Membrane Permeability Suggested Additional (research level) Reading: Stein, W.D. (1986) Transport and Diffusion across Cell Membranes. Academic Press Objectives To discuss: • the flow or “transport” of molecules across biomembranes • the methods we use to study this • the broad categories of transport across biomembranes and, • the physical properties of membranes that contribute to the solute permeability of lipid bilayers. This discussion will allow us to understand: 1. The definition of membrane transport 2. How we measure transport 3. When transport is protein-mediated or simple, non-mediated, transbilayer diffusion. 4. When transport is passive or active 5. Why cells need mediated transport systems 6. The differences between channels and carriers What is Membrane Transport? Membrane transport is defined as the movement of molecules across cell membranes. There are two classes of membrane transport. Rapid, stereoselective, saturable, protein-mediated transport. Slow, non-specific diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane. Why are biologists interested in transport? Non-mediated (protein-independent) transport is slow and membranes are impermeable to small polar molecules Mediated (protein-dependent) transport is rapid, highly selective (one gene product typically transports one substrate) and is often regulated by cytokines and metabolic demand Mediated transport is responsible for some forms of drug resistance Defects in transport are responsible for many diseases Transporters are “inside-out” proteins and present significant technical challenges to structural biologists. How do we measure transport? Epithelia Cells side 2 side 1 * measure: influx or efflux (v21 or v12) * * side 2 (blood side) side 1 (blood side) * measure: absorption or secretion (v21 or v12) Basic Principles Uptake, efflux & exchange 315 Erythrocyte sugar transport Table 1 Sugar transport measurements in human erythrocytes. Adapted from Ref. [8]. from: Erythrocyte Sugar Transport A. CARRUTHERS and R.J. ZOTTOLA 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. Handbook of Biological Physics Volume 2, edited by W.N. Konings, H.R. Kaback and J.S. Lolkema Adapted from Naftalin, R. J. and Holman, G. D. (1977). In “Membrane Transport in Red Cells” (eds. J. C. Ellory and V. L. Lew), pp. 257-300. New York: Academic Press. Methods of detecting transported molecules 1 Chemical • Atomic absorption, e.g. Na, Mg, K, Ca. • Analytical, e.g. HPLC separations and quantitation of amino acids, nucleotides etc. • Biochemical, e.g. assays of sugars or nucleosides using enzyme-coupled measurements. • Mass Spectrometry of small molecules Methods of detection 2 Radio-Chemical Using radiotracers in transport studies we assume isotopes are chemically equivalent tracer H parent molecule H OH 14C HO H H 12C HO O H H H HO OH O H OH t1/2 = 5730 yr H OH OH HO stable 22Na 23Na t1/2 = 2.6 yr stable 45Ca 40Ca t1/2 = 162.7 days stable H OH Radioisotopes are much easier to detect and quantitate than specific molecules which may require chromatography for separation and quantitation. Radioisotopes and parent compounds compete for interaction with a common substrate binding site. e.g. [14C]-D-glucose and [12C]-D-glucose compete for transport by the glucose transporter GluT1. Uptake of extracellular [14C]-Dglucose by cells is competitively inhibited by increasing levels of extracellular [12C]-D-glucose. dpm of [14C]-D-glucose inside cells [12C]-D-glucose 11 dpm of [14C]-D-glucose can be expressed as mol glucose 10 µL 100 µM D-glucose = 20,000 dpm 10 x 10-6 x 100 x 10 -6 mol D-glucose = 20,000 dpm 1 dpm = (1000 x 10-12/20,000) mol glucose = 50 x 10-15 mol Thus if 106 cells take up 5000 dpm [14C]-D-glucose in 1 min, the rate of sugar import is calculated as: 5000 50x10−15 x 60 106 mol.cell-1.s-1 = 4.2 x 10-18 mol.cell-1.s-1 Methods of detection 3 Electrochemical • Cation-selective microelectrodes, e.g. H+, Ca2+, Na+. • Voltage electrodes • Voltage clamp (whole cell, patch clamp, single channels) voltmeter extracellular electrode intracellular