We're not trying to build an organization. We're

Christian Ranchman
We're not trying to build an organization.
Volume 37, Number 9 - 10
We're trying to fill the Kingdom of God.
"..By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." John 13:35
Shepler Church in Conshocton, Ohio sure had
a super roundup with Cowboys For Christ on July
15 the last day of their VBS. I was major blessed
to be invited to speak to the young Cowboys and
Cowgirls and also give each one a genuine Texas
cowpony horseshoe that I had painted gold. Cecil
Richards and his able VBS crew sure know how to
put on a great program for the young folks and
with Cecil’s engineering and his wife, Georgina
painting they had a wonderful back drop for the
western theme. I tip my Stetson to each and every
one for a job well done.
Georgina, Dave and Cecil in front of the really
neat western town back drop they made for VBS.
Note from Dave: It is an enormous honor to be
associated with such a fine group of Cowboys and
Cowgirls that are so very dedicated to serving the
LORD in the cowboy world and beyond. Real
ministry is real work and Cowboys For Christ is so
very blessed to have such a major mounted force
riding hard for our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS
CHRIST. I asked some of the hard riding troops to
outline their ministry work that the LORD has called
them into and we will be printing those outlines in
the Christian Ranchman. It is my sincere hope
that the HOLY SPIRIT will speak to others about
doing similar ministry work or move them to develop
their own as they pray and seek the LORD for their
KINGDOM building activities. Mike Reicherts and
his wife, Jamie have taken trail riding ministry to
another level, below is the outline that Mike sent
to me. I hope you enjoy reading it and visualizing
just one way that the LORD uses Cowboys and
Cowgirls to reach out to the lost that would never
hear the Gospel any other way.
1. Pray to God: to see if this is the will of God for
your life. Know that first, before you take one more
step. To know is the only thing that will empower
you to be able to withstand the work part of the
ministry. It will keep you from being double-minded,
and tossed to and foe. When the going gets tough,
only the knower of God’s will for their lives will keep
going. We (my wife Jamie and Mike) both knew
positively that it was the will of God for our lives.
2. Be Open: doors will open that you are not always
aware of when you start to plan His ministry.
Remember only if the Lord builds the house will it
stand. There will be connections with new people,
some you know and some you don’t know that will
be doorways to ministry opportunities, and ministry
finances. Be an encourager of these new
connections, treating them as an equal with you
and with all others in the group, but always pointing
them to Jesus. Some of the people God sends you
to be part of your group will have areas in their life
that need Gods deliverance. Be patient and let the
Holy Spirit lead you. When the God appointed time
is there, that will be the opportunity to minister to
3. On our meeting night, which is the last Thursday
night of every month, we like to rotate to other
people homes to host the meeting with a pot
blessing before the meeting starts. We then open
with prayer and then bible study for at least a half
hour. After that, starts the business meeting in which
all are invited to share their ideas as to what
different ways we can reach more people for Jesus.
We try to plan some fun things for the whole family
(kids included). Some functions are driving, trail
riding, and arena ideas while others are State Park
4. This year we put together a brochure to pass
out, or mail to people who are interested in coming
to a campout where we are putting on a church
service. The brochure includes a section about the
We Will Ministry-how it started and our goals. The
list of State Parks and the dates when we will be
(Cont. on Page 16)
Email, Snail Mail
or Pony Express....
Any way you can
get it to us!
Sept. / Oct. 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Permit No. 284
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Page 2 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Dear Dave,
Please use this offering in whatever way you
feel led by the Lord. Keep up the good work you
all do with the Christian Ranchman newspaper.
In honor of
well loved and respected
rancher and cowboy.
90th birthday
August 11, 2013
God bless in Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
JD in Oklahoma
The Christian Ranchman,
Enjoy your newspaper so much. Keep up the
good work.
JW, Tennessee
Thank you, MJ, Texas
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
Thank you for your prayers.
B & NS, DE
Sept / Oct 2013
No. 9 - 10
The Christian Ranchman is published Bi-Monthly
(subscriptions are free) by Cowboys For Christ,
P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111.
Physical Address: 514 County Road 4699,
Boyd, Texas 76023
Post Master: Send address changes to The
Christian Ranchman, P.O. Box 7557, Fort
Worth, TX 76111.
Phone (817)236-0023
Please remember that the statements and
expressions are those of the witnesses, and not
necessarily those of the staff or officers of Cowboys
For Christ.
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
I wrote you a while ago requesting your
publication and a Bible for my grandson who had
gone to prison. I was pleasantly surprised that he
also received your Bible study. He has enjoyed it
so much. He has gotten involved with the church
there. He loves to sing the songs. I think God has
something in mind for his life. Getting to know God
has saved his life. He is so thankful he has Him in
his life. God will help him through these dark days
and bring him brighter days ahead. God gives us
hope and He’s always there for us if we turn our
lives over to Him. God bless your ministry and
everyone who gives his time. I have enclosed a
Cowboys For Christ,
God bless you!
MO, New Mexico
Volume 38
Ted K. Pressley, Founder (1938-2011)
Dave Harvey, Executive Director/Editor
Love in Christ,
LC in New Hampshire
Bro. Dave and Staff,
Hi, from the Choctaw Nation. It’s mighty hot up
here, or down here. If this is any indication of the
ways of hell, I don’t want no part of it. Why anyone
should chose suffering over joy and happiness?
Somewhere it is mentioned, God has things for
His soul’s that no one can imagine or comprehend,
and I sure wand to see those things.
The Christian Ranchman
Have You Moved or are You Planning
to Move? Please notify COWBOYS
FOR CHRIST of your new mailing
E-Mail Address:
WEBSITE: www.cowboysforchrist.net
Supreme authority over this organization
and all its activities is vested in God's own Son,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and exercised by the
Holy Spirit. This must be recognized and
practiced as laid out for us in God's divinely
inspired Word, the Holy Bible.
Cowboys For Christ is not a substitute for
the local Church or Assembly, nor is it in
competition with any denominational group.
It seeks, rather, through God's enabling grace,
to be a helper to all local churches,
denominations and groups to the extent that
they are in harmony with the will of the
Almighty God. Its function is to proclaim the
Word of God. It is designed for outreach and
building up of the Body of Christ, God's bloodbought people, and in harmony with the work
of the Holy Spirit is an active force in the Lord's
program for the present day.
The message of The Christian Ranchman
is the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These
messages come to us in a variety of
expressions, including testimonies and Letters
to the Editor, and each is meaningful in its own
way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will minister
to each of you that bit of reassurance and
comfort your need today.
2013 Cowboys For Christ
Page 3 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
I received the following email from Randy
Washington the Secretary of the new Arizona
chapter. He asked a great question and I am sure
that there are others that may have been asked
the same question. I feel that the question and
answer needs to be printed in the Christian
Ranchman so that the answer can be used when
and where needed to explain the Cowboys For
Christ ministry. I believe that we need to focus on
the HOLY SPIRIT and be prayed up and studied
up to go out and truly serve.
Hi Dave,
My name is Randy Washington and I am the
secretary for our chapter and I have a couple of
questions you may be able to answer.
Can you send me 5 copies of “Presenting Christ”
that I can pass out to our board members?
Secondly. I am going to put together a list of
churches in our area that has the same faith base
that CFC supports. In doing that I wanted to make
sure that I have the correct doctrines that would
be in common with CFC. Could you please help
me out with those doctrines? Going to use this for
finding people churches that are out of our area.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Randy Washington
Howdy Randy,
Great to hear from you and congratulation and
thank you for serving as an officer in the chapter.
You will find that Cowboys For Christ will open many
doors to minister and that the cowboy ministry is a
very fertile field and ready for the harvest.
