Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2003) 53:65–71 DOI 10.1007/s00265-002-0559-y REVIEW Judith Korb · Duur K. Aanen The evolution of uniparental transmission of fungal symbionts in fungus-growing termites (Macrotermitinae) Received: 27 September 2002 / Revised: 23 October 2002 / Accepted: 26 October 2002 / Published online: 4 December 2002 © Springer-Verlag 2002 Abstract Mutualistic associations between different organisms are theoretically expected when the interests of independently reproducing units are aligned to form a single reproductive unit. This alignment does not come about easily, because models show that hosts and symbionts can be in conflict over the transmission of symbionts. Selection will favour hosts that are able to limit genetic variation of symbionts, for example by enforcing uniparental vertical transmission, while symbionts will be selected to disperse independently of the host. A crucial factor determining the evolution and elaboration of symbiotic relationships is therefore who controls the transmission of symbionts. In the fungus-growing termites (Macrotermintinae) horizontal transmission seems to be the rule as the termites normally acquire their cultivated fungus (Termitomyces) from the environment. In spite of this general pattern, uniparental, vertical transmission has evolved in two unrelated Macrotermitinae genera, where only one sex of the two primary reproductives carries asexual spores from the fungal comb of its parent colony to inoculate the new fungus comb. Remarkably, symbiont transmission is exclusively paternal in Macrotermes bellicosus, whereas symbionts are maternally inherited in all Microtermes species studied so far. Thus, in Macrotermitinae horizontal transmission is the ancestral state with two independent origins to uniparental, vertical transmission. This is in contrast to fungus-growing ants where uniparental, vertical transmission is the rule. Causes and consequences of this difference are further discussed. Despite this fundamental difference both groups evolved a similar symbiosis that is Communicated by A. Cockburn J. Korb (✉) Biologie I, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany e-mail: Tel.: +49-941-9432461, Fax: +49-941-9433304 D.K. Aanen Department of Population Ecology, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark probably the key for their ecological success: the fungusgrowing ants in the neotropics and the fungus-growing termites in the paleotropics. Keywords Evolutionary conflict · Host symbiont conflict · Mutualism · Symbiosis · Termitomyces Introduction Mutualisms are best viewed as reciprocal exploitations that nonetheless provide net benefits to each partner (Herre et al. 1999). This view implies that there is no qualitative distinction between “truly parasitic” and “truly mutualistic” interactions, but that the degree of mutualism in symbiotic relationships can be considered as a continuous variable. Among the factors that have been thought to promote more mutualistic interactions is genetic homogeneity of symbionts (e.g. Herre et al. 1999). Symbiont fitness has two components: one arises from the overall success of the group of symbionts within a host, and the other originates from the competitive success and transmission relative to other symbionts within the same host. As relatedness declines within hosts, a genotype’s success depends more on its ability to outcompete its neighbours and less on the overall success of the group (Hamilton 1972). Thus, declining relatedness of symbionts should favour them to compete more intensely. This intense competition is likely to decrease the overall success of the group of symbionts and to have virulent side-effects on the host. Therefore, it is in the interest of hosts to keep symbionts genetically homogeneous. One way to achieve this is to reduce mixing of symbionts by clonal and vertical uniparental transmission (Frank 1996). The synthetic model by Frank (1996) arose from a precursor that addressed the evolution of uniparental inheritance of cytoplasmic elements like mitochondria and chloroplasts (Cosmides and Tooby 1981; for a recent review see Hurst et al. 1996). Recently, the theory has also been applied more generally to mutualistic relationships (Frank 1996; Herre et al. 1999). Before 66 continuing, it is useful to define some terms used throughout this paper. Speaking about transmission modes we have to distinguish between vertical-horizontal versus clonal-sexual transmission. Vertical symbiont transmission is transmission of symbionts from host parent to host offspring. That is, reproduction of symbionts is aligned with