glass electrode bath cell d The red curve shows what happens when the cell contains voltage gated channels. The green curve shows what would have happened in the absence of these channels. Voltage clamp allows ion flow across the cell membrane to be measured as current flow while membrane potential is held constant (clamped) using a feedback amplifier. Ion channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes can be studied by twomicroelectrode voltage clamp. The oocyte is penetrated by two microelectrodes, one for voltage-sensing and one for current injection. Membrane potential is measured by the voltage-sensing electrode and a high input impedance amplifier (amp1). This is compared with a command voltage, and the difference is brought to zero by a high gain feedback amplifier (amp 2). The injected current is monitored using a current-to-voltage converter thereby providing a measure of total membrane current. modified from: FIG. 1. Amino acid sequence of the N-terminal (ligand binding) domain of the 5-HT3 receptor. Sequen domain 1, with tryptophan residues highlighted in bold type. The putative signal sequence is shown underlin transmembrane topology of the 5-HT3 receptor, illustrating extracellular N and C termini and transmembrane FIG. 2. Electrophysiological responses of 5-HT3 receptor mutants W183Y and W195S compared with WT. Responses of single cells (representative of at least four different cells) are shown at maximal and EC50 concentrations of 5-HT. rate constants between the open and desensitized states of the stability of the desensiReceptor Ligand Binding Domain* tized state in the mutant receptors. Changes in stability of the different states of the receptor are likely to affect the equilibrium binding data, which depends on the interplay between these different states at equilibrium; this interplay will differ in the presence of agonists, where desensitization is obligatory, and antagonists, which may bind preferentially to either the closed or desensitized state. Thus, if our hypothesis is correct, THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 275, No. 8, Issue of February 25, pp. receptor, perhaps indicating decreased 5620 –5625, 2000 The Role of Tryptophan Residues in the 5-Hydroxytryptamine3 THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY © 2000 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Vol. 275, No. 8, Issue of February 25, pp. 5620 –5625, 2000 Printed in U.S.A. (Received for publication, July 16, 1999, and in revised form, November 22, 1999) Avron D. Spier‡§ and Sarah C. R. Lummis‡¶! From the ‡Neurobiology Division, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH and the ¶Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge, CB2 1GA, United Kingdom Aromatic amino acids are important components of the ligand binding site in the Cys loop family of ligandgated ion channels. To examine the role of tryptophan residues in the ligand binding domain of the 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3) receptor, we used site-directed mutagenesis to change each of the eight N-terminal tryptophan residues in the 5-HT3A receptor subunit to tyrosine or serine. The mutants were expressed as homomeric 5-HT3A receptors in HEK293 cells and analyzed with radioligand binding, electrophysiology, and immunocytochemistry. Mutation of Trp90, Trp183, and Trp195 to tyrosine resulted in functional receptors, although with increased EC50 values (2–92-fold) to 5-HT3 receptor agonists. Changing these residues to serine ei90 183 nACh receptors indicate that the ligand binding site is located in discontiguous regions of the extracellular N-terminal domain, and this has been further confirmed by the construction of a chimeric protein consisting of the N-terminal domain of the "7 neuronal nACh receptor subunit linked to the C-terminal portion of the 5-HT3A receptor subunit, which showed nACh receptor pharmacological properties and 5-HT3 receptor channel properties (11). Labeling and mutagenesis studies have identified a number of N-terminal amino acids in