University Studies 13:
Introduction to Global Sustainability
Sustainability Integrated Program
Are you concerned about major earth problems such as global climate change, water pollution, food security, and threats to biodiversity?
Do you want to have a better scientific understanding of the scope of environmental problems and how they interrelate to each other and to you?
This yearlong, multi-disciplinary sequence is an introduction to Earth as a system involving the interaction of its physical, biological, and human components. This sequence relies on sustainability as an organizing framework, encouraging students to consider the challenge of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, while also addressing the extreme poverty that afflicts at least 20% of the world’s current population. Students will become aware of: the main drivers of climate change, both natural and human-induced; intrinsic values as well as the resource values of species and ecosystems; and efforts to restore endangered species and ecosystems.
Students will also study how various economic measures can help better manage water resources, food systems, energy resources, and waste to grow the economy and alleviate poverty while preserving the environment. Case studies introduce students to key concepts in global environmental change, human security, environmental justice, and sustainability. This sequence provides an ideal preparation for participating in the Global Sustainability Minor and relevant majors in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
US 13A: Introduction to Global Sustainability I: The Earth System
Course explores origin and evolution of the Earth, its atmosphere, land, and oceans from the perspective of biogeochemical cycles
Fall Quarter
Faculty: Prof. Ellen Druffel
Fulfills GE Category II
Register now!
US 13B: Introduction to Global Sustainability II: The Living Planet
Course explores global and local ecosystem distribution, biodiversity, environmental contamination, and endangered species
Winter Quarter
Faculty: Prof. Travis Huxman
Prerequisite: US 13A
Fulfills GE Category II
US 13C: Introduction to Global Sustainability III: Human Impacts
Course explores human impacts, resource use, and sustainability
Spring Quarter
Faculty: Prof. Jean-Daniel Saphores
Prerequisites: US 13A and US 13B
Fulfills GE Categories III and VII (VII for successful completion of all three quarters)
This yearlong, multi-disciplinary sequence is open to freshmen and sophomore students with priority to students participating in or considering the Global Sustainability Minor. Freshmen may register for Uni
Stu 13A now. Students wishing to minor in Global Sustainability who are NOT new freshmen may enroll in Uni Stu 13A by emailing
for authorization to do so. Please direct questions regarding the sequence to
as well.