PSY 2012 General Psychology (3265) Spring 2013 Class Time: Tuesday 7th (1:55 pm -2:45 pm) Thursday 7th – 8th (1:55 pm- 3:50 pm) Class Venue: FAB 105 Professor: Name: Stephen Walker Email: Office: PSY 96 Office hours: Tuesday 2:45-4:45 pm Teaching Assistant: Name: Hallie Kritsas Course Outline Overview This course is an overview of major topics in modern psychology, the scientific study of behavior, and mental processes. As a first course in the discipline of psychology, it introduces some of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories with a consideration for the complexity of human behavior. Course Goals 1. To teach you the science behind psychology and how it differs from the media’s interpretation. 2. To provide you with an introduction to the different areas within the field of psychology. 3. To teach you the concepts in the field and how to apply them. Required Material Text: Lilienfeld, Lynn, Namy and Woolf Psychology from Inquiry to Understanding 2nd edition ISBN: 0205223397 Note: This package includes my psych lab. Stephen Walker Page 1 Access to mypsychinfo: If you purchase a new book, you do not need to worry about purchasing this, it comes with the book. If you purchase a used book, however, you will be required to purchase access separately. Please see the attached handout for instructions on how to register for your mypsychinfo account. I>clicker: You will a need i>clicker 1 for this course. If you already have an i>clicker 2 there is no need to purchase the i>clicker 1…they are backwards compatible. ISBN: 0716779390 Note: Most stores are storing the i>clickers behind the registers. Expectations You are expected to attend every class and carry out the reading assignments listed in this syllabus. You are also expected to check your email regularly (at least once a day) and to visit E-learning on a regular basis. Students typically find that for each hour in class, at least two additional hours are required for preparation. Attendance & Participation Attendance is mandatory on all exam days, which are clearly listed on the course calendar. Class attendance will not be tracked for other class periods; however, regular attendance is strongly recommended. Material will be covered in class that is not available in your text or on the PowerPoint slides: you are responsible for 100% of this material. Further, the course will be much more interesting if you are engaged Stephen Walker in class and actively participate in discussion. I encourage you to respectfully express your opinions, ideas, and questions in class, and listen and respond to your fellow classmates. Students with Special Needs If you are a student with a disability and would like to request disability-related accommodations, you are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center as early in the semester as possible. The Disability Resource Center is located in 001 Building 0020 (Reid Hall). Their phone number is 392-8565. If you have a documented disability you must contact me by January 15th. Examinable material The lectures and the readings from the textbooks listed below define the full syllabus of this course. The book is detailed and I will not be able to cover all relevant material in my lectures, however, all material covered in the book is fair game for the exams. Assessment You will be tested in four non-cumulative multiple-choice short exams during class hours (see list below for dates) as well as a mid-term and non-cumulative final. There are no special exams, optional papers or catch-up projects to compensate for poor exam performance. All exams are closed book and closed notes and you will need a #2 pencil for the bubble sheet. Student Numbers: You will be asked to assign yourself a 4-digit number at the start of the semester. This number should not be part of your social security number, your student ID number, or any other number that could be traced to Page 2 your identity. Put this number on the top of your tests and study guides instead of your name. If you repeatedly put your name on your tests and study guides, I will start to take points off. Make-up Exam Policy: Make-up exams will only be given in cases of serious illness or emergency, or if you will be representing the University of Florida at an athletic or scholastic event. In either case, if an exam is to be missed, you must notify me prior to the exam and obtain my permission (by providing appropriate documentation). In the rare case of an exam day emergency (e.g., a bicycle accident on the way to campus), it may be impossible to contact me before the exam. In these circumstances, proper documentation must be provided; whether or not the student will be allowed to make-up the exam is at the instructor’s discretion. Study Guides To facilitate class discussion, you will be required to fill out a study guide for each chapter. The study guide is due when you walk into class. The study guide is located in the student resource section of mypsychlab. Specifically, you