4, TirE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER wnj "v - "V V V " V v wV " "ww v ww w - ? ww ww ww m m w 1003. w m w w- - m m m - if w w w w w w Monday's Special Barpains Offer Hare Sawing Opportunities for ,he Economical Bayers The Leadlnj Dress Gjois H?o$g of fie West Overstocked and Warm Weather Price Cutting Commences RlffM 75 pieces of Imported Bearskin, Leopard skins, etc., all colors that sell at $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00 yard, at, yard G9 yard, all cut In two. 100 pieces of Blacks and Colored, sells at 91.25 and $1.60, will go, Popular meed Wool Dress Goods all wool Panamas, strictly at 88 all wool 3)s 75 pieces Blacks end Colored, sells all wool Storm Serge... 49 at $1.75 and $1.98 $1.25 76c Serge $1.00 Storm 100 pieces Blacks and Colored, $1.25 and $1.50 Panamas.. G9 75 sells at $2.25 and $2.60. .$1.49 60c Storm Serge, $1.25 values, 100 pieces Blacks and Colored, at 75 sells at $3.00 and $3.50. .$1.03 $1.00 French Plaids 6t) 75c pieces Blacks and Colored, $1.00 Scotch Plaids 4JJ ells at $4.00 and $5.00. .$2.30 Mail Orders Paid Strict Attention. Now. 60 places of Black and Colored Dress Goods, sells now at 11.00 THK RELIABLE STORE Sheets': Pillow Cases In onr High Grade Linen Dept. Monday $1.10 Sheets, 81x90, each 83 $1.00 Sheets, 81x90, each 794J 89c Sheets, 81x90, each 69 79c Sheets, 81x90, each G5 75c Sheets, 81x90, each 5f)t 69c Sheets, 81x90, each 55f 65c Sheets, 81x90, each 49 90c Sheets, 72x90. each 69 85c Sheets,' 72x90, each 79c Sheets, 72x90, each 5J) 75c Sheets 72x90, each 55 69c Sheets, 72x90, each 49t 65c Sheets, 72x90, each 45 60c Sheets, 72x90, each grade dimity Marseilles Bed 75 high Spreads, full size, cut corners, worth j. 00 each, special Monday, each... S3. 35 n customers should take advantage of our popular mall order good hoar unbleached, 7 Ho . ,.34o value at bleached muslin, 7 Ho value, at 3Ho Extra heavy unbleached muslin, 8 So 6o value Best heavy aableacbed muslin, 10a value SUo Bo Fine lOo cambric Fine liVie cambrlo 7Vo sheeting, 16o fine bleached t yards wide at 17ito Lockwood. bleached, 80o 10-ln- We defy bleached, 10-- 4 II Ho damask, highly merHell at 69o; Monday enly B5o cerized, t8-imercerized damask, 60c quality, at i4o Turkey Red damask, 190 grade... ISo 15c linen crash SVjo 12M;C linen "crash . ..7V0 10c purely all linen crash .Co Cotton crash, value at 100 different bargains too numerous to mention. Mail orders filled until Friday. Lockwood, 60-i- n. (Jet-ma- 6c Rousing Rug Bargains 30 Skirls Made to Measure $1 Beginning Monday, Oct Biggest Assortment in Omaha for Selection, Highest Quality Goods at Less Than Elsewhere, Brussels Rugs f 18.00 $12.00 9x12 size, big range of patterns lor eelection. 912.60 Brussels Rugs. .$9.25 9x11 Heavy Brussels Rugs, 11 patterns for selection. $30.00 Best Axminster Rugs. $21.98 9x12 size, more patterns thau in any other house In the west. 50.00 Royal Wilton Rugs. .$34.75 Nothing better made. Immense assortment for selection. Look for the name "Royal Wilton." $20.00 Brussels Rugs $14.98 18 patterns for selection, 9x12 size, only one seam. Same quality rug as ...... 54-i- n. t2hcHousef'ng 12-ln- , fl.a Ladles' Tleeced Underwear, worth lie a gar- -' inent, special Monday 49o at 26o, 3 so and Ladles' Union Bolts, good f leeoed garquality, ments, all sites, great bargains, S9o and.. Mo Children's Wool Union Bnlts, 11.50 quality, all 98o size, at Ladles' Testa or Pants-He- avy fleeced garments, (Trent snap. 15c and BOo Children's Union Suits All elites, special at 85o Mall Orders Promptly MM. 1 ruled. wvw Dept. Hangers any of tho above articles for 19V,o Flour and vise, they ssmyww-- i , - b. 8io Pkg. Gossip About Noted People T loved, he was stricken suddenly with parahe died. It seemed lysis, and July 31. as If, with his speech against President Grant, some spring of action which had kept him fighting broke. The rest was peace. Bnsr Life of thr Kaiser. The German emperor riss at 6 