reproduction of the host. Vertical transmission can be uniparental (via one of the two sexes) or biparental (via both sexes). Horizontal symbiont transmission, on the other hand, is transmission of symbionts independently of host reproduction. Such horizontal transmission will often result in associations between symbionts and hosts outside the parental host lineage. Both horizontal and vertical transmission can be either clonal (i.e. no genetic recombination occurs between symbionts) or sexual (i.e. recombination occurs), but in many cases vertical transmission is clonal, whereas horizontal transmission is sexual. Hoekstra (1987) has pointed out a conceptual problem with the evolution of host control over cytoplasmic mixing, and this complication persists in the more general model of host control of symbiont transmission (Frank 1996). The benefit of restricted mixing is a delayed benefit to the mean fitness of the host population rather than to the individual host, whereas the evolution of host control over symbiont transmission requires that individual hosts gain immediate advantages. For cytoplasmic elements several such immediate advantages have been proposed (e.g. Hoekstra 1990; Hurst 1990) and similar advantages probably apply to many other host-symbiont interactions. Frank (1996) has proposed several possibilities for a direct association between reduced mixing of symbionts and reduced virulence of symbionts to the host. One such possibility is that the level of competitiveness between symbionts (correlated with the level of virulence) is not a genetically fixed trait but a plastic trait that is expressed in response to increased levels of genetic variation between symbionts. However, to some extent the symbionts have different interests to the hosts (Frank 1996). Selection favours symbionts to disperse out of the host-imposed vertical host lineage, even if such horizontally dispersing symbionts have a very low chance of successful establishment (Hamilton and May 1977). Hamilton and May’s (1977) model shows that horizontal transmission is favoured to avoid competition with relatives. Horizontal transmission will result in symbiont mixing and reduced relatedness among symbionts in the same host, favouring the evolution of virulent characteristics, as outlined earlier. These considerations show that hosts and symbionts can easily be in conflict over the patterns of transmission. Hosts will be selected to reduce mixing by imposing vertical transmission of symbionts, whereas symbionts will be selected to realise at least some horizontal transmission. The degree to which a host can control the inheritance of its symbionts is therefore one of the determinants of the degree of mutualism to which a symbiosis can evolve (Frank 1996; Herre et al. 1999). In this paper we review the currently available data on the largely horizontal transmission of fungal symbionts in the termite subfamily Macrotermitinae. We develop a hypothetical framework to explain the evolution of the observed transmission patterns based on the above considerations and we compare fungus transmission in termites with fungus transmission in fungus-growing ants, where vertical transmission is the rule. We suggest explanations for the differences between these two major groups of social insects that independently evolved fungus-rearing and illustrate the value of both systems as model systems for host-symbiont evolution. The fungus-growing termites A single subfamily of higher termites, the Macrotermitinae, has established an ectosymbiotic relationship with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Termitomyces (for a recent review see Rouland-Lefèvre 2000; Aanen et al. 2002). These fungi are cultivated within the nest in convoluted, greyish-brown combs that consist of plant material (for details see Traniello and Leuthold 2000). Macrotermitinae digest diverse types of cellulose-rich food such as wood and leaf litter, partially with their own cellulose digesting enzymes (Abo-Khatwa 1978; Martin and Martin 1978, 1979; Rouland et al. 1988; Veivers et al. 1991; Rouland-Lefèvre 2000). The fungus-growing termites and the fungi appear to be obligately dependent on each other (Batra and Batra 1966; Johnson 1981). Wood and Thomas (1989), Veivers et al. (1991) and Darlington (1994) list several benefits of fungus cultivation to both the termites and the fungus. For the termites some of the benefits are that (1) the fungi degrade chemically complex substances (e.g. lignin) into substances that can be used by the termites and (2) the fungi increase the N:C ratio of the termites’ diet, and allow them to exploit more