Saint Leo University Madison Center 2014 Fall Schedule of Courses Madison Staff Center Director Associate Professor of Education Mrs. Christy Roebuck Dr. Brian O’Connell Recruiter/Assistant Academic Advisor Ms. Lisa Burnham Staff Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Schmidt 325 NW Turner Davis Drive Madison, Florida (850) 973-3356 Fax: (850) 973-3473 SLU Website: Center Website: Center Email: Facebook: Fees Tuition per credit hour Graduation Official Transcript Senior Seminar Comprehensive Exam $250.00 $105.00 $ 7.00 $ 50.00 Veteran Affairs Information VA students must contact VA Certifying Official, Mrs. Christy Roebuck or Ms. Elizabeth Schmidt before registering for the first term of classes to complete appropriate paperwork. VA students must notify Christy Roebuck or Elizabeth Schmidt of any changes to a class schedule, as not doing so may affect them financially. For more information, please contact,, or (850) 973-3356. Registration Information Registration must be submitted to the student’s home resident center only. Students may register for classes provided they do not have holds on their student record. All university financial balances must be paid in full prior to registration. How to pay University balances (tuition, fees, etc.) Two plans are available for your convenience: 1)Deferred payment plan. Students using this plan must pay, by check or money order, 1/3 of the tuition at the time of registration, 1/3 payment midterm and 1/3 one week prior to the end of the term. Textbook costs cannot be deferred. 2)Financial Aid: Students intending to use financial aid need to bring in an award letter at the time of registration. For all financial aid questions, call the Financial Aid Office at 1-800-240-7658 or call Ms. Lisa Burnham at 850-973-3356. 3)All payments are accepted through your student eLion accounts if you are paying with credit/debit card. All checks or money orders should be mailed directly to our University Campus. *The Madison Center does not accept any kind of payments. Withdrawals and Refunds Withdrawals must be made in person using an official 2 page withdrawal form. Refunds are based on the date on which we receive the request. Refunds are based on the amount of tuition due, not necessarily the amount already paid. Please allow 45 days for your account to be updated after a withdrawal. A. Prior to start of class—100% refund of full tuition paid B. Within Drop/Add period—100% refund C. Course withdrawal after drop/add and before the end of week 2.—75% refund. D. No refund for any course withdrawal after the end of week 2. Saint Leo University Bookstore: MBS Direct Online at: Instruction on how to purchase your books online: 1) Click Order My Books, choose a payment method and select Continue. 2) Payment options: credit card, financial aid allocation, or call MBS to set up another form of payment Your allocation information is sent to your Saint Leo University e-mail address Your center is NOT given your allocation information, but we can assist you in getting to your e-mail If you have not received your allocation information, please contact Student Financial Services at (800) 240-7658 to make sure aid was awarded If you have received aid and have not received allocation information, please contact MBS at (800) 240-3252 If it’s getting close to the beginning of the term, you may want to purchase your books out of pocket. If you get aid and pay for the textbooks out of pocket, the remaining aid will be issued to you in a refund. 3) Verify the selected term is correct; select the center/program offering your courses and click Continue. 4) Click the box next to the course you need books for and click Continue (You can select more than one course at a time) 5) Select the type of book you would like to purchase and click Add to Cart. 6) The next page offers OPTIONAL study items. 7) You will have to create an account or log-in. Use your Saint Leo e-mail. Enter your billing and shipping address and select continue. Choose your shipping method. Verify the information and click Finalize Order. Other websites to order textbooks: www. www. Academic Advising Academic Advisors are available to students who would like to change their major, add a minor, register for courses, withdraw from classes, and apply for graduation. Graduation Applications, which are available at the Madison Center, are due the semester before you complete your degree requirements. Course Cancellation Saint Leo University reserves the right to limit class size, split classes due to size, or cancel any class. Classes are usually cancelled if six paid registrations are not received. Each student in a cancelled class will be contacted and given the opportunity to select another class or request a refund. Financial Aid Completion of the FAFSA is required for all students who are interested in financial aid. Complete the FAFSA online at Our school code (Step 5, page 6 of the FAFSA) is 