Annual Report - Horizons for Youth

2012-2013 Annual Report
Dream It.
Define It.
Want It.
Work It.
Overcome It.
Achieve It.
Each of these steps is critical in a child’s journey to find academic and personal success. This journey is
difficult enough to navigate when surrounded by a support system guiding you through the process. Imagine
being a young child in an area with limited resources and opportunities. You are determined to be the first
in your family to graduate from college. Your mother shares your dream and supports you in every way she
knows how, but neither of you can fathom all that is involved in achieving that goal.
At Horizons for Youth, we work with such children to ensure they break the cycle of poverty and become
the first in their families to attend college. The transformative power of our program is evident in our results:
99% of our students graduate high school and 80% continue on to college. We are in the midst of a five-year
strategic growth plan to extend our proven programs to a greater number of students in Chicago than ever
before. The success of two annual galas, On Cloud Nine and the Declan Drumm Sullivan Memorial Fund’s
No Ordinary Evening, has allowed us to greatly expand our size and our scope. This past year, we served 170
do it.
students with increased depth and breadth of programs. We are well on our way to reach our growth goal of
serving 250 students by 2016 and expect to grow beyond that in the years to come.
Our community is our single greatest strength as an organization. From donors, to volunteers, to experts
who contribute pro-bono services and counsel, your support is invaluable to our students. Because of you,
we are able to inspire dreams in young minds and enable motivated students to achieve success in school
and in life. Thank you for partnering with us to change the trajectory of children’s lives.
Audrey GeorgeBill Kunkel
Executive DirectorBoard Chair
Our students and their parents
share a vision for the future…
dreaming it is the first step to
achieving it.
The determining factor for acceptance into our
program is a parent’s commitment and belief
that education is the path out of poverty. No
child is turned away based on academic ability.
Through our extensive interview process, we
select parents who are dedicated to working
with Horizons for Youth in support of their
children. Together, we work to instill a vision
for a successful future in their children.
“My daughter, Ruth, wants to become a veterinarian when she grows
up. With support from Horizons, I am learning what I need to do at
every step along the way to ensure Ruth achieves her dream.”
- Loretta, Horizons for Youth parent
Horizons for Youth defines the
steps needed for students to achieve
their dreams of attending college
and launching successful careers.
We break this ultimate goal into smaller, attainable
benchmarks throughout a child’s education.
Providing concrete guidelines every year, from
kindergarten through twelfth grade, ensures
students continually build the academic foundation
and life skills they will need for collegiate success.
the steps
We call this plan the “Road Map to College,” but it’s
really much more than that: it’s a tool for helping
“At first I didn’t understand why Horizons made my daughter responsible
for all communication with them once she started high school. Now that
she is a sophomore in college, I realize that they were teaching her to be
independent and capable of managing herself away from home.”
– Natasha, Horizons for Youth Parent
students gain the skills needed for life-long success
in college and beyond.
At Horizons for Youth, we
believe that with the proper
support, every child has the
ability to reach their full
potential. Our students face complex
challenges in the neighborhoods where
Culture of
they live that prevent many others from
attending college or even graduating high
school. To provide an alternate path for
them, we create a culture in which student
achievement is encouraged, nurtured, and
expected. We believe in our students, so
that our students will believe in themselves.
“Horizons is a place that reminds me what I need
to do to be successful.”
– Natali, Horizons for Youth graduate.
Freshman, Dominican University
100% of students are paired
with a Big Sibling Mentor.
With an average mentoring relationship
of four years, all of our students have a
constant, positive adult role model in their
lives. Mentors expose students to new ideas
and experiences, help them think about
college, and empower them to succeed.
The mentor relationship is a unique form of
support that allows our students to reach for
goals that were previously unthinkable. The
mentor impact can be so powerful that our
alumni become mentors themselves. They
understand the huge influence a mentor had
in their life and hope to pay it forward.
“When I helped put together a popcorn machine at Horizons, Car“When I helped put together a popcorn machine at Horizons,
oline told me that I should be an engineer, like her. I didn’t really
Caroline told me that I should be an engineer, like her. I didn’t
know what that meant, so she showed me what kind of work she
really know what that meant, so she showed me what kind of work
did and how she also figured out how to put things together. I
she did and how she also figured out how to put things together.
like math, so I think maybe I do want to become an engineer one
I like math, so I think I do want to become an engineer one day.”
day.” – Shardonnay (Picture of Caroline and Shardonnay)
– Shardonnay
Our students work hard
year-round to achieve success.
We arrange for them to attend academically
rigorous schools to ensure a strong foundation.
The work continues during the summer when
students attend our month-long Summer
Academic Program. These comprehensive
services stop the achievement gap before
it even begins to form. Our students return
to the classroom each year on track and ready
to learn.
Studies show that economically disadvantaged children are more
likely to lose ground in reading and math during the summer months
than their middle and upper income peers. To reverse this, our
students work with specially selected teachers in small classrooms
to build their skills, rather than lose them over the summer.
Last year we asked Carlos why he thought his
grades went up in every single subject area. He
pointed at his tutor, Andrew, and explained:
Tutoring is a cornerstone of
“I started working with this guy!”
our program, helping students
– Carlos, 7th Grade
build their future one step
at a time. Our high level of
academic monitoring and
individualized support allow
us to detect issues that need
to be addressed before they
become major roadblocks.
