Chain Mail Magazine 2014 PDF 10032.96 kb

The journal of
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
Annual Firing at Lulworth
Ex Yeoman Splash – Gozo
Change of Command Parade
A Look at the careers and personal development of Reservists in The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry REGIMENTAL JOURNAL����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Foreword by the Royal Honorary Colonel HRH The Earl of Wessex KG, GCVO, ADC�������������������������� 3
Message from General Sir Richard Shirreff KCB CBE Regimental Honorary Colonel������������������������� 4
Commanding Officer’s Foreword������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Padre’s Message���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Lord Lieutenants’ Awards Ceremonies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Regimental ORBAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10-13
Overview of the Training Year����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14-15
A (DY) Squadron in 2014�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16-17
B (RWY) Squadron in 2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18-21
C (RGH) Squadron in 2014������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22-24
D (RDY) Squadron in 2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26-27
Y (RWY) Squadron in 2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28-30
Exercise WYVERN JUPITER����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31-33
Change of Command Parade������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 34-35
Army Reserve Combat Pistol Championships���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36-37
QM’s Department and Regimental Logistics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38-39
Tankfest & CVR(T) Pull���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Exercise WYVERN TOR (Ten Tors)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
The Doctors Ruminations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
RTR Italian Campaign Battlefield Tour������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42-43
US/UK Exchange������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44-45
International Armoured Reserve Symposium���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46-47
QRH return to core - 2014 and beyond����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48-49
KRH – overview of the training year����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50-51
RTR – and then there was one���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52-53
A short history of 3rd British Division���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
SCOUT & military technology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Exercise PRAIRIE STORM 1����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56-57
RWxY Rugby���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry Ride����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������59
Exercise YEOMAN SPLASH - Gozo���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
Diving Expedition to HMS Boadicea������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������61
RWxY Golf������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62-63
Ride of Britain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64
The Coxswell-Rogers Cup��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
Army Cresta Championships������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66-67
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The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
Royal Honorary Colonel
HRH The Earl of Wessex KG, GCVO, ADC
Regimental Honorary Colonel
Gen Sir Richard Shirreff KCB, CBE
Commanding Officer
Lt Col C S MacGregor
Foreword by the
Royal Honorary
Colonel HRH The
Earl of Wessex KG,
Regimental Affiliations and Associations
The Queen’s Royal Hussars
The King’s Royal Hussars
The Royal Tank Regiment
HMS Enterprise
The Worshipful Company of Weavers
Looking back on 2014, as this edition of Chainmail shows, the Royal Wessex Yeomanry was extraordinarily busy. Yet one must remember that
this is an Army Reserve regiment and so nearly all the soldiers you read about in the following pages are volunteers and are doing all this in their
spare time. This level of commitment is truly remarkable and I, for one, never cease to be amazed by the way that you, the Yeomen and your families,
respond to the challenges and opportunities presented.
A (Dorset Yeomanry) Squadron
Dorset ACF
Milton Abbey CCF
The Keep Military Museum
Royal Hong Kong Regt (V)
Southampton University Officer Training Corps
While you are reading about the various activities from operations to duties to training to adventure to sport and everything else in between I hope
you will spare a thought for those who have planned, organised and run them. None of these activities would happen without a small number of
dedicated and enthusiastic members of the Regiment to whom we owe a significant debt of gratitude.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our partner regiments: King’s Royal Hussars, Queen’s Royal Hussars and Royal Tank Regiment
who have responded so warmly to the new pairing arrangement under Army2020 and embraced the challenge of creating a meaningful role for the
Royal Wessex Yeomanry in the future as effectively the 4th Armoured Regiment in the British Army.
B (Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry) Squadron
Wiltshire ACF
Marlborough College CCF
Warminster School CCF
King Edward’s School CCF
Oxford University Officer Training Corps
My thanks also goes to the employers of Yeomen for their patience and understanding as we go through this transition, trying to ascertain what this
role and commitment will mean to you moving forward. Obviously we want you to be proud of what your employees do, what the Regiment does and
of how this can be of genuine benefit to you as a business. On the face of it not easy, but I hope in time we can work towards a meaningful solution.
C (Royal Gloucestershire Hussars) Squadron
Gloucestershire ACF
Pate’s Grammar School CCF
Finally I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of the Royal Wessex who have joined in the past year. 2014 was rather
unique in that not only did we welcome a new cohort of recruits, but also a number who have transferred from other units both Regular and Reserve,
in particular a troop from the Shropshire Yeomanry and a squadron from the Royal Yeomanry. The latter means that the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry
has been reunited after more than four decades of having two squadrons in two different regiments.
Cheltenham/Wycliffe College CCF
Bristol University Officer Training Corps
Recognition of the Regiment appears to be rising especially after a number of high profile events including the symposium marking the centenary
of the concept of the tank and the change of command parade. All in all a packed year and one that will be hard to beat, but one you can all be justly
proud of. Although I suspect that you are already working on how to ensure that the new cap badge will become increasingly familiar both within and
without Wessex.
D (Royal Devon Yeomanry) Squadron
Devon ACF
Blundell’s School CCF
West Buckland School CCF
Exeter University Officer Training Corps
Y (Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry) Squadron
HRH The Earl of Wessex KG, GCVO, ADC
Royal Honorary Colonel
Isambard Detachment Wiltshire ACF
Swindon Detachment Wiltshire ACF
[2] CHAINMAIL 2014
Message from General Sir Richard Shirreff
KCB CBE Regimental Honorary Colonel
Commanding Officer’s Foreword
Lt Col C S MacGregor
2014 has been an
important year of
for the development
for the Royal Wessex
Yeomanry. In many
ways, the experiences
of the Regiment
in the year, and all
the dedicated and
professional soldiers
who serve within it, are not only a microcosm of what the Chief of the
General Staff, Gen Sir Nick Carter envisages in his Army 2020 design,
but our demonstration of those have forged our place in the future Army.
The armoured warriors of Wessex have proved themselves in all areas of
what an Army must do.
I join the Regimental Honorary Colonel in congratulating all ranks of The Royal Wessex Yeomanry on an outstandingly successful
2014. At a time of great challenge for the Army in implementing the Army 2020 structure you have set the benchmark to all of how
best the Army Reserve can be integrated with your regular comrades. Your energy, commitment and determination to succeed have
been exemplary and sent a powerful message to the Regular Army about what the Army Reserve is capable of.
You are now firmly established as the fourth armoured regiment. The identity and cohesion of the Regiment have been enhanced
across the Army by your fine new badge. Moreover, you have demonstrated by the high standards of your training and ability to
integrate with the regular armoured regiments your readiness to fight for the nation should the call come. And events in the Crimea
and Eastern Ukraine have been a sobering reminder that peace in Europe is not the default setting. An exceptionally dangerous
dynamic has been allowed to develop which requires the strongest possible message to be sent that our defences are strong. So as you
train, do not forget that that the best way to preserve peace is to train for war.
My thanks and appreciation goes also to your families for their unstinting support and sacrifice, as well as to your employers for
their understanding. In addition, the importance of our county links remains paramount and our source of strength.
Finally, I would like to thank publicly Lieutenant Colonel Chris MacGregor who stepped down from command in March. His
leadership, vision, ability to cut through obstructive bureaucracy and determination to do what is best for The Royal Wessex
Yeomanry have served us well at a crucial time. We have been immensely lucky to have had him at the helm at this important time and
wish him and Vicky well for the future.
Good luck to you all for 2015 as you face the challenges that lie ahead.
General Sir Richard Shirreff KCB CBE
Regimental Honorary Colonel
[4] CHAINMAIL 2014
In 2014, The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
1)sustained and built Homeland resilience (during the flooding across
the South-West, supporting the Ten Tors Challenge, conducting
leadership training with the Dorset Constabulary, by engaging with
employers and through thought-leadership to support the Army’s
Reform agenda),
2)engaged with armoured soldiers, academics and industry experts
from overseas by hosting the inaugural International Armoured
Symposium to understand and cohere international and UK thought
about armoured reservists and
3)whilst a few soldiers deployed on operations, the vast majority built
contingent capability by training and qualifying more armoured
reservist soldiers on the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank than
ever before.
The Regiment accepted its new role - as the UK’s 4th tank regiment
- with great pride and enthusiasm. In order to provide an agile and
sustainable armoured reserve capability to the three regular tank
regiments, the Royal Wessex Yeomanry has had to transform quickly.
Every member of the Regiment, from newest soldier to oldest civil
servant, has adapted rapidly to the demands set. Across all dimensions
of the organisation, my soldiers and staff have applied themselves to
‘fighting and operating smarter’ to increase our relevance and ensure our
success. I am immensely proud of the integration and team work shown
across the organisation and with our regular, sister regiments.
The Regiment was granted a single, unifying, cap badge of a rampant
Wessex dragon representative of the warriors of the region. As the
fourth Challenger 2 armoured regiment, we inherited a fifth squadron
from the Royal Yeomanry in Swindon to become Y (RWY) Sqn RWxY
and a Troop of CR2 trained soldiers from the Shropshire Yeomanry to
become Cassino Troop of C (RGH) Sqn RWxY. We battled and won
to change many of the terms and conditions of Service for reservists
to permit better, and more assured, training. We have supported
regionally-focussed engagement activities with style, professionalism
and flair. We have increased considerably our armoured capability to
be in a position where the Regiment as a whole could field a full Sabre
Squadron of 18 tanks crewed entirely by reservists and have 12 spare
gunners! We have demonstrated accurate, technically proficient gunnery
and have fired more crews through ranges at Lulworth than ever before.
We have deployed Yeomen in support of military operations at home
(during the flooding in the South-West) and abroad. We have recruited
well; indeed in the last quarter of 2014, we attested 34 new recruits and
there are more on the way. Those already serving are contributing more
to the Regiment, more often and more meaningfully, and the number of
soldiers earning their bounties will be at an all time high in 2015. The
Regiment has explored the mutual benefits of ‘pairing’ with our regular
sister regiments and is now better integrated with the Armour Centre
and Armour schools in Bovington & Lulworth to provide greater future
effect. We have deployed soldiers to Salisbury Plain, Castlemartin,
Canada and Poland to support KRH and RTR tank crews and, amongst
other adventurous training, soldiers have skied, sailed, climbed, cycled
and ridden at home and abroad. The Royal Wessex has also hosted
HRH The Earl of Wessex, Rt Hon Julian Brazier (Minister for Reserves),
Gen Sir Richard Shirreff (D/SACEUR), Lt Gen James Everard (CLF),
Lt Gen Gerry Berragan (AG), Maj General Ranald Munro (DCLF),
several delegations from Cabinet and Parliament, many international
armoured officers, industry and county representatives to deepen the
understanding of our role, make recommendations to enable change,
enhance capability and expose the concerns of our people. Above all, it
has been a tremendously busy year of building self-belief, knowledge and
armoured crew skills.
To really assess the level of progress, it is worth reflecting a little
on where we were only 5 years ago. In December 2009, the pay and
training budgets for reserves were removed. What training occurred
in early 2010 was achieved on a voluntary, un-paid, basis with very
little resources. Fortunately, this short-sightedness was over-turned
and money started to trickle back into the Regiment and the squadrons
were re-built through much hard work and dedication. The Regiment’s
rise has been slow but sure; consistently deploying troops on operations
overseas, supporting resilience at home and training as Royal Armoured
Corps soldiers. Fast forward to 2014 and the Yeomen of the Regiment’s
squadrons in Dorset, Devon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire and have
noticed a definite change of training tempo and availability of courses.
During 2014, the RWxY training team managed to achieve an impressive
43% increase in personnel attending and passing CR2 courses over the
previous training year. During the annual Courses Training Period
the Regiment managed to achieve 118 course qualifications in two
weeks, ranging from Cat C Driving licence, survival training to CR2
crew qualifications. Each Squadron now has a core of CR2 knowledge
and manning, reliably producing attendance of 50-60 Yeomen each
month to drive change and professionalism in the Regiment. These
achievements are great and the change in mindset of the regiment has
been monumental. We have proved that Reserves can recruit, man and
crew Challenger 2 to reach the highest of standards through dedication
to good, challenging, training.
As the Regiment moves into 2015 the emphasis is on recruitment,
retention and building armoured resilience through crew training. We
are planning an Annual Training Period in Germany with The Queen’s
Royal Hussars in September. We continue to seek new civilian recruits
and those who have recently left the Army (or are leaving the Army
in the near future) to live a life less ordinary with The Royal Wessex
Yeomanry. What better way to join a professional, committed and
engaging community with a tight-knit and trusted network, alongside a
civilian career, than to train and fight on the Challenger 2 tank with the
best of the best in the Army Reserve?
Padre’s Message
2IC RWxY Foreword
Maj GCB O’Neil Roe
2014 has seen momentous change for the Royal Wessex Yeomanry.
The 3 monthly newsletter, the continuous feed of social media has all
gone to prove that there has hardly been a moment when a Yeoman
wasn’t doing something somewhere. That is of course the important
part; the Yeomen continue to juggle a busy civilian career with service in
the Army Reserve in their spare time.
We have had Yeomen deploy to Canada and Poland, exercised on
Salisbury Plain, dived in Gozo, skied in the Alps, walked in the Brecon
Beacons and cycled great distances or walked for charity. All the
time, focusing on our individual, crew or troop skills, becoming better
soldiers, individuals or teams in all we do.
Our focus has been to ‘fall in love with the tank’, and that we have
done. We have trained to become not only gunners and loaders, but
also drivers and commanders. Before we focused on armoured delivery
driving skills, which gave the regiment a very limited ability to move
CR2s, but now we have progressed to full driving courses.
This year has also seen the 1st Yeomen become full crewmen, which
means they are able to do all those skills, not just one. Our ability to
generate commanders is where we are currently lagging behind, with 18
in the regiment, mostly ex regulars. With additional funding, two per
year are able to undertake the regular courses and become fully qualified
CR2 commanders to the same exacting standard as our regular brethren.
We are seeking a formal approval for a mechanism for educating and
training Officers and SNCOs on Challenger 2 who are unable to commit
to the full commander’s course at this time.
In May each year, we undertake Exercise Wyvern Tor as a regiment.
This is better known as Ten Tors, where groups of children walk 35,
45 or 55 mile routes across Dartmoor over a weekend. For them, it is
probably one of the toughest and character forming weekends that they
could do at their age. For us it is a community engagement exercise,
with a heavy command and control aspect, as well as considerable
responsibility. The Regiment runs the safety side of the exercise, taking
the injured competitor from the point of fall out all the way back to their
team manager in Okehampton, ensuring their safe progress from wet,
cold, exhausted and possibly injured, to the familiar safety of their team
manager. On good years, we can have around 400 competitors coming
through our hands, on bad weather years it can be all 2500.
Through out the year, armoured training and being on a CR2 is at the
fore. Whether it is on the tank park developing the basic skills in each
crew position or as part of a Troop on Salisbury Plain, our abilities to
safely crew and use the tank is the primary focus of the Yeoman. There
has been plenty of speculation over whether on not a reservist could do
this, and 2014 has conclusively proven that they can. The competence of
our soldiers was shown in BATUS and Poland, but also on the Lulworth
ranges in November where over 20 crews were put through their paces
on Yeomanry Live Fire package. The desire for future years is to bring
this more in line with the Regular shoots, giving a common standard.
The modern Yeoman is a dedicated and professional part time soldier.
The Yeoman soldiers because he or she wants to, turning up after a full
week at work to continue working over the weekend. They want to learn
new skills and new trades, as well as perfect current ones. They are keen
and enthusiastic, and are able to show exactly what can be achieved with
high levels of motivation. The basic skills the average Yeoman learns
through their military training is directly convertible to civilian job
prospects and personal development. It is those transferable skills that
are directly benefiting so many employers across the South West. As
an employer, I want keen, motivated, team players who are not afraid of
taking responsibility for making informed decisions – all the attributes of
a modern Yeoman.
The Regiment has come so far in the last year, it has taken some
catching up by the Army Chain of Command to understand what we are
capable of in 2015. However next year we must recruit, and fill our ranks
with even more able young men and women to become the Reserve
Armoured Crewmen of the future.
Recently I’ve been reading a little about the Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen, who, in 1911, became the first person to make it
to the South Pole – winning the Antarctic race with Britain by several weeks. Through months of darkness, glacial temperatures and
exhaustion Amundsen prepared to overcome all that lay ahead of him in the inhospitable vastness of the South Pole… and eventually
in December that year he planted the Norwegian flag and fulfilled his dream.
Later Amundsen said that his success could be put down to preparation, “the way in which every difficulty is forseen and necessary
precautions taken… Victory awaits those who have everything in order.”
As a Regiment we are taking the longview in terms of being ready; preparing years in advance so that we have everything in order
when the time comes for us to provide capability. This requires immense focus and patience, a steady determination to keep our eyes
set on the goal even though it can feel a long way off... even though it can feel as if we’re not getting there very fast.
As human beings we tend to be really bad at waiting and being patient; when you start reading the Bible it becomes clear that
learning to be patient and learning to wait are major lessons that God seems to want to teach people. From our perspective preparing
and waiting can feel boring and dull and sometimes a waste of time. We want to take short cuts or find distractions to entertain us
while we wait for the outcomes we want.
Perhaps no other story in the Bible illustrates this better than the story of the people of Israel and their escape from Egypt under
Moses’ leadership. It’s an epic story of God’s promise to set his people free from slavery in Egypt and to lead them into a Promised
Land that they can call home. After a hair-raising escape from Pharoah and a crazy dash through the parted waters of the Red Sea the
Israelites are ready to discover their new home. The problem is that God wants to do some work in them to make them ready first and
that would take time and preparation. In fact, it took forty years of journeying through the wilderness before God saw that they were
ready to be brought into the Promised Land. Forty years! Forty years of people whining and grumbling and getting cross with Moses
for what they were going through. They attacked him and gave up on him, telling him they’d rather go back to Egypt. They lost faith finding other things to entertain them instead of keeping their vision set on the promise God had made to them.
Eventually the people of Israel woke up and realised that the journey wasn’t a waste of time... it was all preparation. God was using
the journey, even though it felt boring and pointless, to change them into strong and courageous people; a people who would be ready
for anything.
Perhaps we too can take encouragement from this story to wake up and start believing that nothing in life is a waste of time; even
waiting. God uses all our experiences to prepare us and change us into people who are ready to face anything.
[6] CHAINMAIL 2014
Lord Lieutenants’
Awards Ceremonies
14th Oct 2014
Members of the Regiment receive Lord Lieutenants Awards
in recognition of their dedication and Service to the Army
Reserve. Congratulations and thanks to all the recipients.
Capt David Oliver
B (RWY) Sqn
Capt Edward Pell
D (RDY) Sqn
Capt Phillip Mitchell
C (RGH) Sqn
Cpl Elizabeth Diamond
B (RWY) Sqn
Ms Sally Beaumont
D (RDY) Sqn AO
SSgt Darren Read
C (RGH) Sqn
WO2 Andrew Kershaw
A (DY)Sqn
[8] CHAINMAIL 2014
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry 2014
Brig R Sutcliffe OBE TD
HRH The Earl of Wessex KG, GCVO, ADC
Officer Commanding
Second in Command
Permanent Staff Admin Officer
Squadron Sergeant Major
Gen Sir Richard Shirreff KCB, CBE
Commanding Officer
Second in Command
Training Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
Lt Col
Lt Col
Lt Col
[10] Jones
Lt Gen AD Leakey CMG CBE
Col JF Penley OBE TD
Officer Commanding
Second in Command
Permanent Staff Admin Officer
Squadron Sergeant Major
O’Neil Roe
Officer Commanding
Second in Command
Permanent Staff Admin Officer
Squadron Sergeant Major
Col JD Smith-Bingham
Officer Commanding
Second in Command
Permanent Staff Admin Officer
Squadron Sergeant Major
Lt Col
Lt Col
Lt Col
A/Lt Col
Bristol University
Bristol University
Oxford University
Southampton University
Exeter University
Southampton University
Bristol University
Leamington Spa
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Brig R Sutcliffe OBE TD
Officer Commanding
Second in Command
Permanent Staff Admin Officer
Squadron Sergeant Major
[12] Arkell
Van de Ferris
The Training Year
Courses Training Period 20 Sep - 04 Oct 14
Training in 2014 has covered a multitude
of events and activities, from developing
those core skills expected of every soldier
to building the skills expected specifically
of an Armoured Reserve soldier, namely
Challenger 2 (CR2) driving, gunnery, loading
and commanding, not forgetting of course
our attached arms who provide such vital
support. The main focus for 2014 has been
on the broad foundation required for a CR2
armoured resilience regiment. We have
substantially built upon our capability levels
from 2013 by targeted training of drivers,
gunners, loaders and commanders growing
our numbers of Phase 3 trained Soldiers
and Officers.
The beginning of the year was a busy
period and we achieved a huge amount,
with activities ranging from weekend FTXs,
an Officer’s Study period, Individual Weapon
Ranges, Simulation VBS2, Collective Training
(CT) weekends, Special to Arms (STA),
Badminton Horse Trials and Ten Tors (Ex
[14] 17
Courses Name
De ders
vel hip
me &
Qualified CR2 RWxY personnel 2010 -2014
Crews completing LFX 4. In total 56 Regtl
crewmen were on Ranges this year, firing
almost 400 rds of 120mm Main Armament
and 27000 7.62mm COAX Machine Gun (in
total £2.4M).
Following a very successful and busy
training year in 2014/15, the Regt is now
0 0 0 0
5 7
1 1 1 1
19 31
0 0
11 13
LCpl Jon Hazzard prepares to get
up close and personal with Foghorn
Leghorn during SERE* training.
Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape
looking forward to kicking off the new TY
in April and working towards the Annual
Training Period which will see the Regt
travel to Germany and go on exercise with a
Squardron of QRH tanks in Sennelager.
Tpr Charlene Baker ‘gutted’ about
not winning the RWxY ‘Master Chef
Challenge’ during SERE Training
The 2014 Junior Non Commissioned Officer Course
Having ‘fallen back in the love with
the Tank’ last year on ATP, this year saw
a focussing of effort on improving CR2
qualifications across the Regt with a
concentration of courses on CT period in Sep
(20 Sep – 4 Oct). The training was centred in
and around Bovington, with some courses
breaking out to Lulworth, Tidworth and
Donnington. Overall 15 different courses
were convened, ranging from standard
courses such as CR2 Driver to the more
unusual, for example a survival course and
a leadership development package. By the
end of the 2 weeks, a total of 118 course
qualifications were achieved (shown in the
table opposite).
In addition to the Collective Training
Period, individual CR2 Trg courses have been
conducted throughout the year and have
resulted in a fantastic increase in our overall
CR2 and associated qualifications. The table
below shows how, over the last 4 years, we
have significantly grown in capability.
The CR2 firing period on Lulworth’s 5 Tips
Ranges in Nov was extended to 2 weeks this
year. This gave our crewmen extra time to
prepare themselves and the vehicles. The
Firing package was again based around
Yeomanry Live Fire Exercises 1-6, but we were
more flexible with our crews iot be able to
rotate as many Gunners as possible through
the seat. The results speak for themselves
with 16 Crews completing LFX 2 and 13
Ten Tors Challenge was conducted in May
over the first weekend and involved RHQ,
the QMs dept, A, B and D Sqn (C Sqn were
working at Badminton Horse Trials). The
event has changed in concept from the
previous year, with bespoke technology
and a new laydown of the Moor Support
Group personnel. The Regiment and other
Reserve units continue to play a crucial part
in delivering this iconic event ensuring that
all 2200 children made it safely back off the
moor on Sunday despite the best efforts of
the British weather.
Over the summer B and C Squadrons
conducted Ex MENDED SPUR 3 involving
a Tp of CR2 tanks and 4 x Tps of Surrogate
Training Vehicles (STVs) or Land Rover Scout.
Approximately 120 personnel deployed on
this weekend exercise to Salisbury plain
training area (SPTA) , which concentrated on
CT1 and foundation training.
The Autumn was an extremely busy
period for the Regiment. During one 13
week window, 9 out of the 13 weekends were
occupied with a significant training activity.
There were 4 x Special to Arms (STA) Trg
weekends, a 2 week Courses training period
including 3 weekends, The very successful
International Armoured Reserve Symposium,
a 2 week CR2 Range period (which included
a major recruiting and visit event) and a
Sqn Military Annual Training Tests
(MATT) weekend.