nACh subunits that are probably involved in ligand binding; these are mostly aromatic amino acids and include Trp"54, Trp"86, Tyr"93, Trp"149, Trp"187, Tyr"190, Cys"192, Cys"193, and Tyr"198 (12–25). Sequence alignments between the nACh and 5-HT receptors FIG. 3. Dose-response curves for mutant W60S (open circles), W Methods of detection 4 Photochemical • Cation-sensitive dyes (e.g. H+, Ca2+, K+). • Membrane potential- sensitive, environment-sensitive, volume-sensitive dyes. • Cation- or nucleotide-sensitive bioluminescent proteins (e.g. aequorin, luciferin/luciferase) • Engineered sensors (e.g. glucose binding proteins coupled to green fluorescent protein) GlcSNFR Fluorescence (%) 10 12.5 mM 5 mM 8 4 mM 6 3 mM 4 2 mM 1 mM 2 0 0.001 0 mM 0.01 0.1 1 Time (s) 10 100 3 Substrate interacts with 2 Substrate transported fluorescent sensor across the bilayer 4 Interaction changes fluorescence intensity 1 Irradiation Methods of detection 5 Others • Capacitance changes (volume flow across epithelia) • Scintillator glass (reacts to ß particles) • Light scattering (volume-dependent changes in light scattering by cells) SCIENCE Volume 290, 2000 pp 481-486 Structure of a GlycerolConducting Channel and the Basis for Its Selectivity Fu, Daxiong; Libson, Andrew; Miercke, Larry J. W.; Weitzman, Cindy; Nollert, Peter; Krucinski, Jolanta; Stroud, Robert M. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0448, USA. Fig. 4. Relative rates (µ) for conductance of a selection of carbohydrates into protein-free liposomes (black bars) and into GlpFcontaining proteoliposomes (hatched bars). Structures are indicated in the Fisher diagrams. Error bars represent the standard deviation from 10 stopped-flow accumulations. ( ) An example of the stopped-flow assay that measures rates of transport of different carbohydrates into reconstituted vesicles, applied in this example to ribitol, a conducted alditol. Vesicles were reconstituted with GlpF (red) or without GlpF (green) and then treated with 100 mM carbohydrate at time = 0, or with buffer at time = 0 (blue), and the change in vesicle size monitored by light scattering at 440 nm. Vesicle size initially decreases rapidly as water diffuses through the lipids in response to the osmotic challenge. The vesicles reswell with a time constant that depends on conductivity. Changes in light scattering were therefore fitted by two exponentials Y = [ AW (1 − e−[lambda]t ) − a0 ] + (e− µt ) + a[inf inity] . The first time-constant corresponds to the rapid water efflux ([lambda] > 5 s ). The second corresponds to the slower rate of reswelling with time constant µ. The black lines represent the computed fits based on these two exponentials. The time course for a over the entire range of molar ratios of lipid to tetrameric complex tested (950 - [infinity]). Liposomes with and without GlpF were formed by dilution into reconstitution buffer (20 mM Hepes, pH 7.2) containing 2 mM DTT as described for aquaporins . A molar ratio of 14,000 lipids (total acetone/ether-extracted polar lipids; Avanti) to 1 GlpF tetramer (90 mg of lipid/1 mg GlpF) was routinely used unless otherwise specified. After formation and centrifugation, liposomes were extensively dialyzed against reconstitution buffer for the first day with 2 mM DTT and for 3 days without DTT. Light scattering was measured with a Kin Tek stopped-flow model SF-2001 at 25°C. Vesicle diameterswere 130 ± 20 nm as measured by electron microscopy and 138 nm ± 36 nm as measured by dynamic light scattering with a DynaPro 801 from Protein Solutions. How do we know when transport is protein-mediated? Specificity is one key piece of evidence. e.g. human erythrocytes are 100,000 times more permeable to D-glucose than they are to L-glucose. D-Glucose L-Glucose CH2 OH CH2 OH O O H OH H OH H H OH OH OH H H H H OH OH H H OH Metabolically depleted human erythrocytes are 1,000 fold more permeable to potassium (at. wt. = 39.09) than they are to sodium (at. wt. = 22.99) ions. Insulin-stimulates D-glucose (but not L-glucose) uptake by adipose and skeletal muscle