ATOMIC PHYSICS 10 H. Narumi, 1. Shimamura (editors) © Elsevier Science Publishers S.V., 1987 LASER-ATOM INTERACTIONS Jean DALIBARD 365 : RECENT THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENTS and Claude COHEN-TANNOUDJI Laboratoire de Spectroscopi e Hertzienne de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure* Collège de France, 24 rue Lhomond, F 75231 Paris Cedex 05 France et ln intense laser beams, when perturbative treatments are no longer val id, the dressed atom approach provides a quantitative understanding of the main features of dipole or intensity gradient forces (mean value, fluctuations, velocity dependence). ln this lecture, we present such an approach and we apply it to atomic motion in an intense standing wave. New efficient laser cooling schemes taking advantage of stimulated processes are proposed. They work for a blue detuning and do not saturate at high intensity. 1. INTRODUCTION During the last few years, atom interactions several experiments provide the possibility have demonstrated to control that laser- the velocity1,2 position3 of an atom. A new exciting field of research and the is emerging which is called laser cooling and trapping4. ln order to introduce the subject of this talk, we consider simplest possible example of an atom irradiated first the by a laser plane wave with wave vector k. Wh en the atom ab sorbs a laser photon, the momentum gain is fik. If the atom falls back to the ground state by stimulated emission, momentum returns to its initial value. But, if the emission spontaneous one, the momentum because spontaneous emission directions. It follows loss during such a process cycle (absorption + spontaneous <F> experienced process emission) is a is zero by symmetry, can occur with equal probabilities that the net atomic momentum the atomic in opposite gain in a fluorescence is fik. Consequently, the mean force by the atom is given by <F> ( 1) = fik r Gee where r Gee is the mean number of fluorescence cycles per unit time, equal to the product of the population Gee of the excited atomic state e by the spontaneous emission rate r , which is also the natural width of e. Such a force is nothing but the well known radiation pressure5-7 down atomic beams1. At high intensities, to the value fik r/2. which has been used for slowing Gee tends to 1/2 and <F> saturates Suppose now that the atom is irradiated by two counterpropagating * Unité associée au CNRS (UA 18) laser 366 J. Dalibard and C. Cohen- Tannoudji beams, with the same intensity, respect to the atomic one Wo and with a frequency wL detuned (the detuning 8 = wL - Wo tensity of such a standing wave is weak enough, two counterpropagating effect, is negative). the radiation waves can be added independently. resonance with the copropagating cooling8,9. If the in- pressures of the Because of the Doppler the atom gets closer to resonance with the opposing of usual radiative to the red with wave, farther from one. It is slowed down. This is the principle Such a scheme leads to velocity damping times of the order of To = Ii/R where R = Ii 2 k2 /2M is the recoil energy and M the atomic mass,and to minimum kinetic temperatures T of the order of r/2 kB T = Ii where kB is Boltzmann's few microseconds constant10. For sodium atoms, To is of the order of a and T is as low as 240 vK. The possibility with such "optical molasses" If the intensity of the laser standing wave is increased meter s» processes, 1), the physical responsible counterpropagating terpropagating ± 2 lik11,12. (saturation para- picture given above breaks down. Stimulated emission for a coherent redistribution waves, become predominant: plane wave can be followed of cooling atoms has been recently demonstrated2,4. by the stimulated of photons the absorption emission of a photon in the coun- wave, giving rise to a change of atomic momentum Such stimulated processes, between the two of a photon in a equal to which occur at a rate of the order of the Rabi frequency w1' are at the origin of dipole forces or intensity gradient forces5,6 (which have been recently used for trapping standing wave, it has been shown theoretically the atoms for a red detuning contrarily The purpose of this lecture pressure mol asses" described above. is to present recent theoretical a simple physical intense laser wave, and in particular interpretation is based on the dressed interpretation of atomic motion in an atom approach which is briefly recalled in terms of two valued