Trg Maj Eyre Brook
aboard a Sea King,
checking the route for
flooding and obstacles
A (DY) Squadron
in 2014
How quickly another year has flown by
Sgt Mawson points out the CR2’s
external extinguisher points
SSGT Dart and SSGT Jones
at Weymouth seafront
..and then Commands at 5 Tips
t was a freezing January morning on the Bovington Training area and I was
completely inappropriately dressed. I had come into the Squadron lines to do
some report writing in my office and it occurred to me that the Junior NCO cadre
was running. So I threw on my issue woolly pully and hopped in the car to go out
and see the guys and girls. They were at the top of the training area and as I pulled
in to the side of the road and got out of the car, the wind ripped straight through
my jumper and I was instantly shivering. It was a Sunday morning, crisp and
bitterly cold. The soldiers had been out since the previous morning but unlike me,
however, they were dressed appropriately. I happened to join them while they were
grabbing a quick brew in-between lessons. The training team and some regular
soldiers undergoing Phase 1 training were helping deliver the Cadre and were just
setting up the next serial. I strongly suspected that the soldiers that were there to
help were voluntolds rather than volunteers having got in trouble for something
during the week… The Yeomen were in top spirits, chatty and bubbly, sharing
stories from the previous evening’s activities. I managed to grab a quick chat with
as many as I could before…
REME Out – In
Preparing the Raft for the
Wareham Raft Race
“Grab your kit and close in! 2iC’s answer for your sections!” called the staff.
As I watched the Yeomen beetle away,
clipping up their webbing and throwing
their day-sacks over their backs, slinging
their rifles over their shoulders and clipping
up the chin-straps of their helmets, I asked
myself, who has it better? Me, in my office
with a pile of reports, or the soldiers, out
on the ground in the cold? As I got back
into my car and heard the ‘crack, crack’ of
5.56mm blank ammunition and the throaty
rattle of the 7.62mm General Purpose
Machine Gun as the training scenario
kicked off, I knew the answer.
Whether it’s the crack, rattle, boom
or flash of guns going off, the woosh,
fizz, crackle and heat of pyrotechnics,
the squelch and chatter of a radio, the
[16] And in the Water
clanking of tracks, the rumble of engines,
or the smell of oil and diesel, there’s
nothing quite like the feast for the senses
that is soldiering.
As I’m sure all of the Squadrons will
have said, it has been another busy year.
The focus of training has unequivocally
been gaining Challenger 2 qualifications.
In a little under a year and a half, the
Squadron has gone from a standing
start to now being able to fully crew 4
Challenger tanks and only missing the
commanders (a particular pinch-point) for
another 2. This has been no mean feat.
The Yeomen, with their insatiable appetite
for new experiences and a great deal of
personal commitment, have relished the
challenge to do something that no one
else in the Reserves can do. We are in
such a unique and fortunate position with
our ability to train with armour and the
Yeomen have been lapping it up. Over the
year, we have trained drivers, gunners and
loaders and had crews firing their tanks
on Regimental Live Firing on Lulworth
ranges and on exercise with our partnered
regular army regiments (the RTR and
the KRH). Captain Ed Ebburn, having
returned from a secondment to Brussels
via a tour of Afghanistan was enrolled on
the regular army Troop Leaders Course to
gain his Challenger commander and troop
leading qualification. When he eventually
comes back to the fold he will be taking
over our first full Challenger troop (1st
Tp). This is not a position from which we
should rest on our laurels. With complex
systems, skill-fade is rapid and plans for
continuation training moving into next
year are well underway; formalising the,
now proven, training pipeline to bring new
LCpl Karen Threadgold AGC
Passed and present members
of the Squadron post change
of command parade
troopers onto the tanks and programming
in a progression route for those who have
qualified to move on-and-up over time
within the Squadron.
Qualifications aside, the Squadron has
made great use of the various training
aids and opportunities made available to
it. We have deployed into the field in our
SCOUT, stripped down, Land Rovers to
learn and practice ‘getting the shape right’
of armoured tactics and manoeuvre. We
have conducted tactical virtual training
using the VBS2 and JCOVE simulation
systems to ‘get the scale right’, both
of these as part of the Ex SPRING
WARRIOR series. Our particular proximity
to the CIS School, here in Bovington, has
enabled us to remain the strongest of
communicators. We have deployed with
the rest of the Regiment onto Salisbury
Plain with armour and SCOUT LR, we
have built and floated rafts in a charity
fund-raiser, we have dived ship-wrecks off
the coast of Gozo and skied in the Alps.
We have bid farewell to a number of
the Squadron this year as they have hung
up their spurs, namely SSgt Howarth,
who very sadly lost his battle with cancer,
SSgts Haskell and Hole, Sgt Meier, Cpls
Purchase and O’Hara, and LCpls Batiste,
Goligher, McClean and Honey. We wish
them all the very best in their future
Members of the Squadron assemble
for the Agagia Dinner
endeavours and sincerely hope that they
look back at their time in the Yeomanry
with fond memories of good times and
great friendship and comradeship.
This year we have been joined by a
good few new Squadron members as
well. We welcome Maj Tim Jones who has
joined us following a successful, full career
with the 9th/12th Royal Lancers, Captain
Nick Martin from the Queens Dragoon
Guards (following a brief stop-over in the
city) and Capt Kyall. Sergeant Mawson,
Sergeant McCartney from the Royal
Dragoon Guards and Cpls Parsonage
and Morgan from the Queens Dragoon
Guards. We have also been joined by
a flurry of new Troopers, namely Tprs
Dragon, Fensome, Llewellyn and the
2 brothers Vincent. I’d like to take this
opportunity to formally welcome you all
and I look forward to sharing the good
times that the future holds for us all.
The challenges continue for the
Squadron; the Army’s focus on recruiting
being at the fore currently, however, we
are strong and our health is good while
we continue to grow and flourish in our
new role. u
Major Jon Dalley, Officer
Commanding A (DY) Squadron,
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
A Sqn contingent at the Tank Museum for Remembrance Day Parade
B (RWY) Squadron in 2014
Challenger 2 securing the
HLS for the insertion of the
rest of the Sqn by Chinook
reconnaissance patrols from 7 RIFLES.
On the Sunday morning the two Scout
troops conducted a raid onto the 7 RIFLES
battalion HQ, whilst the culmination of the
exercise for the Challenger 2 troop was
to defend their hide from an attack by a
7 RIFLES company. Unfortunately the
SSM was unable to join us as he had food
poisoning – although married to one of our
chefs he insists it wasn’t her!
The Squadron has also been building
links following our new affiliation with
Oxford UOTC. Initially by providing a
stand at their ‘cap-badge fair’ in March
which resulted in expressions of interest
from a number of potential officers. This
continued in April, when the Squadron
Leader assisted at their PRACTAC exam
at Imber Village where he saw A Sqn out
with Southampton UOTC!
The 2013/14 training year saw the
Squadron achieve the highest number
of competent CR2 crewman by any
Yeomanry squadron ever, including six
CR2 commanders, thanks in no small part
to the hard work by our Gunnery PSI SSgt
In April the Adjutant General, Lieutenant
General Berragan was hosted by the
Squadron as part of his tour of Reserve
units. The Squadron continued to assist
with the Brigade’s Employer Engagement
efforts, hosting an Army Engagement
Team briefing to employers at Old Sarum
in May, with Their Royal Highnesses the
Earl and Countess of Wessex attending
t was a busy start to 2014 for B Sqn with 13 members of the Sqn taking part in
Ex SNOW FOX and Maj Morgan (along with Capt Knight from A Sqn and Lt Col
Long) representing the Regiment at the Army Cresta Championships before
going on to represent the Army at the Inter-Services. Continuing in the sporting
theme, for the first time in 10 years the Sqn’s Bambridge Orienteering Trophy was
held. Despite the cold and drizzle there was a great turnout including a visiting
film crew from Bournemouth University. LCpl Garner-Richardson was victorious.
The trophy was presented by Mr Bambridge (a former Sgt in the Sqn) in the Sqn
bar at Old Sarum. The Sqn was in the public eye during February, when along with the rest of the
Regiment it was called out to assist those affected by the flooding in Dorset. Having
planned to deploy on a MATTs Weekend the Sqn was instead diverted to Christchurch.
Here they spent a long night of placing sandbags and rescuing people’s possessions.
They were then tasked to assist with the clear up on Avon Beach. The labours of LCpls
Hazzard and Young resulted in a photo of them appearing in The Times a few days later!
The public spotlight continued with the Sqn Ldr, 2IC, and Tprs Townend and Menzies
helping to host at a 43 (Wessex) Brigade Employer Engagement Evening in Salisbury,
followed a week later by a visit to the Army Reserve Centre by the Lord Lieutenant of
Wiltshire and the Sqn Honorary Colonel.
Capt Plumridge completed the gunnery and tactics phases of the Armoured Troop
Leaders’ Course in the first months of 2014 followed by an attached to the RTR.
Meanwhile, Tpr Townend was attached to the KRH. Deploying on exercises to Poland
(Ex BLACK EAGLE) and Canada (BATUS) where he was joined by LCpl Carson also on
attachment to the KRH.
The early spring sun was shining on B and C Squadrons for their Ex SPRING
WARRIOR in March. On the Wednesday preceding the exercise, an advance party took
over a troop of Challenger 2 (loaned by the RTR) deploying late Friday morning onto
[18] Tpr Townend in BATUS with former B Sqn
members, Tpr Magee and SSgt Pople
Salisbury Plain to secure an HLS for the
remainder of the composite squadron’s
arrival by Chinook. The event provided
some excellent media coverage for the
Regiment, at a time when many in the
media were asking whether Reservists
could do the roles required of us under
Army 2020. The three troops (one on
Challenger 2 and two on Land Rover
Scout) started training on the Saturday
evening with a force on force advance
to contact. After dusk the three troops
went through a night replen, returning
to hide locations to provide targets for
Members of B Sqn assisting clear up after the floods that hit the South West in early 2014
the reception for employers afterwards.
The reception was then followed by a
dinner in the Officers’ and Sergeants’
Mess with Their Royal Highnesses, the
Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Assistant
Commander 3 (UK) Division, Commander
43 (Wx) Brigade, three RWY Honorary
Colonels (past & present) and the
Commanding Officers of the King’s Royal
Hussars and Royal Tank Regiment. The
event was excellently co-ordinated behind
the scenes by Capt Oliver the PSAO. A
number of the Squadron’s soldiers and
the Old Sarum ACF detachment assisted
the evening as mess waiters (following
a crash-course given by the KRH Mess
Sergeant), security and in the kitchens
HRH the Earl of Wessex at Old Sarum
with the Bde Comd and RWY Hon Col
(directed by SSgt Bolwell and chefs from
RHQ, A Sqn and A Sqn RY).
The weekend of 9-11 May saw the
Squadron and two Officers Cadets
from Oxford UOTC deploy on Ten Tors,
running South Sector of the Moor Safety
Group as well as providing manpower
to various positions in Okehampton and
Willsworthy. Although wet and extremely
windy, resulting in several hundred
children ‘falling out’, the weekend passed
successfully. On the Sunday, those
members of the Squadron who were
unable to go to Dartmoor manned a
recruiting stand at the Support Our Paras
event at Old Sarum Airfield, where, with
limited numbers of potential recruits to talk
to, the Sqn 2IC managed to recruit his son!
June saw the Squadron combine again
with C Sqn for EX MENDED SPUR 2,
this time using only Land Rover Scouts.
The aim was to practice living, working
and manoeuvring as a Troop within a
Squadron context. June also saw the Sqn
man a stand with Y Sqn at the Tidworth
Transition Fair which resulted in a number
of expressions of interest from personnel
leaving the Regular Army.
Along with the rest of the Regiment, the
main effort for June was preparation for the
Regimental parade on 5 July; mostly in the
guise of drill practice on the vehicle park.
The event itself was very well attended
by serving and past members of B Sqn
and the wider Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry.
The event saw the two remaining RWY
squadrons reunited in the same regiment
for the first time since 1969.
In the summer Capt’s Jerabek and
Troughton under the watchful guard of
WO2 (SSM) Hill, took part in a US/UK
exchange. The three were hosted by
various US National Guard units, whilst
US National Guard Officers travelled to
the UK to go on exercise with the QOY.
Several members of the Squadron also
travelled to Normandy on Ex WYVERN
JUPITER, a battlefield tour organised
by 43 (Wx) Bde following the 70th
anniversary of D-Day.
On 25 June ten members of the
Squadron participated in Uniform to Work
Day (UTWD), the most from any sub-unit
within the Wessex region, including WO2
Visit of Julian Brazier MP to Old Sarum
WO2 (SSM) Hill at work on
Uniform to Work Day
(SSM) Hill making the Army’s UTWD
Facebook and Twitter posts.
In August Y Squadron joined the
Regiment’s deployment to Salisbury plain
for Ex MENDED SPUR 3. This saw B Sqn
provide more than half of the CR2 crew
on the exercise conducting their training
despite the attentions of Hurricane Bertha
threatened. Concurrently, those not on
CR2 deployed as part of a composite LR
squadron with Y Sqn – the first time the
two RWY Sqns have trained together in
over a decade.
On 20 August the Minister for Reserves,
Julian Brazier TD, visited Old Sarum to
view the Squadron training and to discuss
issues currently facing Reserve sub-units.
Over the August Bank Holiday members
of the Squadron went to London to
take part in Ex URBAN YEOMAN. The
‘expedition’ started with an opportunity
to return to the Yeomanry’s roots; riding
with the King’s Troop RHA. Various
degrees of experience were on display,
but the Squadron took to the task with
[20] LCpl Nevill practicing for the TA
Pistol Shooting Competition
relish and only one member fell – WO2
Coupland. This was then followed by a
military-themed inter-Troop orienteering
competition on the streets of London
(See a full article later in this edition).
The Squadron took the lead as the
RWxY fielded two teams of four firers to
defend their title at the 2014 TA Pistol
Championships. Despite a relative lack of
experience compared to previous years
the shooting went very well. Overall the
A Team were ranked 5th (out of 22), with
SSgt Rowe coming 4th, LCpl Carson 29th,
Capt Jerabek 35th, Tpr Goodwin 47th,
Capt Chamberlin 52nd and Tpr Challis
83rd (all out of 104). With the RWxY
being virtually the only team still using
Brownings, the team shows plenty of
potential and it is likely that they should be
back on a level pegging with the top teams
with the impending arrival in the Regiment
Past and present members of B Sqn with the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire for the
presentation of the Certificate of Meritorious Service to Capt Oliver and Cpl Diamond
of the Army’s new Glock pistol.
In October Capt Oliver and Cpl Diamond
were awarded the Lord Lieutenant’s
Certificate of Meritorious Service by the
Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah
Troughton CStJ, for their outstanding
contribution to the Reserves.
The Friday prior to the Remembrance
weekend saw the Squadron commemorate
the feats of the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry
(RWY) at the Second Battle of El Alamein
with its annual all ranks dinner. In 1941 the
RWY were the spearhead for Operation
SUPERCHARGE. This was the Allied
force breakout from El Alamein, provided
Britain with its first major victory of the
Second World War and lead to the defeat
of Rommel’s Afrika Corps and. During the
meal the Squadron was treated to a very
detailed account of the battle from various
members of the Squadron with Tpr Mackie
even managing to remember which
Regiment to toast this year (last year he
inexplicably decided to toast the Royal
Yeomanry!). Following close on the heels
of the El Alamein dinner, the Squadron
paraded in Salisbury for Remembrance
Sunday; 32 members of the Squadron
were on parade, as well as Brig Sutcliffe
(RWY Hon Col) and Col Long (Colonel
Army Reserve Recruiting and former B
Sqn Leader). As usual, the parade was
followed by an excellent curry lunch in the
Army Reserve Centre (courtesy of Pte
Notton-Hill) for the Hon Col, members
of the Squadron and their families. The
Squadron was also represented at the
Cenotaph in London by Maj Morgan, who
was on duty with HRH the Earl of Wessex
as his Equerry, and in Bath by LCpl
Garner-Richardson, who paraded with
King Edward’s School CCF (where he
is a teacher).
“I see you stand like greyhounds in the
slips, straining upon the start.” B Sqn NCOs
waiting to go downrange at Lulworth
Winter arrived just about in time to
ensure a cold and wet live firing period
for the Regiment (at least it minimised the
range fires!), with B Squadron providing
commanders, loaders, gunners and
drivers. The number of personnel on
the ranges demonstrated how far the
Regiment has come in the last couple
of years. This was the third year that
the RWxY had fully crewed the tanks on
ranges, two years ago there were just two
commanders and three drivers, who were
shared amongst the six crews. Media
coverage included some interviews for the
newly promoted LCpl Mackie (or Matthew
according to BFBS) and Tpr Rajackhan
– both are available for viewing on the
Regimental Facebook page.
in Lincolnshire and were the first frontline RAF Sqn to be equipped with the
Eurofighter Typhoon. They have seen
action in both World Wars, Sierra Leone
and Iraq.
It is with great sadness that Sgt Parker
passed away in February after a long
struggle with cancer. Sgt Parker had
served with the RDG before joining RWxY
and serving on Op HERRICK with the
KRH. He will be missed by all who
knew him.
This year B Sqn has welcomed Tprs
Paylor, Barendt, Fogarty and Wiggins,
and Pte Martin, as trained soldiers,
and Cpls Duncan, Gorman, and Bluff,
LCpl Stabbins, and Tprs Owen, McNeill
and Morgan, all of whom joined us with
A Typhoon from 3 (F) Sqn RAF with the RWY colours on the tail
The year was rounded off with a busy
few weeks in December. The RWY
Association Annual Lunch in Devizes,
followed by a Christmas Carol Concert for
members of the Sqn and their families, a
Sqn MATTs weekend at Old Sarum, and
then the inter-troop Christmas quiz.
The Squadron has added a new Sqn
affiliation - with 3 (Fighter) Sqn RAF, after
it was noticed by members of 3 (F) Sqn
Assn that we share Sqn colours, when
HRH the Earl of Wessex wore his RWY
tie whilst re-dedicating a memorial to 3
(F) Sqn aircrew at Stonehenge. 3 (F) Sqn
were originally formed at Larkhill in 1912
as No 3 Company Royal Flying Corps
(RFC); could it merely be a co-incidence
that a RFC Company formed in Wiltshire
adopted exactly the same colours as
the local Yeomanry Regiment? 3 (F)
Sqn are now based at RAF Coningsby
previous Regular / Reserve service.
We have also said farewell to Capt
Chamberlin, posted to 170 (Infra Sp)
Engr Gp; Sgt Yeo, posted to the AFV
CIS School on promotion; Sgt Bird,
posted to Southampton UOTC; Cpl Allan,
transferred to the MPGS; Cfn Jeffree,
posted to 3 ROYAL ANGLIAN; and Tprs
Menzies and Waddington, both of whom
have joined the Regular Army.
Finally, congratulations to Maj Morgan
and his wife, Emma, on the birth of their
first child, Sophia; Cpl Sumner and his
wife, Sara, on the birth of their first son,
Hector; Cpl Taylor and his wife, Hannah,
on the birth of Chloe Jemima; and to Tpr
Rajackhan and Marie Lespar on the birth
of their first child, Dean Matthew. u
Cpl Rhymer
C (RGH) Squadron in 2014
Troop Hide rehearsal, Exercise MENDED SPUR 3
Captain Ed Hodges adopts the correct position during filming on CR2 Ranges – the tank’s the real star!
014 was a pretty hefty year for C(RGH) Squadron, not least due to an almost
unprecedented mass change of hierarchy. The first few months of the year
saw a short-notice change of Squadron Leader, two changes of Squadron
Sergeant Major, handover of 2ic (although we haven’t let Capt Mitchell go that
easily), arrival of three new Sabre Troop Leaders, and a new Training Captain. This
is probably unprecedented in such a short space of time! However, the new team
set to work with a will and with the very clear intention to restore the Squadron to
rude good health.
Given the focus on Op FORTIFY,
the key measure of success for the
Squadron in 2014 was always going to
be the ability to retain and recruit quality
soldiers. Although to some extent reliant
on external factors, this is of course
also a measure of how well the team is
working, and ultimately if the Squadron is
a fun place to be. Yeomanry squadrons
need to be “the best club in town” and it
is a command responsibility to make it
SQMS Isles delivers a Replen lesson
as part of Exercise MENDED SPUR 2
[22] so. However, the Reserves are also the
“Army Club” and this underscores what
our men and women really join for –
quality training, encompassing the moral,
conceptual and physical components.
Training was therefore the main effort
through 2014, on the basis of “build
it and they will come”. Given that the
Squadron is lucky enough to have several
officers with significant experience,
developing our core Challenger 2 role
understandably took up a significant
amount of effort. Activities included
a high level of commitment to crew
training at Donnington and Lulworth, as
well as the development of a series of
progressive tactical exercises that saw
crews move from simulation (VBS2 at
Warminster) onto Scout Land Rovers
and then Challenger 2 over a series of
three weekends. This was an effective
progression, culminating in a very popular
and well-attended combined Tank and
Land Rover exercise in August.
Courses camp have allowed a number
of members of the Squadron to add
Getting to grips with VBS2
on Wednesday nights…
Gunnery PSI Sgt Harley briefs on ranges –
targets seem smaller than in the OC’s day!
valuable skills this year. This has helped
bring up our trained strength and we have
been able to form a third Sabre Troop
made up fully of qualified people, adding
considerable capability to the Squadron.
These are all based across the West
Midlands, showing how our position as
the most northernmost/outlying Squadron
can be turned to advantage when it comes
to recruiting.
Camp for many other members of the
Squadron was Challenger 2 Ranges, as
you can read about elsewhere. Of note
though is that C Sqn formed the SHQ
of a combined Squadron drawn from
across the Regiment, marking the first
time that a Yeomanry Squadron Leader
has “done the job” on ranges (with his
SSM somehow sneaking into the Loader’s
seat!) – a further part of the Royal Wessex
Yeomanry’s development and transition
Pre-range weapon handling
instruction with Cpl Smith
towards the requirements of Army 2020.
This is something that that was also
underscored by the Squadron’s role in
helping to organise the International
Armoured Reservists Symposium (again
covered elsewhere in Chainmail).
Other activities included our participation
in support of Badminton Horse Trials
in May, which remains both an honour
and a privilege for the Squadron. We
also continued to get people away on
adventure training, with walking and
sailing proving particularly popular. This
included participation in the Seaview
regatta and several other expeditions,
where a good time was had by all!
Socially, we enjoyed a very successful
El Gubi night dinner – which was held
on the last weekend of the training year.
While our longest serving veteran, Don
Hart (who was present at the iconic battle)
was not able to join us this year, we got
to see him at the annual El Gubi church
service, held at Badminton House. Don
read the names of the fallen as part of an
immensely poignant ceremony, adding
personal details that really brought their
sacrifices to life, given that he knew them
all so well. It was similarly moving for
members of the Squadron to participate in
the Remembrance parade in Cirencester
and Dawley, especially given the
significance of the anniversary year, and
we even managed to march rather smartly
for Yeomen…
Aside from this weekend activity we
have had a great programme of evening
training, with increasingly interesting
sessions being organised by our training
team – the deployment of a VBS2 suite
being a particularly popular highlight.
We are blessed with two excellent
and supportive PSIs who have risen
to the challenge set by increasing the
imagination and effectiveness of Squadron
training, even though this has added
considerably to their workload. Thanks are
also due to the rest of our hard-working
Sqn parade for inspection
Squadron Leader squadron leading –
Maj Crump on Ex MENDED SPUR 3
permanent staff – who have suffered
particularly trying circumstances this
year. This was recognised in the award
of a Lord Lieutenant’s Certificate to SSgt
Read (and another to Capt Mitchell for
all his service); Mr Tait’s nomination was
refused as he had only just got one for his
outstanding work with the ACF – proof,
if more were needed, of just how well
served we are.
The bottom line for the Squadron is this;
numbers, as I stated above, mean all. We
entered 2014 incredibly weak, and facing
some scepticism over viability. So I am
immensely pleased to announce that we
finished the year with 31 recruits in the
pipeline – of whom 18 are in or on their
way to phase 1 training. This is largely due
to immense hard work by all ranks, but
particularly Captain Rich Whetter and Cpl
Wayne Browne. Not only are the numbers
good but our recruits are of high quality,
and I am certain that they will stand the
RGH proud in the years to come. We will
maintain our momentum in this regard by
continuing to undertake valuable and fun
training in 2015, most notably including
participation in the deployment of a
Squadron to the QRH in Germany – to
which we are immensely looking forward
(in amongst training recruits)!
