EX Excel.qxd - Fred Pryor Seminars

Excel 2000, 97, and previous versions for Windows®
This one-day seminar is for beginning to intermediate users…
Learn how to set up Excel to meet your personal needs at work or
at home. Customize its many features so that it works for you!
Master an array of Excel formulas and functions that put spreadsheet power
at your fingertips!
Design and organize the best possible worksheet —before you enter the first
Give your worksheets visual punch with exciting charts and graphs, step by
step, the easy way!
Enter any kind of data — cover the basics and master expert tricks that cut
your time at the keyboard!
Editing made easy — fearlessly copy, move, delete, insert, or replace anything on your worksheet!
Common printing problems, and how to solve them! You’ll end irritating
“output surprises” once and for all!
Don’t wait until it happens…learn how to save your data if your computer
crashes or your software “locks.”
How to “backtrack” your way out of mistakes and errors!
Manage large or multiple spreadsheets: Expand your effectiveness with these
powerful productivity boosters!
Macros now! Even if you’re a beginner, you’ll create and use simple macros
that save time and sidestep mistakes!
Tap into powerful database capabilities — right inside Excel, just waiting to
be used!
Use shortcut menus and customizable toolbars to execute commands faster!
“Hide” sensitive data so that only you can view it or print it!
Mouse methods and keyboard shortcuts — whichever you prefer, you’ll learn
the most efficient way to get anything done!
Fred Pryor Seminars
P.O. Box 410498
Kansas City, MO
See inside for more details!
Better basics, plus expert power tips!
Starting with the basics, and moving to more advanced features, you’ll learn how to
turn Excel into your most powerful productivity tool. If you’re only tapping a few of
the features of this powerful and versatile software, get set for a productivity explosion! You’ll learn hundreds of ways to work faster, smarter, and savvier with Excel!
Get up to speed – fast!
You don’t have to waste hours wading through thick manuals…sitting in classes for
days, even weeks…fruitlessly punching keys in “trial and error” learning efforts…forget
all that! Pryor’s guaranteed one-day computer training gives you the most possible
information in the least amount of time. Most of us don’t have time in our busy
work days for extended training or “on-the-job” learning. Enroll today, and you’ll
master the basics through the tough stuff — away from deadlines, demands, and
office pressures.
Get the most for your training dollar!
Check the price of other software training options — you could spend hundreds (even
thousands) of dollars on classes, books, tapes, videos and consultants. Or, you can
attend this top-quality training course. You can expect to learn everything you’d learn
in the more expensive training options — but in just one day, for a reasonable tuition.
Plus, you’ll take home an indispensable Excel reference workbook that will prove priceless to you again and again!
Understand and retain it with our proven teaching method.
Pryor’s extensively tested, structured software learning system makes it all easier for
you, with a carefully designed course that makes every minute count! You’ll be
amazed at the number of Excel power tools you’ll master and put to use the very
next day! Our “hands-off” teaching method means you won’t waste time entering
data, correcting mistakes, or waiting for the entire group to catch up. Instead,
you’ll learn exactly how to do it from an expert; then try it all at your leisure, in
the privacy of your own office.
Learn from instructors who know their stuff.
Pryor’s instructors aren’t technicians or programmers; instead, they’re smart, savvy
business professionals with extensive experience using Excel in “real world” settings.
While they’re experts, they speak your language, not hard-to-follow “computerese”;
you’ll love the emphasis on practical, understandable solutions to the challenges you
face every day.
You’re just one day away – from Excel excellence!
This exciting seminar is coming soon to a location near you! (See a full listing of
dates and locations in this brochure.) And, it’s easy to register; visit our Web site at
www.pryor.com, call toll-free 1-800-556-2998, or send the registration form by fax or
mail. But do it today to ensure your place — enrollment is limited in some locations.
ENROLL TODAY! www.pryor.com or 1-800-556-2998
Have you ever
…Interrupted your office’s Excel “expert” again, and again, and again?
Instead, why not… become one of your office’s experts?
Immediately after attending this course, you’ll not only increase your own
productivity, you’ll become a valuable resource for other Excel users in your
office. Watch how quickly you develop a reputation as one of your organization’s most
knowledgeable Excel users!
…Hopelessly searched a massive manual through pages, indexes, and
Instead, why not… have all the answers you need, right at
your fingertips?
