Sexual Life Cycles Sexually reproducing organisms have life cycles that alternate between haploid and diploid stages - haploid haploid- a cell with one complete copy of genetic information - diploid - a cell with two complete copies of genetic information - N is the number of chromosomes of a haploid cell, - 2N is the number n mber of chromosomes of a diploid cell. cell Diploid organisms produce the haploid stage through a reduction division called meiosis. meiosis In animals this produces gametes - sperms and eggs. In plants this produces a single cell that multiplies to produce a multicellular haploid gametophyte. Plant gametophytes can then h produce d gametes - sperms andd eggs – via i mitosis. i i A haploid egg and a haploid sperm combine, in a process called s ngam to syngamy, t produce d a new diploid di l id cell ll called ll d a zygote. t Sex: the combination of genetic information from two different sources sources. In most eukaryotes, sex involves the fusion of two cells, egg and sperm. Their fusion is called syngamy. Egg cells and sperm cells are gametes. Their production is called gametogenesis. Oogenesis produces egg cells. Spermatogenesis produces sperm cells. cells In both spermatogenesis and oogenesis the amount of genetic information in y g y cells is halved. Syngamy restores the amount of genetic information to the normal amount. amount 2 Most eukaryotes are diploid (2N) and their gametes are haploid (N) G (N). Gametogenesis i makes k hhaploid l id cells ll from f diploid di l id cells: ll 2N → N Syngamy y g y combines two haploid p cells to make a diploid p cell: N + N → 2N The new diploid organism i commonly l goes through many rounds of g mitosis to become a large multicellular diploid organism. A few cells of that organism are devoted to producing egg cells or sperm cells for sexual reproduction. d i 3 In animals, meiosis is a part of gametogenesis S Spermatogenesis t i occurs in i the th seminiferous i if tubules t b l off the th testes: t t Germ cell line cells (2N) multiply by mitosis to produce spermatogonia p g ((2N)) Spermatogonia (2N) go through mitosis to produce primary spermatocytes (2N) Primary spermatocytes go through meiosis I to p produce secondary y spermatocytes (1N) Secondary spermatocytes go thro gh meiosis II to spermatids through Spermatids mature to become spermatozoa (sperm cells) 4 Oogenesis occurs on the surface of the ovary Germ cell G ll line li cells produce oogonia g byy mitosis. Oogonia produce primary oocytes by mitosis. Primary oocytes produce go through meiosis I to produce one secondary oocyte and a polar body. The primary oocyte keeps the nutrients stored in the egg. The polar body does not become a gamete. 5 The secondary oocyte goes through meiosis II to produce an ovum and a second polar body. The ovum may go through additional growth and maturation to become a mature egg. 6 Plant life cycles consist of alternate stages of multicellular diploid sporophytes and multicellular haploid gametophytes. gametophytes This is often called alternation of generations. Sporophytes produce spores through meiosis. Gametophytes produce gametes through mitosis. Mosses and liverworts are nonvascular plants Ferns and horsetails are seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms are pines, ginkgos, and cycads. All are seed plants Angiosperms are flowering plants Animal Diversity Animal life cycles all have a multicellular diploid stage and a single celled haploid stages – eggs and sperms single-celled sperms. Jellyfish and many other animals have multiple body forms during life. life The jellyfish life cycle is another kind of alternation of ge e generations. o s. Both generations are diploid. diploid Vertebrate Diversity Fertilization (syngamy) in vertebrates can be external or internal Only aquatic or semi-aquatic internal. semi aquatic organisms – fish, fish and amphibians - have external fertilization but many of those have internal fertilization – e.g sharks, guppies, … Reptiles, Birds and Mammals are all called “amniotes” because their embryos develop within an amniotic sac. Amniotic egg - Water-tight eggs contain food source (yolk) and four membranes: Chorion, amnion, yolk sac and allantois E h an important Each i t t embryonic b i life-support lif t system t Chorion allows oxygen to enter, but retains water Amnion encases developing embryo within fluid-filled cavity Yolk sac holds food for embryo - extracted by blood vessels Allantois encloses waste products Some mammals lay eggs – platypus and spiny anteater Most mammals are live bearing (viviparous) and have internal development within an amniotic sac. Within mammal diversity there are three developmental modes. Monotremes – platypus and spiny anteaters lay amniotic eggs – like reptiles and birds Marsupials – kangaroos, opossums, etc. have a short period of internal development (gestation). Young are born in a fetal state and continue development in their mother’s pouch. Placental mammals have a long gestation period and young are born in a more advanced condition. All mammals produce milk and nurse their y young g There are many modes of reproduction used by eukaryotes, both sexual and asexual reproduction. p Asexual reproduction is common in plants and some animal groups. Budding - growth of a new individual on the body of the parent Fragmentation - in starfish, an arm and part of the central disk can regenerate a complete multi-armed body. body Fragmentation is common in plants and some worms. 20 Parthenogenesis g - the development p of eggs gg that have not been fertilized -- exhibited by many insects, many lizard species and some fish species. Parthenogenesis can be induced in some birds by heat-shocking heat shocking eggs eggs. 21 There is extreme varietyy in modes of sexual reproduction p The male and female sex organs can be found in the same body. This is known as monoecy or hermaphroditism. Hermaphroditism is very common in plants and found in many animal groups. 22 There is variety in the types of hermaphroditism A simultaneous hermaphrodite has both male and female sexual functions at the same time. A sequential hermaphrodite is a male during one part of its life and a female during another part. P t d Protandrous h hermaphrodites h dit are males l first fi t andd then th later l t become females Protogynous hermaphrodites are females first and then later become males. 23