1 Calving Ice 2 Glacial erosion Glaciers erode and transport sediment Abrasion Plucking 3 Glacial erosion Glacial abrasion Rocks within the ice act like sandpaper to smooth and polish the surface below Rock flour (pulverized rock) Glacial striations (grooves in the bedrock) Glacial polish 4 5 6 7 8 Glacial Striations Striations Glacial polish Abrasion and Plucking, Yosemite National Park, CA Fig. 12.20, p. 343 Glacial deposits Glacial drift – nonstratified, nonsorted drift deposited directly from glacier ice 9 Glacial Deposits erratic _ a glacially_transported rock fragment different from the surface upon which it lies. 10 Glacial drift 11 Till – material that is deposited directly by the ice Outwash – materials deposited by meltwater streams coming off a glacier Glacial till is typically unstratified and unsorted 12 Glacial till 13 Glacial deposits: Landforms made of till Fig. 12.21, p. 344 moraine _ an accumulation of drift built up chiefly by the direct action of ice. 14 Glacial deposits: Moraines DEF.: end moraine _ a ridge of drift that marks a point in the advance or recession of a glacier. DEF.: terminal end moraine _ the end moraine marking the farthest advance of a glacier. 15 Glacial deposits: alpine 16 17 Lateral moraine Lateral moraines Lateral moraines 1 18 Glacial deposits: alpine Medial moraines 19 20 Medial and Lateral Moraines 21 Glacial deposits Medial moraines Ground moraine Fig. 12.27, pp. 348-349 22 Long Island is made up of end moraines 23 Glacial deposits Fig. 12.26, p. 347 Landforms made of till Drumlins • Smooth, elongated, parallel hills • Steep side faces the direction from which the ice advanced 24 25 A drumlin, upstate New York 26 Drumlins, Fig. 12.28, p. 350 Drumlin field 27 Glacial deposits Ice Thrust Masses Ice plucks a LARGE piece of bedrock Hill and neighboring depression • Devil’s Lake (Sully’s Hill to the South) • Sibley Buttes of Kidder County • Region of Anamoose 28 Glacial deposits Landforms made of stratified drift: Outwash plains Often pockmarked with depressions called kettles Fig. 12.27 29 30 Glacial deposits Diagram of how kettles are formed Glacial deposits Def.: Kettle – a closed depression in a deposit of drift, formed when a block of ice is buried and later melted 31 32 Glacial deposits Landforms made of stratified drift: Ice-contact deposits Deposited by meltwater flowing over, within, and at the base of motionless ice Include: 2 • Kames • Eskers 33 Glacial deposits Diagram of how eskers are formed 34 Glacial deposits Def: Esker – a sinuous ridge of stratified sand and gravel formed by subglacial stream action 35 36 37 38 Glacial deposits Diagram of how kames are formed 39 Glacial deposits Def.: Kame – a body of stratified drift shaped as a short, steep-sided knoll or hummock 40 Glacial Erratics 41 42 Erosional features of glaciated valleys 43 Hanging valley 44 45 46 47 48 49 Hanging Valley 50 Pater Noster lakes 51 52 Pater Noster lakes 53 54 55 Fig. 12.13, p. 339 U-Shaped, V-shaped, and Hanging Valleys Fig. 12.13, p. 339 Cirques, Arêtes, and Horns Alpine View Cirque Arête wall Fig. 12.13, p. 339 Pater Noster Lakes and Tarns Fiord Fiord The Matterhorn The Matterhorn 3