If you’ve known the frustration of puzzling indexes, complex instructions, and
“buried” answers, this seminar is for you! You’ll learn the best Excel tips and
techniques, in an easy-to-understand format. And, you’ll take home a workbook
that gives you instant access to all you’ve learned, without searching and digging!
…Just struggled to get the work done, any way you can?
Instead, why not… get it done the easy, fast, and skillful way?
So many of us work by habit — doing things the way we know how, the way we learned
to do them the first time. Wait until you see what you can do when you break free of old
habits and discover the Excel power tools that are available, just waiting to be used!
You’ll never work the same way again!
…Been bored with sleepy spreadsheets that all look the same?
Instead, why not… produce vivid, attractive pages that really
get noticed?
You'll learn the ABCs of using charts, graphs, fonts, borders, shading, and more —
and produce spreadsheets that communicate better and really get attention! You’ll leave
the seminar with a pack of professional tips for brilliant, distinctive output every time,
on every worksheet!
…Wasted your valuable time trying to learn by “trial and error?”
Instead, why not… spend one day and learn in a flash, from
an expert?
Try, try, and try again; you know the stress and pressure you feel when you need
to “get it done” but can’t seem to “get it right.” How much time and effort could you
save if you didn’t have to learn this way? Well, there’s a better way — in just one day!
From faster and easier basics to more advanced techniques, our expert trainer will show
you exactly how to do it. And, you'll do it all with ease, the very next day!
Is this course for beginners or more experienced users?
Both beginners and users with
some experience will learn and
sharpen their skills. We suggest that you have some
knowledge of Excel basics. The
course is especially effective
for beginners who want to
learn more as well as intermediate users who want to
sharpen their skills and tap
into Excel’s more powerful
What versions of Excel
does this course cover?
We’ll cover Excel 2000, 97 and
previous versions for Windows®.
(If you’ve been undecided about
“moving up,” this is a perfect
opportunity to see if the new
features are for you!)
Will I spend the
day in front of
a computer?
No! You can learn more
in less time with our dynamic
“hands off” teaching
approach. You’ll be able to
concentrate and learn without
being “slowed down” by keyboarding or having to wait for
the entire group to catch up.
(And, doesn’t a day away
from the computer screen
sound great?) Your workbook
provides all the information
you need to try everything
you’ve learned, later, at your
own speed and convenience.
A “quick tour” of Excel basics!
Learn your way around the worksheet with an indispensable “map” to the Excel environment.
How to use the Toolbar buttons to perform tasks with lightning speed.
Drop-down menus and Shortcut menus: Learn the most efficient way to access commands
for any task.
Help for Help! How to find what you need in Help without endless searching and scrolling.
Moving around your worksheet: how you can navigate even the largest worksheets easily
and efficiently.
How to select cells or ranges of cells — two methods to choose from!
Understanding Excel Workbooks — the backbone to efficient file management.
Creating, opening, and closing Workbooks: step by step, how to do it.
How to find a single file or a particular workbook in record time.
Build a worksheet from the “ground up.”
and editing
What to consider before you create a worksheet: expert tips to build a worksheet framework that will accomplish your objectives.
Tips for entering text and numbers — including a super-quick way to cancel or confirm
your entry!
Don’t worry about mistakes — learn how to “backtrack” with Excel’s Undo feature.
Overwriting a cell — use these routines to replace data, correct errors, or see “what if”
Learn how to edit cells the easy way, and avoid having to retype an entire entry.
How to “jump” to a cell or range that’s out of view — without tiresome scrolling!
Get rid of it! The quick, fail-safe procedure to erase a cell or range of cells.
Copying and moving data: Here’s how to do it without anxiety.
How to change the organization of your worksheet by inserting and deleting rows and
Get the view you need — how to “zoom in” or “zoom out” of the worksheet view right
from the Toolbar.
Annoyed with titles and labels that move out of view? Learn how to “freeze” them so they
remain in place while you move around your worksheet.
End repetitive keying with the Fill Series command — the automatic method to enter a
series of numbers or dates.
Harness the real power behind the numbers!
made easy:
Formula and Function basics: on-the-mark advice that will end confusion once and for all.
Using a formula or the SUM function to total data.
Mathematical formulas made easy: how to subtract, multiply, or divide data.
Basic Excel functions: how to calculate averages, percentages, and much more using “builtin” pre-defined formulas.
