MEDIA CONTACT: 856-424-1333, xt. 1165 / 609-636-4898 Two Rutgers University-Camden Experts to Host “Professional Networking Made Easy” Seminar No-cost professional seminar will provide jobseekers with the vital keys to successful professional networking Cherry Hill, NJ - Samost Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Southern New Jersey ( is proud to announce the no-cost Stan Kessler Career and Entrepreneurial Counseling Services seminar, “Professional Networking Made Easy” on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at 7 PM, at the Katz JCC building at 1301 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, NJ. The seminar will feature marketing and communications experts from the Rutgers University School of Business - Camden, Samantha Collier and Kim Richmond. The seminar will focus on educating and guiding those interested in fully and properly utilizing professional networking skills cultivate employment opportunities, to develop business partnerships, foster relationships, and enhance awareness of personal brand. Samantha Collier, Director of External Affairs at the University, previously worked as the Director of Special Events for the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, and at the Association of Trial Lawyers of America in Washington, DC, where she managed events and cultivated strong relationships through her unique skill to connect like-minded individuals with networking opportunities. Kim Richmond, Adjunct Professor at the University, is the author of the books “Brand You” and “The Power of Selling,” which focus on personal branding, networking, and marketing strategy. Over the years, her expertise has been utilized by companies such as FAO Schwartz, Kraft Foods, Sears, Zany Brainy, The Right Start, and Charming Shoppes. "In today's extremely competitive environment, it's not enough to be good at what you do,” says Richmond. “You have to build your personal brand and expand your professional network in person and online. This interactive workshop will provide practical, easy-to-use tips that make networking less intimidating and more effective for every job search." The seminar is co-sponsored by the Jewish Business Network, (formerly Cherry Hill Jewish Business Network), which is dedicated to professional business networking and education. Founded in the fall of 2002 by Jason Starkman, the JBN was formed with the mission to facilitate business between our members and the Jewish community at large. “Professional Networking Made Easy” Seminar June 25, 2013, 7 PM 1301 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 There is NO cost to attend this event. Registration is required - Meredith Seligman at 856424-1333 or by email: About the JFCS Stan Kessler Entrepreneurial and Career Counseling Program: With the unemployment rate high in New Jersey, career coaching and entrepreneurial grooming is a necessity in the ever-competitive job market. The Stan Kessler Career and Entrepreneurial Counseling Services speaker series of programs offers workshops and seminars at no-cost, to equip others with the keys to finding gainful employment or starting a business. The seminars offered through this program are inspired by the late Stan Kessler, an entrepreneur and business leader. Stan Kessler utilized his entrepreneurial ways to create a revolutionary change in the marketplace in the late 1970s by creating one of the first automobile leasing companies in the US, geared to the individual consumer. JFCS is a non-profit agency of the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey and is funded by the Federation Annual Campaign, the Raymond and Gertrude R. Saltzman Foundation, The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, United Way, grants, fees, and donations. Samost JFCS serves all persons, regardless of race, religion or ability to pay.