Through individual tutoring and counseling,
students receive the right support at the right
time, helping them stay on track to achieve
their short-term and long-term goals.
of Horizons for Youth
students graduate high school.
of Horizons for Youth students
continue on to college.
In the end, our students’ dreams, hard
work, and tireless efforts combine to
help them achieve academic success.
Our students become the first in their
families to attend college, breaking the
cycle of poverty through education.
“Horizons for Youth is like a second family. Because of my mentor,
Julie, and everyone on staff, I had the support to gain acceptance to
my first choice college, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.”
– Adrianda, Horizons for Youth graduate
There are many more Chicago
students who are eager to
achieve their dreams.
Because our program has proven results, we
plan to expand our student population to
250 by 2016.
Student Population
“We know with the proper support, every child can achieve success.
There are countless children in Chicago who deserve the opportunity
to reach their full potential. We are working to serve more children
than ever, so that we can change the trajectory of even more lives.”
– Audrey George, Executive Director
On Cloud Nine with Paige’s Angels
When Kent Barnett and Lauren Heath planned a gala back in 2001 to honor
No Ordinary Evening
the memory of their daughter, Paige, they had no idea the event would have
While filming the football team in 2010,
such a meaningful impact on the community.
Notre Dame student Declan Sullivan lost
In February 2013, we held the 13th annual On Cloud Nine at the River East
his life in a terrible accident. In reaction to
Art Center, and it was our most successful event to date. Thanks to the
the tragedy, the generosity of Declan’s family
commitment of Kent and Lauren over the last 13 years, the event has allowed
shone through in a most amazing way.
us to expand our programming, our population, and our reach.
Realizing they could turn their loss into
something positive, Declan’s family created
the Declan Drumm Sullivan Memorial Fund
and its annual event, No Ordinary Evening,
a celebration of Declan’s life. They named
Horizons for Youth as the primary beneficiary.
In just two years, the event allowed 52 new
students to receive life-changing services.
These special evenings provide more students than ever the chance to achieve their dreams.
We invite you to join us in changing the trajectory of childrens’ lives. With your
help, even more children will benefit from our proven programs. Please call us at
312-627-9031 or visit our website, to learn more.
We could not do this work without people like you.
YounG Professionals
Board Members
Student Sponsors
Major Donors
Corporate Sponsors
Thank you to our Board of Directors.
Thank you to our Leadership Council.
Horizons for Youth is governed by a hard-working group of individuals who volunteer their time
to ensure efficient operations, fiscal responsibility, and organizational direction. Through the
foresight and dedication of our Board of Directors and Leadership Council, Horizons for Youth has
secured a place in the community as a productive and innovative non-profit organization.
Board of Directors
Board Chair
Bill Kunkel
Executive Vice President
American Equity Investment Life
Insurance Company
Tanika Coleman
Customer Service Representative
Avis/Budget Car Rental Group
Kelly Cotton
Executive Vice President
Charter One Bank
Mary Delaney
Chief Executive Officer
Luceo Solutions
Sue Donnelly
Dennis Malchow
Senior Partner
Arbor Investments
Jim Breen
Katie Ernst
Revision Homes
Lorraine Snyder
Special Assistant to the President
Loyola University Chicago
Steve Fort
Senior Vice President
Turner Construction Company
Barry Sullivan
Director of Program
International Engineering
Audrey George
Executive Director
Horizons for Youth
Chuck Kuhn
Director of Admissions
and Financial Aid
De La Salle Institute
Brian Doyle
Managing Director
Head of International Healthcare
William Blair & Company
Jim Owen
Houlihan Lokey
Lynn Eplawy
Managing Partner
Gary Jet Center, Inc
Adelina Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant
ABC Diamonds
Gordon Walker
Knowles Electronics
John Walsh
Capital J Advisors, LLC
Patrick Doyle
Winston and Strawn
Jeff Akers
Adams Street Partners
Kent Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
KnowledgeAdvisors, Inc.
Jeff Grimes
Plastic Graphics Company
Mike Murdock
Chestnut Builders
Greg Hathcock
Vogue Tyre Inc.
Linda Nolan
Vice President &
Managing Director
The Northern Trust Company
Robert Barnett, III
Wexford Capital Advisors, LLC
Moira Hathcock
Retired Partner
Donohue Brown Mathewson
and Smyth
Mary Pat Breen
Vice President
BMO Private Bank
John Iberle
Adjunct Professor
Loyola University
Sarah Norris
Senior Investment Advisor
JP Morgan
Bill Butler
McDermott Will & Emery
Amy Kennedy
Executive Vice President
Golin Harris
Patrick Collins
Perkins Coie
Tim Kennedy
Senior Director of Development
Ronald McDonald Children’s
Tom Owens
Vice President
The Thomas M. and
Mary M. Owens Foundation
Jennifer Cotton
Vice President
Madison Capital Partners LLC
Steven Derks
President and Chief Executive Officer
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Greg Dingens
Executive Vice President and Head
of Investment Banking
Monroe Securities
Mike Doody
DCI Marketing
Cliff Norris
Director of Business Development
United Therapies
Lisa Parker
Investigative Reporter
NBC5 Chicago
Denise Kenny
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Elizabeth Quilter
Chief Development Officer
YMCA of Greater Syracuse
Barry Lyerly
The Lyerly Seminars
Jeff Waters
Eldorado Trading
Andrew McDonough
Winston & Strawn
Jeff Young
Senior Vice President
Nuveen Investments
Kary McIlwain
President, Managing Partner
Y&R Chicago
Thank you to our donors.