a. m., and sometimes earlier, if the press of business Is unusually heavy. At 0 o'clock he reaches h's workroom, dr'nks a cup of tea or bouillon and eats a sandwich, and then he aeats himself before a great desk and commences his labors. At 7 o'clock the emperor receives reports from his adjutants and ministers, devoting three hours to tills task. During this Interval he also audits bills for household euppltes, scnnrjng the accounts of tradesmen with great care. At 10 or 10:30 the emperor breakfasts with his family, his favorite morning meal of oatmeal, bacon and eirgs. After breakfast the emperor usually goes for a strcll, but by o'clock, at l itest, he Is bark lection. "And now," he said, "1 want you to tell at hla office. tn where I can find notices about Grant Grant aa President. In my sorapbooka. Tou remember where A number of striking lncMer-- t of iht you pasted them In. I don't." He got the of General Grant in changing his crapbooks and I put slips of paper In to of view from that of military rom-- n mark the references he wanted. As I rose poinl at.dt-- r to the chief civil magistrate of the to go, he said: States are given In Carl Fchuri's rnlted "Crook, I have com bark to the senate In McClure's magazine. "Tits with two purposes. One Is to do what I leminlsrences tays Mr. St hurt, can to punish the southern brigadiers. They ckakioom of the senate," one arjuther with senators amused led the south into secession, and they have "where day, continued to huts " He the gossip of the The othtjr bad their deserts. with anecdotes about President Grant's paused, and his face darkened. n"tlor,s of the nature and functions "What is the other, Mr. Johnson?" I curious civil government. One of these anecof asked. told by a senator who was consid"The other la to make a speech against dotes, one of the best ianyers In that body ered Grant. And I am going to make It this and one t the moat Jealous of the char-titsession." of his profession, was particularly He made the speech In less than two significant. He heard a rumor that Presiweeks from that evening. It was a clever dent Giant waa about to remove a federal one, too, and bitter. Every point of Gen- J'.dse In ne of the Lrrltcrli-- of the lnltd eral Grant's career which inlglit be consid- HuteJ. The fen. happtm-to know th-ered vulnerable was very skillfully at- Judge aa a lawyer of excellent ability and tacked. The fact that he had t iken Rifts uncommon llt:usa for the bench, at-ha nd that It was suspected he d.-- red u to remonstrate ent to the presldon Mr. third term were played upon. nft so extreme a measure :s the reto moval of a Judge unless there were cogent Johnson did what he htd Intemled do, had been Inteoditg to do ever since reasons for it comedo J with the adminishe left the White House. He was the tration cf the office. best btter I ever knew. "President Grant admitted that, as far as He went back home at the end of the he knew, there was no. allegation of the session, and then to vlalt his daughter. of the Judge, 'but,' he added, 'the Mrs. Stover, la eastern Tunnessee. There, governor of the territory writes ir.e that given Up to the family assentations he he cannot get along with thai Jud.'S at all, 4uaaj tSk and wlin tua grandchildren he and is vary aaxloua to be rid at bun; and con-Utl- er s tr d s Vi-s- ; a-- Hen's Shirts or Drawers, in fine Australian wool or camel's hair, made to sell at $2.60 a garment, on sale at 11.00 Ken's Shirts or Drawers, In fine, quality natural wool, $2.00 a garment values, at fl.SB Ken's Camel Hair Shirts or Drawers, natural gray, slnigle or double breasted, worth up to $2.00 a garment, at 8o Ken's 11.60 All Wool Underwear, grays, tans, and colors, at 75o Ken's Combination Bolts, ilk and wool, all wool, or extra heavy cotton, values to 16.00 a suit. In three big lots, sale prices 93.98, 1.93, 91.60 Ken's Wool f 1 e e o e d Shirts or Drawers, $1 garments, greys or fancies, at 460, 39o and 89e r J has taken another advance will still go higher; we adour customers to buy all can afford; it means a big saving- to you In the near future. We bought five carloads before the advance and while It lasts we will give our customers the. benefit of this purchase. 