CMPT Connections “on-line” 1 Roseomonas: How Classical Tests Play a Major Role in Bacterial Identification Robin Barteluk, ART, CMPT Editor and Web Manager I ntroduction In the recent Clinical Bacteriology survey M083-4 (dialysate with pure culture of Roseomonas) only 63% (43/68) of category A laboratories reported Roseomonas. Participants noted using both classical (or conventional) methods and a variety of commercial systems (API 20NE, MicroScan, Vitek2, and RapID NH). No commercial system was superior over the others in reporting the correct identification. What did the 43 laboratories reporting Roseomonas observe that the others did not? The Manual of Clinical Microbiology (9th ed.) provides an algorithm for gram-negative bacteria that grow on blood agar (p. 372)1. If the isolate is a gram-negative rod, glucose not fermented, pink pigment present this leads directly to the group with Roseomonas. Apparently, the identification was much more difficult than following these three simple steps. Classical methods (morphology and biochemical results) and commercial systems require skill in interpretive judgment. Commercial systems must be used as instructed by their manufacturers and technologists must be aware of the status of the database being used. In addition, the clinical microbiology laboratory must also keep up with changes in taxonomy and the evolution of pathogens. A Ve r y B r i e f H i s t o r y o f Ta x o n o m y (Classification, Nomenclature, Identification) It is important to recognize that taxonomy was created by man and it comes with a history full of diverse opinions and clashing doctrines. Throughout history there have been healers, herbalists, village elders, and others who “classified” which plants were edible or poisonous and which animals were dangerous. Aristotle is credited with creating the first written system of classification. He divided animals based on their means of transportation (air, land, or water), those that have red blood and live births and those that do not and he divided plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs. Botanists were the first to study bacteria and classified them in the same way as plants, that is, mainly by shape 2. The first formal bacterial classification scheme originated with the Gram stain, which separated bacteria based on the structural characteristics of their cell walls. In the 1950s and 1960s were the pheneticists and cladists. The pheneticists prioritized quantitative or numerical analysis and the recognition of similar characteristics among organisms (“classical tests”). Cladism groups organisms by evolutionary relationships, and arranges taxa in an evolutionary tree. Most modern systems of biological classification are based on cladistic analysis. In 1970, Colwell used the term “polyphasic taxonomy” to describe using genotypic, phenotypic, and phylogenetic information into a consensus type of general purpose classification 3. Based on the sequencing of 16S rRNA, in 1990 Woese4 introduced the three-domain system: Eukaryota, Bacteria and Archaea. The prokaryotes were separated into two groups, the Bacteria (originally labelled Eubacteria) and the Archaea (originally labeled Archaebacteria). Woese concluded, “The system we propose here will repair the damage that has been the unavoidable consequence of constructing taxonomic systems in ignorance of the likely course of microbial evolution, and on the basis of flawed premises (that life is dichotomously organized; that negative characteristics can define meaningful taxonomies).” The majority of biologists accept the domain system, but a large minority uses the five-kingdom method and a few scientists add Archaea or Archaebacteria as a sixth kingdom but do not accept the domain method. Due to lateral gene transfer, some closely related bacteria can have very different morphologies and metabolisms. To overcome this uncertainty, modern bacterial classification emphasizes molecular systematics, using genetic techniques such as guanine cytosine ratio determination, genome-genome hybridization, as well as sequencing genes that have not undergone extensive lateral gene transfer, such as the rRNA gene 3,5. The rapid increase in the number of genome sequences that are available and will be available means bacterial classification will remain a changing and expanding field. To assist with changes, January 1, 1980 was chosen as the new starting date for bacterial nomenclature 3. Classification of bacteria is determined by publication in the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology and Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology 6. The International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology (ICSB) maintains international rules for the naming of bacteria and taxonomic categories