T he coveted title was awarded to Shehla Chatoor, elim inating 27 other designers. A long with the trophy, Shehla got two return business class tick ets to Europe from Etihad A irways. T he Fashion Pak istan W eek is organized by the Council of International Fashion Designers to prom ote and support the fashion industry in the country and to educate, em power and encourage Pak istani designers as well as to prom ote traditional crafts and fashion. Shehla Chatoor is k nown for her luxurious, sophisticated and tim eless ensem bles as well as her exquisite bridal gowns that are influenced by traditional art form s and em broidery. Her signature A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-12 AVIATION NEWS thought leaders and speak ers. T he week -long event, which starts tom orrow (A pril 16), tak es place in the Qatari capital for the first tim e. It is being hosted by the Doha Film Institute. Over 700 delegates will m eet for work shops, collaborative projects, regional and crossregional brainstorm ing, talk s, special events and cultural activities during the event, which ends on A pril 20. Etihad A irways, the national airline of the United A rab Em irates, in collaboration with Fashion Pak istan, presented “Etihad’s M ost Inspiring Designer” A ward to Shehla Chatoor, Picture shows: M r. A m er K han, A rea General M anager, Etihad A irways, M s. M aheen K han, CEO, Fashion Pak istan presenting trophy to winner. am algam ation of fabrics and textures were prom inent throughout her collection and im pressed all attendees. Fashion Pak istan Council’s CEO, M aheen K han, said:: “I wish to express m y gratitude to Etihad A irways for its com m itm ent and support to different segm ents of the Pak istani society through this partnership with us. W e hope this collaboration will continue to flourish in the future.” airBaltic Achieves +6 pp Increase of Load Factor in the First Quarter of 2012 R iga. L atvian airline airBaltic carried 217,670 passengers in M arch 2012, representing 7% decrease com paring with the sam e m onth in 2011, when airBaltic transported 233,033 passengers. During the three m onths of 2012, airBaltic transported a total of 589,112 passengers, or 2% less than during the sam e period in 2011, when the total num ber of passengers was 599,078. In M arch, airBaltic operated 3,746 flights, or 14% less than in M arch 2011 when airBaltic operated 4,334 flights. T he airline’s load factor, which represents the num ber of passengers as a proportion of the num ber of available seats, in M arch 2012 was at a level of 74% - or 3 percentage points m ore than in M arch 2011. T he airline achieved a 6 percentage point im provem ent of load factor to 70% for the first quarter of 2012, com pared to the first quarter in 2011. T he 15-m inute flight punctuality indicator for airBaltic was at a level of 95.3% in M arch 2012. T his m eans that 95 of every 100 airBaltic flights in M arch departed at the planned tim e or with a delay of no m ore than 15 m inutes. T he opening night of the sum m it at the K atara am phitheatre in Doha will feature renowned speak ers from the A rab world and beyond. T EDx events are independently organised to inspire com m unities to discuss big ideas in a wide range of subjects – education, health, com m unity, science, design, technology, entertainm ent to nam e a few. Over 3,500 T EDx events have tak en place over the past three years in m ore than 1,000 cities across 125 countries. Qatar Airways official carrier for Doha Summit bringing together some of region’s most prolific thought leaders and speakers A irline Flies Delegates T o Prestigious Idea Sharing Event ‘T EDx’ A rtists, Scientists A nd Pioneering T hink ers A rrive In Qatar’s Capital City Doha, QA T A R – Qatar A irways is proud to be the Official Carrier of the 2012 T EDx Sum m it in Doha this week bringing together som e of the M iddle East’s m ost prolific Qatar A irways Chief Executive Officer A k bar A l Bak er said that the airline was proud to support such a prom inent event in Doha. “W e are excited to be a part of bringing the T EDx platform to Doha for the first tim e, flying in som e of the region’s m ost prolific thought leaders and speak ers for a week of interactive discussion,” he said. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-13 AVIATION NEWS K uala L um pur, M alaysia. Graduates will then enter A irA sia's initial operating experience program for A irbus A 320 First Officers this sum m er. CA E recently signed a five-year contract with A irA sia through which CA E will train m ore than 200 additional new A irA sia A 320 First Officers in the com petency-based M ulticrew Pilot L icense (M PL ) program . “T he T EDx Sum m it is a very significant event allowing m ore regional voices and perspectives to be heard – to educate and inspire.” Qatar A irways currently flies a m odern fleet of over 108 aircraft to 113 k ey business and leisure destinations across Europe, M iddle East, A frica, A sia Pacific, North A m erica and South A m erica. transitioning to the CA E T raining Centre in T oronto, Canada for the A dvanced phase. T he A dvanced phase is a type rating course for the A irbus A 320. T raining integrates A irA sia Standard Operating Procedures and incorporates training in a CA E-built A 320 full-flight sim ulator. Cuisine, culture promote harmony: US Diplomat K A R A CHI: Experiencing the cuisine and culture of different peoples is a fantastic way of T he carrier recently launched flights to T bilisi in Georgia, Bak u in A zerbaijan and the R wandan capital K igali. T he airline has a further 11 new routes to launch during 2012, nam ely Perth (A ustralia), Z agreb (Croatia), Gassim (Saudi A rabia), Helsink i (Finland), Belgrade (Serbia), Erbil (Iraq), Baghdad (Iraq), Y angon (M yanm ar), M om basa (K enya), Z anzibar (T anzania) and K ilim anjaro (T anzania). CAE MPL AirAsia cadets enter Advanced training phase A dozen A irA sia cadets in CA E's second M ulti-crew Pilot L icense (M PL ) class have successfully com pleted the Interm ediate phase of training at CA E Sim uFlite in Dallas, T exas USA and are Chong W ai L im (“W illiam ”), left, and Jim W ong Chun A un (“Jerry”) give a thum bs up after a training session in a Beechjet 400A full-flight sim ulator at CA E Sim uFlite, Dallas, T exas USA . T hey are am ong 12 A irA sia-sponsored cadets transitioning to the A dvanced phase of CA E M PL ’s program . A ll cadets have passed three form al evaluations to date: an equivalent private pilot check ride, an equivalent instrum ent check ride, and an equivalent Beechjet type rating. T he M PL license will be granted following the tak eoff and landing phase of training in fostering harm ony and peace. T his was said by US Consulate Com m unity L iaison Officer M s.A driana M urak am i, at the inform al inauguration of Journey T hrough Europe Food Festival organized by Pearl Continental K arachi last evening.She was the chief guest at the event. M s. M urak am i, said she found K arachi a vibrant city but she was som etim es tak en aback about the m isapprehensions the people had here about the United States. She added m eeting people from different walk s of life and holding dialogue and inter-active sessions should help understand each other’s viewpoints and reduce their differences. US Consulate Public A ffairs Officer M r.K evin T . M urak am i said he found K arachi to be a lively city. Germ an Consul & Deputy Head of M ission Consulate General of Germ any R olf T raut said he was posted to K arachi only three m onths earlier and he was learning m any new things as this was his first posting to a South A sian country. General M anager of Pearl Continental K arachi A zeem Quraishi speak ing on the occasion said a European Food Festival would be held every Friday and Saturday from 7.30pm at the M arco Polo restaurant, starting A pril 13th for eight week s. He added that the Pearl Continental K arachi has m ade special arrangem ents for K arachites to savor delectable European cuisines in an extraordinary am biance and have an unforgettable experience. He ask ed food lovers not to m iss out on this special festival. Boeing Makes 737 MAX Design Decisions New-engine variant to offer custom ers substantial fuel savings in 2017 R ENT ON, W ash., /PR Newswire/ -Boeing A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-14 AVIATION NEWS Experiencing the cuisine and culture of different peoples is a fantastic way of fostering harm ony and peace. T his was said by US Consulate Com m unity L iaison Officer M s.A driana M urak am i, at the inform al inauguration of Journey T hrough Europe Food Festival organized by Pearl Continental K arachi last evening.She was the chief guest at the event. (NY SE: BA ) has m ade a series of design updates to the 737 M A X to further optim ize the new-engine variant's perform ance. " T he 737 M A X is on-track to deliver substantial fuel-savings to custom ers starting in 2017," said Beverly W yse, vice president and general m anager, 737 program . " W e've m ade several design decisions that support the perform ance targets for the M A X and evolve the Next-Generation 737's design within the scope of the 737 M A X program ." T hose design decisions include: • A ft body aerodynam ic im provem ents: T he tail cone will be extended and the section above the elevator thick ened to im prove steadiness of air flow. T his elim inates the need for vortex generators on the tail. T hese im provem ents will result in less drag, giving the airplane better perform ance. • Engine installation: T he new CFM International L EA P-1B engines will be integrated with the wing sim ilar to the aerodynam ic lines of the 787 Dream liner engine with its wing. A new pylon and strut, along with an 8-inch nose gear extension, will m aintain sim ilar ground clearance to today's 737 while accom m odating the larger engine fan. T he nose gear door design is altered to fit with this revision. • Flight control and system updates: T he flight controls will include fly-bywire spoilers, which will save weight by replacing a m echanical system . T he M A X also will feature an electronic bleed air system , allowing for increased optim ization of the cabin pressurization and ice protection system s, resulting in better fuel burn. Other m inor changes to the airplane include strengthening the m ain landing gear, wing and fuselage to accom m odate the increase in loads due to the larger engines. Boeing will continue to conduct aerodynam ic, engine and airplane trade studies as the team work s to optim ize the design of the airplane by m id2013. " W e also continue to do work in the wind tunnel to affirm the lowand high-speed perform ance of the 737 M A X design," said M ichael T eal, chief project engineer and deputy program m anager, 737 M A X program . " Based on design work and prelim inary testing results, we have even m ore confidence in our ability to give our custom ers the fuel savings they need while m inim izing the developm ent risk on this program ." A possible revision to the wing tips on the M A X also is being tested in the wind tunnel to see if this new technology could further benefit the airplane. " A ny new technology incorporated into the M A X design m ust offer substantial benefit to our custom ers with m inim al risk for the team to pursue it," said T eal. " On the 737 M A X we are following our disciplined developm ent process and continue to work on an airplane configuration that will provide the m ost value for our custom ers." A irlines operating the 737 M A X will see a 10-12 percent fuel-burn im provem ent over today's m ost fuel efficient single-aisle airplanes and a 7 percent operating cost per-seat advantage over tom orrow's com petition. T o date, the 737 M A X has m ore than 1,000 orders and com m itm ents from 16 custom ers worldwide. Bombardier Delivers First Vision Flight Deck on a Global 6000 Aircraft • V ision Flight Deck is industry’s first to feature synthetic vision im agery on head-up display M ontréal, – Bom bardier A erospace announced the first custom er delivery of its V ision Flight Deck on a Global 6000 aircraft. T he aircraft, to be operated by W ideworld Services L td., was delivered during a special cerem ony at Bom bardier’s facilities in Dorval, Canada, on M arch 31, 2012. “W e are very proud to operate the first V ision Flight Deck on a Global 6000 jet,” said Captain Edward M urray, Chief Pilot, W ideworld Services L td. “T he new flight deck was a deciding factor in us choosing the Global aircraft, and we are very excited to fly this state-of-theart flight deck .” Bom bardier A erospace and R ock well Collins are the first to certify synthetic vision im agery on a head-up display (HUD) as part of the Pro L ine Fusion® avionics system on the V ision Flight Deck . T he V ision Flight Deck for Global jets received EA SA certification on February 20, 2012, FA A certification on February 29, 2012, and T ransport Canada A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-15 AVIATION NEWS (T C) certification on June 3, 2011. “T his is another exciting event for the Global aircraft program ,” said Stéphane L eblanc, V ice President and General M anager, Global A ircraft, Bom bardier Business A ircraft. “T he V ision Flight Deck is a break through advancem ent in technology, and we are very proud that the flight deck now enters into service on a Global 6000 jet with W ideworld Services L td.” T he V ision Flight Deck is featured on Global 5000 and Global 6000 jets. V ision Flight Deck : A break through in business aviation, the V ision Flight Deck is designed to deliver a com pletely new cock pit experience. By com bining the best in technological advancem ents with superior designer aesthetics, it provides pilots flying Bom bardier’s Global aircraft an unprecedented level of control and com fort. T he V ision Flight Deck introduces the R ock well Collins Pro L ine Fusion avionics suite, providing an integrated flight deck to ensure interoperability between system s. Pro L ine Fusion for the V ision Flight Deck on Global aircraft features four high-resolution 15-inch diagonal active m atrix liquid crystal displays (L CD) arranged in a T -shape work ing in concert with the Head-up Guidance System (HGS™), personalized form ats of display inform ation, an electronic check list, m aps with graphical flight planning, an integrated cursor control panel, a Synthetic-Enhanced V ision System , paperless operation enabled by Dual Electronics Charts, a Future A ir Navigation System (FA NS), Controller-Pilot Datalink Com m unication (CPDL C), a W ide A rea A ugm entation System (W A A S), L ocalizer Perform ance with V ertical Guidance (L PV ) and a M ultiScan™ W eather Detection system . Services & Support: Deployed A s the V ision Flight Deck enters service, custom ers will be able to count on the full range of Bom bardier support and services around the world from the outset. Flight and m aintenance m anuals have been updated and an easy-touse navigation instruction tool is available for download from a special V ision Flight Deck section of Bom bardier Custom er Services’ Custom er Inform ation Centre (CIC) website. T he popular Bom bardier Sm artFix Plus online troubleshooting tool is ready to provide detailed recom m endations should the need arise. Bom bardier’s expanding worldwide network of parts facilities is being stock ed with unique V ision Flight Deck parts. Bom bardier Custom er Services team m em bers, deployed around the world, are fully trained and ready to support custom ers and foster a sm ooth entry-intoservice. Bom bardier’s expansive m aintenance network , m ade up of wholly owned facilities as well as A uthorized Service Facilities, is also ready to support V ision Flight Deck operators at entry-into-service, and its training centres are ready to provide high-quality, OEM -back ed flight and technical training. American Jet International Welcomes New Director of Operations A nnette V itello announced has been HOUST ON, T X . – A m erican Jet International is proud to announce and welcom e M s. A nnette V itello as its new Director of Operations. M s. V itello will be responsible for the day to day operations of the flight departm ent, including m anagem ent and control of business developm ent and growth of the com pany. Originally from Indiana, V itello brings with her over 28 years of corporate and air carrier experience with seven years in m anagem ent. She has logged 8,200 hours as a pilot, including tim e as a Boeing 727 captain. V itello previously served as the Director of Operations with air carriers operating large to sm all jets, M E & SE turboprops and helicopters. She also served in m anagem ent roles at M illion A ir M edford’s charter departm ent and Fixed Base Operation (FBO). “Her proven leadership sk ills and vast pilot experience will allow A m erican Jet International to continue to strengthen their general aviation partnerships while focusing on expanding and developing new relationships,” said R oger W oolsey, Chief Executive Officer of A m erican Jet International. A nnette holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in A viation T echnology from Purdue University and when she is not flying or focused on the new responsibilities, she loves spending tim e with her three children. Boeing Celebrates 4,000th NextGeneration 737 Popular single-aisle com m ercial airliner soars to another m ilestone SEA T T L E, /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) executives and m ore than 500 em ployees, suppliers, union representatives and governm ent officials joined China Southern A irlines to celebrate the 4,000th NextGeneration 737 at a special event today at Seattle's Boeing Field. T he 4,000th Next-Generation 737 jetliner off the 737 production line in R enton, W ash., will be delivered next week to China Southern A irlines, headquartered in Guangzhou, China. " T he Next-Generation 737's success is the result of years of expertise that thousands of em ployees continue to build into every Boeing 737 used in private, governm ent and com m ercial service," said Beverly W yse, vice president and general m anager of the 737 program . " It is an incredible m ilestone to be delivering our A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-16 AVIATION NEWS A long with the successul perform ance in the second half of the year, T urk ish A irlines increased its sales revenue by 40% , com pared to 2010, and recorded operating profit of 339 m illion T L . Net profit cam e in at 19 m illion T L , due to predom inantly non operating item s. T urk ish A irlines also recorded significant traffic results in 4,000th Next-Generation 737. W e thank China Southern A irlines and all our custom ers who have m ade the 737 the world's m ost popular jetliner." China Southern A irlines is com m em orating its own m ilestone as the plane will be the 75th 737 delivered directly to the airline. T he carrier has an additional 45 737-700/-800s on order. China Southern is the largest airline in China and operates a fleet of 450 airplanes, m ak ing it the 6th largest carrier worldwide. " China Southern and Boeing have built an excellent relationship and we are honored to be the recipient of Boeing's 4,000th NextGeneration 737 airplane," said Dong Suguang, executive vice president, China Southern A irlines. " T he NextGeneration 737s provide a solid foundation to China Southern's m odern, fuel-efficient and econom ical portfolio of com m ercial jetliners." T he 4,000th Next-Generation 737 is a 737-700 m odel that seats 126 passengers in a twoclass configuration with the new Boeing Sk y Interior. M ore 737s have been produced than any other com m ercial jetliner in history and continues to hit the record book s as the program produces airplanes at record rates. T he gap between each NextGeneration 737 record delivery is shrink ing. It took Boeing three years and one m onth between the 2,000th and 3,000th, while the gap between the 3,000th and 4,000th delivery is just two years and eight m onths. W ith 737 production rates increasing increm entally to a record 42 airplanes a m onth in the first half of 2014, the gap will continue to close. T he Next-Generation 737 fam ily has won m ore than 6,600 orders and has a diverse back log exceeding 2,600 airplanes. W ith m ore than 5,550 airplanes in service, the 737 fam ily represents m ore than a quarter of the total worldwide fleet of large com m ercial jets flying today. M ore than 358 airlines in 114 countries fly 737s. Turkish Airlines’ sales revenue for 2011 grew by 40%,reaching to 11.8 billion TL. 2011 operating profit stood at 339 m illion T L . T urk ish A irlines’ 2011 consolidated financial statem ents were reported to Istanbul Stock Exchange. 