UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
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Conduct and Discipline
22.00 UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
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Approved for Implementation,
Date of Last Revision August 29, 2008
22.00. Student Conduct and Discipline: Students are members of both society and the University community, with
attendant rights and responsibilities. Students are expected to comply with all laws and with UC Policies Applying to
Campus Activities, Organization and Students ("UC Policies") and UCSD Policies and Procedures Applying to Student
Activities, ("these Policies").
22.10. Introduction: The UCSD Student Conduct Code, Sections 22.00 through 22.22.21 of these Policies (this "C onduct
C ode"), provides authorization for the administration of Student discipline. It enumerates acceptable standards of
student conduct at UC SD. While this C onduct C ode does not include all the definitions or terms found in the University
Policies, or UC SD Policies and Procedures Manual, including the student-related regulations such as the C ampus Alcohol
Use Policy, Time and the Place and Manner Policy, etc., violations of such policies are, nevertheless, governed by this
C onduct C ode.
22.11. Scope of Application: This C onduct C ode applies to Students as the term Student is defined in Section 11.12 of
these Policies. It also applies to:
Applicants who become Students, for offenses committed as part of the application process;
Applicants who become Students, for offenses committed on campus and/or while participating in Universityrelated events or activities that take place following a Student's submittal of the application through his or her
official enrollment; and
Former Students for offenses committed while a Student.
22.12. Jurisdiction: The Regents of the University of C alifornia is a corporation that derives authority from the State of
C alifornia C onstitution, Article IX, Section 9, which prescribes its powers of organization and government. This C onduct
C ode applies to behavior of Students and UC SD registered Student organizations on UC SD/University-owned or leased
properties or functions located or conducted on properties that are owned, leased or administered by UC SD/University.
In addition, this C onduct C ode applies to alleged incidents of hazing as described below in Section,
regardless of the location (s) of the alleged hazing incidents. All off-campus conduct attributable to UC SD registered
Student organizations are also subject to this C onduct C ode. Finally, although the University will not routinely invoke its
disciplinary processes over student conduct that occurs off campus, the University has discretion under this policy to
exercise jurisdiction over conduct that occurs off campus under limited circumstances.
In determining whether or not to exercise off-campus jurisdiction, the University will consider the totality of the
circumstances, including (but are not limited to) the seriousness of the alleged misconduct; the impact of the conduct on
any member of the campus community or the campus as a whole; whether the alleged victim is a member of the
campus community; the ability of the University to gather information, including the testimony of witnesses; and whether
the off-campus conduct is part of a continuing course of conduct that occurred either on or off campus.
For example, the campus may choose to exercise jurisdiction over off-campus incidents meeting the above criteria
where the alleged misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
rape or sexual assault, any other physical assault, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or
safety of any person;
stalking or sexual harassment;
illegal possession or use of weapons, explosives, or destructive devices;
illegal manufacture, sale, or distribution of controlled substances;
hate crimes as defined by C alifornia law.
All decisions to exercise off-campus jurisdiction must first be approved by the Vice-C hancellor-Student Affairs who shall
have the sole authority to extend jurisdiction under this policy.
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
22.12.10. UCSD Authority to Impose Discipline: The C hancellor or designee may impose discipline for violations of
University policies or UC SD regulations whether or not such violations are also violations of law, and whether or not
proceedings are or have been pending in the courts involving the same act(s). Based on the categories listed in the
UC SD non-discrimination policy, sanctions may also be increased for violations connected with, arising from, or
motivated by bias or hate. The C hancellor may appoint faculty, Student, or other advisory committees, or hearing officers, as
specified in campus regulations, but the final authority for administration of Student discipline rests with the C hancellor. A Student at one campus of the University, who is accused of violation of UC Policies or campus
regulations on another campus of the University or at an official function of that campus, shall be subject to the
disciplinary procedures of either the former or the latter campus as an outcome of conferral between designees of both
campuses. The imposition of any recommendations for disciplinary sanctions arising from these procedures must be
reviewed and approved by both campuses before the sanctions are imposed. If an alleged violation of University policies occurs in connection with an official University-wide function
not on a campus, the Student accused of the violation shall be subject to the disciplinary procedures of the campus at
which the individual is a Student, except in those cases in which the President of the University directs otherwise. The loss of University employment shall not be a form of discipline under these Policies. However, when
Student status is a condition of employment, the loss of Student status will result in termination of the Student's
employment. This section is not intended to preclude the disclosure to other appropriate University officials of
information relating to any Students judicial records if that information may be reasonably construed to have bearing on
the Students suitability for a specific employment situation. This section is also not intended to preclude an employer
from terminating a Students employment outside the disciplinary process. In imposing discipline other than Suspension or Dismissal, access to housing and health services shall not
be restricted unless the act that occasioned the discipline is appropriately related to the restriction. If, as a result of an official appeal, it is determined that the Student was improperly disciplined, the
C hancellor shall, if requested by the Student, have the record of the hearing sealed, and have any reference to the
disciplinary process removed from the Student's record. In such case, the record of the hearing may be used only in
connection with legal proceedings. The C hancellor also may take other reasonable actions to ensure that the status of
the Student's relationship to UC SD or the University shall not be adversely affected. The results of any disciplinary action by the University that alleged a forcible or non-forcible sex offense,
as defined in 34 C FR 668.46(c)(7), must be disclosed to both the alleged offender and the alleged victim. The scope of
information to be provided under this section shall be: (1) the University's final determination with respect to the alleged
sex offense; and (2) any sanction that is imposed against the alleged offender.
22.13. Notice of Inappropriate Conduct: Whether or not a hearing is conducted, or disciplinary action is taken,
UC SD officials may provide brief written notice to a Student that his or her alleged behavior may have violated
University policy or campus regulations and that, if repeated, such behavior will be subject to the disciplinary process.
The Student shall be given the right to submit a brief written response to the notice which will be retained with a copy of
the notice by the UC SD official. Evidence of the prior alleged behavior as detailed in the written notice, along with the
Students written response, may be introduced in a subsequent disciplinary action in order to enhance the penalty.
22.14. Amendments and Modifications to the Code: Amendments of this C onduct C ode may be proposed to the
Director of Student C onduct, for review in accordance with Section 12.11. of these Policies.