diverse cellulose sources than most other termites are able to use. The fungi gain advantages in (1) access to plant material that can easily be penetrated and has an increased surface area, (2) the provision of an optimal microclimate, and (3) the selective inhibition of other fungi that are competitively superior and the prevention of microbial infections by termite secretions. The close association between Macrotermitinae and Termitomyces seems to be the result of a long coevolutionary process which has a single African origin with a lack of secondary domestications of other fungi or reversal of mutualistic fungi to a free-living state (Aanen et al. 2002). Some distinct traits of the termites and their fungi are likely to be a direct consequence of this long coevolution. For example, elaborate thermoregulation in nests of the Macrotermitinae (Lüscher 1961; Korb and Linsenmair 1999, 2000a, 2000b) leads to constantly high temperatures and to high relative humidity, providing the optimal microclimate for cultivation of the fungi (Wood and Thomas 1989). Furthermore, complementary enzyme systems exist in some associations where cellulosedigesting enzymes derived from both the termites and 67 the fungus interact synergistically (Rohrmann 1978; Martin and Martin 1978, 1979; Rouland et al. 1988; see also Veivers et al. 1991). Fungus transmission in termites Observed transmission modes In most Macrotermitinae-Termitomyces associations that have been studied horizontal transmission of fungus occurs (Table 1, Fig. 1a). There is thus no alignment of interest of the two independently reproducing entities, the termites and the fungus, as is illustrated in Fig. 1a by the two separate life-cycles. The fungus produces fruiting bodies (basidiocarps) with sexual spores; these spores are carried into newly founded nests by the first workers of the new colony on their first foraging trips (Johnson 1981; Johnson et al. 1981; Darlington 1994). Laboratory experiments have shown that alates (winged sexuals) fail to establish a colony unless they are supplied with an external source of fungal spores (Johnson 1981; Johnson et al. 1981; Sieber 1983). Interestingly, the fruiting of the fungus seems to be synchronised with the emergence of the first fully developed foraging workers in newly founded colonies (Johnson et al. 1981). However, a few species of Macrotermitinae have developed vertical, uniparental symbiont transmission (Table 1) with an alignment of the reproductive units of the termite and the fungus (illustrated by a single lifecycle in Fig. 1b). In the five species of Microtermes studied and in Macrotermes bellicosus alates of one sex carry a bolus of conidia (asexual spores) in their foregut from the fungus combs of the parent colony to inoculate the first fungus combs in their newly founded colonies (Fig. 1b; Johnson 1981; Johnson et al. 1981; Sieber 1983; Wood and Thomas 1989). In line with this observation, laboratory experiments have shown that these species can establish a colony (with a fungal comb) without the addition of fungal spores (Johnson 1981; Johnson et al. 1981; Sieber 1983). In Macrotermes bellicosus the males transmit the fungus whereas the females transmit the fungus in Microtermes spp. Fruiting bodies have never been observed for the fungi associated Table 1 Modes of fungus transmission in several Macrotermitinae species Fig. 1a, b Transmission of fungus in Macrotermitinae during colony foundation. Text in italics: fungus life-cycle; regular text: termite life-cycle. a Horizontal transmission. Alates found new colonies. The first workers collect sexual spores of fruiting fungus during their foraging trips and inoculate new fungus combs. Thus, the fungus combs most probably consist of a mixture of different mating types, so that sexual reproduction of fungi is possible. b Vertical, uniparental transmission. One sex of the alates of the termites carries asexual fungus spores to inoculate new fungus combs during colony foundation. This results in a lack of different mating types in the fungus so that sexual reproduction of the fungus is not possible with these termite species (Johnson et al. 1981; Darlington 1994; Korb, unpublished observations), as expected if transmission is exclusively vertical (see later). The difference in sex-specificity in fungus transmission indicates an independent origin of uniparental, vertical transmission in both groups. This is supported by molecular, phylogenetic investigations; termites with vertical transmission do not form a monophyletic group, but belong to two unrelated clades (Aanen et al. 2002). This strongly Species Transmission mode