Citing Sources = iVlLA - Ivy Tech Community College

Citing Sources = iVlLA
based on the IV~LA Handbook
7th ed. 2009
Ivy Tech Community College
South Bend, Elkhart, Warsaw
Specific examples for journal, magazine, and newspaper articles: (see the h/LA
Handbook 7 ed. p. 137-43 for examples.)
Heffernan, Kevin. "The Hypnosis Horror Films of the 1950s: Genre Texts and Industrial
Context." Journal of Film and Video 54.2-3 (2002): 56-70. Print.
For magazines and newspapers: Do not use Volume.Issue, just the exact date of
publication outside parenthesis.
Remnick, David. "The Democracy Game., New Yorker 27 Feb. 2006: 58-69. Print.
"U.S. Scholar Facing Spy Trial." Evansville Courier & Press 19 July 2001: A5. Print.
Library subscribed online database: (See the MLA Handbook 7 ed. p. 192 for examples.)
MLA basic citation formal as given above. Database Name (if available). Publication type
(Web). Day Month Year [of access].
Specific examples (two authors):
Jeffrey, Robert W., and Simone A. French. "Epidemic Obesity in the United SLates: Are Fast
Foods and Television Viewing Contributing?" American Journal of Public Health 88.2
(1998): 277-81. Business Source Premier. Web. 10 July 2007.
ProQuest example:
Nestle, Marion. "Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity: A Matter of Policy." New England
Journal of Medicine 354.24 (2006): 2527-30. Nursing & Allied Health Source. Web.
28 Jan. 2008.
Print books: (see the hILA Handbook 7 ed. p. 149-160 for examples)
Tompkins, Jane. West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns. New York: Oxford UP,
Citing Sources MLA Style--IVY TECH Region 2
1992. Print.
Rico, Barbara, and Sandra Mano. American Mosaic: Multicultural Readings in Context.
Boston: Houghton, 1991. Print.
Chapter in an anthology: In a Works Cited list you may cross-reference multiple selections
from an anthology. Give the complete citation of the anthology, and in separate citations give
only the author, title of the selection from the anthology, the editor’s last name, and the page
numbers. (See the MLA Handbook 7th ed. p. 135 for examples)
Angelou, Maya. "Mary." Brunk 3-9.
Brunk, TerenCe, et al., eds. Literacies. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2000. Print.
Cobb, Jennifer J. "Cybergrace: The Search for God in the Digital World." Brunk 155-67.
From a collection of essays or an anthology: (see the ~fLA Handbook 7 ed. p, 156-58 for
Author(s). "Essay Title." Book Editor(s). Book Tit/e. City: Publisher, Year.
Williams, Herbert, and Richard A. Van Dorn. "Delinquency, Gangs, and Youth Violence."
Eds. Jeffery M. Jenson and Matthew O. Howard. Youth Violence: Current Research
and Recent Practice Innovations. Washington, D.C.: NASW, 1999. Print.
Online books:
Wilkins, Roger. Jefferson’s Pillow: The Founding Fathers and the Dilemma of Black
Patriotism. Boston: Beacon, 2001. Ebrary. Web. 14 Feb. 2008.
(See the/~/LA Handbook 7 ed. p. 189, 200 for examples.)
Hopper, Edward. Nighthawks. 1942. Art Inst. of Chicago. ARTstor. Web. 15 March 2009.
(See the MLA Handbook 7th ed, p, 197-98 for examples,)
The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians Through Film. Dir. Ann Seidl. Media Education
Foundation. 2009. DVD.
Document offered at a website: (See the MLA Handbook 7th ed. p. 184-190 for more examples)
Rolfe, John. "Letter of John Rolfe, 1614/’ Virtual Jamestown. Crandall Shifflett. 1998. Web.
8 July 2009 < http ://>.
Article from an online journal, not a library-subscribed database:
Boutin, Paul. "Flipping the Switch: Linux’s New Popularity May Hurt Apple More Than
Microsoft." Slate. Newsweek Interactive. 23 June 2003. Web. 10 July 2007.
< http ://~late.>.
Article from an online newspaper, not from a library-subscribed database, no
"Bird Flu Kills Woman, Raising Indonesia’s Death Toll to 57." USA Today. USA Today, 28
Nov. 2006. Web. 11 Feb. 2009. < >.
Online reference database: (See the MLA Handbook 7th ed, p. 160, 187 for more examples.)
"Tesla, Nikola." Dictionary of Scientists. Oxford UP. 1999. Oxford Reference Online. Web. 3
Aug. 2009.
Bible and Other Sacred Texts: When citing the Bible or other sacred texts, provide the
version title in the first in-text citation. Thereafter, in-text citations can provide the book,
chapter, and verse. In the works cited list, follow the standard format. Example: The wise
man said, "Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools" (Holy
Bible, New International Version, Eccles. ,7.6).
Holy Bible: New International Version. New York: American Bible Society, 1978. Print.
General notes: Modern Language Association (MLA):
o Provide in-text citations for quotations, paraphrases, statistics, or summaries from all
sources. Provide the author’s last name, and use page numbers. If no page numbers
are available, omit them. If the author is named, only a page number (if available) is
needed. Example: to computer expert John Smithson, "People will create Millennium
Mania" (23). If the author is not given, provide the name and page number Ex:
computer expert claims "people will create Millennium Mania" (Smithson 23).
o MLA follows conventional capitalization rules for article titles. Be consistent within a
paper: italicize book and journal titles.
~ If no author is given, go to the next required information. Begin the citation there.
~ Note: Instructors may have additional citation requirements that supplement or ¯
depart from these examples. If you have questions, consult your instructor.
¯ At the end of the paper on a separate page, provide the Works Cited list beginning at
the top of the page. Double-space and list alphabetically by the author’s last name.
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Knot 5
Works Cited
BIoomgarden, Zachary T. "Treatment Issues in Type 2 Diabetes." Diabetes Care 25.2.
(February 2002): 390-94. Nursing & Allied Health Source. Web. 16 May 2007.
Seiffge-Krenke, Inge..Diabetic Adolescents and Their Families. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2001. Ebrary. Web. 15 June 2007.
Shapiro, Laura. "In Sugar We Trust." Newsweek 13 July 1998: 72-74. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 20 March 2006.
Supersize Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Hart Sharp Video. 2004. DVD
Knot 1
Shirley Knot
Instructor Leslie More
Sociology 101
9 September 2008
[Title of Paper]
[First page:The text or body of the paper is double-spaced with 1" margins, left and
right, top and bottom. A repeating header with the last name of the paper’s author and
page numbering appears in the upper right.]
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