Smith College Donor Report: Women for the World Campaign

donor REPORT
2 013 –14
Message From
the President
From my perspective, every gift is the continuation of a powerful movement that
began with Sophia Smith’s bequest nearly a century and a half ago. As president,
I want to build upon this legacy to create the Smith that the future demands:
When you give to Smith COllege, great things happen.
Smith transforms lives;
our graduates
the world.
A college that reflects the wOrld it serves , bringing together women
of outstanding character and potential and helping them thrive;
A curriculum that challenges students to choose their own paths while
providing them with the resources they need to prepare for the amazing
lives they will lead after college;
A cOmmunity
that nurtures leadership, collaboration and mutual respect.
These aspirations are possible because you give.
So far, more than 32,000 alumnae, parents and friends have made gifts in support
of our $450 million Women for the World campaign, including nearly $43 million in
new commitments this year.
Every gift to Smith is a unique expression of the values and hopes of each donor.
This generosity is a testament to the strength of our mission and the commitment
A gift can be made for many reasons: as an expression of appreciation for those
we share to securing Smith’s standing as the preeminent source for women leaders.
who supported a scholarship; as an affirmation of the college and its mission;
as a vote of confidence in our students and the bright future they represent.
As one of our most dedicated donors, you play a key role in setting our students on
a path to leadership. Thank you for making Smith College a philanthropic priority in
your life.
Kathleen McCartney
President, Smith College
Giving Opportunities
The Campaign
Women for the World: The Campaign for Smith will affirm our status as a global women’s
college, matching our greatest strength—women’s education—with one of the world’s
greatest needs: women leaders.
Principal is invested and managed to yield annual returns.
Invest in Students
With a goal of $450 million, the campaign is an opportunity for alumnae, parents and
friends to invest in exceptional women who, emboldened by their education, hold the
promise to transform the world.
Financial Aid and Scholarship Funds
Internship Funds
Promote a Culture of Research,
Inquiry and Discovery
Endowed Professorships
Faculty and Curriculum Development
■ First-Year Seminars
■ Departmental/Programmatic Funds
■ Concentrations Fund
■ Student Research Fund
■ Summer Undergraduate Research
P r o g r e s s T o wa r d T O TA L C a m pa i g n G oa l
Financial Aid / Goal: $200 million
The campaign will strengthen our generous financial aid program now and in the future,
making it possible for us to attract the very best, most qualified students from around
the world, ensuring Smith’s academic excellence.
Develop and Expand Unique Collections
and Resources
Endowed Directorships
Athletics, Botanic Garden, Library, Science Center
Educate Women for Global Leadership
■ ■ ■ ■
Lewis Global Studies Center
Global Engagement Seminars
Enhanced Language Study
Global Curriculum Fund
Center for Community Collaboration
Educate Women for Environmental
Center for the Environment, Ecological
Design and Sustainability
■ Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station
■ Environmental Curriculum Funds
Prepare Women for Rewarding Lives
Center for Women and Financial
■ The Wurtele Center for Work and Life
■ Leadership Program Fund
Smith College Museum of Art
Poetry Center
Reimagining the Liberal Arts / Goal: $160 million
The campaign will support an array of transformative academic and co-curricular
programs that will inspire and prepare students for leadership in a complex world.
Gifts have an immediate impact in the year they are given.
■ ■
■ ■ ■
The Smith Fund / Goal: $90 million
Supporting Smith’s excellence, the Smith Fund will provide unrestricted and immediate
support for the college’s core priorities and curricular initiatives to the benefit of all
Smith students.
*Additionally, $73,974,714 has been raised toward other priorities. Figures reflect totals as of June 30, 2014.
The Smith Fund
General Financial Aid Fund
Ada Comstock Scholars Financial Aid Fund
International Students Financial Aid Fund
International Programming Fund
Study Abroad Fund
■ ■
■ ■
Curriculum Fund
Faculty Support Fund
Campus Facilities Fund
Sustainability Fund
Student Life Fund
A complete list of giving opportunities is available at
Notable Numbers
64% $60m 24%
of Smith students
financial aid
in financial aid
provided to
Smith students
Smith welcomes
students from
more than
Smith students
hail from
U.S. states
4,466 17%
applications to the
class of 2018, an
annual upward trend
of Smith students
are the first in their
families to attend
of Smith students
receive federal
Pell Grants
Smith students
were offered
Fulbright fellowships
of Smith students
major in the
W o m en for
t h e W or l d
C a m pa i g n
g i ft s
This section recognizes those who made leadership gifts
to Smith College from the start of the campaign through June 30, 2014.
“I have grown into a much
stronger, more independent
woman, and I am grateful every
day for the people who were
so generous as to support
my academic and personal
Jessica Goudreault ’15
Recipient of the Smith College Club
of New Hampshire Scholarship Fund
Commitments of
$5,000,000 or more
Commitments of
Anonymous (3)
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard
'69 and Jean-Marie R.