Cowboys For Christ is an interdenominational
ministry that is committed to serving the LORD in
the Cowboy world, the entire livestock industry and
beyond. Cowboys For Christ was formed in 1970
and is one of the very oldest Cowboy ministries
and we are very active in taking the Gospel of
JESUS CHRIST to the lost, wherever and
whenever. .We are Scriptural based and we focus
on a spiritual walk, instead of religious talk. It is
my sincere prayer that this ministry be completely
led by the HOLY SPIRIT and working to accomplish
the LORD’S will in all we do. So, I guess that our
doctrine is to worship and serve the HOLY FATHER,
accept and proclaim the HOLY SON and be led by
the HOLY SPIRIT for HIS Honor, Glory and Gainful
I hope that this answers your question and I will
be sending you a package of ministry material, also
the tract “The Ride” is on a full sheet of paper (front
and back) and you can copy as many as you need
if you run low. I have a work study program for
“Presenting JESUS CHRIST to the Cowboy and
Cowgirl” and I have presented it to different groups
and it really illuminates the material. If you would
like a copy, just let me know.
I am available at any time, so please do not
hesitate to contact me when you need anything.
cell is 336-601-7393. Dear HEAVENLY FATHER,
I ask that you please guide Randy and the other
officers in the chapter to do great works for YOUR
Thank you.
I received your package, it will be very helpful. I
plan on distributing the pamphlets next meeting.
As for the doctrine, I totally get it. Explaining
how you did made it easier for me to explain it to
the member with the question. That issue has been
resolved and we are moving forward. Thanks for
your support.
In Him
Note to Chapter Presidents and
Vice Presidents
Updates are due whenever there is a
leadership change.
The update form is available at:
If you do not have internet access and do not
have the current form, please call the office at
Updates can be e-mailed to:
cfcmail@cowboysforchrist.net or mailed to
PO Box 7557, Ft. Worth, Texas 76111.
Contact us via E-Mail:
Dave Harvey General mail:
Submit testimonies, articles or to
subscribe to the Christian Ranchman at
Order Inquiries:
Paperwork/Chapter Correspondence:
Central: Matt Wagner
South West: Dr. Bob Rawson
South East: Suzy Harvey
Great Lakes: Mike Gentry
West: Robert Barnard
Email, Snail Mail or Pony
Any way you can get it to us!
Page 4 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
Hello there my fellow brothers and sisters. My
name is Ricky and I’ve been a subscriber to the
Christian Ranchman for about six years. In every
issue I see that old cowboy pointing a finger at me
asking for people’s testimonies. I never understood
why people wanted to hear about other people’s
problems. The other day a Christian brother was
telling me about how his nephew committed suicide
by hanging himself . W hat triggered this
conversation was that we were talking about
backsliding and the struggles I’ve been going
through. It seemed like every time I worked harder
to get closer to Christ something bad would happen
in my life and make my Christian walk harder to
Let me back up and tell you about myself. First
off, I was born on Christmas day in 1979. I always
thought that people were decoration their houses
and Christmas trees for my birthday. I’m the
youngest out of five boys, and I was born in Fort
Worth to a very poor family. While I was growing
up I would be sent to my Aunt and Uncle’s house
in Weatherford, Texas during the summer time. I
thought it was so much fun, but later on in life when
I was about 15 I found out that the only reason I
was sent to my Aunt and Uncle’s was because my
parents couldn’t afford to support all of us kids
during the summer months and I was too small to
work with my Dad.
In 1989 my family moved to a little town in central
Texas called Lampasas. There my Dad got a job
working with horses and cattle, and that’s when I
fell in love with horses and the ranching life. In
1992 I found Christ and accepted him into my life,
I was twelve then. My preacher at Calvary Baptist
Church was a great mentor and teacher of the
Word, and at fifteen I started working for him. Just
being around him was awesome, because he was
truly a man of God. With him and God at my side
I excelled in the knowledge of God.
You see, right now I’m currently living in a Texas
prison, and I’ve been incarcerated for almost nine
years. In prison and cut off from my family I sit here
and wonder what I did so wrong in life to be locked
up for fifteen years. Yeah, I broke the law and I am
paying the price, but why would God do that or
allow it to be done, if I was one of His.
Well, I saw a testimony today in the Christian
Ranchman and it opened up my eyes. The person
who sent in their testimony really stomped on my
toes so bad I almost cried. I know that God has a
plan for me even though I am here in prison. I
really want to be a member of Cowboys For Christ,
and when I get out I want to come back in and
share God’s Word with those that are where I am
at now.
As I sit here in my cubicle and reading the Christian
Ranchman, I realize that it’s time for me to make a
change in my life. I want to rededicate my life to
God and His good works, and I want to be a part of
something and that something is Cowboys For
Christ. I believe that this is something that God
wants me to do.
I’ve fallen out of the Christian saddle too many
times and I want to climb back into that saddle and
tie myself in and lead a God-filled life. I’m tired of
falling out of the saddle, so please send me any
info that could help me out with this. I’m sorry that
this letter is so jumbled up, but it’s my first time
opening up to people about my past life. I want to
do what I can for Cowboys For Christ and be a role
model for others like me. Cowboys For Christ has
been a huge impact on my life and I wish so much
that I could help with cash, but being in prison kind
of knocks that out.
Thank you for your time, you may print this if
you wish. God bless.
Your brother in Christ,
Ricky Coffman
Did you know that when you carry the
Bible, Satan has a headache, when you
open it, he collapses, when he sees you
reading it, he loses his strength, AND
when you stand on the Word of God,
Satan can’t hurt you!
God Bless America
How would you like to be involved in a
ministry that takes the GOSPEL of JESUS
CHRIST to Cowboys and Cowgirls
wherever they ride the trails of life? We
would certainly like for you to join us in a
very unique and rewarding ministry, and
we will help you get started through the
power and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Please pray about starting a local chapter
of Cowboys For Christ, especially if you
are not afraid of a bunch of hard work, long
hours, and eating the trail dust of service
to the LORD. It will take boldness,
dedication, and commitment, but the sheer
joy of saddling up for JESUS CHRIST is
worth the effort, and the rewards are totally
out of this world. Contact us about a
Chapter Start Up Packet, and let’s work
together to make a difference in your area
to change lives for eternity just as Cowboys
For Christ has done for over forty-two
Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls
We need sponsors for our
Prisoner Newsletter and the free
Prisoner Bible/Bible Study
program. Please pray about it
and if you feel the HOLY SPIRIT
speaking to you about helping
Cowboys For Christ go inside the
walls with the Gospel of JESUS
CHRIST, we certainly welcome
your support. We are reaching
out to those who are drawn to the
cowboy image or who have been
a part of the cowboy way of life
before they were imprisoned.
Your support will certainly be
greatly appreciated for helping
us continue and expand this very
fruitful work. GOD bless you
and I Thank You.
Page 5 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Riding Point With Dave Harvey....
I received a call from Matt Wagner one of our Regional Directors yesterday and he was very upset with some
of the things that have been going on in this nation. Things that just a few short years ago, we of this nation only
heard about happening in third world countries, and those things are not on the door step of this nation, they are
happening here, now!
The godlessness and rampant division and strife that is readily apparent in just about every area of this once solid
“One Nation Under GOD.” Respect, moral character and true caring for your fellowman has been replaced by
false “equality” and special favor sections, very much like a third world country. As we proceeded into the conversation, he asked what our response as Christian Cowboys and Cowgirls should be to this terrible downward
movement of a nation that he felt he could hardly recognize from actually just a few years ago.
My first comment was that, “JESUS CHRIST is the only answer.” Now, I wasn’t trying to give a know-it-all answer or to cut him off short, but
Cowboys and Cowgirls, we have only one SAVIOR, we have only one REDEEMER, we have all we need in JESUS CHRIST. We as Christians
(CHRIST-like) followers of JESUS CHRIST have all we need, because HE has us secure for eternity. HE is totally and completely all we need and
HE is the answer to all of the questions about the events and happenings in this nation and around the world that are screaming out to us every day.
We both readily agreed that whatever the situation, we are confident that we are on the winning team. We both assured each other that we know
personally the WINNER of the war and that we have the inside scoop on how everything will turn out. We both sensed with confidence that all in
JESUS CHRIST is safe for eternity.
But then to cast a shadow onto our eternally blissful thinking, he ask this question, “But what about today, what do we do now?” “What should
the members of the winning team be doing right now, today?” Right at that moment I had to focus on “today” and, of course, my thoughts went to
GOD’S HOLY WORD and the early days of the Church and the persecution, the terrible acts against believers and followers of JESUS CHRIST at
the start of the Christian movement.
