Press-Republican—Wednesday, September 17,1986 Deaths, funerals James Clancy Wiljjam Abare PORT JEFFERSON - James Clancy. 48. of 23 Aspen Rd.. Rocky Point, N.Y., died Friday, Sept. 12,1986. at his home. He was born in Plattsburgh on Nov. 5, 1937. the son of James and Mary (Phillips) Clancy. Mr. Clancy was an art teacher at Terryville Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station. He served in the U.S. Army and was a member of the North Shore Running Club. He was a graduate of Plattsburgh State University College. State University of New York at New Paltz, and State University of New York at Stony Brook. Survivors include a daughter. Julie Clancy of Rocky Point; two sons. Jay of Rocky Point and 2nd Lt. Matthew Clancy of Fort Quantico. Va.: three brothers. John Clancy of Plattsburgh. Michael Clancy and Robert Clancy, both of Saranac and one sister, Anne Clancy of Saranac; two aunts. Mrs. Rose Fayette of Churubusco and Ella Phillips of Dannemora: and several nieces and nephews. A mass of Christian burial was held at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Rocky Point on Monday. Cremation followed at Washington Memorial Park in Coram. Rocky Point Funeral Home. 603 Route 25A, Rocky Point. N.Y. was in charge of arrangements. A memorial mass will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. in St. Josephs Church. Dannemora, with burial in the parish cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the James Clancy Memorial Scholarship Fund in care of Anne Clancy, Box 156, Saranac. N.Y. 12981. Local arrangements are by O'NelH-Redden-Drown Funeral itom«4A Dannemora. TICONDEROGA - William Abare, 50. of Chilson, N.Y.f died at the Moses-Ludington Hospital Monday. Sept. 15.1986. Mr. Abare was born in Ticonderoga. Dec. 11. 1935. the son of the late Lewis and Eva (Wells) Abare. He was a self-employed painter in the Ticonderoga area. Mr Abare is survived by one son. William Abare Jr. of the U.S. Navy, stationed in Iceland; one daughter. Renee Abare of Glens Falls; one brother, Lewis Abare of Ticonderoga; and two sisters, Mrs. Betty Clarke of Crown Point and Mrs. Connie Baker of New Mexico. Calling hours will be today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Connery and Gunning Funeral Home in Ticonderoga with rosary recited at 8 p.m. A mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Church in Ticonderoga. Burial will be in Alexandria Cemetery, Ticonderoga. Linda A. Monteau Motorcyclist hurt avoiding collision Public V Area man charged with rape, incest MOOERS FORKS — State police arrested a local man Tuesday morning on a warrant charging him with rape and incest. According to state police in Chazy, Lawrence Eugene Morrison, 53, of Mooers Forks was arrested at about 11:30 a.m. and charged with third-degree rape and incest. Investigators said that Mor- rison was arrested on a warrant from Supreme Court Justice Michael Duskas that followed his recent indictment by a Clinton County grand jury. Morrison allegedly engaged in the illegal sexual activity on several occasions during 1984, police said. He was committed to the Clinton County Jail without bail Tuesday to await further court action. Seattle Rotary Club admits woman SEATTLE (AP) — A Rotary Club here has announced that it will risk expulsion from the parent organization, Rotary International, by admitting 15 women as members. The International District Rotary Club filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court on Monday in an attempt to prevent Rotary International from expelling it. Attorney Margaret McKeown said Rotary International's exclusion of women violates state law against discrimination. The Seattle club's decision to admit yocpen was unanimous, said Jim Johnson, its president. The club had formed a