Marion E. Albright
Phoebe Reese Lewis '51
and John D. Lewis
Barbara Barry Barrett '37 ≈
Nancy Godfrey Schacht
'56 and Henry B. Schacht
Helen Gurley Brown ≈
Kathleen Compton
Sherrerd '54 ≈ and John
J. F. Sherrerd ≈
Deborah L. Duncan '77
and Barnett Lipton
Anita Volz Wien '62 and
Byron Wien
Margaret Von Blon
Wurtele '67 and C. Angus
Charlotte Shirley
Wyman '48 ≈
Commitments of
Jane V. Anderson '53 ≈
Laura Bornholdt '40 ≈
Jill Ker Conway
Madeleine M. Fackler '80
and Stephen W. Fackler
Susanne Barber
Grousbeck '58
Anne L. Jenks '49 ≈
Janet Wright Ketcham '53
Janice Vera Swenson ≈
Katherine Reebel '43 ≈
Joan Fletcher Lane '49
Eleanor Feick
Thompson '40 ≈
Mary Santarsiero ≈
Ellen W. P. Wasserman '45
Esther Williams
Shirley '21 ≈
Alexandra P. Lappas '60 ≈
Rochelle Braff Lazarus '68
and George M. Lazarus
Jane Gilmore Lukens '29 ≈
Jane Chace Carroll '53
Elizabeth Stoffregen
May '28 ≈
Barbara W. Herndon '62 ≈
Jane Taylor McCoy '66
and John B. McCoy
B. Elizabeth Horner '40 ≈
Janet Clarke McKinley '76
Walter Humstone ≈
Diane Nixon '57
Eliot Chace Nolen '54
Janice Carlson
Oresman '55
Mary Gordon Roberts '60
Judy Hershey Melly '64
Jane Lakes Harman '66
Peggy Block Danziger '62
and Richard M. Danziger
“What excites me about Smith
today is the fact that Smith’s
students reflect the diversity of
the world in which we live.
I believe that the solutions for
a better world will come from
those who learn to study, live and
thrive in a diverse environment.”
Viola Spinelli '47
Margaret Pantzer '25 ≈
and Eugene Pantzer ≈
Nicole Moretti Ungar '82
and Jonathan Ungar
Judith Pelham '67
Francie Garber Pepper '62
and John Pepper
Clara Taplin Rankin '38
Ruth O. Rose '26 ≈
Bonnie Johnson
Sacerdote '64
Isabel Brown Wilson '53 ≈
Commitments of
Barbara Stein Scott '55
Ravi and S. Mona Ghosh
Sinha '88
Ellen Braestrup
Strickler '57
Elna Wallace '44 ≈
Joanne Barker '79
Phoebe Dent Weil
Laura Perry Barton '82
Marion Clark Wells '20 ≈
and Edward P. Wells ≈
Anne Thaxton Bass '70
Carol Eckert
Cunningham '61 ≈
Margaret Scarlett
Widdifield '42 ≈
Joan Pokross Curhan '59
Margaret Baker Flint '33 ≈
Anne Geraghty '81
Lisa Heffernan '77 and
Roger Orf
Miriam Nash Lindhe '43 ≈
Marcia MacHarg '70
Frances Marx
Shillinglaw '38 ≈
Anne Kane McGuire '56 ≈
Cornelia Mendenhall
Small '66 and Jonathan
Louise Parent '72
Mary Price Moffatt '56 ≈
Lucile Beeghly
Patrick '36 ≈
≈ Deceased
“It’s humbling to think that
someone I have probably never
met thought that I was worth
an investment so that I could
go to college. When people
ask me where I go to school,
I smile and tell them with pride
that I go to Smith.”
W o m en for
t h e W or l d
C a m pa i g n
g i ft s
Commitments of
Valerie Tishman Diker '59
Mary Henle '34 ≈
Molly McGreevy-Hindman
Dilman Doland ≈
Susan Agoos
Herrmann '68
Judith Hershey Melly '64
Elizabeth Archbold
Stewart '47
Davis United World
College Scholars Program
Irene Mennen Hunter '39 ≈
Dulcy Blume Miller '46 ≈
and Michael Miller ≈
Elizabeth Swoope
Sweetow '69
Howard Hughes Medical
C. Eleanor Reid Ingersoll
'37 ≈ and Robert Ingersoll ≈
Margaret Wilson Morton
'55 and Duryea Morton
Betty Haasis Synar '51 ≈
Anthony Tappé
Ada Howe Kent
Susan and John Jackson
Cynthia MosesManocherian '83
Helen White Tennant '28 ≈
The Korea Foundation
Barbara Petchesky
Jakobson '54
Gail Mutrux
Joan Jackson
Thompson '60
Henry Luce Foundation,
Nancy Tipton Myers '63
Jane Timken '64
Alice Drucker Kaplan '58
and Dr. Jason Aronson
Marilyn Carlson Nelson '61
and Glen D. Nelson
C. Carlisle and Margaret
M. Tippit Charitable Trust
The Andrew W. Mellon
Gail Chambers Kellogg '63
and James C. Kellogg, Jr.