22.15. Location of Copies of Student Conduct Code: The text of this C onduct C ode can be found at the Office of
Student C onduct website. C opies of this C onduct C ode shall be made available to Students, without charge, at any of the
following offices:
Student Legal Services Office
C enter for Student Involvement
C ollege Deans Offices
Resident Deans Offices
Office of Graduate Studies and Research
Office of Student C onduct
Office of Student Affairs School of Medicine
Office of Student Affairs, School of Pharmacy
AS / GSA Advisors Office
22.16. Standards of Conduct: This C onduct C ode applies to behavior of Students and UC SD registered student
organizations on UC SD/University owned or leased properties or functions located or conducted on properties that are
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
owned, leased or administered by UC SD/University. Students and registered student organizations assume an obligation
to conduct themselves in a manner that is compatible with University policies and UC SD rules and regulations. Failure of
Students and registered student organizations to conduct themselves in such a manner may subject them to discipline
under this C onduct C ode.
22.16.10. Grounds for Discipline: Discipline may be imposed for any violation or attempted violation, or aiding or
abetting in a violation or attempted violation of any UC Policies or these Policies. Violations or attempted violations
include, but are not limited to, the following types of misconduct: Academic dishonesty matters will be processed as specified in the UC SD Academic Senate Policy on
Integrity of Scholarship. All forms of academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism,
any form of bribery or facilitating academic dishonesty should be reported to the instructor of the course in which the
alleged misconduct occurred and to the Academic Integrity C oordinator (AIC ). See the UC SD Academic Senate Policy on
Integrity of Scholarship. All forms of non-academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, fabricating information, any form of
bribery or knowingly furnishing false information or reporting a false emergency to University or UC SD officials acting in
the performance of their duties. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any UC SD or University document, record, key, electronic device, or
identification. Theft of, conversion of, damage to, or destruction of any UC or UC SD property or property of others while
on UC or UC SD premises, or possession of any stolen property while on UC SD or University premises when the Student
had knowledge or reasonably should have had knowledge that it was stolen. Theft or abuse of University computers and other University electronic resources, such as, computer and
electronic communications facilities, systems, and services, and use of University computer and electronic
communications facilities, systems, or services that violates other University policies or campus regulations, including the
Academic C omputing Services (AC S) Acceptable Use Policies. Abuses include (but are not limited to) unauthorized entry,
use, transfer, or tampering with the communications of others, and interference with the work of others, and with the
operation of computer and electronic communications facilities, systems, and services as well as copyright infringement
including illegal file-sharing of copyrighted materials. Unauthorized entry to, possession of, receipt of, or use of any UC SD or University properties, equipment,
resources, or services, including, the use of UC SDs or the University's name, insignia, or seal. See Appendix B Use of
the University's Name. Violation of policies, regulations, or rules governing UC SD or University-owned or -operated or leased
housing facilities located on UC SD or University property. Physical assault, or threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person,
including ones self. Battery, defined as any unwanted touching, physical abuse, or fighting including, but not limited to,
conduct that results in the injury of another. Sex offenses committed by force or without consent, including, but not limited to, rape, sexual assault or
sexual battery. Sex offenses committed without force or by consent, but in violation of law, including, but not limited to,
statutory rape and incest. Unlawful conduct of a sexual nature including, but not limited to, indecent exposure, prostitution,
voyeurism or loitering for the purpose of soliciting or engaging in any lewd act or conduct. Sexual Harassment (As defined in UC Policies Section 160.00 and UC SD Policies and Procedures Manual,
Section 200-10 )
In any allegation of a violation of the Sexual Harassment Policy by any Student or registered student
organization, UC SD officials must consult with the Office of Sexual Harassment Policy and Prevention, and should
consult with the Director of Student C onduct. Incidents of alleged sexual harassment must be assessed in
incorporated into the UC SD Policies and Procedures Applying to Student Activities as Appendix G.
In general, a charge of harassing conduct can be addressed under these Policies only when the University can
reasonably be expected to have some degree of control over the alleged harasser and over the environment in
which the conduct occurred. Students suspecting that they are the victim of sexual harassment are encouraged
to report the matter to University officials, such as the Dean of Students and the Director of the Office of Sexual
Harassment Prevention and Policy. For the purposes of this C onduct C ode, an act of sexual harassment is
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
defined as follows:
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects a
person's employment or education, unreasonably interferes with a person's work or educational performance,
or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment. In the interest of preventing
sexual harassment, the University will respond to reports of any such conduct.
Sexual harassment may include incidents between any members of the University community, including faculty
and other academic appointees, staff, coaches, housestaff, students, and non-student or non-employee
participants in University programs, such as vendors, contractors, visitors, and patients. Sexual harassment
may occur in hierarchical relationships or between peers, or between persons of the same sex or opposite sex.
In determining whether the reported conduct constitutes sexual harassment, consideration shall be given to the
record of the conduct as a whole and to the totality of the circumstances, including the context in which the
conduct occurred. This policy covers unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. C onsensual romantic relationships
between members of the University community are subject to other University policies, for example, those
governing faculty-student relationships are detailed in the Faculty C ode of C onduct. While romantic relationships
between members of the University community may begin as consensual, they may evolve into situations that
lead to charges of sexual harassment, subject to this policy.
Harassment that is not sexual in nature but is based on gender, sex-stereotyping, or sexual orientation also is
prohibited by the University's nondiscrimination policies if it is sufficiently severe to deny or limit a persons
ability to participate in or benefit from University educational programs, employment, or services. While
discrimination based on these factors may be distinguished from sexual harassment, these types of
discrimination may contribute to the creation of a hostile work or academic environment. Thus, in determining
whether a hostile environment due to sexual harassment exists, the University may take into account acts of
discrimination based on gender, sex-stereotyping, or sexual orientation. Stalking behavior, in which a Student repeatedly engages in a course of conduct directed at another
person and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the
safety of his or her family, where the threat is reasonably determined by the Director of Student C onduct or the
appropriate Dean of Students ("Dean") in consultation with the Director of Student C onduct, to seriously alarm, torment,
or terrorize the person, and serves no legitimate purpose. Harassment by a Student of any person.
a. For purposes of this C onduct C ode, ("harassment"):
Is the use, display, or other demonstration of words, gestures, imagery, or physical materials, or the
engagement in any form of bodily conduct, on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, lineage, sex,
religion, age, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, that has the effect of creating a hostile and
intimidating environment sufficiently severe or pervasive to substantially impair a reasonable person's
participation in University programs or activities, or use of University facilities;
Must target a specific person or persons; and
Must be addressed directly to that person or persons.