48-l-Tor Monday's sale only, per saok. , at si.iis This Is the highest patent flour. 10 bars best brand Laundry Soap 26o for The best white or yellow Corn per 16o sack Ml,cans Assorted Soups.... 7 40 The best hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 60 6 na. choice Japan Rice for... 25c The best Pearl Tapioca or Sao. Co lb ficr best Domestic Macaroni, per or double the quantity for 85o OTKXB BAXOUXI MONDAY 76a Japanned Mall Boxes Monday for 390 Men's S1.2S Handled Axes 89o for $1.25 large, heavy Lantern 80o for Any brand Food Chopper 8 So nmde for 11.00 Waffle Irons, bent 79o made ClOSIHO OUT WIJTDOW ax. ass 90 per cent discount on all Window Ulass Monday, Klectrlc Wall Paper Cleaner, Gold Paint, Aluminum Ptove Pipe Knainel, Iron Knarnel, etc., etc., Monday J Co per can, and brush free with everv can. Monday we will hare the biggest sale ever held on Woahlsg Machines, $4.93 Amdrew Johnson's End. 1KUE was one man of those whom hs considered his enemtes whom President Johnson had not forgiven, relates W. H. Crook In Tho Century. It was only a day or two after he took his Boat 1n the senate that he sent for me to come to his hotel the old Wlllard, on Pennsylvania avenue. I found him, on a nearer view, looking very little changed. H was older, of course; there was mote gray In his hair; his whole face looked bleached. He seemed finer to me, nut less strong, but nor delicate. There were no more lines in his face; those that had been there Vers deeper graven; that was all. I asked for all the family, and he told me what there was to . Mrs. Johnson, I knew was still living, but poor Robert Johnson had died soon after his father He spoke to me returned to Tennessee. of them both. The grandchildren were growing up. He told me of his flghta fur As a Paris made glove fits your hand, so will this "Queen Quality" Shoe fit your foot. But fit is only one of a dozen reasons why women prefer "Queen Quality" shoes. $3, $3.50, $4 psicra. mm VJ1 f HU $15, $18 to $22.50 Men's Suits 39c, Wc, 79c Black Silk Specials Three Great $1.00 Black Dress Taffeta, 36-lwide. Black Dress Tafwide, feta, wide. feta, guaranteed ..$1.05 guaranteed guaranteed ttO Mall Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention. $1.25 Black Dress n. I IS I If f VII U a f Wash Goods and Cotton Dress Goods In Our Famous Domestic Room. Paclflo Flanneletts, best made, 10c cloth 7M 16c Cloth 10 19c Cloth 12 Arnold's Fine Flannelettes, known as best made, 15c quality. 8 He 18c quality 10 Arnold's 20c Wrapper Cloth. 7 He Apron Checks 3Ht Genuine Amoskeag Apron Gingham 4H Calcutta and Indigo Blue Prints, 3H at Percales, 10c values... 5 Baby Flannel, half wool....lO Shaker Flannel, heavy 2.ls Amoskeag Outings, 12 Ho values, 82-lnc- h at 8H at GH ... Amoskeag, 10 to 20 yard ploes. 'Cotton Sail Outings, 10c grade 12 Vac Cloth n. 5 8? of a Cyale. H-b- u. .....9 Four Great Furniture Specials Values we do not believe can be duplicated elsewhere in the land. See them Monday and inspect our new and complete fall lines. $14.50 Empire Oak Dresser $7.95 Substantially built, neatly finished and designed, has 3 deep, roomy drawers and good 6ized French plate mirror; great snap Monday at $7.95 Solid wood seat, six stretcher base and broad back; roomy, comfortable and a splendid bargain $1.95 Beautiful New Laces An Immense Line of Real and Imi- tation Irish Crochet LACES them from pieces of ambergris. It Is probable that the bony beaks and other Indigestible parts of the squid Irritate the stomach or the intestines of the whale, causing the secretion of a substance which finally becomes ambergris. "This gradually Increases in amount, blocking more and mors the Intestines. Finally the whale becomes so 111 that it goes