2011. Num ber of passengers carried increased by 12% , reaching to 32,7 m illion; A vailable Seat K m increased by 25% , reaching to 81,2 billion, L oad Factor dropped by 1,1 point to 72.6% , R evenue Cargo T onne K m increased by 38% and stood at 1.459 m illion. International to international passengers’ share in total transfer passengers in 2011 was % 40. By the end of 2011, total num ber of aircraft in our fleet went up to 180, out of which 139 narrow body, 35 wide body and 6 cargo aircraft. Num ber of international routes increased to 149 in 82 countries, by the addition of 19 new international routes. Despite the political turm oil in the M ENA region, Japan earthquak e and 37% increase in jet fuel unit costs; 2011 still turned out to be a positive year for T urk ish A irlines, in term s of both financial and com m ercial results. Furtherm ore, T urk ish A irlines was awarded as “T he Best A irline in Europe” in 2011. T urk ish A irlines is aware of the fact that its long-term growth strategy can only be achieved by the healthy entegration of operational and financial discipline. T urk ish A irlines is tak ing confident steps towards 2012 and the following years, without com prom ising from its effective cost m anagem ent. Gulfstream names Lisa Troxell, Regional Product support sales manager SA V A NNA H, Ga., — Gulfstream A erospace Corp. recently nam ed L isa T roxell as a regional sales m anager for com ponent repair, m odification and overhaul in the Product Support Sales organization. She reports to Brian Schank , director of Business and Program Support within Gulfstream Product Support. T roxell’s sales territory com prises A rk ansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, K ansas, A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-17 AVIATION NEWS voice, and Iridium -based satellite track ing technology. L ouisiana, M ichigan, M innesota, M ississippi, M issouri, Nebrask a, North Dak ota, Ohio, Ok lahom a, South Dak ota, T ennessee and T exas. A long with regional sales m anagers V ince Jim enez and M ark W hite, she supports Gulfstream ’s service center in L incoln, Calif. T he facility specializes in the repair, m odification and overhaul of com ponents, including A C/DC generators, alternators, converters and cock pit instrum ents. A Gulfstream em ployee since Decem ber 1999, T roxell was m ost recently a spare-part sales m anager. She also served in sales supervisor and senior sales representative positions for Gulfstream . T roxell began her 15-year career in the aviation industry as a purchasing and sales agent for M illion A ir in A ddison, T exas. Etihad Airways announces passenger flights to Nairobi K arachi - : Etihad A irways, the national airline of the UA E, recently announced its inaugural passenger flight to K enya, at Jom o K enyatta International A irport (NBO) in Nairobi. T he new daily, two-class A 320 service is the airline’s first passenger service to East A frica and a critically im portant step in expanding its presence in A frica. T he airline aim s to reach into W est A frica with the introduction of flights to Nigeria in July, 2012. Etihad A irways com m enced operations to the Seychelles in Novem ber, 2011, and L ibya in January of this year, building on existing services to Egypt, South A frica, M orocco and Sudan. Etihad A irways President and Chief Executive Officer Jam es Hogan said: “W e are delighted to introduce Etihad A irways to East A frica. T his year will see considerable growth for us within A frica as a whole, as we observe strong and em erging m ark ets across the continent.” Etihad A irways began dedicated cargo services to Nairobi in M arch 2009 and will continue to operate five freightonly flights per week . T he com bined capacity of passenger and cargo aircraft will allow the airline to transport 340 tonnes of cargo each week . Etihad A irways operates daily flights from K arachi, L ahore & Islam abad, and twice a week from Peshawar. It offers 23 flights from Pak istan to its hom e base, A bu Dhabi. T ravellers can enjoy seam less connectivity from Pak istan to Nairobi. Blue Sky Network Forges Reseller Partnership with European Aviation Solutions Provider S4A Partnership expands leadership and product reach into Europe with proven satellite track ing technology L a Jolla, Calif. – – Blue Sk y Network (BSN), a leading, global provider of satellite track ing and com m unication solutions for aviation, land, andm arine, today announced its partnership with S4A (Solutions For A viation), a supplier of aviation equipm ent and services located in El Puerto de Santa M aría (Cádiz), Spain. T his new partnership in Europe will enable S4A to resell Blue Sk y Network ’s fam ily of aviation products based on two-way m essaging, W hen com bined with Sk yR outer, a secure, cloudbased global m apping portal solution, Blue Sk y Network ’s two-way m essaging transceivers allow constant and rem ote m onitoring of aircraft through GPS position reports. A dditional to autom ated flight following, Sk yR outer also allows the transm ission of satellite m essages from aircraft to dispatchers on the ground in the form of special events reports, such as updates on tak e-offs and landings, as well as telem etric data reports, and em ergency location. “Blue Sk y Network offers proven track ing and com m unications aviation solutions that rem ain operational at all tim es, from pole to pole, no m atter where the aircraft is located,” said Francisco Guerrero, S4A CEO. “W e couldn’t be happier about this partnership and the ability to resell Blue Sk y Network ’s quality solutions.” “S4A , with its com m itm ent to excellence in the field of aviation solutions, allows Blue Sk y Network the perfect opportunity to further expand our position of leadership in Europe as we continue to solidify ourselves as a global provider of flight track ing and com m unications solutions,” said Jon Gilbert, Blue Sk y Network President and CEO. Blue Sk y Network offers a com prehensive product portfolio of Iridium -based satellite track ing devices and two-way voice and m essaging transceivers providing reliable, global solutions to track and com m unicate with com m ercial and business aircraft from any location around the world, ensuring passenger safety and asset security. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-18 AVIATION NEWS Embraer defense and security to participate at DSA in Kuala Lumpur K uala L um pur, M alaysia, – Em braer Defense and Security will attend the 13th Defense Services A sia (DSA ) Exhibition providing defense solutions worldwide, and we are confident that we can share our expertise with countries in A sia Pacific, lik e M alaysia, in order to benefit their arm ed forces who are look ing for suitable, integrated defense and security solutions in this region”, said Geraldo Gom es, Senior V ice President M ark eting and Sales – Em braer Defense and Security. “Em braer’s participation in DSA is therefore, a reflection of our com m itm ent to A sia Pacific, and Conference which tak es place from 16 – 19 A pril 2012 at the Putra W orld T rade Center in K uala L um pur, M alaysia. which we began to bolster in 2011, with the appointm ent of a dedicated representative for the com pany, based in the region.” he added. T he Com pany will be located at the Brazilian Pavilion in Hall 3 and will prom ote a broad range of integrated solutions that com bine a high technological level and operational efficiency at com petitive acquisition and operating costs. Em braer’s Defense and Security portfolio includes m ilitary airplanes, state-of-the-art radar technologies, unm anned aerial vehicles (UA V ), and advanced inform ation and com m unication system s, such as Com m and, Control, Com m unication, Com putation, Intelligence, Surveillance and R econnaissance (C4ISR ) applications. Turkish Airlines Passenger Portraits “Em braer has m ore than 40 years of experience in T urk ish A irlines new cam paign, “Passenger Portraits” is a series of portraits m ade by the New Y ork based artist Craig R edm an. Craig R edm an has created twelve portraits, including M anchester United players W ayne R ooney, Javier Hernádez (Chicharito), R io Ferdinand, Nani and R yan Giggs, F.C. Barcelona players M essi, X avi, Iniesta, Pique and Puyol and T urk ish A irlines Brand A m bassadors Caroline W ozniack i and K obe Bryant. Craig R edm an has also created designs for a special globe, world m ap and airplane livery besides these portraits. T hese outstanding portraits will be exhibited in airports around the world. Players’ portraits will be also exhibited in M anchester and Barcelona in order to m eet all sport fans and art lovers in the sam e platform . T urk ish A irlines Passenger Portraits cam paign will be launched soon and with this cam paign, we hope to reach a great audience internationally by using T V , print m edia, outdoor and web applications. T he goal of this cam paign, is to further prom ote our sponsorships in a fresh and noticeable way by joining the force of art with sports and using an unconventional, distinctive and m odern m essage. A s T urk ish A irlines, we com e on to the world scene with a new trade m ark . Garuda Indonesia orders 11 more A330s A ircraft are k ey elem ent in fleet m odernisation program m e Garuda Indonesia, the national carrier of Indonesia, has placed a firm order with A irbus for 11 m ore A 330-300 widebody aircraft. T he contract was signed today in Jak arta by Em irsyah Satar, President & CEO, Garuda Indonesia and T om W illiam s, Executive V ice President, Program m es, A irbus, in the presence of Indonesian President Susilo Bam bang Y udhoyono and visiting British Prim e M inister David Cam eron. T he order is the third to be placed by Garuda Indonesia for the A 330 since July 2010, with the carrier now having a total of 21 aircraft on firm order for future delivery. A ll the aircraft will be powered by R olls-R oyce T rent 700 engines. Garuda Indonesia has chosen the latest extended range 235 tonne m axim um tak e-off weight variant of the A 330-300. T he carrier will operate the aircraft with a prem ium two class layout on services from its hubs in Jak arta and Denpasar (Bali) to destinations in A sia, the M iddle East and the Pacific. “T he A 330 has proven to be a k ey elem ent in the success of the revitalised Garuda Indonesia,” said Em irsyah Satar, President & CEO, Garuda Indonesia. “T he low seat m ile cost and high A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-19 AVIATION NEWS North A sia, Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft. T he event was also attended by a num ber of Bom bardier A erospace senior executives and m em bers of the press. passenger appeal m ak e the aircraft a perfect fit for our fleet and a firm favourite with our passengers.” “W e are pleased to extend our long-standing partnership with Garuda Indonesia,” said T om W illiam s, Executive V ice President, Program m es, A irbus. “T he A 330 is undisputed leader in its class. It offers proven reliability, low operating costs and one of the m ost com fortable cabins in the sk y. T his winning com bination m ak es it the preferred choice of airlines worldwide and will enable Garuda Indonesia to realise its full potential as a prem ier international carrier.” T he twin engine A 330 is one of the m ost widely used widebody aircraft in service today. A irbus has recorded nearly 1,200 orders for the various versions of the aircraft and m ore than 800 aircraft are flying with som e 90 operators worldwide. In addition to passenger and freighter aircraft, the A 330 is also available in V IP and m ilitary transport / tank er variants. Garuda Indonesia currently operates 14 A 330 aircraft, com prising eight A 330-200s and six A 330-300s. Bombardier Aerospace Inaugurates New Office in Shanghai SHA NGHA I, CHINA -(M ark etwire - ) - Bom bardier A erospace celebrated the next step in support of its growing activities in China with the inauguration of a new office in Shanghai. On hand for the ribbon-cutting cerem ony were Guy C. Hachey, President and Chief Operating Officer, Bom bardier A erospace; Jianwei Z hang, President, Bom bardier China; A lbert K . L i, General M anager and Head of Bom bardier A erospace China; and A ndy Solem , V ice President, Sales, China and In addition to being the prim ary location for M ssrs. L i and Solem , the Shanghai office is hom e to the Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft team s work ing with the Com m ercial A ircraft Corporation of China L td. (COM A C), Bom bardier A erospace's Supply Chain organization in China, and is the headquarters for the Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft sales and m ark eting team for China and North A sia. T he Shanghai R egional Support Office team , supporting Q-Series and CR J aircraft operators, will also be based at this new office and will expand to include support personnel for Bom bardier's L earjet, Challenger and Global business jet operators. " China is a critically im portant region for Bom bardier A erospace, and the inauguration of our new office in Shanghai further testifies to our long-term com m itm ent to the Chinese aviation industry," said M r. Hachey. " Bom bardier's portfolio of industry-leading products is very well-positioned to m eet the growing needs of China's com m ercial aircraft operators, and the newly inaugurated Shanghai office will be k ey to continue building lasting relationships with our stak eholders and custom ers in China." " W e have tak en concrete steps to expand our global presence to provide regionalized support for our custom ers worldwide," added M r. Hachey. " T his new office in Shanghai reinforces our com m itm ent to providing a superior level of service to our operators in the region." Bom bardier A erospace's newly inaugurated office in Shanghai adds to its existing presence in China, which includes a Bom bardier Business A ircraft sales team , based in Beijing, under the leadership of M ichael Han, R egional V ice President, Sales, China, and a Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft team , based in Shenyang, dedicated to the CSeries and Q400 NextGen aircraft program s. Bom bardier has also established parts depots in Beijing and Hong K ong, as well as a R egional Support Office in Hong K ong. In recent m onths, Bom bardier A erospace has m ade a series of announcem ents concerning the Chinese aviation industry, including the signing of a definitive agreem ent with COM A C to establish com m onalities between C919 and CSeries aircraft on M arch 21. In February 2012, Bom bardier A erospace and A V IC International L easing Co., L td. signed a m em orandum of understanding (M OU) for an expanding co-operation to support the financing of com m ercial aircraft sales in China and globally, and Bom bardier A erospace also identified China Express A irlines as the previously undisclosed custom er that placed a conditional order for six (6) CR J900 NextGen aircraft with options on an additional five (5) CR J900 A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-20 AVIATION NEWS aircraft of 54 different types. Prior to that, Huff served as the chief of staff for the program executive officer for unm anned aircraft system s and weapons at Patuxent R iver. He has also served as the com m anding officer of the U.S. Naval T est Pilot School in Patuxent R iver and the Strik e Fighter Squadron 87 in V irginia Beach, V a. NextGen aircraft. Bom bardier predicts a dem and for alm ost 2,400 com m ercial aircraft in the 60- to 149-seat segm ent in China over the next 20 years, m ak ing China the world's second largest m ark et for new aircraft deliveries, following closely behind the United States. Over the sam e period, Bom bardier's latest m ark et forecast for the business aviation industry predicts a total of 2,360 business jet deliveries destined for China. M ore than 95 Bom bardier-produced aircraft, including CR J and Q-Series com m ercial aircraft, as well as L earjet, Challenger and Global business jets, are currently operating in Greater China. Gulfstream names Thomas Huff as Safety Officer SA V A NNA H, Ga., — Gulfstream A erospace Corp. recently nam ed T hom as “T om ” Huff, a retired U.S. Navy test pilot with m ore than 25 years of experience, to serve in the newly created position of aviation safety officer. Huff reports to L arry Flynn, president, Gulfstream . In his new role, Huff oversees a com prehensive aviation safety program for all Gulfstream flight operations, including experim ental test, production test, dem onstration and corporate flights. He provides independent safety oversight and prom otes aviation safety and awareness throughout the com pany. Huff was com m issioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy in 1984 and retired in 2012. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering at the U.S. Naval A cadem y in A nnapolis, M d. He also has a M aster of Science degree in aviation system s from the University of T ennessee in K noxville and another in foreign affairs and strategic studies from the U.S. Naval W ar College in Newport, R .I. (BM &F Bovespa: EM BR 3, NY SE: ER J) and Boeing (NY SE: BA ) announced a cooperation agreem ent to work together to benefit their custom ers, their com panies and the global aviation industry. T he agreem ent establishes an im portant relationship between two of the world's largest aerospace com panies to cooperate in ways that enhance operational efficiency, safety and productivity, im prove custom er satisfaction and create value for both com panies and their custom ers. Frederico Curado, President and CEO of Em braer S.A ., and Jim A lbaugh, President and CEO of Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes, signed the agreem ent during the visit of Brazil's President to the United States and following the annual m eeting of the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum , a public-private partnership between the Boeing and Embraer Sign Agreement for Broad Business Cooperation to Benefit Customers and Support Industry Growth “T his position reinforces our focus on aviation safety as an integral part of the Gulfstream culture,” Flynn said. “T om Huff brings a wealth of experience and k nowledge to this new post.” - L eading aerospace com panies to explore ways to enhance aircraft efficiency and safety, productivity and research - Com panies' cooperation supports U.S.-Brazil com m erce, trade and econom ic developm ent W A S H I N G T O N , /PR Newswire/ -- Em braer S.A . United States and Brazilian Governm ents which brings together chief executive officers from both countries. Curado and A lbaugh are co-chairs of the CEO Forum 's aviation subcom m ittee. Boeing and Em braer have agreed to pursue several areas of cooperation, including com m ercial aircraft features Huff com es to Gulfstream from Naval T est W ing, A tlantic, in Patuxent R iver, M d., where he served as the com m ander. A chief test pilot, he tested and evaluated Navy and M arine Corps aircraft and weapons system s while supervising a team of m ilitary, governm ent civilian and contractor personnel conducting m aintenance, m odification and flight-test operations for 150 A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-21 AVIATION NEWS that enhance safety and efficiency, research and technology and sustainable aviation biofuels. T hey will also look for other areas to work together to bring m utual benefit and value to custom ers. " T his significant agreem ent between two proven aerospace leaders provides real opportunities to reduce custom ers' operational costs and enhance fleet efficiency," said A lbaugh. " W e look forward to work ing with Em braer to grow our industry and build a productive relationship that will benefit our com panies and our countries." " Em braer has a clear com m itm ent towards innovation lato sensu as well as aviation safety and efficiency," said Curado. " I am certain that the collaboration with Boeing in som e leading-edge m atters will be beneficial for the industry and strengthen the ties between Brazil and the United States." T he announcem ent by Em braer and Boeing was m ade on the sam e day as the signing by the Brazilian and United States Governm ents of a M em orandum of Understanding on the A viation Partnership, to expand and deepen cooperation between the two countries on civil aviation, by facilitating the liaison between governm ent agencies and increase private sector cooperation and awareness, creating econom ic partnerships and prom oting investm ents. Boeing and Em braer have already engaged in other cooperative agreem ents. In July 2011 they announced plans to jointly fund an analysis of opportunities to produce sustainable aviation jet fuel from sugarcane. In M arch 2012, Boeing, Em braer and A irbus announced a m em orandum of understanding to work together on the developm ent of drop-in, affordable aviation biofuels. Em braer has had a corporate presence in the U.S. for over 3 decades and last year started m anufacturing activities at its facility in M elbourne, Florida, where it is currently assem bling executive jets. M ore recently, Em braer announced the creation of the Em braer Engineering and T echnology Center USA to conduct research and developm ent activities for both product and technology developm ent across Em braer's business lines. W ithout Borders" fellowships for 14 Brazilian aerospace and aeronautical engineering students. L ast week , the com pany announced that it will open Boeing R esearch & T echnology-Brazil to work with leading Brazilian researchers and scientists to develop aerospace technologies. T he U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum com es together to provide joint recom m endations to the two Governm ents on ways to strengthen the U.S.