Macbeth Act III Questions

Act III Questions
1. What is the importance of Fleance’s escape?
2. What does Macbeth mean when he says “blood will have blood”?
3. Assuming the persona of one of their servants, describe how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s behaviors
have changed since they have become King and Queen.
4. What does Macbeth’s attitude toward Macduff show about his state of mind?
5. Do you think Scene vi is important to the play? Support your answer?
6. What kind of ruler has Macbeth become by the end of Act III? Find evidence from the play to support
your answer.
7. In the banquet scene, Macbeth believes that he can see the ghost of Banquo. Yet, no one else present
at the feast sees the apparition. What is the possible implication?
8. Find two allusions in this act and explain their meaning and how it adds to the play.
9. List 3-5 character traits of Lady Macbeth. Find examples from the play that support the traits you