Unit Name: _Economics Big Idea _ Benchmark: ______ Program of Studies – Skills/Concepts Core Content Standards (4.1) BCPS 4th Grade Curriculum Map Social Studies 1 Dates:_ Weeks 10-12______ Learning Objectives D O K Critical Vocabulary Economics SS-04-3.1.1 Economic Decisions The learner will be able to describe scarcity and explain how scarcity requires people in Kentucky to make economic choices (e.g., use of productive resources - natural, human, capital) and incur opportunity costs. SS-04-3.2.1 Profit, Risks The learner will be able to explain how profit motivates individuals/businesses to take risks in producing goods and services. SS-04-3.3.1 Markets / Goods and Service The learner will be able to give examples of markets; explain how they function and how the prices of goods and services are determined by supply and demand. SS-04-3.3.2 Competition, influence The learner will be able to explain how competition among buyers and sellers influences the price of goods and . services in our state, nation and world SS-04-3.4.1 Production/Distrib/Consump The learner will be able to describe production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in regions of Kentucky and the U.S. SS-04-3.4.2 Terms / Specialization The learner will be able to describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increases productivity and promotes trade between regions of Kentucky and the United States (e.g., Midwest - corn, South - citrus). SS-04-3.4.3 Interdependence The learner will be able to define interdependence and give examples of how people in our communities, states, nation and world depend on each other for goods and services. BCPS 4th Grade Curriculum Map Social Studies SS-4-E-U-1 Students will understand that the basic economic problem confronting individuals and groups in Kentucky today is scarcity; as a result of scarcity, economic choices and decisions must be made. SS-4-E-S-1 Students will develop an understanding of the nature of limited resources and scarcity: a) use a variety of sources to research and give examples of productive resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) found in regions of Kentucky explain why individuals, groups, and businesses must make economic decisions due to the scarcity of resources SS-4-E-U-2 Students will understand that a variety of fundamental economic concepts impact individuals and groups. SS-4-E-S-1 Students will develop an understanding of the nature of limited resources and scarcity: a) use a variety of sources to research and give examples of productive resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) found in regions of Kentucky explain why individuals, groups, and businesses must make economic decisions due to the scarcity of resources SS-4-E-S-1 Students will develop an understanding of the nature of limited resources and scarcity: investigate banks in Kentucky; explain and give examples of the roles banks play (e.g., loan money, save money) in helping people deal with scarcity SS-4-E-U-4 Students will understand that markets enable buyers and sellers to exchange goods and services. SS-4-E-S-1 Students will develop an understanding of the nature of limited resources and scarcity: investigate and give examples of markets (past and present); and explain how goods and services were/are exchanged SS-4-E-U-5 Students will understand that production and distribution of goods and services have changed over time in Kentucky. SS-4-E-S-2 Students will use a variety of sources to investigate and trace change over time (e.g., draw, chart, map, timeline) in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services (e.g., products made in Kentucky) SS-4-E-U-6 Students will understand that individuals, groups and businesses demonstrate interdependence as they make economic decisions about the use of resources (e.g., natural, human, capital) in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. SS-4-E-S-3 Students will investigate and give examples of specialization and explain how it promotes trade between places and regions of the United States (e.g., Kentucky imports and exports, Midwest exports corn, South exports citrus) 2 Relevant Vocabulary: Scarcity Economic Choices Productive Resources Capital Opportunity Costs Profit Risks Goods Services Markets Supply and Demand Distribution Consumption Specialization Interdependence Limited Resources Imports and Exports Assessment Information ORQ 3.1.1 ORQ 3.2.1 ORQ 1 - 3.3.1 ORQ 2 - 3.3.1 ORQ 3.3.2 ORQ 3.4.1 ORQ 1 - 3.4.2 ORQ 2 - 3.4.2 BCPS 4th Grade Curriculum Map Social Studies Resources Kentucky Department of Agriculture binder on economics. See web site for specific lesson plans. 3 Curriculum Connections Also covered during weeks 8, 9.