Thank you to our donors.
Horizons for Youth is able to change the trajectory of our students’ lives because of the generosity
of hundreds of donors. Listed here are the financial donors that supported our organization from
July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.
*Part or all of the contribution
went to The Declan Drumm
Sullivan Memorial Fund.
Horizons for Youth is the
primary beneficiary of the Fund.
$100,000 and up
The Declan Drumm Sullivan
Memorial Fund
Faith Family Trust
OMI Industries, Inc.*
$25,000 - $49,000
Anonymous (2)
Matthew and Christine Boler*
William and Susan Donnelly*
Kirkland & Ellis*
Bill and JoAnn Kunkel*
Patrick and Alyson Nash*
Stern Cassello & Associates, LLP
Eric and Pam Malchow
Matthew and Elizabeth Camden
Students of Benet Academy
The Kathleen Malchow Scholarship
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Jeff and Courtney Waters
KnowledgeAdvisors, Inc.
Toner Family Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Modestus Bauer Foundation
U.S. Bank
Marsh USA
$10,000 - $14,999
Perkins Coie LLP*
Vogue Tyre & Rubber Company
Ken and Roberta McQuade*
Denise Peterson*
William Blair & Company Foundation
Michael and Eileen Murdock*
Patrick and Ruth Boehmer*
Robert Norris Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey and Lucy Young
Joseph Murray and Marcia Drumm*
Jim and Mary Pat Breen*
Mark and Jeanne Rotert
Chaddick Foundation*
Schwab Charitable Fund
$2,500 - $4,999
Michael Navin*
Clearing Corporation Charitable
Lorraine Snyder
John and Kathleen Ackerman
Tom and Sue Paulson*
Patrick Collins*
Advanced Group
RF IDeas*
$5,000 - $7,499
Arbor Investments
Robert and Mary Kathleen Shields
Kent Barnett and Lauren Heath
Robert F. Barnett, III
Sidley Austin LLP*
BMO Private Bank*
Dennis and Marsha Belcastro*
Jeffery and Angela Smith
James and Anne Carey
Caitlin Brannigan
Thomas and Francine Snyder
Rick and Lisa Cederoth
Sebastian and Anne Bufalino*
William and Jennifer Sterba*
CNA Foundation
Bill and Kim Butler
Rick and Brenda Thomas*
The Coffey Family*
Mark and Betsy Carroll
Robert and Ann Trauscht*
Carol Cohen*
Chicago Community Foundation
Corporate Relocation Council
Clune Construction Company
Bill and Tracy Wheeler
Credit Suisse
Gerry Corcoran*
Bill and Kelly Zadell*
Robert and Tracy Dunklau*
Gregory and Julie Dingens*
Edison International
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP*
DCI Marketing
Steven and Laura Derks
Brian and Cara Doyle
Jeffrey and Cathy Grimes*
John and Christina Hatherly*
Nancy Hughes*
Michael and Judith Hynek
Kelly Cares Foundation*
Knowles Electronics LLC
Turner Construction Company*
Dennis and Bev Lynde*
Gordon and Amy Walker
Dennis and Jean Malchow
Walker Family Foundation
McDonough Family*
McNamara Purcell Foundation*
Carlos Cagadas
John and Kim Kipp*
University of Notre Dame*
$15,000 - $19,999
Jim and Nancy Owen*
Adams Street Partners, LLC
William and Laura Reilly*
Christopher and Laura Shapaland
Michael and Teresa Bordes*
Michael and Karen Streit*
Michael Doody and Katie Ernst
Ray and Cindy Swaback*
Patrick Doyle and Kathy Murdock*
Thomas M. & Mary M. Owens
International Engineering
John and Julie Lohrmann
John and Jill Walsh
Luceo Solutions, A CareerBuilder
John and Jeanne Gallo*
Terry and Cindy Simmons*
Winston & Strawn LLP
Marion Street Cheese Market
Patrick Nash, Sr.*
Charles Schwab Foundation
Brian and Zada Clarke*
Rick and Justine Corby*
Kelly and Jenn Cotton
Chris and Mari Craven*
William and Pamela Devitt*
Elizabeth Drumm*
Tony and Adrienne Eltink*
Jason and Lynn Eplawy*
Jeff and Sheila Evans*
Richard and Margaret Federer*
Beth Fenner*
John and Ann Firth*
Jeff and Christy Forbes
Todd and Christine Frech*
Audrey George and Mike Moses
Jill Goebel
John and Kelly Graham*
Brian and Jeanne Grimes*
Karen and Steve Groeninger*
$1,000 - $2,499
The Thomas D. Grusecki Family
Environmental Systems Design
Frank and Janet Aiello*
John and Julia Haley
Steve and Jaynai Fort*
Paul and Asha Furlow
Ashley Allen
James and Kathleen Hardgrove*
Matt and Christine Gambs*
Gary Jet Center
Allstate Giving Campaign
Amit and Etty Hasak*
Leo S. Guthman Fund
Gilbane Building Company
Joe and Kathy Altonji*
Mike and Barbara Heaton*
Hasak Cold Storage
David and Carol Grimes*
Jarrett Annenberg
Geoff Heekin*
Heritage Bank of Schaumburg*
James and Andrea Gordon
Jonathan S. Henes*
Kovler Family Foundation
Mark and Lois Henning
Eugene F. Assaf*
Gary Hirschberg*
Michael and Mary Jo Howard*
Daniel and Spencer Baker
Michael and Carolina Holtz*
Michael and Ramona Lins*
J & P Holdings Inc
Dave and Karen Barry*
David Hornung
Debbie Ludolph*
Heather Jackson
James Basile*
Edward Hungler*
Mike and Mary Ellen Mazza*
Donald P. and Byrd M. Kelly
Paul and Stephanie Basta*
Chuck and Susan Huttinger*
Tim and Amy Kennedy*
Mike and Nancy Berg*
Tom Hynes and Carol Jones
Greg and Sharon Brehm*
Industrial Developments
International, Inc.
