What was the probably meaning of the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini

Art 102—History and Appreciation of Art, Web-Based Course
Study Guides for Art, A Brief History, fifth edition: by Marilyn Stokstad and Michael W. Cothren
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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What was the probably meaning of the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife?
List some of the signs of wealth shown in this painting:
Name some of the religious symbols and their meaning: ______________________________________
The rise of a middle class, (merchants and bankers) had a direct effect on the arts. What effect can we
surmise from this painting?
The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy in the 15th century. How does your author define the word,
Classical—a specific reference to the art and culture of the Greeks in the 5th century B.C.E. A more
general use of the term, classical, refers to the art and architecture of both the Greeks and Romans.
Like the fifth-century Greeks, the people of the Renaissance were humanists. Your author defines
humanism as a worldview that is focused on human beings. What does this worldview do for humans
and the society they create?
This interest in living human beings and their worldly experience was expressed in the naturalism of
classical Greek art, and in the realism of the art of the Renaissance.
A humanistic worldview leads to realism in art.
Artists of the Renaissance interpreted the classical spirit of inquiry as “detailed observation of nature.”
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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What examples of detailed observation will we expect to see in the art of the Renaissance?
The humanistic worldview emphasizes individualism. How is the Renaissance interest in individualism
expressed in art?
We live in a humanist society. What are some examples of humanist values that we experience in our
What happened to religious beliefs in this period? ___________________________________________
Illumination—Illustrations for books or manuscripts. Originally, illuminations were created for the Holy
Scriptures. They were so called because they “cast light” on God’s word.
Illumination was not restricted to religious manuscripts. What other types of manuscripts were
What was the Très Riches Heures? ________________________________________________________
What are the naturalistic characteristics in this book? ________________________________________
What records tell us that women were illuminators? _________________________________________
Name the artist of the Mérode Altarpiece:__________________________________________________
What are “hidden” symbols? ____________________________________________________________
Hidden symbols are also called icons. In this meaning of the word, an icon is an object that carries more
associated meaning that is inherent in the object itself.
Iconography—the imagery or symbolism in a work of art. Iconology is the study of this symbolism.
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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What objects in the Mérode Altarpiece symbolize Mary’s purity? _______________________________
What is complex about the light in this painting? ____________________________________________
Define Picture Plane ___________________________________________________________________
Besides the purity of Mary, what other symbolism is found in this painting?_______________________
Define Tempera ______________________________________________________________________
What is the advantage of oil over tempera? ________________________________________________
Define Glazes (in painting) ______________________________________________________________
What effect of light is created with glazes? _________________________________________________
Although Jan van Eyck did not actually invent oil painting, he is the artist associated with the
introduction of this medium.
What is the dramatic theme of a Deposition? _______________________________________________
What does the background in Rogier van der Weyden’s Deposition appear to be?
Do the figures in the painting continue this convention? ______________________________________
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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In the painting, St. Eligius in His Shop, by Petrus Christus, why is the saint shown in a jeweler’s shop?
Why are we interested in the details of this painting?_________________________________________
What is the function of the curved mirror?_________________________________________________
Middle-class merchants were wealthy enough to patronize the artists of Flanders. How is this
patronage integrated into the Portinari Altarpiece?
What is the hierarchy of figures? _________________________________________________________
In addition to being decorative, what purpose did tapestries serve? _____________________________
What kinds of threads were used in making fine tapestries? ___________________________________
What was the consequence of using gold and silver in tapestries?_______________________________
What is the symbolism of the Unicorn? ____________________________________________________
List some of the other symbols in the Unicorn tapestry: _______________________________________
The source of the garden setting for the Hunt of the Unicorn may be the biblical Song of Songs (4:12)
“You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride, a spring enclosed, a fountain, sealed.”
What two developments in Europe encouraged the art of printmaking?__________________________
How were the printing plates for the earliest printed books created? ____________________________
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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Define the following terms:
Woodcut ____________________________________________________________________________
Incised ______________________________________________________________________________
How do we know that Brunelleschi’s design for the dome of the Florence Cathedral was a success?
How is it structurally different from other domes?___________________________________________
What is the significance of the impost block in the Church of San Lorenzo?
What ideals influenced the design of the Medici palace? ______________________________________
Why might we think that the Medici’s were not concerned with the ideals of poverty and charity?
Define Rusticated_____________________________________________________________________
How are the individual stories of the Medici palace distinguished? ______________________________
Define Sgraffito_______________________________________________________________________
What effect may have been intended by Donatello in making the figure of David small and boyish?
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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Donatello’s equestrian monument of Erasmo da Narni is based on what earlier Roman sculpture?
What compliment did Michelangelo pay to Ghiberti’s bronze doors for the Baptistery of San Giovanni?
How were the separate panels of the doors unified? _________________________________________
What techniques did Ghiberti use to indicate depth in space? __________________________________
How are these panels similar to paintings of this time?________________________________________
Perspective—in art, any technique that gives the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface.
In the “Starter Kit” at the beginning of this book, you will find several techniques for creating the
appearance of depth on a flat surface.
Define the following:
Diminution __________________________________________________________________________
Atmospheric perspective _______________________________________________________________
In 1425, Brunelleschi, working with Alberti, discovered the vanishing point, and perfected the rules of
linear perspective.
Linear Perspective—a system of perspective based on the observation that, as parallel horizontal lines
recede in the distance, they appear to converge on a point on the horizon.
Horizon—eye level
What, then, is the Horizon Line? _________________________________________________________
Orthogonals—true horizontal lines that appear to tilt in the visual field and converge on a single point,
called the vanishing point.
Define Vanishing point_________________________________________________________________
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
Page 7 of 8
What systems of perspective are used in Perugino’s Delivery of the Key to Saint Peter?
What scene is located on the central vertical axis of this painting?
Where is the vanishing point is this painting?_______________________________________________
Define Fresco ________________________________________________________________________
What technique did Masaccio use to create the trompe l’oeil effect in his fresco, Trinity with the Virgin?
Define Coffers________________________________________________________________________
How did Masaccio use light to integrate the painting with its actual architectural setting?
What story is illustrated in the painting The Tribute Money by Masaccio?
What does the name, Fra Angelico mean? _________________________________________________
In Fra Angelico’s painting of the Annunciation, he has used several techniques to enhance the realism
of the vision. What element in the painting is not realistic?
What is unrealistic about Uccello’s painting, The Battle of San Romano?__________________________
What visual technique occupied Uccello’s attention? _________________________________________
Who are the mythical figures in Botticelli’s Birth of Venus? ____________________________________
Unit I: The Renaissance Textbook: Chapter 12 “Early Renaissance Art” Pages 292-323
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A young Uma Therman portrayed Venus in a reenactment of this scene in the 1988 movie The
Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
In the companion portraits of Battista Sforza and her husband Federico da Montefeltro, how does
Piero della Francesca unify the paintings?
What is the precedent for showing the portraits in strict profile? _______________________________
Another reason the portraits are in profile, is that Montefeltro had a broken nose and had lost one eye
to a sword fight. These disfigurements are disguised by the profile view of his face.
What techniques does the artist use to create a sense of space in the background?
What is remarkable about the Studiolo of Frederico da Montefeltro? ____________________________
Define the following:
Studiolo _____________________________________________________________________________
Trompe l’oeil_________________________________________________________________________
Camera Picta_________________________________________________________________________
di sotto in sù _________________________________________________________________________
Oculus ______________________________________________________________________________
Parapet _____________________________________________________________________________
Balustrade __________________________________________________________________________