b. Prior to applying this provision of policy to any student conduct, UC SD officials must consult with the Director of
Student C onduct. The Director, in turn, is required to consult with the Office of General C ounsel regarding the
proper interpretation and application in light of the specific circumstances. Participation in hazing or any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a registered Student or campus
organization or other activity engaged in by such organization or members of such organization at any time that causes,
or is likely to cause, physical injury or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in psychological harm to any Student
or other person. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, the disciplinary, process or other UC SD or
University activities. Disorderly conduct not involving drugs and alcohol, including, but not limited to, unauthorized gambling,
loud and unreasonable noise that serves no legitimate purpose, challenges to fight, or conduct which creates a
hazardous condition, excluding alcohol and/or drug induced behavior. Participation in a disturbance of the peace or unlawful assembly including, but not limited to, inciting to
riot, rioting, or failure to disperse. Failure to identify oneself to, or comply with directions of, an identified UC SD, University official, or other
public official acting in the performance of his or her duties while on UC SD or University property or at official UC SD or
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
University functions; or resisting or obstructing such UC SD or University or other public officials in the performance of,
or the attempt to perform, their duties. Disorderly conduct involving drugs and alcohol such as, but not limited to, disorderly conduct induced by
alcohol and/or a controlled substance as identified in Federal and State law or regulations, or unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of
alcohol and/or controlled substances, as identified in Federal and State law or regulations.
Possession, use, storage, or manufacture, or attempted possession, use, storage, or manufacture, of Possession, use, storage, or manufacture, or attempted possession use, storage, or manufacture, of
explosives, firebombs, or other destructive devices. Possession, use or manufacture of a firearm or other dangerous weapons
without the prior written approval from the UC SD C hief of Police. Violation of the conditions contained in the terms of a disciplinary action imposed under UC Policies
Section 100.00, and these Policies Section 22.00. Violation of orders issued pursuant to these Policies, Section 21.10., or violation of the conditions
contained in a written Notice of Emergency Suspension issued pursuant to these Policies, Section 21.11., during a
declared state of emergency. Selling, preparing, or distributing, for any commercial purpose, course lecture notes or video or audio
recordings of any course unless authorized by UC SD or the University in advance and explicitly permitted by the course
instructor in writing. The unauthorized sale or commercial distribution of course notes or recordings by a Student is a
violation of UC Section 100.00, and these Policies, Section 22.00, whether or not it was the Student or someone else who
prepared the notes or recordings.
22.17. Reporting Complaints of Alleged Student Misconduct: Anyone may report any alleged Student
misconduct. C ases involving alleged non-academic misconduct of Student shall be referred to the Director of Student
C onduct, or Student C onduct Officer ("SC O"), within one year from the date of incident, unless an exception is made by
the Vice C hancellor Student Affairs ("VC SA") due to extenuating circumstances.
22.17.10. Any conduct believed to violate UC SD regulations and/or Federal or state laws or local/municipal codes
should be reported directly to the C ollege Dean or SC O, such as Resident Dean or other university officials, e.g., SC O,
UC SD Police, or other law enforcement agencies, or the Director of Student C onduct.
22.17.11. Reports/complaints of misconduct relating to Students enrolled at the same college should be processed
within the college. If such allegations and supporting information are presented to an official other than the C ollege Dean
or designee, then the allegations and supporting information will be forwarded as received to the appropriate C ollege
Dean, or designee, for processing.
22.17.12. Reports/complaints of misconduct involving registered UC SD student organizations, or two or more students
enrolled at different colleges, or graduate students, will be coordinated centrally through the Office of Student C onduct.
If such allegations and supporting information are presented to an official other than the Director of Student C onduct,
then the allegations and supporting information will be forwarded as received to this C onduct C ode or designee for
22.17.13. Reports/complaints of misconduct relating to students enrolled at the School of Medicine should be reported
to the Associate Dean for C urriculum and Student Affairs for processing in accordance with the procedures set forth in
the UC SD School of Medicine Advisor and Student Handbook, available in the Student Affairs Office at the School of
22.17.14. Violations relating to academic dishonesty should be reported to the instructor of the course in which the
alleged misconduct occurred and to the Academic Integrity C oordinator (AIC ). Academic dishonesty matters will be
processed in accordance with the Procedures For The Resolution of Academic Dishonesty C ases set forth in the UC SD
Academic Senate Policy on Integrity of Scholarship.
22.18. Roles and Responsibilities for Processing Complaints
22.18.10. Delegation of Authority: All disciplinary matters processed by the Dean, or the Director of Student
C onduct, are under the authority of, and direct delegation from the C hancellor through the VC SA.
22.18.11. Roles/Responsibilities of the Director of Student Conduct: The Director of Student C onduct shall coordinate central processing of reports/complaints of alleged
misconduct involving registered student organizations, graduate students, Extension students, or two or more
undergraduate students enrolled at different colleges. The Director of Student C onduct shall receive, assess, and
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
investigate all such reports/complaints to determine the applicability, if any, of this C onduct C ode to the conduct
described therein. If necessary to initiate charges, the Director of Student C onduct will meet with the accused Students,
complainant(s), witnesses or others to determine if there are sufficient facts to initiate charges for a violation of this
C onduct C ode by the accused Student. Upon completion of assessment or investigation of the report/complaint, the Director of Student C onduct
shall dismiss the report/complaint or prepare and forward a brief written notice of allegations to the accused Student.
The notice shall include a brief statement of the factual basis of the charges and the University policies or UC SD
regulations allegedly violated. It will also inform the Student of the procedures for processing complaints and of the
availability of assistance through the Student Legal Services Office and the A.S. Office of Student Advocacy. A copy of
the notice and the complaint file will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean or SC O for further processing. The Director of Student C onduct or designee shall prepare and present all cases referred by the Dean for
formal hearing. The Director of Student C onduct shall have oversight responsibilities for the administration of all student
conduct cases, including, but not limited to, the compilation, reporting and maintenance of statistical data. The Director of Student C onduct shall be responsible for the logistical arrangements of hearings for cases
referred to the Director of Student C onduct by the Dean. The Director of Student C onduct, in conjunction with the C ouncil of Deans or designee, the Student Legal
Services Director, and the A.S. C ommissioner of Student Advocacy will be responsible for the training of hearing board
22.18.12. Roles/Responsibilities of the Dean of Student Affairs: The term dean ("Dean") as used in this
C onduct C ode means the Dean of Student Affairs or designee of the college where the accused Student is enrolled or
registered or, in the case of graduate students, the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the Office of Graduate Studies
and Research or, in the case of medical students, the Associate Dean for C urriculum and Student Affairs of the School of
Medicine or, in the case of pharmacy students, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the School of Pharmacy or, in
the case of UC SD Extension, the Associate Vice C hancellor for Public Programs or designee. When complaints of alleged misconduct are reported directly to the Dean, the Dean shall assess the
complaint(s)/reports of alleged Student misconduct involving Students from her/his jurisdiction. The Dean shall conduct
an informal investigation as deemed necessary to determine if there are sufficient facts to support the charge that a
violation of this C onduct C ode by the accused Student may have occurred, and schedule a meeting with the Student to
attempt to reach an informal resolution. The Dean may also refer the case to a hearing body or hearing officer for a
formal hearing or, in her/his discretion, to the Resident Dean, Director of Student C onduct, or other SC O for disposition
in accordance with this C onduct C ode. Upon completion of assessment or investigation of the report/complaint, the Dean shall either dismiss the
report/complaint or prepare and forward a brief written notice of allegations to the accused Student. The notice shall
include a brief statement of the factual basis of the charges and the University policies or UC SD regulations allegedly
violated. It will also inform the Student of the procedures for processing complaints and of the availability of assistance
through the Student Legal Services Office and the A.S. Office of Student Advocacy. When appropriate, a copy of the
notice and the complaint file will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean, or SC O, for further processing. The notice shall
comply with Section 22.17 of this C onduct C ode. The Dean or SC O shall be responsible for the maintenance of disciplinary files, the imposition and
administration of sanctions, and the provision of the statistical data to the Director of Student C onduct for the
compilation, reporting and maintenance of statistical data on Student misconduct. Note that PPM 160-2 describes the
policies and procedures regarding the circumstances under which Student records may be released and PPM 480-3
describes the policies and procedures regarding the disposition or destruction of records. When cases of alleged misconduct are forwarded from the Director of Student C onduct to the Dean, the
Dean will schedule a meeting with the accused Student to review the student conduct procedures and explore informal
resolution. If the accused Student accepts responsibility, the Dean shall then impose sanction(s) as deemed
appropriate. If a Student does not accept responsibility, or if informal resolution is not reached, the Dean shall refer
the matter to a formal hearing before an appropriate hearing body, or a hearing officer, or return the complaint file to
the Director of Student C onduct for disposition as deemed appropriate by the Dean. If, upon the completion of a formal hearing, the accused Student is found responsible by a hearing
board or hearing officer, the complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean for imposition of sanction(s). On a rotating basis, a Dean will be designated to serve as the advisor and support staff resource for the
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
C ampuswide Judicial Board for a term of two (2) years. The Dean will notify the Director of Student C onduct of the final disposition of all cases at the end of each
academic quarter for the compilation, reporting and maintenance of statistical data.
22.19. Procedures for Processing Complaints: These procedures are intended to promote a fair and impartial
22.19.10. Notice To Student: Within twenty (20) academic days from the date received, unless circumstances make
this unreasonable, the Dean shall determine whether the complaint will be dismissed or will be processed and, if
processed, notify the Student either in writing, by U.S. Mail sent to the current address of record at the UC SD Registrar's
Office, or by sending the notice to the Student's UC SD e-mail address, of the following: A brief statement of the factual basis of the charges, including the time, date, and place the conduct is
alleged to have occurred, and the University policies or UC SD regulations allegedly violated, and The student conduct procedures, which may be accomplished by enclosing a copy of these procedures or
by providing the URL of this C onduct C ode published on-line, and a copy of the Essential Information document
containing a summary of these procedures, including the process for the accused Student to access evidence that will be
used at a hearing against the Student, and noting the availability of copies of this C onduct C ode as described in Section
22.15 of this C onduct C ode, and The availability of assistance through Student Legal Services and the A.S. Office of Student Advocacy;
and A statement clearly indicating the number of days the Student has to respond to this notice, within ten
(10) academic days per Section 22.19.11., below, and the name, telephone number and relevant contact information of
the Dean the accused Student is required to contact.
22.19.11. Student Response: The Student has ten (10) academic days from the date appearing on the letter of
notification to contact the Dean, or SC O, for the purpose of scheduling an initial interview.
22.19.12. Student Failure To Respond: The Dean may continue to process the case to final disposition in
accordance with these regulations, up to and including imposing sanctions, if, after diligent efforts by the Dean to contact
the Student, such as attempted phone and e-mail contact, the Student fails to respond or refuses to participate in or
cooperate with the disciplinary process, including, but not limited to, withdrawal from the course, or from UC SD, or
failing to re-register while his/her case is pending. Where the Student has withdrawn or failed to re-register, the Dean's
decision imposing sanctions shall take effect immediately and/or upon the Student's re-enrollment, as appropriate. The
Student who is subject to such sanction may appeal the decision as provided for in Section 22.20., below. Any such
appeal must be in writing and set forth reasonable grounds for the Student's non-cooperation or failure to respond to the
notice from the Dean or the failure to re-register during the original process. The C ollege Provost, the Graduate Dean,
or the Dean of School of Medicine, or the Associate Vice C hancellor for Public Programs, may affirm the original sanction
for his/her respective Student, or may refer the case back to the appropriate Dean for processing in accordance with
this C onduct C ode as described beginning in Section 22.19.13., below.
22.19.13. Meeting with the Dean or SCO to Explore Informal Disposition of the Complaint of Student
Misconduct: Whenever possible, matters relating to alleged Student misconduct should be resolved informally. Formal
hearing procedures shall be used when informal resolution is either not possible or appropriate, or when requested by a
Student. In addition, the Dean may, in her/his judgment and discretion, determine that the matter should be submitted
directly to the formal hearing process or referred to the Director of Student C onduct for further review and/or
22.19.14. Initial Meeting/Interview between the Dean or SCO and the Accused Student: The Dean or SC O
shall make diligent efforts to meet with the Student to explore informal resolution of the charge(s). At this initial meeting,
the Dean or SC O shall; Describe to the Student the factual basis of the charges and the University policies or UC SD regulations
allegedly violated, hear the Student's response to the allegations, and counsel the Student as appropriate. In accordance with UC SD policies relating to the disclosure of University/UC SD records, provide the
Student with access to and, if requested by the accused Student, provide copies of documents in the possession of the
Dean, including police reports that are to be used as evidence. Provide the Student a written Informal Resolution Agreement of the proposed sanction(s) to be imposed
by the Dean. Determine whether the matter should be referred to a hearing board or a hearing officer for formal
hearing, or referred to the Director of Student C onduct for further inquiry.
22.19.15. Informal Resolution:
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations Informal resolution is entirely voluntary, intended to promote open dialogue between deans and Student.
Any statement made by the Student to the dean during the informal resolution process regarding the violation(s) at issue
may not be used at the formal hearing concerning those violations against that Student. The accused Student may also
choose to be assisted by a student advocate appointed by the ASUC SD C ommissioner of Student Advocacy from a pool
of Student advocates who shall be trained jointly by the Director of Student C onduct and the Director of the Student
Legal Services Office. The student advocate may serve as the advisor, consultant and resource person with whom the
accused may confer during the meeting. Matters resolved normally will be confirmed in writing by the Dean and incorporated into an Informal
Resolution Agreement. A copy of this agreement will be provided to the Student at the informal resolution meeting. The
Informal Resolution Agreement will become effective after the fifth (5th) academic day from the date of the Agreement. The Student may, at any time prior to the effective date of the Informal Resolution Agreement, exercise
her/his right to a formal hearing by submitting a written request for a hearing to the Dean or SC O. If the Student chooses to accept the informal resolution, but disagrees with the proposed sanction(s), the
Student may submit a written request for reduction of the sanction(s) prior to the effective date of the Informal
Resolution Agreement. The written request for reduction of the sanction(s) must be submitted to the appropriate UC SD
official as listed in Sections 22.20.10 through 22.22.13, below. C ases arising out of the residence halls that require a formal hearing may be forwarded to residential life
judicial board(s) if in existence; otherwise they shall be referred to the college judicial board or a hearing officer at the
discretion of the C ollege Dean. These procedures will be viewed as an alternative component of the college-based
formal resolution process. In such instances, the processing of these cases must adhere to the provisions of the UC SD
this C onduct C ode up to, and including, Section 22.22., below.
22.19.16. Formal Adjudication: Jurisdiction:
C ollege Judicial Board
The C ollege Judicial Boards will have jurisdiction to hear all non-academic misconduct cases, forwarded by
the C ollege Dean, involving Students from their respective college.
C ollege Judicial Boards will not hear cases involving disciplinary action against a registered student
organization, graduate students, two or more students from more than one jurisdiction, and Extension
students who are not concurrently enrolled; disputes regarding the constitution, by-laws, or other operating
documents of the University C enters Advisory Board (UCAB), ASUC SD, the Graduate Student Association;
or matters regarding suspected or alleged violations of the UC SD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship.
The composition of the college judicial board shall be determined by the dean of the college in which it
operates. The college judicial board is to conduct hearings as set forth in Section of these
C ampuswide Judicial Board
C ampuswide Judicial Board will have jurisdiction to hear any non-academic misconduct matter referred to it
for formal hearing, including, but not limited to, cases involving graduate Students, registered student
organizations, or two or more Students from more than one jurisdiction, e.g., two or more colleges, or one
college and OGSR, or a college and University Extended Studies, etc.
C ampuswide Judicial Board shall be composed of the chair of each college judicial board, and two members
appointed by the Graduate Student Association. One (1) member will serve as the non-voting chair, who
shall be elected by the existing C ampuswide Judicial Board each Spring for a one-year term beginning the
following Fall Quarter. The Dean of the Student elected chair shall appoint a Student to serve on the judicial
board as a voting member in place of the Student elected chair. A C ollege Dean appointed by the C ouncil of
Deans ("C OD") will serve as an advisor to this board and shall be present during any proceedings.
In the event of the unavailability of a full complement of voting members, formal hearings conducted by the
C ampuswide Judicial Board may be conducted by less than a full board, but by no fewer than five (5) voting
members, plus the chair.
The Dean advising the Board shall not be the Dean of the accused Student.
The Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct, in appropriate cases, in the best interests of a fair and timely
hearing, may appoint a hearing officer in lieu of a judicial board.
If it becomes necessary for a hearing to be held during the summer session, any vacation period, or whenever
it is deemed appropriate, the Dean or the Director of Student C onduct may appoint additional temporary
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
members to an existing hearing body(ies) to replace unavailable members, allow the hearing to proceed with
less than a full judicial board, appoint an ad hoc hearing body, or appoint a hearing officer to conduct the
hearing. Procedures for Conducting the Hearing:
This subsection outlines the procedures that apply to non-academic misconduct disciplinary hearings. Specific
rights or privileges listed in this subsection may be waived by the person(s) or party to whom they apply. The
purpose of these procedures is to fairly determine the facts so that an appropriate decision can be made and, if
the student is found to be responsible for the alleged misconduct, an appropriate disciplinary sanction can be
Notice Requirements: Unless the matter has been dismissed, the Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct in
appropriate cases, shall prepare a written notice of the hearing. This notice shall be delivered in person to the
accused Student or sent by U.S. Mail to the current address of record at the UC SD Registrar's Office. In addition
to personal delivery or by U.S. Mail, the Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases, shall
send the notice to the UC SD email address for the accused Student. The notice should include:
A statement of the factual basis of the charges and, when known, the time, date, and place the alleged
misconduct to have occurred.
The University policies and/or UC SD rules/regulations alleged to have been violated.
A statement that a hearing has been scheduled before the appropriate hearing body, e.g., C ollege Judicial
Board, or a hearing officer, and the time and place of the hearing. If the time and place of the hearing is not
known, the notice shall include a statement indicating that a subsequent notice will be sent specifying same.
It shall be conclusively presumed that the notice of hearing was received by the Student if it was sent to the
Student in the manner specified in Section, above. Setting A Hearing:
The hearing shall be scheduled no sooner than ten (10) academic days from the date of the notice of hearing.
The hearing may be held during the summer or a vacation period, if circumstances warrant. Objections to the
time, date, or place of the hearing must be made in writing by the Student to the Dean or the Director of Student
C onduct in appropriate cases, no later than two (2) academic days prior to the date of the hearing.
The accused Student may request a hearing before a hearing board. If the Dean, or the Director of Student
C onduct, deems this an appropriate request, he/she shall make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the
request before scheduling a hearing before a hearing officer. C onsideration shall be given to issues of
complexity, confidentiality and need for privacy. Advocates and Attorneys:
In all formal hearings, the accused Student may choose to be represented by a student advocate appointed by
the ASUC SD C ommissioner of Student Advocacy from a pool of student advocates whom the SC O and the
Director of the Student Legal Services Office shall train jointly. The student advocate may serve as the advisor
for the accused and may represent the accused Student in hearing, but will be expected to comply with all
procedural requirements, including, but not limited to, time, place and date requirements. In the alternative, the
Student may choose to be assisted by an attorney or any other person with whom the Student may confer prior
to or during the hearing. However, only the accused Student or designated student advocate may take a direct
part in hearing. An attorney or any other person assisting the accused Student will be expected to comply with
all procedural requirements, including, but not limited to, time and date requirements. An attorney, a student
advocate or any other person may also assist the Student in preparing an appeal.
The accused Student must inform the Dean, or Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases, at least five
(5) academic days prior to the date of the hearing, of his/her intent to have an attorney or anyone other than
the designated student advocate (as established in subsection a) be present at the hearing.
Where a Student exercises his/her right to be assisted by an attorney, the Dean, or the Director of Student
C onduct in appropriate cases, may refer the matter (or re-refer) for hearing by a hearing officer. The hearing
officer may also be appointed to serve as the presiding officer if the hearing is to be conducted before a hearing
body as directed by the Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases. The term ("Presiding
Officer") as used in this C onduct C ode shall mean the official appointed to conduct the hearing, either as the
hearing officer or as the chair of the hearing body who will conduct the hearing, and make rulings on any
motions or procedural matters raised in connection with the hearing. Access to Evidence By The Accused:
Upon request by the accused Student, and in accordance with UC SD policies relating to disclosure of University
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
records, e.g., PPM 160-2, or PPM 480, etc., the Dean or designee, or Director of Student C onduct in appropriate
cases, shall provide the accused Student, or their authorized representative, information which will be presented
at the hearing, including copies of documents as provided in the UC SD student records policies mentioned
In compliance with applicable UC SD and University records policies such as, but not limited to, PPM 160-2, the
UC SD official preparing and/or presenting the case against the Student shall provide the accused Student, or the
Student's authorized representative, access to any exculpatory information in their possession that is related to
the accusations. Pre-Hearing Conference:
Any party to the hearing may request a pre-hearing conference by submitting such a request in writing to the
presiding officer, the Dean, or Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases, at least five (5) academic days
prior to the date of the hearing. The presiding officer, the Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct in
appropriate cases, may also schedule a pre-hearing conference on his or her own initiative.
At the pre-hearing conference, rulings may be made requiring the UC SD representative and the accused
Student to submit the list of witnesses, exhibits, and the general facts to which witnesses will testify during the
hearing. (The presiding officer may exclude from the hearing testimony that he/she deems irrelevant, or
unnecessarily repetitive, and may make other rulings, as he or she deems necessary, to assure that the hearing
is conducted fairly and efficiently.)
During the pre-hearing conference, the presiding officer may solicit and rule upon any challenges under Section, below. Hearing Procedures:
Hearings will normally be treated as confidential and closed to the public unless otherwise agreed to by all
accused Student and participating individuals, including witnesses.
The request to have the hearing be open to the public shall be submitted in writing to the hearing board
chairperson, hearing officer, Dean, or Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases, at least five (5)
academic days prior to the date of the hearing.
If the hearing is to be open, the presiding officer, at her or his discretion, will schedule the hearing in a
room that provides reasonable space to accommodate the participants in the hearing, including UC SD
officials as well as members of the general public.
In the event of interference with the orderly progress of a hearing, the presiding officer may adjourn the
hearing and reconvene it as a closed hearing, or may exclude the public, except representatives of the
public press and student press. The presiding officer may make any other reasonable orders concerning the
conduct of the hearing.
Members of the hearing body or the hearing officer shall have no involvement with the participants in the
hearing in this case, or in any other case of misconduct involving the accused Student, or in any other academic
or non-academic relationship if such involvement or relationship would interfere with the hearing officer's or
hearing board member's ability to render a fair and impartial judgment or give the appearance of bias.
A member of the hearing body or the hearing officer shall disqualify himself/herself if he/she believes that,
for any reason, he/she cannot render a fair and impartial decision.
Any party to the hearing may challenge a member of the hearing body or the hearing officer for stated
reasons. Such challenges must be made prior to the start of the hearing or immediately upon the discovery
of the basis for such a challenge.
The presiding officer may disqualify the challenged member (or himself/herself, if he/she is challenged) or
may overrule a challenge. Reasons for refusing a challenge shall appear in the record.
In the event disqualifications prevent the convening of the hearing, the accused Student may waive the
right to have the required number of members of the hearing board present and allow the hearing to
precede. Otherwise, the appropriate Dean, or the Director of Student C onduct in appropriate cases, shall
appoint sufficient alternates who shall serve for the balance of the proceedings. Alternate hearing board
members will be selected by someone other than the UC SD official presenting the case. A hearing officer
may be appointed to conduct the hearing in the event that sufficient board members are not available for
the hearing. The hearing may be rescheduled to accommodate this need.
The accused Student is entitled to be present throughout the hearing. He/she may, however, elect not to appear
at the hearing. Failure to appear at the hearing shall not be cause to cancel, postpone, or reschedule the
hearing. In such an instance, the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with these regulations. With the
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
signed consent, and authorization of the accused Student, an authorized representative may appear at the
hearing in lieu of the accused Student.
The hearing body or hearing officer shall receive and consider oral and documentary evidence of the kind on
which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in serious matters. Formal rules of evidence, such as, but not
limited, to those contained in the C alifornia Evidence C ode, do not apply.
C onstitutional or other legal objections made at the hearing shall either be disposed of promptly by the presiding
hearing officer or referred to UC SD C ampus C ounsel or designee for determination. However, such referral shall
not cause undue delay or dismissal of the proceeding.
Both the UC SD representative and the accused Student shall have the right to present witnesses and confront
and cross-examine those witnesses present at the hearing. Any member of the panel or the hearing officer may
also question witnesses. Questions from the panel members shall be limited to clarification of the information
presented by the parties to the hearing or provided by the witnesses during their testimony before the hearing
board. The presiding officer may require, or either party may request, that questions for the witnesses be
submitted through the presiding officer, who will then ask the questions to the witnesses, unless the questions
are inappropriate.
By testifying at the hearing, a witness agrees to submit to cross-examination.
No witness may be compelled to incriminate or bear witness against himself/herself.
Where a witness is or may become unavailable to testify at a hearing, the presiding officer may accept
written, telephone, video, or audio recorded statements as evidence in the absence of such witness. Such
evidence should receive only that weight which may reasonably be accorded to testimony not subjected to
Witnesses shall be excluded from the hearing, except during the time they are actually giving their
The accused Student may remain silent and his/her silence shall not be taken as inference of guilt.
1. The Dean's or Director of Student C onduct's staff will make a record of the hearing by arranging for the
audio or video recording of the hearing, or by keeping written minutes summarizing the hearing.
2. The record of the proceedings shall be kept by the Dean, or Director of Student C onduct in appropriate
cases, and a copy will be provided to the accused Student upon request in accordance with the UC SD
student records policy as implemented by PPM 160-2.
3. At the expense of UC SD, a video or audio recording of the hearing, but not the deliberations, may be made
and, if so, must be retained as a part of the permanent record maintained by the Dean, or Director of
Student C onduct in appropriate cases.
4. The accused Student may, at his/her own expense, arrange for the making of a full transcript of the
proceedings by a stenographer present at the proceedings or to transcribe any recording. However, the
accused Student must submit a written request to the presiding officer, the Dean, or Director of Student
C onduct in appropriate cases, at least five (5) academic days prior to the hearing. In addition, the transcript
shall be considered to be a UC SD document subject to the UC SD student records policy and regulations.
5. If either party makes a transcript, copies shall be made available to the other party for the cost of the copy
or ten cents per page, whichever is less.
6. The failure to record all or part of a proceeding, whether because of a malfunctioning recorder or other
reason or reasons, shall not be grounds for invalidating the proceeding or any part thereof.
Other than for the purpose of the official record as provided for in Section, above, mechanical,
electronic, or other devices for recording or broadcasting shall be excluded from the hearing.
Hearings shall be concluded with reasonable speed so as not to create unnecessary hardship for the hearing
body, the accused Student, the UC SD representative(s), or the witnesses.
Deliberations of the hearing officer or hearing body shall always be confidential and conducted in private and out
of the presence of the public, the accused Student and UC SD officials presenting the case and all others present
who are not members of the hearing body.
The findings and recommendations of the hearing body or hearing officer shall be based solely upon evidence
presented at the hearing prior to the commencement of deliberations by the hearing body.
Findings and recommendations of the hearing officer or hearing body shall be based on the "preponderance of
the evidence" standard defined as follows:
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
"Preponderance of the evidence is generally that evidence which, when fairly considered, produces the stronger
impression and has the greater weight, and is more convincing as to its truth when weighed against opposing
The decision of the hearing body shall be determined by a simple majority of voting members. Abstentions are
not permitted in the voting process. Report by Hearing Officer/Hearing Body:
Presiding Officer's Report: Within ten (10) academic days after the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing body,
through its presiding officer, shall submit a report to the Dean or the Director of Student C onduct in appropriate
cases. The Dean, or Director of Student C onduct, may for good cause, extend the time for submitting the report.
The responsibility of the hearing board, or a hearing officer, is only to determine whether the accused Student
violated this C onduct C ode, as charged. In appropriate cases, however, the Dean or Director of Student C onduct
may request recommendations as to any sanction(s) to be imposed. The report shall include findings as to each
of the charges and, when requested, recommended sanction(s) based on the findings.
Action on the report: Within five (5) academic days after receipt of the hearing body's or hearing officer's
findings, when the Student is found not responsible, the Student will be given notice of this fact by the Dean that
the matter will be dismissed without any further consequence to the Student. When the Student is found
responsible, the Dean has the following options:
1. Accept the report and impose a sanction, or
2. Return the report to the Presiding Officer of the hearing for reconsideration and/or clarification. Time limits: Upon a showing of good cause, time limits specified in these procedures may be altered by
the presiding officer or Director of Student C onduct. The interest of justice, including, but not limited to, prejudice to the
accused shall be considered.
22.20. Sanctions
22.20.10. Types of Student Disciplinary Action: When a Student is found in violation of University policies or
campus regulations, any of the following types of Student disciplinary action may be imposed. Any sanction imposed
should be appropriate to the violation, taking into consideration the context and seriousness of the violation. Warning/Censure: Written notice or reprimand to the Student that a violation of specified University
policies or UC SD campus regulations has occurred, and that continued or repeated violations of University policies or
UC SD campus regulations may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of Disciplinary Probation,
and/or Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities, Suspension, or Dismissal. Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities: Exclusion from participation in designated
privileges and activities for a specified period of time. Violation of any conditions in the written notice or disciplinary
sanctions, or violation of University policies, or UC SD regulations during the period of the sanction may be cause for
further disciplinary action, normally in the form of Probation, Suspension, or Dismissal. Residential Probation: Written notice to the Student that, for the duration of a specified period of time,
any violation of University policies, UC SD regulations, or residential rules may be cause for further disciplinary action.
Such action would normally take the form of termination of the Housing C ontract plus any "guarantee" of future oncampus domicile, and/or visitation rights within UC SD residential facilities, and/or the imposition of Non-Academic
Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, or Dismissal. Non-Academic Disciplinary Probation: A status imposed for a specified period of time during which
a Student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to University standards of conduct. C onditions restricting the
Student's privileges or eligibility for activities may be imposed. Misconduct during the probationary period or violation of
any conditions of the probation may result in further disciplinary action, normally in the form of Suspension or Dismissal. Suspension: Termination of UC SD Student status for a specified period of time with reinstatement
thereafter certain provided that the Student has complied with all conditions imposed as part of the suspension, and
provided that the Student is otherwise qualified for reinstatement. Violation of the conditions of suspension or of
University policies or UC SD regulations during the period of suspension may be cause for further disciplinary action,
normally in the form of Dismissal. When the Student is suspended, the fact that suspension was imposed must be posted
on the transcript for the duration of the suspension. Dismissal: Termination of Student status for an indefinite period. Re-admission to the University shall
require the specific approval of the C hancellor of the campus to which a dismissed Student has applied, and may be
granted only under exceptional circumstances. When the Student is dismissed, the fact that dismissal was imposed must
be posted on the transcript for the duration of the dismissal. Exclusion from Areas of the Campus, or Official UCSD or University Functions: Exclusion of a
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations
Student as part of a disciplinary sanction from specified areas of the UC SD campus or other University-owned, operated, or -leased facilities, or other facilities located on UC SD or University property, or from official UC SD or
University functions, when there is reasonable cause for UC SD or the University to believe that the Student's presence
there will lead to physical abuse, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person on
UC SD or University property, or at official UC SD or University functions, or other disruptive activity incompatible with the
orderly operation of the UC SD campus. Restitution: A requirement for restitution in the form of reimbursement may be imposed for expenses
incurred by the University or other parties resulting from a violation of these policies. Such reimbursement may take the
form of monetary payment or appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages. Restitution may be
imposed on any Student who alone, or through group or concerted activities, participates in causing the damages or
costs. Interim sanctions: Exclusion from classes, or from other specified activities or areas of the UC SD, as
set forth in the Notice of Interim Suspension, before final determination of an alleged violation. A Student shall be
restricted only to the minimum extent necessary when there is reasonable cause to believe that the Student's
participation in UC SD or University activities or presence at specified areas of UC SD will lead to physical abuse, threats
of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person on UC SD or University property or at official
UC SD or University functions, or other disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of UC SD. A Student
placed on interim suspension shall be given prompt notice of the charges, the duration of the Interim Suspension, and
the opportunity for a prompt hearing on the interim suspension. Under a delegation of authority from the C hancellor, the
Vice C hancellor of Student Affairs shall review the interim suspension within 24 hours. If a Student is found to have been
unjustifiably placed on interim suspension, UC SD is committed to a policy whereby reasonable efforts are taken to assist
an individual who has been disadvantaged with respect to employment or academic status. The C hancellor may impose
interim suspension on any Student at any time as described in Section 21.11. of these regulations. Other Sanctions: Other disciplinary actions, such as but not limited to, those listed below, may be
imposed as deemed appropriate by the Dean or other designated University official.
a. Special Assignments (C ompensatory Service): Assignment of labor, duties, counseling education programs, or other
responsibilities as deemed appropriate by the Dean.
b. Fines: Fines may be imposed in appropriate cases. The proceeds from fines levied against Students may be used to
finance seminars, lectures, publications, etc., to educate the UC SD Student body about judicial procedures and other
legal rights and responsibilities.
c. De-registration: Registered student organizations, or college organizations may, after notice of charges and an
opportunity to be heard, be required to forfeit their registered status with the accompanying loss of rights and privileges.
Such forfeiture shall remain in effect for the period of time specified in a Notice of Suspension or C ancellation of
Registered Status.
22.21. Imposition and/or Review of Sanctions and Notice of Final Disposition: All sanctions may be imposed
either exclusively or in combination with other disciplinary action. Upon the imposition of any sanction, the appropriate
Dean shall immediately notify the Student of the sanction.
22.22. Appeals: Students may appeal the decision or the sanction(s) as described in this section.
22.22.10. Undergraduate Students: Appeals of decisions rendered by a college judicial board or Hearing Officer
may be made to the C ollege Provost. Appeal of disciplinary action by the C ollege or Resident Dean goes directly to the
C ollege Provost. Appeals of decisions rendered by the campuswide judicial board or Hearing Officer involving two or
more Students from two or more jurisdictions may be made to the C ouncil of Provosts.
Graduate Students: Graduate Students may appeal to the Dean of the Graduate School.
Medical Students: Medical Students may appeal to the Dean of the School of Medicine.
Student Organizations: Student organizations may appeal to the Vice C hancellor-Student Affairs.
22.22.14. Extension and Summer Session Students: Extension and Summer Session Students, not concurrently
enrolled at UC SD, may appeal to the Associate Vice C hancellor for Public Programs.
22.22.15. Time for Appeals: All appeals must be made in writing within seven (7) academic days after the date of
the notice of the decision has been sent.
22.22.16. Grounds for Appealing the Decision: If the Student wish(es) to appeal the decision rendered at the
formal hearing, the Student must submit the appeal as described in Sections 22.22.10 through 22.22.15., above, and
only on the following grounds: The decision is not supported by the findings.
UCSD Student Conduct Regulations There was unfairness in the proceedings such as, but not limited to, the denial of due process that
prejudiced the result. There is newly discovered important evidence not known at the time of the hearing.
22.22.17. Appealing the Sanction(s): If the Student accept(s) the decision rendered at the formal hearing, but
wish(es) to appeal the sanctions, the Student must submit written request for reduction of the sanctions within seven (7)
academic days from the date of the Dean's written notification of the sanctions. Requests for reduction of the Dean's
sanctions must be submitted to the appropriate UC SD official as listed in Sections 22.22.10 through 22.22.14., above.
22.22.18. Decision on Appeal: The C ollege Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine, Graduate Dean, VC SA, or the
Associate Vice C hancellor for Public Programs, as appropriate, may; Deny the appeal, or request for reduction of sanctions, or Grant the appeal or request for reduction of sanctions, in whole or in part, and
a. Send the case back for re-hearing, or
b. Modify the Sanction(s) as she/he deems appropriate
c. Dismiss the case in its entirety. Direct such other relief as he/she deems appropriate.
22.22.19. Notice of the decision on the appeal shall be provided to the Student within ten (10) academic days from the
date of the request for appeal or request for reduction of sanctions.
22.22.20. Final review of the denial of the appeal by the provosts or appropriate Vice C hancellor: The request for final
review of the denial of the appeal by the provost or appropriate Vice C hancellor must be submitted in writing within
seven (7) academic days from the date of the notice of decision of the appeal. The final decision regarding the denial of
the appeal may be reviewed by the VC SA or C hancellor, as appropriate, based solely upon: The reports submitted by or through the Provost, or the appropriate Vice C hancellor as indicated in
Section 22.22.18, and, Any written argument submitted by the accused Student based solely on the record of the hearing.
22.22.21. Decision by VC SA/C hancellor: Written notification of the decision by the VC SA/C hancellor shall be mailed to
the concerned parties no later than twenty-six (26) academic days after receiving the Provost's appropriate Vice
C hancellor's report mentioned in Section, above.
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