Getting to grips - SSM Salter and Sgt
Peacock supervise small arms ranges, with
soldiers using the new sights and bipods
Troop Leader Troop Leading – Capt
Warwick on Ex MENDED SPUR 3
Tprs Harley and Haines enjoying SPTA!
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“Through the mud”…Sgt Harley splashes on
[24] CHAINMAIL 2014
01305 251007
For life in all its colours
01202 725400
01929 423301
01929 552141
D (RDY) Squadron in 2014
he Year of the Dragon has
certainly been an interesting
one for D (RDY) SqnRWxY. We
started the year with some unsettling
news about the closure of Barnstaple
Army Reserve Centre, but have ended
the year with three rather than two
Army Reserve Centre’s, a new PSAO,
a strong and committed squadron of
soldiers and our recruiting across the
whole of the County is on the up.
Kicking the year off in fine style with
exercise Snow Fox, we sent 5 D Sqn
officers and soldiers off to Val D’Isere for
a week of adventurous training on the
pan yeomanry skiing expedition. All who
deployed came back with tales of fantastic
powder and death defying on and off-piste
action. Along quiet corridors there have
also been tales of death defying après ski
action too... All we know for sure is that
they all came back better skiers and all
fired up to get stuck into the year’s training.
The ‘green’ training began with a
couple of MATTS weekends early in the
year – where WO2 Boon again excelled
himself with a challenging night time
navigational course on Braunton Burrows
– I’m not sure micro nav was supposed
to be on the syllabus – and CplIngelton
excelled himself by taking a deep breath
and singing the national anthem sans
respirator in the CS chamber – strange
[26] bunch those CBRN instructors!
It was en-route to one of the MATTS
weekends in Bovington that the Sqn was
diverted with an urgent tasking to aid
the police in dealing with a threatened
flood and tidal surge in West Bay, Dorset.
Luckily there was no requirement to fill
sandbags, instead the Sqn transported
some evacuated civilians back to their
homes once the police and coastguard
gave the all clear. Although not the
most exciting or newsworthy of tasks,
the Squadron’s quick and professional
response allowed the local police to
concentrate their stretched resources
elsewhere and allowed us the opportunity
to educate the local population about the
reserve. It seems that many didn’t even
know we existed!
As March approached, the D Sqn Monte
Cassino battle honourweekend closely
followed the retirement of our erstwhile
PSAO, Capt Clive Pearce who had finally
hung up his boots after a life time in
uniform, both regular and reserve (and just
written to Soldier magazine in order to lay
claim to having had more cap badges than
anyone else in the British Army).
The weekend’s training involved the
squadron being put through their paces
practising contact drills with some of
our colleagues from 21 SAS. When
the squadron had recovered from their
exertions, we moved to Willsworthy camp
where we made a number of troop and
individual awards over dinner and formally
dined out Capt Pearce, who had joined us
for the evening with his wife Cathy.
Ten Tors became our next priority and
we deployed into typical Dartmoor weather
to support this wonderful event. Many in
the Squadron have either completed the
event themselves, or have children who
are taking part and so it is really important
to us to be able to get out onto the moor
and add to the safety of the competitors.
The Squadron as always did immensely
well in challenging conditions. I was
able to make a number of flying visits to
D Sqn soldiers in far flung parts of the
moor to check on progress. Despite the
opportunity for disarray in difficult weather,
everything was always under control and
there was always an air of calm. Special
mention must go to Pte Blackmore, our
Sqn Medic. She worked quietly and
efficiently all weekend alongside the MO
in the Medical Centre. As the event was
drawing to a close on the Sunday, she
was able to go out with one of the Royal
Navy Helicopters and provided immediate
first aid when a casualty called for urgent
medical attention.
Ten Tors was to be the last time the RDY
capbadge was to be worn en-masse in
public. The next significant event in the
diary was the change of capbadge parade,
where the Regiment adopted a unified
capbadge– the rather fine Wessex Dragon
– for the first time. Marching with the
other Sqns in front of HRH Earl of Wessex,
the consensus was that the timing was
right. Although we are all rather fond
and very proud of our heritage and rightly
so – with a bold new future of Challenger
2 training ahead of us, it was time to
adopt a symbol of speed, manoeuvrability,
firepower and protection on our head
dress and to finally achieve an element of
uniformity across the Regiment.
The focus of the training year then
moved to our core role – the Challenger
2 main battle tank. The Squadron has
the ability to fill all crew positions in the
Challenger 2, but being a complex beast
the skills required for each crew position
require reinforcement on a regular basis.
With this in mind, the bulk of the squadron
deployed to a courses camp where old
skills were brushed up, and new ones
learned. In particular we were able to
add loaders & gunners to our list of crew
positions filled and part one of a two part
driving and maintenance course was
completed. We also qualified a number
of signallers on BOWMAN and GPMG
gunners on the L7. As we build upon
these skills we work ever closer with
our regular paired regiments – notably
borrowing tanks from the RTR in order
to allow RWxY soldiers to maintain their
training currency. This close co-operation
between the regulars and reserves has
been key to the RWxY meeting our training
needs, but it has not all been one way.
D Sqn has this year deployed soldiers
to BATUS and sent L/CplWoodfield to
Poland to join the KRH on exercise Black
Eagle. L/CplWoodfield was sure that the
pesky Russians will take one look at him
and rapidly back away from the Ukraine.
Having seen him in his new PTI’s vest, the
rest of us would probably agree!
Challenger 2 remains one of the world’s
best main battle tanks. It is acknowledged
as having an excellent fire control system
and a very powerful gun matched to a well
armoured hull and turret. Everywhere
it goes it inspires a sense of awe and
power and it is a real statement of intent
that the RWxY have been tasked with
producing trained crews to operate this
vastly complicated and important weapon
system. Each time the Regiment deploy
on exercise in tanks – in ever increasing
numbers – the reality of what we as a
regiment have achieved in the last 2 years
is evident. D Sqn soldiers are immensely
proud that we are able to provide our
share of that capability.
As the year draws to a close D Sqn
are able to reflect back on a year of
change and uncertainty and that once
again they have every right to be proud
of themselves. At every turn D Sqn has
done what has been asked. Showing
patience and fortitude through periods
of unrest surrounding the SHQ move to
Exeter, fully embracing the Challenger 2,
adopting the new cap badge, recruiting at
every opportunity and remaining cheerful
and committed throughout.
Looking into the New Year, the Sqn
will move into its new SHQ at Wyvern
Barracks, Exeter in January, the training
will again focus initially on generating
efficient soldiers for the regiment before
moving back to Challenger 2 training. We
also remain ready to support Ten Tors and
aim to conduct some good adventurous
training. D Sqn remains a busy and
vibrant Squadron with a professional ethos
and a firm belief in its ability to provide
CR2 crewmen. We weathered the
physical and metaphorical storms of 2014
and came out smiling and stronger than
ever. Bring on 2015… u
Y (RWY) Squadron in 2014
Tpe Peck (L) and LCpl Jacobs (R)
discuss the merits of ‘droopy dipole’
vs. ‘broadband’ antennas during
Command Poster Exercise....zzzzzz!
Y Squadron don the brown beret of the Royal Wessex Yeomanry for the first time
Y Squadron soldiers get to
grips with Challenger 2 during the
Squadron’s first driver’s course since the 1950s
he Regiment’s newest Squadron came into being on the 1st of July 2014 as a result of the Future Reserves 2020
rebalancing, which saw the removal of ‘A’ (Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry) Squadron from the Royal Yeomanry’s
Order of Battle, and incorporation as ‘Y’ (Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry) The Royal Wessex Yeomanry.
The ‘Y’ is partly an acknowledgement of the Royal Wiltshire
Yeomanry’s “Ypres” battle honour, but also a nod to those who
had deployed as the fully-formed ‘Y’ Squadron of the Joint NBC
Regiment during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 – earning the first
battle honour for a reserve unit since World Ward Two.
Up until July, the Squadron had been roled as Light Cavalry,
utilising the R-WMIK platform. The RWMIK was a very useful
vehicle, and the squadron spent a considerable number of
weekends getting to know them well on Salisbury Plain Training
Area and Lydd Ranges – becoming adept in typical tasks such
as scouting, patrolling and raids. However, by its very nature as
a ‘convertible’, inclement weather could prove to be a significant
test of personal administration and endurance for crews – and
there were therefore mixed feelings on missing the opportunity
of two weeks at Warcop and Otterburn with the rest of the Royal
Yeomanry in October 2014!
Light Cavalry skills include a substantial dismounted element,
which – as soldiers first – we maintain into our new role. Amongst
the many subjects covered, bayonet drills always appears to be
a good ‘crowd-pleaser’, and under SSgt Williams’ expert tutelage
our soldiers demonstrated the fine art of a menacing war face
and cold steel.
The extended distances over which a Light Cavalry Squadron
might operate – along with a limited radio fit – demands
considerable attention to signals skills. The Squadron’s SHQ
Troop therefore spent much of the training year practicing VHF
and HF communications skills, and with the assistance of LCpl
Jacobs (Ex Royal Signals – but a reformed character), were able
to facilitate a successful Command Post Exercise held across
dispersed locations from Swindon to Nottingham. LCpl Jacobs
[28] Y Squadron practice the ancient art of the ‘war face’ and cold steel!
held the Squadron in rapt attention, as
he performed the signaller’s equivalent of
a Red Arrows display by demonstrating
every antenna type from the sloping wire
to the legendary ‘Mega Whip’ – an edifice
so tall (and flexible), that it has a danger
template similar to the atmospheric burst
of a small atomic device!
Prior to the formal change of command
parade in July, the Squadron pushed
ahead with conversion to the new
Armoured role, and during June a
number of soldiers attended the Regular
Challenger 2 driver course at Bovington –
becoming the first Swindon reservists to
qualify as tank crewmen since the Royal
Wiltshire Yeomanry first converted from
Cromwell tanks to Armoured Cars in 1958.
For the past four years, a growing
relationship has been established with
Wiltshire Army Cadet Force detachments
in Swindon and the vicinity. Led by WO2
Dave Blackwell, Squadron personnel have
provided support in a range of subjects
during company weekends and camps –
the recent live firing event at Lulworth was
a big success, and very well attended by
our cadets. Swindon schools ACF have
long worn our cap badge, and we now
plan to take the next step by conducting a
mini cap badge parade, during which they
will be presented with the brown beret
and white dragon of the Royal Wessex
Yeomanry. We view our relationship with
the ACF detachments as a vital element
of our core business, as the support that
these detachments receive from affiliated
regular and reserve units is key to
developing their perceptions of the
Army as an organisation during their
formative years.
Establishment of relationships and
integration with our new partnered Regular
Armoured Regiments is one of our highest
priorities at the moment, and we have
been at all levels to address this. During
August and September, Tprs Moore,
Peck and Tippetts deployed to Germany
with the RTR and 1 REME as part of
the Exercise BLACK EAGLE activation
task force were they worked many long
hours to prepare vehicles for deployment
to Poland. Then in November, Sgt Jon
Pierce spent two weeks on Exercise and
in barracks with the RTR’s BADGER and
EGYPT Squadrons – working principally
within the SQMS packet.
There have been some big changes in
Squadron personalities over the past few
months – particularly in the Officer’s Mess.
We have sadly said goodbye to Lt Alex
Tennant-Bell and 2Lt Sarah Hardman,
who have both started their Regular Army
careers at Sandhurst – where we wish
them the very best of luck. In return, we
have gained Captain Doug White (late
of the Queen’s Royal Hussars) and 2Lt
Edward Anderson-Bickley, who is one of
Big pen, small map: The Squadron
Leader points to the Schwerpunkt during
Command Post Exercise. Or possibly
where he thinks he dropped his mug of tea
the first to commission on the new 8-week
‘CC+’ at Sandhurst. Finally, we were
joined in June by Captain Simon Feaver
(late of the Royal Regiment of Scotland),
who at the time of printing will be well
and truly in the seat as Squadron Leader
– following the traditional handover/
takeover ritual of Ordeal by Combat! After
14 years with the Squadron, Major Mike
Dalzell finally moved on (although only
as far as to the Land Warfare School at
Y Squadron kayakers prepare to do battle with the
ocean during adventure training at Chickerell Camp
Warminster!), handing over the ‘Basrah
Trophy’ (based on an AK-47 bayonet
liberated from Basrah in 2003!) to Captain
Feaver, which will be awarded each year
to the junior soldier who most displays the
grit, determination, and will to succeed
that characterises this Squadron
On the sport and adventure training
side, our focus on re-roling has reduced
our pace somewhat this year, but this
did not stop Cpl Farley and LCpl Nash
spending some quality time skydiving in
Spain with their erstwhile colleagues of
the Royal Yeomanry during August and
September. A little closer to home, WO2
Dave Blackwell organised an excellent
weekend of adventure training down at
Chickerell Camp near Weymouth – a
weekend by the seaside always goes
down well, especially when canoeing and
mountain biking are on the menu! Captain
Doug White has also been doing his bit
to increase the Squadron’s equestrian
profile – both playing polo for the Army
team, and winning the Yeomanry ride at
Badminton. Also to a saddle of a different
kind, where mention should be made of
Tpr Slade’s fundraising ‘Ride of Britain’
for SSAFA – and you can
this feat of cycling endurance in her own
words elsewhere in this magazine.
On the social side, the Squadron
maintains a strong ‘family’ atmosphere,
HQ 43 (Wx) Bde Battlefield Study
Major Mike Dalzell hands over the Basrah
Trophy to Captain Simon Keyes (OC(des))
and the summer barbeque is always a well
attended event by all ages – enticed no
doubt by the culinary masterpieces that the
SSgt Williams and the SQMS packet seem
to be able to conjure up without fail every
year. The highlight of the year was – as
ever – the annual El Alamein dinner and
ball held annually on the Saturday closest
to the anniversary of the beginning of
the epic battle in North Africa on the 23rd
October 1942, in which Wiltshire Yeoman
fought a bitter contest to smash the axis
line. This year’s event was no exception,
and a very good night was had by all
Finally, with the current spotlight on
Reserve Recruiting, it is worth noting
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The handover of command
between Squadron Leaders
happens in the usual manner...
that – as ever- the Yeomanry suffers
from no such shortage from enthusiastic
volunteers. Much effort has gone into
recruiting over the past year, and our
team’s substantial labours are now well
and truly bearing fruit, and as well as a
very healthy number of attestations over
the past few months, we also expect to
see several strong cohorts of recruits
passing off the Square in 2015.
In short, the future of ‘Y’ looks very
bright, and we look forward to the coming
years as a new and exciting chapter in our
long history! u
Maj Mike Dalzell
43 (Wessex) Brigade Contingent
On the 01 May, RHQ were informed by HQ
43 (Wx) Bde that a Bde Battlefield Study, Ex
WYVERN JUPITER was to take place and was
asked if personnel from the RWxY would be
available and willing to attend. After gaining
the Commanding Officers permission, and
hearing of the aims and intentions of the
exercise, the answer was a definite yes.
The study was to take place 8 – 12 July
and the location was Normandy, France,
in particular the area where the 43 (Wx)
Infantry Division fought during the summer
of 1944. The dates and the exercise name
were not chosen randomly. Operation
JUPITER was fought on Hill 112 seventy years
previously, almost to the day, and is one of
the most infamous and bloody actions of
the Normandy campaign. This was also the
last occasion that the 43rd (Wx) Division
Association would be holding an official
commemoration service at Hill 112 and it
© 2014 Jon Wort
was fitting that current serving 43rd (Wx)
Bde troops would be present to witness this
historic event.
Ten members of the RWxY volunteered
to attend the tour and travelled to Tidworth
to rendezvous with the remainder of the
party. The complete party were then briefed
by the Project Officer about Operation
Overlord, the resulting Battle of Normandy
and the part that 43rd (Wx) Division played.
Administrative tasks were also detailed, and
the RSM, Mr McKinley, discovered he was
to be in charge of discipline and etiquette
whereas Capt Oliver and I were to be in
charge of stand syndicates at the different
locations to be visited.
Once the loading detail was completed,
the party mounted the coach and headed
south to Portsmouth to the ferry. All went
well as we entered the belly of the beast, but
there were a few quizzical stares when the
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troops entered the ships galley, as the
dress for the trip was MTP uniform for the
duration. Whether the locals imagined a
second invasion was imminent is still open
to conjecture.
Thankfully the Channel was as still as
a pond, as it was a five hour crossing. On
docking at Caen, the next stage was to
motor south to the accommodation. This was
located in a quiet part of northern Caen and
although not salubrious was comfortable and
contained all the facilities required, although
our resident mod, WO2 Pavelin (ROSWO) was
panic stricken on discovering that there was
no ironing facilities en suite. Fortunately, his
‘Room Buddy’, Mr McKinley saved the day by
requesting an iron from reception.
After an evening of getting to know our
fellow travellers, Wednesday morning arrived
and everyone mounted the transport to start
the tour in earnest. Our first visit was to the
Merville Battery. On D-Day, this battery of
guns threatened Sword Beach and had to be
silenced. Consequently, Lt Col Otway and the
9th Para Battalion were tasked to silence the
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Capt ‘Monty’ Adams surveying Gold Beach
Map on top of Hill 112
showing formation positions
Hill 112 March Past 12 Jul 14
RM Centaur @ Pegasus Museum
guns after a patchy night drop during the
early hours of 6th June 1944. The mission was
a success, but casualties on both sides were
high. The full story of the attack is impossible
to describe in this article but tremendous
heroism was shown in the face of great odds.
From the Merville Battery, we then moved
to Pegasus Bridge, which some of you may
remember from the ATP visit last September.
After a presentation of the action here, a visit
to the museum was arranged. Some of the
stories of the artefacts were amazing, but
the one that stood out for me was about the
Bren gun which had been lost in the pond
during the glider landing. Years later, on an
earlier battlefield study, the machine gunner
who had originally ‘lost’ the Bren visited the
site. Due to the summer heat, the water level
of the pond had dropped to such an extent
that it was almost dry. Whilst reminiscing to
his colleagues about the Bren incident, the
old soldier pointed to where he suspected
the gun had gone in the drink. To his and
everybody else’s amazement, there was
the butt of the Bren sticking up out of the
bottom of the almost dry pond! It is now in
the museum.
A picnic lunch was taken at Sword beach,
where a short presentation was given about
the events on D-Day and the landings by
the British 3rd Infantry Division. Now it is
impossible to visualise the sheer chaos and
heroism displayed on these vast beaches
seventy years ago, and only the memorials,
museums and bunkers give evidence of our
forebear’s deeds.
Arromanches was the next stop on the
itinerary. This was where one of the two
artificial ports was constructed immediately
[32] after the D Day landings. These were called
Mulberry Harbours. The work, investment
and sheer engineering skill involved in
their construction is still evident today, as
offshore lie the massive concrete caissons
which acted as a breakwater for the harbour.
Now Arromanches is a small thriving seaside
resort which is a magnet for battlefield
tourists throughout the world. This visit
concluded day two.
On day three we entered into the
ceremonial phase of the tour and arrived
early on the Thursday morning in a small
Norman village called Mouen. This hamlet
was a key objective for the British as they
fought their way to Hill 112 and the Somerset
Light Infantry were tasked to clear it of the
enemy. This they did at a great cost in lives.
One of the Company Commanders was Major
John Majendie who, having survived the war,
led Old Comrade tours to the village. He was
to lead this 43 (Wx) Bde Tour, but sadly died
on the 28th May 2014 aged 94.
The village square was the location for the
commemoration parade and we were joined
by some 43rd (Wx) Division Old Comrades
who had actually fought in Mouen and also
Maj. Majendies wife. After a commemoration
service the villagers marked Maj Majendies
passing by naming the village square in
his honour, which Mrs Majendie graciously
acknowledged. The whole party was then
invited for refreshments in the local school
where, as part of the hospitality proceedings,
the old soldiers were presented with medals
by the local mayor.
Once refreshed, we went to Hill 112 via
the route that the 43rd (Wx) Infantry Division
took in July 1944. The roads were a tight
squeeze for the coach, so one can only
wonder at how an entire infantry division
with accompanying armour could move
down the route 70 years ago, and under
observation and fire from a number of
German SS Divisions. Once at the battle site,
a number of veterans regaled us with their
stories of action on Hill 112 and there was
no doubt that this was the location of some
of the most bitter and horrific fighting of the
war. No one can conceive what these old
veterans must have seen and experienced all
those years ago.
On return to the accommodation, a
number of us were asked to attend a
reception at the Peace Memorial Museum in
Caen. Local dignitaries and British Embassy
Staff welcomed us into the museum and
allowed us to view the exhibits before
getting down to the serious business of
drinking local wine, eating canapés and
chatting to anyone who would listen. There
were some stories of the German occupation,
told by the older locals which put those days
into context in a way we can only imagine.
One old lady described how her mother had
a bayonet held to her throat by two SS men
because she refused to give them food. This
was in front of her four small children….
On Friday, the party returned to Hill 112
with the veterans, and were divided into
syndicates. After an introduction and briefing
on the battle, the syndicates walked the
route that the 129th Bde battalions used
on the initial assault by 43 Division. This
really gave substance to the words used to
describe the initial assault. Although the
wheat was lower and we were not under
fire, it was still an effort to walk up the slope
in slow time, carrying no webbing and in
lightweight (comparatively) uniforms. On
reaching the objective line, it soon became
apparent how exposed to enemy fire the
assault troops would have been. No wonder
the casualty list was so high.
The Churchill Tank memorial to the Armoured
crews who took part in the Battle for Hill 112
Merville Battery 1
Sgt O’Donnell and Sgt Harley
discussing arcs of fire from a Tobruck
emplacement at Merville Battery
On completion of Hill 112 the coach took
us to Maltot Chateau. This was 2 miles east
of Hill 112, and had eventually been taken
by the 4th and 5th Wiltshires after extremely
heavy fighting during which the Hampshires
had earlier been decimated. Finally a
Remembrance Service was held in Banneville
CWGC where a great number of Op JUPITER
casualties lie.
The final day of the tour was to be the
main event as far as the commemorations
were concerned. The 70th Anniversary of
the 43rd (Wx) Association was to be the
last and continuance was to be carried out
by the 43rd Wessex Heritage Trust. This
occasion was to be marked by a parade at
the Hill 112 Divisional Memorial and the
RWxY Royal Honorary Colonel, HRH The
Earl of Wessex, was to take the salute. Other
distinguished guests included the DCLF Maj
General Munro, Brig Jez Bennett, the British
Defence Attache from Paris and the Mayors
of the neighbouring local towns and villages.
Unfortunately, Comd 43 Bde had to leave
for the UK, but had decreed that as the Earl
of Wessex was the Royal Honorary Colonel
of the RWxY, a RWxY officer was to lead the
parade. Capt Adams was duly volunteered by
a grinning RSM and Capt Dave Oliver.
After a couple of quick rehearsals under
the unwavering control of the RSM and
the addition of the Old Comrades, French
standard bearers, a coachful of British school
children, and four 43 Division re enactors
dressed for the period, the parade was ready
to go.
On the arrival of HRH, the signal was
given and the parade advanced towards the
saluting dais, albeit at a shortened pace to
account for the Old Comrades. An eyes left
followed by a halt and the parade was over,
although at one stage there was a danger
that the enthusiastic camera wielding locals
were in danger of being trampled over,
in their rush to get a photograph of the
handsome red faced, sore throated officer
leading the parade. Disaster was averted by
some quick witted stewards.
Wreaths were laid, hymns were sung
and after an enthusiastic crowd almost
overwhelmed HRH and the Old Comrades
as they chatted to each other, it was time
to head for the village of Esquay where the
locals put on some unique entertainment
and refreshments (more wine and nibbles).
Speeches of gratitude were made,
including one given by HRH in French which
the locals greatly appreciated.
It was now time to leave Normandy and
head back to Tidworth. This journey passed
without incident, and we arrived back in the
UK, tired but still enthusing about the last
few days.
The whole party had a very educational
and sometimes poignant experience and
WO2 Chris Pavelin enjoying
the tour at Merville Battery
many friendships were made between
members of the different units involved, the
Old Comrades and the local French people.