Dan and Jill McCormack*
McDonald’s Corporation
$7,500 - $9,999
New Frontiers Foundation
Northern Trust Company*
Gustafson Family Foundation
Nuveen Investments
Peter Schivarelli and Denise Valenza*
Greg and Moira Hathcock*
John Philbin, Jr. and Maura Crisham
Barry Sullivan and Alison Drumm
Daniel and Sharon Helderle
Rex Carton Company, Inc.
The John Buck Company Foundation
Houlihan Lokey*
University of Notre Dame
Department of Athletics*
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation*
Jeffrey and Carter Sharfstein*
Thomas and Amy Kiesler*
La-Co Industries, Inc
Richard and Gayle Landuyt*
Joshua Levin and Jennie Tucker
Derek and Laura Linde
Bill and Stephanie Brennan*
Deborah Bricker
Nancy and Nanette Bufalino*
Robert and Roseanne Byrne*
Neill and Stacy Jakobe*
Sarah Elizabeth Jenkins*
Jack and Dorothy Jiganti*
Barbara Jones
Thank you to our donors.
Jaime Jones*
Josh and Sarah Rintamaki
David and Theresa Dieter*
Dennis and Linda Myers*
Today’s Chicago Woman Foundation
William and Gina Dolan*
Erin Kelly
James Rollins
Bill and Suzanne Divanne*
Thomas Nash*
Kate Tritschler*
Joseph and Marjy Dsilva*
Richard and Marsha Kolb*
Bert and Claire Schafer*
Tom Doyle*
Bob and Karen Navarre*
Mark and Margaret Tritschler*
John Edelman*
Anne Kritzmire*
Bill and Mary Schramm*
Emily Duncan
Ed and Mary O’Connell*
Craig and Becky Vallorano*
Tom and Maria Etling*
Victor and Kym Krumm*
Jack and Amy Schroeder*
Tom and Nancy O’Connell*
Mark Vonnahme*
Kenmare Catering and Events
Jeffery and Liz Kunkel*
Mike Segobiano and Greg Desmond*
Patrick and Theresa Gannon*
Terry and Mary O’Connor*
Father Jack Wall*
Michael and Liz Fieweger
Kevin and Katie Lawler*
Mike Shinners*
Lori Ann Goodhartz
Ronan and Jill O’Donovan
John J. and Margaret Walsh
Mike and Karen Flavin*
Amy Lemar
St. Giles Men’s Society
Michael and Ellen Griffin
Jay Orlowski*
Tom and Bunny Weber*
Tom and Sue Gates*
Marc and Cindy Levin
Paul and Maraya Steadman*
Magen Hanrahan
Tony and Brenda Ortiz*
Adam Welling*
Peter and Maria Gulli*
Gregg Locascio and Amy Dixon*
Matthew Steinmetz Charitable Trust*
Todd and Taal Hasak-Lowy*
Daniel and Jennifer O’Shaughnessy*
Donald Wittgen*
Steve and JoAnn Haemmerle*
Barry and Margaret Lyerly
Scott and Kim Stiffle*
Bob and Eileen Herber*
Scott and Marcy Paddock*
Michael and Tracy Wysockey
Deborah Hall
Jim and Jane Lyman*
Jack and Kimberly Swarbrick*
Jerry and Mary Hitpas*
Car Boldt, Jr. and Laura Peterson*
Mauricio Zuniga*
James Hallberg
Michael Mackey*
Joe and Patty Trindl
Patrick and Julie Hoffman
James Philbin
Michael and Kenna MacKinnon
Edward Tymick*
James and Lynnette Horcher*
PPM America, Inc.
