Faith Christian School High School Book List 2014-2015 Third draft May 21, 2014 Seventh Grade Textbooks Subject Textbook Name Publisher ISBN Number MATH 7SCIENCE SOCSTU/7th ENGLISH Glencoe(McG) 0-07-825200-8 Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt MLA 978-0-547-48479-2 978-1603290241 ENGLISH Bible Pre Algebra To be Purchased from FCS World Geography..Student Edition..Survey 2012 MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) The Comedy of Errors The Church in History Signet Classic Wm. B. EErdman's 978-0451528391 978-0-8028-1777-8 Subject Textbook Name Publisher ISBN Number Math 8-Pre Algebra MATH 8-Algebra SCIENCE Pre Algebra ALG I Alabama Edition (2005) Space and Earth Science Glencoe(McG) Glencoe(McG) Bob Jones 3rd ed 0-07-865975-2 9781 591 66299-0 Eighth Grade Textbooks The science textbook is a two volume edition. Please make sure you receive both the A and B volumes. SOCSTU ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Bible World History: Patterns of Interaction Stu Ed. Survey 2012 Social Studies Book Used in 8th and 9th grade MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) A Midsummer Night's Dream Tom Sawyer The Church in History Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt 1591664322 MLA 978-1603290241 Signet Classic TOR Wm. B. EErdman's 0-451526961 0-812504208 978-0-8028-1777-8 Ninth Grade Textbooks Subject Textbook Name Publisher ISBN Number MATH 9 MATH 9 SCIENCE HEALTH SOCSTU ALG I Alabama edition (2005) Geometry Biology (Volumes A and B) Total Health-Choices for a Winning Lifestyle World History: Patterns of Interaction Stu Ed. Survey 2012 Social Studies book Used in 8th and 9th grade MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) Romeo and Juliet Huck Finn Encountering the OT: A Christian Survey Buen viaje! Level I Buen viaje! Level I Workbook Workbook must be purchased new Glencoe(McG) Glencoe(McG) Bob Jones Purposeful Design Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt 0-07-865975-2 0-07-822880-8 1579249329 978-1-58331-225-4 1591664322 MLA 978-1603290241 Folger Oxford Baker Glencoe Glencoe 978-0-743477116 978-0-194237475 978-0801031700 978-0078791383 978-0078619526 Publisher ISBN Number ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH BIBLE FOREIGN LANG FOREIGN LANG Tenth Grade Textbooks Subject Textbook Name MATH 10-Algebray 2 MATH 10-Geometry SCIENCE Algebra 2 (2005) Glencoe(McG) 0-07-865609-5 Geometry Glencoe(McG) 0-07-822880-8 Glencoe Physical Science Glencoe 978 0078 7796 26 Please use the ISBN number and Glencoe Physical Science when you search for this book. United States History: The Americans: St.Ed. Survey 2012 Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt 978-0-547-49115-8 Social Studies book used in 10th and 11th grade MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. MLA 978-1603290241 *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) The Great Gatsby Scribner 0-7432-7356-7 Antigone Harper/Collins 1 566632110 Julius Caesar Folger 978 0743482745 Encountering the New Testament Baker Books 978 801021565 Buen viaje! Level I Glencoe 978-0078791383 Buen viaje! Level I Workbook Glencoe 978-0078619526 Workbook must be purchased new SOCSTU ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH BIBLE 10 FOREIGN LANG FOREIGN LANG Eleventh Grade Textbooks Subject Textbook Name Publisher ISBN Number MATH 11-PreCal MATH 11-Algebra 2 SCIENCE-Chemistry SOCSTU-Am Hy II DUAL ENROLLMENT HY-11 ENGLISH Advanced Mathematical Concepts Algebra 2 (2005) Modern Chemistry Student United States History: The Americans: St.Ed. Survey 2012 To be announced MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) Our Town A Raisin in the Sun The Merchant of Venice To Kill a Mockingbird McGraw-Hill Handbook, 3rd ed., MAIMOM Connect Composition (SPARK) PLUS ACCESS CARD FOR THE McGraw Hill Handbook Patterns for a Purpose, 6th ed., Delbanco and Cheuse To Kill a Mockingbird Literature Craft and Sign Voice, 2nd ed., Our Town A Raisin in the Sun The Merchant of Venice Buen Viaje Level 2 Buen Viaje Level 2 Workbook Workbook must be purchased new Salvation Belongs to the Lord: An Introduction to Systematic Theology Theology: The Basics: 3rd Edition Glencoe(McG) Glencoe(McG) Holt Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt 0-02-834175-9 0-07-865609-5 0-030-56537-5 1591664241 MLA 978-1603290241 Perennial Random House Folger Harper Perennial McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill 0-0605125636 0-679755330 780 743477567 978 0060935467 978-0-07-338404-7 0077397320/9780077397326(digital) ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT Digital Version if preferred ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT ENG/DUAL ENROLLMENT SPANISH SPANISH BIBLE 11 BIBLE 11 Perennial Random House Folger Glencoe Glencoe 978-0-07-338395-8 978 0060935467 978-0-07-338492-4 0-0605125636 0-679755330 780 743477567 978-0078791406 978-0078619724 P&R Publishing 1596380187 Wiley-Blackwell 978 0470656754 Harper Perennial Twelfth Grade Textbooks Subject MATH 12-Pre Cal CONSUMER MATH CONSUMER MATH Calculus SCIENCE-Physics SCIENCE-Anatomy SOCSTU/12th SOCSTU/12th ENG Reg ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP ENGLISH AP SPANISH SPANISH BIBLE 12 BIBLE 12 Textbook Name Advanced Mathematical Concepts Consumer Math Foundations in Personal Finance Workbook Dave Ramsey Foundations Workbook to be purchased from teacher To Be Determined Holt Physics Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy/Physiology 10th Ed. U.S. Government: Principles in Practice Economics MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) The Screwtape Letters Making Humans (Frankenstein) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Animal Farm Animal Farm MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. *This handbook may be used from year to year (7th-12th) Elements of Style AP King Lear Murder in the Cathedral Pygmalion Making Humans (Frankenstein) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms The Screwtape Letters Heart of Darkness 1984 Animal Farm Hamlet Buen viaje Level 3 Buen viaje Level 3 Workbook Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith Mere Christianity Publisher Glencoe(McG) Bob Jones 2nd ed THE LAMPO GROUP, INC. ISBN Number 0-02-834175-9 978-1579248925 981683916 Holt Glencoe(McG) Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt MLA TBD 0-03505976 97 800 77221355 or 978 0073317502 978-0-547-45138-1 78-0-547-08294-3 978-1603290241 Harper/Collins Houghton/Mifflin Signet Classic Penguin Putnam Penguin Putnam MLA 0-060652934 0-618084894 0-451-52895-6 0-451526341 0-451526341 978-1603290241 Allyn & Bacon Penguin Putnam Harcourt Trade Dover Publications Houghton/Mifflin Signet Classic Houghton/Mifflin Harper/Collins Dover Publications Penguin Putnam Penguin Putnam Dover Publications Glencoe(McG) Glencoe(McG) Baker Books 2012 Touchstone/SimonSchuster 0-20530902X 0-140714766 0-156632772 0-486282228 0-618084894 0-451-52895-6 0-618-34162-5 0-060652934 0-486264645 0-451524934 0-451526341 0-486272788 978 0078619908 978-0078619724 978-0801014161 0-684823780 TBD