If you are ever offered the chance to go on
a battlefield tour, I would unhesitatingly
recommend that you do. The events that you
hear about on telly and read of in books can
only be fully appreciated if you visit the areas
where they happened.
Finally I would like to thank all the
participants from the RWxY for their good
humour and enthusiasm. It was a pleasure to
be with them.
Capt Oliver
WO1 (RSM) McKinley
WO2 Pavelin
SSgt O’Donnell
gt Harley
Sgt Singleton
Sgt Walker
LCpl Browne
The majority of the RWxY Contingent at Chateua Maltot
Change of Command Parade
Band of the Blues & Royals march
the Regiment onto Parade
n the 5th July 2014 the Regiment commemorated its change of command
from 43(Wessex) Brigade to 3(UK) Division, the re-subordination of A
Squadron Royal Yeomanry to form Y Squadron the Royal Wessex Yeomanry
and the long awaited unification of the Regiment under a single new cap badge.
The Squadrons had been practicing
their drill independently over the months
prior to the parade but it wasn’t until the
day of the parade itself that the whole
Regiment came together to practice.
Starting early on the Saturday morning the
Regiment managed three full rehearsals,
with the final one being accompanied by
the Band of The Blues and Royals, whose
participation and indeed patience was very
much appreciated and added that dash
of cavalry panache to proceedings. With
over 200 Yeomen (and women) on parade
LCpl Hall and Ramrod D’arcy III marched
off by the Regimental Sergeant Major
[34] the scope for disaster was high especially
once we added in the Regimental mascot,
a ram named Ramrod Darcy III, however
the men and women of RWxY worked
hard to ensure that their drill was of the
highest possible standard, and this paid off
with a smooth and near faultless parade
with even OC B Sqn managing not to ’ticktock‘! The parade was conducted in the
presence of our Royal Honorary Colonel,
Regimental and Squadron Honorary
Colonels as well as Deputy Commander
Land Forces and representatives from
3(UK)Division and 43(Wx)Brigade and so
there was a certain amount of pressure
to look smart and confident which the
Regiment responded to superbly.
Once the parade was complete, the
guests and our families were ushered into
the Bovington Officers’ Mess which we
had kindly been given permission to use.
A feast awaited our guests prepared to
the usual high standard by the chefs and
beautifully laid out in the Mess dining room,
as well as outdoor activity tents, a bouncy
castle and a few beverage stations (bars!).
Arkells brewery were incredibly generous
and supplied the Regiment with a keg
of beer named ’The Wessex Yeoman‘, it
was delicious and certainly appreciated
by those with a penchant for fine beer.
Thankfully the weather held off despite
all the odds being against us and the sun
even made an appearance in the afternoon
ensuring the desired effect of a summer
garden party was realised. Thanks must
be given to both the Bovington Officers’
Mess staff and the RWxY Quartermaster’s
department who worked tirelessly before,
during and after to ensure the event
was such a success, often conducting
unglamorous tasks that usually involved
heavy lifting and clearing up.
The day was an outstanding success; it
is rare to get 200 Yeomen and women in
one place at the same time, let alone have
them marching in time with one another
in front of our Royal Honorary Colonel,
Honorary Colonels, Patrons, friends and
families! A good day was had by all and
it was a fitting way to commemorate the
three important events in the Regiment’s
life. The Regiment is very grateful for the
support of all the Squadron associations
both in providing crucial financial support
and in rallying their association members
to attend the day. The Regiment would
also like to thank the many generous
Regimental Patrons who as ever
supported the event wholeheartedly and
helped ensure that the day was hosted to
the standard expected of a high quality
cavalry regiment.
Employment Directory
A directory of employers of RWxY soldiers showing company name,
name, RWxY rank and Squadron.
This central pullout has been created as a networking directory to be used not only by the soldiers in
the Regiment, but also by their employers. It demonstrates to all concerned the diverse community of
the Army Reserve. We all regard the RWxY as a family Regiment and this initiative is a way of developing
this traditional sense of closeness into something more tangible. We have a wealth of highly skilled and
trustworthy people serving in the Regiment, in all manner of trades and professions. This resource is
extremely valuable and by creating our own directory with the contact details and occupations of all
Regimental members that wish to contribute, we are maximising the opportunity the Army Reserve provides.
Royal Wessex Yeomanry reservists - valued and valuable
Archaelology Services
Cotswold Archaeology
Poole Trade Park, Yarrow Road, Poole,
BH12 4QA
Ernst & Young LLP
Building 11, Kemble Enterprise Park,
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ
1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF
Tpr, C Sqn
Autowindscreens (Bristol)
Wessex Archaeology
Unit 3,Stoke View Rd,Fishponds,Bristol,
BS16 3AE
Capt, B-Sqn
Smith & Williamson
Portwall place, Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NA
Portway House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury,
SSgt, B Sqn
Tpr, C Sqn
Capt, C-Sqn
Tpr, B Sqn
Foray Motor Group
Agricultural Services (Farming)
Unit 4, Highpost Business Park, Salisbury,
National Pig Association
Kay Elliot Architects
Tpr, B Sqn
Agriculture House, Stoneleigh Park,
Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2TZ
Sgt, D Sqn
Cpl, C Sqn
Agricultural Services (Plant Breeding)
David Austin Roses Ltd
Bowling Green Lane, Albrighton, WV7 3HB
LCpl, C Sqn
5-7 Meadfoot Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 2JP
Johnson Controls Automotive
Unit B, Stafford Park 6, Telford, TF3 3AT
Automotive Services
Tpr, C Sqn
Westbourne Motors
The Automobile Association Fanum House,
Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire,
RG21 4EA
Bishopstone Lane, Hickstead, West Sussex,
Sgt, C Sqn
Sgt, Y Sqn
Consultancy (Risk / Intelligence)
Hawki Worldwide Ltd
Low Fare Finder House, Leeds-Bradford
Airport, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7TU
Kimmeridge House, Dorset Green Technology
Park, Winfrith, Dorset
Chester House, Fulham Green, 81-83 Fulham
High St, London, SW6 3JA
Tpr, D Sqn
Tpr, A Sqn
Capt, C Sqn
Consultancy (Financial)
Sibyline Ltd
26 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HX
Charles Stanley & Co Ltd
72 New Bond Street, London, W1S 1RR
Torbay Council (Community Safety)
Capt, C Sqn
Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, Devon,
Anderson House, Allenby Bks, Bovington,
Wareham, Dorset BH20 6JA
Cpl, D Sqn
SSgt, A Sqn
Nationwide Building Society
Capt, RHQ
Consultancy (Surveying)
Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon,
SN38 1NW
Old Mill Financial Planning
Westcountry Land Surveys
Chemring EOD
Tpr, Y Sqn
Bishopbrook House, Cathedral Avenue, Wells,
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
20c High Street, Topsham, Exeter, Devon,
Ordnance House, Blackhill Road, Holton
Heath, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6LW
Tpr, A Sqn
Planning Dept, Municipal Offices, North
Quay, Weymouth, DT4 8TA
Tpr, D Sqn
SSgt, A Sqn
Tpr, A Sqn
R C Pillar & Sons Ltd
Consultancy (Tax)
Defence Support Group
4 Anzac Street, Dartmouth, Devon, TQ6 9DL
100 Liverpool Street, London, EC2M 2RH
Wiltshire Council
Lt, B Sqn
Marlborough Leisure Centre, Barton Dene,
Marlborough, SN8 1PB
Bovington, Wareham, Dorset BH20 6JD
Tpr, D Sqn
Harbour Key LLP
Building (Electrical and Management)
Consultancy (Fire and Security)
Capt, C Sqn
Cpl, B Sqn
Sgt, A Sqn
Lord Combustion Services
Haven Fire & Security Ltd
Consultancy (Water Management)
131 Dudley Road East, Oldbury, West
Midlands, BS9 3DU
1 & 2 Epsom Centre, White Horse Business
Park, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 0XG
Veolia Water
Tpr, C Sqn
WO2, B Sqn
Tidworth STU, Humber Lane, Tidworth,
Wiltshire, SP9 7AW
Building Maintenance
Consultancy (IT)
Tpr, Y Sqn
Jones & Hampton
TMB Systems
24 Soverign Park, Halesfield Unit 2 Telford,
Unit 10, Silver Business Park, Airfield Way,
Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3TA
James Electrics Contracting
Tpr, C Sqn
LCpl, A Sqn
Consultancy (Leadership and
Bibby Ship Management
Hochtief (UK) Construction
Bibby Ship Management (Guernsey) LTD, PO
BOX Trafacgar Court, Admiral Court, St Peter
Port, Guernsey, GY1 3EL
Epsilon, Windmill Hill Business Park, Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN5 6NX
Sgt, Y Sqn
Merlin Timber Frame Ltd
The Coach House, 5 Moor Lane, North Curry,
Nr Taunton, Somerset, TA3 6JZ
Maj, C Sqn
Construction (Welding)
EW Booth & Son
Purton Industrial Estate, Mopes Lane, Purton,
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 9HG
WO2, C Sqn
Consulltancy (IT)
Forge End, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6DB
Tpr, D Sqn
122 Bath Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL53 7JX
Unit 1A, Brannam Crescent, Roundswell
Business Park, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 3TD
Tpr, D Sqn
Contractor (Complex Systems / MOD)
General Dynamics UK
Oakdale Business Park, Bryn Brithdir,
Blackwood, South Wales NP12 4AA
Consultancy (Leadership and
Correctional System
The Inspitational Development Group
57A Catherine Place, London, SW1E
104 Grove Road, Easton, Portland, Dorset
Capt, C Sqn
SSgt, A Sqn
Consultancy (Property)
Purbeck District Council
Winkworth House, 415 Market Place, Devizes,
Wiltshire, SN10 1HT
Westpot House, Worgret Road, Wareham,
Dorset, BH20 4PP
Tpr, B Sqn
LCpl, A Sqn
Consultancy (Property) / Estate Agent
Knight Frank Property
20 Hanover Square, London, W1S 1HZ
HM Prison
Council - Local Services
Defence Support Group
Dorset Waste Patnership
Donnington, Telford, TF2 8JT
Grove House, Millers Lane, Dorchester,
WO2, A Sqn
SSgt, C Sqn
Bovington First School
Holt Road, Bovington, Dorset, BH20 6LE
WO2, A Sqn
Canford School PLC
Defence Support Group
Cpl, A Sqn
DSG Warminster, Imber Avenue, Warminster,
Wiltshire, BA12 0BS
Clayesmore School
Cpl, Y Sqn
Torbay Decorating Company Ltd
DSG (HXP) Lyneham, Calne Road, Lyneham,
WIltshire, SN15 4BZ
LCpl, Y Sqn
Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 8LL
Capt, RHQ
Hartpury College
Hartpury House, Gloucester, Gloucestershire,
GL19 3BE
Sgt, C Sqn
Tpr, D Sqn
Defence Contractor
Porton Down, Rm A201, Bldg 7, Salisbury,
Henry Cort Community College
Tpr, B Sqn
WO2, B Sqn
280 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol,
BS32 4SY
King Edwards Senior School
East Court, C-Level (iSat-B, C-126), DSTL
Portsdown West, Portsdown Hill Road,
Fareham, PO17 6AD
North Road, Bath, BA2 6HU
Capt, C Sqn
Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4PR
Tpr, B Sqn
Capt, Y Sqn
Babcock International Group
Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JQ
Devonport Royal Dockyard, Plymouth,
Devon, PL1 4SG
Ma, A Sqn
LCpl, D Sqn
Maj, D Sqn
Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR
AFV Dept, CR2 Sect, Allenby Barracks,
Bovington, Wareham, Dorset ,BH20 6JA
Tpr, D Sqn
Cpl, A Sqn
Maj, RHQ
Red Lodge, Bonds Mill Ind Est, Bristol Rd,
Stonehouse, Glos, GL10 3RF
Canford Magna, Wimborne, Dorset,
BH21 3AD
Defence Support Group (Warminster)
Melville House, Melville Street, Torquay,
Devon, TQ2 5SS
Allan Webb Ltd
Cpl, C Sqn
Torbay Council
Tpr, A Sqn
Document Management
LCpl, Y Sqn
Interserve Defence
MT Section Rudloe Site, Westwells Road,
Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9NR
LCpl, Y Sqn
Hillson Drive, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 2PH
LCpl, B Sqn
Kingston Maurward College
Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 9PY
Sgt, A Sqn
Melksham Oak Community School
Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6QZ
LCpl, Y Sqn
Barnstaple Campus, Old Sticklepath Hill,
Barnstaple, Devon EX31 2BQ
Capt, D Sqn
Room 1, Bldg 498A, ASE, MOD Boscombe
Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JF
Royal Manor Campus
SSgt, B Sqn
Pte, A Sqn
Weston Road, Portland, Dorset DT5 1RS [III]
Sparsholt College
Sparsholt, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2NN
Cpl, B Sqn
Tyco Electronics UK Ltd
Enviromental (Conservation)
Lifeways Community Care Ltd
Perrigo Pharmaceuticals
Site H,Dorcan Ind Est,Swindon,Wilts, SN3 5HH
Butterfly Conservation Organisation
Pembroke Centre, Cheney Manor Industrial
Estate, Swindon, SN2 2QJ
Wrafton Laboratories, Wrafton, Braunton,
Devon EX33 2DL
West Swindon District Centre, Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN5 7DL
Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset,
BH20 5QP
Tpr, Y Sqn
Tpr, D Sqn
Tpr, Y Sqn
Cpl, C Sqn
Staplegrove Road, Taunton, Somerset,
Ultra Electronics SSS
Telford College of Arts and Technology
Haybridge Road, Wellington, TF1 2NP
SSgt, C Sqn
The College Partnership
Bldg 41, Allenby Bks, Bovington, Wareham,
Dorset, BH20 6JA
Sgt, A Sqn
316 Botley Road, Burridge, SO31 1BQ
New Cross
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Miller and Carter
Cpl, B Sqn
Estate Agent
1st Floor Colonnade, Westover Road,
Bournemouth, BH1 2BY
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill
Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY
552 Wallisdown Road, Poole, Dorset,
BH12 5AD
LCpl, A Sqn
Lt Col, RHQ
Tpr, A Sqn
Ackerman Engineering
115 Commerical Road, Swindon, Wiltshire,
NSL Care Services
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Nando’s Chicken Land
6, 8 Park Plaza, Shrewsbury, SY1 3AF
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill
Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY
Unit 1, Princesshay, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1GE
Gore Cross Industrial Estate, Bridport, Dorset
Tpr, A Sqn
Armoured Trials and Development Unit
Bovington, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6LT
Wells Cathedral School
SSgt, A Sqn
4 The Liberty, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2SU
William Cook Cast Products
Revd (Capt), RHQ
West Buckland School
West Buckland School, West Buckland,
Barnstaple, Devon, EX32 0SX
WO2, D Sqn
It is well known that reservists are fit, confident, disciplined and have enhanced decision making skills. They are also given recognised
civilian skills and training by the Army that would otherwise cost your business (e.g. health & safety, first aid, driving, communications,
leadership). Arrange a visit to see us through your Reservist Employee.
Electronic Engineering
Taunton School
Want employees who offer more to your business?
Think Army Reserve.
Bondisle Works, Station Road, Stanhope,
Co Durham DL13 2YR
Capt, RHQ
Engineering Services
Renishaw PLC
Tpr, Y Sqn
Cpl, D Sqn
Prama Healthcare
Government Services
45 East Street, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 7DX
Salisbury District Hospital
LCpl, A Sqn
Lab Med, Pathology Dept, Odstock Road,
Salisbury, SP2 8BJ
Public Health England
Tpr, B Sqn
PHE Porton, Porton Down, Salisbury,
Wiltshire, SP4 0JG
South Devon Healthcare Trust
Cpl, B Sqn
Hengrave House, Torbay Hospital, Iawes
Bridge, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 7AA
The Bay Care Group
Tpr, D Sqn
The Trout Inn
Tadpole Bridge, Buckland Marsh, Faringdon,
Oxfordshire, SN7 8RF
Saunton Sands Hotel
LCpl, Y Sqn
Her Majesty’s Inspector of Taxes
Wiltshire Court, Farnsby Street, Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN1 5AN
WO2, Y Sqn
Government Services
38 Preston Down Road, Paignton, Devon
Bath Road, Woodchester, Stroud, Glos
LCpl, C Sqn
SSgt, Y Sqn
True Care Group
Tpr, A Sqn
Holmhurst House, Downton Road, Salisbury,
Wilts and Dorset College Partnership
PGT Ceewrite Ltd
Sportarm Ltd
Bldg 41, Allenby Barracks, Bovington, Dorset,
BH20 6JA
Tradecroft Industrial Estate, Portland, Dorset
The Stables, Princes St, Dorchester, Dorset,
B Sqn
Katy Parker, Bag 11, Weymouth College,
Cranford Avenue, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 2JL
Sgt, A Sqn
Electrical Services
AJK Services
Unit 3, Aspire Business Centre, Ordnance
Road, Tidworth, SP7 9QD
Tpr, B Sqn
Larasian Ltd
Ashford Hill, Station Road, Fordingbridge,
LCpl, B Sqn
Electrical Testing
Reaction Group
Unit 1 Poundbury House, Poundbury West
Trading Estate, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2PG
Cpl, A Sqn
Tpr, A Sqn
English Heritage
English Heritage
Lyegrove House, Badminton, Gloucestershire,
Cpl, A Sqn
Health and Welfare
Tpr, D Sqn
Saunton, North Devon, EX33 1LQ
Market Place, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 2HZ
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health
Partnership NHS Trust
The Old Castle Hotel
Beechlydene Ward, Fountain Way Hospital,
Wilton Road, Salisbury, SP2 7FD
Tpr, A Sqn
5 Sudan Road, Weymouth
The Crown Hotel
Axis Beta 4/S, Woodlands, Almondsbury,
Bristol, BS32 4JT
Dorset County Hospital
131 High Street, Royal Wooton Basset,
Wiltshire, SN4 7AY
BBC Berkshire
Williams Avenue, Dorchester, Dorset
Tpr, Y Sqn
Cpl, C Sqn
Tpr, A Sqn
Caversham Park, Peppard Road, Reading,
Berkshire, RG4 8TZ
Caring Homes Healthcare Group Ltd
Fenton Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Tall Trees Nursing Home, Shipton Under
Wichwood, Burford Road, Chipping Norton,
Oxfordshire, OX7 6DB
Fenton House, 4 Hampstead Gate, 1a Frognal,
London NW3 6AL
Meridian Leisure Services
Sgt, Y Sqn
NHS Staffordshire and Lancashire CSU
Unit D8-9, The Hailey Trading Park, Holton
Heath, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6LT
Glebedale Road, Fenton, Stoke on Trent,
Tpr, A Sqn
SSgt, C Sqn
The Potting Shed
1 Hardy Arcade, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1BZ
Tpr, A Sqn
Information Technology
Tpr, C Sqn
LCpl, A Sqn
The Fleece (Hotel/Inn)
Entertainment Supplier
49 St Thomas Street, Weymouth, Dorset,
Tpr, B Sqn
Tpr, D Sqn
Cpl, Y Sqn
Tpr, B Sqn
Tpr, D Sqn
JSAU, The Defence Academy, Shrivenham,
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 8LA
Weymouth College
Pte, B Sqn
Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1RJ
Tpr, Y Sqn
Ecclesiastical Insurance
Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester,
Tpr, C Sqn
Hospitality (Food)
Bottlegreen Drinks Co
Frogmarsh Mill
Sgt, C Sqn
North Devon Gazette
Burger King
Unit 3, Old Station Road, Barnstaple, Devon,
EX22 8PB
A429 services
SSgt, D Sqn
Tpr, C Sqn
Legal Services
3PB Barristers
4 St Peter Street, Winchester, Hampshire,
SO23 8BW
Tpr, B Sqn
Devon Hills Leisure, Totnes Road, Paignton,
Devon, TQ4 7PW
IJS Global
Unit 1, Mereside Park, Shield Road, Ashford,
Middlesex, TW15 1BL
B (RWY) Sqn, Army Reserve Centre, Portway,
Old Sarum, Salisbury, SP4 6BY
Cpl, C Sqn
R W Simons
Hatchmoor Industrial Estate, Torrington,
Devon, EX38 7HD
Tpr, D Sqn
CMYK / .eps
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CMYK / .eps
To arrange a visit call 01929 403774.
Next Retail Ltd
Cpl, B Sqn
Somerset, TA1 1JQ
Sgt, D Sqn
Bay 2/13, Shared Services, Spring Place, 105
Commercial Road, Southampton, Hampshire,
SO15 1EG
Artillery Barracks, 14 Regt RA , Larkhill,
Salisbury, Wiltshire
WO2, Y Sqn
MOD - D (RDY) Sqn, RWxY
Army Reserve Centre, Fortescue Lines,
Oakleigh Rd, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8JT
WO2, D Sqn
Unit 9, Brassmill Lane Industrial Estate, Bath,
Bath and Northeast Somerset, BA1 3HZ
SSgt, Y Sqn
National Trust
Southwest Brickwork Ltd
National Trust
Graceland, 205 Whitworth Road, Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN25 3BX
Heelis, Kemble Drive Swindon, Wiltshire,
Tpr, Y Sqn
Tpr, Y Sqn
Leisure Park
Facebook “f ” Logo
Register your interest on our Facebook page.
Maritme and Coast Guard Agency
Leisure Centre
Tpr, Y Sqn
6 Orchard Court, Herron Road, Sowton
Industrial Estate, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7LL
Rotork Controls Ltd
Chelmsford Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire,
If you wish to lead a life less ordinary, improve your fitness, leadership skills and self-worth then take a look at
Miko Coffee SW Ltd
LCpl, D Sqn
Fitness First
Interested in Joining?
Think Royal Wessex Yeomanry.
