SPRING 2013 CHEM 1A General Chemistry Santa Rosa Junior College Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Syllabus and Course Information Faculty information Instructor: Dr. Orlando E. Raola Office Phone: (707) 527-4660 Office Fax: (707) 522-2895 Office Address: 1974 via 1970 Bech Hall E-mail: oraola@santarosa.edu Course information Credits: 5 Course: CHEM 1A Sections: 6896, 6897, 8562 Locations: Lectures: 1999 Bech Labs: 1980 Bech Prerequisites: Chemistry 42 (formerly Chemistry 55, 51) or placement on the Chemistry Diagnostic Test AND completion of Math 155 or higher or two years of high school algebra or equivalent. Web pages: 1. This class uses the online homework system provided by the publisher of the required text at http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com/class/o_raola_s13_chem1a The access code has been bundled with the text in the bookstore or can be purchased online. 2. Santa Rosa Junior College provides a CATE website for all class sections, accessible from the instructor’s home page http://online.santarosa.edu/homepage/oraola/ The most current version of the information items contained in this document can be found in that website. The Quizzes, Prelab assignments snd all grades for text, labs and other assignments will be available online at the Moodle class website. Section 6896 http://online.santarosa.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=953 Section 6897 http://online.santarosa.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=1023 Section 8562 http://online.santarosa.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=1024 1 Meetings Activity Lecture Lab Discussion Lab Experiment Office hours Days and Time Mon. and Wed. 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm Mon. 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Sect. 6896) Tue. 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Sect. 8562) Wed. 8:00 – 9:00 am (Sect. 6897) Mon 3:00 – 6:00 pm (Sect. 6896) Tue 3:00 – 6:00 pm (Sect. 8562) Wed. 9:00 am – 12:00 noon (Sect. 6897) Tue. 10:30 am – 1:30 pm Thurs. 9:00 – 10:30 am Required materials: Required text: Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change Martin S. Silberberg c 2012 Sixth Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-340265-9 Additional materials (required): CONNECT Online homework system, by McGraw-Hill. Bundled with the textbook in the bookstore (ISBN 978-0-07-746844-6) or purchase online from the publisher. CHEM 1A General Chemistry Laboratory Manual, SRJC Chemistry Department. Available at the bookstore. R Laboratory Notebook, National Brand 53-110 or equivalent. USB flash drive Scientific or graphing calculator. Stylus-operated, wireless or web-enabled devices, including cell phone calculators, or QWERTY-keybord devices (ex. TI-92, Voyage 200) may NOT be used during examinations. Additional materials (suggested): Scigress Explorer Chemical Modeling software package. The college has a site license, you can get a copy for your personal use at the Library Reserve Desk. LoggerPro program, good tool for data processing. The college has a site license, you can get a copy for personal use from at the Library Reserve Desk. Grading policy Activity Online quizzes Online homework 3 midterm exams Laboratory work Final comprehensive exam TOTAL Grading scale % achieved Letter grade 100 – 89 A 88 – 79 B 78 – 65 C 64 – 50 D < 50 F % of grade 10 10 40 25 15 100 2 Important dates and deadlines What? Classes begin Last day to add without instructor’s signature Last day to drop with refund Last day to add with intructors signature Last day to drop without “W” Last day to drop with “W” When? January 14 January 20 January 27 February 3 February 3 April 21 Emergency preparedness The Sonoma County Junior College District maintains a plan for emergency preparedness in case of any disaster or critical incident occurring. In case of earthquake, fire or similar emergencies, the Chemistry department building (Bech Hall) should be evacuated. The evacuation assembly area is in front of the East exit, in the lawn between Bech, Shuhaw and Baker halls. In case of an emergency, contact the District Police at (707) 527-1000 Attendance policy and due dates for tasks Since regular attendance promotes success in class work, a student is expected to attend all sessions of each class in which the he/she is enrolled. Attendance is the students responsibility. Any student who ceases to attend a class and fails to drop it officially in the Admissions and Records Office may receive a grade of “F”. Any student enrolled in a course who is not present or who has not made prior arrangements with the