Inside - MyQ - Quinnipiac University

2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 H E A LT H A N D W E L F A R E
How to:
1. Navigate to the website
2. Log-in to the site
3. Begin your online enrollment
4. Verify your personal information
5. Verify your dependent information
6. Elect Medical, Dental, Waiver of Insurance, Vision & Life benefits
7. Elect Flexible Spending Account benefit
8. Choose a Primary Beneficiary for Basic Employee Life benefit
9. Review and confirm your elections
10. Process a life/qualifying event
11. Review the Library
Enrolling in Your Benefits
1. Navigate to the site
You can access our online enrollment site from the Human Resources
page of My Q.
You can also go directly to our online enrollment site using the Web
address (Set a bookmark so you can
return to it.)
Your computer must have Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or
higher in order to use the enrollment site.
2. Log in with Your Username and Password
Your user name and password has already been set to the following:
Username: The first initial of your first name and your entire last name*.
Password: Your employee ID number. Note: You will be required to
change your password after your initial login.
* If your bswift assigned username is different, you will be contacted by
Human Resources.
IMPORTANT: Although the online benefits enrollment site is a secure site, and your information is encrypted during transit, it is important that you log off when you have
completed your session. Click the Log Off icon in the upper right-hand corner of the
enrollment site to log off. For security purposes, the system will automatically logout
if you leave your system idle for more than 30 minutes.
For successful navigation of the site, do NOT use the “back” button in your internet
browser, as this will automatically log you out of the site. To navigate through the
site, use the blue navigation bar located on the left hand side of the screen.
3. Begin Your Enrollment
To begin your enrollment from the Home page, click on the “Enroll
Now” button.
4. Verify Your Personal Information
Before beginning your enrollment, please verify the accuracy of all of
your personal information (e.g., address, DOB, etc.) If you need to make
any changes to your address or to report any discrepancies, please contact Human Resources at
When done, check “I agree” at the bottom of the page and click
Enrolling in Your Benefits
5. Verify Your Family Information
Please be sure to add all dependents to the Family Information section before proceeding to
the next section. Note: Adding a new dependent will require the submission of documentation
to your HR Department.
To do this, click on the “Add family member” link.When all of your family information is entered,
check “I agree” and click “Continue.”
After verifying your personal and family information the system will guide you through your enrollment, it will check off the plan types you have completed on the left-hand navigation menu. If you
are unable to complete the enrollment process in one sitting, you can log in at a later date and
start where you left off.
6. Make Your Medical, Dental, Waiver of Insurance, Vision and Life Benefit Elections
The system will ask you to enroll first in Medical, Dental, Waiver of Insurance, Vision and Life plans.
Click the “Get Started” button. The first incomplete benefit will open up. You may notice that Long
Term Disability is already checked off as being enrolled in the plan as this benefit is provided to you
by Quinnipiac University.
Please review each plan and make your election whether you are choosing or declining. If you
waive Medical & Dental, you may be eligible for the Waiver of Insurance plan. Upon making your plan selection, you will be able to waive or cover eligible dependents on file by
selecting the “Cover” or “Waive” button next to each dependent’s name. If you wish to add a new
dependent at this time, click on the “Add a Dependent” button to be taken directly to the family tab
to add the dependent. Note: Adding a new dependent will require the submission of documentation
to your HR Department. If you are satisfied with your selection, click on “Next.”
IMPORTANT: You must provide proof of dependent eligibility prior to
the effective date of your benefits (marriage certificate, birth certificate,
or court documents). Present your original documents to Human
Resources. A complete listing of acceptable dependent eligibility
documents is provided on our Health and Welfare Benefits portal.
• You can compare costs across all available plans before selecting your desired tier in the
Compare Costs drop down menu, compare plan details side by side by clicking on the
“Compare Plans” link next to Plan Selection, and review details of a specific plan by clicking
on the plan name link.
Upon completing your benefit election, the box will be checked and you will be taken into the
next active and incomplete enrollment.
You have 2 options when electing Life insurance:
Option 1: If you waived medical coverage or you enrolled in Employee only coverage. If you
select this option, there is no employee cost for this benefit.
Option 2: If you have enrolled dependents in the medical plan. If you select this option, there is
an employer and employee cost share for this benefit.
Enrolling in Your Benefits
7. Make Your F
lexible Spending Account (FSA) Plan Election
The system will now ask you to enroll in the Flexible Spending Account.
These enrollments differ from the Medical, Dental & Vision plans. When
choosing this benefit, you will not need to select dependents to be
covered, but you will need to choose whether you would like to enroll in
the plan and enter an annual coverage amount for the 2013 plan year
that starts on January 1, 2013 and ends on December 31, 2013. When
you are satisfied with your election, click “Next”.
If at any time, you want to review or change your elections, click on the
View/Edit link next to the plan type.
When you are satisfied with all of your benefit plan elections, click on the
“Continue” button at the bottom of the page.
8. How to Choose a Primary Beneficiary for Life
You must choose a Primary Beneficiary for Life Insurance. The system
defaults to My Estate and adds the names of the dependents you cover,
if any, and you can add another person(s) by clicking on the Add Beneficiary
button. The person or people you designate must total 100%. You may
also designate a secondary/Contingent beneficiary in the event the
Primary beneficiary is no longer living.
9. How to Review and Confirm Your Elections
Almost Finished! You will now be on the final review page. Please review
all of your benefit elections and read through the agreement text. Once
you’ve competed your review, check the “I agree, and I’m finished with
my enrollment” and click the “Save My Enrollment!” button at the bottom of the page.
It is highly recommended that you keep a copy of your elections. To do
so, click on the Print icon on the Confirmation Statement page. You can
also have the Confirmation Statement e-mailed to you by clicking on the
E-mail icon.
Enrolling in Your Benefits
10. How to Process a Life/Qualifying Event
If you experience a life/qualifying event such as a marriage, birth or
adoption of a child, divorce, etc. and need to make a change to your
current elections, you must process the change within 30 days of the
date of the life/qualifying event.
At the employee home page under Life Events, click on “View Other
Events”, select the type of event in the drop down box, enter in the
date of the life/qualifying event and click the Save button. You will then
need to add the dependent information into the system (name, date of
birth, gender, relationship), then click the Save button. Note: Adding a
new dependent will require the submission of documentation to your HR
Verify the life/qualifying event is correct and click the Save button.
You will now be able to change your current elections to cover or waive
a dependent based upon the particular life event. To cover or waive a
dependent, click on the View/Edit link next to the plan type.
When you are satisfied with all of your benefit plan elections, click on
the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page.
Almost Finished! You will now be on the final review page. Please
review all of your benefit elections. Once you’ve competed your review,
check the “I agree, and I’m finished with my enrollment” and click
the “Save My Enrollment!” button at the bottom of the page.
It is highly recommended that you keep a copy of your elections. To do
so, click on the Print icon on the Confirmation Statement page. You can
also have the Confirmation Statement e-mailed to you by clicking on the
E-mail icon.
11. Review the Library
• Comprehensive information about your health and welfare benefits,
including all plan documents, rates, and carrier contact information
can be found in the content link under Library.