Joan and Lucio Noto
Hilary Tolman '87
April Hoxie Foley '69
Nancy Briggs Tooke '68
Mary V. Kelly and Sean F.
National Academy of
Marguerite Peet
Foster '47 ≈
Elizabeth O'Grady and
Jeff Dwyer
Ethel Orpen '37 ≈
Frances Blakeslee
Townley '39 ≈
Oberkotter Foundation
Anne Holden
Kieckhefer '52 ≈
Cynthia Kellogg
Barrington ≈
Gretchen Anderson
Osgood '43 ≈
Lee Laufer Traub '47 and
Marvin S. Traub
Wan Kyun Rha Kim '60 and
Andrew Byong Soo Kim
Wingate Main Payne '66
George W. Blossom, III ≈
Amy Shepherd
Weinberg '82
Mary Elizabeth Dickason
King '47 and Donald King
Geraldine Reedy
Helen Mayer ’17
Recipient of the Class of 1947
Scholarship Fund
Commitments of
Anonymous (4)
Neelum Amin '86 and
Salman Amin
Jeanne Smith-Willd
Arnold '36 ≈
Anonymous (10)
Amy Doppelt 2007 Family
Trust and Steve Scheier
Anthony and Elizabeth
Anne Bick Ehrenkranz '60
Darinka Macuka
Amat '50 ≈
Katherine Englehart
Andrews '44 ≈
Jane Henle '34 ≈
Barbara Bass Bakar '72
Ann Kaplan '67
Barbara Bliss Beebe '51 ≈
John K. Ketcham
Kristen Johnson Bird '87
and Adam Bird
Sam W. Ketcham
William H. Ketcham
Ellis Ketcham Johnson
Lisa Black '81
Ellen-Fairbanks Diggs
Bodman '45 ≈
Paula Eldot '51 ≈
Christina Janson
Eldridge '53
Gay Ellis
Barbara Martin Burns
Faville '51 ≈
Donna MacKinnon
Flom '50
Mary Bonneville '53 ≈
Patricia and Donald
Selma B. Brown '65 ≈
Leslie Carothers '64
Jaehee Koo '90
Carol T. Christ
Alix Hoch Laager '80
Marshall and Robin Cloyd
Arlene Cebollero Cohrs
'80 and Michael Cohrs
Ana Roigt Daniel '60
Tammis Day '05
Thomas S. Derr and Linda
Melissa Parker Draper '77
and Timothy Draper
Phyllis Culbertson Draper
'53 and William H. Draper, III
Cynthia Edgar '80
Ruth DeYoung Kohler '63
Ann Safford Mandel '53
Katherine Sharp
Borgen '64
Deborah Chase
Franczek '69
Evelyn Maurmeyer '72
Caren Byrd Borland '68
and James J. Borland
Freeman Foundation
Betty Morningstar '74
Alison Overseth '80 and
Ken deRegt
Jane Hanna Pease '51 and
William H. Pease ≈
Lois M. Perelson-Gross '83
and Stewart K. P. Gross
Nan Darling Borton '62
Debra Gastler '75
Mary-Louise Wagman
Boyer '51
Madeleine Rowse
Gleason '34 ≈
Caroline Brady '58
Elizabeth Cooley Pinto '58
and Maurice E. Pinto
Cynthia Manchee
Brown '49 ≈
Arline Boyer Epstein '68
Gertrude Salaway '30 ≈
Patricia Butler '57
Edith Fisher Eustis 1913 ≈
Sandra Streepey '58 ≈
Deborah A. Farrington '72
Maude Tomlin Trust
Mildred Leeper
Campbell '22 ≈
Mary Irene Fitzgerald '51 ≈
Emily Kaufman van
Agtmael '70
Elizabeth Lind
Galbreath '52
Emmita Perry Weiher '35 ≈
Jan Fullgraf Golann '71
Marjorie Bennett
White '38 ≈
Carol Hafer '73
Ann Lublin Witus '37
Charles and Margaretha
Rice Family Foundation/ Mr.