001526. If you are applying for a loan for the first time at Saint Leo University, you must complete a Master Promissory Note and the Entrance Counseling Exam. Please check your e-lion account and Saint Leo email for updates. For Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG), proof of Florida residency requirement is for twelve (12) months prior to starting classes. Note: FRAG will be automatically be awarded for Fall and Spring if requirements are met upon completing the annual FAFSA. (12 semes ter credits) All financial aid is contingent upon meeting the Saint Leo University Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress. To register using financial aid, contact your Saint Leo University Center Office. You can contact the University Campus Financial Aid Office at (800) 240-7658 Monday through Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm, by fax at (352) 588-8612 or email at Saint Leo University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degree. 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 3033-4097, Tel 404-679-4501. Accessing eLion eLion is an online system provided by the University that allows student access to their personal information, granting them admission to their financial account, grades, academic evaluation, etc. Students will not gain access to ELION until after their first registration. This means all students must meet with their advisor their first term to register for classes. Upon registration, the system is set up to automatically create a student’s eLion account. To log in to eLion, a student may take either of the following routes: 1) Access the eLion webpage at Click on Login. You will be prompted to enter a username/login and password. Your username/login will be your firstname.lastname. Your password will be your 7 digit student ID number. 2) Access the portal webpage at You will be prompted to enter a username/login and password. Your username/ login will be your firstname.lastname. Your password will be your first initial + last initial + last four digits of your SSN. Click on the tab for elion. For example: Username: john.doe Password: jd6789 As it is possible to share a name with another student, it may be necessary for you to check your username/login by clicking on the Forgot my username/ What is my username link that can be found at the bottom of either of the above mentioned web pages. You will be prompted to enter your last name and either your SSN or student ID number. Common names are often followed by a number. For example: john.doe01. Upon entering the system for the first time you will be prompted to change your password. Your new password must be at least six characters long and include both letters and numbers. If you ever forget your password, simply click on the link for Forgot my password. Your same username and password can also be used to access your email account through the university. You may access your email account through portal, by clicking on Windows Live Student Email. If you need assistance with any of the above mentioned systems, please contact the helpdesk at 352-588-8888 or Assessing Distance Learning Classes If you are a first time student, you will be required to complete an online orientation before gaining access to online classes. The orientation will illustrate the use of Learning Studio (formerly known as ecollege). The link for the orientation can be found on the Learning Studio homepage at To log-in to Learning Studio, you will need both a username and password. Your username should be your firstname.lastname. To determine your username, please visit and click on the link for forgot my username. Your password will be your seven-digit student ID number (this is not your social security number). If you do not know your student ID number, please call the center for assistance. Once you know your username and password, you will be ready to access your online courses at If you have trouble accessing Learning Studio , please contact Susan Boyd at Make sure to include your full name, student ID number and course information in the email. How to view a complete listing of the Distance Learning Courses: Visit Select Distance Learning Select the term that you are interested in: Fall I or Fall II SAINT LEO UNIVERISTY MADISON CENTER 2014-2015 Academic Term Calendar 8 & 15 Weeks Courses and Distance Learning Term Dates Fall 2014 Registration: 15 Weeks, 8 weeks Fall I & II Terms Classes Begin for 15 Weeks, 8 week Fall I courses Labor Day Holiday Drop/Add Ends For 15 Week & 8 Week Fall I Courses Last Day to Withdraw For 8 Week Courses Term Ends for 8 Week Fall I Courses Classes Begin for 8 Week Fall II Courses Drop/Add Ends for 8 Week Fall II Courses Last Day to Withdraw For 15 Week Courses Veteran’s Day Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday Last Day to Withdraw For 8 Week Courses Term Ends for 15 Week Courses Term Ends for 8 Week Courses June 30, 2014 August 