


CHEMISTRY 112 General Chemistry Lecture II Fall 2013

Instructor: Prof. Louis J. Kirschenbaum

Telephone: 874-2340

Room 116 Pastore.


Office Hours: Monday, Friday 10:30-11:30 AM, Thursday, 10-11 AM or by appointment.

[or just drop in if I am not busy.]

Textbook: Raymond Chang, Kenneth Goldsby - General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts 7 th edition (Custom Version for URI is Paperback bundled with CONNECT code). [6th ed is okay]

Resources and online homework (see below for registration instructions):

Mandatory: McGraw-Hil l Connect . BOOKMARK THE URL FOR OUR COURSE: _ fall _ 2013

My Assistant is Nicole Serio [] She will be available for help and administration.

Supplemental Instruction with

Aslawuth [Moua] Phonpasuet will be Mondays 4-6:30 (Washburn 309) and

Thursdays 6:30-8 (Bliss 206).

Course Description and Philosophy:

The second semester of general chemistry is devoted to the examination of chemical reactivity with special emphasis on reaction rates, equilibria, thermodynamics and electrochemistry. Our study will include both descriptive and quantitative aspects of chemistry. Although a fair amount of time will be devoted to problem solving, you will also be expected to understand the concepts underlying the material. In fact, if you do this properly it makes problem solving much easier. Close attention to the concepts and chemical reactions covered in the Laboratory will be helpful in learning the descriptive material covered in the lecture.

Topics to be covered:

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16



Acids and Bases

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19




Learning is Cumulative (!)

There are many topics from first semester chemistry that must be mastered in order for you to succeed in this course. Important examples include the names and formulas of simple compounds and ions. Be prepared to integrate old and new material as we progress in this course. Please review important background materialmake good use of the glossary and index in your book. The CONNECT Library has a variety of learning aids including some excellent simulations.

Daily Assignment : Preview the current chapter each day before you come to class.

Keep cell phones, etc. off and hidden at all times. Laptops are not welcome.

Graphing calculators may not be used during exams/quizzes! Only simple scientific calculators.

Exams and Grading: Three in-class hour exams will be given on Fridays October 4, November

1 and December 6.

The lowest grade will be dropped and the second lowest will be counted twice.

[67%] and the final exam ( Wednesday, December 18, 2013 11:30 AM ) counts as the other 33% of your exam average . The quiz/homework average (10 points maximum) will be added to your exam average . There are no makeup quizzes or exams . [I will discuss revised grading schemes only upon presentation of a written medical (or similar) excuse.].

Homework Assignments: You will receive assignments from the Connect site as well as the date when the assignment must be completed. Be sure that you use and check your e-campus e-mail If you use another address, either change your profile before registering or set forwarding.

Also on the CONNECT site will be LEARNSMART modules. These will not be graded. They are more conceptual than the graded CONNECT problems but just as important in understanding the material. The Connect LIBRARY also contains practice quizzes with questions very similar to the multiple choice questions on exams.

I AM YOUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE! Come see me in my office.

I will be happy to meet with individuals or groups of students at other mutually agreeable times in addition to my normal office hours.

Other resources:

Textbook Questions and Problems: While many of the assigned Connect problems are like ones in your textbook, it is a good idea to attempt other similar or more challenging ones. The “Review

Questions” are particularly important in testing your understanding. There are several copies of the answer book on (closed) reserve in the Library.

Chemistry Help office: The help office (room 215) is staffed throughout the day by Chemistry

Department TAs. While the CHM 114 TAs are more in tune with your needs, most are able to help with General Chemistry questions.

Supplemental Instruction: This is your opportunity to learn/practice your problem solving skills in a more relaxed atmosphere than is possible during class time. Moua will help guide you through course concepts and solutions to problems.

Academic Enhancement Center: (fourth floor of Roosevelt Hall). The AEC is especially helpful for study habits or time management skills. They are open at night and have (free) chemistry tutors.

Nicole Serio will be holding regular help/review sessions. She will often be available before or after class.

LABORATORIES: - Dr. Geldart is in charge.-Be sure you have your lab coat and goggles before the first class.

Because most sections are closed and others are waiting, CHM114 students must attend lab during the first week of lab or your place will be assigned to another student [write to immediately if you must miss your first lab]. If you are not in a laboratory (sorry,

I can't help) try going to the first class in case something opens up.

• On Line Homework

• Chemistry 112 CONNECT with LEARNSMART

• instructor Louis Kirschenbaum section Fall 2013 noon to register: It's easy! Go to the section web address and click register now .

• section web address

• _ fall _ 2013

If you took CHM101 (or 112) Spring or Summer 2013, your login should work.

If you took CHM101 Last Fall try your login. If it doesn’t work write to Nicole Serio

Tell her who your instructor was and she will send a new code.

If you took the course elsewhere or never had a CONNECT code, you must buy access. The instructions are on the website. The price is $50 for CONNECT or $88 for CONNECT

+ online access to the textbook. (I recommend that you have the hard copy of the text – it won’t disappear in a year or two).
