SAU Examinations FAQs 1) Examination Timetable (timetable, formal, examination, centrally-conducted, publish, provisional, final, autumn, spring, summer, time, start, exam room, wentworth park, exam room, clash, scheduling difficulty, consecutive) 1) What is a centrally-conducted examination ? A Centrally-conducted examination is an examination run by the Student Administration Unit in the published Examination Period. Centrally-conducted examinations are listed on the published Examination Timetable each semester, and for mid semester exams for certain Faculties. 2) When are Centrally-conducted examination timetables published? For Autumn and Spring semester, the final timetable is released 5 weeks before the first exam. For Centrally-Conducted Mid Semester Exams, the timetable is released about 4 weeks before the published exam period. For Summer semester examinations, a final timetable is released before the Christmas break. 2) How can I access my examination timetable ? The entire examination timetable, sorted by Faculty, can be accessed on the UTS web site at . A personalised version of the timetable can be accessed through My Student Admin at 3) What time do examinations start ? Centrally-conducted exams for end of semester start at 0930 (9.30am), 1400 (2pm) and 1800 (6pm). For mid-semester exams there are 4 sessions a day , at 9.00am, 12.00pm, 3.00pm and 6.00pm. Always attend your examination venue at least 15 minutes before the designated time. 4) Where are examinations held at UTS ? UTS uses up to seven exam centres per session, such as Building 2, The Great Hall and Haymarket Campus, as well as our off-site venue at Wentworth Park, Glebe. Examinations are also held at Kuring-gai Campus. The examination timetable has details of where your exam will be held. The following link contains details of UTS campuses and venues: 5) What if I have an exam clash ? If you have an exam clash (two exams scheduled at the same time) you do not have to do anything. The University will contact you and reschedule one of your examinations. 6) I cannot sit my exam at the designated time. What should I do ? If you cannot attend your examination and have a legitimate reason under the University rules, you can apply for a Rescheduled Examination by submitting an Advice of Scheduling Difficulty form. Details of the University rules for Scheduling Difficulties and the form can be found at: 7) I have three examinations in 24 hours. Can I apply for a rescheduled examination ? Under the University rules three examinations in a 24 hour period is a legitimate scheduling difficulty. Submit an Advice of Scheduling Difficulties form, available at: I have two exams in consecutive sessions – Is this a scheduling difficulty ? 8) No. Two exams in consecutive sessions is not a scheduling difficulty under the UTS Rules. 2) Attending Examinations (closed book, open book, bag, backpack, exam room, examination room, mobile, mobile phone, id card, student id, card, wentworth park, parking, transport, late) 1) What am I allowed to take into an examination ? For closed book examinations, you are only allowed to take writing implements, bottled water and a calculator if this is permitted. Authorised items in an examination room vary according to the subject being examined. Your subject co-ordinator will advise you what items are allowed in an examination room. For open book examinations, you are permitted to take into the exam room any written material. Electronic materials such as laptops (except for students with special conditions), mobile phones or electronic dictionaries are not permitted in any UTS exam. Some exams at UTS are designated as restricted open book examinations. This means that students are entitled to bring a specific item or items as advised by the subject coordinator. This may include case lists, formula sheets or prescribed amounts of notes. 2) Can I take my bag or personal belongings into the examination room ? Yes. You are permitted to take a small bag or backpack into the examination room. The bag will be closed and placed under your desk for the duration of the examination. 3) Can I take my mobile phone into the examination room ? Your mobile phone must be turned off and placed in your bag for the duration of the examination. Mobile phones are unauthorised material in any exam room and there are severe penalties for having a phone in your possession during an examination. I’ve lost or forgotten my Student ID card. Can I still sit the examination ? 4) Yes. You should go immediately to the nearest Student Centre, identify yourself and explain the situation. You will be given a temporary authorisation to attend the examination. If the Student Centre is closed you can attend Examinations Branch at either Broadway or Kuring-gai Campus. If you have lost your Student ID card you should obtain a replacement after the examination from the Student Centre. 5) I have an examination at Wentworth Park. Is transport or parking provided for students? No. Wentworth Park is approximately 15 minutes walk from the main UTS Building and no on-site parking is available for students. There is limited on-street parking around the complex. Directions and transport information for Wentworth Park can be found here: What should I do if I know I’m going to be late for my examination ? 6) You may enter an examination room up to one hour after the scheduled start of the examination. No extra time is allowed for students who are late. No student will be admitted to an examination room after the first hour has been completed. 3) Special Examinations (miss, missed, sick, illness, misadventure, special, alternate, e-mail, forms, appeal, declined, approved, supplementary) 1) I’ve missed my centrally-conducted examination – What should I do ? If you are unable to attend your examination because of illness or misadventure, you can apply for a Special Examination through the UTS On-line Application system. Information on applying for a Special Examination can be found here: 2) What is a Special Examination ? A Special Examination is arranged for a student who, because of scheduling difficulties or illness/misadventure, is unable to sit for their scheduled examination. I was unable to attend my Special Examination – What should I do ? 