Center Parcs Ltd
Longleat Forest, Warminster, Wiltshire,
BA12 7PU
Swindon Pressings
Tpr, B Sqn
Bridge End Road, Stratton St Margaret,
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 4PE
Finlake Holiday Park
Premier Foods (Ambrosia Creamery)
Lifton, Devon, PL16 0BB
LCpl, D Sqn
Tandragee Castle, Tandragee, County
Armagh, NI, BT62 2AB
LCpl, C Sqn
The Ham, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4HA
LCpl, Y Sqn
Project Management
Bioquell UK Ltd
52 Royce Close, West Portway, Andover,
Hants SP10 3TS
Cpl, B Sqn
Public Services
Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service
103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire
Tpr, D Sqn
Retail (Clothing)
Next Retail Ltd
29 Fore Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1JQ
Tpr, D Sqn
Tpr, Y Sqn
Retail (Electrical)
Wiltshire Ambulance Ltd
Dyson Ltd
Suite 21, Cherry Orchard North, Kembrey
Park, Swindon, SN2 8UH
1 Tetbury Hill, Malmesbury, Wiltshire,
SN16 0RP
Tpr, Y Sqn
Tpr, Y Sqn
Wiltshire Police HQ
Retail (Grocery)
London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2RD
Cpl, B Sqn
West Swindon Shopping Centre, Tewksbury
Way, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 7DL
Tpr, Y Sqn
Gilletts (Spar)
Capt, RHQ
Oil and Fuel Distributors
Project Management / Consultancy
Capita Business Services
Cpl, Y Sqn
Watson Petroleum Ltd
Nimbus Ninety Ltd
NRC, Building 370, Trenchard Lines, Upavon,
Wiltshire, SN9 6BE
Finlake Holiday Park, Chudleigh, Newton
Abbot, Devon, TQ13 0EJ
Blakehill Farm, Chelworth Industrial Estate,
Cricklade, Swindon
Third Floor, 201A Victoria Street, London,
Pte, B Sqn
Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon
Cpl, Y Sqn
Tpr, D Sqn
Cpl, D Sqn
Maj, B Sqn
Tpr, B Sqn
Elliott House, Elliott Road, Cirencester,
Gloucestershire, GL7 1YS
Downton Haulage Ltd
Capt, C Sqn
Bristol Road, Moreton Valence, Gloucester
Meat and Produce Supplier
Sgt, C Sqn
M C Kelly
Public Services
Devon & Cornwall Police
Dougfields Plumbers
Elstone Farm, Copplestone, Crediton, Devon
Unit 5, Neptune Business Ctr, Tewkesbury Rd,
Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 9FB
Pte, D Sqn
Cfn, C Sqn
Produce Supplier
Les Smith Haulage
Central Asian Mining Services
Arkells Brewery Ltd
Kelvin Road, Greenbridge, Swindon, SN3 3JG
9 South Street, London
Cpl, Y Sqn
Capt, B Sqn
Kingsdown Brewery, Stratton St Margaret,
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 7RU
Logistics (Courier Services)
Ministry of Defence
Defence Equipment and Support
Crossflight Hse, Unit B1, Skyway 14, Calder
Way, Colnbrook, Slough, Berks, SL3 0BQ
MOD Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH
Eric Nicholson Transport
Grassmoor House, Lorton Road,
Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9TQ
LCpl, Y Sqn
Cpl, B Sqn
Capt, Y Sqn
LCpl, D Sqn
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service
Winchester Fire Station, Winnall, Winchester,
SO23 0LF
LCpl, B Sqn
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service
White Watch, West Ham Close, Basingstoke,
RG22 6PH
Cpl, B Sqn
Station Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4QA
Pte, A Sqn
London Fire Brigade
London Fire Brigade, 8 Albert Embankment,
London, SE1 7SD
LCpl, B Sqn
Tpr, C Sqn
Totnes Police Station, Ashburton Road,
Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5JY
LCpl, B Sqn
High Street, Wool, Wareham, Dorset
Witton Recruitment
Wrekin Retail Park, TF1 2DE
Cricklade Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire,
LCpl, C Sqn
Tpr, Y Sqn
Tesco Extra
Retail (Automotive)
Tpr, B Sqn
Honda of the UK Ltd
Highworth Road, South Marston, Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN3 4TZ
Tpr, Y Sqn
Mercedes Benz
Drakes Way, Swindon, SN3 3HT
Southampton Road, Salisbury, SP1 2NY
67 Chantry Way, The Chantry Centre,
Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1LY
Tpr, B Sqn
Waitrose Ltd
Cpl, Y Sqn
Churchill Way West, Salisbury, Wiltshire,
Retail (Clothing)
Sgt, B Sqn
Cotswold Outdoor Ltd
Unit 11, Kemble Business Park, Crudwell,
Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 95H
Cpl, C Sqn
Retail (Hardware and Furniture)
Support Service (Armed Forces)
Landmarc Support Services Ltd
Department Of Transport
Unit 2, Churchill Way West, Salisbury, SP2 7TS
Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6EL
LCpl, Y Sqn
5/31 Great Minster House, 76 Marsham
Street, London, SW1P 4DR
B Sqn
Retail (Hardware)
Newton Road, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot,
LCpl, D Sqn
4 Front Security Ltd
Support Services (Catering)
Sausage & Pear Ltd
11A St Georges Road, Dorchester, Dorset,
Sgt, A Sqn
Support Services (Food / Management)
Sgt, B Sqn
Sensible Automotive Ltd
Henstridge Marsh, Henstridge Airfield,
Henstridge, BA8 0TN
Cpl, B Sqn
Stage Coach
Regents Close, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 7AN
Tpr, D Sqn
Londis ITW, RNAS Yeovilton, Ilchester,
Somerset BA22 8HT
Westcountry Road Managment
LCpl, A Sqn
Anna Mill Business Park, Wrangaton 136
Tpr, D Sqn
Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2HD
Sodexo Defence
LCpl, D Sqn
Swinton Bks, Swinton Site Office, Perham
Down, SP11 9LQ
Cpl, B Sqn
Utilities Company
Cpl, C Sqn
EDF Energy
Farsight Security Ltd
135 Seymour Rd, Headly Down, Hants,
GU35 8EU
Bridgegate Security
541 Woodborough Road, Mapperley,
Nottingham, NG3 5FR
Sgt, C Sqn
Blackworth Industrial Estate, Highworth,
Total Security Services
Sgt, Y Sqn
Security House, 485 Hale End Road, London,
E4 9PT
Training Provider
Tpr, B Sqn
NHS Informatics Training Centre
DP World
204-207 Western Docks, Southampton
SO15 1DA
Cpl, A Sqn
Shipping (Broking and Chartering)
Braemer Seascope
35 Cosway Street, London
Capt, A Sqn
Garden House, Grenadier Road, Exeter,
Devon EX1 3UT
Pte, RHQ
MUJV Limited
Aspire Business Centre, Ordnance Road,
Tidworth, SP9 7QD
Pte, B Sqn
Scottish and Southern Energy PLC
Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury
Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road,
Perth, Perthshire, PH1 3AQ
SSgt, C Sqn
Maj, RHQ
The Trades Brigade Ltd
South West Water
The Rural Business Centre, Myerscough Hall,
Bilsborrow, Preston, PR3 0RY
Peninsula House, Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon,
Pte, Y Sqn
Cpl, D Sqn
Comet Cars
27 Castleforegate, Shrewsbury, SY1 2EE
Wine Merchants
LCpl, C Sqn
Heritage Wine Group
The Old Brewery, 61 Station Road, Wickwar,
Glos, GL12 8NB
Cpl, C Sqn
The Regiment march passed the Royal Honorary Colonel HRH The Earl of Wessex
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Army Reserve Combat
Pistol Championships 2014
The result of applying
marksmanship principles
Bisley 2013 Solid Gold
2013 was the year that saw the Royal
Wessex Yeomanry secure the Gold
medal in the TA National Combat Pistol
Championships. We had been entering a
team for few years and gained 2 Silver and 3
Bronze team medals in the process but Gold
remained elusive. It had come excruciatingly
close, only 6 points away on one occasion
and 9 points on another but finally in
2013 through good training and sheer
determination we had won it.
2014 meant we had a title to defend
in the 15th Army Reserve Combat Pistol
Championships. Note the name change from
TA to Army Reserve. It might seem a small
change but it means a lot strategically. We
felt it would be special to retain the gold
medal for the first “new” championship so
planned on entering 2 teams if possible.
Nothing wrong with being competitive, even
more so when we heard repeated rumours of
the imminent arrival of shiny new Glock 17
pistols, the Holy Grail of side-arms.
The competition has traditionally been
on the 1st weekend in September each year,
being run as a relaxed and simple affair,
firing in berets and stopping for meals in
the cookhouse. All very civilised, certainly
nothing like the usual range package fired
on a bleak winter day with lots of shouting
and only range stew to keep your gibbering
body sustained!
Sunny September Ranges
[36] And the Winners are…
However, due to operational reasons
it has recently evolved into a combat
orientated shoot wearing helmets and full
webbing. It consists of 2 CQM (Close Quarter
Marksmanship) matches shot for individual
and team honours, plus a falling tiles team
knock-out which is really competitive and
great fun. Where else can you legally get to
shoot at clay pigeons with a 9mm pistol?
B Squadron took the lead with planning
and booking ranges although hurdles were
fast appearing. Firstly, August is usually a
time of slowdown with summer leave and
essential maintenance being completed on
range infrastructure. However, RWxY were
building up tank and simulator training in
preparation for a 2 week live firing package
plus a diving expedition to Gozo was also
booked, so spare weekends were at a
premium, as were soldiers who could attend
the competition and not already earmarked
for something else.
Secondly, we’d been gazumped by Army
Cadets who had block booked our usual
range for their 2 week camp but we finally
managed to book some range time at short
In quick succession, the third hurdle
appeared. Dates for delivery of the Glock
kept moving back and our Browning pistols
had already been returned to depot in
preparation for delivery of the new weapons.
Again and again the date moved back, so
at the last minute we had to borrow 5 old
Brownings from the KRH, apparently the last
5 pistols they had. Despite the disadvantage
of using old Brownings compared with faster,
better handling, easier to use and more
accurate Glocks, any pistols were better than
no pistols!
With 2 of the normal team shooters away
diving we used the opportunity to train
newer members of the Regiment, many of
whom had not fired a pistol before. So, on a
25m seems a long way with a pistol
a move to Worthy Down and true to the
old motto “if it aint raining, it aint training,
between brighter spells it was raining again.
That didn’t deter some good practicing and
with the addition of timed target exposures it
kept firers on their toes.
The view from behind the trigger
humid and thundery July weekend, around
20 potential firers arrived at Bovington range,
eager to get their hands on a pistol and keen
to learn. Initial coaching was given by SSgt
Rowe, who had been the pistol team captain
for several years, whilst weapon handling
tests were completed by WO2 Nichols for
those that still required them.
We managed to get a few hours grouping
and zeroing practice before hurdle number
four approached in the form of a torrential
thunderstorm directly overhead. Rather
than braving the weather in good soldierly
fashion, the decision was made to take
shelter and grab a lunch break until the
storm passed. Much safer than standing in
a tropical downpour whilst holding a metal
lightning conductor, as proven by the load
explosion and lightning strike immediately
outside the cookhouse whilst we ate!
From this first weekend, team members
were selected on shooting merit to form
the teams, each team consisting of 4 firers
plus 1 individual (who also fired but for
individual honours). The A team was formed
from the best shots in order to defend the
title whilst the B team would gain valuable
competition experience and included several
inexperienced firers.
The second training weekend involved
WO2 Nichols coaches Tpr Baker
in anger. With a lunch break in between
matches it was still quite civilised too.
There were multiple details of 30 firers, each
taking it in turns to score the previous detail.
As well as the Army Reserves, the match
included guest teams from the RAF, Maritime
Reserves, Royal Marine Rifle Association and
Royal Navy Rifle Association. In total there
were 125 firers of which 104 were Reserves
eligible to enter the main competition.
Shooting went well considering the lack
of experience in the team. Even more so
considering the majority of other teams were
using Glock pistols which are said to increase
many firers scores by 25%. The team also
made it through the first knockout round in
the Falling Tiles match but were then beaten.
It’s always a great experience though, even
the running!
From the Army Reserves, the A Team
were ranked 5th (out of 22) which was a
good attempt and not far behind the medal
Individually SSgt Rowe was 4th overall
(only 18 points away from Gold), LCpl Carson
29th, Capt Jerabek 35th, Tpr Goodwin 47th,
Capt Chamberlin 52nd and Tpr Callis 83rd (all
out of 104).
The team shows plenty of potential and it
is likely that they will be on a level pegging
with the top teams when the Regiment
finally get to use the new Glock pistols.
Congratulations to all who took part, not
only for the competition phase but also for
those who made the effort to attend initial
training. To quote a remark overheard from
the 4 Para team in 2013 “Blimey!” (or words
to that effect) “If they can shoot like that with
old Brownings, just imagine how good they’ll
be with Glocks!”
Well, we CAN imagine it. Bring on 2015
and we’ll show in true Yeomanry style how
we can adapt and shoot small calibres just as
well as 120mm tank rounds.
The team practices at Worthy Down
With each practice you could see firers gain
in confidence with improved technique and
their scores started to increase. As with any
shooting, practice improves technique which
then improves accuracy but we don’t get a lot
of time on small arms ranges throughout the
year so have to make the most of it each time.
Moving on to the competition weekend,
the teams arrived at Nelson Range at
Pirbright. Unfortunately, B Team had lost Tpr
Baker and LCpl Nevill had to leave soon after
arrival, this combined with the loss of the two
individual firers just before the competition
meant the B Team was down to two firers.
They just took it in their stride and enjoyed
the experience.
After a hearty cooked breakfast in
Brunswick Training Camp and safety briefings
on the range, everyone was allowed a final
practice before the competition started
They never told me I had to RUN
The winner takes it all
QM Department
Major Mick Lillie (QM) SCOTS DG
Over the year the QM’s department have
been extremely busy enabling the Regiment
to carry out it primary function. In the back
ground we have also enabled, Ten Tors, the
Regimental parade, BBQ’s, Driver Training
and a host of other training activities. Having
only joining the department 10 months ago I
have been hugely impressed with how much
a small team can achieve. My only plea to
the larger Regiment is to include us in the
planning for any event from the very start,
although we thrive on panic delivery of G4,
(as we all know G4 just happens), we will be
able to deliver a better service with more
than 2 hours notice for rations, ammo and
any other G4 resources.
Quartermasters Department:
WO2 Nige Plumb
The department is still dealing with
the fallout from Wyvern Ten Tor 2014 and
starting the preparations for Aires Tor
2015, along with the day to day running of
Regiments requirements for training events
and administration of Squadron demand
requests, we also had a great amount of
input in to the logistics requirements to the
Change of Command parade which helped
the event to be a great success. Novembers
CR2 live firing extravaganza was a full on
effort with all of the department pulling out
all of the stops to make it run as smoothly as
possible, unfortunately we did not have the
super hero powers to control the weather,
make time stand still, and have the ability
to read the minds of the gunnery gods in
the tower. However we do have the ability
to count which seamed to be lacking within
a tank commanders skill set. With the New
Year here the department has been active
in the support of various Regimental and
individual Squadron training activities, such
as the Regimental MATTS weekends and
The Ammo waiting to go!
[38] small arms range packages and also the
PNCO course. March will be busy with the
Regimental range package in Pirbright and
the recce to Germany in preparation for ATP
in September. As well as having to prepare
for ECI and LSI inspections in January and
late Feburary.
Jeff, Rick and Suzann
A final note from the Quartermasters
Most members in the Regiment very rarely
get to see the staff who work tirelessly in the
background at Bovington, so this gives me an
opportunity to introduce the team without
whom the system would completely collapse.
USEA: WO1 Gilkinson
Health and Safely Training and
Employer Engagement
The Regiment facilitated the running of
very successful IOSH Managing Safely Course
from the 13 to the 16 of October, with 16
people in attendance across all ranks. This
course was an excellent way for individuals to
gain health and safety knowledge which will
now be of benefit to the Regiment and their
civilian employers. The course was enjoyed
by all those that attended and was delivered
using high quality animated graphics in a fun
yet sophisticated way with clear scenarios
that delegates were able to relate to.
The Managing Safely course is designed
WO2 (Taff) Edwards waiting for inspiration
REME) weekends of the Regimental Exercise
Mended Spur. The first weekend saw a lot
of work to bring the CR2 up to standard
and STA weekends having various trades
supporting the Regiment on SPTA
ISOH Managers course
for managers or employees with health and
safety responsibilities in their workplace,
this new found knowledge will now enable
delegates to get ‘up to speed’ on the practical
actions needed to be taken to identify
hazards and to effectively control risks.
Each of the 16 delegates made full use of
their Standard Learning Credits which are
now available to the Army Reserves. These
courses are also open to dependants and
civilian work colleagues (without SLC’s).
further courses are being run at the Tank
For more information and to book a place,
contact the USEA (WO1 Gilkinson) on Mil:
94374 3042, Civ: 07841 023522 or by email
REME: Ssgt Basso
It has been a busy period of exercises,
trade courses and commitments for all of
the Regiments REME personnel. As well as
maintaining the regiment’s SA&MG Sgt Brain
has insisted that the time he spent sailing for
the Armoured Corps on White Knight seven
was actually work related!
On the exercise front there was a
gathering of the corps at Exercise Southern
Bluebell where the reserve element had
the opportunity to develop and practice
trade skills in a realistic environment. This
was followed by the two (it was for the
For possibly the first and last time there was:
• Challenger Armoured Recovery Vehicle
• Centurian Armoured Recovery Vehicle
• Chieftain Armoured Recovery Vehicle
• A
nd the new TES Challenger Armoured
Recovery Vehicle
Many thanks to Cpl Davies for all his hard
work and contacts to make this happen.
On a final note, Sgt. Simon Brain has
moved to pastures new and is now fulfilling
the Armourer Role with 103 Battalion REME
in Portsmouth. We wish him all the best in
his new post.
Catering Department:
SSgt Alec Bolwell
A big welcome to Cpl Aaron Parsonage
who has completed his transfer from C
Company 6 Rifles (Dorchester) to RWxY. He
joins us as a class one Chef and makes up
the numbers of the catering team to seven.
I have known him for many years and he
brings a lot of experience to us.
Pte Rachel Reed has volunteered to work
two weeks at 29 Rgt (RLC) in the main kitchen
to assist with there busy work load. She will
gain a lot of experience cooking for large
numbers due to the large amount of flights
in and out of the UK.
Pte Kim Collins has returned from
Edinburgh following her deployment to the
Commonwealth Games security team.
Over the November live firing period the
catering department where in full swing with
support being provided to both Lulworth
and Bovington dinning facilities by Cpl
Jones (B Sqn). A Sqns’ Kitchen was manned
by myself and Cpl Parsonage, 5 Tips Range
facilities where controlled by SSgt Illes
(C Sqn) and Pte Reed assisted by Cpl Cross
(B Sqn) and delivery and co ordination of
meals was in the safe hands of SSgt Williams
(Y Sqn) so all in all a great effort from
everyone involved.
Unfortunately the team where a little out
classed by the catering facilities that where
provided for the 100 strong film crew on the
Tuesday morning but who needs Danish
pastries and fresh filtered coffee for breakfast!!
The Christmas period was a busy period for
all of the Regimental catering staff providing
support for all of the festive activities within
the Squadrons .The New Year has also been
a very busy period with various Regimental
and Squadron activities to be catered for, the
annual Regimental Shoot was as always a
prestigious event and with myself and Ssgt
Burgess pulling out all the stops to provide a
first class service.
Ssgt Bolwell prior to the Regimental Shoot lunch
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Historic line up at the Tank Museum
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Photo: MOD © Crown Copyright 2014 / PO(Phot) Sean Clee
Tankfest and The
CVR(T) Pull
This year’s Bovington Tank Museum
‘Tankfest’ was held in late June and A (DY)
Sqn took the opportunity to become fully
immersed in the event. The Sqn carried out
numerous duties from sword orderlies, VIP
security, providing tank crews for the moving
tank display and manning the well visited
recruiting stand..
The Sqn also took part in a new event
at Tankfest which was the CVR(T) pulling
event. Two twelve man teams were fielded, a
Tank Museum team and a combined A Sqn/
ATDU team. Two pulls were undertaken on
Saturday and two on Sunday with the times
combined to give an overall time for all four
pulls. The A Sqn team had male and female
members and a few members from ATDU to
help bolster the strength. Preparation time
was short but the team managed to conduct
several practice runs leading up to the event
in the blistering summer heat. ‘Suitably’
prepared, the team prepared to do battle in
the Kuwait arena.
Ten Tors 2014 –
Ten Tors Challenge has been running since 1960 and now sees 400 teams entering, each
consisting of 6 teenagers. It has only been fully cancelled once in 2001 due to Foot and Mouth
and was abandoned half way through in 2007 due to bad weather. Following the wettest
winter for 250 years, there were concerns that this year’s event might also be jeopardised,
but a relatively dry spring saw ground water and river levels reduce to safe levels. However,
Dartmoor didn’t disappoint, with the weather closing in 2 days before the start and not really
lifting until a day after the event.
2014s challenge saw significant changes to the routes and operation in order to improve safety and this meant that the overall plan also
changed, especially concerning the RWxY and our role as the Moor Support Group (MSG). There were still 35, 45 and 55 mile categories, but
there were 13 different routes within these distances, with teams going clockwise and anti clockwise on each one. Teams were provided with
a GPS tracker, which sent an updated location every 10 mins and could send and receive text messages, as well as send an emergency signal as
required. Each team was then monitored accurately from the Ops room in Okehampton and combined with the new Management Information
System (MIS), this year proved to be a step change in the reliability of the technology.
As the MSG, the RWxY were responsible for monitoring and reporting of all the teams on the Moor, for their recovery if necessary and their
hand back to Parents and Team Managers. This was achieved with a laydown of 17 Checkpoints (on top of Tors) and 10 Safety Controls, which
were near roads. The manning was a combination of RWxY with assistance from RN and RAF volunteers.
A, B and D Sqns provided QRF teams, mounted in 4x4s and Fall Out Group (FOG) teams, which were co-located at the SCs and were
responsible for recovering individuals and teams back to Okehampton. The Fall Out Centre in Okehampton was manned and run by the RWxY
Admin Office and life support and infrastructure was provided by the QM dept, a task that saw some personnel deploying for 2 weeks in total.
The MSG Ops room this year was a more robust setup, located in a Drash tent outside the Bde Ops room and was staffed by RWxY RHQ, 39 Sig
Regt and LOs from the RAF and RN. Comms relied on Airwave, with 4 different channels and the secondary system was landline and mobiles.
The event itself started at 0700hrs on Sat morning with the firing of a pair of Lt Fd Guns. It was quite a sight watching 2500 participants
charging across the start line, overflown by a pair of Seaking Helicopters. 5 mins later the MSG Ops room was dealing with its first fall outs, due
to team members getting separated at the start. Unfortunately one individual was carrying his team’s supply of Gas canisters and the tent poles
to the tents. As a result the Mid Moor Liaison team swung into action and reunited the team with their kit half way down the Moor.
The weather over the weekend deteriorated from Fri evening onwards, with 60mph winds over the top of the Tors. This caused challenges
at team campsites, with tent poles breaking and tents blowing away. Overall though, there were less fall outs than last year (450 compared to
550) and less teams crashing out on Sunday morning. This meant that the MSG was never unduly stressed and were always operating within our
capability. The tracker system worked very well and will have extra functionality for next year.
In 2015 the Regt will have moved across to 3 Div and it will be interesting to see whether we are still committed to supporting this Exercise.
The Doctors’
Ruminations 2014
The teams of the ‘tank’ pull final
A Squadron CVRT pull 2014
Young, gifted and fit…
[40] Headed up by the SSM, the team managed
to take the first day by a narrow margin of 7
seconds after the first two pulls. Day 2 and
the competition got hotter, the Museum
team had obviously been on the spinach
overnight and while the A Sqn team pulled
and strained fit to burst, the Tank Museum’s
team squeaked ahead and managed to take
overall victory. Well done to all the team,
including WO2 Kershaw, SSgts George and
Jones, Sgt Donald, Cpls Mallet and O’Hara,
LCpl Nix and Tprs Sherring and Davidson.
The focus on improving the training experience offered
to Regimental CMTs has continued in 2014 with a series of
very popular and we believe, innovative special to arm (STA)
training weekends which we hope will become a regular
feature of the training year.
Organised by the RMOs and drawing on the experience of
two talented Regular RAMC NCOs, these training days have
covered topics as diverse as malaria, heat illness and Ebola
but maintained a core interest in the management of trauma,
teaching the Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support (BATLS)
protocols both in the classroom and on the training area.
The use of the closed Regimental Facebook site to advertise
and promote these events has proven invaluable and can also
add feedback on the quality of training.
The training has been interactive and ‘hands-on’,
encouraging group discussion, allowing team building and
We suspect these training weekends may be unusual in the
Reserve at present and it would be interesting to postulate
where else a Reserve CMT could receive such intensive
instruction from a both GP and a Surgeon!
In addition to the theoretical training, our CMTs have had
attachments to the KRH in Canada, Blandford Medical Centre
and the Emergency department of Portsmouth MDHU.
Continuation training for CMTs in the Reserve can be
problematic and requires lateral thinking which I hope we
have demonstrated.
RTR Italian Campaign Battlefield Tour
ast year members of the Regiment were fortunate to be invited to join the
RTR on their Battlefield Study week in Italy. This type of conceptual training
is important as it allows us to strengthen our integration with the regular
armoured regiments by providing an excellent opportunity for members of both
regiments to get to know each other outside of normal training.
The tour was focused on the battles
that the RTR were involved in during the
Italian campaign and specifically on the
contribution made by armour. Surprisingly
however most of the battlefields that we
visited also saw members of The Royal
Wessex Yeomanry’s antecedent regiments
involved in the fighting as well. The
cemetery where we held a remembrance
service had members of the Royal Wiltshire
Yeomanry and Royal Devon Yeomanry buried
alongside those of the RTR. Many forget the
hard fighting that took place in Italy during
WW2 through not only tough terrain but
harsh winter weather. “Sunny Italy” it wasn’t.
We started the tour at Salerno where the
US Fifth Army landed on the Italian mainland
on the 9th September 1943 following the
successful Allied invasion of Sicily. Forces
from the British Eighth Army had landed on
the toe of Italy at Taranto the week before
and made relatively easy progress up the
eastern coast, however the US Fifth Army
faced heavy German resistance
when they landed at Salerno.
During the week we progressed
up the West Coast of Italy to
Rome via the battlefields of
Anzio and Monte Cassino.
It is beyond the scope of this article to
describe all of the battlefields we visited and
instead I wish to focus on the battles that took
place in and around the monastery at Monte
Cassino as we can draw important lessons
from these which are still relevant today.