dressed cal Stern and Gerlach effect). The particular is considered developments in an intense standing wave15. Such an in section 2. We then show in section 3 how dipole or intensity can be interpreted ln a strong (8<0) and a cooling for a blue one (8)0)5,13,14, to what happens in the "radiation which have provided atoms3,4). that they produce a heating of gradient forces state dependent forces (opti- case of an intense standing wave in section 4, and a new efficient laser cooling mechanism, which Laser-Atom Interactions does not saturate at high intensity, Finally, possible 367 is introduced ("Stimulated molasses"). appl ications of stimulated molasses are investigated in sec- tion 5. 2. THE DRESSED ATOM APPROACH. CONNECTION WITH RESONANCE FLUORESCENCE16-18 ln the high intensity limit, the Rabi frequency w1' characterizing strength of the laser-atom rate r. coupl"ing, is large compared ta the spontaneous We therefore considerin a firststep system atom + laser photons second step, we interacting the emission the energy levels of the combined together (dressed states). Then, in a take inta account the coupl ing with the vacuum field which gives rise to spontaneous transitions thus appears as spontaneous between dressed states. Resonance fluorescence emission of radiation 11 Co Ig n + 1> .. " n> , . iQ • 1 ," .!!r-16 le,n> 1 atom. 1 " :l from the dressed • ' 12, n> 1 1 1 wd> 1 1 i 11n-1> " l Ig.n> . -1--,6 1 1 1 • le, n -1> Con_1 / iQ 1 .•" 1 • 12,n-1> FIGURE 1 Left part: unperturbed states of the combined atom-laser photons system, in absence of coupling,bunched in well-separated two dimensional manifolds Right part: dressed states resulting from the atom-laser coupling Let us first introduce the dressed given point~. ln absence of coupling, atom + laser photons are labelled states for a 2-level atom at rest in a the energy levels of the combined system by two quantum numbers, e or 9 for the atom (excited or ground state), n for the number of laser photons. Such "unperturbed" states are represented on the left part on Fig. 1. When the laser frequency wL is close to the atomic one wo, these states are bunched manifolds ... &n = {Ig,n + 1 >, le,n >}, &n-1 = {Ig,n> into two dimensional , e,n - 1>} ... , 368 J. Dalibard and C. Cohen- Tannoudji the distance between the two levels of a given manifol~being and the distance coupling between two adjacent manifolds ho = (WL - wo) being hwL. The laser-atom V connects the two states of a given manifold. + For example, 1 laser photons the can absorb atom in the ground state 9 and in presence of n one laser photon and jump into the excited state e. This means that V has a non zero matrix element Actually, between the two states Ig,n + 1> and le,n> of & n . one can show that h <e,njVlg,n . (, (2) + 1> ="Z w1(r) el\? rJ where \?(r) is the phase of the laser field and w1(r) the Rabi frequency related to the amplitude &o(r) of the laser field and to the transition dipole moment d by (3) This coupling represented gives rise to two perturbed on the right part of Fig. combinations of the unperturbed states, 1. states Il,n> and 12,n> These dressed je,n> and (for &n)' states are both linear Ig,n + 1> and are separated by a splitting h~ given by + w](r)] ~(r) = [02 Consider correspond now the effect of spontaneous to transitions between states connected operator allowed by \e,n>, and both dressed and 12,n - 1> of &n-1 are contaminated + ~, transition transitions li,n> ~ : transition 12,n> ~ resonant thus provides laser beam. Similarly, various ved on the fluorescence sequence of fluorescence the dressed states [2,n - 1> corresponding Il,n> \l,n - 1> to a frequency to a frequency wL - ~, and li,n - 1> (with i = 1,2) corresponding triplet,,19 emitted states by Ig,n>, we find 4 allowed transitions i1,n> ~ !l,n - 1> corresponding wL' The dressed atom approach of the "fluorescence frequencies i.e. to transitions ie,n> and Ig,n>. Since both dressed and !2,n> of &n are contaminated wL The emission levels, basis, D, which does not change the number of connects only between &n and &n-1 emission. between dressed by a non zero matrix element of the atomic dipole D. ln the uncoupled laser photons, (4) If2 both to a frequency a straightforward interpretation by a 2 level atom irradiated features light can be easily understood photons as being emitted by a of photon correlations by considering in a "radiative obser- the cascade" by atom18. 