and for the ranking of them in the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria 3. Comparison of Isolates Reported in M083-4 (Dialysate) to Roseomonas Table 1 includes “Classic tests” information for all bacterial identifications submitted for M083-4; bacteria are listed alphabetically. Compare the Gram morphology, pigment production, urease, and oxidase results of Roseomonas to the other isolates listed. Additional characteristics for each organism are briefly described below as well as information, if available, about other organisms that may present similar characteristics leading to identification errors. The critique number of those organisms sent in CMPT challenges is noted. It must be stressed that there are many additional gram-negative bacilli that are not included in this article and Table 1. 7 are strictly aerobic gram-negative short rods that are rod-shaped during the active growth phase in fluid and on plates containing cell wall-active antimicrobial agents, and appear coccobacillary or coccoid during the stationary phase and on nonselective agars. Bacterial cells are frequently arranged in pairs and their cellular morphology may be confused as diplococci in direct Gram smears from clinical samples; Acinetobacter are infrequently misidentified as Moraxella sp. or Neisseria sp. These organisms are also noted for their tendency to resist decolourization, and may also be mistaken as grampositive organisms. This is especially seen in smears pre- Acinetobacter CMPT Connections “on-line” Volume 12 Number 4—Winter 2008 CMPT Connections “on-line” 2 pared from positive blood culture bottles. It is important to recognize the Gram smear morphology of Acinetobacter species in direct samples, and to correlate culture isolates with direct smear reports. Some glucose-oxidizing strains produce a unique brown colour on media with glucose, e.g. BAP, MacConkey, Mueller-Hinton. Acinetobacter species are negative for oxidase, motility, indole, and nitrate, but are catalase positive and utilize carbohydrates oxidatively. Automated systems (Vitek2, Vitek, MicroScan, BD Phoenix, API 20E, API 20NE) and API can usually identify this organism correctly to the species level with and without classical tests. In most conventional manual identification systems such as API, this organism is relatively inert and this is another clue to its identity. A. baumannii: glucose-oxidizing nonhemolytic; A. lwoffii: glucose-negative nonhemolytic; and A. haemolyticus: hemolytic. The most common nosocomial infections with A. baumannii involve the respiratory tract, urinary tract, wounds, and catheter sites, which may progress to bacteremia. The greatest impact of Acinetobacter has been as a causative agent of ventilator-associated pneumonia, with mortality rates of 70% reported in ICU’s in France. M081-3 Foot ulcer: Acinetobacter baumannii May 2008 staining. B. bronchiseptica produce small circular glistening or rough colonies 0.5 to 1.0 mm in diameter after 48 hours of incubation. Extended incubation, often required for the other species is not necessary. It is oxidase, catalase and urease +, indole (-), utilizes citrate, and reduces tetrazolium. Motility is best demonstrated in semi-solid agar at 30oC. Most commercially available identification systems give reliable results. Biochemically Bordetella resemble either Acinetobacter spp. or Alcaligenes/Achromobacter spp. B. avium, which closely resembles Alcaligenes faecalis has been reported only to affect birds, but a B. avium-like organism has been isolated from a human with chronic otitis media. B. bronchiseptica is commonly found both as a commensal and as a causative agent of respiratory disease in domestic and wild animals. However, it is capable of causing infections in humans, and there is often a history of exposure to animals. In addition, it has been shown to cause infections in patients with serious underlying diseases including haematologic disorders, hepatic or splenic diseases, alcoholism, trauma and peritoneal dialysis. M81-5 Sputum (young child): Bordetella bronchiseptica May 1998 Actinobacillus sp.8 resembles Pasteurella. Fermenter. Fac- Cupriavidus pauculus ultatively anaerobic coccoid to small gram-negative bacilli on solid media, in liquid media or with glucose or maltose tend to show bipolar staining; single, pairs, rarely short chains. Growth requires enriched media, improved with 5-10% CO2. Colonies about 2mm in diameter after 24 h at 37oC, smooth, or rough, viscous, bluish hue with transmitted light, often adhere to the agar surface, variable growth on MacConkey agar. Actinobacillus spp.: urease +, oxidase +; ONPG +; A. ureae (formerly Pasteurella ureae) ONPG (–), no growth on MacConkey. NOTE: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans recently transferred to a new genus