Into the little bays or shallow water along shore. This la the custom with sick whales. "There they may be caught, or perhaps they die and are washed ashore. It it is a deserted coast the carcass may disintegrate and finally be carried out te sea again by a high tide and the ambergris become separated from the rest of the body. to think that the whale does not get rid of the ambergris while Although some writers speak of alive. the whale vomiting It forth, I do not believe that happens, for In all esses of which I know anything th ambergrla was not found in the stomach, but In the extremity of the Intestinal tract." Mr. Stull has earned his title of ambergris king by purchasing more of the rare substance than any other one man In the world. But he does not buy on his own account. He acts as agent for the Paris dealer who supplies ambergris to the great French perfumers. He buys therefore on Inclined SHOWN The richest and most popular Dress Trimming of the 'Season. You'll Not Find Them Equaled Elsewhere At Our Prices. Let us show you Monday. C5c Embroideries, yard. 15 The Greatest Snap of the Season. You can well afford to buy Embroideries in this sale for next season's use. Corset Covers, Embroideries, Skirt Flouncing, Embroideries, Fancy Bonds and Inserting. Worth up to 35c yard, all at one price, yard 150 Mail Orders Filled. Special Sale Monday on Zion City Laces American Mfg. Co. J.ac-We are sole Omaha agents for these, The Best Wash Laces Manufactured. s Monday Specials 2.00 Hand Bags, at 950 20c Elastic lklts, at 100 fl.OO Silk Elastic Belts 400 Gold Eye Needles, package 10 SOo Wire Hair Itolls. with attached Combs, each 250 S5c Hair Nets, each 50 85o Silk Ribbons, yard J50 fiOo Fancy Pillow Top 390 The Very Choicest of the Fall Season'js Offerings. SssV Crown Jewel Solid guaranteed oak with bent glass sides and door, French plate mirror in back, beautiful ornamental top; greatest value ever offered, $19.75 $4.25 Sanitary Couch $3.15 Illustration shows it made up as couch; by lifting sides can be made into full sized bed; convenient, comfortable, cleanly; no home should be without one at the price $3.15 All mail orders given prompt attention. $26.00 China Cabinet " t H-b- u. get to remember, or remember to forget. The fellow wlio lands the first blow generally wins, but If we all waited for tiie other fellow to begin, there wouldn't bo any fight. commission, When a fellow begs a girl for a kiss and Tnefe Is never a glut In the ambergris is turned down. It naturally makes h!m feel peeviali to see the way sue slobbers over market. The variation In price Is due not a five weeks' old baby. New York Times. to any oversupply, but to the difference In Although the tho quality of the finds. to Wares of the Ambergris King whalers are so much more onla the alert not a great discover the substance there deal of It brought In for the simple reason (Continued from Page One.) the whaling Industry has so fallen off. or less of a tradition. In hts thirty that Is picking up again, however. Several It years' experience he has known of only one lot of ambergris found that whalers go out of New Bedford now, and way. In every other case of which It la to New Bedford that most of the the facts are actually known to him tne ambergris Is brought. Mr. Stullgiveruns up names the price he will and If substance was secured from the carcass there, up In a gets It, locked he has stuff the deny However, he does whale. not of the commucan safety deposit he vault until esthat It Is sometimes found by Itself, In Paris. There Is pecially as Its origin Is rather favorable nicate with his principal another ouyer In New Bedford, but Mr. to that circumstance. Stull gets more ambergris "st first hands," "We don't know Just what ambergris as his card says, than anybody or Indeed Is," he said as he handled some small everybody rln. pieces reflectively. "We only, know t. at been So far nothing ha It Is the result of some disease or Irrita- which