and Mrs. James Bowditch
E. Elinor Duker Ehle '35 ≈
Karen Williams Fox '59
Joan Leiman Jacobson '47
Lile Rasmuson Gibbons '64
Patricia Rediker
Goldstein '55
Priscilla Gonsalves
Marritje Van Arsdale
Greene '73
Marjorie Lamberti '59
Sarah Griswold Leahy '54
Ruth L. Lee ≈
Sharonjean Moser Leeds
'67 and Richard Leeds
Judith Pool
Susan Wechsler Rose '63
Susan August
Rubinstein '63
Cynthia Chisholm SaintAmand '59 ≈
Toshiaki and Mari Sakuma
Linda E. Salisbury '78
Barbara (Bonnie) Sharav
Sauliner '58
Frances Proctor
Wilkinson '37
Mary Wilson '69 ≈
Margaret Hinckley
Wise '51
Dorothy MacColl
Woodcock '64 and
Kenneth Woodcock
The Salisbury Foundation
John Templeton
Mary Alice Beeghly
Schaff '46 ≈
Mary Loehr Wright '53 ≈
Susan Badian
Lindenauer '61
Tracy Seretean '83
Barbara Shaw Zitzewitz '64
Brenda Mulmed
Shapiro '61
Alicia Longobardo '85 and
Robert Wyckoff, Jr.
Adrian Austin Shelby '55
Lisse Lovell '62 ≈
Tiffany White Lovett '85
Nancy Weiss Malkiel '65
Janet Booth Zide '83
Margaret Seton
Margot Tishman Linton '52
Corporate and
Foundation Supporters
of $100,000 or More
The Task Force for Global
Health, Inc.
The Andy Warhol
Foundation for the Visual
Wright-Cook Foundation
Susan Spencer Small '48
Ruth Vaughan Smith 1908
≈ and James W. Smith ≈
George I. Alden Trust
S.D. Bechtel Jr.
Mary Clemesha '41 ≈
Judith Beebe
Gummere '60
Joan Lebold Cohen '54
Werner Gundersheimer
Caroline Corkey
Bollinger '86 ≈
Alicia Carew
Hammarskjold '87
Reuben Mark
Ann Weinbaum
Solomon '59
Eugene Mark
Charles Standish ≈
Margaret A. Cargill
Jeanne La Croix
Crocker '45 ≈
Nancy Needham
Hathaway '70
Marianne Unger
Matties '65
Judith Hurley Stanley
Coleman '56 ≈
Davis Educational
Elizabeth Crowell '93
Nancy Robb Hendel '55 ≈
Joan Creamer McArdle '73
Walter Stawasz ≈
Lynn Manley and
Alexander C. Lindsey
S & G Foundation
Doris Nash Wortman
1911 ≈ and Elbert B. M.
Wortman ≈
Margaret White Leppik '65
Beverly Linkletter
Motorola Solutions
Smith College Club of
New York City
The Brown Foundation,
Inc., Houston
≈ Deceased
2 013 –14
This section recognizes those who made leadership gifts
President's Circle
Cum Laude:
Commitments of
$100,000 or More
Anonymous (7)
“When I graduate, I hope that
I can use what I have learned
at Smith to make a difference
in people’s lives, the same way
you have made a difference
in mine.”
Thu Do ’16
Recipient of the Louise Cornell
Rausch Scholarship Fund
Anthony and Elizabeth
Joanne Barker '79 *
Ravi and S. Mona Ghosh
Sinha '88 *
Anne Thaxton Bass '70 *
Jaehee Koo '90
Cynthia Manchee
Brown '49 ≈
Rochelle Braff Lazarus '68
and George M. Lazarus *
Cornelia Mendenhall
Small '66 and Jonathan
Small *
Leslie Carothers '64 *
Margaret White
Leppik '65 *
Viola Spinelli '47 *
Phoebe Reese Lewis '51
and John D. Lewis *
Ellen Braestrup
Strickler '57 *
Beverly Linkletter
Elizabeth Swoope
Sweetow '69 *
Peggy Block Danziger '62
and Richard M. Danziger *
Davis United World
College Scholars Program
Melissa Parker Draper '77
and Timothy Draper
Deborah L. Duncan '77
and Barnett Lipton *
Paula Eldot '51 ≈
Arline Boyer Epstein '68 *
Edith Fisher Eustis 1913
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard
'69 and Jean-Marie R.
Eveillard *
Madeleine M. Fackler '80
and Stephen W. Fackler
Margaret Baker Flint '33 ≈
Charles Standish ≈
Peter and Jennifer Hall
Susan Goodale
Stringer '64 *
Toni Dove
Walter Humstone ≈
Alice Drucker Kaplan '58
and Dr. Jason Aronson *
Margot Wallace Keith '64
Cynthia Kirkland Kellogg
'64 and Peter R. Kellogg
Beverly Shapiro
Bennett '49 *
Ada Howe Kent
Victoria Hall Bruni '64
Alix Hoch Laager '80 *
Agnes Bundy Scanlan '79 *
Prudence Patterson Lake
'64 and David Lake *
Barbara Enmeier Bunting
'64 *
Nancy Leighton
Calfee '41 ≈
Pamela Craig '79
Jean McGay Curtiss '42 ≈
Susan Badian
Lindenauer '61 *
Sheila Sussman
Manischewitz '64 and
David M. Manischewitz
Delight Wing Dodyk '59 *
F. Eliza Miller ≈
Jane Taylor McCoy '66
and John B. McCoy *
The Task Force for Global
Health, Inc.