Aggregatibacter (see M0822) in the family Pasteurellaceae. The species of the genus Aggregatibacter are independent of X factor and variably dependent on V factor for growth in vitro. Aggregatibacter. actinomycetemcomitans: urease (-); variable oxidase; MacConkey, no growth; ONPG (-); colonies central dot, develops into a starlike or crossed cigars, pits agar. (formerly CDC Group Ivc-2 and Ralstonia paucula) Short to medium-sized gram-negative bacilli, may stain irregularly, straight or slightly curved gram-negative bacilli, 1-5 um x 0.5-1.0 µm. May grow slowly > 72 h before colonies are visible. C. pauculus is asaccharolytic and rapidly urease + (often within minutes), which is similar to Bordetella bronchiseptica and Oligella ureolytica. Cupriavidus spp. and Ralstonia spp. are phenotypically similar; both have been isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis. NOTE: C. gilardii formerly called Ralstonia gilardii is the new name for an Alcaligenes faecalis-like organism isolated from human clinical sources and the environment. Vandamme9 proposed the name Wautersia be replaced by Cupriavidus and that all species of the genus Wautersia be considered species of the genus Cupriavidus. Species occur in soil and human clinical specimens, particularly in samples from debilitated patients. The type species is Cupriavidus necator. 7,9,10 Alcaligenes faecalis 7 is currently the only Alcaligenes species of Methylobacterium sp.7 Gram-negative bacilli, may apclinical importance. Rods – 0.5-1 x 0.5-2.6 µm, nonpigmented colonies with a thin, spreading irregular edge; some strains (previously named “Alcaligenes odorans” produce a fruity ‘green apples’ odor, and greenish discoloration of BAP. Reduce nitrite but not nitrate; oxidase +, indole (-), and asaccharolytic. Phylogenetically and biochemically, A. faecalis are closely related to members of the genus Bordetella. It is often found in diabetic ulcers of the feet, but its clinical significance is difficult to determine. NOTE: Alcaligenes denitrificans was reclassified as Achromobacter denitrificans. 7 is rapidly urease +, must be differentiated from Cupriavidus pauculus and Oligella ureolytica two species that are also rapidly urease positive. There are eight Bordetella spp. that will grow on ordinary culture media ( i.e., BAP and MacConkey). The Bordetellae are small gram-negative coccobacilli that occur singly or in pairs, and often show bipolar Bordetella bronchiseptica pear as large, vacuolated, pleomorphic rods that stain poorly and may resist decolorization (photograph p. 785 7) Usually no growth on MacConkey agar, grow slowly, 1mm colonies after 4-5 days, best growth on Sabouraud’s agar, optimal temperature for growth is between 25-30oC; colonies are dry, pink or coral in incandescent light; under UV light appear dark due to absorption of UV light; urease +; oxidization of sugars is weak (xylose, sometimes glucose). Members of the genus Methylobacterium are ubiquitous in nature and can be isolated from almost any freshwater environment where dissolved oxygen exists. This genus is composed of a variety of pink-pigmented, facultatively methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria that have been reported to cause CAPD related peritonitis, septicemia, skin ulcers, synovitis, as well as pseudoinfections (tap water). CMPT Connections “on-line” Volume 11 Number 4—Winter 2007 CMPT Connections “on-line” 3 NOTE Methylobacterium mesophilicum (formerly Pseudomo- M061-4 Dialysate: Myroides species May 2006 97% (69/71) nas mesophilica, Pseudomonas extorquens, and Vibrio ex- of category A laboratories received an acceptable grade. torquens) and M. zatmannii are the two species most commonly Oligella ureolytica 7 ,11 colonies are slow growing, pinpoint reported from clinical samples. at 24 h, but after 3 days on BAP are large, white, opaque, Myroides spp.7 are gram-negative rods (0.5 x 1-2 μm) that grow nonhemolytic, motile. Phenylalanine deaminase +; rapid on most media and most form yellow pigmented colonies. There urease + (often within minutes), which is similar to Bordetella are two species within the genus Myroides, M. odoratus and M. bronchiseptica and Cupriavidus pauculus. O. ureolytica is odoratimimus, however, there are no routine phenotypic tests for found primarily in the urine, usually from patients with longdifferentiating the species. Most strains have a fruity odor simi- term urinary catheters or other urinary drainage systems. lar to Alcaligenes faecalis. They are asaccharolytic, catalase, These patients have a propensity to develop urinary stones, oxidase, urease and gelatinase +; indole (-), nitrite reduced, ni- possibly because the organism hydrolyzes urea and alkalintrate not reduced. Myroides and Bacillus both produce effuse, izes the urine, leading to