Name LESSON 6-1 Date Class Reteach Properties and Attributes of Polygons The parts of a polygon are named on the quadrilateral below. Number of Sides Polygon 3 triangle 4 quadrilateral 5 pentagon 6 hexagon You can name a polygon by the number of its sides. 7 heptagon 8 octagon A regular polygon has all sides congruent and all angles congruent. A polygon is convex if all its diagonals lie in the interior of the polygon. A polygon is concave if all or part of at least one diagonal lies outside the polygon. 9 nonagon 10 decagon n n-gon diagonal side vertex Types of Polygons regular, convex irregular, convex irregular, concave Tell whether each figure is a polygon. If it is a polygon, name it by the number of sides. 2. 1. polygon; pentagon 3. polygon; heptagon not a polygon Tell whether each polygon is regular or irregular. Then tell whether it is concave or convex. 5. 4. irregular; convex Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 6. regular; convex 6 irregular; concave Holt Geometry Name Date LESSON 6-1 Class Reteach Properties and Attributes of Polygons continued The Polygon Angle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the interior angle measures of a convex polygon with n sides is (n ! 2)180". Convex Polygon Number of Sides Sum of Interior Angle Measures: (n ! 2)180" quadrilateral 4 (4 ! 2)180" # 360" hexagon 6 (6 ! 2)180" # 720" decagon 10 (10 ! 2)180" # 1440" If a polygon is a regular polygon, then you can divide the sum of the interior angle measures by the number of sides to find the measure of each interior angle. Regular Polygon Number of Sides Sum of Interior Angle Measures Measure of Each Interior Angle quadrilateral 4 360" 360" $ 4 # 90" hexagon 6 720" 720" $ 6 # 120" decagon 10 1440" 1440" $ 10 # 144" The Polygon External Angle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the exterior angle measures, one angle at each vertex, of a convex polygon is 360". The measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon with n exterior angles is 360" $ n. So the measure of each exterior angle of a regular decagon is 360" $ 10 # 36". '($ !"#$ !%"$ !"#$&&'($&&!%"$&&(')$ Find the sum of the interior angle measures of each convex polygon. 7. pentagon 8. octagon 9. nonagon 540" 1080" 1260" Find the measure of each interior angle of each regular polygon. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. 10. pentagon 11. heptagon 108" 12. 15-gon 128.6" 156" Find the measure of each exterior angle of each regular polygon. 13. quadrilateral 90" Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 14. octagon 45" 7 Holt Geometry /BNF -&440/ %BUF $MBTT /BNF 1SBDUJDF" -&440/ 1SPQFSUJFTBOE"UUSJCVUFTPG1PMZHPOT .BUDIFBDIWPDBCVMBSZUFSNPOUIFMFGUXJUIBQBSUPG QPMZHPO "#$%&POUIFSJHIU # $ " BEJBHPOBM BTJEFPGUIFQPMZHPO BWFSUFYPGUIFQPMZHPO ! # @ # $& 1SBDUJDF# 1SPQFSUJFTBOE"UUSJCVUFTPG1PMZHPOT % $ @ $ $% "QPMZHPOJTBDMPTFEGMBUGJHVSFNBEFPGTUSBJHIUTFHNFOUTUIBUEPOPUDSPTT FBDIPUIFS5FMMXIFUIFSFBDIGJHVSFJTBQPMZHPO*GJUJTBQPMZHPOOBNFJU CZUIFOVNCFSPGJUTTJEFT $MBTT 5FMMXIFUIFSFBDIGJHVSFJTBQPMZHPO*GJUJTBQPMZHPOOBNFJUCZUIFOVNCFS PGJUTTJEFT " " QPJOU% %BUF OPUBQPMZHPO OPUBQPMZHPO QPMZHPOOPOBHPO 'PSBQPMZHPOUPCFSFHVMBSJUNVTUCFCPUIFRVJBOHVMBSBOEFRVJMBUFSBM /BNFUIFPOMZUZQFPGQPMZHPOUIBUNVTUCFSFHVMBSJGJUJTFRVJBOHVMBS USJBOHMF 