To properly understand the battles that
took place at Monte Cassino it is important
to first study the terrain. The Apennine
Mountains form a spine which runs in a
North to South direction along the Italian
Peninsular. In places peaks over 3000 ft
span over half the width of the peninsular
providing an easily defendable barrier,
this combines with many rivers flowing
from this central spine of high ground to
the coast in an East
to West orientation
and which are
prone to sudden
and unexpected
The combination of deep fast flowing
rivers and easily defendable dominating
high ground is where the Germans
understandably chose to delay the Allied
advance at Monte Cassino.
The Germans were fighting a delaying
action from a series of prepared positions
to stop the Allied advance along the Italian
Peninsular. The Allied advance along the East
coast had ground to a halt with the onset of
winter and the allies decided to switch their
focus to the slightly wider corridor along the
West coast. Following the German flooding
of the Pontine Marshes the only way open
to the North was through the Liri Valley.
The valley is crossed by a series of rivers
culminating with the Rapido River and was
overlooked at its southern entrance by the
Monastery at Monte Cassino. Despite the
difficulties this was the best opportunity
for the Allies to break through the German
“Winter Line” of defences that ran across Italy
from the East to the West coasts.
[42] The ensuing battle for Monte Cassino can be
divided in to 4 parts.
The first battle started on the 17th January.
The British X Corps managed to cross the
Garigliano River near the coast, however a
lack of reserves meant they were unable to
exploit their initial success before German
reinforcements arrived from Rome on the
21st. The American 36th Division attempted
to cross the Rapido River in the centre of the
Allied advance on the 20th January. They
struggled to cross in sufficient numbers and
due to a complete lack of armour on the far
side of the river were unable to hold their
positions. The 141st Regiment was reduced
to only 40 men in just 48 hrs. The 34th
Infantry Division attempted to push the right
flank to the North of Monte Cassino on the
24th of January with the intention of taking
the high ground before assaulting back
down on to the monastery from the North.
request and on the 15th of February 144
B-17 bombers reduced the entire monastery
to rubble. As this raid was not coordinated
with the ground commanders there was no
follow up attack which allowed the Germans
to occupy and set up strong defensive
positions in the rubble. The allied assault a
day later was unsuccessful and once again
the allies suffered heavy casualties fighting
to take German positions in the hills around
the ruins of the monastery. The Allied forces
also managed to cross the Rapido River in
the south but were again unable to hold and
were forced back due to a lack of armoured
support on the far bank.
The third battle began on the 15th of
March following 3 weeks of delays caused
by the harsh winter weather. Following
the Allied failures in crossing the Rapido
River in the south and the high number of
casualties suffered trying to take the high
ground to the north of the monastery, a
After almost 3 weeks of fighting alongside
troops from the French Corps and despite
reaching a hill just 400 Meters to the North
of the Monastery the Americans were forced
to withdraw.
With the US having landed further up
the coast at Anzio and coming under heavy
pressure from German forces another
attempt was made to break through at
Cassino in order to relieve the American
bridge head to the North. The plan for the
second battle was essentially a continuation
of the first with a combined push to take
the high ground in the north and force a
crossing of the river in the south. Following
the first battle the Allies believed that the
Germans were using the Monastery on the
dominating hill at Monte Cassino to spot for
the withering artillery fire which was blamed
for the Allies initial failure. A bombing raid
was requested on the 11th of February.
Air Force planners seeing an opportunity
to demonstrate their usefulness to the
campaign greatly expanded on the initial
new plan was developed. This time the plan
was to push in the centre towards the town
of Cassino, which lay in the valley beneath
the monastery and also directly towards
Monastery Hill above the town. The advance
took place immediately after a heavy
bombing raid and behind a creeping barrage
from 746 artillery pieces and met with initial
success. However a follow up attack on the
town took too long to organise and by the
time it was ready defences had been reset
by the Germans. Heavy rain flooded the
craters from the barrage and made armoured
support extremely difficult, holding up the
Allied attempt to exploit their earlier success.
By the 17th the Gurkhas held Hangman’s
Hill, just 230m south of the Monastery. On
the 19th the plan was to launch a final attack
on the town and the monastery whilst at
the same time a surprise attack was to be
launched by a squadron of tanks that had
worked their way up the mountain in single
file under the cover of darkness to the north
of the Monastery. The Germans countered
strongly by launching an unexpected attack
from the ruins of the monastery which
disrupted the Allied attempt to attack the
town and the Monastery itself. The bold raid
by tanks of the 20th Armoured Brigade was
also defeated. With no support from infantry
the tanks were quickly disabled by the
Germans once they had recovered from the
initial surprise of the attack. By the 23rd the
attack had to be called off.
The fourth battle began on the 11th of
May. The allies had brought in extra British
troops from the East coast and hoped that
the increased numbers combined with a
coordinated assault across the front from the
coast to the mountains would be enough to
dislodge the German defenders. This time
over 1600 guns opened up along the front
on the by now highly depleted German
defenders. Crucially this time the river was
bridged to allow armour to cross in support
of the infantry in the south. By the 12th May,
the bridgeheads on the Rapido River were
growing thanks to the combined Armoured
The narrow mountain tracks and unfordable
rivers severely restricted its use. Critically,
the only time that armour was used, it was
sent in without infantry support, so despite
getting to the German HQ and taking it
completely by surprise the Allies were unable
to exploit the situation or to hold the ground.
We can learn many relevant lessons from
Monte Cassino including; the importance
of mutual support when combining
armour and infantry in restricted terrain,
the vital requirement to coordinate ground
manoeuvre with air operations and the
impact weather can have, both on
operations and morale.
The battlefield study provided the
opportunity to learn lessons from history
and to reflect on the sacrifices made by
members of our antecedent regiments. It
was an excellent chance to integrate with
our regular counterparts and was very much
enjoyed by all those who attended. We must
thank the RTR for inviting RWxY soldiers and
officers and for organising such a superb and
enlightening study.
and Infantry push. The fighting in the
mountains to the north of the monastery
was becoming one of attrition between
Polish units and the Germans. On the 15th
May the British 78th Division was brought
in from reserve and pushed through the
bridgehead in the Liri valley before isolating
the Germans in Cassino. By the 17th May the
Polish launched their final attack on the ruins
of the Monte Cassino Monastery after days
of attritional fighting in the mountains to
the north. Cut off in the south, the Germans
finally withdrew to their next defensive line
leaving the monastery to be captured by
the Polish. The Germans had fought a highly
successful delaying action resulting in some
55,000 Allied casualties and 20,000 Germans
killed or wounded over a 5 month period.
Despite being heavily used in the breakout
battle, the impact of the terrain meant the
use of armour was extremely limited during
the assaults on Monte Cassino.
The US/UK Exchange Program - 1
The US/UK exchange was a cracking opportunity and one I grasped
with both hands, one I’d encourage any of our soldiers to take if they
are given the opportunity. It took me 24hrs to get to Tulsa due to a
5hr delay. I was met by Major Chin Kim at the airport and taken to
Camp Gruber where we stayed in chargeable quarters for the first few
days. Chin then proceeded to take me out to see the local sights for
a couple of days. 45th Infantry division museum, Cowboy Museum,
Oklahoma bombing memorial, a top league Basketball game (with
much beer), Hooters and a trip up Mount Scott.
We then met up with the rest of the 45th Fires Brigade HQ element.
What a fine bunch of guys and girls they were and they made me feel
somewhat of a celebrity. I was introduced to some advanced pop up
tents with air conditioning and computer kit you’d expect to see in an
office. I didn’t realise quite the information that was required in a fire
mission, weather, air craft, troops, humidity, type of ground, height
of any ridges, type of munitions required, etc,etc and all this has to
be calculated prior to the shells being fired. We practiced setting
up, getting it running and taking it down prior to deploying to Fort
Chaffee. The weather for these first few days was in excess of 100
degrees F. This phase of training also saw me riding around in a black
hawk as it did its evasive training. It was good fun and let me see the
countryside though looking out of the door at one point and seeing
the horizon on the other side was a little nerve racking.
Next we moved on to Chaffee where we lived in the field for the
next 5 days. It was tough, air conditioned tents with proper bed!
The food was pretty random
but this seemed to be general
in the US. During the time in
Chaffee I got out to see the
gun lines, the signallers and
the Logistics. They also had a
mass casualty exercise at the
end, the Medics had made
up the casualties prior to this
which looked very convincing.
The rest of my time in the US
was unseasonably cold and
wet, about 75 degrees which
suited me just fine. During this
part of the exercise one of the
gun batteries managed to put
a double charge into a gun,
shooting a HE shell off the end of the training area. The shell went
off in a garden, shredding some trees and blowing some shrapnel
[44] The US/UK Exchange Program - 2
through the end of the house, luckily no one was hurt but it was all
over the news. At the point the gun was fired I should have been the
guy pulling the lever but had been delayed. Good job it wasn’t any
more serious or the Brit would have got the blame.
After Chaffee training area we moved into camp Chaffee. This was
the point where the soldiers were to carry out their equivalent to our
MATTS. I was asked if I’d like to go around and watch, I said I’d rather
join in. This was duly made to happen. It included fitness testing and
tests, pistol shooting and rifle shooting. Their shooting tests were
more involved than ours taking in a proper range test out to 300m
that they had to pass. I did pass the rifle comfortably with a rifle that
wasn’t zeroed and I only dropped one point on the pistol due to being
unfamiliar with the safety on it. I also did the PT test which I passed
with flying colours, its very similar to ours. The US soldiers were very
impressed that the Brit had joined them.
During this part of the exercise we had plenty of chance to get into
town for a meal and a beer although most mornings were a 05:00
start. It is a reflection on my host’s generosity that I never bought a
single meal as my tab seemed to be picked up every time we went
out. The trip home commenced with a 03:30 start Friday morning and
arriving at my home at 12:40 on Saturday with a little jet lag.
All in all the trip was excellent and we should encourage guys to
take the opportunity in the future. Training in the US does seem to be
suffering because of litigation and political correctness. No Pyro (as
every piece has to be meticulously picked up at endex) and you have
to wear your sports kit to bed in case one of the girls sees you in your
pants and says you were improper. They also have to wear luminous
belts at the slightest hint of any PT. Despite this they have lots of kit at
their disposal and 664 soldiers. We could have took half a dozen of our
guys and put them in the US uniform and we’d have struggled to tell
them apart. The US do struggle a little with getting their guys to Gel
as good as ours but they do no adventure training despite having so
much on their door step. I did speak to their hierarchy about this and
they thought it would be good to implement some.
Unfortunately Major Chin Kim couldn’t be part of the return Leg as
he had a change of career. He became a full time reserve and moved
to Washington . I have invited him back in a civilian capacity and he
intends to take me up on this. I made some good friends and we keep
in touch via face book.
It was a cracking trip, lets get some more guys on the next one.
WO2 Darren ‘Benny’ Hill
My attachment to the 113th Cavalry Scout
unit of the Iowa National Guard commenced
with flights from London to Washington
DC then connections through Detroit to La
Crosse in the state of Wisconsin. My visit to
see our American cousins was an excellent
way to spend two weeks in the Army Reserve.
Sun, sand and shooting! Now when people
ask you ask you why you do it, here’s your
Upon arrival I was issued my kit including
an M4 assault rifle. The issue kit camouflage
pattern bore a resemblance to a gravel path
which was very handy as we were going
to deploy in the forests of North America.
Three hours after going to bed I was awake
and getting ready to move out for the
range period of the exercise. With jet lag
kicking in I stumbled down to the mess hall
for a traditional breakfast with a mystery
drink to wash it down. Grits and corn bread
with chicken gravy, awesome. Not a bad
breakfast. At this point I noticed as per your
standard Hollywood movie, everyone was
wearing sunglasses. I had been prepared and
followed suit. Cool!
I spent my time talking to the soldiers
around me who to a man found my accent
very amusing. After that I decided to find the
Sgt I had been assigned to. SSgt Lopez who
would be my host for the duration was very
helpful, initially pointing me at a Humvee
into which I climbed and promptly went to
sleep (jet lag). I awoke on the range to find
a very gentlemanly approach to live firing. I
participated in several Battle runs as a foot
soldier and thought I’d try my hand at the
.50cal. Being a guest the Guard were happy
to oblige, so I took full advantage and fired
off over 200 rounds of .50cal. Loads of fun.
The next day was much of the same, with the
added bonus of meeting a few more guys
from other parts of the Guard unit. Some
more people to laugh at my northern twang!
Following the range period we moved
into the field exercise phase. I was there
to observe and did this by shooting every
gun they had, flying around in helicopters
and driving, gunning and commanding my
Humvee. Not all at the same time.
The best memory I have is being out on an
OP with SSgt Gonzales and looking around to
see what the noise was to our front. Ten feet
away a Black Bear had come to visit and see
what we had to eat. I suggested Gonzales, he
suggested me! Thankfully neither of us must
have looked appetising as we only had blank
ammunition if the bear had decided to get
frisky. A more friendly encounter was had
with a local armadillo. I had decided to take
cover in a drainage ditch which turned out to
be how the armadillo got around. He nudged
me with his head several times until I moved
(perhaps he was suggesting I changed my
fire position). I thought I should move as I
was just visiting and this was his home.
After a few more days having fun we
returned to camp for post exercise admin.
I had a few beers with my new friends and
exchanged email addresses. Like reservists
the world over, I made some very good
friends in a very short space of time, when
you spend a week or so in a confined space
with someone you soon get to know them.
Now came the most disappointing part
of the trip, getting home, flight delays and
weather meant I was forced to conduct some
serious tourism on my way home! Again I
flew from La Crosse but due to a storm, I
ended up in Minneapolis. Time for a quick
visit to the Mall of America. The biggest
one in the world. Theme Park in the middle.
8 hours and bit of shopping then off to
Washington DC.
In Washington I found I was stuck for 19
hours. Shame! So off to town and visit the
sights including the Washington Monument,
White House and The Smithsonian. It
was around 30oC so feeling a little hot
I also popped into a local bar for some
A great visit to see how an ally conducts
its Reserve business. A big thanks must go to
my hosts.
The First International
Armoured Reservists Symposium
Between 17- 19 October 2014, the
Royal Wessex Yeomanry hosted the first
ever International Armoured Reservists
Symposium (IARS). The event was timed
to fall on the hundredth anniversary of the
conception of the tank, and was therefore
fittingly held at the Tank Museum in
Bovington – which proved to be a most
excellent venue. This was the Commanding
Officer’s brainchild, designed to build on
the Regiment’s previous successful study
weekend, which had included a limited
amount of international participation.
The ground-breaking event was therefore
intended to support the development of
thinking behind Reservist use of some of the
most complex ground manoeuvre platforms
in the world, focusing on both theoretical
and applied aspects of capability.
The rationale to IARS is that the increasing
complexity of platforms is being matched by
the escalating costs of the soldiers required
to crew and manage them. In fact, the cost
of human resources – especially in terms of
training and investment – is now the major
part of the financial burden, despite (and in
part because of ) increasing sophistication of
equipment. In order to maintain capabilities,
militaries need to think in new ways and
embrace new models of employment,
overcoming enshrined norms…and in
other words looking extremely carefully at
Reserves and flexible contracts.
The format for the inaugural IARS
was based around a training weekend.
It therefore saw many participants –
particularly those who had travelled a
very long distance – gathering on Friday
night in the officer’s mess, where they were
[46] hosted to drinks and a curry supper by
members of the Regiment. This proved to
be an ideal icebreaker, and the commitment
by Commander Land Forces to come and
mingle was greatly appreciated, especially for
our valued international guests.
The symposium proper took place
through Saturday, and consisted of a series
of presentations from VIP speakers and
members of the Regiment. The day was
attended by around 100 people from around
the world, with standing room only at times
in the lecture room. Nations represented
included the United States; Australia; Canada;
Germany; France; South Africa; Holland;
Sweden; and Latvia. From the UK side, the
(literally) star-studded audience included a
number of participants from Army HQ as well
as ARTD and the Armoured Infantry brigades.
We were very lucky to have had the
Royal Honorary Colonel, HRH The Earl of
Wessex, host the event throughout. This
was undoubtedly a draw for a number of
international participants, and HRH was
also able to add a great many insights from
his own experience piloting helicopters
– training for which presents many of the
same problems as our own land-bound
complex platforms. However, the keynote
was very kindly presented by the Minister
for the Reserves, Julian Brazier MP. This
amply demonstrated the commitment to
the Reserves at the highest levels of the UK
Government and Army, and set an excellent
tone for all that followed. Richard Smith, the
Director of the Tank Museum, then provided
some fantastic and very well-received insight
into the historical context – like all things,
this is not the first time we have tackled these
particular problems! He was also the first to
touch on a theme later recounted by Major
John Dalziell, Y Sqn Leader, that capability
is not usability – giving the example of the
Tiger 1 tank in WW2, which was a fantastic
piece of engineering, but therefore required
highly trained crews – which is where
Germany suffered in comparison to the
approach taken by the allies.
After a quick break, Commander Land
Forces gave a valuable and entertaining
view of the current situation, from both a
strategic and operational view. As Colonel
Commandant RAC, he had tremendous
relevant perspective and “the view from
the top” again showed how seriously the
issue of the Reserves is being taken – very
encouraging stuff. The Commanding Officer
then drew the morning’s threads together,
showcasing how the Regiment was tackling
the myriad of challenges, from training to
recruiting to the management of personnel.
There was particular interest in our use of
simulation and databases to track training
and development – an area that we will
continue to drive and improve on in 2015.
Rounding out the morning, C Sqn Leader
presented on the current threat environment
and demonstrated “the art of the possible”
by recounting the story of Bravo Company,
4th Tank Battalion USMC in 1990-91. The
members of this Reservist company were
issued their call-up notices in November
1990, and formed up the following month. As
part of this they re-orbated from two 5-tank
platoons to three 4-tank ones and, more
significantly, re-roled from M60 onto M1A1.
This was quite a change as even the gun
was different. Amazingly, Bravo Company
managed this in two weeks of classroom
and field training, after which they deployed
to theatre, arriving and taking over their
vehicles by 20 January. Initially employed
on defensive operations along the border
with Kuwait, the Company shifted to train for
offensive operations, and formed a part of
the USMC’s eventual thrust north along the
coast towards Kuwait City. As part of this, the
Reservists destroyed two enemy companies,
including an advancing grouping of T-72s
and other vehicles that were engaged and
eliminated within 90 seconds – from a
leaguer. They also scored the longest ranged
US tank kill of the war, at over 4,000 metres.
All in all a tremendous achievement – and
proof of what can be done, when all the
ingredients are in place.
After a buffet lunch overlooking the
exhibits in the museum, the afternoon
was initially dedicated to case studies from
various nations. This was an immensely
useful showcase, with participation from the
US, Australia, Sweden and Canada. These
nations all have different approaches, but
the commonality of challenges was notable,
and everyone was able to learn something
valuable from the range of experience on
offer. The UK perspective was given by
Deputy Commander Land Forces, Maj Gen
Ranald Munro – the senior Army Reservist,
who is heavily engaged in tackling many of
the issues raised. Another senior Reservist,
Brigadier Hugh Robertson, gave the view
from ARTD in terms of how key issues
around training were going to evolve, which
led nicely into discussion from the private
sector around emerging technologies and
improving employer integration. The latter,
from Annie Peden at Barclays, was a great
way to finish and a reminder of the need
to support all aspects of the Reservist’s
After a long and intense day, Saturday
evening gave people the chance to unwind
at a formal but relaxed mess dinner hosted
by HRH The Earl of Wessex. This was for some
their first experience of this environment,
and there was much merriment when
explaining some of our traditions, including
the passage of port and standing for
Regimental marches. All in all, this was an
excellent night with much discussion of the
key learning points from the day.
Sunday saw visits to the Regiment, with
participants able to sit and speak with
soldiers under training at A Sqn and in the
Heavy Armoured Wing at Lulworth. As part
of this we were using VBS2, in the form of
the JCOVE suite, which was considered
to be excellent training by most of our
international visitors. The soldiers were able
to give some “ground truth” and helped put
the previous day’s lessons into context. We
also had a demonstration of a new product
from Airbus, the Virtual Rock Drill unit, which
is an innovative, versatile and exciting way
to demonstrate and run through key tactical
exercises. This worked well alongside VBS,
and could readily be used to showcase and
rehearse drills before putting them into
practice in first person – either in simulators
(VBS or CATT) or even in the field. Our
gunnery suite also aroused quite a bit of
international interest – and perhaps some
good natured jealousy…we do have a very
good role!
Overall, the weekend was immensely
valuable, being very well attended and
supported by an extremely senior audience.
Although all participants had a shared
interest in the main themes, we all had
different lessons to learn, and sharing our
collective experience and best practice was a
great way for all to benefit. Most interestingly
we found that we were all facing pretty much
the same challenges, which is encouraging as
it shows how readily they can be overcome!
Key remains imaginative and highly
structured training; making use of simulation
in a progressive manner to prepare people
as much as possible before getting onto
the platforms; effective management of
personnel; and some real consideration to
effective platform design. Perhaps the best
lesson of all – taken away by many – is that
Capability is not Usability. This is something
we should all keep in mind.
Thanks are due to all the speakers, who
gave up so much valuable time, and many
of whom travelled a great way to come and
share their knowledge. Our sponsors not
only enabled the event, but also added a
great deal of content, and are dedicated to
supporting our success – we are immensely
grateful. Both the Tank Museum and the
Mess did us proud, and the Royal Honorary
Colonel dedicated considerable effort in
hosting and helping guide the weekend – as
ever this was a great boon, and really helped
the event reach great heights. This is certainly
something that will be repeated, and we
currently intend to look at the next one in
2016…so stay tuned!
QRH Returning to Core
2014 and Beyond
The perfect piece
Johnson, that we were able to do so. The
exercises also provided our G4 chain with an
extremely demanding work out, one which
will hold them in good stead as they prepare
for BATUS in 2016.
Alongside them C (The Duke of
Edinburgh’s) Squadron, under Major Jamie
Shann conducted MST for H20. H20 would
see them employed as the Warthog Group,
which would be the final British manoeuvre
sub-unit operating in Helmand Province. This
was a particularly demanding task, which
required Major Shann to command not only
the vehicles but also the infantry dismounts
attached to them. They conducted every
major operation executed by the Bde, were
involved in 171 major contacts and suffered 4
IED strikes. Three members of the Squadron
were wounded, all of whom have thankfully
now recovered. Following the end of the
tour the regiment hosted a Medals parade
for the Squadron, at which HRH Prince Philip,
the Colonel of the Regiment, presented
On the ranges with C Sqn Bergen-Hohne
raditionally articles for Regimental Journals begin with a variation on the
phrase “it has been a very busy year” and this article will respect that
tradition. During 2014 the regiment has been committed to Op HERRICK
20, providing both the Warthog Group (the final manoeuvre sub-unit in Helmand)
and much of the real life support for the Mission Specific Training for H20, a Sqn
Challenger 2 Range Period, a Defence Engagement exercise in the light role in
Oman, providing the bulk of the manpower and command and control for Op
COMET (Defence’s support to the 2014 Commonwealth Games) and then a period
of squadron level return to role training before Christmas. Throw in a change of
Commanding Officer, Regimental Second in Command and Adjutant and it has
clearly been a busy year!
It will not have escaped the eagle eyed
reader’s attention that only two of the list
of tasks accomplished during 2014 concern
our core role, that of tank soldering, and that
both of those tasks were somewhat marginal
– a Sqn Range period and some much
needed CT0 and CT1 return to role training.
2014 was perhaps (hopefully) the last year
where we will find ourselves more widely
tasked away from our core role and skill set
that with it. The regiment has been off tanks
for a long time and this has seen our inherited
knowledge levels fade. The challenge for
the next two years, as we complete an Other
Tasks Year and then move into a Training Year,
is to reinvigorate our understanding of and
skill in the use of armour.
[48] The Challenger 2 Range Package
conducted in January 2014 was a huge
success. Under the leadership of Major
Charlie Haines, a composite squadron made
up of a spine of A Squadron personnel
augmented by a number of commanders
from D Squadron were able to exceed the
mandated training standards. The fact that
a composite squadron was formed should
be of particular interest to the Royal Wessex
Yeomanry. Under A2020 Challenger 2 subunits are made up of 18 tanks. In the current
manning situation, filling all of these posts is
extremely challenging. This is an excellent
example of where the RWxY, the armoured
reserve regiment, might seamlessly slot into a
regular regiment. The provision of 2-3 crews,
for a two week firing camp (interestingly the
same length as an annual training period)
would be of huge benefit both to the regular
regiment and to the RWxY, allowing each
organisation to grow their individual and
crew skills and practice operating together.