will take the place of amltcrifrls aw tion of a whale's digestive organs. Sperm a base In the manufacture of perfumery. whales feed chiefly on squid or cuttlefish, It Is the best binder known. Dissolved In which would perhaps be a better article alcohol It holds also In solution the vaof diet If they did not have beaks aa hard rious oils and esaencea of which perfumes and as sharp as those of parrots. are composed. "Here are some of these Leaks that I The quality of a perfume depends very have taken from ambergris. And here largely on the amount of ambergris It are the eyes aad feelers of squid; all of contains. The best Frencb perfumers use 4 napkins to match, regular price $5.00, Monday, per set.. $2.48 100 doz. strictly high grade linen towels, good Blze. plain, white and colored borders; best towel value in America, well worth 17o, Monday, each 100 center-piece-s and dresser carfs, plain, hemstitched and open work, 76c values, Monday, each 35 Mail Orders Filled With Care and Promptness. 124 at ISo Printed Sateens IOC 25o Plain Black Sateen. IOC 36-l$1.00 Eiderdown, wide 490 Eiderdown, 39c, 25c and,..18 Mail Orders Filled Until Friday. far win er'f tuaplf Eo bunches fresh Radishes Large Keg Plant, each So 2 heads fresh Celery 5o Cape Cod Cranberries, quart.. 7 Ho Fancy ripe Tomatoes, basket... Bo Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, per lb 2o 6 bunches fresh Onions 6o Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per lb. ..2o Fancy Hubbard Squash, each... 6c 2 iieads fresh Cabbage So Fresh Roamed Peanuts, quart.. 5o No. 1 English Wnlnuts, per lb. ,16o Fancy Imported Figs, per lb. 12 Ho Large juicy Lemons, dozen,.., 15o Fancy Calif. Freestone Peaches, per crate 75c Fancy Calif. Clingstone Peaches. per crate 65o basket Green Tomatoes. 15o basket Sweet Green Peppers 26o for 25o Italian Blue Plums, per bu Fancy Tokay Grapes, per bu....40o h ....89H 5 "I am Some people are altogether too proper to bo Interesting. The fool and his money are soon parted, but there are lota more. ha It Isn't what a man wants but what , has, that makes him contented. If the energy that wonmen expend In making fools of men could be concentrated but what's the use uf speculating with Impossible problems? M There are lots of things we should for- German Table Damask, usually tells at 75c yard, Monday, yard 48 16 patterns table cloths, size 24 pure yards, warranted linen, heavy, double damask, worth at least $5.00, Monday, ea.$2.50 tO doz. full dlnner-sls- e bleached napkins, strictly pure flax, worth $4.00 doz., Monday, 6 for 9S 25 hemstitched dinner sets, pure linen table cloth, with Vi dozen 60 86-lnc- Linen Depl Monday e Greatest bargains ever. See large ad elsewhere in paper for particulars. ..lo I think the governor Is entitled to have control of his staff. The senator closed his story by saying that he found It to be a delkate us well as a difficult Job to make the great gerjeraj in the chair of the president of the United States understand how different the relations between a territorial governor and a federal Judge were from those between a military oummander and hla staff officers. The anecdote waa received by the listeners with a laugh, but the mirth was not far from headshuklng apprehension. However, there being sincere and perfect good will on both aides, things went on pleasantly In the expectation that the military hero at the head of the government would learn what he need to know and that the men In political places rf power would treat him with due consideration and fairness." High-Grad- Taf-$1.- 36-ln- ch $2.50 Arm Rocker Zest Breakfast Food, pkg 60 Wheat Berries, pkg; 5o Dinger Snaps, per lb 60 Fresh Crisp Pretzels, per lb 60 Choice Italian Prunes, per lb. ...6c California Bvap. Peaohes, lb.,.10o Fancy cleaned Currants, lb. ..8WC Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb 7 Ho Fancy Muscatel Cooking Raisins, per lb 7 Ho BUTTE AITS CKEZ8B 11X1 MOITDAY Choice Dairy Butter, per lb. Fancy Country Butter, per lb. J 10 Fancy No. 1 Craamery Butter.. 