by 10 - 50-fold! This tells us that specific, stereoselective systems mediate transport of Dglucose and K and insulin-stimulation of glucose transport!! Protein-mediated vs non-mediated transport Uptake in the presence of an inhibitor Total uptake v = k[S] + V [S]/(K +[S]) 100 50 0 0 10 vInhibited = k[S] Uptake 150 20 30 40 [S] mM protein-mediated + leakage 50 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 v =Uninhibited V [S]/(K +[S]) - Inhibited Uptake 150 m uptake pmol/106 cells/s uptake pmol/106 cells/s max uptake pmol/106 cells/s 150 Difference 40 50 [S] mM leakage or non-mediated max(difference) m 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 [S] mM protein-mediated 50 Passive versus Active Transport For some cells exposed to certain solutes, the equilibrium, intracellular concentration of solute is identical to that outside the cell. e.g. erythrocytes & D–Glucose Because equilibrium equilibrium [D-glucose]i = [D-glucose]o, the red cell glucose transport system is described as “passive” – the distribution of sugar across the cell membrane is the same as that produced by simple passive diffusion (although simple diffusion would take much longer to equilibrate the sugar) Baker, P. F. and Carruthers, A. (1981). Sugar transport in giant axons of Loligo. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 316, 481-502. For different cells or solutes, the equilibrium, intracellular concentration of solute is not identical to that outside the cell. e.g. D–Glucose content of epithelial cells of small intestine. Because [D-glucose]i = 20 [D-glucose]o the epithelial cell glucose transport system is described as “ACTIVE” – the distribution of sugar across the cell membrane is NOT that produced by simple passive diffusion. When charged species are examined (e.g. Na+) we must consider the effect of the membrane potential (V) on transmembrane solute distributions Most cells are characterized by a membrane potential difference (V) of -70 mV (inside negative with respect to the outside). If we examine the levels of cations and anions in serum and cytosol Species [Extracellular] mM [Intracellular] Equilibrium potential mM mV VDF mV Na+ 140 15 +57.3 -127.3 K+ 5 121 -81.2 +11.2 Ca2+ 1.5 0.0002 +119.2 -189.2 Cl- 125 9 -70.3 -0.3 Species [Extracellular] mM [Intracellular] mM Equilibrium potential mV Cl- 125 9 -70.3 Consider Cl-. The Cl- concentration gradient is directed into the cell. Thus Cl- tends to diffuse along the concentration gradient into the cell. The interior, however, is negative with respect to the outside and Cl- ions are pushed out along the electrical gradient. An equilibrium is achieved when Cl- influx = Cl- efflux. The membrane potential at which this equilibrium exists is the equilibrium potential. Its magnitude is calculated from the Nernst equation as follows: RT [Cl−o ] ECl = ln = −70.3mV FZ Cl [Cli− ] where R is the gas constant (1.987 cal/ deg/mol) T is absolute temperature (37˚C = 310˚K) F is the faraday (23060 cal/volt/mol) ZCl is the valence of Cl (-1) VDF = Vm - Veq negative for cation means uptake 0 means no driving force positive for cation means exit negative for anion means exit 0 means no driving force positive for anion means uptake Species [Extracellular] mM [Intracellular] mM Equilibrium potential (Veq) mV Na+ 150 15 +57.3 K+ 5.5 150 -81.2 Ca2+ 1.5 0.0002 +119.2 Cl- 125 9 -70.3 Because ECl = V (membrane potential), no forces other than those represented by the chemical and electrical gradients (the electrochemical gradient) need be invoked to explain the distribution of Cl- across the cell membrane. Because ENa, EK and ECa ≠ V, this suggests that other processes intervene to exclude Na and Ca and to accumulate K. These are transport processes and must be ACTIVE. Species [Extracellular] mM [Intracellular] mM Equilibrium potential (Veq) mV VDF mV Net flow Na+ 150 15 +57.3 -127.3 in K+ 5.5 150 -81.2 +11.2 out Ca2+ 1.5 0.0002 +119.2 -189.2 in Cl- 125 9 -70.3 +0.3 ~in The direction of the electrochemical gradient for net flow (VDF) is obtained as VDF = VM - Veq