The QRH provided the majority of the
real life support required to run the Op
HERRICK 20 MST during the early part of the
year. This proved challenging. To support
a series of major exercises, conducted half
way across Europe, in a place few people
had ever heard of (Norfolk), whilst retaining
sufficient manpower and skills at RD to allow
the regiment in Germany to continue to
function correctly, proved difficult. It is to the
great credit of HQ Sqn Leader, Major Euan
Operational Service Medals to those who
deployed. It was a fitting end to a cycle of
training for, deploying on and recovering
from operations that has lasted since the
regiment returned from BATUS in the
summer of 2003 until the winter of 2014.
While DofE Squadron were preparing
for operations in Afghanistan, D Squadron,
under Major Tom Mcilwaine, deployed to
Oman as a light role infantry company,
exercising alongside the Royal Army of
Oman as part of the British Army’s Defence
Engagement efforts. The exercise saw 350
British and Omani soldiers operating in
mixed platoons and companies, conduct
live fire and TESEX exercises and conduct a
range of adventure training activities. Once
again there is scope for the RWxY to be
more involved with the regular partners on
exercises such as these, and we look forward
to welcoming Yeoman on future exercises.
The main activity during the summer
months was the preparation for and
deployment on Op COMET. Seasoned
veterans of the private security business
that we are, following our experiences on
Op OLYMPIC, the regiment took to it like a
duck to water. Op COMET saw the regiment
widely reinforced with reservists from across
defence, with a particularly high proportion
coming from the Royal Navy. Once again this
shows not just the employability of reservists
in support of the regular forces, but also their
inherent versatility. A highly enjoyable three
week period saw many thousands of bags
searched, much Scottish cuisine sampled
and a large number of autographs and
selfies obtained.
The early autumn saw Lt Colonel Alex
Porter replace Lt Colonel Jamie Howard as
Commanding Officer, Major Tom Jefford
replaced Major Matt Roberts as Regimental
2ic and Capt Matt Paterson replace Capt Mark
Cubitt as Adjutant.
As autumn faded into winter we began
the process of conducting a period of much
needed return to role training. With so much
of the Regiment so inexperienced on tanks
there was a vital need to build up from a
slow start and CT0 and synthetic training in
CATT provided the foundations for a period
of CT1 training just before Christmas. As is
traditional with CT1 training, it was bitterly
cold and snowed. Other than that it was
delightful for all concerned.
The next year, as mentioned earlier holds
a number of challenges for the QRH. There is
a Regimental range period in February. This
will then be followed by a BATUS season as
OPFOR for RHQ, DofE and D Sqns, a summer
of RAAT in the UK for A Squadron, now under
Major Charlie Chuter, and the regeneration of
Command and Recce Squadron, under Major
Hennie Coetzee, before CT1 and CT2 training
starts again prior to BATUS in 2016. We will be
busy and challenged, but we are likely to have
plenty of opportunity for interested Yeoman
to join us. Consider yourself invited. u
Armoured Migration
KRH Overview of
Training Year
014 has been a varied year for the KRH seeing it deploying on a variety of tasks at home and abroad. The year started
with the continuation of training that would lead up to the Regiment adopting the role of Lead Armoured Battlegroup,
which we would take over as in October. The preparation for this highly important role would mean deploying to
the Combined Arms Staff Trainer in Warminster, the Squadrons deploying on ranges in Castlemartin and finally the entire
Battlegroup deploying to Canada where we would bring all this training together and show that we were ready to deploy
anywhere at short notice. However, due to all manner of events we soon found that the year would provide a good quorum of
other deployments that would test our guile and adaptability.
The Regiment had barely recovered from the excesses of
Christmas and the New Year when the heavens opened across
the UK and refused to stop, resulting in the Army being employed
in the construction of significant flood defences in the worst hit
towns and villages. Like many regiments the KRH was tasked
with supplying its quota of man power to aid in the execution of
Op PITCHPOLE. This came in the form of C Squadron being sent
to various villages in the South of England and spending many
[50] long wet nights building up some very significant defences to stem
the flow of water into homes and businesses.
Following the success of Op PITCHPOLE, the various elements
of the Regiment could resume their preparations for the training
that lay ahead in the summer months. B Squadron would be the
first to go to BATUS as part of the 1 ROYAL WELSH Battlegroup,
proving themselves to be excellent ambassadors to both the KRH
and the wider RAC. Following them was the bulk of the Regiment
in the form of A, D and Support Squadrons with RHQ deploying
on Ex PRAIRIE STORM 2 with elements from across the Bde.
This deployment saw the KRH BG deploying in its new A2020
structure, which brought the overall manpower to 1500 personnel
on over 600 vehicles. To say the sight of the Battlegroup moving
across the Prairie was impressive would be an understatement
and gave the planning element of BGHQ some sleepless nights
making sure the seven sub-units were orchestrated effectively.
After eight weeks in Canada it was time for the KRH BG to come
home and hand over to the 1 YORKS BG, who had C Squadron
providing their CR2 for Ex PRAIRIE STORM 3.
During the KRH BGs time on Ex PRAIRIE STORM 2 we
received the order that upon our return to the UK we would go
straight into preparations for another deployment to support
NATO’s Immediate Assurance Measures to its Central and
Eastern European members. Our deployment would be in the
form of a joint exercise with the Polish 10th Armoured Cavalry
Bde in the South West of Poland. Fortunately we managed
to squeeze in some summer leave before return to Tidworth
at the start of September to commence a month of very busy
preparations in which we would have to assemble a Battlegroups
worth of vehicles and equipment and move it all across Europe to
Poland in time for the start of the Exercise. Over the past decade
we have become accustomed to deploying on exercise to
Canada or Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan where everything
we needed was already in theatre and all we had to do is sign for
it when we got there. This deployment, however, saw the KRH
BG returning to a far more expeditionary approach which gave
us some much needed training far any future conflicts which
may arise.
October saw the Battlegroup assume its place as the Army’s
Lead Armoured Battlegroup followed by it deploying to Poland via
air, sea and road over a period of two weeks eventually settling
in Karliki Camp on the outskirts of the small town of Zagan. Our
initial fears of spending the next six weeks in a barely functioning
Soviet era camp were, thankfully, put to rest and we found
ourselves in basic yet comfortable accommodation that we could
live and work out of for a time in country. This comfort was due to
the efforts of our own Quartermaster’s department and the hard
work of our Polish Army hosts who had searched far and wide for
anything that would make our stay more pleasant, not to mention
their impressive ability to acquire almost anything we needed at
very short notice.
Once we had settled into life in Karliki Camp and fully integrated
with our Polish allies, we deployed onto the training area with
them to commence a week of mounted and dismounted ranges.
This enabled our own sub-units to further hone their own skills
and drills, whilst allowing them to meet their Polish counterparts
and get some hands on experience with their kit and equipment.
This week was followed by a week of bi-lateral training where the
KRH BG deployed alongside the 1st (Polish) Tank Bn to conduct
a mix of live and dry training in preparation for the Distinguished
Visitors Day (DVD), which would be the culmination of the
deployment. The DVD was intended to be a demonstration of our
abilities to integrate with our NATO allies as well as a showing our
ability to project ourselves and our capabilities onto any potential
enemy. The demonstration took the form of a Bde level defence
followed by a counter-attack. The KRH BG and the 1st Tank Bn
would conduct the defence and counter-attack side by side, all in
observed from a very impressive observation tower. Within said
tower was a contingent of British and Polish politicians, media
and high ranking officers including the British Army CGS. The
DVD and the deployment, as a whole, were a complete success
resulting in the original mission being achieved and some strong
professional relationships being well established. By the start of
December, the deployed element of the KRH were back in the
UK ready for the last two weeks of work and some much needed
Christmas leave.
Further to 2014 being a varied year, it has proven to be a very
busy year for the KRH, during which we have had to dig deep
in order to maintain our energy and at times our moral. Despite
this, we have come out of it having improved ourselves and are
certainly ready to deploy wherever we may be needed. We shall
remain at readiness until April 2015, when we shall hand over
to the 1 YORKS BG and spend the rest of the year providing
support to Bde and its various deployable units.
The Royal Tank Regiment
And then there was one…
Lt Robertson - Cambrian Patrol
has replaced AJAX in Warminster, but
in a new guise. Army re-structuring saw
most of the specialist CBRN capability
previously provided by the First moving to
the RAF Regiment and the deletion of the
he Royal Tank Regiment is an armoured Regiment formed of 6 squadrons:
3 Tank Squadrons which are based on the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank, a
Command and Reconnaissance squadron, a Logistic Support Squadron and
a CBRN Area Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron. The Regiment is based
in Tidworth in Wiltshire.
2014 was a historic year in the Royal
Tank Regiment’s history and saw the
1st and 2nd Royal Tank Regiments
amalgamate to form a new Regiment. The
amalgamation was celebrated in August
with a marvellous parade at Old Carter
Barracks in Bulford. Despite the rain, the
amalgamating Regiments put on a superb
show of drill, both on foot and mounted
on tanks, and toasted the beginning of a
new and exciting period in the Regiment’s
history. Although the event was tinged
with sadness, it was a fantastic day and
there is much hope about what the future
will bring. The process of amalgamation
has been relatively straightforward,
perhaps as one would expect from sister
regiments, and has been conducted with
remarkable efficiency. The new Regiment
is now very well settled in its long term
home at Aliwal Barracks in Tidworth,
Wiltshire and now has the opportunity to
enjoy some much needed stability.
Beyond the amalgamation the Regiment
has been very busy indeed. The return
from Op HERRICK in October 2013
resulted in a requirement to re-train as
an armoured unit and to re-learn some of
the skills which have been lost during a
decade which has seen both Regiments
[52] out-of–role for considerable periods. The
re-roling period dominated the first half of
2014 and culminated with a successful
range package at Castlemartin in June
2014. Following the summer break,
the focus has been on refining our
administrative processes and conducting
the low level training necessary to begin
the training year in 2015. The latter half
of the year also saw us celebrate Cambrai
for the first time as an amalgamated
Regiment. It was a fantastic day and was
hugely enjoyed by all ranks. Particular
highlights were the hard fought sports
competitions and the inter squadron
bar building contest which was won by
DREADNAUGHT Squadron, who built a
superb medieval themed bar complete
with a mock up castle.
The final moves of the amalgamation
have seen AJAX move from Warminster
to Tidworth and FALCON establish a
specialist CBRN capability in Warminster.
Under Army 2020 restructuring, AJAX
have formally closed down the long
standing Armoured Squadron commitment
to the Land Warfare Centre Battlegroup,
a role that has seen the Royal Tank
Regiment support training on Salisbury
Plain for the last 16 years. FALCON
manoeuvre support capability provided
by the Fuchs platform. Analysis of recent
conflicts suggested that the deletion of
Fuchs was perhaps somewhat premature
and thus it was decided to reinvigorate
CBRN manoeuvre support capability as an
element of the Joint force. The Regiment
was asked to generate an additional
squadron to deliver this capability and so
FALCON Squadron has been re-birthed.
Despite the relatively recent decision to
delete of Fuchs, the re-growth has proven
a significant task but has been met with
determination and guile by Major Gareth
Morris and his team. They have already
delivered an Initial Operating Capability
of one Fuchs Troop and will reach full
operating capability in the summer; a
considerable achievement following a
demanding year.
The Regiment has continued to excel in
the sporting arena and was crowned as
RAC champions (again) in November’s
Hodson’s Horse competition which sees
the RAC regular regiments competing
in a range of sports including football,
hockey, rugby (league and union),
squash, cross country and orienteering.
Our success this year builds on the
successes of the First and Second who
have won the competition in 7 of the 9
years it has been held. The Regiment
has also won the RAC Team Triathlon
championships and continues to excel in
the winter sports. Notably the Regiment
has provided a number of members of the
Nordic GB Development Squad in recent
years and continues to dominate the
RAC championships. The Regiment has
also conducted some really impressive
AT events including diving in Ascension
Island, mountaineering in Germany and
Scotland and sailing in Denmark.
So what next? The Regiment began
its training year in January 2015 and
will deploy to Castlemartin Ranges in
February. Thereafter the Squadrons will
conduct a number of build up exercises
before deploying to BATUS to take part
will deploy with RHQ as part of the RTR
Battle Group while CYCLOPS Squadron
will deploy with the 1st Battalion The Royal
Regiment of Fusiliers and AJAX Squadron
will deploy with the 1st Battalion, The
Mercian Regiment. Notably we will be
joined in BATUS by several officers and
soldiers from our colleagues at the Royal
Wessex Yeomanry, we also hope to be
joined on some of our build up exercises
through the Spring. Once trained all
elements of the Regiment will enter
readiness to deploy on operations in 2016;
our fingers remain very firmly crossed!!
So to summarise it has been a
fascinating year with some really great
challenges ahead of us… see you on
the Prairie!! u
Tpr Scarff competing in the Slalom at Les Contamines
A Short History of The
3rd British Division
ow the RWxY has become part of 3rd (UK) Division it seems apt to look at
the history of the division to enable us to understand the heritage of this
premier fighting formation and our part in it.
The 3rd (UK) Division, known at various
times as the Iron Division, 3rd (Iron) Division
or Iron Sides, is a regular army division of the
British Army. It was created in 1809 by Arthur
Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, as part
of the Anglo-Portuguese Army, for service
in the Peninsular War. It was known as the
Fighting 3rd under Sir Thomas Picton during
the Napoleonic Wars. The division is also
sometimes referred to as the Iron Division, a
nickname earned during the bitter fighting
of 1916 on the Western Front.
The Iron Division can trace its history back
to 1809 in Spain when, in the early years
of the Peninsular War, the future Duke of
Wellington decided to adopt, for the first time
in the British Army, a permanent divisional
structure to help him combat the French.
The division’s first General Officer
Commanding was Major General Thomas
Picton, a Welshman who moulded the
Division in his own image; resolute, tough,
slightly eccentric and full of fighting spirit.
The Division remained part of the Army
structure throughout the 19th Century,
fighting at the Battle of Waterloo (1815),
against the Russians in the Crimean War
(1854-6) and in South Africa during the
Second Boer War (1899-1900).
The division’s other campaigns include;
the First World War, the Battle of France
(1940) and the North West Europe campaign
from D-Day (1944) until victory in May
1945. It was commanded, during the Battle
of France (1940), by Maj Gen (later Field
Marshal) Bernard Montgomery. The division
was to have been part of a proposed
Commonwealth Corps, formed for a planned
invasion of Japan in 1945-46, and later served
in British Mandate Palestine. The division was
disbanded in June 1947.
During the Second World War, the division
was the only major British fighting formation
to evacuate from Dunkirk in any semblance
of order with the majority of its equipment
intact. Consequently, 3rd Division formed
the core of the land component for the
defence of the British Isles in the face of
a German invasion in 1940. On its return
to the European mainland on the sixth of
June 1944 (D-Day) it was one of the British
assault divisions, landing on Sword beach.
It continued in action until the surrender of
Germany in May 1945. It was Field Marshal
Montgomery (now in command of the 21st
Army Group) who accepted the German
surrender on Luneburg Heath.
Throughout the Second World War, the
insignia became the “pattern of three” — a
black triangle trisected by an inverted red
triangle which is still used today. This badge
was designed by the GOC (Montgomery) and
his AQ in 1940. It simply reflects the three of
threes: 3rd Division, three brigades, and three
battalions per brigade.
Post Second World War
On 1 April 1951, the Division was reformed
in the Suez Canal Zone, under the command
of Sir Hugh Stockwell. The division became
part of Middle East Land Forces. It served in
the UK for many years; in 1968 it was part of
the Army Strategic Command. 3rd Infantry
Division then became an armoured division
in the British Army of the Rhine based at
Soest near the Möhne Dam in 1977.
The division was re-raised in the mid-1990s
after 3rd Armoured Division disbanded in
Scout Reconnaissance variant
The Scout platform undergoing trials
Field Marshall Bernard Law
Montgomery, 1st Viscount
Montgomery of Alamein,
BAOR. It provided the headquarters for MultiNational Division (South-West) in BosniaHerzegovina in 1995 / 1996 and again in
1998. On 1 September 1999 the Division was
freed from its administrative and regional
responsibilities and it became a deployable
high operational readiness division.
As 3rd (UK) Mechanised Division it was
the only division at continual operational
readiness in the United Kingdom (the other
at operational readiness being 1st (UK)
Armoured Division in Germany). It was
based at Picton Barracks, Bulford Camp, and
reported to the Commander Land Forces.
Under Army 2020, the division will continue
to be based at Bulford, and command the
Reaction Force.
SCOUT and Military Technology
2014. The chassis selected is the ASCOD, an
Austro-Spanish platform, while the turret will
be largely the same as the one being fitted
to the Warrior CSP. The turret will feature a
40mm Cased Telescopic Ammunition (CTA)
gun of French design and capable of Armour
Piercing (AP) and air burst. The turret will
also have a full ISTAR suite with the ability to
identify, process and transmit central to its
design. Platform trials including 10,000kms
at 42 tonnes were completed by Dec 14.
The SCOUT project now enters a
demonstration/ reliability growth phase
through to 2017 with an Initial Operating
Capability (IOC) scheduled for 2020.
FRANCE – The French showcased the VBCI
family of Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV)
with 630 in service since 2006, albeit now
uprated to 32 tonnes. The standard VBCI
mounts a one man 25mm turret with 9
dismounts in the rear, it was fielded in
this guise to Afghanistan in 2010. The
operational mobility of the VCBI (and other
wheeled LAVs) being well reinforced by the
recent French insertion to Mali. The task
force covered a 2700km insertion drive in
7 days, fully loaded through intense heat
and inhospitable terrain and maintained a
95% availability on subsequent ops, try that
in a Main Battle Tank! The evident height
he International Armoured Vehicles Conference (IAV) is held annually as an opportunity for the defence industry
showcase technologies, update on projects and strive to keep up with the evolution of armoured vehicles – which
in recent years has moved towards greater protection. There was a definite slant to the lighter end of the armoured
vehicle scale with SCOUT representing the heaviest and largest platform discussed. A regular invitation is given to the RWxY
to attend and I would encourage individuals to step forwards when the calling note goes out for the 2016 conference.
SCOUT Specialist Vehicle (SV) is the planned
replacement for the venerable CVR(T) fleet
which first entered service in 1971. The
SCOUT SV provides a step-change in the
Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) capability
being delivered to the British Army and
[54] includes six variants: SCOUT Reconnaissance,
Protected Mobility Reconnaissance Support
(PMRS), Command and Control, Engineering
Reconnaissance, Repair and Recovery.
When looking to replace the CVR(T)
family, a Modified Off-The-Shelf (MOTS)
process is being followed in order to benefit
from a tried and tested base platform that
could then be modified in line with the UK’s
particular requirements. This approach saw
the preliminary design review in 2012, a
critical review in 2014 and General Dynamics
UK was awarded £3.5 billion to deliver
589 SCOUT SV platforms on 3 September
and size of the VBCI most would perceive
as a limitation but as brought out, it allows
infantry to dismount straight into the 1st
floor of building rather than the ground
floor. Whether there is a place in high
tempo conventional operations for a lightly
armoured vehicles is a separate debate.
AFGHANISTAN – Brigadier General Imam
Nazar from the 2nd Mobile Strike Force
(MSF) Brigade spoke about the recently
fielded MSF Vehicle (MSFV). MSFV is a
Textron supplied platform that can trace
its roots back to the LAV-100 Commando
first used in 1963. MSFV is however bang
up to date, simple to operate and maintain
in the field (the only item controlled by an
ECU is the gearbox), it boasts MRAP levels of
protection and is armed with a 40mm GMG
and .50 cal in a one man turret, which puts
it in the unique position of being absolutely
the right vehicle for the role. There are 3
variants in service; Turreted (crew of 3 and
4 dismounts), Objective Gunner Protection
Kit (OGPK) (3 + 7 dismounts) and an
ambulance. With the drawdown of ISAF, this
is very much the weapon of choice for the
Afghan National Army and as such, they are
continually committed on operations. The
arrival of MSFV is usually enough to deter an
insurgent threat, the Taliban apparently have
nicknamed them Camels.
A Canadian M113
fitted with rubber band track
BAND TRACK – Soucy are a well-known
name in the agricultural world but have also
been supplying continuous rubber tracks
for the BV/ VIKING for some time and more
recently for WARTHOG. ATDU have run
trials on CVR(T) with band track on several
occasions and while the proposals have
not been fully integrated, they did offer a
marked reduction in noise and vibration as
the manufacturer claimed. The hurdle until
recently was platform weight, WARTHOG at
nearly 20 tonnes was destroying its rubber
track rated for 14 tonnes. With further work,
Soucy can now offer track for platforms
up to 35 tonnes which moves it into the
WARRIOR/ CV90 size of vehicle and they are
working towards a 45 tonne track which
could be fitted to SCOUT – now there’s
a thought. Soucy made several claims
about the track, 70% reduction in vibration,
50% lighter, faster, more economical and
8000km expected life. With Health and
Safety impacting on every facet of life, both
civilian and military, it may not be long
before rubber band track is the only way to
overcome the inherent noise and vibration of
steel track – watch this space.
The conference went on have
presentations from the Italians, Polish,
Chileans and Peruvians as well as technical
talks on hybrid drive technology, batteries
and an analysis of recent conflicts and their
implications for armoured vehicles. Tie in
with all that the networking, demonstrations,
stands and freebies from manufacturers
and it really was a very full day. Well worth
expressing an interest now for 2016.
VBCI on operations in Mali
Afghanistan’s Mobile Strike Force Vehicle
Ex.PRAIRIE STORM 1 LCpl Richard Carson
have been in the gunner’s position of call sign 21 (my home for the duration of this exercise) almost permanently for
the last 21 hours. My eyes are raw from trying to rub away the tiredness and my head is aching from concentration. The
vehicle commander, Sergeant Brown gives us a drowsy well done for the days work over the intercom, even though the
day isn’t done yet. Trooper Roberts comes back with a witty retort, Corporal Daniels and I both grin at each other and the
whole crew wearily laughs as we stop in our position in the leaguer. We have just completed the final day of the live firing
part of the exercise, during which the Battlegroup progressed from individual firing, right up to squadron and company level
advance to contact. Once the crew shelter is up and we are settling into routine, I think to myself that this day is what being a
reservist is all about.
Our attachment began on the 6th of
January when Troopers Roe, Crocker,
Woodfield and I reported at Aliwal
Barracks, Tidworth. The welcome was
friendly and concise. Major Sharman,
Officer Commanding B Squadron, The
King’s Royal Hussars, encouraged us to
make the best of our time with his Sqn.
However there would be no difference
in treatment between us and his regular
soldiers, we would have to meet their
[56] standards. My fellow Yeomen and I were
pleased with this as we had all undertaken
this opportunity to expand our experience;
none of us wanted to be treated any
differently. We were given time to move
ourselves in and then went to meet the
Troop Leaders.
Originally it had been intended to send a
full crew to the KRH, however there were
no RWxY commanders able to commit
to six months away at the time. Instead,
Tprs Roe, Crocker and Woodfield were
assigned to 1st Troop, commanded by
Lieutenant Mawby, to be a complete crew
with a Regular commander, Staff Sergeant
Oldfield the Squadron Quarter Master
Sergeant (Tech).
I was assigned to 2nd Troop, with
Captain Walker as my Troop Leader, as
part of a regular crew.
Over the next few weeks we began
to settle into routine on the tank park,
preparing our vehicles for the annual firing
package at Lulworth. During this time, Tpr
Woodfield and I attended the Pre-Junior
NCO Cadre back with the Royal Wessex
Yeomanry in between our weekly work
with the KRH. Both of us performed well
coming second and first respectively, with
subsequent immediate promotion to Lance
Corporal. Our regular JNCO colleagues
Attached RWxY contingent
were happy for us when we returned,
partially because it meant two more bodies
to do Guard Commander on ranges!
Time in Lulworth passed quickly,
although the intention of getting everyone
through their annual crew test didn’t come
to fruition as the weather was so bad.