$250 - $499
Tom and Jo Harper
Mike and Kelley Malay
Joe and Nancy Valrose*
Scott and Maureen Howard*
Frederick Proesel
Geoffrey and Brenda Adaire
David Hickerson and Elin Thorgren
Todd and Susan Maynes*
Robin Varnado
Thomas and Deni Janus*
Mike and Madelon Queenan*
Glenn and Melinda Adamec*
Thomas Hilgart
Marsha McClellan
Bob and Kay Welsh*
Michael and Mary Joss
Dan and Mary Clare Rahill*
Michael and Deanna Adell
Elizabeth Honerkamp
Jeff McCrory*
James and Elizabeth Wilson
Zach Jung*
Daniel Rahill*
Chris Andrew*
John and Amy Honney*
McGladrey LLP
Bill and Kristy Woolfolk*
Aggelos and Sally Katsaggelos*
Salil and Monika Rajmaira*
Michael and Merie Arenson*
David and Nancy Huber*
Bill and Ann McSorley*
David Yannucci Charitable Trust*
Mark and Mary Ann Kaufman
Bill and Peggy Ramette
Becky Baldus
Bob and Mary Beth Husfield*
Phil and Joan Merriman
Ross and Anna Zimmerman*
Rob and Elke Kenyon
Carol Freer Rao
Philip Barnett and Colleen Philbin
Jeff and Nanci Hyman
Matt and Allie Kline*
Abigail Rector
Craig and Jennifer Belcastro*
Graham and Susan Jackson
John and Elizabeth Meyer
Richard and Margaret Hannigan*
Bob and Ann Michels*
$500 - $999
Ross Koenig
Mary Regan*
Ron and Lois Belusko
Kenneth and Sheila Javor
Jeremy and Erin Miller
Accenture Foundation
John and Deborah Kolb*
Mark Reilly*
Eric Boffeli
Mark and Mindey Johnson*
Dan Mize
Anonymous (2)
Jim and Barbara Kompare
Alfred and Lisa Remmits
Jillian Brooks
William Jones
Gary Modrow
Paul and Joanne Avampato*
John and Sue Landuyt*
Roger and Cathy Rhomberg
Cristina Bufalino*
Joe Katz*
Liz Moore*
Michael and Amy Bailey
Brooke Lavender
Tom Rieckelman*
Madeleine Butler
Chris Kelleher and Susan Heath
John Muench and Libby Drumm*
David and Nandi Ballard
Bridget LeFevour*
Steven Roeder
Kevin and Peggy Callahan
Tim and Tammy Kelleher
Charles and Moni Murdock
Joe and Jennifer Bartolotta
Ronald and Kim Lemar*
Ray and Diane Roman*
Gunther Calvimontes
Marty and Denise Kenny*
Dennis and Ellin Murphy
Sheila Bauschelt*
Mark Lingen and Chris Koman
Scared Heart Schools
Nichole Capraro
Peter D. Keseric
Carl and Laura Nerup*
Ryan and Emily Bennett*
Lipman Hearne, Inc.
Michael and Sheila Scheer*
Patrick Carew and Kathleen Mullaney
Maria Kim
Peter Bergren
John and Cathy Madden*
Dan and Susan Schoen*
Andrew and Mary Carlin
Daniel Kipp*
Don Bishop*
John and Kary McIlwain
Tom and Lisa Seeger*
Mary Carlson*
Bill and Marta Kohne*
Christopher and Kristie Bozin*
Cary McLean
Drew and Maureen Sexson*
Brigid Cashman
Andy and Pattie Kokosa
Bobby and Kathleen Capulong
John and Deborah Meyer*
Jay and Carol Simner*
Tom and Meg Chambers
Paul and Sue Kopecki*
John and Mary Carpenter
Michael andKatherine Miley*
Christian and Christine Skizas*
Chase and Stefanie Chavin
Amber Kostelny
Thomas and Margaret Clare*
Michael Monniger
Stephen and Anna Snyder*
Ciano and Goldwasser LLP
Christina Kostyk
Paul and Danielle Clarke*
John Moulton
Souder Family Foundation
Joe Colgan
Michael Lee*
Crowe Foundation
Carl and Diane Mucha*
Tony and Christine Speiser
Lindsey and Pamela Dean*
Max and Julie Leichtman
Scott Curran
Daniel and Joann Murphy*
Paul and Cynthia Stark*
Stephen Deutsch
Pam Lemp*
Roger and Karen Daluga*
David Murphy
Joseph Sullivan*
Ron and Cathi DeWald*
Beth Linnen
Robert and Leslie Denvir*
Kelly Murphy
Tim Sutton
Frank Lonergan
Dean and Karin Teglia
Jonathan Doehling
Cary and Becky Lyne
Robert O’Keefe*
Bill and Georgyann Peluchiwski*
Frederick Peurye and Deborah
Jim and Mary Jo Polark*
Ted and Sharon Popielewski*
Eleanor Poppe*
Jeffrey and Natalie Porter
John and Mary Raitt
Rob and Teri Rao*
Robert Reklaitis
Thank you to our donors.
Thank you to our donors.
