The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy. PROVERB ADULT WELLNESS @ RUTGERS Classes for adults of all ages in SUMMER 2015 June 1 through July 30 No classes June 29 through July 3 (except for Feldenkrais) TAI CHI THERAPEUTIC YOGA MEDITATION FELDENKRAIS® FOR SENIORS 62 AND OLDER RUTGERS COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 2015 SUMMER ADULT WELLNESS INITIATIVE @ Rutgers Presbyterian Church 236 West 73rd Street NYC 212-877-8227 • FELDENKRAIS® with LILY ZWYNS… Lily Zwyns has been teaching Feldenkrais® for 20 years, and at Rutgers since 2001. Her approach is centered in finding overall well-being through integration of mind, body, and spirit. Lily also teaches private classes in mindfulness, meditation, healing, bone strengthening and the use of pressure points. BETTER BALANCE Tuesdays, 12-1:30pm, 8 sessions, $240/$120 seniors 62+ Move into dynamic balance allowing patterns of imbalance to drop away. We will find new options for stability with ease in vibrant sitting, standing, and walking through explorations mostly in lying. Enjoy going “from the impossible to the possible, from the possible to easy, from easy to elegant,” quoting master teacher Moshe Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais on Tuesdays will run on June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and July 14, 21, 28. BETTER POSTURE Thursdays, 12-1:30pm, 8 sessions, $240/$120 seniors 62+ Explore awareness through movement sequences to find new possibilities in lying, sitting, standing, and walking with free shoulders, full breathing, and a flexible, vibrant spine. Become more upright without effort. Feldenkrais classes on Thursdays will run on June 4, 11, 18, 25, July 2, July 16, July 23, and July 30. TAI CHI with SIFU JIM GREEN… Jim Green has been a Tai Chi practitioner for 35 years, and has taught for 25 years. Before coming to Rutgers in 2006, he led Tai Chi classes at corporations like Goldman Sachs and Prudential Securities. In addition to his two classes at Rutgers, Jim teaches at other churches, health centers, and senior residence facilities, in addition to working with several private students. Jim began his Tai Chi training in 1978 at the New York School of Tai Chi Chuan, and also studied under master teacher Chen Wei Gun. TAI CHI Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm, 8 sessions, $200/$100 seniors 62+ In this class, we will explore the Yang Family 10-move form, which was created in China in 1999. This form is easy to learn, enjoyable to practice, and great for physical health and peace of mind. The complete form takes eight minutes, and in this class we’ll learn one move each class, with regular review of previous moves. A great class for beginners and more experienced Tai Chi practitioners. HEALTH & SPIRITUALITY with ANDREW STEHLIK… CONTEMPLATION and MEDITATION TECHNIQUES for BUSY NEW YORKERS Wednesdays, 5:30-6:15pm, 8 sessions, $40 Led by Andrew Stehlik, pastor of Rutgers Presbyterian Church. Restore, refresh, and renew in this peaceful class. The sessions take place in a quiet, cozy setting ideal for contemplation. Class size is very small to insure comfort and tranquility for all. Please contact the Church office at 212-877-8227 ext.201 for additional information prior to registering for this class. ADULT YOGA with LYNN CRIMANDO... Lynn Crimando, ERYT-500, Certified Viniyoga Therapist A 25-year practitioner, Lynn has worked with a wide variety of conditions in corporate, studio and private settings. “At its heart, yoga is about improving relationships–to our physical, mental and emotional realities, our friends, families, and communities, even society-at-large. By offering experiences that allow participants to tap into their own powers of self-study and healing, we hope to create a meaningful experience for our Rutgers family,” she says. ESSENTIAL YOGA FOR EVERY BODY Mondays, 6pm Combine traditional standing and floor postures with powerful breathing techniques and watch what happens! We’ll explore: • Healthy movement and alignment of the spine and joints via a set of essential basic postures • Breath-based posture sequences that are safe for all body types, abilities, and ages. • Adaptations that allow experienced practitioners, newcomers, and people who need to work therapeutically with injury recovery or chronic conditions to progress at their own speed BEFORE SIGNUP: Please consult your health care professional about any movement restrictions or contraindications you need to follow. Every pose can either be modified or replaced with something that will work better for you, as long as we know what those limitations are. Rutgers Presbyterian Church Support Groups Lectures The Church currently hosts several adult support groups: for unemployed persons, for persons living with AIDS, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Alon, and La Leche League. Rutgers Church hosts lectures throughout the year, open to all. Please check the church website and Facebook page for listings. Adult Education Forums Rutgers hosts a number of celebrations through the year, which are open to everyone. Please check the website for additions to the events listed below and know you are most welcome! Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am (before worship service). Hosted by Andrew Stehlik, pastor of Rutgers Presbyterian Church Annual Celebrations About Rutgers Presbyterian Church A warm, welcoming and highly progressive community that embodies the inclusion and diversity of New York City, Rutgers Presbyterian Church is dedicated to making peace and social justice a reality for all people through thought-provoking sermons, extraordinary music, exciting community programs and numerous opportunities to help others in need. Founded in 1798, Rutgers Presbyterian Church is located at 236 West 73rd Street between Broadway and West End Avenue in Manhattan. Sunday services are held at 11 a.m. For more information on any of the additional activities listed here, please consult the Church website at or call the Church office at 212-877-8227 ext 201visit Follow us on Twitter @rutgerschurchny or on Facebook at RUTGERS COMMUNITY PROGRAMS ADULT REGISTRATION FORM 236 West 73rd Street, NYC • 212-877-8227, x212 • PARTICIPANT MM DD YYYY _______________________ ________________________ _____/_____/_______ M FIRST NAME GENDER (check one) LAST NAME DOB F (_____)________________ (_____)________________ _______________________________ HOME PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL HOME ADDRESS/PHONE _________________________________ _____ ______________________ _____________ STREET ADDRESS APT. # ALLERGIES: CITY ZIP SPECIAL NEEDS: Additional Emergency Contacts: ___________________________________ __________________ _____________________ FULL NAME RELATIONSHIP PHONE ** PARTICIPANT AUTHORIZATION: BY SUBMITTING THIS REGISTRATION FORM AND ENROLLING IN THE CLASSES LISTED BELOW, I VERIFY THAT I HAVE NO CONDITION THAT LIMITS OR PROHIBITS PARTICIPATION IN THESE PROGRAMS. I ALSO AUTHORIZE THE USE OF MY IMAGE FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES. _____________________________________ __________________ PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE SEMESTER (CIRCLE ONE): CLASS INSTRUCTOR FALL DAY WINTER/SPRING # CLASSES SUMMER SENIOR $ X REGULAR $ X Other Discount Pro-rated Applied TOTAL DUE PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: RUTGERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RUTGERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Community Programs FOR OFFICE USE:_____________ ____________________________ 236 West 73rd Street NYC 10023 phone 212-877-8227 ext. 212 fax 212-721-9154