How to save keying time by copying formulas to appropriate cells in your worksheet.
ENROLL TODAY! www.pryor.com or 1-800-556-2998
9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Learn the techniques that produce visually exciting worksheets!
The secrets to attractive, readable worksheets: 5 formatting guidelines that apply to
any worksheet you produce.
How to control alignment, decimals, dollar signs, and more — in one easy operation.
The details on dates: how you can format dates and times to be more readable
and understandable.
Alter columns to the perfect width — by simply dragging the mouse!
Using fonts, shading, and borders to increase the readability and attractiveness of your
Get the output you want without “trial and error” printing!
Reviewing Print Options: Understand the many choices Excel gives you to customize
your printing.
Easily print just a portion of a worksheet — learn how to select a specific print area.
No more strange page breaks — you’ll be in complete control when you know how
to set manual page breaks.
How to ensure that titles and labels print on every page.
Adding headers, footers, or page numbers to a worksheet.
See it before you print it — how Print Preview virtually eliminates wasteful “printer surprises.”
Add impact and visual punch to your data!
charts and
Learning the lingo: Get an easy-to-understand glossary to the terms used in charting and
graphing data.
Review the many types of charts available, and learn how to choose the appropriate type for
your data.
The Chart Wizard: Even if you’re a total novice, you’ll easily produce vivid, exciting charts to
accompany your data!
Wondering where to actually put your chart? Learn all about embedded charts, separate
charts, or chart sheets within a workbook.
Chart tinkering: how to change the size, shape, or type of chart in just a few steps.
Gain speed, efficiency, and ease at every session!
Customizing Excel just for you! How to set up the Toolbar and the Options for maximum
personal productivity.
Work with sensitive data? Learn how to “hide” data so that it can’t be seen on the screen
or printed.
Manage large worksheets with Split Windows — you’ll be able to effortlessly view distant
figures side by side.
Want Excel to speak English? How you can give ranges a name that will be easier to
remember than obscure cell addresses.
Don’t overlook Excel’s database functions! A practical guide to database basics will get
you started.
Are you a mouse-hater? Get a quick guide to shortcuts that keep your hands on
the keyboard.
Take the mystery out of macros: Learn how you can automate many tasks using macros.
You don’t have to be a programmer — you'll learn the easy way to “record” and “play back”
your own macros!
more good reasons to attend
No more tedious scrolling! Shortcut keys help you get around even the largest worksheets!
Picture this: You’ll get references to the dozens of mysterious icons and symbols on your screen — no more
puzzling over tiny pictures!
Customize Excel for the way you work; you’ll learn how you can set up Excel as if you designed it yourself!
Everyone makes mistakes…but you’ll learn how to correct them quickly, without losing valuable data.
Finally! Simplify all those cryptic formulas and functions; you’ll learn how to perform many operations
almost automatically!
Find anything faster! Whether you’re looking for a particular file or an individual cell, you’ll learn how to
find it in a flash!
Not just for experts — even if you’re a beginner, you can construct simple macros that save time and
reduce the chance of error!
Learn how to set up your own Workbooks; our organization tips make file management a breeze!
Confused about formatting numbers? You’ll learn what those mysterious symbols in the Number Format
dialog box mean and which formatting options apply to your worksheet.
Looking great! Tap into printing options that greatly enhance the final output of your worksheet.
Help is as simple as knowing how to ask for it! If you’ve ever been frustrated using online Help, don’t miss
these little-known tips that make it easier!
Take control of your toolbars! How to access special toolbars for formatting, charting, and more. (Plus, learn
how to hide toolbars to get more space on screen!)
Before a catastrophe hits…know 4 easy precautions you can take to avoid losing important data.
Copy, move, insert, delete — you'll edit without anxiety when you know the step-by-step methods that
make it practically foolproof!
Save time on virtually every repeated task! You’ll learn how to speed commands and automate repetitive
ENROLL TODAY! www.pryor.com or 1-800-556-2998
Customer Service Center open
7 a.m. - 7 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Fred Pryor Seminars
P.O. Box 410498
Kansas City, MO 64141-0498
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
On-Site Training
For Your Whole
You may cancel your registration up to 10 business
days before the seminar. Your registration fee will
be refunded less a cancellation fee. If you need
to cancel less than 10 business days prior to the
seminar, you may 1) send a substitute from your
organization or 2) transfer your registration fee
to another seminar or conference of your choice
that is scheduled within 12 months of your original
event. Please note that if you don’t cancel and don’t
attend, you are still responsible for payment.