Species VDF Direction of gradient Cation + out Cation 0 none Cation - in Anion + in Anion 0 none Anion - out Selective transport is protein-mediated Transporters are classic enzymes – they accelerate the rate at which a molecule achieves its equilibrium distribution across the cell membrane by providing (literally) an alternative reaction pathway. These are the PASSIVE transporters. Some active transporters exploit high energy intermediates (ATP-hydrolysis) to catalyze rapid net solute movement against a concentration gradient (uphill) these are Primary Active Transporters. Yet other active transporters exploit Na+, K+ or H+ gradients to drive a molecule against an electrochemical gradient - these are Secondary Active Transporters. Active transporters make an endergonic reaction (Keq < 1) more exergonic (Keq > 1) by coupling the first reaction (e.g. Na export from low to high concentration) to a second exergonic reaction (e.g. ATP-hydrolysis) through common intermediates As with other enzymes, membrane transporters display saturation kinetics and competitive or non-competitive inhibition by relatively low concentrations of specific inhibitors. Standard Free Energy Changes are Additive Consider the following reactions: A B ∆G˚1 ≡ B C A C ∆G˚total ∆G˚2 The ∆G˚ of sequential reactions are additive, thus ∆G˚total = ∆G˚1 + ∆G˚2 This principle of bioenergetics explains how an endergonic reaction (Keq < 1) can be improved (more product formed) by coupling it to a highly exergonic reaction (Keq >>1) through a common intermediate. Reaction 1 - Na export ∆G = RT ln Nao + zFV Nai where z is +1; F (the Faraday) = 23,062 cal V-1mol-1; Nao/Nai ≈ 10; V = 70 mV (outside). The cost to do this (∆G) is approximately 2.98 kcal per mol at 25 ˚C. This is equivalent to an equilibrium constant of: - ∆G Keq1 = 10 2.303 RT = 0.0065 Reaction 2 - ATP hydrolysis [ADP][Pi ] Keq 2 = = 2x10 5 M [ATP] Combined reaction - ATP hydrolysis driven Na export ∆Gs are additive ∴ Keqs are multiplied, hence Keq(combined) = Keq1 * Keq2 = 1,300 ∆G for ATP hydrolysis in cells ≈ -13 kcal per mol transported molecule channel protein carrier protein concentration gradient lipid bilayer EN ER channeldiffusion mediated PASSIVE TRANSPORT G Y carriermediated ACTIVE TRANSPORT Why Do Cells Need Membrane Transporters? The lipid bilayer is an effective barrier to the movement of small hydrophilic molecules. Two factors govern the rate at which molecules can diffuse across the lipid bilayer. These are: (1) the membrane solubility of the specific molecules in question and (2) the size of the molecule that diffuses across the cell membrane. Dissecting the characteristics of Transbilayer diffusion Transbilayer diffusion is a first order process transbilayer solute flux = J 12 = k (C aq1 - C 2aq) inject substrate 100 80 1-fractional equilibration Relative signal • 60 40 20 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 100 200 time sec 0 0 50 100 150 Time in seconds 200 250 mol.L-1.s-1 • Transbilayer diffusion is dependent on the nature of the diffusing species (the diffusant) 37 • The Cell Membrane is thus a Barrier to Solute Movement Let’s examine why this is so by considering 3 concepts 1 Diffusion = Random Walk (Fig 1) Figure 1 Simulation of the diffusion process. Three successive stages are shown of molecules moving by random walks from: A. The first position where all molecules are at one side of the barrier. B. An intermediate stage. C. An equilibrium distribution Diffusion is stochastic - the probability of a molecule moving from side 1 to side 2 is related directly to the difference in its relative concentrations at each side. 38 2 Chemical Potential The chemical potential of a molecule is comprised of those components of a molecule (j) that enable it to perform work. a. Concentration, Cj (osmotic work) b. Charge, Zj e ψ where Z = valence (electrical work) e = electron charge ψ = electric potential c. Volume, Vj (work against applied pressure) d. Mass, mj (gravitational work) e. Chemical structure (chemical work) 39 Nobel, 1974 shows that chemical