Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 DOI 10.1007/s10592-008-9707-x RESEARCH ARTICLE Delayed genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on the ecologically specialized Florida sand skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi) Jonathan Q. Richmond Æ Duncan T. Reid Æ Kyle G. Ashton Æ Kelly R. Zamudio Received: 21 February 2008 / Accepted: 7 September 2008 / Published online: 24 September 2008 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008 Abstract Populations rarely show immediate genetic responses to habitat fragmentation, even in taxa that possess suites of traits known to increase their vulnerability to extinction. Thus conservation geneticists must consider the time scale over which contemporary evolutionary processes operate to accurately portray the effects of habitat isolation. Here, we examine the genetic impacts of fragmentation on the Florida sand skink Plestiodon reynoldsi, a sand swimming lizard that is highly adapted to the upland scrub habitat of central Florida. We studied fragments located on the southern Lake Wales Ridge, where human activity in the latter half of the 20th century has modified the natural patchiness of the landscape. Based on a relaxed molecular clock method, we estimate that sand skinks have persisted in this region for approximately 1.5 million years and that the time frame of human disturbance is equivalent to fewer than 30 skink generations. Using genotypes from eight microsatellite loci, we screened for molecular signatures of this disturbance by assessing congruence between population structure, as inferred from spatially-informed Bayesian assignment tests, and the current geography of scrub fragments. We also tested for potential intrapopulation genetic effects of inbreeding in isolated populations by comparing J. Q. Richmond (&) D. T. Reid K. R. Zamudio Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA e-mail: D. T. Reid National Institutes of Health, 50 South Drive, MSC 8004, Bethesda, MD 20892-8004, USA K. G. Ashton Archbold Biological Station, P.O. Box 2057, Lake Placid, FL 33862, USA the average pairwise relatedness of individuals within fragments of different areas and isolation. Our results indicate that although some patches show a higher degree of relatedness than expected under random mating, the genetic effects of recent isolation are not evident in this part of the species’ range. We argue that this result is an artefact of a time-lag in the response to disturbance, and that speciestypical demographic features may explain the genetic inertia observed in these populations. Keywords Habitat fragmentation Skink Ecological specialization Genetic inertia Plestiodon reynoldsi Introduction Studies of anthropogenic habitat loss and fragmentation have contributed substantial information on patterns of species vulnerability (Fahrig 2003; reviewed in Ewers and Didham 2006). However, because most anthropogenic fragmentation is recent on evolutionary time scales (Watson 2002; Stockwell et al. 2003; Watson 2003; Sumner et al. 2004), investigations of its effects can be biased by timelags in species responses to disturbance (Tilman et al. 1994; Cowlishaw 1999). These delays occur as populations establish new genetic and community-level equilibria, and not all species respond at the same rate. Instead, the process is driven by a variety of spatial demographic conditions that influence the new equilibrium, including effective population size, the degree of reduction in habitat connectivity, generation time, and the strength of natural selection (Endler 1986; Wiens 1997; Brooks et al. 1999). Thus the evolutionary fate of recently isolated populations may not be apparent unless investigators carefully consider the time 123 1282 frames over which genetic and community-level responses are most likely to occur for a given species. As a general guideline, genetic variability decreases at a constant rate of 1/(2Ne) per generation in a closed population (where Ne is the effective population size, Wright 1978). Thus smaller, isolated populations lose genetic variability more quickly than larger and more continuously distributed populations (Young and Clarke 2000). While this relationship provides a rough estimate of response times, other trait-mediated differences can significantly influence the rate, trajectory and consistency of evolution. For example, species with a high degree of ecological specialization and restricted dispersal are particularly vulnerable to disturbance (Simberloff 1986; McKinney 1997; Davies et al. 2004) and interactions between these traits and spatial landscape features may further accelerate the rate at which species respond. Alternatively, species that live in naturally patchy environments with small population sizes may experience greater inertia in their response times than species that require large contiguous habitat. These and other factors indicate that simple deterministic equations or generalized principles are of limited use for predicting how organisms will respond to disturbance (Stockwell et al. 2003; Caro 2007). Instead, our understanding of the process is perhaps best pursued through case-specific studies at different temporal and spatial scales. In this paper, we investigate the effects of recent anthropogenic fragmentation on an ecological specialist distributed within a network of habitat patches. The sand skink Plestiodon reynoldsi (formerly in the genus Neoseps: Brandley et al. 2005) is a small lizard endemic to upland scrub and sandhill habitats of central Florida that is federally listed as a threatened species by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (52 FR 42658-42662). The species is a burrower that spends most time below ground; individuals have countersunk jaws, a wedge-shaped snout, reduced eyes, and vestigial limbs that facilitate sand swimming 1–8 cm beneath the ground surface (Telford 1959; Christman 1992). This eel-like form of locomotion requires well-drained, loose substrates with large particle size (Collazos 1998; Gianopulos 2001; Christman 2005); thus, scrub patches with altered soil densities such as those in matrix habitats or at fragment edges can create lowpermeability barriers to dispersal (Stamps et al. 1987). Sand skinks may also rely on successional vegetative changes caused by natural disturbance (e.g. feeding habits of Gopher tortoises and periodic fires, Christman 1992) that maintain interconnected patches of bare, sandy microhabitats (Webb 1990; Myers 1991). These characteristics suggest a potentially heightened sensitivity to anthropogenic fragmentation, and therefore we predicted that declines in genetic diversity would be evident over relatively short time scales following habitat disturbance. 123 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 Plestiodon reynoldsi inhabits three peninsular ridges in central Florida: the Lake Wales, Mount Dora, and the Winter Haven Ridges (Telford 1959; Christman 1992). These narrow ridges (\16 km wide in most areas) are vestiges of ancient shorelines that cover approximately 240 km of central Florida (Webb 1990) and host one of the highest proportions of endemic fauna in North America (Myers 1990; Wood 1996). Topography, fluctuating sea levels, and natural fires have historically maintained the natural patchiness of the landscape (Webb 1990); however, fragments have become gradually more isolated in the latter half of the 20th century due to rapid urban and agricultural development, fire suppression, and vegetative overgrowth (Myers 1991; McCoy and Mushinsky 1992; Greenberg et al. 1994; Hokit et al. 1999; Branch and Hokit 2000; Hall et al. 2002; Meshaka and Layne 2002). Over 85% of the original upland habitat has disappeared since the 1940s (McCoy et al. 1999; Weekley et al. 2007). The human population in Florida is expected to double from approximately 18–36 million people over the next 50 years, thus an additional 7 million acres of undeveloped land will likely be converted to urban use (Zwick and Carr 2006). Therefore, habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation will continue to pose problems for the endemic taxa within this already threatened landscape. In addition to increased mortality caused by habitat modification, P. reynoldsi may also suffer indirect losses in genetic variability resulting from shrinking habitat area and changes in connectivity of scrub patches within ridges. If fragmentation causes a significant reduction in local Ne and migration rates (m), increased genetic drift in isolated populations will redistribute genetic diversity such that lower levels of variability occur within versus among populations (Wright 1931). This can lead to the accumulation of deleterious alleles and ultimately decreased population fitness (Lande 1995). However, one important question for the conservation of this species remains openended: At what geographic and temporal scales are the adverse genetic effects of habitat fragmentation detectable in extant populations? We report on a fine-scale genetic survey of P. reynoldsi populations in the southernmost part of the range to test whether genetic partitioning is detectable among recently isolated, local populations. We combined information from mitochondrial DNA sequences, microsatellite markers, and spatial landscape features to (1) estimate the age of haplotype lineages within the three ridges, (2) calculate standard indices of genetic diversity and identify natural genetic demes in our focal populations, and (3) test whether habitat area, degree of isolation, or a combination thereof are significant predictors of genetic diversity within populations. Our results show that although sand skinks possess ‘high-vulnerability’ traits, fragmentation within the Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 past 60 years has had limited impact on genetic diversity of populations in this part of the species’ range. We argue that this result may be biased by genetic inertia arising from species-typical demographic features and that insufficient time has lapsed to reveal the full genetic consequences of this disturbance. Methods Population sampling and microsatellite genotyping Sand skink samples were collected from 11 fragments in the southernmost tracts of scrub and sandhill habitat in the Lake Wales Ridge, Highlands County, Florida (Fig. 1). Scrubs in this region include undisturbed mosaics as well as formerly connected remnants that are now highly isolated (Lohrer 1993). The fragments vary in degree of isolation, area of suitable soils, and the quality and type of intervening matrix (Fig. 1). Skinks were captured in pit-fall trap arrays (40–56 traps/site) between May 2002 and September 2002. Latitude and longitude coordinates of each trap were recorded using a global positioning system (Appendix 1). Small tail clips were taken from each individual prior to release on site, and tissues were stored in 100% ethanol. We extracted whole genomic DNA using standard lysis buffer and proteinase K digestion followed by phenolchloroform purification protocols (Sambrook and Russell 2001). Eight microsatellite loci were amplified for 179 individuals (10–32 individuals/site; Table 2) following previously published protocols (Reid et al. 2004). Amplified products of non-overlapping size ranges with different 50 -fluorescent labels were multiplexed and electrophoresed on a 5% polyacrylamide gel on an ABI 377 DNA sequencer (PE Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Fragment sizes were determined with a ROX-500 standard using GENESCAN version 3.1 and GENOTYPER version 2.1 (PE Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Relaxed molecular clock estimates of divergence times The effects of fragmentation depend in part on the historical equilibrium of populations prior to the onset of disturbance and the number of generations that populations have been isolated due to reduced habitat connectivity (Ovaskainen and Hanski 2004). We re-analyzed cytochrome b sequences from a previous phylogeographic analysis of Plestiodon reynoldsi (Branch et al. 2003) to verify that our sampled populations were members of the same evolutionary lineage and to estimate a divergence date for the clade to which our populations belong. To place the time scale for human disturbance within this 1283 deeper phylogenetic history of P. reynoldsi populations, we used a Bayesian relaxed clock method (Drummond et al. 2006) as implemented in BEAST 1.4.7 (Drummond and Rambaut 2007) to estimate the time to most recent common ancestry for sand skink lineages occurring on the three major ridges of Central Florida, and the age of divergence from its sister taxon the mole skinks (Plestiodon egregius species complex: Brandley et al. 2005). Our analyses included 53 haplotypes for P. reynoldsi and 15 haplotypes from different members of the P. egregius complex (GenBank accession #’s; AF470632–46; [Branch et al. 2003]). The relaxed clock model was calibrated using the cytochrome b substitution rates of two small-bodied lizards (Tarentola delalandii: 8.25 9 10-3 s/s/my, [Gubitz et al. 2000]; Anolis occulatus: 7.15 9 10-3 s/s/my, [Malhotra and Thorpe 2000]), given that fossil data were unavailable for P. reynoldsi. Uncertainty was incorporated into these calibrations by allowing each branch in the phylogeny to have independent rates drawn from a lognormal prior distribution (mean = 8.25 9 10-3 or 7.15 9 10-3 in separate analyses). We implemented the following priors for substitution and site rate heterogeneity models: GTR ? C substitution model (based on the Akaike Information Criterion in Mr. Modeltest [Nylander 2004]); substitution rates = Jeffery’s prior; a shape parameter = exponential (1.0), four rate categories; default values for all scale operators. BEAST 1.4.7 also requires one to specify a tree prior for modelling changes in population size through time; thus, we selected the Bayesian Skyline plot because of its minimal assumptions about demographic history, and compared these results with analyses that assumed constant population size through time. We considered congruent inferences (i.e. overlap in the 95% highest posterior density for age estimates) under the different mutation rates and coalescence priors as an indication of robust divergence estimates. We performed identical, duplicate analyses for 1 9 107 steps, and sampled the Markov chain every 1000th generation. We used TRACER v1.4 ( to test for stationarity of model parameters, to verify adequate samples sizes, and to determine an appropriate amount of burn-in. Duplicate analyses were combined in to a single file if the parameter estimates converged to similar values. To summarize trees from the posterior distribution, we constructed a maximum clade credibility tree using TREEANNOTATER v1.4.7, which is included in the BEAST software package. Genetic diversity and number of genetic groups Reid et al. (2004) detected a deficiency of heterozygotes at locus Nr60.34 in 10 of our 11 sampled populations, 123 1284 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 Fig. 1 Plestiodon reynoldsi sampling localities on the south Lake Wales Ridge. Insert shows the location of Lake Wales Ridge in central Florida. Locality codes are as follows (listed from north to south): HHP = Highlands Hammock State Park; HPE = Highland Park Estates; LJW = Lake June-in-Winter; LPS = Lake Placid Scrub; SSr55/SSr67/ SSr91/SSr99 = Archbold Biological Station sites; SH = Sandhill (also within Archbold); GLD = Gould Road; HNR = Hendrie Ranch. Sample sizes for each locality are in parenthesis N HHP (10) home polygon Josephine Creek pre-disturbance xeric soils extant xeric soils Lake Wales Ridge 0 1 2 3 4 5 HPE (12) Kilometers LJW (11) LPS (10) SSr67 (32) SSr99 (11) SH (13) Lake Wales Ridge Study area SSr55 (25) 0 100 GLD (20) 200 Kilometers SSr91 (24) HNR (11) suggesting the presence of a null allele (Reid et al. 2004). To assess the effects of including Nr60.34 in our full analysis, we performed Spearman correlation tests on FST values, allelic diversity, heterozygosity, and homozygosity estimates generated from preliminary analyses with and without this locus. For all comparisons, correlation coefficients were positive and significant (rs C 0.94), indicating that the heterozygote deficiency at this locus would have limited or no effects on our results. Thus, we retained Nr60.34 in all final analyses. We used several standard measures of genetic diversity to explore the effects of recent fragmentation, as significant loss of diversity will be evident in certain indices before others following disturbance. For example, in the short term, reduced dispersal is expected to have a greater effect on estimates of allelic diversity than on heterozygosity, a pattern observed in fragmented populations of the Cunningham’s skink Egernia cunninghami (Stow and Briscoe 2005). We calculated mean expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), allelic richness (AR), and private allelic richness (pAR) for each microsatellite locus in all populations. To account for uneven sample sizes across populations, we used a rarefaction procedure 123 implemented in HP-RARE 1.0 (Kalinowski 2005) to estimate of AR and pAR. Fisher’s exact test (Fisher 1922) was used to estimate the pairwise probability of linkage disequilibrium in GENEPOP 3.4 (Raymond and Rousset 1995). We tested for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions using a Monte-Carlo approximation of Fisher’s exact test and a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons implemented in ARLEQUIN 2.0 (Schneider et al. 2000). To test whether genetic diversity among populations can be explained by natural or anthropogenic barriers, we used an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) to examine the distribution of variation among fragments. For the AMOVA between naturally fragmented habitats, two groups were compared: Highlands Hammock State Park (HHP; Fig. 1) versus all remaining populations. We treated HHP as a singleton because it is isolated from all other fragments to the south by Josephine Creek, a natural barrier for other scrub taxa (Deyrup 1996; Clark et al. 1999). To test for effects of anthropogenic fragmentation, we performed a second analysis by grouping sites within the Archbold Biological Station and comparing them to all other fragments. We grouped the Archbold sites because they are separated only by sandy fire lanes that do not act Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 as complete dispersal barriers (K.G. Ashton, pers. obs.), whereas the remaining sites were treated individually because of paved roads or other human-altered habitat. In both analyses, the proportion of variation was partitioned at three levels: the individual, the population, and the habitat fragment (either natural or anthropogenic). The AMOVAs were performed in ARLEQUIN v.2.0 and significance was tested using permutation analyses at the different hierarchical levels (Excoffier 2003). To identify genetic groups, we used a spatially explicit Bayesian assignment method that implements hidden Markov random fields (HMRF) as a prior on group membership in TESS 1.1 ( Francois/software.html). The HMRF model assumes that individuals in continuously distributed populations are more likely to share group membership with their geographically proximate neighbours than with distant ones (François et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2007). Population structure is inferred using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure that detects clinal discontinuities in the allele frequencies without assuming predefined genetic groups; analyses are informed by spatial priors derived from the XY geographic coordinates of the sampling localities. The degree to which neighbours cluster into the same group is specified by an interaction parameter w; values of w [ 0.7 represent a high level of spatial interaction, whereas w B 0.4 represent little or no interaction. Fixed values of w = 0.5–0.7 generally perform well with datasets of about 10 populations and are appropriate for observing several clusters (François et al. 2006). We used this approach because sand skinks are non-randomly distributed in the landscape and dispersal is limited (Gianopulos 2001; Christman 2005). Thus, individuals born in close proximity are more likely to exchange genes than individuals born far away. Incorporating this spatial dependency into the assignment tests is therefore likely to improve model fit and increase the accuracy of parameter estimates (Gelfand et al. 2005; Latimer et al. 2006), particularly if the sampled populations show weak genetic differentiation (Chen et al. 2007). The HMRF model assumes that spatial coordinates are derived from the birth place of sampled individuals. Because birth localities were not available, we generated random coordinates within the limits prescribed by the distribution of pitfall traps in each fragment, and used these points as a proxy. Both individual assignment (IA) and admixture models (AD) were explored in TESS. For the first series of analyses, we plotted likelihood scores for K = 1 - 12 (n ? 1 sampling localities) to determine the value of K that corresponds to the point at which the likelihood curve plateaus. This threshold was then used as an indicator of the number of demes present in our sample. TESS also provides an estimate of K using a statistical 1285 technique known as regularization. The procedure involves a series of runs beginning with Kmax = 1 (where Kmax is user specified) and increasing this value until the estimated K reaches some stable value lower than Kmax. Ideally, the K value(s) inferred from the likelihood score plots and regularization should be similar. We considered overlap in these estimates as support for the particular number of genetic groups in our sample. After establishing a preferred K, we performed 100 runs using IA and AD models by setting Kmax = Kpreferred. The interaction parameter w and the admixture parameter were fixed at 0.6 and 0.5, respectively. Likelihood plots showed that removal of 10,000 samples provided ample burn-in, and 50,000 samples were retained from the posterior distribution. We also performed a series of runs with different values of the w parameter (w = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.5) to assess the spatial dependence of K and the group assignment of individuals. If limited information on genetic structure is available in the microsatellite data, we expected our results to have greater sensitivity to increased values of w. Because independent runs can produce different permutations of the group labels we used CLUMPP 1.1 (Jakobsson and Rosenberg 2007) to align the membership coefficient matrices from 10 runs with the best likelihood scores (Greedy algorithm, 250 random input orders for three separate runs). The CLUMPP output consists of the same matrices permuted so that all replicates are as closely matched as possible, and the results can be visualized in a graphics program. To provide an independent estimate of K, we used a second MCMC sampling strategy that treats the group assignment of individuals and the number of groups as random variables following a Dirichlet process prior (Antoniak 1974; Pella and Masuda 2006; Huelsenbeck and Andolfatto 2007). Under this prior, the probability that two randomly chosen individuals (i and j) fall within the same group is f ðzi ¼ zj jaÞ ¼ 1=ð1 þ aÞ;where a is a concentration parameter that determines the degree to which individuals cluster together. Small values of a indicate a high probability of finding individuals in the same group, whereas large values indicate a tendency for individuals to cluster separately. The estimate of K and the assignment of individuals is then conditional on a and the number of individuals sampled (Huelsenbeck and Andolfatto 2007). These analyses were performed in STRUCTURAMA (www. using an uninformative gamma hyperprior on a (MacEachern and Muller 1998). Appropriate gamma priors could not be specified a priori, therefore we explored a range of values covering several major shapes of the distribution (shape and scale parameters were, respectively: 1/2, 3/1, 3/2, 3/3, and 6/3). We assumed that robust estimates of K, as well as the estimate of a that returns K, should be relatively insensitive to the gamma hyperprior. 123 1286 Markov chains were run for 100,000 generations, sampled every 100 generations with a 10% burn-in. Effects of isolation on patterns of genetic structure We used several approaches to investigate how the spatial distribution of scrub fragments influences patterns of population differentiation. First, we tested for genetic isolation by distance (IBD) by performing a regression of pairwise FST values on the geographic distance (with and without log transformation) separating sampling localities. Pairwise FST values (Wright 1965) among all populations were estimated in FSTAT 2.9.3 (Goudet 1995) and significance of IBD was assessed using a Mantel matrix correspondence test (MCT: Mantel 1967) in the software package ZT (10,000 randomizations: Bonnet and Van de Peer 2002). We used FST over other measures of genetic distance (e.g. Slatkin’s RST) because it is the most conservative approach when the number of loci is fewer than 20 and the number of samples is fewer than 50 (Gaggiotti et al. 1999). We tested whether isolation by distance is driven by the geographic separation of anthropogenically isolated fragments, or by the historical distribution of scrub and sandhill patches within a more continuous landscape. Global Information System (GIS) habitat layers for the Lake Wales Ridge were used to calculate pairwise distances between sampled fragments at two time scales, one representing the historical landscape and one representing the current landscape. Layers were composites built from USGS topographic maps that included county soil surveys, plant community and land use coverage, and previously published maps of habitat distribution; details on their construction are outlined in Weekley et al. (2007). The historical ‘pre-disturbance’ layer was first assembled to identify areas of contiguous habitat with appropriate soil types that were present prior to human settlement. The pre-disturbance map of habitat availability is necessarily an oversimplification, because it does not capture various ecological factors such as fire regimes and differences in microhabitats; however, it is a good approximation of the distribution of scrub habitat before human settlement of this region (Weekley et al. 2007). To map the distribution of current scrub habitat, we then pared the pre-disturbance layer to build an ‘extant’ layer using aerial images and site knowledge, removing human-altered areas such as paved roads, railroad tracks, housing developments, and citrus groves. Area polygon shape files were then converted to point files, and pairwise geographic distances were calculated from the closest points along the edges of fragments. If two trap sites belonged to the same extant or pre-disturbance area, the distance between them was zero in the matrix. We used simple MCTs to test the null hypothesis of no association between genetic differentiation and the degree 123 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 of isolation among fragments. The first test compared matrices of pairwise population FST values with minimum geographic distances separating extant fragments, and a second compared FST with minimum distances separating historical fragments. We expanded on these analyses by performing partial MCTs (Smouse et al. 1996) to test for significant relationships between the FST matrix and the two geographic distance matrices simultaneously. In these analyses, partial regressions were performed between two matrices (e.g. genetic and extant distances) while controlling for the effect of the third matrix (e.g. historical distance). Partial matrix correspondence tests allow one to detect spurious correlations that might arise in the simple pairwise MCTs. Because partial MCTs can be misleading when the dependent variables are spatially autocorrelated (Raufaste and Rousset 2001; Castellano and Balleto 2002), we used these analyses primarily as a means for verifying the results of the pairwise MCTs. Effects of habitat area on genetic variability We tested for recent bottleneck events possibly associated with restriction in habitat availability and fragmentation using the program BOTTLENECK v1.2.2 (Cornuet and Luikart 1996). We used two different models of microsatellite evolution: the strict stepwise mutation model (SMM) and the two-phase model in which 30% of the mutations consisted of changes by more than a single repeat unit. Probability values of heterozygosity excess or deficit were estimated for each population by comparison with a null distribution based on 1000 iterations. We also investigated how fragment area affects genetic variability within populations by estimating a coefficient of relatedness R (Queller and Goodnight 1989) for individuals at each sampling locality in GENALEX v.6 (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Low genetic variability within a population can result from inbreeding or the existence of closely related individuals, resulting in an elevated coefficient of relatedness. Thus, the relationship between intra-population relatedness and fragment size should be significant if smaller habitat area decreases the amount of genetic diversity through reduced numbers of breeding individuals. To test for significant differences among our sampled populations, we permuted genotypes from all populations 999 times and derived upper and lower 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the expected range of R, based on all populations. These intervals represent the range of R expected if random mating occurs across all populations. In a second test, we excluded populations HHP, LJW, and HPE, and permuted genotypes from the remaining populations that were historically connected by scrub habitat (Fig. 1). The 95% CIs in this case represent the range of R expected if random mating occurs across these historically Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 connected populations only, and eliminates possible bias associated with including the most distant and naturally isolated populations. Population R values that fall above the upper bound of the 95% CI indicate that reproductive skew, inbreeding, or drift are increasing relatedness, despite potential gene flow among some localities. The pre-disturbance and extant GIS habitat layers were used to calculate the minimum area of suitable habitat at the two different time scales for each sampling locality. For both layers, we tested the null hypothesis of no association between fragment area and the three measures of withinpopulation diversity (R, He, AR, and pAR). If the size of current habitat fragments has affected genetic diversity, higher R values are predicted for populations occurring in the smallest and most isolated fragments. These same populations are predicted to have lower AR and lower He compared to populations inhabiting larger fragments. Of these, AR is more sensitive to recent declines in population size than heterozygosity (Garza and Williamson 2001; Stow and Briscoe 2005). Spearman rank-order and linear regression analyses were conducted in SPSS 11.0 (SPSS Inc.) with and without log transformation of the area data and with arcsine transformed values for He (Archie 1985). We also conducted an analysis of variance to test for differences in He, AR, and pAR between sites in the relatively undisturbed Archbold Biological Station and all other sites in our study area that are separated by high-contrast barriers. Results Bayesian relaxed clock estimates of divergence times Our Bayesian relaxed clock estimates of divergence reveal a deep split between P. reynoldsi and their sister taxon, the mole skinks (Table 1). The mean estimate under the different coalescence models and mutation rates suggests a divergence time over 30 million years ago; however, the wide 95% credible intervals indicate a substantial amount of uncertainty around those estimates. Nonetheless, the lower bounds of the credible intervals provide evidence of an ancient split between the two species (minimum values range from 16.03 to 20.00 mya; Table 1). Current P. reynoldsi haplotype lineages form a well-supported clade (posterior probability [PP] = 1.00) that diverged from a common ancestor roughly 3.2 mya. Haplotypes fall within regional clades corresponding to northern, central and southern regions of the Lake Wales Ridge, although the relationships among these clades are ambiguous (i.e. PP \ 0.90; Fig. 2). Support values for the central and southern clades are strong (PP = 1.00 for both), and based on the more conservative mutation rate, these lineages may be the oldest of the three regional clades (*1.1 and 1287 1.5 million years old, respectively), while haplotypes from the North clade diverged from a common ancestor approximately 750,000 years ago. The inferred divergence times were consistent under the different coalescent models and substitution rates (Table 1). All populations from Highland County belong to the southern clade, and therefore have shared a common evolutionary history for at least one million years. Genetic diversity and number of genetic groups The average number of alleles per locus ranged from 8.25 to 16.63 within populations and from 8.73 to 14.18 across loci for all populations (Table 2). Allelic richness (AR) showed limited variation when corrected for the smallest sample size, ranging from 5.13 to 6.24 within populations and 5.19– 6.79 across loci. The expected heterozygosity (He) per locus across all sites ranged from 0.68 to 0.99 with an average of 0.90 across all sites, and Ho ranged from 0.20 to 1.00 with an average of 0.88. Differences in average observed heterozygosity among fragments approached significance (ANOVA, df = 10, F = 1.90, P = 0.058) and correcting for multiple comparisons showed that HHP (Fig. 1) had slightly lower heterozygosity than the remaining populations. Allelic richness (AR) was significantly different among two groups of fragments: those within the Archbold Biological Station had higher values (mean AR = 6.01 ± 0.09) than more northern fragments separated by natural barriers or urban development (mean AR = 5.60 ± 0.12; ANOVA, df = 10, F = 8.03, P \ 0.01). Private allelic richness (pAR) was also significantly different between these same groups of sites (pAR = 0.55 ± 0.04 versus 0.76 ± 0.05; ANOVA, df = 10, F = 10.22, P \ 0.01). Results of the AMOVA showed that only 1.1% of the total molecular variation is explained by the anthropogenically isolated fragments, suggesting a substantial level of admixture among populations inhabiting those sites. In contrast, differences between HHP and the remaining fragments south of Josephine Creek account for nearly 4.0% of the variation. Lower average heterozygosity and greater genetic differentiation between HHP and the remaining localities suggests that the historical barrier currently contributes more to the genetic structuring than anthropogenic barriers. We explored HMRF models that implemented both admixture and individual assignment methods in TESS. Likelihood score plots did not have a clear mode for either approach, but both tended to plateau at Kmax values above six. Likewise, the regularization method implemented in TESS consistently yielded six clusters as Kmax was increased from 7 to 12. These results were confirmed by our estimates of K using the Dirichlet process prior, where six groups (range = 6.13–6.69) were consistently identified 123 1288 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 Table 1 Age estimates for sand skink populations on the southern Lake Wales Ridge using Bayesian skyline and constant population size coalescence models Clade Plre Plre|Pleg Skyline R1 (mya) Skyline R2 Constant R1 Constant R2 3.74 (2.13–5.28) 3.21 (2.05–4.57) 3.82 (2.40–5.49) 3.27 (2.01–4.66) 35.00 (18.91–54.53) 30.46 (16.03–46.61) 36.71 (20.00–56.13) 31.77 (17.88–48.65) Lake Wales North 0.83 (0.35–1.51) 0.72 (0.29–1.29) 0.93 (0.32–1.64) 0.80 (0.26–1.45) Lake Wales Central 1.69 (0.89–2.59) 1.47 (0.82–2.26) 1.75 (0.98–2.70) 1.50 (0.88–2.30) Lake Wales South 1.23 (0.53–2.13) 1.07 (0.49–1.81) 1.43 (0.65–2.28) 1.20 (0.54–1.94) Reported values are the time to most recent common ancestry for the species and regions specified (means followed by 95% credible intervals). Substitution rate (R1) = 7.15 9 10-3 substitutions/site/million years; rate (R2) = 8.25 9 10-3 s/s/my. Plre = P. reynoldsi, Plre|Pleg = split between P. reynoldsi and the P. egregius species complex Fig. 2 Maximum clade credibility tree for P. reynoldsi mtDNA haplotypes using Bayesian skyline coalescent and GTR ? C nucleotide substitution models (similar results were obtained for the constant population size coalescent model). Numbers on the branches indicate posterior probabilities; we report values only for those clades with strong statistical support (i.e. posterior probabilities [ 0.90). Haplotypes cluster by region within the Lake Wales Ridge, but the relationships among and within these clades are weakly supported (i.e. posterior probabilities \ 0.90). Haplotype identities follow Branch et al. (2003) under a range of plausible gamma hyperpriors. Thus, we considered six as the best estimate for the number of demes within our sampled populations. 123 We performed a final series of 50 independent runs setting Kmax equal to 6 (w = 0.6, 50000 posterior samples each) and used the 10 best scoring runs as input for CLUMPP Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 1289 Table 2 Population genetic variation of 11 Plestiodon reynoldsi sampling localities at eight microsatellite loci Locality N Nr60.11 Nr60.2 Nr60.34 Nr60.5 Nr52.11 Nr52.2 Nr52.4 Nr52.7 Mean total HHP 10 0.90/0.89 0.89/0.82 0.56/0.68 0.70/0.89 0.9/0.94 0.90/0.88 0.78/0.80 0.90/0.85 0.82/0.84 5.56/0.19 4.74/1.08 3.89/0.79 5.56/2.57 6.61/0.86 5.50/0.21 4.38/0.10 4.84/0.02 5.13/0.73 0.83/0.92 0.92/0.88 0.50/0.93 0.67/0.76 0.91/0.94 0.83/0.92 1.00/0.89 0.42/0.86 0.76/0.89 6.16/0.64 5.28/0.83 6.24/1.00 4.45/0.42 6.51/1.61 6.15/0.18 5.63/0.57 5.07/0.06 5.68/0.66 0.90/0.84 0.91/0.88 0.25/0.88 1.00/0.96 1.00/0.95 0.82/0.89 0.90/0.89 0.55/0.83 0.79/0.89 4.86/0.02 5.38/0.45 5.46/1.59 6.97/1.73 6.84/1.28 5.86/0.50 5.56/0.91 4.52/0.09 5.68/0.82 0.90/0.93 1.00/0.92 0.22/0.90 0.60/0.87 1.00/0.97 1.00/0.92 0.89/0.84 0.90/0.91 0.81/0.91 6.23/0.74 5.97/1.02 5.76/1.29 5.60/0.65 7.15/1.08 6.01/0.81 4.81/0.78 5.76/0.09 5.91/0.81 0.91/0.91 0.91/0.85 0.38/0.92 0.82/0.92 1.00/0.95 1.00/0.92 1.00/0.92 1.00/0.85 0.88/0.91 HPE 12 LJW 11 LPS 10 SSr99 11 5.98/0.45 5.09/0.07 6.03/1.08 6.13/0.57 6.86/1.14 6.07/0.80 6.00/0.75 4.93/0.03 5.89/0.61 SSr67 32 0.84/0.89 5.75/0.41 0.90/0.88 5.69/0.49 0.37/0.92 6.18/0.51 0.97/0.95 6.79/1.61 1.00/0.94 6.58/0.72 0.93/0.93 6.28/0.27 0.71/0.89 5.65/0.15 0.84/0.84 4.84/0.01 0.82/0.91 5.97/0.52 SH 13 0.83/0.91 1.00/0.92 0.40/0.91 0.83/0.92 1.00/0.95 0.92/0.96 1.00/0.89 0.82/0.86 0.85/0.92 5.96/0.16 6.14/0.33 5.91/0.64 6.16/1.45 6.67/0.69 6.86/0.12 5.71/0.11 5.11/0.05 6.06/0.44 0.96/0.93 0.92/0.87 0.17/0.94 0.83/0.96 0.86/0.95 0.95/0.92 0.82/0.90 0.72/0.89 0.78/0.92 6.33/0.34 5.47/0.55 6.46/0.42 7.01/1.80 6.68/0.44 6.28/1.07 5.85/0.47 5.62/0.17 6.21/0.66 1.00/0.88 0.39/0.87 0.95/0.94 1.00/0.99 0.93/0.95 0.94/0.92 0.84/0.89 0.86/0.92 SSr55 25 GLD 20 0.82/0.92 6.15/0.44 5.70/0.78 5.32/0.56 6.63/0.65 7.69/0.58 6.74/1.02 6.10/0.61 5.56/0.10 6.24/0.59 SSr91 24 0.62/0.93 0.87/0.93 0.20/0.93 0.79/0.88 0.85/0.92 0.94/0.91 0.81/0.90 0.83/0.86 0.74/0.91 6.25/0.67 6.34/1.25 6.26/0.97 5.66/0.85 6.12/0.65 6.08/0.47 5.73/0.41 5.21/0.10 5.96/0.67 HNR 11 0.89/0.90 0.89/0.87 0.50/0.90 0.91/0.90 1.00/0.96 1.00/0.91 1.00/0.87 0.90/0.90 0.89/0.90 5.64/0.09 5.48/0.44 5.99/1.12 5.82/0.35 7.00/0.45 5.71/0.24 5.05/0.04 5.66/0.26 5.79/0.37 N = number of individuals genotyped. The top line for each locality/locus indicates observed (Ho)/expected (He) heterozygosity—the bottom line indicates the allelic richness (AR)/private allelic richness (pAR). Heterozygosities in bold indicate nonconformity to Hardy–Weinberg expectations. Locality acronyms follow those in Appendix 1 1.1. Admixture plots revealed little visual resolution of population structure (not shown), a result consistent with our AMOVA analyses of anthropogenically isolated populations. In analyses where group assignment was constrained, individuals tended to share cluster membership with their closest geographic neighbours (Fig. 3). Adjustments to the spatial interaction parameter w had marked effects on teasing out membership assignments, a result that is expected when populations are weakly differentiated. When w = 0, a setting that eliminates spatial information from the model, individual assignments were ambiguous with the exception of those from HHP (Fig. 3a). At non-zero values of w, our clustering results were consistent; assuming w = 0.3 (relatively weak spatial interaction) individuals were assigned to groups that were essentially the same as those obtained for models with moderate to strong spatial interaction (w C 0.6; Fig. 3b). Thus, the spatial prior compensates for the weak genetic signal in the dataset, but does not alter assignments when the model is spatially-informed. The tessellation plot representing moderate spatial interaction (w = 0.6) demonstrates patterns of spatial associations that are consistent with the more traditional distance-based analyses of our data (Fig. 3b). First, we see the signature of historical isolation between more northern isolated populations and the more densely clustered populations in the southern Lake Wales Ridge. Not surprisingly, HHP forms its own deme, reflecting historical isolation of this scrub parcel at the northern end of our sampling range. Further south, LJW and HPE are also members of a single genetic deme. The remaining populations cluster into four demes that are not explained solely by geography (Fig. 1). Populations LPS, SSr67 and SSr99 form one deme, with SSr67 and SSr99 currently separated only by sandy fire lanes inside the Archbold Biological Station. The SH, GLD, and HNR populations occur in the southernmost fragments that were once included in the same historical tract of scrub as the Archbold populations, but now belong to a separate deme. Finally, skinks from SSr55 and SSr91 each form single demes, although a few individuals cluster into groups from immediately adjacent sites. The SSr55 and SSr91 populations exist in relatively small fragments, and one of them (SSr55) showed a signal of population bottleneck (assuming TPM mutation model); however, neither showed strong evidence of inbreeding or deviation from migration-drift equilibrium. In summary, 123 1290 Fig. 3 Genetic assignment plots generated in TESS (Kmax = 6). Black dots represent the birth places of sampled individuals and each colour represents a unique genetic group. The Dirichlet tiling is defined by the spatial coordinates; two sites are neighbours if they share a common edge, and this information is used by the HMRF model as a prior on group membership. (a) Analysis using a non-informative spatial prior (i.e. w = 0.0). (b) Analysis using a moderately informative spatial prior (i.e. w = 0.6; a similar pattern is observed with w = 0.3). Note that the ability to assign group membership improves with higher values of the spatial interaction parameter w, indicating limited population structure in the genetic data alone Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 A B N HHP HPE LJW LPS SSr67 SH GLD SSr55 SSr91 HNR the distribution of genetic diversity in this subdivided landscape is not explained by proximity of fragments alone; rather, it reflects the historical and current distribution of habitat and population connectivity, as well as possible demographic changes (either recent or historical) within individual populations. Effects of isolation on patterns of genetic structure Multilocus estimates of FST across all populations indicated significant genetic differentiation (FST = 0.03; P \ 0.05). Pairwise FST values across loci ranged from 0.00 to 0.08 (Table 2), with an average of 0.04 between population pairs. The lowest FST values were between populations in geographically adjacent fragments (GLD and SSr55; Fig. 1), despite their current separation by two paved highways and citrus groves. The highest FST was obtained for the HNR and HHP populations, the two populations at opposite ends of the sampling range. Comparing pairwise FST values to the distances between collecting sites shows a clear pattern of isolation by distance using a Mantel test (P = 0.00001, r = 0.5853; Fig. 4). These results suggest a moderate level of differentiation among sand skink populations and a pattern of increasing genetic isolation as a function of geographic distance. 123 The MCTs also revealed significant results for matrix comparisons of pairwise FST values and minimum distances separating the edges of pre-disturbance (P = 0.0039, r = 0.6833) and extant areas (P = 0.0003, r = 0.7559). However, partial MCTs showed that a significant correlation between FST and geographic distance was maintained only when controlling for isolation between historically available habitats (P = 0.0018, r2 = 0.5340) and not when Fig. 4 Isolation by distance inferred from regression between pairwise population FST values and geographic distances among sampling sites. FST values were calculated between all pairs of populations and distances were estimated between the centres of minimum convex polygons for pitfall arrays at each site Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 1291 controlling for currently available habitats (P = 0.0719, r2 = 0.3331). This result indicates that once the effect of extant isolation is ‘removed’ from the analysis, the influence of historical isolation is no longer significant. Thus, variation in genetic differentiation among sand skink populations is more highly associated with minimum distances among contemporary scrub fragments (extant distance matrix) than with minimum distances among historical fragments. Effects of habitat area on genetic variability We detected some differences between the two-phase model (TPM) and the single stepwise mutation (SMM) model in our BOTTLENECK analyses, but the overall pattern for sand skink populations was a signal of temporal stability. Most sites either showed no significant deviation from mutation-drift equilibrium, suggesting that recent bottlenecks have not reduced population sizes, even in the smallest scrub fragments (Table 3). A single population (LPS) showed a consistent signal of population bottleneck across both mutation models. This population occupies a scrub fragment intermediate in size and is clustered with other populations in a fairly large tract of preserved scrub habitat (Fig. 1). Populations SSr55 and HHP showed evidence of a population bottleneck and population expansion, respectively. However, those two populations showed conflicting evidence depending on the mutation model used. Table 3 Demographic inference of changes in sand skink population sizes using BOTTLENECK v. 1.2.2 (Cornuet and Luikart 1996) TPM SMM Population Direction Probability Direction Probability HHP HPE No deviation No deviation 0.94531 0.84375 Deficiency No deviation 0.00977 0.38281 LJW No deviation 0.64063 No deviation 0.54688 LPS Excess 0.00195 Excess 0.01367 SSr99 No deviation 0.19531 No deviation 0.94531 SSr67 No deviation 0.38281 No deviation 0.31250 SH No deviation 0.64063 No deviation 0.46094 SSr55 Excess 0.02734 No deviation 0.52734 GLD No deviation 0.93750 No deviation 0.37500 SSr91 No deviation 0.00195 No deviation 0.74219 HNR No deviation 0.31250 No deviation 0.94531 We estimated the probability of deviations from migration-drift equilibrium measured either as heterozygosity excess (implying a bottleneck), heterozygote deficiency (implying population expansion), or no deviation (no significant excess or deficiency, P [ 0.05). We used two possible mutation models appropriate for microsatellites: the Two Phase Model (TPM) that assumes 70% single step and 30% multi step mutations, and the Strict Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM) Our parallel analyses of relatedness within populations showed similar patterns independent of whether the simulation included the three northern and historically isolated populations (Fig. 5). Relatedness, R, ranged from 0.015 to 0.176 including all populations and from 0.008 to 0.085 for the subset of historically connected populations (Fig. 5). In the analysis including all populations, the northernmost fragment HHP had the highest mean coefficient of relatedness at 0.176 (Fig. 5). In both analyses, the lowest coefficient was observed at one of the Archbold Biological Station sites, SSr55. Four localities showed significantly higher relatedness that expected when compared to the null model of panmictic breeding across the sampled range: HHP, HPE, LJW, and SSR67. This last population SSR67 still showed significantly increased relatedness when compared only to other southern Lake Wales Ridge populations. Slight negative correlations were detected between relatedness (R; across all populations and for southern populations only) and fragment area, indicating a tendency for higher relatedness among individuals in smaller fragments, but neither result was significant. Spearman rank order and linear regression analyses revealed slight positive relationships between fragment area and average He and AR for both pre-disturbance and extant layers, suggesting that larger habitat areas harbour more genetic diversity than smaller areas; however, these relationships were also not statistically significant. Finally, a non-significant, but negative correlation was revealed for pAR and pre-disturbance/extant areas. Thus, each index of genetic diversity varies in the direction predicted by reduced habitat area; however, sand skink populations occurring in the smallest habitat remnants have evidently not experienced greater losses of genetic variability than populations in larger fragments. Discussion Despite the species-typical characteristics that are expected to promote population differentiation, namely patchy distribution, high habitat specificity, and restricted dispersal capacity (Didham et al. 1998; Foufopoulos and Ives 1999; Tscharntke et al. 2002; Davies et al. 2004; Ewers and Didham 2006), we found limited evidence that sand skink population genetics have been impacted by recent humanmediated fragmentation. Our analyses of genetic diversity, estimates of relatedness within scrub patches, and tests of the effects of temporal variability in the amount suitable habitat, suggest that some populations diverged before the onset of major human disturbance, either due to restricted movement over large geographic areas or to natural historical barriers. The remaining populations that now 123 1292 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 Fig. 5 Estimates of within population relatedness, R, among individuals of Plestiodon reynoldsi. Numbers at the top of each column indicate fragment area in hectares; open circles = mean population R with 95% bootstrap intervals); dark gray horizontal lines = range of expected values under random mating across all sampled populations; light gray horizontal lines = range of expected values under random mating across all historically connected populations; light gray box indicates northern populations that were historically disconnected from populations in the southernmost scrub habitat patches. Observed R estimates with 95% intervals outside of the gray lines are significantly different than the expected values assuming random mating occupy a highly fragmented landscape, but once inhabited nearly continuous scrub habitat, still carry the genetic signature of this historical connectivity. This finding is consistent with other studies of taxa subjected to similar forms of disturbance in the past 50–100 years (Swei et al. 2003; Galbusera et al. 2004; McLoughlin et al. 2004; Sumner et al. 2004; Driscoll and Hardy 2005). Here, we propose three possible scenarios to explain the observed data and discuss the implications of our findings for future management of the species. Wales Ridge are persisting below an extinction threshold defined by the number, size, and spatial distribution of fragments (Sarre et al. 1995; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002). Data from mark-recapture and habitat use studies indicate that current migration among isolated scrub fragments is likely not sufficient to explain the genetic patterns we observed in our study. Although locomotor performance through different substrates has yet to be rigorously examined for this species (but see Lee 1969; Collazos 1998; Gianopulos 2001; Christman 2005), the available data show that high contrast boundaries created by roads, citrus groves, and other urban development almost certainly constitute low-permeability barriers for a sand-swimming lizard. Therefore, it is unlikely that historical levels of migration are currently maintained among anthropogenically isolated populations. Long-term suppression of natural fires has also led to vegetative overgrowth within upland communities, increasing root densities, canopy cover, and disturbing the natural deposition of wind-blown sand (Myers 1991; Hokit et al. 1999; Hall et al. 2002; Meshaka and Layne 2002). These factors likely reduce suitable microhabitat area for sand skinks and may also limit their dispersal ability. Similarly, altered habitat at fragment edges can impede movement if individuals avoid the periphery of scrub patches, thereby amplifying the degree of isolation. Edge avoidance has been detected in P. reynoldsi and is correlated with soil compaction and other environmental variables (Gianopulos 2001). At some sites, Gianopulos (2001) found that sand skinks avoided areas up to 50 m inside the edge of small patches. However, this pattern was not detected at one site that was part of a larger scrub remnant, suggesting that habitat area is also related to edge avoidance behavior. Thus qualitative features of fragment edges and matrix environments likely represent significant barriers to gene Scenario 1: contemporary migration prevents inbreeding in fragmented populations One possible explanation for the lack of congruence between population structuring, genetic diversity, and the current distribution and size of scrub fragments is that habitat fragmentation does not restrict sand skink migration as expected based on species ecology. In field markrecapture studies, individual movement distances ranged from 35 to 140 m, and distances varied substantially by location and time of year (Gianopulos 2001; Penney 2001). Thus, sand skinks have the potential to cover considerable ground in the appropriate soils, and a surprisingly small amount of immigration can markedly abate the loss of genetic variation (Lacy 1987). This movement ability may be most relevant for fragmented populations within the Archbold Biological Station or other minimally disturbed areas, where qualitative habitat barriers (e.g. sandy fire lanes) do not completely restrict dispersal. Even outside of protected areas, upland scrub may be in a transitional state between being able to support or not support a viable metapopulation of sand skinks. If the landscape has maintained enough of its original integrity to permit historical metapopulation dynamics, it is theoretically possible that sand skink populations in the southern Lake 123 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 exchange that are only beginning to affect population genetic structuring. Future field studies investigating matrix and edge permeability would provide critical insight on the ability of these lizards to traverse suboptimal habitat, and the levels of disturbance that can be tolerated without significantly reducing gene exchange within scrub networks. Scenario 2: high population densities prevent loss of genetic diversity through drift A second possibility is that despite recent habitat fragmentation, population sizes still exceed a density threshold that prevents loss of genetic diversity even within small fragments. Our data lend some support to this hypothesis. While several of our study populations showed higher degrees of relatedness than expected under random mating, we did not find any correlation between increased intra-population relatedness or genetic diversity and the amount of suitable habitat within a given fragment. Thus, sand skinks currently inhabiting smaller scrub patches are not significantly more depauparate in genetic variation than those in larger patches. A few field studies have shown that densities vary considerably among sites, ranging from 0.025 to 0.148 individuals/m2 in Orange and Osceola Counties (Sutton 1996; Collazos 1998) to approximately 0.015 individuals/m2 in Polk and Highlands counties (Christman 2005). At the SSr67 site, density was conservatively estimated at 0.028 individuals/m2 based only on pitfall trap captures (K.G. Ashton, unpub. data; 2002). It is likely that Archbold Biological Station alone has thousands of sand skinks because they are present on every rosemary bald (*100) as well as in intervening undisturbed sandhill and scrubby flatwoods. Thus, local abundances may be sufficient enough to allow random mating within most fragments, preventing losses of genetic diversity through drift. Our results on sand skink genetic variability may parallel the findings of vertebrate richness surveys in upland habitats, where small scrub parcels were shown to support at least as many taxa as large parcels (McCoy and Mushinsky 1994). Although ecological specialists with poor dispersal ability are expected to go extinct first when habitat area decreases (Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 2000; Tscharntke et al. 2002; Davies et al. 2004), landscapes experiencing habitat loss and fragmentation often show a transient excess of rare species in the short term (Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002). In upland scrub tracts, McCoy and Mushinsky (1994) found that rare taxa were more common than expected in small to medium tracts, and less common than expected in large tracts. This excess is often a tell-tale sign of extinction debt, where threshold conditions for survival are no longer met for certain species but populations have yet to go extinct because of the 1293 delayed response to disturbance (Andrén 1994; Tilman et al. 1994; Fahrig 2002; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002). Species richness in habitat islands (such as fragments) is very different than genetic diversity within populations; however, recent empirical analyses show that the two are often correlated because migration-drift equilibrium within species is parallel to the processes of isolation and extinction that shape the diversity of isolated communities (Vellend 2003). Therefore, it is possible that inertia exists in the genetic response of sand skink populations, and as in the patterns of species richness, we have yet to see the effects of this reduction in population size. This hypothesis could be tested with simulation methods that include effects of population size, longevity, and mating patterns to predict the expected lag in genetic erosion under different scenarios of population connectivity. The lack of a strong correlation between indices of genetic diversity and habitat area, and the apparent historical demographic stability even in the smallest fragments, could also reflect a limitation of our ability to detect important microhabitat boundaries for sand skinks. We know from demographic studies that abundance varies even within undisturbed scrub and is determined by several features. Densities tend to be highest in areas of loose, large particle sand, low soil moisture, low soil temperature, and reduced understory vegetation (Collazos 1998; McCoy et al. 1999; Gianopulos 2001; Christman 2005). Thus, preferred patches may be more localized than expected based on the total amount of seemingly available habitat, and our conception of suitable area may be too coarse to detect incipient inbreeding. Scenario 3: life history and demography interact to delay responses to fragmentation The third possible explanation for our results is an extension of the population size effects discussed in Scenario 2; large population densities combined with other demographic characteristics may buffer changes in genetic diversity such that contemporary evolution in sand skinks is simply too slow to register the effects of recent fragmentation. Human modification of upland scrub habitat in central Florida began roughly 60 years ago (McCoy et al. 1999) a very small fraction of the time that sand skinks have evolved in this region (Table 1). Divergence estimates based on the relaxed molecular clock indicate that the split between P. reynoldsi and its sister taxon the P. egregius species group is surprisingly old and that the sand skink’s adaptive phenotype apparently evolved late in the existence of this lineage. The time to most recent common ancestry for all P. reynoldsi haplotypes is slightly over 3 million years, a time frame that coincides well with the proposed late Pliocene origin of scrub habitat and the 123 1294 general aridification of Florida (Webb 1990). Thus, it seems likely that the loose soils within these relict shorelines facilitated the evolution of this lizard’s unique morphology and fossorial habits. The length of time that sand skinks have persisted in naturally fragmented scrubs within the central Florida ridges suggests that they are adapted to survive in small and patchily distributed areas, which could in turn contribute to slow response times to fragmentation. As the size and spatial configurations of scrub mosaics progress beyond extinction thresholds, declines in genetic diversity may occur more rapidly as this adaptive life history trait becomes less effective at buffering against this process. At the same time, the longer these populations delay their response to disturbance, the more they accumulate the so-called extinction debt (Tilman et al. 1994). This debt is usually large in species that persist close to their extinction threshold following habitat loss, as might be the case with sand skinks, because the metapopulation time lag is especially long in such species (Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002). While no generic method exists to predict the timing of a species’ response to habitat isolation, effective population size (Ne) and generation time are two factors that affect the rate of loss in genetic variability (Wright 1978). Slow responses are expected for populations with large Ne and longer generation times, both of which are observed in sand skinks. Using a minimum generation time of 1.58–1.92 years and a lifespan of 8–10 years (Ashton 2005; Meneken et al. 2005), we estimate that current populations are in their 30–38th generation following the onset of human disturbance. At face value, this would seem sufficient for the accumulation of significant genetic differences, and simulation studies show that heterozygosity at a single locus can be completely lost in as few as 100 generations if population sizes are small (*125 individuals: Lacy 1987). However, a recent study on the Australian scincid lizard Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae showed that even with substantially reduced population densities (0.006–0.014 individuals 9 generation/m2), declines in genetic diversity within fragments were negligible 50 to 80 years following habitat isolation (or nine to 12 generations: Sumner et al. 2004). If certain life history traits allow G. queenslandiae to persist at low populations densities without significant loss of genetic diversity, it is reasonable to assume that the substantially higher densities estimated for P. reynoldsi may have similar if not greater safeguarding effects. Our estimate of 30–38 generations is likely an overestimate of the number of generations affected by fragmentation, given the potentially long lifespan and nonannual reproductive mode of sand skinks. Modification of Florida scrub has been gradually ongoing since the mid1940s, making it difficult to pinpoint when the effects of human disturbance were significant for P. reynoldsi in this 123 Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 part of the range. Additionally, land clearing may lead to dispersal of refugee individuals rather than mass mortalities in the immediate aftermath, further extending the time lag of genetic responses following the initial disturbance (Driscoll and Hardy 2005). Without accurate estimates of Ne, it is also impossible to tell whether 30–38 generations exceeds a half-life for which we would expect to see marked genetic effects. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that limited genetic differentiation among recently isolated scrubs may simply be an artefact of a time-lag in the response to disturbance. The hypothesis of delayed response is further supported by the observation that much of the existing genetic structure within P. reynoldsi is observed among natural historic barriers over larger geographic scales. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA sequences collected from throughout the species range (Branch et al. 2003) show that haplotypes cluster mainly by ridge region, with no appreciable differentiation within ridges. In the microsatellite dataset, individuals from HHP had the highest level of within-population relatedness, and results of the AMOVA show that most of the variation in the data is explained by allelic differences in this population. This result is best explained by the natural dispersal barrier, Josephine Creek, which separates HHP from all other populations to the south. This barrier is also detectable in the population structuring of other vertebrates and insects in Highlands County (Deyrup 1996; Clark et al. 1999). Combined with the fact that many extant fragments belong to the same genetic deme, these patterns suggest that reduced connectivity among fragments within regions is too recent to erase signatures of historical gene flow. Summary Sand skinks have evolved in naturally fragmented scrub habitats, have long generation times, and are locally abundant in upland scrub and sandhill habitat. These factors have likely contributed to a time-lag in the genetic response to recent human activity. The importance of connectivity among sand skink populations is unknown because gene flow among naturally fragmented patches has not been studied. Thus, although sand skinks have attributes that predict rapid responses to habitat disturbance (ecological specialization, patchy habitat distribution, and restricted dispersal) anthropogenic fragmentation on the south Lake Wales Ridge is apparently too recent to produce major shifts in local genetic diversity. Because our study populations do not show significant declines in genetic diversity, conservation measures should be enacted now while fragmented populations remain relatively admixed (Driscoll and Hardy 2005). Given the Conserv Genet (2009) 10:1281–1297 1295 length of time that sand skinks have existed in this narrow stretch of restricted habitat, we agree with earlier proposals (e.g. McCoy and Mushinsky 1994) that even small reserves with effective corridors (maintained via controlled burning or vegetation thinning) may suffice to preserve this unique species for many years. Future studies should address barriers to dispersal imposed by matrix habitats, including movement ability through different substrates, as connectivity among scrub patches is probably important for population dynamics in this species (Szacki 1999; Berry et al. 2005). Better sampling for population estimates of Ne in habitat fragments of different sizes would also provide a clearer picture of how habitat loss affects local genetic diversity, and allow for more precise estimates of the time to new genetic equilibria following disturbance. Finally, our results underscore the importance of considering the time scale over which contemporary evolutionary processes operate, and that management practice based on genetic data must pay close attention to the ways in which demography influences evolutionary response patterns. Acknowledgements We thank A. Knipps, B. Branciforte, B. Meneken, J. Zipser, and volunteers from the Earthwatch Institute for help with fieldwork, S. Bogdanowicz for help with microsatellite development, and R. Pickert for assistance with GIS landscape modelling. H. Mushinsky provided constructive comments on the manuscript. We also thank H. Swain for providing support with field efforts and landscape modelling at the Archbold Biological Station. O. François provided valuable advice concerning the HMRF models. R. Bukowski facilitated the use of computer resources at the Computational Biology Service Unit (Cornell University) that receives partial funding from Microsoft. This study was funded by research grants from: Archbold Biological Station, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the Earthwatch Institute (KGA); the Cornell Hughes Scholars Program, Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research, Einhorn Discovery Grant, and the Cornell Undergraduate Board (DTR); and the National Science Foundation (DEB 9907798) and Cornell College of Arts and Sciences (KZ). Appendix 1 Populations and sample sizes of Plestiodon reynoldsi included in our study. Locality coordinates are reported for the centre of the minimum convex polygon formed by pitfall traps within a site. 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