committee to study the matter last year. 4 'We are good Rotarians and we subscribe to everything Rotary stands for, except one — that it does not allow women as members," Johnson said. ^ Other Rotarians the region agree, he said. At a conference in Alaska in May, representatives of clubs in western Washington, Alaska and Canada's Yukon Territories passed by rO-to-l a resolution in favor of admitting women, Johnson said. ROUSES POINT — A motorcyclist was injured when he slid his bike to avoid a collision with a disabled tractor-trailer on Lake Street early Tuesday morning. According to Chazy-based troopers. 22-year-old Scott Simpson of Norwich, N.Y., was driving on Lake Street at about 12:30 a.m. when he came upon a stalled t r a c t o r - t r a i l e r n e a r Washington Street. Police said that the truck driver, Michael Pfannebecker of Missouri, stalled his rig while trying to turn around on Lake Street. However, because Pfannebecker failed to activate his emergency flashers, Simpson did not see the truck in time to easily stop, police said. To avoid the collision, Simpson s'id his motorcycle to the ground. He was treated for cuts to his left leg. Troopers ticketed Simpson for unlicensed operation and Pfannebecker for failing to use his emergency lights. Births CVPH Medical Center AKEY — A girl. AteHfr FUitee. born Sept. € to Roland and Pamela Akey, RFD 3, Box 485 Nancy Drive, Plattsburgh. BRIDGE — A girl. Amber Lane, born Sept. 6 to Mr and Mrs. John M. Bridge. P.O Box 542. Main St., Willsboro. AMBERMAN - A boy. Nicholas Scott, born Sept. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. William Ronald Amberman, 64 Olive St.. Saranac Lake. HANLEY — A boy. Steven Ralph, born Sept. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hubert Hanley. 209 Margaret St.. Plattsburgh. HUMAR — A girL Alison Lee. born Sept. S to Mr. and Mrs Thomas Borut Humar. 39 Trafalgar Drive. Plattsburgh. MURNANE - A boy Michael James. bom Sept. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thomas Murnane. 2 Wells St.. Plattsburgh. RAND — A boy. Tyler Stephen, born Sept. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen John Rand. Springfield Road. Upper Jay. SOUSIE — A girl. Kristen Ann. born Sept. 8 to Lori Ann Doner and Chris Henry Sousie, Empire State Trailer Park, Lot 7, Plattsburgh. STOKER — A girl. Alicia Marie, born Sept. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Stoker, P.O. Box 34. Willsboro. ZEPPIERI — A girl. Laura Beth, born Sept 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard John Zeppieri. 113 Lake St.. Saranac Lake. AGNEW — A boy. Kreg Joseph, born Sept 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Joseph Agnew, Bucks Corner, Box 135. Saranac. BRADLEY — A girl. Tabitha Shawna, born Sept. 9 to Dale and Rebecca Bradley, R.D.3. Peru. CHAPPLE — A boy. Jacob Christopher, born Sept 9 to Carol and Timothy Chappie. 36 South Catherine St., Plattsburgh. FRANKEL - A boy. Andrew Michael, born Sept. 9 to Timothy and Catherine Frankel. R.D. 5. Box 234B. Plattsburgh. GODIN — A girl. Lauren Kathryn, born Sept. 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Godin. 39 Park St.. Tupper Lake. TROY — Linda A. Monteau. 41, died Sunday. Sept. 14, 1986, at Samaritan Hospital in Troy. She was born in Saranac Lake Nov. 8, 1944. the daughter of Arthur and Margaret (Dean) Monteau. A resident of the Capital District for the past 12 years, she was a medical transcriptionist at Samaritan Hospital. Survivors include her mother, Margaret Monteau of Paul Smiths; two brothers, Terry Lewis M. Andrews Jr. Monteau of Rensselaer and BEEKMANTOWN - A comArlen Monteau of San Francisco, mittal service for Lewis M. AnCalif.; one sister, Mrs. Thomas drews Jr., 65, who died Friday, (Nancy) Smith of Argyie; one Sept. 12, 