References Ancistrotermes guineensis A. crucifer A. cavithorax Pseudacanthotermes spiniger Macrotermes subhyalinus M. michaelseni Odontotermes pauperans O. smeathmani O. montanus Macrotermes bellicosus 5 species of Microtermes Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Horizontal transmission Vertical transmission, male Vertical transmission, female Sands 1960 Johnson et al. 1981 Johnson et al. 1981 Johnson et al. 1981 Johnson et al. 1981 Sieber 1983 Johnson et al. 1981 Johnson et al. 1981 Sieber 1983 Johnson et al. 1981 Johnson 1981 Johnson et al. 1981 68 Fig. 2 The life cycle of Termitomyces with different transmission modes. Outside the main circle, is the life cycle of a fungus that is horizontally transmitted as indicated. For these horizontally transmitted fungi, monokaryotic spores (basidiospores, 1n) can be carried into a new termite nest by foraging workers. These spores germinate and give rise to a monokaryotic mycelium with haploid nuclei (monokaryon). Two monokaryons belonging to the same biological species, and having opposite mating types, can fuse and form a stable dikaryotic mycelium (dikaryon), all cells of which have two haploid nuclei (n+n). Dikaryons can form fruiting bodies, or mushrooms. In these mushrooms, basidia are formed, where nuclear fusion takes place (giving rise to a short diploid stage, 2n), followed by meiosis and spore formation. Inside the main circle, the potential cycles of a vertically transmitted fungus are drawn. For these fungi, the horizontal route is blocked (parallel lines) at either 1 (no fusion of monokaryons) or 2 (termites prevent fruiting of dikaryon by eating primordia). In 1, there is clonal propagation by alates of the monokaryotic stage (small cycle 1), whereas in 2 there is clonal propagation of the dikaryotic stage (small cycle 2). See text for more details suggests that horizontal transmission is the ancestral transmission mode and that uniparental transmission is a derived trait with two independent origins. Fungal life cycles and transmission To our knowledge life cycles of Termitomyces have not been studied in any detail. It is usually assumed that Termitomyces fungi have a heterothallic (i.e. outcrossing) life cycle (Heim 1977), like most basidiomycetes studied so far (Raper 1966). In this life cycle (Fig. 2) spores germinate and form a monokaryon, all cells of which have a single nucleus. Two monokaryons of the same species with different mating types can fuse and form stable dikaryon, all cells of which have two nuclei, one of each monokaryon. A dikaryon can form fruiting bodies, where meiosis and spore formation takes place. The fruiting symbionts of Macrotermitinae with a horizontal transmission are likely to fit into this general scheme. The four-spored basidia of fruiting bodies from Termitomyces support this (Heim 1977). Alternatively, however, some of the fruiting Termitomyces fungi might have a (secondarily) homothallic (i.e. non-outcrossing) mating system. In that case, a single fungal spore is sufficient to complete a fungal life cycle. What type of life cycle do the non-fruiting Termitomyces species have? One possibility is that the mycelium of these species is monokaryotic and that this monokaryotic mycelium is clonally propagated by vertical transmission (possibility 1 in Fig. 2). Very few monokaryotic basidiomycetes that can produce fruiting bodies are known (e.g. Ullrich and Raper 1975). Therefore, keeping mycelia monokaryotic could be a proximate explanation for the lack of fruiting of some fungal symbionts. Another possibility is that the non-fruiting fungi have a dikaryotic mycelium that is clonally transmitted by vertical transmission. In this case, the termites might actively prevent their fungal symbionts from fruiting, for example by eating the primordia (possibility 2 in Fig. 2). Obviously, life cycles of Termitomyces need to be studied to test these different possibilities. Possible advantages of vertical, uniparental transmission As explained in the Introduction, vertical uniparental symbiont transmission is expected in the long-term to lead to relatively mutualistic traits of the symbiont fungi, which is obviously in the interest of the host. We hypothesise that there are also several direct advantages for the termites to this mode of transmission so that Hoekstra’s (1987) delayed benefit argument does not apply. Some of these advantages are intrinsic to the vertical transmission itself while other advantages are directly a consequence of the uniparental aspect of the transmission. An obvious advantage of vertical transmission over horizontal transmission is that there is a greatly