5FMMXIFUIFSFBDIQPMZHPOJTSFHVMBSPSJSSFHVMBS5IFOUFMMXIFUIFSJUJTDPODBWF PSDPOWFY OPUBQPMZHPO QPMZHPOPDUBHPO "SFHVMBSQPMZHPOIBTBMMTJEFTDPOHSVFOUBOEBMMBOHMFTDPOHSVFOU5FMMXIFUIFS FBDIQPMZHPOJTSFHVMBSPSJSSFHVMBS"DPODBWFQPMZHPOIBTBQBJSPGTJEFTUIBU NBLFBiDBWFwJOUIFQPMZHPO5FMMXIFUIFSFBDIQPMZHPOJTDPODBWFPSDPOWFY OPUBQPMZHPO JSSFHVMBSDPODBWF SFHVMBSDPOWFY JSSFHVMBSDPOWFY 'JOEUIFTVNPGUIFJOUFSJPSBOHMFNFBTVSFTPGBHPO " 'JOEUIFNFBTVSFPGFBDIJOUFSJPSBOHMFPGIFYBHPO"#$%&' SFHVMBSDPOWFY JSSFHVMBSDPODBWF JSSFHVMBSDPOWFY 6TFUIF1PMZHPO&YUFSJPS"OHMF4VN5IFPSFNUPGJOEUIFTVNPGUIFFYUFSJPS BOHMFNFBTVSFTPOFFYUFSJPSBOHMFBUFBDIWFSUFYPGBSFHVMBSIFYBHPO 'JOEUIFNFBTVSFPGPOFFYUFSJPSBOHMFPGBSFHVMBSIFYBHPO )JOU%JWJEFUIFBOTXFSUP&YFSDJTFCZUIFOVNCFSPGTJEFT -&440/ %BUF $MBTT )PMU(FPNFUSZ 0 N 3 N 4 N 'JOEUIFNFBTVSFPGPOFFYUFSJPSBOHMFPGUIFXBUFSXIFFM $PQZSJHIUª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ªCZ)PMU3JOFIBSUBOE8JOTUPO "MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE #A" #A" $ %A" & 'JOEUIFWBMVFPGOJOQFOUBHPO12345 6TFUIF1PMZHPO"OHMF4VN5IFPSFNUPGJOEUIFTVNPGUIFJOUFSJPSBOHMF NFBTVSFTPGBSFHVMBSIFYBHPO /BNF ! 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Carefully trace the four figures at the right onto a sheet of paper. Cut them out. Arrange the figures so that together they form a square. Sketch the arrangement in the blank space at the right. Sum of Interior Angle Measures: (n ! 2)180" quadrilateral 4 (4 ! 2)180" # 360" hexagon 6 (6 ! 2)180" # 720" decagon 10 (10 ! 2)180" # 1440" If a polygon is a regular polygon, then you can divide the sum of the interior angle measures by the number of sides to find the measure of each interior angle. Regular Polygon Dissections In the exercises on this page, you will explore a fascinating branch of mathematics that is called dissection theory. The Polygon Angle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the interior angle measures of a convex polygon with n sides is (n ! 2)180". Convex Polygon Challenge Number of Sides Sum of Interior Angle Measures Measure of Each Interior Angle quadrilateral 4 360" 360" $ 4 # 90" hexagon 6 720" 720" $ 6 # 120" decagon 10 1440" 1440" $ 10 # 144" The Polygon External Angle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the exterior angle measures, one angle at each vertex, of a convex polygon is 360". When you dissect a geometric figure, you cut it into two or more parts. The puzzle pieces in Exercise 1 were formed by dissecting a square into four congruent polygons. The figures at the right show three other dissections. 2. Show four additional ways to dissect a square into four congruent polygons. (The polygons may be either convex or concave.) Answers will vary. '($ !"#$ !%"$ The measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon with n exterior angles is 360" $ n. So the measure of each exterior angle of a regular decagon is 360" $ 10 # 36". 3. Show four ways to dissect an equilateral triangle into three congruent polygons. !"#$ &'($&&!%"$&&(')$ Answers will vary. Find the sum of the interior angle measures of each convex polygon. 7. pentagon 8. octagon 4. Show four ways to dissect a regular pentagon into five congruent polygons. 9. nonagon 540" 1080" Answers will vary. 1260" Find the measure of each interior angle of each regular polygon. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. 10. pentagon 11. heptagon 108" 5. Describe a general technique for dissecting any regular n-gon into n congruent polygons. 12. 15-gon 128.6" Descriptions will vary. 156" 6. The figure at the right is a 4-by-4 grid of squares. Making cuts only along the grid lines, find all possible ways to dissect the grid into two congruent parts. Sketch your dissections on a separate sheet of paper. Find the measure of each exterior angle of each regular polygon. 13. quadrilateral 90" 45" 7 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. LESSON 6-1 There are six possible dissections. 14. octagon Holt Geometry Problem Solving LESSON 6-1 Properties and Attributes of Polygons 1. A campground site is in the shape of a convex quadrilateral. Three sides of the campground form two right angles. The third interior angle measures 10" less than the fourth angle. Find the measure of each interior angle. 2. A pentagon has two exterior angles that measure (3x )", two exterior angles that measure (2x % 22)", and an exterior angle that measures (x % 41)". If all of these angles have different vertices, what are the measures of the exterior angles of the pentagon? 90", 90", 85", 95" 8 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. =.:80-;/ Holt Geometry Reading Strategies Understanding Vocabulary 7389.:;8</.8; >/0<8-20 ?/@8-20 ?/A<8-20 BC<8-20 E208-20 D/C8-20 D29/C8-20 D:8-208; G/.</@ 75", 75", 72", 72", 66" F:9/ 3. The top view of a hexagonal greenhouse is shown at the right. What is the measure of !PQR, the acute angle formed by the house and the greenhouse? 0 1 1234/ *(R &(+$ 2 2. Give some examples of pentagons in real life. *#R &!,+$ Sample answer: pedestrian crossing street signs, front faces of barns *%R &,+$ 54" five 1. How many sides does a pentagon have? *R &!'+$ -.//01234/ (R $ Choose the best answer. 4. A figure is an equiangular 18-gon. What is the measure of each exterior angle of the polygon? 5. Three interior angles of a convex heptagon measure 125", and two of the interior angles measure 143". Which are possible measures for the other two interior angles of the heptagon? A 10" B 18" C 20" D 36" F 48" and 48" H 100" and 116" G 39" and 100" J 89" and 150" four 3. How many vertices does a quadrilateral have? 4. How does the number of vertices of a polygon compare to the number of sides of the same polygon? There is an equal number of sides and vertices in polygons. octagon 5. What is the name of a polygon with eight sides? 6. Find the measure of !RKL. 7. What is the measure of !GCD ? 6. How many diagonals can be drawn from one vertex of a hexagon? " ! %Y $ 2 %Y $ # ' ,%$ concave—any part of a diagonal contains points in the exterior of the polygon convex—no diagonal contains points in the exterior of the polygon #X $ - + *#X &#+$ % *%X &!5+$ * A 34" B 68" three *(Y &!!+$ , *(X &#+$ !)($ *%Y &6+$ $ ( Draw an example of each polygon. 7. convex heptagon C 86" D 148" Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. F 123" G 116" 9 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 001_062_Go07an_CRB_c06.indd 52 8. concave quadrilateral Sample answer: H 73" J 29" Holt Geometry Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 52 Sample answer: 10 Holt Geometry Holt Geometry 5/1/06 1:35:11 PM