precipitation of phosphates. Bacspreading colonies, but a Gram stain of the colonies can differ- teremia has occurred in a patient with obstructive uropathy. entiate these organisms. Testing of 74 strains by the CDC O. ureolytica exhibits a variable susceptibility pattern. showed that the type strain of M. odoratus did not grow on Oligella urethralis7,11 (formerly Moraxella urethralis) MacConkey, whereas that of M. odoratimimus grew luxuriantly. coccobacillary, oxidase +, nonmotile; colonies are Myroides is identified by conventional and commercially availopaque to whitish, urease negative. able methods. Myroides sp. are environmental organisms (found O. urethralis is a commensal of the GU tract, and most in soil and water) and behave as opportunistic pathogens in clinical isolates are from the urine, predominantly from man, causing infections in immunocompromised hosts1. A varimen. Although symptomatic infections are rare, bacteremia, ety of infections has been reported including urinary tract, celluseptic arthritis that mimics gonococcal arthritis, and peritolitis, necrotizing fasciitis, bacteraemias, endocarditis, and vennitis have been reported. triculitis. Most strains are resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, aztreonam and carbapenems 7. The Oligella genus is distinct from the genera MoraxNOTE In 1996, on the basis of phenotypic characteristics and ella and Neisseria, whereas it shares close genetic and hybridization studies, Flavobacterium odoratum strains were phenotypic relationships with the genera Alcaligenes, Bordetella, and Taylorella 11 . reclassified as a new genus called Myroides. Table 1. Comparison of classic tests for some infrequently isolated gram-negative bacilli that grow on blood agar. Observations Acinetobacter Actinobacillus Alcaligenes Bordetella Cupriavidus bronchiseptica pauculus faecalis Gram stain morphology Growth, Colony morphology on blood agar 1-1.5 x 1.5-2.5 µm, sometimes difficult to decolorize, frequently arranged in pairs; may initially appear as gram-positive cocci in direct smears prepared from + blood culture bottles punctate colonies, smooth, opaque, slightly smaller than those of Enterobacteriaceae Growth on MacConkey many strains grow as colourless or slightly pink colonies Oxidase - Urease Unique feature - (some + prolonged incubation) some glucose-oxidizing strains produce a unique brown colour on media; some fail to grow in nutrient broth; relatively inert; may mimic Neisseria or Moraxella on Gram stain coccoid to small gramnegative rods on solid media, in liquid media or with glucose or maltose tend to show bipolar staining, arranged single, pairs, rarely short chains 0.5-1 x 0.5-2.6 µm bacilli small gram-negative coccobacilli that occur singly or in pairs, and often show bipolar staining 1-5 x 0.5-1.0 µm, may stain irregularly straight or slightly curved bacilli requires enriched me- non pigmented colonies glistening or rough colo- may grow slowly > 72 h with a thin, spreading nies 0.5-1.0 mm in diame- before colonies are visible dia, best with 5-10% irregular edge; some ter after 48 hours of incuCO2; colonies about 2mm (24 h at 37 o C), strains produce a fruity bation; strict aerobes, smooth, or rough, vis‘green apples’ odor, with optimal growth at cous, bluish hue with greenish discoloration 35oC transmitted light, often adhere to the agar +/- varies with species + + + (may grow slowly) + + + + + (most, rapid; some weak) - rapid + ( often within minutes) rapid + (often within minutes) Actinobacillus spp. ONPG +; A. ureae ONPG (–), no growth on MacConkey A. faecalis only species of clinical importance; reduce nitrite but not nitrate; phylogenteically and biochemically very similar to Bordetella Resemble either Acinetobacter spp. or Alcaligenes/ Achromobacter spp. indole negative, utilize citrate, and reduce tetrazolium Cupriavidus & R. insidiosa glucose (-), R. pickettii is glucose +; citrate + Isolated from patients with CF CMPT Connections “on-line” Volume 12 Number 4—Winter 2008 CMPT Connections “on-line” 4 Paracoccus yeei 7 (formerly CDC group EO-2) The genus Ralstonia pickettii 10 Ralstonia and Cupriavidus are pheno- Paracoccus comprises 17 species of aerobic, gram-negative coccobacilli. The coccobacilli have been described as donutshaped “O-shaped” cells due to vacuolated or peripherally stained cells by some, but not all investigators 12. Optimal growth detected at 35°C rather than at 20 to 25°C. P. yeei form whitish-greyish, convex colonies 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter on Columbia sheep blood agar and chocolate agar plates but growth on MacConkey is delayed (>72 h) or negative. After 72 h on Columbia sheep blood agar the whitishgreyish colonies develop into very mucoid beige colonies. P. yeei is catalase + and strongly oxidase +, reduce