787 NOTES We have used this method only to pare samples for examination with an tron microscope; however, it should be useful in preparing samples for microscopy. JOHN E. HARRISI preelecalso light THonkks R. MCKEE RAmtom C. WILSON, JR.? School of Geosciences, Texas AbM University, College Station 77843. U. GRANT WHITEHOUSE College of Science, Texas AFL-211University, College Station 77843. ’ Present address: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, National Oceanographic Data Center, Rockville, Maryland 20852. ’ Present address: Department of Geology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. ON INSTANTANEOUS AND FINITE ABSTRACT A formula relating instantaneous and finite birth rates, originally derived by Leslie, is presented and compared with the formula of Edmondson. It is shown that Edmondson’s formula is a special case of Leslie’s, valid when there is no mortality. The bias involved in the use of Edmondson’s formula in cases where mortality is nonzero is examined. Since Leslie’s fomiula requires no new assumptions or data, it should be used in place of Edmondson’s formula. The purpose of this note is to correct an often cited formula, first proposed by Edmondson (1960), relating instantaneous and finite per capita birth rates. Repeated censusing of a population can often be thought of as discrete sampling of a continuous population growth process. (Actually the population growth process 1 This research ence Foundation fellowship. was supported Grant GI-20 REFERENCES BIHKS, L. S., J. S. GROSSO, R. J. LABRIE, J. W. SASULIN, AND D. J. NAGEL. 1966. Characterization of particulate matter in the ocean. U.S. Nav. Res. Lab. Rep. 6398. 20 p. 1956. Electron BORASKY, R., AND B. MASTEL. microscopy of magnesium oxide particles collected on membrane filters. U.S. At. Energy Comm. Rep. HW-46722. 13 p. 1966. The use of membrane ECKHOFF, R. K. filters in the preparation of samples for electron microscopic examination of the sizes and Microsc. Crysshapes of sub-sieve particles. tal Front 15: 136-142. 1954. Preparation of aerosols KALWS, E. H. J. Appl. Phys. 25: for electron microscopy. 87-89. AICISTYRE, A., AND W. H. B& 1967. hlodern coccolithophoridae of the Atlantic Ocean-l. Deep-Sea Res. 14: 561-597. 1968. WALKER, G. H., AND B. L. W1LLIAbiS. Improved method of removing plastic backing films from carbon electron microscope replicas. Rev. Sci. Instr. 39: 1968-1970. WILSOS, R. C. 1970, The mechanical properties of the shear zone of the Lenris Overthrust, Glacier National Park, hlontana. Ph.D. thesis, Texas A&11 Univ. 89 p. by National Sciand a graduate BIRTH RATE? itself is discrete, but usually on a scale enough finer than the sampling process that it can be considered continuous.) By techniques such as the egg-ratio method ( Edmondson 1960, 1968) such sampling can provide estimates of the number of offspring produced during a sampling interval. The number of deaths in a sampling interval is difficult or impossible to measure in most cases. If this datum were available, the conclusions to follow could be applied to finite and instantaneous death rates, as well as birth rates. In expressing the generation of these offspring as a rate, the investigator chooses OIX of two models of population growth One apduring the sampling interval. proach is to consider the population to change in discrete steps, with all the births occurring at 011e instant within the sampling interval. These births are converted to a per capita basis by comparing them with the population size at the instant 788 NOTES when the population change is supposed to occur. This is often the population at the beginning of the census period, but sometimes an average of the population sizes at the ends of the sampling period is used. This calculation produces the finite per capita birth rate, p. Alternatively, the investigator may wish to consider births to occur continuously over the entire sampling period. To express this as a per capita rate, the births at each instant must be compared to the population size at that instant. Since the population is changing continuously over the interval, this instantaneous per capita birth rate, b, will in general differ from the corresponding finite rate. Leslie (1948) d erived a relation between the two rates, as follows. Let N( t ) and N( t + 1) be the population sizes at times t and t + 1 and let B(t) and D(t) be the number of births and deaths occurring in the interval [t, t + 11. The finite birth and death rates are defined by p = B (t )/iV( t ) and 6 = D(t)/N(t). The finite growth rate x = er is defined so that N( t + 1) = AN(t). The instantaneous birth and death rates are b and d. Then Ayt + 1) = iv(t) + B(t) -D(t), and dividing gives (1) both sides of ( 1) by N ( t ) h=l+P-& (2) Assuming that the population grows continuously at the rate r over the interval [t, t + 11, the total number of births is / 2, B(t) = Jtt+lbN(T) d;7. \“I But N(T) = N(t)er(T-t), so replacing by another dummy variable, s, we write B(t) = Jr bN(t)ers ds = bN(t) i:ers ds. T- t can Dividing both sides of (5) by N(t) performing the integration gives and p = LW9 W- (6) U, (4) (5) or b = rp/(er - 1). (7) When r = 0, it follows from ( 5) that b = P* Equation (7) is the correct formula relating instantaneous and finite rates under the assumptions : i) During the interval [t, t + l] the population is growing continuously at the constant rate r. ii) During the interval [t, t + I] there is a constant instantaneous per capita birth rate, b. Together these assumptions imply that the instantaneous death rate d is also constant on [t, t + l] since r = b - d. These assumptions are independent of those required by the method used to estimate p. Equation (7) was also presented by Birch (1948) and Andrewartha and Birch ( 1954). An analysis similar to the one above yields the instantaneous death rate d= r6/(er-1). (8) As a check on the consistency of (7) and ( S), note that b-cl=[r/(er-l)](p--8). (9) Since, from (2) p-6=er-1, (10) e-qua-ton (9) simplifies to b - d = r, as it should. Edmondson ( 1960) presented the equation b = In (1-t ,@) (11) as relating the instantaneous and finite birth rates under conditions of no mortality. Under these conditions (11) is correct, as can be seen by substituting b - d for r in (7), setting cl = 0, and solving for b. Under analogous conditions of no births, simplification of ( 8) shows that d=-In (l-6). Using (11) and ( 12) yields b-d=ln(l+p) +ln(l-a), (12) (13) which equals r only when p, F, and d are all zero. 789 NOTES t **+..