Suggested Courses for ME Students Interested in Thermal/Fluids Sciences:
Required courses:
ME 2124 – Intro Thermal Fluids Engineering (2 credits)
Basics of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Fluid and thermal properties of materials. Ideal gas equation of state. First law of thermodynamics in closed systems. Transient heat transfer. First law of thermodynamics in open systems. Fluid mechanics balances, open systems.
Emphasis on applications in all topic areas. I,II,III. Pre: ESM 2104. Co: MATH 2214.
ME 3124 – Thermodynamics (3 credits)
Classical thermodynamics and its applications. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: property tables, property software, equations of state. First law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics. Gas mixtures. Combustion: atom and energy balances. Power and refrigeration cycles.
I,II. Pre: ME 2124, (MATH 2214 or MATH 2214H).
ME 3404 – Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)
Comprehensive first course in basic and applied fluid mechanics. Fluid properties, statics, kinematics, and dynamics. Euler's and Bernoulli's equations. Hydrodynamics. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Real fluids, laminar and turbulent flows. Boundary layer model and approximate analysis. Compressible flow and propulsion devices. Flow measurement. Introduction to turbomachinery with applications. I,II. Pre:
ME2124, (MATH2214 or MATH 2214H).
ME 3304 – Heat and Mass Transfer (3 credits)
Comprehensive basic course in heat and mass transfer for mechanical engineering students. Principles of conduction, convection, and radiation with applications to heat exchangers and other engineering systems. Pre: 2124, (MATH 2214 or MATH 2214H).
ME 4124 – Computer Aided Design of Fluid-Thermal Systems (3 credits)
Review of physical laws and engineering concepts introduced in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer with applications. Emphasis on analysis, modeling, and design of engineering systems, components and physical phenomena with state-of-the-art computer software. Pre: ME 3124, ME 3304,
ME 3404.
ME 4015-4016 – Engineering Design and Project (6 credits total)
Select from one of the projects with a thermal/fluids emphasis.
Technical Electives:
A limit of 6 credits of List #2 technical electives can be used to satisfy the 15 credits of technical electives required to earn a BSME degree. There is no limit in List #1 technical electives. Be sure to consult the current list of approved technical electives for the year in which you plan to graduate to make sure the courses listed below are valid technical electives.
List #1 Technical Electives:
AOE 3104 – Aircraft Performance (3 credits)
Performance of aircraft. Analysis of fluid statics and dynamics affecting aircraft performance. Hydrostatics of the standard atmosphere and development of basic equations of fluid dynamics. Lift and drag. Aircraft static performance. Rates of climb, endurance, range, take off and landing, and turn performance. Pre: ESM
2104. Co: ESM 2304.
AOE 3204 – Naval Architecture (3 credits)
Buoyancy of ocean vehicles. Hull geometry, line drawings, coefficients of form. Hydrostatic calculations, development of a computer program for hydrostatic analysis. Review and calculations. Intact and damaged stability of ocean vehicles. Large angle stability. Stability criteria. Viscosity. Stress in a fluid.
Basic laws of fluid dynamics. Must have a C-or better in pre-requisites ESM 2104 and MATH 2224. Pre:
ESM 2104, MATH 2224. Co: ESM 2304.
AOE 4064 – Fluid Flows in Nature (3 credits)
Course designed to build upon and broaden a basic traditional engineering knowledge of fluid flows into areas concerning a variety of natural occurrences and phenomena that involve fluid motions in important ways. Drag of sessil systems and motile animals, gliding and soaring, flying and swimming, internal flows in organisms, low Reynolds number flows, fluid-fluid interfaces, unsteady flows in nature and wind engineering. Pre: 3014 or CEE 3304 or ESM 3024 or ME 3404.
ME 4154 – Industrial Energy Management (3 credits)
Comprehensive study of managing energy resources and usage in an industrial plant. Four areas of energy management are covered: how to organize an energy management program in an industrial plant; techniques for conducting industrial energy surveys; how to make energy systems more efficient; and the design and analysis of energy systems. Pre: ME 3114 or ME 3124.
ME 4164: Energy Systems for Buildings (3 credits)
Application of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fulid flow to analyze energy use for building environmental control. Exploration of approaches for configuring basic thermalfluid engineering components (e.g. pumps, piping, fans, heat exchangers, refrigeration cycles, etc.) to yield systems that provide heating, cooling, and ventilation. Introduction to techniques and softward tools for estimating energy use by these systems and the associated ecnomic and environment impact. Examination of alternate technologies for meeting building energy needs including small scale combined heat and power systems and renewable energy systems. Pre: 2124, 3124. (3H,3C)
ME 4204 – Internal Combustion Engines (3 credits)
Analysis and design of gasoline and diesel engines. Fundamental processes and their application in current technology. Thermodynamics: air standard and air-fuel cycles. Combustion: stoichiometry, fuels, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, flame propagation, knock, pollutant formation and control. Flow processes: volumetric efficiency, intake and exhaust tuning, two-stroke scavenging, carburetion, fuel injection, super-and turbo-charging. Pre: ME 3124, ME3404.
ME 4224 – Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines (3 credits)
Performance and characteristics of aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines, as determined by thermodynamic, fluid mechanic, heat transfer, and solid mechanic behavior of components. Operational limitations and component matching. Stress and associated temperature limits and influence of blade cooling techniques on turbines. Pre: 4234 or 4124. (3H,3C)
ME 4234 (AOE 4234): Aerospace Propulsion Systems (3 credits)
Design principles and performance analysis of atmospheric and space propulsion engines and systems.
Application of thermodynamics, compressible fluid flow and combustion fundamentals to the design of gas turbine and rocket engines and components, including inlets, turbomachines, combustors, and nozzles.
Matching of propulsion system to vehicle requirements. Must have a C- or better in pre-requisites ME 3404 and ME 3124 or AOE 3114 and AOE 3134. Pre: (3404, 3124) or (AOE 3114, ME 3134). (3H,3C)
ME/AOE 4244 – Marine Engineering (3 credits)
Analysis of major ship propulsion devices (propellers, water jets). Integration with propulsion plant and machinery. Characteristics of marine steam turbines, nuclear power plants, marine diesels, and marine gas turbines. Shafting system, bearings, and vibration problems. Pre: AOE 3204 and ME 3124 or ME 3134.
ME 4424: Thermodynamics of Fluid Flow (3 credits)
One-dimensional compressible flow of perfect gases under specialized conditions: isentropic flow (with area change), normal and oblique shocks, constant area flow with friction, constant area flow with heat transfer, Prandtl-Meyer flow, and generalized one-dimensional flow. Introduction to propulsion systems and other selected topics. Pre: (3124 or 3114), 3404. (3H,3C)
ESM 4304 – Hemodynamics (3 credits)
Study of the human cardiovascular system and blood flow. Anatomy and physiology of the human heart, vascular system, and its organization. Blood physiology and rheology. Non-Newtonian blood flow models. Steady and pulsatile blood flow in rigid and elastic arteries. Pressure waves in elastic arteries.
Three-dimensional blood flow in the aortic arch and flow around heart valves. Pre: 3016 or ME 3404.