3) Examinations Branch are unable to schedule another examination. You should contact your subject co-ordinator and explain the situation. I applied for a Special Examination – When will I hear if my application was successful ? 4) The UTS On-Line system will send you e-mails throughout the process of applying for and being granted a Special Examination. Check your UTS E-mail account at regular intervals. Details of Special Examinations will be available at the web address detailed in your e-mail about 5 days before the Special Examinations. I applied for a Special Examination and was declined – Can I appeal ? 5) There is no specific appeal process for Special Examinations. In the first instance you should contact Examinations Branch who will explain the reason for your application being declined. 6) What is a Supplementary Examination ? A supplementary examination is awarded to a student who is in their last semester of study and has a mark of 45-49 for a particular subject. Supplementary Examinations are awarded by Faculty Results Ratification Committees. You cannot apply for a supplementary examination. 4) Faculty-Based Examinations (faculty-based, faculty, subject co-ordinator) 1) What is a Faculty-Based examination ? A Faculty-Based examination is an examination run by a subject co-ordinator or another staff member within the faculty, and generally run outside the published examination period. 2) I cannot attend my Faculty-Based Examination. What should I do ? Contact your subject co-ordinator. Examinations Branch are not involved in any aspect of Faculty-Based Examinations. 5) Special Conditions (disability, medical condition, special conditions, special needs, assessment, forms, non-english, international, carer, children, deadline, form, application, confirmation, letter, e-mail) 1) I have a disability or medical condition which affects my performance in examinations. What should I do? You can apply for Alternative Assessment Arrangements in Examinations (sometimes called Special Conditions). Details of Alternative Arrangements and applications forms are available here: 2) I am from a Non-English Speaking Background and I need some help with my examinations. What should I do ? If you meet certain conditions you can apply for Alternative Assessment Arrangements in Examinations (sometimes called Special Conditions). Details of Alternative Arrangements and applications forms are available here: 3) I am a primary carer for a child, aged person, or person with a disability and my responsibilities mean I may need to make alternative arrangements for my exams. What should I do ? You can arrange for alternative arrangements by completing the form available here: 4) When is the deadline for applying for Special Conditions ? 30 days before the date of the first examination. 5) I applied for Special Conditions and I haven’t heard about my application. Who can I contact ? You will receive an confirmation e-mail no later than two weeks before the examination period and another email with all the details you need no later than one week before the examination period. 6) What kind of alternative arrangements or special conditions are available ? Conditions such as extra time, breaks, laptop computers, scribes, readers, furniture, printing arrangements. 7) Who can I talk to about special conditions for students with a disability ? Contact the University’s Special Needs Service on 9514 1173 or see the website: Who can I talk to about special conditions for students with carer’s responsibilities ? 8) Contact the University’s Special Needs Service on 9514 1173 or see the website: 6) Special Consideration (special consideration, illness, misadventure, examination, assessment, assignment, forms, apply, documentation, doctor, counsellor, religious, bereavement, trauma, death, hardship) 1) What is Special Consideration ? Students can apply for Special Consideration if they consider that illness or misadventure adversely affected their performance in an examination or assessment item. 2) How do I apply for Special Consideration ? An application for Special Consideration is available here: 3) Do I need to provide documentation in my Special Consdieration application ? An Application for special consideration must be completed and signed by an appropriate professional authority, such as a Medical Practitioner, Counsellor or Minister of Religion. The form must then be lodged with one of the Student Info & Admin Centres. 4) Where can I get more details on Special Consideration ? You can check the SAU website at the following link: 5) What are the acceptable grounds for Special Consideration ? The acceptable grounds for applying for Special Consideration are: Serious illness or psychological condition Loss or Bereavement Hardship or Trauma 6) Who can I talk to about my application for Special Consideration ? Your application will be consideration by your Subject Co-ordinator in the first instance and you should e-mail your Subject Co-ordinator if you have any enquiries about your application. 7) What time limits apply for Special Consideration ? For assessment items during semester the application must be lodged before the due date for the assessment item. For examinations the application must be lodged no later than 2 days after the examination. 8) Will I be advised that my application for Special Consideration has been granted ? It will take a few days for your application to be forwarded to and then considered by the subject co-ordinator. It is then your responsibility to contact the subject co-ordinator to find out what action has been taken on your application. Contact your Faculty Student Centre if you do not receive notification from your faculty on the outcome of your application. 9) I have been advised that my application for Special Consideration has not been approved. Can I appeal ? There is no formal avenue of appeal for Special Considerations. 7. Any further questions or problems ? There is lots of information on Examinations as well as all aspects of assessment at UTS here: You can also access information about all aspects of studying at UTS here: For any specific questions please contact your Faculty Student Centre