Kathleen Madden*
William Schroeder and Mary Owen
Donald and Susan Belgrad
Thomas and Kelly Collins*
Carolyn Forkenbrock*
Stan and Mary Kantor*
John and Mary Mangan*
Jeffrey and Gloria Schwartz
Benjamin and Edith Belkind
Patrick and Doris Corey*
David and Alexis Forsythe
Greg Karczewski*
Jim and Constance Markham
Mike and Amy Scotty
Kevin Bell*
Theodore Cornell
Patricia Fosmoe*
Judith Kasperczyk*
Vincent Marotta and Suzanne Thalji
James Shaw and Catherine Malone
Thomas Bell and Kelly Twohig
Lynn Craig
Jason and Megan Fredrick
Jodi Katz*
Philip McAndrews*
Richard and Martha Shults*
Bryan Belville
Michelle Cronin
Dale Fronk*
Krista Kauper
Matt McEnery
Fran and Kim Simpao*
Nicholas Berta
Joseph and Elizabeth Cushing
Jeremy Fronza
Ed and Shelley Keller
Kathleen McMahon
Alan and Andrea Solow
Raymond and Karen Berta
Ken Davenport
Marcia Fuller
John and Paula Kelly
Robert McQuade, Jr.*
Robert D. Stearnes Memorial Foundation
Ikaros Islam Bigi
Karen DeGrasse
Paul Gearen
Pat Kennedy*
Jeff and Karen Stelmach*
John and Nancy Black*
Dana DeRose*
Jason Genrich
Patrick Kennedy
Kevin and Georgina Boyd
Stephen DeRose*
Timothy George
Christopher Kenney
Gary and Janet Bozza*
Earl and Roselee Deutsch
Michele George-Griffin*
Patrick and Kathyrn Kinne
Leslie Braun
Marietta Devitt*
Betsy Gier*
Kevin Kirby
Maryann Breen
David Diedrich
Pete and Melissa Glimco*
Fred and Lynn Kirsch
Peter and Polly Breen
Megan Disciullo
Grad Flowers LLC
Pat and Cecile Kittridge*
Paul Brenzel
John Distefano*
Edward Graham*
Benjamin and Aimee Kleiman
Robert Brogan
Jim and Carrie Donaldson*
Kelly Grant*
Dan and Joy Kleiman
Erin Brooks
Tom Dore
Craig Griffith
Seth and Michelle Klein*
David and Jean Brunker*
Dover Corporation
Tom and Jen Gustafson*
Bruce and Maureen Kleinman
Anne Marie Brunner*
Maureen Dowd*
Brendan Hanehan*
Taylor Klutke*
Susan Bryan
Elizabeth Doyle
David and Katie Hanfland
Stephanie Krebs*
Matt Buckland and Kristi Passarelli
Mick Doyle
Joe Hanley*
Chuck Kuhn
Michael and Sarah Buckley
Timothy and Katy Doyle
John and Liz Hannon*
Nancy Kusner
Francis Burke*
Des Drotos
David Haracz and Mary Dolan
Jessica Labaire
Kevin Byrnes*
Julie Durkin*
Doug Harvath
Matthew and Elizabeth Latimer*
Brian Caffarelli
Daniel Dutile and Margaret Kelly
Larry Hawkinson*
David Leckie*
Scott and Beth Mercola
Greg Miller*
Kelly Moon*
Anthony and Andrea Moree*
Thomas Moriarty and Lynette See
Michael and Elizabeth Moroney
Dan and Lisa Morris
Brian and Katie Murphy
William and Margaret Murphy*
Pat and Meg Nally*
Louis Nanni*
Douglas Neumetzger*
Christopher O’Brien*
Adam Olalde
Kate O’Malley*
William O’Meara
Richard and Betty O’Toole
PepsiCo Foundation
Rob and Lisa Pomorski
Debra Ann Ponce De Leon
Darius and Susan Povilaitis
Michael Powers
Charles and Susan Redden
Bill and Kathy Rhoades*
Robert and Patricia Roach
Mark and Patrice Roche
Robert and Linda Roscoe
Taras Rudenko*
Frank and Christine Russo*
Tom and Debra Russo*
Michael and Catherine Ryan*
Patrick Salvi, Jr.
Jeffrey Samaras
Mark and Kimberly Sarros
Thank you to our donors.
Amy Stern*
Bruce and Karen Such*
Brian and Denise Sullivan*
Matt Sullivan*
Catherine Swanson*
Lon and Kim Thompson*
John Thorton*
Jill VanWormer
Dave and Julie Vonderhaarb*
Nicole Weber*
Alan and Meaghan Weed
Pete and Cathy Wifler*
Michael Wysockey
Elizabeth Yacono*
$100 - $249
a5 Inc.
Dan Aliaga
Kathleen Allare*
Edward Adam
Mark Adams*
Scott and Donna Anderson
Jane Arata
Jenn Archer
Ronald Bachman
Stan and Deb Balcaitis
Richard and Kathryn Barnaby
Jean Barnett
Gilbert and Janis Bathgate
Donald Bauer*
Donna Beaudet*
Ann Cahill*
John Brennan and Lauren Edelen*
Kathryn Hayden
Karen Lee
Pat Cahill
Carrie Egan*
Josh Hayes
William Leheny*
Angela Cameli
Patrick and Caroline Egan*
Sally Heath
Lee and Nancy Leibig
Bruce Campbell*
Dan Ehmann
Lisa Hobbs
Stewart and Suzanne Levin
Doug and Mary Campbell*
Mark Eidelman
Chris and Lisa Hoffmann*
Sanja Licina
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Hannah Einarsen*
Richard Hogan*
Sidney and Betty Lieberman
Rebecca Carl
Matt Erickson
Michael and Suzanne Hogarty
Lincoln Financial Foundation
John Carlson*
Britta Eriksen
Nora Holden-Corbett*
Frank Lombardo
Sam and Teal Cassello
Edilsa Estrada
William and Denise Holder
Brian Long and Meghan Colgan
Jerry and Lori Cataldo*
William and Lacy Evans
Joan Hornberger*
Patrick and Meg Loughran
Chris Charnock*
John and Mary Ann Falkowski*
Margaret Hudgins
John and Julia Lynch
Barbie Chmieleski*
Sarah Ferrill
Ben Jablonski
MacArthur Foundation
Michael and Theresa Clancy
Drew and Susan Fitch
Eric Jacobson*
Jeanette Madock
Greg Moyer and Colleen Clatterbuck
Mary Beth Fitzgerald
DeAndre and Karen James
John Maimone*
Tina Clement*
Julian Flores
Charisse Jeavons
Rick and Tina Malnati
Michael Coffey*
Patrick and Rita Foley*
Emre and Barbara Kandemir
John Manier*
Brian Coffey and Jennifer Collins*
Sarah Foresman
Peter and Christina Kanelos*
Thomas and Kristi Marth
Thank you to our donors.
