Maimonides Upper School Book List 2013-14 Most of the science books can be rented through Amazon at considerably less cost. Any books published through Pearson or Prentice Hall can be purchased at as of July 5th. This may be the only place to find the 2014 edition of certain books. They offer a small discount and free shipping. Please be aware that the Pearson website might be using different ISBN numbers for some books. Please refer to the Maimonides list on the Pearson website. st English books will be posted by August 1 . ** See notes below Gr. 9 9 Course Section Course Name ARABIC 09 ALL ARABIC 09 BIOLOGY 09 ALL BIOLOGY 09 Section Notes ** different ISBN OK ISBN Author Title Publisher Name Ed. New Only Usage '9781589017368 BRUSTAD AL-KITAAB FII TA ALLUM AL-ARABIYYA (W/Online access and DVD) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS 3rd Yes Req. 9780130367013 MILLER & LEVINE BIOLOGY PRENTICE HALL INC Any No Req. WORLD HISTORY: PATTERNS OF INTERACTION MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. 9 HISTORY 09 ALL HISTORY 09 '9780618131792 MCDOUGAL LITTEL 9 JEWISH HISTORY 09 ALL JEWISH HISTORY 09 0881256846 BLOOMBERG THE JEWISH WORLD IN THE MIDDLE AGES KTAV Publishing House 9 MATH 09 ACCELERATED MATH 09 ** 9780133186031 Charles Algebra 2 Common Core PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) No Req. ** from last year No Req. 9 MATH 09 HONORS MATH 09 9 MATH 09 ALL MATH 09 9 MATH 09 CORE MATH 09 from last year Req. 9780133186031 Charles Algebra 2 Common Core PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) '9789990070033 Texas Instruments Ti-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (#3331719212) DOUGLAS STEWART No Req. '9780078887055 MCGRAW IMPACT Mathematics Course 3 Student Edition Glencoe No Req. PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 9 SPANISH 09 ALL SPANISH 09 from last year '9780133691726 BOYLES REALIDADES 1 Student Edition (print) with 6-year 9 SPANISH 09 ALL SPANISH 09 from last year '9780133692624 BOYLES REALIDADES 1 Communication Workbook with Test Preparation PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 9 SPANISH 09 ALL SPANISH 09 from last year '9780133692686 BOYLES REALIDADES 1 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 10 ARABIC 10 ALL ARABIC 10 ** from last year '9781589017368 BRUSTAD AL-KITAAB FII TA ALLUM AL-ARABIYYA (W/Online access and DVD) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS No Req. '9780132525763 Pearson Chemistry Prentiss Hall/Pearson School Div HISTORY 10 '9780618131792 MCDOUGAL LITTEL WORLD HISTORY: PATTERNS OF INTERACTION JEWISH HISTORY 10 '9780961584146 STROM '9780866099653 10 CHEMISTRY 10 ALL CHEMISTRY 10 10 HISTORY 10 ALL 10 JEWISH HISTORY 10 ALL 10 MATH 10 A&H From last year MATH 10 No Req. MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. FACING HISTORY & OURSELVES: HOLOCAUST ETC FACING HISTORY & OURSELVES No Req. MCDOUGAL LITTEL GEOMETRY FOR ENJOYMENT & CHALLENGE MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. '9781559539623 SERRA DISCOVERING GEOMETRY (SET: TXT/WKBK) 4th No Req. KENDALL HUNT PUBLISHING COMPAN Any scientific calculator, such as TI-30 Any 10 MATH 10 CORE MATH 10 10 MATH 10 ALL MATH 10 10 SPANISH 10 ALL SPANISH 10 ** 9780133199666 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Student Edition (print) with 6-year PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2014 Yes Req. 10 SPANISH 10 ALL SPANISH 10 ** 9780133225778 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Communication Workbook with Test Preparation PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2014 Yes Req. 10 SPANISH 10 ALL SPANISH 10 ** 9780133225723 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2014 Yes Req. No Req. No Req. 10 SPANISH 10 ALL SPANISH 10 ** '9780877201359 KANTER LA GRAN AVENTURA DE ALEJANDRO AMSCO SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS 11 ARABIC 11 ALL ARABIC 11 ** from last year 9781589011045 BRUSTAD AL-KITAAB FII TA ALLUM AL-ARABIYYA (W/Online access and DVD) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS 11 HISTORY 11 ACCELERATED & HONOR HISTORY 11 '9780073406954 BRINKLEY AMERICAN HISTORY MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES No Req. 11 HISTORY 11 CORE HISTORY 11 '9780618689859 DANZER AMERICANS MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. 11 MATH 11 CORE MATH 11 9780133186031 Charles Algebra 2 Common Core PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) No Req. 11 MATH 11 ACCELERATED MATH 11 '9780618250202 LARSON ALGEBRA 2 (2004 ED) MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. 