*CORRECT ----INCORRECT t 02 -I 5 r 5 15 FIG. 1. The bias caused by the use of equation ( 11) instead of (7 ) to calculate b is plotted on a log scale as a function of the observable population variables T and p. The bias is given by &/&, where 6, is estimated by ( 11) and k by ( 7 ) . For small values of T and p the bias is given approxiof r and p above mately by e(r-p)‘P. Combinations the dotted line result in negative estimates of the death rate d. To show the form of the bias, values of T and p have been plotted which exceed those commonly found in natural populations. Time birth rate b for FIG. 2. The instantaneous Daphnia schoedleri as calculated correctly (by equation 7 ) and incorrectly (by equation 11) . Data from Wright ( 1965). Unfortunately, equation ( 11) has often been used to estimate b, and then d = b-r in cases where d is not zero. The intuineous death rate assumes just this kind of tively reasonable idea behind this was to linearity. measure the death rate by the difference Among the works which have used equabetween the potential growth rate in the tion ( 11) in this way are papers by Edabsence of any mortality, In ( 1 + p), and mondson ( 1960, 1965, 1968)) Edmondson r, the observed growth rate (Edmondson et al. ( 1962)) Hall ( 1964)) Tappa ( 1965 ) , 1968, p. 2). The derivation of ( 11) from Wright ( 1965 ) , and Hillbricht-Ilkowska (7) should make it clear that this proceand Pourriot ( 1970) ; a recent review artidure will not give the correct value of b, cle by Mann ( 1969) ; and books by Hutchand hence of d. To see just where intuiinson ( 1967), Winberg ( 1971)) and Edtion is wrong in this case, recall that A, p, mondson and Winberg ( 1971). and 6 must satisfy equation ( 1). For these In Fig. 1 the bias involved in estimating finite rates, the difference between potenb by ( 11) instead of ( 7) is plotted as a tial growth in the absence of mortality, 1 + function of the two observable population p, and the observed growth rate, A, does variables, p and r. Not all values of p and equal the death rate, 8. To deal with inr are jointly possible; any above the dotted stantaneous values as described above reline in Fig. 1 result in a value of b that is quires one to take logarithms of both sides <r, which implies a negative death rate. of ( 1). But because the log function is (Note that when p < er - 1, not linear, r#ln(l+p)-ln(6). The use b=[rp/(er-l)]<r. of In (1 + p) - r to estimate the instanta- 790 NOTES Since cl = b - r, this implies that ~7< 0.) Although random variation involved in sampling, or phenomena not included in the model, such as immigration, will occasionally result in such values (it happens three times in the example presented below), such occurrences should be rare and the bias will almost always be <l; i.e. equation ( 11) underestimates the true birth rate and hence underestimates the death rate. To show the form of the bias, the scales for both r and p in Fig. 1 have been extended to values beyond those likely to be encountered in natural situations. To evaluate the significance of the bias in a real situation the data on Daphnia schoederi presented by Wright (lk5) were reanalyzed. Figure 2 shows the two estimates of the instantaneous birth rate, Over much of the year the estimates are nearly identical, but equation ( 11) underestimates 72 considerably in the middle of the year. On three dates (10 May, 6 and 20 August) the bias was >l, and on all three dates b (by either estimate) is <r. Eliminating these three dates leaves an average bias of 0.895, i.e. the use of ( 11) underestimated 71 by an average of 10.5%. The maximum underestimates were 25% (bias = 0.75) on 9 July and 32% (bias = 0.68) on 27 August. Since d = b - r, Wright’s values of cl are correspondingly underestimated. Fortunately, Wright’s biological conclusions do not seem to be damaged in the least by the correction. He hypothesized that the midsummer peak in the death rate is due to predation by Leptodora; the correction increases this peak, without changing the form of the graph significantly. Although the analysis has not been carried out it appears that the same result will hold for Hall’s (1964) work OII Daphnia galeata menclotae where a midsummer peak in mortality was also attributed to predation. Presumably the same will be true of conclusions based on birth rate patterns in other works that have used ( 11) to estimate b, in spite of the errors in the birth rate values. From the practical point of view it is important to compare the assumptions and data requirements of the two formulae. Both (7) and (11) involve the same assumptions; i.e. the population growth rate r and the instantaneous birth rate 12 are in fact constant over the interval [t, t + 11. The finite per capita birth rate p is required by both formulae; it is customarily estimated by the egg-ratio method or one of its modifications (Edmondson 1960, 1968). In addition the population growth rate, r, is required by (7). This, however, is easily calculated (under the assumption that it is in fact constant over the interval [t,t+ll) by r=ln[N(t+l)]-hi[N(t)]. (14) This piece of data is usually available in studies using ( 11) anyway, since it is used in the calculation of n. I would like to acknowledge Dr. D. Hall for helpful discussions of the problem. Dr. W. T. Edmondson provided several valuable suggestions, for which I am more than grateful. 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