-Brazil econom ic relationship. T his is the Forum 's seventh m eeting. Boeing, Transaero Airlines Finalize Order for Four 787 Dreamliners History m ade as airline com pletes transaction on board Dream T our flight M OSCOW , /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) and T ransaero A irlines of R ussia recently signed an order for four 787-8 Dream liners. T he signing cerem ony for the order, valued at $744 m illion at list prices, m ade history by being held onboard the 787 during a dem onstration flight for T ransaero's executives, em ployees and special guests. " Our history with Boeing goes back to 1993 when T ransaero becam e the first airline in R ussia to fly with Boeing aircraft," said T ransaero A irlines Chairm an of the Board of Directors A lexander Pleshak ov. " Following our innovative approach and our continuous efforts to enhance our product quality, we have chosen the state-of-the-art, highly-efficient Boeing 787 Dream liner. It is very sym bolic that our airline becam e a participant of the first order announcem ent cerem ony conducted in the air on board the 787. Boeing 787s will perform flights on both T ransaero's dom estic and international routes." Captain Evgeny Nik itin, Com m ander of T ransaero's 767/777 flying unit, was copiloting the 787 during the entire flight from tak eoff to landing as the signing cerem ony took place. M ade prim arily from com posite m aterials, the Boeing 787 Dream liner is the first m id-size airplane capable of flying long-range routes and will allow airlines to open new, non-stop routes preferred by the traveling public. A s a result of innovative technologies, the airplane offers unparalleled operating econom ics, fuel efficiency and passenger com fort. M ore than 850 787s are on order by 59 custom ers, a Boeing has had a strong and enduring partnership with Brazil for 80 years, since delivery of 14 F4B-4 fighters to the Brazilian Governm ent in 1932 and as a com m ercial aircraft provider to Brazilian airlines. In October 2011, Boeing opened its Brazil office in Sao Paulo, and said in Decem ber that it will partner with the Brazil-U.S. Fulbright Com m ission to fund " Science A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-22 AVIATION NEWS testam ent to the airplane's unique capabilities. R ussia played an im portant role in creating this revolutionary airplane. Engineers from the M oscow Boeing Design Center participated in designing a num ber of k ey sections of the 787. R ussian m anufacturer V SM PO-A V ISM A supplies titanium parts for the 787 Dream liner. " Boeing and T ransaero enjoy an alm ost two-decades-long partnership and we are opening a great new chapter together with the 787 Dream liner," said M arty Bentrott, vice president of Sales for M iddle East, R ussia and Central A sia, Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes. " W e look forward to work ing with T ransaero to offer the airline's passengers the unprecedented com fort of the 787 Dream liner and our continued partnership with this great airline." T ransaero was the first private airline in R ussia established in 1991. T ransaero also was the first R ussian airline to introduce a Boeing airplane to its fleet. In 1993 T ransaero started operating its 737. T oday T ransaero is the second largest airline in R ussia operating the 737, 747, 767 and 777 Boeing airplanes. 55th Annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show Concludes in Washington, D.C. A ttendees and Exhibitors Depart the L argest W holesale A vionics Show in the General A viation Industry W A SHINGT ON, D.C., A pril 6, 2012 -- T he U.S. capital was a little busier this week as nearly 1,500 avionics m anufacturers, dealers, installers and other general aviation professionals Paul Ryan gathered A pril 3-6 at the 55th annual A ircraft Electronics A ssociation International Convention & T rade Show at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center in W ashington, D.C. T he four-day event, which is the largest wholesale avionics show in the general aviation industry, featured: • M ore than 25 new avionics products and system s being introduced. • M ore than 75 hours of regulatory, technical and business m anagem ent training and professional developm ent. • A n Exhibit Hall filled with the latest avionics technologies. • T he latest regulatory updates with international agency personnel. • M ore than $100,000 in scholarships awarded to avionics and aviation m aintenance students. • R ecognition of Paul R yan as the recipient of the 2012 A EA L ifetim e A chievem ent A ward. • R ecognition of Jim Joubert of Pacific Southwest Instrum ents, recipient of the 2012 A EA M em ber of the Y ear A ward. • R ecognition of M idContinent Instrum ents and A vionics as the recipient of the 2012 A EA A ssociate M em ber of the Y ear A ward. • L ive stream ing across the Internet on the A EA website of the A EA Official Opening, New Product Introductions and live Exhibit Hall coverage, courtesy of the A ero-News Network . • Free A ircraft Electronics T echnician (A ET ) certification and endorsem ent exam s to attendees, in partnership with the National Center for A erospace and T ransportation T echnologies (NCA T T ). • Unique social events and network ing opportunities with industry colleagues. " T his was a very productive week for our m em bers, associate m em bers and industry," said Paula Derk s, president of the A EA . " T he new products introduced to the m ark et this week will help our industry continue to grow and recover from the challenging econom ic realities facing our country and the international com m unity. T his year's convention them e was 'T ak e Pride. T ak e Ownership. T ak e Back Y our Industry.' A ttendees dem onstrated a positive outlook toward the future with a collaborative spirit of cooperation. Our m em bers are focused on proactively growing their businesses and developing leaders. T his was evident throughout the four days in our training sessions, the Exhibit Hall and our interaction with the regulators." T he A EA Convention is the preem inent venue dedicated solely to the general aviation avionics industry. Not open to the public, the event's prim ary focus is to provide avionics professionals with educational and m ark eting opportunities between equipm ent m anufacturers, distributors and governm ent-certified repair stations. T he general aviation avionics com m unity k nows the A EA International Convention & T rade Show is a m ust-attend gathering for growing their businesses, training their technicians and m eeting with their custom ers. In 2013, the A EA International Convention & T rade Show m oves to L as V egas, Nev., M arch 25-28. Pentastar Aviation Completes Full MD-81 Retrofit with Select CMS from Flight Display Systems Pentastar A viation has com pleted a full retrofit of a M cDonnell Douglas M D-81 featuring a com plete Cabin M anagem ent System (CM S) from Flight Display System s. T he M D-81 cabin has two distinct custom er seating areas which allow the V IP passenger to either relax in business-class seats with newly upgraded leather upholstery, or work at shared table spaces that allow for business m eetings during flight. M any of the seats feature an em bedded personal 7" W idescreen L CD m onitor to watch the latest Hollywood releases played on newly installed Blu-ray and DV D players from Flight Display System s. Each passenger seat can also get direct access to the Flight Display M oving M ap which provides real-tim e flight inform ation so they will always k now the current flight status. Each seat is also equipped with a 2-Button OL ED Controller to allow for individual audio and A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-23 AVIATION NEWS “power on” of the aircraft system s. In this way, functional tests can start earlier than on previous program m es. video selections. Flight Display System s was happy with the results from this project with Pentastar A viation. Steve L ord, R egional Sales M anager for Flight Display System s stated, “T his was a very unique project that was extrem ely well planned out by the Pentastar A viation engineering staff. W e were very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Pentastar A viation on this exciting project. T he end result truly exceeded our expectations. Airbus starts final assembly of first A350 XWB A 350 X W B next generation aircraft tak es shape Final assem bly of the first A 350 X W B is now underway at the brand new final assem bly line in T oulouse. T his latest step in the A 350 X W B’s progress is achieved as A irbus starts joining the 19.7 m etre long centre fuselage with the 21 m etre long front fuselage. T his first A 350 X W B airfram e will be used for the static structural tests that all new aircraft undergo as part of their certification process. T he assem bly of the first flying A 350 X W B, M SN1, will start during sum m er. T he centre fuselage was delivered to T oulouse on W ednesday 4th A pril 2012 by Beluga from A irbus in St Nazaire, France. T he front fuselage was previously delivered from St Nazaire to the A 350 X W B final assem bly line on the 23rd Decem ber 2011. Delivery and installation of the aft fuselage from Ham burg, Germ any will tak e place in the com ing week s, followed by the wings delivered from A irbus’ wing assem bly site in Broughton, UK . T he A 350 X W B fuselage is m ade up of three m ain sections - front, centre and aft. T hese will be joined together at the first m ain assem bly station, Station 50. T he nose landinggear is also joined here. Once this stage is com pleted, the fuselage is transferred to Station 40 where the wings and tail sections are joined. In parallel to this, cabin installation will be carried out sim ultaneously to the wingfuselage join up, as well as the T he A 350 X W B is A irbus’ all new fam ily of m id-size widebody airliners. T hese highly efficient aircraft bring together the latest in aerodynam ics, design and advanced technologies to provide up to 25 percent better fuel efficiency and operating costs com pared to current aircraft in the sam e size category. Over 70 percent of the A 350 X W B’s weightefficient airfram e is m ade from advanced m aterials com bining com posites (53 percent), titanium and advanced alum inium alloys. T he aircraft’s innovative all-new Carbon Fibre R einforced Plastic (CFR P) fuselage results in lower fuel burn as well as easier m aintenance. T he A 350 X W B benefits from A irbus’ high level of expertise in incorporating com posite m aterial into its aircraft. T he A 350 X W B Fam ily consists of three passenger versions with true long-range capability of flying up to 8,500nm /15,580k m . In a typical three-class configuration, the A 350-800 will offer 270 seats while the A 350-900 and the A 350-1000 will offer 314 and 350 seats respectively. SWISS opens new Arrival Lounge at Zurich Airport On 3 A pril 2012 the new SW ISS A rrival L ounge at Z urich A irport opens its doors. T he luxurious 700 sq. m . lounge offers arriving passengers a wide range of services including facilities for work ing, relaxation and freshening up. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-24 AVIATION NEWS values, and is com m itted to delivering the highest product and service quality. W ith its work force of som e 7,600 personnel, SW ISS generated total operating incom e for 2011 of CHF 4.9 billion. SW ISS is part of the L ufthansa Group, and is also a m em ber of Star A lliance, the world’s biggest airline grouping. PA T S A ircraft System s m aintains a large m anufacturing facility in support of a diverse aerospace product offering ranging from auxiliary fuel system s and auxiliary power units to the Hollingsead International electronics rack s and trays. PA T S A ircraft System s’ The new SWISS Arrival Lounge at Zurich Airport opens its doors L ocated in the public area of A rrivals 2 at Z urich A irport, the lounge is readily accessible within a few m inutes of landing and particularly appealing for passengers com ing off longhaul flights. T he lounge is fitted with state-of-the-art equipm ent and features elegant SW ISS design. A distinctive lim estone wall from the Jura M ountains of Switzerland and suitably stylish furniture com bine to create an appealing atm osphere. T he SW ISS A rrival L ounge’s im pressively spacious refresh facilities include 20 showers, from which it is possible to order an ironing service with the press of a button. T hree hotel-style bedroom s, one with a private bathroom , round out the features of this attractive facility. L ounge users with a thirst to quench or hunger to satisfy will find the bistro area offers an extensive buffet with a wide selection of cold and warm break fast dishes along with fresh juices and a choice of coffees. T he adjacent lounge area is furnished with com fortable V itra seats and enhanced by a com prehensive selection of newspapers and m agazines. Guests wishing to get som e work done will be able to tak e advantage of the 10 work stations and free W -L A N. Guests also have a private telephone cubicle at their disposal where they m ak e calls undisturbed. T he A rrival L ounge, which is open daily from 05:45 to 13:00 and replaces the form er A rrival L ounge in A rrivals 1, is available to SW ISS status custom ers as well as to SW ISS Business and First Class passengers. Swiss International A ir L ines (SW ISS) is Switzerland’s national airline, serving 70 destinations in 37 countries from Z urich, Basel and Geneva and carrying som e 15 m illion passengers a year with its 90aircraft fleet. T he com pany’s Swiss W orldCargo division provides a com prehensive range of airport-to-airport airfreight services for highvalue and intensive-care consignm ents to about 120 destinations in over 80 countries. A s the airline of Switzerland, SW ISS em bodies the country’s traditional PATS Aircraft Systems Receives AS9100C Certification Georgetown, DE – PA T S A ircraft System s is pleased to announce the Quality Certification approval for PA T S A ircraft System s to the ISO 9001:2008 + A S9100C standards. A S9100C includes all of the elem ents of ISO 9000, as well as additional requirem ents specific to the aerospace industry and represents a significant advancem ent in the requirem ents for com pliance. T his im portant aerospace industry qualification enables PA T S A ircraft System s to continue delivering quality parts and services to the aerospace com m unity and m ost aircraft Original Equipm ent M anufacturers (OEM s). m anufacturing can support a wide array of projects and has expertise in precision CNC sheet m etal fabrication and assem bly, certified alum inum and stainless steel T IG welding, aviation quality wire harnesses and L R U fabrication with the highest quality and custom er support. Our A S9100C registered Quality and Business M anagem ent System s are controlled by integrated eQM S and M R P system s for seam less k itting and tim ely delivery, all to the exacting quality and perform ance standards of our hundreds of aerospace OEM , first‐tier supplier and aircraft operating custom ers. PA T S A ircraft System s is an industry leading supplier of A uxiliary Fuel System s (A FS) applications, A erospace Com ponent M anufacturing (including the Hollingsead International product line) and V IP executive aircraft m aintenance, m odification, and executive interior com pletions services. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-29 AVIATION NEWS CAE deploys Airbus A330 training in Brussels and Rome Canada; São Paulo, Brazil; Seoul, K orea; and Z huhai, People’s R epublic of China. CA E is offering A irbus A 330 training program s in nine locations worldwide, including A sia, Europe, North A m erica and South A m erica. began in A ustralia in February and m oves to T urk ey from M ay 10th to the 13th, being held for the fourth tim e at the National Golf Club in Belek , A ntalya. T he field consists of 126 professional wom en golf players from 30 countries. T he winner of the 2011 T urk ish A irlines L adies Open cham pion, 24-year-old Christel Boeljon from Holland, is just one of the m any professional golfers who have built reputations in their field and will appear. Others fam ous nam es who will participate include A m erica's m ost successful player, Christina K im , British players M elissa R eid and L aura Davies, Scotland's Beck y Brewerton, and Sweden's Helen A lfredson. awareness of the sport in T urk ey which continues to gain in popularity. Etihad Airways adds 500,000 passengers 28% higher revenues in Q1 K arachi: – Etihad A irways, the national airline of the United A rab Em irates, continued its industry-leading growth in the first quarter of 2012, with a 28 per cent rise in revenue to US$ 989 m illion over the corresponding period in 2011 and passenger num bers soaring by 500,000 to 2.4 m illion. Prior to the T urk ish A E is deploying A irbus A 330 full-flight sim ulators to training locations in Brussels, Belgium and R om e, Italy to m eet dem and for pilot and m aintenance training in Europe and Northern A frica. T he A 330 FFS for the CA E Brussels training centre is now ready for training. T he A 330 FFS for R om e will be ready for training later this spring at the A litalia Flight T raining Centre. T he sim ulators will be qualified to JA A / EA SA L evel D JA R ST D 1A standards by the Belgian and Italian civil aviation authorities, respectively. T he A 330 FFSs feature CA E T roposT M -6000 im age generators and liquid crystal on silicon (L Cos) visual displays. Courses are available for CA E instructor-led “wet” or “dry” initial and recurrent pilot training, as well as for aircraft m aintenance technicians. C CA E also provides A 330 pilot and m aintenance training in K uala L um pur, M alaysia; L ondon / Burgess Hill, UK ; M adrid, Spain; M ontreal, Turkish Airlines to be the main sponsor of Europe Ladies Golf Tournament for the 3rd time For the 3rd tim e, T urk ish A irlines will be the m ain sponsor of the 4th T urk ish L adies Open to be held in Belek , A ntalya, T urk ey. T urk ish A irlines' ongoing support for the event is one of the reasons that golf has becom e m ore popular in T urk ey with a growing fan base. T he 2012 L adies T our A irlines L adies Open tournam ent, there will be a Pro-A m T ournam ent between team s of 4 that will include one professional and three am ateur players, with m any prom inent T urk ish am ateurs as well as m em bers of the foreign business com m unity participating. T he annual tournam ent, supported by T urk ish A irlines, has raised Etihad A irways President and Chief Executive Officer, Jam es Hogan, said: “Despite the tough econom ic tim es we believe our business m odel of organic network growth com bined with codeshare partnerships and strategic equity investm ents will enable us to continue to ensure sustainable profitability. Our seat factor has now hit a record high.” Etihad has announced a daily service to its first South A m erica destination and new services to V ietnam , Basra and L agos, with increased flight frequencies toDüsseldorf, Bangk ok , Cairo, K uwait, and Dam m am . Etihad now has a worldwide network that stretches across 84 cities in 54 countries and 6 continents. Etihad A irways will soon tak e delivery of seven new aircraft in 2012 – three A irbus A 320s and four Boeing B777s. T he carrier’s fleet will have grown to 71 aircraft by year’s end. T wo new freighters were also ordered in the first quarter for delivery in 2013 and 2014. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-30 AVIATION NEWS T he airline said revenue passenger k ilom etres (R PK s) rose during the first quarter by 26.6 per cent to 10.9 billion, thank s to growth in available seat k ilom etres (A SK s) through new routes, additional frequencies, increased seat capacity and strengthening load factors. Seat factor jum ped by 3.8 percentage points to 76.5 per cent, the highest first quarter level in the airline’s history. Etihad’s codeshare partnerships played a m ajor role in this growth, accounting for 18 per cent of revenues in the quarter.” R ecently Etihad A irways m ade China Eastern A irlines, its 37th partner airline. Its equity investm ents, in airberlin and 40% stak e in A ir Seychelles, are already bearing fruit and starting to see both revenue and cost benefits from such synergies. Etihad follows an active fuel hedging strategy to overcom e the high fuel prices challenge. Eighty per cent of its first quarter’s fuel costs were hedged and it currently has 74 per cent of fuel costs hedged for the rest of 2012. Etihad A irways beat its 2011 break even target last year when it posted a net profit of US$14 m illion. Etihad Cargo also defied the negative industry trend with revenues up 12.2 per cent to US$159 m illion. perform ance – m eeting or exceeding expectations in service reliability, fuel burn, and payload capacity. T he airplane entered service in October 2011 with launch custom er Cargolux. Boeing has delivered 14 747-8 Freighters to five airlines (Cargolux, Cathay Pacific, A tlas, A irBridgeCargo and K orean A irlines) around the world. " T he 747-8 Freighter was designed to give airlines m ore of everything they loved about the 747-400 Freighter," said Elizabeth L und, Boeing vice president and general m anager, 747 Program . " It gives them m ore capacity, m ore range, m ore efficiency. A nd it gives them less of what they don't want – less fuel burn, less em issions, less noise and less cost." T he new 747-8 Freighter has World's most efficient large cargo airplane is performing at high levels of reliability, efficiency and environmental performance EV ER ET T , W ash., /PR Newswire/ -- T he new Boeing (NY SE: BA ) 747-8 Freighter reaches six m onths in service this m onth, and the airplane is setting new standards of efficiency and exceeded dispatch reliability targets for its first six m onths of operation, and it's doing so in five different airline operating system s. T o help m ak e the airplane as reliable as possible from the very start, Boeing spent hundreds of hours getting the carriers ready to tak e the airplane. Boeing's 747-8 entryinto-service team work ed with the airlines to understand how they would operate the airplane, and m ade sure they had what they needed from day one -- from spares support to flight m anuals to training to engineering. T he first 747-8 Freighters delivered are operating even m ore econom ically than predicted. " W e k new these first airplanes would give our custom ers double-digit im provem ents in fuel burn over the 747-400," said Bruce Dick inson, vice president and chief project engineer for the 747-8. " But our in-service perform ance num bers show that these airplanes are a full percentage point m ore efficient than even we predicted. T hat m ight not sound lik e m uch, but that can save an airline m illions of dollars a year." T he airplane also is giving great im provem ents to airlines in capacity, allowing them to carry m ore – 16 percent m ore – revenue-producing freight than the 747-400 Freighter, while still retaining such advantages as the 747-400's nose door, which allows the airplane to carry outsized loads no other com m ercially produced airplane can carry. A nd, after testing showed the 747-8 Freighter has a stronger structure than expected, Boeing's engineers gave that im provem ent back to custom ers, adding 12,000 lbs. to the airplane's operating design weights – m eaning m ore payload and m ore custom er revenue. R ecently, the airplane received approval to operate at L ondon Heathrow A irport – the 200th airport around the world to perm it 747-8 operations. It has flown revenue flights to m ore than 60 airports around the world – m ore than its closest com petitor is even perm itted to serve. T he 747-8 Freighter gives cargo operators the lowest operating costs and best econom ics of any large freighter airplane while providing enhanced environm ental perform ance. A t 250 feet, 2 inches (76.3 m ) long -- 18 feet, 4 inches (5.6 m ) longer than the 747-400 Freighter -- the 747-8 Freighter gives custom ers 16 percent m ore revenue cargo volum e com pared to its predecessor. T hat translates to four additional m ain-deck pallets and three additional lowerhold pallets. T he 747-8 Freighters are powered with GE A viation's GEnx-2B engines. Boeing Delivers 60th 777 Passenger Jetliner to Air France EV ER ET T , W ash., /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE:BA ) and A ir France are celebrating the delivery of A ir France's 60th Boeing 777 passenger jetliner. T he airplane, a 777-300ER (Extended R ange) m odel, landed in Paris this m orning. A ir France's newest 777-300ER seats 468 passengers in a three- A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-31 AVIATION NEWS Convention Center W ashington, D.C. class configuration. T he brandnew cabin includes 14 business class lie-flat seat beds m easuring over 78.74 inches (2 m ) in length, plus an in-seat entertainm ent system with 15inch (38 cm ) wide screens in 16:9 form at. It also features 32 " A lize" new prem ium econom y fixed-shell seats offering 40 percent additional space com pared with seats in econom y class. A ir France, a m em ber of Sk y T eam , will operate this 777300ER between Paris and the French Overseas Departm ents in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean regions, including Fort de France, Pointe a Pitre and St-Denis de la R eunion. By sum m er 2012, A ir France will operate a total of 62 777 passenger jetliners and two 777 Freighters. T he 777-300ER is 19 percent lighter than its closest com petitor, greatly reducing its fuel requirem ent. It produces 22 percent less carbon dioxide per seat and costs 20 percent less to operate per seat. L ast year was the best year on record for 777 sales with 200 orders from 24 custom ers, topping the previous record of 154 set in 2005. Production is at an all-tim e high for the program and a 20 percent rate increase begins this fall, increasing from seven to 8.3 airplanes per m onth. T he program will begin building 100 airplanes per year beginning in 2013. T o date, Boeing has recorded orders for 1,367 777s to 64 custom ers around the globe. Paul Ryan Named 2012 AEA Lifetime A chievem ent A ward W inner Paul R yan R eceives Highest Honor Bestowed on an A EA M em ber W A SHINGT ON, D.C., A pril 4, 2012 -- Paul R yan was presented with the 2012 A EA L ifetim e A chievem ent A ward, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the A ircraft Electronics A ssociation's board of directors, during the Official Opening of the 55th annual A EA International Convention & T rade Show on A pril 4 at the Gaylord National Hotel & in In 1957, he established Dytronics Co. Inc., and a num ber of products were designed and sold to com panies engaged in the new aerospace efforts. By m ak ing null adjustm ents to sim ultaneously solve a couple of sim ple electrical equations, he realized that precise phase angles could be synthesized with rem ark able precision. T he resulting prim ary phase angle standard was quick ly recognized, accepted and adopted by the m etrology laboratories of all branches of the m ilitary, NA T O nations and m ajor aerospace contractors. In addition, while piloting a single-engine airplane traveling to serve custom er needs, R yan had a shock ing experience with the encounter of a thunderstorm . W ith a strong desire to help pilots avoid the dangers of thunderstorm s, he work ed on a solution. T he resulting product was the R yan Storm scope. T he highly successful product generated a 360-degree m ap around the aircraft for pilot viewing of lightning activity. It was sold to the 3M Co. in 1981. Currently, it is owned and m ark eted by L 3 A vionics System s, and m ore than 50,000 Storm scope units are flying today. Following the sale of Storm scope, R yan founded R yan International Corp., a long-tim e m em ber of the A EA . Under his direction, R yan International developed worldclass traffic advisory system products, trium phing over the challenges with uncom m on creativity. In 2005, R yan International Corp. m erged with A vidyne Inc. T he com bined com panies brought together avionics visionaries and extended A vidyne's capabilities and m ark et reach. R yan attended Ohio State University, earned a degree in electrical engineering and continued advanced studies in physics. T hroughout the years, R yan has been recognized with a num ber of awards, including the 2010 Benjam in G. L am m e M edalist award, presented by the college of engineering at Ohio State University, the highest engineering award for m eritorious achievem ent in advancing engineering. JAL signs an agreement to add a new Embraer 170 jet to its fleet Singapore, – A fter delivering ten EM BR A ER 170 jets to Japan A irlines (JA L ), Em braer has signed an am endm ent to the original contract, signed in June 2007 with the Japanese airline, for a new E170 jet. T he value of the deal, at list price, is USD 38 m illion. A s the previous ones, this E170, powered by GE CF34-8E engines, will be configured for 76 passengers, in a single class, and will be operated by J-A IR , which is a wholly owned subsidiary of JA L , serving the com pany’s regional network in Japan. Delivery is planned for the last quarter of 2012. “JA L ’s latest order is an im portant recognition of the EJets excellent perform ance in term s of schedule reliability, com fort and econom ics,” said Paulo Cesar Silva, Em braer President, Com m ercial A viation. “W e continue to build a solid relationship with JA L , which has been deploying our E-Jets to right-size som e of its narrow-body m ark ets and developing new routes across Japan.” A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-32 AVIATION NEWS first im plem ented in 2005, after being developed by Em braer to m onitor the status of its aircraft while they are in operation. A HEA D-PR O is a web-based platform developed to m axim ize aircraft flight tim e and to avoid unnecessary operating costs and delays, work ing with both preventive and corrective m aintenance. “W ith this additional EM BR A ER 170 order, Japan A irlines continues the process of optim izing its dom estic route network , begun in February 2009, when the first E-Jet started com m ercial service at J-A ir. T he E170 is extrem ely popular for a variety of reasons. First, with our business custom ers because it allows us to add flights as dem and in k ey m ark ets grows; second, our shareholders because of the fleet's econom ic contribution to our turnaround plan; and third, our Operations Departm ent because it is am ong the m ost reliable airplanes we operate today," said T suyoshi Y am am ura, J-A IR President and JA L Executive Officer. W ith the current fleet of ten E170s, J-A ir replaced old and inefficient aircraft on routes such as T ok yo-Haneda to Nank i-Shiraham a and between Osak a-Itam i to A om ori. T he airline also re-launched som e routes, including Osak a-Itam i to M iyazak i, previously flown with old and bigger jets, adjusting capacity to dem and. Embraer presents aheadpro at MRO event in the U.S Dallas, T exas, U.S., A pril 3, 2012 – Em braer presented its new A HEA D-PR O at M R O A m ericas 2012, A pril 3 to 5, in Dallas, T exas. T his is an evolution of the system developed by Em braer to continuously m onitor the status of the E-Jets aircraft, in real tim e. T he Com pany has booth 919, where it will dem onstrate products and support services for com m ercial aviation operations. “It is our priority to serve our custom ers better and to support their operations. For that reason, we constantly invest in developing and im proving support and broadbased solutions. A HEA D-PR O is one proof of that,” said L uiz Ham ilton L im a, Em braer V ice President, Services and Support – Com m ercial A viation. “L istening to our custom ers, and always focusing on supporting their operations and business, while collaborating to increase their earnings, is what drives us at Em braer.” T he new A HEA D-PR O is available for the EM BR A ER 170/190 fam ily of E-Jets, and is an evolution of the A HEA D (A ircraft Health A nalysis and Diagnosis) system , which was T he E-Jets fleet of the EM BR A ER 170/190 fam ily now has m ore than 1050 firm orders, and over 800 aircraft are operating with 60 custom ers in 42 countries on five continents. Million Air Ranks #1 in Pro Pilot’s 2012 Survey M illion A ir rank ed #1 L arge Chain FBO HOUST ON, T X . – M illion A ir was announced as Pro Pilot’s 2012 num ber one large chain Fixed Base Operation (FBO). T he survey also rank ed M illion A ir Dallas as the num ber 4, M illion A ir Houston as the num ber 6, and M illion A ir Salt L ak e City as the num ber 19 FBO out of the 35 United States FBOs that were rank ed. A m inim um of 45 votes from Pro Pilot subscribers was the threshold for rank ing in the T op U.S. FBOs. “W e are so proud and honored to be Pro Pilot’s num ber one FBO in the United States for2012,” said R oger W oolsey, M illion A ir’s chief executive officer. “M illion A ir believes that we becom e what we are com m itted to. We are com m itted to providing the best custom er experience with the best em ployees, so it’s so great to see when our custom ers believe in what we are doing. ” T his year m ark s the 39th annual Preferences R egarding A viation Services and Equipm ent (PR A SE) Survey. Pro Pilot subscribers scored FBO selections from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) in 6 different categories – L ine T eam , Custom er Service R epresentatives, Facility, A m enities, Prom ptness and Efficiency, and V alue for Price. First in Middle East to Fly Global 5000 Jet with Vision Flight Deck M ontreal, – Bom bardier A erospace announced that A rab W ings of A m m an, Jordan is the first operator in the M iddle East to tak e delivery of a Global 5000 jet featuring the V ision Flight Deck . T he new Global 5000 jet joins A rab W ings’ fleet of business jets, which also includes Challenger 604 and Challenger 605 aircraft. “W e are delighted to welcom e A rab W ings, a long-tim e Bom bardier custom er, to the Global jet fam ily,” said K hader M attar, R egional V ice President, Sales, M iddle East, A frica and India, Bom bardier Business A ircraft. “T he Global 5000 business jet, featuring the new V ision Flight Deck , com bines com fort, speed and range with the latest in avionics technology. A rab W ings’ custom ers will be am ong the first in the world to experience this fantastic jet.” he added. “T he Global 5000 jet’s perform ance com bined with its luxurious and spacious cabin A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-33 AVIATION NEWS and Lear 60 aircraft Bom bardier and A rab W ings executives celebrate the delivery of the first Global 5000 jet with V ision flight deck to fly in the M iddle East at Bom bardier’s facilities in Dorval, Canada, on A pril 3, 2012. m ak es it the ideal aircraft to m eet the needs of our discerning custom ers.” said M oham m ad A bu Ghazaleh, Chairm an of A rab W ings. Founded in 1975, A rab W ings is one of the first and longest standing private, executive jet charter operators in Jordan and in the M iddle East. In addition to charter services, A rab W ings offers aircraft handling, aircraft m anagem ent and m edical evacuation. A rab W ings is owned by the International W ings Group, an aviation holding com pany established in 2009. T he A rab W ings m aintenance facility in A m m an is a Bom bardier A ircraft-onGround (A OG) and L ine M aintenance Facility (L M F) for Challenger 604 and Challenger 605 aircraft. V ision Flight Deck : A break through in business aviation, the V ision Flight Deck is designed to deliver a com pletely new cock pit experience. By com bining the best in technological advancem ents with superior designer aesthetics, it provides pilots flying Bom bardier Global aircraft an unprecedented level of control and com fort. T he V ision Flight Deck introduces the R ock well Collins Pro L ine Fusion® avionics suite, providing an integrated flight deck to ensure interoperability between system s. Global 5000 Jet: T he super large Global 5000 jet com bines superior transatlantic speed with the largest cabin in its m ark et segm ent. It features high-speed Internet connectivity, unm atched entertainm ent options, a headup flight display system and one of the largest field-of-view of any business aircraft. W ith a range of 5,200 NM (9,630 k m ), the jet can connect city pairs such as Dubai-Perth, L ondonL os A ngeles, Sao Paulo-Paris, Hong K ong-W ellington, New Y ork Honolulu and at M ach 0.85 (561 m ph; 904 k m /h) non-stop with eight passengers and three crew*. Rockwell Collins Pro Line 4 to Pro Line 21 upgrade program extends to Astra SPX, G100 W A SHINGT ON, D.C.– A retrofit upgrade program involving the R ock well Collins Pro L ine 4™ to Pro L ine 21™ avionics system s has expanded to include A stra SPX , Gulfstream G100 (form erly A stra SPX ), and Bom bardier L ear 60 aircraft. T he announcem ent was m ade today at the 55thA nnual A ircraft Electronics A ssociation’s (A EA ) Convention and T rade Show in W ashington, D.C. T he upgrade replaces the legacy Cathode R ay T ube (CR T ) displays in A stra SPX , G100 and L ear 60 aircraft with the latest in liquid crystal display (L CD) technology. Operators will benefit from the latest avionics capabilities while extending the life and enhancing the value of their aircraft. T he Pro L ine 4 to Pro L ine 21 display upgrade solution, also available for Falcon 50EX /2000/2000EX , Beechjet 400A and Hawk er 400X P aircraft, features three or four large, configurable 10- by 8inch L CDs that include R ock well Collins’ Integrated Flight Inform ation System (IFIS). W ith IFIS, pilots have access to high resolution electronic charts, XM graphical weather, including NEX R A D, lightning data, satellite im ages and winds aloft, and enhanced navigation m aps. In addition, operators that upgrade to Pro L ine 21 join a large and growing fam ily of over 4,000 aircraft operators that are positioned to accom m odate future technology changes − including A DS-B out and Datalink m andates − due to the system ’s open architecture design. For m ore inform ation about Pro L ine 4 to Pro L ine 21 upgrades, click here or visit R ock well Collins’ booth (#335) at A EA . New DG CAA appoints K arachi:. M r. Nadeem K han Y ousufzai has assum ed the charge of Director General, Pak istan Civil A viation A uthority. M r. Y ousufzai has also had this position in year 2010 and has the distinction of serving second tim e. During his opening address to officers he advised them to work hard and m ove forward. He im m ediately attended the problem s of A ir T raffic Controllers and received very positive response from A T COs to call off their strik e. Director General, Pak istan Civil A viation A uthority em phasized on all the officers to work hard for the glory of CA A and Pak istan. Boeing, TAAG Announce Order for Three 777300ERs Order includes purchase rights for three additional 777300ER s L UA NDA , A ngola, /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) and A ngola flag carrier T A A G L inhas A ereas de A ngola (A ngola A irlines) finalized an order for three A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-34 AVIATION NEWS range of 7,930 nautical m iles (14,685 k m ). T A A G will configure its 777-300ER s to carry 293 passengers in a three class configuration. T A A G A ngola A irlines was founded in 1938 and is based in L uanda - A ngola's capital city. TAAG is dedicated to expanding its services and im proving the custom er experience by acquiring stateof-the-art airplanes, im proving its book ing system and instituting a custom er loyalty program . additional 777-300ER (Extended R ange) airplanes. T he order, valued at $895 m illion at list prices, also includes purchase rights for three additional 777-300ER s. " Boeing and T A A G share a strong partnership dating back m ore than 37 years. W e continue to build on that relationship to ensure we share the next 35 years together," said V an R ex Gallard, vice president of Sales for A frica, L atin A m erica, and Caribbean, Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes. " T A A G operates an all-Boeing