3. DRESSED ATOM INTERPRETATION We apply now the dressed forces which are associated OF DIPOLE FORCES1S atom approach to the interpretation with the intensity gradients of dipole of the laser beam. Laser-Atom Interactions ln an inhomogeneous lt follows 369 laser beam, the laser intensity that w21 (r), and consequently ln Fig. 2, we have represented ~(r) according the variations is position dependent. to (4), vary in space. of the energies of the dressed states across a gaussian laser beam. Out of the laser beam, the dressed coincide with the bare ones, and their splitting beam, each dressed level is just ho. Il,n> or 12,n> is a linear superposition and le,n> and the splitting between the two dressed levels lnside the laser of Ig, n + 1> states of a given manifold becomes h~(r), which is larger than ho. -_ Out 'JO- Position FIGURE 2 Variations across a gaussian laser beam of the dressed-atom energy levels. Out of the laser beam, the energy levels connect with the uncoupled states ofng. 2, segarated by o. ln the laser beam, the splitting between the dressed states is ~(r» 0 Within each manifold, the energy diagram of Fig. 2 is similar to the one of a spin 1/2 magnetic moment in an inhomogeneous follows that, in absence of spontaneous dressed state dependent static magnetic emission, field. lt we can define a two-valued force, equal to minus the gradient of the dressed state energy 7; -+ -+ -;>.- -+ -+ Tl = - VEln(r) T2 = - VE2n(r) As in the ordinary = - -+-+ (h/2) V ~(r) = +.(h/2) (5) -+-+-;>.- V ~(r) = - Tl Stern and Gerlach effect, we have a force that depends on the internal state of the dressed atom, but the basic interaction occurs now 370 J. Da/ibard and C. Cohen- Tannoudji between an optical dipole moment and an inhomogeneous laser electric field (optical Stern and Gerlach effect). The effect of spontaneous tions between dressed versa. This changes dressed emission is to produce, states of type 1 and dressed states of type Z, or vice in a random way the sign of the instantaneous state dependent two valued force. Such a picture of an instantaneous ching back and forth between two opposite first the mean force. force swit- values provides a simple understan- ding of the mean value and of the fluctuations Consider at random times, transi- of dipole forces. It can be written as (6) l where TI. is the proportion of time spent in a dressed For 0>0 (case of Fig. Z), the unperturbed wL > wo, and the dressed beam. It follows that state state of type i (i Ig,n + 1> is above state = 1,2). le,n>, since to Ig,n + 1> out of the laser Il,n> connects Il,n> is less contaminated by le,n> than IZ,n>, and is therefore more stable with respect to spontaneous emission, so that TIl > TI2 ' and the atom spends more time in dressed states of type 1 than in dressed states of type Z. We conclude one corresponding sity regions. to level that, for 0>0, the sign of the mean force is the Il,n> : the atom is expelled out of the high inten- For 0<0, the conclusions are reversed. The dressed connects to Ig,n + 1> out of the laser beam, is more populated state IZ,n> than Il,n> and imposes its sign to the mean dipole force which attracts the atom towards the high intensity regions. same admixture Finally, for 0 = 0, the Z dressed of le,n>, are equally force vanishes. We understand populated states contain the (TIl= TI2), so that the mean in this way why the variations of the mean dipole force (for an atom initially at rest) versus the detuning 0 = wL - Wo are of a dispersive type. The argument quantitative. spontaneous given above is not only qualitative If one calculates transition but also TIl and TIZ from the mas ter equation giving the rates between the various dressed states, and if one puts their values in (6), one gets the exact value of the mean dipole force, (to lowest order Similarly, in f/w1)15. by studying the correlation function of the instantaneous force switching back and forth between *1 and *Z = - *1' it is possible to get a quantitative interpretation of the diffusion coefficient associated with the fluctuations of dipole forces5,15. 