25o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb.,.16o So Neufehatel Cheese, each Bap Sago Cheese, each 7 He TBTT1T rSESn BAIiB and TEOBTAJBXtB MONDAY lOo Fresh Spinach, per peck Fancy Cauliflower, per lb lOo t heads fresh hothouse Lettuoe 6o Rmaka WOOL BLANKETS tl.BO Wool Blankets 85 11.98 Wool Blankets t)5 $2.25 Wool Blankets S1.U3 $2.60 Wool Blankets $1.40 $3.00 Wool Blankets 81.75 $3.5.0 Wool Blankets $1.98 $4.00 Wool Blankets. .$2.25 $5.00 Wool Blankets $2.00 HOME-MAD- E COMFORTABLES All large size, fine white cotton-kno- tted 10 pieces High Grade Scotch and two-oar-lo- ad $31.98 - . 42-i- n. .adles' fine silk and wool Union Suits, very special bargains fur Aionday's seiiintr, 12. 9S 98.60 and .adles Wool Union Suits underprlced at freatly Hera are prices tbat count. 10-- 4 Cotton Blankets, each...22H 10-- 4 Cotton Blankets, each 20 lArge $1.00 Cotton Blankets, pr.5) Large $1.25 Cotton Blankets, pr.7 Large $1.50 Cotton Blankets, pr.y5 Large $1.98 Cotton Bl'kets, pr.$1.10 In Our The mills offered na a tremendous dlaoount to reoelve a shipment of men's, ladiea' children's winter nnderwsar, shipped too late for and use In oar Jobbing; department. The price concession enables us to offer them to onr customers while they last at I.ES3 TIL. IT KAMWAOUVMllSLB' COST $30.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs $18.98 9x12 size, special, same quality as above, with one seam, at.. $15.98 80c Quality Linoleums, right from the roll, square yard 7 foot Window Shades, best oil opaque, on sale 39 T foot Window Shades, best quality, water colors, at 22 W "Cm Lace Curtain Stretcher, made from basswood 085 Mall Orders Promptly Filled. Send for Linoleum and Rug Catalogues. rt . 48-l- n. Blanket and Comfortables Dept. elegant novelties, plain 6atins, messalines, Louisienea, taf fetas, etc., regular values to $1.50 a yard in three lots Unprecedented Value Giving $1 5th THK RELIABLE STORE and well made. $2.00 Homemade Comfortables $1.49 $2.50 Homemade Comfortables $1.85 $3.00 Homemade Comfortables $2.10 $4.00 Homemade Comfortables $2.50 $5.00 Homemade Comfortables $U.39 Mall Orders Filled Until Friday. Winter Underwear at Less Than Milt Cost -6 theve well known brands of roods at one-ha- lf prioe Monday. Mrs. Vreoman's Sink i boStrainer; genuine 26o Wilton Bread Toaster, galvanised Water falls; ISo Folding launch Boxes, japanned; 2 60 atone or Iron enameled large Cans; one extra large or two smaller drip pans; Turkey Feather Dunters; t5o strong- Carpet Beaters; 2bo enameled Colanders, large size; No. t Cold Handle Frying-Panworth !5c; heavy braided 25a clothes lines, union made Parlor Broom: large linen or cotton Mops, 2So quality; two large rolls 10a Tit-su- e Toilet Paper; 125 clothes pins, Monday. at lavio Four wire or wooden Coat ON EVERY and VOU SAVE 20 SPOOL OP THREAD YOU USE. Remember the price ONLY FOUR CENTS PER SPOOL Mail Orders Carefully Filled. are the auiounU necessary for making. Perfect fit guaranteed or money refunded. Take advantage of this great offer at once. slse, on sale $12.98 $40.00 Extra Axinlnster Rug size, great snap, sale price It will not be necessary for as to explain auality on Is stronger and better finished than any other thread on the market, " above. 25c Articles Monday of the MUTUAL THREAD at 9 A. M. and continuing for one week we will make you a skirt to measure From any material youl d jn ( Twelve elegant new may select in our great 4) II styles to select from Dress Goods stock at H work done by a fir&t- $1.00 a yard and up J class Ladies' Tailor. goods, b yds. goods, 5J4 yds. 44 yds. goods f at t5 $1.50 Silks Monday at 79c A big shipment of beautiful new dress silk just received, SO you're now using. Is NOT made or controlled by the Thread Trust. We have secured for the City of Omaha and Vicinity the exclusive ale both Wholesale and Retail Exceptional Redactions on all Sheetings, Muslins, Cotton Flannels tft-ln- per rent on every spool of thread yon use. It Is a better thread than the one Save 3G-in- Tickings, Sheetings and Heavy Domestics. any other house to beat the following prices: Great October Silk Sale The Best Thread f '.'