25, 2014 September 1, 2014 September 2, 2014 October 6, 2014 October 19, 2014 October 20, 2014 October 27, 2014 November 10, 2014 November 11, 2014 November 27-28 December 1, 2014 December 5, 2014 December 14, 2014 Spring 2015 Registration: 15 Weeks, 8 weeks Spring I & II Terms Term starts for 15 week & 8 week Spring I Drop/Add ENDS for 15 week & 8 week Spring I Terms Martin Luther King Day Holiday President’s Day Last Day to Withdraw for 8 Week Spring I Term Spring Break Last Day to Withdraw from 15 Week Spring I Term Term Ends for 8 Week Spring I Term Starts for 8 Week Spring II Good Friday Drop/Add ENDS for 8 Week Spring II Term Term Ends for 15 Week and 8 Week Spring II Term October 25, 2014 January 5, 2015 January 12, 2015 January 19, 2015 February 16, 2015 February 16, 2015 March 23-27, 2015 March 23, 2015 April 1, 2015 April 2, 2015 April 3, 2015 April 9, 2015 April 26, 2015 No Classes/Office Closed No Classes No Classes/Office Closed No Classes No Classes No Classes No Classes/Office Closed Summer I 2015 Registration Begins Term Starts Drop/Add Ends Memorial Day Holiday Last Day to Withdraw Term Ends March 2, 2015 May 4, 2015 May 11, 2015 May 25, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 28, 2015 No Classes/Office Closed SAINT LEO UNIVERISTY MADISON CENTER 2014-2015 Calendar Fantastic Fridays The Saint Leo University’s Madison Center will be accepting walk-ins every other Friday to register for the Fall terms. Registration is on a first come, first served basis on the following dates from 9am-12pm: July 11th & 25th August 8th & 22nd Please keep in mind that wait times will vary depending on the influx of students. Walk-Ins will only be accepted for students enrolling in 8 week courses. Elementary Education students will register with Dr. O’Connell separately. 8 Week Courses Fall I: August 25th, 2014– October 19th, 2014 Business Administration Course Number Course Title Section Day Time GBA 440 International Business MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm GBA 231 Business Law I MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm MGT 331 Management of Human Resources MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm MGT 325 Finance for Managers MDWE Thursdays and Enhanced 6:00pm-10:00pm Criminal Justice Course Number CRM 303 Course Title Legal Issues in Criminal Justice Section Day Time MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm MDDS Directed Study TBD Administration CRM 496/499 Senior Seminar Human Services Course Number Course Title Section Day Time HUS 121 Introduction to Human Services MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm HUS 345 Social Policy for Human Services MD01 Mondays and Thursdays 6:00pm-8:30pm HUS 335 Interpersonal Helping Skills MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm HUS 423 Field Placement III, Module I MDDS TBA TBA Psychology Course Number PSY 201 Course Title The Psychology Major: Academic and Section Day Time MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm Professional Issues PSY 339 Social and Cultural Foundations of Behavior Computer Information Systems Course Number Course Title Section Day Time GBA 231 Business Law I MD01 Mondays and Thursdays 6:00pm-8:30pm MGT 325 Finance for Managers MDWE Thursdays and Enhanced 6:00pm-10:00pm Health Care Management Course Number Course Title Section Day Time GBA 231 Business Law I MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm MGT 325 Finance for Managers MDWE Thursdays and Enhanced 6:00pm-10:00pm 8 Week Courses Fall II: October 20th, 2014– December 14th, 2014 Business Administration Course Number Course Title Section Day Time MGT 412 Organizational Behavior MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm GBA 498 Strategic Management MDBL Thursdays (6 seats) 6:00pm-8:30pm Criminal Justice Course Number Course Title Section Day Time CRM 123 Introduction to Law & Legal System MDBL Mondays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm CRM 322 Law of Criminal Procedure MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm CRM 220 Survey of the Criminal Justice System MDBL Thursdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm Psychology Course Number Course Title Section PSY 338 Industrial & Organizational Psychology MDDS Day Tuesdays (6 seats) Time 6:00pm-8:30pm Human Services Course Number Course Title Section Day Time HUS 340 Group Study Skills for Human Services MDBL Tuesdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm HUS 410 Human Services Administration MDBL Thursdays and Blended 6:00pm-8:30pm HUS 424 Field Placement III, Module II MDDS TBA TBA HUS 498 Senior Seminar MDDS TBA TBA 15 Week Courses: August 25th, 2014– December 5th, 2014 Elementary Education Block I Course Number Course Title Section Day Time Mondays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 334 Reading Foundations in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 EDU 320 Practicum I MDE01 EDU 321 Seminar