Cowboys and Cowgirls, they were steadfast in their faith, the great men and women of the early Church, the Body of CHRIST. They went about
sharing JESUS CHRIST to the lost, they were confident in their faith and the readily marched forward as soldiers in GOD’S Army. The Church grew
to a known world movement in just a very short time and great and mighty works were accomplished by the servants of the MOST HIGH GOD. But,
folks, each and every one of those mighty warriors had to go through those battles and we certainly are no better that they were.
So, my fellow believers, we will have some battles ahead, some will be in the very center of furious fighting as the times continue their downward
free fall. Many reading this article are or will be leaders and direct combatants in the war against evil and “fighting the good fight of faith” against the
many evil workers of the adversary. We must get ready for the fight; the skirmishes, the everyday conflicts and the major battles by being “Prayed
Up and Studied Up” by putting on the Whole Armor of GOD, Eph. 6:10-18.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done
everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the
Cowboys and Cowgirls this means that we must continue to train (study) and prepare (pray) for the battles ahead, which are now coming and on
the way. And we must be totally and completely committed to the ANSWER to today’s question, which is JESUS CHRIST, In HIS NAME I PRAY,
Page 6 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
For more information about activities, meeting dates, times and locations,etc.,please contact people listed for the chapter nearest you, or our website at: www.cowboyforchrist.net
Circuit Riders CFC – Ohatchee, AL
Troy Crosson, Pres., 256-419-3140
Jason Yates, V. P., 256-490-3549
Email: hatcreekboys@yahoo.com
Fellowship: Fridays at 6pm
Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC- Athens,
Odis Everett, Pres., 256-431-7338
VP Eugene Leimneweder,
Website: www.cowboynfortheson.com
Email: baughncg@gmail.com
Fellowship: 1st Thursday each month
At 6pm at Meeting same time at 306 BBQ
S.E.A. Riders (Southeast Alabama)
Chapter, Troy, AL
Tommy Manns, Pres. 334-897-8316
Bobby Jones, V.P. 334-566-6303
Fellowship: call for location and time
Mat-Valley CFC - Wasilla AK
Tim Avritt, Pres., 907-376-2370
Jerre Attwood, V.P., 907-775-0834
Fellowship: 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Call Debbie Avritt at 907-376-2370
Southern Arizona Chapter - Tucson, AZ
Chris Moses, Pres. 520-465-9430
Jason Summerkamp, VP 520-403-8289
Ministry activities and fellowship - call
for info
Durango CFC – Durango, CO
John Beranek, Pres., 970-247-8288
Chris Swift, V. P., 970-533-9797
Email: swiftcreekranch@hotmail.com
Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm, at Animas
Valley Grange Hall,
7271 County Rd 203, Durango, CO
Morten Wengler, Pres.
Elizabeth Smith, V.P.
email eldoradoranch@hotmail.com
Contact for information
Pony Express CFC – St. Joseph,
Clay Center CFC – Clay Center, KS
Matt Wagner, Pres., 816-238-7503
Glenn Spencer, V. P. 816-685-3210
Email: midwestcfc@aol.com
Fellowship: 1st Tuesday at 7pm at Pony
Express Club
Chuck Smith Pres., 785-632-5841
Brian Girrens, V.P., 785-926-3085
Fellowship: See website.
SonCoast Chapter – Nobleton, FL
Barbara Mackenzie, Pres., 352-568-1507.
Nancy Ramirez, V. P., 352-569-5318
Fellowship: Call Barbara for location and
Website: www.cowboysforchristfl.com
Antioch CFC – Dover, FL
David Gillett, Pres. 813-789-0589
George Gillett, V.P. 813-986-4751
Fellowship: 2nd Saturday of each month
Call for location and time
Northern Indiana CFC – Elkhart, IN
Willie Hostetler, Pres., 574-575-0451
Ryan Eash, V.P., 574-202-3946
Fellowship: Trail Ride 3rd Saturday of each
South/Central Indiana Chapter, Ed
Edwards, Pres. 812-343-0776 Lisa
Edwards, VP 765-516-3828 Fellowship:
call for information
North Iowa Chapter – Alta Vista, IA
Trinity Cowboy Ministries CFC
Chapter – Carencro, LA
Mel DuPlechein, Pres., 337-678-2060
Dr. Mark Freeman, V. Pres., 337-8527855, www.TrinityCowboyMinistries.org
Call for information
Great Lakes CFC - Coopersville, MI
Jim Hansen, Pres., 616-450-4887
Harlan Smith, V. P., 616-837-6432
Fellowship: Call Jim Hansen for location
and time
Michigan CFC - Midland, MI
Pat Murphy, Pres., 989-832-9092
John Oelberg, V. P., 989-708-0090
Fellowship: Call Pat Murphy for location
& time
Flying B Soldiers Of The Cross
CFC - Hazzlehurst, MS
David Williams, Pres., 641-330-9742,
Chuck Halsey, VP, 507-279-8602
Fellowship: call for location and time
Scott Briggers, Pres., 601-672-4262
Jack Foster V. P., 601-894-3809
Fellowship: Call Scott Briggers for lo
cation and time
We Will Ride Ministry Chapter,
Greene, IA
East Mississippi Equestrian
Riders—Meridian, MS
Mike Reicherts, Pres.,
Scott Chisholm, VP, 319-230-1859
Fellowship: call for date and time
Jack R. Griffith, Pres. 601-479-9242,
Gerry Rutherford, VP 601-616-5577, Call
for information on activities
Capital Region CFC – New
Bloomfield, MO
John Hunter, Pres., 573-310-1293
Gary Ellis, VP, 573-491-9988
Fellowship: 3rd Friday of each month
Call for location and time
Green Hills CFC – Kirksville, MO
Jarrod Rapp, Pres., 660-689-3127
Betty Young, V. P., 660-349-1686
Fellowship: 3 Thursday at 7pm.
Call Craig Bakke at 660-695-3803 for
more information
Salvation Riders CFC – Lamar, MO
Jim Harrison, Pres., 417-682-9219
David Eaves, V. P., 417-214-1239
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sunday at 6pm at
Memorial Hall
Cotton Creek Chapter - Richmond, MO
Mike Stephens, Pres. 816-256-1043
Bob Simmons, V.P. 816-776-2936
First Monday of each month at 7:00pm
at 40794 E. 144th St., Richmond, MO
Cotton Creek Cowboy Chapel 9:30
every Sunday
Las Cruces Chapter - Las Cruces,
Max Perkins, Pres. 575-3640-7780
David Komarek, VP 575-523-2062
Robert Barnard, Reporter 575-373-3737
email robert@4barcompany.com
Contact for information
Heart of Carolina CFC – Clayton, NC
Cliff Lee, Pres., 919-553-6726
Jerry Sprague, V. P., 919-365-9247
Fellowship: 2 Thursday of each month
at Carolina BBQ at 6:30 pm
(Chapters continued on page 7)
Page 7 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
(Cont. from Pg. 7)
Jacksonville CFC - Home of Camp
LeJeune – Jacksonville, NC
Carl Godfrey, Pres., 910-324-7137
Athina Williams, V. P., 910-779-9529
Email: jcblaze@embarqmail.com
Fellowship: Call for date, time & location
Mid-East CFC – Ayden, NC
Jack Keel, Pres., 252-525-8519
Lennis Freeman, V. P., 910-358-9723
Fellowship: Call Jack Keel for more information
NC Foothills CFC – Statesville, NC
Craig Deal, Pres., 704-873-3421
Andrew Sams, V. P., 704-880-3661
Email: craigdeal@bellsouth.net
Fellowship: Call Craig Deal for more info.
Tri-County CFC – Marion, NC
Bill Queen, Pres., 828-738-8485
James Nations, V. P., 828-738-4343
Email: mckinneywalkers@yahoo.com
Fellowship: 1st Monday of each month
at 7pm at Providence Farm
Twin Counties CFC – Rocky Mount,
Alfred Tyson, Pres., 252-459-6091, Sue
Armstrong, V. P. 252-443-4434
Email: dustyroadstbl@embarqmail.com
Fellowship: 4th Thursday of each
month at Englewood Assembly of God
Church, 2181 S. Halifax Road, Rocky
Mount, North Carolina.