Sally Katzen Dyk '64 and
Timothy Dyk *
The Andrew W. Mellon
Hilary Tolman '87
Anne Falvey '84 *
Maude Tomlin Trust
Deborah A. Farrington '72
Judith Hershey Melly '64 *
Lee Laufer Traub '47 and
Marvin S. Traub *
April Hoxie Foley '69 *
Nicole Moretti Ungar '82
and Jonathan Ungar *
Margaret Wilson Morton
'55 and Duryea Morton *
Diane Nixon '57 *
Eliot Chace Nolen '54 *
Oberkotter Foundation
Emily Kaufman van
Agtmael '70 *
Alison Overseth '80 and
Ken deRegt *
Ellen W. P.
Wasserman '45 *
Emmita Perry Weiher '35 ≈
Karen Williams Fox '59 *
Wingate Main Payne '66
Lile Rasmuson
Gibbons '64 *
Jane Hanna Pease '51 and
William H. Pease ≈ *
Anita Volz Wien '62 and
Byron Wien *
Susanne Barber
Grousbeck '58 and H.
Irving Grousbeck *
Judith Pelham '67 *
Mary Wilson '69 ≈ *
Elizabeth Cooley Pinto '58
and Maurice E. Pinto *
Werner Gundersheimer
Clara Taplin Rankin '38 *
Dorothy MacColl
Woodcock '64 and
Kenneth Woodcock *
Barbara W. Herndon '62 ≈
Marjorie and George
Dixon '46 ≈
Janice Vera Swenson ≈
Marianne Unger
Matties '65 *
Margaret Scarlett
Widdifield '42 ≈
Jane Henle '34 ≈
Catherine Schuster '80
and Gayle Anton '90
Deborah DeCotis '74
Margaret Pantzer '25 ≈
and Eugene Pantzer ≈
Lisa Heffernan '77 and
Roger Orf *
Terry L. Andreas '64 and
John A. Hewig
Marritje Van Arsdale
Greene '73 *
Lynn Manley and
Alexander C. Lindsey
Marguerite Peet
Foster '47 ≈ *
Carol Hafer '73
Anonymous (5)
Caroline Eaker Beery '64 *
Barbara Petchesky
Jakobson '54 *
Jane Chace Carroll '53 *
President's Circle:
Commitments of
Laura Perry Barton '82
Marion E. Albright
Neelum Amin '86 and
Salman Amin
to Smith College between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014.
Bonnie Johnson
Sacerdote '64 *
Gertrude Salaway '30 ≈
Mary Santarsiero ≈
Barbara Stein Scott '55
Amanda Nyce
McIntyre ’59
National Academy of
Jane Timken '64 *
The Andy Warhol
Foundation for the Visual
Chantal Fabres '86
Harriet Johnston Fix '48 *
Lois Young '39 ≈
Ceseli Dillingham
Foster '64 *
Trustees' Circle:
Commitments of
Joan Butler Ford '55
Catherine Blanton
Freedberg '64 *
Sarah Sather Given '48 *
Virginia Penney
Gliedman '64 *
Anonymous (8)
Jan Fullgraf Golann '71 *
Barbara Abeles '70 *
Edith Karlin Atkin '30 ≈
Lynn-Ann Ries Gries '84
and Donald Gries *
Barbara Bass Bakar '72 *
Jane Meyer Grotta '33
Janice Sarsynski
Barger '79
Nancy Needham
Hathaway '70 *
Mary Shaw Beard '54 *
Eunice (Judy) Olin
Higgins '58 *
Friedman Benda, LLC
Nancy Gage-Lindner '80
Ann Sanford '75 *
Lisa Black '81
Jean Bovard Sanville '42 ≈
Katherine Sharp
Borgen '64 *
Edith Borie '64
Hull Bronson ≈
Susan Brundage '71 *
Patricia Leahy Cahill '65 *
Lois and R. Ken Carpenter
Jane Grossman Cecil '50
Katherin Branigar
Chase '64 *
Bonnie Bottenus
Clendenning '67 *
Maureen Sullivan
Crandall '62
Ann Wellmeier
Hilliard '59 *
Grace Smith Hinkley '50 *
Helen Manning
Hunter '43 ≈
Joan Leiman Jacobson '47
Madeleine Clark Johnson
'45 ≈and William Johnson *
Nancy Ely Kales '64 *
Norma Fitts Kellogg '44 *
Cynthia Kellogg '76
Barbara Kinder '67
Ruth DeYoung Kohler '63 *
Marjorie Lamberti '59 *
Joan Fletcher Lane '49 *
Irene Lee '74
Lucy Black Creighton '49 *
Inez E. D'Arcangelo '74
and Alfred F. Thoben *
Victoria Seaver Dean '74 *
Janet Zide ’83
Exelon Corporation
Margaret Von Blon
Wurtele '67 and C. Angus
Wurtele *
Ann-Elisa Wetherald
Black '55
“I’ve come to realize just how much
my experiences at Smith and the
benefits of a women’s college
have shaped my life and who I
have become. In choosing to make
my gift to Smith, I wanted to help
make this wonderful opportunity
possible for another generation of
strong women.”
