The Viking Voice A publication for the students, faculty & staff of Sampson Community College May 2015 Spring Into Action “Spring Into Action” was this year’s theme for Spring Fling held on April 2, 2015. Students, faculty and staff enjoyed the festivities that included food, entertainment, music, and fellowship. This year’s highlights included a mechanical bull ride, big foot race, and inflat able basketball. At the green screen, students took themed pictures by themselves or with a group and received their very own photo souvenir. A professional caricaturist sketched fun cartoon portraits of students and balloon twisting art was provided and featured customized designs including hats, cartoon characters, animals, flowers and more. INSIDE THIS ISSUE SCC Launches New Website 2 Everybody is Not 2 a Customer A VOICE Mail 3 SCC Gives Back 4 College Services Survey 5 Disability Services 6 IST Certificate Completers 6 Make It and Take 7 It Spring Fair Spring Fling always showcases clubs and organizations and this year was no different. Clubs participated in a variety of ways ranging from sharing information, demonstrating a airplane flight simulator and conducting raffles. Participating clubs and organizations included the Criminal Justice Club, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Safe Space A l l i a n c e , Education Club, Native American S t u d e n t Association, Computer Club and the Student Government Association. The most exciting part of the day was the costume contest. The student and faculty/staff member with the best action character costume won a gift card. Spring Fling is an annual event planned and coordinated by the SCC Student Government Association (SGA) and is typically held the week before Easter Break. - Holly Brewington, SGA Advisor Students Visit 4-Year Universities Student Support Services participants were given the opportunity to visit Fayetteville State University (FSU) on March 27, 2015 and East Carolina University (ECU) on April 16, 2015. During each visit, students were provided information on the transfer process, majors, and academic support programs. Students also toured the campus and had lunch in the dining hall. The following students participated in the FSU visit: Kiera Cherry, Dancy Ch est nutt, Da ma rius Monroe, Deanna Florido, Rosalee Mann, Latasha Lesene, Maria Resendiz, and Dennis Patrick. The following students participated in the ECU visit: Susan Buchanan, E l i z a b et h B u c h an a n , Deandra Mercer, Allan Darden, Dennis Patrick, Melody Anders, Aaron Kirk, Rosalee Mann, Latasha Lesene, and Sandra Mejia-Martinez. The following Student Support Services staff accompanied students on each visit: James Carr, Director of Student Support Services; Martha Bass, Advisor/Tutor (Continued on page 3) Page 2 The Viking Voice SCC Launches Newly Redesigned Website SCC has launched its new website and students who often use smartphones will find it very user-friendly. The site, which has a newer, fresher look and features the college’s new logo design, was built as a responsive w e b s i t e . Responsive means that the site provides an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling regardless of the platform used to access it. Smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers were all taken into consideration during the design process. An important goal was to allow users the ability to navigate anywhere on the website or find what they Student Services Web Page needed within three clicks. The site prominently features Moodle, Office 365 and WebAdvisor on the left navigation bar of the home page. Navigation links to those destinations are also placed in the lower -left of every page for the convenience of students. Immediately you will notice the streamline menu at the top that includes Admissions, S t u d e n t Services, SCC Foundation, Academics and m o r e . Students, faculty, staff and visitors will find the new website to be resourceful and easily accessible. We encourage everyone to bookmark the site at and visit often. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook! - Dan Grubb, Public Information Officer Everybody is not a Customer! Yes, you heard me correctly. Everyone in the world is not going to purchase your product or service. Often when working with small businesses I will ask “Tell me who your target market is to sell your product or service to?” Most, very quickly answer, “Everybody” or “Anyone who wants what I am offering”. Therefore, the next best step is to target the type of customer that would purchase from our store. Going after a target market begins with strategizing and better understanding the demographics of your particular area. The days of hoping a customer walks in off the street are far behind us and people’s schedules explode a bit more each month. Technology creeps into eve ry as p ect of a customer’s life vying for attention. Purchasers are now making decisive and well educated choices. Marketing research author Mandy Porta of Inc. online magazine says it best “Targeting a specific market does not mean that you have to exclude people that do not fit your criteria from buying from you. Rather, target marketing allows you to focus your marketing dollars and brand message on a specific market that is more likely to buy from you.” She is very correct with this simple concept, now let’s figure out who falls into your target market area. Below are a few thoughts to consider when identifying a target market: Who are your current customers and why are (Continued on page 5) Page 3 Universities (cont.) (Continued from page 1) Coordinator, and Kimberly P h il pott , Co un sel or/ Retention Specialist. If you are a prospective or current student at Sampson Community College and would like more information about Student Support Services, please contact the staff at (910) 592-8081. Student Support Services is located in the