Cape Fear Chapter - Bladenboro,
John Millican,Pres. 910-840-1402
Gary Cashwell, V.P. 910-874-0613
Email: AnthonyRich72@yahoo.com
Fellowship: 3rd Saturday of each month
Trail Ride 10am; Dinner 7pm
Call for location
Sand Hills Chapter - Fayetteville, C
Gary Wells, Pres. 910-286-6906
Stewart Wells, V.P. 910-797-3386
Email: gary.h.wells@gmail.com
Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month
at 7pm at Western Sizzling, Fayetteville
Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND
Southeast Texas CFC, Kountze, TX
Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271
Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424
Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month
A.H. Elmer, Pres. 409-246-8985, Sneed
Elmer, V.P. 409-246-8985
Fellowship: Meeting - 3 Saturday each
month at 7:00 pm at the CFC Barn on Hwy
326 N, Kountze, TX
Central OK CFC – Norman, OK
Steve Womack, Pres., 405-872-7329
John Payne, V. P., 405-396-2738
Fellowship: 1 Tuesday of each month at
7pm at the Remington Place
No Bull About Jesus Chapter—
Pocola, OK
Jamie Jones, Pres. 479-926-3242
Wade Biggs, VP 479-522-0605
Prison, Jail and Recovery ministry
Call for information on activities
Southwest Oklahoma Chapter Comanche, OK
Ken Neher, Pres. 580-470-8055
Carolyn Neher, VP 580-470-8055
email ken@one2oneministries.org
Contact for information
Green Country Cowboys For Christ Collinsville, OK
Fred Thomas, Pres. 918-3788855
Rita Simpkins, VP 918-815-7087
Fellowship: Call for information
on activities
West Keystone CFC – New Castle, PA
Dale Brenneman, Pres., 724-924-2830, Bob
Steffler, V. P., 724-758-6255
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sundays/ Call for
Southwest Pennsylvania Chapter Kittanning, PA
Paulette Zimmerman, Pres. 724-252-0178
Jim Zimmerman, VP 724-252-0178
Ministry activities and fellowship - call for
Coastal Cowboys For Christ, Conway,
Buddy Smith, Pres. 843-397-9133, Calvin
Barfield, V.P. 843-365-5636
Fellowship: 3 Thursday of each month at
Shoney’s in Conway, SC
Cowboys For Christ Headquarters
– Boyd, TX
Boots and Bibles Chapter
Madison, VA
Heather Campbell, Pres. 540-2196928
Joanne Owings, VP 540-923-4679
Call for information on activities
Dave Harvey, Pres. 817-236-0023
Call for more information
Ridin For The Brand CFC- Victor, WV
For His Glory CFC – Royce City,
Elbert Horrocks, Pres., 304-658-5730
George Hawkins, V. P., 304-658-4206
Fellowship: call for Location
John Clayton, Pres. 214-215-6139
Karen Elza, V.P. 214-683-5049
Fellowship: call for more information
Hill Country/South Texas Chapter
- Wimberley, TX
Dr. Bob Rawson, Pres. 512-847-0521
Barbara Rawson, Sec/Tres 512-8470521
email brawson1@austin.rr.com
Contact for information
Rock’n Cross Ranch Ministry –
Collinsville, TX
Robert Taylor, Pres., 360-410- 8883
Lief Martinson, VP, 505-429-1836
Fellowship: call for location and time
Christ’s Cavalry
Daniels, WV
James Hartsog, Pres. 304-763-4207,
Beth Mays, V.P., 304-763-7247
Fellowship: call for location and time
Lighthouse Chapter CFC –
Arkdale, WI
Mary Harris, V. P., 608-547-5477
Fellowship: Last Saturday of each
Call for location and time
Are you presently in the US Military
or do you have a friend or loved one that
is now serving that would enjoy receiving
The Christian Ranchman? Please send
us their name and address and we will put
them on The Christian Ranchman mailing list. Bless our soldiers with a little bit
of cowboy while they are serving away
from home...
Page 8 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Cowboys For Christ
General Store
The Following Items Are For Sale
Specialty Items
The Following Items
Are Free:
Logo Belt Pins
NEW T-Shirt
Ball Caps
Belt Buckle
Belt Buckle
CFC Flags
COMPLETE (Palm Size) Bible
_______ Your Entry Fees Are Paid
_______ Need a Lift?
_______ FREE Professional Tips to a
Winning Ride
_______ The Race Is On
_______ Just a Short Ride Across the
_______ Five Steps to Become A Top
_______ The Ride
NEW Short
Sleeve Shirt
NEW Long
Sleeve Shirt
Cowboy Angel
CFC Jacket
American made Poplin
Cotton Jackets!
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Grey
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Red
24K Gold Plated
Blue/w Logo
Cotton Poplin
Screw on backs
White, Khaki or Black
Antique Bronze
Silver w/24k Gold Plate
Inlaid-Royal Blue, White &
Green in Shield & Letters
$ 25.00
$ 37.50
$ 4.50
$ 5.50
$ 6.50
Include S & H cost posted to the left.....
Other Materials
Name: __________________________________________________
_______ Bible Studies
_______ Bumper Stickers: Cowboys
For Christ
_______ Offering Envelopes
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ____________________State: ______ Zip: ______________
Phone: (_______) ________________________________________
Please fill out quantities. Fill out check/money order for sale items. Fill out portion below and mail to:
CFC, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111
United State Shipping & Handling
and up
Lifetime Membership
Card - $10
Life-time Membership Card signed by
Brother Ted Pressley, imprinted with
your name and laminated as long as
they last for $10 dollars, you must
print your name just like you want it
on the card.
$25.50 + $6.60 S/H
Total = $32.00
You can now order online....just go
to our website and click on the
General Store......
50/50 cotton/polyester short sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Grey
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
65/35 polyester/cotton long sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Red
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
Short Sleeve shirts
are $25.00
Long Sleeve shirts
are $37.50
Custom ordered!
Page 9 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
This wonderful Bible is the Easy-to-Read version by the World Bible Translators, prepared especially for CFC. It’s the Old and New Testaments
with beautiful CFC colors—royal blue leather imprint with expensively striking gold inlay on the
cover. It is 4-7/16 inches wide by 6-5/8 inches high,
perfect size to fit in your coat pocket, yet designed
with type size—very easy to read. Printed on thin
crystal white onion skin paper, making it beautiful,
flexible and very readable.
This awesome Bible brings an easy and new
flare to Bible study. It's a must for your spiritual
life! Order yours now, they make GREAT gifts!!!!
See order form.
Only $6.50 each
+ Shipping &
Become a Partner with Cowboys for Christ....Be
Part of the Blessing & Share in the Blessing
PRICE $50.00
The Christian Ranchman is distributed to approximately 14,500 homes
each month FREE of charge. Cowboys for Christ also provides tracts to pass
out at events FREE of charge to anyone who asks. Brother Dave and other
leaders in Cowboys for Christ chapters preach, teach and speak at many local
events FREE of charge.
Would you consider partnering with us with a monthly donation to help
with this vital ministry to the lost and hurting? All donations are tax-deductible
and are used to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Currently we need your help in the following:
New or well-kept vehicle for ministry travel
GOLD or SILVER Guardian
Angels (with cowboy hats) just
$4.50 each.
Logo Shield Hat/Belt
Pin with white
Available in M, L, XL and XXL
$12.50 all sizes plus shipping.
White hat with blue bill and Black hat with embroidered
CFC logo patch embroidered
CFC Logo Patch
Page 10 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Chapter Updates.....