nitrate, nonmotile (hanging drop), indole (-), and saccharolytic (acid from glucose). Discrepancy in urease activity testing in both the API NH and API NE systems has been described and might be explained by the stronger buffering capacity in the API NE well 12. typically similar and differentiating them may be difficult. R. pickettii will grow on BAP, MacConkey, and Burkholderia cepacia selective agar. Most Ralstonia species show a fast, strong oxidase reaction, although some may have a weak oxidase reaction. R. pickettii are catalase +, lysine decarboxylase (-), glucose +, and urease +. Cupriavidus and Ralstonia insidiosa do not produce acid from glucose. Based on phenotypic characterization, Burkholderia pickettii, B. solanacearum, and Alcaligenes eutropha were transferred to the new genus Ralstonia. When both biochemical tests and automated identification systems are used, Ralstonia spp. can be misidentified as Burkholderia spp. or, less often, as nonaeruginosa Pseudomonas spp. R. pickettii is easily confused with Pseudomonas fluorescens. Of note, most B. cepacia are non-pigmented, but on TSI (iron-containing media) many produce a bright yellow pigment and a dirt-like odor. Paracoccus have their natural habitat in soil and brines and are known for their physiological versatility. Only two blood culture isolates have been described in the literature 12. This is perhaps due to its macroscopic appearance with colonies initially resembling those of a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS). If a Gram stain or an oxidase reaction test is not performed, then misidentification of P. yeei as a CNS may occur, in particular because of the delayed growth of P. yeei on MacConkey agar plates. In addition, a suspected CNS with susceptibility to nearly all of the antimicrobial agents tested may not trigger any further biochemical investigations for species identification 12. R. pickettii belongs to a group of gram-negative bacilli found in the environment, primarily in water, soil, and on plants (as plant crop pathogens); occasionally from clinical samples. Ralstonia spp. have traditionally exhibited low virulence in humans but have been found in respiratory secretions of cystic fibrosis patients13 and several nosocomial outbreaks involving contaminated solutions14. Several newly recognized R. pickettii-like species are now known to be involved in human infection, especially in CF patients 10. Ralstonia mannitolilytica accounts for more infections in CF patients than does R. pickettii 10. NOTE: (see M081-5 BAL: B. cepacia complex). Table 1. Comparison of classic tests for some infrequently isolated gram-negative bacilli that grow on blood agar. Methylobacterium Myroides Oligella ureolytica Oligella urethralis Paracoccus yeei Gram: large, vacuolated, pleomorphic rods that may resist decolourization 0.5 x 1-2 µm rod-shaped coccobacilli coccobacilli BAP: dry colonies; opt temp 25-30oC most are yellow and form effuse, spreading colonies slow, pinpoint at 24 h, but large white, opaque, nonhemolytic colonies after 3 days opaque to whitish MAC - (usually no growth) + Myroides odoratimimus; - M. odoratus Oxidase, rapid + + coccobacilli; may have donut- “O” shaped cells due to vacuolated or peripherally stained cells whitish-greyish, convex colonies 0.5 to 1 mm developing into very mucoid beige colonies; optimal growth 35°C delayed, poor, growth after 72 h or NG + strong Urease - /variable coral or pink Positive UV absorption of colonies + (may be delayed > 48 h) + rapid + (often within minutes) phenylalanine deaminase yellow pigment, fruity +; both Oligella have been odour similar isolated from the human to A. faecalis; urinary tract, cause spread like a urosepsis; Bacillus motile + + + reduce nitrate; (morphology can be confused with Moraxella osloensis [nitrate negative]); nonmotile Ralstonia pickettii Roseomonas straight or slightly plump, coccoid rods curved rod-shaped, in pairs & short 1-5 x 0.5-1.0 µm chains may grow slowly 2 to 3 days, pinpoint, > 72 h before grow better at colonies are visible < 30oC; become mucoid and runny; will grow at 42oC + + (usually), delayed 4-5 days at RT weakly oxidase positive (30 seconds) or negative - /variable + + variable very mucoid beige indole-negative; pink (best on SAB) Might be confused easily confused with may be better at with a CNS; Cupriavidus, 25 o C, and may be delayed; also easreduce nitrate, nonPseudomonas motile; indole fluorescens and ier to see pigment Burkholderia ce- on a white swab pacia complex; ONPG (-) + CMPT Connections “on-line” Volume 12 Number 4—Winter 2008 CMPT Connections “on-line” Roseomonas species15 are gram-negative, ranging from plump coccoid rods, in pairs or short chains, to mainly cocci with occasional rod forms. They are not fastidious and will grow on most