Substitutions may be made at any time.
Bringing a Fred Pryor Seminars program to your organization announces
to everyone that you’re serious about
their success and the success of your
organization. Select any of the following popular seminars or choose from
any of our more than 100 on-site
Learn the jargon, standard practices and everyday applications
of finance and accounting.
Enroll Today! Hurry, our seats fill fast. Guarantee
your enrollment and pay your enrollment fee
today! A confirmation will be mailed to you within 10 days. Payment is due before the seminar.
Express Seminar Enrollment! Please be sure to
provide us your fax number and check the Express
Seminar Enrollment box on the registration form.
You will receive your faxed confirmation within
48 hours of our receiving your faxed or mailed
registration form.
Please Note
We will mail your confirmation within 10 days
after you register.
If you don’t receive your confirmation before
the conference, please phone us.
Walk-in registrations will be accepted as space
Please, no audio or video recording. See your
seminar leader for audio and video program
Lunch and parking expenses are not included.
If using a purchase order, please attach it to
a completed registration form and mail to us
right away.
You will receive an attractive take-home
Certificate of Attendance at the end of the
conference — great for framing or including
in your personnel file.
Payment is due before the seminar.
If you are tax exempt, enter your tax exempt number
in Section 4 on the Registration Form. Please mail
or fax a copy of your Tax Exempt Certificate to us
for payment processing. Thank you.
Fred Pryor Seminars is approved
as an Authorized Provider by the
International Association for
Continuing Education and Training
(IACET), 1620 I Street NW, Suite 615, Washington,
DC 20006. Fred Pryor Seminars has awarded 0.6
CEUs to participants who successfully complete
this program. Please verify applicability with your
professional board before attending.
All of our seminars are 100% SATISFACTION
GUARANTEED! We’re confident that this seminar
will provide you with the tips and techniques
you need to successfully use Excel. If for any
reason you are dissatisfied, send us a letter
(Attn: Customer Relations) within 30 days of
your seminar attendance stating the reason you
were not satisfied, and we’ll arrange for you to
attend another one of our seminars or receive
a full refund — hassle-free.
Microsoft, Excel, and Windows are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
Management Problems of
the Technical Person in a
Leadership Role
Increase your success while making the transition from technical
specialist to manager/supervisor.
Learn to multiply your communication effectiveness and develop
productive, motivated employees.
If the purpose of attending a Fred Pryor seminar is
to help you maintain or improve skills relating to
employment or business, expenses relating to the
conference may be tax deductible according to
I.R.C. Reg. 1.162-5. Please consult your tax adviser.
Finance and Accounting
for Non-Financial People
How to Develop and
Administer a Budget
Learn how to make budgeting
your most powerful and reliable
management tool. This fastpaced seminar focuses on your
company’s specific cost-control
and budgetary guidelines.
On-site training is a cost-effective
choice for training a specific group or
the entire team. We can even tailor
the seminar to meet your specific
needs. It’s easy, hassle-free and your
complete satisfaction is guaranteed.
To learn more about bringing
any of these seminars to your
organization, simply call us at
1-800-944-8503 for a noobligation consultation or visit our
Web site at www.pryor.com
for details.
Copyright 2003
Excel 2000, 97, and previous versions for Windows
For beginning to intermediate users… Learn
how to set up Excel to meet your personal needs
at work or at home. Customize its many features
so that it works for you!
You should attend if you’ve ever...
Searched a mammoth manual in vain for the answers
to your Excel questions.
Wasted time you couldn't afford on “trial-and-error”
Wished you had the time or knowledge to “work
smarter” in Excel.
Decided against other training options because they
were too time-consuming or too expensive.
You and your employer will profit
when you can...
Utilize dozens of Excel “power tools” — more
efficiently, in less time.
Tap into new techniques that reduce the chance for
errors and mistakes.
“Get it right” the first time, and virtually eliminate
irritations and surprises.
Receive top-quality training at a fraction of the time
and cost requirements of comparable courses.
Fred Pryor Seminars
P.O. Box 410498
Kansas City, MO 64141-0498
I want to increase my Excel knowledge and skill
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