4. DRESSED STATES lN A STANDING WAVE. STIMULATED MOLASSES We come back now to the problem mentioned concerning Atomic the importance of stimulated motion at the end of the introduction processes in a strong standing wave. in a strong standing wave has been studied by several Laser-Atom Interactions authors20,13,5,21,15. We have recently the dressed atom approach, problem15. We present proposed and which provides 371 a physical picture, some physical based on insight in this in this section a summary of this theoretical work. ln a plane standing wave, along Oz, the Rabi frequency w1(z) is a periodic function of z (7) It follows that the 2 dressed states of a givenmanifold in space since their splitting is according r/(z) = [w~ cos' k z + (wL - wo)'] Fig. 3 represents these dressed states Il,n> and w1(z) is different (8) (dashed lines). ... ), w1(z) vanishes 12,n> respecti~ely states Ig,n + 1> and \e,n>, separated periodically I/i states for a positive detuning At a node of the standing wave (z = \/4 ,3\/4 two dressed oscillate to (4) and (7). by 0 (dotted lines). Out of anode, from zero, the dressed states are linear combinations Ig,n + 1> and je,n> and their splitting is maximum at the antinodes (z = 0, \/2, \ ... ) where w21 (z) reaches its maximum value. Consider effect of spontaneous emission. and the coincide with the unperturbed of now the As we have seen in section 2 above, an atom in level Il,n> or 12,n> can emit a spontaneous photon and decay to levels Il,n - 1> or 12,n - 1>. The key point is that, in a standing wave, the various rates for such spontaneous of the wave functions. processes For example, vary in space because of the z dependence if 0 is positive level j1,n>,its decay rate is zero at anode where maximum at an antinode where the contamination On the contrary, nodes where for an atom in level 12,n> coincides with The previous considerations and if the atom is in the Il,n> = Ig,n + 1> and of \l,n> by le,n> is maximum. [2,n>, the decay rate is maximum will allow us now to understand slowed down in an intense standing wave, when 0 is positive, happens in usual radiation pressure molasses example follow the "trajectory" at the le,n>. why an atom is contrarily to what (weak standing waves). We can for of a moving atom starting at a node of the standing wave, in level Il,n + 1> (full lines of Fig. 3). Starting from this valley, the atom climbs uphill until it approaches its decay rate is maximum. the top (antinode) where It may jump either in level Il,n> (which does not change anything from a mechanical point of view) or in level case the atom is again in a valley. reaches a new top (node) where \2,n> is the most unstable, It is clear that the atomic velocity 12,n>, in which It has now to climb up again until it is decreased and so on ... in such a process, since the atom sees on the average more "uphill" parts than "downhill" ones. Su ch a scheme can be actually considered as a microscopic realization of the 372 J. Dalibard and C. Cohen- Tannoudji "Sisyphus myth" : every time the atom has cl imbed a hill, it may be put back at the bot tom of another one by spontaneous emission and it has to climb up again. \ ..:.l.... ../"\\..II~\ .... \./.,' , . 11,n + 1> i~·~~;::{\~·T\7\··l\ ..ï2 ' '~I '''' ' 1 n+1> \11,n-1> ï~:~~1>" \·I'\··~i2,n-1> , ,ï'\.. \.,·r\7... " \ , .•. ...• FIGURE 3 Laser cooling in a strong standing wave with a blue detuning (8)0). The dashed lines represent the spatial variations of the dressed atom energy levels which coincide with the unperturbed levels (dotted lines) at the nodes. The full lines represent the "trajectory" of a slowly moving atom. Because of the spatial variation of the dressed wave functions, spontaneous emission occurs preferentially at an antinode (node) for a dressed state of type 1 (2). Between two spontaneous emissions (wavy lines), the atom sees on the average more uphill parts than downhill ones and is therefore slowed down. We have used such a picture dependence (k v « r), we have a linear dependence than for usual radiation The force reaches results for the velocity words, for situations between such two spontaneous of this friction depth of the dressed kv ~ r, when emissions. force is directly energy levels, this force increases After this maximum, (by a factor of the order of value for velocities w1/r). or in other in which, as in Fig. 3, the atom travels over a distance point is that the magnitude As a consequence, with a slope which can be much higher pressure molasses its maximum of the order of a wavelength modulation to derive quantitative of the force acting upon the atom15. At very low velocities The important related to the i.e. to the Rabi frequency wl' indefinitely with the laser intensity. kv becomes large compared to r, the force decreases Laser-Atom Interactions as v-l and finally, to non-adiabatic at very large velocities, Landau-Zener· transitions 373 resonances appear which