CottonCreek Chapter- Cowboys for
Christ News and Notes
Mike and Donita Stephens moved to Ray
County, Missouri in 2011, bringing with them a
vision for an outreach ministry and a passion for
helping others to come to know and follow Christ
as Lord and Savior. Having been actively involved
in farm and ranch life thru raising and riding horses
on their farm, participating in saddle clubs, area
cattlemens’ associations, rodeos and other events
of that nature, they felt God leading them to have
an outreach ministry here that would share Christ
with other folks who also are fully engaged and
enthralled by the cowboy life, either as a past-time
or an occupation. Donita worked as a horse trainer
and as a therapist using horses to help disabled
and dysfunctional children learn life skills. So they
were strongly aware that their ministry would
include activities revolving around the cowboy way
of life. Both of them were members of a Cowboys
for Christ chapter in another area. In the fall of
2011, Mike and Donita went to Raymondville, MO
to work on the breast cancer trail and clean-up and
repair of the campgrounds which is where an
annual spring gathering for Cowboys for Christ
groups and others is held and that’s a great love
effort and blessing for both of them.
When CottonCreek Christian Ministries was
launched, early in 2012, it was structured to provide
for a ‘crisis needs’ ministry within the community, a
teaching and recovery ministry and a cowboy and
cowgirl ministry. The membership of CottonCreek
is made up of volunteers centered in Christ with
the purpose of donating their services, time and
resources to carry out Our Lord’s command to
“Feed His Sheep”, John 21:17 by meeting the
needs of His people in any and all ways that He
may lead and enable us to do. Our goal, through
the grace of God, is to provide spiritual and material
assistance, to share the Gospel and live out the
principle found in Christ’s command to “Love one
The CottonCreek Chapter of Cowboys for Christ
was formed as part of the specific goal to facilitate
the cowboy and cowgirl ministry. Mike and Donita
participated in the 2012 and 2013 Spring
Gatherings, taking with them a family from the area
(who had no experience with horses or the cowboy
way). This family was tremendously blessed by
the Spirit as He moved among them there as they
worshipped and shared in spiritual fellowship, Bible
study, and wholesome camaraderie and downright
fun cowboy style activities…..they had no idea of
what a week there would entail, but were thoroughly
entranced and plan to return. The Ministry is also
working with area saddle clubs and 4-H clubs, and
will host a HorseSense Horsemanship Clinic with
Dave Harvey, Oct. 12. Donita is working with a
couple of young women, teaching them
horsemanship and taking courses so that she will
be able to start the BIBLE Horse Therapy phase of
the ministry as soon as possible. We are making
plans for the Spring Gathering next year to take
down a group of individuals who are returning to
life outside the Correctional system as part of some
of the work we are doing through our Prison
Earlier this summer, it was decided that Mike
would begin holding worship services as part of
the Ministry’s work and mission. We all agreed
that it should be a relaxed atmosphere, not formal
or overly churchified or intimidating in any
way…where men and women of all walks of life
will be welcomed and comfortable. It is designed
as simply a place where the Good News of the
Gospel is preached and the Word of God is taught,
and people are valued and the fellowship of Christ
is shared. So to emphasize that this would be a
‘different’ style, it was decided that we’d call it a
Cowboy Chapel. Services are each Sunday at
9:30 am It doesn’t matter whether the folks who
come arrive on a horse, a 4 x 4, a bike or station
wagon, nor are boots and spurs a
requirement……..just the desire to know more
about Our Great God and the purpose He has for
our life. .
CottonCreek Chapter Cowboys For Christ
CottonCreek Cowboy Chapel
CottonCreek Christian Ministry
By Sheila Sellinger
When six year old cowboys promise to be
careful, nothing should surprise you; so going from
a cheerful afternoon ride to the emergency room
wasn’t too unusual. It was the reason for the trip
that raised some eye brows.
The Doctor looked at my young son’s arm and
determined that it was dislocated, not broken, but
he still needed a cast. As with all cases these days
where a child is injured like that, the doctor wanted
to know what happened. I explained that he’d been
riding one of our horses back and forth in front of
our house while I watched him from the open
kitchen window.
“Look, Mama! I’m trottin’!” he yelled. I laughed,
“I see that. Good job!” He was doing a great job.
He’d been riding regularly for a little over a year,
and showing progress. I was proud of him. I looked
down for a minute or two to scrub some dishes in
the sink, and heard him cry out. My head snapped
up to see the problem, but all I saw was his mount,
Whiskey, standing patiently at the head of the
driveway. Dropping the towel, I raced outside.
“Chris!” I called. He was crying from behind a
bush by the mailbox, holding his arm and I helped
him up. “What happened?” I asked. Tears
streamed down his dusty cheeks. “I fell.” He
I picked him up, set him back in the saddle and
affirmed that he must ride her back to the house. I
know that His arm hurt, but he had to do it. I
promised to put her away for him so he could go
lay down for a while. I told him he’d feel better
soon, but he didn’t.
The doctor turned Chris toward him and asked
if that was true. No longer in such pain, my son
sheepishly nodded his head, yes. “Okay. So how
did you fall? What happened?” The doctor
persisted. My boy looked at me, the doctor, then
at his white casted arm. “I wanted to check the
mail” he quietly admitted, “but she didn’t stop.” The
poor doctor was speechless, he glance at me with
raised eye brows.
“Chris, honey,” I asked, “you mean, she didn’t
stop when you pulled on her reins?” He shook his
head, his eyes rising slowly to meet mine. “I didn’t
pull on the reins” he confessed, “I told her I was
going to check the mail, but she didn’t stop when I
grabbed the door.”
Chris assumed that Whiskey would stop when
he voiced his intentions to open the mailbox. How
many times a day do we assume things? My guess
would be hundreds of times. We assume that
people know what we’re thinking, what we want,
or how we’re feeling, and we also assume that they
will act accordingly. My child was hurt by his
assumptions, as we are often hurt by ours. God is
the only constant in life; and like I picked my son
up off the ground, He also picks us up when we
fall. To assume anything besides the total
goodness of God is folly, the only certainty being
His unconditional love for His children.
Page 11 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
BY JARobinson
I write, not to complain about the mission I was
For in truth I’m still living.
I live in the hearts of those overcome by force.
I live in the veterans who’ve stayed on course.
I live in the spirit of those who mean what they
and if need be, I live to fight another day.
Geared for battle and equipped to win,
Courage is a soldier’s best friend.
Bron out of trouble, but fearless to the core,
You’ll never seen courage running for the door.
When there’s trouble, courage always takes a
To offer those in need a helping hand.
Entrenched where only angels should dare,
America’s finest prepare.
Camouflaged in courage, they’ve chosen to
the basics of freedom on which we all depend.
Name, rank and serial number, soldiers every
For as soon as one mission is over another has
From the seas of injustice to the shores of liberty,
Millions have fought for the right to be free.
Through the war still rages, victory has begun,
For each step of freedom is another battle won.
Bound by honor and sworn to serve,
A soldier’s duty has no reserve.
On guard, on call, or on the way,
A soldier’s duty is to listen and obey.
It can fly with just a gentle breeze,
Or battle a sudden storm with the greatest of
It’s been abused, misused and burned along the
But it still represents freedom around the world
To honor Old Glory, the greatest thing we can do,
is keep on flying the red, white and blue.
When truth needed a voice, she reported what
she saw,
When mercy asked for help, she answered the
When her enemies opposed her, she stood her
And when her own mocked her, she made not a
Although her stripes are many, she still holds
To the uplifting morals of the red, white and blue.
When freedom needs directions, we’re there to
point the way.
When freedom needs courage, we’re ready to
When freedom needs a spark, we hold the
and when things get too hot, we take the blame.
Ours is to serve no matter what the cost, for
without the hands of freedom,
freedoms will be lost.
Cowboys for Christ will be represented for the
21st year in a row at the 2013 State Fair of
Oklahoma. Central Oklahoma chapter president
Steve Womack will be singing and preaching on
Sunday, September 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the sale ring
located in Barn 3 at State Fair Park. His talented
wife, Mary, will also be singing. Womack became
a part of Cowboys for Christ in 1975 and has
preached under the CFC banner from West Virginia
to New Mexico, and from Montana to south Texas.
Recently retired from rodeo competition, Womack
was a two time Steer Wrestling champion in the
Senior Pro Rodeo Association. Bring your family
and lost friends to the Oklahoma State Fair and be
sure to attend the Cowboy Church service as a
good way to start your day there.
Northern Indiana Cowboy’s for Christ had their
campout at Potato Creek State Park on June 7, 8 and 9.
The weather was perfect. It was in the 70’s during the
day and down in the 50’s in the evening. We had about
26 riders on Saturday.