Nancy Erba '88 *
Toni Grotta Wolfman '64 *
Lois M. Perelson-Gross '83
and Stewart K. P. Gross *
Anne Geraghty '81
Phyllis Culbertson Draper
'53 and William H. Draper,
Valerie Tishman Diker '59 *
* Smith Stars:
Those who have given
to Smith for five or more
consecutive years
≈ Deceased
2 013 –14
“Other than my family, Smith has
been the most important and
influential part of my life. Smith
opened doors to the world and
gave me the skills and confidence
to try most anything. It is a debt
I can never repay."
Dean's List:
Commitments of
Anonymous (10)
Ann Mandel ’53
Guilliaem Aertsen
Ann Alpers '84 *
Amenah and Mubarak
Eleanor Lord Logan '39 ≈
Deborah Lew Seidel '68
Tiffany White Lovett '85 *
Adrian Austin Shelby '55
Marcia MacHarg '70 *
Carol Raybin Sirot '54
Nancy Weiss Malkiel '65 *
Susan Spencer Small '48 *
Reuben Mark *
Bonnie Moxey
Maxwell '60 *
Smith College Club of
New York City
Kathleen Kelly Spear '71 *
Elizabeth Stoffregen
May '28 ≈
Francesca Judkins
Springer '49 *
Joan Creamer
McArdle '73 *
Nancy Abbott Swears '39
≈ and Col. Clayton Cole
Swears ≈
Katherine Babcock
McCurdy '45 *
Donna Milrod '89 *
Carrie and John
Enid Wien Morse '54 *
Motorola Solutions
Joanne Dunne
Murphy '82 *
Shana Nelson
Middler '89 *
Janice Carlson
Oresman '55 *
Henry Ott-Hansen
Louise Parent '72 *
Mary Spieczny
Podesta '66 *
Laura and Steve Riggio
Letitia Roberts '64 *
Mary Gordon
Roberts '60 *
Warren and Zoann Little
Dusenbury Charitable
Helen Thayer Chapell '54 *
Linda Smith Charles '74 *
Rebecca Greenleaf
Clapp '82 *
Whitney Fite Clay '86
Joan Lebold Cohen '54 *
Christina Janson
Eldridge '53 *
Georgianna Bray
Erskine '54 *
Marilyn Levin Cohen '68 *
Hortense Finkelstein
Feldblum '36 ≈
Mark Connelly
Janet Finnie '44 ≈
Joanne Shartle
Anderson '53
Adlyn Shannon Cook '49 *
Fisher-Renkert Foundation
Jamie Cooper-Hohn '87
Valerie Fitch '79
Marcia Nance
Atcheson '54 *
Julie Baxter
Cornelison '84
Ana Maria Hebra
Flaster '84 *
Helen Hochgraf
Baldwin '56 *
Anne Covert
Mary Foerster '68
Charlotte Feng Ford '83 *
Susan Boris Bassin '67 *
Berenice Dennison
Craigie '54 and Walter W.
Craigie *
Ellen Perkins Bates '59 *
Elizabeth Crowell '93 *
Margot Eisner
Freedman '62 *
Nancy Downing
Anderson '62 *
Merri Baldwin '84 *
Deborah Chase
Franczek '69 *
Cindy Harris '79 and Dr. F.
Richard Heath *
Ann Safford Mandel '53 *
Leslie Harris '95 Cynthia
Harris '55
Josephine van der Voort
Markell '42
Sandra Ross Herman '57 *
Kathleen McCartney and
William Hagen
Elizabeth Hoffman '68 and
Brian Binger *
Ruth Sulzberger
Holmberg '43
Suzanne Ninomiya
Hough '42 ≈
R. B. Barclay
Humphrey '48 *
Sarah Wright Meyers '88
and Christopher J. Meyers
Elizabeth van der Noot
Irwin '47 ≈
Cynthia Meyn '86
Anne Sonnekalb
Iskrant '64
Middlebury College
Lois D. Thompson '66 and
James W. Thompson *
Edith Stenhouse
Bingham '55 *
Dana M. DiCarlo, Esq. '88
and J. Scott Plank *
Mary Oliver
Gabrielson '46 *
Leslie Corrigan
Turner '63 *
Kristen Johnson Bird '87
and Adam Bird *
Anne Dorsey '84 *
Gaiman Foundation
Jennifer Land DuBois '61 *
Barbara Congdon Van
Dusen '49 *
Lucy Gaskill-Gaddis '64 *
Sarah Clise Black '56
Mary Asmundson Dunbar
'64 and Robert Dunbar *
Charlotte Gifford and
Daniel Axtell *
Jeanann Gray Dunlap
Natalie Stolk Graham '49 *
Suzanne Chalfant
Kendrick '64 *
Katherine Graubard '64 *
Joan Bigwood King '82 *
Great Northeast
Productions, Inc.