laboratory media, including MacConkey agar (up to 91% of strains), however, growth on MacConkey may be delayed. Growth occurs across a wide range of temperatures, and after 2 to 3 days, pinpoint, pale-pink, shiny, often mucoid, runny colonies will appear. The pink pigment may be best viewed on a white swab of the colony. Occasional strains may grow more slowly, taking 4 to 5 days. The best growth and pigmentation is observed on Sabouraud’s agar 7. Although initial incubation of media should be at 35-37oC, it is important to note that many of the pink-pigmented strains grow better at < 30oC and may be detected on plates left at room temperature after the initial readings. Members of this group include Roseomonas, Methylobacterium, Asaia, and Azospirillum. Of those isolates that grow better at < 30oC carry out all identification tests at < 30oC (including some of the commercial ID kits, e.g., API 20NE 7). The oxidase reaction is variable, as most strains will be either oxidase negative or only weakly positive. Young cultures grown on blood agar may be oxidase positive, whereas older cultures (>72 hours) or cultures grown on chocolate agar may give negative oxidase results. Roseomonas sp. are catalase and urease positive and most strains are motile. Roseomonas sp. are negative for a number of other common laboratory tests: indole production, ONPG, hydrogen sulfide production, gelatin liquefaction, phenylalanine deaminase, esculin hydrolysis, lysine and ornithine decarboxylases, and arginine dihydrolase; variable reactions are obtained for citrate utilization and nitrate reduction. CMPT M083-4 (dialysate): Roseomonas, Nov 2008. Conclusions Bacteriology has deviated from traditional taxonomy because it has migrated to a system that is not binomial. Increasingly new genera and species are being created faster than manufacturers can incorporate into their systems. Several of these isolates are environmental organisms and many automated systems do not include environmental organisms in their databases. This makes clinical laboratorians vulnerable to computerized database systems and automated identification systems. In cases of misidentification, communication between the laboratory and manufacturer of commercial systems may help to update databases. As previously mentioned, classical methods (morphology and biochemical results) and commercial systems require skill in interpretive judgment. The laboratory standard operating procedures manual must list actions to confirm identification results when confronted with an identification that is questionable, rare, or very unusual for the sample source. The expected outcomes of the ‘classic tests’ should match the organism in question. If not, then actions may include setting up additional biochemical tests, prolonging incubation, incubating at varying temperatures and atmospheres, looking at Gram morphology from growth on several media, 5 researching the latest text books, and so on. Sometimes it may be necessary to forward an organism to a reference laboratory for definitive identification. REFERENCES 1. Schreckenberger PC, Lindquist D. 2007. Ch. 24. p. 372375. Algorithms for identification of aerobic gram-negative bacteria. In PR Murray et al. (eds.) Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 2. URL: 3. Vandamme PAR. 2007. Taxonomy and classification of bacteria. Ch. 19. p. 275-290. In PR Murray et al. (eds.) Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 4. Woese C, Kandler O, Wheelis M. 1990. Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya". Proc Natl Acad Sci. 87:12. p. 4576–9. doi:10.1073/pnas.87.12.4576 5. URL: 6. Garrity GM. (ed.) 2005. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. 2nd ed. Volume 2 : The Proteobacteria Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology 7. Schreckenberger PC, Daeshvar MI, Hollis DG. 2007. Ch. 50. p. 770-802. Acinetobacter, Achromobacter,Chryseobacterium, Moraxella, and other nonfermentative gram-negative rods. In PR Murray et al. (eds.) Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 8. Von Graevenitz A, Zbinden R, Mutters R. 2007. Ch. 40. p. 621-635. Actinobacillus, Capnocytophaga, Eikenella, Kingella, Pasteurella, and other fastidious or rarely encountered gram-negative rods. ibid. 9th ed. 9. Vandamme P, Coenye T. 2004. Taxonomy of the genus Cupriavidus: a tale of lost and found. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 54. p. 2285-2289; DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.63247-0 10.LiPuma JL, Currie BJ, Lum GD, Vandamme PAR. 2007. Ch. 49. 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Ralstonia associated with Vapotherm oxygen delivery device---United States. MMWR 54:1052--3. 15.M083-4 Dialysate: Roseomonas. November, 2008. CMPT Connections “on-line” Volume 12 Number 4—Winter 2008