AP Macroeconomics Course Syllabus Length of Course: One Year Credit: 1.0 Course Description AP Macroeconomics is a full year, college­level course. Each student is expected to take the AP Macroeconomics Exam that is administered in May. Successful achievement on the AP Exam may allow the student to earn three hours of college credit (depending on the policies of individual institutions). AP Macroeconomics emphasizes economic principles as applied to the economy as a whole. Topics discussed will reflect the material included in the booklet AP Economics Course Description from the College Board. Lessons include basic economic concepts, measurement of economic performance, an analysis of national income and its components, economic indicators, inflation and unemployment, money and banking, stabilization policies, and the United States and world trade. Textbooks 1. McConnell, Campbell R., Stanley L. Brue. Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008. 2. Ray, Margaret and Anderson, David. Krugman’s Macroeconomics for AP*. New York: Worth Publishers, 2012 3. Dodge, Eric, 5 Steps to A 5, AP Macroeconomics. New York: McGraw­Hills Companies, Inc., 2010 4. Barron’s AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics, 4th Edition by Frank Musgrave Ph.D. and Elia Kacapyr Ph.D., 2012 5. Mr. Long’s TCS Website will be updated on a regular basis with student resources Additional Readings 1. The Wall Street Journal 2. Local Newspapers Articles 3. Bloomberg Business Week 4. The Economist 5. Other Online Magazines and Resources AP Macroeconomics Test: Check with teacher or AP Central College Board website This course culminates in a College Board AP Examination that test both broad factual knowledge and analytical skills. The examination is divided into two major sections: the Multiple Choice section and the Free Response section. Here is a breakdown of the parameters of the Microeconomics AP Examination: % of Grade Number of Questions Time Allotted Reading Period Section One 66 or 2/3 60 60 N/A Section Two 33 or 1/3 3 Questions 60 10 Minutes AP Macroeconomics Course Syllabus AP Macroeconomics Exam Content (www.collegeboard.com) 8­12% basic economic concepts 12­16% measurement of economic performance 10­15% national income and price determination 15­20% financial sector 20­30% inflation, unemployment, and stabilization policies 5­10% economic growth and productivity 10­15% open economy:international trade and finance AP Macroeconomics Course Objectives: Students will be able to Course Goals: ● Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of economics and various economic systems, with an emphasis on the mixed economic system. ● Define and illustrate demand, supply, and price determinants through the use of schedules and graphs. ● Demonstrate an understanding of the measurements of economic performance, including GDP, national income concepts, price indices, measures of inflation and unemployment. ● Demonstrate an understanding of national income and price­level determination, including short­run and long­run aggregate supply and aggregate demand ● Display an understanding of macroeconomic theory and policy including Classical Theory, Keynesian Economics, Monetarist Theory, Supply­Side Theory, and Rational Expectations Theory. ● Demonstrate an understanding of the role of money, the organization and function of the banking system, and the application of monetary policy. ● Display an understanding of fiscal policy, including taxation, federal deficits, the national debt, and government budgeting practices. ● Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the United States in the world economy. This includes the benefits of international trade and the features of international finance, including exchange rates and balance of payments. ● Demonstrate an understanding of economic growth and the conditions that foster economic growth. ● Display the ability to analyze current economic problems and issues and communicate this understanding through written and oral presentations. Course Materials: Binder to keep all AP prep materials and resources Paper (loose leaf or spiral) and graph paper Calculator Different color pens, pencils, highlighters Ruler AP Macroeconomics Course Syllabus Your Responsibilities: Attend class regularly and be on time. You are responsible for any absent work. Come to class prepared and with needed materials and your homework completed. Be active rather than passive learners of macroeconomics – Give 100% effort. Be respectful to everyone My Instructional Responsibilities: I will provide you with a rigorous curriculum that will challenge you academically. I