Start Date: August 26th MDE01 Tuesdays August 26th September 9th & 23rd October 7th & 21st November 4th & 18th December 2nd 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 330 Math in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 332 Language Arts in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 Thursdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 304 Human Exceptionalities Start Date: August 30th MDE01 Saturdays: August 30th September 13th & 27th October 11th & 25th November 1st 8:30am- 3:30pm Block II Course Number Course Title Section Day Time EDU 338 Science in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 Mondays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 343 Reading Across the Curriculum MDE01 Tuesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 425 Educational Management and Organization MDE01 Tuesdays 4:00pm-6:00pm EDU 341 ESOL Foundations MDE01 Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 360 Practicum II MDE01 EDU 361 Seminar Start Date: August 28th MDE01 Thursdays August 28th September 11th & 25th October 9th & 23rd November 6th & 20th December 4th 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 304 Human Exceptionalities Start Date: August 30th MDE01 Saturdays: August 30th September 13th & 27th October 11th & 25th November 1st 8:30am-3:30pm Block III Course Number Course Title Section Day Time EDU 342 ESOL Applications MDE01 Mondays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 425 Educational Management and Organization MDE01 Tuesdays 4:00pm-6:00pm EDU 339 Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 Tuesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 335 Reading Diagnosis and Remediation in the Elementary Classroom MDE01 Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:50pm EDU 460 Practicum III MDE01 EDU 461 Seminar MDE01 Thursdays August 28th September 11th & 25th October 9th & 23rd November 6th & 20th December 4th 6:00pm-8:50pm MDE01 Saturdays: August 30th September 13th & 27th October 11th & 25th November 1st 8:30am-3:30pm Start Date: August 28th EDU 304 Human Exceptionalities Start Date: August 30th Block IV Course Number Course Title Section Day Time EDU 480 Final Internship MDE01 EDU 481 Final Seminar Start Date: August 25th MDE01 ALT Mondays August 25th September 8th & 22nd October 6th & 20th November 3rd & 17th December 1st 5:00pm-8:00pm EDU 428 Educational Governance, History and Philosophy Start Date: September 1st MDE01 ALT Mondays September 1st, 15th, & 29th October 13th & 27th November 10th & 24th 5:00pm-8:00pm *There will be two additional meetings. Please speak to your instructor about those meeting dates and times. Distance Learning Undergraduate Program Student Registration Handout 2014 Fall I August 25th, 2014– October 19th, 2014 1. For first-time Distance Learning (DL) students taking only online courses: Completion of the New Student orientation course is mandatory within the first four weeks of class for all first-time DL students. Please log in to the Saint Leo University portal ( and click the “ Learning Studio” link to access your orientation course. Individuals without personal access to the orientation course (non first-time DL students) who would like to access the orientation course may do so by logging into Learning Studio directly at with the User ID “newstudent” and the Password “77777”. Once logged in, click on Courses in the upper left corner and you will see the Student ORI Learning Stuido Student Orientation course. (First-time DL students should use their personal log-in to receive credit for the course.) 2. Go to the MBS Direct online textbook site for Distance Learning textbook information and online ordering. Textbooks for the current term are posted as soon as they are available. Please order your textbooks as soon as you are officially registered and the correct term’s textbooks become available so you will have them to begin the course on time. Be sure to order the textbooks from the Distance Learning list and not the list for your center/location. Also, be sure to order the textbooks for the correct term dates because multiple terms may be listed at once. You should also verify the textbook title, edition, ISBN, and author on the syllabus as soon as you gain access to your course when the term begins. 3. On the first day of class, or as directed by your instructor, log in to the Saint Leo University portal ( and click the “Learning Studio” link to access your course(s). Students who have not accessed their courses in Learning Studio by the end of the first week will be automatically dropped from those courses. (Please be advised that the Financial Aid office will revoke your award if you have not accessed each of your courses by the time the drop/ add period ends.) 4. If you register after the Wednesday before the term begins, please allow two business days to have access to your course(s) before contacting anyone for assistance. However, access will be granted sooner, if possible. Please note that the earliest day courses can be accessed will be the Thursday night or Friday before the term begins. 