-' v .. .' Tailor Suits, the choice of all discriminating women at the prices $25.00 Scores of new and exclusive designs for Monday. hear the coon melodies and see the clog and buck dancing, and laughs at the old minstrel Jokes that ara resurrected each year for the ears of the carnival visitors. g Next oomes Colonel Hall's wonderful circus, gentlemen and ladles, the most remarkable aggregation of rare and beautiful animals In captivity, the most remarkable collection of trick animals, dogs, elephant, monkeys, roaring lions and tigers, growling leopards, ever offered for the entertainment of the public Buy your tickets here at only a quarter of a dollar. Inside the tent he sees the elephant curling Its trunk around tufts of hay and the carnal quietly munching its evening meal, while around the first tent are arranged the cages containing the rare and wonderful collection. The real show he finds Is In the circus tent proper. There the trick elephant goes through Its tricks with Intelligence almost human. Then the troupe of trained doga do cunning and aagaclous things and keep the crowd In a roar by their drollery. Next comes the high school twenty-tw- o announced as the most wonderful ever trained. Finally come the trainers of savage beasts who enter the dena and poke their wards up to roaring r witnessing this entertainment his mind runs to the big Wild West show he saw aa he entered the grounds and he wisely decides his trip would be Incomplete If he did not take this In, too. He Is right In this wild west direct from Coney Island he applauds above all else the remarkable marksmanship of Princess Wenona who pierces glass balls thrown In the air In sets of three and four. Even more skillful than this Is her feat of breaking twenty glass balls on a swinging frame In Just twenty shots, no more and no less. Princess Wenona waa one of the features of the carnival and her recognition was well deserved. Then of course, there Is the lasso throwing and the riding by clown and cowboy of the savage little donkeys that all comers. After this there Is time for another ramble down the Highway. There Is Bare no, the wild man, w ho cowers In his deep den and growls savagely whenever his keeper punches him In the ribs. There Is the octopus, the fierce monster of the deep that used to overthrow ships and devour sailors aa a before breakfast diversion. Stranger than thia Is tne No Name freak with diminutive legs and arms which be uses for walking while ha makea his deformed toes do the duty of Samson's Entertaining Ways fingera Also In the freak class Is Wild Hose, the Abyslnnlaa girl, who devours or (Continued from Page Three.) threatens to devour live rattlesnakes and platform. The voice of the colored crier allows the venomous reptiles to run their attracts aim to tiie show aad be goes to fangs ia to bar arm at will. There to also six ounces of ambergris to a gallon. One or two manufacturers in this country use the same proportion. Others put In four ounces. In cheaper perfumes It Is cut down to two ounces, and so on sntll the very lowest grudes are reached, In which there is not a trace of ambergris. The consequence Is that the mixture has no permanence whatever. Mr. Stull Is not only the ambergris king, he la also an oil ruler of some sort, although not the sort to make John D. tremble on his throne. Mr. Stu'l Is the only man In the world, so he thinks, who buys porpoises, tries out their oil and makea It into the extremely delicate lubricating oil used for clocks and watches. Mechanism of peculiarly nice adustment should not be oiled with the mineral oils which are really the ony ones now furThese nished by general manufacturers. lubricants stiffen with cold or become dry