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Although every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information within these pages, the ultimate responsibility for the correct submission of claims and response to any remittance advice lies with the provider of services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) employees, agents, and staff make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that this compilation of Medicare information is error-free and will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of the use of this guide. This publication is a general summary that explains certain aspects of the Medicare Program, but is not a legal document. The official Medicare Program provisions are contained in the relevant laws, regulations, and rulings. Palmetto GBA December 2009 2 Objectives • Provide an overview of the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program (CERT) • Identify general documentation principles • Review the examination component of an Evaluation & Management (E/M) service • Discuss documentation tips for the examination component • Identify resources for CERT and E/M services Palmetto GBA December 2009 3 Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Program The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program • The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program monitors and reports the accuracy of Medicare claims – Paid Claims Error Rate: dollars – Provider Compliance Error Rate: accuracy • Most recent data: May 2008 CERT report • CMS views these error rates as a measure of how well contractors communicate Medicare guidelines to providers and staff Palmetto GBA December 2009 5 CERT Paid Claims Error Rates for Palmetto GBA May 2008 Report: 5 Highest Code Groups Ohio and West Virginia 25.0% 22.0% 19.2% 20.0% = All three of the three key components required 15.0% 11.0% 10.7% 10.0% 7.3% 5.0% 0.0% Hospital visits - initial Consultations Office visits- new Palmetto GBA December 2009 Hospital visitssubsequent Chiropractic services 6 CERT Paid Claims Error Rates for Palmetto GBA May 2008 Report: 5 Highest Code Groups South Carolina Part B 30.0% 25.0% = All three of the three key components required 24.2% 19.6% 20.0% 15.0% 12.1% 11.6% 9.3% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Chiropractic services Consultations Hospital visitssubsequent Palmetto GBA December 2009 Office visits- new Other tests 7 Reasons for Errors • Most errors resulted from documentation supporting a lower level of service than the submitted code • A few consultations were changed to “visits” (3 R’s) • “3 of 3 key components” – required for initial hospital visits, consultations, and new patient office visits Palmetto GBA December 2009 8 General Documentation Principles General: Principles of Medical Record Documentation • • • • • • • The medical record should be complete and legible Each patient encounter should include: – Reason for encounter and relevant history, physical examination findings, and prior diagnostic test results – Assessment, clinical impression, or diagnosis, – Plan for care – Date and legible identity of the observer If not documented, the rationale for ordering diagnostic and other ancillary services should be easily inferred Past and present diagnoses should be accessible to the treating and/or consulting physician Appropriate health risk factors should be identified The patient’s progress, response to and changes in treatment, and revision of diagnosis should be documented The CPT and ICD-9-CM codes reported on the health insurance claim form or billing statement should be supported by the documentation in the medical record Palmetto GBA December 2009 10 Examination Component COMPONENTS OF E/M SERVICES CHIEF COMPLAINT 1. 2. 3. HISTORY COMPONENTS – – – HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (HPI) REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (ROS) PAST, FAMILY, SOCIAL HISTORY (PFSH) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION DECISION MAKING – – – DX/MGT OPTIONS TYPE OF DATA RISK ASSESSMENT = SELECTION OF CPT CODE Palmetto GBA December 2009 12 TYPE (COMPLEXITY) OF EXAMINATION CUMULATIVE: MORE DATA MORE COMPLEXITY 1995 BODY AREAS AFFECTED AREA 1995 AFFECTED SYSTEMS SYSTEM AFFECTED AREA + UP TO 6 OTHERS 2-7 AREAS, MORE DETAIL 8+ AREAS AFFECTED SYSTEM + UP TO 6 OTHERS 2-7 AREAS, MORE DETAIL 8+ SYSTEMS OR COMPLETE SINGLE SYSTEM EXAM 1997 GUIDELINES 6-11 BULLETS IN 1- 5 BULLETS IN 1+ SYSTEMS/AREAS 1+ SYSTEMS /AREAS 12+ BULLETS IN 2+ SYSTEMS/AREAS 2 + BULLETS FOR EACH OF 9 + SYSTEMS/ AREAS EXAM TYPE PROBLEM FOCUSED DETAILED COMPREHENSIVE EXPANDED PROBLEM FOCUSED Palmetto GBA December 2009 13 EXAMINATION 1995 GUIDELINES: BODY AREAS BODY SYSTEMS • • • • • • • • • • HEAD NECK CHEST ABDOMEN BACK/SPINE GENITALIA/GROIN/ BUTTOCKS Rt UPPER EXT Lt UPPER EXT Rt LOWER EXT Lt LOWER EXT • • • • • • • • • • • CONSTITUTIONAL