Lecture 11.1 : Ampere’s Law and Magnetic Force Lecture Outline: Ampere’s Law Solenoids Magnetic Force on Moving Charge Textbook Reading: Ch. 32.6 - 32.7 March 26, 2013 1 Announcements •Homework #9 due on Monday, April 1 in Mastering Physics. •Exam #3 is next week, April 4. Covers Ch. 30-32. •Review session for Exam #3 will be offered on Tuesday, April 2, from 7-9pm in Stolkin. ‣NOTE: If you are in the Tue. lab section (from 6:30-8:30pm), you can go to another lab section next week, or you can join the review session late. Apologies for this overlap (again). •Advertisement: Wali Lecture tonight at 5pm in Gifford Auditorium: Conversing with the Dalai Lama: 25 years of dialogue with science - Prof. Arthur Zajonc 2 Last Lecture... Notice that a current loop has a directionality. Magnetic field flows in one side, and out through the other, just like a magnet. The current loop is a magnet! 3 Last Lecture... Recall the electric dipole... p� = qs Dipole moment, points from negative to positive charge. p � dipole E 1 p� ≈− 4π�0 r3 Electric field along dipole axis, far from dipole. 4 Last Lecture... We can also define a magnetic dipole moment Bloop IR2 µ0 = 2 (z 2 + R2 )3/2 z >> R Bloop µ0 IR2 µ0 2(πR2 )I µ0 2AI ≈ = = 3 3 2 z 4π z 4π z 3 µ � ≡ AI Magnetic dipole moment points from south pole to north pole. Bdipole 5 µ0 2� µ = 4π z 3 Ampere’s Law We can use the Biot-Savart law to calculate magnetic field of any distribution of moving charges. In practice, this is difficult (like using Coulomb’s Law to calculate E-field of arbitrary charge distributions). Sum/Integrate B along the line � Line passing through a magnetic field. k 6 � k · ∆�sk → B � f i � · d�s B Ampere’s Law Calculate the same integral around the circumference of a circle with radius d, surrounding a wire carrying current I � � B is constant/parallel to ds everywhere on circle! � · d�s = B(2πd) B � 7 � · d�s B µ0 I � Bwire = 2π d � · d�s = µ0 I B Ampere’s Law Result from previous slide turns out to be general: •Independent of the shape of the curve around the current. •Independent of where the current passes through curve. •Depends only on the total current passing through the area enclosed by the integration path. Ampere’s Law Note that the integral here is around a closed loop, and not over a closed surface like in Gauss’s Law. 8 Ampere’s Law Must be careful to determine which currents passing through the integration path are positive and which are negative. Use right-hand rule to determine sign of the current(s). What is Ithrough for this loop? 9 Clicker Question #1 For the path shown, A. B. C. D. 0. µ0(I1 − I2). µ0(I2 − I1). µ0(I1 + I2). 10 Ampere’s Law Example: What is the magnetic field inside and outside of a current-carrying wire of radius R ? 11 Solenoids A solenoid is a helical coil of wire with current I passing through each loop in the coil. 12 Solenoids What is the magnetic field inside the solenoid? 13 Clicker Question #2 Solenoid 2 has twice the diameter, twice the length, and twice as many turns as solenoid 1. How does the field B2 at the center of solenoid 2 compare to B1 at the center of solenoid 1? A. B. C. D. E. B2 = B1/4. B2 = B1/2. B2 = B1. B2 = 2B1. B2 = 4B1. Same number of turns/length! 14 Solenoids Real Solenoids are Very Useful Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 Tesla fields are common. 15 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge Magnetic field exerts a force on a current! Turning off the current in either wire will make the attractive/repulsive force vanish. 16 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge Magnetic Force also depends on how moving charge’s velocity is oriented relative to a magnetic field. 17 Clicker Question #3 The direction of the magnetic force on the proton is A. B. C. D. E. To the right. To the left. Into the screen. Out of the screen. The magnetic force is zero. 18 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge Example: What’s the magnetic force on the electron if it’s 1.0cm above a 10A current, and it’s traveling at 1.0x107 m/s to the right? Follow-up: What happens to the electron as it travels? Does it speed up or slow down? 19 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge Cyclotron Motion is result of a particle moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. 20 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge 184-inch cyclotron 21 Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge •Modern cyclotrons can produce radioactive tracers used in medical applications, and can also be used directly to treat tumors. •Technetium-99 is the most common isotope used in nuclear medicine. •Technetium produced by radioactive decay of a rare isotope of Molybdenum (Mo-99...which comes from fission of U-235) or ~20 MeV proton bombardment of a more common isotope (Mo-100). Technetium is radioactive and decays, producing easily detectable photons. Allows function of kidneys and other organs to be studied. Protons accelerated in cyclotrons can be targeted at tumors within the body (right), causing less collateral damage than X-ray methods (left). 22 Reminders •Homework #9 is due Monday (April 1). •Exam #3 next week (April 4), and a review session on April 2 from 7-9 pm in Stolkin. 23