5. If the course you are registered for is not listed in Learning Studio or if you receive an “Access Denied” message when you click the Learning Studio link in the Saint Leo University portal, please contact Susan Boyd, student coordinator for distance learning, at Please include your full name, sevendigit student ID, course sections for which you are registered, description of your problem, and any error message you received. 6. Please feel free to contact John Cain, assistant vice president of continuing education for distance learning, at with your concerns or feedback. For technical assistance, call 1-866-501-1636 or use the link in the upper right corner of your Learning Studio screen. 7. Please contact your continuing education center or academic advisor for all advising and other academic issues. If you need to drop or withdraw from a course, you must contact your continuing education center or academic advisor to complete the paperwork. ____________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT DATES: Term start: August 25th Term end: October 19th Last day to drop/add: September 2nd Last day to withdraw without failure: October 6th Distance Learning Undergraduate Program Student Registration Handout 2014 Fall II October 20th, 2014– December 14th, 2014 1. For first-time Distance Learning (DL) students taking only online courses: Completion of the New Student orientation course is mandatory within the first four weeks of class for all first-time DL students. Please log in to the Saint Leo University portal ( and click the “ Learning Studio” link to access your orientation course. Individuals without personal access to the orientation course (non first-time DL students) who would like to access the orientation course may do so by logging into Learning Studio directly at with the User ID “newstudent” and the Password “77777”. Once logged in, click on Courses in the upper left corner and you will see the Student ORI Learning Stuido Student Orientation course. (First-time DL students should use their personal log-in to receive credit for the course.) 2. Go to the MBS Direct online textbook site for Distance Learning textbook information and online ordering. Textbooks for the current term are posted as soon as they are available. Please order your textbooks as soon as you are officially registered and the correct term’s textbooks become available so you will have them to begin the course on time. Be sure to order the textbooks from the Distance Learning list and not the list for your center/location. Also, be sure to order the textbooks for the correct term dates because multiple terms may be listed at once. You should also verify the textbook title, edition, ISBN, and author on the syllabus as soon as you gain access to your course when the term begins. 3. On the first day of class, or as directed by your instructor, log in to the Saint Leo University portal ( and click the “Learning Studio” link to access your course(s). Students who have not accessed their courses in Learning Studio by the end of the first week will be automatically dropped from those courses. (Please be advised that the Financial Aid office will revoke your award if you have not accessed each of your courses by the time the drop/ add period ends.) 4. If you register after the Wednesday before the term begins, please allow two business days to have access to your course(s) before contacting anyone for assistance. However, access will be granted sooner, if possible. Please note that the earliest day courses can be accessed will be the Thursday night or Friday before the term begins. 5. If the course you are registered for is not listed in Learning Studio or if you receive an “Access Denied” message when you click the Learning Studio link in the Saint Leo University portal, please contact Susan Boyd, student coordinator for distance learning, at Please include your full name, seven-digit student ID, course sections for which you are registered, description of your problem, and any error message you received. 6. Please feel free to contact John Cain, assistant vice president of continuing education for distance learning, at with your concerns or feedback. For technical assistance, call 1-866-501-1636 or use the link in the upper right corner of your Learning Studio screen. 7. Please contact your continuing education center or academic advisor for all advising and other academic issues. If you need to drop or withdraw from a course, you must contact your continuing education center or academic advisor to complete the paperwork. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----IMPORTANT DATES: Term start: October 20th Term end: December 14th Last day to drop/add: November 10th Last day to withdraw without failure: December 1st