There are things about camping that I really don’t
like…such as trying to pack all that you need in your
vehicle, sleeping in a tent on an air mattress, and setting
up the camp. Although, I like sitting around a campfire,
I just have a hard time inhaling smoke.
For every reason that camping is stressful for me, it
pales in comparison for the time that is spent enjoying
every beautiful thing outdoors that God has created.
There were owls, woodpeckers, raccoons, deer, flowers,
trees, the beautiful blue skies and mostly…the horses.
Aside from these spectacular gifts, there was the time
spent sharing stories around the campfire. Some of the
stories were funny, some of them were suspenseful and
some of them were truly heartwarming.
We did have a small stampede one night. About 1:00
a.m. as we had just settled down in our tents, all of the
sudden there was quite the thunder of horses running
by. It was kind of like you were in that first stage of sleep,
and you weren’t quite sure if it was real. We checked to
make sure our horse was still tied and didn’t see anything
else in the dark and went back to sleep. Needless to
say, the next day we all learned that there actually were
five horses who escaped during the evening. I was told;
they spent quite a bit of time rounding them up in the
We were given two great messages over the
weekend. The first message was from Dean Yoder on
Saturday afternoon. Dean had his red roan mare at his
side as he spoke about how to worship in spirit and in
truth. Dean had his horse so in tune and focused on him
that the horse would bow every time Dean would bow.
This was a great reflection of how we always need to be
following Christ and having that connection, regardless
of life’s outside distractions. Dean stated, “We can’t bend
our hearts when it costs us something.” Psalm 119:9-11
Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin
against You.
Ryan spoke about fear. He had his black three year
old filly at his side. He took a blue tarp and draped it
over her back. The filly focused on the tarp and reacted
with fear instead of trusting in Ryan as her leader. Ryan
then got under the tarp with her, reminding her he was
there. Once seeing Ryan and focusing on him, she was
able to get through the situation with calmness. This
was a simile to our own lives. Sometimes in times of
trouble, we become so focused on our fears that we
lose sight of God. Ryan reminded us to never lose sight
of our Lord and Savior. John 10:16 And I have other
sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also,
and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one
flock, one shepherd.
Our next ride will be July 20th at Russ Forest in
Decatur, MI at 10:00 a.m.
Kim Hostetler
Page 12 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Good morning Dave,
I hope this day finds you well!!! Thought I would
send you a couple of pictures from our involvement
with a local church & their Vacation Bible School.
It was “western/cowboy” themed so it seemed a
natural for our CFC chapter to get involved in!! I
don’t know who had more fun, us or the kids!!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures!! Have a Blessed day.
Lisa Edwards,
VP South Central Indiana Chapter
Cowboys for Christ
Page 13 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
The Big Three
By Becca Schilinski
When I think of independence I also think of
the war or wars that won that independence and
war makes me think of the soldiers that fought for
it. Somebody went into battle for our independence
and fought courageously under fire. It was a matter
of freedom or captivity to civilians and a matter of
life or death to the soldiers. Combat veterans have
“war stories” to recount each mission and each
battle, each life and each death. I am humbled by
If you are a fan of “war movies” you know many
scenes are hard to watch. There is courage and
valor, suffering and tragedy, victory and defeat, but
if it’s a documentary or based on a “true story” you
are in for the duration. Today, war is broadcast on
the internet in “real time” which is absolutely
amazing. But, nothing compares to reading the
accounts of battle written in the Bible. God’s
intervention makes it even more amazing.
We are all familiar with David, the shepherd boy,
who slew the giant, Goliath, with a skillfully placed
stone in 1 Samuel 17. Gideon had to fight with an
army reduced to only 300 in Judges 7. But one
story I stumbled across a couple of months ago
should really grab your attention. If you haven’t
read about The Big Three (of the Mighty Men of
Valor) who served King David in battle, read it! The
Message version (I call it the salsa version of the
Bible) puts it like no other in 1 Chronicles 11:1519:
The Big Three from the Thirty made a rocky
descent to David at the Cave of Adullam
while a company of Philistines was camped
in the Valley of Rephaim. David was holed
up in the Cave while the Philistines were
prepared for battle at Bethlehem. David had
a sudden craving: “What I wouldn’t give for
a drink of water from the well in Bethlehem,
the one at the gate!” The Three penetrated
the Philistine camp, drew water from the
well at the Bethlehem gate, shouldered it,
and brought it to David. And then David
wouldn’t drink it! He poured it out as a
sacred offering to God, saying, “I’d rather
be damned by God than drink this! It would
be like drinking the lifeblood of these men—
they risked their lives to bring it.” So he
refused to drink it. These are the kinds of
things that the Big Three of the Mighty Men
Did you catch what King David did? He was
parched and pondered taking the city and freely
drinking at that well. He gave no command, just a
desire to quench his thirst and whoosh his Big
Three sprang into action. They launched a
dangerous mission for their commander. That is
sheer guts and bravery. But this was normal
according to the Bible and the kind of things the
Mighty Men of Valor did. David knew full well The
Big Three had risked life and limb to get him that
drink, so he poured out the water as an offering to
God rather than drink it to quench his thirst.
I think of the soldiers who have served on our behalf
and our Might Men of Valor (past and present) who
went the extra mile in the heat of battle and risked
more during their time of service than most of us
will ever experience in our civilian lifetime. I think
of my dad who served in the Navy in WWII, my
friends Dave Harvey and Bill McNeil who served in
Vietnam, and every day I look at my husband (also
a Vietnam veteran), and see men who could easily
have been one of The Big Three in King David’s
There is a message for all of us in the Scriptures,
whether or not you have been a soldier, you can
still be as daring and courageous as The Big Three.
A Christian is a soldier in God’s army and serves
the King of Kings. So, just like The Big Three, we
must be ready and willing to spring in to action to
do His will on earth. It should be normal and the
kind of things we do.
Email, Snail Mail or
Pony Express....
Any way you can get it to
Submitted by Rus Jackson
Matt. 27:22
If I had been there: would I have cried, “Crucify”
Matt. 26:75
If I had been there: would I be the one to three
times deny.
Luke 5:28
Could I have dropped everything and followed,
if I had been there?
Matt. 27:60
Would I have given my final resting place, if I
were there to care?
John 1:12
If I have been there; would I have been a
Mark 14:11
If I had been there; would I have sold Him for
Matt. 27:32
Would I have staggered under the weight of His
cross, if I had been there?
Luke 7:38
Would I have washed the dust from His feet, or
dried them with my hair?
Acts 7:58
If I had been there; would I have cast a stone
on Stephen?
Luke 23:34
If I had been there; hanging on that tree could I
have forgiven?
Luke 2:7
Would I have been the one to turn the young
couple away?
John 8:7
Put before me the woman caught in adultery,
what would I say?
Mark 18:12
If I had been there; would my faith enable me to
Luke 2:7
If I had been there; could I dry the baby, the
Messiah to be?
John 2:5
Would I have heard the message; when Mary
said, “Do as He says?”
John 20:1
Would I have been filled with joy, or doubt;
when the stone was rolled away?
John 19:30
If I had been there and heard him utter, “It is
would I have felt it was the end or seen the
A. Rusty Nail 2012
Page 14 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
Hi Brother Dave,
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get
this to you. But I started writing the other night
and could not stop. So here is my testimony I hope
meets the Christian Ranchman criteria and that you
would consider it for publication in a future issue. I
thank you and your staff for giving me the
opportunity and for publishing the Christian
Ranchman, and if God so directs, I may be the
one to start a chapter here. God Bless, Keith E.
I must confess right off the bat that I am not a
cowboy. I don’t work in a cattle or horse related
occupation, nor am I a farmer. I am a cowboy “wantto-be” and a cowboy at heart. I am a 56 year old
man who has been married to his wife for 35 years.
I work in the automotive service area. I have
attended the same church for over 40 years; but
sadly, I have not been a Christian all of that time.
For most of that time I have held the position of
Worship Leader or Chairman of the services, but
in actuality was “playing” church.