will provide you with relevant assignments, projects, assessments, and hands­on activities that will help you learn and enjoy learning. I will treat you with respect creating a positive teacher and student relationship that will allow for positive communication and guidance. Course Assessment/Grading Plan: TCS Grading Scale: A = 100­90 B = 89­80 C = 79­75 D = 74­70 F = 70 and below AP Macroeconomics Curricular Outline Week # Curricular Content Week 1 Unit One: Scarcity and Choice, Marginal Analysis, Macroeconomics v. Microeconomics, Positive v. Normative, Factors of Production, Production Possibilities, Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost, Economic Growth, Unemployment, International Trade, Command v. Market Economy, Five Fundamental Questions, Circular Flow Model, Supply and Demand, Market Equilibrium, Government Sets Prices Week 2 Unit One: Circular Flow Model, Private and Public Sectors, Global Economy, United States and World Trade, Absolute v. Comparative Trade, Foreign Exchange Market, Government and Trade, Trade Agreements, Global Competition Week 3 Unit One: Test Unit Two: Introduce, Gross Domestic Product Week 4 Unit Two: Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Approach, Income Approach, Nominal v. Real GDP, Problems with GDP, Economic Growth, Business Cycle, Unemployment, Inflation, Effects of Inflation, Does Inflation affect output? Week 5 Unit Two: Income Consumption and Income Saving Relationships, Interest rates­Investment relationship, The Multiplier Effect Unit Two: Test AP Macroeconomics Course Syllabus Week 6 Unit Three: Fiscal Policy, Expenditure Model, Consumption and Investment Schedules, Equilibrium GDP, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Week 7 Unit Three: Types of Inflation, Types of Unemployment, Fiscal Policy, Public Debt Week 8 Unit Three: Test Unit Four: Introduce Week 9 Unit Four: Functions of Money, The Components of Money Supply, What Backs Money Supply, Federal Reserve and Banking System, Recent Developments in Money and Banking, Commercial Banking and Transactions Week 10 Unit Four: Interest Rates, Federal Reserve, Monetary Policy, Tools of Monetary Policy, Evaluation and Issues with Monetary Policy Week 11 Unit Four: Financial Investments, Investments, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Calculating Investment returns, Risk Unit Four Test Week 12 Unit Five: Short run to Long run Aggregate Supply, Inflation­Unemployment relationship, Phillips Curve, Taxation and Aggregate Supply, Economic Growth Week 13 Unit Five: Ingredients of Economic Growth, Production Possibilities Analysis, US Economic Growth Rates, Sustainable Growth, Economics of Developing Countries, Role of Government, Role of Advanced Nations, Classic Economics v. Keynes View Week 14 Unit Five: Test Unit Six: International Trade, Comparative Advantage, Supply and Demand Analysis of Exports and Imports, Protection of Trade Week 15 Unit Six: International Trade, Exports, Imports, Trade Barriers, Exchange Rates, Trade Deficits Unit Six:Test Rest of Semester AP Macroeconomics Review May 14th AP Macroeconomics Test Final Semester Grade Distribution ­ Points for the semester will accumulate through the following: 50% Tests (Chapter or Unit Evaluations) 25% Writing/Projects (Current Events, Journal, Individual Assignments, Group Assignments and Short Writing Assignments) 25% Classwork (Free Response Practice Questions, Activities, Class Discussions, Debates, Presentations, Graphing Exercises) AP Macroeconomics Course Syllabus Course Format: A variety of teaching methodologies, as well as, classroom activities will be used in this course including: multimedia presentations, current events, video clips, reading assignments, graphing assignments, unit packets, debates, discussions, presentations, stock market contest, vocabulary, reading guides, short writing assignments, cooperative learning groups and other learning activities. Tutorial/Help: Students should feel free to set up a time to meet with me for extra help or to make­up missed assignments. I will be available during lunch, before and after school. Please let me know at least one day in advance. Absent Student Policy: Students are responsible for any work or assignments on the days they are absent from class or missing part of class. It is the students responsibility to check RenWeb, ask classmates or the teacher. Reminders will not be given. Make­Up Test and Work: Students who miss class due to illness will have the day they return to received their assignments. Students who miss class due to other reasons must have all work completed on the day they return to class.