fleet and adding three m ore 777s to its fleet will help T A A G continue to m eet its growing dem and with products designed for passenger com fort and airline profitability." A viation growth throughout the A frican continent continues to outpace the world average as m ore people fly to and from A frica. A ngola's econom y continues to grow at a rapid pace and with that growth com es m ore dem and for air travel. " A s we prepare our airline to m eet increased dem and for travel to and from A ngola, adding three m ore Boeing 777300ER s to our current fleet of five 777s will k eep us well positioned as one of A frica's leading airlines," said T A A G Chairm an Dr. A ntonio L uis Pim entel A raujo. " Our custom ers prefer the com fort of the Boeing airplanes, particularly the 777, and we are proud to add m ore of what our custom ers want to our fleet." T A A G will continue to grow its route network by using the new airplanes for route expansion including direct routes to R io de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, L isbon and Oporto, Portugal and other European destinations. T A A G currently operates three 777-200ER s and two 777-300ER s from L uanda, A ngola to L isbon ten tim es week ly, to Beijing once a week , to Dubai twice week ly, to Sao Paulo four tim es a week and to R io de Janeiro three tim es week ly. " T he addition of these airplanes to T A A G's fleet will further position our national flag carrier to effectively com pete with all the foreign carriers that want to serve the A ngola m ark et," said Dr. A ugusto da Silva T om as, M inister of T ransports. " T A A G's fleet will thus be a critical com ponent of A ngola's transportation network and a m ajor contributor to the A ngolan econom y as a critical foreign revenue earner to our growing econom y." T he Boeing 777-300ER is 19 percent lighter than its closest com petitor, greatly reducing its fuel requirem ent. It produces 22 percent less carbon dioxide per seat and costs 20 percent less to operate per seat. T he 777-300ER has a m axim um Stalder-Olsen, Head of logistics of the International Federation of R ed Cross and R ed Crescent Societies (IFR C) join athlete K riss A k abusi, scientist M anuel T oharia Cortes and politician Dr. Henning V oscherau in bringing their perspectives and expertise to the organisation and its activities. A s A irbus representatives, Fabrice Brégier, COO of A irbus (and CEO as from 1st June), A ndrea Debbané, Executive Director of the New Board members bring wide international expertise and know-how to the Airbus Corporate Foundation New Board m em bers bring wide international expertise and k now-how to the A irbus Corporate Foundation V irginie Guyot, fighter pilot and Birgitte Stalder-Olsen, International Federation of R ed Cross and R ed Crescent Societies join Board of Directors Foundation, and Barry Eccleston, President and CEO of A irbus A m ericas, also join the Board of Directors. T he A irbus Corporate Foundation has appointed two new external m em bers to its Board of Directors: V irginie Guyot, form er leader of the Patrouille de France and “I am very pleased to welcom e V irginie Guyot and Birgitte Stalder-Olsen, two exceptional wom en, to the Board of the A irbus Corporate Foundation. T heir expertise will truly enrich the organisation’s com petence,” said T om Enders, Chairm an of the A irbus Corporate Foundation and A irbus President and CEO. “A s our business fighter expands rapidly, I truly believe pilot and Birgitte A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-35 AVIATION NEWS in need all over the world. Since its launch, the A irbus Corporate Foundation has facilitated 26 relief flights to num erous destinations all over the globe. A irbus wins 1st corporate jet sale in Japan A CJ318 has widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet A irbus has to leave its m ark not only as a global player but also as a good corporate citizen. A irbus is fully com m itted to tak e its responsibility in m ak ing this world a better place, and I am very happy to advance with such a diverse and inspiring Board team .” Created in 2008, the A irbus Corporate Foundation aim s at facilitating charitable activities worldwide within an international network of em ployees and partners. T he Foundation focuses its support on three them es: Hum anitarian and com m unity support, Y outh developm ent and the Environm ent. Social responsibility coupled with a greater will to tak e care of the environm ent has been at the heart of the A irbus business activities for a long tim e. From its beginning, the Board of Directors of the A irbus Corporate Foundation has secured the support of international external m em bers bringing in their specific experience and k nowhow in the different fields on which the Foundation focuses its activities. In the field of Environm ent, the Foundation focuses on protecting, im proving and increasing awareness of the environm ent, and supporting projects with a particular focus on biodiversity. In 2010, the Foundation launched a Biodiversity Program enabling selected A irbus em ployees to m ak e a significant difference in the environm ent and the lives of a local Indian com m unity and upon their return, closer to hom e, to share their unique experience with their m anagers and colleagues as well as with local youth. In 2011, the Foundation also launched local projects to increase biodiversity awareness am ong youth in France, Spain, the UK and Germ any in local com m unities. T he Foundation also helps young people to develop the sk ills they will need later in life – in particular fostering cross cultural and global citizenship. T he “Flying Challenge”, (Inspiring youth through aviation), launched in 2011, m obilises volunteer A irbus em ployees and students from higher education establishm ents for supporting and m otivating disengaged school pupils tutorial sessions. T he third them e of the Foundation is to provide aid and relief in cases of natural disaster and reaching out to develop local com m unities where A irbus is present. A irbus has built up a global network of airlines and relief organizations to support international hum anitarian help and delivery flights of new to be delivered aircraft are being used regularly to transport goods to destinations A irbus has won its first corporate jet sale in Japan, adding a new custom er and building on its widespread and growing presence in the im portant A sia-Pacific m ark et. T he aircraft, an A irbus A CJ318, has the widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet, while being sim ilar in size externally to traditional business jets. It thus delivers unequalled com fort, space and freedom of m ovem ent, as well as the ability to carry m ore passengers. “Our first A irbus corporate jet sale in Japan builds on the growing presence of our m odern airliner fam ily, as well as encouraging greater use of business jets to help grow what is, today, the world’s thirdlargest econom y,” says A irbus Chief Operating Officer, Custom ers, John L eahy. “Cabin com fort and space are k ey in our business, and A irbus corporate jets offer m ore of these than any other business jet,” he adds. Corporate jets are widespread in m any of the world’s econom ies, but are still proportionately few in som e of the largest, such as Japan, where the opening of the first dedicated business term inal in T ok yo, Prem ier Gate Narita, will help to pave the way for m ore of them . T hey are prim arily used as business tools, helping com pany executives, billionaires and governm ent leaders to accom plish m ore with their tim e, and to be m ore productive while travelling. A irbus corporate jets already have a strong presence in A siaPacific, Europe and the M iddle East, and are widely used by com panies, high net-worth individuals, and governm ents. L ik e the m odern airliner fam ily from which they are derived, A irbus corporate jets m ak e extensive use of innovation and m odern technology to deliver worthwhile benefits, plus the robust reliability that their heritage brings, as well as worldwide support. A irbus corporate jets are derived from the world’s m ost m odern aircraft fam ily, and offer the broadest range of sizes and ranges of any bizjet m anufacturer, including V IP widebodies. T hey have won som e 170 orders since A irbus delivered its first corporate jet in the m id-Eighties, and are the only bizjets flying on every continent, including A ntarctica. SriLankan IAA among IATA top ten T he International A ir T ransportation A ssociation (IA T A ) nam es SriL ank an A irlines’ International A viation A cadem y (IA A ) as one of its ten best A uthorised T raining Centres (A T C) in South A sia, for 2012. T he award is a form idable endorsem ent of the outstanding contribution by IA A in developing hum an capital for tom orrow’s air transport industry and related sectors. “It gives us great pride and encouragem ent to receive this recognition from the world’s A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-36 AVIATION NEWS M anagem ent and T raining Sk ills from entry level to senior m anagers. IT DI delivers training at m ore than 200 locations worldwide to over 31,000 students annually from around the world. Bhoja Air launch flights to Islamabad top aviation trade organisation and strengthens the IA A in its pursuit of excellence, to em power hum an resources to face tom orrow’s aviation challenges” said SriL ank an A irlines’ Head of Hum an R esources, Pradeepa K ek ulawala. T he award was based on IA A s strategic direction and progress, quality of delivery, and end result on an overall high aggregate of 90 per cent. T he IA A is the training and developm ent arm of SriL ank an A irlines L im ited. Its portfolio provides m ore than 80 training m odules under five faculties (M anagem ent & Sales; Inform ation T echnology; Passenger, Cargo & Safety). It is a total solutions provider of sk ills, k nowledge and interpersonal sk ills training for all em ployees of Sri L ank an. T he IA A which has an IA T A regional training status, conducts globally recognised professional aviation training in Sri L ank a and the M aldives. IA A also work s closely with the United Federation of T ravel A gents A ssociation (UFT A A ), the Federation of Freight Forwarders A ssociation (FIA T A ), University of M oratuwa, Sri L ank a’s Civil A viation A uthority (CA A ) and A irport & A viation. Partnering the CA A , the IA A is engaged in launching aviation clubs in Sri L ank a’s schools in support of the governm ent’s ‘Guwansara’ Program m e which aim s to create awareness and interest in the global aviation industry, am ongst the younger generation. IA A is consistently striving towards becom ing the m ost preferred training partner and catalyst of south A sia’s aviation industry by providing the widest portfolio of world class aviation training. It also aim s to be a viable business partner by converting aviation training into profit generating business. Over 60 years, IA T A has developed the com m ercial standards that built a global industry. T oday, IA T A 's m ission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry. Its m em bers com prise som e 240 airlines - the world's leading passenger and cargo airlines am ong them representing 84% of total air traffic. K arachi : Bhoja A ir launched its Islam abad sector on M arch 30, 2012. T he first flight took off from K arachi for Islam abad on schedule tim e at 0815 hrs . T he aircraft landed at Islam abad airport at 1015 hrs. T he flight was greeted by local m edia professionals and senior officials of civil aviation authority. Bhoja A ir will be flying daily on K arachiIslam abad-K arachi sector . Bhoja A ir started its com m ercial operation with Boeing 737-200 aircrafts on 6th of M arch, with a flight from K arachi to L ahore. Bhoja A ir now operates two daily flights on K arachi-L ahore-K arachi sector, a daily flight on K ar ach i-I slam ab ad -K ar ach i sector and two flights a week on K ar ach i-M u lt an -K ar ach i sector. Bhoja A ir will very soon start its operations to Dubai and Suk k ur stations and will also increase its frequency M ultan sector. on Airbus wins 1st corporate jet sale in Japan A CJ319 has widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet A irbus has won its first corporate jet sale in Japan, adding a new custom er and building on its widespread and growing presence in the im portant A sia-Pacific m ark et. T he aircraft, an A irbus A CJ319, has the widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet, while being sim ilar in size externally to traditional business jets. It thus delivers unequalled com fort, space and freedom of m ovem ent, as well as the ability to carry m ore passengers. “Our first A irbus corporate jet sale in Japan builds on the growing presence of our m odern airliner fam ily, as well as encouraging greater use of business jets to help grow what is, today, the world’s thirdlargest econom y,” says A irbus Chief Operating Officer, Custom ers, John L eahy. “Cabin com fort and space are k ey in our business, and A irbus corporate jets offer m ore of these than any other business SriL ank an’s association with the IA T A T raining and Developm ent Institute (IT DI) is progressively becom ing stronger and is an invaluable support to the developm ent of the IA A . T he IT DI currently offers a continuously expanding portfolio of over 400 courses and a wide range of diplom as in the fields of A irlines, A irports, Civil A viation, A ir Navigation Services, Cargo, Safety and Security, as well as A IR W OR L D M ay2012-37 AVIATION NEWS jet,” he adds. (M ark etwire - ) - Corporate jets are widespread in m any of the world’s econom ies, but are still proportionately few in som e of the largest, such as Japan, where the opening of the first dedicated business term inal in T ok yo, Prem ier Gate Narita, will help to pave the way for m ore of them . Bom bardier A erospace recently announced that A V W est of A ustralia has placed firm orders for five Global 6000 ultra long-range jets, featuring the new V ision Flight Deck . T he total value of this overall order is approxim ately $292.5 m illion US, based on the 2012 list price for typically equipped aircraft. " Bom bardier's Global aircraft portfolio is unique to our industry. T ogether, the Global aircraft fam ily offers range, cabin volum e and flight deck com m onality that is unm atched by any com petitive product," said Steve R idolfi, President, Bom bardier Business A ircraft. " A V W est and Bom bardier have a solid, long-standing relationship. W e are delighted that they continue to place their confidence in Bom bardier and the Global aircraft fam ily." T hey are prim arily used as business tools, helping com pany executives, billionaires and governm ent leaders to accom plish m ore with their tim e, and to be m ore productive while travelling. A irbus corporate jets already have a strong presence in A siaPacific, Europe and the M iddle East, and are widely used by com panies, high net-worth individuals, and governm ents. L ik e the m odern airliner fam ily from which they are derived, A irbus corporate jets m ak e extensive use of innovation and m odern technology to deliver worthwhile benefits, plus the robust reliability that their heritage brings, as well as worldwide support. A irbus corporate jets are derived from the world’s m ost m odern aircraft fam ily, and offer the broadest range of sizes and ranges of any bizjet m anufacturer, including V IP widebodies. A V W est is a large A ustralian corporate jet operator and also owns and operates the Perth Jet Centre, providing 24-hour ground handling for all types of business aircraft as well as full Fixed Based Operation (FBO) and V IP services. T heir current fleet of m odern aircraft and helicopters includes a large cabin Challenger 604 and three Global Express X R S jets. In June 2011, Bom bardier confirm ed that A V W est placed firm orders for four Global 7000 and two Global 8000 jets. T hey have won som e 170 orders since A irbus delivered its first corporate jet in the m id-Eighties, and are the only bizjets flying on every continent, including A ntarctica. " T he Global 6000 jet is today's perfect solution to connecting k ey long range city pairs nonstop." said T im R oberts, Principal, A V W est. " In addition, the V ision Flight Deck and the overall AVWest Grows Bombardier Order Book With Five Global 6000 Jets M ONT R EA L , QUEBEC-- com m onality with the forthcom ing Global 7000 and Global 8000 aircraft m ak e it the obvious choice for A V W est." Success T he Global 6000 jet features the largest cabin of any inservice purpose-built corporate aircraft currently on the m ark et - offering m ore cabin volum e and m ore floor space than its closest com petitor. No other in-service business jet in the ultra long-range segm ent m atches the high-speed range capability delivered by this aircraft. Described as a break through in business aviation, the V ision Flight Deck is designed to deliver a com pletely new cock pit experience. By com bining the best in technological advancem ents with superior designer aesthetics, it provides pilots flying Bom bardier Global aircraft an unprecedented level of control and com fort. T he V ision Flight Deck introduces the R ock well Collins Pro L ine Fusion(R ) avionics suite, providing an integrated flight deck to ensure interoperability between system s. NBAA Says ABACE2012 an Outstanding Shanghai, China, M arch 29, 2012 – T he National Business A viation A ssociation (NBA A ) reported that, by a host of m easurem ents, the 2012 edition of the A sian Business A viation Conference & Exhibition (A BA CE2012) achieved the organizers' vision for the show as the largest and m ost successful business aviation event in A sia and a catalyst for the industry in China and the broader region. " A BA CE2012 m et all of our estim ates and expectations, as well as those for the Exhibitors and A ttendees," said Ed Bolen, President and CEO of NBA A , which presented the event in partnership with the Shanghai A irport A uthority, the A sian Business A viation A ssociation and the Shanghai Exhibition Centre. A total of 156 Exhibitors filled A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-38 AVIATION NEWS the 4,000-square-m eter hangar at the Shanghai Hawk er Pacific Business A viation Service Centre, and the adjacent Exhibit Pavilion that was added to accom m odate additional vendors. Bolen noted that all Exhibit space was sold out two m onths prior to the event. " One k ey indication of the success of A BA CE is that nearly one-quarter of those Exhibitors were com panies based in A sia," Bolen noted. " T hese com panies understand that A BA CE is a very effective venue for reaching their target m ark et, and gaining visibility in the industry." A ll of the m ajor aircraft m anufacturers were represented at the show, with 27 aircraft on Static Display just outside the Exhibit Hall on Hongqiao International A irport. Eight Exhibitor chalets offered an opportunity for representatives with the m anufacturing com panies to m eet with custom ers in close proxim ity to their aircraft. T he event's eight educational sessions provided a wealth of inform ation about what is needed to purchase, own, operate and m aintain a business aircraft. T he wellattended sessions took place throughout the show. A BA CE2012 was attended by high-level governm ent officials from the U.S., China and elsewhere. A m ong the speak ers at the show's two opening sessions were X ia X inghua, Deputy A dm inistrator of the Civil A viation A dm inistration of China, Y in Hong, Deputy Secretary of Shanghai M unicipal Governm ent, Nianzu W u, Chairm an of the Shanghai A irport A uthority, Y uk iyoshi Noguchi, principal Deputy Director of the Japanese Civil A viation Bureau, T ay T iang Guan, Deputy Director-General of the Civil A viation A uthority of Singapore, Jing Y im ing, V ice president of the Shanghai A irport A uthority (SA A ) and Chairm an of Shanghai Hawk er Pacific A viation Ground Services, L td., and John Porcari, Deputy A dm inistrator for the U.S. Departm ent of T ransportation. " L ik e all NBA A events, A BA CE is m ore than just a trade show – it is an advocacy platform for the business aviation com m unity, providing an opportunity to educate policym ak ers about the industry’s im portance to citizens, com panies and com m unities," Bolen said. " T he support A BA CE received from these im portant officials dem onstrates their understanding of the value business aviation can provide to China and the broader A sian region. W e look forward to work ing with these and other officials on efforts to prom ote