Organic and Biological Molecules Chapter 22 Organic chemistry is difficult. Those who study it have alkynes of troubles. Ha! Ha! Ha! What a joke. Amine that is really funny! Hydrocarbon Derivatives Functional groups – additional atoms or groups added to hydrocarbons Alcohols -OH replace the –e in the name with -ol Hydrocarbon Derivatives - Alcohols Classified by number of hydrocarbon fragments (R) Primary R CH2OH R Secondary CHOH R’ R Tertiary R’ C OH R” Hydrocarbon Derivatives - Alcohols Higher boiling points than molecules of similar molar mass C O H 65 C 32 g/mol Hydrogen Bonds C C -89 C 30 g/mol London Dispersion Hydrocarbon Derivatives - Alcohols Methanol = wood alcohol CO + 2H2 400 C ZnO / Cr2O3 CH3OH Used as starting material for many products Toxic – causes blindness hydrogenation of CO Hydrocarbon Derivatives - Alcohols Ethanol = grain alcohol C6H12O6 yeast CH3 CH2 OH + 2 CO2 Only proceeds until alcohol content is 13% Then yeast can’t survive Higher % is achieved through distillation Commercial production C C + H2O acid catalyst C C O H Hydrocarbon Derivatives - Alcohols Try naming CH3CH CH2 CH3 OH Cl CH2 CH2 CH2 OH Br OH Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Aldehydes Carbonyl group C O Aldehydes Naming: remove –e, add –al the aldehyde carbonyl is always #1 O C R H Aldehydes have strong odors Formaldehyde cinnamaldehyde vanillin butraldehyde Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Ketones Carbonyl group C O Ketones Naming: remove –e, add –one the number indicates the position of the carbonyl O C R R Useful solvent properties such as acetone 2-propanone dimethylketone Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Aldehydes and Ketones Production of aldehydes and ketones Oxidation of alcohols primary alcohols produce aldehydes O CH3 CH2 OH CH3 H secondary alcohols produce ketones CH3 CH CH3 CH3 C CH3 OH O Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Aldehydes and Ketones Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Carboxylic Acids O Carboxyl group C R-COOH weak acids OH Naming: drop the –e, add –oic acid CH3 COOH ethanoic acid (acetic acid) C O Production – oxidation of primary alcohol CH3CH2OH KMnO4 CH3COOH Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Esters O Carboxyl group R sweet, fruity odors C O-R Naming: change the –oic acid of the parent acid to –oate parent alcohol chain is named first Production – carboxylic acid reacts with an alcohol H-O H ethanoic acid ethanol n-ethylethanate Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Esters Examples Banana scent n-amyl acetate Orange scent n-octyl acetate Aspirin Salicylic acid acetic acid acetylsalicylic acid Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Amines Derivatives of ammonia N-H is replaced with N-C Primary Secondary : H : : C N Tertiary H C N C H Common names are often used for simple amines NH2 CH3 CH CH2 CH3 amino 2-amino butane NH2 Fish-like odors associated with decaying animal tissue putrescine H2N(CH2)3NH2 cadaverine H2N(CH2)5NH2 Used to make dyes Some are carcinogenic C N C C Hydrocarbon Derivatives – Amines