To the best of my recollection I have always
been interested in Country things. I have listened
to Country music; even did a stint as a DJ at a
Country radio station. I have worn Western shirts,
jeans and suits, the proud owner of several pairs
of Tony Lama boots and I have several belt buckles
and Cowboy hats (much to my wife’s dismay).
I live in southeast Missouri, which is not really
known as “Cowboy Country.” The closest thing is
a city 30 miles south of here that hosts a PRCAsanctioned rodeo each August. I have also owned
a couple of Chevrolet pickups, and I am now driving
my Dad’s 1983 Chevrolet Silverado. I attempted
to take Western riding lessons, but the stables that
gave them went out of business. My favorite horse
is the Palomino. I would like to own one, but I am
not fortunate enough to live somewhere that I can
keep a horse. Nor do I have the finances to be
able to care and support one properly. Because
of the reputation that Palominos have, the initial
cost of purchasing one would be prohibitive. So, I
guess technically calling me a cowboy would not
be too far from the truth.
I would not say that I have led a horrendous
life, but I have not always lived as a Christian should
live. Being raised in church, I knew about GOD,
Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I guess that I never really
got serious about it. So, from week to week, I would
perform my role at church and lead the
congregation in songs and prayer; and sing a
special from time to time, then I would go and sit
down to listen to the Pastor’s sermon.
I don’t remember when the first time was that I
went to an altar, knelt down and asked forgiveness
for my sins. I also can’t tell you how many times I
have repeated this since that time. They say that
you are not supposed to go on emotional feelings,
but I never have felt saved. I know that not
everyone has the dramatic conversion experience
that the Apostle Paul had. But, I thought that I
would “feel” something. I know that it says in 1
John 5 that you can “know” that you have eternal
life. But, I never did feel that I had the assurance;
and sometimes I still don’t, at least until recently.
To turn what could be a very long story a little
shorter, I came to a realization that Satan doesn’t
want me to acknowledge. I had been depending
on GOD to do everything while I did nothing. That
HE would keep me from doing things that were
questionable or things that I know I should not do
or even think about doing. I realized that I have an
obligation in my relationship with GOD, Christ and
the Holy Spirit. I must be aware, not just to the
point where I am paranoid, of what I am doing or
saying. I also realized that I must start believing
what I have been hearing in church, and from
various pastors on television that I grew up listening
to, and still listen to today. I believe that God’s
Word, the Holy Bible is true; no matter that some
people say it is just a book like any other book.
And that honest, sincere prayer is an integral part
of that relationship. I have found this out in a very
real way.
I had been at a job that I really enjoyed for 13
years and left for what I thought was “greener
pastures.” It didn’t take me long to find out that the
old adage “the grass isn’t always greener on the
other side of the fence” was true. I was ready to
leave the new job after the first month. But, I was
advised to stick it out and give it some more time.
So, I gave it five more months; all the while I was
beginning to pray for GOD to “get me out of this
place.” I was constantly praying this so it is a
wonder that GOD didn’t get tired of me coming to
Him knowing full well what I was going to say. My
prayers were also accompanied by fasting at lunch
time. GOD worked things out to allow me to go
back to my previous employer. I did pay the price
of an altered schedule, loss of seniority and
vacation. But I believe that these will be changed
or restored when GOD is ready for them to be.
I am learning what “faith” is. I am beginning to
“renew” my mind as Paul instructs us to do. I am
reading my Cowboys For Christ Bible through from
Genesis to The Revelations. I still get my Country
music fix by listening to Christian Country by Crystal
Lyons and Rev. Del Way, also Chris LeDoux, who
sings about rodeo and Western life.
There are three material things that I wish I could
have happen in my life; should the Lord tarry in
coming back. One is to be able to complete the
Western riding lessons that I never did finish. So
if the opportunity presented itself I could go riding
if I wanted to. And if I could do that on a Palomino
mare, that would be the icing on the cake.
Secondly, I would like to move into my dream
house; one that is a little larger than the one we
live in now and has a two-car garage and a walk-
out patio. Thirdly, I would like to have a newer
Chevrolet Silverado pickup. I know that we are
not supposed to pray for material “wants” and that
is exactly what these three things are; “wants.” But,
is there any reason why these could not be a part
of the “abundant” life that Jesus said that we could
have in Him.
The greatest immaterial thing that I so
desperately desire to have is the surety, beyond
the shadow-of-a-doubt that I am a Blood-bought,
Heaven-bound child of GOD without letting Satan’s
doubts having any effect on me. And, that I could
put my past behind me and forget about it. I mean,
it is not like I can do anything about it anyway. But,
I feel it rear its ugly head every once in a while.
I always look forward to going to church every
Sunday morning and every Wednesday night. It
is very important to me to corporately worship with
my fellow believers. And I have a best friend, whom
I happened to meet at Promise Keepers about 15
years ago, that I meet with just about every week
for coffee or breakfast. So, between him and my
wife, I have a pretty good accountability and
support system.
But, what I really wish is that I could be a part
of, or involved in a Cowboys For Christ chapter
that is located here in or close to Cape Girardeau.
There are about half a dozen chapters in Missouri,
but none in the Southeast Missouri area. In
purchasing some Cowboys For Christ items, I had
included a letter to Brother Dave inquiring about
previous issues of the Christian Ranchman. I was
asking about the availability of Volume1, Number
1 up to the issues that I currently have. He included
in his response to me a suggestion about sending
me a “New Chapter Starter Kit.” My mind working
the way that it does told me that Cowboys For Christ
members should already know how to ride. But, I
came to realize that if a chapter is started and
membership begins to grow, there would probably
be someone that could teach me to ride.
However, one thing that I have learned over
35 years of marriage is to never do anything without
having my wife’s support. So, I have decided to
begin praying to see if it is in GOD’S plans for me
to start a chapter. If I get the indication from Him
that it is, then I will discuss it with her to see what
she thinks and how she feels about it. I wouldn’t
feel right asking to receive a “Starter Kit” before
doing this. Because I would hate to receive one
and start a chapter only to have it fail because it
wasn’t GOD’S plan and my wife not supporting it.
“If GOD (and my wife) is for it, who can be against
Page 15 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
I Can Fly
By Sandra Still, Heart Of Carolina Chapter
Amidst a world flawed and full of troubles, hurts and suffering, songs of praise arise. “I
shall rise up and tell of my love for You, oh God,” I breath as I enjoy the morning sunrise. God’s
songbirds herald the new day. My little terrier, Brella, roams the yard, sniffing the morning dew
on the grass. In the stream edging the property, amorous bullfrogs’ boom as the wind gently
ruffles the branches of the birch trees planted along the bank. I sit quietly, letting my
Spirit reach out to God, asking Him to bring those who need my presence into my day. Asking
Him to lead me where He wants me to go, that I may serve Him.
How complex the world can be, with questions we can’t seem to answer. Why is there
illness? Why do the wicked often seem to flourish, while the good people suffer? “For My
thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8 NJK)
And yet, amidst the questions, there arises that which is easy to understand. The sky lightens;
Brella, who has wondered away across the yard, suddenly turns and bounds joyously towards
me, ears flying and a look of love in her dark eyes. “Lord, it is you who puts such love, trust and
innocence in the hearts of our dogs. I praise you.”
Quietly, I eat a simple breakfast, and then drive to the barn where I board my horse.
Today will be spent with friends and horses. Like knights of old, my Cowboys for Christ friends
and I set out to do battle against the pain, hurt and despair of life. Today, we load up our horses
to go give “pony rides” to children facing their own private battles. Our task - to show God’s love
through our horses.
“Have you given the horse strength? Have you clothed his neck with thunder?” God
asks Job. (Job 39:19 NKJ) Gob seems to take special pride in His creation - the horse. I
understand why. Powerful, skittish, intelligent - yet they will submit themselves to the requests
of humans. My horse, PixieJoy, leaves her green pasture to come greet me. I look into her
large, dark eyes and sometimes feel I can see a disguised angel looking back. Who are these
creatures so beloved of God? Who am I to be blessed with the trust and companionship of
such an animal?