reduced risk that a new colony fails to establish a fungus comb if there is no fruiting fungus near the new colony. However, this advantage of vertical transmission for the host does not explain why the conidia are transmitted by only one sex. Avoidance of mixed fungal inoculations might have several immediate advantages for fungus-growing termites. In the Basidiomycetes genetically different dikaryons show strong incompatibility reactions (Rayner et al. 1984; for an overview, see Worrall 1997) and monokaryons of the same mating type also show different types of incompatibility reactions (Rayner et al. 1984). These incompatibility reactions result in strongly reduced mycelial growth in zones where the fungi meet. Therefore, termites that avoid mixed fungal inoculations will have a selective advantage over termites that do not. Another potential advantage of avoidance of mixed infections is a reduction in the horizontal spread of genetic elements, such as plasmids, transposable elements and viruses. Such elements can reduce fitness of fungi significantly (Van Diepeningen et al. 1997). Apart from these advantages related to vertical and uniparental transmission, we also expect that the host benefits from preventing its fungus from fruiting, i.e. from investing resources in costly fruiting bodies. 69 Table 2 The two main models that have been proposed for the successive evolution of fungus agriculture in social insects (after Mueller et al. 2001). There is some evidence that the “transmis- sion first” model applies to the attine ants. However for the fungus-growing termites a “consumption first” model is more likely. See text for more details Traditional “consumption first” model Consumption → Fungi are part of diet Cultivation → Insects cultivate fungus by adding substrate Transmission Vertical fungus transmission Alternative “transmission first” model Transmission → Specialised fungi dispersed by insect Consumption → Fungi become part of insect diet Cultivation Insects cultivate fungus by adding substrate Comparison with attine-fungus mutualism Horizontal transmission of fungal symbionts is the most widespread mode of fungal transmission in fungus-growing termites. It has been shown for the genera Ancistrotermes, Pseudacanthotermes, Macrotermes and Odontotermes, and the common occurrence of fungal fruiting in other genera (except Microtermes) suggests that it also exists in those genera. Horizontal transmission has been shown to be the ancestral state with two independent transitions to uniparental, vertical transmission (Aanen et al. 2002). In the genus Microtermes this transition led to fungal transmission by the female reproductive, and in Macrotermes bellicosus the male reproductive became the transmitter. It is possible that the two transitions in the Macrotermitinae from horizontal symbiont transmission to uniparental vertical transmission have gone via an intermediate stage of biparental vertical transmission, but so far no examples of this intermediate stage of transmission have been found in the relatively few species that have been studied. However, this stage might be short-lived because of the fitness disadvantages associated with mixed fungal inoculations for the termite hosts as discussed before. The question remains though, how species with horizontal acquisition of fungi cope with problems associated with mixed infections. In Table 2 the hypothesised evolution of transmission modes is summarised, together with some characteristics of each stage. Fungus-growing ants or Attini (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) are comparable to the Macrotermitinae in having a strong, obligate association with fungi (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, mainly Lepiotaceae), which they cultivate and on which they depend for the nourishment of their larvae (for more information see Weber 1972; Chapela et al. 1994; Schultz and Meier 1995; Mueller et al. 1998). In contrast to the Macrotermitinae, vertical uniparental transmission probably occurs throughout the whole group and may represent the ancestral state. However, recent investigations have also shown that horizontal transmission, for example via pleometrotical founding, may occur in attine ants (Rissing et al. 1989; Mintzer 1990; Bekkevold et al. 1999; Adams et al. 2001; Green et al. 2002) which explains why specificity across species is relatively low (Mueller et al. 1998). The traditional hypothesis for the origin of the attine ant-fungus mutualism is that consumption of certain fungi by the ants was the first step. This step was followed by selective cultivation and finally by selective