a safe and efficient aviation system in A sia, and building on our partnership in the years ahead." Bolen noted that A BA CE2012 attracted attention from regional and international m edia organizations. Nearly 100 reporters attended a special press luncheon held before the official start of the event, including representatives from print and broadcast news outlets from across A sia and around the world. T hey reported on several new aircraft orders, partnership agreem ents and other significant developm ents, including k ey announcem ents m ade at 15 A BA CE Exhibitor press conferences. A s the show drew to a close, Bolen reiterated that NBA A and the SA A have reached an agreem ent for the city to host A BA CE through 2016. T he 2013 edition of A BA CE will tak e place A pril 16-18, 2013. " It's clear that, in a variety of ways, A BA CE2012 was an im portant m ilestone not only for business aviation, but for the city of Shanghai, for China and for the broader A sian region," Bolen concluded. " T he high degree of interest and enthusiasm shown by Exhibitors, A ttendees governm ent officials, m edia representatives and others at A BA CE2012 dem onstrates the potential for this event, and for the business aviation com m unity, in A sia in the years to com e. W e look forward to building on this year’s show with even greater success in 2013." Pacific • T his dealreinforces A m adeus’ com m itm ent to its fast growingfranchise custom ers by providing them with tailored IT solutions and support M adrid, Spain, :A m adeus, a leading travel technology partner and transaction processor for the global travel and tourism industry, announces it has signed a fiveyear agreem ent with UNIGL OBE T ravel, the world’s largest single-brand travel franchise, to provide content distribution services and IT solutions worldwide. T his five year contract renewal will extend UNIGL OBE T M C access to A m adeus inventory of 430 book able airlines, over 110,000 hotel properties, 30 car rental com panies and 22 of the world’s cruise lines, aim ing to incentivise growth of book ings within the UNIGL OBE network both organically and internationally.T he agreem ent will cover India, Belgium , United K ingdom , Netherlands, A ustria, Czech R epublic, Germ any, Italy, K enya, M exico, Slovenia, and South A frica am ongst other countries. T he two com panies continue to work together as part of a long-term strategic technology partnership to offer specialised travel services to m id-sized corporate accounts and vacation travellers. A lbert Pozo, V ice President M ultinational Business & Amadeus strengthens relationship withUNIGLOBETravel renewing its worldwide content distribution agreementfor five years • W ith this agreem ent A m adeus will be the UNIGL OBE preferred distribution system , expanding to 12 m ark ets in Europe, A frica, L atin A m erica and A sia Corporate T ravel, A m adeuscom m ented:“A m adeu s is proud to extend and grow its successful partnership with UNIGL OBE T ravelto new territories.UNIGL OBE clients A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-39 AVIATION NEWS will benefit from a truly global travel m anagem ent program m e with full visibility of their travel costs. Powered by A m adeus technology,the UNIGL OBE network will be able to access consistent and high quality data and m anage real-tim e travel inform ation across the globe.” A m adeus has created a set of best of breed solutions specifically for custom ers in the franchise segm ent, in response to agrowing trend toward local and regional T M Csworldwide network ing on global accounts. Says M artin Charlwood, UNIGL OBE President and Chief Operating Officer, “W e are pleased toforge a new fiveyear agreem ent with A m adeus. Using A m adeus technology, we can continue to broaden our global industry presence while m aintaining distinct custom er service tailored to local m ark ets across the 60 countries in which we do business. T his partnership gives UNIGL OBE a sustainable com petitive advantage in our endeavour to becom e the m ost dependable travel m anagem ent com pany in the world.” CAE and airline customers celebrate Montreal training centre CA E and its custom ers recently celebrated the revam ping of the com m ercial aviation training centre which is co-located with the com pany’s engineering developm ent and m anufacturing headquarters in M ontreal, Canada. “T here’s an energy in this building that you can feel, the can-do spirit of the CA E em ployees, all focused on enhancing aviation safety and effectiveness for our airline custom ers,” said Glenn Frederick , CA E Executive V ice President, R egional L eader for the A m ericas. CA E M ontreal offers training program s for the A irbus A 310, A 330, Boeing 737-800 and Bom bardier Dash 8 Q400 aircraft. A nchor training custom ers include A ir T ransat, CanJet, Jazz A ir L P and SunW ing A irlines. evening’s form al festivities. “W e are very excited that this beautiful aircraft will be on hand for all to adm ire and inspect,” said Jonathan Gaffney, President and CEO of NA A . “It is very rare for Collier Dinners that this can be arranged because of both the great diversity of past recipients as well as appropriate event locations. T his will m ark our second consecutive year the actual Collier-winning equipm ent will NAA Announces Hangar 7 at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport As the VenueFor the 2012 Collier Dinner T he 787 Dream linerT o Be Open For V iewing W ashington, DC, -- T he National A eronautic A ssociation announced that the 2012 Collier Dinner will be held on T hursday, M ay 10 in Hangar 7, (Signature Flight Support), at R onald R eagan W ashington National A irport where the 2011 R obert J. Collier T rophy recipient, the Boeing 787 Dream liner, will be on display as the focus of the be on display” (L ast year, Sik orsk y brought the X -2 to A rlington, V irginia for the Collier Dinner). T he Boeing Com pany was been selected as the recipient of the 2011 R obert J. Collier T rophy for “designing, building, certifying, delivering, and supporting the Boeing 787; dem onstrating significant advances in the use of m aterials, technologies, and system s to enhance safety, perform ance, com fort, and value in com m ercial aircraft.” T he Collier T rophy is awarded annually " for the greatest achievem ent in aeronautics or astronautics in A m erica, with respect to im proving the perform ance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly dem onstrated by actual use during the preceding year." T he list of Collier winners represents a tim eline of air and space achievem ents, m ark ing m ajor events in the history of flight. For tick ets or m ore inform ation about the R obert J. Collier dinner on M ay 10, 2012, or for com plete list of previous recipients of the Collier T rophy, please visit the NA A website at T he National A eronautic A ssociation is a non-profit, m em bership organization devoted to fostering A m erica's aerospace leadership and prom oting public understanding of the im portance of aviation and space flight to the United States. Etihad Airways wins global corporate social responsibility leadership premium honours K arachi: – Etihad A irways, the national airline of the United A rab Em irates, has won a prestigious Corporate Social R esponsibility award in Pak istan. Airline customers and CAE employees at the inauguration of the revamped CAE Montreal training centre. In the background is the new CAE 5000 Series full-flight simulator for the Bombardier Q400 aircraft. T he award for Global Corporate Social R esponsibility L eadership Prem ium was presented at the first CSR Business Excellence A wards 2012, organised by the National Forum for A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-40 AVIATION NEWS Environm ent and Health. T he award recognized Etihad A irways’ on-going com m itm ent to incorporating ethical values, com plying with legal requirem ents, and respecting individuals, com m unities and the environm ent. T his was achieved through outstanding, innovative and world-class services and projects im plem ented in 2010-2011. A ccepting the award on behalf of the airline, Etihad A irways A rea General M anager for Pak istan, Bangladesh and Nepal, A m er K han, said: “Corporate and individual philanthropy is an im portant part of Etihad A irways’ CSR strategy. In Pak istan, our CSR program s focus on hum an developm ent and econom ic em powerm ent to support underprivileged com m unities in the country.” NBAA Member Tells Congress: EUETS Costly, Intrusive, Unfair to Business Aviation W ashington, DC, – A senior pilot and operations technical specialist with Gulfstream A erospace appeared before the House A viation Subcom m ittee to express the business aviation com m unity's firm opposition to the European Union's (EU's) proposed Em issions T rading Schem e (ET S). Etihad A irways’ CSR initiatives in Pak istan during 2011 included ongoing flood relief, support for HR H T he Prince of W ales’ Pak istan R ecovery Fund, flying the Special Olym pics team to the world gam es, and m ore recently, sponsoring the Oscar winning docum entary “Saving Face”. " T he com panies of all sizes that rely on business aviation are unified with the rest of the aviation com m unity in our alarm over the proposed schem e," said L eo M cStravick , Senior Flight Operations T echnical Specialist with Gulfstream , who testified before the subcom m ittee on the industry's behalf. " T he proposal is unfair, intrusive, adm inistratively burdensom e and fails any reasonable costbenefit test for the environm ent. In addition to im posing a costly adm inistrative burden on businesses flying from the U.S. to European destinations, M cStravick noted that the EU's schem e is discrim inatory because businesses that utilize general aviation are not eligible for carbon offsets, as they are not defined as " com m ercial." M cStravick pointed out that the EU-ET S also raises serious concerns about personal privacy and business confidentiality, because the schem e would require com panies to provide a wealth of sensitive data, including bank account inform ation, flight data and other disclosures, all of which would be m ade available to the public. A dditionally, M cStravick explained, the schem e would do little to address global greenhouse gas (GHG) em issions, because the EU has no authority to require m em ber states to reinvest revenues from the ET S into aviation research and developm ent, or other em ission-abatem ent initiatives. " In other words," M cStravick said, " the EU-ET S would have anyone who flies from the U.S. into European airspace directly subsidizing foreign governm ents at the expense of aviation. " Here's the bottom line: Instead of trying to fix an approach that is this brok en, we in the industry would rather return to the appropriate, internationally driven process for addressing aviation em issions," M cStravick concluded. He said U.S. business aviation has a long-standing com m itm ent to further reducing its already-sm all environm ental footprint, with continuous im provem ents in fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) em issions. L ik e others in the aviation industry, the National Business A viation A ssociation (NBA A ) is a com m itted m em ber of a worldwide aviation coalition that has brought an aggressive proposal to further address aviation GHG em issions to the International Civil A viation Organization (ICA O), the appropriate body to establish such standards for global civil aviation. NBA A has joined with 15 other organizations representing the spectrum of the U.S. aviation and travel industries in strenuously opposing the application of the EU-ET S on U.S. airlines and general aviation, and supporting the objections of the U.S. governm ent as a m atter of international law and U.S. sovereignty. Congress has repeatedly expressed its concern over the EU-ET S. In October of last year, the House passed H.R . 2594, " T he European Union Em issions T rading Schem e Prohibition A ct of 2011," which would prohibit all flights originating in the U.S. from participating in the schem e, and would direct the Federal A viation A dm inistration to tak e every step possible to ensure flight operators are not penalized by the program . Sim ilar legislation was introduced in the Senate last year. " Our thank s to L eo for expressing to Congress the business aviation com m unity's alarm over the im pact of the EU's onerous em issions schem e," said NBA A President and CEO Ed Bolen. " W e also com m end Congressional A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-41 AVIATION NEWS supports rapid deploym ent of new features as they are certified and adapts to m eet future airspace requirem ents T his first delivery is on a Global 5000 jet. T he first delivery of a Bom bardier Global 6000 aircraft featuring the R ock well Collins Pro L ine Fusion as part of theV ision Flight Deck is expected in the com ing week s. lawm ak ers for advancing legislation to address the schem e, and holding hearings to highlight its m any flaws." Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion® ‘flies’ into the business aviation market Industry’s m ost advanced integrated avionics system enters service on Bom bardier Global 5000 aircraft CEDA R R A PIDS, Iowa – R ock well Collins recently announced that its Pro L ine Fusion® advanced integrated avionics system has entered into service as part of Bom bardier’s V ision Flight Deck *on Global aircraft. “Never before has there been an avionics system this sophisticated with such captivating enhancem ents in the business and regional aviation m ark et,” said Greg Irm en, vice president and general m anager, Business and R egional System s for R ock well Collins. “Pro L ine Fusion brings superior situational awareness, unprecedented flexibility, and a new level of secure, reliable synchronization between the aircraft and corporate flight operations.” Pro L ine Fusion offers unm atched breadth and capabilities that span from turboprops to air transport and m ilitary aircraft. T he system integrates and displays essential flight inform ation through em powering, graphically rich interfaces, including high-integrity headup guidance featuring synthetic and enhanced vision, and the industry’s largest form at L CD prim ary flight displays (15 inch). T hese state-of-the-art interfaces m ak e flying m ore intuitive and greatly enhance pilot situational awareness during all phases of flight. Pro L ine Fusion brings new features currently not available in the m ark etplace, including: • Certified synthetic vision on a head-up display that im proves safety and operational efficiency in lowvisibility conditions and unfam iliar territory • H igh est -r esolu t ion synthetic terrain data, which couples with R ock well Collins’ patented A irport Dom e that orients pilots before descent and targets runway highlighting on the airport diagram • Network ed capability enabling interoperability with R ock well Collins A scend™ to synchronize the aircraft and ground system s for database and m aintenance updates • A n open, softwarebased architecture which in the departm ent's interm odalism office. He also served as the m anaging director of transportation com m unication for the local organizing com m ittee for the 2002 W inter Olym pics in Salt L ak e City, Utah. In addition, he was com m issioner of the New Y ork City Departm ent of Ports and executive director at the Port of San Francisco. President Obama Nominates Michael Huerta to Lead FAA Huerta currently serving as Interim Administrator L EE'S SUM M IT , M O., President Barack Obam a has nom inated M ichael Huerta to serve a five-year term as adm inistrator for the Federal A viation A dm inistration. Huerta has served as acting chief of the agency since Decem ber 2011, following the arrest of form er FA A A dm inistrator R andy Babbitt for driving while intoxicated. He was elevated to the post by T ransportation Secretary R ay L aHood following Babbitt's arrest. T he nom ination m ust be confirm ed by the U.S. Senate. Huerta did not com e to the FA A with an aviation back ground. He previously served as chief of staff of the Departm ent of T ransportation and associate deputy secretary " W hile som ewhat surprised at the swiftness of the nom ination, we appreciate the fact that the Obam a adm inistration recognizes the need to nam e a new FA A adm inistrator now rather than later," said Paula Derk s, A EA president. " T here are too m any challenging issues in the im m ediate future, including NextGen im plem entation and the UA V m andate in 2015, to delay appointing a perm anent adm inistrator to lead the agency." Thomas Cook Group selects Rockwell Collins PAVES™ 3 IFE for 71 Airbus aircraft HA M BUR G – T hom as Cook Group, one of the world’s leading leisure travel com panies, has selected R ock well Collins PA V ES™ 3 in-flight entertainm ent (IFE) for 71 new A irbus A 320 and A 321 aircraft. T he selection includes the PA V ES 3 HighDefinition M edia Server, 12” widescreen overhead m onitors, and W iFi-enabled content applications and W eb pages. T he announcem ent was m ade A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-42 AVIATION NEWS recently at the A ircraft Interiors Expo® in Ham burg, Germ any. “T he custom er expectation for IFE has changed and will progressively change into the future. Society’s increased inform ation and entertainm ent appetite requires airlines to select innovative and flexible approaches for IFE,” said Bernd Bechtel, executive vice president of Group Fleet M anagem ent for T hom as Cook Group plc. Bechtel added, “R ock well Collins PA V ES 3 IFE solution offers an innovative platform where our custom ers can view m ainstream entertainm ent and inform ation content overhead or via W iFi on their sm art phones and tablet PCs. R ock well Collins shares our strategic direction and this will help us to rem ain up-to-date with the fast developm ent within this sector.” “T hom as Cook Group has ‘future-proofed’ its new fam ily of aircraft with its PA V ES 3 core com ponent selection,” said Dave A ustin, vice president and general m anager, Cabin System s for R ock well Collins. “T hat’s the beauty of PA V ES 3’s versatility − airlines can choose IFE configurations that m eet their needs now, and k now they are on a unique path for future upgrades and additions.” R ock well Collins PA V ES 3 is the only single-aisle digital IFE system to offer custom izable cabin configurations. A irlines can select from a variety of overhead and in-seat m onitor com binations throughout the aircraft. T he HD on-dem and, in-seat solution m axim izes passenger and operator satisfaction with a vast range of innovative features powered by a robust operating system . T he PA V ES 3 system builds upon R ock well Collins’ industry-leading PA V ES and dPA V ES system s, which are installed on m ore than 2,000 aircraft, and includes dram atic reductions in size, weight and power consum ption. T he system is available as a forward fit option or can be installed as an upgrade to existing PA V ES and dPA V ES system s to bring in-seat capabilities to those aircraft. Gulfstream Announces G450 Delivery to Nanshan Jet A ircraft Delivered: L arge-cabin, long-range G450 Intended Use: services A ir charter Com pany Back ground: Nanshan Jet is an air charter and m anagem ent services com pany initially operating out of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzen. Other Gulfstream s in Fleet: L arge-cabin, long-range G450 delivered in Novem ber 2011. T he com pany is scheduled to tak e delivery of two m o r e Gulfstream aircraft – a largecabin, ultra-long-range G550 and a large-cabin, longrange G450 – in 4Q12 and 2Q13, respectively. W hy Gulfstream : “T he G450 offers best-in-class com fort, perform ance, reliability and product support,” said Bin Y u, president of Nanshan Jet. “ T h i s aircraft provides for intracontinental and worldwide flight, while giving custom ers a luxurious flying experience.” Gulfstream Com m ent: “W e’re thrilled with Nanshan’s decision to purchase four Gulfstream aircraft as part of their air charter operation,” said R oger Sperry, regional senior vice p r e s i d e n t , International Sales, Gulfstream . “M uch lik e Gulfstream , this com pany is com m itted to bringing the trem endous benefits of business aviation to China.” Bombardier Kicks Off Q400 NextGen Airliner Demonstration Flights in the Latin American Region at FIDAE Air Show in Chile T OR ONT O, ONT A R IO-(M ark etwire - ) - Bom bardier A erospace's technologically advanced Q400 NextGen airliner will start a series of dem onstration flights in Chile and Peru around the 