John Thurman Denning Library. Student Support Services Staff Advising to Value Opportunities in Career and Education Advising is More Than Registration Hopefully you have seen your advisor recently as part of your course planning for Summer and Fall. Your advisor should have discussed which classes would be most appropriate for you to take during the next two semesters and removed the advising hold so you could register, but they are a great resource for so much more. Advisors can also help connect you with campus resources and discuss career and transfer options. QEP TRIVIA Answer to last month’s question: Name at least one thing you can learn from the Noel Levitz College Student Inventory that students take in their ACA 111 or 122 course. The Noel Levitz assesses potential barriers students may face in areas such as: academic motivation, general coping, and receptivity to support services. It also makes specific, individualized recommendations for the student. Learn more: Students, ACA instructors, and advisors all get a report generated from the Noel-Levitz College Student Inventory. Additionally, SCC looks at a summary report of results from all the students that took the inventory that semester. The intended use of these reports is to reach out to students early in their college careers with information that will support their academic success. Comments, suggestions and articles for publication are always welcome. Email your submission to Page 4 The Viking Voice Student Reminders GRADUATION Graduation will be held on Friday/May 15, 2015 at the Sampson County Exposition Center. The commencement ceremony will start promptly at 7:00 pm. Please note that there will not be a rehearsal prior to graduation exercises. Graduates must report to the Expo Center Heritage Hall promptly at 6:00 pm on the day of graduation for the procession line-up. SCC Gives Back During the month of March, the SCC Student Government Association (SGA) organized a collection drive for the Falcon Children's Home located in Falcon, NC. The Falcon Children’s Home (originally Falcon Orphanage) is a fully accredited home that is licensed by the State of North Carolina and has been providing a home for children who for whatever reason are unable to live with their parents in a regular home setting. "Throughout the academic year, the SGA organizes several collection drives for local organizations and programs," said Tracy Kirkland, SGA President. "This year, the Pictured left to right: Liz Neighbors (Falcon Director of Marketing), Agueda Aranda (SGA Secretary), Holly Brewington (SGA Advisor), Tracy Kirkland (SGA President), Joey Leggett (Falcon CEO) and Deandra Mercer (SGA Member). SGA chose Falcon Children's Home because they also help children from Sampson County in addition to the other surrounding counties." During the collection drive, the SGA collected hygiene items such as soap, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant and much more. Thanks to donations from students, faculty, and staff, the SGA c o l l ec t e d over 300 items. "I am very proud of the SGA for taking on this task and we are all honored to be able to help the children," said Holly Brewington, SGA Advisor at SCC. Several students were fortunate to deliver the items to the home on April 24, 2015. During the visit, the staff treated the students to a complimentary lunch and gave them a tour of the facility. Agueda Aranda, SGA Secretary, was delighted about this opportunity. "I was truly amazed at the resources that are available to help the children there and it was a very humbly experience." To learn more about the SGA visit the Student Services web page at Click on Student Life. Holly Brewington, SGA Advisor Page 5 College Services Survey The College Services Survey is an ongoing effort to obtain feedback from SCC students in a systematic way. This effort provides the college with an overview and serves as a tool to make improvements to its programs and services. Understanding students' experiences and satisfaction is important in the college’s efforts to enrich the student experience and to make SCC a more student-centered college. Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey by the end of the 2015 Spring Semester. Click the link below to access the survey If you have questions, please contact Angela Warner in the Planning and Research Office at (910) 592-8081 ext. 2006. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Customer (cont.) (Continued from page 2) they buying from you? Do current customers share common characteristics? If so, which ones bring you the most business? Who are your competitors targeting? Who are their current customers? Are you offering the same exact products? What exactly are you selling and why do people need this item or service? Once that is defined feel free to start charting out lists of current customers who would potentially be interested in such products. Consider also demographics: age, location, gender, income level, education level, marital or family status, occupation, and ethnic background. Also it is helpful to consider the following characteristics of your target market: personality, lifestyles, behavior, values, and attitudes. Once you have answered each of these in detail, a few other questions will need to be considered. You will begin to evaluate your customers. Porta recommends the following questions: Are there enough people in the area to fit that criteria? Will the target market benefit from or see the need for my product? Can the target market I have chosen afford the product or service? How easily accessible is the target market to reach with my message about my product or service? Once you have thoroughly thought through these questions and can give solid answers, the building a marketing plan becomes much easier. If you need assistance in identifying your target market, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Small