Thank you to our in-kind donors.
Mario and Catherine Martinez
Andy and Kate Rhodes
Dan and Sara Ureel
Sarah Mascarenhas
Kent Rieger*
John and Carolyn Vann
Amy Mauch
Jennifer Romeo*
Rick Vogeler
Robert May*
Janice Rosenthal
Eric Wachter*
Horizons for Youth pledges to be a good steward of every donation we receive. We are able to operate
with efficiency because of the generosity of supporters who not only give of their time and dollars, but
also donate services, equipment, accounting services, household items, and so much more. Through the
in-kind donations of the following individuals and organizations, Horizons for Youth is better able to
support the families in our program.
Mark and Kathleen McCareins
Colleen Elizabeth Rowley*
Michael Waller*
Mary McCarthy
Steve and Anne Rowley
Michael and Amy Walsh
101.9 FM The Mix
Anne Burkett
Eduardo’s Enoteca
John McCollon
Alma Ruiz
Meredith Walton*
1st Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Bill and Kim Butler
Entertainment Cruises
Catherine McGivney
Bob Rushkewicz*
Jeremy and Katherine Walts
ABT Electronics
C3 Presents
Rob Elgas
Ellen Lyon and Peter E. McHugh*
Mark Ryan*
Parker and Sara Ward
John McNamara
Daniel and Joan Savary*
Andy and Margaret Warzecha*
April Meijer
Susan Schalk
Dean Weinberg
Carolyn Metnick*
Mark and Catherine Schmid
David and Lisa Weisman
Ashlen Meyer*
Frank and Mary Schmitt*
Sean Weller*
Michael Miller*
Laurence and Terri Schwartz
Amy Wertheimer*
Marilyn Miodonski
Fritz Shadley
Bonnie M Wheaton
Mondelez International Foundation
James Shiparski
Bill and Victoria Wilson
Kenneth Moore
Phillip and Michelle Shlimon
Dylan Wilson
J.A. Morgan
Tiffany and Caleb Siladke*
Nolan Wilson
Glynn Morris*
Andrea Simari
Paul and Phyllis Winter
Robine Morrison
Leonard Skatoff*
Anna Witowska
David and Robin Nankin
Mark and Shari Skorcz*
Kristy Wojniki
James Nigro*
Joseph Slankas*
Anna Wong
David and Mary Ellen Nolan*
Robert Sliney*
J. Harless Woodward
Nancy and Rob Northrip
David Smith*
Sam and Jessica Wrobel
Crissy Norton
James and Chelsea Smith*
April Wuehler
Neil and Barbara O’Donovan
Vicki Smith*
Caroline Yacu
Ellen O’Keefe
Edward and Jacquelyn Smurlo, Jr.*
Sheldon Zenner and Ellen Morgan
John O’Loughlin
Lynda and Robert Sorrenti*
Jon Osten
Krista Sorvino Lambe*
Rod and Maureen Osterhout*
Mary E Stoykov
Jasel Panchal
Darin Strako
Anne and Dan Pelc*
Jim Sullivan*
Andrew Perez
Daniel Sutherland
Jessica Petri
John Tarabini*
Jack and Patti Phillips
Ashley McBride Taylor
Gabriel Plotkin
Edward Thill
Susan Poetzel
Tyler Thiret*
Adam Prawer-Stock
David and Juli Thomas
Mary Quinn
Steven Tittsworth
Nancy Quinn
Cristina Torres
Richard Regole
Tom Tyndorf
Kristina Reichardt
U.S. Cellular
Academy for Global Citizenship
Gunther Calvimontes
Tony and Adrienne Eltink
Melinda Adamec
Doug and Mary Campbell
Jason and Lynn Eplawy
Advanced Resources
Katie Ernst
Alixandria Collections
Rocky and Anne Carey
Executive Charter Services
Jill Aller
Carmel Catholic High School
Steve and Jaynai Fort
The American Club
Carnivale Restaurant
French Pastry School
Anaj Jewelry
Cheesecake Factory
Frances Xavier Warde
Paul and Laura Anderson
Chicago Blackhawks
Gale Gand
Arlington Park
Chicago Children’s Musuem
John and Jeanne Gallo
Bill and Mary Aronin
Chicago Cubs
Golden Girl Chicago
Chicago Fire
Dr. Goldstein
Atlantis Car and Limo
Chicago White Sox
Goodman Theatre
Jerry Attere
Sandy Chilewich
Greek Islands Restaurant
Rick Attere
Steve Christians
Michael and Ellen Griffin
Michelle Austin
The Coffey Family
Jeff and Cathy Grimes
Babes with Blades Theatre Company
Eric and Victoria Cokee
Harmony Hope and Healing
Rhonda Ballard
Jeff Colcagno
Etty Hasak
Bar Toma
Coopers Hawk Winery and
Julie Hatcher
Daisy Cortez
Holy Name Cathedral
Jim Bare
Eric Barnes
Kent Barnett and Lauren Heath
The Barone Family
Barrington Saddlery, LLC
Neal and Cindy Barry
Sheila Bauschelt
Dennis and Marsha Belcastro
Jane Blalock
Blue Plate Catering
Patrick and Ruth Boehmer
Boka Restaurant Group
Michael and Teresa Bordes
Jim Breen
Tom Brigham
Sebastian and Anne Bufalino
Bull and Bear
Dan Cortez
Crescent Cleaning Company
Mike and Mary Delaney
Greg Desmond
Destination Fitness
Norman Dick
Dr. Leon and Karin Dingle
Henry and Gayle Dominicis
William and Susan Donnelly
Lisa Dowis
Brittany Downs
Duane Morris
Robert Dunklau
Cindy Dumont
East Bank Club
Ebert Studios
Eddie Z’s Blinds and Drapery
Chef Perry Hendrix
The Howard Family
Suzanne Huntenmann
Jake Melnick’s Corner Tap
The James Hotel
Tom and Deni Janus
Jefferson Tap
Sue Johnson
Jon Bon Jovi Foundation
Maria Larragoity
Jones Lang LaSalle
Michael and Mary Joss
Junior League of Chicago
Jeff Kauck Photography
Matt Kelly
Jack Kennedy
Tim and Amy Kennedy
Wesley and Linda Kenyon
Thank you to our in-kind donors.
Financial Statements
Dr. Julian Kerbis
Motorcycle Riding School
Tom and Francine Snyder
Tom and Amy Kiesler
John Spence
John and Kim Kipp
Museum of Contemporary Art
Spiaggia Restaurant
Mike and Kathleen Kolovitz
Tracy Nero
Patrick Steenberge
Brennan Kooi
Jim Nigro
Della Stein
Anne Krause
Kelly Nigro
Chef Allen Sternweiler
Chuck Kuhn
Old St. Pat’s Church
Strategic Talent Solutions
Rick and Gayle Landuyt
The Olive Tap
Mike and Karen Streit
Billy Lawless
OMI Industries
Molly Sutton
Audrey Lee
Options Xpress by Charles Schwab
Tim Sutton
Cindy Levine
Palmer House Hilton
Ray and Cindy Swaback
Libertyville Ace Hardware
John and Patricia Peck
Sweet Mandy B’s
Life Spa
The Phoenician
The Talbot Hotel
Lincoln Park Zoo
Tangerine Productions
Susan Lipschutz
Piccolo Sogno
Bryan Tapella
Live Nation
Plastic Graphic Co
Rosemary Thalanany
Kyla Lombardo
PPM America
Tom Li
Long Grove Country Club
PRP Wine International
TPC Sawgrass
Loyola University Chicago
Mike and Madelon Queenan
TPC Sawgrass Marriott
Lululemon Athletica
Rebecca Quirke
True Blue Branding Solutions
Cary Lye
Josh Radnor
Turner Construction
Dennis and Bev Lynde
Jess Reese
Twin Anchors Restaurant
Anna Lyons
Rent Like a Champion Today
Jeanette Madock
Yael Reynolds
University of Notre Dame
Department of Athletics
Dennis and Jean Malchow
Reynolds Plantation
Mark Mandich
Revision Home
Tina Maraccini
Wade Rodgers
Marriott Theatre Lincolnshire
Roger Beck Portraits
Jeanne Martin
Mike Romano
Jane Mattingly
Caroline Rose
Doug McClellan
RPM Italian
Jim and Michelle Ryan
John McKernan
Maria Schmidt
The McSorley Family
Susan Schoen
Metropolis Performing Arts Centre
Debbie Schwartz
John and Deborah Meyer
Jeffrey and Carter Sharfstein
Million Dollar Quartet
Kirk Shepherd Photography
Misano Salon and Spa
Shoreline Sightseeing
Abby Misko
Brent Showalter
Damion Moloney
Skincare Company and Spa
Scott Zilligen
John Montanile
Dan and Elaine Skoglund
Susie Morales
The Skydeck at Willis Tower
Morris and Sons
Reed Smith
Motel Bar
Paul Snyder
Special thanks to Cindy Dumont and
True Blue Branding for the concept and
design, Kirk Shepherd Photography
for the photography and McKay for
the printing, without which, this report
would not be possible.
US Casino and Parties
Don and Beverly Varnado
Brian Venegas
Gordon and Amy Walker
Jeff and Courtney Waters
Chuck and Laurie Weaver
WGN Radio
Crystal Williams
Sheryll Williams
Wirtz Beverage
Lynn and Jackie Wold
World Head Quarters Inc
Xtreme Xperience
Karen Young
Zanies Comedy Club
Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013
In-kind Contributions
On Cloud Nine $324,713
No Ordinary Evening net income
Total Support
Interest Income
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services $1,227,099
Management and General
Fundraising and development
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets – End of Year (as restated on July 1, 2012)
Net Assets – End of Year (as restated on June 30, 2013)
Statement of Financial Position for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013
Pledge Receivable
Prepaid Expense
Property and equipment, net of
$14,953 of accumulated depreciation
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expense
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted net assets
Temporarily restricted net assets
Permanently restricted net assets
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
703 West Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60661