instructor by the second class roll call may be dropped from the course by the instructor. (From SRJC Catalog) You are expected to attend all lectures. There are no make-up midterms. If you cannot attend a midterm because of legitimate, unavoidable reasons such as illness, injury, or family emergency, you should contact the instructor before the scheduled time for the test. You must attend all lab sessions. Completed pre-lab assignments are due at the beginning of the lab. Lab write-ups are due at the end of the next lab session. Late work may be turned in up to one week past due date for half-credit. There are no “make-up labs” scheduled for this semester. The Sonoma County Junior College District attendance procedure (Procedure 8.1.5 P, as revised 4/10/12) states that students with absences in excess of 10% of the class time may be dropped from the class. According to the scheduled instruction time in this class, excessive absence would be missing more than 13 hours of combined lecture and/or labs. If for any reason you expect to be absent from the lab more than twice in the semester or if you have a conflict with any of the midterms or final, it is in your best interest to take this class at some other time. 3 Due dates for online assignments The online component of this class amounts to 20% of your grade, therefore it is in your best interest to start working on your assignments right away. The problem sets in the homework assignments are due on the day of the midterm corresponding to each group of chapters. Only homework completed before the due date counts for grade. Past the due date you will be able to access the problem sets but no grade will be recorded. You need to complete at least 70% of all the homework problem sets in a timely fashion in order to receive full credit for homework (10% of final grade). Your grade for homework will be then the fraction of that 70% that you complete on time. See instructor if you need further clarification on this matter. During the semester you will access also online quizzes on the Moodle section home page. You will be graded on your ten best scores of quizzes corresponding to the chapters covered this semester. Academic Integrity Policy According to the college’s academic integrity policy (Policy 3.11, as revised 7/10/2012), “Sonoma County Junior College District (SCJCD) holds that its primary function is the development of intellectual curiosity, integrity, and accomplishment in an atmosphere that upholds the principles of academic freedom. All members of the academic community - student, faculty, staff, and administrator - must assume responsibility for providing an environment of the highest standards, characterized by a spirit of academic honesty and mutual respect. Because personal accountability is inherent in an academic community of integrity, this institution will not tolerate or ignore any form of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and other academic misconduct.” Examination Policy There will be three midterm exams and a final. The midterms will consist of questions and problems related to the content of the chapters indicated in the schedule. The final will be a comprehensive exam of all the subject matter covered in the course and will take place on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 10:00 am –12:45 pm. If you have a scheduling conflict for the final, let the instructor know as soon as possible. Accommodations for students with disabilities If you need disability-related accommodations for this class, such as a note taker, test taking services, special furniture, use of service animal, etc., please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to me as soon as 4 possible. You may also speak with me privately during office hours about your accommodations. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly. DRD is located in Analy Village. Course description CHEM 1A General Chemistry: CHEM 1A General Chemistry: General principles of chemistry including atomic theory, bonding, stoichiometry, kinetic-molecular theory, properties of mixtures, the periodic table, and thermodynamics. First semester of a one year program of general chemistry ((from SRJC Catalog)(from SRJC Catalog) Course Contents and Objectives Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Safely synthesize assigned chemical compounds in the laboratory. 2. Use instrumentation to analyze and identify standard chemical compounds as well as those synthesized in the laboratory. 3. Conduct laboratory experiments with the use of a computer interface. 4. Apply principles of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium, bonding and reactivity to real world situations. Objectives: 1. Identify factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction, and measure those rates experimentally in order to determine a rate law for that reaction. 2. Describe phenomena related to nuclear chemistry and radioactivity and perform associated calculations. 3. Use bonding theories such as molecular orbital theory and hybridization to explain the bonding in transition metal complexes. 4. Apply the principles of electrochemistry in the construction of galvanic and electrolytic cells. 5. Apply the laws of thermodynamics to chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium. 6. Describe specific behavior of various categories of elements on the periodic table. Teacher’s Expectations You are expected to acquire the basic intellectual tools needed for understanding the wide world of chemical interactions from the formation of the simplest molecules in intergalactic space to the inner workings of neurons in the human brain. In order to achieve this, you are expected to 5 1. come to class every day on time and stay until the end of the class period 2. read the material suggested in preparation for the lecture 3. do all the homework problems assigned 4. engage actively in the learning process while in lecture, with concentrated attention and with your cellular phone and other electronic gadgets turned off for the duration of the class 5. take notes and ask questions during lectures, discussions and demonstrations 6. take all three midterm and the final exam 7. show respect for your instructors and staff 8. to abide by SRJC Student Conduct as outlined in the Schedule of Classes and by the academic integrity policy regarding the individual authorship of all material that you turn in for grade Learning Support Some laboratory experiments will require the use of personal computers with spreadsheet, word processor, and data logging programs. The computers are located in each of our Laboratories and in the Mathematics Department Computer Lab. in Shuhaw Hall, in the Multi-Curricular Computer Lab. in Barnett Hall, and in the Computer Lab. on the Petaluma Campus. If you have any problem, opinion, issue, comment, suggestion, in short, anything that could improve your experience taking this class, or the experience of your fellow students, or that of your instructor, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor in person, during office hours, after class or at any other time, or use email or the phone. DISCLAIMER This syllabus sets the basic information you should be aware of in order to succeed in this class, but you should regard it as a “living document” You are receiving this paper copy at the beginning of the semester, but it is your responsibility to check the course link on the instructor’s home page frequently in order to find out about changes and updates. The Laboratory Data Notebook The laboratory is an essential component of any chemistry course because it provides an opportunity for learning where abstract principles may be brought down to the level of comprehension. However, your laboratory experience will not be complete until all of the data and observations have been properly recorded. Therefore, an accurate record of experimental results is an indispensable part of all scientific work. 6 Laboratory grading Activity Points Labs Pre-lab assignment Laboratory report Total Discretionary points TOTAL 10 20 30 × 11 labs = 330 20 350 (25% of the grade) Notes: Discretionary points measure laboratory technique and citizenship in the lab. In many university, government and industrial laboratories, each scientist must maintain data notebooks in a precise manner which, if necessary, can be admitted as evidence in court should a dispute arise as to the priority of patentable discoveries. In such a notebook, each page is dated and all significant results are witnessed. Of course, we shall not need to take such elaborate precautions, but our awareness of these standard laboratory procedures will serve to remind us that a laboratory notebook is not a private diary. Since the material in the notebook is subject to the scrutiny of others, it must be intelligible to anyone conversant with chemistry, and it must be presented in such a format that leaves no doubt as to its authenticity and reliability. 1. Before coming to the laboratory, study the assigned experiment thoroughly until you understand the purpose and procedures of the experiment. Consult with your instructor prior to this time if you encounter difficulties in comprehending the intent of the experiment. 2. A bound laboratory notebook (5 × 5 quadrille-ruled, 10 1/8” × 7 7/8” or similar) must be purchased. At the end of each laboratory period, you must bring your notebook to instructor’s desk for final check and signature. Do not attempt to leave the lab without your notebook signed and dated by the instructor! 3. In the event your data notebook is misplaced, its rapid return will be facilitated if you print the following information on the first page: Your name Your phone number Course #, Section #, Laboratory Hours & Room # Your locker number Your instructor’s name 4. All data and observations must be recorded directly and immediately into the laboratory notebook. Use black or blue ink. Absolutely no pencil marks on your lab notebook. Data may not be entered on scrap paper and then later transferred into the notebook. When weighing samples, you must bring your data notebook to the balance rather than entrusting to memory the 4 - 6 digit mass of the sample. When data are recorded hours or even minutes after that part of the experiment was conducted, they are inevitably inaccurate records of what actually happened in the laboratory. Only the original, unedited record has any scientific significance. It may contain crossed-out (but still readable!) mistakes or be stained by chemicals. The data must be an honest record of the experiment as you perceived it. Neatness and care are not 7 to be neglected completely since the data must be legible, but they are of less importance than accuracy and honesty. For this reason, laboratory “data” written anywhere but in the official data notebook will be confiscated. 5. Your name, the date and the experiment title and number must be written on the top of each lab session record. 6. Mistakes should be crossed out, never erased or obliterated. Draw a single line through the mistaken entry and write the corrected value above or beside it. A brief statement of explanation should accompany all deletions. If a considerable volume of data on a page is to be disregarded, cross it out with a single large “X” and explain why you rejected the data. In every instance, the deleted entries must still be legible. 7. Record ALL data including masses, volumes, times, temperatures, colors, odors, densities, evidence of physical or chemical changes and descriptions of experimental difficulties. Use the proper units where required. Whenever possible, organize your data in tabular form. Since this written record serves as the basis on which your report will be composed outside of the laboratory at a later date, it is important that a generous amount of information be recorded in the notebook. Remember that your laboratory report may not make reference to any data or observations that are not cited in your data notebook. 8. Perform all your calculations notebook. This rule excludes simple addition or subtraction (e.g., mass of beaker and sample minus mass of beaker = mass of sample). As you do your laboratory work, you should be curious about the mathematical results of trials as they are completed. If you don’t perform these calculations at that time, how will you know whether you have all of the necessary data and whether that data is reasonable? 9. If you use a spreadsheet to perform part of your computational work, make sure to reference the name of location of the file containing your data. It is your responsibility to be able to produce the file at any later time when requested by your instructor. 10. At the end of the laboratory period, carefully check your work for omissions or errors and initial and date the bottom right-hand corner of the last page used that day. Also bring the data notebook to your instructor for his/her signature before leaving the laboratory. Writing the Laboratory Reports In the week following the end of your data collection, you will put together a brief lab report, according to the instructions below. The lab report should be typed, single-spaced and one-sided. Make sure that your printout is perfectly legible and that there are no handwritten corrections on the pages you turn in. Avoid the use of color in your printed report. At the top of the first page, in the upper right corner be sure to write your name, lab section (day, time and instructor), and locker number, and the due date for the report. The following sections should be part of your report: 8 DATA Most often this will be a page summarizing the data you collected in the laboratory. Whenever possible, these data should be tabulated. It will not usually be necessary to create your own; for many of the experiments in this manual, a combined Excel data/results table is provided as a template. You may need to replicate such a table. RESULTS As indicated above for the data section, for most of the experiments a results table is provided. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS A separate calculations section must be used to show examples of each non-trivial calculation. Trivial calculations are simple additions or subtractions. ALL sample calculations must include the following steps: 1. Identify the quantity to be calculated 2. Give the general equation and rearrange (if necessary). Use the capabilities of the software you are using to type your report, so that you produce professional-looking formulas and expressions. This is a skill you should acquire in this class, it is not difficult but it does require your attention and readiness to follow instructions. 3. Identify which trial is being used 4. Insert values and units 5. Give answer, rounded off, with units, inside a box DISCUSSION For each experiment, you will be required to discuss the results of the procedure and the procedure itself. This discussion will consist of a statement of purpose or goals for the experiment, a brief discussion of the errors encountered, and a brief conclusion in which the success of the experiment in terms of the purpose or goals is discussed. The entire discussion for a regular lab report should be no more than one page in length, and most often will be considerably shorter than that. ASSIGNED QUESTIONS (when applicable) You should try very hard to keep your report to a maximum length of three (3) typed pages, excluding the pages where you use graphics to show your data and the assigned questions. An exceedingly long report will be returned ungraded. 9 A sample lab report is provided your convenience on your section homepage. Make sure that your report looks as closely as possible to the sample shown (of course, regarding the format, not the content!) 10 Spring Term 2013 Class: CHEM 1A SPRING 2013 Instructor: O. Raola Week Day Date Lecture Topics Laboratory Intro to CHEM 1A. Ch. 1 Keys to Workshop: How to write a Lab Report. Safety Training. Check-in. 1 M 1/14 the study of Chemistry no lab T 1/15 no lab W 1/16 Ch. 1 (cont). no lab Th 1/17 F 1/18 Su 1/20 Last Day to register w/o instructors add code 2 M 1/21 Martin Luther King Holiday Workshop: How to write a Lab Report. Safety T 1/22 " W 1/23 Ch. 2 " Th 1/24 F 1/25 Su 1/27 Last Day to drop and be eligible for a Refund Lab # 1 Density and Measurements 3 M 1/28 Ch. 2 (cont.) " T 1/29 " W 1/30 Ch. 2 (cont.) " Th 1/31 F 2/1 Su 2/3 Last day to register/add w/instructor's signature/add code Last Day to drop without a "W" 4 M 2/4 Ch. 3 Stoichiometry First Census Lab # 2 Formula of a Hydrate T 2/5 " W 2/6 Ch. 3 (cont.) " Th 2/7 " Census Rosters due by midnight F 2/8 5 M 2/11 Ch. 3 (cont.) Lab # 3 Estimation of Avogadro's Number T 2/12 no lab W 2/13 FIRST MIDTERM EXAM no lab Th 2/14 No Class-PDA Day F 2/15 No Class-Lincoln's Day Holiday 6 M 2/18 No Class-Washington's Day Holiday T 2/19 Lab # 3 Estimation of Avogadro's Number " W 2/20 " Th 2/21 Ch. 4 Chemical Reactions F 2/22 Su 2/24 Last day to opt for P/NP 7 8 9 10 M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/25 T 3/26 W Ch. 4 (cont) Ch 5 Gases Ch 5 Gases (cont.) Ch. 6 Thermochemistry Ch. 6 (cont.) Ch. 6 (cont.) Lab # 4 Synthesis of Copper(II) Sulfate Pentahydrate " " " Lab # 5 Titrimetric Analysis of an Antacid " " " Lab # 5 (cont.) " " " No Class-SPRING BREAK SECOND MIDTERM EXAM Midterm grades sent to students Lab # 6: Determination of R " Ch. 7 Quantum Theory and Atomic " 3/27 Structure Assignments due Spring Term 2013 Class: CHEM 1A SPRING 2013 Instructor: O. Raola Week Day Date Lecture Topics 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F Su M T W Th F 3/28 3/29 4/1 Ch. 7 (cont.) 4/2 4/3 Ch. 7 (cont.) 4/4 4/5 Ch. 8 Quantum Mechanical Model 4/8 and Periodic Table 4/9 4/10 Ch. 8 (cont.) 4/11 4/12 4/15 Ch. 9 Models of Chemical Bonding 4/16 4/17 Ch. 9 (cont.) 4/18 4/19 4/21 Last day to drop with a "W" 4/22 Ch. 10 Shapes of Molecules 4/23 4/24 Ch. 10 (cont.) 4/25 4/26 M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F Sat M 4/29 4/30 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 6/3 Ch. 11 Theories of Chemical Bonding Ch. 11 (cont.) THIRD MIDTERM EXAM Ch. 12 Liquids and Solids Ch. 12 (cont.) Final Review FINAL EXAMS Commencement Exercises Spring semester processing finalized Laboratory " Lab # 7 Thermochemistry and Hess's Law " " " Lab # 7 (cont.) " " " Lab # 8 Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen " " " Lab # 9: Analysis of Aspirin " " " Lab # 11 VSEPR and Molecular Modeling " " " Lab # 12 Intermolecular Forces " " " Check out " " " Assignments due