Business Center at S ampson Community College. It is my privilege to help you to find the resources to identify a target market. Our services are confidential and free of charge. To make an appointment, please call Amanda Bradshaw at (910) 592-7176 ext. 2032 o r e m a i l a t – Amanda Bradshaw, Director of the Small Business Center To make an appointment, contact Amanda Bradshaw (910) 592-7176 Page 6 The Viking Voice Disability Services College life poses many different challenges for students with disabilities. SCC is committed to creating an accessible campus community where students with disabilities have an opportunity to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from its academic programs, by providing accommodations as deemed necessary. Disability Services at SCC is available to assist students with their accommodation needs. Services are voluntary, confidential and provided only upon the request of the student. To learn more about Disability Services offered here at SCC, please contact: Dr. Tonita Smith, Counselor Student Services Department North Building/Office 126 (910) 592-8084, Ext. 2025 IST Certificate Completers Congratulations to the Spring 2015 certificate completers of the Industrial Systems Technology (IST) program! For their commitment in achieving a certificate each student received an IST ball cap. The IST curriculum is designed to prepare or up-grade individuals to service, maintain, repair, or install equipment for a wide range of industries. Kevin Lender Aaron Boyette Jayden Clark Nick Perez Visit Mrs. Holly Brewington in Student Services to find out more about SGA and other activities on the SCC campus. (910) 592-8084 ext. 2018 Page 7 Make It and Take It Spring Fair On March 26, 2015 the Education Club at SCC and Education Division students hosted a “Make it and Take it Spring Fair” night for our local providers who work with children in the Sampson County area. Each semester in the fall and again in the spring, the Education Division students plan and implement this event as an outreach and extension of what we are learning in classes at SCC. This event also serves as a leadership opportunity and networking event for Education Division students as they lead in professional development for peers and future coworkers in the county. This year, several students who took part in the planning and preparation process for the fun evening. Mrs. Jo Ellen Axthelm, Education Club Advisor, assisted in shopping and helping the students as needed. The evening was part of a larger “mini grant” funded by the SCC Foundation. Many thanks to the Foundation for extending this opportunity to the students. Students who led during the event included: Katelyn O’Neil, Education Club President; Emily Jones, Education Club Vice -President; Codi Brindle, Early Childhood Education Student, and Melissa Wrench, Early Childhood Student. Thirty one energetic and fun adults came after working full days with children to learn more about some fun spring activities they could take back to their classrooms. Mr. Perry Gillespie, Professional Development Coordinator in the Education Division, assisted in the evening by recruiting the attendees and assuring a great turn out. The students planned six fun activities which covered the areas of learning to include: math, science, art, music/poetry, literacy, and festive snacks. The evening was a huge success and the Education Club and students hope to do this again next year! Jo Ellen Axthelm, Instructor New Moodle Mobile App Would you like to have Moodle at your fingertips? The Sampson Community College Distance Learning Department has an app for that! The Moodle Mobile is the Moodle official mobile application for Android and iOS. Its new design is built on HTML5 and CSS3. Find it on Google Play and the Apple Store. The app offers many great features: Quick access to your course contents View calendar events Upload any type of file and/or picture from your device to your Moodle private files area And much more! The DL Department would like to know what you think. Please email your feedback to - Marion Pope, Distance Learning Assistant CALENDAR May 6-12 Final Exams June 18 9:00 am ACCUPLACER Placement Test May 15 7:00 pm Graduation June 23 Commencement @ Sampson 9:00 am ACCUPLACER County Exposition Center Placement Test May 18 Registration for Summer Classes May 19 Summer Semester starts May 21 9:00 am ACCUPLACER Placement Test May 25 SCC Closed in observance of Memorial Day June 24 9:00 am New Student Orientation @ Technology Bldg. Room 213 June 29 9:00 am New Student Orientation @ Occupational Bldg. Room 140 June 30 9:00 am ACCUPLACER Placement Test May 28 9:00 am ACCUPLACER Placement Test Mission Statement The mission of Sampson Community College is to provide accessible and affordable education, workforce training, and lifelong enrichment. This mission is accomplished through effective teaching, student support, public outreach, and partnering with others to improve the quality of life for the people of Sampson County. Accreditation Sampson Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award the associate degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-6794500 for questions about the accreditation of Sampson Community College. SGA is on Facebook! Click on the icon or visit studentgovernmentassociationscc Also, visit the Sampson Community College Facebook page SampsonCommunityCollege President Paul Hutchins, Ed.D. Board of Trustees Michael Chestnutt (Chair), Sandra Carroll (Vice-Chair), Nash Johnson, Chris Fann, Carole Robinson, Willie D. Jacobs, R. Pat Jones, Robert O. Sanderson, Randy Jacobs, Barbara Faison, Larinda Haight, Jimmy Thornton, Tracy Kirkland (Student Representative) Campus Information 1801 Sunset Avenue Clinton, NC 28328 Phone (910) 592-8081 Fax (910) 592-8048 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER