EFFECT OF MICROWAVE ROASTING ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS AND COMPARING IT WITH THE ORDINARY ROASTING PROCESS El-Badrawy, E.E.Y.; El-Zainy, A.R.M.; Shalaby, A.O. and El-Sayed, N.Y. Home Economics Dept., Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt. @ @ñŠì—ä¾bi@òîÇìäÛa@òîiÛa@òîÜ× @ @ïãbrÛa@ôìäÛa@‹¸û¾a @ @†bànÇüaë@ñ†ì§a@æbàš@íbÈß @ @@ïi‹ÈÛa@åìÛaë@‹—·@ïÇìäÛa@áîÜÈnÛa@À Ýí‹ic@QR@–@QQ@åß@ñÐÛa@óÏ ﻫـ١٤٢٨ / ﻡ٢٠٠٧ )*+,א ( وو'&$%א!"#א وאلאدאوא אد 938 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) EFFECT OF MICROWAVE ROASTING ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PEANUT SEEDS AND COMPARING IT WITH THE ORDINARY ROASTING PROCESS El-Badrawy, E.E.Y.; El-Zainy, A.R.M.; Shalaby, A.O. and El-Sayed, N.Y. Home Economics Dept., Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt. ABSTRACT This work aims to study the ability of using microwave oven in roasting peanut seeds and comparing it with ordinary one. Chemical composition, minerals content, individuals amino acids and oligosaccharides were investigated in roasting peanut seeds as well as raw ones. Also, peanut oil characteristics and its fatty acids identification were also carried out in raw, microwave roasted and ordinary roasted peanut oils. The results revealed that roasting of peanut by microwave is better than ordinary roasting in maintenance of chemical composition and minerals contents. In addition, it raised Protein efficiency ratio (PER) and biological value (BV) of peanut protein more than that of ordinary roasting. Microwave roasting did not cause significant chemical disturbance in peanut oil, while ordinary roasting did in comparing with raw peanut oil. Microwave roasting did not increase the malonaldehyde amount while ordinary roasting increased it as compared to raw peanut oil. Microwave roasting showed high efficiency in keeping the principle characteristics of raw peanut oil. The unsaturation degree of peanut oil roasted by microwave was more than that of peanut oil roasted by ordinary method. Trans fatty acids content of microwave roasted peanut oil was less than that of ordinary roasted one. Key Words: Microwave cooking – ordinary cooking – roasting - peanut – oligosaccharides – amino acids – fatty acids. INTRODUCTION Social changes and rapid lifestyle make the working women search for a rapid method for preparing food especially those needed a long time for cooking or roasting as legumes. In fact, microwave oven achieved their request. Microwave energy has been used since the early 1960s' for several food processes such as thawing, drying, baking and cooking (Rosina and Isabel, 1996). Its heating differs from conventional treatment because it is accomplished by means of electromagnetic waves, which penetrate deeply and heat rapidly (Schlegel, 1992). These waves have lengths between radio and infrared waves on the electromagnetic spectrum (Giese, 1992). The heat production is mainly due to dipole excitation and ion-migration. Friction energy is produced as a result of the orientation of the dipoles in the altering electromagnetic field (Rosenberg and Bogle, 1987). Penetration and heating of food by microwaves energy are instantaneous. On contrast, conventional heating methods transfer thermal energy from product-surfaces toward center 10-20 times more slowly as the microwaves heated product. The greater penetration depth and faster heating rates associated 939 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, with microwave heating have been recognized as potential factors to improve the retention thermo labile constituents in foods (Mudgett, 1989). In addition, 76% less energy is required for microwave cooking as compared to conventional methods (Quenzer and Bruns, 1981). Also, this accelerated heating provides for higher quality production in terms of taste, texture and nutritional content, as well as increased production (Giese, 1992). Microwave can be transmitted through glass, ceramic, plastics and paper. On the other hand, metal such as aluminum foil and steel, reflect microwaves (Decareau, 1992). It has been found to be safe; there was no toxicity or adverse effects on the diets containing meat and legumes cooked by microwave compared with conventionally cooked ones or diets. In addition, there is no risk from the radiation used for microwave cooking on health, but care must be taken to avoid over heating foods (Alhekail, 2001). Peanut which is known as groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) belongs to the family leguminosae. It has been grown for oil and as a food commodity (Lucas, 2000 and Abayomi et al., 2002). More than a third of peanut cultivars grown on a worldwide basis are used as food (Sanders, 2002). It is an important source of oil, protein, folate, antioxidants and essential fatty acid (Linoleic) (Jui-yueh et al., 2002). Hence, peanut is having an increasing interest from consumer and industry field (Chun et al., 2001). People in Egypt usually consume peanut in its roasted form as a snack. Traditional roasting process takes about 20 min, which may affect peanut constituents such as lipids (Abayomi et al., 2002). Roasting by using microwave oven takes less time, which leads to more maintenance of its nutrients. The present investigation aimed to comparing microwave roasting process with the ordinary one concerning their effect on the chemical composition, minerals content, amino acids composition and sugars content of peanut. Also, the effects of microwave and ordinary roasting on oil constants and fatty acids composition of raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut oils were carried out. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seeds of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) was obtained from the local market of Mansoura city, Egypt. All seeds were cleaned and strange materials were removed. Ordinary roasting: Peanut seeds were purchased in its roasted form from the local market of Mansoura city, Egypt. The time of roasting was about 20 min. Seeds were left 940 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) to cool at room temperature, dehulled, kept in plastic bags and stored under freezing. Microwave oven roasting: Peanut seeds were roasted in glass plate in Microwave oven, microwave apparatus (Moulinex. Model 34 L). This took 2 min. Seeds were left to cool at room temperature, dehulled, kept in plastic bags and stored under freezing. The obtained peanut samples in the present study were divided as follows: Raw seeds (Raw), Ordinary roasted seeds (O.R.P) and Microwave roasted seeds (M.R.P). Analytical methods: Proximate chemical composition (moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash and total carbohydrates) were determined according to the methods recommended by the A.O.A.C (2000). The ashed samples were dissolved in 1 % hydrochloric acid as described by Luten et al. (1996) and subjected to atomic absorption spectrometry (model 2380; Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA). The solutions were used for determination of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese at Fac. of science, Mansoura University. Amino acids content was determined according to Millipore Cooperative (1987) at National Research Center, Giza, Egypt. The apparatus used is HPLC, Waters 600E Multisolvent Delivery System, Pico Tag Analysis column, Waters 484 Detector and workstation with Millennium Chromatography Manager Programme. Chemical score was calculated according to Bhanu et al. (1991) and the two lowest scores were taken as the first and second limiting amino acids, Protein efficiency ratio (PER) was calculated using the equation suggested by Alsmeyer et al. (1974) and Biological value (BV) of protein samples was calculated using the equation of Oser (1959) as follows: Chemical score = mg of essential amino acid in 1g test protein mg of essential amino acid in 1g reference protein X 100 PER = - 0.468 + 0.454 (Leucine) - 0.105 (Tyrosine). BV = 49.09 + 10.530 (PER). Glucose, Sucrose, Stachyose, and Raffinose sugars were determined by HPLC (1050 - Hewlett Packard - USA) ac rding to Muzquiz et al. (1992) at Central Laboratory of Food Tech. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt. The oils of raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut were extracted by the method described by Folch et al. (1957). Acid, Peroxide and Iodine values were determined according to A.O.A.C (2000). Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) was colorimetrically measured as mg malonaldehyed / kg as mentioned by (Sidwell et al., 1954). 941 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, Methyl esters of fatty acids were determined according to Stahi (1967) at Central Laboratory of Food Tech. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt, by using a PYE Unicam gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). Infrared spectroscopy for oil sample was determined according to the method described by Farag et al., (1977) at Micro Analytical Center, Fac. of Science, Cairo University. The values of the means were statistically analyzed by SPSS computer software. The calculation occurred by analysis of variance ONE WAYANOVA and followed by TUKEY honestly test according to Steel and Torrie (1980) and Abo Allam (2003). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of processing methods on chemical composition: Results in Table (1) show that moisture content of raw peanut was 6.35±0.16 g/100g w.w which reached 3.91±0.23 and 2.39±0.03 g /100g w.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be noticed that moisture content decreased significantly as a result of both ordinary and microwave roasting. Also, it's clear that the decrease caused by microwave roasting is more than that caused by ordinary roasting. These results are in agreement with those found by Damame et al. (1990), Griffith and Castel (1998), Abayomi et al. (2002), Sanders et al. (2002) and Adegoke et al. (2004) who reported that roasting processes decreased moisture content of peanut. The results revealed that ash content of raw peanut was 2.59±0.03 g/100g d.w, while it became 2.7±0.06 and 3.0±0.01 g/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be noticed that there was a significant increase in ash content of peanut resulted by microwave roasting, while ordinary roasting didn't affect it as compared to raw sample. There was a significant difference between ordinary and microwave roasting of peanut where the ash content reduced significantly in ordinary roasted sample. Thus, microwave roasting led to an increase in ash content and this may be due to its low content of moisture. These results were in agreement with those indicated by Abayomi et al. (2002) who reported that the ash content of raw peanut increased as a result of roasting process, while it did not agree with those found by Adegoke et al. (2004). From Table (1) it can be observed that protein content of raw peanut was 25.89±0.48 g/100g d.w, which increased to 27.42±0.26 and 28.66±0.33 g/100g d.w as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. The increase was significant by microwave roasting while it was not significant by ordinary roasting when compared to raw sample. There was no significant differences between microwave roasted peanut and ordinary roasted one in its content of protein. These results are similar to those found by Damame et al. 942 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) (1990), Abayomi et al. (2002), Jui-Yueh et al. (2002) and Adegoke et al. (2004). From the previous results it can be stated that roasting peanut by microwave is better than ordinary roasting in maintenance of protein. Table (1): Chemical composition of Raw, Ordinary roasted and Microwave roasted peanut (g/100g ) Chem.Comp Moisture Samples d.w Raw w.w d.w O.R.P w.w d.w M.R.P w.w Ash 2.59 ±0.03 a 6.35 ±0.16 a 2.43 ±0.03 2.70 ±0.06 --a 3.91 ±0.23 b 2.59 ±0.06 3.00 ±0.01 --b 2.39 + 0.03 2.93 ±0.01 c --- Protein Fat Carbohydr ates 25.89 ±0.48 47.12 24.41 ±0.47 a a ±0.03a 24.24 ±0.45 44.12 ±0.03 22.86 ±0.46 27.42 ±0.26 47.31 22.58 ±0.20 a,b ±0.09a b 26.35 ±0.25 45.46 ±0.08 21.70 ±0.41 28.66 ±0.33 48.50 19.85 ±0.22 b ±0.13b c 27.97 ±0.32 47.34 ±0.13 19.36 ±0.23 Each value is the mean + SE, Mean values in each column having different superscripts (a, b, c, d, ….. ) are significantly different at P < 0.05, Chem.Comp (Chemical Composition), O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut) and M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut). From the results represented in Table (1), it can be noticed that raw peanut content of fat was 47.12±0.03 g/100g d.w, while it reached 47.31±0.09 and 48.5±0.13 g/100g d.w as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. The results indicated that the fat content of raw peanut increased significantly by microwave roasting, while it was not influenced by ordinary roasting. In general, fat content increased by roasting. These results are in agreement with those found by Damame et al. (1990), Abayomi et al. (2002), Jui-Yueh et al. (2002) and Adegoke et al. (2004) who reported that there was an increase in crude oil of peanut after heat treatments. From the showed data it can be stated that microwave roasting increased fat content of peanut, while ordinary roasting had no effect on it. The results also showed that raw peanut content of total carbohydrate was 24.41±0.47 g/100g d.w, while it became 22.58±0.2 and 19.85±0.22g/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be noticed that total carbohydrates content of peanut decreased significantly by both ordinary and microwave roasting as compared to raw peanut and the most decrease caused by microwave roasting. There was a significant difference between ordinary and microwave roasted peanut in their carbohydrate content, where peanut roasted by microwave had less content than that roasted by the ordinary method. These results are in agreement with those reported by Abayomi et al. (2002) and Adegoke et al. (2004). 943 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, Effect of processing methods on the minerals content: The results in Table (2), showed that calcium (Ca) content of raw peanut was 12.24±0.13 mg/100g d.w, while it reached 12.69±0.31 and 11.4±0.05 mg/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be observed that Ca content of raw peanut was not influenced significantly by the two processes ordinary and microwave roasting. There was a significant difference between ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut in their Ca content, where ordinary roasted peanut content was more than that of microwave roasted. The results also showed that magnesium (Mg) content of raw peanut was 4.69±0.05 mg/100 g d.w, while it became 4.32±0.11 and 5.4±0.02 mg/100g d.w as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It is clear that Mg content of peanut decreased by ordinary roasting, while it increased by microwave roasting significantly as compared to raw sample. It can be noticed also that potassium (K) content of raw peanut was 11.45±0.12 mg/100g d.w, while it became 11.88±0.29 and 12.6±0.05 mg/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be observed that K content of peanut increased significantly by microwave roasting, while it didn't by ordinary roasting when compared to raw sample. No significant differences in K content between ordinary and microwave roasted peanut was observed. From the same table, it can be observed that sodium (Na) content of raw peanut was 8.59±0.1 mg/100g d.w, while it became 9.72±0.24 and 10.8±0.04 mg/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be noticed that Na content of raw peanut increased significantly by both ordinary and microwave roasting, but the increase was higher in microwave roasted sample. Data in Table (2) shows also that iron (Fe) content of raw peanut was 6.51±0.07 mg/100g d.w, which reached 7.02±0.17 and 7.79±0.04 mg/100g d.w as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be observed that Fe content of peanut increased significantly by both ordinary and microwave roasting and the increase resulted by microwave roasting was more than that of ordinary roasting as compared to raw peanut. Also, zinc (Zn) content of raw peanut was 2.6±0.03 mg/100g d.w, while it became 2.7±0.07 and 2.7±0.01 after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It is clear from the data that there were no significant differences in Zn content among raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted samples. Copper (Cu) content of raw peanut was 8.59±0.1 mg/100g d.w, while it became 10.8±0.26 and 9.6±0.04 mg/100g d.w as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be observed that Cu content 944 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) of peanut increased significantly by both ordinary and microwave roasting processes, but the increase was high in the ordinary roasted sample. Table (2): Minerals content of Raw, Ordinary roasted and Microwave roasted peanut (g/100g d.w) Minerals Samples Raw O.R.P M.R.P Ca Mg K Na Fe Zn Cu Mn a, b, c a a a a a a a 12.24 ±0.13 4.69 ±0.05 11.45 ±0.12 8.59 ±0.10 6.51 ±0.07 2.60 ±0.03 8.59 ±0.10 5.73 ±0.06 b b a, b b b a b b 12.69 ±0.31 4.32 ±0.11 11.88 ±0.29 9.72 ±0.24 7.02 ±0.17 2.70 ±0.07 10.80 ±0.26 8.10 ±0.20 c c b c c a c a 11.40 ±0.05 5.40 ±0.02 12.60 ±0.05 10.80 ±0.04 7.79 ±0.04 2.70 ±0.01 9.60 ±0.04 6.00 ±0.02 Each value is the mean + SE, Mean values in each column having different superscripts (a, b, c, d, ….. ) are significantly different at P < 0.05, O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut) and M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut). Manganese (Mn) content of raw peanut was 5.73±0.06 mg/100g d.w, which reached 8.1±0.02 and 6.0±0.02 mg/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. From the results it can be stated that Mn content of peanut increased significantly by ordinary roasting, while it didn't influence by microwave roasting as compared to the raw sample. On the other side, Mn content of ordinary roasted peanut was more than that of microwave roasted. These results are similar to those found by Abayomi et al. (2002) who reported that total minerals content of raw peanut increased as a result of roasting process, while it did not agree with those found by Adegoke et al. (2004). In general all minerals content increased during roasting processes (ordinary and by the microwave). However, it could be stated microwave roasting was more effective in maintenance peanut contents of Mg, Na and Fe, while ordinary roasting was better in maintenance Ca, Cu and Mg, and they were equal in maintenance of K and Zn. Effect of processing methods on amino acids content: From Table (3), it was obvious that raw peanut seeds contain high levels of glutamic acid (4.39% d.w), aspartic acid (3.15% d.w), arginine (3.09% d.w) and moderate amounts of isoleucine (1.67% d.w), phenylalanine (1.34% d.w) and serine (1.27% d.w). On the other hand, the lowest values were 0.32 and 0.39% d.w for methionine and cysteine, respectively. Regarding the effect of ordinary and microwave roasting processes on the amino acids content of peanut, it was noticed an increase in isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and proline contents when compared to raw peanut. In addition, the data showed that microwave roasting raised the levels of isoleucine, lysine, arginine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine than those of ordinary roasted peanut. 945 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, On the other hand, roasting processes decreased the levels of methionine and tyrosine. These results are in agreement to a less extent with those of Khalil and Chughtai (1983) and Damame et al. (1990) who reported that methionine decreased by roasting processes whereas, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, proline, serine and phenylalanine increased. Table (3): Amino acids composition of Raw, Ordinary roasted and Microwave roasted peanut (g/100g d.w). Sample A.A E.A.A : Histidine Leucine2nd Isoleucine Lysine Methionine1st Phenylalanine Threonine Valine Total N.E.A.A. : Alanine Arginine Aspartic Cysteine Glutamic Glycine Proline Serine Tyrosine Total Total A.A. E/T PER BV Raw O.R.P M.R.P g/100g d.w g/16g N g/100g d.w g/16g N g/100g d.w g/16g N 0.60 0.91 1.67 1.23 0.32 1.34 0.88 1.08 8.03 2.31 3.51 6.45 4.75 1.23 5.17 3.39 4.17 30.98 0.65 0.94 1.69 1.22 0.27 1.41 0.91 1.11 8.20 2.37 3.43 6.16 4.44 0.98 5.14 3.31 4.04 29.87 0.62 1.05 1.71 1.28 0.27 1.42 0.89 1.12 8.36 2.16 3.66 5.96 4.46 0.94 4.95 3.1 3.9 29.13 1.03 3.09 3.15 0.39 4.39 1.05 1.14 1.27 1.19 16.70 24.73 3.97 11.93 12.16 1.50 16.95 4.05 4.40 4.90 4.59 64.45 95.43 1.11 3.04 3.24 0.35 4.43 1.02 1.22 1.33 1.13 16.87 25.07 4.04 11.08 11.81 1.27 16.15 3.71 4.44 4.85 4.12 61.47 91.34 0.96 3.11 3.22 0.41 4.68 1.11 1.14 1.30 1.16 17.09 25.45 3.34 10.85 11.23 1.43 16.32 3.87 3.97 4.53 4.04 59.58 88.71 0.32 0.64 55.83 0.33 0.66 56.04 0.33 0.77 57.20 O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut), M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut), A.A (amino acids), E.A.A (essential amino acids), N.E.A.A (non-essential amino acids), E/T (essential to total amino acids ratio) PER (protein efficiency ratio) and BV (biological value), 1st (first limiting amino acid) and 2nd (second limiting amino acid Generally ,it was found that total essential amino acids contents increased by roasting processes and the increase was higher by microwave process where it was 8.03, 8.2 and 8.36% for raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut, respectively. The total non-essential amino acids contents were 16.7, 16.87 and 17.09%, respectively. Depending upon the previous results, it was noticed that the essential / total essential amino acids ratio was nearly the same 946 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) in the three samples under study, where it was 0.32, 0.33 and 0.33 for raw ordinary roasting and microwave roasting peanut, respectively. These findings did not agree with that obtained by kirba and Eekmen (2003) who reported that total essential amino acids decreased significantly by roasting for 20 min. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) of raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut was calculated and the results showed that the two roasting methods increased it as compared to raw peanut. The increase happened by microwave roasting was higher than that of ordinary roasting. The increase percentages were 13.12 and 20.31% for ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. Also, the same trend was observed in biological value where an increase was observed by the two roasting processes but it was higher by microwave process than that occurred by ordinary roasting. However, the increase in biological value was 0.37 and 2.45% in ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut than that of raw peanut. From these results, it was clear that roasting of peanut by using microwave oven was better than that of ordinary roasting process where it raised BV and PER of protein. The amino acid score results showed that methionine is the first limiting amino acid, luecine is the second limiting amino acid of peanut, this result does not agree with that of Khalil and Chughtai (1983) who reported that lysine is the first limiting amino acid of peanut. Effect of processing methods on sugars content: The data concerning sugars content; glucose, sucrose, stachyose and raffinose of raw and processed peanut are represented in Table (4). It can be noticed that glucose content of raw peanut was 0.26 g/100g d.w, while it reached 0.75 and 0.91 g/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. Roasting processes increased glucose content of peanut but it was higher in microwave roasted peanut than that of the ordinary roasted as compared to raw sample. Table (4): Sugars content of Raw, Ordinary roasted and Microwave roasted peanut (g/100g d.w) Sugars Samples Raw O.R.P M.R.P Glucose Sucrose S +R 0.26 0.75 0.91 3.80 3.63 0.04 1.50 1.63 1.68 O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut), M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut), S+R (Stachyose + Raffinose), O-Roasting (Ordinary Roasted) and M-Roasting (Microwave Roasted). It can be observed that sucrose content of raw peanut was 3.86 g/100g d.w, while it became 3.63 and 0.04 g/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It is obvious that ordinary roasted peanut had a slight decrease in its sucrose content, while microwave roasted peanut had a great decrease in its sucrose content. 947 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, Stachyose and raffinose content of raw peanut was 1.5 g/100g d.w, while it reached 1.63 and 1.86 g/100g d.w after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. It can be observed that S+R content increased as a result of roasting processes and the increase happened in microwave roasted peanut was more than that of the ordinary roasted. These results are in accordance with those found by Kirba and Erkmen (2003) who reported that total sugar content decreased significantly during roasting process. Effect of processing methods on oil constants: The data concerning peanut oil constants; acid value, peroxide value, Iodine value of extracted oil from raw and processed peanut are illustrated in Table (5). It can be noticed that the acid value of raw peanut oil was 0.77±0.01, whil it was 0.89+0.08 and 0.81±0.03 mg KOH/1g oil for both ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut oils, respectively. There were no significant differences in the acid values of the three oils. It can be stated that ordinary roasting caused mathematical increase in acid value than that of microwave roasting but it was not significant. However, the acid values of all samples were within the normal limits. The data showed that the peroxide value of raw peanut oil was 5.15±0.34, while it became 9.8±0.45 and 5.9±0.25 meq/kg oil after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. There was a significant increase in peroxide value as a result of ordinary roasting process, while microwave roasting didn't affect. From the previous results it could be stated that ordinary roasting caused great peroxidation of peanut oil, while microwave roasting had no significant effect. This may be due to the long period of ordinary roasting. From the presented data, it can be noticed that Iodine value of raw peanut oil was 95.003±0.97 which reached 92.12±0.2 and 92.52±0.29 g iodine/100g oil as a result of ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. The tabulated data revealed that there was no significant difference in iodine value of microwave roasted peanut oil as compared to raw peanut oil, while it decreased significantly in ordinary roasted peanut oil. The previous results are in agreement with those reported by Seda et al. (2001) and Adegoke et al. (2004) who indicated that ordinary roasting process raised acid, peroxide and iodine values of peanut oil. On the other hand, the previous results did not agree with those concluded by Farag (1994) who found that peroxide values of microwave heated lipids were approximately 2% higher than those of traditional heated lipids. From the results it can be stated that microwave roasting didn't affect the raw peanut oil constants significantly, while ordinary roasting caused a decrease in the iodine value and increase in peroxide value. 948 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) Table (5): Oil constants and TBA of Raw, Ordinary roasted, Microwave roasted peanut oil. Values Samples Raw O.R.P M.R.P Acid value mg KOH/1g oil 0.77±0.01a 0.89±0.08a 0.81±0.03a Peroxide value Iodine value TBA meq/kg oil g iodine/100g oil mg/kg oil 5.15±0.34a 9.80±0.45b 5.90±0.25a 95.003±0.97a 92.12±0.20b 92.52±0.29a, b 0.69±0.003a 1.48±0.10b 0.51±0.06a Each value is the mean + SE, Mean values in each column having different superscript (a, b, c, d, …..) are significantly different at P < 0.05, O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut) and M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut). As shown in Table (5), the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value of raw peanut oil was 0.69±0.003, while it reached 1.48±0.1 and 0.51±0.06 mg/kg oil after ordinary roasting and microwave roasting, respectively. It can be noticed that ordinary roasting increased TBA value significantly, while microwave roasting did not change it significantly. These results are in agreement with those reported by Chiou et al. (1991) and Abayomi et al. (2002) who indicated that there was a slight increase in TBA value of peanut oil after ordinary roasting. From the previous results it can be stated that microwave roasting had no significant effect on malonaldehyde amount of raw peanut oil, while ordinary roasting increased it. Effect of processing methods on fatty acids content: The data in Table (6) show the fatty acids content of raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut oils, it can be observed that palmitic acid (C16:0) in raw peanut oil was the abundant saturated fatty acid 12.20 % which increased to 16.26% and 14.49% oil after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. Also, myristic acid(C14:0) increased after both of roasting processes while stearic acid (C18:0) decreased after ordinary roasting and increased by microwave roasting. On the other hand, arachidic acid(C20:0) increased after ordinary roasting while microwave roasting decreased it when compared to raw peanut oil. From the same table, it can be noticed that oleic acid (C18:1) was the abundant unsturated fatty in peanut oil, also peanut oil contained linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) unsaturated fatty acids. Their percentages were 41.38, 38.81and 0.58% in raw peanut oil, while they were 34.59, 27.73 and 0.24% after ordinary and 37.09, 32.04 and 0.33 mg/100g oil after microwave roasting, respectively. Also, the results revealed that raw peanut oil contained16.32 and 83.32% of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid which became 29.39 and 66.94 and 23.81 and 72.32% after ordinary and microwave roasting processes, respectively. Hence, the unsaturated to saturated ratio in raw peanut oil was 5.11, which reached 2.28 and 3.04 in ordinary and microwave roasted peanut oil, respectively. The unsaturation degree of peanut oil roasted by microwave 949 "!א وאلאدאوא אد#א$%&'*)א ( وو+, was more than that of peanut oil roasted by ordinary method. This means that less oxidation happened in the peanut oil roasted by microwave which may be attributed to the short period of roasting. Table (6): Fatty acids content of Raw, Ordinary roasted and Microwave roasted peanut oils (%). Samples Fatty Acids Unknown Myristic C14:0 Palmitic C16:0 Unknown Stearic C18:0 Oleic C18:1 Linoleic C18:2 Linolenic C18:3 Unknown Arachidic C20:0 Unknown U.S.F.A S.F.A U.S.F.A / S.F.A Raw R.R.P M.R.P 1.75 --12.20 0.38 0.89 41.38 38.81 0.58 --1.10 2.55 83.32 16.32 5.11 4.49 2.50 16.26 5.29 --34.59 27.73 0.24 1.26 0.85 3.09 66.94 29.39 2.28 --2.28 14.49 4.64 1.54 37.09 32.04 0.33 1.05 0.86 1.81 72.32 23.81 3.04 O.R.P (Ordinary Roasted Peanut), M.R.P (Microwave Roasted Peanut), U.S.F.A (Unsaturated fatty acids), S.F.A (Saturated fatty acids). U.S.F.A= unsaturated fatty acids, S.F.A= saturated fatty acids. This observation agreed with that of Braddock et al. (1995) who stated that roasted peanuts are susceptible to lipid oxidation due to the polyunsaturated fatty acids, and Sanders (2001) who reported that oleic is the most abundant fatty acid in raw and roasted peanut (26.8%). Ozdemir et al. (2003) concluded that peanut could be roasted successfully in microwave ovens and Hiromi et al. (2005) mentioned that unsaturated fatty acids of peanut oil are significantly protected from oxidation during microwave roasting. So, although roasting processes caused a decrease in unsaturated fatty acids and an increase in saturated fatty acids, the oil still has its principle characteristics in the same trend as reported by Sachiko and Hiromi (1999) who stated that the principle characteristics of fatty acids still remained after 20 minutes of microwave heating. On contrary, the previous results didn't agree with those reported by Seda et al. (2001) who found that myristic and stearic fatty acids decreased and arachidic increased after roasting process. It was obvioes that peanut oil is a good source of unsatarated fatty acids where it contains high amounts of oleic and linoleic acids. These fatty acids are good for maintaining health where it was reported that diets high in monounsatnrated fatty acids (MUFA) have a favourable effect on the ratio of total cholesterol to high density lipoprotein (HDL) choteslerel which is a more accurate indicator for risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) than total 950 א-.وא/0&1א2%א3& د4وא5د6 نא8) cholesterol alone (Kris-Etherton et al., 1999). These observations agreed with those of Rajaram et al. (2001) and Albert et al. (2002) who indicated that frequent nut comsumption lowers the risk of (CHD). These results also revealed that roasting process decreased unsaturated fatty acid and increased saturated fatty acids. These findings are in agreement with Hassanein et al. (2003). In addition to the importance of unsaturated fatty acids found in peanut oil for (CHD) patients, they also have a good role in the therapeutic nutrition of other patients such as those with colorectal cancer risk and ovarian cancer (Bosetti et al., 2002). So it could be concluded that microwave roasting process is better than the ordinary one in maintenance a high percentage of the unsaturated fatty acids of raw peanut oil. Effect of processing methods on trans fatty acids content: The unsaturated fatty acids are present normally in the cis-isomers. Cisbonds can be isomerizes to the trans-configuration during extraction or subsequent processing. For example, oxidation or partial hydrogenation can lead to isomerisation. Several nutritional studies have suggested a direct relationship between trans fatty acids and increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) (Louheranta et al., 1999 and Sacks and Katan, 2002). It is commercially important for food labeling purposes to determine this transcontent. It is difficult to separate cis-from trans-isomers by using other techniques such as gas chromatography; therefore, an infrared method is commonly used. Cis-isomers absorb between 480 and 700 cm-1 while transisomers absorb between 1000 and 930 cm-1, which the latter band can be used as the basis for an analytical method (Stuart, 1997). Both of these geometric isomers absorb strongly at 1163 cm-1 which represents the C-O stretching frequency from the ester group. The cis-isomer absorb weakly at 965 cm-1 while the trans-isomers absorb strongly at this frequency. The results in Figs. (1, 2 and 3) showed that all the processed samples revealed peaks at 912 and 913 cm-1 which indicated the existence of trans fatty acids in the oils extracted from raw, ordinary roasted and microwave roasted peanut. The relative intensity of raw peanut oil was (0.005), both ordinary and microwave roasting processes raised it to (0.055 and 0.039, respectively) which indicated the increase in trans fatty acids as compared to the raw sample. 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