11 MATH 11 ALL MATH 11 '9789990070033 TEXAS INSTRUMEN TI-84 PLUS GRAPHING CALCULATOR (#3331719212) DOUGLAS STEWART No Req. 11 MATH 11 HONORS MATH 11 '9780618250370 BROWN ADVANCED MATHEMATICS MCDOUGAL LITTELL No Req. 11 PHYSICS 11 A&C PHYSICS PHYSICS 11 9780133647495 HEWITT CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS HOLT RINEHART & WINSTON Yes Req. '9780805392142 YOUNG & GELLER COLLEGE PHYSICS 9e STUDENT EDITION ADDISON WESLEY /PRENTICE HALL 8th No 9780321749802 YOUNG & GELLER MASTERING PHYSICS WITH PEARSON Etext for College Physics ADDISON WESLEY /PRENTICE HALL 8th No 11 11 PHYSICS 11 PHYSICS 11 HONORS HONORS ** PHYSICS 11 ** book PHYSICS 11 ** e-text 14th 11 PHYSICS 11 CORE CORE PHYSICS 11 C '9780805391909 Hewitt Conceptual Physics (Set: Txt/Practicing) Addison Wesley (AW) 11 SPANISH 11 ALL SPANISH 11 '9780844272399 BARLOW LEYENDAS LATINOAMERICANAS GLENCOE PUBLISHING CO. 11 SPANISH 11 ALL SPANISH 11 9780133691733 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Student Edition (print) with 6-year from last year No Req. 2011 No Req. PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 2011 No Req. No Req. 11 SPANISH 11 ALL SPANISH 11 from last year '9780133692631 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Communication Workbook with Test Preparation 11 SPANISH 11 ALL SPANISH 11 from last year 9780133692693 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 12 ARABIC 12 ALL ARABIC 12 ** from last year '9781589011045 BRUSTADT AL-KITAAB FII TA ALLUM AL-ARABIYYA (W/Online access and DVD) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS 12 BIOLOGY 12 AP ALL BIOLOGY 12 AP '9780805300093 CAMPBELL BIOLOGY (W/CD:#6762-) BENJAMIN 6th No Req. 12 CHEMISTRY 12 AP ALL CHEMISTRY 12 AP older ed. OK 9780073402680 CHANG CHEMISTRY MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES 11th No Req. 12 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 12 ENVI12C ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE From last year '9780321752543 Withgott Essen Environment (w/Access Code) Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company 4TH No Req. No Req. No Req. 12 ISRAEL ACTION ALL ISRAEL ACTION '9780471679523 DERSHOWITZ CASE FOR ISRAEL WILEY JOHN & SONS INC. 12 MATH 12 ACCELERATED MATH 12 '9780618643448 LARSON PRECALCULUS CENGAGE 12 MATH 12 AP MATH 12 '9780130631312 FINNEY CALCULUS: GRAPHICALNUMERICALALGEBRAIC PRENTICE HALL INC No Req. TI-84 PLUS GRAPHING CALCULATOR (#3331719212) DOUGLAS STEWART No Req. No Req. No Req. No Req. 7th 12 MATH 12 ALL MATH 12 '9789990070033 TEXAS INSTRUMEN 12 MATH DISCRETE MATHEMATICS CORE MATH 12 '9780716700005 Crisler Discrete Mathematics Through Applications W H Freeman 12 POLITICAL SCIENCE AP AP GOVT 9780205771301 GINSBERG AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, ROOTS AND REFORM 11TH EDITION PEARSON 12 PSYCHOLOGY PSYCH12 PSYCHOLOGY 12 9780825144912 Robbins Understanding Psychology J. Weston Walch Publisher PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 11TH 12 SPANISH 12 ALL SPANISH 12 from last year '9780133691733 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Student Edition (print) with 6-year 12 SPANISH 12 ALL SPANISH 12 from last year '9780133692631 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Communication Workbook with Test Preparation PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 12 SPANISH 12 ALL SPANISH 12 from last year '9780133692693 BOYLES REALIDADES 2 Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook PEARSON SCHOOL DIV (K-12) 2011 No Req. 12 SPANISH 12 ALL SPANISH 12 '9780658005718 Cervantes Don Quijote de la Mancha (Adapted by Tardy)(New Ed) Glencoe No **Notes Arabic 9: Students will need to purchase Daftars – Arabic Journals - in September for a cost of around $20.00 per student per year. Arabic 9-11: Will be required to register for online access at the beginning of the school year for a cost of around $25.00 per student per year. th Arabic 12: Will finish their 11 grade books and continue their studies with teacher provided materials. Spanish 10: It is very important that you purchase the 2014 edition of the Realidades books and both workbooks. This edition includes the print textbook and also access to online resources, including the book online. Used or older books won’t work because they won’t have the online component, which is vital for this course. Most of the homework will be assigned and submitted online; the textbooks will be used during class. These books/online access will be used for two years. You may order the books directly from the publisher. Their prices are a little lower. Here's the link for your convenience: Just click on “Purchase products” on the left, then on Realidades 1 or Realidades 2. Choose the three requested items on the book list. Honors Physics 11: You may choose either the book (with e-text access) or just the e-text. Math 09, MATH 11 CORE: ISBN listed is for use at Req.