The diesel truck engines come to life; our caravan pulls out. God’s countryside scrolls
by. “What is man, that you are mindful of him?” I think. (Psalm 8:4 NKJ) Today, our battle
against illness and suffering is at a special picnic for autistic children. How many questions
arise! Why, Lord? Why are these children faced with such challenge? Why must these parents
struggle so? I have no answers, but I do have my patient mare.
The sun rises higher in the sky; the temperature climbs. Children are lifted onto our
horses, side walkers take their places, and off we go. I carefully lead my horse, who seems to
understand how precious the children are who perch on her back. It seems like I have walked
a hundred miles, round and round. The children laugh, giggle, or stand mute, remote and
unresponsive. Sweat runs down my shirt. Sometimes working to better the world is just plain
hot, repetitive, exhausting; there is no glamour.
The unresponsive young boy is lifted on PixieJoy’s back and we set off slowly around
the field. By now a path has been worn in the grass from many hooves. PixieJoy knows the
routine. Plod, trudge, sweat. Suddenly, without warning, the unresponsive child rises up from
his slump and sits straight. His arms slowly rise from his sides and flutter into airplane wings
position. His clear voice lifts towards the afternoon sun.
“I can fly! I can fly!” he shouts. His mother, walking along side, gasps as tears begin to
run down her face. “He never speaks,” she whispers. “He never speaks.”
“I can fly! I can fly!” he crows over and over, as Pixie carefully walks on.
In a world of pain, suffering and unanswerable questions, my friends and I go out to do
battle. God puts those in my life whom I am meant to touch that day. And the horses - God’s
horses - humbly walk on. Back at the barn, I hose PixieJoy down, and then turn her out to enjoy
her hay. Once home, I unlock the door to a dog overjoyed that I have returned. I sit quietly in the
yard, watching the day draw to a close as Brella checks out every inch of her domain. The great
horned owls who live in my neighbor’s trees eerily hoot back and forth to each other. The light
fades and the bullfrogs once again pick up their booming songs. The birds have fallen silent.
Brella comes over and snuggles in my lap. My spirit soars. “Oh Lord,” I pray, “I shall rise up and
tell of my love for you!” In answer to all the questions - there is God.
Death, as Christians understand it, is a
change in the form of life; it is not a
cessation of life. Those who have been
given eternal life in Christ Jesus will spend
a few fleeting moments here on this earth.
The rest of eternity is spent in the presence
of God.
Service in the name of Christ can also
live on, even though the servant has gone
to his heavenly reward.
A living memorial in the name of a loved
one, in the form of contributions, bequests
or gifts to the work of Cowboys For Christ,
will be acknowledged with a reproduction
of the Keith Avery drawing, "A Time For
Looking Back". Keith's poem accompanying the drawing. "Checkin' the Back Trail",
will also be included with the reproduction
of the drawing, in a framable presentation
which acknowledges the receipt of the gift.
Memorial Gifts
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557,
Fort Worth, TX 76111
This donation is in memory
Name: _____________________________
City: ______________State: __ Zip: _____
DONOR: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
City:______________State: __ Zip: ______
Page 16 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept / Oct 2013
eggs, pancakes, fruit, toast and drinks.
We’ve made everything from scratch but it takes more
(Cont. from Pg. 1)
time and lots of work to get all this done. I think maybe
there, and camp site number of where we will be located. for the future we will get sausage patties, egg patties,
We also include other dates if we do other church pancakes, etc. precooked, and put them in roasters to
services. Also includes what we believe with Bible verses, keep them warm. It would be like the breakfast meats
and a section about partnering with us. We also include served at McDonalds, and so much easier. Where there
being affiliated with Cowboys for Christ and pictures of is no electricity we somehow put them over the campfire
events. This has been a great tool to use for people who to keep warm. Still researching to get something work
want to know more about and follow the ministry. We out for this.
We hope this will help you get started if God calls you
can share our brochure if you would like to look at it for
ministry. Feel free to contact us.
5. When we have a state park outreach we first reserve
our campsite in advance to be sure we will get one
because at times they can all be taken leaving you with
a wasted trip to that park. When arriving at the camp we
put in two steel posts to hold up the cowboys for Christ
banner in front of our trailer so people will get to know
this is the place for the service to be held at on Sunday
morning. On Saturday evening we visit every campsite
in the equestrian campground as well as the people
camping in other campsites that do not have equine.
We have a flyer we give to each campsite inviting them
to a non-denominational service on Sunday morning
listing out what time and our campsite number. We share
that the service includes using Sara (our trick mule);
this brings some curiosity which is a great tool. The flyer
also informs them to bring their own lawn chair and some
even have sat on horses. We are hoping to get a tent to
use because of the challenges of the weather. If we have
enough help we tell them that there will be a free
breakfast following the service.
6. The Service opens with introduction of Mike and
Jamie, the Cowboy for Christ organization and prayer.
After that my wife Jamie leads worship either with guitar
or cd with the words to the songs printed on paper and
given to each person that comes to the service. The
sermon (after seeking God as to what He wants to talk
about) usually includes our pony mule (Sara) who is
trained to say yes and no by moving her head on a certain
queue. Sara also bows which is extremely useful at the
end of the service.
7. We always have a salvation call and as the Spirit
leads we may pray for people as to their particular needs.
At the last service God opened the door to pray healing
for peoples bodies. At one service God opened the door
for people to receive the Fathers Love, to bring emotional
healing to the fatherless and the motherless.
8. We share with everyone about the free Cowboys for
Christ materials setting on a table we set up, that it is for
anyone’s taking. We explain about the Ranchman, some
of the contents inside and that they can receive the
Ranchman free by contacting the CFC headquarters
through the website, email, or mailings. We also have a
signup sheet for people to sign with their name, address,
phone number and email if they are interested in
becoming a member, supporter or wanting a brochure.
This has worked very well for getting contacts. We also
offer help if they are interested in starting a chapter in
their area. We have a container setting on the materials
table for anyone who wishes to donate a free will offering.
The last time someone brought a tent for us to use, we
found out people tend to sit around and visit longer under
the tent. This is an option we are definitely going to check
into getting. For the breakfast we generally serve bacon,
and Dr. Bob, chapter president and regional
director is now busy working to pull these new
members, somewhat scattered, into active
involvement and participation with the chapter. He
is in the process of trying to understand their
interest in outreach ministry and assign them to
their particular ministry interest. He also is
attempting to get a chapter Bible study underway
soon and begin to have regular chapter meetings.
Barbara Rawson, secretary- treasurer of the
chapter, has provided assistance and works on
acquainting people with the Cowboys For Christ
organization. So, the emphasis has gone into the
phase of developing fellowship and outreach
ministry within our Chapter. In addition to Pastor
Jeff Latham, Westover Baptist Church, San
Marcos, TX, we have been blessed by gaining
Pastor Frank Spillman, Arena of Peace Cowboy
Church, Round Mountain, TX, and Pastor Ommar
Aguilar, Mexican Baptist Church, San Marcos, TX
as CFC members. All three will be of valuable
help to our chapter outreach ministry. All of our
new members seem to be blessed with talents that
can be put to good use in the service of our Lord.
We are very blessed and thankful to our Lord Jesus
Christ for giving us guidance and direction in the
development of our chapter in the South Texas
Submitted by Barbara Rawson, Secretary /
After a slow start-up because of Dr. Bob’s
emergency surgery and about three months
recuperation, our Hill Country Chapter has finally
been seeing some success and getting better
developed. A few months ago, we partnered with
Rodeo 4 Jesus Tuesday night events in San
Marcos, TX run by Pastor Jeff Latham. This event
is aimed at bringing young people together along
with their parents to learn and participate in bull
riding, roping, and horseback riding. At each event
a cowboy church is presented at the beginning by
Pastor Jeff. Brochures, fliers, discussing Jesus
Christ with cowboys, cowgirls and crowd members,
and doing sign ups for Cowboys for Christ is held
at these events. We have acquainted and are
continuing to acquaint a large trail riding group with
CFC and have gained several members through
this cowboy and horse event. Also, we just
completed a Memorial Day and July 4th three (3)
night CPRA rodeo in Wimberley, TX and passed
out the Christian Ranchman and other brochures
to the cowboys and cowgirls behind the chutes
along with people in the crowd. All toll we have
signed up about 40 new members for our chapter