potential (µ) of molecule j (µj) µj = µjo + R T lnCj + Zj e F ψ + V j P + mj g h µjo = chemical potential of substance j in standard state when ψ = 0, h = 0, P and T are standard and Cj = 1M in a particular solvent. As gravity and ∆P unimportant here, µj = µjo + R T lnCj + Zj F e ψ 3 40 Equilibrium Distributions 3.1 The Partition coefficient, K Imagine glycerol is added to a mixture of oil and water. The mixture is shaken until the concentrations of glycerol in oil and water no longer change (equilibrium is achieved). The mixture is allowed to stand (phase separation occurs) and the oil and water phases are assayed for glycerol content. At equilibrium, glyceroloil is in equilibrium with glycerolwater i.e. µjoil = µjwater As glycerol is uncharged, an electrical term is not needed and µ oj oil + RT ln C j oil = µ oj water + RT ln C j water µ oj oil − µ oj water = RT (lnC j water − lnC j oil) or K oil/water = exp[( µ oj water − µ oj oil) / RT ] i.e. K is determined by differences in standard state chemical potential of j in oil and water 41 Koil/water = exp [(µjowater - µjooil)/RT] each µjo determined by energetics of interaction between j and solvent glycerol has three - OH groups resulting in strong Hbonding to H2O and is thus in a more energetically favorable state in H2O ∴ µjowater < µjooil ∴ Koil/water < 1. Now let’s use these principles to examine trans-membrane diffusion S1 Membrane S2 aq C 1 m C1 b a c λ m C 2 aq C 2 Permeability depends upon: • partitioning into the membrane Kj (processes a and c) • mobility within the membrane µj (process b) • Thickness of the membrane (λ) 43 mols of substrate crossing the membrane per sec molar flux flux across a unit surface area hence, J 12 = k (C aq1 - C 2aq) mol.mL-1.s-1 J 12 = P $ A (C aq1 - C 2aq) mol.mL-1.s-1 k = P$A {A = surface area (in cm2) of that number of cells containing 1 mL water; P = permeability coefficient in cm.s-1;} It can be shown that KDm P= λ Permeability is positively related to K and Dm (where Dm - diffusion coefficient - is related to mobility within the membrane) 44 We will now use measurements of the permeability of human red blood cells to a variety of small compounds to determine whether this hypothetical relationship is true. 45 Fig 2 shows a plot of log P vs. log K where P is the permeability of red cells to substances and K is Partition coefficient for species in hexadecane/water. The data are listed and numbered in Table A.I There is reasonable agreement! However, low MW species lie above line e.g. H2O high MW species lie below line (see Table 1 for molecular species) 46 Why? Is Dm greater for small species? P = KDm/λ, it thus follows that Dm = Pλ/K. Assuming K is identical to that for hexadecane and H2O and assuming λ = 40 Å, Dm is calculated and shown in Fig 3 Dm < Dwater and is inversely proportional to MW! 47 If we make plot of log Dm vs diffusant volume (van der Waal’s vol), the relationship is clear - the larger the molecule, the lower the Dm logDm = logDmv=0 − mv ⋅ V The red cell lipid bilayer, like all solvents and polymers, contains “void space” or free volume (the volume of the constituent molecules < total volume). In order for a molecule to diffuse within the bilayer, it must move from one free volume to another. These free volumes are transient in nature and for any given polymer (bilayer) have a characteristic average size. The average free volume in the red cell lipid bilayer is 8.4 cm3/ mol. This is close to the van der Waal’s volume of a methylene group of a hydrocarbon which is less than the van der Waal’s volume of water (10.6 cm3/mol)!! ∴ explains steep size dependence of Dm in red cells! 