The and hard under other conditions. only reliable oil for use on any delicately adusted mechanism is secured from porpoises and blackflsh. Years ago black fish were rather plentiful. Occasionally immense schools of them came ashore on Cape Cod and were killed by the hundred. But the black fish has become rare Indeed now and 'blackflah oil Is scarce and costly. Porpoises are now the chief dependence of Mr. Stull for the watch and clock supply. In the top of the head of the porpoise Is a small cav.ty and In each Jaw bone there Is another. These yield the finest of the oil. That from the top of the head is d porcalled the melon oil. From a poise only half a p.nt of this best oil Is obtained. It la secured by trying out and Is then refined carefully and la put up in small vlula containing about half an ounce eacu. This Is watch oil. From the body of the porpoise a larger quantity of oil, but of a somewhat inferior graue, Is secured. Tills is used for clocks. Not only for ordinary clocks, but for clock mechanUms, such as those In lighthouses for the regulation of the light. The government Is Indeed Mr. Stull s most Impirlunt customer la this line, buying thoussnds of bottles of oil a year. Uncle Sam knows better th in to trust machinery upon which dperd the llv.s of men and the safely of alilpa to anything but the finest of flab oil. one-rin- fury-Afte- full-alze- de-fl- the fat boy, so big he can pnly ait and at the people, the double woman, the cute little horse, weighing only 76 pound, when In good health, and reduced to 60 pounds by an Indisposition. In order to get his mind off the freakish and back to the true tnd the heaut'ful the average alght-seturns thankfully to the electrlo theater with Its moving pictures of real life and romance. Instructive as well as amusing la the Spanish wsr exhll.lt with Its collections of Spanish and Filipino weapons, strange garbs and utensils from other lands and Its many other suggestions of war times. After this the mind runs again to the frivolous and the management evlde:itl; with an eye to psyoology, has placet nearby the gaudy tent with the sign in front announcing "Gsy Pares," with a of all that goes with a show from that naughty city. Thla lan't so "awful ' though and the mind turns to the simple mirth of the Red Mill, where sinuous ways, wobbly sidewalks, mystic mirrors and dark and windy passageways carry one along lrrestlbly but uncertainly until one Is finally ejected at the exit feeling foolish, but laughing nevertheless. Almost a tw n to the Red Mill is the Merry Wld w s Finish that lures the crowd in with a promise of mystery and then throws them out with a shaky feeling about the H'.mn'u. The smallest performers on the Illghwiy were the little fleas that gave a continuous vaudeville In a tent on the north division of the street. Trained insects pro vol to be a novelty and the tent waa crowded day and night with people anxious to watch the little fellows rolling balls, drawing miniature wagons and hopping around at Nearby the command of their trainer. was the Phenomenal show, with a large sign announcing It was for men only, and the London Show of Anatomy, with grew-som- e skeletons and skulls pi seed aide by side with beautiful models of women s head a. Impressive in Its warning to young and old was the Opium Den with Its colored victim of the dope habit rolling, cooking and then smoking the elualve drut;. The crowd looked on the scene and then went away shuddering at the horror It depleted. Besides the regular admission shows there were scattered over the grounds penny machines, penny phonographs, booths and stands where all the desires of the average man, bent on getting ail the fun out of Ufa there Is In it, oould snpoy himself to the limit. With the list of separata attractions nlng above thirty, it would be a fastidious carnival visitor who oould not find a nu use-mt to bla particular liking on tha King's Highway thla year. look er n pic-ti-- re n en