will be required to complete “As You Read...Practice Activities”—This is the only section of the study guide that you are required to complete. Each study guide will be worth 4 points for a total of 64 points. However, if all 16 study guides are completed you will receive 6 points, for a total of 70 points. The only way to earn these 6 points is to complete all study guides. ***The study guide that you turn in Stephen Walker will not be returned. It is important that you retain a copy for yourself, as this will be a HUGE help when preparing for exams. Study Guide Make-Up Policy: No make-ups will be allowed. If you need to miss class due to an emergency or university related event, let me know, prior to class, and we will make alternative arrangements. Grading Exams: There will be a total of four 30point multiple-choice exams. In addition to these exams you will have a mid-term and a non-cumulative final. Study Guides: There will be a total of 16 4-point study guides due. If all 16 study guides are turned in you will receive 6 points, for a total of 70 points. Graded Item Midterm Exam Final Exam 4 exams 30 pt each Study Guides Research Experience Total points available Points 360 Above 352-359 340-351 320-339 312-319 300-311 280-299 272-279 260-271 240-259 232-239 231 below Points 80 80 120 70 50 400 Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE (Fail) The good news is – these grades are firm – there is no curve. Everybody in Page 3 the class can get an A grade (and I hope you do). The bad news is – these grades are firm – there is no curve. If you score just one point below the cutoff then you will get the lower grade. Honor Code It is important that you understand that I am not willing to give a passing grade to those who do not abide by the UF honor code. Any student who cheats or helps another student cheat will receive an E (Fail) in this class. University of Florida Student Honor Code, found at 17.pdf you will receive points at a rate of 4 points per credit completed. Option 2: Is a paper assignment. If you decide to go with Option 2, you need to let me know by January 25th. If either option is completed before 4/8/13 @ 4pm, you will receive 4 extra credit points (these are the only extra credit points available in this course). Rules and details are available in the Research Requirement document on Sakai. For more info go to 2012Research.pdf **Note the contents of this syllabus may be changed during the semester. If changes are made to this syllabus they will be announced in class and on E-learning. It is your responsibility to come to class and to check for announcement of any changes online. Experimental participation requirement There is a Psychology Department requirement that all students enrolled in PSY 2012 participate in a research experience. More details are available within the research requirement document. Completion of this requirement affects your course grade based on the amount of research credits you earn. Option 1: One credit is given for every halfhour you spend in an experiment, and you need to earn 10 credits in total. (This is equivalent to 5 hours of participation in research). When you complete the research experience by completing 5 hours (10 credits) of research, you will receive 50 points that are added into your PSY2012 grade. If you do NOT complete the full number of credits by the deadline (4/19/13 @ 4PM), Stephen Walker Page 4 Spring 2013 Tentative Timetable Date Lecture Topic Reading Jan. 8 Welcome to Psy 2012 Discussion in class Jan. 10 Psychology & Scientific Thinking Chapter 1 (Study Guide Due) Jan. 15 Research Methods Chapter 2 (Study Guide Due) Jan. 17 Research Methods cont. Chapter 2 Jan. 22 Catch Up & Review Jan. 24 EXAM 1: Chapters 1-2 Jan 29 Biological Psychology Chapter 3 (Study Guide Due) Jan. 31 Biological Psychology cont. Feb. 5 Sensation and Perception Chapter 4 (Study Guide Due) Feb. 7 Consciousness Chapter 5 (Study Guide Due) Chapter 3 Feb. 12 Catch Up & Review Feb. 14 EXAM 2: Chapters 3-5 Feb. 19 Learning Chapter 6 (Study Guide Due) Feb. 21 Learning cont. Feb. 26 Memory Feb. 28 Language, Thinking, & Reasoning Chapter 6 Chapter 7 (Study Guide Due) Chapter 8 (Study Guide Due) March. 12 Catch Up & Review March. 13 MID-TERM: CHAPTERS 1-8 E2-E3 (8:20-10:10)—LOCATION TBA March. 14 No Class! Day Off! March. 19 Intelligence and IQ Testing Chapter 9 (Study Guide Due) March. 21 Human Development Chapter 10 (Study Guide Due) March. 26 Motivation & Emotion Chapter 11 (Study Guide Due) March. 28 Catch Up & Review April. 2 April. 4 Exam 3: Chapters 9-11 Stress, Coping, & Health Stephen Walker Chapter 12 (Study Guide Due) Page 5 April. 9 Social Psychology April. 11 Chapter 13 (Study Guide Due) Exam 4: (Chapters 12-13) April. 16 Personality April. 18 April. 23 Psychological Disorders & Psycho/Bio Chapter 15 & 16 (Study Guide Treatment Due) Catch Up & Review April. 25 Reading Day April. 30 Final Exam: Chapters 9-16 3-5pm Stephen Walker Chapter 14 (Study Guide Due) Page 6 · · · · ·