2012 FIDA E airshow where the aircraft will be on static display in Santiago, Chile. T he air show is the largest in L atin A m erica and runs from M arch 27 to A pril 1. T he Q400 NextGen aircraft, which features a custom " Get M ore" livery that reflects its outstanding perform ance, econom ics, passenger com fort and environm ental A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-43 AVIATION NEWS delivered aircraft are in service with approxim ately 40 operators in 30 countries, on six continents. T hese aircraft have transported m ore than 177 m illion passengers and have logged m ore than 3.2 m illion flight hours and over 3.5 m illion tak e-offs and landings. consciousness, will also travel to Peru after the air show. " T he dem onstration flights will provide m any opportunities to showcase our Q400 NextGen aircraft to potential custom ers who are eager to experience the airliner first-hand," said K evin Sm ith, V ice President, A m ericas Sales, Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft. " T he Q400 NextGen aircraft's fuel efficiency, operational flexibility, low-cost operation, reduced environm ental im pact and onboard passenger experience, position it as an outstanding solution for regional air transport in L atin A m erica. " In addition, the Q400 NextGen aircraft's high rate of clim b, single-engine service ceiling and optional drop-down oxygen system are im portant factors that contribute to its suitability for Chile and other m ountainous regions," added M r. Sm ith. L atin A m erica is experiencing robust econom ic growth that is projected to continue with the upcom ing 2014 FIFA W orld Cup and the 2016 Sum m er Olym pics being held in Brazil. T hese m ajor international sporting events are spurring regional growth, including investm ent in secondary aviation infrastructure, and the developm ent of low-fare carriers, providing wider access to affordable air travel. Som e low-fare carriers have started utilizing sm aller regional jet and turboprop aircraft to access secondary or tertiary m ark ets. Starting from a base of nearly 1,000 com m ercial aircraft located in the region currently, Bom bardier's 20-year com m ercial aviation m ark et forecast projects deliveries of 1,000 units in the 20- to 149seat category to L atin A m erica and the Caribbean (including M exico) through 2030. M ore than 60 per cent of the deliveries are expected to be in the 100- to 149-seat segm ent, while m ost of the rem ainder will be in the 60- to 99-seat segm ent, according to the forecast. Currently, m ore than 60 Bom bardier Dash 8/QSeries turboprops and CR J regional jets are in service in L atin A m erica and the Caribbean. Bom bardier has book ed firm orders for 428 Q400 and Q400 NextGen airliners. T he BA cityflyer to add one more Embraer 190 jet to its fleet Paris, France, – Em braer and British A irways recently signed a contract for the sale of one m ore EM BR A ER 190 (E190) jet. T he aircraft will be operated by L ondon City A irport (L CY )-based BA CityFlyer, British A irways’ wholly owned regional subsidiary. W hen delivered during the third quarter of 2012, it will bolster the airline’s total fleet size to 14 E-Jets. “BA CityFlyer’s follow-on order is a clear endorsem ent of the airline’s confidence in the E-Jets’ adaptability to its expanding L ondon City A irport network ,” said Paulo Cesar Silva, Em braer President, Com m ercial A viation. “BA CityFlyer can fully capitalize on the versatility and com fort that the E190 and E170 offer.” T his additional aircraft, configured with 98 seats in a spacious 33 inches (84 cm ) pitch single-class layout, will enable BA CityFlyer to expand its route network from the dem anding L ondon City A irport, where it is now the largest operator with the highest num ber of routes and custom ers. “W e are very excited about the arrival of our 14th E-Jet which will add frequency to existing business destinations and will enable us to open up new flying possibilities to popular leisure destinations,” said Peter Sim pson, BA CityFlyer M anaging Director. “T he EM BR A ER 190 is a terrifically fuel-efficient aircraft. It m eets our environm ental objectives and also delivers m ore space so we can offer a generous 23k g luggage allowance to each custom er.” Camo4jets receives EASA authorization for airworthiness reviews on Cessna Citation and Embraer aircraft Basel, SwitzerlandCA M O4jets A G has received EA SA authorization to perform A irworthiness R eviews (A R C) and CA M O m anagem ent for all Cessna Citation m odels, as well as, all Em braer business and com m ercial aircraft. T he authorizations enhance CA M O4jet’s expanding line of CA M O services, which includes A irworthiness R eviews and CA M O m anagem ent on a significant range of A irbus, Boeing, Bom bardier, Dassault, and Gulfstream m odels. “T his new developm ent boosts our com prehensive CA M O offerings,” said Colin A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-44 AVIATION NEWS Brick m an, Continuing A irworthiness M anager at CA M O4jets. “T he authorizations help us fill a growing niche and serve the m any operators that want to outsource their CA M O to airworthiness specialists lik e ourselves.” Since its launch in 2010, CA M O4jets has becom e k nown for its specifically tailored m anagem ent service pack ages. T he group already boasts a range of CA M O approvals including EA SA (Part M , Subpart G & I), Caym an Islands CA A and Berm uda DCA . “M any operators are finding that outsourcing a CA M O is an intelligent way to delegate responsibility,” said Brick m an. “T here are m any obvious benefits such as stricter cost control, higher aircraft utilization, reduced groundtim es and im proved dispatch reliability. W e have tak en legal responsibility for CA M Os on behalf of a range of operators, and because our engineers have experience stretching back over 25 years, we offer consistent and reliable service.” CA M O4jets’s suite of services also includes docum ent m anagem ent, aircraft m onitoring, as well as independent engineering advice on m odifications, upgrades and warranty claim s. Bombardier Business Aircraft Sales Team Expands Worldwide M ontréal, – Bom bardier Business A ircraft m oves forward with its sales force expansion recently announcing a new R egional V ice President in the U.S. and six new Sales Directors: three in North A m erica, two in China and one Stuttgart, T urk ish A irlines will add Brem en. Effective today,A pril 26th, flights to Brem en will be operated 4 tim es per week with departures on T uesday, T hursday, Saturday and Sunday. Daily service will begin on M ay 28th. T his will give T urk ish A irlines an even m ore com prehensive network in Germ any, m ak ing travel between T urk ey and Germ any even easier and m ore direct. for A frica, A sia and A ustralia. “W e see positive m om entum in an increasingly com petitive environm ent and are focused on growing our L earjet, Challenger and Global aircraft presence worldwide,” said Bob Horner, Senior V ice President, Sales, Bom bardier Business A ircraft. “W ith the world’s largest business jet installed base, North A m erica rem ains a k ey m ark et for business aviation activity. In order to grow our m ark et share on this im portant continent, we have added a new R egional V ice President and three Sales Directors. A ctivity in China continues to increase and the forecast for growth in this country is dynam ic with industry-wide deliveries estim ated at approxim ately 2,300 business jets over the next 20 years. W e’ve added two new Sales Directors to m axim ize the potential of this strategic region,” continued M r. Horner. North A m erica T im W hite joins Bom bardier as R egional V ice President, Sales, W estern U.S. He is a licensed pilot and has over 20 years of experience in A viation, specifically in business aircraft sales. In his form er position as Senior V icePresident, Sales, A m ericas, for Cessna A ircraft Com pany, M r. W hite built an im pressive track record and led a large sales organization. He is currently based in W ichita, K ansas. A fter two successful years leading the W estern U.S. sales team , Scott W estfall has elected to pursue his passion for work ing directly with Bom bardier custom ers and returns to the field, as Sales Director for the R ock y M ountains territory. Denis Jubinville was appointed as Sales Director, U.S., Pacific, Southwest. Denis joined Bom bardier A erospace in 1997 as a Business analyst and quick ly becam e a M ark eting M anager in 1999 before being prom oted to the position of Sales Director for Bom bardier Flexjet in 2006. A ntony R egillo is prom oted to the position of Sales Director, Canada. M r. R egillo joined Bom bardier in 2002 and gained valuable experience as a Sales A ccount R epresentative for Europe and A frica before being appointed Sales M anager, Canada in 2010. 2 Turkish Airlines adds Bremen in Germany to its network A lready present in 9 Germ an cities; Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frank furt, Ham burg, Hannover, K öln, M unich, Nurnberg and Flights will be operated by m odern A irbus 320 and 321 aircraft in a two class configuration. T urk ish A irlines operates Europe's youngest fleet and has been recognized by Sk ytrax as the " Best A irline in Europe" . Istanbul- Brem en Departure/A rrival T uesday, T hursday, Saturday, Sunday 11:25 13:40 (T K 1331) Brem en -Istanbul Departure/A rrival T uesday, T hursday, Saturday, Sunday 14:30 18:35 (T K 1332) *A ll tim es are local. T ick ets are now available with reduced prices starting from 99 Euros including all taxes and fees for travel starting before July 12th, 2012. New Avionics Products Highlighted by Flexibility, Connectivity and Capability A ero-News Network Produces Com plete V ideo Coverage of all 27 New Product Presentations One of the m ost popular sessions each year at the A ircraft Electronics A ssociation International Convention & T rade Show is the New Product Introductions. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-45 AVIATION NEWS T his year, 27 com panies introduced new avionics products and technologies to the general aviation com m unity at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center in W ashington, D.C., A pril 4. accom plished by bringing this great airplane to L ufthansa and the world." " A fter work ing together for m any years, we are very pleased to have the newest generation of four-engine aircraft join our fleet," said Christoph Franz, chairm an of Boeing Delivers First Lufthansa 747-8 Intercontinental Celebrations of delivery set for Everett on M ay 1 and Frank furt on M ay 2 EV ER ET T , W ash., /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) has delivered the first 747-8 Intercontinental passenger airliner to Deutsche L ufthansa A G, beginning a new era for the world's m ost recognized airplane, and beginning a new era of increased efficiency, stronger environm ental perform ance and greater enjoym ent for L ufthansa and its passengers. " L ufthansa and Boeing have a long and proud history of work ing together to bring new innovations to the airline industry," said Jim A lbaugh, president and CEO of Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes. " W e are grateful for L ufthansa's inspiration and leadership in helping us design a new Queen of the Sk ies for the 21st Century, and I'm proud of what Boeing em ployees have the Executive Board and chief executive officer of Deutsche L ufthansa A G. L ufthansa em ployees will conduct airline-specific preparations to get the airplane ready for a M ay 1 flight to its perm anent hom e base in Frank furt. Boeing will host a special flyaway celebration with senior executives from both com panies that day. L ufthansa will then host a special celebration when the airplane arrives in Frank furt on M ay 2. Details of those celebrations will be announced soon. T he 747-8 Intercontinental will bring double-digit im provem ents in fuel burn and em issions over its predecessor, the 747-400, while generating 30 percent less noise. T he 747-8 Intercontinental's Dream linerinspired interior includes a new curved, upswept architecture giving passengers a greater feeling of space and com fort, while adding m ore room for personal belongings. It is powered by GE A viation's GEnx-2B engines. NBAA Offers Guide to Independent Contractors W ashington, DC, – A s business aviation operators continue to contain costs and accom plish m ore goals while conserving resources, m any are turning to independent contractors – either directly or through third party organizations that specialize in providing contingent work ers. Nationwide, four out of five com panies use som e sort of contingent labor. W hat m any em ployers don't realize is that classifying a work er as an em ployee or independent contractor is a decision that m ust be m ade after carefully consulting federal and state law. If a work er is classified incorrectly, there are significant tax, liability, and legal risk s for the em ployer. Now, the National Business A viation A ssociation (NBA A ) has published a com prehensive guide aim ed at helping flight operators properly classify work ers as either em ployees or independent contractors. M isclassification of work ers could lead to significant problem s as flight departm ents try to navigate the wide array of state and national regulations covering independent contractors. " T he U.S. Departm ent of L abor has one standard it applies. T he Internal R evenue Service has another. T hen we have 50 states with, quite frank ly, 50 different interpretations about what it m eans to be an em ployee versus an independent contractor," said em ploym ent law expert Greg R ipple at the firm of M iller Johnson in Grand R apids, M ichigan, who also serves as chair of NBA A 's Em ploym ent Issues W ork ing Group. For governm ent at all levels, tens of billions of dollars are on the line – m oney that could be lost if work ers who should be classified as full- or part-tim e are instead treated as independent contractors. NBA A 's Best Practices for Utilizing Independent Contractors outlines issues related to properly classifying independent contractors, providing em ployers with an overview of the various state and federal governm ent tests they can use to determ ine the status of a work er. W hile the IR S has one test, other federal agencies have different tests as do the various states. " T his new NBA A resource is a m ust-have guide to navigating the classification of work ers," said Scott O'Brien, a project m anager at NBA A who work ed with A ssociation's Em ploym ent Issues W ork ing Group and A viation Insurance Com m ittee to create the guide. " Not only does it address the tax and em ploym ent law considerations when using independent contractors, the guide also reviews how the status of a work er m ay affect aircraft insurance." Best Practices for Utilizing Independent Contractors lays out several different scenarios to illustrate different em ploym ent classification issues. It also contains best A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-46 AVIATION NEWS practices m anagers can im plem ent when planning to use an independent contractor or evaluating current arrangem ents with contingent work ers. Eclipse Receives Production Certificate from FAA for the Eclipse 550 A lbuquerque, NM , — Eclipse A erospace, Inc., m anufacturer of the world's first very-light jet (V L J), today announced that it has received Production Certificate #550 from the Federal A viation A dm inistration (FA A ), paving the way for production of the new Eclipse 550 twin-engine jet. R epresentatives from the FA A presented the production certificate to Cary W inter, Senior V ice President of Eclipse A erospace, earlier today at a cerem ony held at Eclipse's A lbuquerque headquarters. A production certificate allows a com pany to m anufacture aircraft and parts in conform ance with FA A approved type design, and is only granted when the FA A has determ ined that the organization's m anufacturing processes and quality system s com ply with all federal regulations. " A rm ed now with a fully certified aircraft, a certified production process, and an established supply chain, Eclipse is well positioned to reintroduce the Eclipse Jet to new production. Earning our FA A production certificate m eans we have successfully built a reliable, high-quality m anufacturing process, and are well positioned to expedite aircraft deliveries," said W inter. T he rigorous FA A production certificate approval process includes the exhaustive evaluation of an organization's m anufacturing processes, quality control, and production inspection system . A team of FA A inspectors perform s m ultiple audits on the organization and exam ines approved design data for com pliance. platform , but will deliver with the next evolution of aircraft system s for general aviation jets. System s upgrades include auto-throttles, synthetic vision, enhanced vision, and a redundant flight m anagem ent system . First deliveries are expected in m id 2013. First Set of Systems Tests and Simulations Underway for Bombardier CSeries Aircraft Program on track to meet key aircraft performance targets T OR ONT O, ONT A R IO-(M ark etwire -) - Bom bardier announced today that the first set of system s tests and sim ulations for its all-new, technologically advanced CSeries aircraft, including those on the engine and electrical system , have started in its system s integration rig k nown as " A ircraft 0" (i) -k nown also as the Com plete Integrated A ircraft System s T est A rea (CIA ST A ). T est data are confirm ing that the aircraft developm ent program is on track to reach k ey perform ance targets as the drive towards Entry-Into-Service (EIS) in late 2013 continues. T hese m ajor program m ilestones signal that Bom bardier and its suppliers are m ak ing significant progress in the developm ent of the CSeries aircraft. A pproxim ately 90 per cent of the CSeries aircraft's system s will be tested in the first half of 2012 on " A ircraft 0," which is located at the com pany's M irabel, Quebec facility, 40 k m north of M ontreal. T he progressive com m issioning of the system s will be ongoing throughout the year to ensure continued aircraft validation on the ground, prior to flight testing. " Over 200 com ponents and system s for the CSeries aircraft are being tested worldwide and I am pleased to say that the data received so far is confirm ing our k ey perform ance targets and exceeding our expectations in m any areas," said R ob Dewar, V ice President and General M anager, CSeries, Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft. " Pratt & W hitney has run over 1,300 hours of full engine testing on the PW 1500G engine that will power the CSeries aircraft and the first set of final assem bly tooling at M irabel is com plete. A dditionally, assem bly sim ulation exercises are underway to optim ize learning; and the prevalidation of the assem bly process, as well as environm ental health and " T his was a great effort by our Quality, Engineering, Production, Supply Chain, and Facilities team s. W e also appreciate the professionalism and dedication the FA A M IDO dem onstrated throughout this initiative, and look forward to advancing the Eclipse 550 aircraft to full scale production," com m ented W inter. T he new m odel Eclipse 550 twin-engine jet is built upon the sam e proven Eclipse 500 A ir W orld M ayl 2012- 47 AVIATION NEWS specific repair solutions and extended databases, and will be approved to handle airfram e and warranty issues on behalf of Em braer custom ers. safety requirem ents up front is a k ey focus. " T he developm ent team for the CSeries aircraft is extrem ely engaged, com m itted, work ing hard and m ak ing outstanding progress towards achieving first flight approxim ately one year prior to the EIS," added M r. Dewar. " In term s of sales, we're right on track with 11 custom ers having placed orders, options, and other com m itm ents for up to 317 CSeries aircraft," said Chet Fuller, Senior V ice President, Com m ercial, Bom bardier Com m ercial A ircraft. " A m ongst these we have m ajor network carriers, national carriers, prem ium airlines serving city centre airports, a low-cost airline, leasing com panies and a full service provider to airline partners. T his diversity of custom ers speak s volum es about the flexibility of the CSeries aircraft fam ily and its ability to m eet air transport requirem ents worldwide in the 100- to 149-seat m ark et segm ent. " Currently, we're talk ing to m ore than 70 prospective operators worldwide and our recently announced agreem ent with COM A C creates opportunities for