transmission of these fungi. More recently it has been hypothesised that the ant-fungus mutualism started with transmission of specialised fungi by ants and that this initial step was followed by consumption and cultivation of these fungi by the ants (Mueller et al. 2001). It is important to realise in this context that ant colonies are normally founded by a single individual, the queen. This makes vertical transmission of fungi automatically uniparental. In line with the theory described in this paper, we expect an easier evolution towards mutualism in such a situation of uniparental transmission by default. In contrast, in termites vertical transmission would initially have been biparental since a termite colony is always founded by two individuals of opposite sex. Thus in termites we would not expect the evolution towards a mutualistic association to start from vertical transmission. Rather, it is hypothesised that incidental consumption of fungi with decaying wood is the origin of fungusgrowing in termites since termites as primarily wood feeders always lived in close contact with fungi (Wood and Thomas 1989). Thus, for the Macrotermitinae it is much more likely that consumption of fungi was the first step, followed by cultivation. Ultimately, a few species developed specialised vertical transmission modes, either by males or by females. The phylogenetic analysis confirms this scenario (Table 2). Despite these differences in the main transmission mode and the likely evolution of the symbiotic association in fungus-growing ants and termites, both mutualisms have converged. Neither in the ant nor in the termite association are there strong associations between the evolutionary history of the hosts and the symbionts. Clades must repeatedly have exchanged their fungal symbionts. Single host species have a variety of symbionts and the symbionts of different genera do not form monophyletic groups. Specificity of fungal symbionts occurs mainly at higher taxonomic levels (Chapela et al. 1994; Mueller et al. 1998; Aanen et al. 2002). Recent molecular analyses have shown that in studies of mutualisms a distinction can be made between ecological (from generation to generation) versus evolutionary time scales (from lineage to lineage; Herre et al. 1999), although the borderline between these time scales is not always sharp. For example, even when vertical transmission is found over ecological time scales, rare horizontal 70 transfers can leave their traces. This has generally been found for symbioses between Wolbachia bacteria and insects (e.g. Vavre et al. 1999) and has been inferred for attine ants (Mueller et al. 1998; Bot et al. 2001). For the Macrotermitinae that have evolved vertical fungus transmission, it has recently been shown that the fungi of the two clades of species with vertical transmission do not form two monophyletic groups, so that some horizontal transmission must also have occurred here (Aanen et al. 2002). These considerations show that fungus-growing social insects are good model systems to test theories on the evolution of mutualistic associations. Key questions to address would be: Does mixing of symbionts have immediate costs to the host and what are these costs? Termite species with horizontal transmission seem to have only one fungal strain in one nest (Aanen et al. 2002). How do they obtain a single strain? Are associations with horizontal transmission less mutualistic than associations with uniparental, vertical transmission? Clearly, these systems can provide valuable insight into the evolution of mutualistic associations in general by testing key assumptions. Acknowledgements For discussions and comments on the manuscript we wish to thank Carl Anderson, Koos Boomsma, Mischa Dijkstra, Jürgen Heinze, David Nash, Jes Søe Pedersen, and three anonymous referees. J.K. was supported by an Emmy Noether Fellowship of the DFG (Ko 1895/2–1). D.K.A. was financially supported by an EU Marie Curie Fellowship (HPMF-CT-2000– 00642). Work supported in part by the European Community’s Improving Human Potential Programme under contract HPRNCT-2000-00052, INSECTS. References Aanen DK, Eggleton P, Rouland-Lefèvre C, Guldberg-Frøslev T, Rosendahl S, Boomsma JJ (2002) The evolution of fungusgrowing termites and their mutualistic fungal symbionts. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:14887–14892 Abo-Khatwa N (1978) Cellulase of fungus-growing termites: a new hypothesis on its origin. Experientia 34:559–560 Adams RMM, Mueller UG, Holloway AK, Green AM (2001) Garden sharing and garden stealing in fungus-growing ants. 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