EYES EARS,MOUTH,NOSE CARDIOVASCULAR RESPIRATORY GASTROINTESTINAL INTEGUMENTARY MUSCULOSKELETAL NEUROLOGICAL PSYCHIATRIC HEM/LYMPH/IMMUNO Palmetto GBA December 2009 14 1995 Detailed Examination Example O: Patient is alert & oriented; in no acute distress. Skin is pink, dry, warm. Her lungs are CTA. Heart RRR without murmurs. Abd is soft, not distended, + bowel sounds. She has tenderness to palpitation in midepigastric region. No other tenderness, no palpable masses. BP 69/34, T97.5, P 60, R 24 Palmetto GBA December 2009 15 EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT REVIEW SHEET ESTABLISHED PATIENT (2 of 3 E/M elements) REVIEW OF SYSTEMS AND EXAMINATION: ROS EXAM ROS EXAM ROS EXAM Constitutional Skin/Breast All Others Neg N/A Eyes Musculoskeletal ENT Neurologic Cardiovascular Psychiatric Head, incl. Face Genitalia/Groin/Buttocks Respiratory Hem/Lymph Neck Right Upper Extremity Gastrointestinal Endocrine N/A Chest Left Upper Extremity Genitourinary Allergy/Imm N/A Abdomen Right Lower Extremity Back/Spine Left Lower Extremity 1995 BODY AREAS EXAM EXAM B. EXAMINATION TYPE: 1997 exam guidelines must be used if HPI extended d/t status 3+ chronic/inactive conditions 1995 GuidelinesBody Areas 1995 GuidelinesSystems 1997 GuidelinesGeneral EXAM TYPE Affected Area Affected Area + 1-6 Others Affected System Affected System + 1-6 Others 1-5 Bulleted elements Prob.Focused 6-11 Bulleted elements Exp.Prob.Focused 2-7 Areas, More Detail 2-7 Systems, More Detail 12 + Bulleted elements in 2+ Systems Detailed Palmetto GBA December 2009 8+ Areas 8+ Systems or Complete Single System Exam 2+ Bulleted elements for each or 9+ Systems Comprehensive 16 1995 Comprehensive Examination Example PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: This is a 72-year-old female, alert, oriented. Vital signs: Blood pressure 96/50, respirations 20, pulse 88, temperature 97.0F HEENT: Within normal limits. Nasopharynx: patent. Oropharynx: mucous membranes pink and moist. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Neck: Supple. Airway is patent. Negative stridor. No lymph node adenopathy. Chest: Heart regular. Lungs: Clear. Abdomen: Diffuse discomfort. No focal pain. Active bowel sounds. Negative distention. No flank pain or costovertebral angle tenderness. Rectal examination: Negative for blood. No masses in the rectal vault. Pelvis: otherwise intact. Extremities: full range of motion. Radial, femoral, and pedal pulses are palatable. Palmetto GBA December 2009 17 EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT REVIEW SHEET NEW PATIENT (3 of 3 E/M elements) REVIEW OF SYSTEMS AND EXAMINATION: ROS EXAM ROS EXAM ROS EXAM Constitutional Skin/Breast Eyes Musculoskeletal ENT Neurologic Cardiovascular Psychiatric Head, incl. Face Genitalia/Groin/Buttocks Respiratory Hem/Lymph Neck Right Upper Extremity Gastrointestinal Endocrine N/A Chest Left Upper Extremity Genitourinary Allergy/Imm N/A Abdomen Right Lower Extremity Back/Spine Left Lower Extremity B. EXAMINATION TYPE: 1997 All Others Neg N/A 1995 BODY AREAS EXAM EXAM exam guidelines must be used if HPI extended d/t status 3+ chronic/inactive conditions 1995 GuidelinesBody Areas 1995 GuidelinesSystems 1997 GuidelinesGeneral Affected Area Affected Area + 1-6 Others 2-7 Areas, More Detail Affected System Affected System + 1-6 Others 2-7 Systems, More Detail 1-5 Bulleted elements 6-11 Bulleted elements 12 + Bulleted elements in 2+ Systems 8+ Systems or Complete Single System Exam 2+ Bulleted elements for each or 9+ Systems EXAM TYPE Prob.Focused Exp.Prob.Focused Detailed Comprehensive Palmetto GBA December 2009 8+ Areas 18 1995 Examination FAQ Can we consider both body areas and organ systems together if we are using the 1995 E/M guidelines for the Examination Component? Answer: No. For the exam component, you may either use body areas or organ systems and not a combination. Palmetto GBA December 2009 19 1995 Examination FAQ In the E/M documentation guidelines, what does ‘more detail’ regarding the exam mean, and what is the difference between an expanded problem-focused exam and detailed exam? Answer: 'More detail' refers to the extent of the exam. The level of detail involved in an exam is a clinical judgment based on the documentation for each individual medical record. There is an expectation that the exam will be more involved and therefore more documentation would be submitted for a detailed exam. The documentation for the detailed exam is expected to be more explanatory, while an expanded problemfocused exam is more representative of a cursory exam. Palmetto GBA December 2009 20 EXAMINATION 1997 GUIDELINES - SYSTEMS GENERAL MULTISYSTEM EXAM • • • • • • • • • • EYES EARS,MOUTH,NOSE,THROAT CARDIOVASCULAR RESPIRATORY GENITOURINARY INTEGUMENTARY MUSCULOSKELETAL NEUROLOGICAL PSYCHIATRIC HEMATOLOGIC/ LYMPHATIC/IMMUNOLOGIC Palmetto GBA December 2009 21 1997 Examination Example • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Physical Exam: Tem; 95.2 BP 203/44 Resp 18 pulse 80 General Appearance: Patient is a thin, elderly, hard of hearing female in no acute distress Orientation: Alert and oriented x 3 Memory (recent and remote), Concentration, Attention: Normal Language: Normal Knowledge: Normal Funduscopic exam: Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements intact. Funduscopic exam including posterior segments unremarkable. Fields full. Nystagmus noted. Optic disc wnl. Normal facial sensation identified. Slight right ptosis, otherwise normal facial symmetry. Decreasing hearing bilaterally. Normal palatal elevation, trapezius movement and tongue movement identified. Strength: 5/5 upper extremities and 4/5 lower extremities Tone: Normal no tremor. Coordination: Finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin is normal Reflexes: Symmetric, down-going toes. DTR nl. On sensory exam, no sensory level identified no neglect. Pin, vibratory, and joint position sense is intact. She reports no lower extremity paresthesias. Gait/Station: Patient has difficulty ambulating, but able to stand with assist. Questionable leftsided ataxia. Carotids: Without bruits. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1, S2, and 4/6 systolic ejection murmur. Peripheral vascular exam: No edema in lower extremities. Palmetto GBA December 2009 22 1997 Examination: Neurological System/Body Area Constitutional *All elements must be documented. Eyes *All elements must be documented. Cardiovascular Elements of Examination • Measurement of any three of the following seven vital signs: –Sitting or standing blood pressure –Supine blood pressure –Pulse rate and regularity –Respiration –Temperature –Height –Weight (may be measured and recorded by ancillary staff) • General appearance of patient (e.g., development, nutrition, body habitus, deformities, attention to grooming) • Ophthalmoscopic examination of optic discs (e.g., size, C/D ratio, appearance) and posterior segments (e.g., vessel changes, exudates, hemorrhages) • Examination of carotid arteries (e.g., pulse amplitude, bruits) • Auscultation of heart with notation of abnormal sounds and murmurs • Examination of peripheral vascular system by observation (e.g., swelling, varicosities) and palpation (e.g., pulses, temperature, edema, tenderness) Palmetto GBA December 2009 23 1997 Examination: Neurological System/Body Area Musculoskeletal *All elements must be documented. Elements of Examination • Examination of gait and station Assessment of motor function including: • Muscle strength in upper and lower extremities • Muscle tone in upper and lower extremities (e.g., flaccid, cog wheel, spastic) with notation of any atrophy or abnormal movements (e.g., fasciculation, tardive dyskinesia) Neurological *All elements must be documented. Evaluation of higher integrative functions including: • Orientation to time, place and person • Recent and remote memory • Attention span and concentration • Language (e.g., naming objects, repeating phrases, spontaneous speech) • Fund of knowledge (e.g., awareness of current events, past history, vocabulary) Test the following cranial nerves: • Second cranial nerve (e.g., visual acuity, visual fields, fundi) • Third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves (e.g., pupils, eye movements) • Fifth cranial nerve (e.g., facial sensation, corneal reflexes) • Seventh cranial nerve (e.g., facial symmetry, strength) • Eighth cranial nerve (e.g., hearing with tuning fork, whispered voice and/or finger rub) • Ninth cranial nerve (e.g., spontaneous or reflex palate movement) • Eleventh cranial nerve (e.g., shoulder shrug strength) • Twelveth cranial nerve (e.g., tongue protrusion) • Examination of sensation (e.g., by touch, pin, vibration, proprioception) • Examination of deep tendon reflexes in upper and lower extremities with notation of pathological reflexes (e.g., Babinski) • Test coordination (e.g., finger/nose, heel/knee/shin, rapid alternating movements in the upper andDecember lower extremities, evaluation of fine motor coordination in young children) Palmetto GBA 2009 24 1997 Examination: Neurological Level of Exam Perform and Document Problem Focused One to five elements identified by a bullet. Expanded Problem-Focused At least six elements identified by a bullet. Detailed At least 12 elements identified by a bullet. Comprehensive • • • Perform all elements identified by a bullet Document every element in a box with a shaded border Document at least one element in each box with an unshaded border Palmetto GBA December 2009 25 Resources • – Pub.100-04 Chapter 12 – Pub.100-08 Chapter 3 • Current Procedural Terminology CPT 2009 • for OH for SC for WV – Browse by Topic: E/M Help Center – Browse by Specialty: additional articles – CERT: example letters, and graphs by specialty • – Overview; and – CERT reports Palmetto GBA December 2009 26