custom ers of the CSeries and C919 aircraft to realize cost benefits from the operation of both aircraft fam ilies," added M r. Fuller. Turkish Airlines helps keep our nation green T urk ish A irlines has partnered with the General Directorate of Forestry to plant a m illion trees in various forests in T urk ey. A sapling Pictured; Turkish Airlines’ Chief Executive Officer, Dr.Temel Kotil, Ph.D, General Director of Forestry, Mustafa Kurtulmuşlu. will be planted for each child traveling on T urk ish A irlines under the age of 2. By signing the protocol, T HY is helping to ensure the health of T urk ish forests for future generations. T hese " m em ory trees" will rem ind all our citizens of the responsibility we have to be socially responsible with our forest use. General Director of Forestry, M ustafa K urtulm uşlu thank ed T urk ish A irlines for its role in preserving our precious natural forests through a program with children--those who will m ost benefit from their presence in years to com e. T urk ish A irlines’ Chief Executive Officer, T em el K otil, Ph.D. said; “I believe that, this cooperation and collaboration will m ak e our work m ore efficient and effective, enabling m ore people to enhance awareness of the im portance of k eeping our nation green”. T urk ish A irlines’ passengers are now able to contribute this cam paign launched under the slogan of “Join us with the planting of asapling“ by sending SM S to 1923 for 5 T L (type T HY ). Embraer names Lotams as New authorised aircraft service center Paris, France, – Em braer today signed a five-year agreem ent with Poland’s L OT A M S, to becom e its A uthorized A ircraft Service center. T he expanding W arsaw-based M R O services provider, which was form erly part of the L OT Polish A irlines group, will provide routine check s, scheduled and unscheduled m aintenance, together with com ponent repairs for both Em braer com m ercial aircraft fam ilies ER J 145 and E-Jets. “W e are very pleased to expand our custom er support and Em braer approved M R O network with L OT A M S. T his arrangem ent form alizes m ore than 10 years of d i l i g e n t m aintenance experience on our Em braer com m ercial jets fam ilies,” said Johann C. B o r d a i s , Em braer V ice Pr esid en t , Services & Support – Europe, A frica and the M iddle East. “L OT A M S is conveniently located in a central strategic position in Europe, enabling it to support airfram e m aintenance needs in both Eastern and W estern Europe.” Based at W arsaw International A irport, L OT A M S will have access to Em braer’s structure- “W e are very proud to receive this endorsem ent from Em braer. W e already support L OT Polish’s Em braer fleet, but we are k eenly developing our third party custom er base,” said Janusz K rynick i, President of L OT A M S. “W e are confident in providing Em braer’s custom ers with services that fully satisfy their expectations, especially with regard to the quality of Polish work m anship, expertise, availability and cost effectiveness.” TSO Approval Granted for Universal Avionics’ UniLink UL800/801 Communications Management Unit T ucson, A Z – – T he Federal A viation A dm inistration (FA A ) has granted T echnical Standard Order (T SO) approval for Universal A vionics’ third generation A irborne Datalink System , UniL ink UL -800/801 Com m unications M anagem ent Unit (CM U). Universal A vionics is pleased to report that delivery of UL -800/801 A IR W OR L D M ay-2012-48 AVIATION NEWS units has begun with Universal’s M anufacturing Division operating at full capacity to fulfill orders. will grow to 24 aircraft within three years. Jetstar Japan’s A 320s are configured in a high com fort all econom y layout with 180 seats. Each aircraft is powered by IA E V 2500 engines. UniL ink UL -800/801 A irborne Datalink features: FA NS 1/A + Com pliance Controller Pilot Data L ink Com m unications Capability (CPDL C) M ultiple M edia R outing Full Functionality A DS-C R eporting A CA R S/CM U A uto Position Hi-R es W eather Graphics L oadable Custom Database Capability DO-178B L evel C Com pliant CNS/A T M Provisioned, including EUR OCONT R OL ’s L ink 2000+ Program m e CV /FDR Data R ecording Output Internal V HF Datalink R adio (For UL -801 m odels) SA T COM Capability Interface T he UniL ink provides superior operations and control of digital com m unications between the pilot and A ir T raffic Controller (A T C) in the exceedingly com plex Com m unication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) A ir T raffic M anagem ent (A T M ) environm ent. T he UL -800/801 provides an opportunity to tak e full advantage of the safety and efficiency benefits that advanced datalink capabilities offer. T he UL -800/801 interfaces with Universal A vionics’ current FM S product line with either 4” or 5” Control Display Units. For increased versatility, UL 801 includes an internal V HF Data R adio (V DR ). T he UL 801’s internal V DR saves weight, space, and the installation of an external V DR . T he UL -801 m ay transm it and receive data via V DR or SA T COM depending upon geographic location, reducing operational costs substantially. Executive Jets. “T his is a great achievem ent, since it represents a quarter of the 500 executive jets we have delivered worldwide.” Embraer romotes Executive jets at AeroExpo 2012, Mexico M exico has the second largest business aircraft fleet in the world, which includes Em braer’s Phenom 100, Phenom 300 and L ineage 1000. T oluca, M exico, A pril 23, 2012 – Em braer will be participating in the ninth International A viation T rade Show & Convention – A eroExpo 2012 (www.A .m x), at T oluca International A irport, in M exico, A pril 26-28. T he Com pany will showcase the entry level Phenom 100, light Phenom 300 and large L egacy 650 executive jets at the static display at T oluca, one of the m ost im portant air shows in L atin A m erica. Em braer will hold a press conference on T hursday, A pril 26, at 11:00 a.m ., in the Press Conference Center at the show. “Business aviation in the L atin A m erican m ark et is steadily growing, as shown by the fact that Em braer has delivered m ore than 125 executive jets in the region,” said Breno Corrêa, V ice President, M ark eting and Sales, L atin A m erica, Em braer Besides seeing the jets at the static display, visitors also will get acquainted with Em braer’s full range of executive jets, which includes the m idlight L egacy 450, the m idsize L egacy 500, the super m idsize L egacy 600 and the ultra-large L ineage 1000. Jetstar Japan takes delivery of its first Airbus A320 aircraft Narita-based low-cost carrier to start services in July 2012 Jetstar Japan, one of Japan’s newest low-cost carriers (L CC), has tak en delivery of its first A irbus A 320 aircraft in T oulouse, France. T he Japanese carrier will start com m ercial services in July operating from Narita to K ansai, Fuk uok a, Sapporo, and Ok inawa with an initial fleet of three aircraft. T his fleet “W e are extrem ely happy to tak e delivery of our brand new A irbus A 320. W ith its wider seats and m ore spacious cabin than the com petition, we are positioned to providebetter value that our custom ers will appreciate as well as fast turnarounds, which is k ey to our business m odel,” Jetstar Japan President M iyuk i Suzuk i said. “W e aim to becom e the num ber one L CC in the Japanese m ark et, and the A 320 will help us achieve our goals.” “W e are delighted to welcom e Jetstar Japan as our newest A irbus operator. T he A 320 has the widest m ost com fortable cabin and the best perform ance of any single-aisle aircraft. Passengers love it and operators love it too,” said A irbus Chief Operating Officer, Custom ers John L eahy. “T he A 320 is already the aircraft of choice in A sia with som e 80 per cent m ark et share in the L CC m ark et.” Jetstar Japan, established in 2011, is a joint venture between the Qantas Group, Japan A irlines (JA L ), M itsubishi Corporation and Century T ok yo L easing Corporation.Jetstar Japan’s A irbus fleet is from an order for 110 A 320 Fam ily aircraft placed by the Qantas Group in October 2011. A s of today, nearly 8,400 A irbus A 320 Fam ily aircraft have been sold to m ore than 340 custom ers and operators worldwide, m ak ing it the world’s best selling com m ercial jetliner ever. W ith proven reliability and extended servicing periods, the A 320 Fam ily has the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-49 AVIATION NEWS Boeing Statement on China Eastern Airlines Commitment to Buy 20 777-300ERs SEA T T L E, /PR Newswire/ -Boeing (NY SE: BA ) announced that China Eastern A irlines has agreed to buy 20 Boeing 777300ER s (Extended R ange), as the airline plans to expand its capacity to m eet growing dem and in A sia-Pacific and China, the m ost dynam ic m ark et for com m ercial airplanes. T he agreem ent requires Chinese Governm ent approval, and Boeing look s forward to work ing with China Eastern A irlines to obtain approval, after which tim e the order will be posted to Boeing's Orders & Deliveries W ebsite. " China Eastern A irlines is a long-term valued custom er of T he Boeing Com pany. W e are delighted that China Eastern has decided to add the 777300ER to its expanding fleet," said Ihssane M ounir, vice president of Sales and M ark eting for Greater China and K orea, Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes. " T his additional com m itm ent from one of the largest airlines in the world is a testam ent to the benefits the 777-300ER brings to the airline and its passengers." T he Boeing 777 is the world's m ost successful twin-engine, long-haul airplane. T he 777300ER extends the 777 fam ily's span of capabilities, bringing twin-engine efficiency and reliability to the long-range m ark et. T he airplane carries 365 passengers up to 7,930 nautical m iles (14,685 k m ). Boeing incorporated several perform ance enhancem ents for the 777-300ER , extending its range and payload capabilities. Excellent perform ance during flight testing, com bined with engine efficiency im provem ents and design changes that reduce drag and airplane weight, contributed to the increased capability. Embraer kicks off Legacy 650 flight demo with new interior M elbourne, Florida, – Em braer launched the global tour of the L egacy 650 with the new 2012 Interior recently at the NBA A R egional Forum in V an Nuys, CA . During the Forum , the 2012 L egacy 650 was joined by the Com pany’s entire fleet of in-service executive jets from the entrylevel Phenom 100 to the ultralarge L ineage 1000. T he L egacy 650 is sporting its new, state-of-the-art im provem ents to passenger com fort and productivity as well as advanced cock pit technology that is now standard on the large-class executive aircraft. “T he 2012 L egacy 650 interior significantly raises the bar for the large executive aircraft class,” said Ernest Edwards, President, Em braer Executive Jets. “W e offer a new cabin m anagem ent system , reduced noise levels and avionics advances that equip the aircraft for the future air traffic control system . It also includes new finishing m aterials for cabin, galleys and lavatories. W ith this new interior custom ers will have a m ore advanced and com fortable environm ent in which to relax or to m aintain their productivity.” A fter the NBA A Forum , the aircraft began a year-long tour, which will include num erous stops besides m ajor industry events. In addition, it will m ak e appearances in Europe at the European Business A viation Convention and Exhibition scheduled for M ay 14-16 in Geneva and the Farnborough A ir Show July 8-15. It will be shown at the L atin A m erican Business A viation Convention and Exhibition, A ugust 14-18, in Sao Paulo, Brazil and the 65th A nnual NBA A show scheduled for October 30Novem ber 1 in Orlando, FL . It is also scheduled for for appearances at m ajor shows in the M iddle East, A frica and A sia. T he new cabin m anagem ent system (CM S) -- Honeywell’s Ovation® SelectT M – is the sam e as that offered on Em braer’s in-developm ent program s, the L egacy 450 and L egacy 500. T he all-digital system features high definition m onitors and audio. T he m edia unit features iPod and iPhone dock ing system s, a 3-D m oving m ap and blu-ray player. It also includes USB, HDM I, V GA and Com posite video ports. T he interior includes an 8.9inch touchscreen CM S controller in the galley as well as individual, in-seat touchscreen units that control video, audio, lighting and tem perature. A 17.5-inch L CD m onitor com es standard but custom ers can choose from a num ber of m onitor options including up to a 32-inch credenza version, a 24-inch, aft-bulk head configuration or individual seat m onitors. T he entire system can be com plem ented by crisp, twozone surround sound. For US operators, the L egacy 650 can com e equipped with X M R adio. In addition to im proved interior storage and restyled seats, Em braer is now offering 12 species of finishing veneers along with six optional prem ium choices. Custom ers also have six natural stone flooring choices for the galley and lavatory. T he new seats offer side-pock et storage and greater swivel m ovem ent in the third zone. Cock pit im provem ents include im proved avionics with the Honeywell Prim us EliteT M . Designed to reduce pilot work load as well as im prove the flexiblity, efficiency and safety of aircraft operations, the Elite system includes L CD displays and a Cursor Control Device (CCD) as well as charts and m aps capabilities. X M W eather is available for US operations. Em braer has prepared the aircraft for the future by incorporating V NA V and R NP 0.3 for optim izing airspace use, flight tim e and fuel burn. W A A S/L PV along with A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-50 AVIATION NEWS CPDL C FA NS 1/A , enabling satcom -based ATC com m unications for transoceanic flights, are available as are such options as the Sm art L andingT M and Sm art R unwayT M surface awareness and advisory system s. A bout the L egacy 650 T he large L egacy 650 entered service in 2010. Based on the successful L egacy 600 platform , it provides longer trips for up to 14 passengers, while m aintaining the sam e level of com fort. Its range of 3,900 nautical m iles (7,223 k m ) with four passengers, or 3,840 nautical m iles (7,112 k m ) with eight passengers, both with NBA A IFR fuel reserves, m eans that the aircraft can fly nonstop from L ondon to New Y ork ; Dubai to L ondon or Singapore; M iam i to São Paulo (Brazil); Singapore to Sydney (A ustralia); or M um bai to Central Europe. China Eastern orders 20 777s as 1Q profit plummets 73.7% By K atie Cantle China Eastern A irlines (M U) placed an order for 20 Boeing 777-300ER s in an order worth $5.94 billion at list prices, according to the carrier’s statem ent released by Shanghai Stock Exchange. T he deal m ust be approved by the Chinese governm ent. T he aircraft will be delivered between 2014 and 2018. T he Shanghai-based carrier said it will sell five A irbus A 340-600s to Boeing in 2014 and 2015 as part of the 777 paym ent. T he 777s will replace the A 340s on international long-haul routes from Shanghai to New Y ork and L os A ngeles. M U had planned to use the 787 to replace the A 340s but due to the 787 delivery delays it cancelled the 787 orders and switched to 777s, according to an industry insider (A T W Daily News, Oct. 18, 2011). M U posted a first-quarter net incom e of CNY 266.53 m illion ($42.2 m illion), down 73.7% com pared to CNY 1.01 billion in the year-ago period due to high fuel prices and the slowing of yuan appreciation. Operating revenue rose 6.42% to CNY 19.32 billion against an increase of 12.5% in operating expenses to CNY 19.57 billion. T he carrier did not release traffic figures for the first quarter. S.C. facility rolled out its first 787 Friday. T he aircraft is scheduled to be delivered to A ir India in m id-year (A T W Daily News, A pril 27). Boeing Com m ercial A irplanes president and CEO Jim A lbaugh told a crowd of nearly 7,000 em ployees and guests, “T oday I welcom e the South Carolina team into a sm all and elite fraternity— a fraternity of work ers who have built one of the m ost com plex m achines in the world— a com m ercial airplane.” T he aircraft next goes to the flight line, where it will go through system s check s and engine runs in advance of taxi testing and first flight, Boeing said in a statem ent. Boeing brok e ground on the site in Novem ber 2009 (A T W Daily News, Nov. 23, 2009). T he South Carolina final assem bly facility was com pleted in June 2011 and production began later that sam e m onth (A T W Daily News, June 14, 2011). " T his team has shown that we can build airplanes in South Carolina that m eet the high Boeing quality standards, and do so with an exceptional work place safety record," said Boeing South Carolina V P and GM Jack Jones. A ir India 787 rolls out of the Boeing South Carolina Facility. Courtesy, T he Boeing Store Facebook page Boeing’s North Charleston, Engine spare parts improves Safran Q1 earnings By A nne Paylor A 15.1% increase in the civil jet engine afterm ark et has helped French aerospace, defense and security supplier Safran post a 15.9% year-on-year (7.3% organic) revenue increase for the first quarter, bringing the total for the period to €3.1 billion ($4.1 billion). T hat civil afterm ark et boost was driven by the CFM 56 and global CFM International spare parts revenue was up 24.2% for the quarter. T his was largely in line with the trends of 2011, which were up 1.3% from the 2011 fourth quarter, and driven by secondgeneration engines. T he estim ated total num ber of shop visits in the first quarter for civil aircraft equipped with the CFM 56 increased slightly to 586 from 581 in the year-ago quarter. OEM CFM 56 engine deliveries were up by 56 units to 378 units com pared to the sam e period last year. T he total CFM 56 and L EA P orders and com m itm ents reached 695 engines as of A pril 19, the back log staying at about seven years of production. Overall, first-quarter revenue for the propulsion division was up 11.4% to nearly €1.6 billion com pared to the sam e period in 2011 (3.5% on an organic basis). T he aircraft equipm ent activity reported a 21.1% (17.1% organic) first-quarter revenue increase of €883 m illion com pared to the sam e period in 2011. T ogether, the propulsion and equipm ent activities generated double-digit growth. However, because of “the variability in airline behavior inherent to a troubled econom ic context,” Safran’s full year civil afterm ark et guidance rem ains unchanged at high single-digit growth. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-51 EVENTS Form er M anaging Director, PIA Nadeem K han Y ousufzai, receiving the best Hajj service provider airline, consum er choice award from M r. M oham m ad R aza Haroon, M inister of Inform ation T echnology the award cerem ony of Consum er A ssociation of Pak istan. A irline Senior Officials delegation m et Federal Finance M inister, M r.A bdul Hafeez Shaik h in Islam abad on 03rd A pril 2012 to discuss the issues related to Federal Excise Duty. Picture shows M r. Salim Bhutto, M r. Feroz Jam al, M r. K en M arshal, M r. Salim M otiwala, M r, Ghazi and M r. R izwan A li M erchant along with other airline officials Airline Senior Officials delegation met CBR Chairman Mr. Mumtaz Rizvi in Islamabad on 03rd April 2012 to discuss the issues related to Federal Excise Duty. Picture shows Mr. Salim Bhutto, Mr. Feroz Jamal, Mr. Ken Marshal, Mr. Salim Motiwala, Mr, Ghazi and Mr. Rizwan Ali Merchant along with other airline officials Mr. Amer Khan, Area General Manager, Etihad Airways receiving CSR Business Excellence award from Governor Punjab Sardar Latif Khosa. President, A ll Pak istan M em on Federation and Chief, CPL C, A hm ed Cinoy (S.I), presenting a m em ento to the Chairm an T ravel A gent A ssociation of Pak istan, Y ahya Polani (T .I). A lso seen present on the occasion are Haji M asood Parek h, A m in Chapal, Shoaib Ism ail, and A k htar Y ounus A rfa. Etihad A irways, the national airline of the United A rab Em irates, and Cinnabon recently announced the winner of their joint prom otion “Next Stop UA E” from K arachi at the opening of the new Cinnabon at the A trium M all, K arachi. T he grand prize of the Etihad A irways-Cinnabon luck y draw was a holiday trip for one to the UA E on Etihad A irways. Shown here is (L -R ) M r. Naveed A hm ed, Sales M anager - South Pak istan, Etihad A irways, M s. K ulsoom Habib (the winner), M s. Sam ra M uslim , Head of M ark eting, Etihad A irways, M r. Y asser K hawaja, CEO, Cinnabon, & M s. Z ahra Sohail, M ark eting M anager, Cinnabon. A IR W OR L D M ay 2012-52