Patricia and Donald
Kirshbaum *
Guy and Catherine
Theresa Kitay '84 *
Deborah Lindenauer
Weinberg '81
Virginia Cheatham
Bladen '52 *
Gail Bongiovanni '72
and Everett C. Nissly *
Wendy Whittemore
Caren Byrd Borland '68
and James J. Borland *
Eleanor Crosby Winston
Restricted Family Fund of
the Longview Foundation *
Rice Family Foundation/
Mr. and Mrs. James
Bowditch *
Wright-Cook Foundation
Caroline Brady '58
Ling Yang '02
Branta Foundation
Ellen McAuliffe BrennanGalvin '68 *
Audrey Kaplan Scher '64 *
Jean Liss Schwartz '47 *
≈ Deceased
Margaret Gregg
Grossman '64
Stacey Hadash '88 *
D. Joan Webster Hall '56
Alicia Carew
Hammarskjold '87 *
Mary McPherson '57 *
Elisabeth Williams
Ireland '79 *
Barbara Watson
Billings '64 *
Amy Shepherd
Weinberg '82 *
Alice Greene McKinney
'47≈ and E. Kirk McKinney *
Suzanne Comins
Meijerink '59
Eugenie Steuer
Friedman '47 ≈ *
Susan von Salis '79 ≈
Margaret Johns
McGowan '39
Patricia and Michael
Intrator *
Gladys Krieble Delmas
Van Strum Foundation
Martha Trimble
McCoy '64 *
Julia Meech '63 and Dr.
John Weber
Mary Fiske Beck '56 *
Marilyn Schultz
Blackwell '69 *
Eugene Mark
Betsy Lamson
Humphreys '69 *
Joan Jackson
Thompson '60 *
* Smith Stars:
Those who have given
to Smith for five or more
consecutive years
Linda E. Salisbury '78 *
Lois Hand Dunn '32 ≈ *
Molly Burke '76 *
Tammis Day '05 *
Susan August
Rubinstein '63
Nathan Saint-Amand
Selma B. Brown '65 ≈
Mary Lou Michael '68 *
Henry Janssen
Jacqueline Anthony
Millan '72 *
Anne Hale Johnson '45 *
Isabel Minard '64 and
Norton Garfinkle
Emily Graves Jones '64 *
Raquel KardonskiGilinski '82
Ms Jeehye Yu and Mr.
Youngse Kwon
Mary-Margaret Chren
Landefeld '74 *
Elisabeth Lauterbach
Laskin '88 *
Jann and Won Lee
Louise Getman Bristol '45
E. Claiborne Philips
Handleman '54 and Avrom
Handleman *
Kyong Ah Lee and
Jin Ho Cho
Laura Resnic
Brounstein '84 *
Katharine Thompson
Hanser '64
John Locke ≈
Margaret Browar '66 *
Hylton Bravo Hard '67 *
Alice Brown '51 *
Mary K. Harmon '48 ≈
Alan Lipton
Ann Longfellow '67 *
Penelope Lee Ludwin '65 *
Mary Waterman Lunt '64
Elizabeth Mitchell '84
Susan I. Moldow '67 and
William M. Shinker *
Anne Marks Morgan '59 *
Cynthia MosesManocherian '83
“Recently, the idea of access has
shaped my thinking about Smith's
role in society. I am excited that
the college provides access to an
outstanding education to women
from so many different backgrounds.”
Arline BOYER Epstein ’68
2 013 –14
Ms. Foundation for
Women, Inc.
Barbara Wood
Sanders '52 ≈
Lucia Smith Nash '50 *
Santa Fe Institute
Linda Chatman Thomsen
'76 and Steuart H.