1986, at his home in aunt, Harriet Monteau of Thompson Ridge, was held on Malone; and several nieces and Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at the East nephews. Beekmantown Cemetery. Calling hours are scheduled He is survived by his wife, for 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Fortune Funeral Home in Dorothy (Rowlson) Andrews of Your students may think Saranac Lake. A bible vigil will Thompson Ridge; a son, Lewis they have everything they be held at 7.30 p.m. today at the M. Andrews of Thompson Ruth Sears R i d g e ; four d a u g h t e r s , need for the next term, but funeral home. TICONDEROGA - Ruth Katherine Burr of Radcliff, Ky., A funeral mass will be held if t h ey don't have the (Wells) Sears, 86, died Monday, Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. "Elizabeth Christensen of Savannewspaper they don't have it Sept. 15, 1986, at the Moses- Gabriel's Church in Paul nah, Ga., and Deborah Andrews all! Ludington Nursing Home in Smiths, with the Rev. Tom and Susan Lamar, both of Ticonderoga. Newspapers aren't just for Thompson Ridge; his mother of Moody officiating. She was born in Albany July 9, Montgomery; a brother, Elliot reading. ^They're for math, Burial will be in Brighton 1900, the daughter of Frederick Cemetery Andrews of Montgomery; and science, history, health and in Gabriels. and Elizabeth (McBurney) two granddaughters. more. It's all there, it's all Wells. The Rev. Earl Jehnson of the new... everyday! Mrs. Sears was a 1923 gradu- Nellie Deveau First Presbyterian Church So help your students get it all ate of Connecticut College for S T . L E O N A R D . N e w recited the committal prayers. __ together. Get it all today, by Women, and subsequently Brunswick — A mass of ChrisArrangements lor the com^calling_5fiU3fi0 for more infortaught and was principal of the tian burial was held at the Ca- mital service were made mation about our Newspaper* Stoning ton, Conn. High School. thedral of the Immaculate Con- through the O'Neill-Redden I n-E due at ion program. She was married to the late ception in Edmundston, N.B., on Drown-Funeral Home in PlattsFrank E. Sears and resided in Sept. 5, 1986,'for Nellie LaPointe burgh. Putnam Station for some 50 Deveau, 84, who died Sept. 2 at Jody El Reedy Memorial contributions may years. Hotel Dieu Hospital in Edmund- be made to the Pine Bush Am561-23Q0 She was a member of the Put- ston. bulance Corps. nam United Presbyterian Mrs. Deveau was a member of Church; vice-regent of the New the Ladies Auxiliary of the CaYork State Daughters of the nadian Legion. Branch 52, in St. American Revolution, and had Leonard. been regent of the Ticonderoga Survivors include four daughchapter. She was a member of ters, Mrs. Felixine Bijeau of many other civic organizations. Plattsburgh, Mrs. Christine Survivors include two daugh- Moreau of Edmundston, Mrs. ters, Janet Wood of Somerville, Renette Durepos of Longueuil,,. N.J., and Elizabeth Wyckoff of Que.. Mrs. Winnifred. Cyr of Monmouth Beach. N.J.; a son, St.Hubert, Que.; seven sgns, Edgar of Putnam Station; a Ludovic LaPointe of St. niece, Linda Brinn of Burm- Leonard. Alban LaPointe of St. ingham, Mich.; 11 grandchil- Hubert, Donald and Euclide La•et—Galaxy Carpet ea Sale! dren, 16 great-grandchildren, Pointe of Toronto, Ont.. Leopold and three great-great-grand- LaPointe of Montreal. Que.. children. George LaPointe of EdmundCalling hours will be held ston, Robert LaPointe of MoncSave a bundle and carpet your home with beautiful carpet from Kriff Furniture. Every carpet is on sale howl Take advanThursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 ton, N.B.; 35 grandchildren, 34 tage of our special priced sale packages that include: soft, luxurious carpet, cushiony foam podding and