The wind was so strong that a number
of people were literally blown off of their
vehicles and firing was curtailed due to
the radar getting broken on a number of
occasions! As a result, we had to complete
our Crew Tests at Castle Martin ranges.
Before Castle Martin, the UK experienced
some severe rain fall and B Squadron
were called in to support Op. PITCHPOLE
and the British Army’s efforts with the flood
relief in Southern England, but this was
only for a short time.
Once this was all done, training turned
to the final courses needed for the
squadron to deploy to BATUS. We went
to Lydd Ranges for Small Arms training
and our Annual Personal Weapons Test.
During this period Tprs Roe and Crocker
were put through their team medic
courses. I was fortunate to be selected to
be part of the KRH shooting team, which
took part in the 12 Brigade Operational
Shooting Competition. The team did well,
being the only team to use 3 Carbines in
place of the standard SA80A2 Individual
Weapon, and were placed 12th out of 24
teams with very little preparation. This
brought us up to leave just before the
squadron’s flights to Canada.
After the transatlantic flight out to
Calgary and a long coach journey down to
Suffield our first task was to take over the
vehicles and prepare them for exercise.
This was interrupted by members of the
Squadron going off to do adventurous
training at the Trails End Camp near
Cochrane or parachuting at the Beiseker
Skydiving Centre. Taking full advantage
of the package, Tpr Roe and I went rock
climbing near Banff whilst LCpl Woodfield
and Tpr Crocker went Mountaineering.
After a week in the Canadian Rockies we
returned for the final preparations before
beginning the exercise.
The Field training exercise on the huge
prarie was split into three parts. Firstly
we went out to practice our low level
skills as a squadron, and then moved on
to the Tactical Environment Simulation
(TES) phase and finally into the live firing
phase. There was a consistent build up
of intensity. We worked through a variety
of scenarios including vehicle recovery,
casualty evacuation and other likely
circumstances to arise during conflict.
The pace of the exercise was high so the
maintenance days were welcome for the
rest that they offered after the hard work
of sorting out our vehicles. The barbeque
and hot showers on offer between the TES
and live firing phases were great… until
rudely interrupted by a storm that built up
out of nowhere! It was a tired but content
Battlegroup that returned along the
‘rattlesnake’ track back to Suffield ready
to clean and handover all the vehicles
and equipment. This was done as quickly
as possible in the hope of catching a few
days in Calgary or Medicine Hat.
On return to the UK, the short amount of
time we had left flew by. Before we knew
it we had finished with the KRH and were
saying our goodbyes to a great bunch of
new friends. I think we had managed to
change the minds of the majority of those
we had worked with, from uncertainty to a
firm respect of what reservists are capable
of. LCpl Woodfield and Tprs Roe and
Crocker, showed that as a reserve crew
they could match any in the Squadron. I
was lucky enough to work with a regular
crew who accepted me and together we
performed to a very good standard. Tpr
Roe summed it up well for the four of us.
’The whole experience was amazing. It
took us out of our comfort zones, from
being out on the prairie learning to live,
eat, sleep and operate with the Challenger
2, to mountain climbing in the Rockies. It
was brilliant.’
RWxY Rugby 2014 has seen the RWxY play two friendly rugby matches.
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry Ride
The RWxY Rugby team before the match against Salisbury
The first match came whilst most people
were watching the final round of the Six
Nations in February, with the RWxY fielding
17 players and almost as many travelling fans.
Despite the Salisbury pack having the edge at
scrum-time, the teams were evenly matched
and both sides enjoyed plenty of possession
and territory. Tries from LCpls Archibald and
Taylor, along with a conversion from Tpr
Menzies, saw the RWxY leading 12-10 after an
LCpl Stubbins leaps, salmon-like,
to claim the ball at a lineout
[58] hour. However match fitness and a couple of
injuries (Sgt Walker and Tpr Menzies) helped
Salisbury to open up the game and they
capitalised on the extra space with two break
away tries to take the game out of our reach:
Final score Salisbury 22-12 RWxY.
The second game against Salisbury was
a much closer battle. The match was played
at the end of November and saw a squad
of 18 wearing the new RWxY rugby strip
RWxY bending the rules with
some hands in the ruck.
for the first time on a rather sloping pitch,
aptly nicknamed “the Eiger.” There was good
support from the touchline again and the
game was a close fought affair, with Salisbury
breaking away for a try early in the first half.
There were no further scores in the game
despite SSgt O’Donnell crossing the line in
the first half (sadly knocking on) and the
RWxY pack being held up over the line twice
in the second half.
Final score Salisbury 5-0 RWxY. After
the match the Regiment presented a RWxY
plaque to Salisbury RFC and the post-match
fines on the day went towards the Joseph
Landon Foundation, with the two team
raising £165 for the charity.
Well played everyone who played in either
game and thanks for the support. Next year
we have games lined up against the HAC on
1 Feb 15 and possibly the KRH (development
side!) or Salisbury (again).
Anyone interested in representing the
Regiment at rugby should let Capt Thursby
know at
WO2 Andy Kershaw representing the
Army in the seniors rugby league team
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry this year was once again in support of
the Yeomanry Ride. Taking place in late December at Worcester Lodge
on Badminton Estate by kind permission of the Duke of Beaufort.
The course, as with the last few years, was approximately 2½ miles
in distance over fences largely typical of the hunting field with a
mixture of walls, hedges and timber on the fine old turf of the Estate.
With relatively few entries of the last few years, a strong field of thirty
four took to the tape, including five serving members of the Regiment,
the most for a good few years! With a few minor modifications to the
course courtesy of Willis Brothers Fences, a very competitive pace
was set for the full duration. With no fallers at the road crossing; the
traditional home of the unwary, Capt C Blakiston of the Kings Troop
was to win the ‘Bobby Faulkner Memorial bottle’ for the 1st faller,
taking a rapid dismount at the 5th. A group of eight jockeys and
their thoroughbred horses set a clear lead, which was maintained
throughout the race, leaving those on hunters, troop line horses and
HCR Blacks floundering in their wake. With a couple of fallers and a
few falling by the way side, this lead group crossed the road two from
home in close formation, setting the scene for a tight finish. Only for
‘Bringbackthebiff’ ridden by Capt Doug White of Y (RWY) Squadron
to romp home with a spectacular gallop up the hill to claim victory
overall and the RGH Challenge Cup.
The course as ever rode very well indeed and full thanks must go to
the His Grace The Duke of Beaufort and to the Badminton Estate for
allowing the continuation of this unique and most enjoyable event.
Full thanks must also go to all those who kindly give up their own time
to allow the smooth running of the race.
Should any current or former equestrian members of the Armed
Forces have an interest in entering this year, do please get in touch.
We can help source horses should they be needed and entries for
those unsure.
HAVN – Race Secretary
Ex YEOMAN SPLASH 2 - Malta 31 AUG – 8 SEPT 14
Diving Expedition to Explore the WW2
Wreck, HMS Boadicea Sgt J Emery (A Sqn).
The team
Advanced Course about to descend on
to the MV Karwela 36 meters below
WO2 Hill and Cpl Purchase prove you don’t
have to be good looking to take a selfie
After nearly a whole year of planning, Ex
Yeoman Splash began at 0530 Sunday 31
Aug. All those attending were to meet in A
Sqn bar which still had the leftover carnage
from the WOs and Sgts Mess function held
the previous evening. Including the SNCOs
on the Ex, who should be congratulated for
holding it together until the flight.
After a day of uneventful travelling we
arrived on the island of Gozo, Malta and
headed to the fishing village of Xlendi
which was to be our home for the next
week. Rooms in the villa were allocated
and as numbers were so high some found
themselves sleeping on the garage floor, but
the troops made best use of anything that
could be used as a mattress.
Next morning the first Mother watch
provided a cooked breakfast, which was
devoured quickly to avoid sharing with the
flies. After splitting into 4 groups we headed
over to the St Andrews Divers club which
was only 2 minuets walk from the villa. The
morning was spent completing the ever
important paper work and being introduced
to the instructors. The PADI basic students
went to take the swim test which consisted
of a 200m swim and treading water for 10
[60] minutes, while those on the advance course
were kitted out with the dive equipment
which they would keep for the week and
went off to conduct the check dive within
Xlendi Bay.
The next 4 days saw a number of dives
of increasing depth and difficulty. The PADI
basic group focused on neutral buoyancy,
controlled ascents, navigation and the
legendary mask removal which is always
daunting for the first time. The Advanced
course completed testing dives including
diving from a boat and a wreck dive to a
depth of 36 meters. The wreck was an old
ferry named MV Karwela which had been
sunk very close to shore allowing us to swim
out before the dive. Due to the depth we
were only on the wreck for 8 minuets but that
was long enough to explore from stern to
bow. Both dive groups saw various species of
marine wildlife including starfish, fire worms,
cuttlefish and grouper.
Group Photo after the mid week BBQ
On the Wednesday the traditional RWxY
BBQ was held, expertly prepared by LCpl
Russ Smith and Tpr Chris Mutton who
showed you don’t need a large BBQ to
feed 31 hungry divers.
Friday was to be our final day of diving; all
divers came together for a group dive at an
area called the ‘Blue Hole’. This gave an ideal
opportunity to get all the divers in the water
in the same place to have a challenging last
This image proves that SSgt’s
Dart, Jones and Paul have not lost
touch with their feminine side
Final group dive at the Blue Hole, GOZO
dive for all yet accommodating the different
skill levels. The Blue Hole also gave an
excellent back drop for the Exercise
group photo.
Saturday was used for R&R activities with
the troops being split into groups. Some
went to the main Island for the day while
others took part in other organised activities
such as canoeing, fishing or cultural trips to
the capital of Gozo. Saturday evening saw the
unit taking over one of the local restaurants
for the final dinner before retiring early in
preparation for the trip back to a slightly
colder England.
All in all there is not a single person
who took part in Ex Yeoman Splash that
would be able to say they did not enjoy it
immensely and came out of it with new skills,
experiences and a multitude of stories to
tell. None of this would be possible without
the generosity of Col Selby-Bennett for the
use of his villa. In summery anyone who
would like to gain a diving qualification and
experience an exercise that will not soon be
forgotten should not miss out on the next
dive experience.
The expedition began on the 13th June 2014 with the mission of
exploring HMS Boadicea, a B Class destroyer which had been sunk 70
years earlier on 13 June 1944 by a German Junkers 88 bomber using
torpedoes. Out of a crew of 182 there were only 12 survivors, so not
only was the intent to explore the wreck but also to commemorate
those that died on that fateful day.
The diving boat skippered by SSgt Dave Sellers passed Portland
breakwater and headed across a calm sea towards the diving site 12
miles south west off Portland Bill. Amongst the diving team was Mr
John Hawkins, the son of Lt Commander Bill Hawkins, and Graham
Heron, the son of Able Seaman Tommy Heron. Both their fathers
went down with their ship.
Two hours after starting the voyage, our destination was reached.
Weather conditions and the sea state were ideal for the dive. Dave
informed the team “30 minutes to slack”’. This allowed a final check
of the diving equipment prior to the team getting into the water.
The commemorative plaque and naval ensign brought for the
commemoration ceremony were made ready. There was a final sonar
scan made to ensure the boat was directly above the wreck and once
affirmed, the plaque , connected to a rope, was lowered over the side
to eventually rest on the remains of HMS Boadicea. Understandably,
John and Graham were very emotional and walked around the divers
shaking hands and thanking them for what they were about to do. The
whole team felt very humbled by the gratitude that both men showed.
With me leading, the team entered the inky dark depths of the
English Channel, holding on to the rope and every now and again
stopping to check each other’s equipment during the descent. At fifty
metres there was no sign of the wreck, but at 55 meters, in the beam
of a torch cutting through the gloom, a hand rail was evident. Almost
immediately, with eyes adjusting to the light, the starboard side of the
stern could be seen. The team then spread out and headed towards
the remains of the bow of the ill-fated ship. Whilst moving forward,
the Depth Charge Tower rack, could be identified. Once holding
twenty charges, it was twisted and deformed, showing seventy years
of corrosion and erosion. The passing years had taken its toll on
HMS Boadicea with large holes and cordite covering the decks. One
interesting and unusual object that could be identified was a brass
depth primer complete with its pressure spring, lying next to an old
depth charge. Within a few metres, through the shoals of fish and
scurrying crabs, damaged torpedo tubes could be seen, two with
torpedoes lying in them, along with rusted Hedgehog anti-submarine
spigot mortars.
Eventually, the remains of the ships bridge were reached. This is
where Lt Comd Hawkins would have been during the attack that blew
off the bows of his ship and ultimately sunk it within 4 minutes of the
attack starting. Very little remained. Further forward one of the four
QF 4.7 inch guns still pointed defiantly skywards. At this position, the
team gathered around the gun and the commemorative plaque was
secured to the base of the gun mounting. A float was attached to a
line to which a White Ensign was secured. As the float was inflated, it
ascended towards the surface and the White Ensign once again flew
over HMS Boadicea. A minutes silence to show the teams respect to
the fallen seamen followed. This was a very emotional and poignant
moment for all concerned particularly the sons of the captain of the
ship and one of his crew.
There was time for a final look around before heading back to the
surface, and caught in the beam of my torch, I saw an intact dinner
plate. This served as a reminder that this was not just a wreck and
official war grave, but also, albeit temporarily, served as someone’s
home. It seemed to humanise the site even more.
Finally, the team headed for the surface ensuring that all
decompression stops were adhered to, and one and a half hours later,
surfaced. On boarding the boat, all that was left to do was de-kit
and reflect on a memorable and rewarding day and reminisce on the
voyage back to Portland.
HMS Boadicea
Royal Wessex Yeomanry Golf Society
Rod Curran selecting one of his many woods
Jan Reenard, Joe Slade and Mark
Champion getting ready to Tee Off
The Golf Society has had a positive year
with good results and decent turnouts
in spite of how busy the Regiment has
been. We are usually able to put out 3 /4
flight per meeting and there have only
been 2 occasions where we have had to
cancel. Monthly meetings are held on the
last Thursday of the month at a number
of Golf Clubs in the Regimental area, we
try to equalise the distances travelled by
all members. We are currently on the look
out for a new club to replace one of our
favourites which has recently gone in to
receivership. Our end of season 2 day event
has been rescheduled to May in search of
better weather!
We are always looking to bolster our
membership with new players regardless
of their playing standard. Our current
membership of 22 includes Permanent Staff,
Reservists from across the regiment and a
few Civilians who have a connection to the
Regiment. Our “bespoke” Handicap System
up to 28 for infrequent and new players.
The playing order on the day takes in to
account these various standards as well
as trying to mix all our members in order
for them to get to know each other. We
continue to endeavour to satisfy those who
are ‘ in it to win it’, with those of use who
just like to be out of the office enjoying the
opportunity to meet our counterparts from
across the Regiment.
President – Capt Joe Toward
Treasurer – WO2 Paul Hurst
Handicap Member – Mr Chic Breslin
Trophies Member – Mr Joe Slade
We continue to see the Nearest the Pin
and Longest Drive hotly contested, although
recently Rick Lorimer has made Nearest the
Pin his specialised subject by winning it 4
times in a row!!! Even Capt Joe Toward has
won the Longest Drive once (Fluke).
It is our intention this year to go to the
Nigel Mansel - Golf Club at Woodbury
Park Exeter for our end of season meeting
(21/22 May). During this gathering we will
have the Annual General Meeting where
aims to make sure all of our members have
the opportunity to win something. Chic
Breslin our Handicap member monitors all
our results from the spread of handicaps
across the society ranging from single figures
[62] like to start by thanking the Commanding
Officer for his continued support for the
Royal Wessex Yeomanry Golf Society.
WO2 Paul Hurst has the unenviable role
of Treasurers and Club Secretary. He aims to
ensure we are booked onto courses and all
fully paid up. As Handicap member Chick
Breslin continues to record and issue our
club Handicaps as well as assisting with club
competitions. Joe Slade engraves all of our
Trophies and ensure they are always available
for each of our meetings (Shame that it’s
never his name his engraving!!!) many thanks,
Finally thanks from me (Capt Joe Toward)
The President, to all our members who
have contributed to making this another
great Golfing Year.
We have had a good spread of
winners this year:
Mar – Jeff Lang
Apr – Mark Champion
May – Skid Rowe (Club Champion 2014 Runner up Rod Curran)
Jun – Chic Breslin
Jul – Skid Rowe
Aug – Rod Curran
Sep – Paul Coupland
Oct – Paul Coupland
Nov – Rod Curran
Monthly Meeting Event Dates for 2015:
in Woodbury Castle
- February 28th
near Exeter, EX5 1JJ
- March 26th
- June 25
- April 30th
- July 27
- May. 21/22 – 2 day End
- August 27
Of Season Event at
- September TBC
Woodbury Park Hotel
Awaiting for ATP Dates
- October 29
- November 19
- December 3
Joe Toward our President presenting Skid with our Club Champoin Prize
Jan Reenard, Joe Slade and Mark
Champion getting ready to Tee Off
Local solicitors
who ofer peace of mind
Skid Rowe-Joe Toward- Action
Shot by Roy Wells
we will review the Handicap system, what
Competitions we will play for next season
and of course; play for our Club Champion
trophy. The first day will be a chilled out and
relaxed affair and that evening we will finish
the AGM and get and early night (for some
of us anyway) so that we can focus on the
competition day to decide who becomes
2015 Club Champion.
A few of our members deserve a mention
for their work and effort this season but I’d
WSP Solicitors will donate 10% of their normal fee for preparing a will for
Association Members who donate at least £100 to either the RGH Charitable Trust
or The RGH Benevolent Fund. Please contact John Penley on 01453 541940 for details.
01453 847200
01453 541940
01452 411601
01453 832566
WSP_033 Donkey Walloper_FIN.indd 1
19/11/2014 14:02
Ride of Britain
The Coxwell-Rogers Cup
This cup is held close to the heart of
the Royal Wessex Yeomanry, and it was
fantastic to have a team competing for
it this year. The Coxwell-Rogers family
have a long standing association with
the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars and
with the county of Gloucestershire. Pte
R H Coxwell-Rogers was one of the first
casualties of 1 RGH at Chocolate Hill,
killed on 21st August 1915. It was his
great nephew, Lt Col Richard CoxswellRogers 15th/19th, who as former High
Sheriff and deputy Lord Lieutenant for
Gloucestershire, presented the cup to
the Cotswold hunt to be awarded for
the top military team at their teamchase.
His son, Capt James Coxswell-Rogers,
left the Light Dragoons in 1996 to join
C Sqn in Cirencester as a Troop Leader. A
highly respected and well liked member
of the Regiment, James sadly passed
away in 2008.
With the importance of this trophy to
the RGH, it was with some trepidation
that the team approached the race this
year. With limited horse power and never
having ridden as a team it called for a few
hired horses to make up our numbers and
a good ‘hunting approach’ to the course.
Tpr Susanne Slade
In July I signed up for the SSAFA Ride of
Britain- 500 miles in 5 days from Edinburgh to
London. I had two months to train and raise
£1300… Easy right?!
100 miles a day is no problem. What’s hard
is getting up and doing it again the next day,
and the next, and the next… by day three we
were physically and emotionally broken!
I met some amazing people and made
some great friends. The Army Ride Leaders
were an inspiration and did everything to
make sure all of us made it to London. If
someone can cycle up a hill in the Scottish
borders whilst pushing someone else up,
then they are the definition of fit!!
A big thank you must also go out to Wheels
in Wheels events and Laura Duncan from
SSAFA. They were there for us the whole way.
All we had to do was cycle, eat and sleep,
cycle, eat and sleep, cycle, eat and sleep….
There were squeaky wheels, dodgy
gears, massive hills, stockings, lots and lots
of energy gels, swollen knees and flying
squirrels! All in all an amazing five days!
I love cycling so the ride of Britain was
the perfect way to complete my first big
cycling challenge, whilst raising money for an
amazing charity which does such great work
for our forces and their families. The work of
SSAFA and the people I would be helping
them to help was what kept me going during
the toughest miles.
Tpr Susanne Slade
Y Sqn
[64] Capt Hugh Vere Nicoll, Maj The
Hon Alexander Bathurst, Maj Jonny
Lea, Capt James Rawdon-Mogg
For those who have not heard of it before,
team chasing is a best effort attempt at
three mile course with 25 odd obstacles, a
team is made up of four jockeys and first
three riders over the finish line count.
The team was initially led round the
course by Maj Lea; this lasted for the
first two fences until Maj Bathurst, with
little choice of his own and mostly of his
horse ‘Harvey’, careered past to lead the
team around the remaining 23 obstacles.
Who would have expected that a failed
racehorse, who had never shown any
inclination to race, let alone lead or win
Receiving 2nd prize rosettes
from The Hon Mrs R Vestey
MFH, the kind host of the event
anything, would enjoy teamchasing so
much? A strong clear round with a fast
time was hoped to be sufficient for us to
win the Coxswell-Rogers cup back to the
Regiment’s silver cupboard, sadly the only
other Reserve Forces team pipped us to
it by a matter of two seconds, upsetting
however a performance to be proud of
by all involved. Here’s to next year and
the Cup!
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Army Cresta Run Championships
St. Moritz January 2014
Top modern kit
Our week began with an introduction by the Secretary who
explained that the Cresta Run was extremely exhilarating and fun
to ride. He then unfolded an X-Ray montage showing the broken
limbs, bones and metal work of the Club’s Committee. So perhaps it is
dangerous too!
Major Morgan is an experienced rider and was once again aiming
for an Army team place for the Inter-Services Competition. Initially
starting from ‘Junction’ (just short of 900m to the bottom and where
most riders begin their Cresta challenge), he took to the ice with his
usual confidence proceeding to chip away at his timings, getting faster
and faster as the week progressed. Major Morgan was soon achieving
times in the upper 40 seconds and was soon riding from ‘Top’ again,
which as a 1200m ride is extremely challenging and only open to the
top few percent.
Things were slightly different for Lieutenant Colonel Long and
Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Long, Major
Richard Morgan and Captain Tim Knight were
this year’s RWxY team at the Army Cresta
Run Championships in St.Moritz in January.
The week is primarily designed to identify
any novice riders who could potentially go
forward to compete in the Inter-Services
Cresta Championships the following
week. The Cresta takes place in St Moritz,
Switzerland at the St Moritz Tobogganing
Club and is the oldest and most famous
man-made toboggan ice run in the world.
[66] Captain Knight. Having both ridden once over 8 years ago, were
focussing on their survival as broken bones at their age don’t heal as
quickly as they once did! Initially timings were slower, but by
the end of the week they were both consistently hitting the mid 50
seconds from Junction with the primary aim of not crashing out at the
infamous ‘Shuttlecock’ corner. By the end of the week they had both
crashed out at least once each, thankfully with no long term damage
The week concluded with the Army Junction Championships,
with all novices competing against the more experienced in a
time handicapped competition. There were some excellent new
riders in the event from both the Army Reserve and the Regulars.
Unfortunately, the RWxY team didn’t quite manage to get a prize
winning position but they were the fastest Army Reserve team on the
ice for 2014, not bad for a bunch of old timers! The Regiment hopes
to build on this next season; if you are interested in representing the
Regiment then get in touch with Major Morgan.
by Captain Tim Knight
Sergeant Colin Parker
We regret to announce with deep
sadness the death of Sergeant Colin Parker
who passed away on the 15th February 2014
after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
Colin had previously served in the Royal
Dragoon Guards for 14 years before leaving
the RDG as a Sergeant and an accomplished
Challenger 2 commander. Colin then joined
B Squadron, The Royal Wessex Yeomanry,
where his experience ensured he instantly
become an integral part of the Squadron.
He completed arduous tours of Northern
Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan, excelling in
the roles he was employed in, including as a
Troop Corporal commanding a Challenger 2
in Iraq, and a Troop Sergeant in Afghanistan.
Before deploying to Afghanistan in 2012,
Colin completed a 100 mile tab over 5 days
to raise money for Help for Heroes. Colin
was physically robust and highly motivated
when it came to soldiering, always acting
in a professional manner but maintaining
a light heart and a very large sense of
humour. His ability to develop and educate
his subordinates quickly earned him respect
within B Squadron and he was an inspiring
figure to the junior ranks amongst the
Colin will be greatly missed and fondly
remembered by all who knew him. He
leaves behind a wife and four children.
Sergeant Colin Parker on Herrick 15 with the Queen’s Dragoon Guards Battle Group
[68] CHAINMAIL 2014
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