Thomsen *
Barbara Nath '64
Nancy Godfrey Schacht
'56 and Henry B. Schacht *
Joyce Peterson
Thurmer '52 *
Deborah and Henry Seay
Mary Tondreau '80 *
Durreen Shahnaz '89 and
Robert Kraybill *
Nancy Briggs Tooke '68 *
Jane Dawson Shang '82
and Paul Shang *
Rebecca Truelove '91 *
Susan Bergesch
Shanks '73 *
Mary Macklin Tynes '64
Minerva Heller Neiditz '54
Marilyn Carlson Nelson '61
and Glen D. Nelson *
Alicia Newton '85 *
Barbara Wick Noel '78 *
Jane Gleason Norton '45 ≈
Joan and Lucio Noto
Janis Wellin Notz '64 *
Cornelia Hahn
Oberlander '44 *
Wynne Odell
Mina Ellis Otis '56
Terry Cuthbertson
Pelster '64 *
Brenda Mulmed
Shapiro '61 *
Kathryn Amey Shelton '65
and and Thomas Shelton *
Alice Schwedock
Small '64 *
Elisabeth Morgan
Pendleton '62 *
Paula Young Smith '64
Smith College Club of
Francie Garber Pepper '62
and John Pepper *
Smith College Club of
Ms. Umasunthari and Dr.
Prem Pillay
Smith College Club of
Sarah Hoffman
Pinkston '44 ≈
Smith College Club of
Judith Pool *
Roberta Peck
Sommers '64
Alexandra Learned
Preston '63 *
Alden Finch Prouty '64 *
Esther Kirschenbaum
Pullman '64
Ella Hornickel Quintrell '49
and Thomas A. Quintrell *
Mary Alice Kean
Raynolds '49
Mary and Wendell Reilly
and Molly Reilly '14
The Torres Family
Mary Bahr Turino '54 *
Laura D'Andrea Tyson '69
Susan Duff Van Leer '52
and M. Theodore Van
Leer *
Sandra Vanden '88 ≈
Mary Wurtele
Vaughan '49 *
Elaine Wiatrowski
Vorisek '79 *
Karel Fierman
Wahrsager '52 *
Amanda Wallis '74 *
Barbara Stevens Weeks
'53 *
Arnold D. Wilner and
Norma W. Wilner Fund
Christopher Wollenberg *
Mary Chapman
Speare '64 *
Phoebe Pederson
Wood '75 *
Gloria Steinem '56
Jennifer McCornack
Woodward '82 *
Deirdre Molson
Stevenson '54 *
Ariko Okamoto
Tamenaga '87
Judy Emil Tenney '49 *
Ana-Maria V. Zaugg '71
and David W. Anstice *
Carlyn Barr Zehner '81 *
Janet Booth Zide '83 *
Susan Termohlen '72 *
“As a first-generation college student myself, helped
at every step by Pell Grants and generous institutional
support, I urge every college president to make access a
critical indicator of how she or he defines success.”
"Keeping Smith accessible and affordable is definitely a
main goal that I have going forward. Fortunately for me,
that’s also a longstanding commitment of Smith’s.”
Thomas Thaler '77
Joan Williams Rhame '49
Linda Harnsberger Rose
'82 and David Rose *
Neall Grinnan Rose '64
Susan Friebert
Rossen '63 *
Elizabeth Woodbury
Rowe '59 *
Sheryl Ruskin '65 *
President Kathleen McCartney
mith Stars:
Those who have given
to Smith for five or more
consecutive years
≈ Deceased
“This opportunity has changed
my life forever. The impossible
seems attainable.”
Mariana Rivera AC ’16
Recipient of the Lynette Lee Walker Taylor AC 1992 Endowed Fund
Office of Development
33 Elm Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063
Board of Trustees, 2013–14
Neelum Amin ’86
Honorary Campaign
Rachael Bartels ’88
Jill Ker Conway, president emerita
Sanford Belden
Rochelle (Shelly) Braff Lazarus ’68
Dahna Black ’13
Agnes Bundy Scanlan ’79
Linda Smith Charles ’74
Campaign Steering
Arlene Cebollero Cohrs ’80
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard ’69
Peggy Block Danziger ’62
April Hoxie Foley ’69
Deborah Duncan ’77
Ann Kaplan ’67
Paula Ferris Einaudi ’65
Janice Carlson Oresman ’55
Margaret Eisen ’75
Alison Overseth ’80
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard ’69, chair
Lois Perelson-Gross ’83
Deborah Farrington ’72
Debra Y. Romero ’77
April Hoxie Foley ’69
S. Mona Ghosh Sinha ’88
Neil R. Grabois
Cornelia Mendenhall Small ’66
Kate Barnes Grant ’75
Leslie Brooks Solomon ’82
Elizabeth Hoffman ’68
Anita Volz Wien ’62
Eve Hunter ’12
Phoebe Pederson Wood ’75
Hoon Eng Khoo ’73
Kathleen McCartney
Susan Goodman Novick ’81
Alison Overseth ’80
Judith C. Pelham ’67
Lois Perelson-Gross ’83
Debra Y. Romero ’77
Linda E. Salisbury ’78
Nina Scherago ’82
James Shulman
S. Mona Ghosh Sinha ’88
Lois Thompson ’66
Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of the
information in this publication.
To report an error or omission,
please contact:
Marissa Hoechstetter
Director of Donor Relations