carpet installap.m. at the Wilcox and Regan great-grandchildren and three tion. Select from our newest sryIes, textures and colors. But hurry in today...Sale ends September 30. Funeral Chapel in Ticonderoga. great-great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held Burial was in the family plot Friday at 1 p.m. at the Putnam in St. Leonard. N.B. Canada. United Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Ernest C. Butler Jr. and the Rev. Floyd Freed of- Marion Sheldon Martin ficiating. PORT HENRY - Marion 20 sq. yds Sheldon Martin, 75, of North Burial will be in Cedar Grove Main Street. enough for: • — —l eneugntc Port Henry, died Cemetery in Fairhaven. Vt. Tuesday, Sept. 16. 1986. at the 12 x 15 ft. living room Donations in her memory can Medical Center Hospital of be made to the Putnam United Vermont in Burlington. She was born in Chateaugay. Presbyterian Church. April 28. 1911. the daughter of^ Burton and Clara (Pickrign) Includes: Carpet, foam pod and Expert enough for; Cook. Installation* Stephen H. Kerley She is survived by her hus12x15* living room 40 sq. yds. SARANAC LAKE — Stephen band. James Martin of Port 12 x 12* dining room H Kerley 94 c>e4 Monday. Henry: a daughter, Mary Wright I **«»«and Sep: 3 5 1956. a: U;hiem Mercy of Mmeviile: two sons. Jack -Sheldon of PsiT^ifeTry. a**d~ L — 1 — Center in Lane t'laac. Frank Sheldon of Chicopee He was bora in Schenectady. Falls. Mass : 11 grandchldren. Includes: Corp*, foom ond pod and Dec 26 15*1 the sor of William and 6 great-grandchildren. Expert Installation.* and Jutia Kerfey He had been Cremation took place at the •Dough fen 12 x IS* living room employed ;r. the turbine division B u r l i n g t o n - A d i r o n d a c k 40sq. yds. at Generai Electric in Schenec- Crematorium in Burlington. Vt. 12 x 12* dining room tady for 40 years retiring in 1954 There will be a graveside serand two 12 x f when he moved to Saranac vice on Thursday at 1 p.m at the Lake. He was a member of the Union Cemetery m Port Henry Saranac Lake Golf Ciub Memorial donations may be made to the Town of Monah Survivors mcra tie ftrs wife, the Include*: Carpet, foam pod ond Expert Ambuiance Squad ,# former Kathar :ne ROCK of Get It All Together! Press-Republican Starts t o d a y a t Kriff s 3 Special Sale Priced Packages Include: Carpet, Pad & Installation •349 L Saranac Lake or.e son Stephen of Venice F:a three siepdaughters. Mrs ?t:.:? -Caro.e Danie.s cf Sarar ac Lane Mrs Doroihv Mabv if Baaersfie.d Freier;:* Calf a - : Mr * < G a v. e G -: -. e rr ford. Pa :rree £ r a r. z z r... z r e r ar.d severs -..ere ? a r - r.esr.e*; Or.e t a - z - eM r ? ." a : •: uear.r.e z r e c e i e a s e hint James Leary LEONARDO N.J — James Leary 64. of Leonardo. N.J.. dree Sunday Sep: 14. 1986 Mr Leary who was reamed :o v.* former R:ta Dunr.e of T.ccr.cercca :? survived by o-.e SOT. James *Learv Jr of Leo-.arCo ar.d ore sister Mrs E:.eer. Becker of Queens N.Y A mass of Christian burial will There :e - : : a... r. * r.: „ r s o* ce.ebrated a: 10 a m Friday a: S: Marys C r. urc h in A f-r.era. ?*r-..: e »... re sa.z W edr.esa* > a: 4 ; T. a *. t r. e r <c r - T.:o-.deroga B-r.a. wi.. be in Mount Hope U;ne F-r.era rr rr.e r. Sarar.a: Cemetery :r. T:COTcerofa Late * :r. :-e W;sr.:e*>* iff£ > : e * L>:a". arrangements are by men: WL. :: : * • r i . » i r. r. s :ne Connery and Gunning Cemetery .- S:r*- e: ta : . F-r era, Home in Ticonderoga. i zJlrtJlrtJ H***0ttoi!on. bsft«c inst*H*t>ofi NOW"! kriffs 1 H O W T O MEASURE CARPET 1 1 nmtteptyft+ngtriof room by | 1 mdtfi M o t o w • Pottdom • Ptombvrgfc • W o H f t e m 1 ei#mp4# 15 i 12ft ISO 1 2 M a r g a r e t St. | 1 M 9 20 %<* f<H 1 563-771 'eas,'e~*-*s Plattsburgh 00 * In-Stock Remnants Clearance Prices =• -c r a . e - . s a c $hop-«r-Ho*r<e : -*se