49 To illustrate this, let us examine the water permeability of a lipid bilayer as it undergoes the ordered to disordered phase transition. endothermic water permeability So Why Do Cells Need Mediated Transport systems? The lipid bilayer is an effective barrier to the movement of small hydrophilic molecules. For an average hydrophilic metabolite such as a sugar or an amino acid, low membrane solubility (K ≤ 1 x 10-7) and great molecular size (30 to 70 cm3/mol) offer significant resistance to movement either into the cell or out of the cell. This allows the cell to retain important metabolic intermediates. In order for a cell to selectively regulate its metabolite content it must use transporter molecules which accelerate the rate of entry or export of these species into or out of the cell. Selective expression of specific transporters allows the cell to retain or import molecules that are important for survival and to export molecules that are incompatible with cellular survival. Channels and Carriers There are two classes of protein-mediated transport systems: 1) channels 2) carriers The channels form membrane-spanning pores that allow molecules to diffuse down the electrochemical gradient into or out of the cell. Some channels are gated. They are opened or closed by binding of a ligand or by altered membrane potential. Mapping Shaker channel mutations onto the KcsA structure. Mutations in the voltage-gated Shaker K+channel that affect function are mapped to the equivalent positions in KcsA based on the sequence alignment. Two (of 4) subunits of KcsA are shown. Mutation of any of the white side chains significantly alters the affinity of agitoxin2 or charybdotoxin for the Shaker K+ channel. Changing the yellow side chain affects both agitoxin2 and TEA binding from the extracellular solution. This residue is the external TEA site. The mustard-colored side chain at the base of the selectivity filter affects TEA binding from the intracellular solution [the internal TEA site]. The side chains colored green, when mutated to cysteine, are modified by cysteinereactive agents whether or not the channel gate is open, whereas those colored pink react only when the channel is open. Finally, the residues colored red (GYG, main chain only) are absolutely required for K+ selectivity. D A Doyle et al. Science 1998;280:69-77 Published by AAAS The carriers are an altogether different class of transport mechanism. The carriers appear to present either an import or an export site to the transported molecule but not both sites simultaneously. GLUT1 conformational changes e2 Kenneth Lloyd & Tony Carruthers, 2011 - e2 modeled after the FucP crystal structure and e1 modeled after the GlpT crystal structure e1 Summary - Permeability 1. What is membrane transport? - the movement of molecules across the cell membrane 2. How do you measure transport? - a variety of technologies permit transport measurement 3. When is transport mediated or non-mediated? - mediated transport is protein catalyzed, rapid, stereospecific/saturable and is often inhibited by specific toxins. 4. When is transport passive or active? - when a cell accumulates or exports a substrate beyond its predicted equilibrium distribution. 5. Why do cells need mediated transport systems? - because the cell membrane is an effective barrier to the movement of small polar molecules. 6. What are channels and carriers? - integral, amphipathic membrane proteins that catalyze substrate transport through a pore or through a substrate-promoted conformational change. 57 Table A.1 Molecule Number vdWvol 3 cm .mol Mr -1 P cm.sec Khex -1 Dmem 2 cm .sec Size.corrected P -1 cm2.sec-1 Ethanediol 2 36.5 62 2.90E-05 1.70E-05 6.82E-07 2.24E-03 Ethanol 3 31.9 46.07 2.10E-03 5.70E-03 1.47E-07 9.36E-02 Glycerol 4 51.4 95.12 1.60E-07 2.00E-06 3.20E-08 7.27E-05 n-Hexanol 5 72.9 102.18 8.70E-03 1.3 2.68E-09 51.10334 Methanol 6 21.7 33.05 3.70E-03 3.80E-03 3.89E-07 4.90E-02 n-Propanol 7 42.2 60.1 6.50E-03 3.30E-02 7.88E-08 9.88E-01 Urea 9 32.6 60.6 7.70E-07 3.50E-06 8.80E-08 3.73E-05 Water 10 10.6 18.02 1.20E-03 4.20E-05 1.14E-05 4.24E-03 Water 1 10.60 4.22E-05 methane 2 15.77 2.37E-05 ethane 3 27.04 1.78E-05 n-propane 4 38.31 1.54E-05 n-hexane 5 68.73 7.5E-06 n-heptane 6 78.87 6.46E-06 n-octane 7 90.14 5.62E-06 methyl acetate 8 42.82 1E-07 ethyl acetate 9 52.96 5.62E-08 propyl acetate 10 63.10 1.78E-08 butyl-acetate 11 74.37 1E-08 methanol 12 22.54 5.62E-07 benzene 13 47.32 2.09E-08 Data for Fig. 6