Phil 004 Week 3 – Day 3 Chapter 3: Clarity of an Argument Review: Clear Thinking/Writing(Ch3) • Argument may not really be an argument if it’s not clear; confusing. • Prime culprits: • Missing information, definitions, context, etc. • Vagueness • Ambiguity Review: Vagueness or Ambiguity? Why would somebody claim these instructions are too vague? 57 Review: Vagueness or Ambiguity? “ ” 58 Ambiguity: Syntax & Semantics? • “Jordan could write more profound essays.” – Syntax Ambiguity: “More” what? • “Charles drew his gun.” – Semantic Ambiguity: “Drew” has more than one meaning. 59 Ambiguous Headlines: Review of Answers • Groups: Tell me how the following headlines are ambiguous. Are they syntactically ambiguous or semantically ambiguous? +1 bonus point to group that gets the most correct. 60 What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –1. “PROSTITUTES APPEAL TO POPE” –Semantic (“appeal”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –2. “QUEEN MARY HAVING BOTTOM SCRAPED” –Semantic (“Queen Mary”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –3. “MINERS REFUSE TO WORK AFTER DEATH” –Syntax (does this refer to after your own death or somebody else’s) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –4. “MILK DRINKERS ARE TURNING TO POWDER” –Semantic (“turning”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –5. “SAFETY EXPERTS SAY SCHOOL BUS PASSENGERS SHOULD BE BELTED” –Semantic (“belted”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –6. “INCLUDE YOUR CHILDREN WHEN BAKING COOKIES” –Syntax (does this refer to including your children in the activity or as an ingredient) Ambiguous Headlines Second Try!! • Groups: Tell me how the following headlines are ambiguous. Are they syntactically ambiguous or semantically ambiguous? +1 bonus point to group that gets the most correct. 68 What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –1. “KIDS MAKE NUTRITIOUS SNACKS” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –2. “STOLEN PAINTING FOUND BY TREE” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –3. “GRANDMOTHER OF EIGHT MAKES HOLE IN ONE” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –4. “DRUNK GETS NINE MONTHS IN VIOLIN CASE” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –5. “NURSE HELPS DOG BITE VICTIM” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –6. “ENRAGED COW INJURES FARMER WITH AX” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –7. “WOMAN GETS 9 YEARS FOR KILLING 11TH HUSBAND” What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –1. “KIDS MAKE NUTRITIOUS SNACKS” –Semantic (“make”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –2.“STOLEN PAINTING FOUND BY TREE” –Semantic (“by”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –3. “GRANDMOTHER OF EIGHT MAKES HOLE IN ONE” – Semantic (“hole in one”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –4. “DRUNK GETS NINE MONTHS IN VIOLIN CASE” –Semantics (“case”) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –5. “NURSE HELPS DOG BITE VICTIM” –Syntax (does this refer to a victim bitten by a dog or assisting a dog in the biting of a person) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –6. “ENRAGED COW INJURES FARMER WITH AX” –Syntax (does this refer to a farmer with an ax or a cow with an ax) What Kind of Ambiguity? • Real life headlines: –7. “WOMAN GETS 9 YEARS FOR KILLING 11TH HUSBAND” – Syntax (does this refer to a women who has killed 11 husbands or does this refer to the killing of her 11th husband) How is this ambiguous? De Anza college students drink more beer than Foothill college students. •Are we saying “collectively, De Anza students drink more (more drinks consumed by De Anza college students in total) •Are we saying individually, more De Anza students drink than Foothill students (more often than not, a De Anza student will drink more.) 85 Types of Ambiguity 1. Syntax 2. Semantic 3. Grouping 86 “Grouping Ambiguity” When it is unclear if you are referring to a group of things collectively or individually. 87 Grouping Ambiguity • “Attorneys make less money than physicians.” • “Seven people rode in that taxi.” • “Which causes more air pollution, lawn mowers or motorcycles?” 88 Group Activity • Exercise 3-8 #2, 8, 9, 13, – Group or individual? • • • • 2. Group 8. Individual 9. Group 11. Individual 89