are due between the two dressed states of each manifold2l. To conclude this section, it may be useful to analyze balance in the cooling process associated Between two spontaneous emission energy is transformed which redistribute wl· Atomic momentum When the atom climbs uphill, into potential photons between is therefore energy by stimulated processes waves at a rate to laser photons. The total by spontaneous away part of the atomic potential its kinetic emission the two counterpropagating transferred atomic energy is then dissipated molasses". the total (kinetic + potential) processes, energy of the atom is conserved. the energy-momentum with these "stimulated emission processes which carry energy. 5. APPLICATIONS 5.1 Transverse cooling of an atomic beam By irradiating at right angle an atomic beam with an intense standing wave detuned to the blue, it is possible to cool the transverse cities (along the direction in the previous section. k~v ~ r, the cooling of the standing wave) by the mechanism If the transverse efficiency with an interactionlength atomic velo- is maximum velocity described spread ~v is such that and it is possible to cool the beam much shorter than the one required for usual radia- tion pressure molasses. Actually, such an experiment has just been done in our group on a Cesium atomic beam22. An example of experimental Fig. 4. Fig. 4a gives the transverse (measured by a hot wire detector laser. The velocity velocity results is represented located 2 meters downstream) in absence of spread is ± 2 m/s. Fig. 4b shows the effect of a laser standing wave detuned + 30 MHz above resonance which corresponds (the power is 70 mW, and the beam waist in the interaction w = 1,8 mm leading to wl = 50 r). The width of the velocity narrower than the one of the unperturbed is detuned - 30 MHz below resonance, exhibits a double peak structure Such an experiment Realization beam. Finally, the efficiency stimulated molasses, more decreased, profile is 5 times if the laser frequency and of stimulated molasses. pressure molasses length one order of magnitude forces do not saturate, which is inversely proportional by increasing the laser power. r region is the atomic beam is decollimated of the same cooling with the usual radiation since stimulated to 0 = + 6 (Fig. 4c). demonstrates would have required an interaction Furthermore, in profile of the atomic beam larger. the damping time for to wl' could be yet 374 J. Oalibard and C. Cohen- Tannoudji 1- Z b W 0::: 0::: :::J U a1u W 1W a 0::: ±40 omis -1 mis 1 -r-'-10 -'-T- 10 OETECTOR mm 20 POSITION FIGURE 4 Transverse velocity profile of the Cs atomic beam a - ln absence of laser beam b - ln presence of an intense standing wave (w1 = 50 r) perpendicular to the atomic beam and detuned to the blue (8 = + 6 r) c - Same conditions as b except for the detuning which is now negative (8 = - 6 r) 5.2 Longitudinal Suppose slowing down of an atomic beam now that the atomic beam and the laser standing wave are paral- lel. If the standing wave could be swept in order to have a weak enough relative velocity with respect the decelerating to the atoms, corresponding force (kv ~ beam with an efficiency r), it would be possible to the maximum value of to slow down an atomic much higher than in experiments using radiation pres- sure. For Cesium, a laser intensity of 100 mW/mm2 would allow to reduce the stopping distance from 1 meter to 10 centimeters. This might be of special interest for the real ization of a compact atomic clock. The realization of such an experiment would require two counterpropagating laser beams with frequencies wave moving with a velocity w + 6w and w - 6w (in order to have a standing c 6w/w). The frequency offset 6w should also vary in time (in order to have a standing wave moving with the decelerating The development way to realize atoms). of high power single mode laser diodes could provide a simple such an experimental scheme. Laser-Atom Interactions 375 REFERENCES 1) For a review of these experiments, see for example W.D. Phillips, J.V. Prodan and H.J. Metcalf, J.O.S.A. B 2 (1985) 1751 (Special issue on mechanical effects of light). 2) S. Chu, L. Hollberg, 55 (1985) 48. J.E. Bjorkholm, 3) S. Chu, J.E. Bjorkholm, 4) S. Chu, Demonstration A. Cable and A. Ashkin, Phys. Rev. Let. A. Ashkin and A. Cable, Phys. Rev. Let. 57 (1986)314. of laser cooling and trapping of atoms, this volume. 5) J.P. Gordon and A. 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